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W Manager 3-2013

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The Challenge

Of Dry-dockings
The Wilhelmsen Ship Management Newsletter - NO. 3-2013
3 ISSUE 3.2013 2 ISSUE 3.2013
Jennifer Chua
Marketing Manager
Don Pyle
AndyLim Creative
Wilhelmsen Ship
Management AS
Strandveien 20, P.O. Box 33,
NO-1324 Lysaker, Norway
Tel: +47 67 58 47 00,
All rights reserved 2013
MV Hanjin Matsuyama
Courtesy of Kumiai Senpaku
Co. Ltd.
15 12
Presidents Note Issue No. 3-2013
Continuous support
to our customers
We are grateful to all our
customers and business
partners for their support
and cooperation

WSM / Delphis NV
Conference Singapore
An offcers conference for
WSM Singapore at the
Swissotel Merchant Court
HSEQ Bulletin
Drydocking Services
Driving continuous
improvements is a way of life
in this organisation
Capt Kamaljeet
(My Journey)
HSEQ Auditor, Capt. Kamaljeet
Singh talks about his life and
Gard - Dry Docking
Dry docking responsibilities
and contractual issues
We are grateful to our customers
and business partners for their
support and cooperation rendered
to Wilhelmsen Ship Management
so far
support to our
A Report from Captain of
Mediterranean Highway
VIPs visit to vessel at Emden,
Germany on 18 September 2013
Plaque of Appreciation
The crew onboard has
performed an excellent job to
win this very prestigious
owners award
New vessels
on management
We say so because we are fully aware
that the shipping markets are not
much better (for most segments) than
when the crisis started in 2009. We
are faced with many challenges as well
and are finding tailor-made solutions
for our customers in order to get
through these times together.
We are very fortunate to have been
in the shipping business for more than
150 years. Time has proven again that
many years of experience will help
us through these difficult times - we
are capable of finding solutions and
working with our customers in all
In this issue, you will read about
our dry-docking services. We started
working on the dry-docking services a
few years ago. We now have a dedicated
group of experts to take care of your
vessel prior to, during and after a dry-
docking. This feature is unique as an
Owner will not often set up a whole
team to handle one particular dry
docking due to constraints in cost and
Furthermore, with a dedicated team
in place, we will approach the dry-
docking work in a more structured and
organized manner. We are sure that
you will find this service beneficial to
your operations.
To supplement our dry-docking
story, we have also published an
article regarding contractual issues in
dry-docking by Gard for your reading
Other stories in this issue are
Wilhelmsen Ship Management
Singapores Officers conference
held in collaboration with Delphis
NV. We are very proud to announce
that the Officers who attended the
conference were all grateful to have
met the ship owners. Conferences
like this will enable both parties to
clear their expectations and improve
communication. Such good practice
will continue into the future.
You will also find a story on our
GHSEQ auditor, Capt Kamaljeet
Singh who shares his story with us
about work and non work matters. We
take this opportunity to congratulate
Capt Kamaljeet in advance for his
25th anniversary with Wilhelmsen
Ship Management. Thank you.
Lastly, we are proud to announce
that our customer, NS United Marine
Corporation had awarded a plaque
of appreciation to the Captain and
crew onboard LPG/C Kodaijisan for
flawless operations and sick records
last year. We congratulate the Captain
and crew for this achievement. We
also thank the vessels Fleet Manager
and Vessel Manager for the good
Coming to the end, I would again
like to reiterate that we in Wilhelmsen
Ship Management will continue to do
our best to support you all the way.
Carl Schou
Wilhelmsen Ship Management
We are grateful to all our
customers and business
partners for their support
and cooperation
4 5 ISSUE 3.2013 ISSUE 3.2013
WSM / Delphis NV Offcers Conference
By: Sia Geun Teck, Fleet Manager, WSM Singapore
An opportunity
to share ideas
and knowledge
he conference invoked active discussions
and provided a platform for sharing
company values, lessons learnt and
improvement areas, keeping in mind the
needs of ship owners and interested parties.
Operational concerns were highlighted and
avenues to improve were underlined, setting in place clear
focus areas. This was driven by the theme of the conference,
which was set as Best in Class.
Mr. Bart Rombouts, Owners representative of Delphis NV
applauded the topics discussed which were relevant to their
Improve understanding of Owner / Charterer relationship
It is important to understand the relationship between
owners and charterers and work in accordance with the
requirements of the trade. Owners interests are to be always
borne in mind and protected. This is of vital importance.
Through the subsequent discussions the senior staff agreed
to lay complete emphasis on this.
Ensure full understanding of charter party requirements
All vessels to ensure complete understanding of vessels
charter party agreement and if any issues are not clear
then these are to be clarified with the owners / charterers
immediately. WSM Singapore to also make available
charter agreements in the office to ensure compliance.
This is also to include specific instructions from owners
and charterers.
Team Work
Mr Rombouts highlighted the significance of team work
and the benefits of working closely with the owners,
charterers, managers and agents towards common benefits
and successful operations of the vessel.
Slow Steaming Focus
This was highlighted to make sure the vessel arrives just in
time and sails out in time as well. This is essential to meet
the plan and avoid last minute adjustments and of course
optimize operations. However engine RPM not be below
85 RPM.
> Lester Choo of Bengal Tiger Line
(Charterer of Tiger Mango) sharing his
> (Top) Presentation from Jan E. Tynaes,
General Manager of WSM Singapore
> (Bottom) A group photo of the offcers
> Token of appreciation to Capt. Mihai
Bamboi (Ex-A La Mango)
Photo from left to right:
Reefer Containers
Vessel staff expressed concerns over Nil or very poor
control over reefer containers being loaded and the
temperatures for same. This will be looked into by the
owners / charterers.
Container Damage Reporting
This was expressed as an improvement area by the owners
and the reasons behind proper and immediate reporting
Trade Concerns
Night sailing at Goa, India was sighted as a concern due to
inadequate buoys on the channel.
Rest & Work Hours
This is seen as a high concern area and a common and
supportive approach was sought by the vessel senior
officers. On feeder trades and with the high focus on this
due to the MLC requirements, this is seen as a potential
serious deficiency besides the risks imposed due to fatigue.
It was agreed that owners and managers will look at this
collectively and seek a workable solution.
Hull Cleaning
This to be agreed with charterers and owners.
Crane Wire Greasing
Proper and sufficient grease to be used for carne wires.
This was highlighted.
Most senior officers who were attending expressed
satisfaction in having to meet and discuss directly with the
owners and charterers. The message communicated by the
owners was clearly understood and highlighted again through
the other discussions in the conference. Further all officers
expressed commitment to work with owners keeping in mind
their interests and to work as wa team with a common goal.
Sharing experiences across the team was also encouraged.
Such forums were reported as important and more requested.
An officers conference for
Wilhelmsen Ship Management Singapore
was held at the Swissotel Merchant
Court, Singapore from the 9th to
11th of July 2013
6 7 ISSUE 3.2013 ISSUE 3.2013
As part of the HSEQ Excellence programme we have
embarked upon a Hazard Hunt Campaign where we
encourage ships crew to identify and correct hazards before
they develop into accidents.
Our Loss Prevention Model we follow shows that an
accident is preceded by a number of other steps. Being able
to identify a hazardous situation before it develops into an
accident or loss is an important measure for increasing safety
awareness and preventing accidents.
Every six months we identify focus areas that crew can
concentrate upon. These are decided upon from analysing
our accidents and near accidents from the previous six month
For the Deck department we are concentrating upon
Navigation Practices where Deck Officers and ratings discuss
and report hazards in different circumstances such as having a
pilot onboard or navigating in restricted waters. Additionally
they will review the Bridge Procedures Manual, reverting with
their comments or suggestions
For the Engine Room and Galley staff we are focussing upon
Injuries during routine work. Crew in these departments
will discuss the hazards in their everyday work and identify
measures on how to prevent injuries and report through our
Hazard Observation in DocMap
In conjunction to new focus area onboard, we have created
a new section in Docmap to supplement this effort. The new
section is available in Docmap under Memo and Experience
This new section will list the various Hazard Hunt Focus
areas going forward and can be used onboard during safety
meetings to expose crew to the right procedures and the
experience from the industry through our constant Safety
Bulletin and Experience Feedback.
The new section will not only provide a set of guidance
but it also has incorporated Graphical user interface that
enable users to obtain relevant information through the
visual examples. The pictures will lead the users to the specific
procedures and guidelines in our Shipboard Management
System in regards to the highlighted areas.
This move is one of the initiatives of the company to stay
current with the younger crew by creating functionality and
user friendliness in our SMS. With the help of HSEQ and
Vessel Managers we hope to further increase safety awareness
onboard and continue to reduce our Loss Time Injury
HSEQ Excellence
Program Update
New Hazard
Hunt Focus
Area in Docmap
Ballast Water Management
Convention Updates
8 9 ISSUE 3.2013 ISSUE 3.2013
Q. How did Wilhelmsen Ship
Management develop the dry docking
A. Driving continuous
improvements is a way of life in this
organisation. We evaluate different
processes regularly in order to see
how we can add value to client
offerings from Cradle to Grave.
We had already developed the Green
Ship Recycling offer, and decided to
concentrate on other major projects
during vessel lifecycle. Two years
ago, we decided to concentrate on
drydocking, which is an extremely
high cost maintenance project to be
carried out six to nine times during a
vessels life cycle.
Drydocking was traditionally
performed by vessel managers
(superintendents) and each one
would do about one docking per
year. On the other hand, an active
shipyard could easily repair between
100 and 200 ships per year and has
sophisticated commercial systems at
their disposal. We analysed several
completed projects, visited shipyards,
checked on some best practices in the
industry and decided that by applying
more resources and better systems, the
docking management could improve
significantly to benefit our clients as
well as shipyards.
Q. Can you please explain how this
drydocking service will benefit the
Improved quality of specification
by using our experience and good
knowledge of the vessel condition
and other dockings. Reduce
additional jobs / (surprises) in
dockings to below 10%.
Reduced Cost
Good relationship with shipyards,
and they consider the Docking
Group as a single point of contact
for many dockings. Improved quality
specification to obtain proper
pricing. Negotiation and detailed
checks are done during analysis
of tender, leading to better terms
prior to vessel entry. Information
on actual work done is documented
to obtain better result during final
Invoice negotiation.
Prompt Reporting
The dedicated software has many
reporting features such as technical
reports, cost reporting, time
reporting and yard Evaluation.
Information can be entered on
daily basis at shipyard and reports
can be generated for ship owner
on real time basis. Final report is
available promptly as vessel leaves
the shipyard.
Data Management in Dedicated
All information relating to docking
is stored in one place and useful
reports can be generated by the
software. Participating ship owners
can benefit from our experience on
other similar vessels.
Flexible Approach
While discussing Objectives
with clients, we consider
Economic condition, Charterer
/ Customer requirements,
Industry requirements, Class
requirements and ship maintenance
needs. We can plan the docking
accordingly to make the vessel
more marketable. Alternatively
we can plan to minimise spending
while maintaining acceptable
quality and postpone some jobs.
Life Cycle Management
We consider docking as part of
to the docking process by our working
methods and use of Docking and
Defect monitoring software.
We recognise that it is most
important to understand how the
shipyard does the estimation. So our
specification is written in such a way to
help shipyard assign firm cost for over
90% of all jobs. This helps to create
a realistic comparison for quotations
from many shipyards. Through
the software, it is easily possible to
compare cost of each job and clear any
uncertain areas with shipyards.
With the software operational on
board and ashore, the vessel can be
ready for unscheduled docking at
short notice. As a dedicated group,
we have developed expertise in the
docking process and are not burdened
by operational matters which may
distract us from our ongoing projects.
So the Drydocking service is adding
expertise, experience, resources and
systems to obtain improved result for
the ship owner.
the vessels life cycle spanning 25
years and not as an isolated event.
Discussions can be initiated with
ship owner on this subject prior to
We have a dedicated group to deal
with shipyards and participating ship
owners for matters related to docking
and project management. We develop
good relationship with shipyards,
and with large potential business can
obtain priority bookings with good
terms and discounts.
Experience and information from
many number of vessel dockings
is stored in our dedicated software
and this is used towards continuous
improvement. All data and reports for
client vessel docking is available in one
location, and is easily retrievable. Each
Client can benefit from our collective
experience from many dockings in
terms of work and cost. Due to careful
preparation of specifications, the
result is more predictable with reduced
Additional and Extra jobs.
When discussing the Docking
objectives with ship owner, we can
also take a broad view that this is one
of many dockings during the Life cycle
and not just an isolated event. So
Specification can be made accordingly
to change the scope of work based on
the Economic condition, Charterer
requirements, Industry requirements,
Class requirements and ship
maintenance needs.
Reports to Ship Owner can be
generated promptly through the
software including Technical,
Financial, Time reports, and yard
evaluations. Events in shipyard are
well documented on daily basis in the
software and this can be used to Ship
Owner advantage while negotiating
the final invoice.
Q. In your opinion, what is the
most significant feature of the dry
docking services?
A. We apply project management
Dry Docking Services
By: Sanjiv Rastogi, Head of Dry Docking & Special Projects,
Wilhelmsen Ship Management
By: Sanjiv Rastogi, Head of Dry Docking & Special Projects,
Wilhelmsen Ship Management
Drydocking services
by Wilhelmsen Ship
> LPG/C Kodaijisan at dry dock.
Photo courtesy of NS united Marine Corporation
> MV Vega Leader at dry dock.
Photo courtesy of NYK Line
Photo from left to right:
10 11 ISSUE 3.2013 ISSUE 3.2013
SEQ Auditor,
Capt. Kamaljeet
Singh talks
about his life
and career.
I was born on
13th August 1971 in Vishakhapatnam,
about midway on the eastern coast of
India. My father was in the Indian
Navy, so I had the good fortune of
attending various excellent schools,
meeting people and making new
friends with every change of school.
In 1988 I graduated from high school
in Mumbai. Since then I have settled
down in Chandigarh, a small town
about 250 km north of New Delhi,
the capital of India.
Finding my way
My choice of career path was
strongly influenced by living in several
of Indias coastal cities. Being near the
sea also strengthened my desire to see
the world.
After finishing high school I applied
to Wilhelmsen Ship Management
(the Barber Ship Management) for a
position as deck cadet. I passed both
the aptitude test and the job interview
and got the job. What followed was a
three-month sea training course at TS
Rehman in Mumbai. I joined my first
ship, the MV Citadel Hill on 15th
January 1989 in the port of Tampa.
Six years in command
After completing my cadetship
I worked in various ranks on self-
unloader vessels. I then switched to
car carriers and got my first command
in 2003. I continued sailing on car
carriers as master until 2009. During
this period I had the honour of taking
over ships from the yard and during
changes of management.
After 6 years of sailing as a master
the feelings of stagnation and routine
started creeping in, I decided to
do something different. I got the
opportunity to join the Global Health,
Safety, Environment & Quality of
Wilhelmsen Ship Management as
an auditor. The position involved
carrying out audits, training and
helping staff on board our new ships
to implement the companys Ship
Management System (SMS).
The past three years have been very
fruitful and I have learned a great
deal. Each year I visit an average of 25
ships of virtually all types. I work with
colleagues from all over the world, and
it is interesting to get to know their
cultures and ways of living.
At home
I work on a 30-days on and 30-days
off rotation, so I get to be at home with
my wife and two sons for six months of
the year. While at home I help the kids
with their school work and projects. I
also help the lady of the house with
various household chores and even
try my hand at cooking, which is
something I enjoy very much. When I
get time for myself I like to read, listen
to music and enjoy walks.
We make it a practice to take a
family vacation at least twice a year,
mostly exploring the various parts of
India. Our last trip was to Kerala on
the southern coast, which is called
Gods own country. It was a kind
of holiday where we could spend some
time on the hills, plains and beaches.
It was all very laid back and relaxing,
without the hustle and bustle of big
city life. We even visited the back
waters of Kerala, staying in a house
boat while relishing the local culture
and cuisine. The kids even got to
operate these boats.
In January 2014 I will celebrate 25
years of service with Wilhelmsen Ship
Management. Its been a long and
enjoyable journey!
Captain Kamaljeets Journey
Photos from left (clockwise):

> Captain Kamaljeet (standing ffth from
left) with crew onboard MV Aphrodite
Leader during the take over
> The proud captain of MV Aphrodite
Leader in full uniform
> Captain Kamaljeet and his family during
a jungle trekking outing
> The leader of the pack Capt Kamaljeet
(standing third from right), his family and
friends getting ready for a paint ball game
13 ISSUE 3.2013 12 ISSUE 3.2013
Gard - Dry Docking
By: www.gard.no - Loss Prevention Circular No. 11-11
Gard has seen that questions relating to
responsibility, authority and contractual
issues can be complicating factors when damage
occurs whilst a vessel is at a repair yard or in dry dock
Dry docking
- responsibilities
& contractual
he questions are
mostly related to
who is responsible
for the damage
occurring and the
resulting repair
costs. Is it the vessels owners or the
yard? In some cases, owners have not
even been aware that the yard has
limited its liability in the contract.
The purpose of this circular is to
address the importance of clearly
allocating responsibility in the
contract with the yard/dry dock for
any damage caused during the docking
operation. The circular also highlights
the importance of ensuring that both
parties have a common understanding
of what was agreed in the contract.
Gards experience
In a recent case a vessel was
scheduled for dry docking to perform
a substantial overhaul, refit and
conversion works. During the initial
dock inspection of the vessels flat
bottom, it was discovered that large
parts of the duct keel plating had been
dented and deformed over almost its
entire length. It was later established
that the overload of the vessels
keel structure was caused by a
combination of
a) the owners submitting an
outdated docking plan; and
b) the yard, when unable to use the
available docking plan, repositioned
the keel blocks without performing
additional calculations or conferring
with the owners.
The result was extensive repair
costs, delays and disputes between the
owners and yard as to who was liable.
Proper planning of the docking process
and a clear and concise contract
between the owners and yard are
important to help avoid such disputes
arising, and will protect owners
interests when liability is an issue.
Planning and preparations to be
undertaken prior to docking
Much of the dispute related to the
case described above could have been
avoided with good planning and
preparations focusing on the critical
steps and tasks in the docking process.
All necessary documentation
required to complete the docking
operation and the expected
workload at the repair yard,
including an updated docking plan,
should be forwarded by owners to
the yard well before the work is
due to commence. A proper and
detailed repair specification made
available to the yard in advance
could save both time and money.
Docking blocks should be arranged
in accordance with the latest/
approved docking plan and the
yards responsibility for checking
the correct positioning of the
docking blocks should be clearly
stated in the formal contract.
Meetings between the owners
representative and the yard/
docking master should be held
prior to the vessel entering the
dock. Prior to the meeting the
owners of the vessel should carry
out a proper risk assessment based
on the scheduled scope of work
in order to identify critical steps
and tasks in the docking process.
During the meeting, measures
to control the process should
be defined and agreed and the
documentation can be discussed
and any uncertainties clarified.
Clear communication lines
between the yard and the owners
representative should be agreed
in the contract at a corresponding
level of authority. Normally the
repair manager at the yard and
superintendent of the vessel
represent the parties. The main
correspondence during the
vessels stay at the yard should
be through these parties and any
deviations from this procedure
should be agreed and documented.
Owners and yards respectively
normally base their work and
requirements on general terms and
conditions. However, they do not
necessarily correspond with each
other and can vary substantially
from one yard to another. Disputes
commonly arise because owners
and yards believe their terms and
conditions apply and not the other
partys. It is therefore prudent for
vessel owners to review the terms
and conditions of the yard to
identify potential areas of dispute
prior to commencement of any
work and it may be necessary to
negotiate some of them, such as
the limitation liability amount and
delayed delivery penalty clause.
Use of sub-contractors
There is an increasing trend to
use external subcontractors during
work at a yard, both by the yard and
vessel owners. If the contractual
relationships between the yard,
subcontractor and owners are unclear,
this may lead to very complex liability
issues in the event of any damage
caused by the yard or one of the
For subcontractors engaged by
owners directly, it is important to
ensure that they are thoroughly briefed
on owners standards (safety and
other), on the content of the detailed
repair specification and on the agreed
contractual terms and conditions.
When it comes to subcontractors
engaged directly by the yard, they
should be the responsibility of the
yard, so the owners main contract
with the yard/repairer will govern the
matter if a dispute should arise.
Work at the yard in many cases
will be carried out by a combination
of the yards personnel (including
their subcontractors) and owners
directly engaged subcontractors.
It is therefore important to have a
good understanding of the various
applicable contractual liabilities
between the parties involved prior to
the commencement of any work.
Summary and recommendation
In summary, before and after
a repair yard has been selected:
Proper planning and preparations
focusing on the critical steps
and tasks in the docking process
is important to avoid damage
occurring and claims arising.
To avoid disputes if damages occur,
it should be ensured that everyone
has a clear understanding of all
the agreed contractual terms and
conditions between the owners and
the yard. Owners should be prepared
to negotiate contractual terms
and conditions in order to achieve
more favourable division of liability
and compensation provisions.
Where subcontractors are used by
owners, responsibilities between
subcontractor and owners should
be clarified between the parties.
Additional recommendations:
Use of additional owners
personnel to follow-up during the
yard stay should be considered as
a preventive measure in order to
avoid unforeseen damage, extra
repair costs and delays. Extra
costs for superintendants or other
owners representatives may be
covered by insurers depending
on the terms of the policy.
Final testing and commissioning
after completed repair work by
the yard/subcontractor is often
supervised or even performed
by owners representatives. An
important issue for owners to
be aware of in this context is the
potential transfer of liability for
damages occurring during and/or
after testing and commissioning.
15 ISSUE 3.2013 14 ISSUE 3.2013
ar carrier
Medi t er r anean
Highway was
at Emden,
Germany on
18th September
for loading when owner, Mr. Aage
Thoen and few officials visited vessel.
Among the visitors, H.E. Ana Irene
Delgado (Ambassador to the Embassy
of Panama in London), Mr. Mitul
Dave (Senior VP - DHS Research, DVB
Bank), Mr. Adeep Mathur (VP - DHS
Research, DVB Bank), Ms. Sigrid
Srbye (Aage Thoen Ltd AS), Mr.
Torbjrn Larsen (Ministry of Foreign
Affairs, Norway), Capt. Kjell Opsahl
(Hesnes Shipping AS), Mr. Ingar Taxt
(Silmar AS), Mr. Tom Kleppest (NSA
Oslo), Mr. Aage Thoen and his family.
All were warmly welcomed by
Captain Dassanayake, Chief Engineer,
Mr. Puasawatdithep Somsak, Chief
Officer, Mr. Steve Pascua and then
ushered to the officers lodge for
At the officers lodge visitors and
ships staff got acquainted, Captain
briefed about the vessel and the
multinational crew working in peace
and harmony for a common goal.
Later, guests were entertained with
a well guided tour around the ship
followed by a wonderful buffet lunch
prepared by the catering staff.
All guests enjoyed the visit and the
hospitality of team Mediterranean
Highway. Mr.Aage Thoen gave a vote
of thanks to crew and presented a gift
as a token of appreciation.
Mr Aage Thoen who owns four
car carriers and all are under WSM
Malaysias management has planned
to increase his fleet in year 2014. He
has expressed his willingness to hand
over management to WSM Malaysia
as he is in complete satisfaction with
the management and the ships staff
employed in his vessels.
he crew onboard
LPG/C Kodaijisan
feel extremely
privileged to win
the Plaque Of
A p p r e c i a t i o n
from owner, NS United Marine
Corporation for their sterling
performance in achieving a flawless
incident and sickness record in the last
financial year.
The team onboard has performed
an excellent job and won this
prestigious award. The evaluation
was based on operations during the
period March 2012 to March 2013.,
comments Vessel Manager, Mr Rajesh
NS United has had a long
experience in the transport of LPG
since 1965 using very large gas carriers
(VLGCs). WSM has been manager
for their vessels, LPG/Cs Kodaijisan
(since 2009) and Joyama (since 2003).
Joyama was sold to another Owner
in 2010 but WSM have retained
management of the vessel.
We are very proud to serve
as ship manager for NS United
Marine Corp.
Winning the award will
motivate us to work even harder
to achieve better results in years
ahead. quoted Fleet Manager,
Capt Sundeep Dhaliwal.
MV Mediterranean Highway Plaque of Appreciation
VIPs visit to Vessel
at Emden on
18 September 2013
A Report from Captain
of Mediterranean Highway
LPG/C Kodaijisan
wins Plaque of
Photos from top to bottom:

> File photo: LPG/C Kodaijisan
> The crew onboard LPG/C Kodaijisan
with their award
> From left, Mr Mamoru Saito, Mr. Shibata
(NS united Kaiun Oil - Gas Group),
Capt. Takashi Kobayashi, NS united
Marine Group, Captain Sunil Mathur,
Chief Engineer Ajay Flora and Chief
Offcer Taru Sawhney
By: Capt. Magedara Dassanayake, MV Mediterranean Highway
ISSUE 2.2013
New Vessels
On Management
About Us
Wilhelmsen Ship Management is part
of Wilhelmsen Maritime Services, a Wilh.
Wilhelmsen group company. It is one
of the worlds largest independent ship
manager. Wilhelmsen Ship Management
manages vessels from six offices around the
world with a crewing network of 10,000
seafarers recruited from our 19 offices in
13 countries.
With a portfolio of more than 450
vessels, Wilhelmsen Ship Management
provides technical management services
for all segments; LNG/LPG carriers; Ro-
ro and PCC/PCTC vessels; Cruise, Bulk
carriers, Seismic and Offshore vessels.
Other key services include lay up
services, dry docking services, marine
insurance, crew management, pre-
purchase inspection, vessel audits and
vessel environmental services, green ship
recycling and Inventory of Hazardous
Materials (IHM) services.
For more details on WSMs business
activities and fleet, please log on to
MV Cape Jacaranda (Nov 13)
Bulk Carrier
Owner: Kumiai Senpaku Co. Ltd.
Wilhelmsen Ship Management,
MV Malaviya 21
Owner: Great Offshore
International (Malaysia) Ltd.
Wilhelmsen Ship Management,
MV Morning Capo
Car Carrier
Owner: EUKOR Car Carriers
Wilhelmsen Ship Management,
MV Cape Maple (Dec 13)
Bulk Carrier
Owner: Kumiai Senpaku Co. Ltd.
Wilhelmsen Ship Management,
MV Ikan Luding
Bulk Carrier
Owner: Pacific Carriers Limited
Wilhelmsen Ship Management,
Skoltegrunnskaien 1
NO-5003 Bergen
T +47 55 32 31 29
#1002 10th Floor
Marine Center Building
79-1, 4 Ga, Jungang-
Dong Jung-gu, Busan
Rep of Korea 600-715
T +82 51 711 0711
F +82 51 711 0717
9400 New Century Drive
Pasadena, Texas 77507
T +1 281 867 2038
F +1 281 657 6691
Kuala Lumpur
17th Floor, 1-Sentral
Jalan Travers
Kuala Lumpur Sentral
T +603 2084 5600
F +603 2084 5604

1 Kim Seng Promenade
#16-09 Great World City
West Tower
Singapore 237994
T +65 6379 5033
F +65 6379 5104
3rd Floor, Friary House
Briton Street
United Kingdom
T +44 23 8038 6180
F +44 23 8063 3393
Strandveien 20
T +47 67 58 47 00
F +47 67 58 47 95
Tokyo - Sales Offce
JPR Crest Takebashi
Building, 7th Floor 21 Kanda
Nishiki-cho 3-chome,
Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 101-0054
T +81 3 5217 0190
F +81 3 5217 0180
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