Marine Fishes of Vietnam (Photos)
Marine Fishes of Vietnam (Photos)
Marine Fishes of Vietnam (Photos)
Branchiostegus japonicus
Japanese horsehead fish
Elagatis bipinnulata tetradactylus Ephippus orbis
Rainbow runner Fourfinger threadfin Spade fish
Epinephelus awoara Epinephelus bleekeri caeruleopunctatus
Yellow grouper Bleeker`s grouper White-spotted grouper
Lagocephalus lunaris
Lactarius lactarius Lagocephalus lunaris spadicecus
False trevally Headrabbit puffer Browbacked toadfish
Lutjanus kasmira
Common blue stripe Lutjanus lineolatus Lutjanus malabaricus
snapper Bigeye snapper Malabar red snapper
macracanthus Plectorhynchus pictus Plectorhynchus tayenus
Red bigeye Painted sweetlip Purple spotted bigeye
Pristipomoides filamentosus Pristipomoides typus prometheus
Jobfish Sharptooth jobfish Rabbit fish
Scomberoides toli commerson Scomberomorus guttatus
Toli Needle scaled Narrow barred Spanish Indo-Pacific spanish
queenfish mackerel mackerel