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Holy Holy Holy

C am Gsus G/B C C/E F F/A C

Holy, Holy, Ho ly! Lord God Almighty!
G/B C G/B am D/A G/B C G/D D G
Early in the mor ning our song shall rise to Thee:
C am Gsus G/B C C/E F F/A C
Holy, Holy, Ho ly! Merc iful and Mighty!
am7 em7 F C/E F dm7 Gsus G C
God in Three Per sons, ble ssed Tri nity!

C am Gsus G/B C C/E F F/A C

Holy, Holy, Ho ly! All the saints adore Thee,
G/B C G/B am D/A G/B C G/D D G
Casting down their gol den crowns a round the glassy sea;
C am Gsus G/B C C/E F F/A C
Cherubim and se raphim falling down before Thee;
am7 em7 F C/E F dm7 Gsus G#o7 am C/G
Who wert, and art, and e ver more shalt be.
F dm7 Gsus G C
E ver more shalt be.

am em F C/E F C/E D/E E

A f#m Esus E A A/C# D D/F# A
Holy, Holy, Ho ly! Tho’ the darkness hide Thee,
E/G# A E/G# f#m B/F# E/G# A E/B B E
Tho’ the eye of sin ful man Thy glory may not see,
A f#m Esus E A A/C# D D/F# A
Only Thou art ho ly; there is none beside Thee,
f#m c#m D A/C# D bm Esus E A G/A A7
Per fect in Pow’r , in love, and pur ity.

D bm7 Asus A/C# D D/F# G G/B D

Holy, Holy, Ho ly! Lord God Almighty!
A/C# D A/C# bm7 E/B A/C# D A/E E A
All Thy works shall praise Thy name in earth and sky and sea.
D bm7 Asus A/C# D D/F# G G/B D
Holy, Holy, Ho ly! merciful and Mighty!
bm7 f#m G D/F# G em7 Asus A bm7
God in three Per sons, bles sed Tri nity!
f#m G D/F# G em7 Asus A Dsus D
Bles sed Tri nity!
Arrangement Copyright © 1999 Don Wigton. All rights reserved. This PDF file may be reproduced without
change in its entirety for non-commercial and non-political purposes without prior permission from Don

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