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Edcurrentx 10

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Table of Contents
Introduction.....................................................................................................................................5 HowtoReduceEnergyConsumption................................................Error!Bookmarknotdefined. StandByEnergyConsumptionCharts:..........................................Error!Bookmarknotdefined. GridSystems....................................................................................................................................7 PortablePowerSourceSystem...................................................................................................8 GridIntertiePowerSourceSystem.............................................................................................9 GridintertiePowerSystemWithBackupBattery....................................................................10 OffGridPowerSystem..............................................................................................................11 TheUnitsoftheSystem............................................................................................................12 ArrayDCDisconnect:.............................................................................................................12 ChargeController:.................................................................................................................12 DeepCycleBattery:...............................................................................................................12 SystemMeter:.......................................................................................................................13 MainDCDisconnect:.............................................................................................................13 Inverter:.................................................................................................................................13 GasPoweredGenerator:.......................................................................................................13 Grid:.......................................................................................................................................14 Household:............................................................................................................................14 Legal:.....................................................................................................................................14 ElectricGenerator.........................................................................................................................16 NeededMaterial .......................................................................................................................16 . Equipment.....................................................................................................................................19 Multimeter:...........................................................................................................................19 LaserTachometer:.................................................................................................................19 SolderingIron:.......................................................................................................................20 WheretoGetThisMaterialsFrom............................................................................................21 ComponentsoftheGenerator......................................................................................................23 TheCore....................................................................................................................................23 TheMagnets..............................................................................................................................24 TheRotor...................................................................................................................................25


TheBattery................................................................................................................................27 Assembly.......................................................................................................................................30 Frame.........................................................................................................................................30 AttachingMagnetstoWheel ....................................................................................................31 . TheCoil......................................................................................................................................33 FillingtheCore...........................................................................................................................35 SolderingtheCircuit..................................................................................................................35 OperationInstructions..................................................................................................................37 TurningtheMotorOn...............................................................................................................37 CharacterizingtheWindowofOperation.................................................................................37 OneInput,FourOutput,RotateOne ....................................................................................37 . Gallery:......................................................................................................................................39 MinimizingOurOilDependency...................................................................................................40 FreeEnergyGeneratorsonaLargerScale....................................................................................43


DISCLAIMER Please take care when working on any of the projects outlined within this manual. By reading this manual you agree to that you are responsible for your own actions. Magniwork will not be held accountable for any loss or injuries.


Since the world is gradually slipping into an energy crisis, it is of utmost importance for us to reduce our dependency on the sources of energy which are non renewable. Clean Renewable sources of energy are those sources which are recurring, meaning when you produce energyyoudontexhaustanyresources.Severalexamples of renewable energy are solar energy, hydro or water energy,andwindenergy. These sources of energy are freely available in our environment, and are often overlooked and unused. We need to take advantage of these sources of energy, thus wewillmakeasteptowardsenergyindependence. Solarenergyi.etheEnergyfromthesunisthemost abundantenergyavailableonourplanet.Weshouldtake advantageofthisenergy,byimplementingasystemwhich usesthesolarenergytopowerourhomes.Wewillreduce our power bills significantly and also contribute to a greenerplanet. Water or Hydro Energy is a fairly effective source of clean renewable energy, and it is mostly produced on a large scale, meaning a lot of investment and time is put into building systems which will produce energy from water. The downside of hydro energy sources is that it is


implausible for an average person to implement it in his home. Wind Energy Sources have existed for more than 2000 years, they have been used for tasks such as pumping water, grinding etc. as the world has been industrialized, wind has become a common source for generatingenergy.WindTurbinescanbeeasilymadeand implemented even in individual residences, while helping relievethepowerbill,bypoweringthemoreconventional powersources. In this book you will also learn how to construct another alternative source of energy, which has not reachedthemainstreammediayet.

Andintheendthisguidewillshowyouhowtobuilda solar air heater, and solar water heater for your home. These two devices will significantly reduce your power consumption,sinceyouspentmostenergyathomeforair andwaterheating.


The following grid systems represent how you connect the external power supply to your house or grid. In the diagrams we are refereeing to the energy source a bit vaguelybecausethesamesystemthatispresentedcould beusedforvarietyofpowersources.Bypowersourceswe meanSolarPanels,WindTurbines,andEnergyGenerators. AsforhowyouwillbuildyourSolarPanel,WindTurbine, EnergyGenerator,AirHeater,WaterHeater,willgettoit rightafterthis.

GridSystems s

Por rtablePo owerSourceSys stem

1P PowerSource;2ChargeContro oller;3Bat ttery;4Inv verter;5H Household

This is the sim s mplest system there is it is g s s, great fo or out tdooruseoralte ernativelyforyo ourgarag georsh hed.With h this system you ca run applianc straight thro s m an a ces ough the e inve erter.

GridSystems s

Grid dInterti iePowerSource eSystem m

1P PowerSou urce;2Arra ayDCdisco onnect;3I Inverter;4 4ACBreak kerpanel; 5Househo 5 old;6Kilow wattperho ourmeter; r;7Grid

Thisisthesystemtha atyouw willmost likelyuseinthe e beg ginning. This sys stem is known as grid tied, or on grid d. The ekeyfea atureab boutthis ssystem mis:ifm moreelec ctricityis pro oducedb byyours solarsys stemor windtu urbineco ompared d to what is used by the ho w y ousehold, than the sys stem will star turnin the electric meter backwa rt ng ards. Wh hen tha at hap ppens,cr reditsw willbead ddedto youracc countw whichyou u can nusefor rperiods swheny youprod duceles sselectri icity.You u sho ould co onsult your Electricity Provi y y ider fo more or e info ormation nconcer rningne etbilling gorne etmeter ring.

GridSystems s


Grid dintertiePower rSystem mWithB BackupB Battery

1Po owerSour rce;2Array yDCdisconnect;3Ch ChargeCon ntroller;4D Deepcycle e bat ttery;5Sys stemmete er;6MainDCdiscon nnect;7Inv verter;8A ACBreaker r pane el;9Kilowa attperhou urmeter;1 10Grid;11 1Househo old

Thissy ystemgr ridistie edjustlikethep previous sonebu ut the key dif fference betwee this o and the pre en one evious is s: this one ha backu batte The battery backup will be s as up ery. y p e use when its go ed n oing to be clo oudy or you ar doing re g mai intenanc cetothe esolarpanels.

GridSystems s


OffGridPo owerSys stem

1Po owerSour rce;2Array yDCdisconnect;3Ch ChargeCon ntroller;4D Deepcycle e batt tery;5Systemmeter r;6MainD DCdisconn nect;7Inve erter;8Ge enerator;9 9 ACBreakerp C panel;10H Household

This sy ystem is offgri meaning you are n using s id, not g eve 1% el en lectricity from a power company. In th setup y a his p you should also ha a backup g u d ave generato such as a gas or pow wergene erator.

GridSystems s


The eUnitso oftheSy ystem ArrayDCDisconnect: sconnect tisused dinthe system, , DCDis soy youcan shutof thesyst temmuchsafer r and deasier.Therea asonfor shutting goffthe e syst temwou uldbem mainlyma aintenan nce. Cha argeCon ntroller: The charge controlle as the c c er nam impli is us to protect the me ies sed battery fro ove om erchargin Whe ng. en the battery bank is fully charged in y c order to o protect it fro om ove erchargin the charge controll ng ler willinterrup ptthech hargingp process. . Dee epCycleBattery y: Thisisthebat tteryyou uwillus se in your sys y stem once you build th he full scale generato If yo canno g or. ou ot affo ordabra andnew wbattery y,youca an get onthe cheapf fromold dgolfcart forklift. orf

GridSystems s


SystemMe eter: The system meter is used to mo e m r d onitor how much power is bein used and w r ng d how wfullyourbatterybankis. MainDCDi isconnec ct: The main DC disconnect is use for m D ed connecti the Inverter for m ing maintenance or disc eme ergencysituatio ons. Inve erter: The In nverter is used to inver the t rt dire curre into alterna ect ent o ating cu urrent or AC. This conve ersion is need since s mostapplia ancesinthehouseuseA AC. Gas sPowere edGene erator: Ifyou areimp plementi ingcomplete off grid sys stem, yo shou have Gas ou uld e Pow wered Generat G tor. The ere will be situ uationsw whenyouwillsh hutdownthe syst tem for mainte r enance, during that timeyouwilluseth hisgener rator.

GridSystems s


ACBreaker rPanel: The AC Break pane is whe ker el ere t ctrical wiring is connect w ted all the elec withyourp powerprovider. Thispanel is usually found in a uti u i ility roo om, gara age,oro outsidet thebuild ding. Grid d: m wer ouse tha at The main pow line that comes to your ho com from the po mes m ower co ompany is called Grid. T term d The m Off Gridref fersthat tyouar reenergyindepe endentf fromthe e pow wersupp plycomp pany. Hou usehold: When we refe erred in the pr n revious diagram to the ms e hou usehold,wemea anttheh househo oldloads s.Thisco onsistso of eve erythingthatisconnecte edtothe ebreake erpanel. Leg gal: ware ea ach stat and country has differen te y nt Be aw gysourc stan ndardsf forconn nectinga alternativeenerg cetothe e AC panel. Also in most co A m ountries it is ille egal to o open this box xbyyour rself,unlessyouarequa alifiedelectrician n.



We recommend that you contact your power supply companyconcerningthisissueanddonottakemattersin toyourownhandsbeforeyoudothat. If you do not want to connect your system to the breaker panel, you can run appliances just from the inverterwhichismucheasierandcheaperoption.

Electr ricGenerator r


Ele ectricG Generat tor

Firstch heckthe egallery ytoseeh howthe egeneratorlook ks like esoyougetthei ideawha atwear rebuildin ng(page e47).

Nee ededM Material l

This sisalisto ofalltheneededc componen ntsandm material: Alligato orClips Quantity:Minx x4 MoreIn nfo:Wire esnumbe er20andabove,r rating5a amp,atle east 12isr recomme ended. Cost:$10.00 2N305 55Transis stor Quantity:x1 nfo:AnN NPNtype MoreIn transist tor Cost:$3.00

01Diode 1N400 Quantity:x1 nfo:Silico oneFast MoreIn Switchi ingDiode etransist tor Cost:$0.40

ElectricGenerator r r


1N400 07Diode Quantity:x1 nfo:Silico oneFast MoreIn Switchi ingDiode etransist tor Cost:$0.40

680oh hmresisto or Quantity:x1 nfo:Atle east1/4 MoreIn wattbu utwerec commend d 1/2wa att. Cost:$0.40

1kiloo ohmlinea ar Potentiometer Quantity:x1 nfo:Thehigherth he MoreIn wattag gethebet tter.Carb bon tracksh houldbefine. / Cost:/

NeonB Bulbpote entiomet ter Quantity:x1 nfo:NE2typewi ire MoreIn ended. / Cost:/

Electr ricGenerator r


250g(0 0.551lbs) EnamelCoated G(AWG 21) 22SWG Copper rWire Quantity:x1 MoreIn nfo:Mag gnetWire e Cost:$ $12.90

250g(0 0.551lbs) EnamelCoated G(AWG2 25) 26SWG Copper rWire Quantity:x1 nfo:Mag gnetWire e MoreIn $12.90 Cost:$

2mete ersofHigh hCurrent t Wire Quantity:x1 MoreIn nfo:Itwi illbeused d tohook kuptheb batteries s Cost:$ $12.90

Equipment t


Equ uipmen nt
Multimeter r: Digitalmultimeteriso okbutw we sho ouldnote ethatw weareus singpuls se DC in the SSG so when you ar o re mea asuring the am mps, it is highly reco ommend to use an Analogu ded u A ue AmpMeter r,whichgoesup pto1am mp or more. You will also need th Y n he met to measure your inp ter m putamp ps asw wellyourbattery yvoltage es.

LaserTacho ometer: A lase tachometer measu er ures f m his ot the rpm of your motor. Th is no a cessary tool fro the beginni om ing, nec but you will be glad you have o t w one whe you are fine tuning the mo en e otor sinc you will nee it to make an ce ed o accuraterecordofy yourmo otorsper rformance.

Equipment t


Sold deringIr ron: Sold dering ir will be used ron d to solder the circ t cuit. The e circ cuit will still op perate if the connections arent t sold dered, though once you o u are sure it is wired d correctly,youshouldsolderalltheconnections. t



WheretoGetThisMaterialsFrom IfyouarebasedinUKorEuropewerecommendthe followingwebsites:

LeadAcidBatteries: http://shop.eurobatteries.com Components: http://www.maplin.co.uk/ http://www.radioshack.com/ Magnets: http://emagnetsuk.com/



IfyouarebasedinUSAorCanadawerecommendthe followingwebsites:

Components: http://www.allelectronics.com/ http://www.radioshack.com/ Magnets: http://www.magnets4less.com/



The curtail part for this project is the core. You can use iron filings mixed with glue, which is one option for satisfactory results or alternatively welding rods. When you are scaling up this project we recommend using welding rods for better results, but just to get used to whatyouarebuildingforthefirsttimefeelfreetouseiron filingsmixedwithglue. Furthermore each of the rods must be electrically insulatedfromeachother.Youcaneitherlettherodsrust for a while, or you can coat them with thick layer of nail varnish. Ontheotherhandyoushouldnotusesolid.Sincethe key mechanism for the operation of the generator is the fastswitchingofthemagneticfieldandifyouuseasolid mass for your core it is more than likely to create eddy currents that disrupt and prolong the degradation of the magnetic field. Steel bolts are very bad idea also, since theyretaintheirmagnetismfromthegetgo,itsthesame principle as paper clip on a magnet, you have most likely noticedthatafterawhilethepaperclipcanattractother paperclips.



Thefirstthingyoushouldknowaboutthemagnetsis what not to use, which is Neodymium or Rare Earth Magnets.Theproblemwithsuchstrongmagnetsis,aftera while no matter what material is used for the core, the core itself will be magnetized because of the prolonged exposuretothosemagnets. Because of the issues stated above, you should use Ceramicmagnets.Sinceforyourfirstprojectyouwillbuild a small replica, you should use small magnets or more specifically: 20mm x 10mm x 5mm ceramic magnets. For yoursecondprojectwhichwillbetherealsizereplicayou will use larger magnets with dimensions approximately 50mmx25mmx10mm.Theremightbesituationswhere themagnetistooweakevenifitisasdescribedabove,if thatsthecaseyoucanalwaysdoublestackthem.



For the final model you will use an aluminum bike wheel,butaswiththecoreyoushouldnotusesteel,you shouldbeabletofitabout24magnetstoastandardbike wheelandatthesametimeachievespeedsofabout200 300rpm. Butforyoufirstproject,thescaleddownreplica,you should do just fine with discarded hard drives. With a discarded hard drive you should fit about 6 magnets and achievespeedofaround15002000rpm. No doubt some of you will have hard time finding discarded hard disk drives, another option is a tape head salvagedfromanoldVCR.Itwillworkjustfine,sincethe bearing is very smooth and its easily mountable on anothersurface.Withityouwillbeabletoachievespeed ofaround2500rpmandhigher,aswiththeHardDiskDrive youwilluse6magnets. Ifyouwant,orcantfindthepreviousparts,youcan go down even smaller, you can use rollerskate or roller blade wheel. You should be able to attach about 4 magnets on it, since the bearing here is very good you shouldbeabletoreachrpm`sfrom3000to4000.



All the speeds previously stated are approximations and may differ, dont force your motor to get to those speeds. Tolerance(For24BicycleRim) Asstatedearlieritdoesn'thavetobe bicyclewheel, anynonmagneticrotatingwheelofsimilarsizeandweight should work. These plans are for a 24inch rim. If you go smaller or large than this, you will need to adjust the number of magnets accordingly so that the spacing is approximately the same distance as on the 24inch specified plans. You might want to source your wheel before purchasing magnets so you know how many magnets to get. Also, if you want to have your shaft comingfromthewheeltoconveythetorqueofthewheel, youwillneedtoconfigureanalternativebearingsystem.



Thebatteriesarethemostexpensivecomponentsof this project. For the small motor you can use 1.3ah (amp hour) 12volt Lead Acid Batteries, though we recommend yougetatleast7ahbatteries. Themaintrickwiththebatteriesisforthemtobebig enoughsothatthemotorwillrunattheC20Rate,whichis theAmpHourratingofthebatterydividedby20.TheAh of the battery is the amount of amps the battery can supply for one hour. If the battery supplies a very high current,thenitwilldegrademorequickly.Thisisthemain reasonwhyweusetheC20Rate. In other words if you motor is running on a 300ma youwillneedtouseabatterythatisatleast6amphours (0.3x20=6).Inadifferentsituationifyourbatteryisrated at 7Amp Hours, you shouldnt discharge the battery with morethan350ma(7/20=350).
1.3ah12vLeadAcidBatterycancostaround12/18/$24 7ah12vLeadAcidBatterycancostaround15/22/$30 24ah12vLeadAcidBatterycancostaround40/60/$80



Quantity: Atthebeginningyouwillneedatleasttwobatteries: one for input, and one for receiving charge. It is recommended that an identical battery to the input batteryisused.Thereasonforthisistotestthedischarge parameters of a battery independent of the circuit under the same discharge parameters being put to the input battery for characterization. Additional batteries of the samevoltageandimpedancecanbeaddedtotheoutput inparallellater. Tolerance: Youmightunderstoodalreadythatthevoltageofthe batteries is not crucial, and can be somewhere in the rangeof6to24voltsforthis particularmotor.However, theinputandoutputbatteriesneedtobematchedintheir voltage and impedance. There can be more than one battery on the receiving end, connected in parallel, of a matchedvoltageandimpedanceoftheinputbattery.For yourfirstreplication,youwillwanttousenewbatteriesso that bad batteries will not be possible reasons for malfunction of the circuit. Not all rechargeable batteries are suitable for receiving charge from this setup. Lead acid recommended. For more information concerning



what type of batteries you need follow the formula presentedearlier. BatteryCare: It will be important for you to know your batteries optimaloperatingparametersformtheirmanufactureror othercompetentratingservicesothatyoudonotdamage thembychargingordischargingtoofastortoohigh/low. As long as you are using this circuit to charge your batteries,youwillnotneedtoworryaboutspeedorlevel of charging. But if you use another apparatus to charge your battery, you will need to know your batteries' charging parameters. If your input and output batteries are matched in voltage rating and impedance the circuit inherentlybalancesthechargingratetoalevelthatisnot only safe but even beneficial to the receiving battery. Overchargeisnotnearlytheconcernwiththiscircuitasit is with other chargers. Batteries actually perform better underfrequent use with this circuit, than ifyou let a few dayspassbetweenuses.



Frame Sincethe24wheelwillspin,thestandneedstohave stabilityfrontback,leftright.Ontheotherhandtherotor shouldnt have much resistance in its turning, also this needtobemadeofnonmagneticmaterial. Youshouldplanbeforehandfora1/8inchgaporless betweenthecoilspoolandthewheelmagnetsgluedand taped. We cannot stress this enough but it is very important for this project to work, the frame materials shouldbenonmagnetic. Another important design specification you should have in mind while construction the stand is, you may want to be able to increase or decrease the distance between the wheel and the spool, for fine tuning. The direction of the rotation does not need to be perpendiculartothecoil,butitcanbe90degreesaswell.



AttachingMagnetstoWheel Firstyouneedtouseacompasstodetermine"N"the north end of your magnets. The Earth's North Pole is magnetically south, so the "north" end of your compass willbeattractedtothe"south"endofyourmagnet.North facesouttowardthecoil. Labelyourmagnets,withmarkerorstickytapesoyou knowwhichsideiswhich. All magnets should face the same direction (north out).Magnetspacingdoesnotneedtobeuniformunless youaregoingtoattemptmorethanonecoil. Determine an equal spacing for the magnets about the perimeter of the wheel and mark where they should go. This is not crucial to proper operation with one coil, but if you want to later add more coils (each with a separatecircuit),symmetricalspacingwillbeimportantfor symmetricalfiring.Ifyourwheeldiameterismoreorless thanthe24inchescalledintheseplans,adjustthenumber of magnets accordingly to be within the same range of spacing between magnets. You don't want to get your magnetsmuchcloserthan1.52widthsapart. If you wish to use in the future more than one coil, bear in mind that each coil will need its own complete



circuit.All coils will need to fire in unison, so the magnet spacingwillneedtobeuniform.Spacingbetweenmagnets shouldnotbelessthan1.52magnetwidths.Usesuper glueand/ortapetoaffixthemagnets.

Assembly y


The eCoil

oushouldusecomplete elythet two250g g Forthecoilyo spo oolsofw wire.You ushouldwindth hetwow wireson nthecoil together,it tsveryimportan ntthatthetwow wiresarenextto o ch r ghout entire distance of the winding g. eac other throug Arra angement of th winding is not very important, also he o there is no pattern or sym o mmetry require Think fishing ed. g spo or kite spoo and you'll b fine. The m ool k ol, be margin o of tole eranceis sverywi idehere e.

(6cm= =2.36inch h)(5cm= =1.96inch h)(1.5cm m=0.59in nch)

Youmightuse eadrillt tospinthespoo ol.Acord dlessdrill gen nerallyca anturn slower, makingiteasie ertocou untturns and to make sure the two wires are wound par d o rallel the e



whole distance. The exact number of turns on the coil is notcrucial,beingcloseisadequatebutkeeptrackofinput outputpairs. Countingvisuallyisamethodpronetoerror.Usean audible trigger in winding (e.g. a clacker on the spool). Alternatively, you might affix tape to both ends of spool, protruding outward around 1/2 inche. This will hit your hand as the spool turns, helping you to count turns. You shouldbedoneinapproximately900turns.



FillingtheCore Be sure to have the side that will be facing the magnets flush with the top of the spool so you can spin your magnets close to the spool without hitting a rod in thecore.Youmightdrilla1"inchholeinyourbasearound 1/2inchesdeepfortheothersideofthecoretoprotrude into,soyoudon'thavetocutyourrodsshort.Useglueon eachrodtokeepitfrommoving.Tapthelastfewrodsin withsomelightobjectuntilyoucan'tfitanymore.

SolderingtheCircuit Trytokeepallwiresasshortaspossible.Furthermore don't overheat your diodes, resistor, or transistor when soldering.Ifyoudon'tknowhowtosolder,youcoulduse wire nuts or even nuts/bolts to secure your connections. Make sure the circuit works before soldering the connections.Alsoalligatorclipscanbeusedtoholdthings inplaceuntilyousolidifythem.Alittle9Vbatterycanbe usedtotestthecircuit.
Note: Also, be sure to use a heavy gauge wire when connecting yourbatteriesinparallelorseries.

Assembly y




TurningtheMotorOn To run the motor, connect the circuit and give the rotoraspin(byhand).Itwillthenaccelerateordecelerate to a point of equilibrium. There is more than one stable rateofrotation. CharacterizingtheWindowofOperation You will want to modify the resistor of the circuit from low to high to find various ideal windows of operation. Generally, low resistance produces high rotation speed, while high resistance results in lower rotation speed. Also in the higher resistances you will find solid state resonance either with or without rotation. In some cases they coexist. In some cases only one or the other willexist.Higherthanacertainresistanceyouwillfindthat onlysolidstateexists. OneInput,FourOutput,RotateOne Once the batteries are supercharged, place four batteriesonthebackend(charging),withoneonthefront endrunningthecircuit.Oncethatbatteryhasgonedown toits20%fromfulllevel,rotateoneofthefourbatteries fromthebackendtothefront.Thesequenceofrotation



shouldbeoneoftakingturnssothattheoneontheback sidethathasbeentherethelongestgoestothefrontside. Youcanrepeatthisprocedureforsixmonthswithoutever havingtoexternallychargethesystem.Bearinmindthat yoursuccessinachievingthismaybedeterminedfirstby finding the optimal window of performance for your particularsetup.

Operation nInstructions s





Someofthebiggerissuesweencounterwhenwetry to reduce the consumption of energy are to reduce and minimizetheuseofgasweuseforourvehicles. Oil is widely used for transportation, home heating, andenergygeneration. There are several ways to tackle this problem. The automotiveindustryhasalreadytakenaction,andisgreat carswithaveryreasonablegasmileage.TheIndustrynow must meet certain regulations, and the production of typicalgasguzzlingvehiclesisreduced. Most diesel power cars, with only a minimal conversion,arecapableonrunningwithleftoverfryerfat. Meaning,youcansimplygotoMcDonalds,andaskforthe leftoveroilofthefryer. Although it sounds incredible, the vehicle will run without a problem this way, and it won't damage the engineorthefuellinesofthevehicle. The downside of this is that the car will have a bad odor, and smell like fried potatoes. This is what can be calleda'roughbiodiesel'. In order to create a better fuel, the waste frying



oil/fatcanbeprocessedsothatitgetsrefined.Therefined product knows as biodiesel, and it shares almost the identical properties of the Diesel. The car will have the same performance as will regular diesel and behave the same. In most conventional diesel vehicles, you can use a refinedbiodieselwithoutapplyinganykindofconversion kit. Besides refining waste fat, Biodiesel can be produced fromfatfrompork,poultry,beeforoilfromvegetables. Anotherwaytoreduceoildependencyiswiththeuse of electricity to power a car. Hybrid Electric Vehicles are getting more and more popular, and starting to take a significant share on the road. These vehicles combine a common car engine with a battery. They capture kinetic energy when breaking, this kinetic energy is used to recharge the battery. The Hybrid Electric Vehicles can be considered ecofriendly, due to their low emission, and a goodgasmileage.CommonExamplesofthesevehiclesare theToyotaPriusandHondaInsight AStepforwardfromtheHEVs,arethefullyelectrical cars. Itrelies on the sole use of electric motors to propel the vehicle. These vehicles dont use an Internal Combustion Engine. The fully electric cars might be considered the vehicles of the future, but today, theyre



stillindevelopment,andhavelimitedpracticality. Although they are able to run solely on electricity, theyhavealimitedrange.Rechargingthevehicleismuch cheaper than gas, but the main problem is that the batteriescannotstoreenoughenergytopropelthevehicle for longer ranges. This technology is very promising, and there have been several vehicles that are fully electrical thathavewentintoproduction.



Significantchangesinenergygenerationarentgoing to occur until the governments and large corporations start becominginvolved and look into alternative sources ofenergy. A Free Energy generator could well be the solution to these problems. It can be implemented in the following way: - Eachhouseholdhasitsownfreeenergydevice,they generate electricity independently from the power company. OR - TheEnergyCompaniesreplacethecurrentsourcesof generating energy like nonrenewable sources of energy, and implement largescale free energy generators,whichwouldsupplythegridswithpower. Since the energy will only require minimal resources for it to be produced, this would result in a significantlylowerpriceofenergy. However, the government and the big corporations arentshowinginterestinsuchdevices,theyaretheonce that have the real funds necessary to really make this happen.Perhaps,the outcomeofa worldwhereelectric energy is free isnt something the big corporations would



like to see. This would mean they would lose trillions of dollars. It would mean the collapse of two of the biggest corporativeindustriesTheOilandtheEnergyIndustry. If the US Government spent only a small fraction of what they spend on the military to the development of free energy, it could totally revolutionize the world. We have already given you a smallscale free energy device THAT WORKS. That proves that this technology really works.Allitneedstobedoneisforthistechnologytobe used on a larger scale, and to become widespread. This willreducetheenergycrisis.

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