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Barron SAT 3500 Ê ãÄæÐò ÇÒä Ê Ã Í

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replica n. 复制 copy.
armada n. 舰队 fleet of warships.
agenda n. 议程 items of business at a meeting.
panacea n. 包治百病的药,灵丹妙药 cure-all; remedy for all diseases.
saga n. 斯堪的纳维亚的传说;传奇 Scandinavian myth; any legend.
phobia n. 恐怖 morbid fear.
xenophobia n. 惧外的 fear or hatred of foreigners.
acrophobia n. 恐高症 fear of heights.
hydrophobia n. 恐水症;狂犬病 rabies; fear of water.
claustrophobia n. 幽闭恐怖症 fear of being locked in.
nostalgia n. 想家;乡愁 homesickness; longing for the past.
paraphernalia n. 琐碎的东西;零碎的随身物品 equipment; odds and ends.
anemia n. 贫血 condition in which blood lacks red corpuscles.
insomnia n. 失眠 wakefulness; inability to sleep.
paranoia n. 妄想狂;偏执狂 psychosis marked by delusions of grandeur or persecution.
cornucopia n. 象征丰饶的羊角 horn overflowing with fruit and grain; symbol of abundance.
utopia n. 乌托邦 ideal place, state, or society.
aria n. 清唱剧 operatic solo.
euphoria n. 非常愉快;病态的愉快,愉悦症 feeling of great happiness and well-being (sometimes
aphasia n. 失声 loss of speech due to injury or illness.
amnesia n. 失忆,健忘 loss of memory.
intelligentsia n. 知识分子;知识界 the intelligent and educated classes [often used derogatorily].
spatula n. 压舌板;抹刀;批灰刀 broad-bladed instrument used for spreading or mixing.
tarantula n. 毒蜘蛛 venomous spider.
anathema n. 诅咒 solemn curse; someone or something regarded as a curse.
enigma n. 谜 puzzle; mystery.
stigma n. 耻辱;耻辱的标记;柱头;气门 token of disgrace; brand.
miasma n. 沼气;瘴气,毒气;天然气 swamp gas; heavy, vaporous atmosphere, often emanating
from decaying matter; pervasive corrupting influence.
charisma n. 魅力 divine gift; great popular charm or appeal of a political leader. Political
commentators have deplored the importance of a candidate's charisma in these days of
television campaigning.
nirvana n. 涅磐 in Buddhist teachings, the ideal state in which the individual loses himself in the
attainment of an impersonal beatitude.
phenomena n. 现象 observable facts; subjects of scientific investigation.
subpoena n. 传票 writ summoning a witness to appear.
stamina n. 毅力;意志力 strength; staying power.
patina n. 铜绿;光泽;古色 green crust on old bronze works; tone slowly taken by varnished
persona n. 角色 public personality or facade.
fauna n. 动物志 animals of a period or region.
tundra n. 苔原;冻土 rolling, treeless plain in Siberia and arctic North America.
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plethora n. 过剩;过多 excess; overabundance.

flora n. 植物志 plants of a region or era.
cantata n. 大合唱;康塔塔 story set to music, to be sung by a chorus.
junta n. 小集团;政治团伙 group of men joined in political intrigue; cabal.
iota n. 极少量的 very small quantity.
vendetta n. 深仇;世仇 blood feud.
diva n. 著名女歌唱家,天后;歌剧女主角 operatic singer; prima donna.
stanza n. 节;段落(诗的);盘(棋的) division of a poem.

drab adj. 迟钝的;单调的 dull; lacking color; cheerless.
ebb v. 衰退 recede; lessen.
glib adj. 光滑,柔顺;口齿伶俐,圆滑 fluent; facile; slick.
aplomb n. 沉着,垂直 poise; assurance.
succumb v. 屈服;屈从;死 yield; give in; die.
plumb adj. 垂直;铅锤;用铅锤量 checking perpendicularity; vertical.
barb n. 鱼钩,钩状物 sharp projection from fishhook, etc.
absorb v. 吸收,合并 assimilate or incorporate; suck or drink up; wholly engage.
perturb v. 感到不安 disturb greatly.
daub v. 涂抹 smear (as with paint).

pyromaniac n. 纵火狂 person with an insane desire to set things on fire.
kleptomaniac n. 偷窃狂;盗窃癖 person who has a compulsive desire to steal.
demoniac adj. 魔鬼的 fiendish.
hypochondriac n. 无病呻吟;忧郁症 person unduly worried about his health; worrier without cause
about illness.
bivouac n. 帐篷 temporary encampment.
archaic adj. 过时的 antiquated.
mosaic n. 马赛克 picture made of colorful small inlaid tiles.
prosaic adj. 事实的;平淡的;缺乏想象力的 dull and unimaginative; matter-of-fact; factual.
monosyllabic adj. 单音节的 having only one syllable.
cherubic adj. 天真无邪 angelic; innocent-looking.
nomadic adj. 游牧的 wandering.
sporadic adj. 零星的 occurring irregularly.
spasmodic adj. 断断续续的;间歇的 fitful; periodic.
episodic adj. 插曲式的 loosely connected; divided into incidents.
prolific adj. 多产的;丰富的 abundantly fruitful.
calorific adj. 产热的 heat-producing.
soporific adj. 催眠的 sleep-causing; marked by sleepiness.
beatific adj. 祝福;幸福的 giving bliss; blissful.
lethargic adj. 昏睡的;瞌睡的 drowsy; dull.
graphic adj. 图像的;图画的 pertaining to the art of delineating; vividly described.
anthropomorphic adj. 人形的 having human form or characteristics.
monolithic adj. 单片的,单块的;一体不动摇的 solidly uniform; unyielding.
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relic n. 纪念物;废墟,遗留 surviving remnant; memento.

bucolic adj. 田园的 rustic; pastoral.
catholic adj. 一般的,普遍的;天主教 broadly sympathetic; liberal.
vitriolic adj. 腐蚀的;硫酸的;讽刺的 corrosive; sarcastic.
dynamic adj. 充满活力的 energetic; vigorously active.
panoramic adj. 全景的 related to an unobstructed and comprehensive view.
academic adj. 学术的 related to a school; not practical or directly useful.
pandemic adj. 广泛传播的,流行的 widespread; affecting the majority of people.
endemic adj. 地方的;小范围内流行 prevailing among a specific group of people or in a specific
area or country.
seismic adj. 地震的 pertaining to earthquakes.
cosmic adj. 宇宙的;巨大的 pertaining to the universe; vast.
titanic adj. 巨大的 gigantic.
ethnic adj. 种族的 relating to races.
laconic adj. 简洁的 brief and to the point.
sardonic adj. 讽刺的 disdainful; sarcastic; cynical.
histrionic adj. 戏剧性的 theatrical.
mnemonic adj. 记忆的 pertaining to memory.
chronic adj. 慢性的 long established as a disease.
ironic adj. 讽刺性的 resulting in an unexpected and contrary outcome.
tonic adj. 精神充沛的 invigorating; refreshing.
embryonic adj. 胚胎的;未开发的,原始的 undeveloped; rudimentary.
stoic adj. 坚忍的; 苦修的 impassive; unmoved by joy or grief.
epic n. 史诗;剧作 long heroic poem, or similar work of art.
myopic adj. 鼠目寸光;缺乏远见 nearsighted; lacking foresight.
choleric adj. 易发怒的;脾气坏 hot-tempered.
generic adj. 普通的 characteristic of an entire class or species.
esoteric adj. 难以理解的,深奥的 hard to understand; known only to the chosen few.
sophomoric adj. 一知半解的;不成熟的 immature; half-baked, like a sophomore.
rhetoric n. 说话的学问;花言巧语 art of effective communication; insincere language.
asymmetric adj. 不对称 not identical on both sides of a dividing central line.
eccentric adj. 古怪的,奇怪的 irregular; odd; whimsical; bizarre.
concentric adj. 同心 having a common center.
anthropocentric adj. 人类中心说 regarding human beings as the center of the universe.
panegyric n. 推崇之至 formal praise.
analgesic adj. 止痛的 causing insensitivity to pain.
forensic adj. 法院的;适于法庭的 suitable to debate or courts of law.
intrinsic adj. 内在的;固有的 essential; inherent; built-in.
extrinsic adj. 外围的,不重要的;外来的 external; not essential; extraneous.
schematic adj. 示例的;示意性的 relating to an outline or diagram; using a system of symbols.
thematic adj. 主题的;主题相关的 relating to a unifying motif or idea.
problematic adj. 忧郁的;忧心忡忡的;心存疑虑的;有疑问的 doubtful; unsettled; questionable;
pragmatic adj. 实际的;注重实效的 practical (as opposed to idealistic); concerned with the practical
worth or impact of something.
phlegmatic adj. 冷静的;平静的;不易被激起的 calm; not easily disturbed.
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enigmatic adj. 朦胧的;谜一样的 obscure; puzzling.

dogmatic adj. 独断的,教条的,固执的 opinionated; arbitrary; doctrinal.
aromatic adj. 芬芳的 fragrant.
monochromatic adj. 单色的 having only one color.
traumatic adj. 外伤的 pertaining to an injury caused by violence.
autocratic adj. 独裁 having absolute, unchecked power; dictatorial.
erratic adj. 奇怪的;不可预测的 odd; unpredictable.
static adj. 静态的 unchanging; lacking development.
aquatic adj. 与水有关系的 pertaining to water.
climactic adj. 顶点的,高潮的 relating to the highest point.
eclectic adj. 折衷的 composed of elements drawn from disparate sources.
acetic adj. 酸的 vinegary.
ascetic adj. 苦行;禁欲 practicing self-denial; austere.
prophetic adj. 预言的 foretelling the future.
pathetic adj. 可怜的,触动人心的 causing sadness, compassion, pity; touching.
aesthetic adj. 审美的 artistic; dealing with or capable of appreciation of the beautiful.
anesthetic n. 麻醉药 substance that removes sensation with or without loss of consciousness.
hermetic adj. 密封的,气密的 sealed by fusion so as to be airtight.
frenetic adj. 发狂的 frenzied; frantic.
kinetic adj. 运动的;运动学的 producing motion.
politic adj. 精明的;明智的;诡计多端的;谨慎的 expedient; prudent; well advised.
pedantic adj. 书生气的 showing off learning; bookish.
frantic adj. 狂乱 wild.
chaotic adj. 混乱 in utter disorder.
erotic adj. 激情的 pertaining to passionate love.
exotic adj. 陌生的,外来的,奇异的,异国情调 not native; strange.
quixotic adj. 空想的;狂想的 idealistic but impractical.
skeptic n. 怀疑论者 doubter; person who suspends judgment until the evidence supporting a
point of view has been examined.
aseptic adj. 抗菌的 preventing infection; having a cleansing effect.
antiseptic n. 抗菌物 substance that prevents infection.
synoptic adj. 概要的 providing a general overview; summary.
apocalyptic adj. 启示的,启示录的 prophetic; pertaining to revelations.
bombastic adj. 夸张的 pompous; using inflated language.
ecclesiastic adj. 神职的 pertaining to the church.
iconoclastic adj. 打破旧习 attacking cherished traditions.
monastic adj. 僧侣的;遁入空门的,不问世事 related to monks or monasteries; removed from
worldly concerns.
sadistic adj. 虐待狂的;残忍成性的 inclined to cruelty.
atheistic adj. 无神论 denying the existence of God.
simplistic adj. 过分单纯化的 oversimplified.
anachronistic adj. 时代错误 having an error involving time in a story.
linguistic adj. 语言的 pertaining to language.
altruistic adj. 无私的,关心他人的 unselfishly generous; concerned for others.
agnostic n. 无神论者 one who is skeptical of the existence or knowability of a god or any ultimate
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caustic adj. 腐蚀;挖苦 burning; sarcastically biting.

rustic adj. 乡村的;笨拙的,不舒服的 pertaining to country people; uncouth.
therapeutic adj. 治疗的;治疗学的 curative.
toxic adj. 有毒的 poisonous.

scad n. 大批的,许多 a great quantity.
myriad n. 无数,非常多 very large number.
goad v. 刺激;激励;驱策 urge on.
tightwad n. 吝啬鬼 excessively frugal person; miser.
embed v. 封装,嵌入,插入 enclose; place in something.
jaundiced adj. 患黄疸病的;有偏见的 prejudiced (envious, hostile or resentful); yellowed.
jaded adj. 疲倦的 fatigued; surfeited.
evenhanded adj. 公平的 impartial; fair.
outmoded adj. 过时的 longer stylish; old-fashioned.
heed v. 注意,关注,留意 pay attention to; consider.
dogged adj. 顽固的;顽强的 determined; stubborn.
deranged adj. 不理智 insane.
estranged adj. 分离的;孤立的 separated; alienated.
detached adj. 分离的 emotionally removed; calm and objective; physically unconnected.
parched adj. 干旱的;干渴的 extremely dry; very thirsty.
impoverished adj. 穷 poor.
watershed n. 分水岭 crucial dividing point.
unscathed adj. 没有受伤的 unharmed.
studied adj. 有计划的;故意的;有想法的 not spontaneous; deliberate; thoughtful.
rarefied adj. 稀释(气体) made less dense (of a gas).
qualified adj. 有资格的;有限制的;被限制的 limited; restricted.
pied adj. 杂色的;斑驳的 variegated; multicolored.
frenzied adj. 狂乱的 madly excited.
marked adj. 值得注意的;报仇的目标 noticeable or pronounced; targeted for vengeance.
garbled adj. 混淆 mixed up; jumbled; distorted.
unbridled adj. 放肆的;肆虐的 violent.
brindled adj. 有条纹或斑点的 tawny or grayish with streaks or spots.
disheveled adj. 邋遢,肮脏 untidy.
dappled adj. 有斑点的 spotted.
gnarled adj. 扭曲 twisted.
mottled adj. 有斑点的;弄脏的 blotched in coloring; spotted.
resigned adj. 认命,顺从;听天由命 accepting one's fate; unresisting; patiently submissive.
ingrained adj. 牢固的;深深扎根的;深入人心的 deeply established; firmly rooted.
inclined adj. 倾向;倾向于,弯曲 tending or leaning toward; bent.
seasoned adj. 老练的 experienced.
quadruped n. 四足动物 four-footed animal.
kindred adj. 同族的,同类的;血缘的 related; belonging to the same family.
checkered adj. 多变的;像国际象棋棋盘一样的方格 marked by changes in fortune.
mannered adj. 做作的,矫饰的 affected; not natural.
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enamored adj. 爱情的;坠入爱河的 in love.

marred adj. 受损的 damaged; disfigured.
inured adj. 习惯了的,适应了的 accustomed; hardened.
biased adj. 偏见的,偏差 slanted; prejudiced.
bemused adj. 困惑的,发呆的 confused; lost in thought; preoccupied.
sophisticated adj. 世故的;复杂的 worldly-wise and urbane; complex.
variegated adj. 杂色的 many-colored.
unmitigated adj. 未缓和的;绝对的 unrelieved or immoderate; absolute.
corrugated adj. 皱的 wrinkled; ridged.
emaciated adj. 瘦弱的,脆弱的 thin and wasted.
inebriated adj. 醉的 habitually intoxicated; drunk.
striated adj. 有细条纹的 marked with parallel bands; grooved.
elated adj. 过分高兴的;兴高采烈 overjoyed; in high spirits.
belated adj. 推迟的,延期的 delayed.
inflated adj. 夸张的,虚华的,被放大的 exaggerated; pompous; enlarged (with air or gas).
calculated adj. 预先计划好的,算好的;合适的 deliberately planned; likely.
insulated adj. 分离;隔离 set apart; isolated.
animated adj. 活跃的,有生气的 lively; spirited.
bloated adj. 浮肿 swollen or puffed as with water or air.
celebrated adj. 名人 famous; well-known.
serrated adj. 锯齿状的 having a sawtoothed edge.
graduated adj. 分级;排序 arranged by degrees (of height, difficulty, etc.
antiquated adj. 过时的,陈旧的 old-fashioned; obsolete.
affected adj. 假的,做作的 artificial; pretended; assumed in order to impress.
multifaceted adj. 多面的 having many aspects.
blighted adj. 完蛋了的;生病了的 suffering from a disease; destroyed.
uninhibited adj. 放荡不羁的;不受限制的 unrepressed.
dispirited adj. 没情绪的,沮丧的 lacking in spirit.
unrequited adj. 不报答的,不回应的 not reciprocated.
stilted adj. 夸大的;充气的;虚胖的;踩高跷的 bombastic; inflated.
unwarranted adj. 莫名其妙的;没来由的;冤枉的 unjustified; groundless; undeserved.
unprecedented adj. 空前的 novel; unparalleled.
demented adj. 疯狂的 insane.
disjointed adj. 断开 disconnected.
concerted adj. 协调的 mutually agreed on; done together.
purported adj. 传说的;谣传的 alleged; claimed; reputed or rumored.
flabbergasted adj. 大吃一惊;目瞪口呆 astounded; astonished; overcome with surprise.
disinterested adj. 公允的 unprejudiced.
convoluted adj. 围绕,卷绕;费解 coiled around; involved; intricate.
muted adj. 静默的;静音的 silent; muffled; toned down.
reputed adj. 名誉好的;有名气的;名誉的 supposed.
subdued adj. 屈服的;柔和的;减弱的 less intense; quieter.
contrived adj. 做作的;牵强的 forced; artificial; not spontaneous.
hallowed adj. 神圣化的 blessed; consecrated.
hackneyed adj. 常见的;不希罕,陈腐 commonplace; trite.
upbraid v. 责备 severely scold; reprimand.
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staid adj. 沉静的;安静的 sober; sedate.

rabid adj. 狂暴的;激烈的 like a fanatic; furious.
morbid adj. 病态的,恐怖的;喜怒无常的;不成熟的 given to unwholesome thought; moody;
characteristic of disease.
turbid adj. 浑浊的;搅动了沉淀物的 muddy; having the sediment disturbed.
placid adj. 平静的 peaceful; calm.
flaccid adj. 软弱的;无活力的 flabby.
rancid adj. 油脂一样腐臭的 having the odor of stale fat.
viscid adj. 粘合的 adhesive; gluey.
lucid adj. 明晰的;聪明的 easily understood; clear; intelligible.
pellucid adj. 透明;清澈;明白的 transparent; limpid; easy to understand.
sordid adj. 肮脏;卑鄙 filthy; base; vile.
rigid adj. 刚硬的;不屈的 stiff and unyielding; strict; hard and unbending.
frigid adj. 刺骨寒 intensely cold.
turgid adj. 肿胀的 swollen; distended.
valid adj. 正当的;有效的 logically convincing; sound; legally acceptable.
pallid adj. 苍白的,惨淡的 pale; wan.
stolid adj. 乏味的;单调的;冷漠的 dull; impassive.
humid adj. 潮湿的 damp.
anthropoid adj. 类人的 manlike.
asteroid n. 小行星 small planet.
devoid adj. 缺乏的 lacking.
vapid adj. 平淡单调的;索然无味的;缺乏想象力的 dull and unimaginative; insipid and
intrepid adj. 无畏的 fearless.
tepid adj. 冷淡的;微热的 lukewarm.
insipid adj. 索然无味的;单调的 lacking in flavor; dull.
limpid adj. 清澈 clear.
arid adj. 荒芜的 dry; barren.
hybrid n. 混合的,混血的 mongrel; mixed breed.
acrid adj. 尖锐;尖酸 sharp; bitterly pungent.
florid adj. 华丽的;红润的 ruddy; reddish; flowery.
torrid adj. 有激情的;热带的 passionate; hot or scorching.
putrid adj. 恶臭的;腐烂的 foul; rotten; decayed.
lurid adj. 耸人听闻的;可怕的;惨白的;血红的 wild; sensational; graphic; gruesome.
fetid adj. 恶臭的 malodorous.
languid adj. 疲倦的,无精打采的 weary; sluggish; listless.
avid adj. 贪婪 greedy; eager for.
livid adj. 铅灰色的;青一块紫一块的;暴怒的 lead-colored; black and blue; enraged.
fervid adj. 炙热的 ardent.
piebald adj. 花斑的;斑驳的 mottled; spotted.
ribald adj. 下流的;放荡的;亵渎的 wanton; profane.
yield n. 产出;
(投资的)回报 amount produced; crop; income on investment.
yield v. 屈服;放弃 give in; surrender.
scaffold n. 脚手架;绞刑架 temporary platform for workers; bracing framework; platform for
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withhold v. 拒给;保留 refuse to give; hold back.

husband v. 节约 use sparingly; conserve; save.
offhand adj. 即时的;随意的 casual; done without prior thought.
bland adj. 温和的 soothing or mild; agreeable.
reprimand v. 谴责 reprove severely; rebuke.
countermand v. 取消;废除 cancel; revoke.
gourmand n. 老饕 epicure; person who takes excessive pleasure in food and drink.
firebrand n. 总惹麻烦的人,惹事生非者,捣乱人 hothead: troublemaker.
withstand v. 抵抗;经受住 stand up against; successfully resist.
legend n. 图例 explanatory list of symbols on a map.
apprehend v. 逮捕;惧怕;领会 arrest (a criminal); dread; perceive.
amend v. 修订,修改,变更 correct; change, generally for the better.
stipend n. 薪金;津贴 pay for services.
append v. 追加,附上 attach.
rend v. 分开;撕开 split; tear apart.
portend v. 预示 foretell; presage.
distend v. 扩大;扩张 expand; swell out.
rescind v. 取消 cancel.
vagabond n. 流浪者 wanderer; tramp.
abscond v. 隐匿,逃避,躲债 depart secretly and hide.
frond n. 棕榈叶;蕨叶 fern leaf; palm or banana leaf.
moribund adj. 垂死的 dying.
dumbfound v. 使人惊讶 astonish.
profound adj. 深刻的 deep; not superficial; complete.
compound v. 混合;组合;增加 combine; constitute; pay interest; increase.
propound v. 提出 put forth for analysis.
slipshod adj. 邋遢的;慢吞吞的;漫不经心的 untidy or slovenly; shabby.
prod v. 刺;刺激;激励 poke; stir up; urge.
bard n. (吟游)诗人 poet.
scabbard n. 剑鞘 case for a sword blade; sheath.
haggard adj. 枯槁的;憔悴的 wasted away; gaunt.
laggard adj. 缓慢的,迟缓的 slow; sluggish.
sluggard n. 懒人 lazy person.
shard n. 碎片(陶瓷的) fragment, generally of pottery.
hoard v. 储藏 stockpile; accumulate for future use.
vanguard n. 先驱;先锋 forerunners; advance forces.
haphazard adj. 随机的 random; by chance.
accord n. 一致 agreement.
discord n. 冲突的;不和谐的 conflict; lack of harmony.
ford n. 津;浅滩 place where a river can be crossed on foot.
laud v. 赞美 praise.
shroud v. 裹尸;隐藏 hide from view; wrap for burial.
lewd adj. 淫荡的,下流的,好色的;猥亵的 lustful.
shrewd adj. 精明;敏锐 clever; astute.
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minutiae n. 细节;细微之处 petty details.
imbibe v. 吸收 drink in.
gibe v. 嘲笑 mock.
ascribe v. 归因于;指派 refer; attribute; assign.
circumscribe v. 限制 limit; confine.
transcribe v. 复制 copy.
proscribe v. 禁止 ostracize; banish; outlaw.
probe v. 探测 explore with tools.
deface v. 丑化 mar; disfigure.
efface v. 抹掉 rub out.
solace n. 安慰 comfort in trouble.
grimace n. 扭曲的脸;做鬼脸 a facial distortion to show feeling such as pain, disgust, etc.
embrace v. 拥抱;接受,包含 hug; adopt or espouse; accept readily; encircle; include.
fleece v. 抢劫;诈骗 rob; plunder.
fleece n. 羊毛外套 wool coat of a sheep.
artifice n. 技巧;欺骗 deception; trickery.
chalice n. 圣餐杯 goblet; consecrated cup.
accomplice n. 共犯,同伙 partner in crime.
splice v. 绑定的;联合的 fasten together; unite.
precipice n. 悬崖;危险的位臵 cliff; dangerous position.
avarice n. 贪婪,贪财 greediness for wealth.
caprice n. 反复无常;一时幻想;奇怪的想法 sudden, unexpected fancy; whim.
entice v. 吸引;引诱 lure; attract; tempt.
novice n. 新手 beginner.
arrogance n. 傲慢,骄傲 pride; haughtiness.
mischance n. 霉运;不幸 ill luck.
enhance v. 增加;改进 increase; improve.
defiance n. 抵抗;不屈服 refusal to yield; resistance.
allegiance n. 忠诚 loyalty.
compliance n. 顺从 readiness to yield; conformity in fulfilling requirements.
askance adj. 瞄,不经意的斜视 with a sideways or indirect look.
imbalance n. 不平衡,不成比例 lack of balance or symmetry; disproportion.
nonchalance n. 冷淡 indifference; lack of concern; composure.
vigilance n. 警惕 watchfulness.
surveillance n. 监视;监督 watching; guarding.
countenance v. 忍受;接受 approve; tolerate.
countenance n. 脸 face.
sustenance n. 食物;生计 means of support, food, nourishment.
ordinance n. 法令;政令 decree.
dissonance n. 不和谐的(声音) discord.
comeuppance n. 报应 rebuke; deserts.
forbearance n. 耐心 patience.
hindrance n. 障碍物 block; obstacle.
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protuberance n. 隆起;突出;瘤 protrusion; bulge.

exuberance n. 富得流油的;精力充沛;浪费,过度 overflowing abundance; joyful enthusiasm;
flamboyance; lavishness.
entrance v. 使其着迷;使其神志恍惚 put under a spell; carry away with emotion.
remonstrance n. 抗议 protest; objection.
assurance n. 担保,保证;确定;自信 promise or pledge; certainty; self-confidence.
malfeasance n. 渎职;不法行为 wrongdoing.
reconnaissance n. 侦查 survey of enemy by soldiers; reconnoitering.
pittance n. 微薄的薪水 a small allowance or wage.
nuance n. 细微差别 shade of difference in meaning or color; subtle distinction.
grievance n. 委屈;冤情;不平 cause of complaint.
abeyance n. 悬而未决 suspended action.
conveyance n. 运输;交通工具 vehicle; transfer.
cognizance n. 认知 knowledge.
reticence n. 不动声色的;深藏不露的;沉默寡言的 reserve; uncommunicativeness; inclination to
effervescence n. 泡腾,沸腾;兴奋,活泼 inner excitement or exuberance; bubbling from fermentation
or carbonation.
reminiscence n. 怀旧;回想 recollection.
cadence n. 平仄,重音 rhythmic rise and fall (of words or sounds); beat.
decadence n. 颓废;腐坏 decay.
incidence n. 发生;发生率;影响的范围、频度;入舐角;关联,相结合,对接 rate of occurrence;
particular occurrence.
coincidence n. 巧合 two or more things occurring at the same time by chance.
impudence n. 无礼;厚颜无耻 impertinence; insolence.
jurisprudence n. 法学 science of law.
negligence n. 疏忽,没能尽力的 neglect; failure to take reasonable care.
intransigence n. 不妥协;不让步 refusal of any compromise; stubbornness.
ambience n. 环境 environment; atmosphere.
prescience n. 预示能力 ability to foretell the future.
ambivalence n. 矛盾的观点或情绪 the state of having contradictory or conflicting emotional
insolence n. 傲慢 impudent disrespect; haughtiness.
turbulence n. 湍流;骚乱;动荡 state of violent agitation.
truculence n. 野蛮;粗鲁 aggressiveness; ferocity.
opulence n. 奢华;巨富;富裕,富足 extreme wealth; luxuriousness; abundance.
abstinence n. 节制(饮食) restraint from eating or drinking.
deference n. 尊重的,尊重他人的 courteous regard for another's wish.
irreverence n. 不尊敬的 lack of proper respect.
quintessence n. 精粹;精华 purest and highest embodiment.
subsistence n. 存在;生存 existence; means of support; livelihood.
affluence n. 富足,财富 abundance; wealth.
eloquence n. 雄辩;修辞 expressiveness; persuasive speech.
evince v. 表示 show clearly.
wince v. 退缩 shrink back; flinch.
ensconce v. 安排妥当 settle comfortably.
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denounce v. 咒骂;批评 condemn; criticize.

renounce v. 放弃;断绝关系 abandon; disown; repudiate.
farce n. 闹剧;嘲笑 broad comedy; mockery.
acquiesce v. 默许 assent; agree without protesting.
coalesce v. 接合 combine; fuse.
traduce v. 诽谤;中伤 expose to slander.
induce v. 劝诱;导致,引起 persuade; bring about.
facade n. 正面的;表面的,肤浅的 front (of building); superficial or false appearance.
barricade n. 屏障;障碍物 hastily put together defensive barrier; obstacle.
cavalcade n. 队伍 procession; parade.
arcade n. 拱廊 a covered passageway, usually lined with shops.
cascade n. 小瀑布 small waterfall.
renegade n. 变节者 deserter; traitor.
accolade n. 出名的大奖 award of merit.
escapade n. 胡闹;奇怪、出格的行为 prank; flighty conduct.
abrade v. 磨损,侵蚀 wear away by friction; scrape; erode.
centigrade adj. 华氏 measure of temperature used widely in Europe.
retrograde v. 倒退的 go backwards; degenerate.
tirade n. 长篇慷慨激昂的演说 extended scolding; denunciation; harangue.
dissuade v. 劝阻;使灰心 persuade not to do; discourage.
cede v. 放弃;屈服于;投降 yield (title, territory) to; surrender formally.
accede v. 同意 agree.
antecede v. 先于 precede.
concede v. 勉强,让步,屈从 admit; yield.
impede v. 阻止;拖延 hinder; block; delay.
supersede v. 取代;推迟 cause to be set aside; replace; make obsolete.
chide v. 斥责 scold.
deride v. 打趣;取消 ridicule; make fun of.
subside v. 下沉;平息;减退 settle down; descend; grow quiet.
bode v. 预兆 foreshadow; portend.
mode n. 时尚;方式;模式 prevailing style; manner; way of doing something.
erode v. 侵蚀 eat away.
corrode v. 腐蚀 destroy by chemical action.
horde n. 拥挤 crowd.
preclude v. 消灭;杜绝 make impossible; eliminate.
delude v. 盅惑 deceive.
prelude n. 序;先驱;先导 introduction; forerunner.
allude v. 暗指 refer indirectly.
prude n. 规矩的人;正经人;故作正经的人 excessively modest person.
obtrude v. 插手,强入,冲出 push (oneself or one's ideas) forward or intrude; butt in; stick out or
intrude v. 强挤入,侵入;强加于人 trespass; enter as an uninvited person.
protrude v. 突出 stick out.
extrude v. 挤压,逼 force or push out.
quietude n. 平静;宁静 tranquility.
verisimilitude n. 逼真 appearance of truth; likelihood.
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solitude n. 独身 state of being alone; seclusion.

plenitude n. 充分,富足 abundance; completeness.
magnitude n. 巨大的,大数量级的 greatness; extent.
decrepitude n. 衰老;老耄 state of collapse caused by illness or old age.
turpitude n. 奸恶;卑鄙 depravity.
pulchritude n. 美丽;标致 beauty; comeliness.
lassitude n. 疲乏 languor; weariness.
vicissitude n. 转运 change of fortune.
beatitude n. 祝福 blessedness; state of bliss.
latitude n. 范围 freedom from narrow limitations.
platitude n. 陈词滥调 trite remark; commonplace statement.
rectitude n. 垂直;正直;公正 uprightness; moral virtue; correctness of judgment.
aptitude n. 能力,才能 fitness; talent.
certitude n. 确实 certainty.
fortitude n. 勇敢的 bravery; courage.
servitude n. 奴隶身份;苦工 slavery; compulsory labor.
exude v. 卸下,流出 discharge; give forth.
apogee n. 顶点 highest point.
devotee n. 热心的追随者 enthusiastic follower.
marquee n. 建筑物入口处的雨棚,遮蔽物 canopy above an entrance, under which one can take
shelter; rooflike shelter above a theater entrance.
chafe v. 摩擦;擦热 warm by rubbing; make sore (by rubbing).
vouchsafe v. 允许;赐予 grant; choose to give in reply; permit.
gaffe n. 失态;出丑 social blunder.
rife adj. 普遍的 abundant; current.
adage n. 格言,谚语 wise saying; proverb.
lineage n. 血统 descent; ancestry.
engage v. 吸引;雇佣;答应;结合;订婚 attract; hire; pledge oneself; confront.
disengage v. 脱离;分离 uncouple; separate; disconnect.
verbiage n. 空话;大话 pompous array of words.
foliage n. 树叶 masses of leaves.
tutelage n. 监护 guardianship; training.
camouflage v. 伪装 disguise; conceal.
pillage v. 掠夺 plunder.
collage n. 拼贴画 work of art put together from fragments.
rummage v. 到处翻寻 ransack; thoroughly search.
homage n. 敬意 honor; tribute.
plumage n. 鸟类的羽毛 feathers of a bird.
badinage n. 开玩笑,揶揄;取消 teasing conversation.
espionage n. 间谍行为 spying.
carnage n. 残杀;大屠杀 destruction of life.
disparage v. 忽略,轻视 belittle.
mirage n. 曲解;海市蜃楼;虚影 unreal reflection; optical illusion.
barrage n. 弹幕,火力网 barrier laid down by artillery fire.
entourage n. 随从,随行人员 group of attendants; retinue.
sage n. 智者;圣人 person celebrated for wisdom.
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presage v. 预示 foretell.
hermitage n. 隐居的居所 home of a hermit.
vantage n. 优势 position giving an advantage.
montage n. 蒙太奇 photographic composition combining elements from different sources.
assuage v. 减轻(痛苦)
;安慰 ease or lessen (pain); satisfy (hunger); soothe (anger).
salvage v. 补救;抢救;打捞;营救 rescue from loss.
acknowledge v. 认可,承认 recognize; admit.
abridge v. 删节,节选 condense or shorten.
dislodge v. 强制移除 remove (forcibly).
hodgepodge n. 大杂烩 jumble; mixture of ill-suited elements.
begrudge v. 愤恨;嫉妒 resent.
besiege v. 围攻 surround with armed forces; harass (with requests).
allege v. 断言 state without proof.
renege v. 食言;反悔;否认;翻供 deny; go back on.
protege n. 被保护人 person receiving protection and support from a patron.
prestige n. 声望;威信 impression produced by achievements or reputation.
vestige n. 遗迹;痕迹;残留物 trace; remains.
divulge v. 揭开,暴露 reveal.
avenge v. 复仇 take vengeance for something (or on behalf of someone).
scavenge v. 腐食;打扫 hunt through discarded materials for usable items; search, especially for
impinge v. 撞击;碰撞 infringe; touch;.
lunge v. 突进,刺,冲 quick forward dive or reach; thrust.
expunge v. 取消,去除,排除 cancel; remove.
verge n. 边界 border; edge.
diverge v. 多样的;各异的 vary; go in different directions from the same point.
converge v. 聚合;接近 approach; tend to meet; come together.
gorge n. 峡谷 small, steep-walled canyon.
gorge v. 狼吞虎咽 stuff oneself.
disgorge v. 吐出,涌出,呕吐 surrender something; eject; vomit.
scourge n. 鞭笞;蹂躏 lash; whip; severe punishment.
purge v. 净化;清除;拉肚子 remove or get rid of something unwanted; free from blame or
guilt; cleanse or purify.
resurge v. 复活 rise again; flow to and fro.
subterfuge n. 借口;托辞 pretense; evasion.
deluge n. 冲(水)(刺) flood; rush.
gouge v. 挖出;撕下 tear out.
cache n. 藏身之处 hiding place.
panache n. 华丽 flair; flamboyance.
cliche n. 陈词滥调 phrase dulled in meaning by repetition.
pastiche n. 摹写;模仿 imitation of another's style in musical composition or in writing.
avalanche n. 雪崩 great mass of falling snow and ice.
gauche adj. 粗笨的,粗糙的 clumsy; coarse and uncouth.
psyche n. 灵魂 soul; mind.
catastrophe n. 灾难 calamity; disaster.
sheathe v. 插入鞘 place into a case.
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loathe v. 厌恶;增武 detest.

swathe v. 包装物;绷带 wrap around; bandage.
seethe v. 扰乱的;沸腾 be disturbed; boil.
lithe adj. 柔软的 flexible; supple.
blithe adj. 欢乐,高兴 gay; joyous; heedless.
writhe v. 翻腾 twist in coils; contort in pain.
belie v. 掩饰,造成假象;矛盾 contradict; give a false impression.
stymie v. 从中作梗;桩子;障碍物 present an obstacle; stump.
aerie n. 猛禽的窝 nest of a large bird of prey (eagle, hawk).
camaraderie n. 友情 good-fellowship.
eerie adj. 怪异的 weird.
menagerie n. 动物园 collection of wild animals.
coterie n. 同行,圈内人 group that meets socially; select circle.
reverie n. 冥想;发呆;白日梦 daydream; musing.
vie v. 竞争 contend; compete.
slake v. 结束;平息;消除;伺候舒服 quench; sate.
forsake v. 放弃 desert; abandon; renounce.
wake n. 尾迹;痕迹 trail of ship or other object through water; path of something that has
gone before.
sphinx-like adj. 谜的 enigmatic; mysterious.
stoke v. 填饱;司炉 stir up a fire; feed plentifully.
revoke v. 撤回;取消 cancel; retract.
invoke v. 恳请,借助于,找来,调用 call upon; ask for.
convoke v. 召集 call together.
provoke v. 激怒;惹;煽动;挑起 stir to anger; cause retaliation.
yoke v. 结合;连接 join together, unite.
rebuke v. 严厉批评;猛烈的训斥 scold harshly; criticize severely.
fluke n. 意外;小概率事件 unlikely occurrence; stroke of fortune.
scale v. 爬升;升高 climb up; ascend.
gale n. 大风;一阵感情的爆发 windstorm; gust of wind; emotional outburst (laughter, tears).
regale v. 取悦,娱乐,享受 entertain.
finale n. 结论,结尾,结局 conclusion.
rationale n. 基础科学;基本原理 fundamental reason or justification; grounds for an action.
impale v. 刺穿 pierce.
imperturbable adj. 沉着冷静;平静 calm; placid; composed.
implacable adj. 不能平静的 incapable of being pacified.
impeccable adj. 没有缺点 faultless.
amicable adj. 温和的,友好礼貌的 politely friendly; not quarrelsome.
practicable adj. 可行的 feasible.
irrevocable adj. 不能取消的;不能变更的 unalterable; irreversible.
formidable adj. 威胁的,险恶的 menacing; threatening.
malleable adj. 有延展性的;可锻的 capable of being shaped by pounding; impressionable.
permeable adj. 可渗透的,可学习的 penetrable; porous; allowing liquids or gas to pass through.
impermeable adj. 不能渗透的 impervious; not permitting passage through its substance.
affable adj. 平易近人的 easily approachable; warmly friendly.
ineffable adj. 不可言喻的,无法用语言表达的;不能说的,避讳的 unutterable; cannot be expressed
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in speech.
indefatigable adj. 疲倦 tireless.
navigable adj. 可以通航的 wide and deep enough to allow ships to pass through; able to be steered.
unimpeachable adj. 无懈可击的 blameless and exemplary.
irreproachable adj. 无可指责的;没有缺点的 blameless; impeccable.
remediable adj. 可挽回的 reparable.
irremediable adj. 不能挽回的;不能治愈的 incurable; uncorrectable.
pliable adj. 圆滑的;柔韧的;易弯曲的 flexible; yielding; adaptable.
amiable adj. 可爱的,友好的,惬意的 agreeable; lovable; warmly friendly.
insatiable adj. 不容易伺候的;贪婪的 not easily satisfied; unquenchable; greedy.
viable adj. 能养活的;可行的 practical or workable; capable of maintaining life.
unassailable adj. 攻不破的 not subject to question; not open to attack.
irreconcilable adj. 不相容的;矛盾的 incompatible; not able to be resolved.
inviolable adj. 无敌的;神圣不可亵渎的 secure from corruption, attack, or violation; unassailable.
unfathomable adj. 不可理解的;不能渗透的 incomprehensible; impenetrable.
inalienable adj. 无可取代的;不能给与的 not to be taken away; nontransferable.
amenable adj. 有服从义务的,随时服从的 readily managed; willing to be led.
untenable adj. 防不住的;防不胜防的;站不住的 indefensible; not able to be maintained.
impregnable adj. 不受影响的;无敌的 invulnerable.
abominable adj. 可恶的,非常糟糕 detestable; extremely unpleasant; very bad.
interminable adj. 无尽的 endless.
unconscionable adj. 不合理的;不道德的;过度的 unscrupulous; excessive.
exceptionable adj. 不可的,可反对的 objectionable.
personable adj. 有吸引力的 attractive.
palpable adj. 易于领会的;明显的 tangible; easily perceptible; unmistakable.
impalpable adj. 难以明了,难以觉察的 imperceptible; intangible.
arable adj. 可耕种的 fit for growing crops.
parable n. 寓言 short, simple story teaching a moral.
reparable adj. 可修复的 capable of being repaired.
irreparable adj. 不能弥补的,不能修复的;无可挽救的 not able to be corrected or repaired.
comparable adj. 相似的 similar.
execrable adj. 非常糟糕的 very bad.
venerable adj. 庄严的;值得尊重的 deserving high respect.
vulnerable adj. 易受攻击的 susceptible to wounds.
invulnerable adj. 无懈可击的 incapable of injury.
insuperable adj. 不可战胜的,不能克服的 insurmountable; unbeatable.
inexorable adj. 无情的;残酷的 relentless; unyielding; implacable.
impenetrable adj. 难以进入的;难以渗透的;不可理解的 not able to be pierced or entered; beyond
impassable adj. 无路可通的;没法通行 not able to be traveled or crossed.
table v. 搁臵 set aside a resolution or proposal for future consideration.
palatable adj. 可接受的;美味的 agreeable; pleasing to the taste.
unpalatable adj. 厌恶的;不好吃的;味道糟糕的 distasteful; disagreeable.
redoubtable adj. 可怕的 formidable; causing fear.
tractable adj. 驯良的;温顺的;易处理的 docile; easily managed.
intractable adj. 难以处理的 unruly; stubborn; unyielding.
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delectable adj. 使人愉快的 delightful; delicious.

indubitable adj. 不容臵疑的;无疑的 unable to be doubted; unquestionable.
illimitable adj. 无限 infinite.
inimitable adj. 独一无二的,独特的;防伪的,难以模仿的 matchless; not able to be imitated.
indomitable adj. 不屈服的;不可被征服的 unconquerable; unyielding.
equitable adj. 公平的,公允的 fair; impartial.
inevitable adj. 不可避免地 unavoidable.
unaccountable adj. 无责任的;无法解释的 inexplicable; unreasonable or mysterious.
insurmountable adj. 不能克服的,不能超越的 overwhelming; unbeatable; insuperable.
notable adj. 显著的;值得注意的 conspicuous; important; distinguished.
potable adj. 可饮用的 suitable for drinking.
irrefutable adj. 不可否认的;不能驳倒的 indisputable; incontrovertible; undeniable.
immutable adj. 不可动摇的,不能改变的 unchangeable.
reputable adj. 著名的;令人尊敬的 respectable.
indisputable adj. 没有争论余地;非常清楚的 too certain to be disputed.
inscrutable adj. 不可渗透的;不可理解的,谜 impenetrable; not readily understood; mysterious.
equable adj. 平静的,均衡的,稳定的 tranquil; steady; uniform.
irretrievable adj. 不能复原的;不能挽回的 impossible to recover or regain; irreparable.
babble v. 嘟囔 chatter idly.
dabble v. 涉猎,尝试;溅 work at in a non-serious fashion; splash around.
squabble n. 争吵 minor quarrel; bickering.
quibble n. 遁词;狡辩;支吾;吹毛求疵 minor objection or complaint.
rubble n. 碎片 broken fragments.
invincible adj. 无敌的 unconquerable.
irascible adj. 易怒的;暴躁的 irritable; easily angered.
deducible adj. 可推导的,可推论的 derived by reasoning.
negligible adj. 可忽略不计的 so small, trifling, or unimportant that it may be easily disregarded.
incorrigible adj. 不可救药 not correctable.
tangible adj. 可触摸的;真实的 able to be touched; real; palpable.
intangible adj. 难以明了的,无形的;暧昧的,模糊的 not able to be perceived by touch; vague.
indelible adj. 去不掉的;不可磨灭的 not able to be erased.
fallible adj. 容易犯错的 liable to err.
infallible adj. 一贯正确的 unerring.
gullible adj. 易受骗的 easily deceived.
foible n. 缺点;弱点 weakness; slight fault.
feasible adj. 可行的 practical.
reprehensible adj. 应该谴责的 deserving blame.
insensible adj. 迟钝的;硬心肠的 unconscious; unresponsive.
ostensible adj. 显然的;虚假的 apparent; professed; pretended.
accessible adj. 可得到的 easy to approach; obtainable.
irrepressible adj. 压不住的,抑制不住的 unable to be restrained or held back.
plausible adj. 似是而非的 having a show of truth but open to doubt; specious.
implausible adj. 难以臵信的;不像是真的 unlikely; unbelievable.
compatible adj. 和谐的 harmonious; in harmony with.
incompatible adj. 不和谐;不兼容 inharmonious.
imperceptible adj. 察觉不到的 unnoticeable; undetectable.
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susceptible adj. 易受影响的;易感动的;易患病的 impressionable; easily influenced; having little

resistance, as to a disease; receptive to.
incontrovertible adj. 无疑的,无可争议的 indisputable; not open to question.
combustible adj. 易燃的 easily burned.
amble n. 漫步,缓行 moving at an easy pace.
preamble n. 导言;介绍词 introductory statement.
ramble v. 游荡;漫无目的游荡 wander aimlessly (physically or mentally).
ensemble n. 全体;歌舞团;套装 group of (supporting) players; organic unity; costume.
dissemble v. 伪装,做作,掩饰 disguise; pretend.
ignoble adj. 不高贵的;不光彩的 of lowly origin; unworthy.
warble v. 颤声轻唱;鸟鸣 sing; babble.
bauble n. 小玩意儿 trinket; trifle.
soluble adj. 可溶解的;可解决的 able to be dissolved; able to be explained.
indissoluble adj. 不能分解的;永久的 permanent.
voluble adj. 口齿伶俐的;爱说话的 fluent; glib; talkative.
debacle n. 崩溃 sudden downfall; complete disaster.
pinnacle n. 顶尖;顶点 peak.
chronicle v. 编年史 report; record (in chronological order).
addle v. 使变疯,腐坏 muddle; drive crazy; become rotten.
riddle v. 刺出无数窟窿,打排孔;充斥,弥漫;通过粗眼筛子过滤;谜语;解决,解释;
提出,解谜 pierce with holes; permeate or spread throughout.
coddle v. 娇养,溺爱 to treat gently.
befuddle v. 迷惑 confuse thoroughly.
muddle v. 迷惑的;搞乱了的,混淆了的 confuse; mix up.
wheedle v. 哄骗;诱骗 cajole; coax; deceive by flattery.
kindle v. 点燃,照亮,激起 start a fire; inspire.
dwindle v. 缩水;减少 shrink; reduce.
doodle v. 涂鸦;浪费时间 scribble or draw aimlessly; waste time.
dawdle v. 游手好闲;混日子 loiter; waste time.
clientele n. 常客 body of customers.
baffle v. 挫败 frustrate; perplex.
waffle v. 闲聊;胡扯 speak equivocally about an issue.
scuffle v. 徘徊(思考问题);混战 struggle confusedly; move off in a confused hurry.
stifle v. 使窒息;扑灭 suppress; extinguish; inhibit.
haggle v. 讨价还价 argue about prices.
bedraggle v. 邋遢的;湿的 wet thoroughly; stain with mud.
spangle n. 衣服上亮晶晶的小金属饰件 small metallic piece sewn to clothing for
bungle v. 搞砸 mismanage; blunder.
ogle v. 抛媚眼;送秋波 look at amorously; make eyes at.
mobile adj. 移动的 movable; not fixed.
facile adj. 充足的;容易完成的;肤浅的 easily accomplished; ready or fluent; superficial.
domicile n. 家 home.
reconcile v. 抛弃前嫌;不打不相识;结为好友;化解冲突 correct inconsistencies; become
friendly after a quarrel.
docile adj. 驯服的,听话的;善良的 obedient; easily managed.
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defile v. 污染;亵渎 pollute; profane.

simile n. 明喻;比较 comparison of one thing with another, using the word like or as.
facsimile n. 复制品 copy.
compile v. 聚集,积累,汇集 assemble; gather; accumulate.
rile v. 激怒 vex; irritate; muddy.
puerile adj. 幼稚的,孩子气的 childish.
virile adj. 男子的;男子气概的 manly.
prehensile adj. 可以得到的;可以抓住的 capable of grasping or holding.
tensile adj. 可伸展的;可拉长的 capable of being stretched.
missile n. 投掷物 object to be thrown or projected.
volatile adj. 挥发的;飞行的;可变的;爆炸的 changeable; explosive; evaporating rapidly.
versatile adj. 万能的;通用的;多面手的 having many talents; capable of working in many fields.
tactile adj. 触觉的 pertaining to the organs or sense of touch.
projectile n. 发舐;导弹 missile.
ductile adj. 柔软的,有韧性 malleable; flexible; pliable.
infantile adj. 婴儿的,幼稚的 childish.
futile adj. 没出息;无望,没效果的 useless; hopeless; ineffectual.
guile n. 奸诈狡猾;诡计 deceit; duplicity; wiliness; cunning.
beguile v. 欺骗,骗住;消磨时间 mislead or delude; pass time.
revile v. 辱骂,谩骂,诽谤 attack with abusive language; vilify.
servile adj. 奴隶的;奴性的 slavish; cringing.
shackle v. 手铐;枷锁;脚镣 chain; fetter.
ramshackle adj. 摇摆的;摇摇欲坠的 rickety; falling apart.
fickle adj. 变化无常的;薄情的 changeable; faithless.
rankle v. 激怒;溃烂;化脓 irritate; fester.
hyperbole n. 夸张 exaggeration; overstatement.
aureole n. 日冕 sun's corona; halo.
cajole v. 哄骗,勾引 coax; wheedle.
ample adj. 丰富的,富足的 abundant.
grapple v. 格斗,摔跤 wrestle; come to grips with.
supple adj. 柔顺的;顺从的;柔韧的 flexible; pliant.
scruple v. 踌躇;忧郁 fret about; hesitate, for ethical reasons.
title n. 名字;等级;拥有权 right or claim to possession; mark of rank; name (of a book, film,
dismantle v. 拆除 take apart.
disgruntle v. 使郁闷 make discontented.
chortle v. 得意的笑 chuckle with delight.
hurtle v. 冲击;碰撞;急冲 crash; rush.
jostle v. 推,挤;撞 shove; bump.
bustle v. 喧嚣,繁忙,熙熙攘攘 move about energetically; teem.
prattle v. 闲聊;胡说;废话;唠叨 babble.
mettle n. 勇气;精神 courage; spirit.
nettle v. 烦恼;激怒;荨麻 annoy; vex.
whittle v. 切;削;损害 pare; cut off bits.
belittle v. 蔑视,使渺小 disparage or depreciate; put down.
brittle adj. 易碎的;困难的 easily broken; difficult.
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scuttle v. 沉没 sink.
scuttle v. 迈着碎步轻快的走 scurry; run with short, rapid steps.
molecule n. 分子 the smallest particle (one or more atoms) of a substance, having all the properties
of that substance.
minuscule adj. 极小的 extremely small.
defame v. 丑化;诽谤 harm someone's reputation; malign; slander.
acme n. 顶点 top; pinnacle.
regime n. 政体 method or system of government.
sublime adj. 庄严的;崇高的;壮观的 exalted or noble and uplifting; utter.
clime n. 地域;气候 region; climate.
pantomime n. 演哑剧 acting without dialogue.
maritime adj. 海事的,海运的,海上的 bordering on the sea; nautical.
gnome n. 地精;小矮人;土地公公 dwarf; underground spirit.
frolicsome adj. 闹着玩的;嬉戏的 prankish; gay.
meddlesome adj. 爱管闲事的;好事的;好插手的 interfering.
venturesome adj. 冒险的 bold.
gruesome adj. 可怕的 grisly; horrible.
noisome adj. 有害的,有毒的;恶臭的 foul-smelling; unwholesome.
irksome adj. 令人厌恶的;冗长乏味的 annoying; tedious.
fulsome adj. 过分的 disgustingly excessive.
winsome adj. 迷人的 agreeable; gracious; engaging.
cumbersome adj. 粗笨的;累赘 heavy; hard to manage.
tome n. 册;卷 large volume.
epitome n. 典型,摘要 perfect example or embodiment.
exhume v. 出土,发掘 dig out of the ground; remove from the grave.
bane n. 祸根 cause of ruin; curse.
urbane adj. 文雅的;高雅的;彬彬有礼的 suave; refined; elegant.
arcane adj. 秘密;谜 secret; mysterious; known only to the initiated.
mundane adj. 世俗的;日常的 worldly as opposed to spiritual; everyday.
profane v. 亵渎 violate; desecrate; treat unworthily.
germane adj. 密切相关 pertinent; bearing upon the case at hand.
humane adj. 仁慈 marked by kindness or consideration.
inane adj. 傻;粗心 silly; senseless.
membrane n. (动植物的)膜,薄膜 thin soft sheet of animal or vegetable tissue.
wane v. 减少;变弱 decrease in size or strength; draw gradually to an end.
convene v. 召集,集合 assemble.
intervene v. 干预;干涉 come between.
incline n. 倾斜,斜面 slope; slant.
beeline n. 直线 direct, quick route.
aquiline adj. 弯曲的,钩状的 curved, hooked.
undermine v. 破坏 weaken; sap.
predetermine v. 预定;预先确定 predestine; settle or decide beforehand; influence markedly.
canine adj. 狗的 related to dogs; dog-like.
asinine adj. 愚蠢 stupid.
saturnine adj. 阴郁的 gloomy.
pine v. 消瘦,憔悴;渴望;松树 languish, decline; long for, yearn.
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saccharine adj. 糖精的;代糖的;极甜的 cloyingly sweet.

doctrine n. 教育;学说 teachings, in general; particular principle (religious, legal, etc.
figurine n. 小雕像 small ornamental statuette.
quarantine n. 隔离 isolation of person or ship to prevent spread of infection.
clandestine adj. 秘密 secret.
philistine n. 俗气的人,无教养的人;心胸狭窄的人 narrow-minded person, uncultured and
exclusively interested in material gain.
pristine adj. 史前的;质朴的 characteristic of earlier times; primitive; unspoiled.
sanguine adj. 高兴的;有希望的;乐天的 cheerful; hopeful.
equine adj. 似马的 resembling a horse.
divine v. 运用直觉,超能力;预见 perceive intuitively; foresee the future.
bovine adj. 牛的;迟钝的;耐心的 cowlike; placid and dull.
hone v. 磨尖 sharpen.
drone v. 嗡嗡声;语气呆板的声音 talk dully; buzz or murmur like a bee.
drone n. 闲人;雄蜂 idle person; male bee.
prone adj. 倾向于 inclined to; prostrate.
atone v. 补偿;偿还 make amends for; pay for.
touchstone n. 试金石;准绳;标准;尺度 stone used to test the fineness of gold alloys; criterion.
immune adj. 免疫;抵抗 resistant to; free or exempt from.
prune v. 切掉;修剪 cut away; trim.
importune v. 强求;不停的求 beg persistently.
opportune adj. 世纪恰巧的;刚好的 timely; well-chosen.
inopportune adj. 不合时宜的 untimely; poorly chosen.
floe n. 浮殡冰块;大浮冰 mass of floating ice.
woe n. 悲哀的 deep, inconsolable grief; affliction; suffering.
ape v. 模仿 imitate or mimic.
gape v. 张着嘴呆看;裂缝 open widely; stare open-mouthed.
kaleidoscope n. 万花筒 tube in which patterns made by the reflection in mirrors of colored pieces of
glass, etc.
lope v. 慢跑 gallop slowly.
misanthrope n. 厌恶人类的人;憎人者 one who hates mankind.
dupe n. 易被开涮的人 someone easily fooled.
archetype n. 原形 prototype; primitive pattern.
stereotype n. 老套;一成不变;铅版 fixed and unvarying representation; standardized mental
picture, often reflecting prejudice.
prototype n. 原型 original work used as a model by others.
threadbare adj. 褴褛的;破烂不堪的 worn through till the threads show; shabby and poor.
fanfare n. 号角声 call by bugles or trumpets.
blare n. 大声喊叫,令人眩晕的强光 loud, harsh roar or screech; dazzling blaze of light.
mediocre adj. 普通的,一般的 ordinary; commonplace.
adhere v. 黏着 stick fast.
cohere v. 粘住的 stick together.
austere adj. 严厉的;朴素的 forbiddingly stern; severely simple and unornamented.
ire n. 怒气 anger.
doctrinaire adj. 教条的;顽固的 unable to compromise about points of doctrine; dogmatic; unyielding.
mire v. 陷入(泥塘);麻烦缠身 entangle; stick in swampy ground.
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quagmire n. 沼泽;湿地 soft wet boggy land; complex or dangerous situation from which it is
difficult to free oneself.
repertoire n. 节目表;保留节目 list of works of music, drama, etc.
vampire n. 吸血鬼 ghostly being that sucks the blood of the living.
aspire v. 热望;热心于 seek to attain; long for.
satire n. 讽刺的 form of literature in which irony, sarcasm, and ridicule are employed to attack
vice and folly.
acquire v. 获取 obtain; get.
genre n. 风格(文学、艺术) particular variety of art or literature.
underscore v. 强调 emphasize.
deplore v. 悔恨 regret; disapprove of.
implore v. 恳求 beg.
pore v. 沉思;考察;深思熟虑;小孔,细口 study industriously; ponder; scrutinize.
yore n. 往昔 time past.
bizarre adj. 怪异的 fantastic; violently contrasting.
accoutre v. 装备 equip.
sinecure n. 闲职,报纸茶水的工作 well-paid position with little responsibility.
epicure n. 老饕;享乐主义者 connoisseur of food and drink.
obscure v. 使模糊;使暗淡 darken; make unclear.
obscure adj. 模糊的,不明了的,暗淡的 dark; vague; unclear.
coiffure n. 发型 hairstyle.
disfigure v. 诬陷,抹黑,诽谤 mar in beauty; spoil.
brochure n. 小册子 pamphlet.
abjure v. 发誓放弃 renounce upon oath.
allure v. 诱惑,引诱 entice; attract.
demure adj. 端庄的;认真的;腼腆的 grave; serious; coy.
tenure n. 任期; (土地的)使用年限 holding of an office; time during which such an office is
censure v. 责怪;批评 blame; criticize.
cynosure n. 广受注意的目标 the object of general attention.
composure n. 镇定,沉着 mental calmness.
discomposure n. 心乱;不安 agitation; loss of poise.
exposure n. 曝光, 揭露;暴露 (于疾病、恶劣的环境等)的状态 risk, particularly of being exposed
to disease or to the elements; unmasking; act of laying something open.
fissure n. 裂缝;分歧 crevice.
caricature n. 歪曲;漫画;讽刺画 distortion; burlesque.
nomenclature n. 命名法;术语学 terminology; system of names.
stricture n. 责难;非难;限制 restriction; adverse criticism.
juncture n. 危机,转折点;关键点 crisis; joining point.
expenditure n. 支出,花费 payment or expense; output.
indenture v. 契约 bind as servant or apprentice to master.
enrapture v. 使其狂喜 please intensely.
aperture n. 洞,穴,孔 opening; hole.
nurture v. 养育;教育 nourish; educate; foster.
suture n. 缝合;缝合处 stitches sewn to hold the cut edges of a wound or incision; material used
in sewing.
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azure adj. 天蓝 sky blue.

abase v. 降低,羞辱 lower; humiliate.
debase v. 贬低,降低 reduce in quality or value; lower in esteem; degrade.
appease v. 平静,安抚 pacify or soothe; relieve.
purchase n. 赢得;换得;努力争取得;购买 firm grasp or footing.
blase adj. 厌于享乐 bored with pleasure or dissipation.
paraphrase v. 解释;批注;注释 restate a passage in one's own words while retaining thought of
obese adj. 肥胖的 fat.
malaise n. 不适,欠佳 uneasiness; vague feeling of ill health.
appraise v. 估价 estimate value of.
precise adj. 精确的 exact.
concise adj. 简练 brief and compact.
exorcise v. 驱邪 drive out evil spirits.
excise v. 去除 cut away; cut out.
franchise n. 公民权;营业执照 right granted by authority; right to vote; business licensed to sell a
product in a particular territory.
enfranchise v. 赋予公民权(投票权) to admit to the rights of citizenship (especially the right to
disenfranchise v. 剥夺(公民权) deprive of a civil right.
demise n. 死 death.
premise n. 假定,假设;前提 assumption; postulate.
compromise v. 危害;妥协 adjust or settle by making mutual concessions; endanger the interests or
reputation of.
surmise v. 猜测 guess.
despise v. look on with scorn; regard as worthless or distasteful.
reprise n. 年金;重奏;重复的行动 musical repetition; repeat performance; recurrent action.
comprise v. 包括 include; consist of.
apprise v. 告诉 inform.
treatise n. 论文 article treating a subject systematically and thoroughly.
expertise n. 专业知识,技能 specialized knowledge; expert skill.
chastise v. 惩罚 punish.
guise n. 外观;装束 appearance; costume.
vise n. 老虎钳 tool for holding work in place.
devise v. 设计;发明 think up; invent; plan.
improvise v. 临时准备;即席创作,现编 compose on the spur of the moment.
incense v. 激怒 enrage; infuriate.
verbose adj. 冗长的 wordy.
bellicose adj. 好斗的,好战的 warlike.
jocose adj. 诙谐的 given to joking.
grandiose adj. 自命不凡;堂皇;夸张的 pretentious; high-flown; ridiculously exaggerated; impressive.
lachrymose adj. 爱哭的 producing tears.
depose v. 革职 dethrone; remove from office.
superimpose v. 添加 place over something else.
predispose v. 预先安排,使其偏向于 give an inclination toward; make susceptible to.
morose adj. 郁闷的;乖僻的 ill-humored; sullen; melancholy.
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comatose adj. 昏迷;熟睡 a coma; extremely sleepy.

eclipse v. 超越;衰落;失色 darken; extinguish; surpass.
sparse adj. 稀少的;稀疏的 not thick; thinly scattered; scanty.
disperse v. 散开 scatter.
terse adj. 简洁;扼要的 concise; abrupt; pithy.
averse adj. 反对的 reluctant; disinclined.
traverse v. 穿过 go through or across.
adverse adj. 讨厌,敌意 unfavorable; hostile.
diverse adj. 丰富多样的 differing in some characteristics; various.
inverse adj. 倒转的 opposite.
converse v. 聊天 chat; talk informally.
converse n. 相反的 opposite.
perverse adj. 不正当的,邪恶的,做作的;硬脖子的 stubbornly wrongheaded; wicked and
endorse v. 认可,默许;支持 approve; support.
remorse n. 懊悔,自责 guilt; self-reproach.
reimburse v. 偿还 repay.
recourse n. 求助;求援 resorting to help when in trouble.
discourse n. 演讲;谈话 formal discussion; conversation.
purse v. 折叠;褶皱;钱包;手提包(女式) pucker; contract into wrinkles.
impasse n. 走投无路;僵局 predicament from which there is no escape; deadlock.
finesse n. 精密的技巧 delicate skill.
defuse v. 拆弹;化解(危机) remove the fuse of a bomb; reduce or eliminate a threat.
recluse n. 隐遁者;寂寞者 hermit; loner.
muse v. 沉思 ponder.
douse v. 浸泡;弄湿;弄灭 plunge into water; drench; extinguish.
espouse v. 接受,支持 adopt; support.
grouse v. 发牢骚 complain; fuss.
ruse n. 技巧;策略,计谋 trick; stratagem.
peruse v. 细读 read with care.
abstruse adj. 难以理解的,复杂的 obscure; profound; difficult to understand.
obtuse adj. 钝的,迟钝的;愚蠢的 blunt; stupid.
browse v. 吃草;浏览 graze; skim or glance at casually.
bate v. 限制;抑制 let down; restrain.
abate v. 减弱,减少 subside; decrease, lessen.
celibate adj. 未婚的,独身的 unmarried; abstaining from sexual intercourse.
reprobate n. 有重罪的人;道德败坏的人,无耻的人 person hardened in sin, devoid of a sense of
exacerbate v. 恶化,加剧 worsen; embitter.
incubate v. 孵卵 hatch; scheme.
placate v. 安抚 pacify; conciliate.
desiccate v. 弄干 dry up.
deprecate v. 抗议;蔑视 express disapproval of; protest against; belittle.
abdicate v. 放弃 renounce; give up.
vindicate v. 辩护;维护 clear from blame; exonerate; justify or support.
replicate v. 复制 reproduce; duplicate.
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implicate v. 牵连,牵扯(犯罪)
;暗示 incriminate; show to be involved.
supplicate v. 恳求;祈祷 petition humbly; pray to grant a favor.
explicate v. 解释,澄清 explain; interpret; clarify.
prevaricate v. 撒谎;支吾,搪塞;糊弄 lie.
fabricate v. 制造;编造(谎言) build; lie.
intricate adj. 复杂的;错综的 complex; knotty; tangled.
extricate v. 解脱,放出,释放 free; disentangle.
authenticate v. 鉴别 prove genuine.
inculcate v. 谆谆教导 teach; instill.
truncate v. 截去尖端 cut the top off.
allocate v. 分配,制定 assign.
reciprocate v. 互给;呼唤;酬答 repay in kind.
advocate v. 辩护 urge; plead for.
equivocate v. 撒谎;误导 lie; mislead; attempt to conceal the truth.
obfuscate v. 迷惑,困惑;增加不必要的复杂性 confuse; muddle; cause confusion; make
needlessly complex.
sedate adj. 安静的;稳重的;低沉的 composed; grave.
elucidate v. 解释;启迪 explain; enlighten.
validate v. 批准;确认 confirm; ratify.
invalidate v. 摧毁;使无效;弱化 weaken; destroy.
intimidate v. 使害怕 frighten.
liquidate v. 清算 settle accounts; clearup.
mandate n. 委任;命令 order; charge.
inundate v. 淹没;吞并 overwhelm; flood; submerge.
accommodate v. 招待,食宿,适应 oblige or help someone; adjust or bring into harmony; adapt.
permeate v. 传播;流传 pass through; spread.
delineate v. 描绘;描述 portray; depict; sketch.
nauseate v. 令人作呕的 cause to become sick; fill with disgust.
propagate v. 迅速增长,传播,扩散 multiply; spread.
relegate v. 指派;下放;贬 banish to an inferior position; delegate; assign.
negate v. 拒绝,否定,取消 cancel out; nullify; deny.
aggregate v. 收集,聚集 gather; accumulate.
profligate adj. 放荡的;放肆的;不检点的 dissipated; wasteful; wildly immoral.
mitigate v. 减轻;减缓;中和 appease; moderate.
castigate v. 严厉批评;惩罚 criticize severely; punish.
instigate v. 驱使;激励,鼓动 urge; start; provoke.
promulgate v. 发布;公布 proclaim a doctrine or law; make known by official publication.
abrogate adj. 废除 abolish.
interrogate v. 审问;讯问 question closely; cross-examine.
surrogate n. 代理;代替 substitute.
expurgate v. 清除,净化 clean; remove offensive parts of a book.
subjugate v. 征服 conquer; bring under control.
depreciate v. 折旧 lessen in value.
appreciate v. 感激;增值;赏识 be thankful for; increase in worth; be thoroughly conscious of.
enunciate v. 阐明 speak distinctly.
mediate v. 调解;仲裁 settle a dispute through the services of an outsider.
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repudiate v. 批判 disown; disavow.

palliate v. 减轻 lessen the violence of (a disease); alleviate; moderate intensity; gloss over with
defoliate v. 落叶 destroy leaves.
opiate n. 鸦片剂;安眠的,止痛的 medicine to induce sleep or deaden pain; something that
relieves emotions or causes inaction.
expiate v. 赎罪 make amends for (a sin).
excoriate v. 责难,挖苦,批判;揭露 scold with biting harshness; strip the skin off.
appropriate v. 获得;挪用,据为己有 acquire; take possession of for one's own use.
expropriate v. 没收,剥夺,征用 take possession of.
expatriate n. 放逐;被放逐者 exile; someone who has withdrawn from his native land.
infuriate v. 激怒,热火 enrage; anger.
ingratiate v. 迎合,讨好;流行开来 become popular with.
satiate v. 完全满足 satisfy fully.
initiate v. 开始,发源 begin; originate; receive into a group.
propitiate v. 劝解;平静;安抚 appease.
substantiate v. 证实;验证 establish by evidence; verify; support.
obviate v. 消除;排除;避免 make unnecessary; get rid of.
deviate v. 背离 turn away from (a principle, norm); depart; diverge.
alleviate v. 解脱,释放,释然 relieve.
abbreviate v. 减短,缩写 shorten.
prelate n. 高级教士 church dignitary.
annihilate v. 毁灭,破坏 destroy.
assimilate v. 吸收;同化 absorb; cause to become homogeneous.
oscillate v. 振荡 vibrate pendulumlike; waver.
scintillate v. 迸出火花;发出闪烁 sparkle; flash.
collate v. 校对,整理 examine in order to verify authenticity; arrange in order.
desolate adj. 荒无人烟的 unpopulated.
desolate v. 放弃 rob of joy; lay waste to; forsake.
disconsolate adj. 悲伤;沮丧 sad.
immaculate adj. 无暇的 spotless; flawless; absolutely clean.
matriculate v. 入学 enroll (in college or graduate school).
articulate adj. 有效的;独特的 effective; distinct.
inarticulate adj. 不善于表达的;口齿不清的 speechless; producing indistinct speech.
modulate v. 控制;调制到标准;调制(信号) tone down in intensity; regulate; change from one
key to another.
coagulate v. 凝结 thicken; congeal; clot.
emulate v. 仿效;抗衡 imitate; rival.
simulate v. 模仿;冒充 feign.
dissimulate v. 伪装,做作,掩饰 pretend; conceal by feigning.
granulate v. 粒化 form into grains.
manipulate v. 操作 operate with one's hands; control or play upon (people, forces, etc.
stipulate v. 规定;明细化 make express conditions; specify.
capitulate v. 投降 surrender.
recapitulate v. 概括;总结 summarize.
postulate n. 前提;基于的假定 essential premise; underlying assumption.
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amalgamate v. 结合,整合 combine; unite in one body.

stalemate n. 僵局 deadlock.
decimate v. 残杀(十个里面杀一个) kill, usually one out of ten.
acclimate v. 适应 adjust to climate.
inanimate adj. 了无生气的,死气沉沉的 lifeless.
ultimate adj. 终极的 final; not susceptible to further analysis.
intimate v. 私下的,秘密的,亲密的;宣告 hint; suggest.
emanate v. 散发,发出 issue forth.
alienate v. 孤立,树敌 make hostile; separate.
rejuvenate v. 返老还童;青春重回 make young again.
magnate n. 富豪,要人;突出的人物,XX 大王 person of prominence or influence.
cognate adj. 同源的 related linguistically: allied by blood: similar or akin in nature.
subordinate adj. 低级的;下级的;次要的 occupying a lower rank; inferior; submissive.
inordinate adj. 紊乱的;不受限制的 unrestrained; excessive.
disseminate v. 分发,扩散,散布 distribute; spread; scatter (like seeds).
incriminate v. 控告 accuse.
indiscriminate adj. 随意的;不分青红皂白的 choosing at random; confused.
germinate v. 发芽 cause to sprout; sprout.
indeterminate adj. 不确定 uncertain; not clearly fixed; indefinite.
illuminate v. 照亮;明朗;澄清 brighten; clear up or make understandable; enlighten.
ruminate v. 反复咀嚼;消化;深思;反刍 chew over and over (mentally, or, like cows, physically);
mull over; ponder.
indoctrinate v. 教导;灌输 instruct in a doctrine or ideology.
procrastinate v. 推迟;延期 postpone; delay or put off.
obstinate adj. 坚定的,倔强的 stubborn; hard to control or treat.
innate adj. 先天的,天生的 inborn.
dispassionate adj. 平静的;公平的 calm; impartial.
hibernate v. 冬眠 sleep throughout the winter.
ornate adj. 华丽的;过分装饰的 excessively or elaborately decorated.
importunate adj. 胡搅蛮缠的;苛刻的 urging; demanding.
inchoate adj. 未成型的,早期的,刚开始的,发展中的 recently begun; rudimentary; elementary.
emancipate v. 释放,解放 set free.
dissipate v. 驱散,消散;浪费 squander; waste; scatter.
exculpate v. 开脱,洗脱 clear from blame.
spate n. 爆发;大洪水;一大群的 sudden flood or strong outburst; a large number or amount.
disparate adj. 大相径庭的;没关系的 basically different; unrelated.
desecrate v. 亵渎 profane; violate the sanctity of.
dehydrate v. 脱水 remove water from; dry out.
berate v. 严厉指责,谴责 scold strongly.
deliberate v. 深思熟虑的;商讨 consider; ponder.
incarcerate v. 囚禁 imprison.
accelerate v. 加速 move faster.
decelerate v. 减慢 slow down.
enumerate v. 枚举 list; mention one by one.
generate v. 产生;创造 cause; produce; create.
degenerate v. 恶化 become worse; deteriorate.
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venerate v. 崇敬 revere.
exonerate v. 开脱,免罪 acquit; exculpate.
temperate adj. 节制的;自我控制的 restrained; self-controlled; moderate in respect to temperature.
intemperate adj. 过度的;极端的;放纵的 immoderate; excessive; extreme.
exasperate v. 激怒 vex.
recuperate v. 恢复 recover.
commiserate v. 怜悯,同情 feel or express pity or sympathy for.
reiterate v. 重申;重复 repeat.
obliterate v. 彻底摧毁 destroy completely.
adulterate v. 掺杂 make impure by adding inferior or tainted substances.
grate v. 磨碎;惹恼;因摩擦发出的刺耳声音 make a harsh noise; have an unpleasant effect;
integrate v. 整合,合并 make whole; combine; make into one unit.
denigrate v. 抹黑 blacken.
ingrate n. 忘恩负义者;不领情的人 ungrateful person.
irate adj. 愤怒的;生气的 angry.
collaborate v. 协作,合作 work together.
corroborate v. 确认;支持 confirm; support.
perforate v. 打孔 pierce; put a hole through.
invigorate v. 激发;鼓舞 energize; stimulate.
ameliorate v. 提高 improve.
commemorate v. 纪念 honor the memory of.
incorporate v. 合并,联合 introduce something into a larger whole; combine; unite.
prate v. 空谈 speak foolishly; boast idly.
perpetrate v. 犯 commit an offense.
infiltrate v. 渗透 pass into or through; penetrate (an organization) sneakily.
prostrate v. 弄倒;降伏 stretch out full on ground.
frustrate v. 阻碍;挫败 thwart; defeat.
obdurate adj. 执拗的;顽固的 stubborn.
inaugurate v. 开始;开幕;开幕式 start; initiate; install in office.
commensurate adj. 相当的,相称的 equal in extent.
saturate v. 湿透 soak thoroughly.
sate v. 使心满意足;使过度满足;使腻 satisfy to the full; cloy.
incapacitate v. 使其无能力 disable.
premeditate v. 预谋,预先考虑 plan in advance.
agitate v. 激怒,打扰 stir up; disturb.
cogitate v. 考虑 think over.
rehabilitate v. 恢复;复原 restore to proper condition.
debilitate v. 使虚弱,衰弱 weaken; enfeeble.
facilitate v. 促进;帮助;使变容易 help bring about; make less difficult.
decapitate v. 斩首,杀头 behead.
precipitate adj. 匆忙的;突然的;未成熟的;草率的 rash; premature; hasty; sudden.
precipitate v. 下降;下坠 throw headlong; hasten.
palpitate v. 拍动;跳动;搏动 throb; flutter.
levitate v. 升空漂浮(魔法) float in the air (especially by magical means).
potentate n. 当权者 monarch; sovereign.
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annotate v. 评论,注释 comment; make explanatory notes.

apostate n. 变节者,脱党者,叛徒 one who abandons his religious faith or political beliefs.
amputate v. 截肢,切除 cut off part of body; prune.
attenuate v. 削弱 make thin; weaken.
extenuate v. 弱化;减轻 weaken; mitigate.
insinuate v. 暗示,含沙舐影;慢慢的夺取,巧妙的迂回(进入)hint; imply; creep in.
actuate v. 推动,促使 motivate.
fluctuate v. 波动的;起伏的,摇摆不定的 waver; shift.
perpetuate v. 保护免于灭绝 make something last; preserve from extinction.
accentuate v. 强调,重音 emphasize; stress.
captivate v. 迷住;迷惑 charm or enthrall.
renovate v. 革新;刷新;修复 restore to good condition; renew.
enervate v. 使变弱 weaken.
delete v. 删除 erase; strike out.
decollete adj. 低肩露颈的服装 having a low-necked dress.
obsolete adj. 过时的;无用的 no longer useful; outmoded; antiquated.
deplete v. 耗尽;减少 reduce; exhaust.
replete adj. 充满的;充足的 filled to the brim or to the point of being stuffed; abundantly
secrete v. 隐匿;藏匿;分泌 hide away; produce and release a substance into an organism.
discrete adj. 分离;没有关系的 separate; unconnected.
naivete n. 天真烂漫的,简单的 quality of being unsophisticated; simplicity; artlessness;
cite v. 引用;掌握 quote; command.
incite v. 煽动,刺激,驱使 arouse to action; goad; motivate; induce to exist.
expedite v. 加速,催促 hasten.
erudite adj. 博学的 learned; scholarly.
satellite n. 卫星 small body revolving around a larger one.
mite n. 小东西;小硬币 very small object or creature; small coin.
ignite v. 点燃 kindle; light.
respite n. 暂缓 interval of relief; time for rest; delay in punishment.
sybarite n. 纵情逸乐之徒 lover of luxury.
trite adj. 陈腐的 hackneyed; commonplace.
parasite n. 寄生;寄生体 animal or plant living on another; toady; sycophant.
requisite n. 必须品;必要的 necessary requirement.
perquisite n. 津贴,补贴;奖金 any gain above stipulated salary.
apposite adj. 合适的 appropriate; fitting.
requite v. 报答;酬谢 repay; revenge.
debutante n. 初次参加社交活动的女孩 young woman making formal entrance into society.
dote v. 昏聩;溺爱 be excessively fond of; show signs of mental decline.
anecdote n. 奇闻轶事 short account of an amusing or interesting event.
antidote n. 解药 medicine to counteract a poison or disease.
mote n. 小半点 small speck.
promote v. 提升;促进 help to flourish; advance in rank; publicize.
rote n. 生搬硬套;死记硬背 repetition.
forte n. 强项,特殊才能 strong point or special talent.
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chaste adj. 纯的 pure.

palette n. 调色板 board on which painter mixes pigments.
vignette n. 小插图 picture; short literary sketch.
coquette n. 卖弄风情的女子;蜂鸟 flirt.
tribute n. 贡品;殷勤;颂词;礼物 tax levied by a ruler; mark of respect.
attribute n. 属性 essential quality.
attribute v. 归因于;解释 ascribe; explain.
acute adj. 精明,敏锐,聪明 quickly perceptive; keen; brief and severe.
execute v. 执行,完成 put into effect; carry out.
refute v. 反驳 disprove.
absolute adj. 完全的,肯定的 complete; totally unlimited; certain.
irresolute adj. 犹豫不决的 uncertain how to act; weak.
dissolute adj. 放纵,挥霍 loose in morals.
transmute v. 改变 change; convert to something different.
minute adj. 极小的 extremely small.
compute v. 计算 reckon; calculate.
statute n. 法令;条例 law enacted by the legislature.
destitute adj. 一贫如洗 extremely poor.
astute adj. 聪明;敏锐 wise; shrewd; keen.
neophyte n. 新入教者;新信徒 recent convert; beginner.
residue n. 残留物;余额 remainder; balance.
harangue n. 夸大的讲话 noisy speech.
demagogue n. 煽动政治家 person who appeals to people's prejudice; false leader of people.
epilogue n. 尾声;收场白 short speech at conclusion of dramatic work.
prologue n. 序(诗歌,歌剧的) introduction (to a poem or play).
vogue n. 时尚 popular fashion.
hue n. 色调 color; aspect.
ingenue n. 天真无邪的少女;扮演天真无邪的少女的女演员 an artless girl; an actress who
plays such parts.
retinue n. 随行人员;扈从 following; attendants.
opaque adj. 暗的;不透明的 dark; not transparent.
oblique adj. 间接的;倾斜的;无诚意的 indirect; slanting (deviating from the perpendicular or
from a straight line).
clique n. 小圈子;同行 small exclusive group.
unique adj. 独一无二的 without an equal; single in kind.
pique n. 愤怒;不满 irritation; resentment.
pique v. 激起,煽动;激怒 provoke or arouse; annoy.
baroque adj. 华丽的 highly ornate.
burlesque v. 作秀,滑稽 give an imitation that ridicules.
picaresque adj. 以歹徒为题材的文学作品的 pertaining to rogues in literature.
grotesque adj. 稀奇古怪的;怪异 fantastic; comically hideous.
brusque adj. 唐图;直率;粗暴无礼 blunt; abrupt.
rue v. 懊悔;后悔;感伤 regret; lament; mourn.
accrue v. 附带的 come about by addition.
misconstrue v. 曲解 interpret incorrectly; misjudge.
virtue n. 美德 goodness, moral excellence; good quality.
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concave adj. 空的 hollow.

cleave v. 劈开;黏着;忠于 split or sever; cling to; remain faithful to.
enclave n. 飞地 territory enclosed within an alien land.
knave n. 流氓;无赖;恶棍 untrustworthy person; rogue; scoundrel.
rave n. 咆哮 overwhelmingly favorable review.
reprieve n. 暂缓;缓刑 temporary stay.
retrieve v. 重新得到;找回 recover; find and bring in.
waive v. 暂时放弃;屈从 give up temporarily; yield.
thrive v. 繁荣;昌盛 prosper; flourish.
abrasive adj. 摩擦的,粗糙的,研磨剂 rubbing away; tending to grind down.
evasive adj. 逃避的 not frank; eluding.
invasive adj. 入侵的 tending to spread aggressively; intrusive.
pervasive adj. 深入人心的;普遍的 pervading; spread throughout every part.
incisive adj. 尖锐;深刻,激烈 cutting; sharp.
propulsive adj. 推进的;有推进力的 driving forward.
expansive adj. 扩张的;爽快的;广阔的 outgoing and sociable; broad and extensive; able to increase
in size.
offensive adj. 攻击的;冒犯的 attacking; insulting; distasteful.
comprehensive adj. 全面的 thorough; inclusive.
pensive adj. 沉思默想的;忧心忡忡的 dreamily thoughtful; thoughtful with a hint of sadness;
corrosive adj. 腐蚀性的 eating away by chemicals or disease.
subversive adj. 颠覆性的;破坏性的 tending to overthrow; destructive.
cursive adj. 流动的;连接的 flowing, running.
discursive adj. 散漫的;不得要领的 digressing; rambling.
passive adj. 被动的 not active; acted upon.
impassive adj. 冷漠的 without feeling; imperturbable; stoical.
obsessive adj. 强迫性的,入迷的;出神的 related to thinking about something constantly;
missive n. 信件 letter.
submissive adj. 屈服的;胆怯的 yielding; timid.
abusive adj. 粗俗的侮辱,对身体有害的 coarsely insulting; physically harmful.
effusive adj. 激情澎湃的 pouring forth; gushing.
inclusive adj. 包揽一切的 tending to include all.
elusive adj. 难懂的,难捉摸的;令人困惑的 evasive; baffling; hard to grasp.
unobtrusive adj. 不显眼的;朴素的 inconspicuous; not blatant.
indicative adj. 预示的 suggestive; implying.
evocative adj. 唤起的 tending to call up (emotions, memories).
provocative adj. 煽动的;刺激的;激怒的 arousing anger or interest; annoying.
prerogative n. 特权 privilege; unquestionable right.
cumulative adj. 累积 growing by addition.
lucrative adj. 有利润的 profitable.
remunerative adj. 有利益的;有报酬的 compensating; rewarding.
imperative adj. 及其重要,及其关键 absolutely necessary; critically important.
vituperative adj. 责骂的 abusive; scolding.
pejorative adj. 轻蔑;蔑视的 negative in connotation; having a belittling effect.
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narrative adj. 解说的 related to telling a story.

figurative adj. 比喻 not literal, but metaphorical; using a figure of speech.
authoritative adj. 权威;独裁 having the weight of authority; peremptory and dictatorial.
derivative adj. 派生的 unoriginal; derived from another source.
innovative adj. 新奇的;创新的 novel; introducing a change.
retroactive adj. 反动的; (法律)追溯的(由制定之日前的某一天生效) of a law that dates back to
a period before its enactment.
objective adj. 不为情所动的;公平的 not influenced by emotions; fair.
objective n. 目标 goal; aim.
subjective adj. 主观的;个人的 occurring or taking place within the subject; unreal.
retrospective adj. 回顾的 looking back on the past.
introspective adj. 内省的;反省的 looking within oneself.
invective n. 谩骂;非难;恶言相加 abuse.
vindictive adj. 报复性的 out for revenge; malicious.
expletive n. 感叹词;咒骂 interjection; profane oath.
fugitive adj. 短暂的,易变的;流动的 fleeting or transitory; roving.
cognitive adj. 认知的 having to do with knowing or perceiving; related to the mental processes.
definitive adj. 完全的;最终的 final; complete.
punitive adj. 惩罚的 punishing.
substantive adj. 真实的;有实质的;大量的 essential; pertaining to the substance.
incentive n. 刺激,驱动 spur; motive.
retentive adj. 保持的;记性好的 holding; having a good memory.
attentive adj. 专心的,专注的;全神贯注 alert and watchful; considerate; thoughtful.
plaintive adj. 哀伤的 mournful.
receptive adj. 善于接受的 quick or willing to receive ideas, suggestions, etc.
perceptive adj. 有洞察力的,警觉的;智慧的 insightful; aware; wise.
abortive adj. 不成功的,失败 unsuccessful; fruitless.
sportive adj. 嬉戏的;玩闹的 playful.
furtive adj. 隐秘的;偷偷摸摸,鬼祟 stealthy; sneaky.
festive adj. 欢乐;庆祝 joyous; celebratory.
restive adj. 焦躁不安的;难以压抑的 restlessly impatient; obstinately resisting control.
exhaustive adj. 彻底的,完全的 thorough; comprehensive.
delve v. 挖掘;调查 dig; investigate.
absolve v. 谅解 pardon (an offense).
resolve n. 决心;解决 determination; firmness of purpose.
resolve v. 决定;安排 decide; settle; solve.
alcove n. 小隔间,壁橱 nook; small, recessed section of a room.
grove n. 小树林 group of trees (smaller than a forest); orchard.
reprove v. 责备 censure; rebuke.
reserve n. 自我控制;疏远 self-control; formal but distant manner.
verve n. 神韵;活力;热情 enthusiasm; liveliness.
swerve v. 转向;突然转向 deviate; turn aside sharply.
awe n. 敬畏 solemn wonder.
ewe n. 母羊 female sheep.
faze v. 折磨,打击 disconcert; dismay.
glaze v. 上釉 cover with a thin and shiny surface.
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raze v. 彻底摧毁 destroy completely.

ostracize v. 放逐 exclude from public favor; ban.
aggrandize v. 增加,加强 increase or intensify.
rhapsodize v. 狂热地描述;写狂想文,作狂想曲 to speak or write in an exaggeratedly enthusiastic
jeopardize v. 臵于危险之中 endanger; imperil; put at risk.
energize v. 鼓舞 invigorate; make forceful and active.
verbalize v. 描述 put into words.
rationalize v. 合理化 give a plausible reason for an action in place of a true, less admirable one; offer
an excuse.
tantalize v. 逗弄;使其干着急 tease; torture with disappointment.
galvanize v. 电镀;刺激,激励 stimulate by shock; stir up; revitalize.
scrutinize v. 明察 examine closely and critically.
lionize v. 奉为名人;游览名胜 treat as a celebrity.
patronize v. 资助;支持 support; act superior toward; be a customer of.
fraternize v. 友善 associate in a friendly way.
plagiarize v. 剽窃 steal another's ideas and pass them off as one's own.
polarize v. 极化;分化;两极分化 split into opposite extremes or camps
bowdlerize v. 删除 expurgate.
mesmerize v. 施催眠术 hypnotize.
pulverize v. 磨碎;粉碎 crush or grind into dust.
vaporize v. 蒸发 turn into vapor (steam, gas, fog, etc.
temporize v. 拖延时间;见风使舵 avoid commiting oneself; gain time.
stigmatize v. 打烙印;污蔑 brand; mark as wicked.
proselytize v. 劝其改宗;改宗 convert to a religion or belief.

sheaf n. 捆;扎(秸秆) bundle of stalks of grain; any bundle of things tied together.
oaf n. 愚蠢的人 stupid, awkward person.
chaff n. 废物;糠;假货;开玩笑;打趣 worthless products of an endeavor.
quaff v. 一饮而尽 drink with relish.
whiff n. 一吹;一喷 puff or gust (of air, scent, etc.)
skiff n. 小船 small, light sailboat or rowboat.
tiff n. 小声争吵 a petty quarrel.
scoff v. 嘲弄,奚落 mock; ridicule.
doff v. 脱 take off.
rebuff v. 回绝 snub; beat back.
bluff adj. 直率的 rough but good-natured.
bluff n. 虚伪;欺骗;悬崖 pretense (of strength); deception; high cliff.
gruff adj. 粗糙的;粗暴的 rough-mannered.
waif n. 流浪儿童;流浪者 homeless child or animal.
motif n. 主旨,本意;动机 theme.
aloof adj. 分离,保留 apart; reserved.
dwarf v. 使看上去矮小 cause to seem small.
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flag v. 萎缩;衰退 droop; grow feeble.
slag n. 矿渣;炉渣;渣滓 residue from smelting metal; dross; waste matter.
rig v. 配备;装备 fix or manipulate.
mincing adj. 装腔作势的 affectedly dainty.
impending adj. 接近的;附近的;即将发生的;迫在眉睫的 nearing; approaching; to be about to
foreboding n. 不详的预感 premonition of evil.
chaffing adj. 开玩笑 bantering; joking.
engaging adj. 有魅力的,有吸引力的 charming; attractive.
grudging adj. 不情愿;勉强 unwilling; reluctant; stingy.
painstaking adj. 辛勤的 showing hard work; taking great care.
hulking adj. 大量的,巨大的 massive; bulky; great in size.
sibling n. 兄弟姐妹 brother or sister.
grueling adj. 重罚;使其筋疲力尽 exhausting.
trifling adj. 不重要的 trivial; unimportant.
fledgling adj. 无经验的 inexperienced.
inkling n. 暗示,提示 hint.
compelling adj. 强制的 overpowering; irresistible in effect.
bristling adj. 竖立的 rising like bristles; showing irritation.
booming adj. 快速增长的,欣欣向荣;深刻的 deep and resonant; flourishing, thriving.
unassuming adj. 谦逊的 modest.
fawning adj. 奉承 courting favor by cringing and flattering.
carping adj. 挑剔的,吹毛求疵 finding fault.
overbearing adj. 傲慢专横的 bossy and arrogant; decisively important.
glaring adj. 耀眼的 highly conspicuous; harshly bright.
bantering adj. 可笑的,嘲弄的 good-natured ridiculing.
retiring adj. 退休的;谦虚的,害羞的 modest; shy.
enduring adj. 持久的;不朽的 lasting; surviving.
enterprising adj. 有魄力 full of initiative.
unprepossessing adj. 不吸引人的 unattractive.
rousing adj. 活跃的;煽动的 lively; stirring.
unintimidating adj. 无惧的 unfrightening.
undulating adj. 波浪的 moving with a wavelike motion.
discriminating adj. 有识别能力的;有偏见的 able to see differences; prejudiced.
exhilarating adj. 爽快的,使人愉快的 invigorating and refreshing; cheering.
exacting adj. 苛刻的 extremely demanding.
riveting adj. 迷人的 absorbing; engrossing.
halting adj. 犹豫的 hesitant; faltering.
unstinting adj. 慷慨的;无保留的 giving generously; not holding back.
unwitting adj. 不知情的 unintentional; not knowing.
billowing adj. 波涛翻滚 swelling out in waves; surging.
harrowing adj. 痛苦;悲怆 agonizing; distressing; traumatic.
underlying adj. 根本的;在下面的;潜在的 fundamental; lying below.
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cloying adj. 倒胃口;过度的 distasteful (because excessive); excessively sweet or sentimental.

headlong adj. 轻率的 hasty; rash.
prolong v. 拖延 make longer; draw out; lengthen.
throng n. 聚集 crowd.
headstrong adj. 硬脖子;任性;不屈 stubborn; willful; unyielding.
log n. 日志;圆木 record of a voyage or flight; record of day to day activities.

pariah n. 贱民;被社会遗弃的人 social outcast.
impeach v. 控告,检举;弹劾 charge with crime in office; indict.
breach n. 违约;突破;打破 breaking of contract or duty; fissure or gap.
broach v. 介绍,提出,引见 introduce; open up.
reproach v. 表示失望;责备 express disapproval or disappointment.
beseech v. 乞求,恳求 beg; plead with.
filch v. 偷 steal.
blanch v. 漂白 bleach; whiten.
stanch v. 止血;血流变检测 check flow of blood.
clench v. 牢牢抓住 close tightly; grasp.
retrench v. 裁减,削减;紧缩,节约 cut down; economize.
wrench v. 扭曲;扭伤;曲解;折磨;拉 pull; strain; twist.
quench v. 弄湿;扑灭;熄灭;淬火 douse or extinguish; assuage or satisfy.
flinch v. 畏首畏尾,退缩;犹豫 hesitate, shrink.
brooch n. 胸针 ornamental clasp.
epoch n. 时代 period of time.
matriarch n. 女家长;掌管全家的老太婆 woman who rules a family or larger social group.
patriarch n. 长者,家长;酋长,族长 father and ruler of a family or tribe.
besmirch v. 弄脏 soil, defile.
dispatch n. 急速;急件 speediness; prompt execution; message sent with all due speed.
debauch v. 堕落,放荡 corrupt; seduce from virtue.
furlough n. 休假 leave of absence; vacation granted a soldier or civil servant.
slough v. 脱落;蜕皮 cast off.
trough n. 槽;低谷 container for feeding farm animals; lowest point (of a wave, business cycle,
epitaph n. 墓志铭,挽联 inscription in memory of a dead person.
abash v. 使难堪 embarrass.
slapdash adj. 匆促的 haphazard; careless; sloppy.
refurbish v. 刷新;修复;擦亮 renovate; make bright by polishing.
outlandish adj. 奇异的;偏僻的;前卫的 bizarre; peculiar; unconventional.
brandish v. 挥舞 wave around; flourish.
waggish adj. 滑稽的;爱开玩笑的 mischievous; humorous; tricky.
sluggish adj. 行动迟缓的 slow; lazy; lethargic.
mawkish adj. 过分多愁善感;感情脆弱到令人作呕的 mushy and gushy; icky-sticky sentimental;
relish v. 品味;享受 savor; enjoy.
embellish v. 装饰 adorn; ornament.
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abolish v. 废除 cancel; put an end to.

churlish adj. 粗鲁的 boorish; rude.
skirmish n. 小规模战争;小打小闹 minor fight.
replenish v. 补充 fill up again.
admonish v. 警告,训斥 warn; reprove.
garnish v. 装饰 decorate.
burnish v. 擦拭 make shiny by rubbing; polish.
garish adj. 俗气;颜色太杂 over-bright in color; gaudy.
gibberish n. 胡话;嘟囔 nonsense; babbling.
boorish adj. 粗鲁;笨拙 rude; clumsy; ungentlemanly.
flourish v. 生长;繁荣;装饰 grow well; prosper; decorate with ornaments.
anguish n. 极度痛苦 acute pain; extreme suffering.
languish v. 无力的,憔悴的 lose animation; lose strength.
relinquish v. 不情愿的屈服,放弃(某物) give up something with reluctance; yield.
lavish adj. 浪费的,大方的 liberal; wasteful.
bequeath v. 遗赠,
(代代)相传 leave to someone by a will; hand down.
aftermath n. 后果,结果 consequences; outcome; upshot.
loath adj. 不情愿的;勉强 reluctant; disinclined.
wrath n. 恼火;愤怒 anger; fury.
breadth n. 宽度 width; extent.
zenith n. 顶点 point directly overhead in the sky; summit.
stealth n. 隐秘;隐藏;隐蔽行动 slyness; sneakiness; secretiveness.
labyrinth n. 迷宫 maze.
behemoth n. 怪物;怪兽 huge creature; monstrous animal.
mammoth adj. 巨大的 gigantic; enormous.
betroth v. 订婚 become engaged to marry.
dearth n. 稀缺;缺乏 scarcity.
unearth v. 出土;发掘 dig up.
girth n. 方圆;周围环境 distance around something; circumference.
mirth n. 欢笑 merriment; laughter.
uncouth adj. 笨拙的;粗俗的 outlandish; clumsy; boorish.

ennui n. 厌倦 boredom.

bleak adj. 冷淡;凄凉 cold or cheerless; unlikely to be favorable.
quack n. 骗子;吹嘘的人 charlatan; impostor.
check v. 控制;阻止 stop motion; curb or restrain.
fleck v. 使起斑点 spot.
flick n. 轻弹;轻打 light stroke as with a whip.
limerick n. 五行打油诗 humorous short verse.
maverick n. 没打烙印的动物;闹独立的人;非国教徒;造反者 rebel; nonconformist.
deadlock n. 僵局 standstill; stalemate.
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mock v. 嘲弄,嘲笑 ridicule; imitate, often in derision.

unfrock v. 解除神职 to strip a priest or minister of church authority.
meek adj. 谦卑的,驯服的;温和的;顺从的 quiet and obedient; spiritless.
reek v. 散发(气味) emit (odor).
trek n. 旅行 travel; journey.
balk v. 反对;阻止 foil or thwart; stop short; refuse to go on.
bilk v. 骗 swindle; cheat.
caulk v. 填;补漏 make watertight by filling in cracks.
skulk v. 偷懒;偷偷的移动 move furtively and secretly.
dank adj. 湿的;湿透的 damp.
prank n. 胡闹;打扮 mischievous trick.
hoodwink v. 欺骗,迷惑,蛊惑 deceive; delude.
debunk v. 揭穿;奚落 expose as false, exaggerated, worthless, etc; ridicule.
embark v. 开始旅程,开始,登机,上船,上车 commence; go on board a boat or airplane; begin
a journey.
disembark v. 登陆;靠岸 go ashore; unload cargo from a ship.
bulwark n. 壁垒 earthwork or other strong defense; person who defends.
berserk adv. 疯狂的,狂暴的 frenzied.
shirk v. 逃避,推卸;避免 avoid (responsibility, work, etc.
smirk n. 傻笑 conceited smile.
quirk n. 反复无常;怪僻 startling twist; caprice.
lurk v. 埋伏 stealthily lie in waiting; slink; exist unperceived.
bask v. 享受(温暖);愉快,舒适 luxuriate; take pleasure in warmth.
gawk v. 张着嘴呆看 stare foolishly; look in open-mouthed awe.

cabal n. 内阁 small group of persons secretly united to promote their own interests.
maniacal adj. 疯狂的;无理智的 raging mad; insane.
methodical adj. 方法论的;系统化的 systematic.
pontifical adj. 教皇的;主教的 pertaining to a bishop or pope; pompous or pretentious.
pathological adj. 病理学 related to the study of disease; diseased or markedly abnormal.
physiological adj. 生理学的 pertaining to the science of the function of living organisms.
tautological adj. 同义反复的 needlessly repetitious.
metallurgical adj. 冶金的 pertaining to the art of removing metals from ores.
diabolical adj. 恶魔的 devilish.
polemical adj. 辩论的,好辩的 aggressive in verbal attack; disputatious.
inimical adj. 不友好的;敌意的;有害的 unfriendly; hostile; harmful; detrimental.
astronomical adj. 巨大,广阔 enormously large or extensive.
cynical adj. 愤世嫉俗 skeptical or distrustful of human motives.
atypical adj. 非正常的,不正常 not normal.
chimerical adj. 不现实,空想 fantastically improbable; highly unrealistic; imaginative.
empirical adj. 经验主义 based on experience.
satirical adj. 嘲弄的 mocking.
categorical adj. 无条件;直截了当 without exceptions; unqualified; absolute.
rhetorical adj. 修辞色彩的;花言巧语的 pertaining to effective communication; insincere in
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lackadaisical adj. 懒洋洋的,没上进心的 lacking purpose or zest; halfhearted; languid.
whimsical adj. 无常的;古怪的 capricious; fanciful.
metaphysical adj. 形而上学的 pertaining to speculative philosophy.
practical adj. 有用的;经验的;实践证明的 based on experience; useful.
hypothetical adj. 基于假设的,设想的,假想的 based on assumptions or hypotheses; supposed.
theoretical adj. 理论的 not practical or applied; hypothetical.
apolitical adj. 不问政治的 having an aversion or lack of concern for political affairs.
hypocritical adj. 伪善;欺骗 pretending to be virtuous; deceiving.
hypercritical adj. 及其夸张 excessively exacting.
elliptical adj. 椭圆的;有意模棱两可的 oval; ambiguous, either purposely or because key words
have been left out.
egotistical adj. 极度自我中心;自以为是,逞能 excessively self-centered; self-important; conceited.
nautical adj. 航海的 pertaining to ships or navigation.
quizzical adj. 古怪的;嘲弄的;令人好奇的 teasing; bantering; mocking; curious.
reciprocal adj. 互相的;互动的;互惠的 mutual; exchangeable; interacting.
equivocal adj. 蓄意误导;含混,模棱两可 ambiguous; intentionally misleading.
unequivocal adj. 明白清楚的 plain; obvious; unmistakable.
ordeal n. 严酷的考验;折磨 severe trial or affliction.
piecemeal adv. 一次一个的,逐个的;渐渐的;碎的 one piece at a time; gradually.
repeal v. 废除;撤除 revoke; annul.
ethereal adj. 轻的,空气的;像天堂的 light; heavenly; unusually refined.
corporeal adj. 肉体的,物质的 bodily; material.
incorporeal adj. 非物质的,无形的;无实体的 lacking a material body; insubstantial.
zeal n. 热心;热诚 eager enthusiasm.
regal adj. 皇家的 royal.
prodigal adj. 浪费的 wasteful; reckless with money.
madrigal n. 小曲;牧歌 pastoral song.
centrifugal adj. 离心;放舐 radiating; departing from the center.
apocryphal adj. 假的,捏造的 untrue; made up.
marshal v. 排序;整理 put in order.
lethal adj. 致命的 deadly.
glacial adj. 冰河的,冰川的 like a glacier; extremely cold.
beneficial adj. 有用的 helpful; useful.
superficial adj. 肤浅的;浅薄的 trivial; shallow.
provincial adj. 省级的;视野不宽的;简单的 pertaining to a province; limited in outlook;
remedial adj. 治疗的,补救的 curative; corrective.
cordial adj. 亲切;衷心 gracious; heartfelt.
primordial adj. 原始的;与时间同在的 existing at the beginning (of time); rudimentary.
parochial adj. 狭小的,地方的 narrow in outlook; provincial; related to parishes.
filial adj. 子女的 pertaining to a son or daughter.
menial adj. 仆人的;卑贱的 suitable for servants; lowly; mean.
venial adj. 可宽恕的 forgivable; trivial.
biennial adj. 两年一度 every two years.
perennial n. 终年的;永久的 something that is continuing or recurrent.
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marsupial n. 有袋哺乳动物(袋鼠、袋熊、袋狼) one of a family of mammals that nurse their

offspring in a pouch.
actuarial adj. 保险精算的,精算 calculating; pertaining to insurance statistics.
imperial adj. 帝王的;皇帝的 like an emperor; related to an empire.
material adj. 物质的;重要的 made of physical matter; unspiritual; important.
sartorial adj. 裁缝的;缝纫机的;缝匠肌的 pertaining to tailors.
terrestrial adj. 地的;地球的 earthly (as opposed to celestial); pertaining to the land.
mercurial adj. 善变的;无常的 capricious; changing; fickle.
spatial adj. 空间的 relating to space.
substantial adj. 坚实的;充实的 ample; solid; in essentials.
insubstantial adj. 无实体的,虚无的;脆弱的,不坚固的 lacking substance; insignificant; frail.
tangential adj. 外围的;切线的 peripheral; only slightly connected; digressing.
potential adj. 潜在的 expressing possibility; latent.
inconsequential adj. 不合理的,不重要的 insignificant; unimportant.
nuptial adj. 婚姻的 related to marriage.
martial adj. 好战的;尚武的 warlike.
partial adj. 不完善的;偏爱的 incomplete; having a liking for something.
impartial adj. 公平的 not biased; fair.
bestial adj. 残忍的 beastlike; brutal.
celestial adj. 天体的 heavenly.
colloquial adj. 口语的 pertaining to conversational or common speech.
trivial adj. 不重要的 unimportant; trifling.
convivial adj. 欢乐;高兴 festive; gay; characterized by joviality.
jovial adj. 天性善良的;好的;高兴的,愉快的 good-natured; merry.
infinitesimal adj. 微小的 very small.
mammal n. 哺乳动物 a vertebrate animal whose female suckles its young.
thermal adj. 热的;热学的 pertaining to heat.
informal adj. 非正式的;不拘礼节的 absence of ceremony; casual.
abysmal adj. 无底的 bottomless.
banal adj. 平凡,陈腐,老生常谈 hackneyed; commonplace; trite; lacking originality.
arsenal n. 军火库 storage place for military equipment.
venal adj. 贪污的 capable of being bribed.
cardinal adj. 主要的 chief.
aboriginal adj. 原始的,土著的
subliminal adj. 低于极限的;下意识的 below the threshold.
nominal adj. 有名无实的,名存实亡的;名义上的 in name only; trifling.
germinal adj. 未成熟的,幼芽的 pertaining to a germ; creative.
provisional adj. 临时的 tentative.
irrational adj. 无理的,缺乏逻辑的;不理智的 illogical; lacking reason; insane.
conventional adj. 典型的;普通的 ordinary; typical.
optional adj. 可选的 not obligatory; left to one's choice.
carnal adj. 肉体的;欲望的 fleshly.
hibernal adj. 冬天的 wintry.
infernal adj. 魔鬼的,地狱的 pertaining to hell; devilish.
maternal adj. 母性的 motherly.
diurnal adj. 日常的 daily.
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nocturnal adj. 夜的 done at night.

communal adj. 公共的 held in common; of a group of people.
cerebral adj. 脑的;智力的 pertaining to the brain or intellect.
visceral adj. 内脏的 felt in one's inner organs.
feral adj. 野生的,未驯服的 not domestic; wild.
peripheral adj. 外围的 marginal; outer.
bicameral adj. 两院制的(参,众)two-chambered, as a legislative body.
ephemeral adj. 朝生暮死,短暂,短命 short-lived; fleeting.
lateral adj. 侧面的,侧向的 coming from the side.
collateral n. 抵押品 security given for loan.
integral adj. 一体的,完整的 complete; necessary for completeness.
amoral adj. 不道德的 nonmoral.
temporal adj. 暂时的 not lasting forever; limited by time; secular.
auroral adj. 曙光的,极光的 pertaining to the aurora borealis.
pastoral adj. 田园的;乡下的 rural.
astral adj. 关于星的 relating to the stars.
neutral adj. 中型的;自然的;中庸的,公允的 impartial; not supporting one side over another.
mural n. 壁画 wall painting.
preternatural adj. 超自然的 beyond what is normal in nature.
horticultural adj. 园艺的 pertaining to cultivation of gardens.
reprisal n. 报复 retaliation.
universal adj. 通用的 characterizing or affecting all; present everywhere.
colossal adj. 巨大 huge.
causal adj. 因果关系的 implying a cause-and-effect relationship.
arousal n. 觉醒;激励 awakening; provocation (of a response).
centripetal adj. 向心 tending toward the center.
marital adj. 婚姻的 pertaining to marriage.
vital adj. 重要的;生命的;生机的 vibrant and lively; critical; living, breathing.
incidental adj. 不重要的;少数的 not essential; minor.
fundamental v. 基本的,基础的 basic; primary; essential.
detrimental adj. 有害的 harmful; damaging.
monumental adj. 雄伟的;厚重的;结实的;纪念的 massive.
pivotal adj. 关键的 crucial; key; vital.
noncommittal adj. 不明朗的,不表态的;中庸的,未决的 neutral; unpledged; undecided.
acquittal n. 无罪开释 deliverance from a charge.
rebuttal n. 驳斥;举反证 refutation; response with contrary evidence.
multilingual adj. 多语种的 having many languages.
sensual adj. 感官的;肉欲的;感官论的 devoted to the pleasures of the senses; carnal; voluptuous.
effectual adj. 有效的 able to produce a desired effect; valid.
ineffectual adj. 无效的,弱的 not effective; weak.
perpetual adj. 永久的 everlasting.
virtual adj. 有效的;实质的;虚的 in essence; for practical purposes.
libel n. 诽谤;中伤 defamatory statement; act of writing something that smears a person's
citadel n. 大本营 fortress.
infidel n. 异教徒,异端;不信宗教的 unbeliever.
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genteel adj. 上流的 well-bred; elegant.

pummel v. 用拳头打 beat or pound with fists.
sentinel n. 哨兵 sentry; lookout.
kernel n. 核心的 central or vital part; whole seed (as of corn).
repel v. 撤退;退却 drive away; disgust.
impel v. 驱使 drive or force onward.
dispel v. 散开;分裂;消失 scatter; drive away; cause to vanish.
doggerel n. 打油诗 poor verse.
wastrel n. 废物;饭桶;放荡的人 profligate.
chisel n. 凿子 wedgelike tool for cutting.
chisel v. 欺骗 swindle or cheat; cut with a chisel.
gruel v. 稀粥;极度紧张 liquid food made by boiling oatmeal, etc.
gavel n. 棒槌 hammerlike tool; mallet.
ravel v. 使混乱;解开混乱,解决混乱 fall apart into tangles; unravel or untwist; entangle.
unravel v. 拆开;解决 disentangle; solve.
snivel v. 流鼻涕;啜泣;鼻子一把泪一把 run at the nose; snuffle; whine.
drivel n. 胡言乱语;愚蠢 nonsense; foolishness.
hovel n. 小屋 shack; small, wretched house.
grovel v. 趴,匍匐 crawl or creep on ground; remain prostrate.
rail v. 责骂;斥责;咆哮 scold; rant.
frail adj. 弱的 weak.
assail v. 攻击 assault.
entail v. 要求,需要;牵涉到 require; necessitate; involve.
curtail v. 减短;降低 shorten; reduce.
quail v. 懦弱;胆怯 cower; lose heart.
travail n. 辛苦劳作 painful labor.
prevail v. 导致,促使;击败;盛行 induce; triumph over.
codicil n. 遗嘱的附录 supplement to the body of a will.
foil n. 烘托;衬托 contrast.
foil v. 打击;打败,挫败 defeat; frustrate.
turmoil n. 骚动;混乱 great commotion and confusion.
despoil v. 掠夺 plunder.
roil v. 搅动(使水变浑);激怒 to make liquids murky by stirring up sediment.
embroil v. 连累,牵连;使其混乱,麻烦缠身 throw into confusion; involve in strife; entangle.
cavil v. 挑剔 make frivolous objections.
civil adj. 民事的;国民的 having to do with citizens or the state; courteous and polite.
catcall n. 嘘声 shout of disapproval; boo.
windfall n. 横财 unexpected lucky event.
pitfall n. 缺陷 hidden danger; concealed trap.
gall v. 惹恼;侮辱 annoy; chafe.
gall n. 痛苦;烦恼;恼怒 bitterness; nerve.
pall v. 厌烦,腻味 grow tiresome.
appall v. 使惊慌,震惊 dismay; shock.
enthrall v. 俘获 capture; enslave.
forestall v. 预防 prevent by taking action in advance.
fell v. 放倒,打倒 cut or knock down; bring down (with a missile).
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fell adj. 凶猛的,致命的 cruel; deadly.

quell v. 扑灭;镇压;平息 extinguish; put down; quiet.
grill v. 盘问 question severely.
distill v. 蒸馏;萃取,提炼,提纯 extract the essence; purify; refine.
swill v. 痛饮 drink greedily.
loll v. 懒洋洋的坐或靠 lounge about.
knoll n. 小山包 little round hill.
droll adj. 滑稽可笑;离奇古怪,怪里怪气 queer and amusing.
lull n. 平静,安静,暂停,短暂的平息 moment of calm.
lull v. 安抚,平静;换取信任,使其失去警惕 soothe; cause one to relax one's guard;
protocol n. 协议 diplomatic etiquette.
extol v. 赞美 praise; glorify.
maul v. 粗手粗脚的处理 handle roughly.
baleful adj. 恶意的,有害的 deadly; having a malign influence; ominous.
doleful adj. 悲伤 sorrowful.
slothful adj. 懒的 lazy.
bountiful adj. 富足的;慷慨的 abundant; graciously generous.
dutiful adj. 恭敬的;尊重的 respectful; obedient.
willful adj. 顽固的;故意的 intentional; headstrong.
insightful adj. 有洞察力的 discerning; perceptive.
fitful adj. 断断续续;间歇 spasmodic; intermittent.
wistful adj. 渴望的 vaguely longing; sadly thoughtful.
annul v. 避免 make void.
pterodactyl n. 翼龙 extinct flying reptile.

beam n. 光束;铁梁,木梁;一束电波 ray of light; long piece of metal or wood; course of a
radio signal.
sham v. 佯装;假的;赝品 pretend.
epigram n. 警句;讽刺民谣 witty thought or saying, usually short.
esteem v. 尊重;估价 respect; value.
stratagem n. 计谋;战略 deceptive scheme.
anthem n. 圣歌,赞美诗 song of praise or patriotism.
requiem n. 安灵弥撒;安灵歌,挽歌 mass for the dead; dirge.
stem v. 制止流出 check the flow.
paradigm n. 典范;模式 model; example; pattern.
acclaim v. 赞扬,表扬 applaud; announce with great approval.
exclaim v. 呼喊,大叫 cry out suddenly.
maim v. 伤害 mutilate; injure.
interim n. 临时的;间歇的 meantime.
prim adj. 整洁的;精准的,精确的 very precise and formal; exceedingly proper.
verbatim adv. 逐字的 word for word.
maxim n. 至理名言;格言 proverb; a truth pithily stated.
balm n. (止痛的)安慰物 something that relieves pain.
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realm n. 领域 kingdom; field or sphere.

random adj. 随机的 without definite purpose, plan, or aim; haphazard.
fathom v. 领会;调查,测量 comprehend; investigate.
idiom n. 习语;成语 expression whose meaning as a whole differs from the meanings of its
individual words; distinctive style.
axiom n. 公理,自明的道理 self-evident truth requiring no proof.
venom n. 毒液;恶毒 poison; hatred.
loom v. 织布机 appear or take shape (usually in an enlarged or distorted form).
mushroom v. 膨胀,迅速生长 expand or grow rapidly.
stem from v. 起因于 arise from.
maelstrom n. 漩涡 whirlpool.
buxom adj. 丰满;充满活力;欢快 plump; vigorous; jolly.
swarm n. 一大群;挤满,占满,蜂拥 dense moving crowd; large group of honeybees.
pachyderm n. 皮厚的动物(如大象) thick-skinned animal.
multiform adj. 多态的 having many forms.
sarcasm n. 挖苦;讽刺 scornful remarks; stinging rebuke.
chasm n. 深渊 abyss.
solecism n. 语法错误;谬误 construction that is flagrantly incorrect grammatically.
fanaticism n. 狂热的,盲目的 excessive zeal; extreme devotion to a belief or cause.
witticism n. 俏皮话 witty saying; wisecrack.
neologism n. 新生词 new or newly coined word or phrase.
catechism n. 教义问答手册;FAQ, Q&A book for religious instruction; instruction by question and
schism n. 分离 division; split.
materialism n. 唯物主义 preoccupation with physical comforts and things.
fatalism n. 宿命论 belief that events are determined by forces beyond one's control.
parallelism n. 平行状态;相似的 state of being parallel; similarity.
euphemism n. 委婉的表达 mild expression in place of an unpleasant one.
pessimism n. 悲观主义者 belief that life is basically bad or evil; gloominess.
antagonism n. 反抗,敌对 hostility; active resistance.
egoism n. 自我中心,利己主义 excessive interest in one's self; belief that one should be
interested in one's self rather than in others.
escapism n. 逃避现实,纸醉金迷 avoiding reality by diverting oneself with amusements.
malapropism n. 可笑的用词错误 comic misuse of a word.
plagiarism n. 剽窃 theft of another's ideas or writings passed off as original.
aphorism n. 格言,警句,谚语 pithy maxim.
astigmatism n. 散光 eye defect that prevents proper focus.
nepotism n. 偏袒的人(亲戚) favoritism (to a relative).
truism n. 真实性 self-evident truth.
atavism n. 反祖;隔代遗传 resemblance to remote ancestors rather than to parents; deformity
returning after passage of two or more generations.
recidivism n. 累犯;惯犯 habitual return to crime.
microcosm n. 微观世界 small world; the world in miniature.
cataclysm n. 巨变;剧变;灾难 upheaval; deluge.
paroxysm n. 突然一阵的,突发的(痛苦,笑,愤怒) fit or attack of pain, laughter, rage.
modicum n. 少量 limited quantity.
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addendum n. 附加,补充 an addition or supplement.

odium n. 讨厌;憎恶 detestation; hatefulness; disrepute.
podium n. 指挥台;检阅台 pedestal; raised platform.
encomium n. 赞美之词 high praise; eulogy.
pandemonium n. 喧嚣;混乱 wild tumult.
equilibrium n. 平衡 balance.
delirium n. 精神错乱 mental disorder marked by confusion.
moratorium n. 延期偿还 legal delay of payment.
phylum n. 门;语群 major class of plants; primary branch of animal kingdom; division.
asylum n. 庇护所 place of refuge or shelter; protection.
optimum adj. 最优的 most favorable.
fulcrum n. (杠杆的)支点 support on which a lever rests.
humdrum adj. 单调的 dull; monotonous.
conundrum n. 谜语 riddle.
decorum n. 礼貌;温文尔雅 propriety; orderliness and good taste in manners.
forum n. 论坛 place of assembly to discuss public concerns; meeting for discussion.
quorum n. 法定人数 number of members necessary to conduct a meeting.
spectrum n. 光谱 colored band produced when beam of light passes through a prism.
tantrum n. 发脾气;暴怒 fit of petulance; caprice.
rostrum n. 演讲台;讲道坛 platform for speech-making; pulpit.
stratum n. 地层;社会阶层 layer of earth's surface; layer of society.
arboretum n. 植物园 place where different tree varieties are exhibited.
momentum n. 动量;动力 quantity of motion of a moving body; impetus.
pseudonym n. 假名;笔名 pen name.

paean n. 欢乐歌;赞美歌 song of praise or joy.
demean v. 降级;贬低 degrade; humiliate.
protean adj. 变化多端的 versatile; able to take on many shapes.
wean v. 断奶;丢弃 accustom a baby to not nurse; give up a cherished activity.
amphibian adj. 两栖的 able to live both on land and in water.
pediatrician n. 儿科专家 expert in children's diseases.
patrician adj. 贵族的 noble; aristocratic.
obstetrician n. 妇产科医师 physician specializing in delivery of babies.
optician n. 眼镜商 maker and seller of eyeglasses.
mortician n. 殡仪业者 undertaker.
ruffian n. 流氓;恶棍;痞子 bully; scoundrel.
bacchanalian adj. 喝醉的,耍酒疯 drunken.
bohemian adj. 不合习俗;放荡不羁 unconventional (in an artistic way).
simian adj. 像猴的 monkeylike.
draconian adj. 极其严重 extremely severe.
thespian adj. 戏剧的 pertaining to drama.
agrarian adj. 耕地的,耕种的 pertaining to land or its cultivation.
sectarian adj. 宗派主义的;地区主义的;宗派主义者;狭窄的 relating to a religious faction or
subgroup; narrow-minded; limited.
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proletarian n. 无产阶级的;蓝领的 member of the working class; blue collar person.

authoritarian adj. 独裁 subordinating the individual to the state; completely dominating another's will.
pedestrian adj. 没有想象力的,普通的 ordinary; unimaginative.
equestrian n. 骑师 rider on horseback.
lilliputian adj. 极小的 extremely small.
antediluvian adj. 远古,上古,及其久远 antiquated; extremely ancient.
talisman n. 护身符;避邪物 charm to bring good luck and avert misfortune.
bemoan v. 哀叹,悲伤 lament; express disapproval of.
pan v. 剧烈批评;猛烈抨击 criticize harshly.
deadpan adj. 没有表情的;呆板的 wooden; impersonal.
artisan n. 工匠 manually skilled worker; craftsman, as opposed to artist.
partisan adj. 一边倒的 one-sided; prejudiced; committed to a party.
charlatan n. 吹牛 quack; pretender to knowledge.
cosmopolitan adj. 世界主义 sophisticated.
spartan adj. 刚毅的;朴素的;纪律严格的;斯巴达的 avoiding luxury and comfort; sternly
gargantuan adj. 巨大的 huge; enormous.
wan adj. 苍白的 having a pale or sickly color; pallid.
sodden adj. 湿透的 soaked; dull, as if from drink.
careen v. 倾斜 lurch; sway from side to side.
preen v. 把自己打扮漂亮;自我满足;鸟类用嘴梳理羽毛 make oneself tidy in appearance;
feel self-satisfaction.
ashen adj. 灰色 ash-colored.
slacken v. 放松;放慢 slow up; loosen.
outspoken adj. 坦率直言的 candid; blunt.
betoken v. 预示;表示 signify; indicate.
regimen n. 舏生法 prescribed diet and habits.
acumen n. 思想敏锐 mental keenness.
barren adj. 荒芜的,贫瘠的 desolate; fruitless and unproductive; lacking.
molten adj. 融化了的 melted.
dishearten v. 挫败 discourage; cause to lose courage or hope.
chasten v. 磨练 discipline; punish in order to correct.
leaven v. 发酵 cause to rise or grow lighter; enliven.
yen n. 渴望;瘾 longing; urge.
brazen adj. 厚颜无耻;傲慢 insolent.
bedizen v. 俗丽,俗气 dress with vulgar finery.
denizen n. 居民;常客 inhabitant or resident; regular visitor.
arraign v. 传讯;责问 charge in court; indict.
deign v. 屈服,屈尊 condescend; stoop.
feign v. 假装;捏造 pretend.
sovereign adj. 君主的;至高无上的 efficacious; supreme or paramount; selfgoverning.
malign v. 毒辣的言语;诽谤 speak evil of; bad-mouth; defame.
benign adj. 良性的,好的;和蔼可亲的 kindly; favorable; not malignant.
impugn v. 打击;挑战 dispute or contradict (often in an insulting way); challenge; gainsay.
ordain v. 指定;规定;任命;命令 decree or command; grant holy orders; predestine.
disdain v. 蔑视 view with scorn or contempt.
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legerdemain n. 戏法;花招 sleight of hand.

refrain v. 抵制;抵抗;远离,节制 abstain from; resist.
retain v. 保持;使用 keep; employ.
ascertain v. 确认,确证 find out for certain.
abstain v. 控制,限制(自己) refrain; hold oneself back voluntarily from an action or practice.
sustain v. 支撑;延续 experience; support; nourish.
attain v. 获得;完成 achieve or accomplish; gain.
maudlin adj. 多愁善感 effusively sentimental.
coin v. 铸币;发明;杜撰 make coins; invent or fabricate.
linchpin n. 关键 something that holds or links various parts together.
chagrin n. 伤自尊;委屈 vexation (caused by humiliation or injured pride); disappointment.
icon n. 偶像,象征;图标 religious image; idol.
lexicon n. 字典 dictionary.
don v. 穿上 put on.
cordon n. 警戒线 extended line of men or fortifications to prevent access or egress.
eon n. 时代 long period of time; an age.
bludgeon n. 大头狼牙棒 club; heavy-headed weapon.
curmudgeon n. 脾气坏;吝啬 churlish, miserly individual.
burgeon v. 发芽,成长 grow forth; send out buds.
chameleon n. 变色龙 lizard that changes color in different situations.
galleon n. 大帆船 large sailing ship.
paragon n. 模范 model of perfection.
jargon n. 黑话,行话,胡话 language used by a special group; technical terminology; gibberish.
coercion n. 威逼,强迫 use of force to get someone to obey.
bullion n. 金条,银条 gold and silver in the form of bars.
champion v. 拥护 support militantly.
centurion n. 百夫长 Roman army officer.
cohesion n. 内聚力;黏度 tendency to keep together.
repulsion n. 排斥;反驳 distaste; act of driving back.
revulsion n. 剧变(情感的)
;抽回;收手 sudden violent change of feeling; reaction.
apprehension n. 害怕 fear.
misapprehension n. 错误;误解 error; misunderstanding.
aversion n. 厌恶,抵制 firm dislike.
diversion n. 转移;解闷 act of turning aside; pastime.
incursion n. 袭击 temporary invasion.
cession n. 给与;割让 yielding to another; ceding.
recession n. 撤退 withdrawal; retreat; time of low economic activity.
secession n. 撤退;脱离 withdrawal.
concession n. 让步 an act of yielding.
transgression n. 犯罪 violation of a law; sin.
remission n. 减轻,缓解;宽恕 temporary moderation of disease symptoms; cancellation of a debt;
forgiveness or pardon.
percussion adj. 打击 striking one object against another sharply.
repercussion n. 反弹;弹回 rebound; reverberation; reaction.
fusion n. 熔合;熔接 union; coalition.
infusion n. 灌输;浸泡;注入 act of introducing or instilling a quality; liquid solution.
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profusion n. 过量;过剩 overabundance; lavish expenditure; excess.

seclusion n. 隔离 isolation; solitude.
delusion n. 错觉 false belief; hallucination.
allusion n. 暗指,暗示 indirect reference.
illusion n. 幻觉 misleading vision.
collusion n. 勾结 conspiring in a fraudulent scheme.
contusion n. 擦伤;撞伤 bruise.
approbation n. 同意,批准 approval.
ramification n. 分支;分叉 branching out; subdivision.
justification n. 有理,正当;辩护;释罪 good or just reason; defense; excuse.
implication n. 含义;暗示 something hinted at or suggested.
application n. 勤奋的付出 diligent attention.
avocation n. 副业,业余爱好 secondary or minor occupation.
invocation n. 祈祷 prayer for help; calling upon as a reference or support.
altercation n. 大声争吵,激烈争论 noisy quarrel; heated dispute.
degradation n. 降级;降格;退化 humiliation; debasement; degeneration.
depredation n. 掠夺 plundering.
trepidation n. 惧怕 fear; nervous apprehension.
emendation n. 改进;修订 correction of errors; improvement.
abnegation n. 批判,自我牺牲 repudiation; self-sacrifice.
litigation n. 诉讼 lawsuit.
retaliation n. 报仇 repayment in kind (usually for bad treatment).
affiliation n. 联合,加入 joining; associating with.
correlation n. 相互的关系 mutual relationship.
jubilation n. 庆祝 rejoicing.
appellation n. 名字,标题 name; title.
extrapolation n. 推测,推断 projection; conjecture.
ejaculation n. 迸出;惊叹 exclamation.
gesticulation n. 动作;手势 motion; gesture.
adulation n. 奉承,恭维 flattery; admiration.
summation n. 结算;累计;总结 act of finding the total; summary.
affirmation n. 正面肯定,确认 positive assertion; confirmation; solemn pledge by one who refuses to
take an oath.
indignation n. 义愤;愤慨 anger at an injustice.
ratiocination n. 推理;推论 reasoning; act of drawing conclusions from premises.
hallucination n. 幻觉,幻想 delusion.
ordination n. 圣职授任;委任 ceremony making someone a minister.
insubordination n. 反抗,不屈 disobedience; rebelliousness.
disinclination n. 不情愿,厌恶 unwillingness.
recrimination n. 反责;反击 countercharges.
termination n. 结束 end.
determination n. 决定;测量,计算;解决 resolve; measurement or calculation; decision.
peregrination n. 旅程;旅行 journey.
coronation n. 加冕 ceremony of crowning a queen or king.
detonation n. 引爆,爆炸 explosion.
incarnation n. 化身;具人形 act of assuming a human body and human nature.
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reparation n. 修订;弥补;补偿 amends; compensation.

cerebration n. 思考 thought.
laceration n. 破口 torn, ragged wound.
proliferation n. 迅速增长,倍增;扩散 rapid growth; spread; multiplication.
agglomeration n. 聚集,累积 collection; heap.
alliteration n. 头韵 repetition of beginning sound in poetry.
respiration n. 呼吸;呼吸作用;呼气 breathing; exhalation.
elaboration n. 细节;复杂 addition of details; intricacy.
duration n. 持续时间 length of time something lasts.
cessation n. 停止 stoppage.
meditation n. 沉思冥想 reflection; thought.
incantation n. 咒语 singing or chanting of magic spells; magical formula.
indentation n. 槽;小开口 notch; deep recess.
orientation n. 定位(在社会上) act of finding oneself in society.
denotation n. 指示;根据名字区别 meaning; distinguishing by name.
dissertation n. 论文(博士生) formal essay.
incrustation n. 驻扎 hard coating or crust.
privation n. 困难,困苦;短缺,缺少 hardship; want.
ovation n. 热情洋溢的喝彩 enthusiastic applause.
innovation n. 发明;变革 change; introduction of something new.
faction n. 派别;内讧;纠纷 party; clique; dissension.
refraction n. (光线的)折舐,弯曲 bending of a ray of light.
infraction n. 打破(常规) violation (of a rule or regulation); breach.
detraction n. 诽谤 slandering; aspersion.
defection n. 缺点;逃跑,叛逃 desertion.
predilection n. 偏爱;偏好 partiality; preference.
insurrection n. 谋反的,造反的 rebellion; uprising.
dissection n. 分析;解剖 analysis; cutting apart in order to examine.
addiction n. 瘾,依赖 compulsive, habitual need.
malediction n. 诅咒 curse.
benediction n. 祝福 blessing.
affliction n. 痛苦 state of distress; cause of suffering.
friction n. 摩擦 clash in opinion; rubbing against.
conviction n. 定罪;深信 judgment that someone is guilty of a crime; strongly held belief.
sanction v. 批准,许可 approve; ratify.
distinction n. 出名;出格 honor; contrast; discrimination.
compunction n. 后悔 remorse.
abduction n. 绑架 kidnapping.
accretion n. 增长 growth; increase.
discretion n. 判断力;审慎的 prudence; ability to adjust actions to circumstances.
indiscretion n. 轻率;莽撞 lack of tactfulness or sound judgment.
extradition n. 引渡 surrender of prisoner by one state to another.
sedition n. 抵抗当局;反抗;暴动 resistance to authority; insubordination.
rendition n. 表演,诠释;翻译 translation; artistic interpretation of a song, etc.
perdition n. 毁灭 damnation; complete ruin.
coalition n. 伙伴;同盟,集合 partnership; league; union.
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demolition n. 拆除 destruction.
volition n. 意志 act of making a conscious choice.
admonition n. 警告 warning.
premonition n. 前兆 forewarning.
apparition n. 鬼,幽灵 ghost; phantom.
attrition n. 裁员;磨损 gradual decrease in numbers; reduction in the work force without firing
employees; wearing away of opposition by means of harassment.
transition n. 过渡;转换;跃迁 going from one state of action to another.
deposition n. 宣言,誓言 testimony under oath.
decomposition n. 瓦解;腐烂 decay.
supposition n. 假定;假想 hypothesis; the act of supposing.
partition v. 分裂开来 divide into parts.
fruition n. 享用;成就;实现 bearing of fruit; fulfillment; realization.
intuition n. 直觉 immediate insight; power of knowing without reasoning.
convention n. 习俗,惯例 social or moral custom; established practice.
potion n. 剂量 dose (of liquid).
caption n. 标题 title; chapter heading; text under illustration.
inception n. 开始,开端 start; beginning.
conception n. 开始,构思 beginning; forming of an idea.
misconception n. 误解 mistaken idea.
resumption n. 恢复;重新开始 taking up again; recommencement.
assumption n. 假定,设想;采取 something taken for granted; taking over or taking possession of.
exertion n. 努力,尽力 effort; expenditure of much physical work.
bastion n. 堡垒;工事 fortress; defense.
retribution n. 复仇;补偿;惩罚 vengeance; compensation; punishment for offenses.
circumlocution n. 婉转曲折的表达 indirect or roundabout expression.
ablution n. 洗 washing.
resolution n. 坚定;决心;决定 determination; resolve.
dissolution n. 解散;终止;解体 breaking of a union; decay; termination.
restitution n. 归还;补偿 reparation; indemnification.
oblivion n. 遗忘;舎免 obscurity; forgetfulness.
talon n. 鸟爪 claw of bird.
felon n. 重罪犯 person convicted of a grave crime.
boon n. 恩惠,福利 blessing; benefit.
tycoon n. 大亨 wealthy leader.
typhoon n. 台风 tropical hurricane or cyclone.
lampoon v. 讽刺的 ridicule.
caldron n. 大锅 large kettle.
liaison n. 联络;连音 contact keeping parts of an organization in communication; go-between;
secret love affair.
jettison v. 投弃货物 throw overboard.
automaton n. 机器人 mechanism that imitates actions of humans.
wanton adj. 荒唐的;挥霍的;放荡的;不受限制的 unrestrained; willfully malicious; unchaste.
glutton n. 暴饮暴食者,饭桶 someone who eats too much.
cistern n. 水塔;水库 reservoir or water tank.
suborn v. 教唆 persuade to act unlawfully (especially to commit perjury).
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adorn v. 装饰 decorate.
forlorn adj. 孤苦的,凄凉的 sad and lonely; wretched.
sojourn n. 逗留 temporary stay.
spurn v. 放弃;拒绝 reject; scorn.
taciturn adj. 沉默寡言的 habitually silent; talking little.
shun v. 避免 keep away from.
spawn v. 孵化;下蛋 lay eggs.
brawn n. 强壮的肌肉 muscular strength; sturdiness.
withdrawn adj. 内向的;孤僻的 introverted; remote.
renown n. 名望 fame.

placebo n. 安慰剂 harmless substance prescribed as a dummy pill.
fiasco n. 彻底失败 total failure.
fresco n. 壁画 painting on plaster (usually fresh).
bravado n. 虚张声势 swagger; assumed air of defiance.
innuendo n. 暗示,旁侧敲击;暗讽;讽刺,冷嘲热讽 hint; insinuation.
cameo n. 贝壳上的浮雕;特写(演员) shell or jewel carved in relief; star's special appearance
in a minor role in a film.
archipelago n. 群岛 group of closely located islands.
vertigo n. 晕眩 severe dizziness.
embargo n. 禁运 ban on commerce or other activity.
forgo v. 放弃 give up; do without.
scenario n. 情节;剧本大纲;(电影、歌剧)剧本 plot outline; screenplay; opera libretto.
peccadillo n. 轻罪,轻微冒犯 slight offense.
tempo n. 节奏,乐曲的速度 speed of music.
tyro n. 新手 beginner; novice.
virtuoso n. 艺术品鉴赏家 highly skilled artist.
torso n. 未完成的;残缺的 trunk of statue with head and limbs missing; human trunk.
cater to v. 迎合 supply something desired (whether good or bad).
staccato adj. 断奏;断唱 played in an abrupt manner; marked by abrupt sharp sound.
canto n. (长诗的)分篇 division of a long poem.
memento n. 有象征意义的物品;纪念品 token; reminder.
manifesto n. 声明 declaration; statement of policy.
gusto n. 爱好,嗜好;喜欢 enjoyment; enthusiasm.
libretto n. 歌词,剧本(舞剧,歌剧的) text of an opera.
salvo n. 解除武装;敬礼;保留条款 discharge of firearms; military salute.
arroyo n. 干枯的河床 gully.

mishap n. 意外,灾难 accident.
lap v. 舔食,泼溅 take in food or drink with one's tongue; splash gently.
sap v. 减少;破坏 diminish; undermine.
seep v. 渗出;渗漏 ooze; trickle.
steep v. 浸泡,弄湿;陡坡;悬崖 soak; saturate.
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apprenticeship n. 学徒身份 time spent as a novice learning a trade from a skilled worker.
clip n. 剪辑 section of filmed material.
nip v. 夹,捏;剪断;阻止 stop something's growth or development; snip off; bite; make
numb with cold.
outstrip v. 超过 surpass; outdo.
quip n. 嘲弄;讽刺 taunt.
whelp n. 幼兽 young wolf, dog, tiger, etc.
scamp n. 流氓,无赖 rascal.
ramp n. 斜面;斜坡 slope; inclined plane.
skimp v. 节约的使用 provide scantily; live very economically.
primp v. 打扮 groom oneself with care; adorn oneself.
clump n. 一块,一团;沉重的脚步声;草丛,灌木丛 cluster or close group (of bushes, trees);
mass; sound of heavy treading.
fop n. 花花公子;过分注意衣着的男人 dandy; man excessively concerned with his clothes.
usurp v. 篡取 seize another's power or rank.
clasp n. 扣合;紧密合作 fastening device; firm grip.

shear v. 剪;修剪 cut or clip (hair, fleece); strip of something.
forswear v. 放弃 renounce; abandon.
stellar adj. 星体的;恒星的 pertaining to the stars.
vernacular n. 母语;本国;本来的东西 living language; natural style.
oracular adj. 神一样的;谜一样的;超自然的,无法理解的 prophetic; uttered as if with divine
authority; mysterious or ambiguous.
secular adj. 世俗的;现世的;永久的 worldly; not pertaining to church matters; temporal.
avuncular adj. 像伯父(叔叔)一样的 like an uncle.
jocular adj. 诙谐的 said or done in jest.
angular adj. 有尖角的,瘦骨嶙峋的 sharp-cornered; stiff in manner.
singular adj. 奇的;独一无二的 unique; extraordinary; odd.
titular adj. 有名无实的 nominal holding of title without obligations.
lunar adj. 月亮的 pertaining to the moon.
jabber v. 快速的说,含混不清的说 chatter rapidly or unintelligibly.
caliber n. 能力;品质 ability; quality.
clamber v. 爬 climb by crawling.
dismember v. 分解,肢解 cut into small parts.
limber adj. 柔韧的;可塑的 flexible.
somber adj. 阴森的;昏暗的;抑郁的 gloomy; depressing; dark; drab.
encumber v. 拖累,负担 burden.
lumber v. 笨重的往前走 move heavily or clumsily.
fodder n. 粗饲料;饲养 coarse food for cattle, horses, etc.
embroider v. 镶边,绣花;添油加醋 decorate with needlework; ornament with fancy or fictitious
rider n. 附文;扶手 amendment or clause added to a legislative bill.
smolder v. 闷烧;随时准备爆发 burn without flame; be liable to break out at any moment.
solder v. 焊接 repair or make whole by using a metal alloy.
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meander v. 弯曲;蜿蜒 wind or turn in its course.

colander n. 过滤器 utensil with perforated bottom used for straining.
slander n. 诽谤 defamation; utterance of false and malicious statements.
pander v. 低级趣味的;拉皮条 cater to the low desires of others.
squander v. 浪费 waste.
engender v. 产生,导致 cause; produce.
render v. 呈递;开账单;给予;还以,报以;放弃,投降投降或交出;放弃;描写以文字
成为;熔解,精炼;打底 deliver; provide; represent.
tender v. 提供;扩充 offer; extend.
rejoinder n. 反驳;回应 retort; comeback; reply.
blunder n. 错误 error.
founder v. 完全失败;沉默 fail completely; sink.
founder n. 创办人 person who establishes (an organization, business).
flounder v. 挣扎,辗转;困难地奋斗 struggle and thrash about; proceed clumsily or falter.
sunder v. 分裂 separate; part.
asunder adv. 分裂,分开 into parts; apart.
larder n. 食品室;储藏室 pantry; place where food is kept.
commandeer v. 征用,招募 to draft for military purposes; to take for public use.
sheer adj. 纯粹的,,绝对的;透明的;峻峭的;避开,躲避;偏航,避开 very thin or transparent;
very steep; absolute.
buccaneer n. 海盗 pirate.
veneer n. 薄板;外表 thin layer; cover.
domineer v. 暴力压制 rule over tyrannically.
veer v. 转向 change in direction.
defer v. 推迟,延期 delay till later; exempt temporarily.
defer v. 听从 give in respectfully; submit.
defer v. 缓招 making plans until they hear from their draft boards. During the Vietnam War,
many young men, hoping to be deferred, requested student deferments.
infer v. 推导,总结 deduce; conclude.
meager adj. 瘦的;贫乏的,不足的 scanty; inadequate.
badger v. 激怒,纠缠 pester; annoy.
swagger v. 大摇大摆;自大 behave arrogantly or pompously; strut or walk proudly.
trigger v. 引起;触发;扳机 set off.
harbinger n. 先驱 forerunner.
linger v. 逗留;闲逛;流连 loiter or dawdle; continue or persist.
merger n. 合并;吞并 combination (of two business corporations).
lexicographer n. 字典编纂者 compiler of a dictionary.
cartographer n. 制图者,制地图的人 map-maker.
cipher n. 密码 secret code.
cipher n. 不重要的人或物 nonentity; worthless person or thing.
decipher v. 破译,解密 interpret secret code.
encipher v. 编码 encode; convert a message into code.
weather v. 侵蚀;风化 endure the effects of weather or other forces.
tether v. 用绳子绑;范围 tie with a rope.
slither v. 滑动 slip or slide.
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wither v. 凋谢;枯萎 shrivel; decay.

cavalier adj. 随便;傲慢 offhand or casual; haughty.
dossier n. 档案,资料 file of documents on a subject.
bicker v. 争吵 quarrel.
snicker n. 窃笑 half-stifled laugh.
swindler n. 骗子 cheat.
heckler n. 质问者 person who harasses others.
tiller n. 舵柄;农夫 handle used to move boat's rudder (to steer).
shimmer v. 微光 glimmer intermittently.
glimmer v. 闪烁 shine erratically; twinkle.
misnomer n. 错误的名字;写错名字;用词不当 wrong name; incorrect designation.
dormer n. 天窗 window projecting from roof.
tanner n. 皮革工人;6 便士 person who turns animal hides into leather.
practitioner n. 从业者 someone engaged in a profession (law, medicine).
garner v. 收集,储存 gather; store up.
reaper n. 收割者;收割机 one who harvests grain.
sleeper n. 睡眠;卧铺;枕木;冬眠的动物 something originally of little value or importance that
in time becomes very valuable.
viper n. 蝰蛇 poisonous snake.
hamper v. 阻挡,牵制,妨碍 obstruct.
temper v. 中和;回火;调剂;锻炼 moderate; tone down or restrain; toughen (steel).
simper v. 痴笑;傻笑 smirk; smile affectedly.
interloper n. 闯入者;干涉者 intruder; unwanted meddler.
dapper adj. 整齐的,优雅的 neat and trim.
clapper n. 铃舌,钟舌 striker (tongue) of a bell.
pauper n. 叫花子;非常可怜的人 very poor person.
philanderer n. 调情;轻佻的人 faithless lover; flirt.
malingerer n. 装病的人;假病号 one who feigns illness to escape duty.
barterer n. 交易商 trader.
amphitheater n. 椭圆形的剧院,斗兽场 oval building with tiers of seats.
perimeter n. 周长 outer boundary.
arbiter n. 仲裁者 a person with power to decide a dispute; judge.
loiter v. 闲逛;徘徊 hang around; linger.
falter v. 犹豫;踌躇 hesitate.
welter n. 翻滚;挣扎;骚乱;搅乱 turmoil; bewildering jumble.
swelter v. 闷热;中暑 be oppressed by heat.
canter n. 慢跑 slow gallop.
inter v. 埋 bury.
disinter v. 挖出,出土 dig up; unearth.
saunter v. 漫步;闲逛 stroll slowly.
fester v. 使溃烂,化脓 rankle; produce irritation or resentment.
sequester v. 隐退;隔离 isolate; retire from public life; segregate; seclude.
sinister adj. 邪恶的 evil.
cloister n. 修道院 monastery or convent.
bolster v. 支持,增援 support; reinforce.
holster n. 手枪套 pistol case.
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foster v. 养育,培养;鼓励 rear; encourage.

roster n. 列表 list.
filibuster v. (发表长篇演讲来)阻挠法案通过 to block legislation by making long speeches.
luster n. 光泽;光彩 shine; gloss.
bluster v. 咆哮;吓唬 blow in heavy gusts; threaten emptily; bully.
fluster v. 使混乱,使迷惑 confuse.
lackluster adj. 暗淡的,无光的;单调的 dull.
muster v. 收集;集合 gather; assemble.
shyster n. 讼棍;政界的奸诈之徒 lawyer using questionable methods.
fetter v. 羁绊 shackle.
unfetter v. 解放 liberate; free from chains.
titter n. 神经质的笑 nervous laugh.
totter v. 摇摆;摇摇欲坠 move unsteadily; sway, as if about to fall.
beleaguer v. 攻击;使烦恼 besiege or attack; harassed.
cadaver n. 尸体 corpse.
sever v. 切断 cut; separate.
quiver n. 舐箭的 case for arrows.
quiver v. 振动的;颤抖的;敏捷的 tremble; shake.
gloss over v. 掩盖 explain away.
hover v. 逗留;盘旋;等待 hang about; wait nearby.
glower v. 瞪着,愤怒的看着 scowl.
flair n. 才能 talent.
debonair adj. 温文尔雅;友好;殷勤 friendly; aiming to please.
impair v. 伤害 injure; hurt.
nadir n. 谷底,最低点;天底 lowest point.
elixir n. 包治百病,万能药 cure-all; something invigorating.
belabor v. 嘴贫,过度的说;谩骂 explain or go over excessively or to a ridiculous degree; attack
harbor v. 庇护;隐藏 provide a refuge for; hide.
succor v. 救援;援助 aid; assist; comfort.
rancor n. 苦难 bitterness; hatred.
candor n. 开诚布公;坦率 frankness; open honesty.
vendor n. 卖主 seller.
rigor n. 严格,苛刻;精确 severity.
vigor n. 活力 active strength.
clangor n. 大声喧哗;持续的铿锵声 loud, resounding noise.
abhor v. 憎恨 detest; hate.
anchor v. 固定;锚 secure or fasten firmly; be fixed in place.
metaphor n. 隐喻 implied comparison.
ulterior adj. 将来的;隐蔽的 situated beyond; unstated.
squalor n. 肮脏;悲惨;贫穷 filth; degradation; dirty, neglected state.
valor n. 英勇;勇猛 bravery.
clamor n. 吵闹声;噪音 noise.
tremor n. 振动的 trembling; slight quiver.
demeanor n. 风度;行为 behavior; bearing.
misdemeanor n. 轻罪 minor crime.
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torpor n. 迟钝;麻木;不活泼 lethargy; sluggishness; dormancy.

stupor n. 冷漠;漠不关心 state of apathy; daze; lack of awareness.
furor n. 非常激动 frenzy; great excitement.
censor n. 审查 overseer of morals; person who reads to eliminate inappropriate remarks.
precursor n. 领跑者,先驱 forerunner.
predecessor n. 前任;前辈 former occupant of a post.
aggressor n. 攻击者 attacker.
predator n. 捕食者 creature that seizes and devours another animal; person who robs or exploits
liberator n. 解放者 one who sets free.
orator n. 演讲者 public speaker.
arbitrator n. 仲裁者 judge.
curator n. 主管;经理 superintendent; manager.
malefactor n. 犯罪分子 evildoer; criminal.
benefactor n. 恩人,赞助人 gift giver; patron.
progenitor n. 祖先 ancestor.
inquisitor n. 调查者;盘问者 questioner (especially harsh); investigator.
mentor n. 门特;顾问;导师 teacher.
impostor n. 冒充者;冒名顶替的人 someone who assumes a false identity.
languor n. 衰弱,萧条 lassitude; depression.
savor v. 有滋有味儿的;享受这种滋味 enjoy; have a distinctive flavor, smell, or quality.
fervor n. 热情;激情 glowing ardor; intensity of feeling.
purveyor n. 承办商 furnisher of foodstuffs; caterer.
incur v. 招致 bring upon oneself.
grandeur n. 庄严,伟大,威严 impressiveness; stateliness; majesty.
entrepreneur n. 商人,企业家,承包人 businessman; contractor.
poseur n. 装模作样的人;邯郸学步 person who pretends to be sophisticated, elegant, etc.
raconteur n. 善谈的人;满肚子故事的人 storyteller.
saboteur n. 破坏分子;怠工者 one who commits sabotage; destroyer of property.
voyeur n. 偷窥者 Peeping Tom.
slur v. 模糊不清的说 speak indistinctly; mumble.
slur n. 诽谤;侮辱 insult to one's character or reputation; slander.
demur v. 反对;犹豫 object (because of doubts, scruples); hesitate.
zephyr n. 和风;徐风 gentle breeze; west wind.
martyr n. 殉道者;殉教者;烈士

fracas n. 争吵;混战 brawl, melee.
alias n. 别名 an assumed name.
atlas n. 地图集 a bound volume of maps, charts, or tables.
acoustics n. 声学的 science of sound; quality that makes a room easy or hard to hear in.
indices n. index PL.
amenities n. 令人愉快的,礼貌的 convenient features; courtesies.
shambles n. 混乱的地方;肉铺 wreck; mess.
throes n. 剧痛 violent anguish.
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mores n. 风俗习惯 conventions; moral standards; customs.

archives n. 档案;档案馆 public records; place where public records are kept.
dregs n. 沉淀物;残渣 sediment; worthless residue.
trappings n. 服饰;装饰 outward decorations; ornaments.
misgivings n. 担忧,疑虑 doubts.
dais n. 讲台 raised platform for guests of honor.
précis n. 大纲;摘要 concise summing up of main points.
metropolis n. 大都会 large city.
bourgeois adj. 中产阶级;平庸的 middle class; selfishly materialistic; dully conventional.
debris n. 碎片;残骸 rubble.
exegesis n. 解释,注解,通译 explanation; interpretation, especially of a biblical text.
antithesis n. 对立面 contrast; direct opposite of or to.
synthesis n. 合成 combining parts into a whole.
nemesis n. 复仇的人;寻衅者 someone seeking revenge.
genesis n. 发源,源头 beginning; origin.
apotheosis n. 神化,典范 elevation to godhood; an ideal example of something.
metamorphosis n. 变形 change of form; major transformation.
symbiosis n. 共生现象 interdependent relationship (between groups, species), often mutually
diagnosis n. 诊断 art of identifying a disease; analysis of a condition.
prognosis n. 预言;疾病警告 forecasted course of a disease; prediction.
ellipsis n. 省略 omission of words from a text.
catharsis n. 导泻,通便;疏泄 purging or cleansing of any passage of the body.
chassis n. 底盘 framework and working parts of an automobile.
gratis adj. 免费的 free.
annals n. 记录,历史 records; history.
qualms n. 担心,害怕;担惊受怕;愧对良心 misgivings; uneasy fears, especially about matters
of conscience.
doldrums n. 忧郁,悲伤 blues; listlessness; slack period.
machinations n. 阴谋,诡计 evil schemes or plots.
kudos n. 名望,声誉 honor; glory; praise.
pathos n. 痛苦,悲怆,哀婉 tender sorrow; pity; quality in art or literature that produces these
ethos n. 社会精神特质,思潮,风气;气质 underlying character of a culture, group, etc.
apropos prep. 关于 with reference to; regarding.
forebears n. 前人;祖先 ancestors.
arrears n. 欠债 being in debt.
amass v. 收集 collect.
encompass v. 包围 surround.
surpass v. 超越 exceed.
trespass v. 过失;侵入 unlawfully enter the boundaries of some else's property.
harass v. 烦恼 to annoy by repeated attacks.
canvass v. 调查;投票 determine votes, etc.
largess n. 赠送;赠礼 generous gift.
heedless adj. 轻蔑的;不理睬的 not noticing; disregarding.
boundless adj. 无限的 unlimited; vast.
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guileless adj. 诚实的 without deceit.

ruthless adj. 无情的 pitiless; cruel.
peerless adj. 不可比较的,不相衡的,无可匹敌的 having no equal; incomparable.
witless adj. 无知的;轻率的 foolish; idiotic.
dauntless adj. 胆大的 bold.
artless adj. 坦诚;直率 without guile; open and honest.
listless adj. 倦怠的,冷漠的 lacking in spirit or energy.
responsiveness n. 响应的 state of reacting readily to appeals, orders, etc.
moodiness n. 闷闷不乐 fits of depression or gloom.
haughtiness n. 傲慢;不逊 pride; arrogance.
address v. 发表(演讲),处理,讨论 direct a speech to; deal with or discuss.
redress n. 补偿;赔偿 remedy; compensation.
egress n. 出口 exit.
repress v. 压迫;压制;压 restrain; crush; oppress.
compress v. 压缩 close; squeeze; contract.
suppress v. 镇压;抑制;查禁 stifle; overwhelm; subdue; inhibit.
buttress v. 支持 support; prop up.
duress n. (非法的)限制,关押 forcible restraint, especially unlawfully.
prowess n. 非常勇猛 extraordinary ability; military bravery.
amiss adj. 错误 wrong; faulty.
remiss adj. 玩忽职守的,粗心大意的 negligent.
dismiss v. 拒绝;排除 put away from consideration; reject.
dross n. 渣滓,废物 waste matter; worthless impurities.
engross v. 独占 occupy fully.
abyss n. 深渊,深坑,无底洞 enormous chasm; vast bottomless pit.
propellants n. 推进剂 substances that propel or drive forward.
antecedents n. 历史环境;历史背景 preceding events or circumstances that influence what comes
later; ancestors or early background.
outskirts n. 边界;郊区;外围 fringes; outer borders.
caucus n. 核心小组会议(秘密) private meeting of members of a party to select officers or
determine policy.
exodus n. 离开,启程 departure.
bogus adj. 赝品 counterfeit; not authentic.
nonplus v. 使迷惑;使为难;混淆 bring to halt by confusion; perplex.
animus n. 敌意 hostile feeling or intent.
onus n. 负担;责任 burden; responsibility.
viscous adj. 粘的 sticky; gluey.
raucous adj. 沙哑的 harsh and shrill; disorderly and boisterous.
hazardous adj. 危险 dangerous.
extraneous adj. 肤浅的,不重要的 not essential; superfluous.
homogeneous adj. 同类的 of the same kind.
heterogeneous adj. 异类,异种;不纯 dissimilar; mixed.
erroneous adj. 错误 mistaken; wrong.
analogous adj. 类似的 comparable.
amorphous adj. 无形的,不成形的 formless; lacking shape or definition.
dubious adj. 可疑的 questionable; filled with doubt.
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inefficacious adj. 无能的,无效的 not effective; unable to produce a desired result.

perspicacious adj. 洞察一切的,渗透的;机敏的 having insight; penetrating; astute.
mendacious adj. 撒谎成性的;撒谎的,假的 lying; habitually dishonest.
audacious adj. 大胆的;鲁莽的 daring; bold.
sagacious adj. 有洞察力的 perceptive; shrewd; having insight.
salacious adj. 好色的;淫荡的 lascivious; lustful.
fallacious adj. 假的;误导的 false; misleading.
tenacious adj. 顽强的 holding fast.
pertinacious adj. 拒不屈服;反抗 stubborn; persistent.
capacious adj. 宽敞的 spacious.
rapacious adj. 极度贪婪的;捕食的;掠夺的 excessively greedy; predatory.
voracious adj. 贪婪的;狼吞虎咽的 ravenous.
vivacious adj. 生动的 animated; lively.
specious adj. 似是而非的 seemingly reasonable but incorrect; misleading (often intentionally).
judicious adj. 公平的 sound in judgment; wise.
officious adj. 多管闲事的 meddlesome; excessively pushy in offering one's services.
malicious adj. 恶毒的 hateful; spiteful.
pernicious adj. 及具毁灭性的 very destructive.
auspicious adj. 幸运的,吉祥的 favoring success.
capricious adj. 反复无常的 unpredictable; fickle.
precocious adj. 早熟的 advanced in development.
luscious adj. 美味的,甜美的 pleasing to taste or smell.
tedious adj. 令人厌倦的 boring; tiring.
perfidious adj. 背信弃义的;不忠的 treacherous; disloyal.
insidious adj. 阴险的,奸诈的,狡猾的;鬼鬼祟祟的 treacherous; stealthy; sly.
fastidious adj. 挑剔的;难伺候的 difficult to please; squeamish.
invidious adj. 易招嫉妒的;不公平的 designed to create ill will or envy.
odious adj. 可恨的;可耻的 hateful; vile.
commodious adj. 宽敞,舒适 spacious and comfortable.
sacrilegious adj. 亵渎的,天谴的 desecrating; profane.
egregious adj. 及其令人痛恨的,声名狼藉;令人吃惊的 notorious; conspicuously bad or shocking.
prodigious adj. 巨大的 marvelous; enormous.
bilious adj. 消化不良,易怒 suffering from indigestion; irritable.
supercilious adj. 自大的;傲慢的 arrogant; condescending; patronizing.
punctilious adj. 谨小慎微的;一丝不苟的 laying stress on niceties of conduct or form; minutely
attentive to fine points (perhaps too much so).
abstemious adj. 节制(饮食),调节 sparing in eating and drinking; temperate.
ingenious adj. 聪明的 clever; resourceful.
euphonious adj. 悦耳的 pleasing in sound.
ceremonious adj. 隆重的 marked by formality.
acrimonious adj. 挖苦的,尖酸的(语言,行为) bitter in words or manner.
sanctimonious adj. 假正经的;假装神圣的 displaying ostentatious or hypocritical devoutness.
impecunious adj. 身无分文的 without money.
pious adj. 尽职的;虔诚的 devout; religious.
impious adj. 不敬的;不礼貌的 irreverent.
copious adj. 丰富的,大量的 plentiful.
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precarious adj. 不确定的;冒风险 uncertain; risky.

vicarious adj. 代理的;代理人的 acting as a substitute; done by a deputy.
nefarious adj. 十恶不舎的 very wicked.
multifarious adj. 多样的;各式各样的 varied; greatly diversified.
gregarious adj. 社交的;群居 sociable.
lugubrious adj. 悲哀的 mournful.
salubrious adj. 对健康有益的,利于养生的 healthful.
insalubrious adj. 有害的 unwholesome; not healthful.
imperious adj. 专横的 domineering; haughty.
deleterious adj. 有害的 harmful.
laborious adj. 艰苦的,勤劳的 demanding much work or care; tedious.
censorious adj. 批判的 critical.
industrious adj. 勤奋的,努力的 diligent; hard-working.
injurious adj. 有害的
spurious adj. 伪造的,欺骗的 false; counterfeit; forged; illogical.
ostentatious adj. 卖弄的;企图惹人注意的;哗众取宠的 showy; pretentious; trying to attract
disputatious adj. 好辩的 argumentative; fond of arguing.
fractious adj. 蛮横倔强的 unruly; disobedient; irritable.
facetious adj. 不合时宜的玩笑;幽默 joking (often inappropriately); humorous.
propitious adj. 吉利的;有利的 favorable; fortunate; advantageous.
fictitious adj. 想象的 imaginary.
adventitious adj. 偶然 accidental; casual.
surreptitious adj. 暗中的;秘密的 secret; furtive; sneaky; hidden.
licentious adj. 不道德的;下流的;放纵的 amoral; lewd and lascivious; unrestrained.
tendentious adj. 偏见的;有目标的;预计好的 having an aim; biased; designed to further a cause.
pretentious adj. 自命不凡;华而不实;自大 ostentatious; pompous; making unjustified claims; overly
sententious adj. 简洁的;警句式的,格言式的 terse; concise; aphoristic.
bumptious adj. 盲目自大 self-assertive.
obsequious adj. 谄媚的;拍马屁的;奴性的 slavishly attentive; servile; sycophantic.
devious adj. 拐弯抹角的;偏僻的 roundabout; erratic; not straightforward.
oblivious adj. 遗忘的;出神的 inattentive or unmindful; wholly absorbed.
impervious adj. 不会被损的;不能渗透的 impenetrable; incapable of being damaged or distressed.
noxious adj. 有害的 harmful.
obnoxious adj. 讨厌的;冒犯的 offensive.
anomalous adj. 不正常的,变态的 abnormal; irregular.
callous adj. 硬心肠的,无情的 hardened; unfeeling.
frivolous adj. 轻佻的;嬉皮笑脸的 lacking in seriousness; self-indulgently carefree; relatively
nebulous adj. 暧昧的,混浊不清的 vague; hazy; cloudy.
meticulous adj. 小心翼翼的 excessively careful; painstaking; scrupulous.
incredulous adj. 怀疑的 withholding belief; skeptical.
sedulous adj. 勤奋的;勤勤恳恳的 diligent; hardworking.
acidulous adj. 酸的;尖锐,刻薄 slightly sour; sharp, caustic.
tremulous adj. 震荡的 trembling; wavering.
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scrupulous adj. 小心翼翼的;谨慎的 conscientious; extremely thorough.

querulous adj. 鸣不平的;易发牢骚的 fretful; whining.
garrulous adj. 贫嘴 loquacious; wordy; talkative.
infamous adj. 臭名昭著的,恶名远扬的 notoriously bad.
pusillanimous adj. 懦弱的;优柔寡断的 cowardly; fainthearted.
magnanimous adj. 宽宏大量的 generous; great-hearted.
autonomous adj. 自治 self-governing.
posthumous adj. 身后的;遗腹的(书出版于作者死后,孩子生于父亲死后)after death (as of child
born after father's death or book published after author's death).
anonymous adj. 匿名的 having no name.
indigenous adj. native.
ravenous adj. 饥饿的 extremely hungry.
heinous adj. 可恶的,令人深恶痛绝 atrocious; hatefully bad.
ominous adj. 有威胁的;恶兆的 threatening.
luminous adj. 发光的,闪耀的 shining; issuing light.
voluminous adj. 庞大的 bulky; large.
mutinous adj. 反抗的;暴动的 unruly; rebellious.
cacophonous adj. 不和谐 discordant; inharmonious.
ludicrous adj. 可笑的,滑稽的;不重要的 laughable; trifling.
ponderous adj. 沉重的;笨重的;呆板的;冗长的 weighty; unwieldy.
vociferous adj. 喊叫的;吵闹的 clamorous; noisy.
cantankerous adj. 脾气坏;易发怒 ill humored; irritable.
onerous adj. 范忠德 burdensome.
obstreperous adj. 喧闹的,喧嚣的;任性的 boisterous; noisy.
boisterous adj. 狂暴;喧嚣 violent; rough; noisy.
preposterous adj. 荒唐的 absurd; ridiculous.
dexterous adj. 灵巧的;右撇子 skillful.
cadaverous adj. 尸体似的,苍白的 like a corpse; pale.
chivalrous adj. 勇敢;诚实 courteous; faithful; brave.
odorous adj. 有气味的 having an odor.
malodorous adj. 恶臭的 foul-smelling.
rigorous adj. 严峻的;严格的;严厉的 severe; harsh; demanding; exact.
amorous adj. 爱情的 moved by sexual love; loving.
timorous adj. 害怕的 fearful; demonstrating fear.
sonorous adj. 醒目的 resonant.
porous adj. 筛子似的 full of pores; like a sieve.
herbivorous adj. 吃粮食的(动物) grain-eating.
omnivorous adj. 无所不吃的;杂食的 eating both plant and animal food; devouring everything.
carnivorous adj. 食肉的 meat-eating.
lustrous adj. 闪耀的 shining.
ambidextrous adj. 双手都灵巧 capable of using either hand with equal ease.
felicitous adj. 措辞巧妙的;精巧的 apt; suitably expressed; well chosen.
solicitous adj. 担心的;关切的;期望的 worried; concerned.
precipitous adj. 陡峭的;急躁的 steep; overhasty.
circuitous adj. 迂回的 roundabout.
ubiquitous adj. 无所不在的 being everywhere; omnipresent.
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iniquitous adj. 邪恶的 wicked; immoral; unrighteous.

gratuitous adj. 无条件的;无理由的;免费的 given freely; unwarranted; uncalled for.
fortuitous adj. 偶然的 accidental; by chance.
momentous adj. 非常重要的 very important.
vacuous adj. 空虚的;空的 empty; inane.
innocuous adj. 无害的,无辜的 harmless.
promiscuous adj. 随意混合的;打乱的;随便的 mixed indiscriminately; haphazard; irregular,
particularly sexually.
deciduous adj. 落叶的 falling off as of leaves.
assiduous adj. 勤奋 diligent.
arduous adj. 努力;奋发 hard; strenuous.
ambiguous adj. 模棱两可 unclear or doubtful in meaning.
mellifluous adj. 优美的;流畅的;蜜一样的 sweetly or smoothly flowing; melodious.
superfluous adj. 不必要的;多余的 unnecessary; excessive; overabundant.
ingenuous adj. 心无城府的;天真的;幼稚的;可信的 naive and trusting; young; unsophisticated.
disingenuous adj. 不诚恳的 lacking genuine candor; insincere.
tenuous adj. 纤细的 thin; rare; slim.
sinuous adj. 蜿蜒的;弯曲复杂的;不老实的 winding; bending in and out; not morally honest.
incongruous adj. 不调和的;荒谬的 not fitting; absurd.
fatuous adj. 愚蠢的;不可理喻的;不理智的 foolish; inane.
unctuous adj. 油的;油质的;松软肥沃的 oily; bland; insincerely suave.
impetuous adj. 冲动的,鲁莽的 violent; hasty; rash.
sumptuous adj. 奢侈的;华丽的 lavish; rich.
presumptuous adj. 自大;轻狂;专横 overconfident; impertinently bold; taking liberties.
voluptuous adj. 令人满足的 gratifying the senses.
tortuous adj. 曲折的,蜿蜒的 winding; full of curves.
tempestuous adj. 有暴风雨的;暴乱的 stormy; impassioned; violent.
opus n. 作品 work.
virus n. 病毒 disease communicator.
papyrus n. 纸草;草纸(古代的) ancient paper made from stem of papyrus plant.
hiatus n. 缝隙;短暂的空白 gap; interruption in duration or continuity; pause.
apparatus n. 器械,设备 equipment.
impetus n. 动力;动机 incentive; stimulus; moving force.

browbeat v. 吓唬 bully; intimidate.
entreat v. 恳求 plead; ask earnestly.
turncoat n. 叛徒;叛逆者 traitor.
scapegoat n. 替罪羊 someone who bears the blame for others.
gloat v. 垂涎;幸灾乐祸,洋洋得意 express evil satisfaction; view malevolently.
spat n. 争论;口角;扇巴掌 squabble; minor dispute.
carat n. 克拉;开;K unit of weight for precious stones; measure of fineness of gold.
squat adj. 矮壮的;又短又厚的;蹲着的 stocky; short and thick.
artifact n. 人造物品 object made by human beings, either handmade or mass-produced.
pact n. 和约;条约 agreement; treaty.
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compact adj. 紧密的,结实的 tightly packed; firm; brief.

compact n. 合约,合同 agreement; contract.
cataract n. 大瀑布;白内障 great waterfall; eye abnormality.
tract n. 地域;小册子 region of land (often imprecisely described); pamphlet.
retract v. 撤回,撤退 withdraw; take back.
protract v. 延长 prolong.
abstract adj. 抽象的 theoretical; not concrete; nonrepresentational.
abject adj. 穷困潦倒,卑微 wretched; lacking pride.
deflect v. 反舐,偏转 turn aside.
intellect n. 智力 higher mental powers.
circumspect adj. 慎重;周到 prudent; cautious.
edict n. 法令,号令;布告 decree (especially issued by a sovereign); official command.
indict v. 控告;起诉 charge.
derelict adj. 遗弃的;废弃的 abandoned; negligent.
depict v. 描述 portray.
sacrosanct adj. 非常神圣的 most sacred; inviolable.
succinct adj. 简洁的;紧身的 brief; terse; compact.
precinct n. 行政区 district or division of a city.
defunct adj. 死的;不存在的,报废的 dead; no longer in use or existence.
adjunct n. 无用的附加物 something added on or attached (generally nonessential or inferior).
abet v. 帮助,鼓励 aid, usually in doing something wrong; encourage.
facet n. (宝石的)琢面;方面 small plane surface (of a gem); a side.
dulcet adj. 甜美的(声音) sweet sounding.
buffet n. 自助餐 table with food set out for people to serve themselves; meal at which people
help themselves to food that's been set out.
buffet v. 殴打,斗殴 slap; batter; knock about.
beget v. 得子;产生 father; produce; give rise to.
epithet n. 绰号 word or phrase characteristically used to describe a person or thing.
whet v. 锐化;刺激 sharpen; stimulate.
disquiet v. 使焦虑,使难受 make uneasy or anxious.
trinket n. 小玩意儿;密谋 knickknack; bauble.
amulet n. 护身符 charm; talisman.
rivulet n. 小溪 small stream.
plummet v. 垂直落下 fall sharply.
gourmet n. 品尝家;美食比赛的评委 connoisseur of food and drink.
tenet n. 原则;信条 doctrine; dogma.
martinet n. 严格纪律的人 strict disciplinarian.
fret v. 被激怒 to be annoyed or vexed.
ferret v. 侦查;搜出;赶出 drive or hunt out of hiding.
beset v. 困扰 harass or trouble; hem in.
onset n. 开始,发作,肇端;攻击 beginning; attack.
graft n. 移植;移植物;嫁接 piece of transplanted tissue; portion of plant inserted in another
waft v. 飘荡;信号 moved gently by wind or waves.
deft adj. 灵巧的,敏锐地 neat; skillful.
cleft n. 裂缝;开裂 split.
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bereft adj. 失去的,缺少的 deprived of; lacking; desolate because of a loss.

rift n. 裂缝;破口 opening; break.
spendthrift n. 挥霍的人 someone who wastes money.
aloft adv. 向上 upward.
sleight n. 灵巧的 dexterity.
plight n. 情况,状况;困境 condition, state (especially a bad state or condition); predicament.
slight n. 怠慢;斥责;侮辱 insult to one's dignity; snub.
forthright adj. 坦率的;豪爽的 outspoken; straightforward; frank.
foresight n. 洞察力 ability to foresee future happenings; prudence.
fraught adj. 满的 filled.
distraught adj. 使悲伤;使焦虑 upset; distracted by anxiety.
overwrought adj. 歇斯底里的 extremely agitated; hysterical.
bait v. 欺负,玩弄,折磨 harass; tease.
gait n. 步态,步法;速度 manner of walking or running; speed.
inhibit v. 限制,防止;阻碍 restrain; retard or prevent.
gambit n. 弃子抢先 opening in chess in which a piece is sacrificed.
tacit adj. 默许的;会意的 understood; not put into words.
elicit v. 得出 draw out by discussion.
illicit adj. 非法的 illegal.
solicit v. 恳求 request earnestly; seek.
implicit adj. 会意的,意会而不言传;暗示的 understood but not stated.
explicit adj. 清晰的;坦率的 totally clear; definite; outspoken.
discredit v. 不信任;丢脸 defame; destroy confidence in; disbelieve.
pundit n. 博学者;梵文学家 authority on a subject; learned person; expert.
audit n. 核算,稽核 examination of accounts.
plaudit n. 喝彩 enthusiastically worded approval; round of applause.
conceit n. 自负,自大;离奇古怪的想法 vanity or self-love; whimsical idea; extravagant
surfeit v. 饮食过度;恶心 satiate; stuff; indulge to excess in anything.
discomfit v. 扰乱 put to rout; defeat; disconcert.
flit v. 掠过 fly; dart lightly; pass swiftly by.
summit n. 巅峰;顶点 utmost height or pinnacle; highest point (of a mountain, etc.
knit v. 编织;结合 contract into wrinkles; grow together.
exploit n. 壮举 deed or action, particularly a brave deed.
exploit v. 开发,开拓 make use of, sometimes unjustly.
adroit adj. 熟练,有技巧 skillful.
maladroit adj. 搞砸的;笨拙的 clumsy; bungling.
decrepit adj. 老化,磨损 worn out by age.
affidavit n. 宣誓书 written statement made under oath.
outwit v. 欺骗;瞒骗 outsmart; trick.
exalt v. 晋升;赞扬 raise in rank or dignity; praise.
smelt v. 冶炼;精炼 melt or blend ores, changing their chemical composition.
bolt n. 门闩;螺钉;布匹的长度 door bar; fastening pin or screw; length of fabric.
bolt v. 猛冲,上门闩,囫囵吞下 dash or dart off; fasten (a door); gobble down.
dolt n. 愚蠢的人,蠢货 stupid person.
molt v. 换毛;褪毛 shed or cast off hair or feathers.
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default n. 不作为,无动于衷 failure to act.

tumult n. 吵闹;混乱 commotion; riot; noise.
catapult n. 弹弓;弹舐器 slingshot; a hurling machine.
exult v. 高兴,兴高采烈 rejoice.
cant n. 伪善;黑话 insincere expressions of piety; jargon of thieves.
recant v. 放弃;宣布放弃 disclaim or disavow; retract a previous statement; openly confess
mendicant n. 乞丐 beggar.
descant v. 全面而详细的讨论 discuss fully.
pedant n. 学究式人物 scholar who overemphasizes book learning or technicalities.
pendant n. 装饰品;首饰 ornament (hanging from a necklace, etc.
abundant adj. 丰富,富足 plentiful; possessing riches or resources.
redundant adj. 冗余的;多余的 superfluous; repetitious; excessively wordy.
verdant adj. 翠绿的;生疏的;无经验的 green; lush in vegetation.
discordant adj. 不和谐的;冲突的 not harmonious; conflicting.
penchant n. 倾向;趣味 strong inclination; liking.
trenchant adj. 锋利的 cutting; keen.
sycophant n. 马屁精;阿谀奉承者 servile flatterer; bootlicker; yes man.
pliant adj. 顺从的 flexible; easily influenced.
compliant adj. 顺从 yielding.
luxuriant adj. 丰富的,富足的;丰富多彩;肥沃的 abundant; rich and splendid; fertile.
supplant v. 篡位;取代 replace; usurp.
petulant adj. 脾气坏的 touchy; peevish.
adamant adj. 坚硬,不动摇 hard; inflexible.
dormant adj. 睡着的;隐匿的 sleeping; lethargic; latent.
stagnant adj. 静止的;单调的 motionless; stale; dull.
malignant adj. 恶性的,伤害的;致命的 injurious; tending to cause death; aggressively malevolent.
repugnant adj. 不一致的;令人讨厌的 loathsome; hateful.
remnant n. 残留物 remainder.
resonant adj. 共鸣的 echoing; resounding; deep and full in sound.
rampant adj. 猖獗的;滋生的;猛烈的 growing in profusion; unrestrained.
flippant adj. 轻率的,没礼貌的,嬉皮笑脸的 lacking proper seriousness.
rant v. 咆哮;激昂的演说;斥责 rave; talk excitedly; scold; make a grandiloquent speech.
itinerant adj. 巡回的 wandering; traveling.
flagrant adj. 非常坏的;残忍的;恶名昭著的 conspicuously wicked; blatant; outrageous.
vagrant n. 无家可归的流浪者 a homeless wanderer.
migrant adj. 移居的;候鸟的 changing its habitat; wandering.
aspirant n. 有志者;有抱负的人 seeker after position or status.
warrant v. 授权;证明;批准 justify; authorize.
aberrant n. 不正常的 abnormal or deviant.
recalcitrant adj. 反抗的;顽抗的 obstinately stubborn; determined to resist authority; unruly.
complaisant adj. 彬彬有礼;殷勤 trying to please; obliging.
conversant adj. 熟悉 familiar with.
incessant adj. 不停的 uninterrupted; unceasing.
blatant adj. 喧闹;俗丽 flagrant; conspicuously obvious; loudly offensive.
exorbitant adj. 过度的 excessive.
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militant adj. 好战的 combative; bellicose.

distant adj. 冷漠的;远离的 reserved or aloof; cold in manner.
extant adj. 现存的 still in existence.
piquant adj. 开胃的;辛辣的;刺激的;淘气顽皮的 pleasantly tart-tasting; stimulating.
savant n. 专家,学者 scholar.
relevant adj. 有关的;相对的 pertinent; referring to the case in hand.
irrelevant adj. 不相关的,不照号的 not applicable; unrelated.
flamboyant adj. 华丽的 ornate.
buoyant adj. 可漂浮的,乐观的 able to float; cheerful and optimistic.
clairvoyant adj. 透视的,有洞察力的; 千里眼的人

bent adj. 决心的,决意的;偏好倾向 determined; natural talent or inclination.


recumbent adj. 靠着的;斜躺的;不动的;休息的 reclining; lying down completely or in part.

incumbent adj. 义不容辞的,职责在身的 obligatory; currently holding an office.
adjacent adj. 邻近的,毗邻的 adjoining; neighboring; close by.
munificent adj. 宽宏大量的;慷慨大方的 very generous.
nascent adj. 初生的 incipient; coming into being.
iridescent adj. 虹彩的 exhibiting rainbowlike colors.
incandescent adj. 白炽的 strikingly bright; shining with intense heat.
quiescent adj. 睡眠的;休息的;暂停活动的 at rest; dormant; temporarily inactive.
opalescent adj. 乳白的 iridescent; lustrous.
evanescent adj. 消散的;凋零的 fleeting; vanishing.
translucent adj. 半透明的 partly transparent.
precedent n. 先例 something preceding in time that may be used as an authority or guide for future
strident adj. 刺耳的;尖锐的;坚持不懈的 loud and harsh; insistent.
dissident adj. 持不同意见的;难于对付的 dissenting; rebellious.
provident adj. 有远见的 displaying foresight; thrifty; preparing for emergencies.
improvident adj. 浪费的 thriftless.
transcendent adj. 卓越的;非比寻常的 surpassing; exceeding ordinary limits; superior.
resplendent adj. 辉煌的;光辉的 dazzling; glorious; brilliant.
despondent adj. 忧郁的;沮丧的 depressed; gloomy.
ardent adj. 激烈的;热心肠的;有激情的 intense; passionate; zealous.
prudent adj. 谨慎的 cautious; careful.
imprudent adj. 轻率的,判断错误的 lacking caution; injudicious.
agent n. 方法,工具;代表 means or instrument; personal representative; person acting in an
official capacity.
indigent adj. 穷困的 poor; destitute.
indulgent adj. 宽容,纵容,溺爱 humoring; yielding; lenient.
stringent adj. 严厉的;迫切的 binding; rigid.
astringent adj. 收敛的 binding; causing contraction.
pungent adj. 刺激的;辛辣的;尖锐的 stinging; sharp in taste or smell; caustic.
cogent adj. 有说服力的 convincing.
detergent n. 洗洁精;洗涤剂 cleansing agent.
divergent adj. 分歧的 differing; deviating.
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insurgent adj. 造反的,起义的 rebellious.

omniscient adj. 无所不知的 all-knowing.
expedient adj. 合适的,有利的;策略性的 suitable; practical; politic.
salient adj. 显著的;突出的;卓越的 prominent.
resilient adj. 弹性的 elastic; having the power of springing back.
emollient n. 缓和,安抚 soothing or softening remedy.
ebullient adj. 热情的,激动的 showing excitement; overflowing with enthusiasm.
recipient n. 接受的东西;容器 receiver.
incipient adj. 开始;早期的 beginning; in an early stage.
orient v. 确定方向;校准 get one's bearings; adjust.
nutrient n. 营养品 nourishing substance.
prurient adj. 好色的;渴望的 having or causing lustful thoughts and desires.
transient adj. 暂时的 momentary; temporary; staying for a short time.
subservient adj. 奴隶似的;奴性的 behaving like a slave; servile; obsequious.
prevalent adj. 普遍的;流行的 widespread; generally accepted.
relent v. 变宽厚;变温和 give in.
repellent adj. 排斥的 driving away; unattractive.
redolent adj. 有味道的;有香味儿的 fragrant; odorous; suggestive of an odor.
indolent adj. 懒惰 lazy.
somnolent adj. 催眠的;半睡半醒的 half asleep.
malevolent adj. 坏心肠的 wishing evil.
benevolent adj. 慈善的 generous; charitable.
succulent adj. 多汁的 juicy; full of richness.
fraudulent adj. 欺骗的 cheating; deceitful.
corpulent adj. 肥胖 very fat.
virulent adj. 剧毒的 extremely poisonous; hostile; bitter.
predicament n. 困境;危险的境地;两难 tricky or dangerous situation; dilemma.
lament v. 悲伤,恸哭 grieve; express sorrow.
filament n. 灯丝;精细的织物或线 fine thread or fiber; threadlike structure within a light bulb.
temperament n. 气质;性情 characteristic frame of mind; disposition; emotional excess.
bombardment n. 轰击(导弹) attack with missiles.
vehement adj. 激烈的;热烈的 forceful; intensely emotional; with marked vigor.
inclement adj. 险恶的;严酷的 stormy; unkind.
implement v. 贯彻,实现;用工具实现 put into effect; supply with tools.
complement v. 补足;完善 complete; consummate; make perfect.
entitlement n. 权利 right to claim something; right to benefits.
embezzlement n. 偷窃,侵占 stealing.
increment n. 增加 increase.
denouement n. 结局;结果 outcome; final development of the plot of a play.
bereavement n. 丧亲 state of being deprived of something valuable or beloved.
figment n. 发明;臆造的事务 invention; imaginary thing.
pigment n. 色素 coloring matter.
augment v. 增长 increase; add to.
encroachment n. 侵蚀;
“和平演变” gradual intrusion.
blandishment n. 阿谀奉承 flattery.
raiment n. 衣服 clothing.
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impediment n. 妨碍;障碍物 hindrance; stumbling-block.

liniment n. 药膏;擦油 ointment; lotion; salve.
presentiment n. 预感 feeling something will happen; anticipatory fear; premonition.
foment v. 鼓动,煽动 stir up; instigate.
endearment n. 爱慕;爱的表示 fond statement.
ferment n. 激怒;挑起骚动、暴乱 agitation; commotion.
interment n. 埋葬 burial.
assessment n. 评价,评估;判断 evaluation; judgment.
resentment n. 怨恨;愤恨 indignation; bitterness; displeasure.
document v. 书面证明 provide written evidence.
eminent adj. 高的 high; lofty.
preeminent adj. 出色的;出类拔萃的 outstanding; superior.
imminent adj. 即将到来,逼近的 near at hand; impending.
prominent adj. 显著的;突出的;卓越的 conspicuous; notable; sticking out.
incontinent adj. 缺乏自制力,放肆 lacking self-restraint; licentious.
pertinent adj. 说到点子上的;中肯的;有关的 To the point; relevant.
impertinent adj. 不相干的;鲁莽的 insolent; rude.
component n. 成分 element; ingredient.
proponent n. 支持者;建议者 supporter; backer; opposite of opponent.
rent n. 撕;裂口 rip; split.
transparent adj. 透明的;容易检测的,明晰的 easily detected; permitting light to pass through freely.
indifferent adj. 普通的,无关紧要的 unmoved or unconcerned by; mediocre.
belligerent adj. 好斗的,好斗嘴的 quarrelsome.
adherent n. 支持者,追随者 supporter; follower.
inherent adj. 固有的,内在的;与生俱来的 firmly established by nature or habit.
incoherent adj. 缺乏逻辑的,不聪明的;陈腐的 unintelligible; muddled; illogical.
reverent adj. 尊敬的;可敬的 respectful; worshipful.
deterrent n. 挫败;使气馁 something that discourages; hindrance.
torrent n. 急流;洪水 rushing stream; flood.
recurrent adj. 一遍又一遍发生的;循环发生的 occurring again and again.
misrepresent v. 误传;有意制造误解 give a false or incorrect impression, often deliberately; serve
unsatisfactorily as a representative.
omnipresent adj. 无所不在的 universally present; ubiquitous.
assent v. 同意;接受 agree; accept.
dissent v. 反对 disagree.
latent adj. 潜在的 potential but undeveloped; dormant; hidden.
patent adj. 显而易见的;公开查阅的 open for the public to read; obvious.
penitent adj. 悔过的 repentant.
impenitent adj. 执迷不悟的 not repentant.
malcontent n. 不满的;不满现状的 person dissatisfied with existing state of affairs.
potent adj. 有效的 powerful; persuasive; greatly influential.
omnipotent adj. 无所不能的;全能的 all-powerful.
impotent adj. 无能的;弱的 weak; ineffective.
portent n. 征兆 sign; omen; forewarning.
intermittent adj. 间歇的;断断续续的 periodic; on and off.
extent n. 范围;程度 degree; magnitude; scope.
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subsequent adj. 后来的;接下来的 following; later.

grandiloquent adj. 语言夸张的;词藻浮华的 pompous; bombastic; using highsounding language.
vent n. 出口,出路 a small opening; outlet.
vent v. 表达;发泄 express; utter.
advent n. 到来,出现 arrival.
solvent adj. 有偿付能力的 able to pay all debts.
insolvent adj. 破产 bankrupt; unable to repay one's debts.
circumvent v. 智取;包围 outwit; baffle.
fervent adj. 炙热的 ardent; hot.
restraint n. 抑制;控制 moderation or self-control; controlling force; restriction.
taint v. 污染,感染;污点 contaminate; cause to lose purity; modify with a trace of something
quaint adj. 离奇古怪的;做的精巧的;过时的 odd; old-fashioned; picturesque.
feint n. 假的,淡的,不鲜明的;佯攻 trick; shift; sham blow.
skinflint n. 守财奴;吝啬鬼 stingy person; miser.
anoint v. 神圣化 consecrate.
stint n. 供应;分配;限量分配 supply; allotted amount; assigned portion of work.
stint v. 紧缩,节省 be thrifty; set limits.
affront n. 侮辱,冒犯;蓄意蔑视 insult; offense; intentional act of disrespect.
daunt v. 惊吓;胁迫 intimidate; frighten.
gaunt adj. 瘦骨嶙峋,憔悴;荒芜 lean and angular; barren.
jaunt n. 短途旅行 trip; short journey.
flaunt v. 招摇;炫耀 display ostentatiously.
recount v. 解说,告诉;重新数 narrate or tell; count over again.
discount v. 漠视;解散 disregard; dismiss.
paramount adj. 极其重要的 foremost in importance; supreme.
tantamount adj. 同等的 equivalent in effect or value.
surmount v. 克服 overcome.
brunt n. 冲击 main impact or shock.
upshot n. 结果 outcome.
zealot n. 狂热者 fanatic; person who shows excessive zeal.
polyglot adj. 多语言 speaking several languages.
despot n. 暴君 tyrant; harsh, authoritarian ruler.
adapt v. 改变 alter; modify.
rapt adj. 迷住的;全神贯注的 absorbed; enchanted.
precept n. 规则 practical rule guiding conduct.
adept adj. 擅长于 expert at.
inept adj. 不相称的,不合适的,不称职的 lacking skill; unsuited; incompetent.
nondescript adj. 普通的 undistinctive; ordinary.
preempt v. 排挤,代替;阻止;抢占;先发制人 head off; forestall by acting first; appropriate for
oneself; supplant.
unkempt adj. 蓬乱的;粗野的;不洁的 disheveled; uncared for in appearance.
exempt adj. 被免除的 not subject to a duty, obligation.
prompt v. 提示;鼓动;迅速及时的 cause; provoke; provide a cue for an actor.
excerpt n. 摘抄,摘录 selected passage (written or musical).
braggart n. 自夸,吹嘘 boaster.
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impart v. 赋予;告诉 reveal or tell; grant.

thwart v. 阻碍;挫败 baffle; frustrate.
stalwart adj. 坚定的;强壮的 strong, brawny; steadfast.
disconcert v. 迷惑;扰乱;使难堪 confuse; upset; embarrass.
inert adj. 惰性的,不活跃的 inactive; lacking power to move.
pert adj. 爱管闲事的,无理的 impertinent; forward.
assert v. 断言 declare or state with confidence; put oneself forward boldly.
avert v. 转移;防止 prevent; turn away.
revert v. 回复;故态复萌 relapse; backslide; turn back to.
culvert n. 水管 artificial channel for water.
invert v. 倒转,翻转 turn upside down or inside out.
convert n. 改变;转换;皈依 one who has adopted a different religion or opinion.
overt adj. 明显的;公然的 open to view.
controvert v. 辩论;反驳 oppose with arguments; attempt to refute; contradict.
extrovert n. 性格外向的人 person interested mostly in external objects and actions.
exhort v. 劝诫,忠告 urge.
rapport n. 情感的亲近;和谐 emotional closeness; harmony.
transport n. 运输;狂喜 strong emotion.
passport n. 护照 legal document identifying the bearer as a citizen of a country and allowing him
or her to travel abroad.
retort n. 反驳;曲颈甑 quick sharp reply.
distort v. 扭曲,歪曲 twist out of shape.
extort v. 敲诈,勒索 wring from; get money by threats, etc.
blurt v. 脱口而出 utter impulsively.
recast v. 重建 reconstruct (a sentence, story, etc.
downcast adj. 沮丧 disheartened; sad.
steadfast adj. 坚定的;不渝的;忠诚的 loyal; unswerving.
aghast adj. 吓坏了的 horrified.
ballast n. 配重;沙袋 heavy substance used to add stability or weight.
repast n. 餐;宴会 meal; feast; banquet.
manifest adj. 明白的,显然的;证明,表现 evident; visible; obvious.
arrest v. 阻止;引起注意;吸引 stop or slow down; catch someone's attention.
attest v. 证明 testify, bear witness.
divest v. 剥夺 strip; deprive.
pacifist n. 和平主义者 one opposed to force; antimilitarist.
gist n. 精华 essence.
suffragist n. 扩大参政权;扩大妇女参政权 advocate of voting rights (for women).
ecologist n. 生态学家 a person concerned with the interrelationship between living organisms and
their environment.
ornithologist n. 鸟类学家 scientific student of birds.
cardiologist n. 心脏病专家 doctor specializing in the heart.
apologist n. 辩护者 one who writes in defense of a cause or institution.
anthropologist n. 人类学家 a student of the history and science of mankind.
dermatologist n. 皮肤病专家 one who studies the skin and its diseases.
masochist n. 受虐狂 person who enjoys his own pain.
anarchist n. 无政府主义者 person who seeks to overturn the established government; advocate of
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abolishing authority.
list v. 倾斜 tilt; lean over.
pugilist n. 拳击家 boxer.
nihilist n. 虚无主义者 one who believes traditional beliefs to be groundless and existence
meaningless; absolute skeptic; revolutionary terrorist.
somnambulist n. 梦游症患者 sleepwalker.
polygamist n. 多配偶 one who has more than one spouse at a time.
optimist n. 乐观者 person who looks on the good side.
chauvinist n. 盲目爱国主义 blindly devoted patriot.
hedonist n. 享乐主义者 one who believes that pleasure is the sole aim in life.
opportunist n. 机会主义者 individual who sacrifices principles for expediency by taking advantage of
jingoist n. 狂热好战分子;侵略主义者 extremely aggressive and militant patriot; warlike
philanthropist n. 慈善家 lover of mankind; doer of good.
podiatrist n. 足病医生 doctor who treats ailments of the feet.
narcissist n. 自我陶醉的人;逞能的人 conceited person; someone in love with his own image.
defeatist adj. 失败主义者 attitude of one who is ready to accept defeat as a natural outcome.
pragmatist n. 爱管闲事的人;实用主义者 practical person.
numismatist n. 硬币收藏家 person who collects coins.
ventriloquist n. 口技表演者 someone who can make his or her voice seem to come from another
person or thing.
accost v. 搭讪,邂逅 approach and speak first to a person.
host n. 很多;主人;宿主 great number; person entertaining guests; animal or plant from
which a parasite gets its nourishment.
robust adj. 健壮的 vigorous; strong.
august adj. 威严的;令人印象深刻的 impressive; majestic.
oust v. 剥夺;驱逐 expel; drive out.
catalyst n. 催化剂 agent which brings about a chemical change while it remains unaffected and
tryst n. 约会;幽会 meeting.
boycott v. 抵制 refrain from buying or using.
taut adj. 紧张的;整洁的 tight; ready.
abut v. 毗邻 border upon; adjoin.
glut v. 充斥;过量 overstock; fill to excess.
gamut n. 整个领域 entire range.
lout n. 笨人,呆子 clumsy person.
clout n. 巨大的影响(政治\社会) great influence (especially political or social).
flout v. 轻视;嘲笑;愚弄 reject; mock.
rout v. 吓跑;赶出;击退 stampede; drive out.
tout v. 吹捧 publicize; praise excessively.
devout adj. 虔诚的;诚恳的 pious.
strut n. 支柱 supporting bar.
strut n. 大摇大摆;高视阔步 pompous walk; swagger.
pretext n. 借口;托辞 excuse.
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milieu n. 环境;
(社会)背景 environment; means of expression.
impromptu adj. 一时冲动的;即兴的 without previous preparation; off the cuff; on the spur of the

guffaw n. 狂笑,哄笑 boisterous laughter.
eschew v. 避免 avoid.
askew adj. 歪斜 crookedly; slanted; at an angle.
strew v. 散开;随意散开;散播 spread randomly; sprinkle; scatter.
foreshadow v. 预言;预测 give an indication beforehand; portend; prefigure.
low v. 牛叫,哞 moo.
bungalow n. 小平房 small cottage.
callow adj. 年幼,稚嫩;无经验 youthful; immature; inexperienced.
fallow adj. 休耕地;潜伏的;不活跃的 plowed but not sowed; uncultivated.
wallow v. 打滚;沉湎;堕落 roll in; indulge in; become helpless.
winnow v. 扬谷;分出好坏 sift; separate good parts from bad.
bestow v. 给予 give.
avow v. 宣布 declare openly.

lax adj. 不严格的;马虎的;松懈的 careless.
anticlimax n. 反高潮,突降 letdown in thought or emotion.
hoax n. 伎俩;小聪明 trick; practical joke.
wax v. 增长 increase; grow.
annex v. 接手 attach; take possession of.
apex n. 高点,顶点,高潮 tip; summit; climax.
vertex n. 顶点 summit.
vortex n. 漩涡;漩涡中心; (争斗、讨论的)中心 whirlwind; whirlpool; center of turbulence;
predicament into which one is inexorably plunged.
vex n. 激怒;惹恼 annoy; distress.
convex adj. 凸的 curving outward.
affix v. 增加,附于 fasten; attach; add on.
phoenix n. 凤凰(象征不死和重生、涅磐) symbol of immortality or rebirth.
paradox n. 悖论;佯谬 something apparently contradictory in nature; statement that looks false
but is actually correct.
orthodox adj. 传统的;保守的 traditional; conservative in belief.
heterodox adj. 非主流;异端 unorthodox; unconventional.
lummox n. 大而笨重的(通常指人) big, clumsy, often stupid person.
equinox n. 昼夜平分点,春分,秋分 period of equal days and nights; the beginning of Spring and
flux n. 变迁;流动 flowing; series of changes.
influx n. 注入,流入 flowing into.
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heyday n. 鼎盛时期 time of greatest success; prime.
allay v. 平静下来,
(使)冷静下来 calm; pacify.
waylay v. 埋伏;伏击;抢劫 ambush; lie in wait.
dismay v. 使沮丧;使害怕 discourage; frighten.
fray n. 争吵 brawl.
defray v. 偿付 pay the costs of.
array v. 衣服;穿着,装饰 clothe; adorn.
array v. 排列;整理 marshal; draw up in order.
betray v. 出卖;背叛 be unfaithful; reveal (unconsciously or unwillingly).
gainsay v. 否认,拒绝 deny.
assay v. 分析;化验 analyze; evaluate.
quay n. 码头 dock; landing place.
efficacy n. 功效 power to produce desired effect.
advocacy n. 支持,辩护 support; active pleading on something's behalf.
legacy n. 遗赠 a gift made by a will.
intimacy n. 亲密;隐私 closeness, often affectionate; privacy; familiarity.
theocracy n. 神权政治 government run by religious leaders.
aristocracy n. 贵族 hereditary nobility; privileged class.
plutocracy n. 富豪统治 society ruled by the wealthy.
bureaucracy n. 官僚机构 over-regulated administrative system marked by red tape.
ascendancy n. 统治,控制 controlling influence; domination.
fancy n. 爱好;奇特;想象 notion; whim; inclination.
necromancy n. 巫术,妖术,招魂术 black magic; dealings with the dead.
poignancy n. 强烈的;感人的;尖锐的 quality of being deeply moving; keenness of emotion.
discrepancy n. 相差;缺乏一致 lack of consistency; difference.
complacency n. 自满;装模作样 self-satisfaction; smugness.
exigency n. 紧急情况 urgent situation.
leniency n. 温和;宽大,仁慈 mildness; permissiveness.
clemency n. 温和;仁慈 disposition to be lenient; mildness, as of the weather.
inconsistency n. 不一致的,自相矛盾的 state of being self-contradictory; lack of uniformity or
fluency n. (语言)流利 smoothness of speech.
malady n. 疾病 illness.
toady n. 谄媚的人;马屁精 servile flatterer; yes man.
eddy n. 漩涡 swirling current of water, air, etc.
giddy adj. 眼花缭乱 light-hearted; dizzy.
shoddy adj. 以次充好的;赝品 sham; not genuine; inferior.
ruddy adj. 红的;红润的,白里透红的;健康的 reddish; healthy-looking.
seedy adj. 破烂不堪的;褴褛的;不合适的 run-down; decrepit; disreputable.
subsidy n. 政府的补助 direct financial aid by government, etc.
unwieldy adj. 糟糕的;笨拙的 awkward; cumbersome; unmanageable.
bandy v. 传话 discuss lightly or glibly; exchange (words) heatedly.
embody v. 具体化;包含,收录 personify; make concrete; incorporate.
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parody n. 拙劣的模仿 humorous imitation; spoof; takeoff; travesty.

hardy adj. 艰苦的;勇敢的 sturdy; robust; able to stand inclement weather.
foolhardy adj. 愚勇的;傻大胆儿 rash.
gaudy adj. 华而不实的 flashy; showy.
bawdy adj. 猥亵的;下流的;卖淫的 indecent; obscene.
dowdy adj. 邋遢的;衣衫不整 slovenly; untidy.
medley n. 混合 mixture.
motley adj. 多彩的,杂色的;混合的 multi-colored; mixed.
prey n. 猎物;受害人,牺牲品 target of a hunt; victim.
odyssey n. 长期的冒险旅行 long, eventful journey.
stupefy v. 使麻木;使大吃一惊 make numb; stun; amaze.
pacify v. 安抚;平静 soothe; make calm or quiet; subdue.
edify v. 教导;启迪,陶冶 instruct; correct morally.
codify v. 编纂 arrange (laws, rules) as a code; classify.
deify v. 神化
vilify v. 诽谤;辱骂 slander.
mollify v. 平息;安抚 soothe.
nullify v. 使无效 to make invalid.
amplify v. 放大 broaden or clarify by expanding; intensify; make stronger.
exemplify v. 作为典型;具体化 serve as an example of; embody.
ramify v. 分支;分开 divide into branches or subdivisions.
petrify v. 石化 turn to stone.
ossify v. 硬化;骨化;化石化 change or harden into bone.
ratify v. 批准,认可 approve formally; confirm; verify.
gratify v. 取悦 please.
stratify v. 分门别类;分类;分层 divide into classes; be arranged into strata.
rectify v. 纠正 set right; correct.
stultify v. 使徒劳;使显得愚笨;拆台,办难堪 cause to appear or become stupid or
inconsistent; frustrate or hinder.
mortify v. 侮辱;体罚 humiliate; punish the flesh.
mystify v. 迷惑,蛊惑 bewilder purposely.
demystify v. 澄清;揭秘 clarify; free from mystery or obscurity.
stodgy adj. 乏味的;保守的 stuffy; boringly conservative.
elegy n. 挽歌,悲歌 poem or song expressing lamentation.
muggy adj. 又热又潮的(天气) warm and damp.
prodigy n. 奇才;天才 marvel; highly gifted child.
effigy n. 假人(被人憎恨的,如秦桧) dummy.
pedagogy n. 教育学 teaching; art of education.
genealogy n. 家谱 record of descent; lineage.
analogy n. 类比,相似 similarity; parallelism.
archaeology n. 考古学 study of artifacts and relics of early mankind.
ideology n. 意识形态 system of ideas of a group.
ornithology n. 鸟类学 study of birds.
anthology n. 选集 book of literary selections by various authors.
philology n. 语言学 study of language.
entomology n. 昆虫学 study of insects.
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etymology n. 语源学 study of word parts.

terminology n. 术语学 terms used in a science or art.
paleontology n. 古生物学 study of prehistoric life.
tautology n. 同义反复 unnecessary repetition.
ichthyology n. 鱼类学 study of fish.
eulogy n. 颂词;赞美词 expression of praise, often on the occasion of someone's death.
orgy n. 放荡,旷野;纵酒狂欢 wild, drunken revelry; unrestrained indulgence in a tendency.
oligarchy n. 寡头政治 government by a privileged few.
anarchy n. 无政府主义 absence of governing body; state of disorder.
monarchy n. 君主制;君主整体 government under a single ruler.
hierarchy n. 分级,排序了的 arrangement by rank or standing; authoritarian body divided into
touchy adj. 暴躁的;难以处理的;易上火的 sensitive; irascible.
calligraphy n. 漂亮的书法 beautiful writing; excellent penmanship.
choreography n. 舞蹈术;舞蹈记谱 art of representing dances in written symbols; arrangement of
topography n. 拓扑学 physical features of a region.
atrophy n. 萎缩,变得没用 wasting away.
apathy n. 漠不关心 lack of caring; indifference.
antipathy n. 反对,厌恶 aversion; dislike.
empathy n. 移情作用,心入 ability to identify with another's feelings, ideas, etc.
pithy adj. 精炼的;抓住灵魂的 concise; meaningful; substantial; meaty.
earthy adj. 粗糙的;未加工的 unrefined; coarse.
swarthy adj. 暗的;有雾的 dark; dusky.
finicky adj. 过分讲究;鸡毛蒜皮 too particular; fussy.
murky adj. 暗的,模糊的,暧昧的 dark and gloomy; thick with fog; vague.
musky adj. 麝香味儿的 having the odor of musk.
anomaly n. 不正常 irregularity.
treacly adj. 甜蜜的 sticky sweet; cloyingly sentimental.
worldly adj. 世俗的 engrossed in matters of this earth; not spiritual.
gamely adv. 勇敢的,有精神的 bravely; with spirit.
comely adj. 清秀,美丽,漂亮;有吸引力的 attractive; agreeable.
gadfly n. 牛蝇;招人烦的人 animal-biting fly; an irritating person.
unerringly adj. 正确无误的 infallibly.
wily adj. 狡猾的 cunning; artful.
rally v. 复原,恢复;召集,集合 call up or summon (forces, vital powers, etc.
sully v. 弄脏;玷污 tarnish; soil.
seemly adj. 适宜的,合适的 proper; appropriate.
unseemly adj. 不体面的 unbecoming; indecent; in poor taste.
slovenly adj. 邋遢的;漫不经心的 untidy; careless in work habits.
ungainly adj. 糟糕的;笨拙的 awkward; clumsy; unwieldy.
melancholy adj. 忧郁 gloomy; morose; blue.
imply v. 暗示;表示 suggest a meaning not expressed; signify.
gingerly adv. 小心翼翼地 very carefully.
miserly adj. 吝啬的;贪婪的;坏的 stingy; mean.
burly adj. 魁伟,结实 husky; muscular.
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surly adj. 粗暴的;阴沉的;板着脸的;无礼的 rude; cross.

grisly adj. 毛骨悚然的;恐怖的,可怕的 ghastly.
unsightly adj. 难看的 ugly.
inadvertently adv. 不经意的 unintentionally; by oversight; carelessly.
portly adj. 健壮的;肥胖的;魁梧的 stately; stout.
ghastly adj. 恐怖的 horrible.
unruly adj. 不服从的;倔强的 disobedient; lawless.
seamy adj. 丑恶的;露出嘴脸的 sordid; unwholesome.
alchemy n. 炼金术士 medieval chemistry.
blasphemy n. 亵渎 irreverence; sacrilege; cursing.
balmy adj. 柔和的;芳香的 mild; fragrant.
economy n. 俭省节约的,经济的 efficiency or conciseness in using something.
miscellany n. 杂记 mixture of writings on various subjects.
litany n. 连续虔诚的祈祷 supplicatory prayer.
zany adj. 滑稽的;疯狂的 crazy; comic.
larceny n. 盗窃 theft.
progeny n. 后裔 children; offspring.
ignominy n. 丢脸;抹黑;耻辱 deep disgrace; shame or dishonor.
calumny n. 诽谤;中伤 malicious misrepresentation; slander.
canny adj. 谨慎的;节约的 shrewd; thrifty.
uncanny adj. 离奇的 strange; mysterious.
tyranny n. 暴政;专制 oppression; cruel government.
whinny v. 马嘶 neigh like a horse.
alimony n. (离婚后的)生活费,抚养费 payment by a husband to his divorced wife (or vice
parsimony n. 过度俭省;吝啬 stinginess; excessive frugality.
irony n. 反话;讽刺 hidden sarcasm or satire; use of words that seem to mean the opposite of
what they actually mean.
monotony n. 千篇一律的 sameness leading to boredom.
puny adj. 不显著的;不明显的;细微的 insignificant; tiny; weak.
decoy n. 引诱 lure or bait.
killjoy n. 扫兴的人;煞风景 grouch; spoilsport.
alloy v. 混合,中和 mix; make less pure; lessen or moderate.
alloy n. 合金 a mixture as of metals.
deploy v. 散开;部署 spread out [troops] in an extended though shallow battle line.
raspy adj. 刺耳的;焦躁的 grating; harsh.
wispy adj. 纤细的;脆弱的 thin; slight; barely discernible.
quandary n. 两难的困境 dilemma.
chary adj. 谨慎;吝啬 cautious; sparing or restrained about giving.
beneficiary n. (遗产)受益人 person entitled to benefits or proceeds of an insurance policy or will.
subsidiary adj. 次要的;辅助的 subordinate; secondary.
incendiary n. 纵火者 arsonist.
auxiliary adj. 辅助的 helper, additional or subsidiary.
pecuniary adj. 钱的,货币的 pertaining to money.
apiary n. 蜂房 a place where bees are kept.
aviary n. 鸟舍 enclosure for birds.
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ancillary adj. 辅助的 serving as an aid or accessory; auxiliary.

corollary n. 结果,产物 consequence; accompaniment.
epistolary adj. 书信的 consisting of letters.
exemplary adj. 出色的;典范的;(杀鸡儆猴的)例子 serving as a model; outstanding.
mercenary adj. 唯利是图 interested in money or gain.
seminary n. 神学院;学院;发祥地 school for training future ministers; academy for young
luminary n. 名气,尊严 celebrity; dignitary.
visionary adj. 幻想的 produced by imagination; fanciful; mystical.
reactionary adj. 反作用的 recoiling from progress; politically ultraconservative.
hoary adj. 灰白的 white with age.
itinerary n. 旅行计划;路线 plan of a trip.
arbitrary adj. 反复无常;残暴;随机的 capricious; randomly chosen; tyrannical.
adversary n. 对手 opponent.
emissary n. 代理;信使,使者 agent; messenger.
glossary n. 词汇表 brief explanation of words used in the text.
monetary adj. 金融的 pertaining to money.
sedentary adj. 久坐的;坐惯的 requiring sitting.
complementary adj. 补足的,完善的 serving to complete something.
rudimentary adj. 原始的;最初的;原来的 not developed; elementary; crude.
alimentary adj. 营养的 supplying nourishment.
salutary adj. 有用的;有益的 tending to improve; beneficial; wholesome.
sanctuary n. 避难所 refuge; shelter; shrine; holy place.
obituary adj. 讣告 death notice.
wary adj. 机警的;小心的 very cautious.
decry v. 强烈反对 express strong disapproval of; disparage.
mimicry n. 模仿 imitation.
descry v. 看到 catch sight of.
wizardry n. 巫术,魔术 sorcery; magic.
tawdry adj. 俗丽的;便宜且华而不实 cheap and gaudy.
leery adj. 机敏的;狡猾的 suspicious; cautious.
drudgery n. 苦差事,苦工 menial work.
lechery n. 好色;动机不纯 lustfulness; impurity in thought and deed.
periphery n. (圆形的)边缘 edge, especially of a round surface.
chicanery n. 强辩,狡辩;欺骗 trickery; deception.
buffoonery n. 滑稽的 clowning.
effrontery n. 厚颜无耻 shameless boldness.
query n. 问询;质问 inquiry; question.
revelry n. 狂欢 boisterous merrymaking.
gory adj. 血腥的 bloody.
allegory n. 寓言 story in which characters are used as symbols; fable.
cursory adj. 草率;匆忙 casual; hastily done.
accessory n. 附件 additional object; useful but not essential thing.
illusory adj. 虚幻的,不真实的 deceptive; not real.
mandatory adj. 强制的,命令的;义不容辞的 obligatory.
obligatory adj. 必须的 binding; required.
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derogatory adj. 贬低的,贬损的 expressing a low opinion.

conciliatory adj. 抚慰,调和 reconciling; soothing.
ambulatory adj. 可移动的,不固定 able to walk; not bedridden.
migratory adj. 迁徙的;流浪的 wandering.
compensatory adj. 补偿 making up for; repaying.
gustatory adj. 味觉的 affecting the sense of taste.
olfactory adj. 嗅觉的 concerning the sense of smell.
refractory adj. 按不住的;不服气的;倔强的 stubborn; unmanageable.
trajectory n. 弹道;轨迹;抛物线 path taken by a projectile.
valedictory adj. 告别的 pertaining to farewell.
perfunctory adj. 肤浅的,不投入的;漠不关心的 superficial; not thorough; lacking interest, care, or
auditory adj. 听觉的 pertaining to the sense of hearing.
transitory adj. 短时间的 impermanent; fleeting.
repository n. 仓库;知识库;智囊团 storehouse.
expository adj. 解释性的 explanatory; serving to explain.
desultory adj. 慢无目的的;断断续续的 aimless; haphazard; digressing at random.
promontory n. 岬;海角 headland.
peremptory adj. 专制的;强硬的,专横的 demanding and leaving no choice.
savory adj. 有味道的;吸引人的 tasty; pleasing, attractive, or agreeable.
spry adj. 充满生气的;活泼的;敏捷的 vigorously active; nimble.
parry v. 躲避 ward off a blow; deflect.
tarry v. 等候;逗留;混日子 delay; dawdle.
quarry n. 猎物;受害者 victim; object of a hunt.
quarry v. 挖掘出,寻找出 dig into.
scurry v. 轻快的;活泼的移动 move briskly.
idolatry n. 过度崇拜 worship of idols; excessive admiration.
symmetry n. 对称;匀称 arrangement of parts so that balance is obtained; congruity.
paltry adj. 不显著的;微小的 insignificant; petty; trifling.
sultry adj. 闷热的,酷热的;放荡的;粗暴的 sweltering.
gentry n. 贵族 people of standing; class of people just below nobility.
bigotry n. 固执 stubborn intolerance.
ancestry n. 祖先 family descent.
sophistry n. 似真实假的 seemingly plausible but fallacious reasoning.
augury n. 占卜;预言 omen; prophecy.
perjury n. 伪誓;伪证 false testimony while under oath.
penury n. 一贫如洗;穷困潦倒 severe poverty; stinginess.
wry adj. 歪曲的;扭曲的 twisted; with a humorous twist.
awry adv. 扭曲的;歪曲的 distorted; crooked.
queasy adj. 神经质的,洁癖的;易呕吐的 easily nauseated; squeamish.
idiosyncrasy n. 特性,特质;古怪的,离心的 individual trait, usually odd in nature; eccentricity.
ecstasy n. 全神贯注,入迷,高兴 rapture; joy; any overpowering emotion.
heresy n. 少数意见,异端 opinion contrary to popular belief; opinion contrary to accepted
autopsy n. 验尸 examination of a dead body; post-mortem.
glossy adj. 光滑有光泽的 smooth and shining.
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nicety n. 准确,精密 precision; minute distinction.

piety n. 虔诚;孝行 religious devotion; godliness.
impiety n. 不敬(对神);不虔诚 irreverence; lack of respect for God.
notoriety n. 臭名昭著的 disrepute; ill fame.
propriety n. 适当 fitness; correct conduct.
impropriety n. 不合适,不恰当 improperness; unsuitableness.
subtlety n. 精明;稀薄;微妙 perceptiveness; ingenuity; delicacy.
thrifty adj. 节省的;抠包的 careful about money; economical.
lofty adj. 高高在上的 very high.
acerbity n. 尖酸的(语气,脾气) bitterness of speech and temper.
tenacity n. 坚韧 firmness; persistence.
pugnacity n. 好斗的 combativeness; disposition to fight.
capacity n. 能力;角色 mental or physical ability; role; ability to accommodate.
veracity n. 真实;准确性 truthfulness.
felicity n. 欢乐;适当 happiness; appropriateness (of a remark, choice, etc.
multiplicity n. 多样性 state of being numerous.
complicity n. 共犯,共同 participation; involvement.
duplicity n. 奸诈,狡猾;伪善;两面三刀,两面派 double-dealing; hypocrisy.
eccentricity n. 怪僻,古怪;特性 oddity; idiosyncrasy.
plasticity n. 塑性 ability to be molded.
velocity n. 速度 speed.
atrocity n. 暴行 brutal deed.
paucity n. 少量;缺乏 scarcity.
timidity n. 胆怯 lack of self-confidence or courage.
cupidity n. 贪婪 greed.
fecundity n. 丰饶 fertility; fruitfulness.
rotundity n. 圆形,球状;洪亮的演讲 roundness; sonorousness of speech.
spontaneity n. 自发的;自然的;无预谋的 lack of premeditation; naturalness; freedom from
frugality n. 俭省节约 thrift; economy.
geniality n. 亲切;同情 cheerfulness; kindliness; sympathy.
partiality n. 倾向;偏见 inclination; bias.
formality n. 仪式;礼节 ceremonious quality; something done just for form's sake.
generality n. 一般性 vague statement.
fidelity n. 忠诚 loyalty.
liability n. 责任;缺点;债 drawback; debts.
mutability n. 变化能力 ability to change in form; fickleness.
immobility n. 无法移动,不可移动的 state of being immovable.
agility n. 敏捷 nimbleness.
humility n. 谦逊 humbleness of spirit.
gentility n. 有教养,文雅 those of gentle birth; refinement.
hostility n. 不友好,敌意 unfriendliness; hatred.
tranquillity n. 平静;冷静 calmness; peace.
jollity n. 高兴的;欢乐的 gaiety; cheerfulness.
amity n. 友谊 friendship.
calamity n. 灾难,不幸 disaster; misery.
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unanimity n. 全体同意;全体一致 complete agreement.

equanimity n. 镇定 calmness of temperament; composure.
proximity n. 接近;亲近 nearness.
enmity n. 憎恨;仇恨 ill will; hatred.
infirmity n. 弱点 weakness.
uniformity n. 一致性;同样 sameness; monotony.
enormity n. 巨大的,严重的,极恶劣 hugeness (in a bad sense).
anonymity n. 匿名 state of being nameless; anonymousness.
serenity n. 平静 calmness; placidity.
indignity n. 侮辱 offensive or insulting treatment.
affinity n. 亲缘关系 kinship.
solemnity n. 严肃的;一本正经的 seriousness; gravity.
impunity n. 免受惩罚 freedom from punishment or harm.
serendipity n. 有发现意外之财的运气 gift for finding valuable or desirable things by accident;
accidental good fortune or luck.
hilarity n. 狂欢,欢闹 boisterous mirth.
insularity n. 与外界隔绝;僵化;思想狭窄 narrow-mindedness; isolation.
parity n. 相等;势均力敌;奇偶 equality in status or amount; close resemblance.
disparity n. 不同;差距 difference; condition of inequality.
alacrity n. 欢快的情绪 cheerful promptness.
celerity n. 速度 speed; rapidity.
temerity n. 鲁莽的 boldness; rashness.
asperity n. 严酷,粗暴 sharpness (of temper).
prosperity n. 繁荣;好运 good fortune; financial success; physical well-being.
posterity n. 子孙;后裔 descendants; future generations.
verity n. 真实;真理;真实的陈述 quality of being true; lasting truth or principle.
severity n. 严肃;严格;激烈 harshness; intensity; sternness; austerity.
integrity n. 完整性 uprightness; wholeness.
propensity n. 自然倾向 natural inclination.
animosity n. 仇恨 active enmity.
pomposity n. 夸大,华丽;浮夸;自大 self-important behavior; acting like a stuffed shirt.
adversity n. 贫困,不幸 poverty; misfortune.
diversity n. 多样性 variety; dissimilitude.
entity n. 实体 real being.
nonentity n. 不存在 person of no importance; nonexistence.
acuity n. 尖锐 sharpness.
annuity n. 年金,养老金 yearly allowance.
equity n. 公平,公正 fairness; justice.
inequity n. 不公平 unfairness.
propinquity n. 亲近;血缘 nearness; kinship.
gravity n. 重力;严重,庄严,严肃 seriousness.
depravity n. 堕落,腐坏 extreme corruption; wickedness.
suavity n. 柔和;愉快;温和 banity; polish.
longevity n. 长命不老 long life.
levity n. 轻佻,轻浮 lack of seriousness; lightness.
brevity n. 简短,短暂 conciseness.
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acclivity n. 上山的陡坡 sharp upslope of a hill.

declivity n. 下坡 downward slope.
proclivity n. 倾向;自然倾向 inclination; natural tendency.
prolixity n. 冗长的;啰嗦的 tedious wordiness; verbosity.
casualty n. 严重的事故;伤亡 serious or fatal accident.
novelty n. 新奇 something new; newness.
faculty n. 才能,教职员工 mental or bodily powers; teaching staff.
scanty adj. 缺乏的;稀疏的 meager; insufficient.
warranty n. 担保;保证 guarantee; assurance by seller.
jaunty adj. 无忧无虑的,快乐的,轻松的 lighthearted; animated; easy and carefree.
amnesty n. 原谅 pardon.
testy adj. 易怒的 irritable; short-tempered.
travesty n. 滑稽化;滑稽模仿 comical parody; treatment aimed at making something appear
gusty adj. 多风的 windy.
musty adj. 陈腐的,变质的;时间长损失品质的 stale; spoiled by age.
natty adj. 穿着整齐干净的 neatly or smartly dressed.
petty adj. 微小的,不重要的 trivial; unimportant; very small.
knotty adj. 复杂的,错综的;精细的 intricate; difficult; tangled.
soliloquy n. 自言自语;独白 talking to oneself.
bevy n. 一群(少女,小鸟) large group.
levy v. 征收 impose (a fine); collect (a payment).
scurvy adj. 下流的;卑鄙的,无理的;坏血病 despicable; contemptible.
sinewy adj. 结实;硬朗的 tough; strong and firm.
galaxy n. 星系;一群显赫的人;一系列重要的人或物 large, isolated system of stars, such as
the Milky Way; any collection of brilliant personalities.
proxy n. 代理 authorized agent.
hazy adj. 朦胧的;模糊的 slightly obscure.


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