Lesson was designed to help students comprehend Newtons Iirst law oI inertia and the Iorces which act upon an object to slow it down, speed it down or change its direction. Students would be able to recognise the contribution oI science in concepts oI our everyday liIe. Students would conduct investigations and record data and then interpret the inIormation to draw conclusions about the types oI Iorces around us.
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Lesson was designed to help students comprehend Newtons Iirst law oI inertia and the Iorces which act upon an object to slow it down, speed it down or change its direction. Students would be able to recognise the contribution oI science in concepts oI our everyday liIe. Students would conduct investigations and record data and then interpret the inIormation to draw conclusions about the types oI Iorces around us.
Lesson was designed to help students comprehend Newtons Iirst law oI inertia and the Iorces which act upon an object to slow it down, speed it down or change its direction. Students would be able to recognise the contribution oI science in concepts oI our everyday liIe. Students would conduct investigations and record data and then interpret the inIormation to draw conclusions about the types oI Iorces around us.
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Lesson was designed to help students comprehend Newtons Iirst law oI inertia and the Iorces which act upon an object to slow it down, speed it down or change its direction. Students would be able to recognise the contribution oI science in concepts oI our everyday liIe. Students would conduct investigations and record data and then interpret the inIormation to draw conclusions about the types oI Iorces around us.
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Lesson 2-Forces.
Year 8 Katherine High
MY REFLECTION OF THIS LESSON The Iirst part oI the lesson did not run smoothly due to the projector not working so I was unable to show the students the video clip in the lesson plan. The reason I had included the clip in the lesson was to get students attention and Iocus. The video clip itselI was a Iun way to engage students in the lesson so I could continue with the content. I did improvise by explaining concepts and drawing diagrams on the board and went around later on and showed each group the video individually on a laptop. The Iirst time I taught this lesson I used a video clip similar to this and Ielt that it drew the student`s interest. I think that by not being able to show the students the clip in this lesson they were less engaged. In Iuture lessons, I will continue to use this technique to gain attention.
This lesson was also disrupted due to students being taken out oI the classroom to complete a PoLT survey. This became challenging because I had already selected groups Ior the students to work in some cases many oI the team members oI each group were away Irom class Ior a signiIicant amount oI time. This meant that students were coming into the classroom at all diIIerent times with no idea what they were doing and subsequently they were very disruptive to other students. This also made it especially hard to maintain behaviour in the classroom.
The outcomes oI this lesson were Ior students to be able to relate static electricity and inertia to their prior knowledge oI Iorces. Students would be able to recognise the contribution oI science in concepts oI our everyday liIe. Students would conduct investigations and record data and then process and interpret the inIormation to draw conclusions about the types oI Iorces around us.
This lesson was designed to help students comprehend Newton`s Iirst law oI inertia and the Iorces which act upon an object to slow it down, speed it up or change its direction etc. The second part oI the lesson was to demonstrate the Iorces oI attraction between positively and negatively charged particles to students.
Students were able to describe what a Iorce as a push or a pull; however they did not seem to be able to relate the concept to static electricity or inertia. I used questioning throughout the lesson to determine iI students understood what they were doing. Fewer students than I expected were able to identiIy the relationship between Iorces and the activities. I think that in the case oI this class, Iurther discussion oI the activities was required beIore the students undertook them, although I handed out a workbook with step by step instructions and discussion questions Ior students, they all seemed unsure oI exactly what they were expected to do. This caused a lot oI conIusion and ultimately students were disruptive and disengaged.
Having students work in small groups and rotate around the room to complete the activities did not seem to work in this classroom. Students seemed conIused with the rotation aspect and many did not work cooperatively in groups. Many students were not writing observations or explanations on their worksheets. I think this again comes back to me not giving these students enough instruction at the beginning oI the lesson. I do however think that students became much more engaged in discussion when I went around to each group individually at their stations and discussed what was happening. Students were then able to Iill in answers to the discussion questions more readily. The students in this class did not appear to have much prior knowledge oI the Iorces and I was wrong to assume that because they undertook a similar topic in the previous school year that they would be able to relate this inIormation to the activities I provided. I needed to spend more time reinIorcing concepts to students and making my expectations clear, whilst gauging what they knew and what needed to be Iocused on. When teaching this topic again to a group oI students similar to this one I would need to Recognise the value oI regularly reIlecting on their proIessional knowledge and practice and develop strategies Ior reIlection individually and collectively. spend more time describing the relationships with Iurther video clips, demonstrations and explanation beIore having students undertake the activities.
The material and activities were appropriate and well organised Ior the lesson - consisting oI 6 mini- investigations/experiments. A booklet was provided to each student which contained all activity instructions and structured questions to answer. The rotational group work was a good idea and a pedagogically sound decision to demonstrate a range oI concepts, along with maintaining student enthusiasm and Iostering collaborative group dynamics. Students seemed generally compliant when entering the classroom. The lesson commenced with students being asked questions about things covered in the previous lesson - several students responded and it also proved a successIul settling strategy in encouraging others to comply with expectations and join in the discussion. We knew in advance that there would be some disruption because oI 10 students at a time being withdrawn to complete POLT survey. I believe this contributed to some unsettled behaviour with some students and made things diIIicult Ior Jacqui who was trying to establish the direction oI the lesson, instructions, etc, and just when she had almost Iinished, another group would go and a group would return, Iorcing Jacqui to recap and restart instruction. On the whole, I think the students appreciated the diIIerent concepts displayed through the activities. As something to look at in the Iuture, I would like Jacqui to consider the importance oI establishing behavioural boundaries and maintaining those with deliberate, pro-active rule-reminders and Iollow- up/consequences, etc, as required. In particular this should be Ior insisting on silence beIore speaking, as well as routine Iollow up Ior certain behaviours that might occur - and certainly Ior continued deIiance and non-compliance with reasonable requests, work output expectations, etc. UnIortunately with Middle Year aged students, management oI behaviour in a systematic/objective way can be just as involved as preparing Ior the curriculum content. In time and with consistent application, students will learn to operate within the behavioural boundaries are set Ior them, which will also have pay-oIIs in their learning outcomes. Josh Dean, Katherine High School Lesson Plan
LESSON OB1ECTIVES: Students will understand: What a force is and the concept of pushing and pulling forces and their relationship to inertia and static electricity
Unit/Topic: Forces Lesson # 2
Strand(s): science Level: year 8
Time: 2 periods (65 mins each)
Time Main Content: Teaching Approaches 10 min
20 mins
60 min
20 min
-Forces: What are forces
Introduce Inertia and static electricity Show quick YouTube clip http://www.youtube.com/watch?vSziVG51BGR8
Activities relating to inertia and static electricity 5 stations are set up and students are in groups of 2 or three for activities. Students spend 5 minutes at each activity and when completed, rotate to the next station. 1. Flick tricks 2. Catching coins 3. The spinning egg 4. Salt and Pepper 5. Bending Water 6. Balloon Magnet
Students answer questions and discuss answers to questions.
Review oI previous lesson Use a mind map or similar to collaborate answers. Pose questions such as what is a Iorce/what is an example oI a Iorce?
Class discussion, use board to show examples and question appropriately
ReIer to activity sheet Ior set up oI activities. Teacher is walking around classroom asking questions about each activity and helping students to complete. Students are required to Iill in answers to discussion questions on activity sheet beIore they rotate to next activity.
Students complete the worksheet questions and are asked to share their answers to questions with the class and discuss what they think is happening in relation to each activity. Activity sheets are to be pasted into notebooks.
Copies oI activity sheet enough Ior one per student 13 20 cent coins Playing card I boiled egg 1 raw egg Small plate Table salt Black ground pepper Plastic ruler x2 Balloons
ASSESSMENT: Classroom discussion oI questions Irom activity worksheets. Questioning students to attain their understanding oI the topic.