Electrical Design Criteria
Electrical Design Criteria
Electrical Design Criteria
This specification defines the minimum basis of design of electrical installation for the
Reliance Petroleum Ltd, Jamnagar Refinery Complex. This specification shall be
read in conjunction with other specifications prepared for this project and the
requirements of the applicable codes, standards, and regulations.
Electrical equipment and materials manufacturing standards shall be in accordance with IEC
standards, with the option for Indian manufacturers to offer equipment and
materials manufactured to equivalent Indian Standards (IS).
Wherever Codes and Standards other than those of India are applied the necessary review
and approval shall be obtained to ensure that they do not conflict with National
and/or local regulations.
Certification of equipment and materials for duty, rating, hazardous area use, etc. shall be
obtained from recognised National or International testing authorities. Evidence
of the appropriate certification shall be obtained prior to commitment to
Equipment of Indian origin selected for installation in hazardous areas shall have a test
certificate from the Central Mining Research Station (CMRS) and approval
certificates from the Chief Controller of Explosives (CCE).
Reliance Petroleum Limited
Jamnagar Refinery Complex
Basic Conditions
The selection of electrical equipment shall be governed by fitness for purpose, safety,
reliability, maintainability of spares and service, compatibility with specified
future expansion, design margins, suitability for environment, economic
considerations, and past service history.
English language shall be used for all drawings, texts and communications.
Service Conditions
Electrical equipment, materials and installation shall be suitable for operation and their design
duty under site conditions as stated in the ‘Basic Engineering Design Data
Specification’ document No. 22960-3PS-GA-001.
Electrical equipment intended for outdoor installation shall have minimum protection toIP54,
or IP55 if located in a hazardous area (in accordance with IEC 529). IP54 is
1 acceptable for Exd enclosures and floodlight fittings, and IP43 is acceptable for
street lighting fittings.
+ 40°C for Equipment Located Indoors and lighting fittings located outdoors.
1 + 435°C for Equipment Located Outdoors
Equipment and materials shall be suitable for operation in service conditions typical of a
refinery within a coastal environment in the tropics. The atmosphere is to be
considered saliferous, sulphurous and dusty. The possibility of condensation
exists, as experienced during large temperature variations in a humid
Soil data required for the purpose of grounding calculations (soil electrical resistivity) and
1 cable rating calculations (soil thermal resistivity) will be obtained from the project
soil survey. In areas where the soil may become contaminated due to
hydrocarbon spillage no electrical cables will be installed underground.
Design Calculations
Reliance Petroleum Limited
Jamnagar Refinery Complex
Calculations shall be made to substantiate the selection and sizing of electrical facilities, e.g.
transformers, bus-duct, switchgear, and cables. The results of the calculations
shall be submitted to the Owner for review.
Load Flow
Fault Calculations
Power Factor
Voltage Drops
Relay Settings
Cable Sizing
Lighting Levels
Power Supply
Main Power Sources and Systems
The refinery will be self sufficient in main power generating capacity to satisfy the maximum
refinery load. In addition interconnections with the local utility system shall be
provided for export and import of electrical power as and when appropriate..
The necessary onsite electrical power will be generated by the use of gas and steam turbine
driven generator sets. The generators shall generate at a voltage of 11kV.
The main power generators shall be connected via individual 11/34.53kV step-up
transformers to the main 33kV distribution switchboard(s) which shall be located
in the Main Receiving Substations 1 & 2 (MRS 1 and MRS 2)Power Plant
The local utility interconnection shall be by means of four step down ‘grid’ 220/34.5kV ‘grid’
1 transformers each rated 53MVA. having a total rating to provide back up supply
during main generator downtime. The secondaries of the grid transformers will
be connected to the main 33kV switchboards.
A 220kV outdoor switchyard shall provide interconnection with the grid and the
four grid transformers.
Provision shall be made for integrating the future mega power plant in the overall
electrical distribution scheme (refer to one line diagram 22960-E51-RU772-
1 001ESK-950-003).
Reliance Petroleum Limited
Jamnagar Refinery Complex
A Load Management scheme shall be provided to synchronise and control the load sharing
between generator sets and also to initiate load shedding that may be necessary in
case of any loss of generating set(s) or back up supply capacity.
Main Power Generators 11kV 3 phase, 3 wire Neutral high res. earthed
Main Power Distribution 33kV 3 phase, 3 wire Neutral solidly low res.
Secondary Power Distribution 6.6kV 3 phase, 3 wire Neutral low res. earthed
Emergency Power Distribution 6.6kV 3 phase, 3 wire Neutral low res. earthed
Lighting and Minor Loads 240V 1 phase,. & N 2 Neutral solidly earthed
wire (Derived from 415V system)
Where special equipment has a requirement for power supplies other than those listed above,
the equipment shall incorporate the necessary converters.
Emergency power onsite generating capacity shall be provided to satisfy the critical services
necessary to permit safe shutdown in the event of main power failure and to
enable black starting of a main power generator.
The necessary electrical power shall be generated by the use of electrically started diesel
1 engine driven generator sets, generating at a voltage of 6.6kV.
Reliance Petroleum Limited
Jamnagar Refinery Complex
Main emergency switchboards shall be provided at MRS 1 for the main refinery complex and
also at the major substation in the Marine Tank Farm. Emergency diesel engine
driven generator sets shall be provided on the main emergency switchboards and
arranged to start up and connect to the busbar automatically should the normal
supply fail. Retransfer of load from emergency to normal on the main emergency
1 switchboards, shutdown and periodic testing of the emergency generating sets
shall be manual operation.
From the main emergency switchboards emergency supply shall be distributed to all the
substations either directly or indirectly via another substation.
For motors rated above 45000kW, consideration will be given to the use of
33/11.5kV captive transformers connected directly to the 33kV system. Neutral
of the 11kV system shall be low resistance earthed.
The kW ‘break point’ between utilisation voltages may be varied for individual
cases where thisthere will providegive an economical advantage.
Lighting and similar loads shall operate at 240V a.c. derived from a connection be connected
across phase to neutral connection of a 415V 3 phase 4 wire systemvoltage
(240V) from the same LV system. Primary distribution and switching for plant
area and street lighting may be by use of three phase four wire circuits.
1 Voltage +6/- 1% (at equipment)
Frequency +/- 1% feed via inverter
+/-5% feed via bypass transformer
Reliance Petroleum Limited
Jamnagar Refinery Complex
Transient Limit
1 Non UPS
Voltage +/- 20%
Frequency +/- 5%
DC Voltage Tolerances
System Harmonics
The limitations of harmonic currents appearing on the system shall comply with
the British Electricity Council Engineering Recommendations G5/3.
Power Factor
Power factor correction will only be applied if electricity supply authority tariffs includes a
low power factor penalty or due to system operation requirements such as
stability, harmonics etc..
1 In general, power factor correction equipment shall only be provided on switchboards with
power factor below 0.85 lagging under normal design operating conditionsWhere
power factor correction is required it shall be applied at process related 415V
switchgear/motor control centres only.
Power Distribution
The firm capacity of the electrical supply and distribution system (generation, transformers,
switchgear and cables), shall be capable of supplying continuously, 125% of the
1 peak load as assessed at the design phase of the project. The above mentioned
125% may be reduced during design development, but on completion of the
project a margin of at least 10% spare capacity shall exist.
Where secondary selective systems are provided, each incomer shall be rated in accordance
with the above. However for transformers, this may be achieved by utilising the
1 ONAF rating, where it is economical to do so.
The main 33kV power distribution switchgear shall be located in Main Receiving Substation
1 Nos 1 & 2 (MRS 1 & MRS 2) .the captive Power Plant Substation.
The main 33kV power distribution switchgear will provide power at 33kV to major
substations located in process complexes, offsites, utilities, marine terminal and
jetty. 33/6.9kV transformers will be located at each major substation.
Satellite substations shall generally be fed from major substations by 6.6kV feeders.
Primary distributionTransmission of power at 33kV will be by direct buried cables except for
feeders to marine terminal and jetty which will be by 33kV overhead lines.
1 Should the marine jetty be deleted and the ship loading berth become a ‘sea
island’, power for the loading berths shall be derived from diesel engine driven
Dedicated emergency power distribution feeders from the captive power plant emergency
6.6kV switchboard shall supply LV emergency power switchboards in major
substations via local 6.6/0.433kV transformers.
Separate autonomous emergency power systems will be provided for the marine terminal and
Process interface buildings and satellite substations shall generally be fed from major
substations by dedicated 415V emergency power feeders.
Emergency power will be provided to vital loads which are defined as those which when
failing in operation or failing if called upon to operate, can cause an unsafe
condition or result in damage to the installation.
Each main generator package shall be supplied complete with all the auxiliary
equipment such asshall incorporate a skid mounted control cabin accommodating
the low voltage motor control centre,switchboards and all of the DC equipment
and batteries for the auxiliaries associated with the particular generator. Local
fFacilities shall be provided for starting the generator, for control of
synchronising to the 33kV busbars and for loading the machine. Facilitiesy shall
1 also be provided to transfer control of starting, synchronising and loading of the
generating set to a remote location (generator control room within the main
Hazardous Areas
Hazardous Area Classification
Equipment Selection
Non Indian origin electrical equipment for installation in hazardous areas shall be type
certified by CENELEC approved testing authority. Electrical equipment of
Indian origin for installation in hazardous areas shall have a test certificate from
the Central Mining Research Station (CMRS) and approval certificate from the
chief controller of Explosives (CCE).
Switchgear/Motor Control Centres
The 220kV switchgear shall be of the outdoor open type design with circuit breakers of the
SF6 type and isolators of the open, air break type. Switchgear shall be in
accordance with specification 22960-3PS-EZ-001.
The main 33kV switchgear shall be of the air insulated, metalclad type with vacuum circuit
breaker and in accordance with specification 22960-3PS-ES-001.
6.6kV switchgear/motor control centres shall be of the air insulated, metalclad type with
vacuum circuit breaker and in accordance with specifications 22960-3PS-ES-
002. All motors shall be controlled via circuit breakers. and EC-002. Feeder
switches for motor drives up to approximately 4000kW shall be of the fused
Reliance Petroleum Limited
Jamnagar Refinery Complex
vacuum or SF6 contactor type. Larger motors, transformer and other feeders
shall be supplied from circuit breakers.
Separate emergency power systems will be provided in the Marine Terminal and for the Jetty
facility. Power will be provided by diesel engine driven, 6.6kV generators and
distributed similarly to that for the main refinery.
Where duplicate feeds are provided to 6.6kV and 415V , switchboards,gea r an automatic
transfer scheme will be provided in order to switch to the alternative feeder if a
failure occurs in one supply feeder. Protection shall be provided to prevent
transfer in the case of a fault downstream of the circuit breaker. The automatic
transfer systems shall be independent for each switchboardbusbar section and
shall include time delay such that transfer takes place at the 6.6kV level before
transfer at LV is effected. The timing shall also be adjusted such that switching
to the emergency supply feeder shall only take place if upstream transfers have
failed to restore the supply. Return to normal after main power restoration shall
be manual. Exceeding of switchgear fault rating during momentary paralleling
shall be permitted.
1 Lighting and small power distribution switchboards shall be located in each substation, in
other buildings and at strategic locations outdoors around the plant areas.
Depending upon their application they shall be supplied either from photocell
controlled or manually operated circuits on either the normal or the emergency
services LV switchboards. The distribution switchboards shall be in accordance
with specification 22960-3PS-EK-001. The distribution switchboards shall be
suitable for indoor or outdoor use and the hazardous area classification in which
they are to be situated. Distribution boards located in hazardous areas shall be
limited to 18 single phase ways.
Reliance Petroleum Limited
Jamnagar Refinery Complex
Automatic motor reaccelaration/restarting following voltagepower dips will not be provided
unless dictated by process requirements..
Power system monitoring, control and protection will be in accordance with specification
22960-3PS-EY-004. Emergency Shut Down (ESD) systems and emergency
stops will be hard wired back to the switchgear/MCC.
1 Large motors fed via 33/11.5kV captive transformers will be controlled by 11kV switchgear
connected to the secondary side of the captive transformer. Both transformer
and 11kV switchgear shall be located in the substation local to the motor
Power Transformers
Automatic on-load tap changers shall be provided on the grid transformers and the main
distribution transformers located at the Marine Tank Farm major substation..
Power factor correction will be applied only where dictated by para 7.7 above.
Each earthing resistor will be rated to withstand the respective earth fault current for a
duration of not less than 10 seconds. For 6.6kV system 250A, and for 11kV
1 system 250A (except generation), see single line diagram(s) for details.
DC Supply Units
AC UPS systems shall be provided as required in substations, process interface buildings and
control rooms to provide no break supplies to the following systems:
• ESD System
• PA/Alarm System
• Telephone System
• Radio System
• CCTV System
See single line diagram(s) for AC UPS system configuration .
Busbar Trunkings
The metering, protection and control equipment associated with the 220kV switchgear shall
be housed in dedicated relay panels located in a relay room within located MRS1.
1 Main Substation.
Reliance Petroleum Limited
Jamnagar Refinery Complex
The bus zone protection equipment associated with the 33kV switchgear shall be housed in
dedicated panels located in the relay room within the respective MRS.
With the exception of 220kV and 33kV switchgear all other protective devices and meters
shall generally be housed within the switchgear cubicles.
The metering, protection and control equipment associated with the gassteam and steamgas
1 turbine driven generating sets shall be housed in dedicated panels located inside
the auxiliary room within each MRS or Captive Power Plant Control Room
respectively.respective local control cabin.
All other protective devices and meters shall be housed within the switchgear
Alarm Annunciators
1 Certain alarms shall be fed into the electrical distribution management system
which shall bring up an alarm in the CPP Control Room.
Process control interfaces between the DCS and MCC’s shall be by a communications data
Certain switchgear signals shall be connected into the DCS for remote status monitoring of
the electrical system.
Load management shall monitor and facilitate control of the main power generation,
synchronising and load shedding at the 33kV level. Its functions shall include
automatic load sharing, load shedding, grid transformer tap changer control,
33kV breaker control and system parameters/status monitoring.ency genera
The electrical distribution management shall provide monitoring and control (except
emergency system) of the complete electrical power distribution system. This
includes breaker control, status monitoring and fault reporting of the distribution
circuit breakers and monitoring of system parameters such as voltage and power.
Reliance Petroleum Limited
Jamnagar Refinery Complex
The communication between the substations and the management system shall either be via
optical fibre serial links or hardwired.
The system shall have the facility to be monitored from the main Control Room via the DCS
serial link communication network.
The system shall also have the facility to communicate with the Refinery
Information Management System (RIMS)..
The main Energy Management System and Electrical Distribution Management System
equipment shall be located in the Captive Power Plant Control Room.
The use of variable speed drives, shall be considered on an economic and technical basis
subject to process requirements.
Converter equipment shall be located inside the substation, except the associated
transformers and reactors, which shall be located outside within a
transformer/reactor bay adjacent to the substation..
Motor enclosures shall be selected to suit the site conditions. As far as is practical, motors
shall have totally enclosed fan cooled (TEFC) enclosures. Larger machines will
generally have separate internal and external air circuits (CACA or TETC).).
All motors above 30kW shall will be fitted with 240V AC rated anti-condensation heaters.
1 Winding heating utilising 24V AC shall be provided for all motors rated 30kW
and below.
Area Certification
Zone 1 6.6kV motors Ex(d) or Ex(p)
LV motors Ex(d)
Zone 2 6.6kV motors Ex(n) or Ex(d) (with Ex(d) or Ex(e) Terminal box) or
LV motors Ex(n) or Ex(d) (with Ex(d) or Ex(e) Terminal box) or
Reliance Petroleum Limited
Jamnagar Refinery Complex
Each motor shall be provided with a start/stop control station installed on suitable steel
support adjacent to the motor. Exception being the critical drives such as
1 emergency D.C. lube oil pumps for the gas turbines.
Start/stop control station shall have stay put stop and lock-off stop features (padlocking).
Start/stop control stations for motors rated above 30kW and motors driving agitators
compressors and blowers shall be provided with ammeters. Ammeter shall have
connection to CT (1 amp secondary) located within the motor starter.shalle the
control gear. Other motors below 30kW driving agitators, compressors lowers
shall also provide
Start/stop control stations for all fin-fan and cooling tower fan motors shall be located at
grade. a aA lock-off stop push button shall be located adjacent to each fan motor.
Motors having automatic process control shall be provided with control stations
1 incorporating Hand/Off/Auto selector switch (padlockable in Off position).
Motors which can be started from more than one location shall be provided with control
stations with Local/Off/Remote selector switch (padlockable in Off position).
Motor operated valves and electric cranes shall be fully equipped with integral control gear.
Earthing System
Earthing systems shall provide low impedance earth paths for earth faults, static discharge
and lightning protection.
Power system earthing, lightning protection and equipment bonding shall be by a common
system. All units shall be bonded together to form a single continuous earthing
The earthing systems in the high voltage switchyard, substation and power plant shall
compriseeach consist of a buried grid of galvanised mild steel flat bar bonded
1 together and sized to suit the maximum earth fault current for 1 second plus a
50% corrosion allowance. Earth electrodes providing the requisite value of
1 resistance to the general mass of earth electrodes shall be installed adjacent to
transformers and generators and throughout plant areas to ensure that the
requisite value of resistance between equipment and the general mass of earth is
obtained. The electrodes shall be bonded to the earthing grids through
1 disconnecting links which will permit periodic maintenance testing. Connections
from the earthing grid rising above ground to local metalwork and electrical
equipment shall be carried out using PVC covered aluminium cablegalvanised
steel wire. All large equipment items shall be bonded to earth in at least two
The design of the earthing grid within the high voltage switchyard shall ensure that ‘step’ and
1 ‘touch’ voltages remain within code requirements.All other units shall have a
buried continuous earth ring of mild steel flat bar encompassing the unit area.
The mild steel bar shall similarly be designed to carry maximum earth fault
current for 1 second plus a 50% margin for corrosion. Connections to local
metalwork and equipment shall be carried out as described above.
Reliance Petroleum Limited
Jamnagar Refinery Complex
A separate earthing system shall be provided for the earthing of instrumentation system inside
each area.
1 Earthing and bonding of jetty shall be designed and installed in accordance with relevant
standards. Pipe and/or hose connections between ship and the jetty shall be
provided with insulation flanges or joints. Gangways shall be insulated from the
ship by means of insulated rollers. Electrical equipment on the jetty shall be
bonded to the shore earthing system regardless of whether or not the jetty is
cathodically protected.
1 Earthing and bonding at road and rail loading facilities shall be designed and installed in
accordance with the relevant Codes and Standards. Bonding clamps with Ex(d)
isolators shall be provided for bonding between tanker and fixed installation.
The metallic enclosures of all electrical equipment shall be bonded and earthed to the
common earthing grid.
In hazardous areas or where the equipment contains a hazardous liquid, the metallic
enclosures of non electrical equipment, vessels, tanks, structures, etc., shall be
bonded and earthed to the common earthing grid.
Maximum values of resistance of equipment earthing systems to the body of earth shall be as
Lightning protection shall be provided for all non metallic and all metallic noncontinuously
welded structures over 20 metres high.
1 Earthing of lighting and small power systems shall be by means of an earth conductor integral
within cable or conduit. Power circuits shall be earthed by separate earth wire
connected to the earthing grid.
General Lighting
Lighting in industrial plant hazardous and non hazardous areas shall generally be by means of
high pressure mercury vapour wellglass twin lamp fluorescent luminairies
mounted on the structures, directly beneath beams, or on platform mounted
poles. Alternatively, where available to be sourced within India fluorescent
luminaires may be provided.
Where required, gGeneral lighting for open areas within non hazardous area industrial plants
where required shall be by means of 250 or 400 watt high pressure sodium
(SON) floodlight luminairies mounted on adjacent structures or on strategically
Reliance Petroleum Limited
Jamnagar Refinery Complex
located floodlight columns. High mast floodlighting (using 1000W SON)
installation shall also be used where appropriate.
Where required general lighting for open areas within hazardous area industrial plants
requiredshall be by means of 400 watt high pressure mercury vapour floodlight
luminaires mounted on adjacent structures or on strategically located floodlight
1 columns.
High bay type 250 or 400 watt high pressure sodium luminairies shall be used in appropriate
non hazardous locations such as compressor houses, warehouses, workshops etc.
The following average intensity levels, measured 1m above the floor level in a horizontal
plane, shall form the basis for the lighting design:
1 Road and parking area lig hting shall be provided by means of 250, 400 or 1000 watt high
pressure sodium luminaries mounted on 10 metre columns or 20 metre highmast
floodlighting columns. This lighting shall be connected to the normal power
supply system.
1 High mast floodlig hting shall be utilised in areas where trains are coupled or uncoupled, in
switching areas and on the loading/unloading areas and their sidings. Apart from
the loading gantries, the rail siding lighting shall be fed from the normal power
system only.
Reliance Petroleum Limited
Jamnagar Refinery Complex
High mast floodlighting columns sited in non hazardous locations outside of tank farm bund
walls shall be utilised. Local lighting may be provided as necessary in areas of
regular plant operational activity.
Lighting Control
Outdoor lighting circuits shall generally be controlled by photo electric cells. Manual
override shall be provided to permit maintenance.
240 volt, 16 amp, SP&N+E Convenience outlets shall be provided throughout the industrial
areas such that all principal equipment locations can be reached by use of 25
metres of extension cables.
Convenience outlets for hand lamp supplies with integral transformer, rating - 100VA, 240/24
Volts (centre point earthed), shall be provided near to the manholes of vessels,
1 tanks columns etc.
Sufficient 240 volt, 13 amp, SP&N+E Convenience outlets shall be provided in all domestic
and administrative buildings, PIBs, switch and equipment rooms, and workshops
and offices.
All outlets located within hazardous areas shall be certified for such locations.
Power cables and control cables may have XLPE or PVC insulation selected on economic
considerations, and in accordance with relevant specifications 22960-3PS-EW-
001. Instrumentation cables shall be selected in accordance with relevant
1 specification 22960-3PS-EW-002s.
Conductors 16 sq. mm and greater shall generally be may be either of aluminium or(C copper
may be selected on economic orand technical considerations). Conductors
smaller than 16 sq. mm shall be copper.. Aluminium and copper conductors shall
not both be used on the same circuit.
All cables used above or below ground in industrial areas shall have non hygroscopic fillers,
wire armouring, and PVC overall sheath.. Additionally, cables used underground
1 in hydrocarbon processing or storage areas shall have a lead sheath.
Unarmoured cables and wires may be used where proper mechanical protection (e.g. metallic
conduit) is provided or where sheathed cables are installed above ceilings or
below floors in non industrial locations. Concealed metallic conduits shall be
used for buildings where appropriate.
Reliance Petroleum Limited
Jamnagar Refinery Complex
Cables for critical services shall be of the fire resistant type in accordance with IEC 331.
Cable Installation
1 The preferred method of cable installation is for cables to be installed above ground laid on
racks and trays within dedicated levels of overhead piperacks and on the sleepers
of low level pipeways.
Cables routed underground shall be direct buried within offsite areas and installed in formed
concrete trenches within process areas.
33kV cables shall be laid in a single layer at 300mm centres and at a minimum
depth of 900mm below grade.
6.6kV cables shall be laid in one or two layers at 150mm centres and at a
minimum depth of 500mm below grade.
Control cables and light loaded cables may be grouped together or laid between
loaded cables.
All cables shall be laid on a sand bed with well compacted sand around and
above. Concrete or earthenware tiles shall be laid above the cables in unpaved
areas, tiles are not required where cables are laid in formed concrete trenches.
Trenches shall be sized to allow for a future 20% increase in cabling.
Where cables leave the main trenches and for road crossings they shall be run in duct banks
of concrete encased PVC ducting.
Where cables rise above grade to equipment they shall be protected by metallic ‘kick’ sleeve
up to 150 mm above grade and from there shall be run on rack or tray or secured
by some other suitable means.
Control and communications signals between the refinery andcables along the pipeline
wayleave to the marine area will be carried via fibre optic cables, installed as part
Reliance Petroleum Limited
Jamnagar Refinery Complex
of the 33kV overhead line system .and jetty shall generally be laid direct buried
adjacent to the 33kV overhead lines.
Cables shall be installed with spacing to minimise derating but consistent with the total space
1 All underground cables shall be fitted with substantial identification bands at terminations, at
30m intervals over their entire length, at all points where they enter and leave
ducts, and at changes in cable direction etc. The identification band shall show
the complete cable number.
Suitable route markers shall be provided to indicate trench locations and shall be located at
50 m intervals and where the trench changes direction. When the trench is within
1 paved areas, red coloured coversconcrete paving, shall be used to mark cable
Cables shall be in one length where practical but underground joints may be installed when
necessary. Cable joints shall be recorded and their locations marked accurately
on ‘as built’ drawings.
When cables pass through a building foundation, ducts or an opening in the foundation shall
be used to permit entry.
Adequate segregation shall be maintained between different services. In general, power and
instrumentation/telecommunication cables shall not be laid in the same trench. A
separation of 600mm shall be maintained between parallel runs of instrument and
electrical cables.
Above ground cables shall be supported by cable racks or trays. Power cCables shall
generally be laid on racks or trays in a single may be bunched in a maximum of
1 two layers. Control cables may be bunched together. Cables shall be
securedcleated at required intervals.
Cable racks and trays material shall be fabricated from steel and hot dipped galvanised after
fabrication.suitable for the environment in which they are used. Consideration
will be given to the use of hot dip galvanised steel, stainless steel and GRP.
Cable racks and trays shall be enclosed by removable top covers allowing adequate
ventilation in the following situations:
Power (and associated control) HV, LV, and instrumentation/telecommunication cables shall
1 be run in their own racks. HElectricalV cables shall be where practical separated
by at least 60750mm from instrumentation and telecommunication cables except
at switchgear/MCC an substations..
All cables shall be terminated using an approved compression cable gland which shall be of
nickel plated brass except for single core cables where aluminium glands shall be
used. All cable entry threads shall be BS conduit (ET) to BS 31.
Reliance Petroleum Limited
Jamnagar Refinery Complex
Alternative feeders to substations shall follow separate routes as far as is practical. Generally
underground cables shall be in separate trenches (e.g. on opposite sides of roads)
or if this is impractical shall be separated by at least 1 metre.
Wiring for lighting, small power and telecommunication systems within non industrial
buildings shall be single core pvc insulated copper conductors run in screwed,
1 seamless, metallic conduits. Conduits shall be chased into the blockwork of walls
having a plastered finish, elsewhere conduit installations shall be surface run
clipped to brickwork, concrete or structural steel. All outlet boxes shall be steel
and approved for either surface mounting or flush mounting system.
Within plant areas and in all hazardous areas, lighting and small power cables
shall be multicore pvc terminated using compression type cable glands.Wiring in
buildings for lighting, small power and telecommunication may be installed in
conduits. Metallic seamless conduit shall be used in industrial areas but plastic
conduits are acceptable in non industrial buildings.
Navigational aid lighting shall be installed on the Jetty as required by international and local
Cathodic Protection
Appropriate application shall be made of either impressed current or sacrificial anode
methods of cathodic protection for buried or immersed structures, vessels, pipes
and tank bases. The responsibility for the design and installation of the ground
beds shall be under the scope of the specialist sub contractor. The design of the
jetty cathodic protection system, if any, shall take account of the leakage current
to the shore earthing system.
For ease of maintenance and to limit the spare parts inventory, it is intended that as far as is
practical, each class and category of electrical equipment shall be of the same
type and supplied by the same manufacturer wherever it is used on the refinery.
When similar classes and categories of electrical equipment are included in packages, vendors
shall be required to purchase the same standard types.
Reliance Petroleum Limited
Jamnagar Refinery Complex
The installation of the electrical and instrument cables and equipment will be carried out
under one or more subcontracts. Main equipment, cables and bulk materials will
be free issue to the installation subcontractor but minor installation materials
including fixings, brackets, steelwork for site fabricated supports, cable tray
below 100mm wide, conduit and conduit wiring, sand for cable bedding and
cover, cable tiles, trench markers and all consumables will be supplied under the
Appendix A
Project Specifications
Specification No. Description
22960-3PS-E80-002 Electrical Installation And Testing
22960-3PS-E80-003 Electrical Requirements For Packaged Equipment
22960-3PS-E80-004 Electrical Power System Studies
22960-3PS-E80-005 Captive Power Plant Design Criteria
22960-3PS-E80-006 Electrical Design and Installation for Electrical Equipment of Buildings
22960-3PS-EA-002 Power Factor Correction Equipment
22960-3PS-EA-003 Navigational Aids
22960-3PS-EA-004 Overhead Line Equipment
22960-3PS-EB-001 Busbar Trunkings
1 22960-3PS-EC-001 415V Outdoor SwitchgearSwitchracks
22960-3PS-EC-003 415V Motor Control Centres
22960-3PS-ED-001 DC Power Supply Units
22960-3PS-EG-001 Neutral Earthing Resistors
22960-3PS-EH-001 Electric Trace Heating
22960-3PS-EK-001 Distribution Boards
22960-3PS-EM-001 LV Motors
22960-3PS-EM-002 HV Motors
22960-3PS-EMG-001 AC Synchronous Generators
22960-3PS-EMG-002 Diesel Engine Driven Generators
22960-3PS-EQ-001 Cathodic Protection
22960-3PS-ES-001 33kV Switchgear
22960-3PS-ES-002 6.6kV Switchgear
22960-3PS-ES-003 415V Switchgear
22960-3PS-ET-001 Generator and Grid Transformers
22960-3PS-ET-002 Power Distribution Transformers
22960-3PS-ET-003 LV Transformers
22960-3PS-EUP-001 AC UPS Units
22960-3PS-EVP-001 Variable Speed Drive Systems
22960-3PS-EW-001 HV and LV Cables
22960-3PS-EW-002 Instrumentation Cables
22960-3PS-EY-001 Generator Control Panel
22960-3PS-EY-002 Load Management System
22960-3PS-EY-003 Substation Alarm Annunciators Panels
22960-3PS-EY-004 Electrical Power, Control, Protection and Monitoring
22960-3PS-EY-005 Thyristor Control Panels for Electric Heaters
22960-3PS-EZ-001 HV Open Type Switchgear