Zoology New
Zoology New
Zoology New
Course Structure
SEMESTER 2 No Title of the Course 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Common Course (English) Common Course (English) Common Course (Additional Language) Core Course 2 Core Course Practical Complementary 1 (Course II) Complementary 2 (Course II)
Hours/week 5 4 4 2 2 4 4
Credits 4 3 4 2 * 3 3
Exam hrs 3 3 3 2 * 3 3
SEMESTER 3 No Title of the Course 1 2 3 4 4 5 Common Course (English) Common Course (Additional Language) Core Course 3 Core Course Practical Complementary 1 (Course III) Complementary 2 (Course III)
Hours/week 5 5 3 3 5 5
Credits 4 4 3 * 3 3
Exam hrs 3 3 3 * 3 3
SEMESTER 4 No Title of the Course 1 2 3 Common Course (English) Common Course (Additional Language) Core Course 4
Hours/week 5 5 3
Credits 4 4 3
Exam hrs 3 3 3
4 5 6
2 5 5
4 3 3
3 3 3
SEMESTER 5 No Title of the Course 1 2 3 4 5 6 Open Course 1 Core Course 5 Core Course 6 Core Course 7 Core Course 8 Elective Core Course Practical II
Hours / week 2 4 4 4 3 8
Credit 2 4 4 4 4 *
Exam hrs 3 3 3 3 3 *
SEMESTER 6 No Title of the Course 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Open Course 2 Core Course 9 Core Course 10 Core Course 11 Core Course Practical II Core Course Practical III Core Course 12 Project Core Course 13
Hours / week 2 5 4 4 * 8 2 *
Credit 2 4 4 4 4 4 2 2
Exam hrs 3 3 3 3 3 4 * *
The Hour/Credit distribution for Complementary Theory/Practical examination shall be decided by the Board of Studies concerned.
Scheme Core(Zoology)
No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Semester I II III IV IV V V V V VI VI VI VI VI VI VI Course Code 1B01ZLG 2B02ZLG 3B03ZLG 4B04ZLG Title of the course Methodology and Perspectives of Science Evolution and Ethology Cytology and Immunology Hours/ Credits Week 2 2 3 3 2 4 4 4 3 5 4 4 8 8 2 * 2 2 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 2 2
General Informatics and Bioinformatics 4B01ZLG(P) Practical I 5B05ZLG 5B06ZLG 5B07ZLG 5B08ZLG 6B09ZLG 6B10ZLG Diversity of Life I Environmental Biology & Zoogeography Biochemistry & Biophysics Elective Diversity of Life II
Genetics, Molecular Biology & Biotechnology 6B11ZLG Physiology & Developmental Biology 6B02ZLG(P) Practical II 6B03ZLG(P) Practical III 6B12ZLG 6B13ZLG Project Field Work
1 2 V V 5B08ZLG 5B08ZLG A.Human Genetics B.Biodiversity,Conservation & Management 3 3 4 4
1 2 3 4 5
1 2 3 4 5
Code 1 2 3 4 5 I II III IV IV 1C01BGT 2C02BGT 3C03BGT 4C04BGT 4C05BGT General Laboratory Techniques Laboratory Techniques Preparation Specimens Equipments of and
Week 2 2 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 4
1 2 3 4
grading of records, to be done internally, should be based on the effort and promptness of the student in lab work.
What is science; what is not science. Laws of science and basis of scientific laws. Science as a human activity, scientific attitude, science disciplines. Revolutions in Science. (Industrial revolution, Green revolution, Blue revolution, White revolution) Science and Technology UNIT II. METHODS AND TOOLS IN SCIENCE (04 hrs) What is scientific method. Key steps of scientific method. Posing a question; formulation of hypothesis; Null and Alternative Hypothesis; Hypopthetico-deductive model. Significance of verification (proving), Corroboration and falsification (disproving); Peer reviews. Importance of Models, Simulations and Virtual testing. UNIT III. EXPERIMENTATION IN SCIENCE (06 hrs) Design of an experiment; observation; data collection; independent and dependent variables; importance of Pilot Study. Necessity of units and dimensions; repeatability and replication; randomisation
Controls negative and positive controls. Types of experiments. Experiments to test a hypothesis, to measure a variable, or to gather data by preliminary and explorative experiments. Francesco Redis experiment to disprove spontaneous generation. UNIT IV. ANALYSIS OF DATA (10 hrs) A) Biostatistics definition, role of statistics in life sciences. Sample and sampling - sample size, sampling errors, brief account of sampling methods. Presentation of data- a) Graphic representation: histogram, frequency polygon, and frequency curves. b) Diagrammatic representation: line diagram, bar diagram and pie diagram. B) Analysis of data: a) Measures of central tendency mean, median and mode. b) Measures of dispersion range, mean deviation and standard deviation. C) Testing of Hypothesis Simple, composite, null and alternative hypothesis. Types of errors critical region, significance levels, power of test. Tests of significance chi-square test, goodness of fit. UNIT V. ETHICS IN SCIENCE (02 hrs) Sharing of knowledge; transparency and honesty.Publications and patents; Plagiarism. Unit VI. METHODS IN ZOOLOGY (12 hrs) A) Importance of classification in biology. Taxonomy- definition, principles, procedures and rules of taxonomy- a brief account of Linnaean hierarchy. Zoological nomenclature- ICZN, Species concept. Two Kingdom and Five Kingdom classification. Identification- preparation of taxonomic key- simple dichotomous key, bracketed key, intended key.Sketching and labelling of biological specimens. Dissections. B) Preparation of Zoological specimens Collection- aquatic organisms (plankton nets), soil organisms (Berlese Funnel) Insects (nets and traps) Preservation- wet preservation (formalin, alcohol), dry preservation (microslides, display boxes) Labelling General rules and significance Taxidermy brief account. Culturing lab organisms paramecium culture, drosophila culture. ASSIGNMENT / SEMINAR TOPICS [Only for internal evaluation] Great experiments in science
1. Graeme Ruxton & Nick Colegrave - Experimental Design for the Life Sciences. (2nd edition) . Oxford University Press. 2. Khan I A and Khanum A - Fundamentals of Biostatistics, Ukaaz Pub., Hyderabad 3. Jasra P K, Raj P - Biostatistics, Krishna Prakasan Media Pvt.Ltd. 4. Lewis A I - Biostatistics- Reinhold Pub.Corporation. 5. Collins H and T. Pinch The Golem: What Everyone Should Know About Science. Cambridge University Press (1993) 6. Bass Joel E et al- Methods for Teaching Science as Inquiry; Allyn & Bacon,09 7. T C Narendran An Introduction to Taxonomy; ZSI Publ. www.sciencebuddies .org www.wikipedia.org
Unit II Evidences of organic evolution. Morphological and anatomical, physiological and biochemical, embryological and palaeontological (4 hrs) Unit III Theories of organic evolution Lamarckism and its criticism, Weismanns Germplasm theory, Darwins Theory of Natural Selection and its criticism, Mutation theory of de Vries, Punctuated evolution (5 hrs) Unit IV. Modern concept of organic evolution. Genetic basis of variation. Hardy Weinberg Equilibrium. Forces contribution to evolution recombination,
mutation, gene flow, genetic drift and natural selection (mention industrial melanism). (5 hrs) Unit V Nature of evolution. Species concept and speciation, isolation and isolating mechanisms, pre adaptation. Adaptive radiation with special reference to Darwins finches (4 hrs) Unit VI. History of life on earth Geological time scales, fossils, fossilisation and fossil dating (C 14 and Pb method) (3 hrs) Unit VII Molecular evolution Neutralist hypothesis, concept of molecular clock, Mithochondrial Eve hypothesis (2 hrs) SECTION B . ETHOLOGY (10 hrs)
Unit I -History and scope (1 hr) Unit II -Motivation Lorenzs and Deutschs models (1 hr) Unit III -Neural mechanism Role of hypothalamus and other brain centres in behaviour (1 hr) Unit IV- Role of hormones is behaviour (1 hr) Unit V -Learning Types of learning Habituation, conditioned reflex, insight learning, latent learning, imprinting. (2 hrs) Unit VI -Sociobiology social groups advantages and disadvantages. Insect societies e.g. Honeybee (mention bee dance). Social groups in mammals . Example -Elephants. (4 hrs) TOPICS FOR SEMINAR/ASSIGNMENT (Only for internal evaluation) EVOLUTION : 1) Stages in evolution of horse. 2) Evolution of man. 3) Dinosaurs ETHOLOGY 1) Biological clocks 2) Hibernation and aestivation 3) Social organization in termites 4) Social life in primates 5) Navigation and homing instincts
1. P.S.Verma & V.K. Agarwal : Concept of Evolution; S. Chand & Co. 2. Strickberger M W: Evolution; Jones & Barlett. 3. Kavitha : Organic Evolution; A I T B S Pub. New Delhi. 4. Volpe E P : Understanding Evolution; Universal Bookstall, New Delhi.
5. Aubrey Manning & Dawkins: An Introduction to Animal Behaviour; Cambridge. 6. Prasad: Animal Behaviour; CBS Pub. 7. Reena Mathur : Animal Behaviour; Rastogi Pub.
6) Lysosomes : structure and chemical make up polymorphism, function (cellular digestion in detail), GERL concept. (2 hrs) 7) Mitochondria: structure and chemical composition Bioenergetics including respiratory chain and electron transport (Brief account only details of steps not expected) Biogenesis (2 hrs) 8) Cytoskeleton brief account of microtubules, microfilaments and intermediate filaments. (1 hr) 9) Microbodies; Peroxisomes and Glyoxysomes (1 hr) 10)Interphase nucleus: nuclear envelope, pore complex, Nucleus, Nucleoplasm, chromatin structure and functions. (2 hrs) 11)Chromosomes: Physical and chemical structure, chromatin heterochromatin and euchromatin. (2 hrs) 12) Giant Chromosomes structure and functions of Polytene and Lamp brush chromosomes mention puffs and bands, Endomitosis. (2 hrs) Unit IV Cell Division Cell cycle Gl, S, G2 and M phases check points of cell cycle use of colchicine Meiosis details of synaptonemal complex, crossing over, chiasma, terminalisation. Spermatogenesis and Oogenesis. (5 hrs) Unit V Parthenogenesis Types of parthenogenesis facultative, obligatory, cyclic and complete. Arrhenotoky, thelytoky. Restitution, auto fertilisation. Significance of parthenogenesis (2 hrs) Unit VI Cancer Benign and malignant tumours - metastasis. Characteristics of cancer cells. Cell lines-HeLa cells, L-cells. Hypothesis about cancer- mutation, viral and defective immunity. (4 hrs) Unit VII Cell Growth and Aging Changes due to aging. Apoptosis. Theories of aging. (2 hrs)
Unit VIII Cells of extracellular matrix Connective tissue cells mesenchyme cells, fibroblasts, mast cells, fat cells; blood cells- erythrocytes, lymphocytes, monocytes, neutrophils, eosinophils, plasma cells, and macrophages. Stem cells scope and significance. (3 hrs)
Unit I. Basic concepts. Immunity, Infection, Natural and Acquired immunity, Active and Passive immunity, Immune response - Cell Mediated and Humoral. (2 hrs)
Unit II. Antigens, Haptens and Antibodies. Typical structure of antibody; Classes of antibodies and their functions. Antigen-antibody reactions precipitation, agglutination, complement fixation, opsonisation. Primary and secondary immune responses. (4 hrs) Unit III. Hypersensitivity reactions. Types of hypersensitivity-I, II, III & IV. Brief accounts of allergy and anaphylaxis, autoimmune reactions, immune complex disease (e.g., rheumatic fever), allograft rejection. (4 hrs) Topics for Seminar/Assignment (Only for internal evaluation) 1. Features of prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells. 2. Differences between plant and animal cell. 3. Carcinogens. 4. Types of cancer. 5. Functions of blood. 6. Mitotic cell division. REFERENCES 1. De-Robertis : Cell and Molecular Biology-Holt Saunders 2. Geise : Cell Physiology Holt Saunders 3. Sterm and Nancy : The Biology Of Cells Wiley Eastern. 4. Karp : Cell Biology McGraw Hill. 5. Johnson et al : Molecular Biology of the Cell Garland Science 6. Gupta : Cell and Molecular Biology: Rastogi Publications. 7. Pollard and Earnshaw: Cell Biology Saunders. 8. Darla Wise and Gordon Carter : Immunology. A comprehensive Review; Blackwell Science Co. (Ane Books) 9. William E Paul : Fundamental Immunology; Raven 10. Nandini Shetty :Immunology: Introductory Text Book; Mc Graw Hill. rd 11. David Latchman (Editor): Basic Molecular and Cell Biology (3 Ed); BMJ Publishing Co.
(02 hrs)
Unit II. Overview of operating systems and major application softwaresOffice packages, Browsers, Antivirus packages. The free software debate. Social, ethical and technical superiority issues. (06 hrs) Unit III. Internet as a knowledge repository. Academic search techniques. Course management with MOODLE. Digital libraries. National services such as INFLIBNET. (06 hrs) Unit IV. IT and society Cyber ethics, Cyber crime, Privacy issues; Information overload. IT for disabled Speech activated and thought activated computers. Special devices and software for disabled. (07 hrs) Unit V. Health Issues Guide lines for the proper use of computers and Internet. (02 hr) Unit VI. Artificial intelligence; Virtual reality. (02 hr) SECTION B: BIOINFORMATICS (30 hours)
Unit I. Overview of Bioinformatics (02 hrs) Introduction: Definition, history, development and scope, tasks Unit II. Major databases in Bioinformatics (08 hrs) Primary databases: Nucleotide sequence databases Mention EMBL, DDBJ, Genbank Protein sequence databases Mention Swiss Prot, PIR, MIPS Metabolite databases Mention KEGG, EcoCye Secondary databases: Mention PROSITE, PRINTS, Blocks Unit III. Database Search Engines (05 hrs) Mention Entrez at NCBI of USA, SRS at EBI of England, STAG at DDBJ
of Japan Unit IV. Sequence Similarity Search (05 hrs) Pair wise sequence alignment: Mention BLAST, FASTA, Multiple sequence alignment: Mention CLUSTAL W, CLUSTAL X Unit V. Micro arrays -- Data analysis tools and methods (02 hrs)
Unit VI. Genomics -DNA sequencing, applications (Brief account) (02 hrs) Unit VII. Proteomics - Tools and applications (Brief account) Unit VIII. Metabolomics - Tools and applications (Brief account) Unit IX. Applications of Bioinformatics Unit X. Ethical issues in Bioinformatics Accuracy and error Appropriate uses and users Privacy and confidentiality (02 hrs) (01 hr) (01 hr) (02 hrs)
2. Alan Evans, Kendal Martin et al Technology in Action; Pearson Prentice Hall. 3. Jin Xiong Essential Bioinformatics; Cambridge University Press. 4. Neelam Yadav A Handbook of Bioinformatics; Anmol Publications. Web Resources: www.computerhistory.org www.learnthenet.com science data bases.
Lecture hours: 2 hours/week No. of credits : 4
1. Simple problems in statistics mean, median, mode, mean deviation & standard deviation. (Minor) 2. Construction of Bar diagram, Pie diagram & Histogram. (Minor) 3. Use of computers for graphic representation of data. (Demo) 4. Preparation of whole mounts insect leg, wing, lepidopteran scales, fish scales etc.(Minor) 5. Preparation of simple taxonomic key. (Minor)
Cytology and Immunology
1. Study of microscope. (Minor) 2. Use of camera lucida. (Minor) 3. Micrometry -Measurement of microscopic objects. (Minor) 4. Study of mitotic stages Onion root tip squash preparation. (Major) 5. Study of meiosis Grasshopper testis squash. (demo) 6. Staining of buccal epithelial cells. (Minor) 7. Staining of blood film to study blood cells. (Major) 8. Determination of blood groups. (Minor) 9. Centrifugation- cell fractionation and separation of nuclei. (demo)
Aims and Objectives: The course is designed to give a comprehensive understanding of Protistan and Non chordate phyla. The main objectives are to make the student aware of the amazing diversity, to understand how these different components are interlinked and also their phylogenetic relationship. Section A: KINGDOM PROTISTA (15 hours) Type study: Paramecium: Morphology and structural organization, locomotion, nutrition, excretion, osmoregulation and reproduction; conjugation in detail. Characteristic features and classification of Kingdom Protista down to phyla [Brief account of the major groups of protozoan protists given below] examples: Amoeba, Noctiluca, and Trichonympha Phylum Apicomplexa example: Plasmodium Phylum Ciliophora examples: Vorticella Parasitic Protista Life cycle (Stressing infective stage & mode of infection); pathogenicity, diagnosis, treatment and prophylaxis of Entamoeba histolytica & Plasmodium vivax. (Mention P. falciparum, P. ovale and P. malariae). Also mention Leishmania and Trypanosoma. General essay -- Locomotion in Protista. Section B: KINGDOM ANIMALIA Salient features of the major Phyla of animals and their diversity (Study of animal diversity with typical examples from each group, with emphasis on ecological and adaptive features, economic importance and such other points of biological interest expected. Only very brief account of each example is to be studied.) MESOZOA - A brief account. (01 hr) Phylum Sarcomastigophora
METAZOA Phylum PORIFERA Salient features of the following classesClass Calcispongiae Class Demospongiae example: Leucosolenia example: Spongilla (03 hrs)
Class Hyalospongiae example: Euplectella Give an account of canal system in sponges. Brief accounts of amphiblastula, parenchymula and gemmule
(05 hrs)
Classification down to classes with salient features of the classes Class Anthozoa example: Adamsia, Madrepora Class Hydrozoa example: Halistemma, Physalia Class Scyphozoa example: Rhizostoma Phylum CTENOPHORA Salient features of Pleurobrachia
(01 hr)
(04 hrs)
Class Turbellaria example: Dugesia (=Planaria) Class Cestoda example: Taenia saginata Class Trematoda example: Schistosoma Life cycle and pathogenicity of Fasciola hepatica. PSEUDOCOELOMATA Super phylum ASCHELMINTHES (08 hrs)
Phylum Nematoda [=Nemata] characteristic features. Nematode parasites. Life history, pathogenicity, and prophylaxis of Ascaris lumbricoides, Ancylostoma duodenale and Wuchereria bancrofti. Mention the significance of Cenorhabditis elegans
Phylum ANNELIDA (03 hrs) Salient features of the following classes Class Polychaeta example: Nereis Class Oligochaeta example: Megascolex
Class Hirudinea
example: Hirudinaria
Coelomate Minor Phyla: (03 hrs) Salient features of the following Minor Phyla; mention examples specified Phylum Echiura example: Bonellia Phylum Onychophora example: Peripatus: [distribution & affinities] Phylum Rotifera example Brachionus Phylum ARTHROPODA (15 hrs) Type study: Penaeus indicus [including larval stages] Salient features of the following classes Subphylum - Chelicerata Class Trilobita [brief account only] Class Merostomata. example: Limulus Class Arachnida. example: Heterometrus. Mention spiders, ticks, mites. Subphylum - Antennata Class Myriapoda Sub class Chilopoda. .example: Scolopendra, Sub class Diplopoda. example: Spirostreptus Class Crustacea examples: Scylla, Eupagurus Class Insecta examples: Lepisma, Mantis, and Belostoma Mention the major insect groups Coleopterans (beetles& weevils), Lepidopterans (butterflies & moths) Dipterans (house flies & mosquitoes) Hymenopterans (ants, bees and wasps) with common examples. Phylum MOLLUSCA (05 hrs)
Classification down to classes; salient features of the following classes Class Placophora example: Chiton Class Bivalvia example: Perna, Lamellidens Class Scaphopoda example: Dentalium Class Gastropoda example: Pila, Xancus Class Cephalopoda example: Sepia, Nautilus General topic Pearl oysters; method of pearl formation and artificial implantation of nuclei for pearl formation. Phylum ECHINODERMATA (06 hrs)
Morphology of starfish; water vascular system in detail Salient features of the following classes and very brief account of examples Class Crinoidea example: Antedon Class Asteroidea example: Astropecten Class Ophiuroidea example: Ophiothrix Class Holothuroidea example: Holothuria Class Echinoidea example: Echinus General topic Larval forms in Echinoderms.
(01 hr)
ASSIGNMENT/SEMINAR TOPICS (Only For Internal Evaluation) 1. Reproduction in Protista 2. Nutrition in Protista. 3. Corals, coral reefs and their ecological importance. 4. Parasitic tapeworms and nematodes. 5. Vermiculture. 6. Insect pests 7. Insect vectors 8. Mouthparts of insects. 9. Economic importance of molluscs. 10. Mussel culture. 11. Excretory organs in invertebrates.
REFERENCES. 1. D.T Anderson - Invertebrate Zoology, 2nd edition; Oxford University Press.
2. Michael A Sleigh - Protozoa and Other Protists, CBS Publishers and Distributors, New Delhi. 3. Hyman Invertebrate volumes, McGraw Hill Publ. 4. Ekambaranath Iyer Invertebrate Zoology, Vol 1; S V Publishers. 5. Parker & Haswell : Text Book of Zoology Vol-1; Mac Millan & Co. 6. E J W Barrington : Invertebrate Structure and Function ; Thomas Nelson. 7. Chatterjee Parasitology: Protozoology and Helminthology ; Chatterjee Medical Publishers. 8. Nayar K K General and Applied Entomology,TMH Publ. 9. R L Kotpal Modern Text Book of Zoology; Rastogi Publ. 10.Pechenik J Biology of Invertebrates; TMH.
Unit VI. Community Ecology Definition and characters. Species diversity, stratification and dominance. Ecotone and Edge effect. Ecological indicators. Community periodically. Ecological succession- Basic types of succession. Process in succession. (4 hrs)
Unit VII. Population interactions Interspecific association positive and negative interactions mutualism, commensalisms, parasitism, predation, competition, proto co-operation. (4 hrs) Unit VIII. Habitat ecology Biosphere and its divisions Lithosphere, Hydro sphere and Atmosphere. Physical features, fauna and their adaptations in A) Aquatic ecosystem i) Freshwater (lentic & lotic) ii) Marine Pelagic and benthic realms. iii) Estuaries iv) Mangroves. B) Terrestrial ecology Forest, Grassland, desert, tundra and cave biomes. (8 hrs) Unit IX Biodiversity and its conservation. Definition, scope, levels of biodiversity, hotspots of biodiversity, value of bio diversity, causes of biodiversity depletion. Conservation of biodiversity. Threatened and endemic species. Sustainable development. (4 hrs) Unit X. Environmental laws objectives and features (in brief) of the following laws:i) Wildlife Protection Act (1972) ii) The water (Prevention and control of pollution) Act iii) The Forest (Conservation) Act 1980. iv) Environment (Protection) Act 1986. V) Patents Act 1970 and its amendments (4 hrs) Unit XI. Global environmental Issues. Causes, effects and remedial measures of Air, water, Noise, Radioactive, solid waste and pesticide pollution. Ozone depletion, Green house effect, Global warming, Acid rain, oil spills, Impact of sand miming, wetland reclamation, rain water harvesting. (8 hrs) SECTION B . ZOOGEOGRAPHY (12 HOURS) Unit I. Animal distribution cosmopolitan, discontinuous, bipolar and isolated
distribution. Factors affecting distribution Barriers to animal distribution (2 hrs)
Unit II. Zoogeographical Realms - Mention the areas included, physical features and fauna of the following regions Palaearctic, Nearctic, Neotropical, Ethiopian, Oriental and Australian realms. Brief account of the biogeography of India Western Ghats and Himalayas. (8 hrs) Unit III. Insular fauna Continental Islands e.g. British Isles. Oceanic islands Galapagos. (2 hrs) Topics for Seminar/Assignments. (Only for internal evaluation) 1. Population Explosion. 2.The Earth summit 1972
3.Geneva convention - 1996 4.The Kyoto protocol- 1997 5.World summit on Sustainable Development 2002 6.Chipko Movement. 7.Project Tiger 8.National Parks/Wildlife Sanctuaries / Biosphere Reserves 9.Bhophal Gas Tragedy 10.Anthropogenic effects of Biogeochemicals. 11.Non-conventional Energy Sources. REFERENCES. 1. Aravind Kumar : Text Book of Environmental Science; APH Pub Corporation (New Delhi). 2. Chapman & Reiss: Ecology- Principles and Applications; Cambridge. 3. Chatterjee B: Environmental Laws- Implementation and Problems. 4. Sharma P D : Environmental Biology; Rastogi Pub. 5. Varma PS & Agarwal VK : Environmental Biology; S. Chand. 6. Trivedi R K: Hand Book of Environmental Laws, Rules, Guidelines, Compliances and Standards; Enviromedia. 7. Odum E P and Barret : Fundamentals of Ecology; Thomson. 8. Smith RL : Ecology and Field Biology; Harper Collins. 9. Townsend CR : Essentials of Ecology; Blackwell Science.
10. Darlington PJ Jr. : Zoogeography- The Geographical Distribution of Animals;
glycogenesis, glucogenesis, gluconeogenesis. (Mention Pentose Phosphate pathway). Protein metabolism deamination, transamination, decarboxylation, transmethylation. Lipid metabolism oxidation of glycerol and fatty acids; Biosynthesis of fatty acids; Krebs cycle, electron transport and oxidative phosphorylation. (18 hrs) SECTION B: BIOPHYSICS (22 Hours) Unit 1: Tools and Techniques: (Principle, working methodology and applications). Microscopy Light microscope (use of oil immersion objective), Phase contrast microscope, Fluorescent microscope, Electron microscope (TEM & SEM); (b) Camera lucida and micrometry. (c) Chromatography- paper and column chromatography principle and applications (d) Electrophoresis paper and gel electrophoresis (e) X-ray crystallography (f) Autoradiography (g) pH meter (h) Spectrophotometer (i) Microtome (j) Kymograph (k) Centrifuge different types of centrifuge different types of centrifugation . Cell fractionation. (17 hrs) Unit- II: Radiation Biology units of radiation ionising and non-ionising radiations radioisotopes applications biological effects of radiation (03 hrs) Unit- III: Immunological techniques immunodiffusion immunoelectrophoresis ELISA RIA (Basic principle and uses only) (02 hrs) REFERENCES: 1.David Nelson and Michael Cox : Lehninger, Principles of Biochemistry , W H Freeman & Co. New York. 2.Awapara J: Introduction to Biological Chemistry, Prentice-Hall of India 3.Cohn E E and Stumpf P K: Outlines of Biochemistry, Wiley Eastern 4.Rangnatha Rao K: Text Book of Biochemistry, Prentice-Hall of India 5.Roy K N: A Text Book of Biophysics; New Central Book Agency 6.Ackerman E: Biophysical Science; Prentice Hall Inc. 7.Srivastava HS: Elements of Biochemistry; Rastogi Pub.. 8.Abraham Mazur & Harrow: Text Book of Biochemistry; Saunders Toppan. 9.Pranab Kumar Banerjee: Introduction to Biophysics; S.Chand.
Unit V. Cancer Genetics- Proto oncogenes, oncogenes (cellular and viral), anti oncogenes. Chromosomal abnormalities associated with malignancies like chronic myleocytic leukemia and retinoblastoma. (5 hrs) Unit VI. Genetics and Society-.Human Genome Project future prospects and ethical considerations. Eugenics, Euthenics, Euphenics. Forensic genetics DNA Fingerprinting. Gene therapy. (5 hrs) Unit VII. Genetic Services Pedigree Construction symbols used in pedigree construction. Buccal smear test, Ultrasonography, Amniocentesis, Chorionic Villi Sampling, Foetoscopy, Assisted Reproductive Techniques. Analysis of human genome Brief account of DNA sequencing, Southern Blotting, PCR. Genetic Counselling Directive and Non-directive. Reasons for seeking counselling. Counselling for dominant, recessive, X linked and multifactorial diseases. (8 hrs) REFERENCES 1. Mange and Mange :Basic Human Genetics; Rastogi Pub. 2. Human Genetics : Elof Axel Carlson; TMH. 3. Gerald J. Stein : Human Genetics. 4. Bhatnagar, Kothari and Mehta: Essentials of Human Genetics; Orient Longman. 5. Verma and Agarwal : Concepts of Human Genetics; S. Chand 6. Sanjay Mandal : Fundamentals of Human Genetics ; New Age Intl. 7. David Latchman (Editor): Basic Molecular and Cell Biology (3rd Ed); BMJ
Publishing Co.
an ecosystem (set a goal; determine strategy and methods; remove the source of degradation; restore the physical environment and restore the biota.) Conserving populations: Providing resources Food, water, physical environments; Controlling threats overexploitation, indirect threat by humans, consumers, Direct manipulations Translocations, artificial breeding Ex situ conservation: Zoos and gardens; ex situ-in situ interface; conservation of domesticated species. Priority setting in Conservation & Management of Biodiversity: Selection of areas; selection of species; selection of nations; selection of tasks; causes of actual problem to be recognized. (15 hrs) Unit IV - Man and Biodiversity Difference in values: Urban-rural; women-men; anthropocentrism versus biocentrism. Economics and biodiversity conservation: The benefits goods and services; The costs; distribution of benefits and costs. Conservation and politics: International agencies (a brief account on major international agencies); Environmental treaties (mention important environmental treaties); Role of governments (brief account on developing and enforcing environmental regulations). Nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) mention important international, national, state level and regional NGOs Effective conservation through empowering communities. Duties of individuals-the most important factor/catalyst in biodiversity conservation. (12 hrs)
Lecture hours: 5 hours/week No. of credits : 4 Aims and Objectives. The course is designed to give the student a comprehensive idea of chordate diversity, structure and functions. The type studies are intended to provide an understanding of the typical vertebrate body structure, which has a lot in common in the various groups. The comparative anatomy topics are intended to provide a broad understanding of the different classes, as the study of types is limited. Introduction ( 03 hrs)
Chordate characters (fundamental, general and advanced); chordates versus nonchordates; diversity of chordates; classification as mentioned below with salient features of each group. Subphylum 1 UROCHORDATA (03 hrs)
Affinities; add a note on neoteny (paedogenesis) Classification down to classes Class: Ascidiacea example: Ascidia [morphology and retrogressive metamorphosis] Class Larvacea- example: Oikopleura Class Thaliacea- example: Doliolum Subphylum 2 CEPHALOCHORDATA (04 hrs) Example: Branchiostoma [=Amphioxus] morphology, primitive, degenerate and specialized features (affinities and systematic position to be emphasized) Subphylum 3 VERTEBRATA (01 hr)
Division 1 AGNATHA (02 hrs) Characters and examples: Myxine; Petromyzon [mention Ammocoete larva] Division 2 GNATHOSTOMATA Super class PISCES Type study Scoliodon sorrakowah (15 hrs)
Class Chondrichthyes [cartilaginous fishes] Order Selachii examples: Pristis, Trygon Order Holocephali example: Chimaera Class Osteichthyes [bony fishes] Order Crossopterygii [coelacanths] example: Latimeria Order Dipnoi [lung fishes] examples: Neoceratodus, Protopterus, Lepidosiren (Mention their distribution) Order Acanthopterygii [spiny-rayed fishes] examples: Mugil, Rastrelliger General essay Accessory respiration in fishes Super class TETRAPODA Class AMPHIBIA (05 hrs)
Classification of Amphibia down to orders with examples Order Apoda examples: Ichthyophis, Uraeotyphlus Order Urodela examples: Necturus, Ambystoma, mention Axolotl Order Anura examples: Bufo, Rhacophorus Mention the discovery of Nasikabatrachus sahyadrensis and the significance of Bush frogs e.g., Philautus sp. (Direct development without larval stage) Class REPTILIA (07 hrs)
Salient features of the following groups with examples. Subclass Anapsida Order Cotylosauria [stem reptiles] example: Hylonomus Order Chelonia [common turtles, tortoises etc.] example: Chelone Subclass Lepidosauria [= Super order 1. Lepidosauria under Subclass Diapsida] Order Rhynchocephalia example: Sphenodon Order Squamata Sub order Lacertilia examples: Chamaeleo, Calotes, Sub order Ophidia examples: Ptyas, Typhlops, Naja, Daboia (=Vipera) Bungarus, Echis, Hydrophis. Identification key for poisonous snakes Subclass Archosauria [= Super order 2. Archosauria under Subclass Diapsida] Order Crocodilia examples: Crocodylus, Gavialis, Alligator Subclass Euryapsida Subclass Synapsida General topics. 1) Biting mechanism of viper. 2) Snake venom and antivenin. Class AVES (10 hrs)
Classification of Aves as outlined below with the following examples. Subclass Archaeornithes Order Archaeopterygiformes example: Archaeopteryx brief account
Subclass Neornithes Super order Palaeognathae [=Ratitae] Examples: Casuarius (cassowary), Apteryx (kiwi), Rhea, Struthio (ostrich) Super order Neognathae [=Carinatae] [pheasants, quail, turkeys, grouse] example: Pavo cristatus [screamers, water fowls] example: Anas [perching birds] example: Passer domesticus [wood peckers, barbets, honey guides] example: Dinopium [kingfishers & allies] example: Alcedo [swifts, humming birds] example: Micropodus [owls] example: Bubo [cuckoos, roadrunners, turacos] example: Eudynamys [parrots, lories, cockatoos] example: Psittacula krameri [cranes, rails, coots, bustards] example: Choriotis [plovers, gulls, terns, auks, sand pipers] example: Tringa [pigeons, doves, sand grouse] example: Columba [diurnal birds of prey falcons, hawks] example: Mylvus [herons, storks, ibis, spoon bills] example: Ardea [pelicans, cormorants] example: Pelecanus [Impennae] example: Aptenodytes (penguin) Mention extinct birds: passenger pigeon (Ectopistes migratorius), dodo (Raphus cucullatus). Rediscovery of Jerdons courser (Cursorius bitorquatus) General topics 1) Flight adaptations in birds. feathers. Class MAMMALIA Type study: Oryctolagus cuniculus Classification of Mammalia down to the orders cited with examples specified Subclass Prototheria [egg-laying mammals] Order Monotremata examples: Ornithorhynchus (platypus), Tachyglossus (= Echidna) Subclass Theria Infraclass Metatheria [marsupials] Order Marsupialia examples: Didelphis (opossum), Macropus (kangaroo) Infraclass Eutheria [true placental mammals] Order Edentata examples: Bradypus (sloth), Dasypus (armadillo) Myrmecophaga (spiny ant eater) Order Pholidota example: Manis (pangolin / scaly ant eater) Order Lagomorpha (rabbits and hares) Order Rodentia examples: Funambulus, Ratufa Order Insectivora examples: Paraechinus (hedgehog), Suncus (=Crocidura) (25 hrs) 2) Bird migration. 3) Types of
Order Dermoptera examples: Cynocephalus (=Galeopterus - flying lemur) Order Chiroptera Order Primates Order Carnivora Order Cetacea Delphinus(dolphins), examples: Pteropus, Pipistrellus examples: Loris, Macaca, Gorilla, Pongo, Hylobates, Homo examples: Phoca (seal), Odobenus (walrus), Panthera sps. Viverricula indica (civet) examples: Physeter (sperm whale)
Phocaena (porpoise) Balaenoptera (baleen whale) Order Artiodactyla examples: Sus scrofa cristatus, Gaur, Giraffa, Hemitragus (tahr), Cervus, Axis axis (spotted deer) Antelope cervicapra (antelope/ black buck) Order Perissodactyla examples: Equus caballus (horse), Rhinoceros Order Sirenia examples: Trichechus (manatee), Dugong Order Proboscidea examples: Elephas maximus indicus [Indian elephant] Loxodonta africana [African savannah elephant] Loxodonta cyclotis [African forest elephant] General essays. 1) Dentition in mammals. 2) Aquatic mammals. COMPARATIVE ANATOMY (15 hours) Development of integumentary structures in vertebrates scales, feathers and hairs; nails, claws, horns & antlers. Heart and aortic arches in different groups of vertebrates. Evolution of kidney in different vertebrate groups.( Pro, meso, meta and opisthonephros) Jaw suspensoria. Types of vertebrae procoelus, amphicoelus, biconvex, amphiplatian, heterocoelus. ASSIGNMENT / SEMINAR TOPICS (Only For Internal Evaluation) 1. Migration in fishes. 2. Marine, estuarine and fresh water edible fishes. 3. Methods of fish preservation 4. By products of fisheries. 5. Scales of fishes. 6. Tail fin of fishes 7. Snakes of Kerala 8. Dinosaurs. 9. Beak and feet of birds. 10.Mammals of Kerala forests. REFERENCES: 1. Ekambarnath Iyyer Manual of Zoology, Vol II; S V Publishers. 2. R L Kotpal Vertebrate Zoology; Rastogi Publ.
3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8
Jordan and Verma : Chordate Zoology; S. Chand & Co. Hyman : Comparative Anatomy of Vertebrates; Mc Graw Hill Young J Z : Life of Vertebrates Oxford University Press. Parker and Haswell : A Text Book of Zoology Vol 2; Mac Millan. Weichert : Anatomy of Chordates; Orient Longman. Salim Ali : Book of Indian Birds; BNHS.
(05 hrs)
Unit III. Multiple allelism. Inheritance of coat colour in rabbits. Genetics of A B O blood groups and Rh factor in man. Mention other groups such as M, N, MN and Bombay group. Erythroblastosis foetalis. Genetic problems involving blood groups. (06 hrs) Unit IV. Linkage and Crossing Over. Linkage groups. Complete and incomplete linkage. Disruption of linkage through crossing over and recombination. Factors affecting crossing over. Significance of crossing over. 3-point test cross and construction of linkage map in drosophila. (05 hrs) Unit V. Sex Determination. Autosomes and sex chromosomes. Male heterogamy and female heterogamy. Role of Y chromosome in humans, mention SRY gene. Sex determination in drosophila. Genic balance theory of Bridges. Barr bodies, Lyons hypothesis; evidences for X chromosome inactivation. Gynandromorphism
and sex mosaics. Hormonal and environmental influence on sex determination. (08 hrs) Unit VI. Mutation. Mutation theory of De Vries; types of mutations; molecular basis of gene mutations. Mutagens, natural and induced mutations. Significance of mutations. Chromosomal aberrations structural and numerical. (08 hrs)
Unit VII. Cytoplasmic inheritance. General characteristics, example: shell coiling in Limnaea and kappa particles in paramecium. ( 03 hrs) Section B MOLECULAR BIOLOGY & BIOTECHNOLOGY. (36 hours) Unit I. The concept of gene. Regulatory and housekeeping genes; cistron, muton, recon; split gene, jumping gene and overlapping gene. (02 hrs) Unit II. The Genetic material. Experiments to prove DNA as genetic material Griffiths transformation experiment, Avery & co-workers experiments, Hershey and Chase experiment. Conrat & Stanleys experiment on TMV to show RNA as genetic material. (04 hrs) Unit III. DNA replication and Repair. The semi conservative method of DNA replication. Role of enzymes- DNA Pol, ligase, helicase, topoisomerase, SSBPs, primase etc. Messelson and Stahl experiment. DNA Repair: Types of mistakes and agents causing mistakes. Mechanism of repair- mismatch repair, dimer repair (light induced and dark repair), recombinational repair and SOS repair. (04 hrs) Unit IV. Organisation of Genome: Definition, viral genome (DNA and RNA containing), prokaryotic, eukaryotic and mitochondrial genomes. Brief account of nucleosome concept of chromatin (03 hrs) Unit V. Gene action. Central Dogma of Molecular Biology. Reverse transcription by retroviruses, example HIV. Characteristics of genetic code. (03 hrs) Unit VI. Protein synthesis. Various steps in transcription, processing of m RNA, and translation. Wobble hypothesis. (03 hrs) Unit VII. Regulation of Gene Action. The Operon concept. Examples of inducer and repressor operons. (03 hrs) Unit VIII. Recombinant DNA technology. Definition and scope of biotechnology and genetic engineering. Restriction Endonucleases. Slicing, splicing and cloning of genes Cloning vectors plasmid, (pBR322, pUC8), phage (lambda phage), Artificial chromosomes (BAC, YAC). Transfer of rDNA into host cell. Identification of transformed cells by marker genes. Genetic engineering and human welfare. (10 hrs) Unit IX. Hybridisation Techniques. Brief accounts of somatic cell hybridisation, hybridoma technology and monoclonal antibodies. Southern Blot, Northern Blot and Western Blot. DNA fingerprinting. (04 hrs) SEMINAR / ASSIGNMENT TOPICS (Only for internal evaluation)
1. Mendels laws. 2. Genetic problems in monohybrid and dihybrid crosses. 3. Human Genome Project. 4. Structure of DNA. 5. Transgenic plants and animals 6. Animal cloning. 7. Sex determination in mammals and birds. (XX-XY & ZW-ZZ methods.) REFERENCES. 1. Strickberger : Genetics; Macmillan. 2. Rastogi V B : Fundamentals of Molecular Biology; Ane Books. 3. John Ringo : Fundamental Genetics; Cambridge University Press. 4. Verma & Agarwal: Genetics; S. Chand & Co. 5. Sambamurthy : Genetics; Narosa Pub. 6. Miglani, Gurubachan: Basic Genetics; Narosa pub. 7. Gupta P K : Cytology, Genetics and Molecular Biology; Rastogi. 8. Gupta P K : Elements of Biotechnology; Rastogi. 9. Gardner, Simmons and Snustad : Principles of Genetics; John Wiley Sons. rd 10. David Latchman (Editor): Basic Molecular and Cell Biology (3 Ed); BMJ Publishing Co.
Unit VI. Nervous co ordination (03hrs). Impulse propagation, saltatory conduction, synaptic transmission, neuro transmitters, Unit VII. Sports physiology effects of exercise, Yoga and meditation. (01 hr.) SECTION B DEVELOPMENTAL BIOLOGY (40 hours) Unit I. Egg, Cleavage and Blastulation- Types of eggs, classification based on amount and distribution of yolk, egg membranes, mosaic and regulative eggs. Cleavage types- radial (star fish), spiral (Planocera), holoblastic equal (Branchiostoma), and unequal(frog), meroblastic discoidal (chick), and superficial (insect). Blastula formation, types of blastula- coelo-, stereo-, and discoblastulae and blastocyst. (03 hrs) Unit II. Cell Differentiation & Gene Action During Development Cell differentiation- totipotency and pleuripotency of embryonic cells, dedifferentiation and redifferentiation in embryonic development, controlled gene expression during development, homeotic genes, Hox genes in vertebrates. (05hrs) Unit III. Development of Frog Structure of egg, fertilization, Cleavage, blastulation, importance of grey crescent, fate map, gastrulation, neurulation, formation of notochord, mesoderm and coelom. Organogeny of brain, eye, heart and aortic arches. Hormonal control of amphibian metamorphosis (10 hrs) Unit IV. Development of Chick Fertilization, Cleavage, blastulation , gastrulation, Development up to 48hrs with salient features of 18 hrs, 24 hrs, and 33 hrs of incubation. Development and functions of extra embryonic membranes. (08 hrs) Unit V. Development of Man Structure of ovum and sperm, cleavage, blastocyst formation, implantation, development and functions of foetal membranes, placenta. (04 hrs) Unit VI. Regeneration types of regeneration, events in regeneration, physiological changes involved and factors influencing regeneration. (02 hrs) Unit VII. Experimental Embryology 1. Vital staining, marking with carbon particles, radioactive tracers, fate of blastomeres and construction of fate maps. 2. Cell lineage studies in Planocera 3. Experiments on sea urchin embryo leading to gradient concept.
4. Inductive interaction in development primary organizers and induction with special reference to amphibian development. 5. Transplantation experiments involving dorsal lip and optic cup during metamorphosis of frogs tadpole. 6. Exogastrulation in frog blastula, removal of egg membranes, independent, dependent and progressive differentiation. 7. Embryonic stem cells and stem cell research. 8. Cloning experiments in animals ethical issues in human cloning. (08 hrs) ASSIGNMENT / SEMINAR TOPICS. (Only for internal evaluation) 1. Structure of bird egg. 2. Menstrual cycle. 3. Role of hormones in parturition and lactation. 4. History of embryology 5. Digestive glands and their secretions. 6. Vitamins and their functions. 7. Respiratory pigments. 8. Types of muscles. 9. Respiratory pigments. REFERENCES. Physiology & Immunology 1. Guyton : Text Book of Medical Physiology; W.B Saunders. 2. Hill & Wyse : Animal Physiology; Harper & Row. 3. Agarwal R A. : Animal Physiology and Biochemistry; S.Chand. 4. Chatterjee C C : Human Physiology- vol I ⅈ Medical Allied Agency. 5. S C Rastogi : Essentials of Animal Physiology (New Age Intl Pub.) 6. Hoar W S : General and Comparative Physiology; Prentice Hall. Development Biology 1. Patten : Foundations of Embryology 2. Balinsky : Introduction to Embryology; Saunders Toppan 3. Mc. Even : Vertebrate Embryology 4. T Subramonian : Molecular Developmental Biology; Narosa. 5. Roberts Rugh : Frog Reproduction & Development. TMH Edn. 6. P.S. Verma & : Chordate Embryology S. Chand & Co. V.K. Agarwal. 7. Patten : Early Embryology of the Chick, McGraw Hill 8. Bruce M Carlson : Foundations of Embryology (6th Edn) ; Mc Graw Hill.
In TAXONOMY specimens should be identified by their generic name. Students should examine the specimens in the lab and draw labelled sketches. Notes should contain classification, morphological and functional peculiarities and other significant features. The record should be in the form of an observation book. Artistic diagrams are not needed. There should be no tracing of figures from textbooks. Only the relevant region need be drawn in some case. (e.g., head & tail region of snakes). Wherever possible, specimens not included in the theory syllabus should be given for lab study, so that students are introduced to more organisms. In SECTIONS and OSTEOLOGY, neatly labelled scientific diagrams should be drawn. TAXONOMY: Protista (3) Porifera (2) Cnidaria (5) Platyhelminthes (3) Nematoda (3) Annelida (4) Arthropoda (8) Minor phyla (1) Mollusca (5) Echinodermata (3) Hemichordata (1) Prochordata (2) Agnatha (1) Pisces (6) Amphibia (4) Reptilia (5) Aves beak & feet (2) Mammalia (2) SECTIONS: (5 items) Hydra T.S, Planaria T. S, Ascaris T.S, Earthworm T.S, Nereis T S, Branchiostoma T S. OSTEOLOGY: Shark vertebra Frog typical, 7th, 8th, 9th vertebrae and urostyle. Rabbit vertebrae atlas, axis. Pectoral girdle bird, mammal. Pelvic girdle rabbit. Bird synsacrum, sternum. MOUNTINGS: Earthworm setae (in situ), Nereis parapodium, Prawn- appendages, Honey bee Mouth parts, Plant bug mouthparts, Shark placoid scales, Frog brain. DISSECTIONS: Earthworm nervous system (Minor) Cockroach nervous system (Major) Cockroach salivary apparatus (Minor) Prawn nervous system (Major) Frog arterial system on one side (Major)
Shark / Frog 10th cranial nerve (showing origin)- (Major) (Labelled sketches of mountings and dissections to be drawn in the record)
BIOCHEMISTRY & BIOPHYSICS 1. Qualitative Analysis. A) Reactions of carbohydrates (i) General test for carbohydrates- Molischs test. (ii) Tests for monosaccharides Benedicts test, Fehlings test, Moores test, Rapid furfural test, Seliwanoffs test, Barfoeds test (Any 3 tests). (iii) Test for non-reducing disaccharides Hydrolysis test. (iv) Test for polysaccharide Lugols iodine test. B) Tests for proteins Ninhydrin test, Biuret test, Nitric acid test, Millons test, Sodium nitroprusside test (Any 3 tests). C) Tests for lipids Solubility test, Spot test, Acrolein test, Emulsification test, Saponification test, Sudan test (Any 3 tests). (Testing of 3 unknown samples to be a major experiment for practical exam) 2. Estimation of protein Biuret method. (Major) 3. Measurement of pH using pH paper and pH meter. (Minor) 4. Colorimetry a) Preparation of standard curve and estimation of solute concentration in a sample. (Major) b) Determination of absorption maxima. (Minor) 5. Chromatography Determination of Rf value and identification of amino acid. (Minor) 6. Microtomy Preparation of serial sections (demo) PHYSIOLOGY. 1. Total RBC count using Haemocytometer. (demo) 2. Differential count of WBC. (Major) 3. Detection of normal and abnormal constituents of urine. (Minor) 4. Demonstration of invertase activity (in vitro) in the digestive tract of cockroach/ hepatopancreas of crab. (demo) ECOLOGY. 1. Estimation of dissolved oxygen using Winklers method. (Major) 2. Estimation of dissolved carbon dioxide in water. (Major)
3. Qualitative analysis of fresh water / marine plankton. (Minor) 4. Analysis of soil fauna. (Minor)
GENETICS. 1. Simple problems based on gene interaction, linkage and multiple alleles in animals. 2. Drosophila salivary gland preparation to study giant chromosomes. (demo) DEVELOPMENTAL BIOLOGY Study of slides/models/specimens with neat labelled sketches and notes 1. Frog cleavage, blastula C S, gastrula V S, neurula V S. (any two) 2. Chick embryo Primitive streak, 24 hrs, 33 hrs and 48 hrs. 3. Mammalian foetus with placenta.
Weight 1 each
Section B. Immunology VI. Short essays (Answer 2 out of 4) VII. One word answer/fill in blanks/MCQs (1 set of 4 questions) Course IV General Informatics and Bioinformatics Time : 3 hours Total weight : 25 Section A- General Informatics I. Essay question (Answer 1 out of 2) II. Short essays (Answer 2 out of 4) III. Short answers, in3 or 4 sentences (Answer 2 out of 5) IV. One word answer/ fill in the blanks (1 set of 4 questions) Section B- Bioinformatics V. Essay question (Answer 1 out of 2) VI. Short essay (Answer 2 out of 4) VII. Short answers, in 3 or 4 sentences (Answer 4 out of 7) VIII. One word answers/ fill in the blanks (2 sets of 4 questions each) Course V. Diversity of Life I Time : 3 hours Total weight : 25 I. Essay question from Types, Life cycles (Answer 1 out of 2) II Essay question from General essays, Taxonomy topics (Answer 1 out of 2) III. Short essays (Answer 4 out of 7) IV. Short answers, in 3 or 4 sentences (Answer 7 out of 10) V. One word answers/fill in blanks/match the following/ MCQ (2 sets of 4 questions each) Course VI. Environmental Biology & Zoogeography Time : 3 hours Total weight : 25 Section A Environmental Biology I. Essay question (Answer 1 out of 2) II. Essay question (Answer 1 out of 2) III. Short essays (Answer 3 out of 5) IV. Short answers, in 3 or 4 sentences (Answer 4 out of 7) V. One word answers/ fill in blanks/match the following (2 sets of 4 questions each) Section B Zoogeography VI. Short essays (Answer 2 out of 4) VII. One word answer/ fill in the blanks/ MCQ (1 set of 4 questions)
Weight 4 Weight 2 each Weight 1 each Weight 1 Weight 4 Weight 2 each Weight 1 each Weight 1 each
4. 4 2 each 1 each
Course VII. Biochemistry and Biophysics Time : 3 hours Total weight : 25 Section A Biochemistry I. Essay question (Answer 1 out of 2) II Short essays (Answer 3 out of 5) III. Short answers, in 3 or 4 sentences (Answer 5 out of 7) IV. One word answer/fill in blanks/ MCQ (2 sets o 4 questions each) Section B Biophysics V. Short essays (Answer 2 out of 4) VI. Short answers, in 3 or 4 sentences (Answer 2 out of 5) VIII. One word answer/ fill in blanks/ MCQ (2 sets of 4 questions each) Course VIII. (Elective) Time : 3 hours Total weight : 25 I. Essay question (Answer 1 out of 2) II. Essay question (Answer 1 out of 2) III. Short essay (Answer 4 out of 7) IV. Short answers, in 3 or 4 sentences (Answer 7 out of 10) V. One word answers/ fill in the blanks/ MCQ/ match the following (2 sets of 4 questions each) Course IX. Diversity of Life II Time : 3 hours Total weight : 25 I. Essay question from Type study/Taxonomy (Answer 1 out of 2) II. Essay question from General topics/Comparative Anatomy (Answer 1 out of 2) III. Short essays. (Answer 4 out of 7) IV. Short answers, in 3 or 4 sentences. (Answer 7 out of 10) V. One word answer/ fill in blanks/ match the following (2 sets of 4 questions each) Course X. Genetics, Molecular Biology and Biotechnology Time : 3 hours Total weight : 25 Section A Genetics I. Essay Question (Answer 1 out of 2) II. Short essays (Answer 2 out of 4)
4 4 2 each 1 each
Weight 1 each
III. Short answers, in 3 or 4 sentences (Answer 3 out of 5) Weight 1 each IV. One word answer/ fill on blanks/MCQ (1 set of 4 questions) Weight 1. Section B Molecular Biology & Biotechnology V. Essay question (Answer 1 out of 2) Weight 4 VI. Short essays (Answer 2 out of 4) Weight 2 each VII. Short answers, in 3 or 4 sentences (Answer 4 out of 7) Weight 1 each VIII. One word answer/ fill in blanks/ MCQ etc. (1 set of 4 questions) Weight 1 Course XI. Physiology & Developmental Biology Time : 3 hours Total weight : 25 Section A Physiology I. Essay question (Answer 1 out of 2) II. Short essay (Answer 2 out of 4) III. Short answers, in 3 or 4 sentences (Answer 2 out of 5) IV. One word answer/fill in blanks/ MCQs etc. (1 sets of 4 questions) Section B Developmental Biology VI. Essay question (Answer 1 out of 2) VII. Short essays (Answer 3 out of 5) VIII. Short Answers, in 3 or 4 sentences (Answer 2 out of 5) IX. One word answer/fill in blanks/match the following etc. (2 set of 4 questions) SCHEME OF PRACTICAL EXAM PRACTICAL I Time : 3 hours. I. Major question (from Cytology/Methodology) II Statistical problem III Graphic representation of data III Taxonomic Key preparation/Whole mount preparation IV Spot items (3 items) PRACTICAL - II Time :3 hours I. Major dissection with display II. Minor dissection / Mounting (With or without sketch) III Spot items (5 items) PRACTICAL - III Time :4 hours I. Major experiment Total weight : 15 Weight 4 Total weight : 13 Weight 5 Weight 3 Weight 1 each Total weight : 13 Weight 4 Weight 2 Weight 2 Weight 2 Weight 1 each
Weight 4 Weight 2 each Weight 1 each Weight 1. Weight 4 Weight 2 each Weight 1 each Weight 1 each
II Minor experiment III. Genetics problem IV Spot items (5 items) V. Viva voce (based on Practical II & III) Project evaluation (external) at the time of practical III. Field work report (Internal evaluation) in 6 semester
3 2 1 each 1
Weight 2. Weight 1.
CONTINUOUS ASSESSMENT [for each practical separately] Lab skill Weight 1 Viva Weight 1 Record Weight 2 Attendance Weight 1 (75 79% D, 80 - 84% C, 85 89% B, >90% A grade) Sd/P.A.Junaid, Chairman,BOS Zoology(UG).
Course Structure
1 2 3 4 5
General Regulations for Complementary Course (Zoology) The Complementary courses run in the first four semesters with one theory course in each semester and one practical course spread over the four semesters. However the practical exam will be conducted only at the end of the fourth semester. Each theory course carries 2 credits and the practical course 4 credits, i.e. a total of 12 credits. Attendance 75% attendance is compulsory for theory as well as practical courses, failing which a student is not eligible to appear for university examinations. Seminars/Assignments These are part of the curriculum and are to be critically assessed for Continuous Assessment. Grades should be awarded based on the content, presentation and the effort put in by the student. Record A practical record is compulsory for the course. Without a certified practical record, the student will not be allowed to appear for the practical examination. The practical record is to be valued internally.
Lecture hours:2 hours/week No. of credit :2 Aims and objectives: The syllabus is designed as a complementary course to students of other biological sciences. It aims to give an overall idea regarding the major animal phyla and the peculiar features of certain important groups and also to provide an exposure to the wide diversity existing in the animal kingdom. Unit I General characters of Protista Distinction between Plant protists and animal protists. Examples of animal protists Amoeba, Paramecium, Vorticella, Trichonympha Essay - Locomotion in protista. (5 hrs) Unit II- Outline classification of Kingdom Animalia. (1 hr) a) Phylum Porifera Salient features e.g., Ascon (1 hr) b) Phylum Cnidaria Salient features. Class Anthozoa Salient features e.g., Adamsia Class Hydrozoa Salient features e.g., Physalia Class Scyphozoa Salient features e.g., Aurelia Coral forming cnidarians and their importance Obelia structural features and reproduction (4 hrs) c) Phylum Platyhelminthes Salient features Class Turbellaria Salient features e.g., Planaria Class Trematoda Salient features e.g., Schistosoma Class Cestoda Salient features e.g., Taenia solium Explain polyembryony and its significance in Fasciola. (3 hrs) d) Phylum Nematoda Salient features Mention free living & parasitic nematodes (of plants and animals)(2 hrs) e) Phylum Annelida Salient features. Class Polychaeta e.g., Nereis Class Oligochaeta e.g. Megascolex Class Hirudinea eg. Hirudinaria Megascolex Study of external features, digestive, circulatory and excretory organs. Mention vermiculture and its significance (3 hrs) f) Phylum Arthropoda Salient features Type Study - Penaeus (Detailed study of larval stages not expected) Class Crustacea Salient features eg: Cancer Class Myriapoda Salient features of Scolopendra Class Insecta - Salient features. Eg: Lepisma, Belostoma Class Arachnida - Salient features e.g.: Heterometrus (scorpion)
Beneficial insects Apis indica, Bombyx mori, Tachardia laca. (Mention apiculture and sericulture) (10 hrs)
g) Phylum Mollusca Salient features Class.Gastropoda Salient features e.g.: Pila Class Bivalvia Salient features e.g.: Perna Class Cephalopoda Salient features e.g.: Sepia An account of the economic importance of mollusca. (3 hrs) h) Phylum Echinodermata Salient features Asterias External features, locomotion and water vascular system. Examples: Echinus, Holothuria (3 hrs) ASSIGNMENT / SEMINAR TOPICS (Only for Internal Evaluation) 1. Plant protists (Euglena, Chlamydomonas, Volvox) 2. Reproduction in Hydra. 3. Life cycle of Taenia solium. 4. Insect vectors. 5. Insect mouthparts Biting and Chewing type. REFERENCES 1. Ekambarnath Ayyer 2. D.T.Anderson 3. Michael A.Sleigh 4. Kotpal. R L 5. Parker and Haswell : Manual of Zoology- vol I; S V Publishers. :Invertebrate Zoology, 2nd edition. Oxford Uty Press. : Protozoa and other Protists; CBS Publishers, New Delhi. : Modern Text Book of Zoology; Rastogi Publishers. : Text Book of Zoology Vol-1; Mac Millan.
Lecture hours: 2 hours/week No of credits : 2 Aims and Objectives The course is meant to provide to give the student outline knowledge of the complexities of vertebrate structure and function, besides providing a glimpse into the diversity of vertebrates. The fundamentals of early development are included for a general understanding of the processes involved. Unit I. Introduction- Fundamental chordate characters. Classification into Subphylum Urochordata , Cephalochordata and Vertebrata. Mention Ascidia and Branchiostoma. (3 hrs) Unit II. Subphylum Vertebrata. Classification as given below with important diagnostic features and brief account of examples. A) Superclass Pisces diagnostic characters. Chondrichthyes and Osteichthyes. Scoliodon sorrakowah external morphology, structure and working of digestive, respiratory, circulatory, nervous and urino-genital systems. Examples Trygon, Mugil, Etroplus, Rastrelliger, Sardinella, Channa. (8 hrs) B) Superclass Tetrapoda diagnostic features. Structure of typical pentadactyl limb. i) Class: Amphibia; Orders Apoda, Urodela and Anura. Examples: Ichthyophis, Ambystoma, Bufo. ii) Class Reptilia: Orders- Chelonia, Squamata and Crocodilia Examples: Chelone, Chamaeleo, Typhlops, Hydrophis. Poison apparatus and venom of snakes. Identification of poisonous snakes of Kerala. iii) Class Aves: Ratite and Carinate groups. Flight adaptations in birds. Modification of respiratory organs- air sacs and syrinx. Examples: Struthio, Casaurius, Pavo, Columba, Aptenodytes. iv) Class Mammalia: Order - Monotremata : Examples : Ornythorhynchus Order: Marsupialia. Example Macropus. Order: Chiroptera- Example: Pteropus Order: Primates: Examples Macaca, Hylobates, Homo. Order: Carnivora: Examples Panthera sp. Order: Artiodactyla: Example Axis. Order: Perissodactyla: Example Equus. Order Proboscida: Example Elephas. Adaptations of aquatic mammals (whales and dolphins.) Brief account of dentition in mammals. (15hrs)
Unit III. Comparative Anatomy. Comparative account of the heart and aortic arches in pisces, amphibia, reptilia, aves and mammalia. (4 hrs) Unit IV. Early chordate development. Structure of mammalian egg and sperm. Types of eggs based on quantity and distribution of yolk. Types of cleavage. Brief accounts of blastulation, gastrulation and germ layer formation in Branchiostoma.. Embryonic membranes and their functions. (5 hrs)
SEMINAR / ASSIGNMENT TOPICS (Only for Internal evaluation)
1 2 3 4 5
Aquatic adaptations of fishes. Economic importance of fishes Structure of vertebrate eye and ear. Structure of feather Types of feathers.
REFERENCES 1. Ekambarnath Ayyer 2. Kotpal R L 3. Jordan and Verma 4.Parker and Haswell 5. Verma and Agarwal
: Manual of Zoology- Vol II; S V Publishers. : Vertebrate Zoology; Rastogi Publications. : Chordate Zoology; S.Chand & Co. : A Text Book of Zoology, Vol 2;Orient Longman. : Chordate Embryology; S.Chand.
importance of bees as pollinators. Importance of honey and bees wax. (04 hrs) B. FOREST ENTOMOLOGY Unit I. Nursery pests: mention the damage caused, the preventive and remedial measures of white grubs (Holotricha and Mimela), cut worms (Agrotis), defoliators (Acrida, Catantops) and termites. (04 hrs) Unit II: Pests of standing trees: Life history, damages caused and control measures of Hoplocerambyx spinicornis (Sal sapwood borer), Hyblaea purea (teak defoliator), Dihammus cervinus (canker grub of teak). (04 hrs) Unit III: Pests of felled timber. Symptoms of attack and control measures of Wood borers like Stromatium barbatum and Aeolesthes, Dinoderus brevis (bamboo borer), Lyctus (powder post beetle). (04 hrs) Unit IV: Lac cultivation. Life history of Laccifer laca. Host plants. Brief account of lac cultivation, extraction and purification. Uses of lac. (04 hrs)
REFERENCES 1. Nayar K K et al : General and Applied Entomology; T M H Publ. 2. Kumar : Insect Pest Control. 3. Ramakrishna Ayyar T V: Handbook of Economic Entomology for South India. 4. Deepak Kumar Verma : Applied Entomology; Mittal Pub., New Delhi. 5. Bibin Bihari : Forest Entomology; Bishen Singh Mahendrapal Singh Pub., Dehra Dun. 6. Vasantharaj David and Kumaraswami : Elements of Economic Entomology; Popular Book Depot.
Unit V. Life style related diseases. Mention the causative environmental factors in Hypertension, cardiovascular diseases, Diabetes mellitus and Obesity. Mention the role of heredity as a predisposing factor. (05 hrs) Unit VI. Immunity and diseases. Immune response: Primary, Secondary, Humoral, and Cell mediated. Autoimmune diseases: Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus, Myasthenia Gravis. Mention graft rejection. Reasons for autoimmune responses. (05 hrs) Unit VII. Cancer. Types of cancer. Characteristics of cancer cells. Carcinogens. Oncogenes and Anti oncogenes. (03 hrs) Unit VIII. Diagnostic Tools and Techniques. Brief accounts of EEG, ECG, Ultra Sonography, Amniocentesis, Chorionic Villus Biopsy. (03 hrs) REFERENCES 1. Mange &Mange : Basic Human Genetics; Rastogi Publications. 2. Darla Wise & Gordon Carter: Immunology, A comprehensive Review; Ane Books, New Delhi. 3. Harsh Mohan : A Text Book of Pathology; Jaypee. 4. Chakravarthy & Chakravarthy : Hand Book of Clinical Pathology. 5. Sapti R C : Medical Zoology; Vishal Publishers, Jallandhar. 6. Anil Aggarwal : Modern Diagnostics; National Book Trust. 7. Chaterjee K D : Parasitology- Protozoology and Helminthology; Chatterjee Medical Publishers. Kolkatta. 8. Nandini Shetty : Immunology: Introductory Text Book; New Age.
Lecture hours: 2 hours/week No. of credits: 4
TAXONOMY. Study of the following specimens in the laboratory by making
simple sketches and preparing notes stating the scientific names, classification, morphological and adaptive features, biological significance, economic importance etc Protista (2) Cnidaria (3) Helminthes (3) Annelida (3) Arthropoda (6) Mollusca (3) Echinodermata (2) Pisces (4) Amphibia (3) Reptilia (3) Aves (1) Mammalia (1).
BENEFICIAL ORGANISMS. Study of the following specimens with simple sketches
and notes on its economic value. Apis indica, Bombyx mori Pinctada Perna viridis Sardinella Etroplus
MEDICAL ZOOLOGY. Study of the any four specimens of parasites with simple
outline sketches and notes of importance. (Hosts, pathogenicity, infective stage, mode of infection, prophylaxis) Identification of any four genetic diseases from photographs. Relevant notes to be recorded. Instead of drawings, photocopies of pictures may be pasted in the record. - Trisomy 21 - Turners syndrome - Albinism - Neurofibromatosis - Sickle Cell Anaemia (using photograph/ drawings of RBC)
ENTOMOLOGY. Identification of four pests of crops and one wood borer. Brief
account of the nature of damage, stage causing damage, control measures etc. to be recorded.
MOUNTING. The record should carry neat, labelled diagrams.
- Earthworm - body setae (in situ). - Prawn - appendages. - Honey - bee mouthparts. - Shark - placoid scales.
3. Urine analysis for glucose and albumin and ketone bodies. 4.Determination of blood group.
Scheme of Question Papers for Theory Examinations. (2 credit courses) Time : 2 hours Total weight : 16 I. Essay question (Answer 1 out of 2) II. Short essay - (Answer 3 out of 5) III. Short answers 3 or 4 sentences (Answer 4 out of 7) IV. One word answers/ fill in the blanks/ MCQ etc (2 sets of 4 questions each)
Scheme of Practical Examinatins (4 credit courses) Time : 3hours Total weight : 12 I. Experiment (with written procedure) Weight : 4 II. Mounting (with diagram) Weight : 3 III Spot items (5 items) Weight 1 each (2 from taxonomy, 1 each from Medical Zoology, Beneficial organisms and Entomology) CONTINUOUS ASSESSMENT For Theory Courses. For Practical Courses Test papers (minimum 2) Weight :2 Lab skills Weight 1 Assignment Weight :1 Record Weight 2 Seminar/Viva Weight :1 Viva Weight 1 Attendance Weight :1 Attendance Weight 1 (For attendance 75-79% -D; 80-84% C, 85-90% B and >90% A grade.)
Course Structure
1 2 3 4 5
General Regulations for Complementary Course (Physiology) The Complementary courses run in the first four semesters with one theory course in each semester and one practical course spread over the four semesters. However the practical exam will be conducted only at the end of the fourth semester. Each theory course carries 2 credits and the practical course 4 credits, i.e. a total of 12 credits. Attendance 75% attendance is compulsory for theory as well as practical courses, failing which a student is not eligible to appear for university examinations. Seminars/Assignments These are part of the curriculum and are to be critically assessed for Continuous Assessment. Grades should be awarded based on the content, presentation and the effort put in by the student. Record A practical record is compulsory for the course. Without a certified practical record, the student will not be allowed to appear for the practical examination. The practical record is to be valued internally.
: Leningers Principles of Biochemistry; Ane Books. : Introduction to Biological chemistry; Prentice-Hall, India. : Elements of Biochemistry; Rastogi Publications. : Biochemistry; Tata McGraw Hill. : Biochemistry; MJP Pub.
4.Ribosomes Various types of ribosomes in prokaryotes and mitochondria, chemical composition of the ribosomal units, free and attached ribosomes, biogenesis of ribosomes. (2 hrs) 5.Golgi bodies-Morphology, chemical composition & functions. (1 hr) 6. Lysosomes Structure and chemical makeup, types of lysosomes, polymorphism, enzymes in lysosomes, functions of lysosomes ,concept of GERL. (1 hr) 7.Micro bodies Peroxisomes, glyoxysomes & their functioning; a brief note on origin of microbodies. (1 hr) 8. Centrioles & basal bodies. Structure, chemical composition & functions. (1 hr) 9. Cilia & flagella- Structure, chemical composition & functions (1 hr) 10. Microtubules & Microfilaments Cytoskeletal agents formation of mitotic apparatus contractility and other function (only very brief account) (1 hr) 11. Mitochondria Structure, chemical composition, enzymes in mitochondria, oxidative phosphorylation, respiratory chain, a brief note on chemiosmotic theory, role of mitochondria DNA, RNA & ribosomes, origin of mitochondria. (2 hrs) 12. Interphase nucleus General structure, function, nucleo cytoplasmic index, nuclear envelope nuclear pore complex, chromatin, nucleoplasm. Nucleolus-structure chemical composition nuclear cycle, nucleoar organizer functions. (4 hrs) 13. Number, structure, morphological variation, euchromatin & hetero chromatin, Barr bodies, histones, nucleosomes, polytene chromosomes structure, puffs & bands, endomitosis & formation of polytene chromosomes, Lampbrush chromosomes general structure & loops. (3 hrs) 14. Genetic Material. Molecular structure of DNA & RNA double helical model of DNA. DNA replication. (2 hrs) Unit IV. Cell division, Cell cycle. Mitosis, Meiosis Cell cycle REFERENCES 1. De Robertis 2. Gupta
(4 hrs)
: Cell and Molecular Biology; Holt-Saunders. : Cell and Molecular Biology; Rastogi Pub.
3. Karp : Cell Biology; McGraw Hill. 4. Powar : Cell Biology; Himalaya Publishing House 5. Verma & Agarwal: Cytology; S. Chand.
Lymph-lymphatic system & function, functions of spleen; Haemodynamic principle. Cardiac rhythm Pacemaker, Heart beat, pulse, Blood pressure. Conducting system of heart. Cardiac cycle and its control. Clinical significance of hypertension, echocardiogram. Cardiovascular problems & disease ASD, VSD, atherosclerosis, arteriosclerosis, Ischaemia, angina pectoris, myocardial infarction, coronary thrombosis, ventricular fibrillation, mitral stenosis, cardiac arrest. (10 hrs) Unit IV. Excretion Histology of human nephron & physiology of urine formation. Counter current mechanism. Hormonal control of renal function. Role of kidney in homeostasis-Renal & body fluid changes during water balance & salt balance. Mention kidney diseases. Clinical importance of analysis of human urine (albumin, glucose, blood & bile pigments. Stones in kidney and urinary tracts. Renal hypertension, nephrosis, nephritis, renal failure (mention oedema, acidosis and uraemia) Brief note on dialysis. (10 hrs) Unit V. Nervous co-ordination Types of neurons(unipolar, bipolar, multi[polar, myelinated and non myelinated nerve fibres) Giant nerve fibres. Transmission of nerve impulse. Neurotransmitters. Sympathetic and Parasympathetic system. Motor & Sensory areas in brain. Physiology of vision, hearing and balance. (10 hrs) Unit VI. Thermoregulation in man: Cutaneous sense reception, mechanism of Thermal balancing Nervous and Chemical control. Brief account of Pyrexia. (4 hrs)
Artificial respiration First aid for burns - snake bite - drowning - accidents Unit V. Physiological basis of ageing. Unit VI. Public health & awareness Smoking & its effects Alcoholism & its effects Drug addiction & its effects Cancer and carcinogens. Sexually transmitted diseases. Hepatitis, HIV, Communicative diseases Water borne, airborne diseases SEMINAR TOPICS. (Only for Internal Evaluation) 1. Formed elements of blood. 2. Structure of human heart. 3. Composition of urine 4. Structure of neuron. 5. Structure of synapse and neuromuscular junction.
(3 hrs) (2 hrs.)
(9 hrs.)
REFERENCES. 1. Chatterjee CC : Human Physiology vol -I & II; Medical Allied Agency 2. Hoar W S : General and Comparative Physiology; Prentice Hall. 3.. Rastogi S C : Essentials of Animal Physiology; New Age Intl Pub. 4. Park & J E Park : Social and Preventive Medicine. 5. Subramaniyam.S, Madhavankutty K, Singh S D. : Textbook of Human Physiology; S Chand.
Scheme of Question Papers for Theory Examinations. (2 credit courses) Time : 2 hours Total weight : 16 I. Essay question (Answer 1 out of 2) II. Short essay - (Answer 3 out of 5) III. Short answers 3 or 4 sentences (Answer 4 out of 7) IV. One word answers/ fill in the blanks/ MCQ etc (2 sets of 4 questions each)
Scheme of Practical Examinations (4 credit courses) Time : 3hours Total weight : 12 I. Major experiment (with written procedure) Weight II Minor Experiment Weight III Spot Items (5 items) Weight (Spot items may be chosen representing the different syllabus) 4 3 1 each sections of the practical
CONTINUOUS ASSESSMENT For Theory Courses. For Practical Courses Test papers (minimum 2) Weight :2 Lab skills Weight 1 Assignment Weight :1 Record Weight 2 Seminar/Viva Weight :1 Viva Weight 1 Attendance Weight :1 Attendance Weight 1 (For attendance 75-79% -D; 80-84% C, 85-90% B and >90% A grade.)
Course Structure
1 2 3 4 5
General Regulations for Complementary Courses (Biological Techniques) The Complementary courses run in the first four semesters with one theory course in each semester and one practical course spread over the four semesters. However the practical exam will be conducted only at the end of the fourth semester. Each theory course carries 2 credits and the practical course 4 credits, i.e. a total of 12 credits. Attendance 75% attendance is compulsory for theory as well as practical courses, failing which a student is not eligible to appear for university examinations. Seminars/Assignments These are part of the curriculum and are to be critically assessed for Continuous Assessment. Grades should be awarded based on the content, presentation and the effort put in by the student. Record A practical record is compulsory for the course. Without a certified practical record, the student will not be allowed to appear for the practical examination. The practical record is to be valued internally.
Unit VI. Microbiological techniques: Culture media preparation-mention solid and liquid culture media; artificial culture media (any one medium for bacteria, protozoan, fungi, and algae): sterilization of culture media (brief account only). Staining of bacteria-simple, differential (gram staining and acid fat staining), negative and special staining techniques (procedure and uses only.) (4 hrs) Unit VII. Blood grouping ABO and Rh : Principle and methodology (2 hrs)
Unit VI. Centrifuge: Principles and uses; types of centrifuges-clinical and ultracentrifuge (3 hrs) Unit VII. Balances: Two pan balances-chemical and physical; Single pan balances; chances of errors in weighing-lever arm error and scale deflection error. (5 hrs) Unit VIII.. Computer: Components of computer system; brief account on how to use a computer (mention Windows Operating System) and applications of
computer in Biological Laboratories (brief account only); introduction to internet (very brief account only) (3 hrs)
Unit VII. Cell division in animal and plant cells: Different stages of mitosis (in onion root tip cells) and meiosis (in grasshopper testes cells); sources of materials to show cell division; preparation of permanent slides to demonstrate various stages in cell division, use of chemicals to arrest cell division (brief account only) (8 hrs) Unit VIII. Preparation of blood smear: Preparation of blood film thick and thin smear; staining of blood smear with Leishmans stain; identification of WBC (6 hrs) Unit IX. Biochemical (quantitative) estimation. Blood sugar, blood urea, serum bilirubin- any one method each; mention their clinical significance. (6 hrs).
(10 hrs)
Unit III. Brief account on: cDNA synthesis & cloning, PCR, Real time PCR, RAPD, RFLP, AFLP, isolation of total RNA and DNA (8 hrs) Unit IV. ELISA methodology and applications (3 hrs)
Unit V. Tissue culture: Methodology and applications (Plant tissue culture; embryo-culture in plants; cell culture in animals - brief account only) (6 hrs) Unit VI. Immunological techniques: Structure of immunoglobulin; types of immunoglobulin; visualization of antigen-antibody reactions (brief account on precipitation & agglutination techniques, RIA and immunoelectrophoresis) (7 hrs)
Unit VII. . Production of antibodies (any one method procedure only-) Monoclonal antibodies; Preparation method (any one method) and applications, mention hybridoma technology, (5 hrs) Unit VIII. Introduction to Bioinformatics (2 hrs)
Unit IX. Types and sources of radiation. Effects on biological systems. Isotopes definition, isotopes of common biological use; techniques for detection of isotopes-(autoradiography and Geiger counter methods) brief accounts.(10 hrs) REFERENCES: 1. Nandini Shetty, 1999. Immunology. New age Int. 2. G.P.Talwar &S.K. Gupta, 1993. A hand book of practical and Clinical Immunology. Vol-I & II, CBS Publ. & Distributors. 3. Desmonds T. & Nichol, 1996. An Introduction to Genetic Engineering : 4. Ignacimuthu, 1996. Applied Plant Biotechnology : Tata Mc. Graw Hill Publ. Comp. 5. Chatwal G.R., 1995. Analytical Chromatography : 6. Puri B.L., L.R.Sharma & M.S.Pathania, 1994. Principles of Physical Chemistry: Shobhanlal Naginchand & co. 7. Tewari K.S.T., S.N Mehrotra & N.K. Vishnol, 1994: A Text Book of Organic Chemistry: Vikas Publ. 8. De Robertis E.D.P. & E.M.F. De Robertis, 1990. Cell and Molecular Biology. Wavelry Int.Publ. 9. Practical Biochemistry Principles and Techniques :Ed. By Wilson John K. & Walker (1996) Cambridge Univ. Press 10. Sadasivan S. & A.Manikandan, 1996. Biochemical Methods (II Edition):New age int. 11. Wadher B.J. & Bhoosreddy G.L. (1995). Experiments with Micro organisms: Himalaya Publ., Delhi 12. Wadher B.J. & Bhoosreddy G.L. 1995. Manual of Diagnostic Microbiology. Himalaya Publ., Delhi. 13. Sharma P.D., 1997. Microbiology (2nd. Ed.) : Rastogi. 14. Subrahmanyan N.S., 1996. Laboratory Manual of Plant Taxonomy : Vikas Pub. 15. Reinett J. & Y.P.S. Bajaj, 1997. Plant Cell, Tissue & Organ Culture : Narosal Publ. House. 16. Subramaniyan N.S., 1996. Biophysical Chemistry Principles and Techniques. Vikas Pub. Co. 17. Jenes W.Knudsen, 1996. Biological Chemistry-Principles & Preserving Harper Int. Illustrating Plant & Animals London 18. Michael J. Pelczar, E.C.S.Chan & Noel R. Kreig, 1993. MicrobiologyConcepts & Applications Mc. Graw Hill Inc., New York. 19. Eugene P. Odum, 1996. Fundamentals of Ecology : Nataraj Publications/ WB Saunders comp. USA.
20. Gupta P.K., 1997. Elements of Biotechnology: Rastogi Pub. 21. Mukherjee K.L., 1998. Medical Lab. Technology-Vol. I,II & III: TMH 22. Sharma V.K., 1991. Techniques in Microscopy & Cell Biology : TMH 23. Jayaram J., 1996. Lab. Manual in Biochemistry : New Age Int. 24. Sarada Sunderaraj, 1996. College Microbiology : Vardhana Pub. Bangalore. 25 Vogel, 1996. Vogols T.B. of Quantitative Chemical Analysis : E.L.B.S. (5th. Ed.) 26. Humason G.L., 1972. Animal Tissue techniques : W.H. Freeman & Co. 27. Das H K, 2008. Biotechnology (3rd ed). Wiley India Publ. 28. Gupta, P.K. (1999). Elements of Biotechnology, Rastogi Publications , Meerut.
Lecture hours: 2 hours/week No. of credits: 4 I. Preparation method of the following:- (Demonstration) a) Standard buffer solution- Acetate and Phosphate b) Fixatives Bouins, Carnoys, Schaudinns. c) Stains Cytological, anatomical, histological and histochemical (one each) d) Paraffin blocks of tissues for sectioning- fixing, washing, dehydration etc. Record should carry notes of the preparation methods. II. Operation of the following equipmentsa) Compound microscope b) Phase contrast microscope c) Colorimeter d) Spectrophotometer e) pH meter f) Hot air oven f) Incubator g) Incubator h) Water bath i) Autoclave j) Distillation apparatus k) Deioniser l) Analytical balance (2 pan) m) Electrical balance (monopan) n) Microtome o) Magnetic stirrer p) Centrifuge Record should carry sketches and notes on the principle and uses.
III. Experimentsa) Colorimetry- To find the concentration of given sample solution using standard graph. (major) b) Spectrophotometry- To find wavelength at which maximum % transmission occurs in the given sample solution (major). c) Double staining- To stain the given slide of animal tissue using haematoxylineosine (demo) d) Microtomy To take serial sections of the given tissue and spread them on glass slide. (minor) e) Micrometry- Measure dimensions of microscopic objects. (Minor) f) Scientific drawing To draw specimens using camera lucida. (Minor) g) Vital staining staining of buccal epithelium and mitochondria. (Minor) h) Staining smear preparation and staining of bacteria (minor) i) Detection of abnormal constituents of urine glucose, albumen, ketone bodies.(major) IV. Method of preparation of museum specimens a) Animal specimens any 5. b) Plant specimens any 5.
Record should carry sketches and notes on method of preparation.
Scheme of Practical Examinations (4 credit courses) Time : 3hours Total weight : 12 I. Major experiment (with written procedure) Weight II Minor Experiment Weight III Spot Items (5 items) Weight (Spot items may be chosen representing the different syllabus) 4 3 1 each sections of the practical
CONTINUOUS ASSESSMENT For Theory Courses. For Practical Courses Test papers (minimum 2) Weight :2 Lab skills Weight 1 Assignment Weight :1 Record Weight 2 Seminar/Viva Weight :1 Viva Weight 1 Attendance Weight :1 Attendance Weight 1 (For attendance 75-79% -D; 80-84% C, 85-90% B and >90% A grade.)
Course Structure
1 2 3 4
2. M.Swaminathan : Advanced Text Book on Food and Nutrition; Bappco, Bangalore. 3. Chaney & Ross : Nutrition; Surjeet Publishers , Delhi. 4. Anita S P : Clinical Dietetics and Nutrition; Oxford Unty Press 5. Mudabi S R & Rajagopal M V : Fundamentals of Food and Nutrition; New Age Intl, 2003. 6. Bamji, Rao & Reddy : Text Book of Human Nutrition; Oxford & IBH, 2003. 7. Sreelakshmi B : Dietetics; New Age Intl.
(1 hr)
Unit II Moriculture. Brief account of planting systems and maintenance of gardens, pruning and harvesting. Fungal and bacterial diseases and their control. (3 hrs) Unit III Biology of silkworm. Life history of Bombyx mori. Morphology of larva; silk glands, spinnerets, synthesis of silk proteins. Uni, bi and multivoltine breeds. Non mulberry silk worms.
Diseases of silkworm. Muscardin, Pebrine, Flacherie. Prevention and control. Pests of silkworm. Uzi fly, ants and rodents. Control measures. (4 hrs) Unit IV Rearing Technology. Rearing appliances. Importance of disinfection. Methods of incubation. Selection of leaves for feeding. Rearing of early stage larvae and late stage larvae. Brushing, feeding, bed cleaning and spacing. Preparation for mounting, different mountages. Harvesting and sorting of cocoons. (6 hrs) Unit V Silk Technology. Processing of cocoons. Reeling equipments. Uses of silk. (4 hrs)
1. Sardar Singh : Beekeeping in India; ICAR, New Delhi. 2 Ullas S R & Narasimhan M N : Handbook of Practical Sericulture 3. Sulochana Shettty and Ganga : Sericulture.
Lecture hours : 2 hours / week No. of credits : 2 Aims and Objectives. The course is designed to give a basic knowledge about this applied field of biology. Aquaculture is now seen as a very important field, which can provide much needed protein to an ever-growing world population. The objective of this course is to make students realize the potential of aquaculture, the basic techniques used in scientific farming of aquatic organisms and the various avenues for aquaculture. Unit I. Brief history of aquaculture scope and importance of culturing economically important aquatic organisms. (1 hr) Unit II. Prawn culture Common cultivable species (Penaeus monodon, P. indicus, Macrobrachium rosenbergii), their distribution, feeding habits, growth and breeding biology. Traditional prawn filtration. Improved technology for prawn culture, seed production eye stalk ablation. Common diseases. (6 hrs) Unit III. Mussel culture Mussel resources and their distribution along Kerala coast. Seed production natural collection and artificial production. Induced spawning and rearing. Different culture methods, harvesting and processing.(4 hrs) Unit IV. Pearl culture Pearl resources and distribution in India. Induced pearl formation. Culture techniques preparation of nuclei, host implantation, rearing and harvesting. Types of pearls. (4 hrs) Unit V. Pisciculture Different types of fish ponds, Pond maintenance and improvement liming, manuring (organic and inorganic fertilizers), feeding. Factors effecting fish culture physical, chemical and biological factors. Fresh water fish culture cultivable species, major carps, exotic carps, gouramy, tilapia. Composite fish culture, Paddy cum fish culture.Brackish water fish culture Mugil, Chanos, Etroplus.Ornamental fish culture Biology, Artificial breeding and rearing techniques of gold fish, cichlids etc. (15 hrs) Unit VI. Fish preservation and processing Chilling, freezing, freeze drying, salting, smoking, and canning.
Fish by products fish meal, fish oil, fish protein concentrate, isinglass, fish manure, fin rays, chitin, chitosan, biochemical and pharmaceutical compounds. (4 hrs) Unit VII. Fish diseases Bacterial, viral, fungal and other pathogens of fishes (2 hrs) REFERENCES. 1. Kurien and Sebastian : Prawn and Prawn Fisheries in India. 2. Sing VPP and Ramachandran : Fresh Water Fish Culture; ICAR, New Delhi. 3. Tripathi S D : Technique of Composite Fish Culture; IIT Karaghpur. 4. Govindan T K : Fish Processing Technology; Oxford and IBH. 5. James : Handbook on Aqua Farming: Molluscs; CMFRI, Kochi. 6. Alikunhi : Fish Culture in India.
Marking and tagging of animals. Radio telemetry, Remote sensing, Wildlife photography UNIT IV. Wildlife policy and legislation (3 hrs) Indian Board of Wildlife; Wildlife Protection Act1972; CITES, IUCN; Red Data Book (Criteria for treating a species as endangered); Convention on Biodiversity. UNIT 6. Conservation projects (3 hrs) Project Tiger, Project elephant, Gir Lion sanctuary project, Crocodile breeding project UNIT 7. Conservation organizations UNEP, UNDP, FAO, WWF, BNHS. Mention Chipko movement and Silent Valley movement (3 hrs)
Unit 8. Bionomics of Wild Animals (10 hrs) Brief account of distribution, habitat and biology of the following endangered fauna 1. Mammals : a) Primates: Slender Loris, Lion tailed macaque, Rhesus macaque, Nilgiri langur, Golden Langur b) Carnivores: Tiger, Asiatic Lion, Panther, Leopard cat, Malabar civet, Palm civet. c) Herbivores: Asian elephant, One horned rhinoceros, Wild buffalo, Nilgiri Tahr. 2. Birds: Jerdons courser, Great Indian Bustard, Great Indian Hornbill, Pea fowl. 3.Reptiles: Green sea turtle, Gharial ,Saltwater crocodile (Crocodylus porosus); Mugger crocodile (Crocodylus palustris); Rock python, Reticulate python, King cobra. 4. Amphibians: Malabar Tree Toad. 5. Fishes: Sharks (Scoliodon, Zygaena, Pristis low fecundity and excess harvesting). 6. Invertebrates: Atlas moth, Southern birdwing.
1. Nair S M : Endangered Animals of India and their Conservation; National Book Trust. 2. Rajesh Gopal: Fundamentals of Wildlife Management; Justice Home. 3. Aron N H : Wlidlife Ecology; Freeman & Co. 4. Hosetti B B: Concept of Wildlife Management; Daya Pub. House. 5.VB Saharia: Wildlife in India; Nataraj Pub.
OPEN COURSES Aquaculture Apiculture & Sericulture Wildlife Conservation and Management Health and Nutrition.
Time : 2 hours Total weight : 16 I. Essay question (Answer 1 out of 2) II. Short essay - (Answer 3 out of 5) III. Short answers 3 or 4 sentences (Answer 4 out of 7) IV. One word answers/ fill in the blanks/ MCQ etc (2 sets of 4 questions) CONTINUOUS ASESSMENT Test papers (minimum 2) Weight :2 Assignment Weight :1 Seminar/Viva Weight :1 Attendance Weight :1 (75-79% D; 80-84% C, 85-90% B and >90% A grade.) Weight 4. Weight 2 each. Weight 1 each. Weight 1 each