UNI 7847: 1979 -Si% Mn% P% max 0,030 + 0.005 S% max 0,030 + 0.005
Lucefin Group
Chemical composition
C% 0,40-0,46 0,15-0,40 0,50-0,80 0.02 0.03 0.04 By agreement this steel can be supplied with Cr, Mo, Ni, Cu the max Permissible deviations on the product
Temperature C
Hot forming 1100-850 Soft annealing 690 air (HB max 220) Normalizing 870 air Isothermal annealing 820 furnace cooling to 660 after, air (HB 155-205) Quenching 840 water Natural -(HB max 231) Quenching -End quench hardenability test -Tempering 550-650 air Preheating welding AC1 730 Stress relieving 180 Stress relieving after welding not recommended AC3 MS Mf 780 360 150
Mechanical properties
Hot rolled mechanical properties obtained from test blanks after normalizing UNI 7847: 1979 diameter Testing at room temperature (longitudinal) test blanks mm R Rp 0.2 A% C% Kcu over to N/mm2 N/mm2 min. min. min. J min. 16 100 570-720 300 18 --HB for information 169-223
Hot rolled Mechanical properties on test blank after quenching and tempering (valid for products with no heat treatment) For execution 5 (quenched and tempered materials), values must be guaranteed on the product UNI 7847:1979 Only reference. diameter Testing at room temperature (longitudinal) test blanks mm R Rp 0.2 A% C% Kcu HB over to N/mm2 N/mm2 min min. min. J min for information 16 690-840 470 15 -25 210-250 16 40 640-790 400 16 -20 198-237 40 100 570-720 360 17 -20 169-223 For size over 100 mm mechanical properties can be agreed upon before order placement Cold drawn diameter over to Testing at room temperature (longitudinal) R N/mm2 Rp 0.2 N/mm2 min
A% min
No indications are shown in the reference standards please refer to the same values of quality C40E C45E Jominy test HRC distance in mm from quenched end 1.5 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 20 min No indications are shown in the reference standards max please refer to the same values of quality C 45E