? Yyyyyyyy Yyyyyyyyyyyyy: Y Y Yyyyy Yyyyyyyyy Y Y
? Yyyyyyyy Yyyyyyyyyyyyy: Y Y Yyyyy Yyyyyyyyy Y Y
? Yyyyyyyy Yyyyyyyyyyyyy: Y Y Yyyyy Yyyyyyyyy Y Y
1. 2. 3. Name Do you consume Sauces? Which brand comes into your mind when you hear the word Sauce? Which brand you consume? Maggi Kissan Tops Delmonte Home Made Chatni Heinz Smith & Jones No Particular Brand : : Yes No
(Questions Nos. 4 to 7 are for the respondents who do not use Maggi Sauces) 5. Why do you prefer this particular Brand? Quality Brand Price Packing Taste Sales Schemes/Incentives Flavor Have been using a particular for long duration of time 6. How did you come to know of Brand?(Choose more than one option) Publicity on TV Local Shop 7. Publicity on FM Acquaintances : Hoarding Advt. in Print Media
Would you like to switch to some other Brands Yes No Cant say
change. Quality Price New offers/discount References Aggressive Publicity Packaging/Ease to Handle
(Questions 9 to 17 are for those who use Maggi Ketch-up) 9. Which Varity of Maggi Sauce you prefer? Hot & Sweet ImliChatka Tomato Ketch-up Zingo
Why do you prefer Maggi Ketch-up over other Brand? Taste Price Quality Health Availiability k Since we have been using for quite some time
Do you consider the Packaging of the Maggi Sauces convenient (bottles)? Yes No Cant Say Would like to try new innovative packs
Do you get the Maggi Sauces easily : whenever you go shopping for it?
If not, available what do you do. Wait for few days Go to the next shop to buy Maggi Sauces Buy any other available Brand
How would you like to rate your overall satisfaction level with the Brand? Excellent Average Very Good Poor Good
General Information 1. 2. 3. 4. Occupation Address (Residential)/ Mobile Number Age: Monthly Gross Family Income : :
Below Rs. 25,000 Between Rs. 25,000 Rs. 35,000 Between Rs. 35,000 Rs. 45,000 Between Rs. 45,000 Rs. 50,000 Above Rs. 50,000