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Bul MO408

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57-th Bulgarian Mathematical Olympiad 2008, National Round

First Day, 17-th May 2008 1. Let ABC is acute-angled triangle and CL is its internal angle bisector and L AB. The point P belongs to the segment CL in such a way that 1 AP B = 2 ACB. Let k1 and k2 are the circumcircles of AP C and BP C. BP k1 = Q and BP k2 = R. The tangents to k1 in Q and to k2 in B intersects at the point S and the tangents to k1 at R and to k2 at A intersects at the point T . Prove that AS = BT . 2. Are there exists 2008 non-intersecting arithmetic progressions composed from natural numbers such that each of them contains a prime number greater than 2008 and the numbers that doesnt belongs to (some of) the progressions are nite number? 3. Let n N and 0 1 2 n and b1 , b2 , . . . , bn are real numbers for which the following inequality is satised:

bi cos (ki ) <


1 k

for all k N. Prove that b1 = b2 = = bn = 0.

Second day, 18-th May 2008 4. Find the smallest natural number k for which there exists natural numbers m and n such that 1324+279m+5n is k-th power of some natural number. 5. Let n is a xed natural number. Find all natural numbers m for which 1 1 + n am + b m an b is satised for every two positive numbers a and b with sum equal to 2. 6. Let M is the set of the integer numbers from the range [n, n]. The subset P of M is called base subset if every number from M can be expressed as a sum of some dierent numbers from P . Find the smallest natural number k such that every k numbers that belongs to M form a base subset.

The IMO Compendium Group, D. Djuki, V. Jankovi, I. Mati, N. Petrovi c c c c A L TEX and translation by Borislav Mirchev and Ercole Suppa www.imomath.com

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