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Bryanston Primary School: Natural Science Cycle Test

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Time: 60 minutes


Mr ECM Bradley
February 2011 Natural Science Cycle Test
Moderator: Mr H Wadvalla

Name: _____________________ Surname: _____________________

Grade: 6F 6S 6V 6C
Try to answer all the questions
Question 1 [5 MARKS]
Link the descriptions with the correct words in the box, below. Write the letters in
the circles to the left of each description.

Monkey A Lizard F

Gorilla B Vulture G

Rabbit C Crocodile H

Owl D Frog I

Beaver E Salamander J

Relatively long-bodied reptile with usually two pairs of legs and a

tapering tail. The largest living group of reptiles. These animals have
dry scaly skin. In many species the tail also has the possibility of

These animals are nocturnal predators. These animals must turn

D their entire heads to look sideways. They have relatively long and
flexible necks that permit the head to be rotated about 270 degrees.

These animals have grasping hands. They also have forward-facing

eyes and highly developed brains. They have tails, a characteristic
A that distinguishes them from their larger primate cousins. They are
highly skilled climbers, and most spend much of their lives in trees.
Some of these creatures have prehensile tails. Prehensile tails are
capable of grasping.
A small, furry mammal. This mammal has long ears and short tails.
The offspring, are born naked, with closed eyes. They are
gregarious, having a habit of living in colonies in underground

A small, tailless animal with a squat body and long, powerful hind
legs. The powerful hind legs are adapted for jumping. These
creatures have large, bulging eyes and moist skin. They typically
live on land but spend part of their time in the water.

Question 2 [5 MARKS]
You will find a number at the bottom of the flow chart. This is the number
to identify the answer. Your choice of answer must be shown in the circles of
each plant description.

Plants that Plants that

have spores have seeds

Seeds in

1. Mosses 2. Ferns 3. Conifers

4. Monocotyledon
The learners have handled the plant and therefore
know from the leaves that it should be classified
as a dicotyledon 5. Dicotyledon

A North American climbing plant which secretes an irritant oil from

its leaves. This irritant oil causes an allergic reaction in people who have
become sensitized to it. This plant is a vine, it is often found climbing tree
A small flowerless plant that grows in dense clusters. This plant is
1. found in bogs, bark of trees and in shallow streams. It is also found growing
on the soil and stones. These plants are made of small, slender stalks and

An ornamental species of plant. This decorative bush has been

5. grown and appreciated for its fragrance and beauty. Since ancient times and
today it is the most popular and widely cultivated garden flower in the world.

A spore producing plant that is found throughout the world. These

2. spores grow from the plants leaves. Most of these plants grow in damp,
shady places.

4. a plant with long woody, often hollow, stems that grows in dense clumps
in tropical and semitropical regions. Characterized by Parallel leaves and
surface roots.

Question 3 [10 MARKS]

Plants play an important part in the cycle of nature. Describe how plants
contribute to the natural order of life. Use the lines that are given for
answering this question.
Given to the learners to research (see study guide, Written Pieces)
Question 4
[10 MARKS]
The web of Life
Plants and animals live together in an ecosystem. These plants and animals need
each other to survive. Use the lines below to explain how plants and animals store
energy. Explain how this energy is released and transferred throughout the food
web. Also indicate what an ecosystem is.

Question 5 [10 MARKS]

Food factories
Plants can be compared to food factories. In what way are plants like food factories?
Question 6 [10 MARKS]
Explain how plants play a part in the cycle of nature. A cycle is a process that repeats
itself. Use the lines allocated to complete this question.

Question 7 [7 MARKS]
Food web
Use the colour key which is shown below, to colour the blocks on
the left. You will need to get a match between the blocks and the key.

consumers LIGHT BLUE carnivores

YELLOW herbivores
Biological community of interacting organisms
and their physical environment.
GREEN A natural home of an animal or plant.
ORANGE The ability or power to work or make an effort
A set of interconnected food chains by which
energy and materials circulate
DARK BLUE green plants
Question 7
[10 MARKS]
The balance of Nature
Two writing topics are shown below. You are to choose one of the topics to write on.
You will need to use the given lines to write on your chosen topic.
1.How has DDT impacted on the depletion of the osprey and other animal populations?
2.Name various ways in which humans destroy the natural environment. You will need
to also explain how these activities impact on plants and animals.

Question 8 [7 MARKS]

Use the colour key to indicate if the animals below and on the next page have and
endoskeleton or exoskeleton. You will need to colour the circles alongside the name
of the animal.
Colour Key
Yellow: Endoskeleton
Red: Exoskeleton


Question 9 Reptiles
Question Keys Crocodile
Complete the question key, below. The question key identifies Lizard
the reptiles in the box. You need to add the wording Turtle
that fits into the Answer Guide column. Snake

1. Does the animals swim in water? If the answer is yes then go to 2. If

no go to 4.

2. Does the animal have a shell? Yes -it is a turtle. No -it is a crocodile.

3. Is the reptile limbless? Yes -it is a snake. No -go to 4.

4. Does the reptile have a long tail? Yes -it is a lizard. No -it is tortoise.




Question 10 [12 MARKS]

Some of the words in the written piece have been taken out. Find these words in
the table below. See if you can place them in their correct position. Write the
number onto the line in the written piece.
1. conserve 2. quagga 3. biologists 4. Black-maned lion
5. predation. 6. dinosaurs 7. rate of extinction 8. Africa
9. nonnative 10.population growth 11. endangered. 12. Protected environment

Many species of plants and animals have disappeared completely from the earth.
Today the __________ is worst than any time in the past. The amount of
animals in danger of extinction has increased. The main causes for this are
habitat destruction, commercial exploitation. Much damage has been caused
by the introduction of ________ (alien) plants and animals and pollution. Many
species of plants and animals have slowly evolved and disappeared because
of climatic changes and the inability to adapt to survive competition and

The rate of extinction has accelerated rapidly because of human __________
and resource consumption. Many __________believe that we are in the middle of the
greatest mass extinction episode since the disappearance of the __________
65 million years ago.

The _________was a type of zebra that became extinct in the late 19th
century. They were plentiful until the late 1600s. When European colonists
came to ___________they hunted them for meat, hides and sport. By the end
of the 1870s, the last of these animals in the wild were wiped out. Less than
400 years ago the a cat called the __________ were killed off by hunters.
Animals that are in danger of being wiped out are said to be ___________It is
important to try to __________these endangered species. People have
created parks and reserves were plants and animals can live naturally in a

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