1st Term Revision Worksheets.A.Key
1st Term Revision Worksheets.A.Key
1st Term Revision Worksheets.A.Key
Grade 4 science
Revision worksheets
Answer key
Cell, unicellular organisms, multicellular organisms, one cell, more than one cell,
living things
Living things
2) Birds
3) Fish
4) Amphibians
5) Reptiles
a. scales
b. feathers
c. hair✓
d. shells
3: Amphibians live
a) on land
b) in the water
c) in a forest
d) on land and water ✓
4. Fish Breathe through
a) water
b) lungs
c) air
d) gills ✓
a) mammals✓
b) birds
c) fish
d) all of these
a) mammals ✓
b) birds
c) invertebrates
d) bacteria
Classes of Animals
Classifying Animals
Directions: Write each animal name into the proper group:
A. Shrub
B. Grass
2. They have non woody stems. Mostly stems are stiff and usually
C. Herbs
Q3. Identify the following pictures as fruit bearing plants and non-fruit
bearing plants.
Quick Check:
Ans: Electrical energy is used to run the machines that project the movie for the
audience to watch.
Sound energy makes the speech and sound effects in the theatre audible thus
making movie experience complete.
HEAT is a form of Energy
Draw and label three things that produce heat:
Any diagram
For example:
Any diagram
For example:
Any diagram
For example:
Sorting Sound Energy
✓yes Sound ENERGY noSound ENERGY
bell Cup cake
drums flower
horn shirt
harp hat
violin -