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Healthcare Failure Mode and Effect AnalysisSM

Edward J. Dunn, MD, MPH VA National Center for Patient Safety edward.dunn@med.va.gov www.patientsafety.gov

Location in our VA NCPS Curriculum Toolkit

- Patient Safety Introduction - Human Factors Engineering
Instructor Preparation -Swift and Long Term Trust - Selling the Curriculum - Etc

-HFMEA ppt & exercise

Alternative Education Formats
- Pt Safety Case Conference (M&M) - Pt Safety on Rounds (Modulettes)

- HFMEA participation
- Etc

Why use prospective analysis?  Aimed at prevention of adverse events  Doesnt require previous bad experience (patient harm)  Makes system more robust  JCAHO requirement

JCAHO Standard LD.5.2 Effective July 2001

Leaders ensure that an ongoing, proactive program for identifying risks to patient safety and reducing medical/health care errors is defined and implemented.      Identify and prioritize high-risk processes Annually, select at least one high-risk process Identify potential failure modes For each failure mode, identify the possible effects For the most critical effects, conduct a root cause analysis

Who uses failure mode effect analysis?

 Engineers worldwide in:  Aviation  Nuclear power  Aerospace  Chemical process industries  Automotive industries  Has been around for over 40 years  Goal has been, and remains, to prevent accidents from occurring

Healthcare Version - HFMEASM

Traditional Failure Mode Effect Analysis Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point VA Root Cause Analysis

Adapted and Tested in Healthcare Settings

163 VA hospitals (with some success) Still a complex process/time commitment (see NIH)

The Healthcare Failure Mode Effect Analysis Process Step 1- Define the Topic Step 2 - Assemble the Team Step 3 - Graphically Describe the Process Step 4 - Conduct the Analysis Step 5 - Identify Actions and Outcome Measures

HFMEATM Hazard Scoring Matrix Severity

Catastrophic Major 12 9 6 3 Moderate 8 6 4 2 Minor 4 3 2 1


Frequent Occasional Uncommon Remote

16 12 8 4

Does this hazard involve a sufficient likelihood of occurrence and severity to warrant that it be controlled? (e.g. Hazard Score of 8 or higher)

HFMEATM Decision Tree



Is this a single point weakness in the process? (e.g. failure will result in system failure) (Criticality) YES

Does an Effective Control Measure exist for the identified hazard?


NO Is the hazard so obvious and readily apparent that a control measure is not warranted? (Detectability)




ICU Alarm Example

Monitoring Patient Alarms in ICU Isolation Room 1 2 3 4

Patient is being Transferred to ICU Isolation Room

Connect to necessary physiological monitor and equipment

Provide care and monitor Alarms

Intervene as appropriate

Sub Process Steps A. Apply transfer acceptance checklist B. Determine type of isolation and post C. Determine parameters to be monitored D. Gather and calibrate monitor and accessories (e.g. transducers)

Sub Process Steps A. Don Personal Protective Equipment B. Connect to ventilator if appropriate C. Connect monitoring devices to patient D. Set Alarm parameters as appropriate E. Test Alarm Broadcast

Sub Process Steps A. Periodically check monitor status B. Respond to alarms

Sub Process Steps A. Verify validity of alarm B. Reconnect equipment (if necessary) C. Medically intervene (if necessary) D. Silence alarm E. Readjust alarm parameters (if necessary)

ICU Alarm Example



Periodically check monitor status

Respond to alarms

Failure Modes 3A1 Did not check status 3A2 Misread or misinterpret 3A3 Partially check

Failure Modes 3B1 Did not respond 3B2 Respond slowly or late

ICU Alarm Example

HFMEA Subprocess Step: 3B1 - Respond to Alarms
HFMEA Step 4 - Hazard Analysis

HFMEA Step 5 - Identify Actions and Outcomes Action Type (Control, Accept, Eliminate)


Haz Score


3B1 Don't respond to alarm

Catastrophi Severity c







Catastrophic Catastrophic Catastrophic






Didn't hear alarm; remote location (doors closed to isolation room) Caregiver busy; alarm does not broadcast to backup




Biomedical Engineer


Enable equipment feature that w ill alarm in adjacent room(s) to notify caregiver or partner(s).

Immediate; w ithin 2 w orking days; complete by mm/dd/yyyy

Biomedical Engineer Yes

Didn't hear; alarm volume too low

Biomedical Engineer Yes

Didn't hear; care giver left immediate area

Alarms w ill be broadcast to the central station w ithin 4 months; complete by mm/dd/yyyy Set alarm volume on isolation Immediate; w ithin 2 room equipment such that the w orking days; low est volume threshold that can complete by be adjusted by staff is alw ays mm/dd/yyyy audible outside the room. See 3B1b See 3B1b

Nurse Manager




Ignored alarm (desensitized)


Evaluate failure mode before determining potential causes

Potential Causes

Single Point Weakness? Exi sting Control Measure ? Detectability

Actions or Rationale for Stopping

Outcome Measure

Reduce unw anted alarms by: changing alarm parameter to fit patient physiological condition and replace electrodes w ith better quality that do not become detached Alarms w ill be broadcast to Central Station w ith retransmission to pagers provided to care staff.

Unw anted alarms on floor are reduced by 75% w ithin 30 days of implementation.

Management Concurrence
Yes Yes

Failure Mode: First


Decision Tree Analysis

Person Responsible

Blow-up of One Line

Failure Mode: 3B1a - Crucial Alarm Ignored and Patient Decompensated
Failure Mode Cause
Severity Frequency


Outcome Measure Unwanted alarms on floor are reduced by 75% within 30 days of implementation

Ignored alarm Catastr Frequent Reduce unwanted (desensitized) ophic alarms by: changing alarm parameter to fit patient physiological condition and replace electrodes with better quality that do not become detached


Interdisciplinary team Develop flow diagram Systems focus Actions & Outcome measures Scoring matrix (severity/probability) Triage questions, cause & effect diag., brainstorming

Preventive v. reactive Analysis of Process v. chronological case Choose topic v. case Prospective (what if) analysis Detectability & Criticality in evaluation Emphasis on testing intervention

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