Staining Theory
Staining Theory
Staining Theory
Staining theory
Learning objectives After studying this chapter you should confidently be able to:
Describe why sections need to be coloured with dyes. Staining is needed to give contrast between different components of the tissues and allow examination by light microscopy. Describe how dyes bind to tissues. Dyes bind by forming bonds with tissue components. Ionic and hydrogen bonding and van der Waals forces are probably all involved. Ionic staining is the most important and distinguishes between basophilic and acidophilic tissue components. Hydrogen bonding and van der Waals forces are less important but probably play a role in selectivity. Describe the use of mordants in staining. Mordants are metal salts that help bind some dyes to tissues. Haematoxylin is the most important mordanted dye. Define metachromasia and give examples of its use. Metachromasia produces a different colour in a tissue component to the colour of the dye solution. Toluidine blue is blue in solution but stains mast cell granules red. Describe the main properties of haematoxylin and staining using haematoxylin solutions. Haematoxylin is a natural dye that requires oxidation to haematein before use as a stain. Haematoxylin is a mordanted dye that can stain many different elements in tissue depending on the mordant used. Using different mordants it can be used to stain nuclei, connective tissue fibres, nerve cells, muscle striations and mitochondria. It is usually used regressively. Describe the use of silver as an impregnating metal. Silver solutions are easily reduced producing a dense black deposit and this reduction is autocatalytic. In argentaffin reactions, no extra reducing agent is needed, but argyrophil reactions require the addition of a reducing agent. Describe the reasons for mounting tissues and outline the types of mounting media. Mounting media and coverslips not only protect the specimen but also make it translucent, making examination easier. Mounting media may be resinous (organic-based) or water-based solvents.
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If sections of human tissue are examined under the microscope immediately after sectioning, they appear very dull and uninteresting. The tissue lacks contrast because all of the fixed materials have a similar refractive index and a similar colour so that a dull grey colour is all that can be seen. To bring out the structure of the tissues, it is essential to stain the cells to see the different parts in contrasting colours. Staining is not simply random colouring of the sections but depends on using differences in the chemistry of the tissue to show the various components in different colours. This is most commonly done using dyes that can bind to the tissue in a selective way. Thus, the colours that are seen reflect the nature of the tissue and are not just a pretty picture. By using two or more dyes, it is possible to bring out the different materials in several contrasting colours. The commonest stain in use is the haematoxylin and eosin (H&E) stain, which colours the nuclei a dark blue or purple and stains the cytoplasm and connective tissue in shades of pink (see Colour plate 5).
The binding of dyes to tissues is no different to any other chemical bonding and the mechanisms rely on the same binding forces that occur in all other organic compounds. The dye must form some type of bond or link to the tissue or they will simply be rinsed out of the tissue when the section is washed in another reagent. The usual forms of bonding can be involved. Each type has its own characteristics and bond strengths. Bond type Ionic bonds Hydrogen bonds Van der Waals forces Covalent bonds Hydrophobic interactions Ionic bonding Ionic bonding involves electrostatic attraction between oppositely charged ions. One ion is a fixed ion in the tissue section and the other is the dye ion. Anionic (negatively charged) dyes will bind to cations (positively charged) in the tissue, and cationic dyes will bind to tissue anions. Ionic bonding is the single most important form of bonding in most histological staining. Almost all simple staining can be understood and controlled by understanding the ionic charges involved. Negatively charged eosin ions will stain positively charged tissue ions Eosin is an example of an anionic dye and is attracted to protein groups that are positively charged (cations) such as amino groups. First, the amino Strength (kcal mole1) 40110 27 1-2 35212 48
Tissue protein
Tissue protein
Tissue protein
Tissue protein
NH3 Eosin
Figure 6.1 The ionization of tissue amines and subsequent binding of eosin
groups in the protein become ionized by binding to a hydrogen ion and this charged group then attracts the eosinic ion (see Fig. 6.1). Eosin is usually sold as a salt such as sodium eosinate, which is readily soluble in water. Anionic dyes are also called acid dyes in histology because they are derived from coloured acids (in this case, eosinic acid) and not because of the pH of the solution. Anything that will stain with an acid dye is called acidophilic. In the case of materials staining with eosin, they could also be termed eosinophilic. Materials that are acidophilic include collagen, red blood cells and the cytoplasm of many cells.
Box 6.1 Controlling pH allows dyes to be removed Sensitivity to pH is exploited in the removal of dyes. This is used in differentiation and is also important in getting dye splashes off skin and clothing. Basic dyes can be removed by using acids (usually acid alcohol), whilst acidic dyes are most easily removed with a solution of ammonia in alcohol. These should always be very dilute solutions and used with extreme care. The solutions are extremely painful if used on cuts or sensitive areas such as around the eyes. It is much better to avoid getting the dye on your skin in the first place.
Positively charged methylene blue ions will stain negatively charged tissue ions Methylene blue is an example of a cationic dye and will bind to tissue anions such as carboxylic acid, sulphuric acid and phosphoric acid groups. These groups need to be ionized to bind the dyes (see Fig. 6.2).
Tissue proteoglycan
Tissue proteoglycan
Tissue proteoglycan
Methylene blue
Tissue proteoglycan
Figure 6.2 The ionization of sulphate groups in mucins and their subsequent binding of methylene blue
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Cationic dyes are commonly called basic dyes and so substances staining with such dyes are called basophilic. Substances that bind basic dyes include nucleic acids and acid mucins. Binding of dyes depends on tissue ionization Proteins normally contain both acidic and basic amino acids and so it might be expected that proteins would take up both dyes. In practice this does not occur because most staining is done at a neutral or slightly acid pH. At these acid pH levels, the carboxyl groups of most amino acids are not ionized. Dyes will only bind to tissue groups when they are ionized; if the groups are unionized they will not attract the dye ions and will remain unstained. Acid pH levels favour staining with anionic dyes Ionic bonding to dyes and therefore staining is pH sensitive since the ionization of tissue groups is affected by pH. At an acidic pH, the high concentration of hydrogen ions favours the ionization of amino groups and results in strong staining of proteins by eosin, as described above. However, the same acidic pH will have the opposite effect on staining by methylene blue since weak acids, such as the carboxylic acids found in proteins, will be inhibited from ionizing by the high concentrations of hydrogen ions. Stronger acids, such as the phosphate groups found in nucleic acids and sulphate groups found in mucins, are less easily inhibited and will still ionize at the pH levels generally used in staining. This means that in slightly acid solutions methylene blue will act as a differential stain, picking out the nuclei but leaving the proteins unstained. Altering the pH can inhibit dyes from ionizing, but total inhibition of ionization of the salt forms of dyes will only occur at extreme pH levels. The ionization of dyes can be assumed to be complete at normal staining pH levels. Alkaline conditions favour staining with cationic dyes Alkaline solutions will have the opposite effect. The lack of hydrogen ions will allow the weakly acidic groups in proteins to ionize and methylene blue will stain both the cytoplasm and the nucleus. To get maximal staining with methylene blue, it is best to use Lfflers formula, which uses potassium hydroxide to raise the pH. Methylene blue will then stain all of the proteins and the nucleic acids so the whole of the tissue will appear blue and there will no longer be any differential staining. Eosin staining is depressed at high pH since the amino groups are now unionized and no longer attract and bind the eosin. By careful selection of the pH, it is possible to get highly selective staining of individual components. This is most apparent in the staining of mucins where pH is used to control the binding of alcian blue to the weak carboxylic acid-containing mucins and the strong sulphated mucins (see Chapter 7). Ionic interactions are long-range forces and can attract dyes to tissues over relatively large distances. Since there are two different charges, they can repel as well as attract (see Fig. 6.3).
Figure 6.3 Effect of opposite charges. Although there is a negatively charged carboxyl group in the tissue that could bind the dye, the dye will not be attracted to it because of the two nearby positive charges. The net charge on the surface of the protein is positive, so the methylene blue ion is repelled
Salt concentrations affect dye staining Ionic binding can be inhibited by high salt concentrations, although weak salt solutions can act to increase the staining. This paradoxical effect of both enhancing and inhibiting dyeing can be understood by the effects of the ions. In strong salt solutions, there will be competition between the dye and the salt ions so staining will be inhibited. In many ways this resembles the effect of acids on basic dyes where the hydrogen ion is competing for binding with the dye molecule. Salt will affect both acid and basic dyes. Low concentrations of salt will be less inhibitory since there will be more dye than salt and once a dye has bound, the binding of the dye will be stronger than the binding of the salt. The salt may enhance staining slightly since both ions will be interacting, so the dye may be able to bind to sites to which it was previously not attracted due to the salt ions masking a repelling charge (see Fig. 6.4). Hydrogen bonding Hydrogen bonding differs from other uses of the word bond since it is a force of attraction between a hydrogen atom in one molecule and a small
Cl Methylene blue Cl
Figure 6.4 Effect of salting on. Compare this with Fig. 6.3. The methylene blue is now able to bind to the carboxyl group, since the repelling charges on the amino groups are temporarily neutralized with chloride ions. The net charge on the surface of the protein is negative
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atom of high electronegativity in another molecule. Thus, it is an intermolecular force, not an intramolecular force as in the common use of the word bond. The hydrogen bond has a very limited range and will only form if the two interacting groups are brought sufficiently close together. Hydrogen bonding is not affected by pH or salt concentration but is affected by strong hydrogen-bonding agents including urea and water. Hydrogen bonds are highly selective as they can occur only between certain groups (one must act as a donor and the other as a recipient). They probably play a role in the selectivity of dyes, but are usually secondary to ionic bonds unless special conditions are arranged to inhibit ionic interactions. This inhibition of ionic bonds can be achieved by using a non-aqueous solvent (water inhibits hydrogen bonding and favours ionization), a high salt concentration (which competes with the dye for tissue ion-binding sites) and an extreme pH (which is chosen to inhibit the ionization of tissue groups). One or two instances of staining involve hydrogen bonding rather than ionic bonding. In the staining of elastin fibres hydrogen bonds are probably more important than ionic forces. More controversially the staining of amyloid by Congo red has been considered to be dominated by hydrogen-bond staining. Van der Waals forces These are short-range forces and will only have an effect if the two atoms are between about 0.12 and 0.2 nm apart. If they are further apart, then there is no effective bonding force. Van der Waals forces can occur between any two atoms and are not specific for any atom or group. If the surface shape of the tissue protein and the shape of the dye match, then many van der Waals bonds can be formed. Thus, although they are individually very
Box 6.2 Van der Waals forces are important in section adhesion Van der Waals forces are important in staining but in a quite different way to the binding of the dye. The adhesion of the section to the slide involves van der Waals interactions between the section and the glass. As the water evaporates from under the section, the lower surface of the section comes into contact with the flat smooth surface of the slide. Millions of van der Waals interactions are brought about and the section becomes firmly adherent. With the use of silane-treated slides, there is the addition of charge to the surface resulting in ionic bonding and the increased strength of adhesion may well reflect the difference in strength of the two bonds.
weak, they may add up to a significant binding force (see Box 6.2) if the dye and protein have complementary molecular surfaces (see Fig. 6.5). Van der Waals forces are believed to have a role in selectivity but probably only play a minor role in actually binding of the dye to the tissue. The ability to form many van der Waals bonds is one explanation of the finding that larger dyes will bind more strongly than small dyes, even though they may have the same number of ionizable groups. Van der Waals bonds are unaffected by pH, ions and hydrogen-bonding agents. Covalent bonds These are very strong bonds and are not easily broken once formed. They do not seem to be important in most staining reactions. They are important in some histochemical techniques e.g. periodic acidSchiff, and in the attachment of dyes to antibodies in immunofluorescence. The so-called reactive dyes use covalent bonds to bind but are not used much in histology. Hydrophobic interactions Although they are sometimes called hydrophobic bonds, the forces are not chemical bonds in the conventional sense since they hold dyes in tissues by the exclusion of water from the regions of hydrophobic groups. The exclusion of water stabilizes the two groups involved by entropy/enthalpy changes. Hydrophobic interactions again are short range and are unaffected by hydrogen-bonding agents or salts. Altering the pH may change a particular group from a hydrophilic to a hydrophobic form by altering its ionization and this will alter the staining with hydrophobic dyes. Hydrophobic interactions are important in selectivity and play a major role in the staining of lipids.
Dyes are coloured organic compounds that can selectively bind to tissues. Most modern dyes are synthesized from simpler organic molecules, usually
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Box 6.3 Synthetic dye discovery Until the discovery of the first synthetic dye by W.H. Perkin in the 19th century, the only dyes available were natural ones. These tended to be somewhat drab and faded easily. The dye Tyrian purple was therefore a major discovery. Legend has it that this dye was discovered by the demigod Hercules. It is extracted from molluscs and by ancient standards was bright and did not fade quickly. It became a symbol of power and wealth in the ancient world and the dictionary still lists purple as meaning wealth and power. The discovery of the first synthetic dye, Mauve, was entirely accidental. W.H. Perkin was a chemistry student trying to make the drug quinine from coal tar when he found some bright purple crystals. He borrowed some money and set up a factory to produce the dye and was rich enough to retire at 35.
benzene or one of its derivatives (see Box 6.3). The modification of these compounds into dyes is a huge industry and the chemistry of dye synthesis can be complex, but a simple example will show the general nature of dye structure. Chromophores Most simple organic compounds such as alkanes, benzene and alcohols are colourless to the human eye but will absorb light outside the visible spectrum. Benzene, for example, absorbs strongly in the UV region of the spectrum but appears water-white to the human eye. Benzene must be altered so that it will absorb visible light and so become a visible coloured compound that can be a useful as a dye. Any group that makes an organic compound coloured is called a chromophore. Benzene can be made to absorb visible light by adding a suitable chromophore. In the example below (see Fig. 6.6), the chromophore used is the nitro group. Adding a single nitro group gives nitrobenzene, which is a pale yellow colour; adding a second and third group intensifies the yellow colour and trinitrobenzene is a strong yellow colour. Auxochromes Trinitrobenzene, although coloured, is still not a dye, as it will not bind to tissues. Treating the section with trinitrobenzene will temporarily colour it yellow in the same way that a plastic sponge appears coloured when it is soaked in a coloured liquid but the colour will wash out as soon as the tissue is rinsed in a solvent. To turn a coloured compound into a dye requires the addition of an ionizable group that will allow binding to the tissues. Such binding groups are called auxochromes. The addition of an ionizable OH group turns trinitrobenzene into the dye trinitrophenol, which is more commonly called picric acid in histology. Picric acid is an acid dye (the OH group is phenolic and ionizes by losing a hydrogen ion) and is very useful
Benzene (colourless)
NO2 Auxochrome OH
in histology (see Box 6.4); it is an essential part of the popular van Gieson counterstain. The most important chromophoric group in dye structure is not the nitro group but the quininoid arrangement of the benzene ring (see Fig. 6.7). This has two double bonds at either end of the ring and two double bonds on either side. This arrangement strongly absorbs parts of the visible light spectrum.
Box 6.4 Picric acid Picric acid is a powerful explosive and needs to be kept moist. It was known as Lyddite after the explosive works at Lydd where it was manufactured. It was originally discovered by oxidizing indigo, a natural dye from an Asiatic plant. Picric acid is an unusual material in histological terms since it is a good fixative and forms the basis of the highly rated Bouins fixative, and it is also a useful dye because it has a low molecular weight. It is used in histochemical tests to dissolve and thus identify the pigments found in malarial cells and following formalin fixation.
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Changing substituent groups The exact colour of a dye is highly dependent on many other features of the molecule including molecular size and other substituents on the ring. Most auxochromes alter the colour of the dye slightly (hence their name), as well as allowing the dye to bind to the tissue. Other groups or atoms are introduced solely to alter the colour and these are called modifier groups. Modifiers do not greatly alter the staining characteristics of the molecule, they simply alter the shade of colour. Use of common dye names Dyes are produced mainly for industrial uses such as textile dyeing, so a wide variety of different dyes have been synthesized to give a large range of colours. Dye manufacturers usually give the dyes they produce common names such as eosin or Congo red rather than their full chemical name and some of these names are copyrighted. The dye structure shown in Fig. 6.8 illustrates the complexity of many of these dyes. The full chemical name of this structure is 3,3-((biphenyl)-4,4diylbis(azo))-bis(4-amino-1-naphthalenesulphonic acid) disodium salt, whilst its common name is Congo red. The common name is easier to remember and to say, so most histologists stick to using these.
Figure 6.8 Structure of Congo red
Different manufacturers may have different names for the same compound and this can be very confusing. If you ask for a dye by one name and get a bottle back with a different name on the label, you tend to think there has been a mistake. But if you order trypan blue you could get a bottle called chlorazol blue, which is the same dye by a different name. Eosin Y (yellowish eosin) has the following alternative names: acid red 87, bromoacid J, bromoacid S, bromoacid TS, bromoacid XL, bromoacid XX, bromofluorescein and bronze bromo. Although a dye may have more than one name, it is usually easy to check with the supplier who will be able to put your mind at rest. More of a problem is the fact that different dyes can be sold by different manufacturers under the same name. For example, a dye called light green is usually considered an acid dye in histology and used for staining connective tissue, but the term light green is also used by some manufacturers for some basic
dyes that will stain the nucleus and not the connective tissues. Buying the wrong dye can totally alter the results of a staining method. The common dye names are derived from their industrial use rather than their histological use, e.g. fast green FCF (for Colouring Food) and brown FK (for Kippers). In industrial terms, an acid dye is one that would be used from an acidic solution and not necessarily one that would be anionic. Sometimes the names coincide with histological properties, e.g. basic fuchsin is a basic dye, but they are sometimes misleading, e.g. neutral red is a basic dye in histological terminology. The Colour Index To overcome all of the confusion there is a standard list of all dyes, their synonyms and their structures. This is called the Colour Index (CI). This is a monumental work of reference produced by The Society of Dyers and Colourists and each dye is given an individual number and listed along with its name(s) and properties. Since each dye on the list has a unique number to identify it, this list is the most reliable way of identifying a dye. When naming a dye in the description of a techniques, the CI number should be given to avoid ambiguity, e.g. eosin Y (CI 45380). CI numbers are arranged according to their structure, with the most important feature being their chromophoric group. For example, all nitroso dyes have numbers between 10000 and 10299, nitro dyes have numbers between 10300 and 10999, monoazo dyes have numbers between 11000 and 19999, and so on. There are 31 groups in all, with CI numbers up to 78000. Not all of these groups include important histological dyes; a few of the more important groups are listed below with examples of histological dyes from the group. Nitro dyes. These have the nitro group -NO2 as the chromophore, e.g. picric acid, martius yellow. Azo dyes. These have the -N=N- group (azo) as the chromophore, e.g. orange G. Triaryl methane dyes. These include the quininoid arrangement as the actual chromophore. The quininoid ring is shown as the one on the left in the diagram below, but since all three benzene rings are equivalent there can be rearrangement of the bonds and any of the benzene rings could take up this arrangement. There are a large number of dyes used in histology that fall into this category; a few examples are fuchsins, methyl violet, methyl blue and aniline blue.
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Anthraquinone. Here the quininoid ring is seen as the middle of the three fused rings. Examples are alizarin and carmine.
Xanthene. Here the quininoid ring is the right hand one of the three fused rings and the ring is tilted compared with the previous example. Examples include eosin and xanthene.
Thiazine. This is very similar to the previous example in overall structure, but the middle ring now has S and N as constituent atoms. This group contains many important metachromatic dyes, such as toluidine blue, methylene blue and azure A.
Histological classification In histology it is often more useful to classify dyes by their action on tissues and hence their uses in histology. Two dyes within the same chemical group may have quite different uses in histology. For example, the two anthraquinone dyes in the list above are used quite differently. Carmine is an important nuclear stain, whilst alizarin is most commonly used to detect calcium in tissues. Also, dyes that are from totally different groups may quite easily be exchanged in histological techniques. The histological classification is only a broad guide to how a dye will work in practice, since the actual binding relies on many properties and not just the simple ionic nature. Basic dyes are cationic and will stain anionic or acidic materials such as carboxylates, sulphates (many complex carbohydrates are sulphated) and phosphates (particularly the phosphates in nucleic acids). Most are used as nuclear stains and staining of cytoplasmic carboxyl groups is deliberately suppressed by using a slightly acid pH. Acidic substances that stain with basic dyes are termed basophilic.
Acidic dyes are anionic and will stain cationic or basic groups in tissues such as amino groups. Most are used to stain proteins in the cytoplasm and connective tissues. Substances that stain with acid dyes are called acidophilic. Neutral dyes are simply compounds of basic and acid dyes. In this case, both ions are coloured. Such dye complexes will stain both nucleus and cytoplasm from a single dye bath. Romanowsky stains are neutral dyes made from more complex mixtures. These are the commonest dyes used in haematology. They are less common in histology but still very useful and include Giemsa, Leishman and Wrights stains. Amphoteric dyes also have both anionic and cationic groups, but these are on the same ion. Such dyes can stain either the nucleus or the cytoplasm if conditions are appropriate. Natural dyes are simply dye substances extracted from natural sources. Although the main source of dyes for early microscopists, they have largely been replaced by synthetic dyes, which are usually more reliable, cheaper and can be supplied more readily. Natural dyes still in use include haematoxylin, carmine, orcein and litmus, although synthetic varieties are also available for some of these.
Box 6.5 Traditional mordants for textile dyes The methods used to make dyes stable and resistant to washing were often quite elaborate. Alums were commonly used as mordants, so their transfer to histology is hardly surprising. Organic materials were also used including tannins from wood bark, gallic acids from tree galls and ammonia from urine. The dye woad was extracted from the leaves of Isatis tinctoria and is identical to indigo. The importation of indigo was strongly resisted by the dyers in Britain and the last woad mills closed only in the 1930s in Lincolnshire. This was despite woad processing having the reputation of being the smelliest of industrial processes.
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Figure 6.9 Mordanting. The dye can only bind strongly to the tissue when the mordant acts as a link between the two
of mechanisms of binding dyes. The term has been adopted for some histological staining, but its use in histology is more restricted. It is usually only applied to conditions where the mordant acts as a link between the dye and the tissue and where the mordant is a metal salt (see Fig. 6.9). The mechanism by which the mordant binds to the tissue is not certain but one likely mechanism is a dative covalency. The link to the dye would involve more than one such dative bond resulting in a chelate that was stable. The dye and mordant complex is sometimes called a dye lake. The groups on the dye forming the dative bonds are mainly oxygen-containing (e.g. in phenols, carboxyls and quinones) or nitrogen-containing (in amine, azo and nitro groups). Since it is the mordant that binds to the tissue, the selectivity of the dye is controlled by selecting the mordant not the dye. The mordant gives greater stability to the stain and is not easily removed by water, alcohols or weak acids (i.e. it is a fast dye) and this makes it ideal when other stains are to be used afterwards, as the stain resists decolorization by the later reagents. Staining is commonly done with the dye and mordant present in the same solution, thus forming the dye lake in the stain before being applied to the tissue (e.g. Harriss haematoxylin and carmalum). The dye and mordant can also be used in two separate steps (e.g. Heidenhains haematoxylin) and one or two techniques have used post-mordanting in which the dye is applied first and the mordant added afterwards. Regressive use of mordanted dyes It is also common to use mordanted dyes regressively (see Box 6.6). The differentiation is done by using strong acids (e.g. hydrochloric acid, often in alcoholic solution). Differentiation can also be done using excess mordant; for example, the iron alum in Heidenhains haematoxylin can be used to slowly remove the excess haematoxylin. The excess mordant acts by displacing the dye lake and replacing it with a mordant with no attached dye. Theoretically it should be possible to devise a stain in which the balance of mordant to dye gives self-differentiation. A self-differentiating haematoxylin
Box 6.6 Progressive and regressive staining The way in which dyes are used can differ. One distinction is between progressive and regressive staining. Progressive staining is the simplest, with the dye being applied to the section until the desired density of colour is reached. Regressive staining involves overstaining the tissue so it is darker than is needed and then removing the excess to bring the colour down to the required level. The removal of the excess dye is termed differentiation. Regressive staining is often a better method of using stains. The reason is that dyes are rarely specific and will not only stain the structure being demonstrated but will also slightly colour the background, albeit less than the required structure. By removing some dye, the background can be cleared, since the background binding is usually weaker so the dye will be removed more readily. As long as the object being viewed has more dye than is required, differentiation will simply bring the colour down to the optimal level.
was described by Baker in 1962 but requires a constant and reliable dye, which is generally not available since most mordanting is done with natural dyes that vary in their composition from one year to the next. Trapping agents These differ from mordants in that they are always applied after the dye. They form large aggregates with the dye and result in the dye precipitating in the tissue. The large precipitate is more difficult to remove. The bestknown example is the use of iodine to trap the violet dye inside the relatively impermeable wall of Gram-positive bacteria, whilst it can be removed from the more permeable Gram-negative organisms. Accentuators and accelerators Accentuators and accelerators are materials added to staining solutions to improve the staining reaction. Accentuators are generally simply used to control pH, e.g. potassium hydroxide in Lfflers methylene blue and phenol in carbol fuchsin. Accelerators are found in neurological techniques and are often hypnotic drugs such as barbiturates or chloral hydrate; their mechanism of enhancement is not known.
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Table 6.1 Target
Staining theory
Metachromasia and the spacing of acidic groups Distance apart of acidic groups (nm) 1.03 0.5 <0.4 Staining
Metachromasia is important as it is highly selective and only certain tissue structures can stain metachromatically. Substances that can be stained in this metachromatic way are called chromotropes and they include mucins, especially the sulphated mucins. Mechanism of colour shift in metachromasia The colour shift is always from a blue or violet dye to yellow or red staining. This means that the colour absorption shifts to shorter wavelengths, leaving only the longer wavelengths to be seen. This is believed to represent polymerization of the dye. The greater the degree of polymerization, the stronger the metachromasia. For example, toluidine blue will stain hyaluronic acid a blue colour, pectic acid (found in plants) a purple colour and mast cell granules a definite red colour. The difference is in the spacing of the acid groups, as shown in Table 6.1 and Fig. 6.10. Metachromasia requires water between the dye molecules to form the polymers and does not usually survive dehydration and clearing.
Dye Dye
Figure 6.10 Metachromasia. The tissue on the left would be metachromatic as the dye has formed a polymeric form; the middle tissue would be weakly metachromatic as the polymeric forms are only a few molecules in size. The right-hand tissue would be orthochromatic as the dye molecules are widely spaced
Thus, haematoxylin itself is not a dye and for staining it must first be oxidized to haematein. Haematein has two fewer hydrogen atoms and the rearrangement of bonds introduces the quininoid ring structure and hence colour, as can be seen from the formula below:
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Haematein is less soluble in water and alcohol than haematoxylin, but is soluble in ethylene glycol and glycerol. Haematein is only a weak acid dye, imparting a yellowish colour to the tissues, but when combined with a suitable mordant, haematein becomes probably the most widely used nuclear dye. Haematein itself can be oxidized further to oxyhaematein, which is a weak acid dye but has no mordant dye capability:
Most working solutions do not completely oxidize the haematoxylin and the unoxidized part gradually oxidizes to haematein at the same time as some of the haematein oxidizes to oxyhaematein. This replenishes the working solution and greatly lengthens the life of the reagent. However, eventually all solutions will lose their strength and become useless. Oxidation is slower in acid conditions, so many solutions are deliberately kept acidic. During the natural oxidation, many haematoxylin solutions produce precipitates that must be removed by filtration before using the solution. The oxidation of haematoxylin to haematein can occur in atmospheric oxygen, a process called ripening. This is a slow process and can take months, especially in cold and dark conditions, so that ripening is slower in the cold dark winter months than in the bright warm summer sunshine. This ripening is considered to give a longer shelf life but it is inconvenient if supplies run out, since it may take months to prepare a new batch. Oxidation can also be carried out using oxidizing agents such as sodium iodate (200 mg per gram of haematoxylin), potassium permanganate
Box 6.7 Brazilin Brazilin, extracted from trees of the genus Caesalpinia, is very similar to haematoxylin (only one OH different) and can be oxidized to brazilein. It can be used in the same way as haematoxylin but has never become as popular in histology. It is from this dye that the country of Brazil took its name.
HO Brazilin
(177 mg per gram of haematoxylin) or mercuric oxide (500 mg per gram of haematoxylin, although using smaller amounts than these traditional quantities will prolong the shelf life as explained above. Mordants for haematoxylin Haematoxylin is a very versatile stain and can be used to demonstrate many different tissue components in a highly selective way. The type of mordant used alters the specificity and colour of the stain. Aluminium salts: haemalum. These are the commonest haematoxylin solutions and there are many different formulae but they all have similar results. Typical formulations include Harriss, Mayers, Ehrlichs and Gills haematoxylins. The mordant is usually either aluminium potassium sulphate (potash alum) or aluminium ammonium sulphate (ammonium alum). Because of their use of alum salts as mordants, these staining solutions are referred to as haemalum solutions. In acid solutions, the alum dye lakes are quite soluble and have a strong red colour. In alkaline conditions, the dye lakes are less soluble and have a strong blue colour. The dyeing bath is usually acidified and once staining is complete the section is rinsed in an alkaline solution. In hard water areas, the tap water is alkaline and simply rinsing in tap water will blue the section. If the water is soft, then an alkaline solution can be prepared, e.g. lithium carbonate or tap-water substitutes. The haemalums are used regressively with a controlled differentiation in acid alcohol (1% HCl in 70% alcohol) followed by reblueing in water. Ferric salts: iron haematoxylin. The ferric salts used are either ferric chloride or ferric ammonium sulphate (iron alum). The resulting stain is blacker and more intense, and will resist acidic counterstains such as van Giesons better than haemalum. The ferric salts are oxidizing agents and will accelerate oxidation of the haematoxylin to haematein, which may result in overoxidation and loss of staining. The mordant is therefore either used separately (Heidenhains) or the mordant and haematoxylin are mixed just before use (e.g. Weigerts). Differentiation is often done with excess mordant and requires microscopic control. There is no need to blue the sections in an alkaline solution since the mordant produces an intense black colour regardless of the pH. The use of iron haematoxylins has declined following the introduction of the celestin bluehaemalum sequence, which also resists acid decoloration. Other mordants that can be used to selectively stain specific tissue components are shown in Table 6.2. Carmine and carminic acid Carmine is a natural dye extracted from the red pigment cochineal, which is used in cooking. Cochineal itself is extracted from the bodies of the scale insect Dactylopius coccus. Carmine is actually a complex of aluminium and carminic acid rather than just the dye molecule. Commercial carmine powder is quite variable in its composition and in addition to the dyealuminium complex also contains protein, calcium and other ions.
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Table 6.2
Staining theory
Tissue element demonstrated Nuclei Myelin Elastic fibres Collagen Neuroglia Axis cylinders Mucin Fibrin Mitochondria Heavy metals (Pb, Cu) and Ca
Al or Fe Cr or Cu Fe Mo W Pb Al W Fe None (the metal in the tissue acts as the mordant and binds the dye)
Carminic acid is a glycoside with a glucose derivative joined to an anthraquinone structure (see below). Carminic acid is the pure dye and is only slightly soluble in water but dissolves much better in solutions of an aluminium salt, when it forms the carmine complex. Solutions of the complex are not stable and significant deterioration occurs after only a few weeks of storage. For precise staining, it is better if the carmine solution is prepared from purified carminic acid. For many years carmine was a major stain with its main advantage being its permanence when compared with other dyes. The problem with many other stains was that when they were mounted in Canada balsam, the acidity of the mountant caused significant fading in just a few months. At the height of its popularity, carmine was used for many different techniques and a great many methods were devised using carmine. The unreliability of the dye supply and the rising cost of the natural product have led to it becoming much less popular. The loss of popularity occurred at the same time as laboratories switched to the use of modern synthetic mounting media, which cause much less fading of other dyes so there was less need for a stable nuclear stain. A good carmine stain is easy for inexperienced workers to use, as overstaining is difficult. Any excess dye can easily be removed with 1% HCl.
The most popular stains were the carmalum techniques (e.g. Mayers, Grenachers) and acetocarmine. Neutral red and safranine These are popular red nuclear stains mainly used as counterstains to blue staining methods such as Perls iron staining method. Both dyes are easily soluble in water and alcohol. Neutral red can also be used as a vital stain when used at a very dilute (105) concentration. Neutral red can act as an indicator, changing colour at pH 6.87.0 (turning yellowish in alkali). Neutral red stains nuclei red and cytoplasm pale yellow. Methylene blue This is a very widely used simple blue stain that does not require a mordant. It gives a quick and simple nuclear counterstain for red primary stains. It is readily soluble in water and alcohol. Methylene blue was a major component of Romanowsky stains used in the staining of blood smears and bone marrow specimens. In the preparation of the Romanowsky dyes, it was used as polychrome methylene blue (see Box 6.8). The polychroming produces a range of dyes from the original methylene blue of which azure B is probably the most important. Modern Romanowsky stains generally use mixtures of pure dyes rather than the empirical polychromed methylene blue.
Box 6.8 Polychrome methylene blue One of the methods used to produce polychromed methylene blue was to allow fungi to grow in a solution of it. The metabolic actions of the fungi converted some of the dye to other compounds. The relationship between dyes and micro-organisms can be quite interesting. Many dyes will allow microorganisms to grow in them and this changes their staining characteristics. Other dyes have been used as antibacterial agents and the selectivity of dyes led many people to believe that dyes might prove to be the magic bullets that would kill selected bacteria and save humanity from infection.
Methyl green This blue/green nuclear stain is a useful nuclear counterstain and is also an important part of many techniques that differentiate between DNA and RNA in tissues. It is often contaminated with methyl violet, but this can be removed by washing with chloroform. Cytoplasmic stains Cytoplasmic stains are often used as counterstains but can also be important to identify tissue components. Most techniques are also used to distinguish connective tissue fibres and other protein materials. The cytoplasmic stains should produce several different shades of colour so that the tissues can easily
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be distinguished. Most of the stains are acidic (anionic) dyes but can be used in mixtures to improve the contrast between different components. Eosin This is not a single dye but a variety of related dyes. All are derived from fluorescein, which is a useful fluorescent dye widely used to label antibodies but is useless for ordinary light microscopy. By substituting halogens or nitro groups for some hydrogens, a variety of shades of red can be produced from yellowish to bluish e.g. eosin Y (yellowish) changes to eosin B (bluish) if the bromine groups on positions 2 and 7 are changed to nitro groups. The dyes are also fluorescent but are solely used as red dyes, although the parent dye fluorescein is widely used as a labelling compound in immunofluorescence. The sodium salts of the dyes are all freely soluble in water and fairly soluble in alcohol but will precipitate as eosinic acid if the pH is very low. However, adding dilute acids will improve eosin staining but may overdifferentiate the nuclear stain. Eosin is a very good cytoplasmic stain as it gives several shades to the tissue. The range of shades can be extended even further if more than one dye is used in the solution. Some workers claim that up to seven different shades can be distinguished, although I have always found it difficult to distinguish more than about four. Eosin solutions keep reasonably well unless they become contaminated by fungi, when they will develop significant growth. This growth can be inhibited by adding a small amount of thymol to the solution and this acidic material also enhances the staining. Ethyl eosin is an ester rather than the more usual sodium salt and is only slightly soluble in water. It is used when eosin staining is needed from alcoholic solution. It must be differentiated in alcohol. Eosin is also an important component of Romanowsky stains, which are all eosinates of azure dyes. Its pre-eminent role in staining is shown by the fact that many structures are referred to as eosinophilic when they will stain equally well with other acid dyes. Eosin gives a good red cytoplasmic counterstain but if other colours are required then other dyes must be used. Methyl blue and aniline blue These are widely used blue anionic dyes with similar staining properties. Both are water soluble but insoluble in alcohol. They are often confused as both are also known as soluble blue and water blue. Both are quite large dye structures and are frequently used to stain connective tissue fibres. Fast green FCF and light green SF These are green anionic dyes similar to the blue dyes above and are frequently used as counterstains to red dyes. Fast green FCF is less prone to fading than light green SF.
Orange G, picric acid (trinitrophenol), metanil yellow and martius yellow These are very pale-coloured dyes ideal for faint background staining or in conjunction with other acid dyes. Orange G is soluble in water but less so in alcohol and is a major component of the Papanicolaou stain used in cervical cytology. Picric acid is a valuable stain in multiple acid dye techniques because of its small size. Connective tissue methods Connective tissue consists mainly of collagen fibres, elastic fibres, glycosaminoglycans and cells. The main way of distinguishing the fibres and cells is by using a combination of acid dyes to stain different structures in differing colours. There is still uncertainty about the exact mechanisms of these techniques but they seem to depend on differences in dye size and differing permeabilities of tissues. Acid dye combinations The differing molecular weights and sizes of dyes affect their diffusion rate and their ability to permeate into small spaces in the tissue. The larger dyes will also be able to form more van der Waals forces. Thus, when two acid dyes compete for binding to tissue, the larger dye will generally tend to displace the smaller dye. In addition, the smaller dyes tend to be paler colours (yellowish), whilst the larger dyes are dense colours. These effects combine so that smaller paler dyes are overwhelmed by larger denser dyes when they compete directly. Tissue permeability is related to the amount of protein that is present and the amount of water between the proteins. Loose collagenous (areolar) tissue has many minute fluid spaces and is very permeable, whilst erythrocytes are packed full of haemoglobin and are much denser. Most other cells types, including muscle, lie between these two. The concept of the differential acid dyeing technique is that only the small dye will penetrate into the dense red cells. The red blood cells should thus be stained with the smallest dye. In the less-dense collagenous tissue, the large and small dyes will be in competition. The larger dye will dominate and the collagen will appear stained only with the largest dye. Van Giesons stain This stain uses two acid dyes (acid fuschin and picric acid) to distinguish between acidophilic materials. Each dye, if used alone, would stain all cytoplasm and connective tissue. By combining them in a single solution, the tissue differences can be exploited. The open texture of the collagen, allowing free and rapid access to both dyes, stains red, whilst muscle and erythrocytes, which restrict access of larger dyes, stain yellow. Both dyes are mixed into a single solution along with hydrochloric acid to give a pH of 12.
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Permeability and dye size considerations would suggests that the small dye will rapidly penetrate both the dense red blood cells and the looser connective tissues. The larger fuchsin molecules will penetrate into the connective tissues quite readily but will penetrate the denser red blood cells only slowly. Where both dyes are present, the fuchsin will displace or mask the paler picric acid with the result that the connective tissue will stain red but in the red blood cells the picric acid will not be displaced or masked and the red cells will stain yellow (see Colour plate 6). Trichrome stains These take the differential staining a stage further and use three differentsized dyes to selectively stain the three tissue densities. For example, picric acid (formula weight (FW) 229), acid fuchsin (FW 578) and methyl blue (FW 800) can be used as a trichrome mixture. The red blood cells are the densest tissue and stain with the smallest dye, the intermediate cytoplasm and muscle cells are stained red by the intermediate-sized dye and the collagenous tissue stains with the largest dye. In each case, only the largest dye of the competing dyes does the staining Heteropolyacids aid trichrome staining Trichromes differ from van Giesons stain in that an extra reagent is used in the form of one of the heteropolyacids. The heteropolyacids are either phosphomolybdic (sometimes called molybdophosphoric) acid or phosphotungstic (tungstophosphoric) acid. These improve the staining but whether they simply act as colourless dyes or have a more active role in some form of mordanting is still unresolved. Trichromes also differ in that the three dyes are usually used separately and sequentially, rather than in a single mixed reagent as in van Giesons stain. Trichromes can to some extent be tuned to differentiate between tissue fibres by selecting dyes of appropriate sizes and by controlling the size of tissue spaces. Alcoholic solutions seem to affect penetration by allowing dyes to permeate more freely, possibly by increasing the size of tissue spaces. This makes the molecules act as if they were a slightly smaller size. Molecular size and permeability: not the full story Although the explanation given here accounts nicely for much of the staining with multiple acid dyes (trichromes and van Giesons), there are anomalies and the exact mechanisms are still very much undetermined. In particular, if the dyes are used alone they will readily stain all of the tissue. Thus, the fuchsin dye in van Giesons stain will stain red blood cells, showing that it is able to penetrate these structures. There is the possibility that the timing is crucial and that by using a limited time the red dye would not have long enough to penetrate into the cells. Even on theoretical grounds this seems unlikely; a red blood cell is less than 8 m across at its widest point and less than 3 m thick. For diffusion across such small distances to take more than 2 min (which is a typical staining time for van Giesons stain) would suggest an extremely dense material.
If van Giesons staining is extended to 30 min or more, there is no real major difference in the result. Similar anomalies can also be seen when different combinations of dyes are used. It is always the smallest dye that stains the red blood cells and the largest that stains the collagen, but the same dye can stain both under different conditions. If acid fuchsin is used in combination with other dyes, it will stain erythrocytes if the other dye is larger, but will stain collagen and not erythrocytes if the other dye is smaller. The situation is more complex than the simple dye size and permeability would suggest, yet the concept does seem to hold in most practical applications and several good trichrome methods have been produced on the basis of this theory. Dyes and quality control As mentioned earlier most dyes are not produced for histologists but for textile dyers. The important property for textiles is a reliable final colour rather than chemical purity. Dye manufacturers therefore adjust their products to give consistent dyeing of fabrics rather than histological reliability. This means that dyes, unlike most biochemical reagents, are often impure substances and may contain significant amounts of other materials such as salts, dextrans and even other dyes. The actual content of the named dye rarely exceeds 95% and may be as little as 25% of the total weight. Different batches of dye will differ in their dye and contaminant content, which makes quality control in the histological laboratory difficult. The non-dye constituents are often very important and may grossly affect the staining. To try to combat this problem, some laboratory suppliers offer certified dyes that have been tested biologically for their stated uses. Such dyes are more expensive but should match their stated uses reliably. It is also worth repeating that some dyes have many names and it should always be made clear which dye is needed by using CI numbers; otherwise the dye may be completely different. When a staining method suddenly stops staining as expected, it is worth checking that you have not got a different batch of dye to the usual one. There is a growing tendency for laboratories to buy in many reagents in a ready-prepared form rather than making up stains from the original
Box 6.8 Contaminated dyes Dyes have always been impure so it became important to have a good source of dyes. Dyestuffs are quite expensive to manufacture, so it was not unknown for dyes to be cut with less expensive materials to make them more profitable. Some older samples of dye certainly seemed to have an insoluble residue left after preparing the staining solution. One manufacturer, however, became famous for the quality of his stains and if you read the old textbooks you will find his dyes being recommended time after time in techniques as being the best available. Nobody thought his dyes were purer, just better. It was said that not only does Herr Grbler have the best dyes, he also has the best impurities. Grbler dyes lost their leading role following the Second World War when importing of dyes from Germany became impossible and laboratories had to find other sources.
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ingredients. This leads to more consistency in the laboratory as the scale of industrial production can be controlled more carefully than small irregularly prepared batches in the laboratory. Checking dyes in a histology laboratory Quality control of dyes within the laboratory is difficult, as many of the techniques used in quality control require complex equipment to analyse the dye samples (e.g. infrared spectroscopy, high-performance liquid chromatography), but some simple tests can usually be performed. 1. Chromatography. This will detect coloured contaminants of dyes and can be a sensitive way of comparing two dye batches. Simple paper chromatography using filter paper is often enough to pick out impure dye samples. 2. Measurement of absorption (including a full spectrum if a suitable spectrophotometer is available) can be used to determine the amount of dye in a sample and may also show contaminants. 3. Testing with standard dyeing techniques to determine whether the dye is suitable or needs altered staining times/conditions. Some dye batches may be suitable for one stain but not for others; for example, fuchsin samples may be good for use in ZiehlNeelsen staining for mycobacterium but not for preparing Schiff s reagent. Once the dye has been made up into a solution it may not be permanently stable. Dyes can alter due to oxidation by the air, bleaching by light, contamination by micro-organisms growing in the solution or chemical reactions between constituents of the dye solutions. Reagent bottles should be clearly labelled with the date of preparation and renewed at regular intervals or sooner if the staining seems to be suffering. If light accelerates the deterioration, then storage of the reagent in brown bottles to prevent light reaching the dye may help, although the dark glass will also mask any contamination and precipitation, so care must still be taken. Most techniques using reagents that need special storage (e.g. refrigeration) will usually give details.
Metallic impregnation is an alternative way of increasing the contrast in tissues. The commonest metal to use in light microscopy is silver, which produces a dense, black, fine deposit of silver and silver oxide where the silver ions have been reduced. Silver impregnation is also called silver staining, but the mechanism is quite different to the effects of dyes and the structures are actually plated with the silver rather than the silver being reversibly bound to the section. Advantages Silver impregnation has a number of advantages compared with dyeing techniques and has a number of very common applications. The main advantages of silver techniques are:
1. They are stable and do not fade. The end product is metallic silver, which if properly fixed and washed is effectively permanent. The silver deposit in black and white photographs is similar to the material produced by silver impregnation and photographs from 150 years ago are still in excellent condition. Dyed sections rarely last more than 10 years without some signs of fading. 2. The silver deposit is densely black, which gives good contrast and is excellent for taking photographs. 3. Silver techniques are very sensitive methods and will detect many materials that are difficult to demonstrate by dyeing. These materials include reticulin fibres (see Colour plate 7), which are difficult to observe with haematoxylin and eosin staining but can be readily demonstrated with silver impregnation. Metal impregnation methods are more common in neurological methods, e.g. for axons, motor end plates and astroglia (see Colour plate 8). 4. Slender objects are thickened because they become silver-plated. This can be useful for fine fibres such as reticulin or for slender bacteria such as spirochetes. Disadvantages 1. The techniques can be unreliable and capricious. They will sometimes work well and other times will not work at all. This can extend to different workers. There sometimes seems to be one person in the laboratory who can get a technique to work perfectly, whilst everyone else struggles, even when using the same reagents. Staining times can vary tremendously from one day to the next when a fresh batch of silver solution is prepared. 2. The silver solutions are often very alkaline. Strong alkaline solutions have a tendency to strip sections off the glass slides so extra care and adhesives are needed. 3. Silver techniques are so sensitive that they can sometimes give nonspecific background deposits (dirty preparations). 4. The techniques have a tendency to stain everything they come into contact with (hands, laboratory coats, benches, glassware, etc.). Silver is very difficult to remove without using dangerous reagents, so clothing is often permanently stained. Silver solutions are easy to wash out if they are caught early enough, but as they look just like water it is not always obvious that there has been a spillage. Once reduced, the safest way to remove silver deposits is by using an iodine solution, which converts the silver to silver iodide, which is then soluble in sodium thiosulphate solutions. 5. Some silver solutions have a tendency to become explosive if stored for more than 24 h. 6. Silver is expensive. 7. Silver cannot be discarded into the drains as it is a heavy metal poison.
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Use of silver Silver is not the only metal that can be used for impregnations but is the most useful as it is easily reduced and any reduced silver acts as a catalyst for the reduction of more silver. This autocatalytic activity makes silver useful in many fields other than histology. The use of silver is widespread in photography and the chemistry of photography and the chemistry of silver impregnation are very closely related. Silver solutions are reduced during the impregnation, so silver techniques are primarily methods for reducing materials. There are three different ways of producing silver deposits. These are the argentaffin reaction, the argyrophil reaction and ion-exchange reactions. The argentaffin reaction In the argentaffin reaction, the tissue contains reducing groups that are sufficiently strong and present in sufficient quantity to give a visible deposit without added reducing agents. These groups are often aldehyde groups and silver solutions can be used to replace the Schiff s reagent in the periodic acidSchiff technique (see Chapter 7) to give periodic acidsilver. The argentaffin reaction occurs particularly with reducing pigments and is strongest with the pigment of enterochromaffin cells, which derives its alternative name (argentaffin pigment) from the reaction. The strong reaction in this case is due to phenolic components (5-hydroxytryptamine, or serotonin). The reaction only needs the addition of the silver solution, such as in the MassonFontana technique, but tends to be very slow and may take up to 24 h to give a deposit. The argyrophil reaction Many tissue groups are able to adsorb silver, possibly by ionic mechanisms as for dyeing. The silver is mainly adsorbed as silver ions but small amounts are reduced to silver atoms. These silver atoms are deposited at the site of reduction. The initial reduction reaction with silver only deposits submicroscopic atoms of silver at particularly reactive sites. Probably only a few, perhaps as few as two, atoms are deposited in this initial stage and these are too small to be visible, even with high-power microscopy. These silver atoms then act as catalytic sites where more silver can be deposited by the reducing action of a developer (see Fig. 6.11), e.g. formaldehyde or hydroquinone (quinol). In this case the developer does the main reduction and the tissue simply provides places where there are silver atoms to catalyse the reduction. This type of reaction where an external reducer or developer is added is called an argyrophilic reaction. Ion-exchange reactions Ion exchange can also deposit silver and this is used to detect mineralization of bone using the von Kossa technique. The section is treated with silver solution (silver nitrate) and the phosphates and carbonates in the mineralized bone form insoluble silver salts. The silver salts are then blackened by
Ag Ag Ag
Ag Ag Ag
Ag Ag Ag Ag Ag Ag Ag Protein
UV light or hydroquinone solutions (see Colour plate 7). Although often said to demonstrate calcification of bone, the method actually detects carbonates and phosphates. CaCO3 + 2AgNO3 Ag2CO3 + Ca(NO3)2 Ag2CO3 (UV treated) Ag2O + CO2 Black Silver solutions Ammoniacal silver solutions are used as they are easily reduced. Silver solutions always need careful preparation and some diamine silver solutions can become explosive if kept for more than 24 h. If they are being used in a glass container, then a simple safety precaution is to wrap them up with adhesive tape (Sellotape); if an explosion occurs the glass fragments will be held by the sticky tape. It is important always to use distilled water in any silver method, as tap water will react with the silver salt. Several silver solutions can be used in silver techniques but they are not directly interchangeable as they differ in their sensitivity to reduction. Silver nitrate This is the commonest form of silver salt used in the preparation of silver solutions. Simple silver nitrate solutions are sometimes used, e.g. von Kossas solution, or as sensitizer solutions, e.g. Beilschowskys method for nerve fibres, but for most techniques a more readily reduced form is needed.
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Silver diamine Silver diamine solutions are prepared by precipitating the silver with a hydroxide solution and then redissolving in a minimum amount of ammonium hydroxide. These solutions are very alkaline and this makes sections more liable to detach during staining, so an adhesive is often advisable. The final solution can be explosive if it is stored for more than 24 h, but has the advantage of being very sensitive. 2Ag+ + 2OH Ag2O + H2O Precipitation of silver oxide
Ag2O + 4NH3 + H2O 2[Ag(NH3)2]+ + 2OH Dissolving to form silver diamine Silver carbonate Silver carbonate solutions are prepared by precipitating the silver using either lithium or sodium carbonate solution. The precipitate is filtered and washed. This removal of the precipitating salt is different to the previous example of silver diamine where the hydroxide is left in the solution. The precipitate is then dissolved using strong ammonia as for the diamine solution. Silver carbonate solutions are claimed to be even more sensitive than diamine solutions. Hexamine silver solutions These use hexamine (methenamine or hexamethylenetetramine). When mixed with silver nitrate, this produces a white precipitate that immediately redissolves without the need to titrate with strong ammonia. Background deposits Silver techniques often produce a non-specific deposit due to contaminants. Very small deposits can often be reduced by toning. This involves using gold chloride (sodium chloroaurate): 3Ag + (AuCl4) Au + 3AgCl + Cl Thus, three silver atoms are replaced by one gold atom. For very small deposits this will result in a great reduction in size (thus reducing the background staining) but the large deposits of the impregnated tissue will hardly be affected. Gold toning also alters the colour from an intense black to a warmer brown/black colour. Following completion of the technique, the sections are usually treated with hypo (sodium thiosulphate, previously called hyposulphate). This is a photographic fixer that dissolves excess silver ions and prevents them later depositing as background. It is probably not necessary in histological preparations, as all of the silver is usually completely reduced so there is little risk of further reduction, but it is always done just in case.
Silver techniques Reticulin can be demonstrated using silver impregnation and the following is a fairly typical silver staining technique based on the method proposed by Laidlaw in 1929. First the reticulin is oxidized to give aldehyde groups:
OH Reticulin OH KMnO4 Oxidation Reticulin CHO CHO
Then the silver solution oxidizes the aldehydes to acids and in the process is itself reduced to silver atoms that precipitate at the site of reduction:
CHO Reticulin CHO COOH Reticulin COOH 4Ag 8NH4 4OH 4[Ag(NO3)2 ] 3H2O
Aldehydes are one of the commoner reducing groups in tissues and silver solutions can often be used to detect the presence of aldehydes. Silver techniques vary quite widely in their conditions There are many variations on silver techniques that seem to give good results. It is largely a matter of preference which technique works best in a particular laboratory. There are probably differences between the laboratories that are not particularly mentioned or even controlled that make one method more suitable for one laboratory than another. These variations include tissue fixation and processing, water quality (both tap and distilled or deionized water), ambient temperature and ambient light. The actual concentrations of silver vary quite markedly from 1 g per 100 ml (Foot method) to 10 g per 100 ml (Laidlaw method). Times and temperatures also vary from 30 s (Gordon and Sweet method) to 60 min (Perdrau method) and temperatures from room temperature of 20C up to temperatures of 70C (Lillie method). This wide variation might suggest that the technique is quite insensitive to conditions and would work reliably, regardless of any slight technical errors, but this is not the case. Silver techniques are more difficult to get exactly right than most staining methods and require care, patience and experience to get an even impregnation and lack of non-specific background. The wide variation is actually a reflection of this, since many
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people have tried, and largely failed, to get an automatic and reliable technique.
Box 6.8 Dewaxing or taking to water If the section is frozen then the phrase take the section to water can be ignored as the section is already in water. Often students do not think and try to process the tissue as if it was a paraffin section, which can totally ruin the section. For this reason, personally I prefer the phrase take the section to water to dewaxing, as it is less prescriptive and suggests that the histologist needs to get the section into water from the medium the section is currently embedded in. Sections are best dewaxed immediately before being stained. Once rehydrated, they will slowly deteriorate, especially if kept in water. Deterioration is not rapid and sections can be kept in water, alcohol or xylene for quite long periods, although they do gradually lose adhesion. This is similar to the soaking of pans with dried-on food residue. Since soaking will remove dried-on food, it is hardly surprising that it will also remove dried-on sections. It is also bad practice to allow sections to dry out at any stage in the staining, as this can introduce minute air bubbles into the protein mesh, which is the cellular structure. These air bubbles may remain and not be removed when the tissue is again placed into reagent and will end up in the final preparation. There are occasionally instances when sections need to be dried, but these are the exception.
at the beginning of most staining schedules and must always be done when paraffin sections are used. Once fully rehydrated, the sections can be stained in aqueous reagents until they are ready to be mounted. Automated staining Automated processing of tissues is widely accepted and a similar automation is possible with staining. The same general principles apply to both situations. Automation frees staff from a routine task that is relatively straightforward and allows them to do more demanding tasks. The use of an absolutely regular procedure ensures that there is little variation in results, so that direct comparisons are valid from one batch of stained sections to the next. This accuracy and reproducibility are crucial in some applications such as diagnostic and exfoliative cytology (see Chapter 12) where the colour of the cytoplasm is an important diagnostic feature. The disadvantage is that there is less flexibility. All of the sections will be given the same treatment, regardless of their requirements. It is also only feasible for techniques that are carried out for a large number of samples. Machines are fine for doing hundreds of haematoxylin and eosin stains, but it is not reasonable to use a machine for stains where the technique is only required for two or three slides each day. It also does not lend itself to situations where different results are needed; for example, when photographing at low magnifications, an overstained section will give better results than the usual staining intensity. An ordinary stain will give insufficient contrast for the films recording capabilities but a more-intense stain will give stronger differences between the tissue components. Automated staining also demands reproducible reagents. If there is a change in a reagents staining properties, the machine will not recognize this and compensate for the change in the way that a person would. Most histologists can easily compensate for gradual changes in reagents as they age or for sudden alterations from a new batch of stain without too many problems. Machines only follow the program and cannot tell that there is any need to change. Any alterations result in machines needing to be reprogrammed, for example, if a different batch of reagent is prepared. This inflexibility may also result in reagents being discarded sooner than they would be for manual staining in order to maintain a standard program. Automated staining machines are also less flexible in producing single stains, even when they are already programmed for that stain. Thus, producing a single slide may hold up some types of machine; these machines must go through the full cycle before another section can even begin since the steps are uneven. These machines are inefficient for staining single sections. An alternative strategy is to have all the steps the same length (e.g. 1 min) so that sections can be added at any time and will follow the same path. The difficulty here is that, if a longer time is needed, then several baths of the same reagent are required. These machines often cannot cope with large numbers of sections in a short space of time.
Chapter 6
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Automated staining machines are very useful for absolute regularity with large numbers of sections needing the same treatment at the same time. They have found a significant role in two main areas: 1. Haematoxylin and eosin staining in histology, Papanicolaou staining in cytology and blood-film staining in haematology. This is because the sheer numbers needing staining make it worthwhile. 2. Immunohistochemistry, nucleic acid hybridization and similar techniques. Here the actual numbers are smaller but the need for absolute consistency is greater, so these techniques have moved to more automation. The use of automatic coverslipping machines is often linked to automated staining. The process of mounting sections is very mundane, so automation is possible. There is less requirement for variety in mounting, so provided they are working well these machines are a useful addition to the laboratory.
Use of coverslips Mounting of sections under a coverslip is essential to get the best and clearest view of the specimen. You only need to compare an unmounted wet section at the end of staining with a properly mounted section to see the difference. The microscope manufacturers usually assume that the specimen will be mounted in a medium with a high refractive index and covered with a thin glass coverslip and calculate all of their optical corrections on that basis. The difference can be seen in Fig. 6.12 where the optical paths through a wet section and a mounted section are compared. The unmounted section has twice as many refracting surfaces and the opaque tissue will transmit much less light. The coverslip should have a thickness of 0.17 mm (No. 1 coverslip) for the best results, as this is the thickness used in optical calculations. Thicker
Figure 6.12 Effect of a coverslip on viewing sections. On the left, a section mounted in a high refractive medium has only two refractions, whilst a section in water has up to four refracting surfaces
coverslips such as a No. 2 coverslip will interfere marginally with the clarity and very thick coverslips may even prevent the oil-immersion lens being used as they can have a greater thickness than the normal working distance of the oil-immersion lens. Mounting media The mounting medium should have a high refractive index (RI). Most tissues have an RI of between 1.5 and 1.55, so a mounting medium with an RI in this range will give maximum clarity. There is no single mounting medium that is suitable for all specimens and stains. There are two major types of mounting media used and the difference is in the solvent. The commonest types are the resinous mounting media, which are based on hydrophobic organic solvents, usually xylene, and which need the section to be dehydrated and cleared before mounting. Water-based mounting media will accept tissues straight from distilled water and are used when a xylenebased medium would not be appropriate, e.g. if the dye or histochemical reaction product is soluble in xylene. The properties that need to be considered in a mounting medium are: 1. Refractive index. If the RI is much lower than 1.5, then tissues will not be completely transparent and diffraction will occur. This is usually a disadvantage as it reduces clarity but it can sometimes be an advantage as it will give some contrast to even unstained tissues. 2. Clarity under normal conditions of use. Some media can become opaque as they dry out and are not suitable for long-term preservation. 3. Effects on the stain itself. Some mounting media will cause fading. This is most common with acidic mounting materials, which will cause significant fading, especially in the light. Some media may also act as solvents for the dyes and as a consequence the dye diffuses or leaches out into the mountant. This will gradually obscure the tissues. 4. Fluorescence. This is really only critical for fluorescence microscopy but it is generally a useful characteristic for a general mounting medium since it eliminates the need to use a special mountant when fluorescence is being used. 5. Setting. The ability of a mountant to dry or set quickly and hold the coverslip in place is very useful. Many aqueous-based media fail to harden sufficiently and the coverslip will need ringing to preserve the section. Resinous mounting media Canada balsam. This was the original resinous mounting medium used in histology. Canada balsam is derived from the Abies balsamea fir tree and is available as a dried, brittle, yellow solid. It will melt at high temperature and is soluble in xylene. Approximately 60 g in 100 ml of xylene gives a good working mountant, although it takes a few days to dissolve completely. The yellow colour of the mountant hardly seems to matter when viewed through
Chapter 6
Staining theory
the microscope. The mountant is usually significantly acid and will cause fading, especially of basic dyes. It is relatively expensive and is mainly of historical importance rather than being a common mountant. DPX. This is a synthetic polystyrene resin that is dissolved in xylene and has some plasticizer added. The initials come from the components: Distrene 80 (a commercial polystyrene), plasticizer (e.g. dibutyl phthalate) and xylene. It is a water-white clear solution and is one of the more popular mountants in use. It has very little tendency to fade dyes and hardens in about 24 h. The specimens do not need ringing. Other synthetic media are available such as Permount or Entellan, which are commercial brand names. When a section comes to the end of normal staining and is ready for mounting in a resinous mounting medium, it needs to be dehydrated and cleared in xylene before finally being mounted. This is simply the reverse of the dewaxing, but it is better not to use the same reagents as they gradually become contaminated with the other reagents, e.g. dewaxing will leave wax in the xylene, which can interfere with the mounting medium. Aqueous mounting media There is no fully satisfactory aqueous medium and several different ones are used for different purposes. They differ in the way in which the RI of water (1.33) is raised sufficiently to give a clear image. Most are best considered as temporary mounts and need ringing to hold the coverslip in place and prevent drying out. Tissues do not need any treatment before mounting and can be mounted directly from water or buffer. Glycerol. Glycerol is a trihydric alcohol with a high RI. It can be used alone or with the addition of a buffer to control the pH. It is a useful medium for fluorescent staining, for example, for immunofluorescent antibody techniques. The addition of p-phenylenediamine is said to retard the fading of fluorescence. It neither hardens nor dries out and is usually used as a very short-term mountant, although it can be ringed for slightly longer use. Glycerol jelly. This uses the addition of gelatine (up to 12% in some formulations) to allow the medium to set. The usual formulation has a lower RI (1.42) than most mounting media, so the clarity is reduced and some unstained structures will be visible. It is solid at room temperature and needs to be melted in a waterbath before use. It is very easy to get air bubbles trapped in this medium, so it is convenient to melt it and get rid of any air bubbles by warming it in a vacuum-embedding oven. Glycerol jelly is quite a good growth medium for some bacteria and fungi, so there is usually an antibacterial additive (e.g. phenol), but it still does not keep well. Sections may also allow the growth of organisms in storage, so it is best thought of as a temporary mount. Apathys medium. This uses a gum (gum arabic or gum acacia) and sucrose to raise the RI. It has an RI of around 1.5, so it can give nicely transparent
preparations. It has a tendency to crystallize in storage and can set by drying but this is quite slow. Again, it may need the addition of an antibacterial agent to help preserve it. Polyvinyl alcohol or polyvinylpyrollidone media. These are synthetic and less liable to bacterial contamination than the organic-based mountants, although the addition of phenol is still advisable. They dissolve in water or buffer but need constant stirring. They solidify slowly by evaporation but specimens can be ringed to prevent this. These are more permanent than the other water-based mounting media, but are still not as good as a resinous medium. Temporary mounts need ringing Ringing is the term used for sealing the edges of a coverslip when the mounting medium does not set. Ringing was originally so called because the coverslips were round and so there was a ring of the sealant round the coverslip. Ringing was done on a turntable to give a nice neat finish. Originally it used a gold size followed by a black asphaltum varnish. This produced a very neat finish and some commercial suppliers of prepared slides still finish many of their preparations in a similar way as it looks good. Most laboratories have dropped this and ringing is now just a temporary expedient rather than an aesthetic requirement. Good temporary ringing can be achieved in a number of ways. Ordinary nail varnish works quite well and comes in a bottle with its own brush, which makes it convenient and simple. The only drawback is that it is dissolved in acetone, which may affect some materials, although I have never found this to be a problem. Many styrene-based cements can also be used and again are convenient as they come in tubes ready to squeeze out around the coverslip. Again the solvent is a theoretical problem but I have not had problems. These cements can often be semi-permanent. Paraffin wax can also be used. A piece of warmed metal (such as the flat end of a broad spatula) is used to apply a layer of molten wax, which immediately sets. Provided the slide is dry, this is quick and easy but is easily broken and will not store well. Storage of slides Mounted slides should always be carefully labelled and stored horizontally until fully dry and set when they can be stored on their edge or end. Stained slides should be stored away from light as the dyes will fade even in the best mountant.
Chapter 6
Staining theory
Horobin, R.W. (2002) Theory of staining and its practical implications. In Theory and Practice of Histological Techniques, 5th edn (eds J.D. Bancroft and M. Gamble). Edinburgh: Churchill Livingstone. Kiernan, J.A. (2001) Histological and Histochemical Methods, 3rd edn. Oxford: Hodder Arnold. Lamar Jones, M. (2002) Connective tissues and stains. In Theory and Practice of Histological Techniques, 5th edn (eds J.D. Bancroft and M. Gamble). Edinburgh: Churchill Livingstone.
1. What is the role of chromophores and auxochromes in dye structure? 2. How do basic and acidic dyes bring out the structure of tissues? Name one acidic and one basic dye. 3. How do pH and salt concentration alter dye binding? 4. A small amount of mordant causes staining but an excess of mordant removes the staining. Explain this oddity. 5. Why does haematoxylin mordanted with aluminium salts stain nuclei but other mordants cause haematoxylin to stain connective tissues or nerve fibres? 6. Toluidine blue will stain mast cell granules red. What is the name of this phenomenon? Why does the colour change occur? 7. Name one red and one blue nuclear stain. When would you use a red nuclear stain and when would you use a blue one? 8. Why do some haematoxylin solutions initially improve with keeping and then deteriorate? 9. Outline why permeability and dye size might explain trichrome staining with three acid dyes. 10. Distinguish between argentaffin and argyrophil silver impregnation. 11. Why is silver the best metal for metallic impregnation techniques? 12. Why might a lipid-staining technique recommend mounting in glycerol jelly instead of DPX? 13. Why do most laboratories routinely use a resinous mounting medium?