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International Food Research Journal 26(2): 377-392 (April 2019)

Journal homepage: http://www.ifrj.upm.edu.my

Influence of composite edible coating systems on preservation of fresh meat cuts
and products: a brief review on their trends and applications

Bhagath, Y. B. and *Manjula, K.

Food Technology Division, Department of Home Science, College of Sciences, Sri Venkateswara
University, Tirupati-517502, Andhra Pradesh, India

Article history Abstract

Received: 23 March 2016 Development of composite edible coating systems is a new technological approach towards
Received in revised form: coating of foods to conserve their quality and safety. Edible coatings are single or multiple
24 June 2017 miscible biopolymers which significantly improve the shelf life of fresh meat cuts or products by
Accepted: 21 September 2018
lowering water activity (aw), reducing lipid oxidation and met-myoglobin formation, improving
Keywords product appearance in package by reducing water drips, and retention in native volatile flavours.
Edible coatings can also carry functional ingredients such as antimicrobials, antioxidants, and
several components/molecules which are embedded in polymer matrix expresses its barrier and
Edible Coatings
Herbal Extracts
surface protection properties. With these properties towards the preservation of meats, edible
Nanomaterials coating is a robust technological approach both in conventional and advanced food processing.
Bio Polymers The present article reviews the research contributions and innovations in the development
of edible coating/films, and summarises the applications of different lipid, polysaccharide,
protein, herbal, microbial and nanomaterials and their multi-component edible coating systems
for preservation of meat cuts and products.
© All Rights Reserved

Introduction aroma barrier properties especially in the case of

minimally processed foods. All these are important
Edible coating is a thin/micro layer of edible because edible films and coatings carry several
polymers with biological and chemical functions functional compounds like plasticising, antimicrobial
formed as a coat on food products for their and antioxidant agents which could control the risk
preservation (Donhowe and Fennema, 1994). of pathogenic microflora contamination and quality
Generally, plant and animal sources are reservoirs of loss as well as provide good keeping quality of the
these biopolymers such as resins, oleoresins, gums, processed food (Cagri et al., 2004).
lipids, polysaccharides, proteins, and other resinous Minimally processed ready-to-cook meat
substances which are extracted and purified with products are easily contaminated, and serve as
appropriate processing methods and techniques from favourable substrate for foodborne pathogenic
their raw sources (Kaplan, 1998; Ponce et al., 2008). microorganisms such as Salmonella Typhimurium,
Plant sources are extensively used in the formulation Listeria monocytogenes, Escherichia coli and
of edible coatings due to their unique and abundant Bacillus spp. The chances of contamination by
levels of polyphenolic compounds which act as these pathogenic microorganisms continue down
potential antioxidant and antimicrobial agents in the the processing and packaging lines (Reij and Den
formulated coatings (Kahkonen et al., 1999; Miean Aantrekke, 2004). Edible coating of fresh meat
and Mohamed, 2001; Proestos et al., 2005). The cuts is a new technological concept that has been
nature of coating should be wet and spread uniformly introduced in meat processing and preservation in
on the surface of food product, and have the nature order to retain products with higher quality and longer
to form a layer-like structure that has good physical shelf life without the use of any synthetic chemical
properties (e.g., adhesion, cohesion, durability) to preservatives (Quintavalla and Vicini, 2002). In meat
function effectively (Baldwin et al., 2011). Edible cuts and products, the application of a coating or film
films or coatings have been studied for their abilities is not only useful as a carrier of antimicrobials but
to retard microorganisms, moisture, oxygen and can also prevent moisture loss during storage, retain

*Corresponding author.
Email: drmanjukola.svu@gmail.com
378 Bhagath, Y. B. and Manjula, K./IFRJ 26(2) : 377-392

juiciness when packed in plastic trays, reduce the rate amylose starches have been used to wrap frozen flesh
of oxidation, and restrict volatile flavour loss and the foods, and they are flexible, impermeable to oxygen,
uptake of foreign odours (Ustunol, 2009). Various resistant to oil, heat-sealable and also soluble in
types of coatings and films have been well reported water (Lourdin et al., 1995). These films not only
to maintain the quality of meat products including protect meat products during frozen conditions, but
fresh beef, pork, lamb, poultry and also frozen meat also dissolve during thawing and cooking. Since the
products (Debeaufort et al., 1998). The coating would water activity (aw) is critical for microbial, chemical
act as a barrier to water and oxygen, thereby reducing and enzymatic activities, studies have shown that
purge, colour deterioration and aroma deterioration these films could resist the migration of moisture
(Falguera et al., 2011). Oxidation is responsible for into the meat during storage (Rindlav-Westling et al.,
deterioration processes mainly because it induces 1998). For example, edible starch-based films could
change in colour to the fats (Gray et al., 1996). retard microbial growth by lowering the aw within the
Edible coatings behave like a shield to control the package, thereby reducing drip loss of meat products
atmosphere and restrict the transfer of water, gasses and binding water that otherwise would be available
(O2, CO2) and escape of aromatic compounds, thus for microbial growth (Swinkels, 1995). Mehyer et al.
preventing quality changes (McHugh et al., 1993). (2007) inoculated mixed combination of Salmonella
Recent studies on the preservation of flesh foods by into the chicken skin and coated with pea starch
the application of external coating reveal that there incorporated with trisodium phosphate (TSP); their
is no doubt that edible coatings could substantially observations concluded that the films exhibited
improve the quality of meat cuts (Coma, 2008). good adhesion, cohesion and antimicrobial activity.
Furthermore, the meat and poultry industries could Maizura et al. (2010) constructed films with good
well benefit from the use of certain biopolymers in mechanical barrier and effective against Escherichia
the development of films and coatings. This overview coli which are made from partially hydrolysed sago
thus discusses the advantages of edible coatings/ starch and alginate with lemon grass oil and glycerol.
films in the preservation of meat and meat products
from past to present ideologies, and summarises Alginates and their composite coatings
the research findings on the effectiveness, recent Alginates are the primary bio-macromolecules
advances and future prospects of edible coatings. extracted from brown seaweeds, and extensively
used to coat fresh and frozen meat cuts (Gacesa,
Composite edible coating systems based on 1998). Alginates are sodium salts of alginic acid,
carbohydrates which is a linear linked polyuronic acid containing
Starches and their composite coatings complex structure of poly-β-D-manopyranosyluronic
Starch is composed of amylose and amylopectin acid blocks and poly-α-L-glucopyranosyluronic
as structural units, and primarily derived from cereal acid blocks (Ertesvag and Valla, 1998). Generally,
grains, potatoes, tapioca and other plant sources. alginates form strong and brittle coatings with low
Starch has wide range of coat-forming applications range of water resistance. However, alginates react
in the preservation of fresh and frozen retail meat with polyvalent metal cations; in particular calcium
cuts (Pagella et al., 2002). Coatings/films made ions, to form water insoluble polymers (Goh et al.,
from starch and allied components almost resemble 2012). Two-step procedures are used to coat meat,
the characteristics of films made from synthetic poultry, and sea foods with alginate-based coatings.
polymer i.e., semi-permeable to carbon dioxide Application of aqueous sodium alginate solution on
(CO2), and resistant to passage of oxygen (O2). targeted foods by dipping and spraying are the two
Starch films/coatings are also eco-degradable, toxic- ways followed by application of calcium salt solution
free, colourless, odourless and tasteless. Starch- to induce effective gelation on formation of films
based coatings have been used to extend the storage with more water resistance than pure alginate films
quality of muscle foods by reducing dehydration, (Juck et al., 2010). Several types of calcium salts
oxidative rancidity and surface browning (Ruban, have been employed to make alginate films/coatings.
2009). With these unique and extended features, However, calcium chloride (CaCl2) yields stronger
starch-based films/coatings play an important role in alginate coatings when compared with calcium
the preservation of meat cuts (Bertuzzi et al., 2007). gluconate, propionate or nitrate (Benavides et al.,
Films made from rice and pea starches which are rich 2012). Millette et al. (2007) observed a reduction
in amylase have been noted as good oxygen barriers in Staphylococcus aureus growth in ground beef
and perform better than films made from proteins. and sterile beef muscle slices covered with nisin-
Films made with extruded hydroxypropylated high palmitoylated alginate films. Marcos et al. (2007)
Bhagath, Y. B. and Manjula, K./IFRJ 26(2) : 377-392 379

tested the antimicrobial effect of biodegradable films 10% w/w glycerol), and found that κ-carrageenan
containing enterocins against Listeria monocytogenes, concentration had a significant effect on the amount
and found that air-packaging with alginate films of emulsion adsorbed on the sausage surface but little
containing 2000AU/cm2 of enterocins effectively influence on the barrier properties. Panyathitipong
controlled the L. monocytogenes population. Recent and Puechkamut (2010) investigated carrageenan’s’
studies reported a reduction in dehydration of coated role on functionality and physical characteristics
frozen lamb muscle prior to freezing by successive of surimi emulsion gel, and found that increased
immersions into aqueous solutions of sodium carrageenan’s concentration improved the stability,
alginate and glycerine (Koushki et al., 2015). Fresh water holding capacity and hardness of the gels. In
whole beef muscles resulted in good storage quality depth, structural and morphological studies concluded
when the muscle surfaces were inoculated with the formation of smoother and typically compact gels
microorganisms and coated with aqueous solution of with carrageenan. All the above studies described
sodium alginate containing essential oils (Oussalah composite coatings induced with antioxidants,
et al., 2006). Earle and McKee (1985) were awarded antibiotics and other biologically active compounds
a patent for a spraying method applied on fresh meat to improve the quality and microbiological safety of
coating process which contained sodium alginate- meat and meat products, where traditional methods
oligosaccharide and calcium chloride (CaCl2) failed to provide.
thickening agent as key components. Siragusa et
al. (1992) observed that organic acids added to Chitosan and its composite coatings
calcium alginate gels and immobilised on lean beef Chitosan (a linear bio-polysaccharide), is
tissue reduced the L. monocytogenes population derived from the deacetylation of chitin (β-1,4-D-
significantly, more than acid treatment alone. Cutter glucosamine) which is predominantly found in shells
and Siragusa (1997) treated ground beef with calcium of crustaceans (Whistler and Daniel, 1985). It is a
alginate incorporated with nisin, and observed high molecular weight cationic polysaccharide that
suppressed growth of Brochothrix thermosphacta exhibits antibacterial and antifungal activity with film-
to undetectable levels. Keshri and Sanyal (2009) forming nature (Kittur et al., 1998). Vast information
dipped buffalo meat patties at the end of the broiling has been reported about chitosan’s potential as a food
process in alginate solution with added preservatives. preservative which has been evaluated either in vitro
The meat patties coated with alginate significantly or through direct application on various food models.
decreased the overall shear forces, thiobarbituric acid Chitosan-based coatings/films have good mechanical
and tyrosine values, and total plate, psychrophilic properties, selective gas permeability (CO2 and
and yeast and mould counts. O2) and antimicrobial activity (Guo et al., 2013).
However, their applications are limited by their
Carrageenan and its composite coatings nature of high water vapour permeability. Good film/
Carrageenan is a material extracted from red coat forming capacity of chitosan greatly protects
seaweed, and a complex mixture of several water- and improves the quality and shelf life of fresh and
soluble galactose polymers (Mangione et al., processed foods (Dutta et al., 2009). With a unique
2003). Three principal carrageenan fractions have mechanical and barrier properties, a single chitosan
been classified based on different sulphate ester coating has been successfully applied on processed
contents and distributions of 3, 6-anhydro-α-D- silver carp fish and roasted ready-to-eat beef. Kanatt
galactopyranosyl residues; κ, λ and ι-carrageenans. et al. (2008) worked on minced lamb meat and
κ-carrageenan has the least negative charges per pork cocktail salami coated with chitosan and mint
disaccharide and highest tensile strength when mixture, and those coated samples were observed
compared with λ and ι-carrageenans (Campo et al., with reduced food spoilage, pathogenic microflora
2009). Wu et al. (2002) treated beef patties with wheat and oxidative rancidity. Chatli et al. (2014) worked
gluten, soy protein and carrageenan, and refrigerated on composite starch-chitosan films supplemented
for over three days. After three days, no difference with nisin and cinnamaldehyde, and observed the
was found in moisture loss between individual film- films’ effect on the quality and shelf life stability of
wrapped patties and unwrapped patties. However, raw chevon chunks. They found that the microbial
carrageenan-coated patties exhibited reduced TBARS and sensorial attributes (colour, odour, texture and
(thiobarbituric acid reactive substances) values and overall acceptability) were better in chitosan film
hexanal values as compared to control. Tyburcy packed samples than the control samples throughout
and Kozyra (2010) studied different emulsion the storage. Guo et al. (2014) investigated meat
formulas (0.5 or 1% w/w κ-carrageenan and 5 or surfaces coated with polylactic acid, edible chitosan
380 Bhagath, Y. B. and Manjula, K./IFRJ 26(2) : 377-392

acid solutions with or without incorporating lauric degraded. This type of cellulose casings is beneficial
arginate ester, sodium lactate and sorbic acid against for the regeneration/recovery of cellulose (Parth,
Listeria innocua, L. monocytogenes and Salmonella 1960; Shiner, 1961; Judd and Talty, 1979). Melo et
Typhimurium. Their results revealed that film with al. (2012) investigated and obtained positive results
added additives shown positive effect in the ready- on cellulose acetate-based coatings incorporated
to-eat meat. with natural antimicrobial agents against spoilage
and pathogenic microorganisms, and pH and colour
Agar and its composite coatings deterioration of chicken breast cuts at refrigerated
Another material derived from polysaccharide temperature.
is agar which has multiple applications in food
processing and preservation. Several uses of agar Gums and derivatives
as gelling and thickening agents in foods attracted Gums are complex polysaccharide compounds
the researchers to utilize agar as edible coating secreted by plant materials naturally or by specific
material. Agar is derived from sea weeds with great mechanical extrusion process. Gums, including
gelling and film forming nature (Phan et al., 2005). exudate gums (Arabic, tragacanth and karaya
Agar coatings with combination of antibiotics and gums), seed gums (locust bean and guar gums)
other chemical compounds have extended the shelf and microbial fermented gums (xanthan and gellan
life and keeping quality of poultry and beef (Phan gums), have been extensively used in edible coating
et al., 2008). Recently, a research has shown that of foods (Verbeken et al., 2003). The chemical
application of agar coatings (added with bacteriocins structure of plant exudate gums are complex and vary
and other chelating agents) on poultry product depending on the plant source and age (Mirhosseini
surfaces successfully inhibited the S. Typhimurium and Amid, 2012). Rakshit and Ramalingam (2012)
count (Natrajan and Sheldon, 2000). Present research have successfully inhibited five spoilage and disease
on impact of agar in the preservation of meats and causing bacteria (Escherichia coli, Proteus mirabilis,
allied products are still limited, and its role in coating Staphylococcus aureus, Enterococcus faecalis and
meat products is still under investigation. Bacillus cereus) in meat and fish coated with gum
acacia (incorporated with garlic and cinnamon as
Celluloses and their composite coatings alternate preservation method). Stypula (1989) have
Cellulose is a complex organic polysaccharide been awarded a patent in development of barrier
chiefly found in plant cell walls. Celluloses are coating with combination of starch, methyl cellulose
usually not digested in human intestines because of its and xanthan gum with special reference of macerated
complex polymer structure, and due to the absence of beef and chicken. Bouaziz et al. (2015) studied the
human intestinal cellulases. Due to its great physical effect of enzymatically hydrolysed, low molecular
and mechanical properties, celluloses have been weight oligosaccharides of almond gum on beef
extensively used in the manufacturing of edible films meat preservation, and found significant difference in
with good barrier properties like water solubility, lipid oxidation and inhibition of microbial growth on
resistant to fats and oils, and also flexible in nature ground beef samples. The exact applications of gums
(Jia et al., 2014). Researches have demonstrated that on meat preservation are not yet well understood.
improved cellulose-based films applied on muscle Therefore, deeper investigation is needed on the
foods could reduce the oil uptake while deep fat suitability and flexibility of gums on physical and
frying, and reduce moisture loss when applied as mechanical properties of meat and meat products.
glazes for poultry (Balasubramaniam et al., 1997).
According to Nguyen et al. (2008) L. monocytogenes Protein-based composite edible coating systems
count in processed meats were notably inhibited with Proteins and their mixtures have been widely
cellulose films containing nisin. Methyl celluloses used as edible film and coat forming agents because
have wide range of applications in red meat of their unique nature and well defined coat-forming
processing because of its firm gelling nature (Donal capability. Proteins can form good coat/films while
and David, 1995). Cellulose casings are widely their physical properties will change with pH,
used by the meat processors in the manufacturing temperature and other proteins within the food matrix
of ready-to-eat products, including frankfurters, (Inada et al., 1995). It is important for the food
sausages, bologna and other meat products which are manufacturers and researchers to carefully study
thermally processed. Cellulose casings are designed the proteins’ characteristics when designing protein-
to be used and removed easily from the product, based edible films/coatings. Additionally, food
and the casings could also be easily disposed and processors have to clearly label on their products
Bhagath, Y. B. and Manjula, K./IFRJ 26(2) : 377-392 381

about allergens that may be associated with the found that less purge in beef round steaks with a
protein coatings (Korhonen, 2002). Edible coatings collagen coat, which were packed in different types
that hinder mass transfer of oxygen, carbon dioxide, of packaging methods like vacuum-packaged, tray-
water vapour or aromatic compounds represent the packaged with PVC and frozen/refrigerated products
majority of applications investigated for protein-based stored for a week. When compared to plastic wraps,
edible coatings. Protein-based coatings also have the collagen wraps showed little difference in moisture
potential to improve the glossy appearance of foods vapour transmission rate and strength.
and protecting them from microbial spoilage. Such
applications have been investigated for protecting Milk proteins and their composite coatings
meat products from spoilage microflora. Casein, whey protein and combinations of both
are generally termed as milk proteins. They can
Collagen/gelatine and their composite coatings result in different film forming properties depending
Gelatine is a translucent, brittle and flavourless on the commercial source and method of extraction
edible proteinaceous substance found in nature. It (Boyd et al., 1973). Whey protein isolate films are
is actually a partially denatured product of collagen good barriers to gaseous exchange but its hydrophilic
which is abundantly present in animal tissues, and nature limited the moisture barrier ability of the films/
can be used to lessen both oxygen and moisture coatings (Sabato et al., 2001). Several researchers
migration, and as an antioxidant carrier when used have investigated the properties and influence of
as edible coating. In various meat products, purge milk protein-based films/coatings on fruits and
was successfully reduced with the use of gelatine vegetables and other dairy foods, but there is limited
coatings (Prabhu et al., 2004; Antoniewski et al., research addressing the application of milk protein-
2007; Herring et al., 2010). When a gelatine coat based films/coatings on fresh meat cuts and products.
was applied on pork, poultry and fish products, it Recently, scientists have demonstrated that when
was found that beef showed a reduction in colour casein was mixed with water and glycerol and left
deterioration (Gennadios, 2002). Oxidation of to dry, a water-resistant, flexible, film like material
lipids, which is significantly correlated to changes was formed. This film did not only lock moisture
in aroma and flavour was minimised with gelatine in some foods, but also was found to be a durable
coatings applied on pork, poultry, and fish products barrier to invasion of foreign substances (Siew et al.,
(Antoniewski and Barringer, 2010). Li et al. (2015) 1999). Oussalah et al. (2004) applied combination of
fabricated gelatine-laponite composite films to milk proteins and essential oils on beef muscle slices
study the freshness and physical properties of meat to control the growth of pathogenic bacteria and
during the storage. In their investigation, they found increase the shelf life during storage at 4°C. During
improved antioxidant activity, gas and water vapour the investigation, lipid oxidation potential of meat
barrier properties, gel strength, mechanical properties, was evaluated and concluded that the films stabilided
water vapour permeability and water solubility of the the lipid oxidation in the beef muscle. Recently,
edible coat. The application of gelatine solution on Zinoviadou et al. (2009) studied the physicochemical
the surface of a meat product requires heat which properties of whey protein isolate films containing
permits the gelatine to go into solution (Djagny et oregano oil to coat fresh beef. In their study, they
al., 2001). Arvanitoyannis et al. (1998) found that enumerated the antimicrobial activity of whey
good results were seen when the solution contained protein isolate films incorporated with oregano oil
gelatine ranged from 15-55% (w/w) with 30% against total microflora, pseudomonads and lactic
plasticisers. These ranges were especially favoured acid bacteria which were completely inhibited.
in terms of adherence to the meat surface. Liu et al.
(2007) manufactured sausages using gelatine/sodium Cereal/pulse proteins and their derivatives
alginate blend casings containing both corn oil and Some of the purified cereal and pulse proteins have
olive oil at 2.5%, and found better oxygen barrier unique and effective coat/film forming capability.
properties as compared to sausages manufactured Among the pulses, soy proteins are one of the well-
using pectin containing the same concentration of known and widely used functional and nutritional
emulsified oils. ingredients with polymeric nature. Soy protein
Collagen also has found commercial success as biopolymer coatings exhibited good oxygen barrier
a protein coating with good oxygen barrier property, property on storage of precooked beef patties and
even though it is not a good moisture barrier. Collagen cut raw beef; the same experiment also demonstrated
coatings have shown reduced amount of purge lost that lipid oxidation and moisture loss were effectively
in meats (Villegas et al., 1999). Farouk et al. (1990) inhibited (Penta-Ramos and Xiong, 2002). Dawson
382 Bhagath, Y. B. and Manjula, K./IFRJ 26(2) : 377-392

et al. (2002) investigated the growth patterns of L. fruits and vegetables (Baldwin et al., 1995).
monocytogenes in bologna coated with soy protein Carnauba, bees and paraffin waxes are commonly
coatings enriched with lauric acid and nisin. In their used to preserve meat cuts (Tharanathan, 2003). In
experiment, they observed the complete elimination the 1950’s, frozen and fresh meats were coated with
of L. monocytogenes cells in the coated samples. microcrystalline wax derived from petroleum in the
Gluten is one of the cereal proteins chiefly present United States of America (Embuscado and Hubber,
in wheat with complex combination of polypeptides 2009). In general, wax coatings have been shown
(gliadin and glutenin) with a little carbohydrate and to have great resistance towards moisture and gas
lipid components (Nishinari et al., 2014). Plasticisers permeability when compared with any other lipid
are undoubtedly required to increase the flexibility biopolymers (Hagenmaier and Shaw, 1992). Waxes
while casting gluten-based films/coatings due to are good lipid matrix to carry various predefined
their more brittle nature. These films are high in functional compounds to enhance the physical
water permeability but are good barriers to gaseous and biological characteristics of the resulted films/
exchange (Brandenburg et al., 2014). Zein is a cereal coatings. Few researches are available regarding
protein abundantly present in corn and soluble in the waxes as protective coatings for meats. Gogus
aqueous alcohol. It gives glossy appearance and et al. (2004) studied and observed the reduced rate
grease-resistant surface upon drying, and is insoluble of Gram-positive and negative, S. Typhimurium and
in water except at very low and high pH levels Pseudomonas species (spoilage flora commonly
(Stuchell and Krochta, 1994). High glass appearance, found during the evisceration of carcasses) in
rapid drying rate and increased stability of zein made dressed whole chickens coated with the wax added
itself as alternative agent for shellac. Recent research with nisin and yoghurt prior to freezing. In another
explained the possibilities of enzyme degradation investigation, researchers observed the limited
of proteins released from the flesh foods during the moisture loss in wax-coated frozen birds when
storage in spite of its advantages (Artharn et al., compared with corn oil and lard-based coatings, but
2007). Foods wrapped in protein-based films might not as great as synthetic polymer bags (Morillon et
have allergens and could be harmful especially to al., 2002). Koonz and Ingle (1943) have received a
individuals with food allergies associated with milk, patent for the development of simple, cost-effective,
egg, peanut, soy bean or rice proteins. Therefore, economical and readily applicable coating method
more researches will be needed on these issues in the to protect the hams and green hams. In this process,
development of edible coatings based on proteins. researchers discovered the combination of amorphous
wax-rubber, resin coatings that can form a seal around
Oilseed proteins and their derivatives the food which is substantially impervious to water,
Oilseed proteins play a limited role in edible brine, water vapour and gaseous exchange, and
coating of foods. Among the oilseed proteins, flexible at temperatures below freezing, and resistant
globulin fractions isolated from soybeans and peanuts to the freezing expansion. These coatings are easily
are often used to form films/coatings on foods. peeled off and can be reused in infinite number of
Researchers have developed a process where oilseed types. Wax film/coat forming solution is more useful
proteins are used to stabilise dehydrated meat (Moon due to its complex network to carry biological
and Li-Chan, 2007). Coated meat products exhibited active agents like antioxidants, antimicrobials and
good texture and rehydrated characteristics which other composite functional materials. The unique
were maintained without any notable alterations in characteristics and applications make wax and its
the meat flavour. Micro encapsulation with soybean derivatives as iconic agent in edible coating/film of
proteins has also been discussed by researchers meat cuts and products.
(Gan et al., 2008). However, the functionality of
soy protein or peanut protein-based edible coatings Fats and their complex coatings
on other food products has yet to be explored. More Coating foods with fat is a well-known traditional
findings are needed in relation to the oilseed proteins method called ‘larding’, which started in England
behaviour towards the casting of potential coatings/ in the 16th century (Gibbs et al., 1999). Fats and
films of fresh meat cuts and products. oils have the capability to form a thin coat with
unique sealable nature on the surface of the food
Lipid-based composite edible coating systems thus forming a barrier between the food and its
Waxes and their composite coatings external environment. Few researches are available
Waxes have been exponentially used worldwide however, regarding the effectiveness and physical
from the 19th century as coatings to protect fresh barrier properties of fats and oil coatings on meats.
Bhagath, Y. B. and Manjula, K./IFRJ 26(2) : 377-392 383

Preservation characteristics and validation of coating have high impermeability to oxygen which results
process was standardised and optimised by various in meat discoloration during storage (Lin and Zhao,
researchers based on the desired objectives set in 2007). Glycerides and acetoglycerides in coating meat
the processing of meat cuts and products (Cutter, cuts and products are limited and little information
2006). Substantial dehydration has been prevented regarding the edible coatings of meat products are
in frozen meats, poultry and fish coated with animal available in the literature. Therefore, the potential
fat/vegetable oil blended with emulsifiers, water and applications of glycerols require more technological
preservatives (Nassinovitch, 1997). Freeze-dried development before its coatings in meat foods can be
meats showed significant reduction in moisture further commercialised.
uptake when coated with liquefied fats at 52°C to
79°C (Guilbert et al., 1995). The use of long chain Composite edible coating systems based on herbs
saturated fatty alcohols or fatty acids were well Herbal components are biological functional
suggested by researchers to control moisture loss at materials identified, screened and extracted from
freezing temperatures (Anderson, 1960). Reportedly, plant materials by a series of processing methods.
better results in moisture loss were obtained in Plant exudates, gums, resins, essential oils and other
frozen meats coated with ice before applying the extracted compounds containing various functional
fatty films/coatings. Hydrophobic nature of the film/ groups are generally termed as herbal-based
coating is due to the intermediate hydrophilic layers components. These functional compounds could
formed between the film and the meat surface which act as anti-microbial and anti-oxidant agents which
attracted polar groups of the fatty acid films/coatings are further used with biopolymers to coat the foods.
(Fernandez et al., 2007). Vargas et al. (2011) worked Some of these plant-isolated compounds have unique
on casting of chitosan and sunflower oil edible films coat-forming nature due to their polymeric ability.
to preserve the pork meat hamburgers. In their work,
they found that the incorporation of sunflower oil to Essential oils and their composites
the chitosan matrix led to a reduction in metmyoglobin Essential oils (EOs) are aromatic and volatile
content as compared to control samples coated with extracts obtained from aromatic and medicinal plant
pure chitosan films. materials including flowers, buds, roots, bark, and
leaves by means of various extraction methods like
Glycerides and their composites expression, fermentation and steam distillation. EOs
Glycerides are esters formed from glycerol and from oregano, rosemary, thyme, clove, balm, ginger,
fatty acids, or more precisely known as acylglycerols. basilica, coriander, marjoram and basil have shown
Three hydroxyl groups in glycerol can be esterified great ability in microbial growth retardation when
with one, two or three fatty acids to form mono-, di- or used in meat cuts and products (Burt, 2004; Ouattara
tri-glycerides, respectively. Most of the vegetable oils et al., 2008). Researchers have examined the use
and animal fats are tri-glycerides, but are denatured of aromatic phyto-chemical preparations with dual
by lipases into mono-, di-glycerides and free fatty functionality against microbial spoilage and lipid
acids (Fryer and Weston, 2013). Acetoglycerides oxidation in meat and meat products; particularly
are made by acetylation of glycerides i.e. converting they observed the role of EOs in meat preservation.
glycerides into mono- or di-acetylated products by These non-phytotoxic volatile compounds are safe as
replacing a number of fatty acids in the glyceride. food additives and given the “generally recognized
Generally, acetoglycerides are alpha, alpha-beta, as safe” (GRAS) status, which results in higher
alpha-alpha and beta types under normal methods consumers’ acceptability (Sacchetti et al., 2005).
of production. Both glycerides and acetylated According to Skandamis and Nychas (2001), delayed
glycerides have been used as effective coatings glucose and lactase consumption and reduction in
in meat and meat products. Acetylated glycerol proteolysis was observed in minced meat mixed
monostearate coatings have little more permeability with various concentrations of oregano EO under
to water vapour than polyamide, ethylcellulose, and aerobic conditions (modified atmosphere) at 5°C.
polystyrene films, and significantly more permeable Matiacevich et al. (2015) characterized the physical,
than cellophane and polyethylene films (Bourtoom, antimicrobial and sensorial attributes of fresh chicken
2008). When it comes to oxygen barrier capability, breast fillets coated with the composite of alginate-
acetylated glycerol monostearate coatings have less thyme oil-propionic acid. Researchers also found that
permeability to oxygen than ethyl cellulose and coating increased the shelf life by 33% while yielding
polystyrene films. Excellent water retention was the lowest dehydration rate. Fresh chicken liver was
observed in coated meat foods even though coatings coated with EDTA and oregano EO, packaged under
384 Bhagath, Y. B. and Manjula, K./IFRJ 26(2) : 377-392

modified atmosphere packaging and stored under (Lade et al., 2005). Some of bacteriocins such as
refrigeration. Researchers observed that the shelf life pediocin and lacticin have been developed for possible
of the chicken liver was substantially increased by approval and use in food preservation. Nisin remains
three folds when compared with control and standard one of the most commercially important bacteriocin
samples (Hasapidou and Savvaidis, 2011). Jayasena because of its potentially long track of safe use in
and Jo (2013) showed that plant-derived EOs have foods and documented as effective agent to inhibit
remarkable antimicrobial potency against spoilage the important Gram-positive foodborne pathogens
and pathogenic microorganisms in meat and meat and spoilage microorganisms (Arauz et al., 2009).
products. Above evidences provide more attention Nisin, produced by Lactococcus lactis, and pediocin
towards the development of EO-mediated edible produced by the Pediococcus acidilactici have been
coatings to preserve fresh meat cuts and products. demonstrated by several researchers to be active
However, the research on this area is still in its against L. monocytogenes and other Gram-positive
infancy and more studies on the application of EOs bacteria on meat surfaces when applied together with
in the development of edible coatings are henceforth edible coatings (Ming et al., 1997). Samelis et al.
warranted. (2005) evaluated the inhibition of L. monocytogenes
introduced on sliced cooked pork bologna dipped
Herbal extracts and their derivatives in solution contained nisin with or without organic
Plant extracts are natural, biological functional acids or salts before vacuum packaging and stored at
components extracted with various extraction 4°C for 120 days. Cutter et al. (2001) demonstrated
techniques. Extracted plant components have unique the retention of nisin activity when introduced into
antimicrobial, antioxidant, and biologically safe the plastic films. Processing conditions used to
characteristics which make them most successful produce the films did not affect the antimicrobial
as alternative to the use of synthetic chemical activity of nisin. Economou et al. (2009) investigated
agents in food preservation. The addition of natural the shelf life extension of fresh chicken flesh treated
preservatives derived from plant extracts as a way of with nisin-EDTA in combination with MAP. In their
increasing the shelf life of food products has become research, the antimicrobial treatments with MAP
ideally popular in recent decades. Plant-derived resulted in an organoleptic extension of refrigerated,
components exhibit effective control on foodborne fresh chicken meat by approximately 13-14 days with
pathogenic microflora (Gutierrez et al., 2009). Few acceptable odour even up to 24 days. Woraprayote
research studies demonstrated that L. monocytogenes et al. (2016) discussed and explored the utilisation
was successfully inhibited in turkey frankfurters of bacteriocins produced by lactic acid bacteria as
coated with soy protein edible films containing plant natural preservative for fermented meat products.
extracts and nisin (Theivendran et al., 2006). Ozvural They also discuss the passive and active utilisation
et al. (2016) compared the impact of three different of bacteriocins in meat preservation. Bacteriocins
techniques i.e. direct addition, edible coating and are amphiphilic peptides susceptible to adsorption on
encapsulation, on hamburger patties with green tea food ingredients and proteolytic degradation, which
extract. Wong and Kitts (2002) studied the effect of may limit their use as preservation agents. More than
herbal pre-seasoning (ginseng and garlic herbs) on 80% of the added bacteriocin is adsorbed into the
microbial and oxidative changes in irradiated beef muscle protein, but the activity of the protein-bound
steaks. In their investigation, they found the reduction bacteriocin still remains to be assessed.
in psychrotroph count in both non-irradiated and
irradiated steaks. Many researches have been Enzymes
focused on the applications of plant extracts in Enzymes are complex polypeptides produced
the development of edible coatings worldwide on from living cells with biological functional
account of its potential health benefits as well as low properties which are suitable to be utilised as food
risk management in the preservation of meat cuts. preservatives. Due to health concerns, producers
are now particularly interested towards the use of
Edible coatings derived from microorganisms and enzymes as bio-preservatives in food packaging
microbial products and preservation. Moreover, in most cases, these
Bacteriocins antimicrobial polypeptides were directly incorporated
Bacteriocins are antibacterial peptides produced into meat products, and also sometimes used with
by lactic acid bacteria. These agents are generally heat- the edible coatings as effective antimicrobial agents.
stable, apparently hypoallergenic and readily degraded Nattress and Baker (2003) controlled the growth
by proteo-lytic enzymes in the human intestinal tract of naturally contaminated lactic acid bacteria
Bhagath, Y. B. and Manjula, K./IFRJ 26(2) : 377-392 385

grown in the presence of acetate and Brochothrix strength and elongation at break point were also
thermosphacta with mixture of lysozyme and nisin assessed. Research findings regarding the ability of
at 3:1 (w/w) applied on surfaces of pork loins. organic acids as antioxidant and antimicrobial agents
However, Mastromatteo et al. (2010) observed play a key role in construction of edible coatings/
the enzymatic coatings decreased the growth of L. films to extend the keeping quality of fresh meat cuts
monocytogenes in ostrich patties below the official and products.
limit of the European Union. Researchers studied
the synergic antimicrobial activity of lysozyme, Complex edible coating systems
nisin, and disodium-EDTA against L. monocytogenes Edible films and coatings may consist of a blend
and meat-borne spoilage bacteria in ostrich patties, of polysaccharides, protein, and/or lipids, enzymes,
packed under controlled and vacuum conditions. bacteriocins, and other bio-edible components. This
Ntzimani et al. (2010) investigated the semi-cooked approach enables the utilisation of distinct functional
chicken flesh coated with combined application of characteristics of each compound. With reference to
EDTA, lysozyme, rosemary and oregano oils for their the literature, the main objective of producing films
potentiality towards inhibition of microorganisms from biopolymer blends is to improve the permeability
stored at 4°C under vacuum packing conditions. In characteristics and mechanical properties as dictated
their study, they observed that the shelf-life extended by the need of a specific application. The association
to 7-8 more days when compared to the untreated among the polymers/components can be achieved
samples. through blending, extruding, laminating, or coating
with other polymers with desirable properties. Xu et
Edible coatings based on organic acids al. (2005) blended waxy and regular corn starch with
Organic acids have shown wide ranging chitosan in order to overcome these shortcomings.
applications in the preservation of meats, with their Their study on blending of biopolymers explained
unique distinctive use in food preservation leads to that the blended films had higher tensile strengths,
the innovations of biologically safe edible coatings/ elongation at break and decreasing water vapour
films. Organic acids are marked as antioxidants transmission rates with increasing starch to chitosan
and antimicrobial agents alone and have amended ratio. Baranenko et al. (2013) studied and investigated
when induced into the polymeric network of edible the effect of composition and properties of various
coatings/ films. Siragusa and Dickson (1993) added multi component edible coating systems on microflora
organic acids (lactic acid and acetic acid) to calcium of meat and meat products. In their work, they used
alginate gels and immobilised on lean beef tissue various multicomponent combinations like organic
inoculated with L. monocytogenes, Salmonella acid, chitosan, gelatine, distarch glycerol, wheat
Typhimurium, and E. coli, and observed reduction in fibre, sodium alginate and guar gum as composite
the the targeted microbial count significantly more edible coating materials. Multicomponent edible
than did acid treatment alone. Syed Ziauddin et al. coatings may act superbly with multiple component
(1996) sprayed acetic acid, lactic acid and the extracts effects in fresh meat cuts. Research in this area is
of ginger, garlic and onions alone or in combination however still limited and there is a need to overcome
with sodium chloride on meat cuts (beef, mutton) and difficulties associated with preservation of meats
chicken carcasses, and found that the shelf-life of beef which are chiefly influenced with chemical and other
cuts was longer than that of mutton and chicken cuts highly risk-oriented synthetic preservatives.
while colour, odour and other sensorial parameters
were in gratifying manner. Ouattara et al. (2000) Nanocomposite edible coating systems
developed and coated bologna and cooked ham with Nanotechnology applications in food processing
chitosan edible films incorporated with acetic acid and preservation, especially in coatings/films forming
and propionic acid with or without the addition of technologies remained unexplored due to various
lauric acid or cinnamaldehyde. The treated samples limitations and complications. Their applications
were observed with potential reduction in microbial in agriculture and food sector are relatively recent,
count in vacuum packed meat products. Cagri et when compared with their use in drug delivery and
al. (2001) developed the whey protein-based edible pharmaceuticals (Sanguansri and Augustin, 2006).
films containing p-aminobenzoic or sorbic acids. In Researches in the applications of nanoparticles and
their research, they assessed the films ability towards nanofibers in the construction of edible coatings/films
the inhibition of L. monocytogenes, E. coli, and are limited because of several obstacles and health
Salmonella Typhimurium, and mechanical properties hazards associated with nanomaterials interaction
of edible films like water vapour permeability, tensile with human body (Marambio-Jones and Hoek, 2010).
386 Bhagath, Y. B. and Manjula, K./IFRJ 26(2) : 377-392

Silver nanoparticles or silver zeolite (approved by warrants further investigation. Another important
FDA for food use) are good examples because of aspect is the reaction of complex edible coatings
its unique broad spectrum antimicrobial activity with the innate enzymes and metabolites of certain
(Sondi and Salopek-Sondi, 2004; Li et al., 2010). food product which may cause several changes in
Silver nanoparticles are lethal to numerous strains view of quality and safety. The discovery of natural
of bacteria, fungi, algae, and possibly some viruses antimicrobials and nanomaterials is essential in
(Kim et al., 2007; Shahverdi et al., 2007). Bio-edible investigating newer technologies for the formation of
polymers used for the formation of coats/films which safe effective edible coatings and films. For example,
have direct contact with the foods can be doped with nanomaterials when used with edible coatings would
nanomaterials to increase the functional stability of be released into the food and raise health concern.
the coats/films which are further used to preserve Research in nanotechnology in edible coating system
food products for long time (Sothornvit et al., 2009). is necessary to implement appropriate measures to
Rhim et al. (2006) prepared four types of chitosan- achieve successful formation of safe nanocomposite
based nanocomposite films by using a solvent- edible coatings. The research in this area is not
casting method. In their study, they incorporated yet well understood but present and future things
unmodified montmorillonite, organically modified in edible coating systems may adopt innovations
montmorillonite, nanosilver, and silver-zeolite to in nanotechnology. Advance research is therefore
chitosan polymer matrix. Among the four types of required to overcome the limitations and optimise
nanocomposite films, nanosilver exhibited significant the formulations in this field. Future researchers have
range of antimicrobial activity. Ramachandraiah et to concentrate on the capacity of the edible coating
al. (2014) discussed the nanotechnology applications matrix to hold or gradually release biological active
in meat packaging. In their view, there is possible components and nanomaterials, their formulations
impact on revolutionary changes in meat packaging to support the matrix, chemical changes occuring
developed by nanomaterials. In the case of meats/ at molecular levels with the use of complex edible
flesh foods, the development of nanocomposite coatings, reaction of native food enzymes with matrix
edible coatings is in base level because meats are of coating and other secondary metabolites.
highly perishable, and penetration and release of
nanoparticles into the inner tissues is not yet well Conclusion
understood. More research is therefore needed in the
development of nanocomposite edible coatings and Over the past decades, multiple types of edible
their construction. Physical and biological properties coatings have been used to preserve meat cuts and
of such coatings can be studied with appropriate products. Several edible biopolymers have also been
models. The food safety measures in consumption widely investigated for the coating/film formation.
of such foods must be determined clinically since However, majority of these edible coating systems
studies/research on the interaction and impact of have certain limitations and have not yet received
nanomaterials with the human body are not yet substantial industrialisation/commercialisation, and
clearly and conclusively determined. consumer acceptance. Further investigation on nano-
and bio-components, new concepts in bio-polymer
Future trends and advances network, and approaches to develop effective films/
Edible coatings are considered as eco-friendly coatings to preserve flesh foods including meat
technology for preserving fresh cut meat products, cuts, products and eggs are therefore warranted.
assuring their quality as well as prolonging Involvement of bio- and nano-technology in the
their shelf life. Effective applications of edible development of edible coatings and films is a hope to
coatings need to concentrate on the stability of the achieve our goals to preserve meats as well as eggs by
component, concentration on the surface of the smart packing with coating system as an alternative
product, the bioavailability, and the gradual release for traditional preservation technology.
of the component and its functionality. A challenge
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