Indra Bhusan Basumatary , Avik Mukherjee , Vimal Katiyar & Santosh Kumar
To cite this article: Indra Bhusan Basumatary , Avik Mukherjee , Vimal Katiyar & Santosh
Kumar (2020): Biopolymer-based nanocomposite films and coatings: recent advances in shelf-
life improvement of fruits and vegetables, Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, DOI:
Consumers increasingly prefer healthy and nutritious diet worldwide, and demands for fresh fruits Bio-based polymer;
and vegetables are rapidly growing. Fresh produce are perishable commodities, and physical bionanocomposite; cut-
damage, moisture loss, biochemical changes, and postharvest microbial decay are primary causes fruits and vegetables;
postharvest-life; natural
of quality loss and reduced shelf-life. Packaging, including plastic films and coatings is an effective antimicrobials; food
strategy to improve postharvest-life of whole and cut fruits and vegetables. However, plastic packaging and preservation
packaging is a significant environmental concern globally. Biopolymer based films and/or coatings
are environment-friendly alternative packaging for food. But, these biopolymers, derived from
plant, animal and microbial sources, lack some of the primary physico-chemical and mechanical
properties compared to conventional plastic packaging. Reinforcement of biopolymer with
nanomaterials addresses these shortcomings, and adds functional properties such as antimicrobial
and/or antioxidant activities to the nanocomposites. Organic (e.g. nanocellulose fibrils), and
inorganic (e.g. montmorillonite, zinc oxide, silver) nanomaterials are effective in achieving these
improvements in biopolymer based nanocomposite. Plant-extracts and compounds derived from
plant (e.g. essential oil) are also effective in imparting antimicrobial and antioxidant properties to
biopolymer based nanocomposites. This is an extensive review of research works on effectiveness
of biopolymer based nanocomposite films and coatings used for packaging of whole and cut fruits
and vegetables to extend their shelf-life. Numerous reports have demonstrated effectiveness of
biopolymer based nanocomposites in improvement in shelf-life of packaged and/or coated whole
and cut fruits and vegetables by at least 4–5 days to as much as a few months.
Fresh produce are perishable commodities requiring package or coating.
Conventional plastics and waxes are major environmental and health concerns.
Biopolymer based nanocomposites are environment-friendly alternatives.
These nanocomposite films and coatings are effective in enhancing shelf-life.
CONTACT Avik Mukherjee; Santosh Kumar Department of Food Engineering and Technology, Central
Institute of Technology Kokrajhar, Kokrajhar 783370, Assam, India.
ß 2020 Taylor & Francis Group, LLC
(PS), and polyamide (PA) (Song et al. 2009). Biopolymers steps; formulation of raw materials using suitable proportion
are obtained from renewable resources such as plant materi- of biopolymers and active agents or nanomaterials, prepar-
als (starch, cellulose, other polysaccharides, proteins), animal ation of coating solution by mixing, heating, irradiating,
products (proteins, polysaccharides, lipids), microbial prod- and/or steam flash pasteurizing, food samples disinfection
ucts (xanthan, dextran, pullulan) and polymers synthesized usually by dipping in sodium hypochlorite solution, spread-
chemically from naturally derived monomers (polylactic ing composite solutions onto food to form uniform coating,
acid) (Sharma, Malik, and Jain 2018), as classified in Figure followed by drying, and finally packaging and storing in
1. Reinforcement of nanomaterials in biopolymers is made appropriate conditions. In this review, we have summarized
to improve their barrier properties, mechanical strength, recent progress in the development, design, and application
thermal properties and functional properties (Sharma, of naturally derived biopolymer based nanocomposite films
Malik, and Jain 2018; Xiong et al. 2018). Biopoymer-based and coatings for shelf-life extension of whole and cut-fruits
films and coatings have been extensively studied for their and vegetables.
application in enhancing shelf-life of whole and cut-fruits
and vegetables. Biopolymer-based nanocomposite materials
are combination of biopolymers with nano-fillers such as Biopolymer nanocomposite for films and coatings
inorganic and organic nanomaterials (Sharma, Malik, and Plant derived biopolymer
Jain 2018). Biopolymer matrices can be effective carriers of
active ingredients such as anti-browning and antioxidants Cellulose nanocomposites
agents, colorants, nutrients, flavoring and antimicrobial Cellulose is the most abundant natural polymer, and it is a
agents (Yildirim et al. 2018). These active agents enhanced linear homopolysaccharide of repeating units of b-1,4 linked
the functionalities of the bionanocomposite materials ren- D-glucose (Pandey, Nakagaito, and Takagi 2013). There are
dering them applicable as active food packaging. The bio- strong intramolecular or intermolecular hydrogen bondings
polymer-based nanocomposite materials can be designed as between adjacent glucose units within the same chain or
oxygen scavengers, carbon dioxide emitters/absorbers, mois- between different chains. Cellulose can be extracted from its
ture absorbers, ethylene absorbers, ethanol emitters, and fla- natural precursor sources in two stages. The preliminary
vor releasing/absorbing systems. step involves pretreatment of raw material to remove hemi-
Biopolymer based nanocomposite films are mainly fabri- celluloses and lignin, mainly by two approaches; alkali treat-
cated by solution-casting, layer-by-layer, and extrusion tech- ment and acid-chlorite treatment. In the second step,
niques. Solution casting methods is a simple technique for extraction of cellulose can be achieved by three different
preparation of blended nanocomposite films. Coatings on methods such as acid hydrolysis, enzymatic hydrolysis and
fruits and vegetables surfaces are applied by spreading, mechanical treatment (eg. high pressure homogenization,
spraying, dipping, or immersing of food materials into grinding, cryo-crushing) (Phanthong et al. 2018). Cellulose
nanocomposite solutions. Coating process involve many is biodegradable, renewable, and has high specific strength,
study, starch, ZnO and carboxymethylcellulose based hybrid abundant comprising of 70–85% of the whole zein. Zein has
nanocomposite was formulated, and reported that tensile a high content of hydrophobic amino acid residues like leu-
strength increased from 3.9 to 9.8 MPa, and water vapor cine, proline, alanine, and phenylalanine (Parris and Dickey
permeability significantly decreased by varying the 2001). It is abundantly available, biodegradable, biocompat-
ZnO–CMC content from 0 to 5% (by wt.) (Yu et al. 2009). ible, hydrophobic, and has film-forming properties. These
properties make it a desirable candidate for development of
biopolymer-based nanocomposite films and coatings (Arora
Agar nanocomposites and Padua 2010). However, zein-based films have limita-
Agar is a fibrous carbohydrate composed of agarose and tions, such as brittleness, poor process-ability, low elong-
agaropectin, and extracted from marine algae, ation, and poor thermal properties (Arora and Padua 2010).
Rhodophyceae, and a few seaweeds. Agarose is a neutral, Therefore, plasticizers such as ethers (Naushad Emmambux
linear molecule of b-1,3-linked-D-galactose and a-1,4-linked and Stading 2007), aldehydes (Barber et al. 2019), long chain
3,6-anhydro-Lgalactose units, while agaropectin is a charged, fatty acids (Scramin et al. 2011; Turasan et al. 2018), and
branched, sulfated, and non-gelling unit (Mabeau and glycerol (Huo et al. 2018) are most commonly used in zein.
Fleurence 1993). Agar is one of the promising polysacchar- Physical, chemical or enzymatic methods are also used to
ides that can be used for fabrication of films and coatings enhance functionalities like water solubility, foaming and
due to their transparency, low hydrophilicity, good film- emulsifying properties of zein (Wang et al. 2019).
forming properties, abundant availability and low cost Zein can be fabricated into greasy, oil resistant and glossy
(Mabeau and Fleurence 1993). However, the poor mechan- films and coatings for food packaging applications. It has an
ical properties, thermal stability, and poor antibacterial inherent antioxidant activity, and can maintain food quality
activities of agar films limited their application in food pack- by acting as an oxygen barrier, preventing oxidative damages
aging. Recent researches have been focused on the improve- (Vimala Bharathi et al. 2020; Yıldırım and Barutçu Mazı
ment of these properties by reinforcing agar films with 2017). Positively charged zein can strongly bind with nega-
nano-fillers such as nanoclay (Lee, Rukmanikrishnan, and tively charged nano-fillers (Lemos Machado Abreu et al.
Lee 2019), nanocellulose (Reddy and Rhim 2014), metallic 2017). Recently many authors have reported development
(Basumatary et al. 2018), and bimetallic nanoparticles (Arfat, and applications of zein-based nanocomposites containing
Ahmed, and Jacob 2017; Naskar et al. 2018). different nano-fillers and plant based active agents for anti-
Till date, numerous agar-based nanocomposite packaging microbial food packaging (Kasaai 2018). Kashiri et al. 2017,
films have been developed with improved mechanical and prepared zein-based nanocomposite films and coatings con-
gas barrier properties (Sousa and Gonçalves 2015). Rhim taining 5 and 10% of Zataria multiflora essential oil for anti-
(2011) studied the effect of amount of MMT clay on mech- microbial food packaging systems (Kashiri et al. 2017). They
anical and water vapor barrier properties of the agar nano- have applied nanocomposite coating on the inner wall of
composite, and reported that addition of lower polypropylene (PP) bags, and studied the effects on the pres-
concentration of clay (less than 5 wt%) showed higher ervation of pasteurized cows milk stored at 4 ± 1 C for
degree of intercalation and dispersion of the clay, resulting 6 days. The results showed a significant reduction in E. coli
in increased mechanical strength (TS), and decreased water count compared to control bags during the storage period,
vapor permeability (WVP), and water solubility (Rhim achieving reductions of 0.51, 0.92 and 0.99 log CFU/ml on
2011). Zn and Cu minerals incorporated in agar nanocom- days 1, 3 and 6, respectively (Kashiri et al. 2017). The clay
posite film showed improved mechanical, optical and ther- nanomaterials have also been investigated for improvement
mal properties. Addition of Zn and Cu minerals into agar in thermal stability and hydrophilicity of zein-based nano-
also influenced film morphology, physico-chemical proper- composites films (Kuorwel et al. 2015). Lignin and zein
ties and its functionality (Malagurski et al. 2017; based bionanocomposites was developed that allowed a
Radovanovic et al. 2019). A new ternary blend approach, supramolecular control over the zein structure for food
blending of agar with two other biopolymers was also packaging applications (Oliviero et al. 2011). Zein-based
studied to improve flexibility, thermal stability, and UV coatings have been developed and applied on whole apple as
screening effect of agar (Kavoosi et al. 2018). Agar blend an alternative to shellac. The zein-based coatings showed
with alginate, and collagen or carrageenan containing silver high-gloss, firmness and weight loss values in fruits and veg-
nanoparticles and grapefruit seed extract (GSE) was devel- etables similar to those achieved by commercial shellac and
oped for food packaging application. They reported that the carnauba coating (Jinhe, Elizabeth, and Robert 2002;
developed ternary nanocomposite film can be used as anti- Scramin et al. 2011).
fogging and active antimicrobial packaging for highly respir-
ing fresh produce (Wang and Rhim 2015).
Wheat gluten (WG) nanocomposites
Wheat gluten (WG) is a complex mixture of two proteins,
Zein nanocomposites gliadins and glutenins (Diao et al. 2014). The gliadins are
Zein is a natural protein commercially obtained from kernel prolamin proteins with molecular weights of 28–55 kDa,
of corn, and it is soluble in alcohol (Parris and Dickey while the glutenins are combined proteins linked by disul-
2001). Zein is classified into four classes (a, b, c and d) fide bonds with molecular weights of 500–10,000 kDa. The
based on their solubilities. Among these, a-zein is the most gluten system is a unique polymer network that is stabilized
Figure 3. Nanocomposite films of (A) Wheat gluten, (B) Wheat gluten/Chlorophyll, (C) Wheat gluten/Polypyrrole, and (D) Wheat gluten/Chlorophyll/Polypyrrole,
reproduced with permission from (Chavoshizadeh, Pirsa, and Mohtarami 2020) Copyright 2020 Elsevier.
by various interactions, such as covalent bonds, non-cova- nanomaterials, and in this perspective several researchers
lent interactions (hydrogen bonds, hydrophobic or ionic have reported development of hybrid nanocomposite sys-
interactions) and entanglements (Lacroix and Vu 2014). tems (Chavoshizadeh, Pirsa, and Mohtarami 2020; El-Wakil
Gluten is a heteropolymer that offers various avenues for et al. 2015; Yuan, Lu, and Pan 2010). Tunc et al. (2007),
interactions, cross-linking or chemical grafting. Gliadins are prepared a WG-based nanocomposite films, plasticized with
soluble in aqueous alcohol while glutenins are not, but reduc- glycerol and reinforced with unmodified MMT, and studied
tion of disulfide bonds in glutenins renders it soluble in aque- functional properties of the films (Tunc et al. 2007). They
ous alcohols similar to gliadins (Diao et al. 2014). WG is a reported that MMT nanoparticles significantly decreased
by-product of the wheat starch industry, and has been exten- water sensitivity and improve barrier properties of the WG
sively used for both food and non-food applications. The hybrid film due to a different structuring of protein network
non-food applications of WG are in trends to fabricate bio- in the presence of layered silicates (MMT), sorption of the
degradable films and coatings with multi-functional properties permeant molecules, respectively (Tunc et al. 2007). A WG
for food packaging. Development of edible coatings or films nanocomposite film containing, glycerol, cellulose nanocrys-
with selective gas permeability is very promising for control- tals (CNC) and TiO2 nanoparticles was developed with
ling respiratory exchange and improving the postharvest-life improved hydrophobicity, mechanical and antimicrobial
of fresh or minimally processed fruits and vegetables (Kumar, properties by casting method (El-Wakil et al. 2015).
Mukherjee, et al. 2020). Wheat gluten is renewable sources Recently, Chavoshizadeh et al. (2020) prepared composite
that can form a fibrous network when combined with gly- conducting films of various color from wheat gluten, chloro-
cerol (plasticizer) resulting in improved rigidity, flexibility phyll (CH) and polypyrrole (PP) nanocomposite (Figure 3).
and ductility in film (Langstraat et al. 2018). They reported that chlorophyll and polypyrrole can be used
Like any other biopolymers, WG exhibits less resistance to improve the physico-mechanical and antibacterial proper-
to water and gas permeation, and also have weak mechanical ties of the WG film suggesting its application as an active/
properties. To enhance barrier and mechanical properties of antibacterial packaging system (Chavoshizadeh, Pirsa, and
WG-based films, first approach is to alter the polymer net- Mohtarami 2020).
work by formation of intramolecular and intermolecular
covalent cross-links, for example by applying thermal treat-
ments or by adding chemical cross-linkers (Langstraat et al. Soy protein-based nanocomposites
2018). The second strategy is to blend wheat gluten with Soy protein (SP) is extracted from soybean seeds, abun-
hydrophobic biopolymers (Sanchez-Vazquez, Hailes, and dantly available worldwide. Soy proteins are composed of
Evans 2013). A third approach is reinforcement with albumin and globulin, and it is commercially available in
the forms of soy flour (SF), soy protein concentrate (SPC), Jo et al. (2014) reported that a combined carnauba-shellac
and soy protein isolate (SPI) containing 54%, 65–72%, and wax (CSW) formulated with nanoemulsion of leomongrass
90% protein, respectively (Rizzo and Baroni 2018). The pro- oil reduced weight loss and maintained hardness in post-
tein content of SPI is higher than the other SP products offer- harvest apple during storage (Jo et al. 2014). Effectiveness of
ing higher film-forming ability, highly desirable for application carnauba wax in reducing weight loss, respiration rate, ethyl-
as films and coatings. Biodegradability, biocompatibility, and ene production, and flesh softening in Indian jujube (plum)
film forming ability of soy-protein have attracted interest of during postharvest storage at 20 C was reported (Chen,
researchers to use it as base material for the production of Sun, et al. 2019). In India, Singh et al. (2016) used the car-
edible films and coatings (Tian, Guo, et al. 2018). nauba-based wax for postharvest coating of brinjal, and
Researchers have performed blending of soy protein with reported significant improvement in shelf-life and quality
other natural polymers to enhance its mechanical properties retention during storage at 20 C (Singh et al. 2016). Indian
and moisture sensitivity (Koshy et al. 2015). Blending with Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) published a report
biopolymers such as starch, cellulose. Gelatin and other pro- on effectiveness of 10% carnauba wax coating on quality
tein(s) ensures that the final blended films are also retention and shelf-life extension of Nagpur mandarin dur-
“biodegradable” (Chinma, Ariahu, and Abu 2012; Guerrero ing ambient and refrigerated (6 C) storage. Carnauba wax-
et al. 2011; Li, Jin, et al. 2017). Many reports suggested that based emulsion coatings containing nanoclay for improve-
incorporation of nanocellulose, cellulose nanofibril (CNF) ment in postharvest quality of ‘Valencia’ orange was recently
into SP enhance tensile strength, water vapor barrier and light studied (Motamedi et al. 2018). Coating formulations con-
barrier properties of the nanocomposite films (Li, Jin, et al. taining different concentrations of nanoclay (i.e., 0.0, 0.5
2017; Xiao et al. 2020). Recently, Xiao et al. 2020, developed and 1.0 wt%) were applied on orange, and their performance
and evaluated SPI-based antibacterial nanocomposite films were evaluated and compared with uncoated fruit and with
containing cellulose nanocrystals (CNC) and zinc oxide two different commercially available waxes. They reported
(ZnO) nanoparticles, and reported that incorporation of CNC that the incorporation of nanoclay (1.0 wt%) in carnauba
(nano-reinforcements) significantly improved tensile strength, wax greatly improved sensory, textural and nutritional qual-
oxygen and water vapor barrier properties, water resistance ity, shelf-life and effectively prevent moisture loss from fruits
ability, and thermal stability of the composite films (Xiao during storage (Figure 4a,b) (Motamedi et al. 2018).
et al. 2020). Similarly an active nanocomposite film of SP
containing MMT, and clove essential oil was prepared to pre-
serve refrigerated bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus) fillets. The Animal derived biopolymer
report showed that the prepared composite films increased Chitosan nanocomposites
the shelf-life and the quality of the packaged fillets during Chitosan (CS) is a polysaccharide of N-acetyl D-glucosamine
chilled storage (Echeverrıa et al. 2018). and D-glucosamine units linked by b - (1 ! 4), and it is a
deacetylated derivative of chitin (Kumar, Mukherjee, et al.
Carnauba wax-based nanocomposites 2020). Chitin is mainly obtained from exoskeleton of marine
Wax based coatings are commercially applied on various invertebrates and from cell walls of certain fungi. The exter-
fruits and vegetables for minimizing dehydration, reducing nal shells and other non-edible parts of the marine inverte-
shriveling and shrinkage. Waxes such as beeswax, carnauba, brates such as crabs, shrimps, lobsters and oysters are
candelilla, paraffin and rice bran wax have been successfully usually discarded as waste, which are prominent source of
used in coatings for longtime (Fei and Wang 2017). Various chitin (Kumar, Ye, et al. 2019). Chitosan is a soluble form
fruits and vegetables such as orange, lemon, grapefruit, of chitin, and has been used in various industrial applica-
apple, tomatoe, rutabaga, cherry, cucumber, apricot, banana, tions including uses in food industries. Chitosan is a hydro-
date, grape, guava, mangoe, peache, nectarine, pear have colloid that has inherent antioxidant, antibacterial and
been wax-coated (Galus and Kadzi nska 2015). Carnauba is a antifungal activities (Kumar, Mukherjee, et al. 2020).
natural plant based wax extracted from the leaf of the Although most hydrocolloids are neutral or negatively
Brazilian palm tree (Copernica cerifera), and it is recognized charged at acidic pH, but chitosan is positively charged due
as GRAS (generally recognized as safe) material (de Castro e to the presence of highly reactive amino groups. Compared
Silva, de Oliveira, et al., 2020). Carnauba is commonly used to other biopolymers, chitosan has been widely used in
since 1930s for fruit and vegetable coating to prevent weight nanocomposite films and coatings due to its distinct advan-
loss and to maintain glossy appearance (Dhall 2013). tages, e.g. solubility in weak acids, excellent film-forming
Carnauba waxes are not effective against postharvest fungal abilities, good antimicrobial activity and selective permeabil-
spoilage in fruits and vegetables. In some commercial miti- ity to gases (CO2 and O2) (Kumar, Mukherjee, et al. 2020;
gation strategies, chemical fungicide such as imazalil, thia- Sharma, Jafari, and Sharma 2020). However, poor mechan-
bendazole, and sodium ortho-phenylphenateare are used in ical and water vapor barrier properties limit its application
conventional carnauba wax coating (Palou, Valencia- in food packaging (Sharma, Jafari, and Sharma 2020).
Chamorro, and Perez-Gago 2015). As an alternative to these Several efforts have been made to overcome these draw-
chemical fungicides, antimicrobial nanomaterials, and nat- backs including reinforcement of chitosan by nanomaterials
ural antimicrobial agents have been effectively used with such as nano-clays, metal and metal oxides nanoparticles,
carnauba wax coating. carbon nanotube, etc (Kumar, Mukherjee, et al. 2020).
Figure 4. Effects of organoclay-carnauba wax and two commercial waxes coatings on (a) the visual appearance (b) inside texture of ‘Valencia’ fruit after 8-weeks of
cold storage at 4 C along with additional 1-week storage at 20 C, reproduced with permission from (Motamedi et al. 2018) Copyright 2018 Elsevier.
MMT is an inorganic natural clay composed of layered sili- in chitosan matrix also increases the tortuosity of the diffu-
cates, and is well known for its high cation exchange cap- sive path for active components (permeates), forcing them
acity, and good dispersibility in aqueous medium. to travel a longer path to diffuse through the matrix
Incorporation of MMT into chitosan matrix enhances its (Adame and Beall 2009). This leads to slow release of the
mechanical and barrier properties because of good disper- active components (such as antimicrobials and antioxidants)
sion of MMT throughout the biopolymer via intercalation of from the prepared chitosan nanocomposite film(s) and coat-
cationic polymer chains into MMT inter-layers (Sharma, ing(s) ultimately leading to shelf-life extension of coated/
Jafari, and Sharma 2020; Xu, Qin, and Ren 2018). Recently, wrapped foods.
a nanocomposite coating of chitosan and MMT have been Chitosan has inherent antimicrobial and antioxidant
developed, and applied on tangerine fruits. The results properties. Several nanomaterials and palnt based active
showed that the addition of 1% (w/w) MMT reduced the components have been used to further improve its anti-
water sensitivity and improved the oxygen barrier properties microbial and antioxidant activity. In addition, the nanoma-
of chitosan films significantly, and thus provided longer terails also improve physico-chemical properties such as
postharvest-life for tangerine fruits (Xu, Qin, and Ren 2018). mechanical, barrier and optical properties of the chitosan
It has been reported that the incorporation of 3% (w/w) nanocomposites (Kumar et al. 2018). ZnO nanoparticles are
MMT (a natural nano-clay) into chitosan increased tensile preferred for their strong antimicrobial nature, nutritional
strong (TS), and percentage elongation at break (E%) by importance, and recognition as GRAS (Generally
58.5% and 52.4%, respectively, while it reduced the water Recognized as safe) material by the US-FDA (Kumar, Boro,
vapor permeability and oxygen permeability by 55% and et al. 2019). Antioxidants can also play a significant role in
32%, respectively (Nouri et al. 2018). Incorporation of MMT shelf-life extension and quality retention by hindering
microbial growth, delaying oxidative stress, slowing down antimicrobial activities. The prepared film containing the
respiration rate, and delaying fruit ripening (Kanatt, natural antimicrobial component were smooth and continu-
Chander, and Sharma 2010). Aloe vera is known for its anti- ous, showed high hydrophobic nature and increased water
oxidant activities and antimicrobial properties including contact angle (90 ). The fabricated film exhibited pro-
antifungal activities (Sanchez-Machado et al. 2017). Many longed effectiveness against both Gram-positive and Gram-
natural active antioxidants including Aloe vera pulp have negative bacteria (Li et al. 2020). Blending of gelatin with
been added into chitosan matrix to make the composite chitosan improves water resistance, mechanical strength and
films and coatings effective in maintaining fruit quality, and antimicrobial properties of the hybrid film. In this context, a
to extend fruit shelf-life (Benıtez et al. 2013; Vieira et al. hybrid nanocomposites film of chitosan, gelatin and AgNPs
2016). Khatri et al. 2020, recently studied the efficiency of was developed in our research laboratory for active packag-
Aloe vera gel and chitosan coatings in prolonging the post- ing of black grapes (Kumar, Mitra, et al. 2017). The study
harvest-life of tomatoes (Khatri et al. 2020). Increase in total showed that the grape wrapped in the developed hybrid
soluble sugar, phenolic content, lycopene, and activity of films had extended shelf-life of up to 14-days during storage
pectate lyase during cold storage were observed in coated at 37 C (Kumar, Mitra, et al. 2017).
tomatoes, compared to the uncoated fruits. The composite
coating of chitosan and Aloe vera gel treatment delayed the
ripening process and extended the shelf-life of tomatoes up Whey nanocomposites
to 42 days (Khatri et al. 2020). Recently, our group has also Whey proteins (WP) are soluble proteins that constitutes
extensively reviewed research work on development and 20% of total milk proteins, and it is obtained from whey –
applications of chitosan and chitosan based nanocomposites one of the most profusely generated food processing
films and coatings for food packaging and preservation byproducts as a result of manufacturing of many dairy prod-
(Kumar, Mukherjee, et al. 2020; Kumar, Ye, et al. 2019). ucts e.g. cheese (Zhao et al. 2008). Whey protein films are
formed by heat denaturation in aqueous solutions resulting
in breaks in the existing disulfide bonds, and formation of
Gelatin nanocomposites new intermolecular disulfide and hydrophobic bonds. WP-
Gelatin is water soluble fibrous protein mainly obtained based films have good oxygen barrier properties, but, like
from skin, bone, connective tissue and tendon of vertebrate
many protein-based films, WP films have relatively poor
and invertebrate animals (Etxabide et al. 2017). Byproducts
water vapor permeability (Zolfi et al. 2014). Reinforcement
of fish and meat industries are potential sources of gelatin.
of WP-based film with nanoparticles has been evaluated
Gelatin can be classified into two categories namely, type-A
extensively to address these shortcomings of the films.
gelatin, obtained from acid treated collagen; and type-B gel-
Numerous WP and nanomaterials-based nanocomposites
atin, obtained from alkali treated collagen. Type-A gelatin
films and coatings with improved physico-chemical and
shows an isoelectronic point at pH 8–9, whereas type-B
antimicrobial properties have been extensively reported for
shows at pH 4–5. Gelatin dissolves in aqueous solutions at
food packaging applications.
40 C, and they form thermo-reversible gel on cooling, a
WP-based coatings and films have been evaluated in
relevant property for fabrication of films and coatings.
preservation of fruits and vegetables for the last 20 years. In
Conversely, the highly hygroscopic nature of gelatin, make it
easy to swell or dissolve when it comes in contact with high 2003, Cisneros-Zevallos and Krochta developed a WP based
moisture or water (Etxabide et al. 2017). coating and applied it on apple stored at 20 C, and reported
The functional properties including antimicrobial activity extended shelf-life of coated apple due to reduced ingress of
of gelatin can be improved by incorporation of different gases from fruit surface (Cisneros-Zevallos and Krochta
substances, such as crosslinkers, strengthening agents, plasti- 2003). WPI-based film blended with flaxseed oil and bees-
cizers, nano-fillers, and by blending with other biopolymers wax showed improved plasticizing and water vapor barrier
such as starch (Loo and Sarbon 2020), chitosan (Kumar properties of the film (Reinoso, Mittal, and Lim 2008). The
et al. 2018), whey (Harper et al. 2013), and others (Oliveira, blended film effectively maintained firmness and preserved
Furtado, et al. 2018). Among antimicrobial agents, metal moisture in plums stored in refrigerated (5 C) condition for
oxides nanoparticles such as ZnO NPs are mostly used in 15 days. WP and antimicrobial components-based packaging
food application, as they are GRAS material. Gelatin and sil- films and coatings have been developed as effective anti-
ver nano colloids (AgNC) based antimicrobial films and microbial packaging for fruits and vegetables (Valencia-
coatings have been developed and showed extended the Chamorro et al. 2011). Ozer et al. (2016) developed and
shelf-life in many fruits and vegetables (Kumar, Mitra, et al. evaluated a WP-based nanocomposite blended with poly
2017). The antimicrobial mechanisms of ZnO nanoparticles acrylic acid and lysozyme complex. The blended film
are disruption of cell membrane and oxidative stress due to showed controlled release of lysozyme that lasted for up to
penetration Zn2þ ions through cell wall, reacting to cell 500 h (Ozer et al. 2016). In another study, WP-based coating
components. In addition, ZnO NPs can generate hydrogen containing polyvinyl alcohol, pectin and nanoclay showed
peroxide, a well-known oxidizing agent that damages the improvement in its water vapor barrier properties
cell membrane (Kumar, Boro, et al. 2019). Li et al. 2020, (Weizman et al. 2017). Blending of WP with polylactic acid
prepared a gelatin films incorporated with thymol nanoe- (PLA) resulted in 27% and 90%, improvement in water
mulsions, and studied change in their physical and vapor barrier and oxygen barrier properties, respectively.
commercialized primarily as a water-soluble gum. It has vitamins (fruits and vegetables) (Singh, Saini, and Kennedy
been applied as a safe and standardized food additive (gum) 2008). Pullulan coating was first applied in food preservation
in cheese, dressing, syrups and sauces since 1970s. Xanthan in 1990s, and it became popular as an edible thin-layer of
alone, or in combination with other biopolymers such as protection (Farris et al. 2014). Several recent studies have
starch and gelatin has been applied in films and coatings. evaluated effectiveness of pullulan-based nanocomposite
Several researchers have reported that xanthan gum films and coatings with potential food preservation applica-
improves water-vapor barrier and mechanical properties in tions (Alizadeh-Sani et al. 2019, Farris et al. 2014, Uysal
such films or coatings (Melo et al. 2011) Unalan et al. 2014, Zhang, Huang, and Zhao 2019).
It has been reported that addition of xanthan gum in car- Application of pullulan-based nanocomposite films and
nauba wax coating maintained quality of peeled apple dur- coatings to enhance shelf-life of fruits and vegetables is an
ing refrigerated storage, and also improved juice quality emerging area of research. Trevino-Garza et al. (2015) used
(Chen and Nussinovitch 2000). Nur Hazirah, Isa, and
edible coating composed of pullulan, pectin, and chitosan
Sarbon (2016) reported that incorporation of xanthan gum
incorporated with sodium benzoate and potassium sorbate,
in gelatin-carboxymethyl cellulose edible films improved its
and reported enhanced shelf-life of the coated strawberries
barrier properties against UV-light, increased its thermal sta-
from 6 days to 15 days (Trevi~ no-Garza et al. 2015). These
bility and puncture resistance (Nur Hazirah, Isa, and Sarbon
results are consistent with another previous study, in which
2016). In 2014, Zambrano-Zaragoza et al. reported on a
poly-e-caprolactone and xanthan gum based coatings incor- an edible film composed of pullulan-sorbitol-sucrose fatty
porated with a-tocopherol nanocapsules, and applied on acid ester was applied on strawberries by dipping, and shelf-
freshly cut apple slices (Zambrano-Zaragoza et al. 2014). life enhancement was reported during storage at 20 C (Diab
The results showed improved preservation of fruit firmness et al. 2001).
and decreased browning index in coated slices indicating
reduced water loss and enhanced antioxidant activity of the
coating, respectively. Recently, a few studies have explored
xanthan-based nanocomposites for their physico-chemical,
Bacterial cellulose nanocomposites
rheological (Rukmanikrishnan et al. 2020), antioxidant
Bacterial cellulose is an extracellular polysaccharide synthe-
(Singh, Kumar, Kaur, et al. 2020), and antimicrobial
sized by Komagataei bacterxylinus (previously known as
(Balasubramanian et al. 2019, Rukmanikrishnan et al. 2020)
Acetobacter xylinum or Gluconaceto bacterxylinus) (Lin et al.
activities, and their potential applications in food packaging.
2013). In contrast to plant-based cellulose, one of the biggest
advantages of bacterial cellulose is that it is completely pure
Pullulan nanocomposites i.e. free from other biogenic compounds such as lignin and
Pullulan is a glucan that has regularly repeating maltotriose pectin. This facilitates the process of micro- or nanofibril
units, and is produced by yeasts like Aureobasidium pullu- generation from bacterial cellulose. Excess hydrogen bond
lans through aerobic synthesis process (Ponnusami and formation in bacterial cellulose leads to its crystalline struc-
Gunasekar 2021). Numerous agricultural and agro-based ture, porosity, excellent water-holding capacity, good tensile
materials such as beet molasses, jaggery, carob cob, potato strength, moldability, and biodegradability. Bacterial cellu-
starch, corn syrup, cornmeal hydrolysate are used as sub- lose has been primarily used in food applications such as
strate in industrial production of pullulan (Singh, Kaur, and diet foods and food thickeners (Lin et al. 2013).
Kennedy 2019). Pullulan and its derivatives are popular Bacterial cellulose-based nanocomposite films and
choices for numerous foods, pharmaceutical, and other coatings have been explored extensively to enhance scope of
industrial applications (Singh, Saini, and Kennedy 2008). their applications in food packaging and preservation (Esa,
Pullulan is traditionally applied as dietary supplement for
Tasirin, and Rahman 2014). Bacterial cellulose-based nano-
fiber, as prebiotic, as filler in beverages and sauces, and as
composite with improved antimicrobial properties have been
texturizer in food pastes such as mayonnaise. Alternative
reported due to incorporation of graphene oxide-copper
a-1,4 and a-1,6 linkages in the structure give pullulan its
oxide nanohybrids (Xie et al. 2020), carbon quantum dots
distinctive physical traits such as flexibility, solubility, adhe-
and titanium dioxide (Malmir et al. 2020), glass nano-
siveness, moldability, spinnability, and heat-sealability
(Hassannia-Kolaee et al. 2016). Besides, pullulan is water particles (Abdelraof et al. 2019), and bacteriocin like nisin
soluble, nontoxic, biodegradable, edible, and is capable of (Esa, Tasirin, and Rahman 2014), ZnO NPs
forming a film that has good oxygen barrier property. Since (Shahmohammadi Jebel and Almasi 2016), AgNPs
2002, pullulan has been a GRAS substance, and subsequently (Sureshkumar, Siswanto, and Lee 2010), and chitosan-
in 2004, it was approved by the EU as a food additive AgNPs (Salari et al. 2018) composite have been reported.
(Karolina, Katarzyna, and Małgorzata 2019). Tensile strength, thermal stability, and water vapor perme-
Pollulan film is an excellent barrier against oxygen, but it ability of bacterial cellulose based films and coatings were
is soluble in water. So, most food packaging applications use improved by addition of nanomaterials (George and
pullulan film in combination with other moisture barrier Siddaramaiah 2012, Salari et al. 2018, Shabanpour et al.
layer(s). These films are very effective in protecting foods 2018), and these improved bionanocomposites were applic-
rich with unsaturated lipids (e.g. meat, fish, nuts) and able as edible coatings on fresh fruits.
Figure 5. Industrial scale film making process by blowing: (a) neat PLA film, (b and c) PLA/MgO nanocomposite (1%) film, reproduced with permission
from (Swaroop and Shukla 2019) Copyright 2019 Elsevier.
Polyhydroxyalkanoates nanocomposites pediocin, and natural plant-based extracts like vanillin. The
Polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHAs) are polymers of hydroxyalka- PHA-based nanocomposite films and coatings are frequently
noates (HAs) synthesized by numerous bacteria such used as supplementary layer or coating in various multi-lay-
as Alcaligenes, Azotobacter, Pseudomonas, recombinant ered food packaging system for fruits and vegetables. A
Escherichia coli, and methylotrophs (Khanna and Srivastava nano-hybrid film composed of elctrospun-poly3-hydroxybu-
2005) using renewable carbon sources such as sugar, starch, tyrate reinforced with bacterial cellulose nanowhiskers
alcohol, and industrial byproducts like molasses and fatty showed effective barrier properties, and was reoprted to be
acids (Chanprateep 2010). These bacteria accumulate the an alternative to low-density polyethylene (LDPE) for food
synthesized PHAs as intracellular carbon and energy storage packaging applications (Fabra, Lopez-Rubio, et al., 2016).
compounds, which can be isolated as nontoxic, biodegrad-
able thermoplastics (bioplastics), and serve as environment-
friendly alternatives to petroleum-based plastics (Verlinden
Chemically synthesized polymers from naturally
et al. 2007). The best known polyhydroxyalkanoates that
have been explored for food packaging applications are poly- derived monomers
hydroxy-butyrates (PHB), and polyhydroxyl-valerate Polylactic acid (PLA) nanocomposites
(PHBV). PHA-based films and coatings have attracted inter- PLA is a polymer of lactic acid obtained through fermenta-
est for food packaging applications due to their renewability, tion of agricultural products such as starch-rich substances
biodegradability, and water vapor barrier properties. like maize, corn, and wheat (Gan and Chow 2018).
However, these films and coatings suffer from shortcomings Compared to biopolymers such as poly(hydroxyalkanoates)
like high cost of production, brittleness, and low ther- (PHAs) and poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG), PLA has good
mal stability. thermal processability that can facilitate various processing
In order to address some of the primary shortcomings of such as extrusion, film casting and fiber spinning (Shankar,
bacterial PHA-based films and coatings, development of
Wang, and Rhim 2018). Food and Drug Administration
PHA-based nanocomposites with inorganic (Castro-Mayorga
(FDA) has approved its applications in food contact, and
et al. 2016) and organic (Fabra, L opez-Rubio, et al., 2016)
due to biodegradable and biocompatible nature, it has
nanofillers have been reported. Nanocellulose, nanosilicate
become a promising candidate for food packaging applica-
layers, nano-MMT, carbon nanotubes and graphene are
some of the frequently used nano-fillers in bacterial PHA- tions (Ingrao et al. 2015). The high molecular weight PLA is
based nanocomposites (Sun et al. 2018). Reinforcement with preferred in packaging industry, and it is commercially
nano-fillers increases the crystallinity, improves thermal sta- obtained by ring opening polymerization. PLA is one of the
bility, Young’s modulus, tensile and impact strength of the potential biodegradable thermoplastic polyesters that have
nanocomposites including barrier properties (Israni and good mechanical properties. However, the innate brittleness,
Shivakumar 2019). The PHA-based nanocomposites contain- low thermal stability and impact strength of PLA limit their
ing Ag, Au, ZnO, and/or TiO2 nanoparticles showed good applications. Considerable efforts such as blending with
antibacterial activity against foodborne pathogens and spoil- nanomaterials (like clay, nanocellulose, etc.), elastomers,
age microorganisms. Similar antimicrobial activities were plasticizers, and with other biopolymers have been carried
reported when PHA-based nanocomposites were impreg- out to improve its physico-chemical and func-
nated with essential oils like eugenol, bacteriocins like tional properties.
TABLE 1. Biopolymer nanocomposite films and coatings for shelf-life extension of whole fruits and vegetables.
Biopolymer based Fruits/Vegetables;
nanocomposites Concentration Storage condition Effects Reference
Agar/ZnO NPs films Agar- 2.5 % (w/v) Green grapes; Composite film extended shelf- (Kumar, Boro, et al. 2019)
ZnO – 2–4% (w/w) Ambient condition, life of Green Grapes up
25 days to 21 days
Chitosan coatings Chitosan – 1%, 2% or 3% Guava Chitosan coatings maintained (Batista Silva et al. 2018)
(w/v) 25 ± 2 C, the quality in guava fruits
85% RH, and delayed ripening
4 days during storage
Chitosan coatings Chitosan – 2 % (w/v) Santa Rosa plum; Coating effectively maintained (Kumar, Sethi, et al. 2017)
Tween 80–0.1 % (w/w) 1 ± 1 C, the quality and extended
90 ± 5% RH, the storage life of plum up
35 days to 35 days
Chitosan films Chitosan – 2 % (w/v) Green chili; Packaged green chili showed (Priyadarshi et al. 2018)
Glycerol –0.5 % (w/w) 27oC, slow coloration and
Citric acid – 2 % w/w 7 days appeared greener till 7 days
Chitosan/nano-silica coatings Chitosan – 20 mg solution Table grapes; Fabricated coating can control (Youssef et al. 2019)
Hydrolyzed tetraethyl 1 ± 1 C, gray mold of table grapes
orthosilicate (TEOS) –11.5 mL 90% RH, and also maintaining shelf
30 days, life of grape during storage.
followed by 1 week of shelf-
at 22 ± 2 C.
Chitosan/TiO2 NPs coatings Chitosan – 1 % (w/v) Mango fruits; Coated mango delayed decay (Xing et al. 2020)
TiO2 – 0.01 to 0.03 % (w/w) 13 C, rate, and repining of mango
25 days leading to extended shelf-
life up to 25 days
Chitosan/Cellulose acetate Chitosan:Cellulose acetate Black grape; Ambient The film loaded with 5% ZnO (Indumathi, Saral Sarojini, and
phthalate/ZnO NPs films phthalate varying ratio condition, 9 days extended the shelf-life of Rajarajeswari 2019)
ZnO- 2.0–7.5 % (w/w) black grape fruits up
to 9 days
Chitosan/Aloe vera coatings Chitosan– 0.5 % (w/v) Blueberry; Coated blueberry fruit showed (Vieira et al. 2016)
Aloe vera – 0.5 % (w/v) 5 ± 0.6 C, reduction in postharvest
Glycerol – 0.1 % (w/v) 90 ± 3% RH, contamination of fungi and
Tween 80–0.5 % (v/v) 25 days extended the shelf life for
about 5 days
Chitosan/Aloe vera coatings Chitosan – 1 % (w/v) Tomatoes; The combined A. vera gel and (Khatri et al. 2020)
Tween 80–0.1 % (v/v) 4 ± 1 C, chitosan treatment on
Aloe vera–1 % (v/v) 6 weeks tomatoes efficiently delayed
ripening process, and
extended the shelf-life up
to 42 days
Chitosan/nano- TiO2 or nano- Chitosan – 1.00% (w/v) Ginkgo seeds; Coated seeds delayed decay (Tian et al. 2019)
SiO2 coatings TiO2 – 0.02% (w/v) or 0 ± 1 C, rate, shrinkage rate and
SiO2 – 0.05% (w/v) 180 days maintained firmness during
storage and thus extend
Chitosan/Zein/ Chitosan – 2 % (w/v) Mushroom (Agaricus bisporus); Packaged mushroom showed (Zhang et al. 2020)
a-tocopherol films Zein – 2 % (w/v) 4 C, the lower weight loss,
a-tocopherol-50 % (w/w) 12 days leakage rate, browning
Glycerol – 30% (w/w) index, respiration rate,
polyphenol oxidase,
peroxidase activity and
malondialdehyde content
compared to control
chitosan only and chitosan/
zein film
Chitosan/ZnO NPs coated Chitosan – 2 % (w/v) Okra (Abelmoschus Coated LDPE films retarded (Al-Naamani, Dutta, and
Polyethylene films Zinc Oxide – 0.1 % (w/v) esculentus); microbial and fungal growth Dobretsov 2018)
25 C, and maintained the quality
12 days of the packed okra up
to 12 days
Chitosan/Pullulan coatings Chitosan 0.5% (w/v) Papaya Coatings maintained the (Zhang, Huang, and
Pullulan 0.5% (w/v) (Carica papaya); physiological and nutritional Zhao 2019)
25oC, attributes of papaya and
50% RH, extended the fruit shelf life
14 days -Multilayer coating better
maintained flavor and
commercial value of papaya
throughout 14 days storage
Chitosan/nano-SiOx coatings Chitosan – 1 % (w/v) Green tomato; Coating delayed weight loss, (Zhu et al. 2019)
Nano-SiOx – 0.05 % (w/v) 23 ± 1oC, softness, senescence, and
15 days significantly extended shelf-
life of green tomatoes
TABLE 1. Continued.
Biopolymer based Fruits/Vegetables;
nanocomposites Concentration Storage condition Effects Reference
Chitosan/Organic acids Chitosan-0.5 % (w/v) Ginseng root; Coating treatment and (Jin et al. 2016)
edible coating Lactic acid – 0.5 % (v/v) 4 C, modified atmosphere
Levulinic acid – 0.5 % (v/v) 38 weeks packaging extended the
Acetic acids – 0.5 % (v/v) shelf-life of fresh ginseng
roots to 38 weeks
Soy protein/Chitosan/Stearic Acylated soy protein – 5–8% Apple; Packaged apple showed (Wu et al. 2017)
acid films (w/v) Ambient condition, 6 weeks extended shelf-life up to
Chitosan – 0.29–0.46 % (w/v) 6 weeks. Film containing 6%
Stearic acid – 0.21 to 0.34% acylated protein, 0.34%
(v/v) chitosan and 0.26% stearic
acid showed best sensory
quality of apple compared
to others
Carboxymethyl chitosan CMCH – 1% (w/v) Green asparagus; 4 ± 1oC, Combined coating maintained (Wu and Yang 2016)
(CMCH)/ Brassinolide Glycerol – 0.5% (w/w) 90–95% RH, the quality of asparagus
(BR) coatings BR – 10 lM 24 days spears and extended its
postharvest-life up
to 24 days.
Chitosan/Olive oil Chitosan – 2% (w/v) Strawberry (Fragaria Coating effectively inhibited the (Khalifa et al. 2016)
(OLE) coating Glycerol – 1.6% (w/w) ananassa.); fruit decay, fungal count and
Olive oil – 1–2 % (w/v) 4 ± 1 C, malondialdehyde
16 days development during entire
storage period
Clove essential oil (CEO)/ Chitosan – 0.3% (w/v) Pomegranate arils; 5 ± 0.5 C, Coatings extended aril shelf-life (Hasheminejad and
Chitosan Tween 80 – 1% (w/v) CEO – 90 ± 5% RH, up to 54 days while Khodaiyan 2020)
nanoparticle coatings 0.3% (w/w) 60 days uncoated arils became
unusable after 18 days
Chitosan/Salicylic acid Chitosan– 2% (w/v) Fresh Pistachio; Treatment reduced weight loss, (Molamohammadi et al. 2020)
(SA) coatings SA – 2 mmol L1 4 C, total phenolics, enzymatic
28 days activities, color, oxidation of
lipids, sensory quality, and
microbial growth
during storage
Carrageenan/ZnO NPs coating Carrageenan – 0.8% (w/w) Mango Nanocomposite coating 1% (Meindrawan et al. 2018)
ZnO NPs – 0.5–1.0 (w/w) (Mangifera indica); ZnO NPs maintained the
20 C, shelf-life of mango up
61% RH, to 19 days
33 days
Starch/ a-Carrageenan/Sucrose Starch – 3 % (w/v) Cripps pink apple; Coated apple fruit showed (Thakur et al. 2019)
ester of Glycerol coating a-carrageenan – 2% (w/v) 20 C reduced weight loss,
Sucrose ester – 2 (w/v) 55 ± 2 RH respiration, firmness, color
Glycerol – 1.5% (w/w) 5 weeks change and greasiness.
5 C
90 ± 2 RH
10 weeks
Alginate coating Alginate – 1–3% (w/v) Mango fruit; 3% alginate showed significant (Rastegar, Hassanzadeh
15 ± 1 C reduced in weight loss and Khankahdani, and
85 ± 1% RH, maintained higher firmness Rahimzadeh 2019)
30 days and flavonoids content.
Sodium alginate (SA)/Gum SA – 2% (w/v) Black grapes; Developed film greatly reduced (Kanikireddy et al. 2019)
acacia/AgNPs films Gum acacia- 2% (w/v) Ambient condition, the weight loss and also
AgNO3 – 2% (w/v) 18 days retaining shape and
Basil leave extract- 1 % (w/v) freshness of the grapes
during storage for 18 days
Carnauba wax (CW)/ CW emulsion – 1: 4 ml Eggplant; Coating significantly extended (Singh et al. 2016)
Polyethylene glycol (PEG)/ PEG-2.5% (w/v) 20 ± 2oC, the postharvest-life of white
Sodium alginate SA – 0.5% (w/v) 52–54% RH eggplant genotypes by
(SA) coatings 7 days 7 days as compared to
3–4 days in control
Soybean protein Isolate (SPI)/ SPI – 6% (w/v), Banana; Prepared composite maintained (Li, Sun, et al. 2019)
Cinnamaldehyde/ZnO Cinnamaldehyde- 0.1% (v/v); 25 C, nutrient content, and
NPs coatings ZnO NPs – 1 (w/w) 40% RH, delayed water loss,
7 days carbohydrate hydrolysis,
pectin conversion and fruit
respiration, and effectively
inhibited fruit fungus
spoilage during storage
Soy protein isolate (SPI)/ SPI – 5.0% (w/v) Pear fruit; Coating extended postharvest- (Dave, Ramana Rao, and
Hydroxypropyl HPMC – 0.40% (w/v) 28 ± 5oC, life of pears up to 15 days, Nandane 2017)
methylcellulose (HPMC)/ Olive oil – 1% (w/v) 60 ± 10% RH, in contrast to 8 days for
Olive oil coatings 15 days untreated pear
TABLE 1. Continued.
Biopolymer based Fruits/Vegetables;
nanocomposites Concentration Storage condition Effects Reference
Pectin/Mg NPs films Pectin – 1% (w/v) Cherry tomato; The developed composite (Kumar, Kaur, et al. 2020)
Glycerol – 2.5% (v/v) 0 ± 2 C, coating extended the shelf-
Magnesium hydroxide 61.2 % RH or life of cherry tomatoes upto
Mg(OH)2 – 1% (w/w) 10 ± 0.5 C, 24 days during storage
90% RH at 10 C
Bacterial cellulose/ BC pellicle – 10 10 cm2 Button mushrooms; Mushrooms packaged in the (Moradian, Almasi, and
Pomegranate peel extract PPE – 25 to 50% (wt.) 4 ± 1oC, developed film remained Moini 2018)
(PPE)/ Green tea extract GTE –25 to 50% (wt.) 15 days good and acceptable within
(GTE)/ Rosemary extract RE – 25 to 50% (wt.) limit of marketability after
(RE) films 15 days of storage
Methyl cellulose/Oleic MC – 1 % (w/v) Indian pepper; 24 ± 1oC, Coating extended the shelf-life (Chaple, Vishwasrao, and
acid coatings Oleic acid- 0.6% (w/v) 70 ± 5% RH, of green chilies up to 8 days, Ananthanarayan 2017)
Glycerol – 0.5% (w/w) (MC) 8 days and delayed senescence,
Soya lecithin- 0.06 % (w/v) fruit ripening
Pullulan coatings Pullulan – 5%, 10%, or 15% Bananas ( Rastali and Coating with 10 % pullulan (Ganduri 2020)
(w/v) Chakkarakeli); reduced weight loss, color
CaCl2 – 1% (w/v) 25 ± 1 C, saturation, browning index,
Lemon juice-2% (v/v) 70% RH, and extended shelf-life of
20 days fruit up to 20 days
Carnauba wax/ Glycerol Carnauba wax – 50.0 g, Oleic Indian jujube (Zizyphus The coated jujube inhibited (Chen, Sun, et al. 2019)
monolaurate acid- 8.0 g, mauritiana); retained sensory quality,
(GML) coatings Myristic acid – 2.0 g, 20oC, delayed flesh softening and
Glycerol monolaurate – 1.5 g 60–70% RH, color change, weight loss,
12 days respiration rate and
ethylene production
Coconut oil/Beeswax coatings Beeswax 10 or 20 g in Lemon; Coconut oil-beeswax (both (Nasrin et al. 2020)
Coconut oil-80 or 90 mL 21 ± 2 C, formulations, 90:10 and
50 ± 5% RH, 80:20) coated lemon was
18 days acceptable up to 15 days
Zein/Poly(ethylene oxide) Zein – 10% (w/w) Peach; The coated peach showed (Ranjan et al. 2020)
PEO/Hexanal coatings PEO – 20% (w/v) Ambient condition, 0 % RH, improvement in shelf-life of
20 days fruits up to 4 days
Swaroop and Shukla (2018) developed a PLA and MgO performance. Blending PLA with another biopolymer such
nanoparticles based composite films using solution casting as poly-hydroxybutyrate (PHB) is mostly investigated for
methods for food packaging applications (Swaroop and food packaging applications. Arrieta and colleagues devel-
Shukla 2018). In this study, MgO nanoparticles (up to oped ternary blends of PLA, PHB and limonene and
4 wt%) were reinforced with PLA, and they reported that reported that the blending PLA with PHB (3:1) improved
2 wt% reinforced PLA film had maximum improvement in oxygen barrier properties, surface water resistances and
tensile strength and oxygen barrier properties by 29% and mechanical properties (Arrieta et al. 2014).
25%, respectively. The produced films were transparent,
exhibit antibacterial properties, and had ability to protect
food from UV radiations. In continuation to their previous Applications of bio-nanocomposite for food
work, recently the authors (2019) have developed blown packaging and preservation
PLA-MgO nanocomposite film by extrusion method Films and coatings for whole fruits and vegetables
employing an industrial scale melt-processing setup
(Figure 5) (Swaroop and Shukla 2019). The extruded film Deteriorations in postharvest fruits and vegetables are due
with 2 wt% MgO reinforcement showed improved tensile to several pre-harvest, harvest-related and postharvest causes
strength and plasticity by nearly 22% and 146%, respectively. (Maringgal et al. 2020). Enzymes inherently present in fruits
The oxygen and water vapor barrier properties were and vegetables e.g. oxidases, amylases, pectinases, cellulases,
improved by nearly 65% and 57%, respectively, for 1 wt% and ethylene causes oxidative damage to nutritive quality
formulation. Moreover, they suggested that the blowing pro- and appearance, and dissolution of plant tissues causing
cess can be used for large scale production of PLA/MgO softening of fruits and vegetables, and excessive maturation.
nanocomposite with improved physico-chemical and anti- Oxidation of chlorophyll, anthocyanin and other pigments,
microbial properties for food packaging applications non-enzymatic browning, oxidation of vitamins (e.g. ascor-
(Swaroop and Shukla 2019). Accordingly, ZnO nanoparticles bic acid), and conversion of starch to sugar are some of the
have been incorporated into PLA matrix to improve mech- primary chemical/biochemical changes that accelerate post-
anical, water vapor barrier, UV-light barrier, and antibacter- harvest quality deteriorations such as loss of color, flavor,
ial properties of the nanocomposites (Shankar, Wang, and texture, firmness and nutrition in fresh produce. Microbial
Rhim 2018). In addition to that, cellulose nanofibrils were spoilage occurs due to bacteria, fungi, and foodborne patho-
also considered as an ideal reinforcing material for PLA gens rendering fresh produce unacceptable and potentially
nanocomposites because of its high aspect ratio, large spe- hazardous for consumers. Loss of moisture is the primary
cific surface area and high mechanical strength/weight physical cause of postharvest deterioration of fruits and
TABLE 2. Biopolymer-based edible coatings for shelf-life extension of fresh-cut fruits and vegetables.
Cut-fruits/ vegetables;
Biopolymer-nanocomposites Coating method Storage condition Effects on quality of F & V Reference
Chitosan coating Dip-coating Fresh-cut cucumber; 5 C, Coating alone did not affect (Olawuyi et al. 2019)
12 days significantly but in combination
with modified atmosphere
packaging maintained the quality
and prolonged the shelf-life of
slices cucumber up to12 days
Sodium alginate/Thyme oil coating Dip-coating Fresh cut apple; Edible coating containing 0.05% (Sarengaowa et al. 2018)
4 C, thyme oil preserved the sensory
16 days characteristics of fresh-cut apples
during storage
Chitosan/Organic acids (acetic, Dip-coating Fresh cut apple; Coating inhibited spoilages microbes (Jin et al. 2020)
lactic, and levulinic acids)/L- 4 C, on apple slices (<1 log CFU) during
cysteine edible coating 35 days storage up to 35 days
Denature protein/Guar gum/ Dip-coating Fresh cut mango; Bilayer coated mango slices (Sharma et al. 2019)
Calcium chloride/Mango puree 5oC, maintained firmness, color changes,
bilayer coating 65% RH, sensory and microbial quality of
15 days fresh-cut mangoes
Chitosan/Carbon dots Dip-coating Fresh cut cucumber; 4oC, Coating inhibited the growth of mold (Fan et al. 2019)
15 days and yeast, effectively reduced
weight loss, firmness, and total
soluble solids in fresh-cut cucumber
Alginate/Glycerol/ Sunflower Dip-coating Fresh cut cantaloupe; 4 ± 1 C, Coating prolonged shelf-life of fresh- (Koh et al. 2018)
oil coating 40 days cut cantaloupe up to 24 days
Pectin coating Dip-coating Fresh cut carrot; Shelf-life of fresh-cut carrots extended (Ranjitha et al. 2017)
8 C, up to 12 days by pectin
12 days based coating
Alginate/Thyme oil/Oregano oil Dip-coating Fresh cut papaya; Coating significantly reduced weight (Tabassum and Khan 2020)
4 C, loss, respiration rate, and enhanced
12 days antimicrobial activity.
Soy protein isolate/Lemon extract Dip-coating Fresh cut melon; Coating retained quality of fresh-cut (Yousuf, Srivastava, and
4 C, melon and extended the shelf-life Ahmad 2020)
12 days
Gellan gum/Aloe vera Gel/a- Spray-coating Fresh cut papaya; Coating improved oxygen barrier and (Farina, Passafiume, Tinebra,
carrageenan or Sodium 5 C, reduced respiratory rate, Palazzolo, et al. 2020)
alginate coating 12 days maintained firmness
Aloe vera/Lemon essential oil/ Spray-coating Fresh cut ‘Fuji’ Apple; Coating delayed weight loss, browning (Farina, Passafiume, Tinebra,
HPMC coating 4 ± 1oC, processes, and maintained excellent Palazzolo, et al. 2020)
9 days color during cold storage
Chitosan/AgNPs composite coating Dip-coating Fresh cut melon; Coatings reduced respiration rate, (Ortiz-Duarte et al. 2019)
5 C, ethylene production, and
13 days microbial growth
Gellan/Geraniol/ Dip-coating Fresh cut strawberry; 5 C, Coating significantly reduced microbial (Tomadoni et al. 2018)
Pomegranate extract 7 days count and did not change sensory
quality throughout the
storage period
Sodium alginate/Pectin/Eugenol/ Dip-coating Fresh cut apple; Coatings enhanced shelf-life of fresh- (Guerreiro et al. 2016)
Citral coating 4oC, cut apple by preventing microbial
8 days growth, without affecting sensory
and nutritional qualities
Bacterial cellulose Dip-coating Fresh cut apple; Coated apple slices showed reduced (Zhai et al. 2020)
nanofiber coating 4oC, weight loss, browning index,
7 days improved firmness and titratable
acidity compared to control and
bacterial cellulose coating
Pectin/Honey coating Dip-coating Fresh cut apple, Cantaloupe The coated fruit maintain moisture (Santagata et al. 2018)
melon, Mango and content, polyphenol and vitamin C
Pineapple; contents, and thus improved
4 C, antioxidant properties
15 days
Soy protein isolate/Ferulic acid Dip-coating Fresh cut apple; Coated fruit showed extended shelf- (Alves, Gonçalves, and
edible coatings 10 C, life by controlling weight loss, Rocha 2017)
7 days firmness and oxidative degradation
Sodium alginate/Pectin/ Dip-coating Fresh-cut mango; Coated mango slices showed lowest (Salinas-Roca et al. 2018)
Carboxymethyl-cellulose/ 4 ± 1oC, microbial count during
Chitosan coating 14 days 14 days storage.
Chitosan/ Dip-coating Fresh-cut melon; Coating retained firmness, improved (Carvalho et al. 2016)
Transcinnamaldehyde coating 4oC, total soluble solid, total vitamin
20 days and carotenoid content, and
reduced respiration rate, and
activity of browning-associated
enzymes, G-POD and PPO
TABLE 2. Continued.
Cut-fruits/ vegetables;
Biopolymer-nanocomposites Coating method Storage condition Effects on quality of F & V Reference
Alginate/poly-e-lysine (PL) coating Dip-coating Fresh cut kiwifruit, 4 ± 0.5oC, Coated fresh-cut kiwifruit had minimal (Li, Zhang, et al. 2017)
14 days electrolyte leakage and retained
color, chlorophylls and ascorbic
acid content, and improved
antioxidant properties
Soy protein isolate/Honey Dip-coating Fresh cut pineapple; Coating retarded microbial growth, (Yousuf and Srivastava 2019)
edible coating 4oC, ripening, and extended the shelf-
16 days life of fresh-cut pineapple up to
14 days during storage at 4 C.
vegetables. This leads to weight loss, poor appearance and enhancing shelf-life of cut fruits and vegetables (Galus and
loss of turgor/firmness in produce. Mechanical damage to Kadzi nska 2015).
skin or peel or surface tissues may occur during harvesting The application of edible coating has been extensively
and/or postharvest handling of fruits and vegetables result- investigated in the past, however researchers interest has
ing in accelerated deteriorations (Kumar, Mukherjee, intensified with the increased demand for of fresh-cut fruits
et al. 2020). and vegetables. Biopolymer based edible coatings have
Globalization of produce (fruits and vegetables) marketing, become emerging packaging strategy for improvement of
formation of alliances among producers and marketers, con- shelf-life of fresh-cut fruits and vegetables (Maringgal et al.
solidation of retail organizations, and increased demand for 2020). Edible coatings can reduce moisture loss, solute
year round supply of many fresh fruits and vegetables are cur- migration, gas exchange, respiration and oxidative reaction
rent trends, and are expected to continue in foreseeable rates leading to suppressed physiological disorders. In add-
future. Other trends mainly include use of processing and ition, edible coatings are also good carriers for active ingre-
packaging technologies that are least invasive to the natural dients such as antimicrobials, antioxidants, flavors, colors,
freshness, flavor and nutritional quality of produce. Minimal etc (Ma et al. 2017). Phytochemicals including essential oils
processing technologies, such as high pressure processing, UV (EO’s) and EO-derived components are rich in biologically
radiation, mild heat and use of nanotechnology based active active antimicrobials and antioxidants. Many studies have
packaging are areas of contemporary research and develop- shown that essential oils are effective antibacterial agents
ment. Films and coatings are applied to inhibit or retard these against a wide spectrum of foodborne pathogenic bacteria
deteriorations in fresh produce by controlling or minimizing including L. monocytogenes, L. innocua, E. coli O157:H7,
or eliminating the postharvest causes such as enzymatic, Shigella dysenteria, Bacillus cereus, Staphylococcus aureus and
chemical/biochemical, physical, and/or microbiological Salmonella typhimurium. Incorporation of essential oils
changes, as listed in Table 1. Solution casting, layer-by-layer (EOs) in biopolymer based edible coatings has been
assembly and extrusion are the most frequently used techni- described as a good alternative to preserve fresh-cut fruits
ques of film fabrication, whereas, spreading, spraying, dipping, (Ju et al. 2019). Many essential oils such as thyme, lemon-
or immersing are few coating techniques used to coat fruit grass, cinnamon, and castor oil have been used against post-
and vegetable surfaces by nanocomposite solutions. harvest losses due to microbial spoilage in fruits and
vegetables. However, essential oils have some limitations
such as low water solubility and bioavailability, highly vola-
Films and coatings for cut-fruits and vegetables
tile nature, and their ability to alter the sensory properties of
Fresh-cut fruits and vegetables are obtained by cleaning, the fresh/fresh-cut produce. Nanotechnology based
peeling, and cutting/slicing/cubing of freshly harvested approaches have been used to mitigate these limitations by
produce for convenience of ready-to-eat consumption. encapsulations (micro and nano) of active compounds.
Today’s consumers demand good quality, healthy foods in Fernandez, Picouet, and Lloret (2010) developed a cellulose-
ready-to-eat form so that they are convenient for on-the-go AgNPs based composite material along with MAP for pres-
consumption. Cut-fruits and vegetables are healthy foods, ervation of fresh-cut melon (Fernandez, Picouet, and Lloret
whose demands are rapidly growing worldwide. In general, 2010). The results indicated delayed senescence in coated
cut-fruits and vegetables have significantly shorter shelf-life melon slices, and extension of postharvest-life by 5 days in
than whole fruits and vegetables. Use of edible coatings is 4 C storage. Today, a variety of fresh-cut fruits and vegeta-
one of the very few effective strategies to enhance shelf-life, bles have been coated for improvement in their shelf-life
and keep them fresh for on-the-go consumption for longer with appropriate edible coating, as summarized in Table 2.
period. The use of nanotechnology based innovative
strategies to enhance the functionality of edible films and
coatings are gaining much attention for preservation of cuts-
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plant sources improves their functionalities such as anti- casein, whey protein, beeswax; and those derived from
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