Zone Mortal Is
Zone Mortal Is
Zone Mortal Is
The following rules expansion for Warhammer 40,000 deals with some of the most savage arenas of combat conceivable, the battleelds the Codex Tactica Imperialis refers to as Zone Mortalis the fatal ground. Such zones be they the contested decks of a void warship, tangled mine works, lightless underhives, the prison-vaults of sundered fortress citadels, labyrinthine industrial sewer systems and sacred catacombs, all have a conuence of factors in common such as close-connement, limited access for attack or escape routes, as well as treacherous environments, which make them murderous venues for warfare. These rules offer the chance to ght desperate battles of your own on such deadly ground and draw heavily upon the Zone Mortalis rules previously published in Imperial Armour Volume 9: The Badab War Part One, and the feedback we have had from players. Like those rules, Zone Mortalis battles are also unashamedly designed to be fatal and chaotic affairs, as ghting in a collapsing hive city under mass artillery bombardment or on a burning star vessel in the middle of a space battle ought to be! Its the kind of game where all sorts of odd situations are going to be thrown up from time to time and sudden reversals will occur, so have fun with it hypercompetitive players or those seeking complete predictability in their games will be better served elsewhere. It is of course no coincidence that this Zone Mortalis expansion has been prepared in concert with the release of Forge Worlds new Realm of Battle Complex terrain, which is perfect for representing the narrow connes and twists and turns of the Zone Mortalis battleeld, but of course such battles are not limited purely to using this terrain. In fact any suitably tangled and conned battleeld such as can be formed using the illustrated tile board from Games Workshops Space Hulk game, closely packed Necromunda scenery or an endless variety of terrain of your own devising can be used in conjunction with this rules expansion. THE TWO MODES OF ZONE MORTALIS PLAY The Zone Mortalis rules have two modes of play. The rst and simplest mode is to incorporate a designated area of Zone Mortalis terrain in a regular game of Warhammer 40,000. This makes a proportion of the gaming table operate under the basic Zone Mortalis rules and can represent the internal space of a command bunker, trench network, generatorium or xeno-lab, or perhaps even a temple to the Chaos Gods where a dark ritual is underway. This can simply be used to divide up the gaming table in a unique and interesting way, or provide an exciting locale to place scenario objectives as a focus for a narrative game. The second mode of play is to use the Zone Mortalis rules in missions of their own, where the entire gaming table is made up of the deadly and close-packed Zone Mortalis terrain. In these games the forces involved are selected from special Force Organisation charts and have access to a number of optional special rules to create a unique and unpredictable battle.
BOARDING ACTIONS The star vessels of the 41st Millennium range in size and scope from small interplanetary shuttles, to mighty battleships with crews numbering in the thousands. Even larger than these are the Chartist High Conveyers tens of kilometres in length and drifting space hulks, unfathomably ancient and alien, that dwarf even these. In the case of these larger vessels and space stations, regardless of whether they are an engine of war or a merchant hauler, their sheer size grants them weaknesses to be exploited in battle. Damage done to specic vital regions inside them can be as fatal to those inside as poison injected into a living heart. The best way of doing this is often by breaching the hull of an enemy vessel and successfully assaulting it with troops. If they are victorious then this can allow the ship to be crippled, captured intact or even destroyed from within. Only the most skilled and able attackers are selected to undertake boarding assaults and attrition among them is always frighteningly high, but great is the glory gained should they succeed. The shipboard defenders who repel a boarding assault must ght with all the courage and ferocity they can muster if they are to save their ship. For the loser in these battles death is certain, as aboard a star vessel surrounded by the innite darkness of the cold and silent void, there is nowhere to retreat or run to.
RESERVES AND DEEP STRIKING The rules for Reserves, Scouts and Inltrators remain unchanged (unless otherwise stated by a specic mission description), but entrance and exit points are still the only way these units can enter the Zone Mortalis. Only units which are described as being able to teleport or materialise from the Warp may use the Deep Strike special rules. Any unit that deep strikes into a bulkhead suffers a Deep Strike mishap this makes deepstriking into a Zone Mortalis a dangerous proposition! Barrage weapons cannot be used to re indirectly within, into, or out of Zone Mortalis areas at all; only direct re can be used. FIRESTORM & SHRAPNEL The conned spaces of the Zone Mortalis can prove to be death traps to the unwary and certain types of weapons have their effectiveness increased by the environment, while others become more unpredictable. Weapons with blast markers and templates may re-roll failed rolls to wound inside the connes of a Zone Mortalis, reecting the lethal effect of explosives, aming liquid and shrapnel in connement. Additionally, if a Scatter roll takes a blast markers centre point into contact with a bulkhead wall, it detonates on contact with the wall; resolve the weapons effect from this spot. The portion of the blast that crosses and lies beyond the line of the wall is lost. NOWHERE TO HIDE Units that break and ee from combat within the connes of a Zone Mortalis are far more likely than in most games of Warhammer 40,000 to be trapped in areas where their avenues of retreat are entirely cut off, and due to the confusion of corridors and passageways that may surround them, falling back may be a particularly deadly affair. Contrary to the usual rules for falling back, immediately on failing a Morale test, a units rst fall back move is directly away from the enemy, and subsequent moves are towards the nearest exit unblocked by the presence of enemy models. If a unit is trapped while falling back by enemy models and cannot escape, then it is immediately destroyed. Blind Panic: If while falling back a unit moves through (i.e.within 1" of) another of the players own units, the unit moved through must take an immediate Morale test or fall back themselves. Fearless units are not subject to this. OBJECTIVES IN ZONE MORTALIS GAMES These are generally assumed to be treated as impassable terrain and do not block line of sight. In addition, in order to claim or contest them an eligible unit must have a model in base contact with the objective, unless specied in a particular mission.
Each force should be selected using the following Force Organisation chart for Zone Mortalis battles: ATTACKER:
Look Out!: The players roll off, and the winner may place a single 5" template anywhere on the table to represent a sudden deadfall. Roll for scatter just as for an indirect re weapon. Any model caught under the template suffers a Strength 5 AP 4 hit. Units with an armour value are struck on their rear armour. Tremor: The ground shakes dangerously, walls shiver and dust billows down in choking clouds. All clear terrain counts as difcult terrain for this turn only. Cave-in: The players roll off, and the winner may place D3 5" templates anywhere on the table to represent a cave-in. Roll for scatter just as for an indirect re barrage. Any model caught under each template suffers a Strength 5 AP 4 hit and must take a Barrage Pinning check. Units with an armour value are struck on their rear armour. Quake!: Every model on the table must pass a Strength test or be removed as a casualty. Models without a Strength score are automatically destroyed (buried under tonnes of rubble or earth), and independent characters may re-roll this test if failed. If a 12+ is rolled again, treat this as having no effect. ENEMY UNKNOWN (OPTIONAL) While the Night Fighting rules as presented in the Warhammer 40,000 rule book represent ghting in levels of low visibility over distance, this can be nothing compared to the abyssal darkness of ghting deep underground or within the tortuous connes of a space hulk, where even the nest auguries and sensors may prove utterly useless. The confusion of this kind of ghting can be represented by using counters on the table to represent units outside of visual range of the enemy rather than models, as the enemys true disposition and strength will remain unknown until your forces are face-to-face in battle. The use of this optional special rule requires a little more work than usual and co-operation between the players, but can make for very nervewracking and exciting games. Each side requires a set of numbered counters (or blips) sufcient for the number of units it has in its force. Each number must correspond to a particular unit within their force, and which this is must be noted down before the game begins. It is these counters that are deployed rather than the units on the table. As the game progresses, the blip counters are moved in place of units until they move within line of sight of an enemy unit or the unit engages in shooting or close combat attacks. At this time the unit is revealed and the note showing the number and its corresponding unit is shown to the opposing player. The counter is then replaced with the corresponding unit, which is deployed in coherency with its centre where the counter was when revealed. If on subsequent turns a unit that has revealed itself passes out of line of sight of the opposing forces models, it is once more replaced with its corresponding numbered counter (and its up to the enemy to remember what it was until it becomes visible again!). Independent characters which join units do not have a blip counter of their own while they are with a unit, but this fact must always be noted down to avoid confusion or chicanery!
REACTION FIRE (OPTIONAL) The conned spaces of a Zone Mortalis make for deadly, close range re-ghts, where a split second reaction may be enough to gun down an enemy rushing out from the darkness before death strikes you down. In order to represent this, this special rule allows units being assaulted a chance to re their shooting weapons when they are assaulted if theyre fast enough! Only units not already engaged in close combat may attempt reaction re. Only pistol, assault and rapid re weapons may be used for reaction re attacks. Heavy weapons may only be used for reaction re attacks if the model carrying them has the Relentless special rule. A unit may only make a single reaction re attack against the rst unit they are assaulted by in any given turn. A reaction re attack is made after an assault is declared, but before assaulting models have moved. Casualties resulting from reaction re may cause an assault to fail. Making a Reaction Fire Attack: In order to make a reaction re attack, the unit in question must rst roll equal to or under its majority Initiative score on a D6. If successful it may re its weapons at the assaulting enemy, just as it would in the Shooting phase but at -1 BS (minimum BS 1). Template weapons are used as normal if the Initiative test is successful. A unit may not use the Counter Attack special rule if it has used reaction re. THE COLD VOID (OPTIONAL) One of the greatest dangers of ghting aboard the titanic star vessels of the 41st Millennium is the icy hand of the void itself, and while many battles will be fought behind sealed bulkheads and within pressurised sections, others will not, and be all the deadlier for it as a ripped suit or broken armour seal can quickly kill or disable their victim. This special rule can also be used to represent ghting in a Zone Mortalis lled with poisonous gas, choking industrial fumes or extreme heat. When the Cold Void special rule is in effect, the following apply: All weapons and attacks with a Strength of 4 or higher now cause the Rending effect, unless their target is Void Hardened, has an armour value (AV) or has a save of 2+. In the case of attacks against mixed units, apply these rending wounds to the more vulnerable targets rst. All weapons and attacks which already have the Rending effect now rend on a roll of 5 or 6, unless their target is Void Hardened, has an armour value (AV) or has a save of 2+. In the case of attacks against mixed units, apply these rending wounds to the more vulnerable targets rst. Weapons and attacks which have the Blast special rule also now cause pinning if they didnt already.
No Effect: Although the hull creaks and moans and the distant thunder of explosions can be heard, the effect is not strong enough to play a part in the battle this turn. Power Surge: The ships energy systems go into violent spasm, blowing out lighting arrays and either plunging the area into darkness or ooding it with a blaze of sparks. If this result is rolled then the Night Fighting rules are in effect this turn (if they were already in effect they no longer apply this turn as a power surge unexpectedly res up the lights). Bulkheads: Additionally, if they are being used, bulkheads and airlock doors may either open or shut on their own on a D6 roll of 5+ (roll once separately for each one). Hull Quake: The ships hull bucks and shakes, and gravity uctuates wildly. All clear terrain is counted as difcult for this turn, and already existing difcult terrain is counted as both difcult and dangerous terrain for this turn. Wildre: A series of secondary explosions blanket the area of the battle as conduits erupt in ame, and areas of the deck plating collapse or are blown in. Divide the board into sectors as shown on the Catastrophic Damage diagram opposite. Roll D6+1 to see how many explosions occur in total. Randomise the location of the explosions, rolling a D6 and referring to the diagram to nd the starting point (with the 5 or 6 indicating the centre of the table), and then use the Scatter dice and 3D6 to determine where each one occurs. Explosions which scatter off the table are assumed to be lost. Place the large blast marker on the point where each explosion occurs. Any unit or model caught in the blast suffers a Strength 5 AP 5 Pinning attack. Structural Collapse! The hull screams and shudders before part of it catastrophically breaks apart, either blasting out air and debris into the beyond or shattering around the unfortunate combatants. Roll a D6 and consult the Catastrophic Damage diagram opposite to determine in what area the collapse occurs, if a 5 or 6 is rolled all areas are affected equally. All models with a Toughness score in the affected area suffer an immediate Strength 4 Rending hit, and models with an armour value (including special terrain and so on) suffer a glancing hit on a 4+. From this point on the Cold Void special rules are in effect for the rest of the battle if they were not previously.
3' x 3'
6' x 4'
4' x 4'
4' x 4'
6' x 4'
FIRST TURN The player or side which deployed rst has the rst turn unless their opponent can steal the initiative. MISSION GOALS Before the game begins, either mutually agree or roll a D6 to determine the goal of the Zone Mortalis assault: D6 1-2 3-4 5-6 Result Search and Destroy Force the Breach! Sabotage
SEARCH AND DESTROY This mission represents the vicious struggle to control the Zone Mortalis through brute savagery and attrition, destroying the enemys forces in detail. Kill points are used to determine the victor, with one Kill point scored for each enemy unit, independent character or walker destroyed. At the end of the battle, the side with the highest tally of Kill points is the winner. FORCE THE BREACH! This represents the Defenders trying to maintain hold of a vital area of the Zone Mortalis, whilst the Attacker must wrest it from them. The Defender places three objectives: one in their own deployment zone and one in each of the zones in which neither player has deployed. These objectives may not be placed within impassable terrain, or less than 6" away from the table edge or the centre of the table. If the Attacker is in control of more objectives than the Defender at the end of the game they are the winner. If any other result is the case, the Defender is the winner. SABOTAGE The Attackers goal is to destroy vital systems within the Zone Motalis. The Defender places D3+2 sabotage objective markers on the table. These markers represent control panels and systems junctions vital to this area. The markers may be placed anywhere on the table other than within 6" of a table edge or 12" of each other. They also may not be placed in impassable terrain. The Attacker must attempt to destroy these objectives by any means they can. Each has an armour value of 11, and will be destroyed by any successful glancing hit or penetrating hit scored against them. Because their Attackers cannot be certain of destroying them properly at distance, these objectives count as having a 4+ Invulnerable save against any shooting attack or blast damage they suffer and cannot be harmed by events on the Catastrophic Damage table. At the end of the game, the Attackers gain 1 Victory point for each sabotage objective destroyed, and the Defenders 1 Victory point for each sabotage objective still on the table. The side with the most Victory points is the winner.
Deployment zone
Deployment zone
Deployment zone
Deployment zone
FIRST TURN The player or side which deployed rst has the rst turn unless their opponent can steal the initiative. MISSION GOALS Before the game begins, either mutually agree or roll a D6 to determine the goal of the Zone Mortalis encounter: D6 1-2 3-4 5-6 Result Search and Destroy Capture Ground Invasion
SEARCH AND DESTROY This mission represents the vicious struggle to control the Zone Mortalis through brute savagery and attrition, destroying the enemys forces in detail. Kill points are used to determine the victor, with one Kill point scored for each enemy unit, independent character or walker destroyed. At the end of the battle, the side with the highest tally of Kill points is the winner. CAPTURE GROUND The two forces must control the area of the Zone Mortalis and drive out the enemy. This mission goal uses ve objective counters. The rst of which is deployed as close to the centre of the table as possible, while each side places two additional objectives each anywhere on the table so long as they are not placed within impassable terrain, or less than 6" away from the table edge or within 6" of another objective. Control of the centre objective is worth 3 Victory points, whereas control of the other objectives is worth 1 Victory point each. The side in control of the most objectives at the end of the game wins. When playing on a larger table (such as a 6' x 4' Zone Mortalis), increase the number of objectives to seven. INVASION The two opposing forces seek to force their way into enemy held territory, slaughtering as many of the foe as possible. For every scoring unit within the enemy deployment zone at the end of the game, the owning player gains 3 Victory points. For every destroyed enemy unit, the player gains 1 Victory point. The player with the most Victory points at the end of the game wins.