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Under Section 342 of the M.M.C. Act, the citizen has to apply to the Commissioner for permission to make any additions to a building or any change of existing user or to make any alteration or repairs or the re-erection of any part of the building involving removal, alteration building except Tenantable Repairs. The Term Tenantable Repair has been defined in the same Section in the amended M.M.C. Act. The owner / occupiers have been informed that there is no need to obtain permission for carrying out repairs for the maintenance improvement or other alterations of any building, being works which affect only the interior or the building or which do not materially affect the external appearances thereof except in case of heritage building or heritage precinct under the Section 430 of M.R.T.P. Act. 1996. The repairs have been classified into 3 categories in which repairs not requiring permission for carrying out tenantable repair providing guiniting to the structural member or walls /'plastering / painting, pointing, changing floor tiles, repairing W.C. traps, manholes and other fitting, repairing or replacing sanitary / water plumbing or electrical fitting and replacement of roof with the same material. Repairs to lowering of plinth, removal of structure member such as beams, columns etc. chipping of R.C.C. member, removal of load bearing walls and construction of loft / Mezzanine floors supported on partition walls which are not load bearing walls etc. has been totally prohibited and no permission will be given to the above mentioned purposes. Change in horizontal and vertical existing dimensions of the structures, replacement of any structural member of load bearing wall construction, extension of mezzanine floor or loft, flattering of roof or repairing roof with different materials, enclosure of balcony etc. requires repair permission except repairs covered under Section 342 of M.M.C. Act from Municipal Corporation. The owner / occupier therefore, have been requested to obtain the repair permission with these procedures from the concerned Ward officer of Executive Engineer (Building Proposal) for internal changes and construction of lofts etc. with the authentic copies of approved plans, N. O. C. from society / owner or MHADA, copy of the license, factory permits etc. Sketch plan showing the proposed repair work and structural Engineers Certificate if necessary.

Compiled by Bharat Gandhi

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The Staff members working in the Ward Office have been instructed to follow the procedure accordingly and initiate actions against unauthorized repair works carried out by the owner /' occupier. FOLLOWING ARE THE MODEL BYE-LAW NUMBERS AND THE PROVISIONS REGARDING PROPERTY AND FOR CARRYING OUT THE REPAIRS. BYE-LAW NO. 156 It shall be the responsibility of the Committee to maintain the property of the Society in good condition at all times. BYE-LAW NO. 157 The Secretary of the society, on receipt of any complaints about the maintenance of the society property from any of the members or on his own motion, shall inspect the property of the society from time to time and make the report to the Committee, stating the need of the repairs, if any, considered necessary. The Committee shall consider the report made by the Secretary of the society and decide as to which of the repairs should be carried out. BYE-LAW 158 (a) The Committee shall be competent to incur expenditure on the repairs and maintenance of the society's property, if the one time expenditure does not exceed: Up to 25 members Rs. 25,000/26 to 50 members Rs. 50,000/51 and above Up to Rs. 1,00,000/BYE-LAW 158 (b) If one time expenditure on repairs and maintenance of the society's property exceeds the limits as mentioned under bye-law No. 158(a), prior sanction of the general body of the society shall be necessary. BYE-LAW 158 (c) The general body meeting of the society shall decide: The limit up to which the Committee could incur the expenditure on repairs and maintenance of the property of the society without calling for tenders for the work. In respect of the work, the cost of which exceeds the limit, so fixed, the Committee shall follow the procedure of inviting tenders, placing them before

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the general body meeting for approval and entering into contract with the architect (if appointed) and the contractor. BYE-LAW NO. 159 Subject to the provisions of the bye-law No. 158(a), (b) and (c), the Committee shall proceed to carry out the repairs and maintenance of the property of the society. It shall be the responsibility of the Committee to see that the repairs are carried out as per the cofitract. BYE-LAW NO. 160 The following repairs and maintenance of the property of the society shall be carried out by the society at its costs: (a) (i) All internal roads, (ii) Compound walls, (iii) External water pipe lines, (iv) Water pumps, (v) Water storage tanks, (vi) Drainage lines, (vii) Septic tanks, (viii) Stair cases, (ix) Terrace and parapet walls, (x) Structural repairs of roofs of all flats, (xi) Stair-case lights, (xii) Street lights, (xiii) Outside walls of the building / s, (xiv) All leakages of water including leakages due to rain water, and leakages due to external common pipe line and drainage line, (xv) Electric lines upto main switches in the flats (xvi) Lifts, (xvii) The damaged ceiling and plaster thereon in the top floor flats, on account of the leakage of the rain water through the terrace. BYE-LAW NO. 160(b) All the repairs, not covered by the bye-law No. 160(a) shall be carried out by the members at their cost.

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