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M.C.A. Degree Examination

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NOV/DEC 2006


PART- A (10x2= 20 marks)

1. How Is the database management system indispensable I data handling?

2. What is semantic data model?
3. What are integrity constraints in relational model?
4. What is the use of embedded Sql?
5. Define hash based indexing in data storage operations.
6. what are composite search keys? explain with a example.
7. what do you meant by query optimization?
8. what does a query eevaluation plan consists of?
9. state the purpose of locking protocol indbms operations.
10. what are the two important functions of recvery management?

PART B (5x16=80 marks)

11.a.i. Narrate the advantage of dbms systems.

11.a.ii. Discuss the steps involved in the design of database systems.
11.b.i. Illustrate the concept of relationships and relationship sets in entity
relationship (ER) diagrams, witha suitable examples.
11.b.ii. Elaborate o the key constraint construct in ER models, with an example.
12.a.i. What is the use of cursors in embedded SQL? Specif the basic cursor
definition format, giving illustrative examples?
12.a.ii. Give an example of foreign key constraintsin relational models and develo a
SQL statement for the same.
12.b. How are the relational models designed based on the ER models? Discuss with
respect to the issues of tables, relationship without constraints and key constraints?
13.(a) explain the mechanism of hash based indexing with an example.
13.(b) Describe the various levels of redundancy in RAID systems in detail.
14.(a) Explain the working of query optimizer with ablock diagram.
14.(b) Discuss the issues in implementing optimization strateges for the JOIN s
15.(a) What is the role of COMMIT, ROLLBACK and SAVEPOINT the SQL statements in
transaction management?
15.(b) Write short notes on buffer management.

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