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The key takeaways are that salawat (prayers) are an important pillar of Islam that connect one to Allah and draw out corruption. Different types of salawat include daily prayers, optional prayers, funeral prayers, and prayers for parents.

The different types of salawat mentioned are daily salawat, nawafil of salawat, Salatut Tahajjud, Salatul Ayat, Salatul Jama'a, Salatul Jumu'a, Salatul Eid, Salaat alal mayyit, Salatul Wahshat, Salatul Hadiya Mayyit, Salatul Walidayn, and Salatul Ghufayla.

The daily salawat consist of Fajr (2 rakat), Zhuhr (4 rakat), 'Asr (4 rakat), Maghrib (3 rakat), and Eisha (4 rakat). The nawafil mentioned are optional prayers before and after the daily prayers.


(pl of Salaa)


SALAA (pl.SALAWAT) ............................................. 1 DAILY SALAWAT .................................................... 4 NAWAFIL OF SALAA............................................... 4 SALATUT TAHAJJUD .............................................. 5 SALATUL AYAT ..................................................... 10 SALATUL JAMAA................................................. 13 SALATUL JUMUA ................................................ 18 SALATUL EID ........................................................ 21 SALAA ALAL MAYYIT ........................................... 22 SALATUL WAHSHAT ............................................ 30 HADIYA MAYYIT................................................... 31 SALAA HADIYA WALIDAYN .................................. 32 SALATUL GHUFAYLA............................................ 34



Salaa is a pillar of religion which connects the soul to Allah. In the Qur'an Allah says:

"And I have not created the Jinn and Mankind but that they may worship Me" Suratudh Dhariyat 51:56 The purpose of life is therefore worship and salaa is the best form of worship. It is not merely a few minutes of rituals but that which concentrates our attention on the hereafter and Qiyama thus refraining one from evil. Salaa is a cure for anxiety, distress and fear. It is the support of the whole Muslim Umma (community). Each and every day on hearing the Adhan, Muslims assemble to pray salaa. On Friday, whole communities, villages and towns gather for Salaatul Jumu'a, likewise during Hajj Muslims from all over the world gather together for salaa.
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Salaa is the me'raj (ascension) of the mu'min. Salaa is like a factory which produces human beings. It draws out the corruption and evil from a nation by working through each individual. Imam Ali (PBUH) has said: "If he/she who offers salaa knew how much grace Allah bestows upon him/her during the salaa, he/she would never lift his head from sajda." To be able to attain the benefits of salaa it must be recited correctly and with full presence of mind. Just like a watch which is only useful if it shows the correct time. It would still look like a watch if it did not work but would not serve its purpose. The different types of salawaat are: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
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Daily salawat Nawafil of Salaa Salatut Tahajjud Salatul Ayat Salatul Jamaa *Salatul Jumua *Salatul Eid

8. 9. 10. 11. 12.

Salaat alal mayyit Salatul Wahshat Salatul Hadiya Mayyit Salatul Walidayn Salatul Ghufayla

*Wajib only when established by the Imam of the time but highly recommended in his ghaiba.


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Fajr 2 rakat Zhuhr 4 rakat Asr 4 rakat Maghrib 3 rakat Eisha 4 rakat

Nafila of Fajr 2 rakat before salaa Nafila of Zhuhr 8 rakat before salaa Nafila of Asr 8 rakat before salaa Nafila of Maghrib 4 rakat after salaa Nafila of Eisha 2 rakat after salaa to be prayed sitting down (regarded as 1 rakat)

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It consists of a total of 11 rakats, divided into the following prayers: 1. Nafilah of Layl: 8 rakats (4 x 2 rakats) 2. Salatush Shafa: 2 rakats 3. Salat ul Witr: 1 rakat The time for Salatut Tahajjud begins after midnight until the time for Salatul Fajr (morning prayers). The best time for it is just before Fajr Salaa. Salatut Tahajjud is so important that even if you cannot recite all 11 rakats, then recite only one rakat of Salatul Witr. Method 1. Nafilah of Layl The 8 rakats of Nafilah are divided into four units of two rakats each, just like Salatul Fajr but with the niyya of Salatul Layl. It is recommended to recite Suratul Kafirun after Suratul Fatiha in the first 2 rakats. In the other six recite any small sura or even leave out the sura after Suratul Fatiha. For Qunoot you can recite salawat or the recommended duas.
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2. Salat al-Shafa Two rakats with Suratun Naas in the first rakat after Suratul Fatiha and Suratul Falaq in the second rakat after Suratul Fatiha. There is no qunoot in Salatus Shafa. 3 Salatul Witr One rakat with Suratul Ikhlas 3x, Suratul Falaq 1x, and Suratun Naas 1x after Suratul Fatiha. Then raise your hands for qunoot and recite: (You can hold a book and/or tasbee in a mustahab salaa)

There is no god except Allah, the Forbearing, the Generous

There is no god except Allah , the High the Almighty

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Glory be to Allah, Rabb of the seven heavens and Rabb of the seven earths and whatever is in them, and between them and above them and below them, Rabb of the Mighty Throne

And peace be on the Messengers. All praise is for Allah Rabb of the worlds.

Recite 70 x

O Allah bless Muhammad and his pure family.

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I seek forgiveness of Allah my Rabb and I turn to Him Ask for the forgiveness of forty believers who have died or are living, by saying 40x followed by the name of the person:

Or say

O Allah, forgive

O Allah forgive all believers, male and female Then say:

I seek forgiveness of Allah, He who there is no god but He, the Ever living, the subsisting, from all my oppressions and my sins and my excesses on my soul, and I turn (repentant) to Him Repeat 7x:
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This is the position of one who seeks refuge in You from the fire Say 300x

Then say:

(I ask for Your) pardon

My Rabb, forgive me and have mercy on me, and turn to me Surely You are the Oft-returning, the Merciful. Complete the rakat with ruku, sujud, tashahhud and salaam and recite a tasbee of Sayyida Fatima Zahra (PBUH)


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Salaatul Ayat becomes wajib when any one of the following occurs: 1. Lunar or Solar eclipse. Total or partial, causing fear or not. 2. Earthquake. Causing fear or not. 3. Any natural disaster which is likely to create fear in people. e.g. cyclones, storms, etc. Salatul Ayat is wajib only on those people who live in the affected area. During a Lunar or Solar eclipse, the salaa can be prayed at any time from the beginning of the eclipse to the end. If it was a total eclipse and one did not know of the eclipse till after it was over then it is wajib for one to should pray with the niyya of qadha. For a partial eclipse, it is not wajib to recite Salatul Ayat after its occurrence. In other natural disasters which create fear in people, Salatul Ayat should be prayed soon after the disaster is over.
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Salatul Ayat is made up of 2 rakat - each rakat has 5 rukoos. There are 5 qunoots (mustahab) in total. 1st Rakat 2nd Rakat
Niyya / Takbeeratul Ihram Suratul Hamd & 1 other sura in qiyam rukoo 1 Suratul Hamd & 1 other sura in qiyam Qunoot 1 Rukoo 2 Suratul Hamd & 1 other sura in qiyam Rukoo 3 Suratul Hamd & 1 other sura in qiyam Qunoot 2 Rukoo 4 Suratul Hamd & 1 other sura in qiyam Rukoo 5 Qiyam Sajadaat Suratul Hamd & 1 other sura in qiyam Qunoot 3 Rukoo 6 Suratul Hamd & 1 other sura in qiyam Rukoo 7 Suratul Hamd & 1 other sura in qiyam Qunoot 4 Rukoo 8 Suratul Hamd & 1 other sura in qiyam Rukoo 9 Suratul Hamd & 1 other sura in qiyam Qunoot 5 Rukoo 10 Qiyam Sajadaat / Tashahhud & Salaam


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Salatul Ayat may also be prayed using a shorter method. After Suratul Hamd in the 1st qiyam, recite part of another sura. After the 1st rukoo recite a further section of the other sura and go into the 2nd rukoo. Continue, completing the other sura before the 5th rukoo. Repeat the same procedure in the 2nd rakaat or pray the longer method.

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Salatul Jamaa means praying in congregation with others It is highly recommended and rewarded. Wordly benefits In the congregation - jamaa, rich and poor, high and low, all stand shoulder to shoulder in obedience to Allah. In Salatul Jamaa, all the participants have one niyya, speak in one language (Arabic) and have identical actions. It portrays the unity Muslims should have in all matters, at all times wherever they may be. Muslims meet with one another in Salatul Jamaa. They get to know each others problems and try to help each other. New ideas are discussed and relationships are formed; thus a caring close knit community develops. Whilst praying Salatul Jamaa we stand in rows, follow the Imam of Jamaa and practise obedience
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to command. This instils in us all discipline which is the essential feature of community life. Our masajid remain alive due to Salatul Jamaa. Spiritual Benefits (Thawab) The Prophet (PBUH) and our Aimma (PBUH) have strongly recommended Salatul Jamaa. The reward for praying in Jamaa is as below: e.g. If there are 2 people, the reward for each rakaat is equal to 150 rakaats prayed alone.
No of people 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 More than 10 Thawaabs for each rakat 150 600 1,200 2,400 4,800 9,600 19,200 36,400 72,800 Only Allah knows

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Terminology Imam One who leads the salaa. He must be baligh, sane, Shia Ithnaasheri, aadil (just), of legitimate birth and able to recite salaa correctly.

Mamun -

One who prays behind an Imam.

Furada Alone (not praying with Jamaa). A person may be part of a congregation but furada in niyya. It is better to wait for some time and join Salatul Jamaa then to pray alone at fadhilat time. Those who do not know the proper pronunciation or recitations of salaa should join Salatul Jamaa and learn the proper recitations. Mamumeen (pl. of mamun) praying behind Imam should recite all the dhikr except the recitation of the first and second suwer (pl. of sura) in the 1st and 2nd rakaat.
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In every action follow the Imam. The action must be dome with him/her or after. The action must never be done before the Imam. Joining Salatul Jamaa 1. In the 1st and 2nd rakaat, join whilst the Imam is reciting the first or second sura or join in rukoo. (Recite the takbeeratul Ihram on joining). 2. In the 3rd or 4th rakaat of Salatul Jamaa, join when Imam goes to rukoo. If you join in Qiyam, when the Imam is reciting Tasbihate Arbaa, then you should at least recite Suratul Hamd, but if you cannot complete the recitation of Suratul Hamd and the Imam rises from rukoo then you have to change your niyya to Furada and complete the salaa as furada. 3. If you are late and do not know which rakaat of Jamaa is being recited, then you should wait until the Imam goes to rukoo. 4. On entering the masjid, if you come to know that it is the last sijda of the last rakaat, and you
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want to join Salatul Jamaa to get the thawab, you should do niyya, recite takbeeratul ihram and join Imam in sijda, and when Imam completes tashahhud and salaam*, you should rise for your first rakaat (remembering not to recite takbeeratul ihram again). *When the Imam is reciting tashahhud and salaam, you should keep your knees off the ground and place both palms on the ground until Imam completes the recitation of salaam.


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O you who believe! When the call is made for prayer on Friday, then hasten to the remembrance of Allah and leave off trading; that is better for you, if you know. Suratul Jumua 62:9 Daily prayers are said individually or in the local mosque. On Jumua Muslims within the radius of about 5 miles attend one congregational prayer. Twice a year on Eid Muslims of a whole area (city) meet and once a year the international assembly of Muslims is at Makka for Hajj. The call for Friday prayers according to the Maasumeen (PBUH) is solely the right of 'Sultanil Aadil' -the Just King - in other words the Imam of our time . In his 'ghayba' the Jumua prayers are optional which is the view of a majority of the mujtahids . The first Jumua prayers were held at Quba - 3.5 miles from Madina. When the Prophet (PBUH.) arrived at Quba on his way from Makka (Hijra), he first arranged for the building of a mosque there.
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Then he delivered a sermon and offered the Friday prayers before proceeding to Makka. Salatul Jumua is the same as Salatul Zhuhr on the day of Friday (Jumua) - however it has a few differences from the regular salaa that we perform. Salatul Zhuhr is four rakat whilst Salatul Jumua is two rakat. It is wajib that it is prayed in Jamaa and in which ever locality the Salatul Jumua is established, it is not permissible for another Salatul Jumua to be held for a distance of 6 km. It is wajib that before the Salaa, two speeches are given which are part of the salaa. Imam Ali (PBUH) has even said: The khutba (speech) is salaa. The Contents of the Speeches of Jumua 1. Praise and glorification of Allah. 2. Blessings upon the Prophet (PBUH) and his progeny. 3. The people must be advised of issues currently relevant to Muslims. Imam Sadiq (PBUH) has said: And also so that the people would be made aware of what is good for them in relation to their
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religion and religious affairs and of the worldly affairs as well. He also said: And surely the reason why two speeches have been made wajib is that in one of them, the praise of Allah and His glorification should be carried out. However as for the second speech, the mentioning of the needs of the people and warning them and inviting them to that which they need to know of the commandments and prohibitions (of Allah) and that which is righteous and wicked (from amongst those acts). 4. A short sura from the Quran must be recited.

The Imam who performs the Salatul Jumua must also follow certain manners and etiquette. These include that he should wear a turban and must stand to deliver the talks. The Imam must also lean on or hold in his hand a sword or a stick

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1. It is only wajib in the presence of the Imam of the time. i.e. they were wajib upto the ghaibat of Imam Muhammad Mahdi (PBUH). However it is mustahab to pray Salatul Eid. It is prayed in jama'a or individually. 2. The time is from sunrise to Zhuhr. 3. It is recommended that women should not go to pray Salaatul Eid in jama'a (congregation). 4. It consists of two rakats of salaa. It is recommended that after Suratul Hamd in the first rakat one should recite Suratul A'ala (sura 87) and in the second rakaa after Suratul Hamd recite Suratush Shams (91). In the first rakaa, after the second Sura, do five Takbeers and recite Qunoot after each Takbeer. Do a sixth Takbeer and go to rukoo. In the second rakaa, after the second Sura do 4 Takbeers and recite recite Qunoot after each Takbeer. Do fifth Takbeer and go to rukoo. After salaa, recite tasbee of Bibi Fatima Zahra (PBUH)
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It is wajib to acquire permission from the heirs of the deceased to recite Salaa alal Mayyit. Salaa alal Mayyit does not require any tahara and is recited in jama'a. Everyone in the jama'a has to repeat what is recited. It is wajib to offer Salaa alal Mayyit for every Muslim, as well as for a Muslim child, if he/she has completed 6 years. The mayyit is placed on its back perpendicular to the direction of qibla with the head on the right and the feet to the left. Before the salaa, it is recommended that instead of adhan, mumineen should be summoned to pray be calling As-Salaa three times. Those praying should stand as near as possible to the mayyit. Other mustahabat of Salaa alal Mayyit

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Those who participate in the salaa to perform wudhoo or ghusl. If the mayyit is that of a male, then the Imam or the person offering the salaa should alone stand at the middle part of the mayyit. However, if the mayyit is that of a female then he should stand at the chest of the mayyit. To pray bare-foot. To raise ones hand (up to the ears) while reciting every takbeer. To pray in jamaa.


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The shortest way to recite it is as follows: 1st Takbeer followed by Kalimat Shahadatayn 2nd Takbeer followed by Salawaat 3rdTakbeer followed by seeking forgiveness for all the believers 4th Takbeer followed by seeking forgiveness for the deceased 5th Takbeer ends the Salaa

The reason why Salaa al Mayyit has five takbeer: Imam Jafer As-Sadiq (AS) has said: Since Islam is built on five strong pillars, which include Salaa, Zakaa, Sawm, Hajj and Wilaya of the AhlulBayt, therefore Allah has designated that one takbeer to be recited for each of these pillars of religion.

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The full version is as follows:

I bear witness that there is no god but Allah, He is alone and has no partners, and I bear witness that Muhammad is his abd and His messenger. He was sent with the truth as a giver of good tidings and as one who warns about the hour (the last day).

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O Allah! Bless Muhammad and his progeny and grant peace to Muhammad and his progeny and bless Muhammad and his progeny and send Your mercy on Muhammad and his progeny The best of Your blessings, and peace and mercy which you bestowed upon Ibraheem and his progeny Indeed You are the Praised worthy and Great.

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O Allah! Grant forgiveness to all the mumineen and muminaat, and to all the Muslims, men and women, The living among them and the dead, Link us to them through good deeds, Indeed You are the One who answers dua Indeed You have power over everything.

If the deceased is a male

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If the deceased is a female

O Allah! This man/woman is Your abd, daughter/son of Your abd. He/she has come to You, and You are the best resting place O Allah!

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We know nothing about him/her except what is good and You know more about him/her than we O Allah! If he/she was one who did good, increase his/her good deeds; If he/she was one who did evil, then forgive him/her; O Allah! Place him/her near You in the highest of positions and be a guardian for his/her family forever Bestow Your mercy, O the most Merciful of those who show mercy. The salaa is complete after the fifth and final takbeer.


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A dead person does not bear greater hardships in his/her grave at any time than the first night. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) On the day of burial it is recommended to give sadaqa, asking for rahma (mercy) for the marhum/marhuma. In addition as a gift, one should pray Salatul Wahshat if one is a near relation or Salatul Hadiya Mayyit with the niyya of pleasing Allah and seeking forgiveness for the dead person. Wahshat means loneliness and anxiety. This salaa can be recited at any time during the first part of the night of burial, but it is better to pray it at the beginning of the night after Isha salaa. It consists of 2 rakaats. In the 1st rakaat after Suratul Hamd recite Ayatul Kursi (2:254, 255, 256) In the 2nd rakaat after Suratul Hamd recite 10x Suratul Qadr
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Hadiya Mayyit means a gift to the mayyit. The salaa consists of 2 rakaats. In the 1st rakaat after Suratul Hamd recite Suratul Qadr In the 2nd rakaaat after Suratul Hamd recite Suratul Kawthar. After completing the salaa, ask Allah to send the thawabs of the salaa to the grave of the marhum/marhuma.


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The deceased ones are pleased and displeased the same way as we are; when we remember them with prayers for forgiveness and reward, they are delighted. These are taken by angels as special gifts to them, and they in turn pray for the living ones for their kindness. Imam Jafer As-Sadiq (PBUH) Salaa Walidayn is a prayer to be offered for ones deceased parents. It can be prayed for one or both the parents. It consists of 2 rakat. In the first rakat after Suratul Fatiha raise hand in qunoot and recite the following 10x:

Our Lord! grant me protection and my parents and the believers on the day when the reckoning shall come to pass! (14:41)

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In the second rakat after Suratul Fatiha raise

hand in qunoot and recite the following 10x:

My Lord! forgive me and my parents and him who enters my house believing, and the believing men and the believing women; (71:28) Complete salaa then go into sajda and recite the following 10x:

O my Lord! have compassion on them, as they brought me up (when I was) little. (17:24)


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Whoever prays Salatul Ghufayla and asks Allah to grant his/her wishes, will receive a positive response from Him. Imam Jafer As-Sadiq (PBUH) It is a 2 rakat salaa prayed between Maghrib and Eisha salaa. In the first rakat after Suratul Fatiha recite ayat 87 and 88 of Suratul Ambiya

And Yunus, when he went away in wrath, so he thought that We would not straiten him, so he called out among afflictions: There is no god but Thou, glory be to Thee; surely I am of those who make themselves to suffer loss.

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So We responded to him and delivered him from the grief and thus do We deliver the believers In the second rakat after Suratul Fatiha recite aya 59 of Suratul Anam

And with Him are the keys of the unseen treasures-- none knows them but He; and He knows what is in the land and the sea, and there falls not a leaf but He knows it, nor a grain in the darkness of the earth, nor anything green nor dry but (it is all) in a clear book. Then recite the following in qunoot:
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O Allah! Verily I ask You in the name of the keys of the unseen about which no one knows anything except You. Send blessings on Muhammad and his progeny and fulfil my wishes (mention your needs). Then recite:

O Allah! You are the Master of every bounty given to me and You have control over that which I ask for; You are aware of my desire, therefore I ask You in the name of Muhammad and his progeny for the fulfilment (of my wishes). (mention your needs)

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