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Chapter 9 Balanced Faults, Part III 9.

5 Algorithm for Formation of the Bus Impedance Matrix

Using this algorithm we shall build the Impedance Matrix Z bus starting with a single element and adding elements one by one till all the elements of the system are accounted
0 j0.2 j0.8 1 j0.4 2 3 j0.4 1 3 3 (a) (b) j0.4 1 2 1 0 2

4 5

1 3

4 5 3 (c)

for in the Impedance Matrix. Some definitions from graph theory are introduced below. The system shown in (a) above has a graph shown in (b). Each bus becomes a node or a corner in the graph. The datum, or ground bus is the node number 0 in the graph. Elements in the power system become edges or elements of the graph. For example, the line from bus 1 to bus 2 whose impedance is j0.8 Ohm becomes the element 4 in the graph. A tree of a connected graph is a connected subgraph connecting all the nodes without forming a loop. The elements of a tree are called branches. A graph contains multiple trees. The number of branches in a tree is always one less than the number of nodes, i.e. b = n 1 (1.1) where n is the number of nodes and b the number of branches in the graph. Once a tree of a graph is determined, the remaining branches are called links. In figure (c) above one such tree is shown using solid lines and the links are shown with dashed lines. The collection of links is called a cotree. If e is the total number of elements in a graph, then the number of links l in a cotree is l = e b = e n +1 (1.2) A loop that contains one link is called a basic loop. The number of basic loops is unique: it is equal to the number of links which is also equal to the number of independent loop equations the system has. A cut set is a minimal set of elements which when cut will divide the graph into two connected subgraphs. A fundamental cut set is a cut set which contains only one branch. The number of fundamental cut sets is unique: it is equal to the number of branches which is also equal to the number of independent node equations the system has.

The bus impedance matrix can be built up starting with a single element and the process is to add an element at a time till all the elements of the system are included. Suppose we have a partial network as shown on the right with a total of m buses (in addition to the ground or reference bus). The corresponding equation for this partial network is
m m m m Vbus = Z bus Ibus . Here the size of Z bus is m m . It is assumed that the network has n buses where n m . Next we add branches or elements, one by one, till all the elements of the network are accounted for. The added element may be a branch or a link described as follows.

1 Partial Network Zmbus

. . . . . .

2 i m

0 Reference

Addition of a Branch
1 Partial Network Zm bus 1 Partial Network Zm bus

. . . . . .

2 p m q

. . . . . .

2 p m q

0 Reference (a) (b)


A branch can be added in one of two ways: either as a link between two existing nodes, or as a new branch with a new node. We consider the latter case now (the first case is considered next). The addition of a new node and branch is shown in the figures below. First consider (a) above where the new branch is not connected to the reference. The existing bus impedance matrix is of size m m and after the addition of the branch p q its size will be ( m + 1) ( m + 1) . The impedance of the added branch is z pq . The network equations become: V1 Z11 Z12 L Z1 p L Z1m | Z1q I1 V Z Z 22 L Z2 p L Z2m | Z 2q I 2 2 21 M M M M M M M | M V p Z p1 Z p2 L Z pp L Z pm | Z pq I p (1.3) M = M M M M M M | M Vm Z m1 Z m 2 L Z mp L Z mm | Z mq Im Vq Z q1 Z q 2 L Z qp L Z qm | Z q q I q

Note: black is the old equation, red is due to the added branch. The new elements are computed one by one as follows: first compute the elements Z qi by connecting a current source Ii whose current is 1 (unity) and let all other currents be 0 (zero). Expanding the equations in the matrix above we have: V1 = Z1i

V2 = Z 2i M V p = Z pi M Vm = Z mi Vq = Z qi
From the figure above


Vq = Vp v pq
where v pq is the voltage across the added branch whose impedance is z pq , therefore

(1.5) (1.6) (1.7)

v pq = z pqi pq Vq = V p
And from (1.4) we conclude that

Since there is no current in the added branch, i pq = 0 , hence v pq = 0 and (1.5) becomes

Z qi = Z pi (1.8) This means that all the off-diagonal terms in row q are the same as those in row p. Thus we have found all the red terms except for the term Z qq . Now we inject a current at the
qth bus, i.e. I q = 1 and all other currents set to zero, we get from (1.3)

Vq = Z qq


Note that since the current is injected into the node q, we have i pq = I q = 1 thus from (1.6) we have v pq = z pq (1.10) And using this in (1.5) we have Vq = Vp + z pq (1.11) In this case the injected current is at node q, thus setting i = q in (1.4) we have Vq = Z qq and V p = Z pq hence (1.11) becomes

Z qq = Z pq + z pq


Next we consider the case of figure (b) where the new node and added branch are connected to the reference node. Clearly this addition is a simple one whose equation is (by inspection of figure (b) above) Vq = z pq I q (1.13)

Therefore we conclude that all the new elements would be zero except the diagonal element whose value is Z qq = z pq .

Addition of a Link
A link can be added in two ways to two existing nodes as shown below

. . .
Partial Network Zm bus

1 p Partial Network Zmbus

. . . . . .

1 p q m

. . .

q m

0 Reference (c) (d)


The impedance is connected either between two existing buses as in (c), or between an existing bus and ground as in (d). In either case the number of nodes is not changed, hence the size of the bus impedance matrix must remain the same. First consider (c) above. Let I l be the current in the link pq in the direction shown in the figure. Then z pq I l = V p Vq (1.14) or Vq V p + z pq Il = 0 (1.15) As seen in the figure, the addition of the link modifies the old currents by changing the old current I p to I p I l and the old current I q to I q + I l . This changes the old equations as follows V1 = Z11I1 + L + Z1 p I p I l + Z1q Iq + I l + L + Z1m I m

( ) ( ) Vq = Z q1I1 + L + Z qp ( I p I l ) + Z qq ( I q + Il ) + L + Z qm I m

V p = Z p1I1 + L + Z pp I p Il + Z pq I q + I l + L + Z pm Im


Vm = Z m1I1 + L + Z mp I p I l + Z mq I q + I l + L + Z mm I m
And using the values of V p and Vq from (1.16) in (1.15) we have one more equation:

( Zq1 Z p1 ) I + L + ( Zqp Z pp ) I + L + ( Z qq Z pq ) I + L + ( Zqm Z pm ) I + ( z pq + Z pp + Zqq 2Z pq ) I l = 0


And now combining the above equation into matrix form we have

V1 Z11 M V p Z p 1 Vq = Z q1 M Vm Z m1 0 Z l1 where

M M M M M M M L Z pp Z pq L Z pm M M M M M M M L Z mp Z mq L Z mm L Z lp Z lq L Z lm L Z qp Z qq L Z qm

L Z1 p

Z1q L Z1m

Z1l I1 M Z pl I p Z ql I q M Z ml I m Z ll I l


Z li = Z i l = Z iq Z ip


Z ll = z pq + Z pp + Z qq 2 Z pq (1.20) Now we partition the matrix equation (1.18) above using submatrices: old Vbus Z bus Z I bus (1.21) = 0 Z T Z ll I l Where each part is clear from the colors in (1.18). Expanding the second equation in (1.21) we have
From which we have 0 = Z T I bus + Z ll I l (1.22) (1.23)

0 = Z T I bus + Z ll I l and using (1.23) in the first equation in (1.21) we have old Z Z T Vbus = Z bus I Z ll bus or
new Vbus = Z bus I bus




Z Z T (1.26) Z ll It is clear that the new bus impedance matrix is of the same size as the old bus impedance matrix as stated earlier. This is due to the fact that we did not add a node, we added a link which does not change the number of equations.
new old Z bus = Z bus

In general the bus impedance matrix can be constructed by adding links, nodes and branches in any order. However, it is best to start by selecting a tree that contains the elements connected to the reference node. If more than one element connect a node p to the reference node, only one element can be selected as a branch leaving the other elements in the cotree. The step by step procedure for building the bus impedance matrix by adding elements is described below.

The case where the added link is between node p and ground will be discussed under rule 3 below.

Rule 1: Addition of a Tree Branch to the Reference

Start with the branches connected to the reference node. Addition of a branch zq0 between node q and the reference node 0 changes the old bus impedance matrix by adding a row and column as shown below: Z old 0 new Z bus = bus (1.27) zq 0 0 Note that the red zeros are vectors of size m (same size as the old bus impedance matrix).

Rule 2: Addition of a Tree Branch from a New Bus to an Old Bus

Addition of a branch z pq between a new node q and an existing node p will increase the size of the old bus impedance matrix by one, from ( m m ) to ( m + 1) ( m + 1) . The change is shown below: old Z bus Z ip new (1.28) Z bus = Z pi Z pp + z pq old old where Z pi is identical to row p of Z bus and Z ip is identical to column p of Z bus . Note

T that by symmetry Z pi = Z ip . Also, Z pp is the diagonal element of the old bus impedance matrix in the pth position.

Rule 3: Addition of a Cotree Link Between Two Existing Nodes

When a link is added between existing nodes p and q, the size of the old bus impedance matrix is increased by one as follows old Z bus Z iq Z ip new (1.29) Z bus = Z ll Z qi Z p i T where Z qi Z pi = Z is the difference between row q and row p of the old bus impedance matrix and Z iq Zip = Z is the difference between column q and column p of the old bus impedance matrix. The element Z ll is given by Z ll = z pq + Z pp + Z qq 2 Z pq . The new row and column are eliminated using the equation

Z Z T . (1.30) Z ll If the added link is between bus p and the reference bus 0, the above results are changed as follows: old Z bus Z ip n ew (1.31) Z bus = Z pi Z ll T where Z pi = Zip is the negative of the pth row (column) of the old bus impedance
new old Z bus = Z bus

matrix and Z ll = z pq + Z pp . Example 9.3 Construct the bus impedance matrix for the network of example 9.1 shown again below:
0 j0.2 j0.8 1 j0.4 2 3 j0.4 1 3 3 (a) (b) j0.4 1 2 1 0 2

4 5

1 3

4 5 3 (c)

Note the proper tree is chosen in (c) above. We start with the branches connected to the reference node. First we include branch 1, z10 = j0.2 between nodes 1 and 0 (ref. node).
(1) According to rule 1 we have Z bus = Z11 = z10 = j0.2 . Next add branch 2, z20 = j0.4 between nodes 2 and 0, we now have 0 Z11 0 j0.2 (2) Z bus = = j0.4 0 Z 22 0 Note the zeros added and we only have diagonal terms so far. There are no more elements to ground, so we go to the next element, branch 3. We are adding a new node (3) and a new branch (3) to an existing node (1). We use rule 2: Z11 j0.2 0 j0.2 Z11 Z12 (3) Z = 0 Z bus = 21 Z 22 Z 21 j 0.4 0 0 j 0.6 Z11 Z12 Z11 + z13 l 0.2 This completes all the tree branches. Now we go to the cotree and add the links. We add link (4), z12 = j0.8 between existing nodes 1 and 2. We have

Z11 Z12 Z13 Z12 Z11 j 0.2 Z 21 Z 22 Z 21 Z 22 Z 21 0 (4) = Z bus = Z11 Z12 Z11 + z13 Z 32 Z 31 l 0.2 Z 44 j 0.2 Z 21 Z11 Z22 Z21 Z 32 Z 31 where Z 44 = z12 + Z11 + Z 22 2 Z12 = j0.8 + j0.2 + j0.4 2 ( j0 ) =

j 0.2 j 0.4 0 j 0.4 0 j0.6 j 0.2 j 0.4 j 0.2 Z 44 j1.4 and 0 j0.2

j0.2 1 Z Z T = j0.4 [ j 0.2 j0.4 j 0.2] Z 44 j1.4 j0.2 j0.0286 j0.0571 j0.0286 = j 0.0571 j0.1143 j 0.0571 j0.0286 j0.0571 j0.0286 and from (1.30) we have 0 j0.2 j 0.0286 j 0.0571 j0.0286 j0.2 (4) 0 0 j0.0571 j 0.1143 j0.0571 Z bus = j0.4 l 0.2 0 j0.6 j 0.0286 j 0.0571 j0.0286 j0.1714 j 0.0571 j0.1714 = j 0.0571 j0.2857 j 0.0571 j0.1714 j 0.0571 j 0.0571 Repeating the same process by adding link 5, z23 = j 0.4 between nodes 2 and 3 we finally have: j0.16 j0.08 j0.12 Z bus = j0.08 j0.24 j0.16 j0.12 j0.16 j0.34
which is the same as that found by inversion of the Ybus matrix obtained earlier in example 9.2.

Below we repeat the solution using Matlab starting where the links are added:
Z1=[j*0.2 0 j*0.2 0 j*.4 0 j*0.2 0 j*0.6] DZ1 = [-j*0.2; j*0.4; -j*0.2] zl1 = j*0.8 + j*0.2 + j*.4 ZX1=1/zl1*DZ1*(-DZ1)' Z2 = Z1 - ZX1 DZ2 = [Z2(1,3)-Z2(1,2); Z2(2,3)-Z2(2,2); Z2(3,3)-Z2(3,2)] zl2=j*0.4+Z2(2,2)+Z2(3,3)-2*Z2(2,3) ZX2=1/zl2*DZ2*(-DZ2)' Z3=Z2-ZX2

Z1 = 0 + 0.2000i 0 0 + 0.2000i DZ1 = 0 - 0.2000i 0 + 0.4000i 0 - 0.2000i zl1 = 0 + 1.4000i ZX1 = 0 + 0.0286i 0 - 0.0571i 0 + 0.0286i Z2 = 0 + 0.1714i 0 + 0.0571i 0 + 0.1714i DZ2 = 0 + 0.1143i 0 - 0.2286i 0 + 0.5143i zl2 = 0 + 1.1429i ZX2 = 0 + 0.0114i 0 - 0.0229i 0 + 0.0514i Z3 = 0 + 0.1600i 0 + 0.0800i 0 + 0.1200i 0 + 0.0800i 0 + 0.2400i 0 + 0.1600i 0 + 0.1200i 0 + 0.1600i 0 + 0.3400i 0 - 0.0229i 0 + 0.0457i 0 - 0.1029i 0 + 0.0514i 0 - 0.1029i 0 + 0.2314i 0 + 0.0571i 0 + 0.2857i 0 + 0.0571i 0 + 0.1714i 0 + 0.0571i 0 + 0.5714i 0 - 0.0571i 0 + 0.1143i 0 - 0.0571i 0 + 0.0286i 0 - 0.0571i 0 + 0.0286i 0 0 + 0.4000i 0 0 + 0.2000i 0 0 + 0.6000i

Example 9.4 The bus impedance matrix for the network shown below is found to be j0.183 j0.078 j0.141 Z bus = j0.078 j 0.148 j0.106 j0.141 j0.106 j0.267 The line between buses 1 and 3 with impedance Z13 = j 0.56 is removed by the simultaneous opening of breakers at both ends of the line. Determine the new bus impedance matrix.
j0.3 j0.5 1 j0.56 j0.4 j0.35 j0.2 2

3 One way of solving this problem is to add a line between the buses 1 and 3 whose impedance is the negative of Z13 to be removed, i.e. we add j0.56 between nodes 1 and 3. We proceed using the equation for adding a bus:

where Z 44 = z13 less the element Z 44 . Now it is easy to use Matlab to solve the problem:
Z = [ j*0.183 j*0.078 j*0.141 j*0.078 j*0.148 j*0.106 j*0.141 j*0.106 j*0.267] DZ = Z(:, 3)-Z(:,1) Z44 = -j*0.56+Z(1,1)+Z(3,3)-2*Z(1,3) DZZ =DZ*DZ.'/Z44 Zbus = Z - DZZ Z = 0 + 0.1830i 0 + 0.0780i 0 + 0.1410i DZ = 0 - 0.0420i 0 + 0.0280i 0 + 0.1260i Z44 = 0 - 0.3920i DZZ = 0 - 0.0045i 0 + 0.0030i 0 + 0.0135i Zbus = 0 + 0.1875i 0 + 0.0750i 0 + 0.1275i 0 + 0.0750i 0 + 0.1500i 0 + 0.1150i 0 + 0.1275i 0 + 0.1150i 0 + 0.3075i 0 + 0.0030i 0 - 0.0020i 0 - 0.0090i 0 + 0.0135i 0 - 0.0090i 0 - 0.0405i 0 + 0.0780i 0 + 0.1480i 0 + 0.1060i 0 + 0.1410i 0 + 0.1060i 0 + 0.2670i

Z11 Z12 Z13 Z13 Z11 Z 21 Z 22 Z 21 Z 23 Z 21 Z bus = Z11 Z12 Z 11 + z13 Z 33 Z 31 Z 44 Z 31 Z11 Z32 Z 21 Z 33 Z 31 + Z11 + Z 33 2 Z13 . Also note that Z is the last column of the matrix

9.6 Zbuild and Symfault Programs

These two functions are developed for the formation of the bus impedance matrix. The first zbuild is Zbus = zbuild(zdata) zdata is an e 4 matrix containing the impedance data of an e-element network. Columns 1 and 2 contain the element bus numbers and columns 3 and 4 contain the element resistance and reactance respectively, in pu. Bus number 0 to generator buses contain generator impedances. These may be the subtransient, transient, or synchronous reactances. Also any other loads and capacitors to ground may be included in this matrix. The second sbuild function for the formation of the bus impedance matrix is zbus = zbuildpi(linedata, gendata, yload)


which is compatible with the power flow programs. The arguments are linedata this is the data required for the power flow solution. Columns 1 and 2 contain the bus numbers, columns 3 through five contain the resistance, reactance and half the susceptance for the line all in pu on the same MVA base. The last column number 6 is for tap settings of transformers, if a line, the enter 1 (one). gendata is where the generator data is entered. This is an ng 4 matrix, where each row contains bus 0, generator bus number, resistance and reactance for each generator. yload is optional. It contains the results of a load flow solution (bus number and load impedance) as generated by one of the programs lfgauss, lfnewton, or decouple. yload is automatically generated following application of one of these programs. These two programs (zbuild and zbuildpi) obtain the bus impedance matrix using the algorithms developed in the chapter. First a tree is selected which contains elements to the reference node. Then the remaining branches of the tree are connected, and finally the cotree links are added. symfault(zdata, Zbus, V) was developed for three phase balanced fault studies. The arguments zdata and Zbus are required while V is optional. If V is not included, it is assumed that all pre-fault voltages are 1.0 per unit. If V is included, then it is an array describing the bus numbers and the complex bus voltage. Again, this data is automatically generated following a load flow study. symfault will prompt the user to supply the faulted bus number and the fault impedance. The program computes the fault current and the bus voltages and line currents during the fault. Go through examples 9.5 though 9.9 using the Matlab window.


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