Stock Management System
Stock Management System
Stock Management System
SRS INTRODUCTION The Aim of the project is to implement the STOCK MAINTENANCE SYSTEM to manage the entire details of the stock system in an automated way. PROBLEM STATEMENT: A problem statement is a concise description of the issues that need to be addressed by a problem solving team and should be presented to them (or created by them) before they try to solve the problem. When bringing together a team to achieve a particular purpose provide them with a problem statement. The main purpose of the stock maintenance system is to manage the entire details of the stock system in an automated way. The stocks which are purchased from the various dealers and suppliers are stored in the store keeper and their entries are recorded into the database. The software system provides facilities for adding new item, removing an item, updating the stock, calculating the turn over, sales amount, total number of stocks. It also involves purchasing of stocks by the customers. DOCUMENT CONVERSION: The document follows the IEEE format standard (IEEE Std. 830 1998). The format of this SRS is simple. Bold face and Indentations are used for general topics and for specific point of interest and font used is Times New Roman. The remainder of this document will be written using standard Arial font. INTENDED AUDIENCE AND READING SUGGESSIONS: The intended audience of this document are shop keepers, innovative team members, our department members, and all business entrepreneurs. This document will be reviewed frequently by the above audience, to check if different phases of the project are completed by meeting given requirements. If any changes made, it should be accounted. PROJECT SCOPE: Effective storage of stocks Advanced and customized search options Disciplined customer service Secured storage area Improved and optimized service
REFERENCES: Pressman, Roger S. Software Engineering: A Practitioners Approach. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill, 2005.
Lecture slides , The user manual can be read in order to understand the specification. In case of classification and details of access the manual can be referred. OVERALL DESCRIPTION: Product Perspective: The proposed stock maintenance system is an on-line system. This system will provide available stock products for customer (consumer) needs. This system also provides customer feedback service. PRODUCT FUNCTION: The main functions of the specified product are: Automatic customer registrations Obtain the current stock rates and log the required information Provides friendly relationship with shopkeeper and customers Gives complete statistical data on particular stock Updates the stock values periodically and automatically
USER CHARACTERISTICS: There are various kinds of users for this product. These products are purchased via online by many customers (E-Shopping). User classes may be differentiated based on frequency of use, subset of product functions used, technical enterprise, security or privilege levels. ** Naive Users: Customers who require product for daily use, Such as common people, office goers etc... ** Warehouse Manager: Manages items in the warehouse does packaging & delivery. ** Inventory Management: Re-ordering and ordering based on arrival of stocks. ** Shipping Vendor: Picks up the packages from the warehouses and delivers to the users, gives facility for order tracking.
** Managing Administrator: Manages the whole process in a shop involving bill calculation, resolves financial problems, approve refunding and order acceptance and cancellation. OPERATING ENVIRONMENT: REQUIREMENTS Operating System Processor Hard Disk RAM Web Browser Software Required PARTICULARS Windows Environment Pentium 4 and above 100-150 GB Minimum 1 GB Internet Explorer 5.0 or Mozilla Firefox or Google Chrome Stock Master 1.0, My SQL, Oracle 9i
DESIGN AND IMPLEMENTATION CONSTRAINTS: Each and every user and manager have separate id and password. Detail regarding every user is visible to administrator but not vice versa. Credit card authentication will be approved by the administrator. Inventory and Warehouse management are not automated. Feedbacks from users are accounted. User Documentation
This product will include user manual. This will include product overview, complete configuration of the softwares to be used and hence the description of the overall product<List the user documentation components (such as user manuals, on-line help, and tutorials) that will be delivered along the software. Identify any known user documentation delivery formats or standards.> Assumptions and Dependencies
Each user must be provided with id and password on his/her first appearance. Administrator is responsible for all activities happening. He should hold the authority of permitting any activities regarding stocks. Database system must be connected across the network for any time and any where access. Customers alone are responsible for the safety of their products.
External Interface Requirements: The system uses the GUI Graphical User Interface for easy interaction with the customer. The system maintains a relationship with the Rational Rose Tool. According to the code generated by the Rose tool, the system is developed. This gives more sequential access for the functions and the functions can be coded easily. User Interfaces: The User Interface should be very attractive featuring importance of our system. The introductory screen consists of a Welcome note and product advertisement. The next screen is the user login screen. The next interface displays the product details under different categories and the subsequent screens contain the details of each and every product and finally provided with provision for getting card number for settling the cash by the customers. The final screen displays salutations to the customer by displaying Thank You. At the same time the stock details are updated. Hardware Interfaces: Needed: Computers Hard Disk: 100-150 GB RAM: 512-1 GB required Internet Connection required. Cables, wires, Network adapters are required
Software Interfaces: SYSTEM SOFTWARE REQUIRED: Windows XP or Windows 7 with 32 bit (recommended). APPLICATION SOFTWARE REQUIRED: Stock Master v 1.0, Oracle 9i, MY SQL, Tally 5.0. Source of input:
The input is given by the user who wishes to use the Stock Maintenance system. The user feels it easy to give the inputs, as the system is more user-interactive. They find the option to perform their work more easily rather than waiting for a long time to get the transactions to be completed manually. Destination of output: The input given by the user is updated into the database where the account details corresponding to the user are stored. With the help of the database the account details of the customer can be administered and monthly statements can be generated.
Accuracy: The Stock Maintenance system that is developed is more accurate and is efficient. The details are maintained accurately and updated properly. Information flows: The data given by the user flows over stage by stage and reaches the database finally for making insertion or updating for storing the details. This can be represented by the following Data Flow Diagrams. Communication Interfaces: The local system must be connected to the server via Internet Connection. Email and file transfer services are provided. E-Shopping is the key concept. SYSTEM FEATURES Automated Functioning: This system provides automated functionalities like stock updating, product listing, calculating the total stocks available etc.. This feature is of high priority only based on this feature other aspects are designed. No risk, high expenses are involved in implementation of this system. Risk rate is 2 (very low). OTHER NON-FUNCTIONAL REQUIREMENTS: Performance Requirements: The number of users is not confined to any specific value. Any number of users can use the system. But the only constraint is that only one user can use this system at a time. The response time is greater for the system. It gives the output quickly so that the user will feel easy to proceed with the next transaction. The amount of information to be handled is enormous. The database stores a large amount of data and it also helps in quick insertion and retrieval of data from it. So, the system furnishes all the required information at the request of the user to view the details. Safety Requirements:
Avoid frequent usages of flash devices such as pen drive to prevent database collapse. System must be installed with original version of Windows OS with perfect license to avoid duplication problems. Take regular backup of data. Store the stocks in a closed place to avoid loss of stocks by theft, misplacement etc... Security Requirements: There will be proper security mainly regarding data accessibility. Security to user can be provided by login authentication. Data stored in database should be private that is it must be known only to administrator who is authorized using a secured id. The whole system is prevented from unauthorized access.
Software Quality Attributes: The additional quality characteristics are important both for the customers and the shop administrators and also for the developers. Some of the attributes of our system are as follows: Adaptability: The software designed must be suitable for managing any kind of products. It should be well received both in a provision store and in a medical dispensary. Availability: The system must be available at an affordable rate. Also must be provided with proper license only for a period of days. Correctness: The system must be accurate and less error prone. During design phase itself, the system must ensure that each and every module is accurate. Flexibility: The system must be flexible in the sense that it must able to handle different types of users and different types of administrators. Also it should run in different environments. Maintainability: The system should have the capability of self-maintenance. For a good performance, everything must be optimized time to time. This feature tests the maintenance and ability to maintain the system by administrator. Portability: The system developed as a whole should be of very small size. So that it is easily portable with the help of hand-held device. Reliability: The system should be reliable. That it should be consistent and should provide good results over a period of time. Reusability: The system should have the provision of using it more number of times. If any problem occurs to the whole system, it must be reinstalled and again it should be installed and put to use. Robustness: The system should be incorruptible. It should be able to produce results for important details though some of the features have failed.
Testability: The system should be demonstrated, predictable, confirmable, factual and absolute for all kinds of users. Usability: The effectiveness, efficiency and satisfaction with which user can achieve tasks in a particular environment of a product. High usability means a system is easy to learn and remember, efficient, visually pleasing and fun to use and quick to recover from errors.
Cost-Effective: The system should be cost effective in the sense it should be bringing the best possible profits or advantages for the lowest possible costs. Business Rules: The simple rules to be followed are: If customer wants an enquiry of products he should definitely have id and password. Cell phones, cameras are not permitted inside the stores. No bribing must be involved. No unnecessary conflicts and nuisances are entertained
OTHER REQUIREMENTS: Foreign exchanges and foreign credit cards are accepted through special card readers. The system requires collaboration with any banks for financial handlings. Appendix A: Glossary <Define all the terms necessary to properly interpret the SRS including acronyms and abbreviations. You may wish to build a separate glossary that spans multiple projects or the entire organization, and just include terms specific to a single project in each SRS.> Appendix B: Analysis Models <Optionally, include any pertinent analysis models, such as data flow diagrams, class diagrams, state transition diagrams or entity-relationship diagrams.> Appendix c: To Be Determined List <Collect a numbered list of the TBD (to be determined) references that remain in the SRS so they can be tracked to closure.>
UML DIAGRAMS: USE CASE DIAGRAM A use-case diagram is a graph of actors, a set of use cases enclosed by a system boundary, communication associations between actors and the use cases and generalization among use cases. Use cases are text documents, not diagrams, and use-case modeling is primarily an act of writing text, not drawing diagrams. The credit card processing system is used by the customers to do crediting and payback.
invalid login
purchase order
pay id
pay name
The Stock Management System is used to view, update and search the stock data
UML CLASS DIAGRAM Conceptual Super class: A Conceptual super class definition is more general or encompassing than a subclass definition. Here the conceptual super class is stock class Conceptual Sub class: All members of a conceptual subclass set are members of their super class set. The following classes are subclasses of Stock management system: Stock manager: Stock manager is responsible for developing, monitoring and maintaining the system. He updates the stock and carries out transactions based on the quantity. supplier: Supplier is the dealer who provides Stock Customer: Based on the available quantity the stock is delivered. Domain model:
INTERACTION DIAGRAM SEQUENCE DIAGRAM Sequence diagrams are an easy and intuitive way of describing the behavior of the system by viewing the interaction between the system and its environment. A sequence diagram shows the objects participating in a time sequence. It shows the objects participating in an interaction by their lifelines and the messages they exchange, arranged in a time sequence. We can also use terminologies like Opt, Alt, and Loop.
COLLABORATION DIAGRAM A collaboration diagram represents a collaboration, which is a set of objects related in a particular context, and interaction, which is a set of objects within the collaboration, to achieve a desired outcome.
1: enter the item details 3: view 6: enter the details 8: enter the productid to be added 11: enter the reqd quantity 14: enter the productid to be sold 17: enter the required quantity Manager 5: display details 10: display details 16: display details 4: pass details 9: pass details 15: pass details
12: add with available qty 18: subtract with available qty
ACTIVITY DIAGRAM An activity diagram is a variation or special case of state machine, in which the states are activities representing the performance of operations and transitions are triggered by the completion of the operations. It models the entire business process.
Sc t k o M ae et a gm n n
Vw i e
Ua p t de
Ei & e t d dl e t e
Sc t k o t as co r nat n i
Et rt e e ist n h dt l o e a b m ii d e o fe d
Et rt ed n n h i ad e r q qatt ed un y i
Pr hs u ae c
Sl sok o tc d
Ad i h vil b d w a al t a e qatt un y i
udt dt is pa e l e a
C tne oi u n
STATE CHART DIAGRAM: A state diagram is a type of diagram used in computer science and related fields to describe the behavior of systems. State diagrams require that the system described is composed of a finite number of states.
PACKAGE DIAGRAM A package is a group of modeling elements. It may contain both subordinate packages and ordinary model elements. The entire system can be thought of as a single high-level package, with all the uml diagrams organized within it.
COMPONENT DIAGRAM: A component diagram depicts how components are wired together to form larger components and or software systems. They are used to illustrate the structure of arbitrarily complex systems. Components are wired together by using an assembly connector to connect the required interface of one component with the provided interface of another component. This illustrates the service consumer - service provider relationship between the two components.
DEPLOYMENT DIAGRAM: A deployment diagram in the Unified Modeling Language models the physical deployment of artifacts on nodes. The nodes appear as boxes, and the artifacts allocated to each node appear as rectangles within the boxes. Nodes may have sub nodes, which appear as nested boxes. A single node in a deployment diagram may conceptually represent multiple physical nodes, such as a cluster of database servers.
CONCLUSION: Thus, the computerization of STOCK MAINTENANCE SYSTEM does effectively reduce the manual work involved in managing the entire details of the stock system. It saves time and gives easy access for already stored information. It enables the system in providing faster services to the applicants. The system has effective management of records which holds all the information of a particular user. This system also provides additional facilities like calculating turnover, adding new item, removing an item, updating the stock.