Manual Cat - Assamble Dis Ass Amble
Manual Cat - Assamble Dis Ass Amble
Manual Cat - Assamble Dis Ass Amble
3412= gBR1-UP
. . ....... ....,20 Valves OilBypass .........24 OilCooler ...........2O O i lF i l t e r s .............21 r O i lF i l t eB a s e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . OilFilter Base, Disassemble & Assemble.......... ...22 . . . . . . ... . . . . 2 3 O i lL e v eG a u g e l . . . . . . .1 . . 1 .6. O i lP a n ...'..162 O i lP u m p .. 163 OilPump,DisassembleAssemble & . ...169 Piston Tubes Cooling (Earlier Rod PinBearing Pistons WithStraight ..... .....171 Sides), Disassemble & Assemble
Pictnne ll alar - Tanororl Rnd Pin Roarinnc\
, e v q , , , , : , v / ,
Radiator ..............5 Rocker Assembly Shaft .............. .. ... ....149 RockerShaftAssembly, Disassemble & Assemble ... . 151 - -=:: lnjection Adapters .. . .............146 Rarru WaterPrrmn ......... 98 RawWaterPump(Earlier Disassemble Engines), & - - : re Lifting Brackets .................. ............... 12 .........99 :-; ie Support . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 2 Assemble Disassemble & - ' - a u s t M a n i f o l d ( R e a r ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 2 8 RawWaterPump(LaterEngines), Assemble ....... 104 (Water ......... :'^3uSt Maniold Cooled) 130 -(sansion Tank& WaterLrnes ............... 107 Meter............. Service ............. 38 ........152
. . . . . . |. / c .
_ ^ar I rnre
..... 173 Disassemble .................... & Assemble Pistons . . . .,.... 1 7 0 144 Precombustion Chambers ........,............. ...........................
. . . . . . . I. z
= a nB e l t s ............7 = a nD r i v e ............ ............. 116 Gears . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Timing =anDive,Disassemble ..... ..............................29 & Assemble .............................. T r r r h n n h a r o a r ...8 :an Guard Turbocharger, DisassembleAssemb|e & ....................... 31 ..........4 =lywheel .........117 =iywheel Valve Covers . .. ............. 133 Housing ............125 = r o nH o r s i n n t Valve Guides .. . . ...158 .....112 =r'ont Valve Lifters PushRods.............. & ........... 148 Housing ......... 16 Cover '18 :.lel Filter Valve SeatInserts ................ 157 ......... =uellnjection Valves .... ...156 Lines ............. ............................33 =uelInjection Vibration Damper Pulley & ........................ 109 Nozzles Adapters(Later7000 & Series) ............143 WatePump r ...........................92 (Earlier FuelInjection Nozzles 7000 Series) . .. . 139 ...... Pump, Disassemble & Assemble ......................... 95 Fuellnjection PumpHousing Governor ......................52Water & Water Temperature Regulators ................. 87 FuelInjection PumpHousing, Disassemble & Assemble .........78 Fuellnjection Pumps ...........44 (Direct FuelInjection Valves Injection).......... ...138 ....... (Precombustion FuelInjection Valves Chamber) ...136 ... FuelPriming Pump& Filter Base .. . . ....19 Disconnect batteries beore perormance of any (lf FuelRatio ................ Control Equipped) 35 service work. FuelFatioControl, DisassembleAssemble & ..............36 Fuel Transfer Pump......... -. ................. .. ...... 39 FuelTransfer Pumo.DisassembleAssemble & ...........40 ...... 18 Generator 1 (Precombustion ...... GlowPlugs Chambers) ............... 135 Disassemble & Assemble ................................ Governor, 55 Governor FuelPumpDrive & ......................47 Governor FuelPump Drive,Disassemble & & Assemble .........50
=al .................
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 . . . . . . . . . . .Snar:cr Plates .
. ... 160
3408C&3412C MarineEngines
3. Remove twentytwo bolts and washers(3)and remove two fan guards(4). r\/rs removal the NOTE: To install fan orrarcls the steps.
;r ffi # -t
flp d ..;il
:fr *
3408C&3412C MarineEngines
Disassembly& Assembly
Remove& lnstall Radiator 1353-010
-,=rar tvuot u
Care must be taken to ensure that fluids are contand during performance of inspection, mainten rrrce,testing, adjusting and repair o the machine. 8e prepared to collect the luid with suitable contners before opening any compartment or disassemblingany component containingfluids. Reerto .TOOLS AND SHOPPRODUCT GUIDE, NENG2sOO'" for tools and suppliessuitableto collect and contain 1uids in Caterpillar machines. Dispose luids according to local regulationsand mandates.
5. Loosen two hoseclamps(5)on the water temperature regulator housings. 6. Remove two radiator braces4).
7. Attachlifting slingsand a suitable lifting deviceto (6). (6) radiator Radiator weighsapproximately 186kg (410lb).
3408C&3412C MarineEngines
Disassembly& Assembly
Remove& InstallFan 1356-010
Stad By: a. removeradalc'
1. Attacha lifting to slingand a suitable lifting device fan(1).Fan(1)weights kg (75lb) . 34 (2). 2. Remove boltsand washers six 3. Remove (1). fan NOTE: To install fan, reverse removal the the steps. End By: (8). fourrubbermounts 10. lf necessary, remove reverse stepsfor the NOTE: To install radiator, the removal. EndBy:
^ cl. i^^+^f f +^^ ^,,^. il tLdI tdr I vu4r u
a. install radiator
Fan Belts
1 RemoveFan Belts 1357-01
the NOTE: Inspect an beltsfor damage,cracksor with new beltsi necessary. wear. Beplace
threefan belts(2)on the pulleys. 1 . Install 2. Tightenbolt (3)untilfan belts(2)are tightened bolt(3)untilfanbelts(2) 3. lf beltsare new,tighten reacha tension 534 + 22N (120 + 5lb). Use of the ToolA)to determine belttension. bolt(3)untilfanbelts(2) 4. lf beltsare used,tighten reacha tension 400 + 44 N (90 + 10 lb). Use of the Tool(A)todetermine belttension.
3. =:.novethreefan belts(2).
the four nuts (1)fastening fan driveto the 5. Tighten fronthousing. End By: a. installfan
3408C&3412C MarineEngines
Disassembly& Assembly
Fan Drive
Remove& lnstallFan Drive 1359-010
Tools Needed BS-1378 Stud Removerand ResetterGroup A
Start by:
lifting 1 . Attacha liftingslingand a suitable deviceto fan drive(1)as shown. 2. Remove four nutsand washers(2). 3. Remove drive(1).Fandriveweighs kg fan 23 ( 5 1r b ) .
1 . Remove two boltsand bracket(4)fromthe fan drivebracketassembly. 2. Femovesix bolts(1)that fastenfan adapter(3)to pulley (2).
(3). 4. Removebracketassembly
remove four studs (a)withTool (A). 5. lf necessary, NOTE: To install fan drive,reverse removal the the steps. End By: belts a. installfan 3408C&3412C MarineEngines Disassembly& Assembly
4 0454 5
t. r'.no\/ O-rinoseal16) from the fan drivehub. 5 . :emove hub (7)fromthe fan drive.
D4 446 5
3408C&3412C MarineEngines
Disassembly& Assembly
06J84 9
10. lf necessary, plug(14)inside adapter remove fan (3) NOTE: Thefollowing stepsareor the assembly the of fandrive.
D 6 J 89 4
14. UseTool(A)to install seal(11)intohub (Z). lip Lubricate sealing o lip seal(11)with 1Pthe lip 0808 Lithium Grease .
045450 045446
15. Install (B), bearing spacer(9)and bearing into (10) hub (7). 2. lnstall spacer(13)on fan bracketassembiy (12).
3408C& 3412CMarineEngines
^ rh 7\ in tho
pulley (2)to hub (7), 19. Install bolts(1)fastening six 20. lnstall bracketand two bolts(4)on the fan drive bracketassembly. fitting with 1P-0808 21. Fillthefan driveat the grease Lithium Grease. EndBy: fan a. install drive
Disassembly& Assembly
Remove& Install Engine Lifting Brackets 1122-O1O
StartBy: a. removeexhaustmanifolds
Engine Support
Remove & Install Engine Support 1154-010
Start By: pulley damper a. removecrankshaft &
* -
3. Remove four boltsand washers(4). 4. Remove sideenginebracket(3). left NOTE:For installation the engineliftingbrackets, of reverse stepsor removal. the EndBy:
2. Attachtwo liftingslingsand a suitable liftingdevice to radiator support(2)as shown.Remove eight bolts,washersand nuts(4)fastening radiator support(2)to engine support(3).
a. install exhaustmanifolds
3408C&3412C MarineEngines
Grankcase Breather
Remove& lnstall Crankshaft Breather 1317-010
NOTE: The crankcase removaland breather installation the samefor both crankcase is removal breathers.For simplicity, and installation is shownfor onlvone crankcase breather.
:-arnsand a suitable lifting device the to : rg brackets shown. Theweightof the as = aoproximately 3629 kg (8000lb).
- -3 Cevice.
::rove engine support(3).Theweight engine of . -:cort (3)is 25 kg (55 lb) . ' ^ecessary, placewood blocksunderthe engine ,'.aere front housing the and the oil pan are mated
'^ lr rnnnrf f ho onnino
3. Remove O-ringseal(3). NOTE: For installation the crankshaft of breather, reverse removal the steps.
'rlT: To install engine the reverse support, the .--': ral steps.
-' Qrl "t.
3408C&3412C MarineEngines
Disassembly& Assembly
Movedamper(4)forward enoughto attacha far lifting slingas shown. Attachthe liftrng slingto a suitable lifting device. l*.T.oy" damper(4).Damper(4)weighs29 kg (64 tb).
1 . Remove twelvenuts (2). 2. Usetwo people remove to pulley pulley (1). (1) weighsapproximatety kg (46 tb). Zl
!9If , Adapter(6)is hetdin ptaceby twelvebotts removing twelvebolts(5)hotdadapter(6)by !5),When handto preventit from falling. 6. Hold adapter(6)by hand,removetwelvebotts(S).
Disassembly& Assembly
',I -: -re following stepsarefor the installation of --,--:shaft pulley and damper.
(1) 13. Placepulley in position the adapter. on 14. Installtwelve (2).Tighten nuts twelvenuts(12)toa torqueof 65 + 10 N.m (r+8t 7 lb ft).
9 . : ::: adapter in position the crankshaft. (6) on 10- r'all t r r r o h r o hv n l t c U / 6 \ v r L
t l.
Disassembly& Assembly
Remove& lnstall Front Housing Cover 1151-010
Tools Needed ResetterGrouo BS-1378 Stud Removerand A 1
StartBy: fan a. remove drive 3. lf necessary, remove four studs (6)with Tool(A). 4. lf necessary, remove threeboltsand cover(5). 5. Remove (7). nut
sI '-*
3? :irt z"#
. --tt'
3408C&3412C MarineEngines
Disassembly& Assembly
'emove nuts(10), : --.'.. five (1 cover 1)and ':-. - : -::], remove studs(12)withTool(A). five - '-, "rrwinostensarc fOrthe installation ' '"',.Y o -s ng cover.
15. lf removed, installfour studs(6)withTool(A). ' I '-:'roved, installfive studs(12)with Tool(A). (11), fivenuts(10). thegasket, cover and - =:all fivenuts(10)to a torqueof 20 + 3 N.m ;'ten ( 1 s+ 2 l b f t ) . (4). 16. Installcover 17. Install (7)and ten bolts(3). nut 18. lf removed, install gasketand cover(5). the
Disassembly& Assembly
Fuel Filter
Remove& InstallFuel Filter 1261-01
Tools Needed
Care must be taken to ensure that fluids are cor tained during performanceof inspection,maint* nance,testing, adjusting and repair of the machine. Be prepared to collect the luid with suitable corF tainers before opening any compartment or disassemblingany componentcontaining fluids.Referto AND SHOPPRODUCT GUIDE, NENG2SOO' "TOOLS for tools and suppliessuitableto collect and contain fluids in Caterpillar machines. Dispose fluids according to local regulationsand mandates.
position, 1. Turnthe uelsupply valve the "OFF" to fuel 2. UseToolA to remove filter(1). NOTE: Thefollowing stepsarefor the installation of the fuelfilter.
3408C& 3412CMarineEngines
Disassembly& Assembly
:' :aie the sealof fuelfilter withcleanengine (1) : - :' to installation. -:cl (A)to install filter(1). + fuel Tighten filter fuel : -: to I turn aftercontactwith the filterbase. -- :re uelsupply valve the "ON"position. to
Care must be taken to ensure that fluids are contained during performance of inspection, maintenance,testing, adjusting and repair of the machine. Be prepared to collect the luid with suitable containers before opening any compartment or disassembling any component containingfluids. Reerto ''TOOLS AND SHOPPRODUCT GUIDE, NENG2sOO", or tools and suppliessuitableto collect and contain luids in Gaterpillar machines. Dispose fluids according to local regulationsand mandates.
two bolts (2).Remove 2. Remove uel primingpump (1)and the gasket. 3. Marktwo hoses(3)or identircation. Disconnect two hoses(3)fromfilterbase(5).Cap and plugall immediately. openings 4. Remove two bolts and nuts(4)romthe filterbase. Remove filterbase(5). pumpand NOTE: Forinstallation the fuelpriming of filterbase,reverse removal the steps. End By: filter a: installfuel
3408C&U12C MarineEngines
Disassembly& Assembly
Oil BypassValves
Remove& InstallOil Bypass Valves 1314-010
Oil Filters
I ":ll
Care must be taken to ensure that fluids are contained during performance of inspection, maintenance,testing,adjustingand repairof the machine. Be prepared to collect the fluid with suitable containers before opening any compartment or disassemblingany componentcontainingfluids.Referto NENG2sOO", AND SHOPPRODUCT GUIDE, "TOOLS or tools and suppliessuitableto collect and contain fluids in Caterpillar machines. Dispose fluids according to local regulationsand mandates. (2)rom oilfilter base(1)with 1. Remove oilfilters two Tool (A). of stepsare for the installation NOTE: The following the oilfilters. the 2. Lubricate sealsof two oil filters(2)with clean engine oil. (2) 3. Installtwo oilfilters untilcontactis madewith oil filter base(1). two oil filters(1)an additional3/4turn aller 4. Tighten baseis made. contact with the oililter
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cover(1). 1. Remove the 2. Remove filterbypassvalvefrom the filterbase. 3. UseTool (A)to removeoil filter(2). (2) install oilfilter according NOTE: Uponinstallation, givenon the filter. to the instructions 4. Remove cover(3). the 5. Remove oil coolerbypassvalvefrom the cooler line. bypass reverse of NOTE: For installation the oil bypassvalves,
tho romnrnl qtonq
level. Seethe oil 6. Checkthe engine for the correct Manual. & Operation Maintenance
3408C&3412C MarineEngines
Disassembly& Assembly
- -i: re taken to ensure that fluids are con'-.e: :--'rg performance o inspection, mainte. ':s:;ng. adjusting and repair of the machine. :, t- ;r.*:.r-ed to collect the luid with suitable con-F, :{3re opening any compartment or disas:,:,r'-.1 3ny component containing fluids. Referto " , - r - S A N D S H O P P R O D U C TG U I D E ,N E N G 2 5 0 0 " , - ' : :.:. s : nd supplies suitable to collect and contain L-',i"; - Caterpillar machines. Dispose fluids r--'-; to local regulations and mandates. '
1. Remove (2)holding bolt hoseclip(3)in place. 2. Remove eleven bolts(1)holding filterbase(4)to oil (5) oil cooler and cylinder block(6). 3. Remove oilfilter base(4). 4. Remove fourO-ring the romoilfilterbase(4). seals NOTE: Forinstallation the oil filterbase,reverse o the
romnrrll ctanc
EndBy: a. install filters oil 6. Checkthe engine for the correct oil level. Seethe Operation Maintenance & Manual,
r108C&3412C MarineEngines
Disassembly& Assembly
Care must be taken to ensure that fluids are contained during performance o inspection, maintenance,testing, adjustingand repair o the machine. Be prepared to collect the fluid with suitable containers before opening any compartment or disassembling any component containing luids. Reer to AND SHOPPRODUCT GUIDE, NENG2sOO", "TOOLS for tools and suppliessuitableto collect and contain fluids in Caterpillar machines. Dispose fluids according to local regulationsand mandates.
There is a small amount of spring force behind cover (4).Whentwo bolts (3)are loosened,the spring orce will be released.To preventpossiblepersonalinjury, loosen bolts (3) slowly and evenly to release the spring orce.
3. Removecover(4).
3408C&3412C MarineEngines
Disassembly& Assembly
Oil LevelGauge
Remove& InstallOil Level Gauge 1326-010
a - - J Vn n l r r nrn o rrc \ 9\, /fi r n m | | v [i l {l irlr+ n r l -aa o a / D \ . rr U PrUr gs l ur sr u , J \/, |A : 'rrrn nlr rnc /7\ rnm nil iltor haco /?\
-' assembly the oil filter of base,reverse the .: - steps. 1. Remove bolt,two washers and nut (1).
_ {;t+^- h^^^ lil LUt udu
tube (2)romthe engine 2. Bemove block. the 3. Remove O-ringsealfromtube (2). gauge, reverse NOTE: Forinstallation the oil level of
tho conc fnr rommral
Disassembly& Assembly
Oil Gooler
Remove& InstallOil Gooler1378-010
StartBy: a. remove filter oil base
Care must be taken to ensure that fluids are contained during performance of inspection, maintenance,testing, adiusting and repair of the machine. Be prepared to collect the fluid with suitable containers before opening any compartment or disassemblingany componentcontaining fluids.Referto AND SHOPPRODUCT GUIDE, NENG2500", "TOOLS for tools and suppliessuitableto collectand contain fluids in Gaterpillar machines. Dispose fluids accordingto local regulations and mandates.
NOTE:The oil cooleris heldin placeby six bolts(2). Holdthe oil coolerin placeby handwhileremoving six the fromfalling. bolts(2)to prevent oil cooler 2. Holdoil cooler(3)in placeby hand,remove six bolts(2). 3. Remove cooler(3). oil sealsfromthe end of oil 4. Remove two O-rino the (3). cooler 5. Remove gasketwheresix bolts(2)fastenthe oil the
r:noler tn the r:vlinclerblock.
NOTE: The following stepsare for installation the oil o cooler. NOTE: Checkthe O-ring sealsfor damage wear or priorto assembly. Replace with a new gasketif necessary. NOTE: Lubricate O-ring the sealswith cleanengine oil priorto installation. tube(1).Cap and plugall openings 1. Disconnect immediately.
3408C&3412C MarineEngines
Disassembly& Assembly
Remove& lnstall Aftercooler 1063-010
-:ricatethetwo O-ring seals withclean - criorto installation the oil cooler. of -roler3)in nositinn install bolts and six
Care must be taken to ensurethat fluids are contained during performanceof inspection,maintenance,testing,adiustingand repair of the machine. Be preparedto collect the fluid with suitablecontainers before openingany compartmentor disassemblingany componentcontaining fluids.Referto ''TOOLS AND SHOPPRODUCT GUIDE, NENG2sOO'" for tools and suppliessuitable collectand contain to fluids in Caterpillar machines. Dispose fluids accordingto local regulations and mandates.
- '. a:.t
lLrv v v ^ r o / 1| \ rl
/ .
- - - L 1^ i t i t + ^ - L ^ ^ ^ : f,li uil iltlcl udSc
plug(5)and drainthe coolant 1 . Remove fromthe into aftercooler a suitable container storage for or plug disposal. Reinstall (5). (2). 2. Remove four boltsand washers 3. Bemove eighteen bolts(3). 4. Removebracket(4). (1). aftercooler housing 5, Femove
3408C& 3412CMarineEngines
Disassembly& Assembly
gasket(6)fromcover(1). 6. Remove
7. Remove four boltsand washers(7) 8. Remove two elbows(B). eightbolts(12), 1 1 . Remove (1 12. Remove coolerelement 1), seals(13). two O-ring 1 3 . Bemove
-. rlt-
3408C& 3412CMarineEngines
Disassembly& Assembly
Air Filter
Remove & lnstall Air Filter 1054-010
Yl -:
Yl --: trrior installation, to checkall O-ring seals or , i- .l: or wearand replace necessary. if Coatthe ,',:^clean engine oil. 'gl -l -::,. r '-::ari uelinjection lines
^. atne
(3) 2. Remove filterelement from the air cleaner air assembly. NOTE: To install air filterelement, the reverse the removal steos.
lbr+lr:'r+ '!!;rfJ I
,24 fi
(8)astening air fourboltsand washers 6. Remove (7) housing. cleaner support to the flywheel reverse the the assembly, NOTE: To install aircleaner steps. removal End By: air a. install filter and nut (1)fromthe bracket bolt,washers 1 . Remove (2) air assembly to the engine. fastening cleaner
-:.:L: r\c
t:.:l': t: :fefr; tt l ::
E l\t!p f
2. Loosentwo hoseclamps(3).
and nut (4)fromthe bracket bolt,washers 3. Remove (2) assembly to the engine. air fastening cleaner
housing air threebolts(6)fastening cleaner 4. Remove (5)to air cleaner suppotl (7).Duringassembly, tightenthreebolts(6)to a torqueof 24 + 7 Nm ( 1 8+ s l b f t ) . (5). housing air 5. Remove cleaner
3408C&3412C MarineEngines 28 Disassembly& Assembly
l-:: :-:
Tu rbocharger
lemo v e & I n s t a l l -.'locharger 1052-010
l:'e must be taken to ensure that fluids are con.r' red during performance of inspection, mainte'.i-ce. testing, adjusting and repair of the machine. l-: erepared to collect the fluid with suitable con.i -ers before opening any compartment or disas;-:r bling any component containing fluids. Refer to ]OLS AND SHOP PRODUCT GUIDE, NENG25OO'" . ' :cols and supplies suitable to collect and contain '- ls in Caterpillar machines. Dispose fluids r.::crding to local regulations and mandates.
nr rr nr rte /R\
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'.r ,1
- - - r \ / n r r r hv n\ l i e v r v
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Disassembly& Assembly
1 1 . Remove and clip(11). bolt 12.
+l-rn aanlzaf /Rammro ir rkro i 1 ?\ en| rne gasKer.a n anOn uap a n prug all openings immediately.
1 6 . Attachlifting slings and a suitable lifting device to the turbocharger shown.Install as turbocharger (10)in its original location. weightof the The turbocharger 47 kg (104lb). is gaskets (13)and (14). 14. Remove NOTE: The following stepsarefor the installation o
fho tr rrhrnnharnar
18. Connect tube (9)to the cylinder block. 1 9 . Insiallfour nuts(8).Do not tighten nuts(8)at this time.
; -':.
3408C&3412C MarineEngines
Disassembly& Assembly
^stallour the bolts(1)connecting elbowto the ::ercooler. the -trosen V-bandclamps attaching the housing the to :f,mpressor housing turbine and to :artridge to enough allowhousings rotate.
Y-t;*' //_--\,
063822 1 . Loosenclamp(4)and removehose(5). tightenclamp(2) 2. Loosenclamp(2).Uponassembly t o a t o r q u e o1 4 + 1 N . m ( 1 0 t 1 l b f t ) . f (3)fromthe caftridge compressor 3. Remove (1). and assembly turbine
:csitionthe housings exhaust withthe air pipes, so :rpes,the oil and the waterlines theyare all a igned withoutbinding.
23. lonnect tube (2),(3),(5)and (7). the t{. rstalltwo bolts(4)and (6)connecting tubesto
'no ir rrl-rnnharnor
to - -ightenthe V-bandclamps 14 + 1 N.m (10 t 1 rb ft). 26. Tap the V-bandclampsall the way aroundand .etighten 14 + 1 N.m (10 + 1 lb ft). Do not to cvertighten clamps. the the Z7. Tighten four nuts (B)fastening the manifold a to turbocharger the rearexhaust to rorque 55 + 5 N.m (41 + 4lb ft). of : By: , rstallair cleaner
3408C&U12C MarineEngines
Disassembly& Assembly
3 - l I nj e
- rs
e- 3 e Ft
.06 82 J 4
(B) (1), 7. Femove cartridge assembly from turbine (14). 12. Remove adapter
"ar'-tl - . : r - , : :*-
I -a O ::Stll
32;!.31( DC
ani (
: '
D6J825 06J827
8. Remove bolts four andclips(11). 13. Remove two plugs(15)from exhaust elbow(10). 9. Remove exhaust elbow(10). NOTE: Checkall O-ring seals wearor damage for and replace with new partsif necessary. NOTE: Forassembly the turbocharger, o reverse the
niaa^^^*hl', ilury uraEr ^+^^^ JLUPJ.
t: rr-f
3408C&3412C MarineEngines
Disassembly& Assembly
FuelInjection Lines
RemoveFuel Injection Lrnes 1252-011
lare must be taken to ensure that luids are conzned during performance of inspection, mainter.lce, testing, adjusting and repair o the machine. 3c prepared to collect the fluid with suitable conSners beore opening any compartment or disasrmbling any component containingfluids. Reer to TOOLSAND SHOPPRODUCT GUIDE, NENG2sOO", br tools and suppliessuitableto collect and contain tuids in Caterpillar machines. Dispose fluids rccording to local regulationsand mandates.
1. Remove bolt,clamps, washers and nut (1) 2. Remove (2). bolt,clampsand washers 3. Remove two bolts,clamps,washers and nuts (3).
(A) 8. Install Tooling in the fuelinjection openings. line (B) L Install Tooling in the openings the fuel o pump and the valvecovers. injection
3408C&3412C MarineEngines
Disassembly& Assembly
Fuel Ral
Remove F EquiPPed
--re must t durin -red rrrce. testit 3c PrePare< zrrers beo rrnbling an -OOLS AN r: tools arx 'Lrds in ( xcording t
(A) 1 . Remove line Tooling fromthe fuelinjection openings. (B)from openings the fuel Tooling 2. Femove the of pump and the valvecovers, injection
two bolts,clamps,washersand nuts (3). 7. Install (2). bolt,clampand washers 8. Install 9. Install bolt,clamps, washers and nut (1). NOTE: lf replacement linesare installed, always removethe metalidentification so vibration the tags of fuellines. tags willnot causewornthrough
3408C&3412C MarineEngines
Disassembly& Assembly
t FuelRatio Gontrol
aemoveFuel Ratio Gontrol(lf !quippedl 1278-011
l:re must be taken to ensure that fluids are con:,ned during performanceof inspection,mainte'.3nce, testing,adjustingand repairof the machine. ie preparedto collect the fluid with suitablecon.: ners before opening any compartment or disas,+mbling any componentcontaining luids.Referto -OOLS AND SHOPPRODUCT GUIDE, NENG2sOO", :'tools and suppliessuitableto collectand contain -ids in Caterpillar machines. Dispose fluids ,:cording to local regulations and mandates.
,. ,
, I
, w." 4 ''
7.i . " r r ,f
b sl , 433524P1 "
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1 . Putfuelratiocontrol intoposition the (1) on governor housing.Make bolt (3)engages sure with (4) stopcollar in the governor housing.
' _f,q.^nn^t lina /?\ tn fr rol ratin nnntrnl / 1\
Disassembly& Assembly
Care must be taken to ensure that fluids are contained during performance of inspection, maintenance, testing, adjustingand repair of the machine. Be prepared to collect the luid with suitable containers before opening any compartment or disassemblingany componentcontainingfluids.Referto AND SHOPPRODUCT GUIDE, NENG2sOO', "TOOLS for tools and suppliessuitableto collectand contain fluids in Caterpillar machines. Dispose fluids according to local regulationsand mandates.
Remove threebolts(9)and cover(10). the (7), (8), valve diaphragm retainer 6. Remove and spring
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(3). 2. Remove valveassembly 3. Remove seal(4)and O-ring sealfromvalve. (5) 4. Remove retainer and two springs(6). the
3408C&3412C MarineEngines
Disassembly& Assembly
must be taken to ensure that luids are con-rd during performance o inspection, mainterrce, testing, adjusting and repair of the machine. }r prepared to collect the luid with suitable con-rers before opening any compartment or disasrmbling any component containingluids. Refer to TOOLSAND SHOPPRODUCT NENG2sOO", GUIDE, b tools and suppliessuitableto collect and contain trds in Gaterpillar machines. Dispose fluids rccording to local regulationsand mandates.
I r Y
(7) (6) Install spring and retainer in cover(8), (5) (4) 5. Install diaphragm on valveassembly and in ne cover.
85842P 1'
'?. :,-rtcleanengine on the lip of seal(1).Install seal oil 'r in cover(2).Install sealso the lip is toward the :ie inside the cover. of
6. lnstall coverand threebolts(11)that holdcovers together. the 7. Put cleanengine on sealand ringseal.Install oil
/1O\ nn rnhra
(13),retainer, valve two 8. Installthe springs and (12). assembly (9)andtwo bolts, housing 9. lnstall NOTE: Correctadjustment must be madeto the uel ratiocontrolbeforeinstallation. the Systems See Testing Adjusting Manual. Operation, & EndBy: a. 'instdlfuel ratiocontrol Install valve(3)into cover(2). Install pin that holdsthe coveron the valve. the
Disassembly& Assembly
Service Meter
Remove& lnstallService Meter 7478-O1O
f-Ll Trat
tnove tunp
F 12
NOTE: Lubricate O-rinq the fue sealwith cleandiesel priorto installation. the fuel 3. Lubricate O-ring sealwith cleandiesel prior to installation. Install O-rinq the sealon service (1). meter or NOTE: Thefuelinjection lineshavebeenremoved picture fuel linesdo not haveto be clarity.The injection removedin orderto remove service the meter. 1. Femovetwo boltsand clamps(2)that hold service (1)tofueltransfer pump(3). meter Remove service meter{l ). 2. Remove O-ring the meter(1). sealon service NOTE: Thefollowing of stepsarefor the installation the service meter. pump (3). 4. Install service meter(1)on fueltranser Position service meter(1)for viewing from right handsideof the engine. (2) two 5. Install boltsand clamps securing service (1)tofueltransfer pump(3). meter
:tr 'r-r:a
I .;
3408C& 3412CMarineEngines
Disassembly& Assembly
FuelTransfer Pump
RemoveFuel Transfer hrnp 1256-011
r ...--JVe servrce meter
ie must be taken to ensure that fluids are con-red during performance of inspection, maintermce, testing, adjusting and repair o the machine. 3t prepared to collect the fluid with suitable con-rers beore opening any compartment or disasrmbling any component containingluids. Reerto TOOLSAND SHOPPRODUCT GUIDE, NENG2sOO", b tools and suppliessuitableto collect and contain trds in Gaterpillar machines. Dispose luids rccording to local regulationsand mandates.
1 . Install gasket fueltransfer the pump(2). on pump(2)in position the 2. Putfueltransfer on governor.
'.JTE: The fuel injection lineshavebeen removed for ::rre clarity.The injection fuel lines not haveto be do =-cved in orderto remove service the meter. 1. Jisconnect cap two fuellines (1)fromfuel and
'rrnqfar nr rmn /?\
2 iemove two bolts(3). 3. Remove transfer pump (2)and the gasket. fuel
Disassembly& Assembly
Care must be taken to ensure that fluids are contained during performance of inspection, maintenance,testing, adjusting and repair of the machine. Be prepared to collect the fluid with suitable containers beore opening any compartment or disassemblingany componentcontaining luids.Referto AND SHOPPRODUCT GUIDE, NENG2sOO'" "TOOLS for tools and suppliessuitable collectand contain to fluids in Caterpillar machines. Dispose luids accordingto local regulations and mandates.
(3) pump 1 . Remove fittings and (4)fromfueltransfer (5) gasket(1)and O-ring 2. Bemove seal(2)fromfuel
tnnqfor nurr r m rn / 6 \ I v y
3408C&3412C MarineEngines
Disassembly& Assembly
:^roveplug(11)fromcover(9). fromplug(11). :^roveO-ring seal(12) (16), - ::move plug(17), washers two seal(15), ( p . : r i n g( 1 4 ) a n d l u n g e(r1 3 ) f r o m o v e r 9 ) . c ' ' lecssan/remove ferrule. the
J ' ' v " ' v Y e
(18). (24)rom body assembly 1 7 . Remove bearing 1 8 . Remove lip seals(25)from two bodyassembl, (18)
(21)from bodyassembly 14. Remove shaftassembly (18). (18). 15. Removegear(22)from body assembly 3408C&3412C MarineEngines 41 Disassembly& Assembly
B 1
D E 1
first (C), 4. Install lip seal(25)withTooling Installfirst seal(25)until is 26.19+ 0.3mm (1.031I it .005 in) from the bottom(drivegear)surfaceand (27). withthe lipfacingtowardbearing (D). 5. Install secondlip seal(25)with Tooling Install secondlip seal(25)untilit is 14.2 + 0.5 mm (.559 + .020in)from the bottom(drive gear)surface a. with the lip facingawayfrom bearing(27). (24)in bodyassembly with (18) 6. lnstall bearing 063937 (B). 1 . Install valve(26)withTooling 2. Install idlershaft(28)untilflush withbottomof body (18). assembly (27)withTooling Bearing (A). (27) 3. Install bearing must not extendabovethe (gear) sudaceof body (18). assembly
T n n l i n n / t r \ T|hva v - r ralovr i n n ( 2 4 \ m t r S t h e e v e n w i t h t h = lvs i r | ' \L./,
7. Heatgear(23)to a maximum 315" C (600' F). of gear(23)on shaft(21)untildimension is (X) Install 49.71 + 0.25 mm (1.957+ .00 in).
3408C&3412C MarineEngines
^a +z
Disassembly& Assembly
. ,:.
D6 932 J
(9)with (C). lip 5. Install seal(10)in cover Tooling Installthe sealuntilit is 22.61 + 0.05 mm (.890 + .002in) fromthe top surJace cover(9)and of ,23) withlip facrng towardgears(221 and
NOTICE Do not let the liquid gasket enter the pump during application assembly. or
- rr:ll
ll O\ nn iho
v v q | \ | q 9 9 v | | | v | j .
^stall (20)on the shaftassembly. nut Tighten nut 20)to a torqueof 30 + 7 N.m (22 + 5 lb ft). 063929 16. Put 7M-7260 Liquid Gasket Material on the sudaceof cover(9).
%4 [P o ";M
r ,// /"
: r3931 1 2 . Install (12) plug(11). O-ring on ' 3 . Install plug(11) cover (9). in
P (il
(18). 17. lnstall cover(9)on bodyassembly 18. Install threesocketheadbolts8). NOTE: The driveshaftmust turn freelyaftersocket headbolts(B)are tightened.
plunger (13), (14), Install spring seal(15), two (16) washers and plug(17)in cover(9).
:408C&3412C MarineEngines
Fuellnjection Pumps
Remove Fuel Injection Pumps 1251-01 1
Tools Needed 6V6019 TimingPin 8T5287 852244 Wrench Extractor
(3). 19. Install O-ring(7)on fitting Gare must be taken to ensure that fluids are con tained during performance of inspection, mainte nance,testing, adjustingand repair o the machine Be prepared to collect the luid with suitable cor> tainers beore opening any compartment or disas. sembling any component containing fluids. Refertc NENG2sOO' AND SHOPPRODUCT GUIDE, "TOOLS for tools and suppliessuitableto collect and contain fluids in Caterpillar machines. Dispose luids according to local regulationsand mandates.
(1). (A) 1. Remove plugfromlocation InstallTool in the the holewith the squareend down. Movethe governor controlto the "ON" positionuntilthe rack stops againstTool(A).The racksare now in center
/zorn\ nnciiinn
pump (3)and(4)in thefueltransfer 21. lnstallfittings gasket(1)on the fueltransfer pump. 22. Install pump. 23. lnstall O-ring seal(2)on the ueltransfer EndBy: pump transfer a. installfuel )
Disassembly& Assembly
'::l:' : i:
Z --:isconnect (2)fromthe fuelinjection lines pumps. -emovewashers Put capson allfuelopenings. (3). 3. lemove bushings withTool(B). (a) {. iemove fuelinjection pumpwithTool(C).Remove (B). scacer '.lTE: Wheninjection pumps,spacers and lifters are :-ovd fromthe injection pump housing, keepthe ::s of eachpumptogether theycan be installed so ,,:< in theiroriginal location. 5. lisassemble fuelinjection the pump.Remove ring 6). Makea separation bonnet(5)fromthe of clunger (7), and barrel assembly
852244 Extractor
NOTICE 3e carefulwhen the injectionpumps are disassem: ed. Do not cause damageto the surfaceon the : unger.The plungerand barrelfor each pump are -ade as a set. Do not put the plunger of one pump in 're barrel another pump.lf one parthaswear,install of : complete new pump assembly. careful Be whenthe :rungeris put intothe bore of the barrel.
Remove gearsegment, the washer and spring from the barrel. oarret.
Care must be taken to ensure that fluids are contained during performance of inspection, maintenance,testing, adjusting and repair o the machine. Be prepared to collect the fluid with suitable containers before opening any compartment or disassembling any component containingfluids. Reerto ''TOOLS AND SHOPPRODUCT GUIDE, NENG2sOO", or tools and suppliessuitableto collect and contain luids in Gaterpillar machines. Dispose fluids according to local regulationsand mandates.
NOTE: Makesurethe uel racksare in the center (zero) position beforethe fuel injection pumpsare installed.
3408C& 3412CMarineEngines
Disassembly& Assembly
:ernove & a-lp Driv
??? ? ? ,-.##f$ $f
5. Install (1)and bushing in the pumphous seal (15) bore.l the pumpis in the correct position, bushr (15)willturnintothe threads the pumphousing o withthe frngers untilit is evenwiththe housing. Tighten (15) bushing to a torqueof 205 -r 14 N.m (150 + 10 tb ft). (16). 6. lnstall washers 7. Connect fuellines the injection the pumpsand to tighten uellinenutsto a torqueof 40 + 7 N.m the (30 -f 5lb ft) withToot(D). 8. Checkfor correct installation the injection pumps of withthe engine stopped. See Injection Pump lnstallation the Systems in Operation, Testing & Adjusting Manual.
1 . Put plunger (10), washer(5)and spring(9)in position barrel ). Put checkvalveassembly ( on (7), spring(3)and collar in position bonnet (8) in (6). (6) Connect bonnet and banel(4)together with ring (2).Keepseal(1)with bonnet useat installatron, for 2. Put spacer(13)intoposition the pumphousing in bore.Makesurethe correctspaceris with each
NOTICE lf one or more of the injectionpumps have been installed wrong,damageto the engineis possiblei cautionsare not takenwhen the engines first started.Makepreparation closeoff the air intaketo stop to the engine,if necessary. 9. Remove Tool(A)and install plugin the pump the nousrng.
4. Putthe injection pumpstraight down intothe housing boreso the spacein gearsegment (11)is in alrgnment pin (12)andthe groove barrel with in (4)is in alignment dowet(14). with UseToot(C)to lnstall oumo. the 3408C&3412C MarineEngines
:-:: i
::'nove cover(1), (B). 4. lnstallTool 5. Turnthe engine (as counterclockwise seenromthe flywheel of engine) Tool(A)untilNo. 1 end with pistonis at top centerf-C) on the compression stroke and Tool(B)can be installed the flywheel. in SeeTop Center(TC)for No. 1 pistonin Testing & Adiustino.
. -f.
6. Put alignment markon governor fuelpump and drive(3). 7. Remove four bolts(4)and retainer (5). 9. Remove cover(1).
1 0 . InstallTool (A). governor fuelpumpdrive(3), 8. Remove and NOTE: Thefollowing stepsareor the installation of the governor fuelpumpdrive. and 1 1 . Remove plug(2).
the flywheel of engine)with end Tool(A)untilNo. 1 pistonis at top center[iC) on the compression strokeand Tool (B)can be installed the in flywheel.See Center(1-C)for 1 pistonin Top No. Testing Adjusting. and
3408C&3412C MarineEngines
'llTE: Lubricate weights the and slides inside the ; ..3rnor and fuelpumpdrivewithcleanengine oil -' :'to installation. 'vJTE: lnspect gasket(6)fordamage wear,if or '--:ee2n/ ronlano r..,.,, newgasKer. aliih a
(5) 15. Install retainer and fourbolts(4). Tighten four bolts(4)to a torqueo 136 + 7 N.m (101 + 5 rb ft). plug(2)and cover(1). 16. Install EndBy: t4. Install governor and fuelpump drrve(3)in position according the alignment to mark. a. installfront housing cover
3408C&U12C MarineEngines
Disassembly& Assembly
lssmb we 1
--: j.
1- - -
: -:r.rovetwo slides rom pistons (5) (6). I (4) :=parate drivegearassembly fromadvance .:eve (7).
4. Use1P-008GeneralPurposeLubricantto hold (5) (4). slides in position drivegearassembly on (5) (6). Install slides on pistons (7) 5. lnstall advance (4). sleeve to drivegearassembly
4381 6P1' 6
(4) 6. Install drivegearassembly on flangeassembly (1).Makesureslides (5)fitin grooves the of weights, (3) 1 . Putweights in position flange (1) in assembly as shown. (2) 2. Install (1). springs in flange assembly End By: governor fuelpumpdrive a. rnstall and
3408C& 3412CMarineEngines
Disassembly& Assembly
, ,,,
3408C&3412C MarineEngines
Disassembly& Assembly
9. Attacha lifting slingand a suitable lifting device to pump housing governor as uelinjection (9) & shown. pump housing governor 10. Moveuelinjection (9) & backtowards rearo the engine the untilclearof the governor fuelpumpdrivehousing. and
a a
.l$,.,r, - '','t'f
11. Remove injection pumphousing governor fuel & (9). Theweightof the fuelinjection pump housing is & governor 56 kg (125lb).
.:t .= ?r,
12. Remove two O-ringseals the bottomof the the on pump housing governor. uelinjection & 13. Remove O-ringsealon the frontof the fuel the pump housing governor. injection &
NOTICE Makesurethereis no paint,dirt or otheroreignmaterial on the machinedsurfacesof the engineor fuel pump housing. carefulnot to damage injection Be the O-ringsealsfor the oil inletand oil outletas the pump is put into position the engine. on pump 6. Connecttwo hoses(8)to the fuelinjection housing.
1. lnstall O-ring the seallocated the frontof the fuel on pump housing governor. injection and 2. Installthe O-ring two sealslocated the bottomo on pumphousing the fuelinjection and governor, 3. Put a lightlayerof 5P-0960Multi-Purpose Grease on the O-ringseallocatedat the front of pumphousing the fuelinjection and governor and on the two O-ringsealsfound on the bottomof the pumphousing (oil fuelinjection and governor inlet and oil outlet). 4. Attacha lifting slingand a suitable liftingdeviceto pumphousing (9) fuelinjection and governor as shown. pumphousing 5. Putfuelinjection (9) and governor in position the cylinder on block.
3408C&3412C MarineEngines
Disassembly& Assembly
DisassembleGovernor 1264-015
Tools Needed 6 V - 6 0 1 9 T i m i n gP i n RingPliers 1P-1856 Retaining 1P-1855 Retaining RingPliers A B 1
Care must be taken to ensure that fluids are contained during performance of inspection, maintenance,testing, adjustingand repair of the machine. Be prepared to collect the fluid with suitable containers before opening any compaftment or disasluids.Reerto semblingany componentcontaining AND SHOPPRODUCT GUIDE, NENG2sOO", "TOOLS or tools and suppliessuitableto collect and contain luids in Caterpillar machines. Dispose luids and mandates. accordingto local regulations
pumphousing governor NOTE: Thefuelinjection & rom the engineto does not haveto removed pump The the disassemble governor, fuelinjection havebeenremoved from the housing governor & to the for engine disassemble governor photographic ourooses.
'11.Connect uellines to the fueltransfer (1) two pump. -rd By: governor fuelpumpdrive & a. install lines injection o. installfuel
3408C&3412C MarineEngines
Disassembly& Assembly
pumphousing 2. Install Tool(A)intothe fuelinjection withthe souare end down,Usea smallamount of handforceto pushdownon Tool (A)whilethe fuel controlleveris movedforward the "FUEL to ON"
nnsition r rntil Tnol /A\ seats itsolf The r rcl rack will
y v v l l | v | v v | \ , 1 /
l5 :
:5;.eF"' t#,,-3
i ,*,,',
6. Remove sevenbolts(7)fastening housing assembly (5)to plategroup(B).
3408C&3412C MarineEngines
Disassembly& Assembly
-t I
i ,,',
gasket (13)from the bottomo housing 10. Femove (5) -lrere is spring force under collar (9).Removesock:t head bolt (10) slowly while holding collar (9) in :iace to allow the springorce to be released grad-ally.
(1 lemovespring 1).
D 6 3 95 4
Disassembly& Assembly
.-.-.l a',- \ v
_1Q /
i$::i:= :!444
: r951
Shaft (20) is under spring force. Remove shaft (20 from handle (21) slowly while holding shaft (29) ir place to prevent possible personal injury.
(21)by turning 1 6 . Femove shaft(20)from handle counterclockwise. 1 7 . Remove spring from shaft(20). the (21)rom guide(22). 18. Femove handle 1 9 . Remove two screws(23)from bracket(17). (18)from locknut throttle control (16). rod 14. Remove romthrottle 1 5 . Remove spacer and spring(19) rod control (16).
= I
a4 L+,
3408C&3412C MarineEngines 58 Disassembly& Assembly
,-- i
063952 gasket(40). 32. Remove (39)and(41) NOTE: Marklocations idlescrews of priorto removal fromthe housing.
28 29 30
markon highidlescrew(39)and 33. Makealignment remove highidlescrew(39)counting number the of turnsuntilremoved. markon low idlescrew(41)and 34. Makealignment remove idlescrew(41)counting number low the of turnsuntilremoved.
21. Removetwo socket head bolts (27). 22. Remove lock (28). (29). 23. Remove retainer (30). 24. Remove insulator 25. Remove contact(31). (32). 26. Remove retainer 27. Remove shim(33). 28. Remove (34), bar (35). 29. Remove insulator 30. Remove cover(36). 31. Remove bolt (37)andcover(38).
two 35. Remove socketheadscrews(44)fastening (a3)to the housing. bracket felt 36. Remove washer(42)f romthe shaft.
3408C& 3412CMarineEngines
%.-..-l M
s rjql : i.i.
I Ii
06J9 4 5 06J957
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.1. .r'
41. Remove two seals(49)from both sideso the nousrng. plug(50)andthe O-ring remove 42. lf necessary, sea
(51)and (52) 43. Remove sleeve bearing Pin (a8)has a large amount o spring force behind it. The spring orce will not release slowly during removalof pin (zA).Removepin (rt8) very careullyto avoid possible personal iniury.
pin 39. Remove (48)slowly and carefully to the due orcebehrnd it. large spring 40. Femove spring the and the stopplunger inside leverassemb! (aO).
45. Remove valve(55)fromvalvebody (53). 46. Remove O-ring seal(54)from valve(55). 47. Remove seal(56)from valvebody (53). O-ring
3408C&3412C MarineEngines
Disassembly& Assembly
:9. UseTool(B)to remove retaining (59). ring i0. Remove spacerring (60).
3408C&3412C MarineEngines
a (t
54. Disassemble springseat (65)and bolt stop (64)as follows: a. Remove retaining (68)from ring spring seat(65). (67)from b. Remove bearing springseat(65). c. Remove boltstop (64)from springseat(65). d. Remove spacer(66)from spring seat(65).
57. Remove four bolts(72). plate(71)from fuelinjection 58. Remove adapter the pumpnousrng.
pin (74)fastening 59. Remove assembly drive (73) assembly to gear(75). (70)from governor 55. Remove lockring weight(69). (73)from 60. Remove gear(75) driveassembly
3408C&3412C MarineEngines
Disassembly& Assembly
- at897
{:. -j
.{mt #i
plate(71)over. 65. Turnadapter retaining (Bl)from ring 66. UseTool(C)to remove gear(75). 67. Remove threebolts(79)and bracketassembly plate(71). (80) fromadapter
guide(77), 62. Remove dowel(78)from guide(77)from plate(71) 63. Remove adapter (80)as follows: bracketassembly 68. Disassemble guide(78). 64. Remove O-ringsealinside the piston(BB). a. Remove valve(87). b. Remove pin c. Remove (BO). (85). d. Remove sleeve (85). e. Remove O-ringseal(84)from sleeve remove f. lf necessary, dowel(83)and lever(82).
3408C&3412C MarineEngines
Disassembty E Assenbrr
plate(71). (89)fromadapter gasket 69. Remove plate(71). plug(91)from adapter 70. Remove plate(71). adapter two 71. Remove dowels(90)from plate(71). (92) cylinder from adapter 72. Remove plate(71). adapter dowel(94)from 73. Bemove plate(71). (93)from adapter bearing 74. Remove
group(4)' four bolts(96)fromadapter 76. Remove group(4) (97)fromadapter two covers 77. Remove
::,'.t . tlil
'1,J.' * i
r:.nove nut and washer (101)from boltstop -t0). ::move boltstop (t OO) from cover(99).
87. lf necessary, remove dowel(106) and ptug(i OZ) rom plateassemblv (10S).
) 88. Remove gasket 10)fromadapter (1 group(4). 89. Remove foursocketheadbotts(1OB). lemove gasket(103) fromadapter group(4). 90. Remove (107) lever and (109).
u. Turnadaptergroup (4)over.
85. Remove and washer bolt (104) fromadapter group(4). 86. Remove plateassembly 0b) from adaptergroup (t (4). 3408C&3412C MarineEngines 65
.. 'l I
p r r u r L L ,d J ) u r
I r u r y . li {l n n u n o b n rd t y . | t nu na 5
rnnln^5 tptduv
at q6 i ' )
(1 group(4). 93. Remove insulator 14)from adapter 94. Remove (1 two bearings 15)and (11B)from
a q ^q + ^L s r u ^v . ^.^, '^ | \
vr wuP \a/.
95. Remove two lipseals(116)and (119)from adapter group(4). (1 96. Remove valve 17).Remove C-ringsealfrom the (1 valve 17).
3408C& 3412C MarineEngines
Disassembly& Assembly
" -------_........-,/ A \
'/\ \-./
-srall (114) adapter group(4). insulator in Tighten =rlator(114)to a torqueof 4.52 r- 0.60 Nm + 140.000 5.000lb in). -E: (.1 All measurements involving bearing 15)are - at the center the bearinq. of 2.13 -r 0.10 mm (0.084+ .004in)rom the group(4). -tsidefaceo adapter
- >g
NOTE: Lubricate lip seals(116)and (119)with two clean engine priorto rnstallationshaft(111). oil of 7 . I n s t as lh a f ( 1 1 1 ) . l t (113) shaft 8. Installthe woodruff and lever key on (1 1). 1 l r 9 . I n s t ablo l t( 1 1 2 i)n l e v e( 1 1 3 ) .
.1 - ^ T^^r /n\ +^ i^^+^r bearino .1 5) to q clenth il rv I uul Lw ll lLqll uqqr Lv a uu|!,r of \u,/ \ | r u/
(1 - se Tool(D)to install bearing 1B)untiloutward ',:ing surface bearing (118) 110.84t of is 0.50 mm (4.340 + .020 in) from the bottomof (1 :earing 15). - se Tool(D)to install seal(.1 untilseated lip 16) -'mly against counterbore with lipacing face the :re counterbore sudace. Jse Tool(D)to install seal(119) lip untilseated 'rrmly (1 against bearing 1B)with lip sealfacingaway 'rombearing (118). ,/ ,--/ (4) D63910 (107) 1 0 . Install lever and (109). 1 1 . Install socketheadbolts(108)fastening four levers (107) and (109) shaft(111). to gasket(110) adapter group(4). 12. lnstall on
3408C&3412C MarineEngines
. .-
18. Install stop (1OO)in bolt cover(99). (105)in position adapter 1 5 . Put plateassembly on group(4). 1 6 . Install bolt,washers and nut (104). 19. Install washer and nut (101)on boltstop (100). NOTE: Wiretie (102) can onlybe installed afterfinal adjustments havebeenmade to the governor.
3408C& 3412CMarineEngines
Disassembly& Assembly
NOTE: Lubricate entire the cylinder the O-ring and seals with 1P-0808Lithium Greasepriorto installation plategroup(71). in (92) 22. Install cylinder in plategroup(71). plug(91)in plategroup(71). 23. Install 24. UseTool(D)to install (93)untilit is 0.51 + bearing + 0.25 mm (.O2O4 .0100 in) betow the top surface of plate group (7). 20. Installtwo gaskets (98), (97), two covers cover (99)and fourbolts(96), gasket (89)on plategroup(71). 25. lnstall
3408C&3412C MarineEngines
Disassembly& Assembly
(80) 33. Put bracket in position plategroup(71). on (80)to 34. Install threebolts(79)fastening bracket 26. lf a replacement the dowelsin plategroup(71) of is necessary, the illustration correct see for installation dimensions. plate group(71). gear(75). 35. Install pin retaining (81)on gear 36. UseTool(C)to install (75)
.- :
(80). 27. PUIlever(82)in position bracket on pin (80). 28. lnstall (83)in bracket gurde (77)on plategroup(71), 37. lnstall (85). 29. Install O-ring seal(84)onsleeve 38. Install dowel(78)in guide(77). valve(87)in piston(88). 30. Install pin (80)andengage 31. Install (86)in bracket with lever(82). piston(BB)with (86). pin 32. Engage
3408C&3412C MarineEngines
Disassembly& Assembly
-E: Makesureto alignmarkson stop (76)and - 75)during assembly, :'3. nstall stop (76)in gear(75). Alignalignment marks proper ro ensure assemoty
NOTE: Makesurethe rack is heldln ihe "zero" position withTool(A)during installatron plategroup of (71). (82)engages Makesurelever withthe rackduring installation. 42. ?laceplategroup(71)in position the fuel on pumphousing. injection 43. lnstallfour plategroup71)to bolts(72)fastening pumphousing. the fuelinjection
40. Install (73) driveassembly in gear(75). pin 4 1 . lnstall assembly in gear(75). (74) Ensure the (74) endso pin assembly areengaged the in groveof the gear. zl4. lnstall governor weight(69)on plategroup (71).
45. Install (70) lockring on governor weight(69). Ensure endso lockring are engaged the (70) in the oovernor weioht. 3408C&3412C MarineEngines 71 Disassembly Assembly &
'-' 't
retaining (63)securing ring 51. UseTool(B)to install the springseatto the gutde.
46. lnstall bolt stop (64)in springseat (65), 47. Install bearing(67)in springseat (65). u18.Install ring retaining (68)in springseat (65). spacer(66)in springseat (65). 49. lnstall (62)on the boltstop. spring 52. Install spool(61)on the boltstop. 53. Install
3408C&3412C MarineEngines
Disassembly& Assembly
(53)in the housing, valve 60. lnstall (52).Dimension (D) 6 1 . UseTooling to install bearing "2" is 43.38+ 0.015mm (1.708 + .0006in). 62.
I l s e T o o l n o i D ) t o i n s t a l lh e a r i n n / 5 1 ) n i m n s i o n
' ' Y
Inctell )-rinn
"Y" "Y". 63. Checkdimension Dimension mustbe 60.58 + 0.13 mm (2.385+ .005 in).
two 64. UseTool(D)to install lip seals(49)until they areflushwiththe outside faceof the housing and with the lipsof both sealsfacingtowardsthe inside. NOTE: Lubricate borewithcleanenoine beore the oil
i n c t a l l i n In t nlr rn /O\
|/ruv \vv./.
3408C& 3412CMarineEngines
Disassembly& Assembly
the 66. Install stop plunger, spring and pin (48)in lever (46). assembly
69. lnstall washer42\ on the shaft. felt 70. Install bracket(43)and two sockethead bolts1:-
(46) 67. Put lever assembly in position the housing in and install shaft(47). 68. Install (46) bolt (45)in leverassembly
71. Install highidlescrew(39)the samenumber o turnsas duringremoval. 72. Install idlescrew(41)the samenumber low of turnsas duringremoval. gasket(40)on the housing. 73. Install
- -9. T
31 &
3408C&3412C MarineEngines
85. lnstallguide(22),quadrant controlQa), nub Q5), (26)and bracket ratchet (17)on the shaft.
28 29 30
) 86. lnstall screws(23)fastening two (17)to bracket the housing. governor 87. Install spring, the control shaft(20)and (21). handle 74. lnstall cover(38)and bolt (37). 75. Install cover(36). 76. Install (35). insulator 77. Install (34). bar 78. Installshim (33). 79. Install (32) retainer 80. lnstall contact(31). 81. Install (30). insulator (29) 82. Install retainer 83. Install lock(28). 84. Installtwo socketheadbolts(27). (19)and locknut 88. Install (18)on throttle spring control (16). rod
3408C&3412C MarineEngines
Disassembly& Assembly
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(17). throttle rod 89. Install control (16)in bracket (13) (5). 92. Installgasket on the bottomof housing --' ':'--
pin the 90. Install and cotterpin (15)fastening throttle controlrod to the quadrant.
(9). nut 93. lnstall screwand nut (12)in collar Tighten (12)toa torque 12 + 4 Nm (106.8+ o 35.6lb in).
rod. locknut control 91. lnstall {14)on the throttle 94. lnstall spring(11),collar(9)and socketheadbolt (10).
98 m
3408C& 3412CMarineEngines
Disassembly& Assembly
t5. Puthousing in position ptate (5) group(B). on 36. Install sevenbolts(7)astening (5) housing to plate group(B).
100. Remove Tool (A). gasket(6)on top of housing 97. Install (5).
plug(1). 10. Install 98. Put adaptergroup (4)rn positionon housing(5). 99. Installfive (3). boltsand washers
3408C& 3412CMarineEngines
Disassembly& Assembly
*J a
c D E
1 1 1
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3 4 5 17 P 1 -
Remove shaft(6)fromrearcover(2).Remove the gearfrom shaft(6).Remove bushing the from rear cover(2). (4). 3. Removeretainer Removegear (5).
- : Jslng '
8. Rerr: pln.c
NOTICE Be carefulnot to damagethe inlet and outlet ports on the bottom of the pump housing. The pump housing must be put on blocks beforedisassembly.
5. Removeidlergear(7).Removepiniongear (9)fromthe pump housing assembly witha soft hammeras shown.Remove drivegear(8). gearassembly is removed, NOTE: Whenpinion (9) makea replacement drivegear (8)with a new part. o 6. Remove cover(10).
3408C&3412C MarineEngines
Disassembly& Assembly
iemove the boltsfrom levers (14)and(11).Remove sraft(16), (14), lever (11), lever (1S) bearing and scring (12). washer
. iTE: Step(7)is onlynecessary earlier on fuel .::ms. Latersystemshaveshutoffin governor -sing. 3. ?emove bypass valve(.13). Remove O-ringseal, the cin,piston, and spring fromthe valvebody.
10. InstallTool in the pump housing (D) withthe square end down (endwith taperwillbe up).Hold the racksagainst Tool (D)and removeeachof the injection pumps(18)with Tool(B).Formore details, the topic"Remove see FuelInjection Pumps".
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1 1 . Remove bolt (19)that hotdsbracket(23)to the uelinjection pumphousing. Remove (23) bracket and link(20). 9. Remove felt washerfrom bushing the (17).Remove (17) bushing fromeachof the injection pumpswith Tool (A).
Disassembly& Assembly
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13. Remove spacers(24)and lifters(25)from the pump housing. identification each Put injection on of the spacers and liters to theirlocation the as in pumpnousrng.
1 5 . Remove dowel(27), shaft(28)and dowel(29)wr: Tool (C). 1 6 . Remove lowerand upperbearings thatare (30) for supports the pinion assembly. (3i)and the lipseal. 1 7 . Remove bearing Remove (32) bearing andthe seal. lip
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NOTICE Be careful not to damage the camshaft bearingsas the camshaftis removed.
(33). 18. Remove rack bearings the from locations 1 9 . Remove camshaft the bearings with Tool (E).
or r I
3408C&3412C MarineEngines
Disassembly& Assembly
(3) 1 . Put ixture assembly (parto Tool (A)) the on pump housing (3) withthe dowelsin fixture engaged the rightrackbore.Install (4). in bolt (2) 2. Put a new bearing in positionbetween fixture(3) and the rack borewith the tab of the bearing up. Install bearing (1) the withdriver untiltheshoulder of the drivermakescontactwith the fixture.
Care must be taken to ensure that fluids are contained during performance o inspection, maintenance,testing, adjusting and repair o the machine. Be prepared to collect the luid with suitable containers beore opening any compartment or disassemblingany component containingfluids. Refer to .TOOLS AND SHOPPRODUCT GUIDE, NENG2sOO", or tools and suppliessuitableto collect and contain fluids in Caterpillar machines. Dispose luids according to local regulationsand mandates.
3408C&3412C MarineEngines
Disassembly& Assembly
(7) 5. Install camshaft the rontbearing withTool(B). lnstallthe bearing untilit is '1.02+ 0.51 mm (.040 + .020 in) from front surface(6)o the pump nousrng. NOTE: Install camshaft a withthe bearing bearings jointin area"X". Thiswillput the oil holein area"Y". illustration bearing Formorecomplete installation, of makereerence the Specifications to Manual.
bearing untilit is evenwith the top of the bearing boreand the bottombearing untilit is evenwith : bottomo the bearing bore. \ (11)in pumphousing it is 9. Installshaft the until extended 16.76 + 0.51 mm (.660 + .020in) frc thetop of the pumphousing.lnstall (12)unr dowel tit is extended 11.18 + 0.51 mm (.4+O .020 in) fromthe top of the pump housing. NOTE: Steps10 thru 13 and Step24 apply onlyto earlier systems fuel with fuel shutoffshaftin inlection pumpnousrng.
.,2, (9)withTool(B)untilthe rear 6. lnstall centerbearing is edgeof the bearing 127.00+ 0.51 mm (5.000 + .020 in) from rearsurface of the pump (B) nousrng, (10)with 7. Install rearbearing Tool(B)untilit is 4.83 + 0.51 mm (.190 + .020 in) from rearsurface(B).
3408C&34'l2C MarineEngines 82 Disassembly& Assembly
434541 P1',
14. Putcleanengine on the camshaft oil bearings and (17).lnstall (17) on camshaft camshaft as shown.
*:, "Z" 1 0 . lnstall (13) bearing withTool(D)untildimension is 38.23+ 51 mm (1.505+ .020in) Dimension "2" is takenromthe end o bearing to the (13) outerfaceof the pumphousing boss.
withthe surface the housrng withthe lip o and towardthe outsideas shown. (15)with 12. Install Tool(D)untildimension bearing "R" is 34.80 + 0.51 mm (1.370+ .020in). "R" Dimension is the distance between bearinqs.
15. Putcleanengine on lifters (19).Install (19) oil lifters (18)for eacho the injection pumps. and spacers Be surethe lifters and soacersare out in their orlginal location the pump housing. in 16. Putcleanengine fuelracks(20)and (22). oil Install leftrack (22)in the pump housing with the groove in the rack engaged with the tab of the rack bearing. rightrack(20)withthe groove lnstall in the rackengaged withthe tab of the rackbearing. NOTE:The rightrackhasa notch(21)cut intothe rearend of the rack:
(16)with 13. lnstallseal Installthe until Tool(E). seal it is evenwith the suffaceof the pump housing and with the lip towardthe outside shown. as
3408C&3412C MarineEngines
Disassembly& Assembly
untilit is 1 7 . Install dowel(23)in the pump housing extended12.2 + 0.5 mm (.+8 +.02) from the surface the pumphousing. of (26). Tighten bolt (24) 1 8 . Install (25)and bracket link to standardtorque.Be carefulso bracket(26) does not turnas bolt(24)is tightened.
pinion gear(29)in the pumphousing, 20. Install Use an 11/16"Socket and a "C" clampwith a minimum opening 22.9cm (9 inches)and o pinion gear(29)untilthe pumpdrivegear install makescontact withthe shoulder the oinion of gearshaft.
19. lnstall idlergear(27)on the shaft.Put drivegear (28)in position withthe bevelsideof the gear down. Makesurethe teeth of the idlergearand the and drivegearare in alignment install pump cover.
(30)and piston(32)in valvebody 21. lnstall spring pin (34).lnstall (33). (3'1). Installseal NOTE: Pin (33)must not extendout from eitherside of valvebody (3a). 22. Pu cleanengine on valve oil body (3a)andseal (31).Install oil bypass the valvein the pump housino.
3408C& 3412CMarineEngines
Disassembly& Assembly
26. lnstall cover45). 27. InstallTool in the injection (F) pump housing with the flatend down.Usea punchor a screwdriver to pushthe rackintohousing. the sametime, At pushdownon Tool(F)untilit engages slot in (groove) the rack.The rack is now centered in (in the zeroposition) the fuelinjection pumpcan and be installed,
t )
pump cover(40)and cleanthe metal 23. Remove pumphousing. clipsfromthe fuelinjection Install
nnmn nnr rar vur I r|./ vvvgr /ulA\ \av,/.
24. Put lever(35)bearing and springwasher(37)into position the pump housing. (38) in Installshaft lnstall lever(39).Install bolts(41). (43) 25. Put gear(42)and retainer into positionin the pumphousing.lnstdl (44)and tighten bolts to standard toroue. 28. Putthe spacein gearsegment (47)alignmeni with the groovein pump banel(46).Put the injection pump straight down intothe housingborewith the spacein gearsegment(47)engaged with the pin in the lifterand the groovein barrel(36)engaged withthe dowelin the pumphousing. Tool(H) Use pumps. to installthe
3408C&3412C MarineEngines
Disassembly& Assembly
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(48)in the pump housing 29. Install bushing bore.lf pumpis in the correct position, the ,njection (48)willturnintothe threads the pump bushing of housing withthe fingers untilit is evenwiththe nousrng. (48)to 2OS! 14 N.m (150 + 30. Tighten bushings 10 lb ft) withTool(G).Install feltwasher the for pump.Formoredetail eachinjection see Install FuelInjection Pumps. (travel) 3 1 . Checkthe rack movement with Tool (K) aftereachpump is installed. Injection See Pump Installation the Systems in Operation, Testing & Adjusting Manual.
33. Heatgear(52)to a maximumtemperature of 232C (450'F).lnstall gearon shaft(51)unti the makescontaciwiththe shoulder the shaft. o 34. Put rearcover(49)into position the pump on housing withshaft(51)in alignment hole(53 with
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3408C&3412C MarineEngines 86 Disassembly& Assembly
lare must be taken to ensure that fluids are con:ined during performanceo inspection,mainte-nce,testing,adjustingand repair of the machine. 3'e prepared to collect the fluid with suitable con':iners beore opening any compartment or disas:emblingany componentcontaining luids.Referto TOOLS AND SHOPPRODUCT GUIDE, NENG2sOO", 'cr tools and suppliessuitableto collect and contain quids in Caterpillar machines. Dispose fluids rccordingto local regulations and mandates. 'l. Jrainthe coolant fromthe radiator untilthe coolant levelis belowthe watertemperature reoulator housings.
(7). 5. Remove gaskets two 6. Remove two bolts(5). (6) 7. Remove watertemperature regulator housing
tube (B). 8. Remove 9. Remove two gaskets(9). (10) 10. Remove bolts(11),waterconnector and two the gasket.
radiator 2 . I oosenthe hoser:lamrl and disconnect hose(1). four bolts (2)and tube (4). 3. Remove 4. Remove tube (3).
3408C&3412C MarineEngines
must be taken to ensure that fluids are conduring performance o inspection, mainte, testing, adjusting and repair o the machine. gepared to collect the fluid with suitable conbeore opening any compadment or disas-
any component containingfluids. Reerto AND SHOPPRODUCT GUIDE, NENG2sOO", bols and suppliessuitableto collect and contain in Caterpillar machines. Dispose fluids Ioding to local regulationsand mandates.
5. Remove two gaskets(7). 6. Remove two bolts(5). (6). 7. Remove watertemperature regulator housing
l'ain the coolantfrom the radiator untilthe coolant =. el is belowthe watertemperature reoulator -:usings.
8. Remove tube (8). 9. Remove two gaskets(9). (10) 10. Remove bolts('11), two waterconnector and the gasket.
-oosenthe hose clampand disconnect radiator rose (1). lemove four bolts (2)and tube (4). Remove tube (3).
3408C&3412C MarineEngines
Disassembly& Assembly