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Story of the Week

The Co mmuniqué Christmas Turkey

December 21 , 2008 It was Christmas Eve at the meat counter and a woman was
anxiously picking over the last few remaining turkeys in the
hope of finding a large one.

Order of Services Today In desperation she called over a shop assistant and said,
'Excuse me. Do these turkeys get any bigger?'

9:30 AM Sunday School 'No, madam,' he replied, 'they're all dead.'

10:30 AM Morning Worship – Pastor Johnson, Preaching
3:30 PM Choir Practice
5:00 PM Program and Caroling
*No Prayer Meeting or Small Groups this week* GOD’S GIFTS
Singers for Today And when we give one another our Christmas presents in his
name, let us remember that he has given us the sun and the
Morning Service — Ava Stafford moon and the stars, the earth with its fruits and mountains
Sarah Fry and oceans and all that lives and moves upon them. He has
Evening Service — Choir given us all green things and everything that blossoms and
bears fruit-and all that we quarrel about and all that we
have misused. And to save us from our own foolishness and
from all our sins, he came down to earth and gave himself. –
Upcoming Events Sigrid Undset.
Jan 20-25th - Midwinter Revival Rev. John Parker, Evangelist

Thought for the Week The Name of Jesus

―Christmas is the day that holds all time together.‖ –
At 5 PM, the Sanctuary Choir will present ―The Name of
Alexander Smith.
Jesus,‖ directed by Dan Martin. Caroling will follow, with
refreshments at the Pitts building. An offering will be taken in
this service for needy families.

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