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Maid in The Usa: The Bad Boy Billionaires Series

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Maid in the USA Judy Angelo Copyrigh ! 2"#2 $y Judy Angelo Sm%sh&ords Edi ion Lyons 'u$lishing Limi ed Smashwords License Statement This e$oo( is li)ensed *or your person%l en+oymen only, This e$oo( m%y no $e resold or gi.en %&%y o o her people, I* you &ould li(e o sh%re his $oo( &i h %no her person/ ple%se pur)h%se %n %ddi ion%l )opy *or e%)h re%der, I* you0re re%ding his $oo( %nd did no pur)h%se i / or i &%s no pur)h%sed *or your use only/ hen ple%se re urn o Sm%sh&ords,)om %nd pur)h%se your o&n )opy, Th%n( you *or respe) ing he h%rd &or( o* his %u hor,

Au hor )on %) 1 +udy re%sure2ho m%il,)om

The BAD BOY BILLIONAIRES Series ! J"d! An#e$o Volume # - T%med $y he Billion%ire Volume 2 - 3%id in he 4SA Volume 5 - Billion%ire6s Isl%nd Bride Volume 7 - D%ngerous De)ep ion Volume 8 - To T%me % Ty)oon Volume 9 - S&ee Sedu) ion Volume : - D%ddy $y De)em$er Volume ; - To C% )h % 3%n <in 5" D%ys or Less= B%d Boy Billion%ires 3eg%-Colle) ion/ Vols, # - ; B%d Boy Billion%ires Colle) ion I/ Vols, # - 7 B%d Boy Billion%ires Colle) ion II/ Vols, 8 - ; <One s ory *ree in e%)h )olle) ion/ &o *ree s ories in he meg%-)olle) ion> pur)h%se he )olle) ions %nd s%.e=

?@O EVER SAID BILLIONAIRE BAC@ELORS AND 3ODEST 3AIDS DON6T 3IAB Celine S%n ini )ouldn6 h%.e $een more sho)(ed &hen $illion%ire $%)helor 'ier)e D6Am% o o**ers her % +o$ %s n%nny o his *our-ye%r-old )h%rge, A* er %ll/ he h%rdly e.en (no&s her, Bu %* er *inding hersel* hro&n in o %n uneCpe) edly in im% e en)oun er &i h him/ %re hey re%lly s r%ngersB Celine is )%p i.% ed $y he green-eyed he%r hro$ &ho %(es her he%r r%nsom $u ho& )%n she gi.e in o her *eelings &hen hey6re *rom &o o %lly di**eren &orldsB Drom he *irs d%y he l%ys eyes on he d%r(-eyed $e%u y/ 'ier)e D6Am% o (no&s he is los , @e immedi% ely de.ises % pl%n o ge her under his roo*,,,%nd i &or(s, Bu he more he ge s o (no& he s&ee ly sedu) i.e Celine S%n ini he more he re%liEes here6s % lo more o his &om%n h%n he )ould e.er h%.e im%gined, @er in riguing )om$in% ion o* sophis i)% ion %nd inno)en)e (eeps him *ore.er o**-$%l%n)e %nd/ $e*ore he (no&s i / his $%)helor he%r urns r%i or, The he%r (no&s &h% he he%r &%n s %nd i &%n s Celine S%n ini,,,&h% e.er he )os , A hrilling rom%n)e &i h &is s %nd urns h% &ill (eep you urning he p%ges,,,


Celine hummed % lo.e song %s she pushed he house(eeping rolley do&n he )%rpe ed h%ll&%y, Tod%y &%s going o $e % gre% d%y she0d old hersel*/ no m% er h% she &%s s u)( in C%m$ridge *or ye %no her summer &hen she0d mu)h r% her $e $%)( home in Dr%n)e &i h her mo her %nd &o ro&dy li le $ro hers, She smiled %s she hough %$ou 3%r) %nd Syl.%n, The en %nd &el.e ye%r olds &ere pro$%$ly dri.ing her maman )r%Ey % his .ery momen &i h heir )ons %n pr%n(s %nd rough pl%y, I* only she )ould $e home &i h hem, She &%s he only one &ho )ould (eep hose &o in )he)(, She s opped % he door o sui e #2"9, No ime o d&ell on h% no&, She h%d &el.e sui es o )le%n in he neC *e& hours %nd she &%n ed o m%(e % good impression, Dor he l%s &o summers she0d &or(ed % sm%ll ho els &here he p%y &%s minim%l %nd he hours long, This summer she0d $een lu)(y o l%nd % +o$ % one o* he l%rges ho els on 3%in S ree , She0d $e e%rning %lmos *i* y per)en more h%n she0d m%de % her pre.ious +o$, I &%s s ill % *%r )ry *rom %deFu% e $u i* she (ep o % igh $udge she migh +us $e %$le o s%.e enough o go home *or Chris m%s, Celine (no)(ed on he door, No %ns&er, She (no)(ed %g%in +us o $e sure hen s u)( her (ey)%rd in he slo %nd pushed i open, G% hering up % h%nd*ul o* o&els %nd iny $o les o* oile ries she u)(ed hem in he )roo( o* her %rm/ gr%$$ed he h%ndle o* he .%)uum )le%ner hen $%)(ed in o he room, The presiden i%l sui e &%s m%gni*i)en &i h % sp%)ious li.ing room *illed &i h %n iFue *urni ure %nd orn% e )%rpe ing, A sp%r(ling )rys %l )h%ndelier hung *rom he )eiling, Celine p%used o %dmire he eleg%n room, Oh/ o $e %$le o li.e li(e his,

She )hu)(led o hersel*, I &ould pro$%$ly %(e % mon h0s s%l%ry *or her o p%y *or one nigh in his sui e, No& &here o s %r B She h%d %n %rm*ul o* o&els so he $% hroom i &%s, S ill humming she pushed he door %nd &%l(ed in o he $edroom, A h% momen she he%rd % )li)( %nd he $% hroom door opened, She g%sped %nd he o&els *ell *rom her h%nds, S %nding in *ron o* her/ his *%)e hidden $y % hi)( o&el/ &%s % %ll/ mus)ul%r %nd .ery n%(ed m%n, Celine s)re%med, H?h% heIJ The m%n dropped he o&el %nd s %red $%)( % her in o$.ious sho)(, H?here did you )ome *romBJ HIII0m sorry/J Celine s%id %s she $%)(ed %&%y, HI hough he sui e &%s emp y, I0m so sorry,J The m%n &%s s %ring % her &i h eyes h% &ere sho)(ingly green, HI &%s in he sho&er/K he s%id/ r%(ing his *ingers hrough his d%r( $ro&n h%ir/ Kso i* you (no)(ed I &ouldn0 h%.e he%rd % hing,J Mon Dieu. @e &%s s %nding here/ %ll %nd le%n %nd e.ery in)h % m%n/ %nd he &%s m%(ing no mo.e o )o.er himsel*, Celine dropped her eyes/ her *%)e ho &i h em$%rr%ssmen , She urned o *lee, H?%i , I &%n o %l( o you,J ?%s he seriousB She &ould no urn $%)( o %l( o % n%(ed m%n no m% er ho& h%ndsome, She &%s $%)( in he li.ing room %nd h%d %lre%dy gr%$$ed hold o* her .%)uum )le%ner &hen his .oi)e s opped her, HDon0 le%.e/J he s%id/ his .oi)e imperious %nd $old, @e sounded li(e he (ind o* m%n &ho eCpe) ed o $e o$eyed, @e &%s s %nding in he $edroom door&%y %nd his ime/ h%n(*ully/ he h%d he o&el &r%pped %round his &%is , H?%i *or me in he

li.ing room, I0ll ge dressed,J ?i hou $o hering o &%i *or % reply he urned %nd &en $%)( in o he $edroom/ le%.ing Celine s %ring % he emp y door&%y, ?ho did his m%n hin( he &%s/ o $e ordering her %round li(e h% B She *ro&ned %s her hough s r%)ed &ildly, Come o hin( o* i / h% &%s % good Fues ion, ?ho &%s he/ re%llyB @e h%d o $e % .ery impor %n person or else % .ery ri)h one o $e s %ying in he presiden i%l sui e o* one o* he mos eCpensi.e ho els in o&n, @er he%r pounded %s % ne& hough )ro&ded her mind, ?%s he going o )ome $%)( %nd reprim%nd her *or .iol% ing his pri.%)yB ?%s he going o repor her/ or &orse/ ge her *iredB @er p%lms gre& d%mp %nd she slid hem do&n he sides o* her uni*orm, She )ouldn0 %**ord o lose his +o$/ she +us )ouldn0 , ?hen he )%me she &ould h%.e o ple%d her )%se, In less h%n % minu e he m%n &%s &%l(ing ou o* he $edroom in d%r( sl%)(s %nd % &hi e shir &hi)h he $u oned )%su%lly %s he %ppro%)hed, @is long/ le%n *ee &ere $%re, H@%.e % se% /J he s%id %nd $e)(oned o he )ou)h $y he &indo&, HEC)use meBJ Celine s ood s o)(-s ill/ her h%nd on he .%)uum )le%ner/ her eyes &ide %s she s %red $%)( % him, ?hy &%s he o**ering her % se% B I* he &%s going o reprim%nd her &hy no do i Fui)(ly %nd le her goB @e mus re%lly pl%n o le) ure her, She de)ided o spe%( up/ m%y$e %ppe%se him $e*ore he go he )h%n)e o $l%s her, HI0m .ery sorry *or $%rging in on you li(e his/J she s%id/ her .oi)e e%rnes , HI &on0 e.er h%ppen %g%in, I0ll $e $%)( l% er o )le%n your room,J ?i h h% she s %r ed o&%rd he door/ pushing he .%)uum )le%ner $e*ore her, 3%y$e i* she m%de % Fui)( eCi no hing more &ould )ome o* his, A le%s / h% &%s &h% she hoped, She &%s h%l*&%y o he door &hen he l%ughed/ % deep hus(y l%ugh h% sen %

li le shi.er up her $%)(, I s opped her in her r%)(s, She urned o s %re % him, HNo need o *ly so *%s /J he s%id/ u)(ing he ends o* his shir in o his rousers, HI0m no going o $i e, I +us &%n o %l( o you %$ou some hing,J @e &%n ed o %l( o herB A$ou &h% B @er )uriosi y go he $e er o* her %nd &hen he &%.ed her o.er o he )ou)h %g%in she rele%sed her hold on he .%)uum )le%ner %nd &en o si demurely on he edge o* he )h%ir, H3y n%me is 'ier)e D0Am% o/J he s%id %nd plu)(ed % $usiness )%rd *rom he des(, @e re%)hed o.er %nd h%nded i o her, HAnd you %reBJ HCeline S%n ini,J H'le%sed o mee you/ 3s, S%n ini/J he s%id &i h % smile hen )o)(ed %n eye$ro&, HYou0re I %li%nB Your %))en sounds Dren)h,J She nodded %nd smiled, HGood guess, I0m *rom Dr%n)e $u my d%d &%s %n I %li%n Ameri)%n ser.i)em%n, I spe%( %ll hree l%ngu%ges,J @e g%.e her Fui)( $o& o* he he%d %nd loo(ed impressed, HNo& h% &e (no& e%)h o her &e )%n %l(,J @e le%ned %g%ins he des( %nd *olded his %rms %)ross his )hes , @is *%)e gre& serious, HI0m in % dilemm%/ 3s, S%n ini/ %nd I &onder i* you )%n help meBJ Celine *ro&ned, ?h% in he &orld )ould she do o help % m%n li(e himB @e &%s o$.iously % po&er*ul/ &e%l hy m%n %nd she &%s no hing $u % 'hD s uden moonligh ing %s % ho el m%id, HI0m % $usy m%n/J he s%id/ de* ly $u oning his )u**s %s he spo(e/ ne.er on)e %(ing his eyes o** her/ H$u I suddenly *ind mysel* in % di**i)ul si u% ion, I0.e go my $usiness o run %nd no& I0.e go % *our ye%r old, I need he ser.i)es o* % n%nny,J Celine )ould only s %re % 'ier)e D0Am% o/ )on.in)ed h% he m%n h%d gone m%d, @e didn0 (no& % hing %$ou her, ?h% &%s he hin(ingB

HI (no& his sounds )r%Ey/J he s%id/ gi.ing her % smile h% old her he0d seen he )on*usion on her *%)e/ H$u I &%s +us %ppoin ed gu%rdi%n *or my )ousin0s li le girl %ndII0m % $i los / o s%y he le%s ,J @e shrugged, H?h% do I (no& %$ou )hildrenBJ HSo you0re loo(ing *or someone o %(e )%re o* her,J HYes/ % n%nny/ )omp%nion/ helper, ?h% e.er you )%ll i , I %lre%dy h%.e % house(eeper $u she0s go her h%nds *ull %nd I don0 hin( she0s up o he )h%llenge o* % *our ye%r old, 3rs, Simpson is %lmos siC y,J HBu &h% %$ou he %gen)iesB They )%n help you *ind lo s o* people &ho &ould $e h%ppy o %(e )%re o* % )hild,J HI &en h% rou e %lre%dy, @% ed i ,J @e grun ed %s i* in disgus , HThey sen me young/ old/ *% / hin, Lylie h% ed %ll o* hem, She0s re%lly pi)(y/ h% li le one,J HAnd you hin(Ishe0d li(e meBJ @e )hu)(led, HI0m sure o* i , Drom he se)ond I l%id eyes on you I (ne& you &ere he girl *or Lylie,J The se)ond he l%id eyes on herB @o& )ould he *orm %n opinion h% *%s B And hen she remem$ered she0d *ormed %n opinion o* him in h% spli se)ond/ oo, And %s she remem$ered heir en)oun er her *%)e gre& &%rm, Celine shoo( her he%d, HI don0 unders %nd,J @e l%ughed hen s ood up %nd &%l(ed o.er o he &indo&, @e loo(ed do&n % he s ree $elo& hen urned o loo( % her, HAs *unny %s i sounds &hen my eyes me yours some hing )li)(ed, You h%.e % *reshness %$ou you h% I hin( &ill %ppe%l o Lylie, And you loo( li(e % girl &ho isn0 %*r%id o h%.e *un,J No& &h% did he me%n $y h% B Celine *ro&ned %nd rose o her *ee , HI0m sorry/ 3r, D0Am% o, I don0 hin( h% &ould $e % good ide%, I0.e go % good +o$ here

%nd-J @e l%ughed, H?or(ing % &h% B 3inimum &%geB I )ould gi.e you m%ny imes h% &i hou $lin(ing,J Celine su)(ed in her $re% h, The ner.e o* him, H3oney isn0 e.ery hing, I don0 (no& you, @o& )%n I le%.e my +o$ o go o % m%n I don0 (no&BJ HIs h% %llBJ @e &%.ed his h%nd dismissi.ely, HI0.e go gre% re*eren)es/ s %r ing &i h he m%n &ho o&ns his ho el, @e0s one o* my )lien s,J H3r, 'ierre*ondBJ she %s(ed/ her .oi)e % re.eren &hisper, HYou (no& himBJ E.ery one o* he ho el employees (ne& %nd respe) ed John 'ierre*ond, @e &%s one o* he *e& $illion%ire $usinessmen in he %re% &ho oo( % person%l in eres in his employees, @e &%s in his se.en ies $u he rem%ined %s in.ol.ed in he oper% ions o* his $usinesses %s &hen he0d s %r ed ou , The .e er%n employees ne.er s opped %l(ing %$ou him, 'ier)e shrugged, H?e0.e $een doing $usiness *or ye%rs, As( him,J Then he g%.e her % grin h% re.e%led % )h%rming dimple in his righ )hee(, H@e0ll s %nd $y my )h%r%) er, I don0 go %round r%.ishing inno)en m%idens/ i* h% 0s &h% you0re &orried %$ou ,J The smile dis%ppe%red %s Fui)(ly %s i h%d )ome, @e gl%n)ed % he he%.y gold &% )h on his &ris hen $%)( % her, HLis en/ I h%.e o go, Leep he )%rd %nd )%ll me, You h%.e un il omorro&, I0m he%ding $%)( o Spring*ield %nd I need %n %ns&er $e*ore I go,J Celine nodded %nd slid he )%rd in o her po)(e , HO* )ourse/J she s%id/ hurrying o re rie.e he .%)uum )le%ner, HI0ll hin( %$ou i %nd le you (no&,J HGood,J @e nodded %nd $e*ore she &%s e.en ou he door he &%s he%ding $%)( o he $edroom,

Celine )losed he door $ehind her/ le%ned her $%)( %g%ins i %nd )losed her eyes, T%l( %$ou %n in eres ing s %r o he d%y, She0d +us me he mos sedu) i.ely h%ndsome m%n %nd her he%r s ill r%)ed % he memory o* 'ier)e D0Am% o &i h his $ro%d shoulders/ n%rro& &%is %nd he sil(y s r%nds o* $l%)( h%ir h% nes led %round hisI Mon Dieu, She h%d o ge % hold o* hersel*, Bu he im%ge o* 'ier)e &%s $urned in o her mind %nd she (ne& h% / li(e i or no / i &ould h%un her *or % .ery long ime, She pushed her rolley on o he neC sui e, She h%d no in en ion o* s ill $eing in sigh &hen 'ier)e eCi ed his room, The neC ime she s%& him/ i* here e.er &%s % neC ime/ i &ould $e on .ery di**eren erms,


@e%r humping/ Celine dro.e up he long %nd &inding dri.e&%y h% led o 'ier)e D0Am% o0s house, A) u%lly/ house &%s %n unders % emen , ?h% she &%s loo(ing % &%s % m%nsion, The pl%)e loo(ed $ig enough o house *i.e *%milies %nd s ill h%.e room o sp%re, She pulled her Toyo % Coroll% in o he sp%)e $e &een % slee( $l%)( J%gu%r %nd % )%ndy-red 'ors)he, She )ouldn0 help $u grim%)e, Beside he o her .ehi)les her en-ye%r old )%r loo(ed so ou o* pl%)e, Oh/ &ell, The o her )%rs &ould +us h%.e o ge used o &or(ing-)l%ss )omp%ny, She slid her d%mp p%lms do&n he sides o* her +e%ns/ sh%(ing her he%d in %nnoy%n)e, She h% ed ho& hey perspired &hen she &%s ner.ous, There &%s no need o $e/ she (ne&/ $u her $ody &%s s%ying o her&ise, A* er %lmos %n en ire d%y o* .%)ill% ion Celine h%d de)ided o )%ll 'ier)e D0Am% o, A* er %ll/ ho& )ould she hro& %&%y he )h%n)e o possi$ly dou$le her s%l%ryB ?i h su)h %n in)re%se in *or une she &ould $e %$le o %**ord &o/ m%y$e e.en hree rips $%)( o Europe e%)h ye%r o .isi her *%mily, @er eyes gre& mis y % he hough o* Chris m%s % home in Dr%n)e, She0d )on*ided in Bridge e/ % *riend she0d m%de on her *irs d%y o* &or(/ %nd re)ei.ed % glo&ing repor *rom he older &om%n, Bridge e h%d me 'ier)e m%ny imes %nd she des)ri$ed him %s % rue gen lem%n (no&n *or gi.ing generous ips o ho el s %** &ho ser.ed him, S ill/ here &%s % sp%r(le in he &om%n0s eyes h% old Celine she &%s smi en $y him, And &ho &ouldn0 $eB ?i h his slee(/ d%r( loo(s %nd in ense green eyes/ 'ier)e D0Am% o loo(ed li(e he h%d he po&er o )h%rm %ny &om%n he desired,

Th% e.ening Celine )%lled 'ier)e %nd he in.i ed her o mee &i h him in his home o**i)e so she )ould $e in rodu)ed o his li le )h%rge, They0d %l( *ur her/ he0d s%id/ %nd hen she )ould m%(e her *in%l de)ision, And so i &%s h% she *ound hersel* &%l(ing o&%rd he m%gni*i)en s eps o* 'ier)e D0Am% o0s residen)e, She )lu )hed he s r%p o* her $%g igh er/ g%.e her p%lms one l%s s&ipe on he se% o* her +e%ns %nd )lim$ed he s eps o he eCp%nsi.e m%r$leiled en r%n)e, She r%ng he $ell hen s ood here plu)(ing % he $u)(le on her $%g/ rying o s eel her ner.es *or her neC mee ing &i h 'ier)e, Try %s she migh she )ould no &ipe *rom her mind he memory o* his s rong oned $ody %nd she &ondered ho& she0d re%) &hen he opened he door, She oo( % deep $re% h/ rying o slo& her r%)ing he%r , I &ould no do o le his m%n see her s&e% , The door opened %nd % plump gr%y h%ired &om%n smiled up % her, H3iss S%n ini, ?el)ome, I &%s eCpe) ing you, I %m EliE%$e h Simpson, Come in,J Celine rele%sed her $re% h/ h%n(*ul h% i &%s he house(eeper &ho opened he door, Th% &ould $uy her some ime o ge her &i s oge her, She g%.e he &om%n % smile %nd % &hispered H h%n( youJ hen en ered he house, Celine &%s in %&e, The *oyer &%s huge &i h % high )% hedr%l )eiling gr%)ed &i h % sp%r(ling )h%ndelier h% loo(ed li(e % hos o* iny s %rs *lo% ing in mid-%ir, The &hi e )olumns re%)hed gr%)e*ully up o he )eiling %nd mul i)olored iles o* m%r$le glis ened $ene% h her *ee , She &%s %lmos %*r%id o s ep on hem, This &%sn0 he en r%n)e o % pri.% e home, I &%s more li(e he lo$$y o % gr%nd ho el, HI0ll %(e you o he o**i)e %nd le 3r, D0Am% o (no& you0.e %rri.ed/J 3rs, Simpson s%id %s she led he &%y do&n % h%ll&%y h% seemed o run %long he leng h o* he house, HYou0re % $i e%rly so he0s no Fui e re%dy $u he &on0 (eep you

&%i ing,J HTh%n( you/J Celine s%id %g%in $u she &%s h%rdly lis ening o he &om%n, She &%s oo dis r%) ed $y he splendid p%in ings h% lined he &%lls, She lo.ed %r %nd p%in ings in p%r i)ul%r, She )ould li.e *or d%ys in % museum %nd no miss li*e in he ou side &orld, 'ier)e0s )olle) ion *%s)in% ed her, She )%ugh her $re% h % he siC h one, ?%s h% % 'i)%ssoB No/ i )ouldn0 $e, She s %red % i / %lmos $umping in o 3rs, Simpson %s she &%l(ed, She &ould h%.e o )ome $%)( %nd )he)( h% ou l% er, They &ere &%l(ing p%s &ide Dren)h doors no&/ %nd hrough hem Celine s%& % huge s&imming pool/ i s &% er glis ening $rilli%n $lue in he $righ sunshine, And here in he pool/ his $%)( o her/ &%s he m%n &ho h%d o))upied her hough s sin)e he d%y hey me , 'ier)e &%s s %nding in he sh%llo& end o* he pool/ he s(in o* his shoulders %nd $%)( deeply %nned $y he r%ys o* he ho sun, @is h%ir/ &e %nd sli)(ed $%)(/ gle%med in he sunligh , Celine %lmos s opped &%l(ing, @er eyes *iCed on he $ro%d shoulders she remem$ered/ he n%rro& &%is / %nd hose le%n hips no& en)%sed in $l%)( hip-hugging s&im run(s, She )ould see he ou line o* *irm )hee(s hrough he &e m% eri%l h% )lung o his $ody, Dor he se)ond ime in &o d%ys she &%s seeing his m%n &i hou his )lo hes on, Celine $i her lip o (eep *rom smiling, I* she &ere o %lly hones she &ould %dmi h% nei her eCperien)e h%d $een p%in*ul, She )%ugh % glimpse o* % li le $londe he%d +us $y 'ier)e0s h%nd %nd re%liEed h% he &%s in he &% er &i h he li le girl she0d he%rd %$ou , @e &%s pro$%$ly gi.ing her % s&imming lesson, Dor % m%n &ho m%de i )le%r ho& $usy he &%s i )%me %s % surprise o Celine h% he &%s spending % &ee(d%y %* ernoon en er %ining % )hild, She %dmired h% , She smiled %nd (ep on &%l(ing,

3rs, Simpson &%s righ , 'ier)e did no %(e long o %ppe%r % he o**i)e door, She0d $een si ing here less h%n *i.e minu es/ +us enough ime *or 3rs, Simpson o $ring her % )up o* her$%l e%/ &hen 'ier)e %rri.ed *ully dressed in &hi e $u on do&n shir %nd n%.y rousers, HYou0re e%rly/J he s%id %s he &%l(ed o.er %nd g%.e her % nod o* gree ing, HI didn0 eCpe) you *or %no her h%l* hour,J HI0m sorry/J Celine s%id, HI &%sn0 sure &h% he r%**i) &ould $e li(e so I de)ided o gi.e mysel* %mple ime,J She l%id he )up %nd s%u)er on he %$le $eside her, 'ier)e sounded Fui e *orm%l, This &%s % +o$ in er.ie&/ o* )ourse/ %nd she &ould $e %s pro*ession%l %s he &%s, @e urned hose in ense green eyes on her, HTh%n( you/J he s%id &i h % smile, HI %ppre)i% e pun) u%li y, No& le 0s $ring you up o speed on &h% his +o$ reFuires,J 'ier)e g%.e Celine he de %ils on Lylie0s si u% ion %nd he (ind o* help he &%s loo(ing *or, Lylie0s mo her/ % )ousin o* his %nd % &ido&/ h%d $een in % serious mo or .ehi)le %))iden %nd h%d sus %ined se.ere he%d in+uries, No& she l%y in % )om% &i h only % *i* y per)en )h%n)e o* re)o.ery, The li le girl h%d $een % he d%y)%re )en er &hen i h%ppened, No h%.ing %ny )lose rel% i.es/ Lylie0s mo her h%d lis ed 'ier)e6s n%me %s he emergen)y )on %) person, And so i &%s h% he $e)%me %n o.ernigh surrog% e p%ren , H?h% %$ou Lylie0s *% herBJ Celine %s(ed/ her he%r going ou o he li le girl &ho &%s no& &i hou her mo her, H?hy doesn0 he helpBJ 'ier)e shoo( his he%d/ his *%)e solemn, HS%dly/ he died &hen Lylie &%s only &o, @e h%d )ongeni %l he%r dise%se, @%d % he%r % %)( %nd died &hen he &%s only &en y-se.en,J HOh/ no/J Celine &hispered, ?h% % r%gedy *or % )hild o eCperien)e, Dirs / he

loss o* her *% her %nd no& % mo her &ho &%s $%rely )linging o li*e, ?h% mus he li le one $e going hroughB A h% momen 3rs, Simpson )%me in holding he h%nd o* he li le girl &ho0d $een he su$+e) o* heir )on.ers% ion, She &%s dressed in % &hi e pu** slee.e summer dress &i h % yello& $o&, She loo(ed li(e % deli)% e li le d%isy, H@ere she is/ 3r, D0Am% o, Lylie is re%dy o mee your gues ,J 3rs, Simpson smiled % Lylie %nd g%.e her % li le push o&%rd 'ier)e, The )hild &%l(ed slo&ly up o him %nd &i h % serious li le *%)e she res ed her iny h%nd in his ou s re )hed one, 'ier)e g%.e her % gen le smile hen s%id so* ly/ HThere0s someone I0d li(e you o mee / Lylie, This is Celine &ho )%me %ll he &%y *rom C%m$ridge o mee you,J @e urned he )hild o *%)e Celine, H?hy don0 you go o.er %nd s%y helloBJ Lylie hesi % ed %nd urned &ide $lue eyes up o 'ier)e %s i* see(ing re%ssur%n)e, Then/ % his smile %nd nod/ she loo(ed % Celine *or he *irs ime, She oo( % Fui)( $re% h hen &%l(ed o.er, Celine *el her he%r mel ins %n ly, There &%s % &orld o* s%dness in Lylie0s eyes $u she did no *lin)h %nd she did no )ry, She &en o Celine %nd oo( her h%nd %nd did no u er % &ord o* pro es , ?h% % $r%.e li le soldier she &%s, Celine *el li(e pulling her in o her %rms %nd hugging her ill she *el only lo.e %nd pe%)e, I &%s so he%r $re%(ing o see grie* in he eyes o* one so young, Celine slid o** her )h%ir %nd (neeled in *ron o* he )hild so heir eyes &ere le.el, HI0d li(e o $e your *riend/ Lylie/J she s%id/ m%(ing her .oi)e %s so* %nd )om*or ing %s she )ould, H3%y IBJ The girl rem%ined silen / s %ring $%)( % Celine &i h eyes *illed &i h un)er %in y, Then slo&ly she nodded her )urly $londe he%d %nd li* ed her hum$ o her mou h, H3%y I h%.e % hugBJ Celine il ed her he%d %nd smiled,

Lylie didn0 &%i *or Celine o open her %rms, She simply popped he hum$ ou o* her mou h/ oo( he &o s eps she needed o ge o Celine/ %nd &r%pped her %rms igh %round her ne)(, No &ords &ere spo(en $u Lylie $uried her *%)e in Celine0s ne)( %nd $eg%n o )ry so* ly, HI 0s o(%y/ ma cherie/ i 0s o(%y/J Celine soo hed %s she ru$$ed he )hild0s $%)( %nd held her )lose, HI0m here *or you,J Dor %lmos % minu e Lylie )lung o her un il *in%lly she Fuie ed %nd li* ed her *%)e, HI0m gl%d you0re my *riend/J she s%id in % iny &hisper hen res ed %g%ins Celine &i h % sigh, Celine li* ed her he%d/ her eyes pri)(ing &i h e%rs o* symp% hy/ %nd &hen she loo(ed % 3rs, Simpson he &om%n &%s d%$$ing % her *%)e &i h % d%in y h%nd(er)hie*, ?hen her eyes &%ndered o.er o &here 'ier)e s ood/ his h%nds sho.ed deep in o his po)(e s/ his *%)e &%s som$er %nd d%r( &i h emo ion, They0d %ll $een %**e) ed $y Lylie0s inno)en ple% *or )om*or , ?hen 3rs, Simpson le* he room %(ing Lylie &i h her Celine loo(ed dire) ly % 'ier)e, A* er mee ing he )hild here &%s no &%y she &ould s%y no o his +o$, @o& )ould she deny her he % en ion/ symp% hy %nd lo.e h% she so desper% ely )r%.edB HI &%n his +o$/J she s%id %nd her .oi)e )r%)(ed on he l%s &ord, She )le%red her hro% / rying hopelessly o hide he dep h o* her emo ions, HI &%n o $e here *or Lylie, ?hen )%n I s %r BJ 'ier)e nodded %nd %l hough he did no smile his eyes old her he &%s ple%sed &i h her de)ision, S ill/ he %s(ed/ HAre you sureBJ HI &%n o help Lylie/J she s%id/ her .oi)e e%rnes , HI )%n0 eCpl%in i $u I *eel % )onne) ion $e &een us,J 'ier)e nodded %g%in %nd his ime he smile re%)hed his lips, HI )ould ell, Don0

%s( me ho&/ $u he momen my eyes l%nded on you I (ne& you &ere he one, I (ne& you0d $e per*e) *or Lylie,J Celine s% $%)( in her )h%ir/ surprised % he s reng h o* his )on*iden)e in her, @o& )ould he h%.e (no&n h% B @e h%dn0 e.en (no&n % hing %$ou her $e*ore h% d%y, And e.en hough she0d em%iled him her resume %nd re*eren)es %* er hey spo(e on he phone he s ill didn0 (no& h% mu)h %$ou her, And &h% %$ou himB ?%s she per*e) *or him/ ooB Celine0s $re% h )%ugh in her hro% %nd she s ole % guil y gl%n)e % 'ier)e, ?here h%d h% hough )ome *romB ?hy in he &orld h%d she e.en gone hereB She me%n no hing o his m%n/ %$solu ely no hing eC)ep someone &ho0d m%(e % gre% n%nny *or his )h%rge, I* she &%s going o sur.i.e % his +o$ she0d $e er reign in her unruly emo ions, I* i &%s one hing she (ne& i &%s h% she %nd 'ier)e D0Am% o &ere in &o o %lly di**eren )l%sses %nd unless she suddenly &on % *e& hundred million doll%rs in he Super Lo o ne.er &ould heir &o &orlds mee ,


'ier)e &% )hed %s Celine )lim$ed in o her )%r %nd dro.e %&%y, @e h%n(ed he s %rs he0d *ound her &hen he did, Lylie needed someone li(e Celine in her li*e, And hen here &%s him, ?h% &%s i %$ou he girl h% dre& him o her/ m%de him de ermined o ge her under his roo*B I h%d $een &eird, Th% *irs d%y hey me he0d he%rd he s)re%m/ dropped he o&el %nd *ound himsel* s %ring in o he liFuid $ro&n eyes o* % s %r led %nd s unningly $e%u i*ul &om%n, No m% er h% she &%s in % m%id0s uni*orm %nd h%d her slee( $l%)( h%ir pulled in o %n old *%shioned $un, @e0d *el % +ol o* ele) ri)i y run hrough him/ % sho)( h% m%de him *reeEe, ?h% he hell/ he0d hough , @e0d ne.er re%) ed o % &om%n li(e h% $e*ore, And she0d %ppe%red +us &hen he &%s pr%ying *or % mir%)le/ +us &hen he0d %lmos gi.en up hope o* *inding he per*e) n%nny *or Lylie, @e remem$ered seeing her *righ %nd s%ying some hing or o her o re%ssure her $u he0d $een so s %r led h% se)onds p%ssed $e*ore he remem$ered h% he &%s s ill s %nding s %r( n%(ed in *ron o* her, By h% ime she &%s %lre%dy urning o *lee, Good hing he0d s opped her *rom le%.ing he sui e %l oge her, No& $e)%use o* his Fui)( %) ion she &ould $e &or(ing *or him under his .ery roo*, @e )ouldn0 help $u smile % he urn o* e.en s, @e &%s loo(ing *or&%rd o ge ing o (no& 3iss Celine S%n ini, ?hen Celine0s %il ligh s dis%ppe%red 'ier)e &en inside in se%r)h o* Lylie, @e *ound her &% )hing )%r oons, H4n)le/ )%n I h%.e i)e )re%mBJ

'ier)e &en o.er %nd ousled her h%ir, HO* )ourse/ Lylie, And i 0s Mm%y I h%.e i)e )re%m0/ o(%yBJ HO(%y/J she s%id %s she s u)( her hum$ in her mou h %nd loo(ed up % him &i h $ig $lue eyes/ her li le *%)e %s solemn %s % pries , 'ier)e (ne& &h% h% me%n %nd his )hes igh ened in symp% hy, The hum$ in he mou h me%n h% Lylie &%s re%lly missing her mo her righ hen, @er hum$ &%s her sour)e o* )om*or in % &orld h% h%d urned upside do&n, HCome on/ s&ee ie/J he s%id %nd li* ed her up in his %rms, HLe 0s $o h go ge some i)e )re%m,J NNN

A &ee( h%d p%ssed sin)e Celine %rri.ed % 'ier)e0s house &i h her sui )%ses %nd *e& possessions piled in o her )%r, Th%n(*ully/ she &ould $e %$le o spend he neC *i.e mon hs or so *o)using on Lylie %nd her needs sin)e she didn0 need o )he)( in % he uni.ersi y un il O) o$er, Sin)e her %rri.%l Lylie h%d spen e.ery &%(ing momen &i h her %nd slo&ly/ en % i.ely/ he li le girl $eg%n o open up li(e % ender *lo&er in he morning de&, The *irs hree nigh s &ere di**i)ul , Lylie h%d )ried hersel* o sleep e%)h nigh / re*using Celine0s % emp s o )om*or her, On he *our h nigh / ins e%d o* rying o re%d % $ed ime s ory/ Celine pulled oys *rom he $oC %nd %) ed ou he s ory o* Sno& ?hi e %nd he Se.en D&%r*s righ here on op o* he li le girl0s $l%n(e , Lylie l%ughed so h%rd she h%d o &ipe h%ppy e%rs %&%y &i h he $%)( o* her h%nd, A* er h% she insis ed h% Celine pile he oys on o he $ed e%)h nigh so hey )ould %) ou Cinderell%/ he Bremen Tr%.eling 3usi)i%ns %nd %ll her o her *%.ori e

$ed ime %les, Celine &%s h%ppy o o$lige %nd &hen Lylie %s(ed her o )lim$ in o he $ed &i h her she pulled he )hild )lose %nd hey )uddled un il he li le he%d dipped on o her shoulder %nd Lylie slipped so* ly in o sleep, NeC d%y Celine &o(e o he sound o* $irds &his ling ou side her &indo&, I &%s going o $e % gre% d%y/ she (ne&/ $e)%use i &%s sunny %nd $righ / i &%s S% urd%y/ %nd 'ier)e &ould re urn home, She (ne& i &%s s upid o* her o *eel he &%y she did $u she )ouldn0 help i , She &%s %) u%lly loo(ing *or&%rd o seeing 'ier)e D0Am% o %g%in, She &%s sure h% % m%n li(e him &ould h%.e &omen *li ing %round li(e mo hs o % *l%me, @e pro$%$ly h%d myri%ds o* *em%le %dmirers in e.ery )i y he .isi ed, @e )er %inly &ouldn0 no i)e her/ % simple n%nny &or(ing o m%(e % li.ing, E.en hough she (ne& here &%s no &%y she )ould )ompe e *or his % en ion Celine )ould no s op hersel* *rom *eeling % +ol o* eC)i emen % he hough o* seeing him %g%in, ?i h % smile on her *%)e she hopped ou o* $ed %nd p%dded %)ross he h%ll&%y o Lylie0s room, She %pped on he door %nd &en in hen le%ned o.er o i)(le he li le girl0s )hee(s, H?%(e up/ sleepyhe%d/J she s%id &i h % l%ugh %s Lylie s re )hed %nd opened her iny mou h in % y%&n h% )ould s&%llo& %n eleph%n , HTime o ge re%dy *or % *un d%y,J @%l* %n hour l% er Celine %nd Lylie &ere in he (i )hen h%.ing % $re%(*%s o* p%n)%(es/ eggs/ s r%&$erries %nd yogur , They &ere r%)ing o see &ho &ould *inish *irs , They h%d % *ull d%y s)heduled, Dirs / Celine &ould re.ie& le ers %nd num$ers &i h Lylie hen hey &ould %(e % dip in he pool hen do lun)h %nd hen g%rdening, Celine (ne& h% &or(ing in he g%rden/ pl%n ing seeds %nd nur uring he *lo&ers &ere %ll eC)ellen her%py *or her li le )h%rge, She &%s in her se)ond ye%r o* he 'hD

progr%m in 'sy)hology %nd mu)h o* her rese%r)h in.ol.ed )hild de.elopmen / mo i.% ion %nd )ounseling, There &%s some hing %$ou &or(ing &i h your h%nds h% )%lmed he ner.es/ %nd &or(ing ou doors in he *resh %ir surrounded $y he $e%u y o* n% ure &ere li(e m%gi) o soo he he spiri %nd )om*or he soul, This &%s &h% Lylie needed in her li*e righ no& - s ru) ure/ physi)%l %) i.i y %nd % *eeling o* %))omplishmen , A* er lun)h Celine plopped % &ide-$rimmed s r%& h% on o Lylie0s he%d %nd hey &en ou o he g%rden h% )ir)led he $%)( p% io, The li le girl &%s %rmed &i h % mini% ure g%rden *or( %nd sho.el &hile Celine *ollo&ed &i h % &% ering )%n, HR%)e you/J Lylie yelled %nd oo( o** %)ross he gr%ss/ l%ughing %s she r%n, Celine r%n %* er her/ l%ughing oo/ h%ppy o see h% she &%s in % )heer*ul mood, ?hen hey go o he *%r end o* he g%rden Celine *lopped do&n on o he gr%ss/ p%n ing %nd l%ughing/ hen she slid % *inger %)ross her $ro&/ pre ending o &ipe s&e% %&%y, H?o&/ you0re % re%lly *%s runner/J she s%id/ opening her eyes &ide %s i* in %m%Eemen , HI )ouldn0 )% )h you in % million ye%rs,J HRe%llyBJ Lylie %s(ed/ eyes &ide &i h &onder, HDid I run h% *%s BJ HYes/ you did/J Celine s%id %nd re%)hed o.er o i)(le her, HYou0re my Olympi) )h%mpion,J A* er h% hey se led do&n o some serious g%rdening/ &i h Celine digging he holes %nd Lylie dropping he seeds in %nd )o.ering hem &i h e%r h, Then i &%s Lylie0s +o$ o &% er he seeds &hile Celine &eeded ou h% se) ion o* he g%rden o m%(e sure hey didn0 )ho(e he seedlings &hen hey popped ou o* ground, They &ere so %$sor$ed in heir %s(/ &or(ing oge her in )om*or %$le )omp%nionship/ h% hey $o h +umped % he sn%p o* % &ig $ehind hem, They &hirled %round o see % %ll/ $londe %nd eCFuisi ely $e%u i*ul in &om%n in % )loud-

&hi e summer dress s %ring do&n % hem, Celine pu up % h%nd o sh%de her eyes *rom he sun %nd h% &%s &hen she s%& he &om%n0s *%)e/ per*e) ly m%de-up &i h )rimson lips h% )urled in &h% loo(ed li(e disd%in, Celine/ %(en %$%)( $y he sudden %ppe%r%n)e o* he s r%nger/ oo( o** her g%rden glo.es %nd rose o her *ee , She &%s % le%s % )ouple o* in)hes %ller h%n he uneCpe) ed .isi or $u someho& she *el %lmos in imid% ed in her presen)e, The &om%n &%s loo(ing % hem &i h su)h %n un*riendly eCpression h% i &%s %s i* hey &ere he in ruders %nd no her, H@ello/J Celine s%id/ s ill *eeling % li le o** $%l%n)e, H3%y I help youBJ She *el Lylie mo.e )loser o her %nd she pu % re%ssuring h%nd on he )hild0s shoulder, HSo you0re he ne& m%id/J he &om%n s%id/ her eyes *l%shing &i h some hing %(in o disli(e, HI he%rd %$ou you $u no$ody old me you &ere $e%u i*ul,J HEC)use meBJ Celine s%id/ unner.ed $y her s % emen , H'ier)e old me he go % n%nny *or his ne&Iresponsi$ili y,J She urned her eyes on Lylie %nd *rom her loo( Celine )ould ell h% / *or some re%son/ he )hild &%s % sour)e o* %nnoy%n)e o her, Then she r%ined her *l%shing $lue eyes on Celine %g%in, HBu I hough i &ould $e some$ody li(e 3rs, Simpson, @e ne.er old me you &ere young,J @er $ro&s se led in o % *ro&n h% m%de i o$.ious h% his &%s % m%+or pro$lem, Celine r%ised her eye$ro&s/ un%$le o hide her surprise, HAnd you %reBJ The &om%n0s eyes &idened %s i* sho)(ed h% she &ould %s(, Or m%y$e she &%s sho)(ed h% she didn0 %lre%dy (no& o* her, Celine didn0 (no& &hi)h, HI %m Sophi% Redgr%.e %nd I o&n he home neC door, 'ier)e %nd I h%.e $een *riends *or se.er%l ye%rs,J The &om%n s%id he &ords &i h % h%ugh y sni**, Celine did no miss her deli$er% e emph%sis on he &ord M*riends0, Sophi%

Redgr%.e &%s o$.iously sending her % mess%ge, @er rel% ionship &i h 'ier)e &%s % &hole lo more h%n +us *riendship, Celine didn0 (no& &h% de*l% ed her more/ he hough h% 'ier)e &%s in.ol.ed &i h he &om%n or he hough h% here &%s %ny possi$ili y o* Sophi% Redgr%.e ge ing in.ol.ed in Lylie0s li*e, The &om%n o$.iously h%d % pro$lem &i h he )hild0s presen)e % he house, @e%.ens/ &h% i* Lylie $e)%me 'ier)e0s )h%rge perm%nen lyB And &h% i* Sophi% $e)%me his &i*eB ?h% &ould h%ppen o poor li le LylieB She shoo( her he%d/ rying o dispel he horri$le hough , She g%.e he &om%n % )old s %re/ %s )hilly %s he one h% h%d $een dire) ed % hem, HIs here %ny hing I )%n help you &i h/ 3s, Redgr%.eBJ HNo/ here0s no hing you )%n do *or me/J she s%id %nd r%ised % deli)% e h%nd o $rush %&%y he &isps o* h%ir h% he so* $reeEe h%d $lo&n in o her eyes, HBu I0ll spe%( o 'ier)e %$ou he %) i.i ies o* his )hild, ?hy do you h%.e her ou here digging in he dir B Shouldn0 she $e in s)hoolBJ HThere0s no s)hool on S% urd%ys, Besides/ she0s only *our, ?h% e.er she needs o le%rn I e%)h her % home,J Sophi% *ro&ned, HYouB Te%)h herB ?h% &ould % m%id (no& %$ou &h% 0s $es *or % )hildB She needs s ru) ure in her li*e, The $es hing h% 'ier)e )ould do *or her is o ge her in o % good $o%rding s)hool,J Celine g%sped, HBo%rding s)hoolB Are you m%dBJ The &ords &ere ou $e*ore she )ould s op hersel*, She )ould no $elie.e he &om%n &ould sugges su)h % hing, Sophi%0s lips igh ened %nd she gl%red % Celine, HI &ould %s( you o remem$er your posi ion,J Then &i h % loo( *ull o* s)orn she s%id/ HI &en o $o%rding s)hool in Europe %ll o* my young li*e %nd i did me % &orld o* good,J Celine )ould +us im%gine he good i h%d done her, Th% &%s pro$%$ly &h% h%d

urned her in o he &orld-)l%ss $i )h she &%s no&, The ner.e o* her o e.en hin( o* pu ing de%r li le Lylie in o $o%rding s)hool, HCeline/ %m I going %&%yBJ She loo(ed do&n o see Lylie g%Eing up % her &i h huge/ s)%red eyes/ he hin o* e%rs %lre%dy %ppe%ring in he )orners, Celine *el li(e someone &%s sFueeEing her he%r , @o& )ould she h%.e $een so hough lessB She0d $een dis)ussing Lylie0s *u ure &i h his &om%n righ in *ron o* he )hild %s i* she &eren0 here, She dropped o her (nees in he dir %nd pulled Lylie in o her %rms, HNo/ cherie/ you0re no going %ny&here, Your home is righ here &i h 4n)le 'ier)e,J HAnd youBJ Lylie %s(ed/ se%r)hing Celine0s eyes %s i* *or e.en more re%ssur%n)e, Bu ho& )ould she promise Lylie h% / ooB She &%s only %n employee/ %* er %ll, 'ier)e )ould ermin% e her employmen % %ny ime, And i* his meddler Sophi% Redgr%.e h%d %ny s%y in i h% d%y )ould )ome sooner r% her h%n l% er, S ill/ she h%d o s%y some hing o %ppe%se he )hild, She0d %lre%dy eCperien)ed enough )on*usion *or one d%y, HOui/ cherie / %nd me oo,J Lylie smiled %nd Celine0s he%r s%ng, The li le girl &%s going o $e %ll righ , 'ulling her )lose/ she g%.e her % Fui)( (iss on he *orehe%d, HOh/ so you0re % *oreigner/ %re youBJ Sophi%0s &ords $ro(e in o heir )ommunion o* *riendship/ m%(ing hem urn heir % en ion $%)( o her %g%in, HYou )%lled her M)herie0, Lo s o* *oreigners )ome o his )oun ry %nd hen de)ide hey0re ne.er going home, Are you %n illeg%l immigr%n or some hingBJ

O* %ll he $%)(&%rds hings she )ould h%.e s%id/ *or Celine his &%s one o* he &ors , As &e%l hy %nd sophis i)% ed %s she migh $e Sophi% Redgr%.e &%s o$.iously li.ing in % &orld o* s ereo ypi)%l per)ep ions, She &%s % $igo &ho needed % )ur response, Bu hen she remem$ered, No in *ron o* Lylie, As mu)h %s she i )hed o pu Sophi% Redgr%.e in her pl%)e she &ould no do i % he eCpense o* Lylie0s h%ppiness, T%(ing % deep $re% h/ she )oun ed o en in her mind hen slo&ly eCpelled he %ir, In % )%lm .oi)e she s%id/ HI* you0ll eC)use me I h%.e o %(e Lylie inside no&,J Then she Fui)(ly g% hered up he ools/ oo( Lylie0s h%nd %nd &%l(ed %&%y le%.ing he gr%nd 3s, Sophi% Redgr%.e s %ring %* er hem, NNN

'ier)e gro%ned %nd shoo( his he%d, Ye %no her del%y %nd &o more hours his ime, @e loo(ed %)ross % his pilo %nd he m%n g%.e him % shrug %nd %n %pologe i) grin, There &%s no hing he )ould do, I* %ir r%**i) )on rollers s%id hey h%d o si ou he &inds orm hen h% &%s &h% hey &ould do, 'ier)e )he)(ed his &% )h, A* er eigh o0)lo)(, 3rs, Simpson &ould $e gone $y no& %nd Lylie &ould %lre%dy $e in $ed, @e0d spo(en o her e%rlier h% d%y %nd promised he0d $e home o re%d her % s ory, @e grim%)ed, @e0d $ro(en % promise o % )hild &ho &%s .ery sensi i.e righ no& %nd needed s %$ili y %nd re%ssur%n)e, Bre%(ing % promise &%s de*ini ely no he &%y o gi.e her h% , Then his mind &en o he &om%n &ho h%d )ro&ded his hough s *or he &hole &ee( he0d $een %&%y, @e shi* ed in his se% %s his loins igh ened % he .ery hough o* her, ?h% &%s i %$ou Celine S%n ini h% urned him on e.ery imeB @e )ouldn0

hin( %$ou her &i hou im%gining (issing her ill she &%s $re% hless/ his h%nds sliding do&n o )r%dle her so* / *ull $re%s s, @e shoo( his he%d %nd s ood up hen he &en o.er o he pl% e gl%ss &indo&s o* he lounge %nd $eg%n o p%)e, @e h%d o rein in his hough s, Celine &%s %n employee %nd he0d $e er remem$er h% , Bu / d%mn/ &hy did she h%.e o $e so seCyB And here &%s more, There &%s some hing %$ou her h% dre& him li(e % m%gne , I &%sn0 +us her physi)%l $e%u y, 3%y$e i &%s her in*e) ious smile or her o$.ious lo.e *or )hildren, There &%s some hing good %nd )%lm %nd nur uring %$ou her h% m%de him rus her )omple ely, @e0d rus ed her &i h Lylie %nd e.en hough he0d done his du y %nd )he)(ed %ll her re*eren)es he0d (no&n *rom he *irs ime hey me - $rie* %s i h%d $een - h% she &%s genuine, @e smiled o himsel* %s he hough %$ou ge ing $%)( home %nd seeing her %g%in, O* )ourse he &ouldn0 see her onigh , I &ould $e oo l% e *or h% , Bu he0d $e home %ll d%y Sund%y in he )omp%ny o* his &o Mgirls0, @e )hu)(led % h% hough , @e/ he dedi)% ed $%)helor/ h%d $e)ome % *%mily m%n in he sp%)e o* +us % )ouple o* &ee(s, The hough o* he responsi$ili y o* % *%mily h%d s)%red him *or ye%rs $u no& he &%s loo(ing *or&%rd o seeing his pre end one, @e mus $e ge ing old, 'ier)e did no ge home ill %lmos &o o0)lo)( in he morning, Tired %nd grimy *rom his r%.els he dumped his sui )%se in he h%ll&%y %nd )lim$ed he s %irs o he m%s er $edroom &here he s ripped %nd &en s r%igh in o he sho&er, I &%s only &hen he &%s )le%n %nd re*reshed h% he *el he &eigh o* &e%riness li* *rom his shoulders, God/ i *el good o $e )le%n, @e pulled on his $oCers hen gr%$$ed his ro$e *rom he hoo( %nd shrugged i on %nd se)ured i &i h he s%sh, Then/ $%re*oo / he he%ded o.er o he &ing h% Celine

%nd Lylie o))upied, @e &%n ed o )he)( on hem Fui)(ly $e*ore re iring *or he nigh , Dirs / he peeped in on Lylie, In he room &%s % dim ligh )%s $y he so* ly glo&ing nigh ligh $y Lylie0s $ed, Ouie ly he p%dded o.er o loo( do&n % he sleeping )hild, She &%s res ing pe%)e*ully %s she )lu )hed her eddy $e%r/ her $londe h%ir )urling so* ly %round her *%)e &hi)h &%s sligh ly pin( *rom sleep, @e le* he room %nd re urned o he h%ll&%y hen gl%n)ed % he door o Celine0s room, @e hough o* )he)(ing in on her oo $u Fui)(ly d%shed he ide%, ?h% &%s he/ % 'eeping TomB @e )ouldn0 in.%de her pri.%)y li(e h% , No/ he0d h%.e o $e p% ien %nd &%i ill morning o see her %g%in, @e &%s +us %$ou o urn %&%y &hen he no i)ed h% he door &%s %+%r, @%d she done h% deli$er% ely/ pro$%$ly so she )ould he%r i* Lylie )ried ou in he nigh B Or &%s she s ill upB @e )ould see % dim ligh hrough he hin sli)e $e &een he door %nd he +%m$, She migh $e up re%ding, Dor % momen he p%used hen his )uriosi y go he $e er o* him %nd he %ppro%)hed he door, @e g%.e % so* %p, @e%ring no response he slo&ly pushed he door +us &ide enough *or his he%d o go %round, The $edside l%mp &%s on $u Celine0s $ed &%s emp y, The )o.ers &ere ne% ly spre%d %nd he $ed loo(ed li(e i h%dn0 $een slep in, 'ier)e *ro&ned, ?here in he $l%Ees &%s sheB @is eyes s&ung o.er o he $% hroom door $u i s ood open %nd he $% hroom &%s in o %l d%r(ness, No& he &%s re%lly )on)erned, Celine &ouldn0 h%.e le* Lylie in he house %ll $y hersel*/ &ould sheB No, @e &%s )er %in she &ould ne.er do su)h % hing, @e $%)(ed ou o* he room hen oo( he *e& s eps o he o her door do&n he h%ll&%y, Be*ore he e.en pushed i open he )ould ell his &%s &here he0d *ind Celine,

As he s ood % he door he *r%gr%n)e o* her per*ume &%* ed o&%rd him, @e *ollo&ed he *lo&ery s)en / s epping in o he si ing room Celine sh%red &i h Lylie/ %nd &%l(ed o.er o he lo.ese% $y he &indo&, And here she l%y/ )urled up in he se% li(e % li le )% / % $oo( o* *%iry %les res ing on her hip, She mus h%.e )ome in o he si ing room %* er pu ing Lylie o $ed %nd h%d *%llen %sleep &i h he $oo( s ill in her l%p, 'ier)e )on empl% ed ge ing % $l%n(e %nd )o.ering her &here she l%y, She &%s &e%ring % nigh dress o* &hi e sil( %nd he )oolness o* he nigh &ould )er %inly gi.e her % )hill, Bu hen he re%liEed h% &ouldn0 $e enough, The lo.e se% h%dn0 $een m%de o %))ommod% e % sleeper %nd he s eep %rm h%d her ne)( posi ioned % &h% loo(ed li(e %n eC remely un)om*or %$le %ngle, She0d $e sure o h%.e % s r%in $y morning, @e h%d no )hoi)e $u o &%(e her, HCeline/J 'ier)e &hispered so* ly/ no &%n ing o s %r le her ou o* sleep, She didn0 $udge, @er $re% hing rem%ined deep %nd pe%)e*ul, HCeline/J he s%id %g%in %nd his ime he ou)hed her %rm, I &%s smoo h %nd )ool o he ou)h, @e *ro&ned, The girl needed o $e in her $ed under % &%rm $l%n(e , A 'ier)e0s se)ond ry her eyes *lu ered $u she did no &%(e, @e s% on he lo.ese% / his hip ou)hing he )ur.e o* her &%is / %nd le%ned o.er her, HCeline/ &%(e up/J he &hispered, HYou need o go o $ed,J @e pu his h%nd on her shoulder %nd g%.e her % sligh sh%(e, @er eyelids *lu ered %g%in %nd his ime hey opened, She loo(ed up % him sleepily, H'ier)e/J she &hispered/ her $ro&n eyes )loudy &i h )on*usion/ H&h% is i BJ Then her eyes &idened %nd she s ruggled o si up, HLylie, Is some hing &rong &i h herBJ

HLylie0s *ine/J he soo hed/ pu ing ou %n %rm o s e%dy her, HYou need o ge o $ed,J HOh/J she sighed %nd rel%Ced %g%ins his %rm, HYou s)%red me, I hough some hing h%ppened,J HNo hing % %ll/J 'ier)e s%id $u his ime his .oi)e &%s s r%ined %nd he &%s *inding i di**i)ul o $re% he, Celine h%d slumped %g%ins him %nd he )ould no& *eel he &eigh o* one o* her deli)ious $re%s s, @e immedi% ely h%rdened in response, Chris / &h% &%s his &om%n doing o himB The so* sil( o* Celine0s nigh go&n slid o.er he h%irs on his %rm/ sending sho)(&%.es ro)(e ing hrough his $ody, @is mou h &en dry &i h &%n , @e &%n ed so $%dly o (iss her/ o %s e hose lips/ o )onsume her, @e &%n ed o (iss he ops o* hose $e%u i*ul $re%s s, @e g%Eed in o her eyes hen he dipped his he%d/ he in ensi y o* his desire m%(ing him gro%n/ %nd pressed his lips o hers, Celine g%sped %nd hen o his gre% relie* she &%s responding/ en % i.ely % *irs hen &i h % p%ssion &hi)h %lmos m% )hed his o&n, S irred $y her %rdor he e%sed %nd eCplored hen he oo( possession o* her mou h/ (issing her ill she &%s $re% hless in his %rms, HCeline/ &here %re youB I0m hirs y,J The iny .oi)e )u hrough he siEEling ension, 'ier)e *roEe, Then he +er(ed $%)( %nd +umped up o** he lo.ese% , HC%n I ge some &% erBJ The door )re%(ed open %nd Lylie s ood here sleepily ru$$ing her eyes, Then he li le girl0s eyes &idened %s she s %red up % 'ier)e, H4n)le 'ier)e/ you0re home,J She r%n in o his %rms %nd he pi)(ed her up in % huge $e%r hug, HYes/ li le one/ I0m home, I go in l% e $u I m%de i , Did you miss meBJ

Lylie nodded/ her eyes huge %nd e%rnes , H4h huh, I &%n ed you o )ome home $e*ore my $ed ime,J HI0m sorry I go in l% e/ s&ee ie/J he s%id so* ly/ H$u I0m here no&, Do you *orgi.e me *or $eing l% eBJ She nodded %g%in, H4h huh,J HTh%n( you,J 'ier)e smiled %nd g%.e her % so* (iss on he )hee(, HNo& le 0s go ge you some &% er,J As Lylie res ed her he%d on his shoulder 'ier)e urned %round o gl%n)e $%)( % Celine, She s% on he lo.ese% s %ring up % hem/ or more %))ur% ely up % him/ %s i* in sho)(, HGo o $ed,J 'ier)e mou hed he &ords soundlessly hen $e*ore Lylie )ould s %r %s(ing Fues ions he oo( her ou o* he room %nd do&n he h%ll, A* er 'ier)e h%d se led Lylie $%)( in her $ed %nd re urned o his room he l%y $%)( in he pillo&s *or % long ime reli.ing e.ery se)ond he0d spen &i h Celine, @e %)hed/ hin(ing o* &h% )ould h%.e $een, @e (ne& &i hou % dou$ h% i* Lylie h%dn0 &%l(ed in &hen she did hey0d h%.e *ound e)s %sy in e%)h o her0s %rms, Bu i &%s no me%n o $e, No his nigh / %ny&%y, @e *olded his %rms $ehind his he%d %s he s %red up % he )eiling, @is $r%in &%s elling him o s %y %&%y *rom her/ h% he0d %) ed ou o* line %nd should $%)( o**, She &%s his employee/ %* er %ll, Bu hen here &%s %no her p%r o* him h% &%n ed o possess her/ $ody %nd soul, @e0d go en +us % %s e o* s&ee 3iss Celine S%n ini %nd he desper% ely &%n ed moreI


Celine s% up in he $ed %nd &is ed he $l%n(e s in her h%nds, She s %red % he )ur %ins $lo&ing so* ly $y her &indo&, A* er h% episode l%s nigh ho& &%s she going o *%)e 'ier)eB She )ould h%rdly re)%ll ho& i s %r ed, All she remem$ered &%s *inding hersel* in 'ier)e0s %rms hen he &%s (issing her %nd hen she &%s los , 'ier)e h%d eCper ly %&%(ened her $ody o % sensu%l symphony pl%yed $y his h%nds/ his lips/ his $ody/ so po&er*ul %nd .i$r%n o her ou)h, @e0d (issed her lips ill she mel ed in his em$r%)e, Th%n( God Lylie &%l(ed in &hen she did, Someho& deep in her he%r Celine (ne& h% i* he spell h%d no $een $ro(en she &ould h%.e $een po&erless o resis him, T%(ing % deep $re% h Celine summoned her )our%ge %nd )lim$ed ou o* $ed, I &%s Sund%y %nd here &ould $e no 3rs, Simpson o *iC $re%(*%s *or Lylie so she needed o $e up %nd re%dy o *%)e he d%y, Li(e i or no / she &ould h%.e o *%)e 'ier)e D0Am% o, ?hen Celine &en do&ns %irs &i h Lylie he m%n &ho domin% ed her hough s &%s %lre%dy si ing % he %$le/ )up in h%nd/ re%ding &h% loo(ed li(e he Ne& Yor( Times on his i'%d, @e urned %round %s hey &%l(ed in, H @ello/ 3iss Brigh Eyes/J he s%id &i h % smile hen se he )up do&n %nd opened his %rms o gi.e Lylie % Good morning hug, @e (issed he op o* her he%d hen s ill smiling/ he r%ised his eyes o Celine &ho hung $%)(/ (eeping % *e& *ee o* dis %n)e $e &een hem, @is smile seemed inno)en enough $u in hem &%s % loo( h% m%de Celine sFuirm, So he &%s remem$ering/ oo, Th% mu)h &%s o$.ious *rom his loo(, Bu &here

she *el sh%me % her $eh%.ior/ % ho& e%sily she0d *%llen under he spell o* his sedu) i.e )%ress/ he seemed ple%sed, There &%s no % hin o* regre in his eyes, Celine didn0 (no& &he her o *eel %ngry % his l%)( o* sh%me or *l% ered, This &%s %ll so )on*using, She dropped her eyes %nd &%l(ed o.er o he s o.e/ %nCious o *ind some hing o do/ %ny hing o (eep her *rom h%.ing o mee his eyes %g%in, HGood morning/ Celine,J ?i h his gree ing 'ier)e *or)ed her o urn her % en ion $%)( o him, She p%s ed % smile on her lips, HGood morning/J she s%id %nd gl%n)ed % him hen Fui)(ly urned $%)( o her %s(/ p%in*ully %&%re o* his eyes r%ined on her, Dur i.ely she oo( % Fui)( $re% h hen eCh%led slo&ly/ rying o )%lm her +%ngling ner.es, @o& &%s she going o sur.i.e % d%y in his )omp%nyB Celine $re% hed % sigh o* relie* &hen 'ier)e eng%ged Lylie in )on.ers% ion, They $eg%n % serious dis)ussion %$ou he meri s o* e%)h o* her oys %nd &hi)h &ould m%(e he $es *riend o* %ll/ B%r$ie or Elmo or The Li le 3erm%id, Celine *iCed Lylie0s o% me%l %nd &i hin minu es she0d se her )ere%l/ or%nge +ui)e %nd $%n%n% on he %$le, Only hen did she urn her eyes o 'ier)e, H?h% &ould you li(eBJ she %s(ed/ her .oi)e % lo more )on rolled %nd )%lm h%n she *el , 'ier)e s %red $%)( % her/ his loo( enigm% i)/ $u here &%s % )url o his lips h% old her he &%s re%ding *%r more in o her Fues ion h%n she0d me%n , She *el he he% rise o her *%)e %nd she &%s urning %&%y/ rying o hide her dis ress/ &hen he spo(e, HI0ll h%.e &h% e.er you0re h%.ing/J he s%id hen g%.e % so* )hu)(le &hi)h &%s no los on her, Celine s ruggled hrough % $re%(*%s o* s)r%m$led eggs %nd o%s &i h 'ier)e, I

&%s di**i)ul si ing righ %)ross *rom him/ rying %ll h% ime o %.oid his eyes, Th%n( goodness Lylie &%s here o en er %in hem, ?hen she0d )olle) ed he dishes %nd she s %)(ed hem in he m%)hine hen sighed &i h relie*, Bre%(*%s &%s o.er, No& she )ould es)%pe, HSo &h% &ould you li(e o do od%y/ 'rin)essBJ 'ier)e0s &ords $ro(e in o her hough s, HI0m %ll yours,J HS&imming/J Lylie yelled %nd )l%pped her h%nds in deligh , HI lo.e s&imming,J 'ier)e )hu)(led, HI &ould ne.er h%.e guessed,J @e loo(ed o.er % Celine %s she s ood $y he sin(, H?h% s%y &e mee % he pool in %$ou *or y-*i.e minu esBJ Celine nodded, HI0ll h%.e her re%dy, Th% &ould $e more h%n enough ime *or her $re%(*%s o se le,J 'ier)e )o)(ed %n eye$ro&, H?h% do you me%n/ you0ll h%.e her re%dyB You me%n you0ll $o h $e re%dy,J Celine s %red % him, @e &%n ed her in he pool &i h hem/ he in no hing $u s&im run(s %nd she in $% hing sui eCposed o his g%EeB @o& &ould she (eep her eyes o** himB A* er l%s nigh / (no&ing &h% i *el li(e o h%.e hose $ro%d shoulders $ene% h her p%lms/ his &%rm s(in pressed %g%ins hers/ ho& &ould she s %y )%lm so )lose o his ne%r n%(ed $odyB No/ no % good ide%, HII&%s hin(ing o* )% )hing up on someIre%ding,J She *loundered *or %n eC)use, Lying h%d ne.er )ome e%sy o her, H3%y$e you %nd Lylie )ould spend some Fu%li y ime oge herBJ 'ier)e g%.e her % loo( h% old her he (ne& she &%s doing her $es o %.oid him, Then he shrugged %nd loo(ed do&n % Lylie, HSorry/ 'rin)ess/ Celine doesn0 &%n o go s&imming od%y, I guess &e0ll +us h%.e o )%ll i o**,J HNo/J Lylie &%iled, HI &%n o s&im,J

'ier)e shoo( his he%d %nd on his *%)e &%s %n eC%gger% ed loo( o* regre , HNo )%n do, No unless Celine is going o $e here o help me &i h you,J HCeline/ you h%.e o )ome/J Lylie )ried ugging % her h%nd, H'le%seBJ Celine p% ed her he%d %nd &i h he li le girl dis r%) ed she go her )h%n)e o gl%re % 'ier)e, She gre& e.en more pee.ed &hen she s%& he &ide grin on his *%)e, The sn%(e, @e0d used Lylie o *or)e her h%nd, @e (ne& she0d ne.er re*use he li le girl, @o& )ould he $e so lo&B App%ren ly he )ould go h% lo& %nd Fui e e%sily/ oo, ?i hou %ny sign h% he *el guil y he smiled %nd s%id/ HO(%y/ l%dies/ mee you here in *or y-*i.e, Don0 $e l% e,J ?hen Celine %nd Lylie %rri.ed % he pool 'ier)e &%s %lre%dy in he &% er, @is $ody/ slee( %nd s rong/ )u hrough he &% er %s he did l%ps up %nd do&n he pool, ?hen he loo(ed up %nd s%& hem he rolled o.er on o his $%)( %nd &%.ed, HCome on in/J he )%lled o hem, HThe &% er *eels good,J Lylie &%s he *irs o respond, Slipping her h%nd *rom Celine0s gr%sp she r%n o he edge o* he pool %nd +umped/ %lmos l%nding on op o* 'ier)e0s he%d, @e l%ughed %nd )%ugh her hen &%.ed o Celine, HYour urn,J She grim%)ed %nd shoo( her he%d, Did he re%lly hin( she &%s going o +ump in o his %rmsB No li(ely, HDon0 le me )ome ge you/J he s%id &i h % grin %nd hois ing Lylie on o his shoulders he $eg%n o s&im o&%rd he lip o* he pool, Celine (ne& no o pl%y %round hen, Oui)(ly she le he o&el *%ll *rom &here she0d &r%pped i igh ly under her %rmpi s/ eCposing her $i(ini )l%d-$ody o his g%Ee, 'ier)e s opped p%ddling %nd his %ppre)i% i.e s %re old Celine he li(ed &h% he s%&, She )ould *eel her $ody go pin( %ll o.er, ?%n ing o hide hersel* %s Fui)(ly %s

possi$le she hurried o si on he edge o* he pool hen slid in o he &% er/ relie.ed &hen i *lo&ed o.er her $ody, O* )ourse he &% er hid no hing *rom his .ie& $u i g%.e her some sm%ll )om*or (no&ing h% some hing/ hough r%nsp%ren / &%s )o.ering her, I oo( %ll o* *i* een minu es $e*ore Celine $eg%n o rel%C, 3%y$e i &%s Lylie0s shrie(s o* l%ugh er &hen 'ier)e $o$$ed her up %nd do&n or m%y$e i &%s his o her side o* 'ier)e h% she &%s seeing - so )%re*ree/ pl%y*ul %nd e.en mis)hie.ous, @e hough no hing o* pl%ying ri)(s on poor Lylie/ sin(ing o he $o om o* he pool/ m%(ing her hin( he0d dis%ppe%red/ or s&imming up $ehind o i)(le her e%r, I &%s li(e Celine &%s seeing he li le $oy he used o $e, She )ould +us pi) ure him - %) i.e %nd n%ugh y %nd lo%ds o* *un, Soon Celine &%s )%ugh up in he horsepl%y/ oo, ?hen 'ier)e %lmos dro&ned her &i h % id%l &%.e o* &% er she s&ung %* er him/ rying o gi.e him % %s e o* his o&n &i)(ed medi)ine, Bu he &%s oo s rong %nd oo *%s , As h%rd %s she s&%m she )ouldn0 )% )h up o 'ier)e %nd *in%lly she g%.e up %nd s&%m $%)( o Lylie &ho &%s giggling un)on roll%$ly %s she &% )hed *rom he sh%llo& end o* he pool, Celine du)(ed do&n %nd &hispered in her e%r, HJus &% )h/J she s%id, HI0ll ge him,J Then she pu up her righ h%nd/ Lylie did he s%me/ %nd hey did % high *i.e, Celine urned o )he)( ou 'ier)e0s lo)% ion, @e &%s s ill on he *%r end o* he pool $u no& he &%s lounging/ doing he $%)(s ro(e/ leisurely *lo% ing $%)( o&%rds hem, O$.iously/ he *el here &%s no more hre% , @e0d pro$%$ly hough she0d gi.en up %nd gone $%)( o si &i h Lylie %nd li)( her &ounds, ?ell/ he h%d grossly under es im% ed her %nd he &%s %$ou o ge he sho)( o* his li*e, ?i h he slippery s e%l h o* % sn%(e Celine slid $%)( in o he &% er $u his ime she oo( % huge $re% h %nd &en under/ r%.eling s&i* ly %long he $o om o* he pool,

As she mo.ed she &% )hed 'ier)e *lo% o&%rd her/ o %lly o$li.ious o he d%nger lur(ing $elo&, Then &hen he &%s righ %$o.e she )rou)hed %nd/ using he $o om o* he pool *or le.er%ge/ she .%ul ed s r%igh up %nd sho o&%rd him, Celine gr%$$ed 'ier)e %round he &%is %nd dr%gged him under %nd %s he (i)(ed in surprise she sho %&%y *rom his re%)h, She &%s l%ughing %s she go $%)( o Lylie0s side, ?hy h%d she done h% B Dor he li*e o* her she )ouldn0 ell &h% m%de her %s o dun( her o&n $oss, De%r God/ she mus $e losing her mind, @e0d $een so )lose/ he0d $een so &%rm &hen she gr%$$ed him %round he &%is / he0d $een so *irm o he ou)h, And she0d $een so urned on, The horsepl%y &%s supposed o h%.e $een pure inno)en *un $u ell h% o her $ody, E.ery ime 'ier)e )%me ne%r her nipples urned in o h%rd pe$$les she &%s sure he )ould see hrough he *%$ri) o* her $i(ini op, And e.ery ime she s%& his le%n mus)led $ody )u hrough he &% er her $re% h )%ugh in her hro% , She &%s dying o slide her h%nds o.er his mus)led )hes %nd igh %$s, She &%s )r%.ing o slide her lips do&n his $%)(, She0d ne.er h%d su)h $old hough s in her li*e, ?h% &%s his m%n doing o herB By no& 'ier)e h%d s&um $%)( o he sur*%)e %nd s ill spu ering/ &%s s %ring % her hrough he &% er s re%ming do&n his *%)e, The gli er in his eyes old her he &%sn0 %$ou o %(e h% &i hou % response, @e shoo( he s r%nds o* &e h%ir *rom his *%)e %nd *iCing his d%r( eyes on Celine/ du)(ed do&n in o he &% er/ his $ody/ mou h %nd nose $elo& he sur*%)e, Li(e % )ro)odile s %l(ing i s prey/ &i h only his eyes %nd he op o* his he%d %$o.e he sur*%)e/ 'ier)e s re%(ed o&%rd her, Al hough she (ne& i &%s in *un/ %nd %l hough she &%s *ully %&%re h% his &%s % m%n %nd no % $e%s / %n unre%son%$le *righ *illed Celine %nd she shrie(ed, The g%me &%s $e)oming oo re%l, She s)ooped Lylie up %nd s&%m Fui)(ly o&%rd he

s eps/ in en on ge ing ou o* he pool %nd es)%ping her s %l(er0s )lu )hes, She &%s %lmos ou &hen % &om%n0s high-pi )hed .oi)e )u hrough he %ir, H?ell/ &h% h%.e &e hereBJ As one/ hey spun in he dire) ion o* he .oi)e, And here s ood Sophi% Redgr%.e loo(ing )ool %nd )risp in % p%n sui o* &hi e linen, In her %rms she gingerly held % r%y on &hi)h l%y % )olor*ul )%(e )o.er, She g%.e hem % igh li le smile, HI &%s ringing he door$ell $u &hen here &%s no %ns&er I de)ided o )ome %round, Did I $re%( up % p%r yBJ @er eyes *l%shed &i h some hing %(in o %nger %s hey s&ep o.er Celine %nd Lylie, Bu hen her *%)e so* ened %s she urned her % en ion o 'ier)e, HI $rough you some hing spe)i%l/J she s%id/ her *%)e so* ening in o % smile, HI0ll %(e i o he (i )hen, Come see,J 'ier)e r%ised his eye$ro&s hen he smiled %nd s&%m o he side o* he pool &here she no& s ood loo(ing do&n % him, H?h% do you h%.e hereBJ he %s(ed/ his .oi)e *ull o* %musemen , Sophi% shoo( her he%d %nd g%.e him % e%sing *ro&n, HI0m no elling, Only i* you0re % good $oy %nd *ollo& me,J ?i hou &%i ing *or % reply she min)ed her &%y up he p% h in her high heeled gold s%nd%ls/ her $o om s&%ying sedu) i.ely %s she &en , 'ier)e &% )hed her go hen he urned o Celine %nd Lylie &ho h%d no mo.ed *rom he edge o* he pool &here Sophi% *ound hem, @e r%ised his eye$ro&s %nd grinned, H?ho doesn0 li(e % surpriseBJ he s%id &i h % shrug, Then he pu his h%nds on he side/ h%uled himsel* ou o* he &% er %nd loped up he )o$$led p% h o he house, ?i h e%)h s ep 'ier)e oo( up h% p% h Celine0s he%r slid lo&er %nd lo&er, ?hen he *in%lly dis%ppe%red in o he house she *el li(e her he%r &%s % ro)( h% h%d

rolled o he $o om o* her $elly, @o& )ould she h%.e $een so s upidB @o& )ould she h%.e *orgo en %$ou Sophi% Redgr%.eB She0d h%d her dou$ s &hen he &om%n implied h% she %nd 'ier)e &ere more h%n +us *riends, She h%dn0 he%rd 3rs, Simpson men ion her so hen she0d hough he &om%n &%s pro$%$ly eC%gger% ing, 3%y$e she +us &%n ed Celine o hin( hey h%d some hing going on, Bu i* she0d h%d %ny dou$ s %$ou he .er%)i y o* he &om%n0s s % emen she didn0 h%.e %ny su)h dou$ s no&, The &%y 'ier)e0s *%)e li up/ he &%y he0d run o** %* er he &om%n old her %ll she needed o (no&, 'ier)e D0Am% o &%s %(en %nd i* she (ne& &h% &%s good *or her she0d s %y %s *%r %&%y *rom him %s possi$le,


NeC d%y 'ier)e *le& ou o TeC%s %nd i &%s %no her *our d%ys $e*ore Celine s%& him %g%in, No h% she minded, She needed ime &i hou him ne%r/ ime o $uild up her de*enses %nd %))ep h% 'ier)e &%s her employer %nd h% &%s %ll, ?ho &%s she (iddingB The m%n &%s % $illion%ire, ?hy &ould he &%n herB ?omen li(e her &ere +us pl%y hings *or men li(e him/ oys o $e used %nd dis)%rded &hen you go $ored, Sophi%/ on he o her h%nd &%s in his )l%ss, She h%d lo s o* money/ Celine &%s sure/ %nd she )er %inly h%d he % i ude, She/ on he o her h%nd/ h%d no hing, @o& )ould she )ompe eB Th% e.ening &hen 'ier)e go home Celine &%s prep%red *or him, @er he%r &%s en)%sed in % s eel .%ul %nd no hing he s%id or did &ould h%.e %ny imp%) on her, She &ould (eep her *%)e neu r%l %nd she &ould gree him &i h % pro*ession%l smile, As h%rd %s i &%s/ *or he s%(e o* Lylie %nd *or he s%(e o* her o&n s%ni y she &ould di.or)e hersel* *rom her emo ions, She &ould $e %s )ool %s you ple%se %nd she &ould $e he per*e) employee, No hing more/ no hing less, Th% &%s her pl%n, Bu &hen 'ier)e &%l(ed in he door he loo( o* de+e) ion %nd s%dness on his *%)e d%shed %ll her &ell-m%de pl%ns, Sho)(ed/ she rushed o his side, HAre you %lrigh BJ she %s(ed/ se%r)hing his *%)e, ?h% in he &orld )ould h%.e h%ppened *or him o loo( so erri$leB HI need % minu e/J he s%id %nd dropped his $%gs on he *loor, @is eyes s&ung p%s her o Lylie &ho seemed o h%.e sensed h% some hing &%s &rong, She h%dn0 )ome running o +ump in o her 4n)le 'ier)e0s %rms, She +us s ood here/ her *ingers

&is ing he s%sh h% hung *rom her dress/ her $lue eyes huge in her piCie *%)e, 'ier)e s r%igh ened %nd %s he did so he oo( % deep $re% h %nd loo(ed % Celine, In h% momen she (ne&, No &ords &ere eC)h%nged $e &een hem $u he %nguish in his eyes/ he eC reme eCh%us ion on his *%)e/ &ere %ll she needed, The &ors h%d h%ppened, S&ee / gen le Lylie h%d los her mo her, Celine0s lips rem$led %nd e.en hough she0d ne.er me he &om%n she *el li(e she &ould $urs in o e%rs, ?hen she *el her *%)e $egin o )rum$le she $i do&n on her lip %nd inh%led slo&ly, No/ she &ould no $re%( do&n, This &%s no her momen , This &%s 'ier)e0s loss %nd more h%n %nyone/ i &%s Lylie0s, H?h% do you &%n me o doBJ Celine &hispered %s she loo(ed up in o 'ier)e0s grie* s ri)(en *%)e, HT%(e her/J he s%id, HI need % *e& minu es, Jus %(e her o her room %nd I0ll $e up soon,J Celine nodded %nd &en o.er o Lylie %nd oo( her h%nd, HCome/ S&ee ie/J she s%id in % so* / soo hing .oi)e, H4n)le 'ier)e &ill )ome .isi you in your room, Le 0s +us gi.e him some ime o res *or % $i ,J Lylie s%id no hing, Dor % momen she )on inued o s %re up % 'ier)e hen she nodded/ her *%)e no& loo(ing *%r older h%n her *our ye%rs/ %nd urned &i h Celine %nd &%l(ed %&%y, Lylie Ni)hols &%s he $r%.es li le girl Celine (ne&, Li(e % mini% ure soldier she s% Fuie ly/ her h%nds in her l%p %s 'ier)e old her ho& he h%d gone %&%y o .isi her mo her %* er re)ei.ing %n urgen )%ll *rom he hospi %l, 4n*or un% ely/ she0d slipped %&%y $e*ore he %rri.ed, Bu he nurses old him she0d p%ssed pe%)e*ully/ +us li(e *%lling %sleep *or % .ery long ime, HIs 3ommy in he%.en no&BJ Lylie %s(ed in % $%rely %udi$le &hisper,

HYes/J 'ier)e s%id/ his eyes shiny &i h emo ion, HThe %ngels %re %(ing )%re o* her no&,J Only hen did Lylie0s e%rs $egin o *lo&, As 'ier)e (neeled on he *loor in *ron o* her he opened his %rms, She &%l(ed in o he hug %nd l%id her he%d on his shoulders, Then her iny $ody shoo( &i h her so$s, 'ier)e le her )ry %nd %s she did he ru$$ed her $%)( soo hingly %nd )rooned so* &ords o* )om*or in o her e%r, I oo( se.er%l momen s $e*ore he )rying s illed %nd Lylie li* ed her *%)e o loo( in o 'ier)e0s eyes, HI &ish 3ommy )ould h%.e s %yed &i h me/J she s%id &i h % sigh/ H$u I hin( D%ddy needed her more, I (no& hey0re oge her no&,J ?hen Celine he%rd her u er hose &ords she *el li(e pulling her in o her %rms %nd $%&ling, ?h% % s oi) li le *our ye%r old, She &%s %) ing &i h % m% uri y *%r $eyond her ye%rs/ h%ndling her r%gedy &i h % )our%ge h% m%ny %dul s &ould no h%.e $een %$le o mus er, Th% nigh Lylie slep in Celine0s $ed/ in her %rms, There &%s no &%y she &ould h%.e le her sleep %lone, As he )hild slep she s ro(ed her h%ir un il she/ oo/ dri* ed o** in o % dre%mless sleep, D%ys l% er 'ier)e *le& hem ou o Ne& @%.en in his pri.% e +e &here Lylie s%id her *in%l good$ye, Dor her s%(e i &%s (ep % Fuie %**%ir &i h only )lose rel% i.es %nd *riends % ending, She spen he en ire )eremony si ing on Celine0s l%p/ &r%pped in her %rms, ?hen hey re urned home hey &ere espe)i%lly ni)e o Lylie/ ne.er le ing her spend mu)h ime %lone $u %llo&ing her enough sp%)e o grie.e, E.en Sophi% &en ou o* her &%y o $e ni)e/ $ringing her oys %nd % $oo( %$ou %ngels, S ill/ i oo( % *e& d%ys $e*ore he *irs smile %ppe%red on Lylie0s *%)e %nd e.en more d%ys $e*ore

hey he%rd her l%ugh, I &ould %(e % long ime *or her o he%l $u Celine (ne& h% her li le soldier &ould pull hrough, NNN

HI &%n % )h%nge o* en.ironmen *or Lylie, Sin)e he *uner%l she h%sn0 le* he house, She needs o ge ou / o $re% he %g%in,J 'ier)e *olded his %rms %)ross his )hes %nd le%ned $%)( %g%ins he m%r$le op isl%nd in he middle o* he (i )hen, @e0d $een hin(ing %$ou i *or some ime no&, @e &%n ed o %(e her o % pl%)e &here she )ould pl%y %nd l%ugh %g%in/ some&here h% didn0 remind her o* her loss, HDisney ?orldBJ Celine res ed her )hin in her p%lm %s she s %red up % him, Tod%y she0d *orgone he pony %il %nd le her d%r( h%ir *%ll gen ly on o her shoulder, 'ier)e g%.e i some hough hen shoo( his he%d, HNo/ % $i oo mu)h *or her I hin(, Sor o* *rom one eC reme o he o her/ you (no&BJ H?h% %$ou % C%ri$$e%n )ruiseB One o* hose h% )% ers o )hildrenBJ Celine %s(ed &i h % sligh il o* her he%d, She loo(ed so )u e &hen she did h% , @e &rin(led his *orehe%d, H@mm/ no, Th% 0s +us more o* he s%me,J @e rele%sed his %rms %nd s re )hed hem &ide o loosen he (in(s in his $%)(, HI &%n o %(e her some&here di**eren $u I &%n i o $e % more gen le )h%nge o* en.ironmen , No so *%s p%)ed,J Then % hough )%me o him, Celine h%d spo(en &i h su)h %nim% ion e%)h ime she0d men ioned her (id $ro hers %nd her mo her, ?ould % &ee( or &o in he )omp%ny o* % lo.ing *%mily $e he )h%nge h% Lylie neededB H?h% %$ou % rip o EuropeBJ A his &ords Celine0s $ro&s li* ed %nd she loo(ed up % him &i h +us % hin o*

eC)i emen in her eyes, HEuropeBJ she %s(ed, HSo *%r %&%yBJ 'ier)e )hu)(led, HA se.en hour *ligh B Th% 0s no $%d, Try *our een or eigh een hours, I0.e done lo s o* hose, No& h% 0s *%r,J There &%s % *%r%&%y loo( in Celine0s eyes, I &%s )le%r h% she &%s hin(ing o* home, 'ier)e de)ided o press home his poin / ge her on $o%rd &hile she seemed o $e in % nos %lgi) mood, H@o& &ould you li(e o go see your *%milyBJ Celine urned &ide eCpressi.e eyes o him, HDo you me%n i BJ @er .oi)e &%s % $re% hless &hisper/ %lmos %s i* she &ere %*r%id o u er he &ords, HO* )ourse, You0.e %l(ed so mu)h %$ou 3%r) %nd Syl.%n h% I *eel I %lmos (no& hem, I0d lo.e o mee hem,J @e &%s smiling %s he &%l(ed o.er o he %$le %nd pulled ou % )h%ir, @e s% do&n %)ross *rom Celine, H3ore impor %n ly/ i &ould $e gre% *or Lylie, Being %round o her )hildren is pro$%$ly &h% she needs righ no&,J Celine $eg%n o &orry her $o om lip &i h her ee h, HI don0 (no&, I &ould %$solu ely lo.e o go home *or % .isi $u I he $oys %nd LylieB I0m no oo sure, They )%n $e % $i rough,J HDon0 underes im% e he dep h o* unders %nding h% (ids )%n sho&, And e.en hough hey0re $oys/J he s%id &i h % )hu)(le/ H hey )%n $e )omp%ssion% e, @ey/ $oys %ren0 h% $%d, I (no&, I used o $e one,J A h% )ommen her *%)e rel%Ced %nd her lips )ur.ed in % smile, @er liFuid $ro&n eyes sp%r(led %s she loo(ed $%)( % him, HYou0.e )on.in)ed me, I &ould lo.e o %(e Lylie o mee my *%mily,J @e pu on % mo)( *ro&n, H?h% %$ou meBJ Celine $urs ou l%ughing, HAnd you/ oo/ 'ier)e, I0m sure hey0ll %ll lo.e you,J


HSo his is 3r, 'ier)e D0Am% o, Bienvenue, Monsieur,J Cl%ire S%n ini oo( his h%nds in hers hen s ood on ip oe o (iss him on $o h )hee(s, She &%s % diminu i.e &om%n &i h r%.en $l%)( h%ir )%ugh up in % $un on he )ro&n o* her he%d, @er d%r( eyes shone in her rosy *%)e %nd her lips old o* mu)h l%ugh er %nd mir h, She reminded 'ier)e o* % sprigh ly li le sp%rro&/ *ull % li.ely energy h% )ould ne.er $e eC inguished, She &%s some hing o* % )on r%s o her d%ugh er, ?here she &%s iny %nd sligh ly plump &i h eyes %s $l%)( %s nigh / Celine &%s o* slender $uild &i h deep $ro&n eyes % m%n )ould lose himsel* in, E.en hough she &%s o* medium heigh she &%s % le%s *our or *i.e in)hes %ller h%n her mo her, ?hen Cl%ire rele%sed his h%nds 'ier)e loo(ed o.er % Celine %s she s ood in he middle o* he modes li.ing room, HSo &here %re he young men I0.e he%rd so mu)h %$ou BJ She rolled her eyes, H@iding I0m sure/ +us &%i ing o pl%y % pr%n( on us,J Bu hen she smiled $ro%dly %nd her eyes *l%shed &i h e%ger %n i)ip% ion, She pu her *ingers o her lips %nd ip oed o he door h% led in o he (i )hen, I &%s sligh ly %+%r %nd/ &i hou &%rning/ she re%)hed %n %rm %round %nd )%me $%)( &i h % $oy/ no& ho&ling &i h l%ugh er, H3%r)/ &h% do you h%.e hereBJ She dem%nded %s she pulled % huge &% er gun *rom his h%nds, HYou &ere going o so%( us/ you n%ugh y $oy, Tu es si mechant,J She deposi ed he oy on he *loor, HCome/ you n%ugh y $oy, Gi.e your sis er % hug,J She &r%pped her %rms %round him %nd (issed he op o* his he%d,

H4gh/ (issing, Gross, Cest pas bon,J 3%r) s ruggled ou o* her %rms $u his *l%shing d%r( eyes sho&ed h% he &%s lo.ing he % en ion, H3%r)/ no li(e h% / mon petit, Beh%.e,J Cl%ire shoo( her he%d %nd g%.e him % s ern loo(, HNo& go %nd ge your $ro her, Tell him enough &i h his hiding,J Syl.%n h%d o$.iously $een lis ening o e.ery hing $e)%use % his mo her0s &ords he peeped round he door hen s epped ou in o he li.ing room, ?i h his huge $ro&n eyes %nd d%r( h%ir he &%s li(e % m%le .ersion o* Celine, 3ore su$dued h%n his $ro her/ or m%y$e &ishing o seem more m% ure/ he %ppro%)hed his sis er &i h % sm%ll smile &hi)h &idened in o % huge grin, O$.iously he &%s un%$le o )on %in his +oy % seeing his sis er %g%in, HSyl.%n/J Celine )ried, HYou0.e gro&n so %ll,J She g%.e him he s%me re% men she0d gi.en 3%r)/ hugging him )lose/ $u he &%s %lmos %s %ll %s she &%s so she ended up (issing him on he )hee(, 4nli(e his $ro her/ he sho&ed no o$+e) ions, Then Celine &en o.er o &here Lylie s ood hiding $ehind 'ier)e, HCome/ cherie, Don0 $e shy,J She oo( he li le girls h%nd, Gen ly/ she pulled her *or&%rd, HGuys/ his is Lylie, Come on o.er %nd s%y hi,J Lylie )lung o Celine &i h one h%nd hen s u)( he hum$ o* her *ree h%nd in her mou h, She s %red up % he $oys &i h huge/ ired eyes, 3%r) grinned %nd g%.e her % Fui)( &%.e, H@i/J he s%id hen sho.ed his h%nds in o his po)(e s, Syl.%n/ hough/ oo( % di**eren %ppro%)h, @e mus h%.e seen Lylie0s un)er %in y % $eing in % s r%nge house &i h hree s r%ngers &ho %l(ed *unny, @e )rou)hed lo& %nd loo(ed in o her eyes, ?i h % smile he eC ended his h%nd, H'le%sed o mee you/ 3%demoiselle Lylie,J

Dor % momen she hesi % ed hen/ no le ing go o* Celine &i h her le* h%nd/ she popped her hum$ ou o* her mou h %nd eC ended her righ h%nd o Syl.%n, @e oo( i / &e hum$ %nd %ll/ %nd shoo( her h%nd, HI (no& &e0ll $e good *riends/J he s%id, Lylie s%id no hing $u she nodded slo&ly %nd slipped he hum$ $%)( in o her mou h, Cl%ire mus h%.e seen ho& eCh%us ed he )hild &%s $e)%use she p% ed her h%nds oge her %nd pro)eeded o shoo he $oys ou o* he room, HTime o res no&, The r%.elers %re .ery ired,J @er &ords riggered % *eeling o* &e%riness in 'ier)e %nd i* he *el so ired he )ould im%gine ho& he o hers *el / %nd espe)i%lly Lylie &ho &%s no used o *ligh s se.er%l hours long, Al hough she0d slep hrough mos o* he +ourney she &ould no h%.e slep %s soundly %s &hen she &%s in her o&n $ed, ?h% m%de i &orse/ &here i &ould no& $e he middle o* he nigh $%)( in 3%ss%)huse s i &%s $righ d%yligh in Dr%n)e, I &ould %(e % le%s &en y-*our hours *or heir $ody )lo)(s o %d+us , A* er % ligh me%l Cl%ire $undled hem o** o $ed/ Celine %nd Lylie sh%ring Celine0s $edroom %nd 'ier)e o))upying 3%r)0s room, Celine0s home &%s % sm%ll/ ne% $ung%lo& in he iny .ill%ge o* Thomery-By +us ou side o* A.on/ he ne%res o&n o* %ny signi*i)%n siEe, As *or '%ris/ hey0d r%.eled %lmos %n hour *rom Ch%rles De G%ulle Airpor o ge here, I h%d $een % long +ourney $u %s *%r %s 'ier)e &%s )on)erned i h%d $een &or h i , @ere in his .ill%ge/ *%r %&%y *rom he $us le o* he )i y/ he (ne& Lylie &ould *ind he%ling, As he l%y $%)( in he $ed lis ening o he $irds &his ling in he $r%n)hes h% hung $y he &indo& he )ould im%gine her running %)ross he gr%ssy me%do&s &i h he $oys or pi)(ing he *lo&ers h% lined he &inding p% h&%ys hey0d seen on

he &%y here, E.ery&here you loo(ed here &ere *lo&ers, G%rdens $loomed in *ron o* he li le houses %nd 'ier)e )ould sense he pride o* he inh%$i %n s in heir $e%u i*ul li le o&n, @e smiled in )on en men , @e &%s loo(ing *or&%rd o % rel%Cing/ pe%)e*ul s %y in his sleepy .ill%ge, NeC %* ernoon &hen hey h%d *ully re)o.ered *rom he pl%ne ride Celine de)ided o in rodu)e 'ier)e %nd Lylie o her home o&n, They em$%r(ed on % &%l(ing our o* he .ill%ge &hi)h oo( %ll o* &o hours, They s opped o mee he $u )her &ho &%s h%nging % s ring o* s%us%ges in he &indo& hen hey mo.ed on o he shop o* % se%ms ress &ho s% $y he &indo& humming %s she &or(ed on &h% loo(ed li(e % &edding go&n, ?hen she s%& Celine she dropped he *%$ri)/ )l%pped her h%nds oge her hen r%n ou doors o gree her, Celine go he s%me response % he pos o**i)e/ he ph%rm%)y %nd he iny li$r%ry she old him h%d $een li(e her se)ond home, I &%s o$.ious h% she &%s (no&n %nd lo.ed in her )ommuni y, They )on inued on/ en+oying he )risp %ir %nd $righ sunligh / un il hey go o he lo)%l gro)ery s ore no& oper% ed $y Celine0s old pi%no e%)her, T%ll/ hin %nd reedy/ he loo(ed li(e % $espe) %)led s i)( inse) , @e (issed $o h Celine %nd Lylie on heir )hee(s, ?hen he urned o&%rd him 'ier)e oo( %n in.olun %ry s ep $%)( $u he m%n only eC ended his h%nd in gree ing, HBonjour/J he s%id/ eyeing 'ier)e suspi)iously, HBonjour/J 'ier)e replied %nd $u &i h )ool reser.% ion, ?here did his guy )ome o** loo(ing % him li(e h% B The m%n urned $%)( o Celine %nd $eg%n %n %nim% ed )on.ers% ion in Dren)h o* &hi)h 'ier)e unders ood only &o &ords/ fianc %nd mariage, ?hen he &ords le* he m%n0s mou h % s r%nge loo( p%ssed o.er Celine0s *%)e,

She $i her lip %nd loo(ed do&n % he ground, I &%s o$.ious h% &h% e.er he0d s%id h%d upse her, ?hen she *in%lly loo(ed up her serene eCpression h%d *led %nd her $ro&n eyes *l%shed &i h unmis %(%$le %nger, She replied o he m%n0s )ommen / her one )ur , She nodded %nd s%id her good$ye hen she p%s ed % smile on her *%)e %nd urned o Lylie %nd 'ier)e, HI guess you &o mus $e hungry no&, ?hy don0 &e he%d homeBJ They0d $een &%l(ing in silen)e *or % *e& minu es/ Celine seeming los in hough / &hen 'ier)e de)ided o Fues ion her )h%nge in deme%nor, She0d gone *rom )heer*ul %nd $u$$ly o Fuie %nd som$er in he sp%)e o* minu es/ %ll $e)%use o* % )on.ers% ion she0d h%d &i h her old e%)her, There &%s o$.iously some hing &orrying her $e)%use she (ep $i ing her lo&er lip %nd *ro&ning, She pro$%$ly didn0 e.en re%liEe she &%s doing h% , H?h% 0s upBJ he %s(ed, HTh% guy o$.iously pissed you o**, ?%n o %l( %$ou i BJ She loo(ed up % him hen/ % s %r led eCpression on her *%)e, @is Fues ion mus h%.e +er(ed her ou o* her re.erie, HIIJ She shoo( her he%d %nd loo(ed %&%y %nd 'ier)e )ould s&e%r he s%& he glin o* e%rs in her eyes, ?h% he hell h%d he m%n s%id o her o upse her so mu)hB HCeline/ ell me/J he urged, HIs here %ny hing I )%n doBJ She oo( % deep $re% h %nd g%.e him % $r%.e li le smile, Then she shoo( her he%d, HTh%n(s *or %s(ing $u noI here0s no hing you )%n do,J No &%n ing o push/ he )on inued &%l(ing $y her side, Then he *el % so* h%nd on his %rm, H3%y$eIi* I %l( o someone %$ou i / i migh help,J @er .oi)e &%s so* / hesi %n / %nd here &%s % hin o* ple%ding in her eyes, HC%n &e %l(Il% erBJ HO* )ourse/J he s%id/ se%r)hing her eyes *or % hin o* &h% )ould h%.e )%used her

su)h dis ress, Could i $e some hing o do &i h her *%milyB ?%s i some hing h% money )ould *iCB I* so/ he h%d lo s o* i , Dor some re%son h% he )ouldn0 Fui e eCpl%in he *el pro e) i.e o* her/ %lmos %s i* she &ereIhis, L% er h% e.ening %* er % me%l o* s%l%d/ $%(ed *ish/ $re%d %nd C%mem$er )heese/ 'ier)e le* Lylie &i h he $oys %nd &%l(ed do&n o % ne%r$y s re%m &i h Celine, They s% on he so* gr%ss o* he $%n( %nd Celine/ her .oi)e lo& %nd su$dued/ $eg%n o spe%(, HI 0s .ery di**i)ul o spe%( %$ou his %nd I0m sorry o $urden you/J she s%id &i h % rue*ul smile/ H$u I hin( my $eh%.ior e%rlier reFuires some eCpl%n% ion,J She loo(ed do&n % her h%nds hen $%)( % him, HI &%s eng%ged on)e/ o he son o* he gen lem%n you +us me , The gro)er,J 'ier)e *el his he%r lur)h in his )hes , I &%s li(e she0d old him she &%s %$ou o die/ his re%) ion &%s h% .iolen , ?hy h%d her &ords %**e) ed him li(e h% B @ell/ he0d (no&n her less h%n &o mon hs, S ill/ her &ords h%d gi.en him % re%l +ol , H?e0d gone o high s)hool oge her %nd hen &hen &e ended up going o he s%me uni.ersi y in '%ris, In senior ye%r &e go in.ol.ed,J She seemed o $e deli$er% ely %.oiding his eyes/ loo(ing do&n % he ground &here she pulled dis r%) edly % he $l%des o* gr%ss, H?e pl%nned o ge m%rried righ %* er gr%du% ion $u hen he s%id &e should &%i un il %* er gr%du% e s)hool,J She he%.ed % sigh hen li* ed her *%)e/ he s r%in sho&ing in he igh ness o* her lips, She s&%llo&ed, HI &%i ed, @e &%n ed o ge his 3BA % INSEAD, @e (ne& h% % degree *rom he op $usiness s)hool in Dr%n)e &ould open doors *or him, @e didn0 &%n o s %r % *%mily +us hen so I suppor ed his de)ision,J She shrugged, HI &%n ed o do my 3%s er0s oo so I hough I0d do my gr%du% e degree &hile he did his/ %nd hen &e0d ge m%rried %* er&%rds, Ano her ye%r or so shouldn0 m% er/

righ BJ 'ier)e s%id no hing/ sensing h% %ll she &%n ed o do +us hen &%s %l(, She needed o ge &h% e.er &%s $o hering her o** her )hes , She g%.e % $i er l%ugh, HThe pro$lem &%s/ he &en $%)( o '%ris $u I &en o he 4ni ed S % es, I &%n ed o $e p%r o* %n eC)ellen 'sy)hology progr%m so I %pplied o @%r.%rd %nd &%s %))ep ed, Th% &%s he $eginning o* he end,J She slid her legs up/ &r%pped her %rms %round hem %nd res ed her )hin on her (nees, HI )%me home % Chris m%s/ s ill &e%ring my eng%gemen ring/J she s%id her .oi)e )r%)(ing/ H o le%rn h% he &%s going o $e % *% her in &o mon hs,J So h% &%s i , The $%s %rd h%d )he% ed on her, No &onder she didn0 &%n o %l( %$ou i , Then 'ier)e *ro&ned, So &hy &%s his *% her %l(ing o Celine in % one h% m%de i seem li(e she &%s he one % *%ul B Some hing &%s no %dding up, @is )on*usion mus h%.e $een o$.ious $e)%use Celine $eg%n o spe%( %g%in %nd his ime she &%s o**ering %n eCpl%n% ion, HMonsieur Gir%rd/ he (no&s h% %* er my 3%s er0s I &en $%)( o Ameri)% o do my 'hD $e)%use I didn0 &%n o $e %round Giles/ he memories %nd he hough o* &h% )ould h%.e $een,J She $eg%n o &orry her lip %g%in, H@e0s upse $e)%useIJ she p%used %nd dre& in % long $re% h/ H$e)%use Giles &%n s me $%)( %nd I &on0 s%y yes,J ?h% in he $l%EesB H@old up, You los me,J 'ier)e held up his h%nd, H@e &%n s you $%)(B ?h% %$ou he o her &om%nB ?h% %$ou he )hildBJ Celine shoo( her he%d, HTh% 0s he hing, @e (eeps s%ying i &%s %n %))iden ,J She g%.e % l%ugh *ull o* dis$elie*, HYe he m%rried her %nd hey se led do&n righ here in Thomery,J

HAnd so you le* ,J Celine nodded, HI h%d o,J 'ier)e go up %nd $rushed he gr%ss *rom he se% o* his rousers, This s ory &%s ge ing e.en more )on*using, HI s ill don0 ge i , You s%id he &%n ed you $%)(,J She l%ughed dryly, HYes, Dunny/ isn0 i BJ Then she shoo( her he%d, H@e %nd his &i*e &ere di.or)ed % ye%r %go %nd he0s $een hounding me e.er sin)e,J Son-o*-%-gun, HNo& he &%n s you $%)(BJ She nodded, HNo& he &%n s me $%)(,J Dor % momen 'ier)e &%s silen , The ner.e o* he +er(, @e *el li(e i* he h%d he )h%n)e he0d pun)h his Giles guy in he gu , As mu)h %s i &%s none o* his $usiness he &%s pissed % he si u% ion, 3ore h%n h% / he re%liEed &i h sho)(/ he &%s %l%rmed, ?h% i* Celine s ill h%d *eelings *or he guyB ?h% i* he ried o &e%sel his &%y $%)( inB ?here he he)( &ould h% le%.e himB @e r%(ed his *ingers hrough his h%ir %nd s %red ou o.er he &% er, Things &ere ge ing re%lly )ompli)% ed, @ere he0d hough he &%s m%(ing hings $e er $y )hoosing Celine0s home o&n %s heir .%)% ion spo $u he0d dropped her righ in o % horne 0s nes , @e urned o *%)e her, HSo &h% does his guy0s *% her h%.e o do &i h %ll hisB ?here does he )ome o** %)(ling you %$ou hisBJ H3onsieur Gir%rd %l&%ys &%n ed us o ge m%rried, I &%s his *%.ori e pupil, @e s ill &%n s me o )onsider rene&ing my rel% ionship &i h Giles,J She shrugged, H@e me%ns &ell,J HYe%h/ righ ,J 'ier)e response &%s )old, H@e needs o mind his o&n $usiness %nd no pressure you in o some hing you don0 &%n o do,J @e loo(ed % her %s he

s%id he &ords, ?%s i re%lly some hing she didn0 &%n o doB Or did she s ill h%.e % so* spo *or her eCB As i* sensing he dire) ion o* his hough s Celine go up %nd hre& her h%nd*ul o* ripped up gr%ss $l%des in o he $u$$ling &% er, HI 0s ge ing )ool ou here, I guess &e0d $e er go $%)( o he house,J ?ell/ h% &%s %n e**e) i.e end o he )on.ers% ion, I seemed he0d ou)hed % .ery sensi i.e ner.e, 'ier)e loo(ed % Celine/ rying o g%uge her *eelings $u she0d %lre%dy urned/ e**e) i.ely shielding her *%)e *rom his g%Ee, She &%s he%ding up he $%n(/ le%.ing him o *ollo&, Celine0s re%) ion &%s no % good sign %nd no& he &%s &orried, Very &orried,


D%ys p%ssed %nd nei her 'ier)e nor Celine $rough up he su$+e) o* heir )on.ers% ion, ?i hou &ords $o h o* hem seemed o h%.e %greed o *o)us on Lylie %nd her %musemen , ?hen 'ier)e s%& he rosy )hee(s o* he )hild %s she r%)ed %$ou ou doors &i h Syl.%n/ 3%r) %nd % li le puppy hey0d %)Fuired he (ne& he0d m%de he righ )hoi)e in %(ing her here, No rip o Disney ?orld )ould h%.e done *or Lylie &h% her ne& *riendships h%d done *or her, ?i hou p%mpering her he $oys oo( *ull )h%rge o* her/ %(ing her on long &%l(s *rom &hi)h she re urned eCh%us ed $u $rimming &i h s ories o* he $irds she0d seen in he &oods/ he *lo&ers she0d pi)(ed %nd he $ugs she0d )%ugh , HBugsBJ Celine &rin(led her nose &hen Lylie *irs old her %$ou her ne& *ound in eres , HYu)(y,J Lylie only giggled %nd r%n o** o *ind he $oys she no& seemed o .ie& %s her $ig $ro hers, O$.iously she &%n ed o $e li(e hem %nd i* )olle) ing $ugs &%s &h% hey lo.ed o do hen she0d do i / oo, A &hole &ee( p%ssed %nd 'ier)e0s li*e se led in o % )om*or %$le rhy hm h% h%d him &ondering ho& he &ould %d+us o he *%s p%)ed &orld o* $usiness &hen he go $%)( o he 4ni ed S % es, @e h%d )ompe en m%n%gers % his so* &%re de.elopmen *irm so he &%s no &orried, S ill/ he (ne& he )ouldn0 s %y %&%y *or oo long, @e0d ge rus y %nd &hen i )%me o $usiness %nd nego i% ions you didn0 &%n o do h% , S ill/ he &%s en+oying he do&n ime %nd he (ne& 3rs, Simpson &%s gl%d *or he ime o** o .isi her

gr%nd(ids, One e.ening %* er pi)(ing up % s e%( *rom he $u )her shop 'ier)e re urned o *ind h% he m%gi) $u$$le he0d $een li.ing in h%d suddenly $urs , As he rounded he )orner %nd s rolled o&%rd he )ul-de-s%) &here Celine0s house &%s nes led he re%liEed h% she &%s s %nding % he $o om o* he gr%.el dri.e&%y %nd she &%s no %lone, S %nding mere in)hes %&%y *rom her &%s % m%n/ %ll %nd $londe %nd &h% you0d )%ll h%ndsome in % MBr%d 'i 0 sor o* &%y, @e &%s deep in )on.ers% ion &i h Celine %nd %s he spo(e he mo.ed his h%nds eCpressi.ely %s i* rying o m%(e % poin , A one poin he e.en re%)hed ou %nd pu his h%nd on her shoulder, She seemed o *lin)h %nd he pulled i %&%y, 'ier)e slo&ed his p%)e %s he %ppro%)hed/ %(ing his ime so h% he )ould o$ser.e Celine0s re%) ion o he m%n he %ssumed &%s her eC-*i%n)P, @er he%d &%s do&n %nd her shoulders drooped %s i* she )%rried he &eigh o* % n% ion on hem, ?hen she

li* ed her *%)e o respond o % )ommen Giles m%de her eyes *l%shed &i h %nger, Or &%s h% he gle%m o* unshed e%rsB 'ier)e *el li(e % h%nd en)ir)led his he%r / sFueeEing h%rd/ m%(ing him *eel %lmos physi)%l p%in, ?ere hey going o (iss %nd m%(e upB @e &%s %lmos upon hem no& %nd %s one hey urned %nd loo(ed % him, No& he )ould see i , Yes/ hose &ere e%rs in Celine0s eyes, ?h% he hell h%d he +er( s%id o m%(e her )ryB 'ier)e urned o him %nd he (ne& his *%)e &%s se in % d%r( s)o&l $u he didn0 gi.e % d%mn, I* he m%n &%s h%r%ssing Celine he0d $e er $e prep%red *or % *igh , @e &%l(ed up o hem %nd mere *ee %&%y, @is eyes s(immed Celine0s *lushed *%)e %nd )%me o res on he long le%n *%)e o* he m%n he no& )onsidered her

ormen or, @e gl%red % him, The m%n oo( % Fui)( s ep %&%y *rom Celine, @e *ro&ned %s he s %red $%)( % he ne&)omer, @e loo(ed $%)( % Celine/ his eyes un)er %in, Be*ore 'ier)e h%d % )h%n)e o hin( &h% o do neC he *el slender %rms sliding round his &%is %nd loo(ed do&n o see Celine smiling up % him, In her eyes &%s % loo( o* relie*, HMon amour/ &h% oo( you so longB I0.e $een &%i ing *or you/J she s%id/ her .oi)e s&ee %nd lo& %nd sedu) i.e, 'ier)e %lmos su)(ed in his $re% h $u )%ugh himsel* +us in ime, God/ she sounded seCy &hen she %l(ed li(e h% , And he loo( she &%s gi.ing him, This mus $e &h% hey )%lled M$edroom eyes0, ?h% e.er hey )%lled i / i &%s h%.ing % hell o* %n e**e) on him, @e )ould *eel himsel* h%rden in his rousers, HI )%me $%)( %s soon %s I )ould/J he s%id %nd re urned he smile, HYou (no& I )%n0 s %y %&%y *rom you *or oo long,J O(%y/ so h% &%s )orny $u she0d )%ugh him o** gu%rd, No ime o hin( o* sophis i)% ed lines, Bu no m% er/ heir %) &%s &or(ing, A pin( *lush $eg%n o )reep up he ne)( o* Gyles &h% e.er-his- n%me-&%s %nd soon his *%)e &%s o %lly red, HEx. Excuse!"moi/J he splu ered hen $%)(ed %&%y %nd %s 'ier)e held Celine )lose &i h one %rm %nd )r%dled his p%)(%ge o* me% &i h he o her he m%n urned %nd pr%) i)%lly *led do&n he ro%d $%)( o&%rd his *% her0s house, As soon %s he &%s ou o* he%ring dis %n)e Celine rele%sed her $re% h in % &hoosh %nd pulled her %rms *rom %round 'ier)e0s &%is / hen she s epped $%)( %nd ou o* his re%)h, @e *el he loss, @e0d en+oyed h%.ing her &%rm $ody/ her sensuous )ur.es/ pressed %g%ins his orso %nd he &%n ed more, Bu shor o* re%)hing *or her %nd h%uling her $%)( in o his %rms li(e he &%n ed/ he h%d no )hoi)e $u o %$ide $y he dis %n)e h% she0d )re% ed $e &een hem,

HTh%n( you so mu)h/J she s%id &i h % smile, HYou )%me +us in ime,J HDor &h% eC%) lyBJ he %s(ed/ se%r)hing her *%)e, ?h% &%s she *eeling % his momen B And &h% h%d )%used her o pu on h% %) B HI0m sure you (no& &ho h% &%s,J HYe%h/ I guessed/J 'ier)e replied, HYour eC,J HYes, @e0s $een here *or he p%s hour rying o ge $%)( on Mamans good side, @e &%s so persis en h% I )ould see he &%s ge ing on her ner.es,J She g%.e % li le l%ugh, HI hough I0d m%(e hings $e er $y sugges ing I0d &%l( him ou o he ro%d, Th% 0s &hen he s %r ed $ringing up old memories/ %ll he good imes/ rying o )on.in)e me o %(e him $%)(,J HRemem$eringI &%s h% &h% m%de you )ryBJ She )hu)(led so* ly, H@o& did you guessB I (ep elling him no o $ring hem up $u he (ep going on %nd on, 3y e%rs &ere p%r ly ou o* s%dness % &h% &e0d los $u %lso ou o* sheer *rus r% ion, I )ouldn0 ge him o shu up, I +us &%n ed o sm%)( him,J 'ier)e l%ughed % h% , HYouB Sm%)( someoneB I0d lo.e o see h% ,J HOh/ I0m Fui e )%p%$le/J she s%id &i h % l%ugh &hi)h old him her )heer*ul spiri &%s $%)(, HDon0 ry %nd es me,J 'ier)e smiled $u s%id no hing, Oh/ he &%s emp ed o es her, @e &%n ed no hing more, @e &%n ed o es hose lips so so* %nd pin( %nd pli%$le, @e &%n ed o ni$$le his &%y do&n her ne)( hen do&n lo&er o hose deli)ious $re%s sHI0m gl%d I )%me on his rip,J Celine0s &ords +er(ed 'ier)e ou o* his re.erie, HIn spi e o* he s ressBJ he %s(ed, Then he s%id/ HO* )ourse/ seeing your *%mily m%(es i &or h&hile,J

HYes/ h% goes &i hou s%ying $u h% 0s no I me%n ,J She g%.e him % smile/ o$.iously %mused &hen he *ro&ned % her in )on*usion, HI0m gl%d I go o see Giles %g%in,J 'ier)e *el li(e she0d (i)(ed him in he s om%)h, No& &h% he hell (ind o* g%me &%s she pl%yingB @%dn0 she +us s%id h% she didn0 &%n o %l( o himB HI0m gl%d $e)%use %ll his ime I0.e $een $l%ming mysel* *or our $re%( up, I0.e $een so &r%)(ed &i h guil h% h%l* o* he ime I )ouldn0 s %nd mysel*,J 'ier)e g%.e her % sh%rp loo(, ?h% &%s she %l(ing %$ou no&B She &%s li(e % pendulum h% (ep s&inging *rom one )on*using side o he o her, HO(%y/ I )%n see his is going o %(e some eCpl%ining $e)%use righ no& you h%.e me )on*used %s hell, H?h% s%y &e drop o** his me% in he (i )hen %nd he%d do&n o he s re%mBJ She seemed o li(e h% ide%, She &%s smiling %s hey &%l(ed up he p% h&%y o he house %nd her s ep &%s ligh , I loo(ed li(e she dropped % on o* rou$les o** her shoulders, 'ier)e )ouldn0 &%i o ge do&n o he s re%m o he%r &h% Celine h%d o s%y, She &%s he mos $%**ling &om%n he0d e.er me , A soon %s he go here he *lopped do&n in he gr%ss, HNo& pu me ou o* my misery/J he s%id/ loo(ing up % her %s she s ood %$o.e him in her seCy pin( h%l er op %nd e.en seCier s(inny +e%ns, HSpill i ,J She dropped in o he gr%ss $eside him %nd &r%pped her %rms %round her legs hen dropped her )hin on her (nees, I seemed o $e % *%.ori e posi ion o* hers, H?h% I &%s s%ying &%s/ I don0 *eel guil y %nymore, Dor he *irs ime I *eel %s i* I0.e $een se *ree,J HAnd &h% / pr%y ell/ &ere you *eeling guil y %$ou BJ 'ier)e pulled up % $l%de o* gr%ss %nd used i o i)(le her shoulder, She l%ughed %nd shrugged i o**, Then her l%ugh er died %&%y %nd % more

serious loo( se led on her *%)e, HI0.e ne.er sh%red his &i h %nyone $u someho& I *eel %s i* I )%n rus you,J She urned her *%)e %&%y %nd loo(ed ou % he &% er, Th% s % emen go his % en ion, @e &iped he grin o** his *%)e %nd s% up/ he $e er o gi.e her one hundred per)en o* his % en ion, HGiles %nd I &ere in % rel% ionship *or %ll o* senior ye%r in )ollege %nd hroughou % &hole ye%r o* gr%du% e s)hool, During h% ime he0d %s(ed meIm%ny imes i* &e )ouldIm%(e lo.e, I old him no, I &%n ed o &%i ill m%rri%ge,J 'ier)e *ro&ned/ %lmos no $elie.ing &h% he &%s he%ring, ?%s she s%ying &h% he hough she &%s s%yingB H?hen he go Amelie pregn%n I &%s de.%s % ed, I &%s hur %nd )on*used $u I %lso *el i &%s %ll my *%ul , 3%y$e i* I h%dn0 denied him he &ould s ill $e &i h me/ m%y$e e.en $e my hus$%nd righ no&,J She urned o 'ier)e/ her eyes e%rnes , HBu you (no& &h% B I &%sn0 un il his rip $%)( home h% I re%liEe &h% % +er( he re%lly is, I0m gl%d he didn0 &%i *or me,0 Dor % momen 'ier)e &%s silen / le ing i %ll sin( in, So &h% she &%s s%ying &%s/ *or he &hole &o ye%rs o* her rel% ionship &i h his m%n she0d rem%ined % .irginB In he &en y-*irs )en uryB ?%s h% e.en possi$leB @e shoo( his he%d (no&ing h% he &%s he one $eing he +er( righ no&, Good hing he &%sn0 s upid enough o $lur his hough s ou loud, HSo &h% &%s i h% m%de you re%liEe he0s % +er(B You0.e (no&n him *or ye%rs,J H'ier)e/ do you (no& &h% h% m%n s%id o meB ?hen I %s(ed &hy he &%n ed me $%)(/ &hy he h%dn0 s %yed &i h his &i*e/ he s%id he0d ne.er &%n ed her in he *irs pl%)e, @e0d only m%rried her $e)%use he go her pregn%n ,J 'ier)e nodded, Th% &%s % s upid %nd insensi i.e hing o s%y, S ill/ he &ouldn0

$e he *irs m%n &ho s%id some hing li(e h% , Lo s o* men go &omen pregn%n %nd m%rried hem +us o s%.e *%)e, There h%d o $e some hing more o m%(e Celine so in)ensed, HAnd &hen I %s(ed him %$ou his son/ he poor li le one )%ugh in he middle o* his/ he s%id he )%n %l&%ys ge o her )hildren, @e &%n s o h%.e )hildren &i h me,J Eyes *l%shing &i h ou r%ge she rele%sed her legs %nd s ood up/ %pp%ren ly oo %gi % ed o s %y s ill, HI )ouldn0 $elie.e he &ould s%y some hing li(e h% , I* he )%n %l( li(e h% %$ou his o&n *lesh %nd $lood )%n you im%gine &h% he0d do &i h me &hen he go ired o* h%.ing me %roundB The pig,J She sp% he &ords ou / no hiding her disgus , 'ier)e nodded, No& h% &%s lo&, Dor % m%n o deny his )hild he0d h%.e o $e lo&er h%n % sn%(e )r%&ling on i s $elly, HAny&%y/J Celine s%id &i h % sigh/ HI *in%lly re%liEed ho& lu)(y I &%s *or no h%.ing slime li(e h% in my li*e, I &ouldn0 &%n him o ru$ o** on me,J She shuddered %s i* he hough repulsed her, HAnd &hen you s%& me &i h hose e%rs in my eyes hey &eren0 *or me hey &ere *or h% )hild &ho h%s su)h % he%r less $%s %rd *or % *% her,J 'ier)e go up hen, @e )ould see he emo ions %s hey pl%yed %)ross her *%)e, Yes/ she &%s %ngry $u she &%s %lso in p%in, She migh no (no& i $u he &%s re%ding e.ery emo ion h% *l%shed %)ross her *%)e, Be*ore he re%liEed &h% he &%s doing he re%)hed *or her %nd &r%pped her in his %rms %nd his ime she did no s ep $%)( or pull ou o* his em$r%)e, Ins e%d/ she res ed her )hee( on his )hes / righ %g%ins his $e% ing he%r / %nd she )ried, She )ried/ he (ne&/ *or m%ny hings, She didn0 h%.e o ell him, She0d $o led up her emo ions *or so m%ny ye%rs %nd no& i &%s ime o le hem *lo& *ree, She

)ried *or &h% )ould h%.e $een/ *or &h% ne.er &%s/ *or he guil she0d $orne %nd no& *or he relie* o* (no&ing she0d m%de he righ de)ision, She )ried $e)%use no& she &%s *ree, 'ier)e le her )ry %nd &hen/ %* er long momen s her hi))ups so* ened in o sighs/ he pu his *inger $ene% h her )hin %nd il ed her *%)e up o his, She &%s .ulner%$le $u he &%n ed o (iss her so $%d he s i*led his $e er sel*/ lo&ered his he%d %nd pressed his lips o her so* / &illing mou h, She responded o him e%gerly/ %lmos desper% ely/ %nd &hen her %rms slipped round his &%is he *el % hrill run hrough him, @e pressed her )loser %nd his (iss gre& urgen / he hunger he0d *el *or her in ensi*ying &i h he %s e o* her lips, God/ ho& he &%n ed his &om%n, Too soon he h%d o rele%se her lips, @e he%rd Lylie in he dis %n)e %nd (ne& h% in minu es hey0d $e se upon $y % yelling *our-ye%r-old girl/ &o g%ngly $oys %nd % $%r(ing dog, Dor % long &hile he loo(ed deep in o hose liFuid $ro&n eyes/ rying o re%d heir dep hs, This &om%n/ so sedu) i.e %nd sul ry ye so .ulner%$le %nd inno)en / &h% &%s she hin(ing righ no&B ?%s she &%n ing him %s mu)h %s he &%n ed herB @e didn0 h%.e he )h%n)e o *ind ou , As he shou s o* he )hildren )%me )loser %nd )loser he slid his h%nds do&n her %rms o her h%nd hen slo&ly le go %nd s epped $%)(, Celine s %red/ &ide eyed/ $%)( % him, @e )ould see h% he0d sho)(ed her &i h h% (iss $u h% &%s he le%s o* his pro$lems, They &ere he%ding $%)( o he 4ni ed S % es in % *e& d%ys %nd &hen she &%s %g%in his roo* he0d h%.e % hell o* % ime (eeping his h%nds o** her, God help him,


Celine %rri.ed in he 4ni ed S % es *eeling li(e % ne& &om%n, The uneCpe) ed %ll eCpense p%id rip o see her *%mily h%d $een li(e % mir%)le/ %nd h%.ing $o h 'ier)e %nd Lylie &i h her m%de he .isi e.en more spe)i%l, And o op i o** she0d *ound resolu ion o h% p%r o* her li*e h% h%d h%un ed her *or so long, Giles S , Jus e &%s no %nd h%d ne.er $een he m%n *or her, No& she h%d )losure, She soon se led in o her old rou ine &i h Lylie/ re.ie&ing le ers %nd num$ers %nd re%ding s ories in he morning hen spending he %* ernoons % pl%y on he l%&n/ s&imming in he pool or &or(ing in he g%rden, She0d $een n%nny o he li le one &o mon hs no& %nd she %lmos s%& her %s her o&n d%ugh er, A imes her mind &ould *%s *or&%rd o he d%y &hen she &ould h%.e o go/ re urn o her li*e %s % s uden / le%.ing $ehind % )hild &ho h%d $e)ome so spe)i%l o her, And 'ier)e, To hin( h% here &ould )ome % d%y &hen she &ould ne.er see him %g%in, I did no $e%r hin(ing %$ou , She s ill remem$ered his (iss h% d%y $y he s re%m in Thomery-By, She0d reli.ed i so m%ny imes in her mind, She h%dn0 &%n ed h% momen o end, Bu i did, And i &%s % good hing/ oo/ $e)%use she &%s losing her he%r %nd soul o 'ier)e D0Am% o, ?h% &%s she going o doB She0d +us o.er)ome one hurdle $y eCpunging Giles *rom her he%r %nd no& she0d gone %nd )re% ed %no her pro$lemB The m%n &%s her employer &hi)h &%s $%d enough $u on op o* h% he &%s in.ol.ed, Or &%s heB Sophi% h%d $een o.er se.er%l imes sin)e heir re urn $u mos imes i &%s &hen 'ier)e &%sn0 %round, E%)h ime she0d )ome she0d m%de i )le%r h% she

&%s dying *or $o h her %nd Lylie o dis%ppe%r, She )on inued o hin % % longs %nding rel% ionship &i h 'ier)e $u hen Celine h%rdly s%& hem oge her, ?%s heir rel% ionship % se)re B ?%s 'ier)e eng%ging in lo.e rys s % her house r% her h%n his/ seeing h% she %nd Lylie &ere hereB I m%de her he%r %)he +us hin(ing %$ou i , There &%s some hing Celine h%d o do/ some hing h% &%s %g%ins her n% ure $u o %lly ne)ess%ry under he )ir)ums %n)es, She &%s going o h%.e o meddle in some$ody else0s $usiness, Th% nigh %* er she0d pu Lylie o $ed she &en do&ns %irs o *ind 'ier)e, @e &%s lounging in he )om*y )ou)h in h% room he )%lled his Mm%n )%.e0, Di ed ou &i h % huge ele.ision h% )o.ered h%l* o* one &%ll i h%d surround sound h% m%de he room sound li(e % mo.ie he% re &hen he TV &%s on, Tonigh he didn0 h%.e i on, Ins e%d he l%y in he semi-d%r( room/ seeming o $e los in hough , H'ier)e/J she s%id %s she s ood in he door&%y/ H)%n &e %l(BJ @e +umped/ )le%rly s %r led % he sound o* her .oi)e, Then he propped himsel* on one el$o& %nd loo(ed o.er % her, HSure/ )ome on in/J he s%id, She s epped in o he room $u she didn0 go ne%r he )ou)h &here he l%y, I &ould no do o ge so )lose o % m%n &ho loo(ed so seCy in %n A-shir %nd *%ded +e%ns h% hung lo& on his hips, She &en o per)h on he edge o* %n e%sy )h%ir %nd *olded her h%nds in her l%p, She &%s deli$er% ely rying o loo( su$dued, ?h% she &%s %$ou o s%y &%s some hing h% migh rile 'ier)e up so she didn0 &%n o )ome %)ross %s %ggressi.e in %ny &%y, HI &%n o %l( o you %$ou Lylie/J she s%id Fuie ly, 'ier)e *ro&ned %nd s% up, @e pl%n ed his $%re *ee on he *loor %nd res ed his

el$o&s on his (nees, @e r%ined his green-eyed g%Ee on her, H?h% is i BJ Celine oo( % $re% h, @o& o $eginB She de)ided o plunge righ in, HI0m )on)erned %$ou Lylie, ?h% 0s going o h%ppen o her &hen I le%.e in he *%llBJ 'ier)e eCpelled his $re% h %nd % loo( o* relie* p%ssed o.er his *%)e, HI hough you &ere going o ell me some hing &%s &rong &i h her,J HNo/ no % %ll/J she replied Fui)(ly, HI0m sorry I s)%red you %nd I re%lly don0 me%n o pry $u II +us need o (no& &h% pl%ns you h%.e *or Lylie %* er I0m gone,J @is eye$ro&s li* ed, @e seemed %(en %$%)( $y her Fues ion %nd *or % momen here &%s silen)e, @%d she upse him &i h her Fues ionB She held her $re% h, She (ne& she0d %(en % ris( in digging in o his person%l $usiness $u she h%d % .ery good re%son *or %s(ing, HI0.e $een gi.ing i some hough /J he s%id *in%lly hen he shoo( his he%d/ H$u o ell he ru h/ I h%.en0 m%de % *in%l de)ision,J HDo you h%.e %ny ide%s/ %ny pl%nsBJ @er .oi)e )%me ou $re% hless &i h relie*, @e &%s %) u%lly h%.ing % )on.ers% ion &i h her %$ou he m% er, Th%n( goodness he h%dn0 sl%mmed her *or $eing nosy, HI0.e h%d % *e& sugges ions hro&n my &%y/J he s%id &i h % hough *ul loo(, HA dis %n rel% i.e o )ome in/ % m% ronly l%dy &ho )%n $e li(e % mo her o her/ $o%rding s)hool-,J H?h% did you s%yBJ Celine0s &ords sho ou in % .ehemen &hisper, H @o& )ould you e.en )onsider i BJ H?h% B The )%re %(er or he-J HThe $o%rding s)hool,J She )u him o** $e*ore he )ould e.en *inish he sen en)e, H'ier)e/ you %re no sending h% li le girl o % $o%rding s)hool,J

HI ne.er s%id-J Celine hopped o her *ee / un%$le o si s ill % momen longer, HYes/ you did, You s%id you &ere )onsidering i ,J H?ill you )%lm do&nBJ 'ier)e s r%igh ened his $%)( %nd gl%red up % her, HSi do&n so &e )%n h%.e % sensi$le dis)ussion,J Celine su)(ed in her $re% h, ?%s he ordering her %roundB H'le%se/J he s%id/ his one so* er/ %lmos %pologe i), Bu no Fui e, H@%.e % se% so &e )%n %l(,J She s% $%)( do&n on he )h%ir %nd &%i ed *or him o spe%(, She0d $e er ge )on rol o* her emo ions or else she0d $e ou o* Lylie0s li*e e.en e%rlier h%n s)heduled, She )ouldn0 %**ord *or h% o h%ppen, She &ould )ling o her li le )h%rge %s long %s she )ould, HNo&/J 'ier)e $eg%n/ his one *irm/ HI s%id I go sugges ions $u h% doesn0 me%n I &%s pl%nning o implemen %ny o* hem, I need o e.%lu% e %ll he op ions %nd hen I0ll de)ide &h% 0s $es *or Lylie,J HAnd &hen %re you going o de)ideBJ Celine sho $%)(, HSoon/J he s%id/ *ro&ning %g%in, Celine didn0 (no& i* i &%s ou o* %nnoy%n)e % her Fues ions or simply $e)%use he &%s hin(ing, She de)ided o %ssume he &%s hin(ing, No& &ould $e he $es ime o %ir her m%+or )on)ern, HI (no& &ho m%de hose sugges ions, I &%s Sophi%/ &%sn0 i BJ @e nodded, HAnd did you e.er s op o hin( h% she migh h%.e %n ul erior mo i.eBJ 'ier)e )o)(ed %n eye$ro& %nd s %red $%)( % her, @e s%id no hing, @e &%s o$.iously &%i ing on her o eCpl%in hersel*,

HSophi% h%s m%de i .ery )le%r h% she doesn0 &%n LylieIor meI%round,J She shoo( her he%d %s he %nger rose in her, HI don0 )%re &h% she hin(s %$ou me $u ho& )ould she disli(e LylieBJ 'ier)e *ro&ned, H?h% m%(es you hin( h% BJ 3en &ere so dense, @o& )ould he no (no& &h% he &om%n &%s re%lly li(eB H'ier)e/ h%.en0 you no i)ed ho& )ool her in er%) ion is &i h LylieB I &%s only %* er he de% h o* Lylie0s mo her h% she %) ed &i h %ny (ind o* &%rm hI i* you )%n )%ll gi.ing % *e& s u**ed oys $eing &%rm,J Celine go up/ un%$le o s %y se% ed %ny longer, She needed o eCpress hersel* %nd she needed her h%nds/ her &hole $ody in order o do h% , She &%s &ound oo igh si s ill, And she h%d o m%(e him unders %nd, She &rung her h%nds oge her hen she $lur ed i ou / h% hing h% h%d $een &orrying her %ll his ime, H?h% 0s going o h%ppen o Lylie &hen you %nd Sophi% ge m%rriedB @o& is she going o li.e &i h % &om%n li(e h% BJ H?h% BJ 'ier)e loo(ed % her %s i* she0d gone m%d, H?h% %re you %l(ing %$ou BJ HYou %nd Sophi%/J Celine s%id eC%sper% ed, ?hy &%s he pre endingB HShe s%id you0.e $een seeing e%)h o her *or ye%rs %nd h% i &%s only $e)%use o* your $usiness %nd *reFuen r%.els h% you de)ided o del%y m%rri%ge,J ?hen 'ier)e s ill loo(ed dum$s ru)( she &%.ed her h%nd in %n eCpression o* *rus r% ion, HThin( %$ou i , No& h% here0s % )hild in your home here0s no re%son o del%y he m%rri%ge, In *%) / i 0s % .ery good re%son o se le do&n, Bu hen &ho0s going o pro e) Lylie *romI herBJ @er .oi)e )r%)(ed %nd she *el he s ing o* % e%r in he )orner o* her eye, She urned %&%y, The l%s hing she &%n ed &%s *or him o see ho& his &%s %**e) ing her,

Le him hin( his &%s only %$ou Lylie $e)%use Lylie &%s/ in ru h/ her gre% es )on)ern, Bu deep do&n inside she h%d o %dmi i &%s %$ou her/ oo, @o& )ould she $e%r he p%in o* (no&ing h% she didn0 h%.e % )h%n)e in his &orld o* $eing &i h he m%n &ho h%d s olen her he%r B 'ier)e $urs ou l%ughing, Celine &hirled round o *%)e him, ?h% in he &orld did he *ind so *unnyB Be*ore she )ould mo.e he &%s on his *ee %nd &%l(ing o&%rd her, Then he &%s )lose enough h% she $re% hed in he *r%gr%n)e o* &h% mus h%.e $een he $% h gel he sho&ered &i h, I &%s % *resh/ m%s)uline s)en h% h%d her reeling, @e pu his h%nd on her shoulder, HRes %ssured/ Sophi% %nd I %re no ge ing m%rried,J She loo(ed up in o his eyes/ her he%r pounding loudly in her e%rs, HYou0re no BJ HNo/J he s%id/ H&e0re no ,J @e le his h%nd slid *rom her shoulder $u he did no s ep %&%y, Ins e%d/ he oo( her h%nds in his, HI0.e (no&n Sophi% *or m%ny ye%rs, I me her hrough her hus$%nd,J ?hen Celine *ro&ned he smiled, HThey0re di.or)ed, She go he house,J Then he shoo( his he%d, HTrus me/ &h% e.er Sophi% led you o $elie.e/ here is no hing going on $e &een us, ?e0re +us *riends,J HThen &hy &ould sheIJ Celine0s .oi)e r%iled %&%y, H?ho (no&sB 3%y$e she +us en+oyed le%ding you %s r%y,J 'ier)e shrugged, H3%y$e she hin(s you0re % hre% o our *riendship,J No& Celine &%s re%lly )on*used, H3eB @o&B I0m +us he n%nny,J HOh/ $u % .ery $e%u i*ul/ eC remely sedu) i.e n%nny,J Celine0s he%r lur)hed % his &ords, She loo(ed up Fui)(ly/ her eyes se%r)hing his, ?%s he oying &i h herB Bu no/ his green eyes h%d )louded o.er &i h % p%ssion h% )ould no $e mis %(en,

HLe me (iss you/ Celine/J he &hispered/ his .oi)e ho%rse &i h emo ion, HI0.e $een dying o %s e your lips %g%in %nd i 0s dri.ing me )r%Ey,J Celine loo(ed deep in o his eyes, She should resis him, De%r God/ she (ne& she should, Bu ho& )ould she &hen her $ody &%s re%) ing so s rongly o hisB @er $re% h )%ugh in her hro% %s her nipples pe$$led in response o his )loseness %nd/ oh Lord/ she &%s gro&ing mois , Do&n here, She du)(ed her he%d %s % &%.e o* em$%rr%ssmen &%shed o.er her, Bu / +us %s he0d done $y he s re%m/ 'ier)e oo( )on rol, @e &ould no le her *lee, ?i h % gen le h%nd under her )hin he il ed her he%d up, Then he dipped his he%d %nd )o.ered her mou h &i h his, The (iss $y he s re%m h%d $een gen le %nd s&ee , This (iss &%s no hing o* he sor , 'ier)e (issed her &i h % *er.or h% spo(e o* pen -up p%ssion %nd desire %nd his ime i seemed he &%s holding no hing $%)(, @is ongue slipped p%s her lips o plunder her mou h ill she &%s g%sping, @er h%nds slid up o his shoulders/ so solid %nd s rong/ %nd here she )lung, @er legs/ li(e +elly/ )ould no longer suppor her, She0d urned o )ho)ol% e %nd h%d mel ed in his he% ed h%nds, 'ier)e rele%sed her lips +us long enough o $end %nd li* her o** her *ee %nd in o his %rms, H'ier)e/J she g%sped, H?h% %re you doingBJ HJus m%(ing you more )om*or %$le,J @e grinned &i)(edly/ his green eyes glin ing in he ligh )%s $y he l%mp in he )orner o* he room, HJus rel%C/J he &hispered, HI0m no going o hur you,J @e oo( her o.er o he long $l%)( )ou)h %nd l%id her gen ly in he )ushions hen he &%s le%ning o.er her/ $lo)(ing ou he ligh %nd %ll she )ould see &%s his

h%ndsome *%)e - his s rong *orehe%d/ *irm lips %nd his rugged +%& &i h he )%p i.% ing )le* in his )hin, Celine shi.ered/ suddenly *eeling ou o* her dep h, #este tran$ui%e, Ce%ine. Ca%m &o'n. (es on%) a man after a%%. Bu h% &%s he pro$lem, 'ier)e D0Am% o &%s %ll m%n %nd he &%n ed her, She )ould see i in he *l%sh o* his eyes, She )ould he%r i in he r%sping o* his $re% h %s he dipped his he%d o (iss her ne)(, She )ould *eel i in he pounding o* his he%r %s she pressed her h%nd %g%ins his )hes , And e.en &orse/ she )ould *eel he in ensi y o* his p%ssion in he h%rdness h% no& pressed %g%ins her leg, I* Celine h%d %ny *e%r i *led &hen 'ier)e $eg%n o ni$$le on her e%r lo$e, She sighed %nd %r)hed her $%)( in response, @e mus h%.e seen her re%) ion %s % sign%l o go *%r her $e)%use his lips shi* ed *rom her ne)( %nd slid do&n o he sh%do& $e &een her $re%s s, @is h%nds )%me up o )up hem %nd hen his hum$s &ere )ir)ling her nipples hrough he *%$ri) o* her $louse/ m%(ing hem pu)(er in o deli)iously p%in*ul pe$$les/ sending +ol s o* ligh ning )oursing hrough her $ody, HSo $e%u i*ul/J he &hispered hen &i h % gro%n he pushed %&%y he $louse %nd he op o* her $r% %nd oo( he dis ended rose$ud in o his mou h, She g%sped %nd &ri hed under he eCper e%sing o* his lips, Oh God/ he &%s dri.ing her )r%Ey &i h &%n , @e rele%sed he nu$ hen mo.ed his lips o i s &in/ %dminis ering he s%me s&ee or ure ill she )ried ou %nd %r)hed her $%)(/ *or)ing he nipple deeper in o his mou h, I &%s &hen his h%nds slid lo&er o )%ress her $elly h% she *roEe, @er eyes opened &ide %s she re%liEed &h% &%s h%ppening, 'ier)e h%d $e&i )hed her &i h his )%resses %nd no& he &%s mo.ing in *or he (ill, @o& )ould she h%.e $een so e%sily sedu)edB @o& )ould she h%.e $een so s upidB

'ier)e &%s % m%n o* he &orld %nd he mus h%.e $een &i h m%ny &omen, @e (ne& eC%) ly ho& o urn % &om%n on, @e &%s )er %inly doing % good +o$ on her, Bu &%s he using his sedu) i.e )h%rms o ge her in o his $edB And o &h% endB So he )ould gi.e her he l%s p%y)he)( %nd send her p%)(ing % he end o* he summerB The hough &%s li(e % $u)(e *ul o* i)e-)old &% er in her *%)e, She &%n ed 'ier)e/ here &%s no dou$ in her mind %$ou h% , Bu no li(e his, She &ould gl%dly gi.e him her %ll i* only he h%d h%l* he lo.e *or her h% she *el *or him, Bu &hy &ould heB @e )ould h%.e %ny &om%n in he &orld, ?hy in he%.en0s n%me &ould he se le *or herB HNo/0J she s%id/ her .oi)e )oming ou in % mo%n, H'le%se, S op,J 'ier)e &en )omple ely s ill, E.en his )hes *roEe/ %s i* he0d s opped $re% hing, Slo&ly he li* ed his he%d %nd in he h%Ey green o* his eyes &%s % miC o* desire %nd )on*usion, @e pulled $%)( *rom her hen %nd r%ised himsel* up o si on he se% $eside her, @e loo(ed do&n % her/ his eyes $oring in o her &i h %n in ensi y h% m%de her loo( %&%y, H?h% 0s &rongBJ he %s(ed/ his .oi)e Fuie %nd lo&, She re*used o loo( % him/ )ould no mee his eyes, ?h% &%s she going o s%yB Th% she didn0 &%n o go *%r her $e)%use he h%dn0 old her h% he lo.ed herB @e &ould l%ugh in her *%)e i* she s%id some hing %s s upid %s h% , Ins e%d/ she +us shoo( her he%d, HII)%n0 /J she s%id/ her .oi)e % $ro(en &hisper, 'ier)e su)(ed in his $re% h, Then he re%)hed ou %nd oo( her )hin in his h%nd %nd urned her *%)e o&%rd him, She (ep her eyes lo&ered/ no &%n ing him o re%d he eCpression here, HCeline/J he s%id so* ly/ Hdon0 ell me you0reIs ill % .irginBJ She $i her lip/ no rus ing hersel* o spe%(, Ins e%d/ she simply nodded,

She (ne& she &%s misle%ding him/ m%(ing him hin( h% &%s &hy she h%d s opped him, Bu h% h%dn0 $een he m%in re%son, She0d s opped him $e)%use she &%s %*r%id, She didn0 &%n o $e used/ o gi.e up her $ody o % m%n %* er &%i ing so long/ %nd hen o $e dis)%rded li(e % dir y old r%g, @er mo her h%d %ugh her &ell, No un il m%rri%ge/ she0d old her/ or else %s soon %s hey ge &h% hey &%n hey mo.e on o someone pre ier or $e er, Don0 le hem use you *or pr%) i)e, She0d ne.er *orgo en hose &ords %nd she0d held *%s o h% prin)iple in her one %nd only rel% ionship &i h Giles, Bu no& &i h 'ier)e i &%s di**eren , ?h% she *el *or 'ier)e &en *%r $eyond &h% she0d e.er *el *or Giles, ?i h 'ier)e she &ould h%.e hro&n her mo her0s %d.i)e ou he &indo& &i hou %no her hough Ii* only he )ould lo.e her, 'ier)e s %red % her in silen)e %nd shoo( his he%d, HI0m sorry/ Celine, I didn0 me%n o )ome on so s rong $u I h%d no ide%IJ @is .oi)e r%iled %&%y %nd he seemed o $e se%r)hing *or &ords, HI (no& you old me %$ou &%i ing *or m%rri%ge $u I hough Isin)e you %nd Giles $ro(e up %nd you )%me o Ameri)%/ I +us %ssumed you h%d % rel% ionship here,J She loo(ed % him %s(%n)e, HI0m sorry/ h% 0s no Fui e &h% I me%n /J he s%id $%)(-ped%ling, HI0m m%(ing % mess o* his/ %ren0 IBJ @e $ro(e o** %nd s ood up hen r%(ed his h%nd hrough his h%ir in %n o$.ious sign o* *rus r% ion, HLis en/ *orge &h% I s%id, I0m +us Isorry,J Oh, *ierce, )ou just &ont get it. + %ove )ou but ho' can + ma,e )ou %ove me tooShe hough i $u she didn0 d%re s%y he &ords ou loud, Ins e%d/ she simply s r%igh ened her $louse %nd in % .oi)e h% &%s surprisingly )%lm she s%id/ HTh% 0s o(%y/ no %pology ne)ess%ry,J She lo&ered her legs o he *loor, HI hin( I0d $e er go no&,J She go up %nd oo( he *e& s eps o&%rd he door

hen she s opped, She urned $%)( o loo( % 'ier)e, H'le%se hin( %$ou &h% &ill m%(e Lylie h%ppy,J Then she urned %nd &%l(ed ou he door, NNN

'ier)e s %red % Celine0s re re% ing $%)( hen &i h % so* )urse under his $re% h he &%l(ed o.er o he )ou)h, Ins e%d o* si ing in i he le%ned %g%ins he $%)( o* he $ig )h%ir %nd )rossed his %rms, @e &%s pissed $u i &%s % himsel* h% he dire) ed his %nger, A* er Celine h%d )on*ided in him/ old him %$ou her de)ision reg%rding her seCu%li y/ he0d s ill gone %he%d %nd m%de he &rong %ssump ion, No& she pro$%$ly hough he &%s % +er( %nd &i h good re%son, @e )ouldn0 $l%me her i* she de)ided o s %y % million miles %&%y *rom his re%)h, Bu he &ished she &ouldn0 , @e &%n ed his &om%n in his li*e, @e0d $e he *irs o %dmi h% seC h%d some hing o do &i h i , There &%s no denying his % r%) ion o her, Bu i &%s more h%n h% , There &%s some sor o* spiri u%l )onne) ion he )ould no eCpl%in, ?i h e%)h p%ssing d%y she seemed o $e gro&ing on him %nd in him/ $e)oming p%r o* his soul, I &%s %lmos %s i* he )ouldn0 im%gine &%(ing up %nd no seeing her in heir home, @is %nd Celine0s %nd Lylie0s, This &%s ho& he0d $egun o hin( o* home, And hen here &%s her )onne) ion &i h Lylie, Drom d%y one he0d o$ser.ed her in er%) ion &i h he li le girl/ ho& she0d pulled her ou o* her shell o $loom li(e % iny li le *lo&er in he sun, @o& )ould he sep%r% e Lylie *rom h% B @e shoo( his he%d, @e didn0 (no& &h% he0d do in he *%ll &hen i &%s ime *or Celine o re urn o he uni.ersi y, Lylie &ould $e de.%s % ed, And heB @e didn0 e.en &%n o go here, Celine h%d %s(ed %$ou his op ions %nd ple%ded &i h him o do &h% &%s $es *or

Lylie, There &%s one op ion he0d no men ioned/ one h% &ould $e ide%l/ % le%s *or him %nd *or Lylie, Bu *or CelineB @e didn0 (no&, There &ere so m%ny hings he didn0 (no&, Li(e CelineI she &%s su)h %n enigm%, Did she h%.e *eelings *or himB Did she )r%.e him %s mu)h %s he )r%.ed herB @e (ne& he &%n ed Celine o % degree he0d ne.er *el *or %ny &om%n, She &%s di**eren *rom %nyone he0d e.er (no&n, Bu he/ )on*irmed $%)helor/ &%s he re%dy o gi.e up his *%s p%)ed li*e o $e)ome % *% her %nd hus$%nd in one +umpB 3ore impor %n ly/ i* he %s(ed her o m%rry him/ &ould she s%y yesB @is lips igh ened %nd he s %red &i h $lind eyes % he sp%)e in *ron o* him, Someho&/ %* er he &%y he h%d $eh%.ed onigh / he dou$ ed i ,


Th% &ee(end 'ier)e oo( Lylie %nd Celine o he Eoo &here/ *or he *irs ime/ he li le girl s%& re%l li.e eleph%n s/ lions/ igers %nd Ee$r%s, As he %dul s eCpe) ed/ her *%.ori es &ere he mon(eys &ho en er %ined hem &i h heir %n i)s, One o* hem pun)hed his $ro her hen oo( o**/ running sm%)( in o he p% ri%r)h o* he )l%n &ho g%.e him % &h%)( *or his rou$les, They %ll l%ughed ou loud % h% , NeC hey &en o he sm%ll %musemen p%r( &here hey &en on %ll he rides he merry-go-round/ he h%un ed r%in/ he $umper )%rs %nd he (iddies0 roller )o%s er, L%s %nd s)%ries o* %ll &%s he Derris &heel, All hree o* hem s% in he )h%ir %nd &hen hey &en up/ up in o he %ir/ so high hey )ould see he ops o* rees %nd $uildings/ Celine &%s he only one &ho s)re%med o ge do&n, E.en %* er hey go home Lylie &ould no le her *orge i , Bo h she %nd 'ier)e e%sed her relen lessly h% nigh un il she *eigned % pou %nd m%r)hed o** o $ed, NeC d%y/ Sund%y/ &%s %no her d%y o* &onder*ul &e% her, And %g%in/ Celine de)ided h% she %nd Lylie &ould spend mos o* he %* ernoon ou doors, To Celine0s sho)( %nd ne%r horror 'ier)e h%d de)ided o ry his h%nd in he (i )hen, She de)ided she0d m%de he righ de)ision in %(ing Lylie ou side +us in )%se he $le& up he house eCperimen ing &i h he s o.e, They h%d $een pl%ying %g on he l%&n *or % &hile &hen Celine pu % h%nd on Lylie0s shoulder %nd s opped her, She0d he%rd % sound )oming *rom he )opse o* rees h% lined he g%rden p% h, She s ood s ill lis ening, There i &%s %g%in/ he so* )ry o* &h% sounded li(e % )% , HLylie/ &%i o.er $y h% ro)(/J she s%id, HI +us &%n o )he)( on some hing,J

?%l(ing s e%l hily %)ross he gr%ss she du)(ed under % $r%n)h hen pushed hrough some $ushes un il she en ered he )ool sh%do&s o* he %l)o.e )re% ed $y he rees, HCeline/ &here0re you goingBJ Lylie0s )%ll &%s pl%in i.e, Celine re%liEed h% she0d pro$%$ly $e)ome s)%red &hen she dis%ppe%red $u / no &%n ing o s)%re he %nim%l/ she rem%ined silen , She h%d % so* spo *or )% s, They &ere her *%.ori e %nim%ls %nd she0d h%d se.er%l %s pe s &hen she &%s gro&ing up, The iny )ry )%me %g%in hen Celine s%& i / % $l%)( %nd &hi e (i en )urled up in he roo o* % ree, H@i/ $%$y/J she )rooned/ H?h% %re you doing hereB Are you %ll %loneBJ She loo(ed %round $u he (i y0s mommy &%s no&here in sigh , She &en )loser/ slo&ly/ *e%ring h% he li le )% &ould *lee in *righ , To Celine0s surprise i did he eC%) opposi e, ?hen i s $ig green eyes )%me o res on her i go up *rom i s )r%dle % he *oo o* he ree %nd &%l(ed o.er o her, The )% loo(ed li(e i &%s %$ou hree or *our mon hs old/ s ill Fui e young $u old enough o sur.i.e %nd hri.e &i hou i s mo her, No shy % %ll/ i y%&ned %nd s re )hed i s ne)( up %s i* o in.i e Celine o s)r% )h i s he%d, HA&/ you0re so )u e,J She oo( he in.i % ion %nd i)(led he li le he%d, Then she s r%igh ened, So, ?h% &%s she going o do no&B She )ouldn0 le%.e he )% in he &oods o s %r.e, On he o her h%nd/ his &%s no her home, I* she0d $een in Dr%n)e he )% &ould $e ins %lled % her house/ no Fues ion %$ou i , Bu hereB She didn0 h%.e h% righ , The only op ion/ i seemed/ &%s o %(e he )% %nd %s( 'ier)e o %(e i o he shel er, She s re )hed ou her h%nd %nd he )% immedi% ely )%me o her, I mus h%.e s r%yed *rom someone0s house/ i &%s so %me, Then/ )r%dling i o her )hes / she he%ded $%)( o he l%&n,

HCeline/J Lylie )ried her .oi)e *ull o* relie*, H?here &ere youB ?hy did you go in o he &oodsBJ HLoo( &h% I *ound/J Celine s%id &i h % l%ugh, She shi* ed her li le $undle so h% Lylie )ould see, HA (i y/J she eC)l%imed in &onder, HYou *ound % (i y,J HYes/ %nd I0m going o gi.e her some mil( %nd *ind % ni)e $oC o m%(e % $ed *or her,J HAnd hen &e ge o (eep herBJ The )hild0s eyes &ere &ide %nd *ull o* hope, HI don0 (no&/ cherie,J Celine shoo( her he%d, HTh% %ll depends on &h% 'ier)e s%ys, I &%s hin(ing o* %(ing her o he shel er,J HThe shel erB Oh/ no, I &%n o (eep her, I &%n her *or my *riend,J Lylie %lmos loo(ed li(e she &%s going o )ry, Celine0s he%r &en ou o her, A pe &%s +us &h% she needed/ some hing o hug/ o lo.e/ o )%ll her *riend, She )ould sugges i o 'ier)e, They )ould %(e he )% o he .e / h%.e her )he)(ed %nd .%))in% ed/ %nd hen Lylie )ould h%.e % pe o* her o&n, A he end o* he d%y/ hough/ i &ould $e 'ier)e0s de)ision, HC%n I ou)h herBJ Lylie s re )hed ou % h%nd $u Celine urned/ (eeping he )% ou o* re%)h, HNo/ no ye , I h%.e o m%(e sure she0s s%*e $e*ore I le you pl%y &i h her,J She s%& Lylie0s *%)e *%ll, HThere0s some hing you )%n do o help me/ hough, ?hy don0 you help me m%(e % )%rrier $oC *or her so &e )%n %(e her s%*ely o he .e B You )%n help me m%(e %ir holes in he $oC,J Th% seemed o )heer her up, @er *%)e $righ ened %nd she s(ipped %he%d o* Celine up he p% h o&%rd he house, H4n)le 'ier)e/ guess &h% B ?e h%.e % surprise/J she yelled %s hey en ered he

(i )hen, @e urned o&%rd hem/ % he%d o* le u)e in his h%nd, H?h% (ind o* surpriseBJ @e s%id &i h % smile h% m% )hed hers, HIs i some hing deli)iousBJ HNo/ you )%n0 e% i /J she s%id &i h % l%ugh, HYou )%n hug i %nd (iss i ,J 'ier)e *ro&ned %s i* in deep )on)en r% ion, HIs i % $%$yB 3%y$e % dolly $%$yBJ HNo/J Lylie )ro&ed %nd shoo( her he%d, Celine l%ughed %nd s ill )r%dling he .ery )om*or %$le )% / she urned o 'ier)e so h% he )ould see, @e loo(ed % he $undle in her %rms %nd $lin(ed, Then his *%)e urned %shen, 'ier)e le he le u)e *%ll o he ground %nd $eg%n o $%)( %&%y/ his eyes r%ined on he )% in Celine0s %rms, Then o her horror he $eg%n o s&e% %nd sh%(e hen he &%s hyper.en il% ing, @e $%)(ed %&%y in o % )orner o* he room %nd slid his $%)( do&n he &%ll o )rou)h on he *loor, ?r%pping his h%nds %round his (nees/ he $eg%n sh%(ing un)on roll%$ly, ?h% in he &orldIi h%d some hing o do &i h he )% , 'ier)e h%d %(en one loo( %nd h%d simply *%llen %p%r , Celine rushed $%)( ou side %nd deposi ed he )% on he gr%ss, Then she d%shed $%)( inside &here Lylie s ood s %ring % 'ier)e/ her eyes &ide &i h dis ress, @e s ill )rou)hed on he *loor/ his $ody sh%(ing, Celine r%n o.er o (neel $eside him, H'ier)e/J she )ried ou / ou)hing his $%)(, H?h% 0s &rongBJ @e didn0 respond %nd )urled e.en igh er %s i* o ge %&%y *rom her h%nds, Celine hopped up %nd re%)hed *or he phone, She needed help, She $eg%n o di%l Q##, I didn0 %(e mu)h *or Celine o re%liEe h% 'ier)e h%d % se.ere pho$i% o )% s,

?i h he help o* % p%r%medi) on he phone she &%s %$le o )%lm him so he .iolen shudders )e%sed %nd his g%sping $re% h gre& deep %nd s e%dy %g%in, She0d gr%$$ed he (i )hen o&el %nd &i h i she d%$$ed % he perspir% ion h% h%d se led on his $ro& hen she &r%pped her %rm %round his shoulder, I &%s only &hen 'ier)e &%s $%)( o norm%l h% Celine remo.ed her %rm, @e li* ed his he%d %nd loo(ed % her &i h % miC ure o* gr% i ude %nd em$%rr%ssmen , Then he %s(ed *or Lylie $u Celine h%d &his(ed her %&%y o he den %nd s&i )hed on he Disney )h%nnel/ e**e) i.ely remo.ing her *rom he s)ene o* 'ier)e0s dis ress, HTh%n(s/J he s%id/ his .oi)e ho%rse %nd s r%ined, Celine shoo( her he%d/ s ill reeling *rom &h% h%d +us h%ppened, HNo/ 'ier)e, Don0 h%n( me, I %lmos (illed you $y $ringing h% )% in o he house,J She *el so *ull o* guil her he%r hur , @e shoo( his he%d %nd g%.e her % re%ssuring smile, HNo/ you didn0 , And %ny&%y/ ho& )ould you h%.e (no&nBJ They &ere silen *or % &hile, Then she %s(ed he Fues ion uppermos in her mind, H?hy %re you so %*r%id o* )% sBJ HI hin( i h%d o do &i h %n in)iden &hen I &%s %n in*%n , 3y mo her old me she h%d % pe )% $e*ore I &%s $orn %nd &hen she g%.e $ir h %nd oo( me home he )% seemed o go )r%Ey,J @e )hu)(led, HI mus h%.e pissed her o** h% she &%sn0 he )en er o* % en ion %ny more, 3om s%id she used o hiss % me %ll he ime %s I l%y in my )ri$ %nd on)e she e.en oo( % s&ipe % me, S)r% )hed me on he %rm,J H?h% BJ Celine s%id/ indign%n , HDidn0 your p%ren s ge rid o* herBJ HE.en u%lly hey did $u no $e*ore she did l%s ing d%m%ge, Sin)e hen I h%.en0 $een %$le o loo( % )% in he eye &i hou seiEing up,J HOh/ 'ier)e, I )%n0 im%gine &h% h% mus $e li(e,J

H@ey/ i 0s no h% $%d/J he s%id &i h % shrug, HI +us s %y %&%y *rom hem %nd %ll is &ell &i h he &orld,J H4n il od%y/J she s%id, H4n il od%y,J Bu he &%s smiling % her no&/ $%)( o his old sel*/ he )on*iden green-eyed 'ier)e h% she lo.ed, And %* er &h% h%d h%ppened od%y she *el she lo.ed him e.en more, She0d %l&%ys seen him %s so $old/ po&er*ul %nd in.in)i$le - he $illion%ire $usinessm%n/ %l&%ys in )on rol, No& she0d seen %no her side o him/ % side h% &%s .ulner%$le/ % side h% needed her, She0d $een %$le o %(e him in her %rms %nd )om*or him %nd her s reng h h%d $een his, Dor on)e she0d *el h% she0d $een he one gi.ing/ no re)ei.ing, A h%l* hour l% er he hree o* hem s% do&n o 'ier)e0s me%l o* m%)%roni %nd )heese *rom he $oC/ *ried )hi)(en m%de $y his o&n h%nds %nd % s%l%d, @e )ouldn0 %(e )redi *or he s%l%d sin)e Celine h%d $een he one o res)ue he le u)e/ &%sh i %nd prep%re i , A* er his orde%l 'ier)e h%d no $een up o %ny more )h%llenges in he (i )hen, A* er % surprisingly deli)ious me%l )onsidering h% i h%d $een m%de $y % ne%r no.i)e/ Celine *ound he (i en %nd $oCed her up &hile s ill ou doors hen she dro.e o he shel er &here she h%nded her o.er o he )%re o* he s %** here, Th% nigh %* er pu ing Lylie o $ed Celine &en $%)( do&ns %irs o )he)( on 'ier)e, She &%s $eing some hing o* % mo her hen $u she )ouldn0 help i , Tod%y he pro e) i.e ins in) in her h%d $een riggered %nd no& i &%s &or(ing o.er ime, She *ound him in his usu%l pl%)e o* re*uge/ he den, HAll is &ellBJ she %s(ed peeping in, @e &%s le%ning $%)( in he so*%/ *ee up on he o om%n %nd &hen he s%& her he

smiled, HAll is &ell, ?ell in my &orld/ % le%s ,J ?hen she hesi % ed in he door&%y he &%.ed her o.er, HCome, Si ,J Celine smiled o hersel*, Gi.ing orders/ %s usu%l, L%s ime she0d $een in his room %lone &i h 'ier)e she0d s% on he se% *%r hes %&%y *rom him, Tonigh she &en %nd s% on he so*%, @e r%ised his eye$ro&s $u s%id no hing, @e simply s)oo ed o.er o gi.e her more room, She rel%Ced in he )ou)h %nd loo(ed % him, @e &%s dressed )%su%lly in gr%y s&e% p%n s %nd % ligh )o on shir , ?hen de)(ed ou in his sui s 'ier)e &%s imm%)ul% e $u % home he &%s o %lly rel%Ced %nd )%su%l, She li(ed h% , H'ier)e/ do you mind i* I %s( you some hingBJ she %s(ed, HSure, Go %he%d,J HE%rlier od%y you men ioned your mo her, ?hy doesn0 she )ome o.er o .isi BJ HI &ish she )ould/J 'ier)e s%id, H3y p%ren s de)ided o re ire in @%&%ii, I %l( o hem e.ery *e& d%ys $u %s you )%n im%gine .isi s %(e some %d.%n)e pl%nning/ p%r i)ul%rly &i h my $usy s)hedule, HAnd your $ro hers %nd sis ers, ?h% %$ou hemBJ HNo $ro hers/ one sis er, @%ppily m%rried/ li.ing in S%n Diego &i h her hus$%nd %nd &o (ids,J @e g%.e her % smile o* %musemen , HAny hing else you &%n o (no&BJ She gro%ned in&%rdly, She0d $een 3iss Nosy '%r(er %g%in, HDon0 &orry/ I0m no o**ended, Dl% ered/ %) u%lly, ?h% m%(es you &%n o (no& %$ou my *%milyBJ She gl%n)ed % him hen loo(ed %&%y %g%in/ % sudden shyness seiEing her, HI +us &%n o (no& more %$ou you,J

@e seemed ple%sed % h% %nd her he%r so%red, She re%lly did &%n o ge o (no& 'ier)e %nd she h%d so li le ime, The end o* he summer &%s *%s %ppro%)hing, ?hen she le* his home she &%n ed o %(e %ll hese memories o* him &i h her, H?h% &ere you li(e %s % $oyBJ @e )hu)(led, HVery mu)h % gee(, I &%s he (id &i h he gl%sses &ho &%s %l&%ys h%nging %round he )ompu er l%$ $egging o $e %llo&ed o )re% e ne& progr%ms,J HA&/ h% 0s so s&ee /J she s%id/ l%ughing, HNo/ i &%sn0 ,J @e shoo( his he%d, HI )%n l%ugh %$ou i no& %nd I )%n $e gr% e*ul *or %ll hose hours in he l%$, I s %r ed my so* &%re )omp%ny $%)( in high s)hool,J HYou didBJ Celine )ould h%.e guessed he &%s he genius ype $u he0d *%r eC)eeded her eCpe) % ions, HYour p%ren s mus h%.e $een so proud,J HThey &ere/ $u % he ime I %lmos &ished I )ould h%.e $een % norm%l (id, I &%sn0 e%sy $eing he s)hool gee(,J @e shrugged $u here &%s % p%in in his eyes h% he )ould no hide, HYou &ere $ulliedBJ HYe%h/J he s%id )%su%lly, HLi(e mos nerdy (ids I &%s he $run o* +o(es, Go $e% up % *%ir num$er o* imes,J HOh/ no/J she &hispered, @er he%r &en ou o he (id he0d $een, @e mus h%.e su**ered so mu)h, HBu / hey/J he )on inued/ Hi %ll &or(ed ou gre% , I &%s %ll hose hours spen hiding in he )ompu er l%$ h% m%de me he m%n I %m od%y,J And &h% % m%n h% &%s, @e &%s %s *%r *rom gee( %s )ould $e, @e h%d %

sophis i)% ion %$ou him/ %n %ur% o* sel*-%ssur%n)e h% m%de him )ompelling, And i didn0 hur h% he &%s eC r%ordin%rily h%ndsome, No &onder she *ound him irresis i$le, As i* hin(ing simil%r hough s Celine %nd 'ier)e urned o e%)h o her % he s%me ime, ?hen heir eyes me she (ne& he &%s hin(ing eC%) ly &h% she &%s hin(ing, She &%n ed him so mu)h her mou h &en dry, There &%s no hing she &%n ed more righ no& h%n o h%.e his %rms %round her/ his lips on hers, Bu %s she g%Eed $%)( % him she (ne& he &ould no m%(e h% mo.e, So she did, ?i h ne&*ound $oldness Celine slid %)ross he so*%/ )losing he *e& in)hes h% sep%r% ed heir $odies, Then $e*ore she )ould )h%nge her mind she re%)hed her h%nd up o ou)h his )hee(, @e s %red do&n % her/ his green eyes sp%r(ling &i h emo ion/ $u s ill he m%de no mo.e, @e &%s &%i ing *or her o %(e he le%d, Sliding her h%nd o he $%)( o* his he%d she il ed i do&n un il his lips ou)hed hers, She mo%ned %s her $ody ingled in %n i)ip% ion, Only hen did he mo.e, Sliding his %rms %round her he le%ned in o he (iss/ %(ing *ull )on rol %s she (ne& he &ould, She g%sped %s his ongue slid p%s her lips o %s e her/ e%se her hen plunder her ill she *el li(e her .ery $ones h%d urned o liFuid, As hey (issed/ Celine slid her h%nds inside he ne)( o* his T-shir o )%ress his shoulders %nd hen %s he p%ssion o* his (iss in ensi*ied she )lung o him %s i* *or de%r li*e, The momen he li* ed his mou h *rom hers she dipped her he%d %nd )%ugh his e%r

lo$e $e &een her ee h, She *el % hrill o* s% is*%) ion &hen she he%rd him gro%n, She pressed her %d.%n %ge/ sliding her lips do&n his ne)(, Then she &%s li* ing his Tshir o *e% her so* (isses %)ross he $ro%d mus)les o* his )hes no& $%re o her g%Ee, She did no mee his eyes, She re*used o loo( % him/ (no&ing here0d $e Fues ions here, This ime she &%n ed no hing o ge in he &%y, Jus %s he0d done o her she mo.ed her lips lo&er/ lo&er un il she0d )%ugh % %u *l% nipple $e &een her ee h, ?hen he mo%ned she smiled %nd she did no s op, She )o.ered h% sensi i.e p%r o* him &i h her lips %nd su)(ed %nd ni$$led un il his )hes he%.ed %nd his he%r pounded in his e%rs, NeC / she slid her h%nds do&n his %u / mus)led $elly %nd s opped +us shy o* he op o* his s&e% p%n s, D%red she go *%r herB Yes/ she d%red, She lo.ed his m%n, She (ne& h% &i hou % dou$ , And no&/ &h% e.er he )onseFuen)es/ she &%s re%dy, She &%s sliding her h%nds under he &%is $%nd o* his s&e% p%n s &hen she *el *irm h%nds on hers, HCeline/ s op no& or else I &on0 $e responsi$le *or my %) ions,J @is .oi)e &%s ho%rse/ his $re% hing l%$ored, She (ne& he &%s rying h%rd o resis her, Bu she &ouldn0 le him ge %&%y, No his ime, HYou &on0 $e responsi$le/J she &hispered, HI &ill,J ?i h % gro%n he re%)hed *or her %nd h%uled her up so he )ould )%p ure her mou h, @e g%.e her % se%ring (iss h% old o* pen -up p%ssion %nd &%n , And hen/ e.er so gen ly/ he pushed her %&%y/ s% up %nd sho.ed his T-shir $%)( do&n, Celine s %red % him in sho)(ed silen)e, I oo( se.er%l se)onds $e*ore she )ould spe%(, H?h% %re you doingBJ she %s(ed/ o %lly $e&ildered, H?hy did you s op

meBJ Tu)(ing he T-shir in o his s&e% p%n s/ %lmos %s i* o shield himsel* *rom her/ he loo(ed % her &i h %n eCpression she )ould no *igure ou , HI h%d o s op you, I didn0 &%n you doing some hing you &ould regre ,J HBu I &%n ed i /J she s%id, HI0m re%dy/ 'ier)e, I re%lly &%n his,J @e s %red $%)( % her/ his *%)e % re*le) ion o* he $% le r%ging inside him, Bu hen he shoo( his he%d, HNo, You don0 , No ye ,J @e go up %nd &hen he loo(ed $%)( % her his *%)e &%s serious %nd his lips igh , HI0m going o urn in no&, I sugges you go o $ed,J Then he urned %nd &%l(ed o he door %nd +us li(e h% he &%s gone, Celine s% on he )ou)h/ un%$le o mo.e, Tonigh h%d urned ou o $e one o* he &ors nigh s o* her li*e, She0d )ome o 'ier)e re%dy o gi.e him e.ery hing/ %nd he re*used he one hing she h%d o gi.e, ?h% else )ould she gi.e % m%n h% h%d i %llB ?h% else $u hersel*B Bu he0d re+e) ed her mos pre)ious gi* %nd no& she (ne& i &%s no use rying, She0d ne.er $e good enough *or 'ier)e D0Am% o,


The d%ys h% *ollo&ed &ere di**i)ul *or Celine, I &%s h%rd h%.ing o pu on % )heer*ul *%)e/ l%ughing %nd pl%ying &i h Lylie/ &hen inside she &%s dying, E%)h ime she &%s in he s%me room &i h 'ier)e she *el he he% o* em$%rr%ssmen rise in her *%)e %s he memory o* his re+e) ion )%me rushing $%)(, E%)h ime he spo(e o her she %.oided his eyes/ no &%n ing o see %musemen or s)orn re*le) ed here, She &ould no $e %$le o li.e &i h h% , ?hen she le* she &%n ed o remem$er he good imes she0d h%d in his house, She did no &%n o spoil hose memories %ny more h%n hey0d %lre%dy $een $lemished $y h% nigh , By he *ollo&ing &ee(/ hough/ hings $eg%n o impro.e, She0d *in%lly %))ep ed he *%) h% ou side o* heir &or(ing rel% ionship here &ould ne.er $e %ny hing $e &een her %nd 'ier)e, O* )ourse/ she0d (no&n h% *rom he $eginning, S ill/ she0d $een s upid enough o le hersel* *%ll under he spell o* heir si u% ion li.ing under his roo*/ spending so mu)h ime oge her, She0d *orgo en her role, No&/ hough/ hings &ere $%)( in perspe) i.e, She (ne& &here she s ood %nd she &ould ne.er le hersel* *orge i , A* er h% %l( &i h hersel* hings go % &hole lo $e er, She $eg%n o l%ugh %g%in %nd Lylie/ &ho0d h%d o pu up &i h her dis r%) ion/ loo(ed relie.ed h% her old Celine &%s $%)(, As *or her in er%) ions &i h 'ier)e/ she (ep hem ligh %nd %mi)%$le, She did no see( ou his )omp%ny $u she no longer %.oided $eing in he s%me room &i h him %s long %s Lylie &%s here/ oo, Being %lone &i h him &%s %no her m% er %l oge her, @er $ody seemed in en on $e r%ying her/ her $re% h gro&ing sh%llo& %nd her nipples pu)(ering %ny ime he )%me

ne%r, Bu she did her $es o hide her response o him, She only hoped he )ould no sense he dep h o* her inner urmoil, Then one morning some hing h%ppened h% m%de Celine re%liEe h% she &%sn0 he only one &ho &%s su**ering, She &o(e up o he sound o* so* so$$ing %nd s% up o *ind Lylie )urled up in he $ed $eside her, H?h% 0s &rong/ cherieBJ Celine0s he%r lur)hed, @%d Lylie $een hur B She hre& $%)( he )o.ers so she )ould see he )hild0s $ody, No/ she loo(ed *ine, She pulled %&%y he h%nds h% )o.ered he li le *%)e, HAre you hur BJ Lylie shoo( her he%d %nd $eg%n o so$ louder, Celine g% hered her in her %rms %nd hugged her )lose, The )hild0s e%rs so%(ed hrough he op o* her nigh go&n, H@ush/ hush/J she soo hed %s she ro)(ed her in her %rms, HI miss my mommy/J Lylie &%iled hen $eg%n o )ry %ne&/ he *or)e o* her so$s m%(ing her &hole $ody sh%(e, Celine *el li(e % (ni*e pier)ed her he%r , 'oor Lylie, She0d $een so %$sor$ed in her o&n pro$lems h% she h%dn0 $een here *or he )hild %s she should h%.e/ (eeping her so $usy she &ould h%.e less ime o d&ell on her loss, She )ursed hersel* *or $eing so hough less, HOh/ Lylie/ I (no& you do/J she s%id so* ly/ e%rs *illing her eyes, HJus )ry/ cherie/ le i ou , I0ll %(e i %ll, Jus )ry,J I &%s li(e Celine0s &ords $urs % d%m o* sorro& inside he li le girl in her %rms, She )lung o Celine %nd $%&led, Dor se.er%l minu es hey s %yed li(e h% / &om%n %nd )hild/ hugging e%)h o her li(e hey0d ne.er le go, ?hen Lylie0s sh%(ing *in%lly s illed %nd her so$s died %&%y Celine gen ly s ro(ed her h%ir %nd hummed % lull%$y/ one she0d lo.ed %s % )hild, She hoped he so* sounds &ould pro.ide some soo hing )om*or ,

I oo( % long ime *or hem o ge ou o* $ed h% morning, Dor % &hile hey l%y here/ Fuie %nd hough *ul/ no needing %ny &ords % h% momen / +us res ing %* er %n emo ion%l )le%nsing, The rele%se o* h% *lood &%s %n o$.ious sour)e o* relie* *or Lylie, Celine )ould see i in he &%y she rel%Ced %g%ins her %nd $eg%n pl%ying &i h her *ingers, Dor Celine/ hough/ i h%d he opposi e e**e) , I reminded her ho& mu)h Lylie &ould s ill need % shoulder o )ry on, There &ould $e more emo ion%l ou $urs s %nd &ho &ould she urn oB She &%n ed o $e here o )om*or her $u ho& )ould sheB Celine0s he%r l%y in % p%in*ul pl%)e righ hen, She0d resol.ed o li.e he res o* her li*e &i hou 'ier)e $u ho& )ould she s i*le her lo.e *or LylieB NNN

'ier)e &% )hed *rom his $edroom &indo& %s Celine %nd Lylie s% on he $en)h in he sh%de o* he old o%( ree in he $%)(y%rd, Bo h he%ds &ere $en / one slee( %nd r%.en $l%)(/ he o her )urly %nd golden, They &ere $usy &i h Lylie0s morning lesson/ going hrough he s ory o* he d%y, Celine h%d old him hey0d $e re.ie&ing simple &o %nd hree le er &ords, No& Lylie &%s deep in )on)en r% ion %s Celine guided her hrough her &orld lis *or he d%y, E.ery ime he s%& hem oge her he h%n(ed his lu)(y s %rs *or he d%y she &%l(ed in o his ho el room, ?hile he0d $een in he ho el sho&er h% d%y Lylie h%d $een on his mind %nd he0d $een up o his e%rs in *rus r% ion/ ired o* he long lis o* )%ndid% es he %gen)y h%d sen him/ none o* &hom )ould )onne) &i h Lylie, @e0d &%l(ed ou o* h% $% hroom pr%ying *or % mir%)le, The hough h%dn0 e.en h%d ime o lodge in his mind &hen here she s ood in *ron o* him/ %n %ngel in m%id0s uni*orm,

@e )hu)(led %s he hough $%)( o h% d%y, @is *irs memory o* Celine &%s o* her s)re%ming %nd $%)(ing %&%y *rom him/ her eyes &ide &i h *righ , And ye he0d (no&n he momen his eyes l%nded on her h% she &%s he %ns&er o his pr%yers, S r%nge %s i no& seemed/ % he momen he0d h%d %$solu ely no dou$ in his mind, And h% &%s &hy he0d m%de sure she didn0 es)%pe $e*ore he m%de her %n o**er she &ould *ind h%rd o re*use, No& %s he &% )hed his Mgirls0 oge her he h%d %$solu ely no regre % his spur-o*he-momen de)ision, Celine h%d $een % Godsend in more &%ys h%n one, And h% &%s &hy he0d de)ided o %(e i slo& &i h her, She0d old him she didn0 %(e seC ligh ly so &hen she0d )ome o him he (ne& i h%d $een in % momen o* &e%(ness, @e &ouldn0 $e %$le o li.e &i h himsel* i* he0d %(en %d.%n %ge o* h% momen , E.en hough i h%d %(en % hell o* % lo o* &illpo&er he0d s%.ed her *rom hersel* h% nigh %nd he did no regre i , She pro$%$ly h% ed him *or i $u i &%s he righ hing o do, And %l hough she &%s %nnoyed &i h him righ no& he &ould m%(e i %ll &or h he &%i , @e smiled %s he hough %$ou i , Th% d%y &ould $e soon, NeC d%y 'ier)e le* *or he o**i)e e%rly %s usu%l o %.oid pe%( hour r%**i), @e h%d % *ull d%y %he%d o* him %s he &%s eCpe) ing % )%dre o* progr%mmers *rom J%p%n &ho &ould $e )onsul ing &i h him on % spe)i%l pro+e) , I &%s % $ig de%l *or his *irm/ one h% )ould le%d o %n eCplosion o* gro& h in he in ern% ion%l m%r(e pl%)e, @e &%s in he middle o* his mee ing &hen his %dminis r% i.e %ssis %n (no)(ed on he door o* he )on*eren)e room, @e *ro&ned, Lyne e h%d $een &i h him *or ye%rs %nd she (ne& $e er h%n o in errup su)h %n impor %n session, She hurried o.er %nd le%ned do&n o &hisper in his e%r, A her &ords his $lood r%n )old, Lylie, 'ool, @ospi %l, Am$ul%n)e,

A h% ins %n %ll hough *led his mind eC)ep *or one, Lylie, @e h%d o ge o Lylie, @e sho.ed he )h%ir $%)( %nd &i h he $rie*es o* %pologies he &%s up %nd ou he door, Lyne e &ould h%.e o do he eCpl%n% ion, @e h%d no ime o sp%re, @e +umped in o his )%r %nd ore ou o* he p%r(ing lo / ires s)ree)hing %s he &en , ?i hin *i* een minu es he &%s pulling up in *ron o* S , 3%ry0s @ospi %l, @e0d p%r(ed he )%r in he o& Eone $u he didn0 gi.e % d%mn, They )ould h%.e i , All he &%n ed &%s o see his li le girl, @e d%shed up o he re)ep ion des( %nd %lmos re%)hed ou %nd hro led he nurse &hen she )%lmly old him o %(e % num$er %nd si do&n, ?hen he gro&led % her %nd dem%nded o see Lylie immedi% ely she +umped %nd loo(ed li(e she &%s %$ou o )%ll se)uri y $u she mus h%.e seen he desper% ion in his eyes $e)%use she )%lled *or %n orderly &ho es)or ed him o he in ensi.e )%re &%rd, There 'ier)e s%& Celine, She &%s si ing %ll %lone on % long $en)h %nd she &%s &is ing her h%nds in her l%p/ e%rs s re%ming do&n her *%)e, @e d%shed o.er o her, HCeline, ?h% h%ppenedB ?here is sheB Is sheIJ @e )ould no s%y he &ord, Celine hopped up %nd urned red/ pu**y eyes o&%rd him, H'ier)e, Mon Dieu/ 'ier)e, I0m so sorry, So sorry,J Th% s opped him in his r%)(s, I &%s % s %(e h%mmered righ in o his he%r , The &ords &ere % )on*irm% ion o* his &ors *e%r, Lylie &%s gone, The &ords su)(ed his s reng h/ he .ery li*e ou o* him, @e )oll%psed on o he $en)h %nd s %red % Celine in sho)(, @is Lylie/ his s&ee li le Lylie/ &%s de%d, @e0d me%n o m%(e li*e so good *or her/ gi.e her % *%mily/ %nd no& i &%s oo l% e, Too l% e/ oo l% e, The &ords r%ng in his he%d, Oh God/ he &%s oo l% e,

@e dropped his *%)e in his h%nds %nd he e%rs seeped hrough his *ingers,, Celine )%me o him hen, @e *el &hen she s% on he $en)h $eside him %nd hen her %rms &ere %round him/ hugging/ )om*or ing him li(e she0d done on)e $e*ore, H?e h%.e o pr%y/J she &hispered, H'r%y *or Lylie/ 'ier)e, Jus pr%y,J 'r%yB ?h% &%s he use o* pr%yingB 'r%ying &ouldn0 $ring her $%)( so he )ould hold her in his %rms %g%in/ so he )ould *eel h% $undle o* energy/ his li le girl/ so *ull o* li*e, Celine )ould pr%y %ll she &%n ed $u he +us &%n ed Lylie, H?e h%.e o $e s rong *or her/ 'ier)e, @elp her pull hrough,J I oo( % momen *or he &ords o sin( in, ?h% &%s she s%yingB Lylie &%sI %li.eB @e li* ed his he%d %nd s %red in o Celine0s eyes/ &illing her o s%y he &ords, HLylieBJ he s%id, HThey0re &or(ing on her righ no&/J she s%id, 'ier)e0s shoulders s%gged &i h relie*, Th%n( God, The gig%n i) ro)( h% h%d l%nded sFu%rely in he middle o* his )hes $eg%n o )rum$le/ le%.ing pe$$les o* *e%r $ehind, H?h% did hey s%yB ?ill she $e %lrigh BJ Celine shoo( her he%d %nd her eyes &ere *ull o* s%dness, HI don0 (no&,J 'ier)e loo(ed % her %nd hen %&%y, @%d he $een gi.en hope +us o h%.e i d%shedB No/ God &ould no $e so )ruel, @e )lung o h% hough / h% hope/ %nd only hen &%s he %$le o $re% he *reely, 'ier)e oo( Celine0s h%nd in his, @er p%lm &%s d%mp, @e )ould only im%gine &h% she mus h%.e gone hrough/ de%ling &i h %ll o* his &i hou him, @e s ro(ed he $%)( o* her h%nd/ rying o gi.e her some sm%ll )om*or , They s% li(e h% in silen)e,

Din%lly he %s(ed/ HCeline/ &h% h%ppenedBJ @e (ne& i &ould $e r%um% i) *or her o reli.e he eCperien)e $u he h%d o (no&, Celine0s h%nds gripped his igh ly %nd hen she pulled i %&%y, She dre& in % rem$ling $re% h, HLylie %nd II&e did some g%rdening his morning %nd &e go %ll muddy soII oo( her ups %irs %nd g%.e her % $% h,J She dre& % deep $re% h hen le i ou in % he%.y sigh, HThere &%s s ill mud spl% ered on my leg so I *iCed % Fui)( sn%)( *or Lylie %nd se her % he (i )hen %$le o e% , I old her I0d $e do&n in *i.e minu es, I +us &%n ed o %(e % Fui)( sho&er,J H?hy didn0 you le%.e her &i h 3rs, SimpsonBJ HShe )%lled % li le %* er you le* his morning, @er gr%ndson &%s si)( %nd her d%ugh er )%lled on her suddenly o $%$ysi &hile she &en o &or(,J Celine $i her lip, HI &%s %lone &i h Lylie,J She &%s silen hen %nd 'ier)e )ould im%gine she mus $e $l%ming hersel* *or h% one slo o* ime &hen she0d le Lylie ou o* her sigh , @e spo(e hen, HBu ho& did Lylie ge o.er he *en)e %round he poolBJ @e0d h%d h% *en)e ins %lled he s%me &ee( Lylie mo.ed in o he house, Celine su)(ed in her $re% h, HTh% 0s &h% I don0 unders %nd, I (no& I lo)(ed he g% e l%s nigh %nd &e didn0 go %ny&here ne%r i %ll morning, I (no& Lylie0s &%y oo shor o ge %ny&here ne%r h% l% )h so he g% e mus h%.e $een le* open,J She shoo( her he%d/ her eyes dis ressed/ her *%)e d%r( &i h )on*usion, HI (no& I lo)(ed h% g% e, I0m sure o* i , I did/ 'ier)e/ I did,J She )o.ered her *%)e &i h her h%nds %nd $eg%n o )ry, H@ush/J he s%id %nd pu his %rm %round her shoulder, HI (no&,J I oo( se.er%l minu es *or Celine o )%lm do&n %nd hen hey s% oge her in

silen)e/ he momen s i)(ing $y, E%)h ime he door le%ding o he oper% ing room opened $o h urned %s one $u e%)h ime i &%s % nurse or %n orderly going %$ou heir .%rious du ies, Din%lly/ %* er %n eCh%us ing &o hours % do) or dressed in green s)ru$s s epped hrough he door, H3iss S%n ini/J he s%id %s he %ppro%)hed/ H%nd 3r,IJ HD0Am% o, 'ier)e D0Am% o/J 'ier)e s%id/ rising o his *ee , The do) or nodded, HYou0re Lylie0s gu%rdi%n/ )orre) BJ HYes/J he s%id Fui)(ly/ &ishing he do) or &ould +us )ome ou &i h he &ords, The suspense &%s or ure, HAs you (no&/ &e0.e $een &or(ing on Lylie *or some ime, She inges ed Fui e % $i o* &% er $u he good hing is/J he urned o Celine/ Hyou go her ou Fui)(ly %nd s %r ed C'R righ %&%y, I* i h%dn0 $een *or h% &e &ouldn0 h%.e $een %$le o s%.e her, The p%r%medi)s &ould h%.e )ome oo l% e, Your Fui)( %) ion s%.ed her li*e,J HSo she0s going o $e %lrigh BJ The do) or smiled, HYour li le girl is % re%l *igh er, ?e0ll h%.e o (eep her *or % le%s % &ee( *or o$ser.% ion $u i loo(s li(e she0s ou o* he &oods,J 'ier)e )ould h%.e (issed him/ his relie* &%s so gre% , Lylie &%s going o $e %lrigh , @e urned %nd gr%$$ed Celine %nd hugged her igh / eCpressing %ll his relie* %nd gl%dness in h% em$r%)e, Then he rele%sed her %nd s re )hed ou his h%nd, HTh%n( you/ Do) or/J he s%id %nd shoo( he h%nd o* he m%n &ho h%d s%.ed his d%ugh er0s li*e, There/ he0d s%id i , @is d%ugh er, And h% &%s &h% Lylie h%d )ome o $e *or him - % mem$er o* his *%mily/ his )hild, @e0d $een hin(ing %$ou her li(e h% *or some ime no& %nd he (ne& h% &h% e.er he *u ure held *or him/ Lylie &ould

%l&%ys $e % p%r o* i , @e &ould m%(e i o**i)i%l, She &ould $e his d%ugh er, HC%n &e see herBJ he %s(ed, HYes/ $u one % % ime,J @e nodded o 'ier)e, HYou go *irs / 3r, D0Am% o,J 'ier)e loo(ed % Celine %nd she nodded/ her *%)e *lushed &i h relie*, HGo o her,J ?hen 'ier)e dis%ppe%red hrough he s&inging doors Celine s% $%)( do&n %nd s %red % he *loor, Th%n( God Lylie &%s going o $e %ll righ , She didn0 (no& &h% she &ould do i* she h%dn0 pulled hrough, She &%s dying o run o her %nd hug her )lose $u she &ould h%.e o &%i her urn, Then she hough o* he role she0d pl%yed in Lylie0s ne%r r%gedy, ?hy h%d she le* her %loneB She0d mo.ed Fui)(ly in he $% hroom %nd h%d re urned do&ns %irs o *ind he (i )hen emp y %nd Lylie gone, She0d gone in o he g%rden/ hin(ing she0d &%ndered ou here $u here &%s no Lylie, Then she r%n $%)( o he pool %nd h% &%s &hen she s%& he open g% e, She d%shed hrough %nd here &%s Lylie *lo% ing *%)e do&n he &% er, She s)re%med hen do.e in o he &% er %nd dr%gged her ou , She immedi% ely s %r ed &i h he li*e-s%.ing e)hniFues she0d le%rned %s % een%ge $%$ysi er, She only s opped long enough o )%ll he %m$ul%n)e %nd hen she (ep &or(ing on her un il he p%r%medi)s oo( o.er, All h% h%d %(en mere minu es $u o Celine i seemed li(e % li*e ime, She go up/ oo %gi % ed o si s ill %ny longer/ %nd $eg%n o p%)e he *loor, Then she )%me o % s %nds ill %nd le%ned her *orehe%d on he )old )on)re e &%ll, @er shoulders shoo( $u here &ere no e%rs, She &%s )rying %g%in $e)%use she (ne& &h% she h%d o do, Dor he s%(e o* Lylie0s s%*e y i &ould $e $es *or her o go,


Lylie )%me home siC d%ys l% er, 'ier)e ins %lled her in her $edroom &i h lo s o* pi) ure $oo(s/ oys %nd g%mes, @e spen %lmos he en ire d%y &i h her/ pl%ying &i h he dolls on her $ed %nd %) ing ou pl%ys &i h so)( puppe s he0d m%de himsel*, Celine )ould see h% he &%s rying o m%(e i up o Lylie *or he r%um% o* he p%s &ee(/ e.en o he poin o* o.erdoing i , I &%s only &hen her eyelids drooped h% he de)ided o le%.e her %lone, No& h% Lylie &%s home Celine de)ided i &%s ime o $ro%)h he su$+e) o* her dep%r ure, She %s(ed 'ier)e o mee &i h her in he (i )hen %nd hen she s% do&n %nd l%id ou her pl%n, She &ould s %y %no her &ee( so he )ould *ind % repl%)emen $u hen she &ould $e le%.ing, 'ier)e &%s none oo ple%sed &i h her %nnoun)emen , HYou0re le%.ing in % &ee(B Th% 0s % &hole *i.e &ee(s e%rlier h%n pl%nned,J HI (no&/ %nd h% 0s &hy I0ll s %y he &ee( o gi.e you ime o *ind my repl%)emen , You %nd I (no& i 0s *or he $es ,J HBes *or youB I 0s )er %inly no $es *or Lylie,J HEspe)i%lly *or Lylie/J she )ried, HLoo( &h% h%ppened o her in my )%reB I0d ne.er $e %$le o *orgi.e mysel* i* hings h%d $eenI&orse,J HCeline/J he s%id/ his *%)e % s udy in eC%sper% ion/ Hi &%sn0 your *%ul , I )ould h%.e h%ppened under %ny$ody0s &% )h,J HBu i h%ppened under mine, Don0 you unders %nd &h% h% me%ns *or meB I %lmos go Lylie (illed,J The guil s&ep hrough her %nd she *el li(e her he%r

&ould )r%)( righ open, HCeline/ &ill you s op i BJ 'ier)e0s .oi)e &%s h%rsh, H?h% h%ppened &%s %n %))iden , I )ould h%.e h%ppened o %ny one o* us/ o *orge o lo)( he g% e, I (no& i &%sn0 deli$er% e,J Celine su)(ed in her $re% h/ her eyes &ide &i h sho)(, HYou don0 $elie.e me, You do hin( i &%s my *%ul ,J HI0m no s%ying h% ,J 'ier)e &%s gl%ring $%)( % her no&, HAny one o* us - you/ me/ 3rs, Simpson - )ould h%.e le* he g% e open, I0m no rying o )%s $l%me, I0m +us s%ying e.en i* i h%d $een you I &ould no )ondemn you *or &h% h%ppened,J No& he &%s )h%nging his s ory, In Celine0s mind 'ier)e did $l%me her, This dis)ussion &%s only )on*irming h% she0d m%de he righ de)ision, She needed o go %s soon %s possi$le, H'ier)e/J she s%id Fuie ly/ HI0.e m%de up my mind, I (no& you don0 rus me &i h Lylie %nymore so i 0s $es *or %ll o* us i* I le%.e, 'le%se s %r loo(ing *or my repl%)emen ,J 'ier)e &%s s)o&ling % her no&, HIs h% your *in%l &ord on hisBJ HI 0s my *in%l &ord/J she s%id/ (eeping her *%)e $l%n( e.en hough she *el hollo& inside, I* only she didn0 h%.e o go, She &ould miss Lylie so mu)h, And 'ier)e, And e.en hough he0d s%id she didn0 h%.e o go/ e.en hough he s%id he s ill rus ed her/ i &%s he $ig Fues ion h% m%de her &%n o *lee, @o& did she (no& she )ould rus hersel*B She0d le* he g% e open/ i seemed/ e.en hough she )ould dis in) ly remem$er lo)(ing i , 'ier)e seemed o hin( so %l hough he &ouldn0 %dmi i , She0d $een so sure %nd loo( &h% h%ppened, @o& )ould she $e sure i &ouldn0 h%ppen %g%inB

No/ *or he s%(e o* Lylie0s s%*e y i &%s $es i* she s %yed *%r %&%yIno m% er h% her he%r &%s $re%(ing % he hough , NNN

SiC een d%ys, I &%s siC een d%ys sin)e Celine h%d l%s seen Lylie %nd 'ier)e, She0d hough hings &ould ge $e er &i h ime/ h% he p%in &ould e.en u%lly go %&%y/ $u i h%d go en &orse, She &%s *%r %&%y *rom Lylie %nd i &%s li(e $eing sep%r% ed *rom her o&n d%ugh er, This summer she0d h%d % *%mily/ % *%mily .ery di**eren *rom he one in Dr%n)e/ $u % *%mily +us he s%me, And she missed hem %s she &ould her o&n *lesh %nd $lood, She0d ried h%rd no o in rude in heir li.es $u she h%dn0 $een %$le o resis )%lling Lylie %nd h%d done so %lmos e.ery d%y sin)e le%.ing, Bu )%lling &%s no he s%me %s seeing her/ holding her/ smelling he )herry $lossom *r%gr%n)e o* her h%ir, Celine h%d m%de sure o )%ll he house during he d%y ime &hen she (ne& 'ier)e &ould no $e %round, She didn0 (no& i* her he%r )ould %(e he deep im$re o* his .oi)e &i hou $re%(ing do&n in e%rs, She missed him oo mu)h *or &ords, She0d $een %*r%id h% i* she e.er s%& him she &ould $re%( do&n %nd $lur ou ho& she ruly *el %$ou him, And &h% &ould h% %)hie.eB @e0d pro$%$ly $e spee)hless &i h em$%rr%ssmen or $ol *or he ne%res eCi , Tod%y/ hough/ she didn0 )%re, She h%d o see Lylie %g%in, She pi)(ed up he phone %nd di%led 'ier)e0s )ell phone num$er, A he sound o* his .oi)e % remor r%n hrough her, H'ier)e/ i 0s Celine/J she s%id so* ly, HDo you h%.e % minu eB0 She &ould h% e

o (no& h% she0d dis ur$ed % mee ing, HYes/ go %he%d,J 'ier)e sounded *orm%l/ )lipped, HI &%s &ondering i* you0d le me .isi Lylie, I0d lo.e o go od%y i* h% 0s o(%y &i h you,J She0d s%id i %ll in % rush/ &%n ing o ge he &ords ou $e*ore she los he )our%ge, Silen)e, Th% &%s he response on he o her end o* he line, To %l silen)e, H@elloBJ Celine s%id in o he phone, @%d he hung up on herB HCeline,J 'ier)e &%s spe%(ing %g%in, Din%lly, HA &h% poin did I ell you no o see LylieBJ H?ellIne.er/J she s%id/ *eeling s upid, HEC%) ly, So &hy do you hin( you need my permissionB You spo(e %s i* you eCpe) ed me o s%y no,J 'ier)e0s .oi)e &%s )ool, I seemed h% she h%d o**ended him, HI0m sorry/ I didn0 &%n o impose-,J H?h% ime &ould you li(e o .isi CelineBJ @e )u her o** mid-sen en)e, HI &%s hin(ing &o o0)lo)( in he %* ernoon,J She0d spe)i*i)%lly )hosen h% ime $e)%use she (ne& he &ould no $e home, HDine, I0ll le hem (no& o eCpe) you,J And hen he hung up, @e h%dn0 gi.en her % )h%n)e o s%y good$ye, ?ell/ so mu)h *or him &%n ing o see her %g%in, @e h%dn0 e.en %s(ed ho& she &%s doing, I &%s o$.ious h% %ny *eelings $e &een hem &ere %ll on her end, Deeling de*l% ed/ she gen ly l%id he re)ei.er $%)( in he )r%dle %nd go up o dress *or her rip, Almos &o hours l% er Celine &%s pulling in o he long )ir)ul%r dri.e&%y o* he house h% h%d $een li(e her home *or mos o* h% summer, @er he%r Fui)(ened in %n i)ip% ion, She hopped ou o* he )%r/ opened he $%)( door %nd gr%$$ed he huge

gi* $%g &i h he 3olly Dolly Se &i h i s &en y-*i.e *%shion ou *i s, She (ne& Lylie &ould lo.e dressing her up, She $ounded up he s %irs %nd r%ng he door$ell/ % $righ smile on her *%)e, She &%s loo(ing *or&%rd o seeing 3rs, Simpson/ oo, She0d %l&%ys *ound her o $e ple%s%n )omp%ny, The door opened %nd Celine *ound hersel* s %ring in o he hin/ &ell m%de-up *%)e o* Sophi% Redgr%.e, Celine0s smile *led, ?h% &%s Sophi% doing hereB @%d she used her dep%r ure %s %n oppor uni y o &orm her &%y in o 'ier)e0s li*eB HGood %* ernoon/ Sophi%/J she s%id &hen her &i s re urned, HI0m here o see Lylie,J Sophi% nodded $u %s usu%l here &%s no smile o* gree ing, H?e &ere eCpe) ing you,J She opened he door &ider so Celine )ould en er hen led he &%y %)ross he *oyer %nd do&n he h%ll&%y, HLylie/J she )%lled, HCeline is here,J Ou o* no&here % $undle o* pin( %nd yello& )%me *lying o&%rd her %nd Celine h%d +us enough ime o drop he gi* $%g %nd )% )h Lylie %s she le%ped in o her %rms, HCeline/ I missed you so mu)h/J she )ried %nd &r%pped her %rms %round Celine0s ne)(, HI missed you/ oo/ cherie, So mu)h,J Celine )losed her eyes %nd re.eled in he *eel o* he li le $ody in her %rms, She smelled o* s r%&$erries %nd pe%)hes, They &ere s ill hugging &hen hey he%rd he ro%r o* %n engine ou *ron , HD%ddy/J Lylie yelled %nd &riggled so mu)h Celine h%d o se her do&n on he *loor, D%ddyB I h%d o $e 'ier)e Lylie &%s )%lling D%ddy $u &hen h%d she s %r ed

doing h% B Then % he hough o* 'ier)e her he%r $eg%n o %))eler% e, Despi e her e**or s/ od%y she &ould see 'ier)e %g%in, Th%n( you/ God, Slo&ly/ rying o seem )%su%l/ she *ollo&ed Lylie $%)( ou o he *ron por)h, @er he%r did % somers%ul &hen she s%& him, 'ier)e &%s )lim$ing ou o* % +e $l%)( 'ors)he/ sunsh%des s ill on his *%)e, The sun glin ed on his d%r( )ho)ol% e h%ir, @e loo(ed super-seCy in his $l%)( $usiness sui %nd red po&er ie, Lylie &%s running o him no&, @e s)ooped her up %nd g%.e her % $ig *% (iss on he )hee(, @o& Celine &ished h% )ould $e her, Then he loo(ed up %nd e.er so slo&ly he remo.ed he sungl%sses *rom his eyes, And here hey &ere/ hose $e%u i*ul green eyes h% loo(ed li(e hey )ould see in o her soul, @e &%s loo(ing % her %nd on his lips &%s he hin o* % smile, S ill holding Lylie &i h one %rm 'ier)e &%l(ed up he dri.e&%y %nd up he s eps un il he &%s s %nding in *ron o* her, H@ello/ Celine/J he s%id/ loo(ing do&n % her %s she s ood s %ring up % him, H@ello/ 'ier)e,J She )le%red her hro% , HI hough you0d $e % &or( od%y,J HI &%s/J he s%id, HI de)ided o )ome home e%rly,J HBe)%use o* meBJ Dieu/ h%d she s%id i ou loudB HBe)%use o* you/J he s%id %nd here &%s su)h *eeling in his .oi)e h% Celine $lin(ed, HD%ddy/ Celine0s )ome home o s %y/J Lylie )hirped up, HI %m sooo h%ppy,J Eyes &ide/ Celine s %red % Lylie, No& &here did he )hild ge h% *romB She didn0 &%n o misle%d her, HNo/ cherie/ I0m only here *or % .isi ,J

HNo/ you0re no , You )%me $%)( o $e &i h me/J he )hild insis ed, She $eg%n o &riggle in 'ier)e0s %rms, HI &%n o go o 3ommy,J And she re%)hed ou $o h %rms o&%rds Celine, Celine g%sped %nd Fui)( e%rs s ung her eyes, Then her *%)e )rumpled %nd he e%rs spilled on o her )hee(s, HLylie/ de%r s&ee Lylie/J &%s %ll she )ould m%n%ge/ her hro% )ons ri) ed &i h emo ions, She re%)hed ou %nd oo( her *rom 'ier)e %nd $uried her *%)e in he )hild0s ne)(, HI s ill lo.e my old mommy/J Lylie &hispered/ H$u I &%n you %s my ne& mommy no&,J HIIJ @o& )ould she ell her h% she0d lo.e h% more h%n %ny hing in he &orld $u h% i )ouldn0 h%ppenB HIIJ She ried %g%in $u )ould go no *ur her, 'ier)e )%me o her hen, As she held Lylie in her %rms he s ood loo(ing do&n in o her eyes, HCeline/ %s you )%n see LylieI %nd II%re h%.ing % h%rd ime li.ing &i hou you, ?hen you le* you oo( % p%r o* us &i h you, ?e need you,J Celine loo(ed up % him/ no $elie.ing &h% she &%s he%ring, HLylie needs me/J she &hispered/ H$u do youBJ @e g%.e her % smile h% old her %ll she needed o (no&, HI )%n0 li.e &i hou you/ Celine, ?on0 you )ome $%)( home/ $u his ime %s my &i*eBJ Celine h%d $een &%i ing &i h $% ed $re% h *or h% Fues ion/ %ll her li*e she0d $een &%i ing %nd no& he m%n o* her dre%ms &%s &%i ing *or her %ns&er, ?%s his %ll % dre%mB HAre you sureBJ Celine &hispered, HYou0re no s ill %ngry &i h meB0 HI &%s ne.er %ngry &i h you, I lo.e you, You0.e $een my mir%)le %ngel sin)e he d%y &e me ,J HY%%y/J Lylie )hor led, H3ommy %nd D%ddy %re ge ing m%rried,J

H@old on/ Lylie/J 'ier)e s%id/ l%ughing, HCeline s ill h%sn0 s%id yes,J HYes/ yes/ yes/J Celine s%id hrough her e%rs %nd &%l(ed in o he %rms 'ier)e held open &ide, And so hey hugged - 'ier)e/ Celine %nd Lylie/ %ll hree - h%ppy in (no&ing hey &ere no& % *%mily,


Lylie &%s he pre ies *lo&er girl in he &orld, Slo&ly %nd )%re*ully/ her *%)e $e%ming &i h pride/ she le* he )hur)h .es i$ule %nd &%l(ed up he %isle &i h her $%s(e o* red rose pe %ls/ sprin(ling he *lo&ers %long he p% h %he%d o* her, She *ollo&ed % .ery ner.ous ring $e%rer/ % li le *riend she0d m%de on her *irs d%y in +unior (inderg%r en, In his $l%)( sui he li le gen lem%n &%l(ed %he%d o* Lylie/ s opping e.ery *e& minu es o )he)( h% she &%s s ill here, The )hur)h &%s *ull o* *riends %nd *%mily in)luding Cl%ire/ Syl.%n %nd 3%r), 'ier)e0s *%mily &%s here/ oo - EliE%$e h %nd C%rlos *rom @%&%ii %nd Sh%ron/ her hus$%nd %nd &o )hildren *rom S%n Diego, 3rs, Simpson $e%med %s she loo(ed o&%rd he $%)( o* he )hur)h %nd s%& Celine s %nding here/ &%i ing on he org%nis o s %r he $rid%l m%r)h, Sophi% &%s in he )ongreg% ion/ oo/ loo(ing more s ylish %nd eleg%n h%n %nyone in he )hur)h, She0d $een Celine0s gre% es surprise, A he ne&s h% 'ier)e h%d proposed o her he &om%n seemed o h%.e )h%nged her &hole deme%nor %s i* she %))ep ed h% i no longer m%de sense o pre end, She did no $e)ome &%rm %nd in.i ing $u she $e)%me % gre% sour)e o* %d.i)e o Celine %s she prep%red *or her $ig d%y, To Celine0s e.en gre% er surprise %nd relie* she sol.ed he mys ery o* he pool g% e, I &%s Sophi% &ho h%d le* he g% e open %nd no Celine, She0d )ome $y e%rly h% morning o $orro& he long ne o gi.e o her pool )le%ner, I h%d $een oo e%rly in he morning o &%(e %nyone, I &%s only &hen she he%rd 3rs, Simpson spe%(ing %$ou he mys ery o* he g% e h% she re%liEed her role in Lylie0s ne%r de% h

eCperien)e, She %pologiEed in e%rs %nd sin)e hen h%d $e)ome Lylie0s gre% es %lly/ e.en % imes &hen she deser.ed o go o he n%ugh y )orner, No& i &%s ime *or Celine o &%l( up he %isle, As he $rid%l m%r)h $eg%n she li* ed her he%d, @er he%r so%red %s she smiled % he m%n &ho &%i ed *or her % he o her end, T%ll/ d%r( %nd deli)iously h%ndsome in his sui %nd $o& ie/ 'ier)e &%s smiling % her %nd in his eyes &%s % ligh h% old her ne.er o dou$ his lo.e %g%in, And so/ %s he s r%ins o* he m%r)h *illed he )hur)h she s epped *or&%rd proudly/ re%dy o s %r her ne& li*e %s mommy o %n %ngel %nd &i*e o her $elo.ed/ 'ier)e D0Am% o,


Th%n( you *or re%ding M3%id in he 4SA0, I sin)erely %ppre)i% e your suppor , I* you li(ed his s ory ple%se MLi(e0 my $oo(, 'osi i.e re.ie&s %re %lso .ery &el)omeR Th% 0s he $es suppor %ny %u hor )ould %s( *or,

Than%s& a#ain& 'or readin#(

The BAD BOY BILLIONAIRES Series ! J"d! An#e$o Volume # - T%med $y he Billion%ire Volume 2 - 3%id in he 4SA Volume 5 - Billion%ire6s Isl%nd Bride Volume 7 - D%ngerous De)ep ion Volume 8 - To T%me % Ty)oon Volume 9 - S&ee Sedu) ion Volume : - D%ddy $y De)em$er Volume ; - To C% )h % 3%n <in 5" D%ys or Less= B%d Boy Billion%ires 3eg%-Colle) ion/ Vols, # - ; B%d Boy Billion%ires Colle) ion I/ Vols, # - 7 B%d Boy Billion%ires Colle) ion II/ Vols, 8 - ; <One s ory *ree in e%)h )olle) ion/ &o *ree s ories in he meg%-)olle) ion> pur)h%se he )olle) ions %nd s%.e=

+udy re%sure2ho m%il,)om


T@E TA3ING OD A 'RINCESS,,, Seren% V%n Buren/ he pri.ileged d%ugh er o* % &e%l hy $usinessm%n/ )%n6 &%i o $egin her hree-mon h our o* Europe &i h her )ollege m% es, Li le does she (no& h% *% e h%s o her pl%ns in s oreR Ins e%d o* d%n)ing &i h h%ndsome I %li%ns %nd dining &i h )h%rming Dren)hmen Seren% *inds hersel* r%pped in % siC-mon h in ernship &i h o.er$e%ring $usiness y)oon/ Rom%n S eele - %n %rr%ngemen or)hes r% ed $y her o&n *% her, Seren% is de ermined o sho& Rom%n h% she &on6 yield o he dem%nds o* %ny m%n/ $oss or no $oss, She6s % V%n Buren/ %* er %ll/ (no&n o &i her % m%n &i h one loo(, Bu Rom%n S eele is li(e no m%n she6s e.er me $e*ore, Su%.e/ seCy %nd s unningly h%ndsome/ here6s some hing %$ou him h% she )%n6 resis , I loo(s li(e Seren% V%n Buren h%s *in%lly me her m% )h, A s&ee %nd s%u)y rom%n)e h% &ill h%.e you smiling,,,


?@O EVER SAID BILLIONAIRE BAC@ELORS AND 3ODEST 3AIDS DON6T 3IAB Celine S%n ini )ouldn6 h%.e $een more sho)(ed &hen $illion%ire $%)helor 'ier)e D6Am% o o**ers her % +o$ %s n%nny o his *our-ye%r-old )h%rge, A* er %ll/ he h%rdly e.en (no&s her, Bu %* er *inding hersel* hro&n in o %n uneCpe) edly in im% e en)oun er &i h him/ %re hey re%lly s r%ngersB Celine is )%p i.% ed $y he green-eyed he%r hro$ &ho %(es her he%r r%nsom $u ho& )%n she gi.e in o her *eelings &hen hey6re *rom &o o %lly di**eren &orldsB Drom he *irs d%y he l%ys eyes on he d%r(-eyed $e%u y/ 'ier)e D6Am% o (no&s he is los , @e immedi% ely de.ises % pl%n o ge her under his roo*,,,%nd i &or(s, Bu he more he ge s o (no& he s&ee ly sedu) i.e Celine S%n ini he more he re%liEes here6s % lo more o his &om%n h%n he )ould e.er h%.e im%gined, @er in riguing )om$in% ion o* sophis i)% ion %nd inno)en)e (eeps him *ore.er o**-$%l%n)e %nd/ $e*ore he (no&s i / his $%)helor he%r urns r%i or, The he%r (no&s &h% he he%r &%n s %nd i &%n s Celine S%n ini,,,&h% e.er he )os , A hrilling rom%n)e &i h &is s %nd urns h% &ill (eep you urning he p%ges,,,


BAD BOY BILLIONAIRE VERS4S REBEL ISLAND BRIDE - AND T@E ?INNER IS,,, Norm%lly shy %nd reser.ed/ )ollege s uden Erin S%muels goes o he isl%nd o* S%n % 3%r % &here she $re%(s ou o* her shell %nd does hings h% sho)( e.en her, And/ %s i* h% &eren6 $%d enough/ she ends up r%pped in % m%rri%ge $y $l%)(m%ilR D%re DeSouE% is used o &omen hro&ing hemsel.es % him %nd he lumps Erin S%muels in he s%me )% egory, Gold-diggers/ h% 6s &h% hey %ll %re/ $u his ime he h%s % pl%n, @e se s ou o e%)h Erin % lesson she6ll ne.er *orge ,,,%nd ends up le%rning he gre% es lesson o* his li*e, An isl%nd rom%n)e h% &ill (eep re%ders guessing e.ery s ep o* he &%y,,,

)OLUME / + DANGEROUS DE0E1TION TO CATC@ A CO33ITTED BAC@ELOR,,, ?hen D%ni S&i* pu on her )h%u**eur6s uni*orm/ &i h her h%ir u)(ed under her h% %nd her *%)e m%(e-up *ree/ she loo(s li(e % )le%n-sh%.en young m%n, I 6s &hile &e%ring her li le disguise h% she mee s he m%n o* her dre%ms/ $illion%ire $usinessm%n S orm @un er, Bu ho& )%n she )ompe e in his &orld o* &e%l h %nd &omen &ho &ill do %ny hing o sn%g his eligi$le $%)helorB S orm @un er lo.es mo or)y)les %nd *%s )%rs, And hen he mee s D%ni S&i* , Bold %nd independen / she6s li(e no &om%n he6s e.er me , And &hen heir li le g%me o* de)ep ion le%ds o him losing his he%r h% 6s &hen he (no&s h% / in her/ he6s *ound his gre% es lo.e ,

)OLUME 2 + TO TAME A TY0OON @O? DO YO4 TA3E A TYCOONB Enri)o 3eg%los is $old/ $r%sh %nd % $ig pro$lem,,,% le%s *or his s %** in he 3i%mi o**i)e o* 3eg%los Shipping, And h% 6s &here he lion %mer )omes in, Asi% 3iller/ person%li y )o%)h/ is hired o %me he $ig $oss, She %(es on he )h%llenge/ no re%liEing un il i is oo l% e h% &hile %ming him she is %lso losing her he%r ,,, o he one m%n i doesn6 p%y o lo.e, Sun/ se% %nd % s e%my %**%ir - % hrilling ride on he sensu%l side,


SEDU0TION SO S4EET555 J%(e 3)Loy mo.es o % iny o&n in ups % e Ne& Yor( o es)%pe % p%in*ul p%s , @e h%s no ide% h% i is here h% he &ill *ind he%ling %nd s reng h %nd % ne& s %r in li*e, And h% he%ling )omes in he *orm o* % *resh-*%)ed &om%n &ho s e%ls his he%r , S%m%n h% DoC &%s only % mon h %&%y *rom her &edding d%y &hen her *i%n)e $ro(e he eng%gemen , @e6d *ound % more 6sui %$le6 $ride, @%un ed $y he )ons %n *e%r h% she6s no 6good enough6/ S%m *inds i h%rd o gi.e her he%r o %no her m%n, And &hen h% m%n h%ppens o $e % $illion%ire &ho )%n6 le go o* his p%s / hings $e)ome )ompli)% ed indeed, C%n J%(e %nd S%m%n h% o.er)ome heir di**i)ul p%s s o *orge % $righ *u ure oge herB


A DADDY IN THE MA7ING555 A li le girl/ % &ish/ %nd % &om%n de ermined o s %y ou o* his re%)h, @o& o re)on)ile he hreeB Billion%ire in.es or/ Dr%(e Dun)%n/ is % he op o* his g%me, @e de)ides o hire % ghos &ri er o &or( on his memoir, Li le does he (no& h% he &ri er &ho &ill %ns&er he )%ll is ruly % ghos - *rom his p%s , 3eg Gr%)ey is he pro.er$i%l 6s %r.ing %r is 6/ % &ri er do&n on her lu)(, ?hen she is o**ered % )on r%) %s ghos &ri er she +umps % he )h%n)e/ only o l% er re%liEe h% he +o$ &ill hro& her dire) ly in he p% h o* he m%n she .o&ed ne.er o 6 ou)h &i h % long s i)(6, C%ugh $e &een s %r.% ion %nd emo ion%l or ure she is *or)ed o )hoose, Does she *ollo& re%son or gi.e in o he desires o* her he%r B


HO4 DO YOU 0AT0H A MAN555IN -: DAYS< Indi%n% L%ne is in % pi)(le, She mus *ind % m%n/ *%ll in lo.e %nd ge m%rried,,,%ll &i hin he sp%)e o* hir y d%ys, @o& in he &orld )%n she pull his o**B And hen she runs in o S one @udson - or/ more %))ur% ely/ he runs in o her - %nd h% 6s &hen he %d.en ure $egins, S one @udson h%s me his m% )h, @e is used o &omen *%&ning o.er him %nd hen he mee s Indie/ % &om%n &ho ells i li(e i is, And &orse/ she d%res o e%se him &here.er %nd &hene.er she desires, S one is in rigued/ o s%y he le%s / $u hen his he%r is sn%gged on % &ire *rom &hi)h here is no es)%pe, ?ill he &edding $ells ring *or Indie/ %nd &ill hey ring in imeB Thir y d%ys is no % lo o* ime,,,

Ha==! readin#( +udy re%sure2ho m%il,)om

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