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Romans: The Epistle of Paul The Apostle To The

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CHAPTER 1 1 FROM PAUL, a bond servant of Jesus C r!st "t e Mess!a # $a%%ed to be an a&ost%e, "a s&e$!a% 'essen(er# set a&art to )&rea$ * t e +os&e% "(ood ne,s# of and fro' +od, 2 - !$ He &ro'!sed !n advan$e )%on( a(o* t rou( H!s &ro& ets !n t e sa$red S$r!&tures. 3 )T e +os&e%* re(ard!n( H!s Son, - o as to t e f%es "H!s u'an nature# ,as des$ended fro' /av!d, 4 And )as to H!s d!v!ne nature* a$$ord!n( to t e S&!r!t of o%!ness ,as o&en%0 des!(nated t e Son of +od !n &o,er )!n a str!1!n(, tr!u'& ant and '!ra$u%ous 'anner* b0 H!s resurre$t!on fro' t e dead, even Jesus C r!st our Lord "t e Mess!a , t e Ano!nted One#2 5 It !s t rou( H!' t at ,e ave re$e!ved (ra$e "+od3s un'er!ted favor# and )our* a&ost%es !& to &ro'ote obed!en$e to t e fa!t and 'a1e d!s$!&%es for H!s na'e3s sa1e a'on( a%% t e nat!ons, 6 And t !s !n$%udes 0ou, $a%%ed of Jesus C r!st and !nv!ted )as 0ou are* to be%on( to H!'2 7 To )0ou t en* a%% +od3s be%oved ones !n Ro'e, $a%%ed to be sa!nts and des!(nated for a $onse$rated %!fe4 +ra$e and s&!r!tua% b%ess!n( and

&ea$e be 0ours fro' +od our Fat er and fro' t e Lord Jesus C r!st2 8 F!rst, I t an1 '0 +od t rou( Jesus C r!st for a%% of 0ou, be$ause )t e re&ort of* 0our fa!t !s 'ade 1no,n to a%% t e ,or%d and !s $o''ended ever0, ere2 9 For +od !s '0 ,!tness, - o' I serve ,!t '0 ), o%e* s&!r!t )render!n( &r!est%0 and s&!r!tua% serv!$e* !n )&rea$ !n(* t e +os&e% and )te%%!n(* t e (ood ne,s of H!s Son, o, !n$essant%0 I a%,a0s 'ent!on 0ou , en at '0 &ra0ers2 10 I 1ee& &%ead!n( t at so'e o, b0 +od3s ,!%% I 'a0 no, at %ast &ros&er and $o'e to 0ou2 11 For I a' 0earn!n( to see 0ou, t at I 'a0 !'&art and s are ,!t 0ou so'e s&!r!tua% (!ft to stren(t en and estab%!s 0ou5 12 T at !s, t at ,e 'a0 be 'utua%%0 stren(t ened and en$oura(ed and $o'forted b0 ea$ ot er3s fa!t , bot 0ours and '!ne2 13 I ,ant 0ou to 1no,, bret ren, t at 'an0 t!'es I ave &%anned and !ntended to $o'e to 0ou, t ou( t us far I ave been !ndered and &revented, !n order t at I '!( t ave so'e fru!t "so'e resu%t of '0 %abors# a'on( 0ou, as I ave a'on( t e rest


of t e +ent!%es2 14 6ot to +ree1s and to barbar!ans "to t e $u%tured and to t e un$u%tured#, bot to t e ,!se and t e foo%!s , I ave an ob%!(at!on to d!s$ ar(e and a dut0 to &erfor' and a debt to &a02 15 So, for '0 &art, I a' ,!%%!n( and ea(er%0 read0 to &rea$ t e +os&e% to 0ou a%so , o are !n Ro'e2 16 For I a' not as a'ed of t e +os&e% "(ood ne,s# of C r!st, for !t !s +od3s &o,er ,or1!n( unto sa%vat!on )for de%!veran$e fro' eterna% deat * to ever0one , o be%!eves ,!t a &ersona% trust and a $onf!dent surrender and f!r' re%!an$e, to t e Je, f!rst and a%so to t e +ree1, 17 For !n t e +os&e% a r!( teousness , !$ +od as$r!bes !s revea%ed, bot s&r!n(!n( fro' fa!t and %ead!n( to fa!t )d!s$%osed t rou( t e ,a0 of fa!t t at arouses to 'ore fa!t *2 As !t !s ,r!tten, T e 'an , o t rou( fa!t !s 7ust and u&r!( t s a%% %!ve and s a%% %!ve b0 fa!t 2 18 For +od3s ) o%0* ,rat and !nd!(nat!on are revea%ed fro' eaven a(a!nst a%% un(od%!ness and unr!( teousness of 'en, , o !n t e!r ,!$1edness re&ress and !nder t e trut and 'a1e !t !no&erat!ve2 19 For t at , !$ !s 1no,n about +od !s ev!dent to t e' and 'ade &%a!n !n t e!r !nner $ons$!ousness, be$ause +od )H!'se%f* as s o,n !t to t e'2

20 For ever s!n$e t e $reat!on of t e ,or%d H!s !nv!s!b%e nature and attr!butes, t at !s, H!s eterna% &o,er and d!v!n!t0, ave been 'ade !nte%%!(!b%e and $%ear%0 d!s$ern!b%e !n and t rou( t e t !n(s t at ave been 'ade "H!s and!,or1s#2 So )'en* are ,!t out e8$use )a%to(et er ,!t out an0 defense or 7ust!f!$at!on*, 21 6e$ause , en t e0 1ne, and re$o(n!9ed H!' as +od, t e0 d!d not onor and (%or!f0 H!' as +od or (!ve H!' t an1s2 6ut !nstead t e0 be$a'e fut!%e and (od%ess !n t e!r t !n1!n( ),!t va!n !'a(!n!n(s, foo%!s reason!n(, and stu&!d s&e$u%at!ons* and t e!r sense%ess '!nds ,ere dar1ened2 22 C%a!'!n( to be ,!se, t e0 be$a'e foo%s )&rofess!n( to be s'art, t e0 'ade s!'&%etons of t e'se%ves*2 23 And b0 t e' t e (%or0 and 'a7est0 and e8$e%%en$e of t e !''orta% +od ,ere e8$ an(ed for and re&resented b0 !'a(es, rese'b%!n( 'orta% 'an and b!rds and beasts and re&t!%es2 24 T erefore +od (ave t e' u& !n t e %usts of t e!r )o,n* earts to se8ua% !'&ur!t0, to t e d!s onor!n( of t e!r bod!es a'on( t e'se%ves )abandon!n( t e' to t e de(rad!n( &o,er of s!n*, 25 6e$ause t e0 e8$ an(ed t e trut of +od for a %!e and ,ors !&ed and served t e $reature rat er t an t e Creator, - o !s b%essed


forever: A'en "so be !t#2 26 For t !s reason +od (ave t e' over and abandoned t e' to v!%e affe$t!ons and de(rad!n( &ass!ons2 For t e!r ,o'en e8$ an(ed t e!r natura% fun$t!on for an unnatura% and abnor'a% one, 27 And t e 'en a%so turned fro' natura% re%at!ons ,!t ,o'en and ,ere set ab%a9e "burn!n( out, $onsu'ed# ,!t %ust for one anot er.'en $o''!tt!n( s a'efu% a$ts ,!t 'en and suffer!n( !n t e!r o,n bod!es and &ersona%!t!es t e !nev!tab%e $onse;uen$es and &ena%t0 of t e!r ,ron(<do!n( and (o!n( astra0, , !$ ,as )t e!r* f!tt!n( retr!but!on2 28 And so, s!n$e t e0 d!d not see f!t to a$1no,%ed(e +od or a&&rove of H!' or $ons!der H!' ,ort t e 1no,!n(, +od (ave t e' over to a base and $onde'ned '!nd to do t !n(s not &ro&er or de$ent but %oat so'e, 29 Unt!% t e0 ,ere f!%%ed "&er'eated and saturated# ,!t ever0 1!nd of unr!( teousness, !n!;u!t0, (ras&!n( and $ovetous (reed, and 'a%!$e2 )T e0 ,ere* fu%% of env0 and 7ea%ous0, 'urder, str!fe, de$e!t and trea$ er0, !%% ,!%% and $rue% ,a0s2 )T e0 ,ere* se$ret ba$1b!ters and (oss!&ers, 30 S%anderers, atefu% to and at!n( +od, fu%% of !nso%en$e, arro(an$e, )and* boast!n(5 !nventors of ne, for's of ev!%, d!sobed!ent and undut!fu% to &arents2

31 )T e0 ,ere* ,!t out understand!n(, $ons$!en$e%ess and fa!t %ess, eart%ess and %ove%ess )and* 'er$!%ess2 32 T ou( t e0 are fu%%0 a,are of +od3s r!( teous de$ree t at t ose , o do su$ t !n(s deserve to d!e, t e0 not on%0 do t e' t e'se%ves but a&&rove and a&&%aud ot ers , o &ra$t!$e t e'2 CHAPTER = 1 THEREFORE >OU ave no e8$use or defense or 7ust!f!$at!on, O 'an, , oever 0ou are , o 7ud(es and $onde'ns anot er2 For !n &os!n( as 7ud(e and &ass!n( senten$e on anot er, 0ou $onde'n 0ourse%f, be$ause 0ou , o 7ud(e are ab!tua%%0 &ra$t!$!n( t e ver0 sa'e t !n(s )t at 0ou $ensure and denoun$e*2 2 )6ut* ,e 1no, t at t e 7ud('ent "adverse verd!$t, senten$e# of +od fa%%s 7ust%0 and !n a$$ordan$e ,!t trut u&on t ose , o &ra$t!$e su$ t !n(s2 3 And do 0ou t !n1 or !'a(!ne, O 'an, , en 0ou 7ud(e and $onde'n t ose , o &ra$t!$e su$ t !n(s and 0et do t e' 0ourse%f, t at 0ou ,!%% es$a&e +od3s 7ud('ent and e%ude H!s senten$e and adverse verd!$t? 4 Or are 0ou )so b%!nd as to* tr!f%e ,!t and &resu'e u&on and des&!se and underest!'ate t e ,ea%t of H!s 1!ndness and forbearan$e


and %on(<suffer!n( &at!en$e? Are 0ou un'!ndfu% or a$tua%%0 !(norant )of t e fa$t* t at +od3s 1!ndness !s !ntended to %ead 0ou to re&ent " to $ an(e 0our '!nd and !nner 'an to a$$e&t +od3s ,!%%#? 5 6ut b0 0our $a%%ous stubbornness and !'&en!ten$e of eart 0ou are stor!n( u& ,rat and !nd!(nat!on for 0ourse%f on t e da0 of ,rat and !nd!(nat!on, , en +od3s r!( teous 7ud('ent "7ust doo'# ,!%% be revea%ed2 6 For He ,!%% render to ever0 'an a$$ord!n( to !s ,or1s )7ust%0, as !s deeds deserve*4 7 To t ose , o b0 &at!ent &ers!sten$e !n ,e%%<do!n( ) s&r!n(!n( fro' &!et0* see1 )unseen but sure* (%or0 and onor and ) t e eterna% b%essedness of* !''orta%!t0, He ,!%% (!ve eterna% %!fe2 8 6ut for t ose , o are se%f< see1!n( and se%f<,!%%ed and d!sobed!ent to t e Trut but res&ons!ve to ,!$1edness, t ere ,!%% be !nd!(nat!on and ,rat 2 9 )And* t ere ,!%% be tr!bu%at!on and an(u!s and $a%a'!t0 and $onstra!nt for ever0 sou% of 'an , o ) ab!tua%%0* does ev!%, t e Je, f!rst and a%so t e +ree1 "+ent!%e#2 10 6ut (%or0 and onor and ) eart* &ea$e s a%% be a,arded to ever0one , o ) ab!tua%%0* does (ood, t e Je, f!rst and a%so t e +ree1 "+ent!%e#2 11 For +od s o,s no

&art!a%!t0 ) undue favor or unfa!rness5 ,!t H!' one 'an !s not d!fferent fro' anot er*2 12 A%% , o ave s!nned ,!t out t e La, ,!%% a%so &er!s ,!t out )re(ard to* t e La,, and a%% , o ave s!nned under t e La, ,!%% be 7ud(ed and $onde'ned b0 t e La,2 13 For !t !s not 'ere%0 ear!n( t e La, )read* t at 'a1es one r!( teous before +od, but !t !s t e doers of t e La, , o ,!%% be e%d (u!%t%ess and a$;u!tted and 7ust!f!ed2 14 - en +ent!%es , o ave not t e )d!v!ne* La, do !nst!n$t!ve%0 , at t e La, re;u!res, t e0 are a %a, to t e'se%ves, s!n$e t e0 do not ave t e La,2 15 T e0 s o, t at t e essent!a% re;u!re'ents of t e La, are ,r!tten !n t e!r earts and are o&erat!n( t ere, ,!t , !$ t e!r $ons$!en$es "sense of r!( t and ,ron(# a%so bear ,!tness5 and t e!r )'ora%* de$!s!ons "t e!r ar(u'ents of reason, t e!r $onde'n!n( or a&&rov!n( t ou( ts# ,!%% a$$use or &er a&s defend and e8$use )t e'* 16 On t at da0 , en, as '0 +os&e% &ro$%a!'s, +od b0 Jesus C r!st ,!%% 7ud(e 'en !n re(ard to t e t !n(s , !$ t e0 $on$ea% "t e!r !dden t ou( ts#2 17 6ut !f 0ou bear t e na'e of Je, and re%0 u&on t e La, and &r!de 0ourse%ves !n +od and 0our re%at!ons !& to H!', 18 And 1no, and understand H!s ,!%% and d!s$ern!n(%0


a&&rove t e better t !n(s and ave a sense of , at !s v!ta%, be$ause 0ou are !nstru$ted b0 t e La,5 19 And !f 0ou are $onf!dent t at 0ou )0ourse%f* are a (u!de to t e b%!nd, a %!( t to t ose , o are !n dar1ness, and )t at 20 >ou are* a $orre$tor of t e foo%!s , a tea$ er of t e $ !%d!s , av!n( !n t e La, t e e'bod!'ent of 1no,%ed(e and trut . 21 -e%% t en, 0ou , o tea$ ot ers, do 0ou not tea$ 0ourse%f? - !%e 0ou tea$ a(a!nst stea%!n(, do 0ou stea% "ta1e , at does not rea%%0 be%on( to 0ou#? 22 >ou , o sa0 not to $o''!t adu%ter0, do 0ou $o''!t adu%ter0 )are 0ou un$ aste !n a$t!on or !n t ou( t*? >ou , o ab or and %oat e !do%s, do 0ou rob te'&%es )do 0ou a&&ro&r!ate to 0our o,n use , at !s $onse$rated to +od, t us robb!n( t e san$tuar0 and do!n( sa$r!%e(e*? 23 >ou , o boast !n t e La,, do 0ou d!s onor +od b0 brea1!n( t e La, )b0 stea%t !%0 !nfr!n(!n( u&on or $are%ess%0 ne(%e$t!n( or o&en%0 brea1!n( !t*? 24 For, as !t !s ,r!tten, T e na'e of +od !s 'a%!(ned and b%as& e'ed a'on( t e +ent!%es be$ause of 0ou: )T e ,ords to t !s effe$t are fro' 0our o,n S$r!&tures2* 25 C!r$u'$!s!on does !ndeed &rof!t !f 0ou 1ee& t e La,5 but !f 0ou ab!tua%%0 trans(ress

t e La,, 0our $!r$u'$!s!on !s 'ade un$!r$u'$!s!on2 26 So !f a 'an , o !s un$!r$u'$!sed 1ee&s t e re;u!re'ents of t e La,, ,!%% not !s un$!r$u'$!s!on be $red!ted to !' as )e;u!va%ent to* $!r$u'$!s!on? 27 T en t ose , o are & 0s!$a%%0 un$!r$u'$!sed but 1ee& t e La, ,!%% $onde'n 0ou , o, a%t ou( 0ou ave t e $ode !n ,r!t!n( and ave $!r$u'$!s!on, brea1 t e La,2 28 For e !s not a )rea%* Je, , o !s on%0 one out,ard%0 and &ub%!$%0, nor !s )true* $!r$u'$!s!on so'et !n( e8terna% and & 0s!$a%2 29 6ut e !s a Je, , o !s one !n,ard%0, and )true* $!r$u'$!s!on !s of t e eart, a s&!r!tua% and not a %!tera% )'atter*2 H!s &ra!se !s not fro' 'en but fro' +od2 CHAPTER @ 1 THEN -HAT advanta(e re'a!ns to t e Je,? )Ho, !s e favored?* Or , at !s t e va%ue or benef!t of $!r$u'$!s!on? 2 Mu$ !n ever0 ,a02 To be(!n ,!t , to t e Je,s ,ere entrusted t e ora$%es "t e br!ef $o''un!$at!ons, t e !ntent!ons, t e utteran$es# of +od2 3 - at !f so'e d!d not be%!eve and ,ere ,!t out fa!t ? /oes t e!r %a$1 of fa!t and t e!r fa!t %essness nu%%!f0 and 'a1e !neffe$t!ve and vo!d t e fa!t fu%ness of +od and H!s f!de%!t0 )to H!s -ord*? 4 60 no 'eans: Let +od be


found true t ou( ever0 u'an be!n( !s fa%se and a %!ar, as !t !s ,r!tten, T at >ou 'a0 be 7ust!f!ed and s o,n to be u&r!( t !n , at >ou sa0, and &reva!% , en >ou are 7ud(ed )b0 s!nfu% 'en*2 5 6ut !f our unr!( teousness t us estab%!s es and e8 !b!ts t e r!( teousness of +od, , at s a%% ,e sa0? T at +od !s un7ust and ,ron( to !nf%!$t H!s ,rat u&on us )Je,s*? I s&ea1 !n a )&ure%0* u'an ,a02 6 60 no 'eans: Ot er,!se, o, $ou%d +od 7ud(e t e ,or%d? 7 6ut )0ou sa0* !f t rou( '0 fa%se ood +od3s !nte(r!t0 !s 'a(n!f!ed and advert!sed and abounds to H!s (%or0, , 0 a' I st!%% be!n( 7ud(ed as a s!nner? 8 And , 0 s ou%d ,e not do ev!% t at (ood 'a0 $o'e?.as so'e s%anderous%0 $ ar(e us ,!t tea$ !n(2 Su$ )fa%se tea$ !n(* !s 7ust%0 $onde'ned b0 t e'2 9 -e%% t en, are ,e )Je,s* su&er!or and better off t an t e0? No, not at a%%2 -e ave a%read0 $ ar(ed t at a%% 'en, bot Je,s and +ree1s "+ent!%es#, are under s!n ) e%d do,n b0 and sub7e$t to !ts &o,er and $ontro%*2 10 As !t !s ,r!tten, None !s r!( teous, 7ust and trut fu% and u&r!( t and $ons$!ent!ous, no, not one2 11 No one understands )no one !nte%%!(ent%0 d!s$erns or $o'&re ends*5 no one see1s out +od2

12 A%% ave turned as!de5 to(et er t e0 ave (one ,ron( and ave be$o'e un&rof!tab%e and ,ort %ess5 no one does r!( t, not even one: 13 T e!r t roat !s a 0a,n!n( (rave5 t e0 use t e!r ton(ues to de$e!ve "to '!s%ead and to dea% trea$ erous%0#2 T e veno' of as&s !s beneat t e!r %!&s2 14 T e!r 'out !s fu%% of $urs!n( and b!tterness2 15 T e!r feet are s,!ft to s ed b%ood2 16 /estru$t!on )as !t das es t e' to &!e$es* and '!ser0 'ar1 t e!r ,a0s2 17 And t e0 ave no e8&er!en$e of t e ,a0 of &ea$e )t e0 1no, not !n( about &ea$e, for a &ea$efu% ,a0 t e0 do not even re$o(n!9e*2 18 T ere !s no )reverent!a%* fear of +od before t e!r e0es2 19 No, ,e 1no, t at , atever t e La, sa0s, !t s&ea1s to t ose , o are under t e La,, so t at )t e 'ur'urs and e8$uses of* ever0 'out 'a0 be us ed and a%% t e ,or%d 'a0 be e%d a$$ountab%e to +od2 20 For no &erson ,!%% be 7ust!f!ed "'ade r!( teous, a$;u!tted, and 7ud(ed a$$e&tab%e# !n H!s s!( t b0 observ!n( t e ,or1s &res$r!bed b0 t e La,2 For )t e rea% fun$t!on of* t e La, !s to 'a1e 'en re$o(n!9e and be $ons$!ous of s!n ) not 'ere &er$e&t!on, but an a$;ua!ntan$e ,!t s!n , !$


,or1s to,ard re&entan$e, fa!t , and o%0 $ ara$ter*2 21 6ut no, t e r!( teousness of +od as been revea%ed !nde&endent%0 and a%to(et er a&art fro' t e La,, a%t ou( a$tua%%0 !t !s attested b0 t e La, and t e Pro& ets, 22 Na'e%0, t e r!( teousness of +od , !$ $o'es b0 be%!ev!n( ,!t &ersona% trust and $onf!dent re%!an$e on Jesus C r!st "t e Mess!a #2 )And !t !s 'eant* for a%% , o be%!eve2 For t ere !s no d!st!n$t!on, 23 S!n$e a%% ave s!nned and are fa%%!n( s ort of t e onor and (%or0 , !$ +od besto,s and re$e!ves2 24 )A%%* are 7ust!f!ed and 'ade u&r!( t and !n r!( t stand!n( ,!t +od, free%0 and (ratu!tous%0 b0 H!s (ra$e "H!s un'er!ted favor and 'er$0#, t rou( t e rede'&t!on , !$ !s )&rov!ded* !n C r!st Jesus, 25 - o' +od &ut for,ard ) before t e e0es of a%%* as a 'er$0 seat and &ro&!t!at!on b0 H!s b%ood )t e $%eans!n( and %!fe<(!v!n( sa$r!f!$e of atone'ent and re$on$!%!at!on, to be re$e!ved* t rou( fa!t 2 T !s ,as to s o, +od3s r!( teousness, be$ause !n H!s d!v!ne forbearan$e He ad &assed over and !(nored for'er s!ns ,!t out &un!s 'ent2 26 It ,as to de'onstrate and &rove at t e &resent t!'e " !n t e no, season# t at He H!'se%f !s r!( teous and t at He 7ust!f!es and a$$e&ts as

r!( teous !' , o as )true* fa!t !n Jesus2 27 T en , at be$o'es of )our* &r!de and )our* boast!n(? It !s e8$%uded "ban!s ed, ru%ed out ent!re%0#2 On , at &r!n$!&%e? )On t e &r!n$!&%e* of do!n( (ood deeds? No, but on t e &r!n$!&%e of fa!t 2 28 For ,e o%d t at a 'an !s 7ust!f!ed and 'ade u&r!( t b0 fa!t !nde&endent of and d!st!n$t%0 a&art fro' (ood deeds ",or1s of t e La,#2 )T e observan$e of t e La, as not !n( to do ,!t 7ust!f!$at!on2* 29 Or !s +od 'ere%0 )t e +od* of Je,s? Is He not t e +od of +ent!%es a%so? >es, of +ent!%es a%so, 30 S!n$e !t !s one and t e sa'e +od - o ,!%% 7ust!f0 t e $!r$u'$!sed b0 fa!t ) , !$ (er'!nated fro' Abra a'* and t e un$!r$u'$!sed t rou( t e!r )ne,%0 a$;u!red* fa!t 2 )For !t !s t e sa'e trust!n( fa!t !n bot $ases, a f!r'%0 re%0!n( fa!t !n Jesus C r!st*2 31 /o ,e t en b0 )t !s* fa!t 'a1e t e La, of no effe$t, overt ro, !t or 'a1e !t a dead %etter? Certa!n%0 not: On t e $ontrar0, ,e $onf!r' and estab%!s and u& o%d t e La,2 CHAPTER A 1 )6UT* IF so, , at s a%% ,e sa0 about Abra a', our forefat er u'an%0 s&ea1!n( .), at d!d e* f!nd out? )Ho, does t !s affe$t !s &os!t!on, and , at ,as (a!ned b0 !'?*


2 For !f Abra a' ,as 7ust!f!ed " estab%!s ed as 7ust b0 a$;u!tta% fro' (u!%t# b0 (ood ,or1s )t at e d!d, t en* e as (rounds for boast!n(2 6ut not before +od: 3 For , at does t e S$r!&ture sa0? Abra a' be%!eved !n "trusted !n# +od, and !t ,as $red!ted to !s a$$ount as r!( teousness "r!( t %!v!n( and r!( t stand!n( ,!t +od#2 4 No, to a %aborer, !s ,a(es are not $ounted as a favor or a (!ft, but as an ob%!(at!on "so'et !n( o,ed to !'#2 5 6ut to one , o, not ,or1!n( )b0 t e La,*, trusts "be%!eves fu%%0# !n H!' - o 7ust!f!es t e un(od%0, !s fa!t !s $red!ted to !' as r!( teousness "t e stand!n( a$$e&tab%e to +od#2 6 T us /av!d $on(ratu%ates t e 'an and &ronoun$es a b%ess!n( on !' to , o' +od $red!ts r!( teousness a&art fro' t e ,or1s e does4 7 6%essed and a&&0 and to be env!ed are t ose , ose !n!;u!t!es are for(!ven and , ose s!ns are $overed u& and $o'&%ete%0 bur!ed2 8 6%essed and a&&0 and to be env!ed !s t e &erson of , ose s!n t e Lord ,!%% ta1e no a$$ount nor re$1on !t a(a!nst !'2 9 Is t !s b%ess!n( " a&&!ness# t en 'eant on%0 for t e $!r$u'$!sed, or a%so for t e un$!r$u'$!sed? -e sa0 t at fa!t ,as $red!ted to Abra a' as r!( teousness2 10 Ho, t en ,as !t $red!ted )to !'*? -as !t before or

after e ad been $!r$u'$!sed? It ,as not after, but before e ,as $!r$u'$!sed2 11 He re$e!ved t e 'ar1 of $!r$u'$!s!on as a to1en or an ev!den$e )and* sea% of t e r!( teousness , !$ e ad b0 fa!t , !%e e ,as st!%% un$!r$u'$!sed.)fa!t * so t at e ,as to be 'ade t e fat er of a%% , o )tru%0* be%!eve, t ou( ,!t out $!r$u'$!s!on, and , o t us ave r!( teousness "r!( t stand!n( ,!t +od# !'&uted to t e' and $red!ted to t e!r a$$ount, 12 As ,e%% as )t at e be 'ade* t e fat er of t ose $!r$u'$!sed &ersons , o are not 'ere%0 $!r$u'$!sed, but a%so ,a%1 !n t e ,a0 of t at fa!t , !$ our fat er Abra a' ad before e ,as $!r$u'$!sed2 13 For t e &ro'!se to Abra a' or !s &oster!t0, t at e s ou%d !n er!t t e ,or%d, d!d not $o'e t rou( )observ!n( t e $o''ands of* t e La, but t rou( t e r!( teousness of fa!t 2 14 If !t !s t e ad erents of t e La, , o are to be t e e!rs, t en fa!t !s 'ade fut!%e and e'&t0 of a%% 'ean!n( and t e &ro'!se )of +od* !s 'ade vo!d "!s annu%%ed and as no &o,er#2 15 For t e La, resu%ts !n )d!v!ne* ,rat , but , ere t ere !s no %a, t ere !s no trans(ress!on )of !t e!t er*2 16 T erefore, )!n er!t!n(* t e &ro'!se !s t e out$o'e of fa!t and de&ends )ent!re%0*


on fa!t , !n order t at !t '!( t be (!ven as an a$t of (ra$e "un'er!ted favor#, to 'a1e !t stab%e and va%!d and (uaranteed to a%% !s des$endants.not on%0 to t e devotees and ad erents of t e La,, but a%so to t ose , o s are t e fa!t of Abra a', , o !s )t us* t e fat er of us a%%2 17 As !t !s ,r!tten, I ave 'ade 0ou t e fat er of 'an0 nat!ons2 )He ,as a&&o!nted our fat er* !n t e s!( t of +od !n - o' e be%!eved, - o (!ves %!fe to t e dead and s&ea1s of t e none8!stent t !n(s t at )He as foreto%d and &ro'!sed* as !f t e0 )a%read0* e8!sted2 18 )For Abra a', u'an reason for* o&e be!n( (one, o&ed !n fa!t t at e s ou%d be$o'e t e fat er of 'an0 nat!ons, as e ad been &ro'!sed, So )nu'ber%ess* s a%% 0our des$endants be2 19 He d!d not ,ea1en !n fa!t , en e $ons!dered t e )utter* !'&oten$e of !s o,n bod0, , !$ ,as as (ood as dead be$ause e ,as about a undred 0ears o%d, or ), en e $ons!dered* t e barrenness of Sara 3s )deadened* ,o'b2 20 No unbe%!ef or d!strust 'ade !' ,aver "doubt!n(%0 ;uest!on# $on$ern!n( t e &ro'!se of +od, but e (re, stron( and ,as e'&o,ered b0 fa!t as e (ave &ra!se and (%or0 to +od, 21 Fu%%0 sat!sf!ed and assured t at +od ,as ab%e and '!( t0 to 1ee& H!s ,ord

and to do , at He ad &ro'!sed2 22 T at !s , 0 !s fa!t ,as $red!ted to !' as r!( teousness "r!( t stand!n( ,!t +od#2 23 6ut )t e ,ords*, It ,as $red!ted to !', ,ere ,r!tten not for !s sa1e a%one, 24 6ut )t e0 ,ere ,r!tten* for our sa1es too2 )R!( teousness, stand!n( a$$e&tab%e to +od* ,!%% be (ranted and $red!ted to us a%so , o be%!eve !n "trust !n, ad ere to, and re%0 on# +od, - o ra!sed Jesus our Lord fro' t e dead, 25 - o ,as betra0ed and &ut to deat be$ause of our '!sdeeds and ,as ra!sed to se$ure our 7ust!f!$at!on "our a$;u!tta%#, )'a1!n( our a$$ount ba%an$e and abso%v!n( us fro' a%% (u!%t before +od*2 CHAPTER B 1 THEREFORE, SINCE ,e are 7ust!f!ed " a$;u!tted, de$%ared r!( teous, and (!ven a r!( t stand!n( ,!t +od# t rou( fa!t , %et us )(ras& t e fa$t t at ,e* ave )t e &ea$e of re$on$!%!at!on to o%d and to en7o0* &ea$e ,!t +od t rou( our Lord Jesus C r!st "t e Mess!a , t e Ano!nted One#2 2 T rou( H!' a%so ,e ave )our* a$$ess "entran$e, !ntrodu$t!on# b0 fa!t !nto t !s (ra$e "state of +od3s favor# !n , !$ ,e )f!r'%0 and safe%0* stand2 And %et us re7o!$e and e8u%t !n our o&e of


e8&er!en$!n( and en7o0!n( t e (%or0 of +od2 3 Moreover )%et us a%so be fu%% of 7o0 no,:* %et us e8u%t and tr!u'& !n our troub%es and re7o!$e !n our suffer!n(s, 1no,!n( t at &ressure and aff%!$t!on and ards !& &rodu$e &at!ent and uns,erv!n( enduran$e2 4 And enduran$e "fort!tude# deve%o&s 'atur!t0 of $ ara$ter "a&&roved fa!t and tr!ed !nte(r!t0#2 And $ ara$ter )of t !s sort* &rodu$es )t e ab!t of* 7o0fu% and $onf!dent o&e of eterna% sa%vat!on2 5 Su$ o&e never d!sa&&o!nts or de%udes or s a'es us, for +od3s %ove as been &oured out !n our earts t rou( t e Ho%0 S&!r!t - o as been (!ven to us2 6 - !%e ,e ,ere 0et !n ,ea1ness )&o,er%ess to e%& ourse%ves*, at t e f!tt!n( t!'e C r!st d!ed for "!n be a%f of# t e un(od%02 7 No, !t !s an e8traord!nar0 t !n( for one to (!ve !s %!fe even for an u&r!( t 'an, t ou( &er a&s for a nob%e and %ovab%e and (enerous benefa$tor so'eone '!( t even dare to d!e2 8 6ut +od s o,s and $%ear%0 &roves H!s )o,n* %ove for us b0 t e fa$t t at , !%e ,e ,ere st!%% s!nners, C r!st "t e Mess!a , t e Ano!nted One# d!ed for us2 9 T erefore, s!n$e ,e are no, 7ust!f!ed " a$;u!tted, 'ade r!( teous, and brou( t !nto r!( t re%at!ons !& ,!t +od# b0 C r!st3s b%ood, o,

'u$ 'ore )$erta!n !s !t t at* ,e s a%% be saved b0 H!' fro' t e !nd!(nat!on and ,rat of +od2 10 For !f , !%e ,e ,ere ene'!es ,e ,ere re$on$!%ed to +od t rou( t e deat of H!s Son, !t !s 'u$ 'ore )$erta!n*, no, t at ,e are re$on$!%ed, t at ,e s a%% be saved "da!%0 de%!vered fro' s!n3s do'!n!on# t rou( H!s ) resurre$t!on* %!fe2 11 Not on%0 so, but ,e a%so re7o!$e and e8u%t!n(%0 (%or0 !n +od )!n H!s %ove and &erfe$t!on* t rou( our Lord Jesus C r!st, t rou( - o' ,e ave no, re$e!ved and en7o0 )our* re$on$!%!at!on2 12 T erefore, as s!n $a'e !nto t e ,or%d t rou( one 'an, and deat as t e resu%t of s!n, so deat s&read to a%% 'en, ) no one be!n( ab%e to sto& !t or to es$a&e !ts &o,er* be$ause a%% 'en s!nned2 13 )To be sure* s!n ,as !n t e ,or%d before ever t e La, ,as (!ven, but s!n !s not $ ar(ed to 'en3s a$$ount , ere t ere !s no %a, )to trans(ress*2 14 >et deat e%d s,a0 fro' Ada' to Moses )t e La,(!ver*, even over t ose , o d!d not t e'se%ves trans(ress )a &os!t!ve $o''and* as Ada' d!d2 Ada' ,as a t0&e "&ref!(ure# of t e One - o ,as to $o'e )!n reverse, t e for'er destru$t!ve, t e Latter sav!n(*2 15 6ut +od3s free (!ft !s not at a%% to be $o'&ared to t e


tres&ass )H!s (ra$e !s out of a%% &ro&ort!on to t e fa%% of 'an*2 For !f 'an0 d!ed t rou( one 'an3s fa%%!n( a,a0 " !s %a&se, !s offense#, 'u$ 'ore &rofuse%0 d!d +od3s (ra$e and t e free (!ft )t at $o'es* t rou( t e undeserved favor of t e one Man Jesus C r!st abound and overf%o, to and for )t e benef!t of* 'an02 16 Nor !s t e free (!ft at a%% to be $o'&ared to t e effe$t of t at one )'an3s* s!n2 For t e senten$e )fo%%o,!n( t e tres&ass* of one )'an* brou( t $onde'nat!on, , ereas t e free (!ft )fo%%o,!n(* 'an0 trans(ress!ons br!n(s 7ust!f!$at!on " an a$t of r!( teousness#2 17 For !f be$ause of one 'an3s tres&ass "%a&se, offense# deat re!(ned t rou( t at one, 'u$ 'ore sure%0 ,!%% t ose , o re$e!ve )+od3s* overf%o,!n( (ra$e "un'er!ted favor# and t e free (!ft of r!( teousness )&utt!n( t e' !nto r!( t stand!n( ,!t H!'se%f* re!(n as 1!n(s !n %!fe t rou( t e one Man Jesus C r!st "t e Mess!a , t e Ano!nted One#2 18 -e%% t en, as one 'an3s tres&ass )one 'an3s fa%se ste& and fa%%!n( a,a0 %ed* to $onde'nat!on for a%% 'en, so one Man3s a$t of r!( teousness )%eads* to a$;u!tta% and r!( t stand!n( ,!t +od and %!fe for a%% 'en2 19 For 7ust as b0 one 'an3s d!sobed!en$e "fa!%!n( to ear,

eed%essness, and $are%essness# t e 'an0 ,ere $onst!tuted s!nners, so b0 one Man3s obed!en$e t e 'an0 ,!%% be $onst!tuted r!( teous "'ade a$$e&tab%e to +od, brou( t !nto r!( t stand!n( ,!t H!'#2 20 6ut t en La, $a'e !n, )on%0* to e8&and and !n$rease t e tres&ass )'a1!n( !t 'ore a&&arent and e8$!t!n( o&&os!t!on*2 6ut , ere s!n !n$reased and abounded, (ra$e "+od3s un'er!ted favor# as sur&assed !t and !n$reased t e 'ore and su&erabounded, 21 So t at, )7ust* as s!n as re!(ned !n deat , )so* (ra$e "H!s unearned and undeserved favor# '!( t re!(n a%so t rou( r!( teousness "r!( t stand!n( ,!t +od# , !$ !ssues !n eterna% %!fe t rou( Jesus C r!st "t e Mess!a , t e Ano!nted One# our Lord2 CHAPTER C 1 -HAT SHALL ,e sa0 )to a%% t !s*? Are ,e to re'a!n !n s!n !n order t at +od3s (ra$e "favor and 'er$0# 'a0 'u%t!&%0 and overf%o,? 2 Certa!n%0 not: Ho, $an ,e , o d!ed to s!n %!ve !n !t an0 %on(er? 3 Are 0ou !(norant of t e fa$t t at a%% of us , o ave been ba&t!9ed !nto C r!st Jesus ,ere ba&t!9ed !nto H!s deat ? 4 -e ,ere bur!ed t erefore ,!t H!' b0 t e ba&t!s' !nto deat , so t at 7ust as C r!st


,as ra!sed fro' t e dead b0 t e (%or!ous )&o,er* of t e Fat er, so ,e too '!( t ) ab!tua%%0* %!ve and be ave !n ne,ness of %!fe2 5 For !f ,e ave be$o'e one ,!t H!' b0 s ar!n( a deat %!1e H!s, ,e s a%% a%so be )one ,!t H!' !n s ar!n(* H!s resurre$t!on )b0 a ne, %!fe %!ved for +od*2 6 -e 1no, t at our o%d "unrene,ed# se%f ,as na!%ed to t e $ross ,!t H!' !n order t at )our* bod0 ), !$ !s t e !nstru'ent* of s!n '!( t be 'ade !neffe$t!ve and !na$t!ve for ev!%, t at ,e '!( t no %on(er be t e s%aves of s!n2 7 For , en a 'an d!es, e !s freed "%oosed, de%!vered# fro' )t e &o,er of* s!n )a'on( 'en*2 8 No, !f ,e ave d!ed ,!t C r!st, ,e be%!eve t at ,e s a%% a%so %!ve ,!t H!', 9 6e$ause ,e 1no, t at C r!st "t e Ano!nted One#, be!n( on$e ra!sed fro' t e dead, ,!%% never d!e a(a!n5 deat no %on(er as &o,er over H!'2 10 For b0 t e deat He d!ed, He d!ed to s!n )end!n( H!s re%at!on to !t* on$e for a%%5 and t e %!fe t at He %!ves, He !s %!v!n( to +od )!n unbro1en fe%%o,s !& ,!t H!'*2 11 Even so $ons!der 0ourse%ves a%so dead to s!n and 0our re%at!on to !t bro1en, but a%!ve to +od )%!v!n( !n unbro1en fe%%o,s !& ,!t H!'* !n C r!st Jesus2 12 Let not s!n t erefore ru%e as 1!n( !n 0our 'orta% "s ort<

%!ved, &er!s ab%e# bod!es, to 'a1e 0ou 0!e%d to !ts $rav!n(s and be sub7e$t to !ts %usts and ev!% &ass!ons2 13 /o not $ont!nue offer!n( or 0!e%d!n( 0our bod!%0 'e'bers )and fa$u%t!es* to s!n as !nstru'ents "too%s# of ,!$1edness2 6ut offer and 0!e%d 0ourse%ves to +od as t ou( 0ou ave been ra!sed fro' t e dead to )&er&etua%* %!fe, and 0our bod!%0 'e'bers )and fa$u%t!es* to +od, &resent!n( t e' as !'&%e'ents of r!( teousness2 14 For s!n s a%% not )an0 %on(er* e8ert do'!n!on over 0ou, s!n$e no, 0ou are not under La, )as s%aves*, but under (ra$e )as sub7e$ts of +od3s favor and 'er$0*2 15 - at t en )are ,e to $on$%ude*? S a%% ,e s!n be$ause ,e %!ve not under La, but under +od3s favor and 'er$0? Certa!n%0 not: 16 /o 0ou not 1no, t at !f 0ou $ont!nua%%0 surrender 0ourse%ves to an0one to do !s ,!%%, 0ou are t e s%aves of !' , o' 0ou obe0, , et er t at be to s!n, , !$ %eads to deat , or to obed!en$e , !$ %eads to r!( teousness "r!( t do!n( and r!( t stand!n( ,!t +od#? 17 6ut t an1 +od, t ou( 0ou ,ere on$e s%aves of s!n, 0ou ave be$o'e obed!ent ,!t a%% 0our eart to t e standard of tea$ !n( !n , !$ 0ou ,ere !nstru$ted and to , !$ 0ou ,ere $o''!tted2 18 And av!n( been set free fro' s!n, 0ou ave be$o'e


t e servants of r!( teousness "of $onfor'!t0 to t e d!v!ne ,!%% !n t ou( t, &ur&ose, and a$t!on#2 19 I a' s&ea1!n( !n fa'!%!ar u'an ter's be$ause of 0our natura% %!'!tat!ons2 For as 0ou 0!e%ded 0our bod!%0 'e'bers )and fa$u%t!es* as servants to !'&ur!t0 and ever !n$reas!n( %a,%essness, so no, 0!e%d 0our bod!%0 'e'bers )and fa$u%t!es* on$e for a%% as servants to r!( teousness "r!( t be!n( and do!n(# ), !$ %eads* to san$t!f!$at!on2 20 For , en 0ou ,ere s%aves of s!n, 0ou ,ere free !n re(ard to r!( teousness2 21 6ut t en , at benef!t "return# d!d 0ou (et fro' t e t !n(s of , !$ 0ou are no, as a'ed? )None* for t e end of t ose t !n(s !s deat 2 22 6ut no, s!n$e 0ou ave been set free fro' s!n and ave be$o'e t e s%aves of +od, 0ou ave 0our &resent re,ard !n o%!ness and !ts end !s eterna% %!fe2 23 For t e ,a(es , !$ s!n &a0s !s deat , but t e )bount!fu%* free (!ft of +od !s eterna% %!fe t rou( "!n un!on ,!t # Jesus C r!st our Lord2 CHAPTER D 1 /O >OU not 1no,, bret ren .for I a' s&ea1!n( to 'en , o are a$;ua!nted ,!t t e La,.t at %e(a% $%a!'s ave &o,er over a &erson on%0 for as %on( as e !s a%!ve? 2 For )!nstan$e* a 'arr!ed ,o'an !s bound b0 %a, to er usband as %on( as e %!ves5

but !f er usband d!es, s e !s %oosed and d!s$ ar(ed fro' t e %a, $on$ern!n( er usband2 3 A$$ord!n(%0, s e ,!%% be e%d an adu%teress !f s e un!tes erse%f to anot er 'an , !%e er usband %!ves2 6ut !f er usband d!es, t e 'arr!a(e %a, no %on(er !s b!nd!n( on er )s e !s free fro' t at %a,*5 and !f s e un!tes erse%f to anot er 'an, s e !s not an adu%teress2 4 L!1e,!se, '0 bret ren, 0ou ave under(one deat as to t e La, t rou( t e )$ru$!f!ed* bod0 of C r!st, so t at no, 0ou 'a0 be%on( to Anot er, to H!' - o ,as ra!sed fro' t e dead !n order t at ,e 'a0 bear fru!t for +od2 5 - en ,e ,ere %!v!n( !n t e f%es "'ere & 0s!$a% %!ves#, t e s!nfu% &ass!ons t at ,ere a,a1ened and aroused u& b0 ), at* t e La, )'a1es s!n* ,ere $onstant%0 o&erat!n( !n our natura% &o,ers "!n our bod!%0 or(ans, !n t e sens!t!ve a&&et!tes and ,!%%s of t e f%es #, so t at ,e bore fru!t for deat 2 6 6ut no, ,e are d!s$ ar(ed fro' t e La, and ave ter'!nated a%% !nter$ourse ,!t !t, av!n( d!ed to , at on$e restra!ned and e%d us $a&t!ve2 So no, ,e serve not under )obed!en$e to* t e o%d $ode of ,r!tten re(u%at!ons, but )under obed!en$e to t e &ro'&t!n(s* of t e S&!r!t !n ne,ness )of %!fe*2 7 - at t en do ,e $on$%ude?


Is t e La, !dent!$a% ,!t s!n? Certa!n%0 not: Nevert e%ess, !f !t ad not been for t e La,, I s ou%d not ave re$o(n!9ed s!n or ave 1no,n !ts 'ean!n(2 )For !nstan$e* I ,ou%d not ave 1no,n about $ovetousness ),ou%d ave ad no $ons$!ousness of s!n or sense of (u!%t* !f t e La, ad not )re&eated%0* sa!d, >ou s a%% not $ovet and ave an ev!% des!re )for one t !n( and anot er*2 8 6ut s!n, f!nd!n( o&&ortun!t0 !n t e $o''and'ent )to e8&ress !tse%f*, (ot a o%d on 'e and aroused and st!'u%ated a%% 1!nds of forb!dden des!res "%ust, $ovetousness#2 For ,!t out t e La, s!n !s dead )t e sense of !t !s !na$t!ve and a %!fe%ess t !n(*2 9 On$e I ,as a%!ve, but ;u!te a&art fro' and un$ons$!ous of t e La,2 6ut , en t e $o''and'ent $a'e, s!n %!ved a(a!n and I d!ed ",as senten$ed b0 t e La, to deat #2 10 And t e ver0 %e(a% ord!nan$e , !$ ,as des!(ned and !ntended to br!n( %!fe a$tua%%0 &roved )to 'ean to 'e* deat 2 11 For s!n, se!9!n( t e o&&ortun!t0 and (ett!n( a o%d on 'e )b0 ta1!n( !ts !n$ent!ve* fro' t e $o''and'ent, be(u!%ed and entra&&ed and $ eated 'e, and us!n( !t )as a ,ea&on*, 1!%%ed 'e2 12 T e La, t erefore !s o%0, and )ea$ * $o''and'ent !s

o%0 and 7ust and (ood2 13 /!d t at , !$ !s (ood t en &rove fata% )br!n(!n( deat * to 'e? Certa!n%0 not: It ,as s!n, ,or1!n( deat !n 'e b0 us!n( t !s (ood t !n( )as a ,ea&on*, !n order t at t rou( t e $o''and'ent s!n '!( t be s o,n u& $%ear%0 to be s!n, t at t e e8tre'e 'a%!(n!t0 and !''easurab%e s!nfu%ness of s!n '!( t &%a!n%0 a&&ear2 14 -e 1no, t at t e La, !s s&!r!tua%5 but I a' a $reature of t e f%es )$arna%, uns&!r!tua%*, av!n( been so%d !nto s%aver0 under )t e $ontro% of* s!n2 15 For I do not understand '0 o,n a$t!ons )I a' baff%ed, be,!%dered*2 I do not &ra$t!$e or a$$o'&%!s , at I ,!s , but I do t e ver0 t !n( t at I %oat e ) , !$ '0 'ora% !nst!n$t $onde'ns*2 16 No, !f I do ) ab!tua%%0* , at !s $ontrar0 to '0 des!re, )t at 'eans t at* I a$1no,%ed(e and a(ree t at t e La, !s (ood "'ora%%0 e8$e%%ent# and t at I ta1e s!des ,!t !t2 17 Ho,ever, !t !s no %on(er I , o do t e deed, but t e s!n )&r!n$!&%e* , !$ !s at o'e !n 'e and as &ossess!on of 'e2 18 For I 1no, t at not !n( (ood d,e%%s ,!t !n 'e, t at !s, !n '0 f%es 2 I $an ,!%% , at !s r!( t, but I $annot &erfor' !t2 )I ave t e !ntent!on and ur(e to do , at !s r!( t, but no &o,er to $arr0 !t out2* 19 For I fa!% to &ra$t!$e t e (ood deeds I des!re to do, but


t e ev!% deeds t at I do not des!re to do are , at I a' )ever* do!n(2 20 No, !f I do , at I do not des!re to do, !t !s no %on(er I do!n( !t )!t !s not '0se%f t at a$ts*, but t e s!n )&r!n$!&%e* , !$ d,e%%s ,!t !n 'e ) f!8ed and o&erat!n( !n '0 sou%*2 21 So I f!nd !t to be a %a, "ru%e of a$t!on of '0 be!n(# t at , en I ,ant to do , at !s r!( t and (ood, ev!% !s ever &resent ,!t 'e and I a' sub7e$t to !ts !ns!stent de'ands2 22 For I endorse and de%!( t !n t e La, of +od !n '0 !n'ost se%f ),!t '0 ne, nature*2 23 6ut I d!s$ern !n '0 bod!%0 'e'bers ) !n t e sens!t!ve a&&et!tes and ,!%%s of t e f%es * a d!fferent %a, "ru%e of a$t!on# at ,ar a(a!nst t e %a, of '0 '!nd "'0 reason# and 'a1!n( 'e a &r!soner to t e %a, of s!n t at d,e%%s !n '0 bod!%0 or(ans ) !n t e sens!t!ve a&&et!tes and ,!%%s of t e f%es *2 24 O un a&&0 and &!t!ab%e and ,ret$ ed 'an t at I a': - o ,!%% re%ease and de%!ver 'e fro' )t e s a$1%es of* t !s bod0 of deat ? 25 O t an1 +od: )He ,!%%:* t rou( Jesus C r!st "t e Ano!nted One# our Lord: So t en !ndeed I, of '0se%f ,!t t e '!nd and eart, serve t e La, of +od, but ,!t t e f%es t e %a, of s!n2 CHAPTER E 1 THEREFORE, )t ere !s* no,

no $onde'nat!on "no ad7ud(!n( (u!%t0 of ,ron(# for t ose , o are !n C r!st Jesus, , o %!ve )and* ,a%1 not after t e d!$tates of t e f%es , but after t e d!$tates of t e S&!r!t2 2 For t e %a, of t e S&!r!t of %!fe ), !$ !s* !n C r!st Jesus )t e %a, of our ne, be!n(* as freed 'e fro' t e %a, of s!n and of deat 2 3 For +od as done , at t e La, $ou%d not do, )!ts &o,er* be!n( ,ea1ened b0 t e f%es ) t e ent!re nature of 'an ,!t out t e Ho%0 S&!r!t*2 Send!n( H!s o,n Son !n t e (u!se of s!nfu% f%es and as an offer!n( for s!n, )+od* $onde'ned s!n !n t e f%es ) subdued, over$a'e, de&r!ved !t of !ts &o,er over a%% , o a$$e&t t at sa$r!f!$e*, 4 So t at t e r!( teous and 7ust re;u!re'ent of t e La, '!( t be fu%%0 'et !n us , o %!ve and 'ove not !n t e ,a0s of t e f%es but !n t e ,a0s of t e S&!r!t )our %!ves (overned not b0 t e standards and a$$ord!n( to t e d!$tates of t e f%es , but $ontro%%ed b0 t e Ho%0 S&!r!t*2 5 For t ose , o are a$$ord!n( to t e f%es and are $ontro%%ed b0 !ts un o%0 des!res set t e!r '!nds on and &ursue t ose t !n(s , !$ (rat!f0 t e f%es , but t ose , o are a$$ord!n( to t e S&!r!t and are $ontro%%ed b0 t e des!res of t e S&!r!t set t e!r '!nds on and see1 t ose t !n(s , !$ (rat!f0 t e )Ho%0* S&!r!t2


6 No, t e '!nd of t e f%es ), !$ !s sense and reason ,!t out t e Ho%0 S&!r!t* !s deat )deat t at $o'&r!ses a%% t e '!ser!es ar!s!n( fro' s!n, bot ere and ereafter*2 6ut t e '!nd of t e )Ho%0* S&!r!t !s %!fe and )sou%* &ea$e )bot no, and forever*2 7 )T at !s* be$ause t e '!nd of t e f%es ),!t !ts $arna% t ou( ts and &ur&oses* !s ost!%e to +od, for !t does not sub'!t !tse%f to +od3s La,5 !ndeed !t $annot2 8 So t en t ose , o are %!v!n( t e %!fe of t e f%es )$ater!n( to t e a&&et!tes and !'&u%ses of t e!r $arna% nature* $annot &%ease or sat!sf0 +od, or be a$$e&tab%e to H!'2 9 6ut 0ou are not %!v!n( t e %!fe of t e f%es , 0ou are %!v!n( t e %!fe of t e S&!r!t, !f t e )Ho%0* S&!r!t of +od )rea%%0* d,e%%s ,!t !n 0ou )d!re$ts and $ontro%s 0ou*2 6ut !f an0one does not &ossess t e )Ho%0* S&!r!t of C r!st, e !s none of H!s ) e does not be%on( to C r!st, !s not tru%0 a $ !%d of +od*2 10 6ut !f C r!st %!ves !n 0ou, )t en a%t ou( * 0our )natura%* bod0 !s dead b0 reason of s!n and (u!%t, t e s&!r!t !s a%!ve be$ause of )t e* r!( teousness )t at He !'&utes to 0ou*2 11 And !f t e S&!r!t of H!' - o ra!sed u& Jesus fro' t e dead d,e%%s !n 0ou, )t en* He - o ra!sed u& C r!st Jesus fro' t e dead ,!%% a%so

restore to %!fe 0our 'orta% "s ort<%!ved, &er!s ab%e# bod!es t rou( H!s S&!r!t - o d,e%%s !n 0ou2 12 So t en, bret ren, ,e are debtors, but not to t e f%es ),e are not ob%!(ated to our $arna% nature*, to %!ve )a %!fe ru%ed b0 t e standards set u& b0 t e d!$tates* of t e f%es 2 13 For !f 0ou %!ve a$$ord!n( to )t e d!$tates of* t e f%es , 0ou ,!%% sure%0 d!e2 6ut !f t rou( t e &o,er of t e )Ho%0* S&!r!t 0ou are ) ab!tua%%0* &utt!n( to deat "'a1!n( e8t!n$t, deaden!n(# t e )ev!%* deeds &ro'&ted b0 t e bod0, 0ou s a%% )rea%%0 and (enu!ne%0* %!ve forever2 14 For a%% , o are %ed b0 t e S&!r!t of +od are sons of +od2 15 For )t e S&!r!t , !$ * 0ou ave no, re$e!ved )!s* not a s&!r!t of s%aver0 to &ut 0ou on$e 'ore !n bonda(e to fear, but 0ou ave re$e!ved t e S&!r!t of ado&t!on )t e S&!r!t &rodu$!n( sons !&* !n )t e b%!ss of* , !$ ,e $r0, Abba "Fat er#: Fat er: 16 T e S&!r!t H!'se%f )t us* test!f!es to(et er ,!t our o,n s&!r!t, )assur!n( us* t at ,e are $ !%dren of +od2 17 And !f ,e are )H!s* $ !%dren, t en ,e are )H!s* e!rs a%so4 e!rs of +od and fe%%o, e!rs ,!t C r!st )s ar!n( H!s !n er!tan$e ,!t H!'*5 on%0 ,e 'ust s are H!s suffer!n( !f ,e are to s are H!s (%or02 18 )6ut , at of t at?* For I $ons!der t at t e suffer!n(s of t !s &resent t!'e "t !s


&resent %!fe# are not ,ort be!n( $o'&ared ,!t t e (%or0 t at !s about to be revea%ed to us and !n us and for us and $onferred on us: 19 For )even t e , o%e* $reat!on "a%% nature# ,a!ts e8&e$tant%0 and %on(s earnest%0 for +od3s sons to be 'ade 1no,n ),a!ts for t e revea%!n(, t e d!s$%os!n( of t e!r sons !&*2 20 For t e $reat!on "nature# ,as sub7e$ted to fra!%t0 "to fut!%!t0, $onde'ned to frustrat!on#, not be$ause of so'e !ntent!ona% fau%t on !ts &art, but b0 t e ,!%% of H!' - o so sub7e$ted !t.)0et* ,!t t e o&e 21 T at nature "$reat!on# !tse%f ,!%% be set free fro' !ts bonda(e to de$a0 and $orru&t!on )and (a!n an entran$e* !nto t e (%or!ous freedo' of +od3s $ !%dren2 22 -e 1no, t at t e , o%e $reat!on )of !rrat!ona% $reatures* as been 'oan!n( to(et er !n t e &a!ns of %abor unt!% no,2 23 And not on%0 t e $reat!on, but ,e ourse%ves too, , o ave and en7o0 t e f!rstfru!ts of t e )Ho%0* S&!r!t )a foretaste of t e b%!ssfu% t !n(s to $o'e* (roan !n,ard%0 as ,e ,a!t for t e rede'&t!on of our bod!es )fro' sensua%!t0 and t e (rave, , !$ ,!%% revea%* our ado&t!on "our 'an!festat!on as +od3s sons#2 24 For !n )t !s* o&e ,e ,ere saved2 6ut o&e )t e ob7e$t of* , !$ !s seen !s not o&e2 For o, $an one o&e for

, at e a%read0 sees? 25 6ut !f ,e o&e for , at !s st!%% unseen b0 us, ,e ,a!t for !t ,!t &at!en$e and $o'&osure2 26 So too t e )Ho%0* S&!r!t $o'es to our a!d and bears us u& !n our ,ea1ness5 for ,e do not 1no, , at &ra0er to offer nor o, to offer !t ,ort !%0 as ,e ou( t, but t e S&!r!t H!'se%f (oes to 'eet our su&&%!$at!on and &%eads !n our be a%f ,!t uns&ea1ab%e 0earn!n(s and (roan!n(s too dee& for utteran$e2 27 And He - o sear$ es t e earts of 'en 1no,s , at !s !n t e '!nd of t e )Ho%0* S&!r!t ), at H!s !ntent !s*, be$ause t e S&!r!t !nter$edes and &%eads )before +od* !n be a%f of t e sa!nts a$$ord!n( to and !n ar'on0 ,!t +od3s ,!%%2 28 -e are assured and 1no, t at ) +od be!n( a &artner !n t e!r %abor* a%% t !n(s ,or1 to(et er and are )f!tt!n( !nto a &%an* for (ood to and for t ose , o %ove +od and are $a%%ed a$$ord!n( to )H!s* des!(n and &ur&ose2 29 For t ose , o' He fore1ne, )of , o' He ,as a,are and %oved before and*, He a%so dest!ned fro' t e be(!nn!n( )foreorda!n!n( t e'* to be 'o%ded !nto t e !'a(e of H!s Son )and s are !n,ard%0 H!s %!1eness*, t at He '!( t be$o'e t e f!rstborn a'on( 'an0 bret ren2 30 And t ose , o' He t us foreorda!ned, He a%so $a%%ed5


and t ose , o' He $a%%ed, He a%so 7ust!f!ed "a$;u!tted, 'ade r!( teous, &utt!n( t e' !nto r!( t stand!n( ,!t H!'se%f#2 And t ose , o' He 7ust!f!ed, He a%so (%or!f!ed )ra!s!n( t e' to a eaven%0 d!(n!t0 and $ond!t!on or state of be!n(*2 31 - at t en s a%% ,e sa0 to )a%%* t !s? If +od !s for us, , o )$an be* a(a!nst us? )- o $an be our foe, !f +od !s on our s!de?* 32 He , o d!d not ,!t o%d or s&are )even* H!s o,n Son but (ave H!' u& for us a%%, ,!%% He not a%so ,!t H!' free%0 and (ra$!ous%0 (!ve us a%% )ot er* t !n(s? 33 - o s a%% br!n( an0 $ ar(e a(a!nst +od3s e%e$t ), en !t !s* +od - o 7ust!f!es )t at !s, - o &uts us !n r!( t re%at!on to H!'se%f? - o s a%% $o'e for,ard and a$$use or !'&ea$ t ose , o' +od as $ osen? -!%% +od, - o a$;u!ts us?* 34 - o !s t ere to $onde'n )us*? -!%% C r!st Jesus "t e Mess!a #, - o d!ed, or rat er - o ,as ra!sed fro' t e dead, - o !s at t e r!( t and of +od a$tua%%0 &%ead!n( as He !nter$edes for us? 35 - o s a%% ever se&arate us fro' C r!st3s %ove? S a%% suffer!n( and aff%!$t!on and tr!bu%at!on? Or $a%a'!t0 and d!stress? Or &erse$ut!on or un(er or dest!tut!on or &er!% or s,ord? 36 Even as !t !s ,r!tten, For T 0 sa1e ,e are &ut to deat a%% t e da0 %on(5 ,e are

re(arded and $ounted as s ee& for t e s%au( ter2 37 >et a'!d a%% t ese t !n(s ,e are 'ore t an $on;uerors and (a!n a sur&ass!n( v!$tor0 t rou( H!' - o %oved us2 38 For I a' &ersuaded be0ond doubt "a' sure# t at ne!t er deat nor %!fe, nor an(e%s nor &r!n$!&a%!t!es, nor t !n(s !'&end!n( and t reaten!n( nor t !n(s to $o'e, nor &o,ers, 39 Nor e!( t nor de&t , nor an0t !n( e%se !n a%% $reat!on ,!%% be ab%e to se&arate us fro' t e %ove of +od , !$ !s !n C r!st Jesus our Lord2 CHAPTER F 1 I AM s&ea1!n( t e trut !n C r!st2 I a' not %0!n(5 '0 $ons$!en$e )en%!( tened and &ro'&ted* b0 t e Ho%0 S&!r!t bear!n( ,!tness ,!t 'e 2 T at I ave b!tter (r!ef and !n$essant an(u!s !n '0 eart2 3 For I $ou%d ,!s t at I '0se%f ,ere a$$ursed and $ut off and ban!s ed fro' C r!st for t e sa1e of '0 bret ren and !nstead of t e', '0 natura% 1!ns'en and '0 fe%%o, $ountr0'en2 4 For t e0 are Israe%!tes, and to t e' be%on( +od3s ado&t!on )as a nat!on* and t e (%or!ous Presen$e "S e1!na #2 -!t t e' ,ere t e s&e$!a% $ovenants 'ade, to t e' ,as t e La, (!ven2 To t e' )t e te'&%e* ,ors !& ,as revea%ed and )+od3s o,n* &ro'!ses announ$ed2 5 To t e' be%on( t e


&atr!ar$ s, and as far as H!s natura% des$ent ,as $on$erned, fro' t e' !s t e C r!st, - o !s e8a%ted and su&re'e over a%%, +od, b%essed forever: A'en "so %et !t be#2 6 Ho,ever, !t !s not as t ou( +od3s -ord ad fa!%ed )$o'!n( to not !n(*2 For !t !s not ever0bod0 , o !s a des$endant of Ja$ob "Israe%# , o be%on(s to )t e true* Israe%2 7 And t e0 are not a%% t e $ !%dren of Abra a' be$ause t e0 are b0 b%ood !s des$endants2 No, )t e &ro'!se ,as* >our des$endants ,!%% be $a%%ed and $ounted t rou( t e %!ne of Isaa$ )t ou( Abra a' ad an o%der son*2 8 T at !s to sa0, !t !s not t e $ !%dren of t e bod0 )of Abra a'* , o are 'ade +od3s $ !%dren, but !t !s t e offs&r!n( to , o' t e &ro'!se a&&%!es t at s a%% be $ounted )as Abra a'3s true* des$endants2 9 For t !s !s , at t e &ro'!se sa!d, About t !s t!'e )ne8t 0ear* ,!%% I return and Sara s a%% ave a son2 10 And not on%0 t at, but t !s too4 Rebe$$a $on$e!ved )t,o sons under e8a$t%0 t e sa'e $!r$u'stan$es* b0 our forefat er Isaa$, 11 And t e $ !%dren ,ere 0et unborn and ad so far done not !n( e!t er (ood or ev!%2 Even so, !n order furt er to $arr0 out +od3s &ur&ose of se%e$t!on "e%e$t!on, $ o!$e#,

, !$ de&ends not on ,or1s or , at 'en $an do, but on H!' - o $a%%s )t e'*, 12 It ,as sa!d to er t at t e e%der )son* s ou%d serve t e 0oun(er )son*2 13 As !t !s ,r!tten, Ja$ob ave I %oved, but Esau ave I ated " e%d !n re%at!ve d!sre(ard !n $o'&ar!son ,!t M0 fee%!n( for Ja$ob#2 14 - at s a%% ,e $on$%ude t en? Is t ere !n7ust!$e u&on +od3s &art? Certa!n%0 not: 15 For He sa0s to Moses, I ,!%% ave 'er$0 on , o' I ,!%% ave 'er$0 and I ,!%% ave $o'&ass!on "&!t0# on , o' I ,!%% ave $o'&ass!on2 16 So t en )+od3s (!ft* !s not a ;uest!on of u'an ,!%% and u'an effort, but of +od3s 'er$02 )It de&ends not on one3s o,n ,!%%!n(ness nor on !s strenuous e8ert!on as !n runn!n( a ra$e, but on +od3s av!n( 'er$0 on !'2* 17 For t e S$r!&ture sa0s to P arao , I ave ra!sed 0ou u& for t !s ver0 &ur&ose of d!s&%a0!n( M0 &o,er !n )dea%!n( ,!t * 0ou, so t at M0 na'e 'a0 be &ro$%a!'ed t e , o%e ,or%d over2 18 So t en He as 'er$0 on , o'ever He ,!%%s "$ ooses# and He ardens "'a1es stubborn and un0!e%d!n( t e eart of# , o'ever He ,!%%s2 19 >ou ,!%% sa0 to 'e, - 0 t en does He st!%% f!nd fau%t and b%a'e us )for s!nn!n(*? For , o $an res!st and ,!t stand H!s ,!%%? 20 6ut , o are 0ou, a 'ere 'an, to $r!t!$!9e and


$ontrad!$t and ans,er ba$1 to +od? -!%% , at !s for'ed sa0 to !' t at for'ed !t, - 0 ave 0ou 'ade 'e t us? 21 Has t e &otter no r!( t over t e $%a0, to 'a1e out of t e sa'e 'ass "%u'&# one vesse% for beaut0 and d!st!n$t!on and onorab%e use, and anot er for 'en!a% or !(nob%e and d!s onorab%e use? 22 - at !f +od, a%t ou( fu%%0 !ntend!n( to s o, )t e a,fu%ness of* H!s ,rat and to 'a1e 1no,n H!s &o,er and aut or!t0, as to%erated ,!t 'u$ &at!en$e t e vesse%s "ob7e$ts# of )H!s* an(er , !$ are r!&e for destru$t!on? 23 And ), at !f* He t us &ur&oses to 'a1e 1no,n and s o, t e ,ea%t of H!s (%or0 !n )dea%!n( ,!t * t e vesse%s "ob7e$ts# of H!s 'er$0 , !$ He as &re&ared before and for (%or0, 24 Even !n$%ud!n( ourse%ves , o' He as $a%%ed, not on%0 fro' a'on( t e Je,s but a%so fro' a'on( t e +ent!%es " eat en#? 25 Just as He sa0s !n Hosea, T ose , o ,ere not M0 &eo&%e I ,!%% $a%% M0 &eo&%e, and er , o ,as not be%oved )I ,!%% $a%%* M0 be%oved2 26 And !t s a%% be t at !n t e ver0 &%a$e , ere !t ,as sa!d to t e', >ou are not M0 &eo&%e, t e0 s a%% be $a%%ed sons of t e %!v!n( +od2 27 And Isa!a $a%%s out "so%e'n%0 $r!es a%oud# over Israe%4 T ou( t e nu'ber of t e sons of Israe% be %!1e t e sand of t e sea, on%0 t e

re'nant "a s'a%% &art of t e'# ,!%% be saved ) fro' &erd!t!on, $onde'nat!on, 7ud('ent*: 28 For t e Lord ,!%% e8e$ute H!s senten$e u&on t e eart )He ,!%% $on$%ude and $%ose H!s a$$ount ,!t 'en $o'&%ete%0 and ,!t out de%a0*, r!(orous%0 $utt!n( !t s ort !n H!s 7ust!$e2 29 It !s as Isa!a &red!$ted, If t e Lord of osts ad not %eft us a seed )fro' , !$ to &ro&a(ate des$endants*, ,e )Israe%* ,ou%d ave fared %!1e Sodo' and ave been 'ade %!1e +o'orra 2 30 - at s a%% ,e sa0 t en? T at +ent!%es , o d!d not fo%%o, after r!( teousness ), o d!d not see1 sa%vat!on b0 r!( t re%at!ons !& to +od* ave atta!ned !t b0 fa!t )a r!( teousness !'&uted b0 +od, based on and &rodu$ed b0 fa!t *, 31 - ereas Israe%, t ou( ever !n &ursu!t of a %a, )for t e se$ur!n(* of r!( teousness "r!( t stand!n( ,!t +od#, a$tua%%0 d!d not su$$eed !n fu%f!%%!n( t e La,2 32 For , at reason? 6e$ause )t e0 &ursued !t* not t rou( fa!t , re%0!n( )!nstead* on t e 'er!t of t e!r ,or1s )t e0 d!d not de&end on fa!t but on , at t e0 $ou%d do*2 T e0 ave stu'b%ed over t e Stu'b%!n( Stone2 33 As !t !s ,r!tten, 6e o%d I a' %a0!n( !n G!on a Stone t at ,!%% 'a1e 'en stu'b%e, a Ro$1 t at ,!%% 'a1e t e' fa%%5 but e , o be%!eves !n H!'


), o ad eres to, trusts !n, and re%!es on H!'* s a%% not be &ut to s a'e nor be d!sa&&o!nted !n !s e8&e$tat!ons2 CHAPTER 1H 1 6RETHREN, ),!t a%%* '0 eart3s des!re and (ood,!%% for )Israe%*, I %on( and &ra0 to +od t at t e0 'a0 be saved2 2 I bear t e' ,!tness t at t e0 ave a )$erta!n* 9ea% and ent us!as' for +od, but !t !s not en%!( tened and a$$ord!n( to )$orre$t and v!ta%* 1no,%ed(e2 3 For be!n( !(norant of t e r!( teousness t at +od as$r!bes ), !$ 'a1es one a$$e&tab%e to H!' !n ,ord, t ou( t, and deed* and see1!n( to estab%!s a r!( teousness "a 'eans of sa%vat!on# of t e!r o,n, t e0 d!d not obe0 or sub'!t t e'se%ves to +od3s r!( teousness2 4 For C r!st !s t e end of t e La, )t e %!'!t at , !$ !t $eases to be, for t e La, %eads u& to H!' - o !s t e fu%f!%%'ent of !ts t0&es, and !n H!' t e &ur&ose , !$ !t ,as des!(ned to a$$o'&%!s !s fu%f!%%ed2 T at !s, t e &ur&ose of t e La, !s fu%f!%%ed !n H!'* as t e 'eans of r!( teousness "r!( t re%at!ons !& to +od# for ever0one , o trusts !n and ad eres to and re%!es on H!'2 5 For Moses ,r!tes t at t e 'an , o )$an* &ra$t!$e t e r!( teousness "&erfe$t $onfor'!t0 to +od3s ,!%%#

, !$ !s based on t e La, ),!t a%% !ts !ntr!$ate de'ands* s a%% %!ve b0 !t2 6 6ut t e r!( teousness based on fa!t )!'&uted b0 +od and br!n(!n( r!( t re%at!ons !& ,!t H!'* sa0s, /o not sa0 !n 0our eart, - o ,!%% as$end !nto Heaven? t at !s, to br!n( C r!st do,n5 7 Or , o ,!%% des$end !nto t e ab0ss? t at !s, to br!n( C r!st u& fro' t e dead )as !f ,e $ou%d be saved b0 our o,n efforts*2 8 6ut , at does !t sa0? T e -ord "+od3s 'essa(e !n C r!st# !s near 0ou, on 0our %!&s and !n 0our eart5 t at !s, t e -ord "t e 'essa(e, t e bas!s and ob7e$t# of fa!t , !$ ,e &rea$ , 9 6e$ause !f 0ou a$1no,%ed(e and $onfess ,!t 0our %!&s t at Jesus !s Lord and !n 0our eart be%!eve "ad ere to, trust !n, and re%0 on t e trut # t at +od ra!sed H!' fro' t e dead, 0ou ,!%% be saved2 10 For ,!t t e eart a &erson be%!eves "ad eres to, trusts !n, and re%!es on C r!st# and so !s 7ust!f!ed "de$%ared r!( teous, a$$e&tab%e to +od#, and ,!t t e 'out e $onfesses "de$%ares o&en%0 and s&ea1s out free%0 !s fa!t # and $onf!r's ) !s* sa%vat!on2 11 T e S$r!&ture sa0s, No 'an , o be%!eves !n H!' ), o ad eres to, re%!es on, and trusts !n H!'* ,!%% )ever* be &ut to s a'e or be d!sa&&o!nted2


12 )No one* for t ere !s no d!st!n$t!on bet,een Je, and +ree12 T e sa'e Lord !s Lord over a%% )of us* and He (enerous%0 besto,s H!s r!$ es u&on a%% , o $a%% u&on H!' )!n fa!t *2 13 For ever0one , o $a%%s u&on t e na'e of t e Lord )!nvo1!n( H!' as Lord* ,!%% be saved2 14 6ut o, are &eo&%e to $a%% u&on H!' - o' t e0 ave not be%!eved )!n - o' t e0 ave no fa!t , on - o' t e0 ave no re%!an$e*? And o, are t e0 to be%!eve !n H!' )ad ere to, trust !n, and re%0 u&on H!'* of - o' t e0 ave never eard? And o, are t e0 to ear ,!t out a &rea$ er? 15 And o, $an 'en )be e8&e$ted to* &rea$ un%ess t e0 are sent? As !t !s ,r!tten, Ho, beaut!fu% are t e feet of t ose , o br!n( (%ad t!d!n(s: )Ho, ,e%$o'e !s t e $o'!n( of t ose , o &rea$ t e (ood ne,s of H!s (ood t !n(s:* 16 6ut t e0 ave not a%% eeded t e +os&e%5 for Isa!a sa0s, Lord, , o as be%!eved " ad fa!t !n# , at e as eard fro' us? 17 So fa!t $o'es b0 ear!n( ), at !s to%d*, and , at !s eard $o'es b0 t e &rea$ !n( )of t e 'essa(e t at $a'e fro' t e %!&s* of C r!st "t e Mess!a H!'se%f#2 18 6ut I as1, Have t e0 not eard? Indeed t e0 ave5 )for t e S$r!&ture sa0s* T e!r vo!$e )t at of nature bear!n( +od3s 'essa(e* as (one out

to a%% t e eart , and t e!r ,ords to t e far bounds of t e ,or%d2 19 A(a!n I as1, /!d Israe% not understand? )/!d t e Je,s ave no ,arn!n( t at t e +os&e% ,as to (o fort to t e +ent!%es, to a%% t e eart ?* F!rst, t ere !s Moses , o sa0s, I ,!%% 'a1e 0ou 7ea%ous of t ose , o are not a nat!on5 ,!t a foo%!s nat!on I ,!%% 'a1e 0ou an(r02 20 T en Isa!a !s so bo%d as to sa0, I ave been found b0 t ose , o d!d not see1 Me5 I ave s o,n "revea%ed# M0se%f to t ose , o d!d not )$ons$!ous%0* as1 for Me2 21 6ut of Israe% e sa0s, A%% da0 %on( I ave stret$ ed out M0 ands to a &eo&%e un0!e%d!n( and d!sobed!ent and se%f<,!%%ed )to a fau%tf!nd!n(, $ontrar0, and $ontrad!$t!n( &eo&%e*2 CHAPTER 11 1 I ASI t en4 Has +od tota%%0 re7e$ted and d!so,ned H!s &eo&%e? Of $ourse not: - 0, I '0se%f a' an Israe%!te, a des$endant of Abra a', a 'e'ber of t e tr!be of 6en7a'!n: )I Sa'2 12 4 22 5 Jer2 31 4 37 5 33 4 24 < 26 5 P !%2 3 4 5 2* 2 No, +od as not re7e$ted and d!so,ned H!s &eo&%e ), ose dest!n0* He ad 'ar1ed out and a&&o!nted and fore1no,n fro' t e be(!nn!n(2 /o 0ou not 1no, , at t e S$r!&ture sa0s of E%!7a , o, e &%eads ,!t +od a(a!nst Israe%?


3 Lord, t e0 ave 1!%%ed >our &ro& ets5 t e0 ave de'o%!s ed >our a%tars, and I a%one a' %eft, and t e0 see1 '0 %!fe2 4 6ut , at !s +od3s re&%0 to !'? I ave 1e&t for M0se%f seven t ousand 'en , o ave not bo,ed t e 1nee to 6aa%: )I I!n(s 19 4 18 2* 5 So too at t e &resent t!'e t ere !s a re'nant "a s'a%% be%!ev!n( '!nor!t0#, se%e$ted "$ osen# b0 (ra$e "b0 +od3s un'er!ted favor and (ra$!ousness#2 6 6ut !f !t !s b0 (ra$e "H!s un'er!ted favor and (ra$!ousness#, !t !s no %on(er $ond!t!oned on ,or1s or an0t !n( 'en ave done2 Ot er,!se, (ra$e ,ou%d no %on(er be (ra$e )!t ,ou%d be 'ean!n(%ess*2 7 - at t en )s a%% ,e $on$%ude*? Israe% fa!%ed to obta!n , at !t sou( t )+od3s favor b0 obed!en$e to t e La,*2 On%0 t e e%e$t "t ose $ osen fe,# obta!ned !t, , !%e t e rest of t e' be$a'e $a%%ous%0 !nd!fferent "b%!nded, ardened, and 'ade !nsens!b%e to !t#2 8 As !t !s ,r!tten, +od (ave t e' a s&!r!t "an att!tude# of stu&or, e0es t at s ou%d not see and ears t at s ou%d not ear, )t at as $ont!nued* do,n to t !s ver0 da02 9 And /av!d sa0s, Let t e!r tab%e "t e!r feast!n(, ban;uet!n(# be$o'e a snare and a tra&, a &!tfa%% and a 7ust retr!but!on ) rebound!n( %!1e a boo'eran( u&on t e'*5

10 Let t e!r e0es be dar1ened "d!''ed# so t at t e0 $annot see, and 'a1e t e' bend t e!r ba$1 )stoo&!n( beneat t e!r burden* forever2 11 So I as1, Have t e0 stu'b%ed so as to fa%% )to t e!r utter s&!r!tua% ru!n, !rretr!evab%0*? 60 no 'eans: 6ut t rou( t e!r fa%se ste& and trans(ress!on sa%vat!on ) as $o'e* to t e +ent!%es, so as to arouse Israe% )to see and fee% , at t e0 forfe!ted* and so to 'a1e t e' 7ea%ous2 12 No, !f t e!r stu'b%!n( "t e!r %a&se, t e!r trans(ress!on# as so enr!$ ed t e ,or%d )at %ar(e*, and !f )Israe%3s* fa!%ure 'eans su$ r!$ es for t e +ent!%es, t !n1 , at an enr!$ 'ent and (reater advanta(e ,!%% fo%%o, t e!r fu%% re!nstate'ent: 13 6ut no, I a' s&ea1!n( to 0ou , o are +ent!%es2 Inas'u$ t en as I a' an a&ost%e to t e +ent!%es, I %a0 (reat stress on '0 '!n!str0 and 'a(n!f0 '0 off!$e, 14 In t e o&e of 'a1!n( '0 fe%%o, Je,s 7ea%ous )!n order to st!r t e' u& to !'!tate, $o&0, and a&&ro&r!ate*, and t us 'ana(!n( to save so'e of t e'2 15 For !f t e!r re7e$t!on and e8$%us!on fro' t e benef!ts of sa%vat!on ,ere )overru%ed* for t e re$on$!%!at!on of a ,or%d to +od, , at ,!%% t e!r a$$e&tan$e and ad'!ss!on 'ean? )It ,!%% be not !n( s ort of* %!fe fro' t e dead: 16 No, !f t e f!rst andfu% of


dou( offered as t e f!rstfru!ts )Abra a' and t e &atr!ar$ s* !s $onse$rated " o%0#, so !s t e , o%e 'ass )t e nat!on of Israe%*5 and !f t e root )Abra a'* !s $onse$rated " o%0#, so are t e bran$ es2 17 6ut !f so'e of t e bran$ es ,ere bro1en off, , !%e 0ou, a ,!%d o%!ve s oot, ,ere (rafted !n a'on( t e' to s are t e r!$ ness )of t e root and sa&* of t e o%!ve tree, 18 /o not boast over t e bran$ es and &r!de 0ourse%f at t e!r e8&ense2 If 0ou do boast and fee% su&er!or, re'e'ber !t !s not 0ou t at su&&ort t e root, but t e root )t at su&&orts* 0ou2 19 >ou ,!%% sa0 t en, 6ran$ es ,ere bro1en "&runed# off so t at I '!( t be (rafted !n: 20 T at !s true2 6ut t e0 ,ere bro1en "&runed# off be$ause of t e!r unbe%!ef "t e!r %a$1 of rea% fa!t #, and 0ou are estab%!s ed t rou( fa!t )be$ause 0ou do be%!eve*2 So do not be$o'e &roud and $on$e!ted, but rat er stand !n a,e and be reverent%0 afra!d2 21 For !f +od d!d not s&are t e natura% bran$ es )be$ause of unbe%!ef*, ne!t er ,!%% He s&are 0ou )!f 0ou are (u!%t0 of t e sa'e offense*2 22 T en note and a&&re$!ate t e (ra$!ous 1!ndness and t e sever!t0 of +od4 sever!t0 to,ard t ose , o ave fa%%en, but +od3s (ra$!ous 1!ndness

to 0ou.&rov!ded 0ou $ont!nue !n H!s (ra$e and ab!de !n H!s 1!ndness5 ot er,!se 0ou too ,!%% be $ut off "&runed a,a0#2 23 And even t ose ot ers )t e fa%%en bran$ es, Je,s*, !f t e0 do not &ers!st !n )$%!n(!n( to* t e!r unbe%!ef, ,!%% be (rafted !n, for +od as t e &o,er to (raft t e' !n a(a!n2 24 For !f 0ou ave been $ut fro' , at !s b0 nature a ,!%d o%!ve tree, and a(a!nst nature (rafted !nto a $u%t!vated o%!ve tree, o, 'u$ eas!er ,!%% !t be to (raft t ese natura% )bran$ es* ba$1 on )t e or!(!na% &arent sto$1 of* t e!r o,n o%!ve tree2 25 Lest 0ou be se%f< o&!n!onated ",!se !n 0our o,n $on$e!ts#, I do not ,ant 0ou to '!ss t !s !dden trut and '0ster0, bret ren4 a arden!n( "!nsens!b!%!t0# as )te'&orar!%0* befa%%en a &art of Israe% )to %ast* unt!% t e fu%% nu'ber of t e !n(at er!n( of t e +ent!%es as $o'e !n, 26 And so a%% Israe% ,!%% be saved2 As !t !s ,r!tten, T e /e%!verer ,!%% $o'e fro' G!on, He ,!%% ban!s un(od%!ness fro' Ja$ob2 27 And t !s ,!%% be M0 $ovenant "M0 a(ree'ent# ,!t t e' , en I s a%% ta1e a,a0 t e!r s!ns2 28 Fro' t e &o!nt of v!e, of t e +os&e% "(ood ne,s#, t e0 )t e Je,s, at &resent* are ene'!es )of +od*, , !$ !s for 0our advanta(e and benef!t2 6ut fro' t e &o!nt of v!e, of +od3s $ o!$e "of e%e$t!on, of


d!v!ne se%e$t!on#, t e0 are st!%% t e be%oved "dear to H!'# for t e sa1e of t e!r forefat ers2 29 For +od3s (!fts and H!s $a%% are !rrevo$ab%e2 )He never ,!t dra,s t e' , en on$e t e0 are (!ven, and He does not $ an(e H!s '!nd about t ose to , o' He (!ves H!s (ra$e or to , o' He sends H!s $a%%2* 30 Just as 0ou ,ere on$e d!sobed!ent and rebe%%!ous to,ard +od but no, ave obta!ned )H!s* 'er$0, t rou( t e!r d!sobed!en$e, 31 So t e0 a%so no, are be!n( d!sobed!ent ), en 0ou are re$e!v!n( 'er$0*, t at t e0 !n turn 'a0 one da0, t rou( t e 'er$0 0ou are en7o0!n(, a%so re$e!ve 'er$0 )t at t e0 'a0 s are t e 'er$0 , !$ as been s o,n to 0ou.t rou( 0ou as 'essen(ers of t e +os&e% to t e'*2 32 For +od as $ons!(ned "&enned u&# a%% 'en to d!sobed!en$e, on%0 t at He 'a0 ave 'er$0 on t e' a%% )a%!1e*2 33 O , t e de&t of t e r!$ es and ,!sdo' and 1no,%ed(e of +od: Ho, unfat o'ab%e "!ns$rutab%e, unsear$ ab%e# are H!s 7ud('ents "H!s de$!s!ons#: And o, untra$eab%e "'0ster!ous, und!s$overab%e# are H!s ,a0s "H!s 'et ods, H!s &at s#: 34 For , o as 1no,n t e '!nd of t e Lord and , o as understood H!s t ou( ts, or

, o as )ever* been H!s $ounse%or? 35 Or , o as f!rst (!ven +od an0t !n( t at e '!( t be &a!d ba$1 or t at e $ou%d $%a!' a re$o'&ense? 36 For fro' H!' and t rou( H!' and to H!' are a%% t !n(s2 )For a%% t !n(s or!(!nate ,!t H!' and $o'e fro' H!'5 a%% t !n(s %!ve t rou( H!', and a%% t !n(s $enter !n and tend to $onsu''ate and to end !n H!'2* To H!' be (%or0 forever: A'en "so be !t#2 CHAPTER 1= 1 I APPEAL to 0ou t erefore, bret ren, and be( of 0ou !n v!e, of )a%%* t e 'er$!es of +od, to 'a1e a de$!s!ve ded!$at!on of 0our bod!es )&resent!n( a%% 0our 'e'bers and fa$u%t!es* as a %!v!n( sa$r!f!$e, o%0 "devoted, $onse$rated# and ,e%% &%eas!n( to +od, , !$ !s 0our reasonab%e "rat!ona%, !nte%%!(ent# serv!$e and s&!r!tua% ,ors !&2 2 /o not be $onfor'ed to t !s ,or%d "t !s a(e#, )fas !oned after and ada&ted to !ts e8terna%, su&erf!$!a% $usto's*, but be transfor'ed "$ an(ed# b0 t e )ent!re* rene,a% of 0our '!nd )b0 !ts ne, !dea%s and !ts ne, att!tude*, so t at 0ou 'a0 &rove )for 0ourse%ves* , at !s t e (ood and a$$e&tab%e and &erfe$t ,!%% of +od, even t e t !n( , !$ !s (ood and a$$e&tab%e and &erfe$t )!n H!s s!( t for 0ou*2 3 For b0 t e (ra$e


"un'er!ted favor of +od# (!ven to 'e I ,arn ever0one a'on( 0ou not to est!'ate and t !n1 of !'se%f 'ore !( %0 t an e ou( t )not to ave an e8a((erated o&!n!on of !s o,n !'&ortan$e*, but to rate !s ab!%!t0 ,!t sober 7ud('ent, ea$ a$$ord!n( to t e de(ree of fa!t a&&ort!oned b0 +od to !'2 4 For as !n one & 0s!$a% bod0 ,e ave 'an0 &arts "or(ans, 'e'bers# and a%% of t ese &arts do not ave t e sa'e fun$t!on or use, 5 So ,e, nu'erous as ,e are, are one bod0 !n C r!st "t e Mess!a # and !nd!v!dua%%0 ,e are &arts one of anot er )'utua%%0 de&endent on one anot er*2 6 Hav!n( (!fts "fa$u%t!es, ta%ents, ;ua%!t!es# t at d!ffer a$$ord!n( to t e (ra$e (!ven us, %et us use t e'4 )He , ose (!ft !s* &ro& e$0, )%et !' &ro& es0* a$$ord!n( to t e &ro&ort!on of !s fa!t 5 7 )He , ose (!ft !s* &ra$t!$a% serv!$e, %et !' (!ve !'se%f to serv!n(5 e , o tea$ es, to !s tea$ !n(5 8 He , o e8 orts "en$oura(es#, to !s e8 ortat!on5 e , o $ontr!butes, %et !' do !t !n s!'&%!$!t0 and %!bera%!t05 e , o (!ves a!d and su&er!ntends, ,!t 9ea% and s!n(%eness of '!nd5 e , o does a$ts of 'er$0, ,!t (enu!ne $ eerfu%ness and 7o0fu% ea(erness2 9 )Let 0our* %ove be s!n$ere "a rea% t !n(#5 ate , at !s

ev!% )%oat e a%% un(od%!ness, turn !n orror fro' ,!$1edness*, but o%d fast to t at , !$ !s (ood2 10 Love one anot er ,!t brot er%0 affe$t!on )as 'e'bers of one fa'!%0*, (!v!n( &re$eden$e and s o,!n( onor to one anot er2 11 Never %a( !n 9ea% and !n earnest endeavor5 be a(%o, and burn!n( ,!t t e S&!r!t, serv!n( t e Lord2 12 Re7o!$e and e8u%t !n o&e5 be steadfast and &at!ent !n suffer!n( and tr!bu%at!on5 be $onstant !n &ra0er2 13 Contr!bute to t e needs of +od3s &eo&%e )s ar!n( !n t e ne$ess!t!es of t e sa!nts*5 &ursue t e &ra$t!$e of os&!ta%!t02 14 6%ess t ose , o &erse$ute 0ou ), o are $rue% !n t e!r att!tude to,ard 0ou*5 b%ess and do not $urse t e'2 15 Re7o!$e ,!t t ose , o re7o!$e )s ar!n( ot ers3 7o0*, and ,ee& ,!t t ose , o ,ee& )s ar!n( ot ers3 (r!ef*2 16 L!ve !n ar'on0 ,!t one anot er5 do not be au( t0 "snobb!s , !( <'!nded, e8$%us!ve#, but read!%0 ad7ust 0ourse%f to )&eo&%e, t !n(s* and (!ve 0ourse%ves to u'b%e tas1s2 Never overest!'ate 0ourse%f or be ,!se !n 0our o,n $on$e!ts2 17 Re&a0 no one ev!% for ev!%, but ta1e t ou( t for , at !s onest and &ro&er and nob%e )a!'!n( to be above re&roa$ * !n t e s!( t of ever0one2 18 If &oss!b%e, as far as !t


de&ends on 0ou, %!ve at &ea$e ,!t ever0one2 19 6e%oved, never aven(e 0ourse%ves, but %eave t e ,a0 o&en for )+od3s* ,rat 5 for !t !s ,r!tten, Jen(ean$e !s M!ne, I ,!%% re&a0 "re;u!te#, sa0s t e Lord2 20 6ut !f 0our ene'0 !s un(r0, feed !'5 !f e !s t !rst0, (!ve !' dr!n15 for b0 so do!n( 0ou ,!%% ea& burn!n( $oa%s u&on !s ead2 21 /o not %et 0ourse%f be over$o'e b0 ev!%, but over$o'e "'aster# ev!% ,!t (ood2 CHAPTER 1@ 1 LET EJER> &erson be %o0a%%0 sub7e$t to t e (overn!n( "$!v!%# aut or!t!es2 For t ere !s no aut or!t0 e8$e&t fro' +od )b0 H!s &er'!ss!on, H!s san$t!on*, and t ose t at e8!st do so b0 +od3s a&&o!nt'ent2 2 T erefore e , o res!sts and sets !'se%f u& a(a!nst t e aut or!t!es res!sts , at +od as a&&o!nted and arran(ed )!n d!v!ne order*2 And t ose , o res!st ,!%% br!n( do,n 7ud('ent u&on t e'se%ves )re$e!v!n( t e &ena%t0 due t e'*2 3 For $!v!% aut or!t!es are not a terror to )&eo&%e of* (ood $ondu$t, but to )t ose of* bad be av!or2 -ou%d 0ou ave no dread of !' , o !s !n aut or!t0? T en do , at !s r!( t and 0ou ,!%% re$e!ve !s a&&rova% and $o''endat!on2 4 For e !s +od3s servant for 0our (ood2 6ut !f 0ou do

,ron(, )0ou s ou%d dread !' and* be afra!d, for e does not bear and ,ear t e s,ord for not !n(2 He !s +od3s servant to e8e$ute H!s ,rat "&un!s 'ent, ven(ean$e# on t e ,ron(doer2 5 T erefore one 'ust be sub7e$t, not on%0 to avo!d +od3s ,rat and es$a&e &un!s 'ent, but a%so as a 'atter of &r!n$!&%e and for t e sa1e of $ons$!en$e2 6 For t !s sa'e reason 0ou &a0 ta8es, for )t e $!v!% aut or!t!es* are off!$!a% servants under +od, devot!n( t e'se%ves to attend!n( to t !s ver0 serv!$e2 7 Render to a%% 'en t e!r dues2 )Pa0* ta8es to , o' ta8es are due, revenue to , o' revenue !s due, res&e$t to , o' res&e$t !s due, and onor to , o' onor !s due2 8 Iee& out of debt and o,e no 'an an0t !n(, e8$e&t to %ove one anot er5 for e , o %oves !s ne!( bor ), o &ra$t!$es %ov!n( ot ers* as fu%f!%%ed t e La, )re%at!n( to one3s fe%%o,'en, 'eet!n( a%% !ts re;u!re'ents*2 9 T e $o''and'ents, >ou s a%% not $o''!t adu%ter0, >ou s a%% not 1!%%, >ou s a%% not stea%, >ou s a%% not $ovet " ave an ev!% des!re#, and an0 ot er $o''and'ent, are su''ed u& !n t e s!n(%e $o''and, >ou s a%% %ove 0our ne!( bor as )0ou do* 0ourse%f2 10 Love does no ,ron( to one3s ne!( bor )!t never urts an0bod0*2 T erefore %ove 'eets a%% t e re;u!re'ents


and !s t e fu%f!%%!n( of t e La,2 11 6es!des t !s 0ou 1no, , at )a $r!t!$a%* our t !s !s, o, !t !s !( t!'e no, for 0ou to ,a1e u& out of 0our s%ee& "rouse to rea%!t0#2 For sa%vat!on "f!na% de%!veran$e# !s nearer to us no, t an , en ,e f!rst be%!eved "ad ered to, trusted !n, and re%!ed on C r!st, t e Mess!a #2 12 T e n!( t !s far (one and t e da0 !s a%'ost ere2 Let us t en dro& "f%!n( a,a0# t e ,or1s and deeds of dar1ness and &ut on t e )fu%%* ar'or of %!( t2 13 Let us %!ve and $ondu$t ourse%ves onorab%0 and be$o'!n(%0 as !n t e )o&en %!( t of* da0, not !n reve%!n( "$arous!n(# and drun1enness, not !n !''ora%!t0 and debau$ er0 "sensua%!t0 and %!$ent!ousness#, not !n ;uarre%!n( and 7ea%ous02 14 6ut $%ot e 0ourse%f ,!t t e Lord Jesus C r!st "t e Mess!a #, and 'a1e no &rov!s!on for )!ndu%(!n(* t e f%es )&ut a sto& to t !n1!n( about t e ev!% $rav!n(s of 0our & 0s!$a% nature* to )(rat!f0 !ts* des!res "%usts#2 CHAPTER 1A 1 AS FOR t e 'an , o !s a ,ea1 be%!ever, ,e%$o'e !' )!nto 0our fe%%o,s !&*, but not to $r!t!$!9e !s o&!n!ons or &ass 7ud('ent on !s s$ru&%es or &er&%e8 !' ,!t d!s$uss!ons2 2 One )'an3s fa!t &er'!ts !' to* be%!eve e 'a0 eat

an0t !n(, , !%e a ,ea1er one )%!'!ts !s* eat!n( to ve(etab%es2 3 Let not !' , o eats %oo1 do,n on or des&!se !' , o absta!ns, and %et not !' , o absta!ns $r!t!$!9e and &ass 7ud('ent on !' , o eats5 for +od as a$$e&ted and ,e%$o'ed !'2 4 - o are 0ou to &ass 7ud('ent on and $ensure anot er3s ouse o%d servant? It !s before !s o,n 'aster t at e stands or fa%%s2 And e s a%% stand and be u& e%d, for t e Master "t e Lord# !s '!( t0 to su&&ort !' and 'a1e !' stand2 5 One 'an estee's one da0 as better t an anot er, , !%e anot er 'an estee's a%% da0s a%!1e )sa$red*2 Let ever0one be fu%%0 $onv!n$ed "sat!sf!ed# !n !s o,n '!nd2 6 He , o observes t e da0, observes !t !n onor of t e Lord2 He a%so , o eats, eats !n onor of t e Lord, s!n$e e (!ves t an1s to +od5 , !%e e , o absta!ns, absta!ns !n onor of t e Lord and (!ves t an1s to +od2 7 None of us %!ves to !'se%f )but to t e Lord*, and none of us d!es to !'se%f )but to t e Lord, for* 8 If ,e %!ve, ,e %!ve to t e Lord, and !f ,e d!e, ,e d!e to t e Lord2 So t en, , et er ,e %!ve or ,e d!e, ,e be%on( to t e Lord2 9 For C r!st d!ed and %!ved a(a!n for t !s ver0 &ur&ose, t at He '!( t be Lord bot of t e dead and of t e %!v!n(2


10 - 0 do 0ou $r!t!$!9e and &ass 7ud('ent on 0our brot er? Or 0ou, , 0 do 0ou %oo1 do,n u&on or des&!se 0our brot er? For ,e s a%% a%% stand before t e 7ud('ent seat of +od2 11 For !t !s ,r!tten, As I %!ve, sa0s t e Lord, ever0 1nee s a%% bo, to Me, and ever0 ton(ue s a%% $onfess to +od )a$1no,%ed(e H!' to H!s onor and to H!s &ra!se*2 12 And so ea$ of us s a%% (!ve an a$$ount of !'se%f )(!ve an ans,er !n referen$e to 7ud('ent* to +od2 13 T en %et us no 'ore $r!t!$!9e and b%a'e and &ass 7ud('ent on one anot er, but rat er de$!de and endeavor never to &ut a stu'b%!n( b%o$1 or an obsta$%e or a !ndran$e !n t e ,a0 of a brot er2 14 I 1no, and a' $onv!n$ed "&ersuaded# as one !n t e Lord Jesus, t at not !n( !s )forb!dden as* essent!a%%0 un$%ean "def!%ed and un o%0 !n !tse%f#2 6ut )none t e %ess* !t !s un$%ean "def!%ed and un o%0# to an0one , o t !n1s !t !s un$%ean2 15 6ut !f 0our brot er !s be!n( &a!ned or !s fee%!n(s urt or !f e !s be!n( !n7ured b0 , at 0ou eat, )t en* 0ou are no %on(er ,a%1!n( !n %ove2 )>ou ave $eased to be %!v!n( and $ondu$t!n( 0ourse%f b0 t e standard of %ove to,ard !'2* /o not %et , at 0ou eat urt or $ause t e ru!n of one for , o' C r!st d!ed: 16 /o not t erefore %et , at

see's (ood to 0ou be $ons!dered an ev!% t !n( )b0 so'eone e%se*2 )In ot er ,ords, do not (!ve o$$as!on for ot ers to $r!t!$!9e t at , !$ !s 7ust!f!ab%e for 0ou2* 17 )After a%%* t e 1!n(do' of +od !s not a 'atter of )(ett!n( t e* food and dr!n1 )one %!1es*, but !nstead !t !s r!( teousness "t at state , !$ 'a1es a &erson a$$e&tab%e to +od# and ) eart* &ea$e and 7o0 !n t e Ho%0 S&!r!t2 18 He , o serves C r!st !n t !s ,a0 !s a$$e&tab%e and &%eas!n( to +od and !s a&&roved b0 'en2 19 So %et us t en def!n!te%0 a!' for and ea(er%0 &ursue , at 'a1es for ar'on0 and for 'utua% u&bu!%d!n( "ed!f!$at!on and deve%o&'ent# of one anot er2 20 >ou 'ust not, for t e sa1e of food, undo and brea1 do,n and destro0 t e ,or1 of +od: Ever0t !n( !s !ndeed )$ere'on!a%%0* $%ean and &ure, but !t !s ,ron( for an0one to urt t e $ons$!en$e of ot ers or to 'a1e t e' fa%% b0 , at e eats2 21 T e r!( t t !n( !s to eat no 'eat or dr!n1 no ,!ne )at a%%*, or )do an0t !n( e%se* !f !t 'a1es 0our brot er stu'b%e or urts !s $ons$!en$e or offends or ,ea1ens !'2 22 >our &ersona% $onv!$t!ons )on su$ 'atters*.e8er$!se )t e'* as !n +od3s &resen$e, 1ee&!n( t e' to 0ourse%f )str!v!n( on%0 to 1no, t e trut and obe0 H!s ,!%%*2


6%essed " a&&0, to be env!ed# !s e , o as no reason to 7ud(e !'se%f for , at e a&&roves ), o does not $onv!$t !'se%f b0 , at e $ ooses to do*2 23 6ut t e 'an , o as doubts "'!s(!v!n(s, an uneas0 $ons$!en$e# about eat!n(, and t en eats )&er a&s be$ause of 0ou*, stands $onde'ned )before +od*, be$ause e !s not true to !s $onv!$t!ons and e does not a$t fro' fa!t 2 For , atever does not or!(!nate and &ro$eed fro' fa!t !s s!n ), atever !s done ,!t out a $onv!$t!on of !ts a&&rova% b0 +od !s s!nfu%*2 CHAPTER 1B 1 -E -HO are stron( )!n our $onv!$t!ons and of robust fa!t * ou( t to bear ,!t t e fa!%!n(s and t e fra!%t!es and t e tender s$ru&%es of t e ,ea15 ),e ou( t to e%& $arr0 t e doubts and ;ua%'s of ot ers* and not to &%ease ourse%ves2 2 Let ea$ one of us 'a1e !t a &ra$t!$e to &%ease "'a1e a&&0# !s ne!( bor for !s (ood and for !s true ,e%fare, to ed!f0 !' )to stren(t en !' and bu!%d !' u& s&!r!tua%%0*2 3 For C r!st d!d not &%ease H!'se%f )(ave no t ou( t to H!s o,n !nterests*5 but, as !t !s ,r!tten, T e re&roa$ es and abuses of t ose , o re&roa$ ed and abused 0ou fe%% on Me2 4 For , atever ,as t us ,r!tten !n for'er da0s ,as

,r!tten for our !nstru$t!on, t at b0 )our steadfast and &at!ent* enduran$e and t e en$oura(e'ent )dra,n* fro' t e S$r!&tures ,e '!( t o%d fast to and $ er!s o&e2 5 No, 'a0 t e +od - o (!ves t e &o,er of &at!ent enduran$e "steadfastness# and - o su&&%!es en$oura(e'ent, (rant 0ou to %!ve !n su$ 'utua% ar'on0 and su$ fu%% s0'&at 0 ,!t one anot er, !n a$$ord ,!t C r!st Jesus, 6 T at to(et er 0ou 'a0 )unan!'ous%0* ,!t un!ted earts and one vo!$e, &ra!se and (%or!f0 t e +od and Fat er of our Lord Jesus C r!st "t e Mess!a #2 7 -e%$o'e and re$e!ve )to 0our earts* one anot er, t en, even as C r!st as ,e%$o'ed and re$e!ved 0ou, for t e (%or0 of +od2 8 For I te%% 0ou t at C r!st "t e Mess!a # be$a'e a servant and a '!n!ster to t e $!r$u'$!sed "t e Je,s# !n order to s o, +od3s trut fu%ness and onest0 b0 $onf!r'!n( "ver!f0!n(# t e &ro'!ses )(!ven* to our fat ers, 9 And )a%so !n order* t at t e +ent!%es "nat!ons# '!( t (%or!f0 +od for H!s 'er$0 )not $ovenanted* to t e'2 As !t !s ,r!tten, T erefore I ,!%% &ra!se >ou a'on( t e +ent!%es and s!n( &ra!ses to >our na'e2 10 A(a!n !t !s sa!d, Re7o!$e "e8u%t#, O +ent!%es, a%on( ,!t H!s )o,n* &eo&%e5 11 And a(a!n, Pra!se t e


Lord, a%% 0ou +ent!%es, and %et a%% t e &eo&%es &ra!se H!': 12 And furt er Isa!a sa0s, T ere s a%% be a S&rout fro' t e Root of Jesse, He - o r!ses to ru%e over t e +ent!%es5 !n H!' s a%% t e +ent!%es o&e2 13 Ma0 t e +od of 0our o&e so f!%% 0ou ,!t a%% 7o0 and &ea$e !n be%!ev!n( )t rou( t e e8&er!en$e of 0our fa!t * t at b0 t e &o,er of t e Ho%0 S&!r!t 0ou 'a0 abound and be overf%o,!n( "bubb%!n( over# ,!t o&e2 14 Persona%%0 I a' sat!sf!ed about 0ou, '0 bret ren, t at 0ou 0ourse%ves are r!$ !n (oodness, a'&%0 f!%%ed ,!t a%% )s&!r!tua%* 1no,%ed(e and $o'&etent to ad'on!s and $ounse% and !nstru$t one anot er a%so2 15 St!%% on so'e &o!nts I ave ,r!tten to 0ou t e 'ore bo%d%0 and unreserved%0 b0 ,a0 of re'!nder2 )I ave done so* be$ause of t e (ra$e "t e un'er!ted favor# besto,ed on 'e b0 +od 16 In 'a1!n( 'e a '!n!ster of C r!st Jesus to t e +ent!%es2 I a$t !n t e &r!est%0 serv!$e of t e +os&e% "t e (ood ne,s# of +od, !n order t at t e sa$r!f!$!a% offer!n( of t e +ent!%es 'a0 be a$$e&tab%e )to +od*, $onse$rated and 'ade o%0 b0 t e Ho%0 S&!r!t2 17 In C r!st Jesus, t en, I ave %e(!t!'ate reason to (%or0 "e8u%t# !n '0 ,or1 for +od )!n , at t rou( C r!st Jesus I ave a$$o'&%!s ed

$on$ern!n( t e t !n(s of +od*2 18 For )of $ourse* I ,!%% not venture "&resu'e# to s&ea1 t us of an0 ,or1 e8$e&t , at C r!st as a$tua%%0 done t rou( 'e )as an !nstru'ent !n H!s ands* to ,!n obed!en$e fro' t e +ent!%es, b0 ,ord and deed, 19 )Even as '0 &rea$ !n( as been a$$o'&an!ed* ,!t t e &o,er of s!(ns and ,onders, )and a%% of !t* b0 t e &o,er of t e Ho%0 S&!r!t2 )T e resu%t !s* t at start!n( fro' Jerusa%e' and as far round as I%%0r!$u', I ave fu%%0 &rea$ ed t e +os&e% )fa!t fu%%0 e8e$ut!n(, a$$o'&%!s !n(, $arr0!n( out to t e fu%% t e (ood ne,s* of C r!st "t e Mess!a # !n !ts ent!ret02 20 T us '0 a'b!t!on as been to &rea$ t e +os&e%, not , ere C r!st3s na'e as a%read0 been 1no,n, %est I bu!%d on anot er 'an3s foundat!on5 21 6ut )!nstead I ,ou%d a$t on t e &r!n$!&%e* as !t !s ,r!tten, T e0 s a%% see , o ave never been to%d of H!', and t e0 s a%% understand , o ave never eard )of H!'*2 22 T !s )a'b!t!on* !s t e reason , 0 I ave so fre;uent%0 been !ndered fro' $o'!n( to v!s!t 0ou2 23 6ut no, s!n$e I ave no furt er o&&ortun!t0 for ,or1 !n t ese re(!ons, and s!n$e I ave %on(ed for enou( 0ears to $o'e to 0ou,


24 I o&e to see 0ou !n &ass!n( )t rou( Ro'e* as I (o )on '0 !ntended tr!&* to S&a!n, and to be a!ded on '0 7ourne0 t ere b0 0ou, after I ave en7o0ed 0our $o'&an0 for a %!tt%e , !%e2 25 For t e &resent, o,ever, I a' (o!n( to Jerusa%e' to br!n( a!d "re%!ef# for t e sa!nts "+od3s &eo&%e t ere#2 26 For !t as been t e (ood &%easure of Ma$edon!a and A$ a!a to 'a1e so'e $ontr!but!on for t e &oor a'on( t e sa!nts of Jerusa%e'2 27 T e0 ,ere &%eased to do !t5 and sure%0 t e0 are !n debt to t e', for !f t ese +ent!%es ave $o'e to s are !n t e!r )t e Jerusa%e' Je,s3* s&!r!tua% b%ess!n(s, t en t e0 ou( t a%so to be of serv!$e to t e' !n 'ater!a% b%ess!n(s2 28 - en t erefore I ave $o'&%eted t !s '!ss!on and ave de%!vered to t e' )at Jerusa%e'* , at as been ra!sed, I s a%% (o on b0 ,a0 of 0ou to S&a!n2 29 And I 1no, t at , en I do $o'e to 0ou, I s a%% $o'e !n t e abundant b%ess!n( of t e +os&e% of C r!st2 30 I a&&ea% to 0ou )I entreat 0ou*, bret ren, for t e sa1e of our Lord Jesus C r!st and b0 t e %ove )(!ven b0* t e S&!r!t, to un!te ,!t 'e !n earnest ,rest%!n( !n &ra0er to +od !n '0 be a%f2 31 )Pra0* t at I 'a0 be de%!vered "res$ued# fro' t e unbe%!evers !n Judea and t at '0 '!ss!on of re%!ef to

Jerusa%e' 'a0 be a$$e&tab%e and (ra$!ous%0 re$e!ved b0 t e sa!nts "+od3s &eo&%e t ere#, 32 So t at b0 +od3s ,!%% I 'a0 subse;uent%0 $o'e to 0ou ,!t 7o0 ",!t a a&&0 eart# and be refres ed )b0 t e !nterva% of rest* !n 0our $o'&an02 33 Ma0 )our* &ea$e<(!v!n( +od be ,!t 0ou a%%: A'en "so be !t#2 CHAPTER 1C 1 NOI !ntrodu$e and $o''end to 0ou our s!ster P oebe, a dea$oness of t e $ ur$ at Cen$ reae, 2 T at 0ou 'a0 re$e!ve er !n t e Lord ),!t a C r!st!an ,e%$o'e*, as sa!nts "+od3s &eo&%e# ou( t to re$e!ve one anot er2 And e%& er !n , atever 'atter s e 'a0 re;u!re ass!stan$e fro' 0ou, for s e as been a e%&er of 'an0 !n$%ud!n( '0se%f )s !e%d!n( us fro' suffer!n(*2 3 +!ve '0 (reet!n(s to Pr!s$a and A;u!%a, '0 fe%%o, ,or1ers !n C r!st Jesus, 4 - o r!s1ed t e!r %!ves )endan(er!n( t e!r ver0 ne$1s* for '0 %!fe2 To t e' not on%0 I but a%so a%% t e $ ur$ es a'on( t e +ent!%es (!ve t an1s2 5 )Re'e'ber 'e* a%so to t e $ ur$ )t at 'eets* !n t e!r ouse2 +reet '0 be%oved E&aenetus, , o ,as a f!rstfru!t "f!rst $onvert# to C r!st !n As!a2 6 +reet Mar0, , o as ,or1ed so ard a'on( 0ou2


7 Re'e'ber 'e to Andron!$us and Jun!as, '0 tr!ba% 1!ns'en and on$e '0 fe%%o, &r!soners2 T e0 are 'en e%d !n !( estee' a'on( t e a&ost%es, , o a%so ,ere !n C r!st before I ,as2 8 Re'e'ber 'e to A'&%!atus, '0 be%oved !n t e Lord2 9 Sa%ute Urbanus, our fe%%o, ,or1er !n C r!st, and '0 dear Sta$ 0s2 10 +reet A&e%%es, t at one tr!ed and a&&roved !n C r!st "t e Mess!a #2 Re'e'ber 'e to t ose , o be%on( to t e ouse o%d of Ar!stobu%us2 11 +reet '0 tr!ba% 1!ns'an Herod!on, and t ose !n t e Lord , o be%on( to t e ouse o%d of Nar$!ssus2 12 Sa%ute t ose ,or1ers !n t e Lord, Tr0& aena and Tr0& osa2 +reet '0 dear Pers!s, , o as ,or1ed so ard !n t e Lord2 13 Re'e'ber 'e to Rufus, e'!nent !n t e Lord, a%so to !s 'ot er ), o as been* a 'ot er to 'e as ,e%%2 14 +reet As0n$r!tus, P %e(on, Her'es, Patrobas, Her'as, and t e bret ren , o are ,!t t e'2 15 +reet P !%o%o(us, Ju%!a, Nereus and !s s!ster, and O%0'&as, and a%% t e sa!nts , o are ,!t t e'2 16 +reet one anot er ,!t a o%0 "$onse$rated# 1!ss2 A%% t e $ ur$ es of C r!st "t e Mess!a # ,!s to be re'e'bered to 0ou2 17 I a&&ea% to 0ou, bret ren, to be on 0our (uard

$on$ern!n( t ose , o $reate d!ssens!ons and d!ff!$u%t!es and $ause d!v!s!ons, !n o&&os!t!on to t e do$tr!ne "t e tea$ !n(# , !$ 0ou ave been tau( t2 )I ,arn 0ou to turn as!de fro' t e', to* avo!d t e'2 18 For su$ &ersons do not serve our Lord C r!st but t e!r o,n a&&et!tes and base des!res, and b0 !n(rat!at!n( and f%atter!n( s&ee$ , t e0 be(u!%e t e earts of t e unsus&e$t!n( and s!'&%e'!nded )&eo&%e*2 19 For , !%e 0our %o0a%t0 and obed!en$e !s 1no,n to a%%, so t at I re7o!$e over 0ou, I ,ou%d ave 0ou ,e%% versed and ,!se as to , at !s (ood and !nno$ent and (u!%e%ess as to , at !s ev!%2 20 And t e +od of &ea$e ,!%% soon $rus Satan under 0our feet2 T e (ra$e of our Lord Jesus C r!st "t e Mess!a # be ,!t 0ou2 21 T!'ot 0, '0 fe%%o, ,or1er, ,!s es to be re'e'bered to 0ou, as do Lu$!us and Jason and Sos!&ater, '0 tr!ba% 1!ns'en2 22 I, Tert!us, t e ,r!ter of t !s %etter, (reet 0ou !n t e Lord2 23 +a!us, , o !s ost to 'e and to t e , o%e $ ur$ ere, (reets 0ou2 So do Erastus, t e $!t0 treasurer, and our brot er Kuartus2 24 T e (ra$e of our Lord Jesus C r!st "t e Mess!a # be ,!t 0ou a%%2 A'en "so be !t#2 25 No, to H!' - o !s ab%e to stren(t en 0ou !n t e fa!t


, !$ !s !n a$$ordan$e ,!t '0 +os&e% and t e &rea$ !n( of "$on$ern!n(# Jesus C r!st "t e Mess!a #, a$$ord!n( to t e reve%at!on "t e unve!%!n(# of t e '0ster0 of t e &%an of rede'&t!on , !$ ,as 1e&t !n s!%en$e and se$ret for %on( a(es, 26 6ut !s no, d!s$%osed and t rou( t e &ro& et!$ S$r!&tures !s 'ade 1no,n to a%% nat!ons, a$$ord!n( to t e $o''and of t e eterna% +od, )to ,!n t e'* to obed!en$e to t e fa!t , 27 To )t e* on%0 ,!se +od be (%or0 forever'ore t rou( Jesus C r!st "t e Ano!nted One#: A'en "so be !t#2


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