An Introduction To Ethics
An Introduction To Ethics
An Introduction To Ethics
Prepared by
KSR College of Technology,
"A moral or ethical statement may assert that some
particular action is right or wrong; or that some actions of
certain kinds are so; it may offer a distinction between good
and bad characters or dispositions; or it may propound some
principle from which more detailed judgements of these sorts
might be inferred - for example that we ought always aim at
the general happiness or try to minimize the total suffering of
all sentient beings, or ... That it is right and proper for
everyone to look after himself. All such statements express first
order ethical judgements of different degrees of generality."
J L Mackie 1977
Young engineer graduating from university has many career choices. He or she
can choose to be an entrepreneur, join a small firm or a multinational organization. Each
of these organizations operates in business environment that is totally different before
two decades. In a globalized era the frame work in which organizations work also have
undergone a lot of change. The product life cycles are shortened, downsizing, and lean
and mean manufacturing, outsourcing has become some of the competitive strategies of
organization. Organizations have no more stable and predictive environment. In this
scenario, the young engineer is faced with many dilemmas.
A simple example is should I leave present employer and go for another in a
foreign country for better salary and perquisites. If I stay here, what is the guarantee that I
will be offered continued employment? The course on ethics will not provide any yes or
no answers to these questions. It provides an inside compass that will empower an
engineer to take appropriate decisions. This write up is meant for teachers who are
planning to teach course on “Engineering Ethics”. The framework for the write up is in
the context of organizations. Therefore, the student trained in ethics, which joins an
organization, which has an established policy of ethical governance such as Tata Motors
or a start up organization, will be comfortable with both. While he will understand and
appreciate the Tata Motors commitment, he will be in a position to provide inputs on the
path that organization has to take in the direction of ethics. No originality is claimed for
providing the write up. Many sources are consulted to provide the write up, the author is
thankful to all and provided bibliography at the end and no originality is claimed for
authorship and an eclectically approach has been undertaken. However, for all the
mistakes and error the author is totally responsible and will be thankful if they are sent to
his email. (
The most frequent forms of business ethics literature today typically include:
a) philosophical, requiring orientation and analysis;
b) anthologies requiring review and integration;
c) case studies, requiring analyses to synthesize; and
d) Focus on social responsibility, which includes many examples of good and bad
actions taken by organizations.
What is ethics?
Ethics involves learning what is right or wrong, and then doing the right thing --
but "the right thing" is not nearly as straightforward as conveyed. Most ethical dilemmas
in the workplace are not simply a matter of yes or no. For example Azim Premji tells all
his employees whatever that is, “Grey is Black”. That means even if there is some kind
of doubt about a transaction, do not go for it. We have to answer a question is there are
always a right thing or ethics depend on situation?
We may consider ethics to be the "Science of Conduct.” Ethics includes the
fundamental ground rules by which we live our lives. Philosophers such as Socrates and
Plato have given guidelines for ethical behaviour. Many ethicists consider emerging
ethical beliefs to be legal principles, i.e., what becomes an ethical guideline today is made
into to a law, regulation or rule. Therefore following law of the land is one of the basic
virtues of ethics. Values, which guide how we ought to behave, are moral values, e.g.,
values such as respect, honesty, fairness, responsibility, etc. Statements around how
these values are applied are sometimes called moral or ethical principles.
Definition of Ethics
The concept has come to mean various things to various people, but generally in
the context of organizations coming to know what it right or wrong in the workplace and
doing what's right -- this is in regard to effects of products/services and in relationships
with stakeholders. (We will have a discussion on stakeholders later) In times of
fundamental change, values that were previously taken for granted are now strongly
questioned. For example, life long employment is considered one of the best policies of
organizations. However in the changed competitive situations we find that downsizing,
delayering, outsourcing production systems raise questions about the fundamental
premise of previously laid down good practices. Consequently, there is no clear moral
compass to guide leaders through complex dilemmas about what is right or wrong.
Attention to ethics in the workplace sensitizes leaders and staff to how they should act.
Perhaps most important, attention to ethics in the workplaces helps ensure that when
leaders and managers are struggling in times of crises and confusion, they retain a strong
moral compass.
Let us consider the following questions that are likely to arise in our mind with
respect to ethics.
• What kind of knowledge does ethics lay claim to? How is such knowledge defined?
• What is its relevance/application to business conduct?
• How is morality acquired? What are the origins of ethics as systems of belief?
• Should we be good all the time? Must the answer always be "Yes" or are there
degrees of correct or wrongful action?
• Is morality necessarily related to religion?
• Is questionable morality necessarily criminal or needing a framework of control and
sanction? What form does a framework of sanction take for example for a
businessperson operating in global market place? For example, an organization may
be following all that is required regarding pollution in a particular country. However,
in some other country the rules may not be so stringent regarding pollution control.
Now, should the organization follow the same stringent rules?
• Are some acts committed by people always wrong (murder, theft, corrupt practice,
exploitation of others, damaging and irreversible destruction of the natural
• Is moral, ethical behaviour bound by absolute, universal, undeniable rules, which
everyone must accept and follow in life? What are such rules? How could they be so
absolute? Alternatively is such behaviour based more on
• Do people have more of a propensity for goodness/evil, selfishness and greed (and are
business people particularly vulnerable?) or do altruism, generosity and kindness
• How do children best learn to behave morally?
• What could be the content of a framework of ethical principles that business people in
the modern world might benefit from?
• In an extension to childhood, do business people learn to behave morally? Do
children learn to behave morally?
• Who has the right to tell us what is good and evil are? Who has the right to tell
business people what right and wrong conduct is in the context of their business
2. Moral mazes. The other broad area of business ethics is "moral mazes of
management" and includes the numerous ethical problems that managers must deal with
on a daily basis, such as potential conflicts of interest, wrongful use of resources,
mismanagement of contracts and agreements, etc.
Ethics has come to be considered a management discipline, especially since the
birth of the social responsibility movement in the 1960s. In that decade, social awareness
movements raised expectations of businesses to use their massive financial and social
influence to address social problems such as poverty, crime, environmental protection,
equal rights, public health and improving education. An increasing number of people
asserted that because businesses were making a profit from using the planet’s resources,
these businesses owed it to the planet to work to improve society. Therefore, we replaced
the word shareholder to stakeholder. In 1960’s, our objective is to maximize the
shareholders wealth and it used to be very narrow and leading to satisfying short run
1) Local communities
2) Suppliers and Business Partners
3) Customers
4) Investors
5) Employees and Managers
1) the natural environment
2) Non human species
3) Future Generations
After knowing about stakeholders, we need to know about certain myths about Ethics.
2. Myth: Our employees are ethical so we do not need attention to business ethics. Most
of the ethical dilemmas faced by managers in the workplace are highly complex. Let us
examine the following situations
a) significant value conflicts among differing interests,
b) real alternatives that are equality justifiable, and
c) Significant consequences on "stakeholders" in the situation. Kirrane mentions that
when the topic of business ethics comes up, people are quick to speak of the Golden
Rule, honesty and courtesy. Nevertheless, when presented with complex ethical
dilemmas, most people realize there is a wide "gray area" when trying to apply ethical
to day working organization. However, ethics is a discipline with a programmatic
approach that includes several practical tools.
4. Myth: Business ethics is superfluous -- it only asserts the obvious: "do good!" Many
people react that codes of ethics, or lists of ethical values to which the organization
aspires, are superfluous because they represent values to which everyone should naturally
aspire. However, the value of codes of ethics to an organization is its priority and focus
regarding certain ethical values in that workplace. For example, it is obvious that all
people should be honest. However, if an organization is struggling around continuing
occasions of deceit in the workplace, a priority on honesty is very timely -- and honesty
should be listed in that organization’s code of ethics. Note that a code of ethics is an
organic instrument as opposed to being mechanistic that does not change according to
5. Myth: Business ethics is a matter preaching and it is meant for people who are
unethical. In organizations many times good people can take bad actions, particularly
when stressed or confused. Stress or confusion is not excuse for unethical actions.
Managing ethics in the workplace includes everyone working as a team to help each other
and remain ethical and to work through confusing and stressful ethical dilemmas.
7. Myth: Ethics cannot be managed. In reality, they are managed indirectly. For example,
the behavior of the organization's founder will be a strong moral influence on behavior or
employees in the workplace. What Jamshadji Tata has told is still mantra for the rest of
the organization even after one hundred years after his death. Strategic priorities (profit
maximization, expanding marketshare, cutting costs, etc.) can be very strong influences
on morality. Laws, regulations and rules directly influence behaviors to be more ethical,
usually in a manner that improves the general good and/or minimizes harm to the
8. Myth: Business ethics and social responsibility is the same thing. The social
responsibility movement is one aspect of the overall discipline of business ethics.
1) It is application of ethics to the corporate community,
2) a way to determine responsibility in business dealings,
3) the identification of important business and social issues, and
4) a critique of business.
9. Myth: Our organization is not in trouble with the law, so we are ethical. One can often
be unethical, yet operate within the limits of the law, e.g., withhold information from
superiors, inflate travel bills, complaining about others and pretending that they are the
most efficient, etc. However, breaking the law often starts with unethical behavior that
has gone unnoticed. The "boil the frog" phenomena are a useful parable here: If you put a
frog in hot water, it immediately jumps out. If you put a frog in cool water and slowly
heat up the water, you can eventually boil the frog. The frog does not seem to notice the
adverse change in its environment.
10. Myth: Managing ethics in the workplace has little practical relevance. Managing
ethics in the workplace involves identifying and prioritizing values to guide behaviors in
the organization, and establishing associated policies and procedures to ensure those
behaviors are conducted. One might call this "values management." Value management is
also highly important in other management practices, e.g., managing diversity, Total
Quality Management and strategic planning.
3. Ethics programs cultivate strong teamwork and productivity. Ethics programs align
employee behaviors with those top priority ethical values preferred by leaders of the
organization. Usually, an organization finds surprising disparity between its preferred
values and the values actually reflected by behaviors in the workplace. Ongoing
attention and dialogue regarding values in the workplace builds openness, integrity
and community -- critical ingredients of strong teams in the workplace. Employees
feel strong alignment between their values and those of the organization. They react
with strong motivation and performance.
4. Ethics programs support employee growth and meaning. Attention to ethics in the
workplace helps employees face reality, both good and bad -- in the organization and
themselves. Employees feel full confidence they can admit and deal with whatever
comes their way.
5. Ethics programs help ensure that policies are legal. There are an increasing number of
lawsuits about personnel matters and to effects of an organization’s services or
products on stakeholders. Ethical principles are often legal matters. These principles
are often applied to current, major ethical issues to become legislation. Attention to
ethics ensures highly ethical policies and procedures in the workplace. It is far better
to incur the cost of mechanisms to ensure ethical practices now than to incur costs of
litigation later. A major intent of well-designed personnel policies is to ensure ethical
treatment of employees, e.g., in matters of selection, evaluating, disciplining, and
6. Ethics programs help avoid criminal acts “of omission” and can avoid punishments.
Ethics programs tend to detect ethical issues and violations early on so they can be
reported or addressed.
7. Ethics programs help manage values associated with quality management, strategic
planning and diversity management -- this benefit needs far more attention. Ethics
programs identify preferred values and ensuring organizational behaviors are aligned
with those values. This effort includes recording the values, developing policies and
procedures to align behaviors with preferred values, and then training all personnel
about the policies and procedures. This overall effort is very useful for several other
programs in the workplace that require behaviors to be aligned with values, including
quality management, strategic planning and diversity management. Total Quality
Management includes high priority on certain operating values, e.g., trust among
stakeholders, performance, reliability, measurement, and comments... Ethics
management programs are also useful in managing diversity. Diversity is much more
than the color of people’s skin -- it is acknowledging different values and
perspectives. Diversity programs require recognizing and applying diverse values and
perspectives -- these activities are the basis of a sound ethics management program.
8. Ethics programs promote a strong public image. Attention to ethics is also strong
public relations -- admittedly, managing ethics should not be done primarily for
reasons of public relations. Nevertheless, frankly, the fact that an organization
regularly gives attention to its ethics can portray a strong positive to the public.
People see those organizations as valuing people more than profit, as striving to
operate with the utmost of integrity and honor. Aligning behavior with values is
critical to effective marketing and public relations programs.
1. They are at ease interacting with diverse internal and external stakeholder groups. The
basic guidelines of these firms make the good of these stakeholder groups parts of the
organizations' own good.
2. They are obsessed with fairness. Their guidelines emphasize that the other persons'
interests count as much as their own.
3. Responsibility is individual rather than collective, with individuals assuming personal
responsibility for actions of the organization. These organization guidelines mandate that
individuals are responsible to themselves.
4. They see their activities in terms of purpose. This purpose is a way of operating that
members of the organization highly value. Moreover, purpose ties the organization to its
stakeholders. We see that organizations such as Tata Motors, Wipro, and Infosys have
specific ethical policies and they are immensely benefited by these policies.
The following characteristics are common the companies that are mentioned:
1. There exists a clear vision and picture of integrity throughout the organization.
4. Policies and practices of the organization are aligned with the vision and no mixed
messages are being sent.
5. It is understood that every significant management decision has ethical value
Most of these organizations have ethics programs that convey corporate values,
often using codes and policies to guide decisions and behavior, and can include extensive
training and evaluating, depending on the organization. They provide guidance in ethical
3. The best way to handle ethical dilemmas is to avoid their occurrence in the first place.
That is why practices such as developing codes of ethics and codes of conduct are so
important. Their development sensitizes employees to ethical considerations and
minimizes the chances of unethical behavior occurring in the first place.
4. Make ethics decisions in-groups, and make decisions public, as appropriate. This
usually produces better quality decisions by including diverse interests and
perspectives, and increases the credibility of the decision process and outcome by
reducing suspicion of unfair bias.
5. Integrate ethics management with other management practices. When developing the
value statement during strategic planning, include ethical values preferred in the
workplace. When developing personnel policies, reflect on what ethical values you would
like to be most prominent in the organization's culture and then design policies to produce
these behaviors.
5. Use cross-functional teams when developing and implementing the ethics
management program. It is vital that the organization’s employees feel a sense of
participation and ownership in the program if they are to adhere to its ethical values.
Therefore, include employees in developing and operating the program.
7. Value forgiveness. This may sound rather religious. However, it is probably the most
important component of any management practice. An ethics management program may
at first actually increase the number of ethical issues to be dealt with because people are
more sensitive to their occurrence. Consequently, there may be more occasions to address
people’s unethical behavior. The most important ingredient for remaining ethical is trying
to be ethical. Therefore, help people recognize and address their mistakes and then
support them to continue to try operate ethically.
8. Note that trying to operate ethically and making a few mistakes is better than not trying
at all. Some organizations have become widely known as operating in a highly ethical
Depending on the size of the organization, certain roles may prove useful in
managing ethics in the workplace. These can be full-time roles or part-time functions
assumed by someone already in the organization. Small organizations certainly will not
have the resources to implement each the following roles using different people in the
organization. However, the following function points out responsibilities that should be
included somewhere in the organization. Mr. P.A.Viswanathan is ethics counselor in Tata
Steel and some of his experiences are given here.
1. The organization's chief executive must fully support the program. If the chief
executive is not fully behind the program, employees will certainly notice -- and this
apparent hypocrisy may cause such cynicism that, the organization may be worse off
than having no formal ethics program at all. Therefore, the chief executive should
announce the program, and champion its development and implementation. Most
important, the chief executive should consistently aspire to lead in an ethical manner.
If a mistake is made, admit it.
2. Consider establishing an ethics committee at the board level. The committee would be
charged to oversee development and operation of the ethics management program.
6. Note that one person must ultimately be responsible for managing the ethics
management program.
Codes of Ethics
A code generally describes the highest values to which the company aspires to
operate. Many ethicists note that it is the developing and continuing dialogue around the
code's values that is most important.
Sometimes, employees react to codes with suspicion, believing the values are
"motherhood statements and codes are for window dressing”. However, when managing a
complex issue, especially in a crisis, having a code is critical.
Developing Codes of Ethics
Codes should not be developed out of the Human Resource or Legal departments
alone, as it is sometimes done in organizations. Codes are insufficient if intended only to
ensure that policies are legal. All staff must see the ethics program being driven by top
One of the essential variables in the development of codes is the organizational culture.
1. Review any values need to adhere to relevant laws and regulations; this ensures
organization is not violating any of them.( Various laws given by both state and
Central Governments have to be followed such as Factories Act, Workmen
Compensation Act etc)
2. Review which values produce the top three or four traits of a highly ethical and
successful product or service in a particular functional area, for example for
accountants: objectivity, confidentiality, accuracy, etc. Identify the values produce
behaviors that exhibit these traits.
3. Identify values needed to address current issues in workplace. Appoint one or two
persons to interview staff to collect descriptions of major issues in the workplace.
Collect descriptions of behaviors that produce the issues. Consider those issues that
are ethical in nature, e.g.. issues in regard to respect, fairness and honesty. Identify the
behaviors needed to resolve these issues. Identify values that generate preferred
behaviors. There may be values included here that some people would not deem as
moral or ethical values, e.g., team-building and promptness, but for managers, these
practical values may add more relevance and utility to a code of ethics.
4. Identify any values needed, based on findings during strategic planning. Review
information from SWOT analysis (identifying the organization's strengths,
weaknesses, opportunities and threats). What behaviors are needed to build on
strengths, minimize weaknesses, take advantage of opportunities and guard against
5. Consider any top ethical values that might be prized by stakeholders. For example,
consider expectations of employees, clients/customers, suppliers, founders, members
of the local community, etc.
6. Collect from the above steps, the top five to ten ethical values that are high priorities
in organization.
8. Compose code of ethics; attempt to associate with each value, two example behaviors
which reflect each value.
9. Include wording that indicates all employees are expected to conform to the values
stated in the code of ethics. Add wording that indicates where employees can go if
they have any questions.
10. Obtain review from essential members of the organization. Get input from all
members of organization.
11. Announce and distribute the new code of ethics (unless you are waiting to announce it
along with any new codes of conduct and associated policies and procedures). Ensure
each employee has a copy and post codes throughout the facility.
12. Codes are not static and they are dynamic. The most important dimension of codes is
developing them, not the code itself. Continued dialogue and reflection around ethical
values produces ethical sensitivity and consensus. Therefore, revisit codes at least two
or three times a year.
13. We should note that we cannot include values and preferred behaviors for every
possible ethical dilemma that is likely to arise.
It has been observed that it is better to evolve one’s own ethics based on culture of
or the organization. All ethical values are attractive to include in a code; however, we
have to prioritize those that provoke behaviors needed in organization at a specified time.
Ethics Tools:
Codes of Conduct
"Codes of conduct specify actions in the workplace and codes of ethics are general
guides to decisions about those actions," codes of conduct contain examples of
appropriate behavior to be meaningful.
1. Update policies and procedures to produce behaviors preferred from the code of
conduct, including, e.g., personnel, job descriptions, performance appraisal forms,
management-by-objectives expectations, standard forms, checklists, budget report
formats, and other relevant control instruments to ensure conformance to the code of
conduct. In doing so, try to avoid creating ethical dilemmas such as conflicts-of-
interest or infringing on employee's individual rights.
2. There are numerous examples of how organizations manage values through use of
policies and procedures. For example, we are most familiar with the value of social
responsibility. To produce behavior aligned with this value, organizations often
institute policies such as recycling waste, donating to local charities, or paying
employees to participate in community events. In another example, a high value on
responsiveness to customers might be implemented by instituting policies to return
phone calls or to repair defective equipment within a certain period of time. Consider
the role of job descriptions and performance appraisals. For example, an advanced
technology business will highly value technical knowledge, creativity and systems
thinking. They use job descriptions and performance appraisals to encourage
behaviors aligned with these values, such as rewarding advanced degrees, patents,
and analysis and design skills.
3. Include policies and procedures to address ethical dilemmas. See the next section,
"Ethics Tools: Resolving Ethical Dilemmas," to select a method which is most
appropriate to your organization's culture and operations.
4. Include policies and procedures to ensure training of employees about the ethics
management program. See a following section, "Ethics Tools: Training."
5. Include policies and procedures to reward ethical behavior and impose consequences
for unethical behavior.
6. Include a grievance policy for employees to use to resolve disagreements with
supervisors and staff.
7. Consider establishing a hotline for ethics. This function might best be provided by an
outside consultant, e.g., an employee in the same organization with different department,
or an ethics counselor etc. Alternatively, provide an anonymous suggestion box in which
personnel can report suspected unethical activities, and do so safely on an anonymous
An ethical dilemma exists when one is faced with having to make a choice among these
1) A customer asked for a product from us today. After telling him our price, he said he
could not afford it. I know he could get it cheaper from a competitor. Should I tell
him about the competitor -- or let him go without getting what he needs? What is the
guideline for us? The societal interest or the personal interest?
2) Our company prides itself on its merit-based pay system. One of our employees has
done a tremendous job all year, so he deserves strong recognition. However, he has
already paid at the top of the salary range for his job grade and our company has too
many people in the grade above him, so we cannot promote him. What should I do?"
3) Our company prides itself on hiring minorities. One Asian candidate fully fits the job
requirements for our open position. However, we are concerned that our customers will
not understand his limited command of the English language. What should be done in
these circumstances?
4) My boss told me that one of my employees is among several others to be laid off soon,
and that I'm not to tell my employee yet or he might tell the whole organization which
would soon be in an uproar. Meanwhile, I heard from my employee that he plans to join
his daughter in an engineering college. What should I do?"
5) My computer operator told me he had noticed several personal letters printed from a
computer that I was responsible to manage. While we had no specific policies then
against personal use of company facilities, I was concerned. I approached the letter writer
to discuss the situation. She told me she had written the letters on her own time to
practice using our word processor. What should I do?"
6) A fellow employee told me that he plans to quit the company in two months and start a
new job, which has been guaranteed to him. Meanwhile, my boss told me that he wasn't
going to give me a new opportunity in our company because he was going to give it to
my fellow employee now. What should I do?"
Ethical Checklist
Circle the appropriate answer on the scale; "1" = not at all; "5" = totally accept for
each of the statements.
1. Relevant Information Test Have I/we obtained as much information as possible
to make an informed decision and action plan for this situation.
2. Involvement Test Have I/we involved all who have a right to have input and/or to be
involved in making this decision and action plan.
3. Consequential Test. Have I/we anticipated and attempted to accommodate for the
consequences of the decision and action plan on any that are significantly effected by
4. Fairness Test. If I/we were assigned to take the place of any one of the stakeholders
in this situation, would I/we perceive this decision and action plan to be essentially
fair, given all of the circumstances?
5. Enduring Values Test. Do this decision and action plan uphold my/our priority
enduring values that are relevant to this situation.
7. Universality Test Would I/we want this decision and action plan to become a
universal law applicable to all similar situation, even to myself/ourselves?
8. Light-of-Day Test How would I/we feel and be regarded by others (working
associates, family, etc.) if the details of this decision and action plan were disclosed
for all to know?
9. Total Ethical Analysis Confidence Score.
10. Place the total of all circled numbers here.
How confident can you are that you have done a good job of ethical analysis?
If we add all your scores and they are falling into the following groups, we can have the
following analysis.
29-35 Very confident
3. What are the underlying drivers that are causing the situation?
4. In priority order, what ethical principles or operating values do you think should be
upheld in this situation?
5. Who should have input to, or be involved in, making decision?
6. List any alternative and action plans that would:
a) Prevent or minimize harm to stakeholders
b) Uphold the priority values for this situation
d) Be a good solution to the situation
Alternative 1
Alternative 2
Alternative 3
7. Build a WORSE CASE SCENARIO for preferred alternative to see how it affects the
stakeholders. Iterate preferred alternative.
8. Add a preventive ethics component to your action plan that deals with the underlying
drivers causing the situation listed in Step 3.
9. Evaluate your chosen decision and action plan against the checklist on the reverse side.
10. Decide and build an action plan, and implement and monitor it.
6. How does this intention compare with the probable results?
7. Whom could your decision or action injure?
8. Can you discuss the problem with the affected parties before you make your decision?
9. Are you confident that your position will be as valid over a long period as it seems
10. Could you disclose without qualm your decision or action to your boss, your CEO,
the board of directors, your family, society as a whole?
11. What is the symbolic potential of your action if understood? Misunderstood?
12. Under what conditions would you allow exceptions to your stand?
(Adapted from: Nash, L. (1981). Ethics without the Sermon. Harvard Business Review,
Engineering Ethics is one of the most important disciplines that need to be thought to
the students to adopt ethical behaviour with respect to organizations. It promotes healthy
society and fulfilling experience for individual. In the globalized era, we find that “Ethics
will be one of the enablers of competitiveness”.
Berenbeim, R. E. (1992, Spring). "The Corporate Ethics Test". Business and Society
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Dean, P. J. (1992). "Making Codes of Ethics 'Real'." Journal of Business Ethics, 11, 285-
Fulcrum Consulting Group, 1093 Snelling Ave. South, Saint Paul, MN 55116. Phone 1-
Gandz, J. & Bird, F. G. (1989, Autumn). "Designing Ethical Organizations". Business
Quarterly, 54(2), 108-112.
Josephson Institute of Ethics, 310 Washington Boulevard, Suite 104, Marina del Rey,
California. Phone 310-306-1868.
Madsen, P., Ph. D., & Shafritz, J. M., Ph. D. (Eds.). (1990). "Essentials of Business
Ethics". New York: Penguin Books.
McDonald, G., & Zepp, R. (1990). "What Should Be Done? A Practical Approach to
Business Ethics". Management Decision, 28(1), 9-13.
Nash, L. (1981). "Ethics Without the Sermon". Harvard Business Review, (59).
Navran Associates Management Consultants, 3037 Wembley Ridge, Atlanta, GA. Phone
Reynolds, L. (1992, July/August). "The Ethics Audit. Business Ethics Magazine", pp. 20-
Strong, K. C., & Meyer, G. (1992). "An Integrative Descriptive Model of Ethics Decision
Making". Journal of Business Ethics, 11, 89-94.