Mba508 HRM - s4 - Training - Ho
Mba508 HRM - s4 - Training - Ho
Mba508 HRM - s4 - Training - Ho
Session Extracts
Concept of Training Training is the formal and informal processes an organization uses to facilitate employees learning so that their resultant behavior contributes to the attainment of organizational goals.
Enhanced by Training
Mission Business Goals Analysis of Internal Environment Critical Success Factors Business Strategy Human Resource Strategy Selection T & D Strategy Strategy C & S Pln. Strategy Perf mgt. Strategy
Analysis of External Environment
Integration with vision & mission Interdependence with other functional areas Integration with other HR subsystems
Training in Organizations
HR Professionals Role Establishing HR Training Policy Developing Training Methods Monitoring Training Practices
Needs Assessment
Training Objectives
Actual Programme
Evaluation Criteria
Actual Training
Training Evaluation
Task Analysis
Person Analysis
The Iceberg
Skills Knowledge
Attitudes Values
Training is linked to human resource needs Training is linked to appraisal system There is a lack of concern about the need for training
T& D and Continuous Learning is perceived as a necessity in a rapidly changing environment. Training is regarded as a competitive weapon Learning is linked to organizational strategy and to individual needs Careful Thought is given while designing the programs
I keep six honest serving men, (they taught me all I knew), Their names are What and Why and When and How and Where and Who. Rudyard Kipling, Just So Stories
Evaluation of Training
Reaction Level Learning Level Behaviour Level Results Level
Kirkpatrick (1987)
The immediate reaction of participants to the content and presentation of a session. The extend to which the participants have absorbed the content. The degree to which the learning applied at work. The overall impact to the organization.
Training Techniques
Off the Job Training Techniques Apprenticeship Training Informal Learning Job Instruction Training Lectures Programmed learning Audio-visual Techniques Simulated Training Role Plays Case Studies Games Discussions IT based Training
Technique Advantages Disadvantages Specific Application/s Focus (K/S/A) Remarks