Naples Commercial LLC: 4912 Del Ray Avenue Bethesda, Maryland 20814 (301) 657-9900 Ext.129 FAX (301) 657-8412
Naples Commercial LLC: 4912 Del Ray Avenue Bethesda, Maryland 20814 (301) 657-9900 Ext.129 FAX (301) 657-8412
Naples Commercial LLC: 4912 Del Ray Avenue Bethesda, Maryland 20814 (301) 657-9900 Ext.129 FAX (301) 657-8412
February20, 2008
VIA e-mail
& facsimile (301) 495-1304
Ms. MargaretK. Rifkin
The MontgomeryCountyDepartmentof Planning
The Community-BasedPlanningDivision
8787 GeorgiaAvenue
Silver Spring,Maryland 20910
We are working closely with Perry Bennan and the 12 property owners comprising
the Nicholson Lane Urban Village al}d the FAR we are seeking is in accord with that
group's plans. See Mr. Bennan's letter to Dr. Hanson dated January 31, 2008.
Kapastin, General Counsel
cc: John A. Carter, Chief, via facsimile (301) 495-1310
4912 Del Ray Avenue
Bethesda,Maryland 20814
(301) 657-9900ext.129
FAX (301) 657-8412
August10, 2007
This is to bring you up to date on the statusof the White Flint View project as well
as to makea requestfor considerationof increasingthe FAR of the site aspart of the White
Flint SectorPlan efforts.
On July 12, 2007, the Planning Board approved the Preliminary Plan, subject to
nine (9) conditions, including a condition that the development be limited to a maximum of
183 multiple-family dwelling units with a minimum 12.5% MPDUs and 29,500 square feet
of general retail use, including sit-down restaurantuse.
1. Grosstract area:81,304squarefeet
2. Proposed dedications(right of way: 19,644 square feet; prior
dedication: 10,249squarefeet)
3. Net lot area:51,411squarefeet
4. A maximumof 183multi-family dwelling units
5. Maximum FAR 2.4 (which translatesinto 195,129squarefeet,
basedupon a grosstract areaof 81,304squarefeet; 194,732square
feet proposed)
6. Retail squarefootage:29,500squarefeet (including 10,000square
feetof restaurant,assuming60% patronarea)
7. Parking spaces (without reductions for proximity to Metro):
required:498;provided: 536
8. Building heightproposed:16 stories;173 feet (180 feet permitted)
9. MPDUs: l~% of 183 = 28
Ms. MargaretRifkin
August 10,2006
White Flint View is within walking distanceof the Metro stationand is at the key
intersectionof NicholsonLane and Huff Court/CitadelAvenueextended,not far from both
ffiG's recently approved 22 story White Flint Crossing acrossRockville Pike and the
LCOR development.The current Sector Plan recommendsC-2 zoning for White Flint
View, yet the Projectis surroundedby recommendedTS-M development.
On April 18, 2006, the County Council adoptedZoning Text AmendmentNo. 05-
12 as OrdinanceNo. 15-68,creatinga specialdevelopmentprocedurein the C-2 zone for a
transit-orientedmixed usedevelopment.This specialdevelopmentprocedurewas intended
to be an incentive for the roadwayimprovementproject in conjunctionwith redevelopment
of the C-2 zonedNoland Plumbing(White Flint View) propertyso that residentialandnon-
residential uses that promote and serve transit ridership in a Metro Station Policy Area
could be sitedthere. ModeratelyPricedDwelling Units were requiredand a floor arearatio
of2.4 was establishedtherefor, with a maximumheightof 180feet.
While we support the staff s current proposed Sector Plan, land use and
transportation recommendations; and, we believe, too, that the White Flint area should be
designated as a new downtown, we continue to believe that the White Flint View Project
with the associated construction of Citadel A venue represents a critical building block in
the transit-oriented development scheme for the area. In other words, we believe that White
Flint View deserves similar density considerations to projects already approved and the
future Sector Plan recommendations for other properties in the surrounding area. Given the
anticipated household and job growth in North Bethesda, more new apartments and for sale
units need to be built to accommodate such growth.
Thus, joining the opinion of Fitzgerald Properties and others, we believe that Metro
bus -"Block 11", including the White Flint View Project, should be given the same
redevelopment potential as that recommended for the LCOR block under the 1992 Master
Plan -FAR 3.0. Both blocks are very close to the Metro station area and can provide an
excellent integrated form of development. FAR 3.0 will also allow the creation of an
integrated super block campus that includes the long term joint use of the Washington
Metropolitan Area Transit Authority's bus facility. A mixed street or pedestrian path can be
constructed along the middle of this block. New local streets, like Citadel Avenue, can
connect northward to LCOR's development and southward to the White Flint Mall.
August 10,2007
White Flint View provides many opportunitiesto contributeto the urban node in
North Bethesda. In additionto a housingopportunity,the propertyimprovesthe systemof
pedestrianand bicycle connectivitythrough Citadel Avenue extendedto the Metro station
and insureshigh quality design featuresin its development. The retail uses on the street
levels of our project will enliven the area and also provide a more attractive pedestrian
experiencefor thosetraveling betweenthe Metro andWhite Flint Mall.
Thank you for considering our request. We would like to meet with your team to
discuss these issues whenever you feel it is appropriate.
Marc "Kap" Kapastin, General Counsel
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