Major Problems Faced by Businesses in Rural and Urban Bangladesh
Major Problems Faced by Businesses in Rural and Urban Bangladesh
Major Problems Faced by Businesses in Rural and Urban Bangladesh
It’s a
Urban Bangladesh by Ashek Ishtiak Haq nightmare for a fresh-blood to get access to credit. The
48 bank rich banking sector has 30 private commercial
The ease of doing business in Bangladesh is not banks; most of them target the urban market. The
getting easier. The country has taken a big 18 place private players are uninterested to move to the rural
drop in the recently published Doing Business, 2008 settings. But fortunately this is changing, due to the
survey; which ranked the country in the 107th position Bangladesh Bank regulations and strong remittance
out of 178. Japan External Trade Organization’s growth from the migrant workers these banks are
(JETRO) 18th cost survey also agrees to the World finding the opportunity in this market and making a
Bank’s findings. The cost of investment has been found move for rural expansion. But the access to credit is
to be rising in the country. The country has become not getting easier. The banks are not interested in
unattractive to the foreign investors due to the hidden providing credit to the small investors because of
costs associated with conducting a business. This two collateral issues and the high cost involved in
major reports finding is not something unexpected. processing the loans. The small investors also lack
Years of negligence and poor governance both from the proper knowledge of how to access the financial
public and private players has lead to this situation. institutions.
Bangladesh's Ranking in Doing Business, 2008 The distribution of branches of different bank segments
Urban Branches Rural Branches
160 National Commercial Banks 1,238 2,146
140 Pribate Commercial Banks 1,295 490
100 Foreign Commercial Banks 49 -
80 Specialized Banks 155 1,203
20 Source: Bangladesh Bank Website
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