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UPSC Examination Syllabus For All Subjects

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1. Civil Services Examination

The Civil Services Examination consists of two successive stages: (i)
Civil Services (Preliminary)
Examinations (Objective Type) for the selection of candidates of Main
Examination; and (ii) Civil
Services (Main) Examination (Written and Interview) for the selection of
candidates for the various
services and posts noted below. After appearing at the Preliminary
Examination, candidates who
are declared successful to have qualified for admission to the Main
Examination (held during
October/November) have to apply again, in the detailed application
form which is supplied to them.
Services/posts to which recruitment is to be made through the
Examination are :
i) Indian Administrative Service.
ii) Indian Foreign Service.
iii) Indian Police Service.
iv) Indian P & T Accounts & Finance Service, Group ‘A’.
v) Indian Audit and Accounts Service, Group ‘A’.
vi) Indian Customs and Central Excise Services Group 'A'
vii) Indian Defence Accounts Service, Group ‘A’.
viii) Indian Revenue Service, Group ‘A’.
ix) Indian Ordnance Factories Service, Group 'A' (Assistant Works
Manager, Non-technical)
x) Indian Postal Service, Group ‘A’.
xi) Indian Civil Accounts Service, Group ‘A’.
xii) Indian Railway Traffic Service, Group ‘A’.
xiii) Indian Railway Accounts Service, Group ‘A’.


xiv) Indian Railway Personnel Service, Group ‘A’.

xv) Post of Assistant Security Officer, Group 'A' in Railway Protection
xvi) Indian Defence Estates Service, Group ‘A’.
xvii) Indian Information Service (Junior Grade), Group ‘A’.
xviii) Indian Trade Service, Group "A" (Grade-III)
xix) Armed Forces Headquarters Civil Service, Group ‘B’ (Section
Officer’s Grade)
xx) Delhi, Andaman & Nicobar Islands, Lakshadweep, Daman & Diu and
Dadra & Nagar
Haveli Civil Service, Group 'B'.

xxi) Delhi, Andaman & Nicobar Islands, Lakshadweep, Daman & Diu
and Dadra & Nagar
Haveli Police Service, Group 'B'.
2. Number of Vacancies:
The number of vacancies to be filled on the result of the examination
will be specified in the Notice
issued by the Commission.
Reservation will be made for candidates belonging to the Scheduled
Castes. Scheduled
Tribes. Other Backward-Classes and Physically disabled categories in
respect of vacancies as
may be fixed by the Government.
3. Chance Limit:
Every candidate appearing at the examination who is otherwise eligible
shall be permitted four
attempts at the examination.
Provided that this restriction on the number of attempts permissible to


belonging to other Backward Classes who are otherwise eligible shall

be seven.
i) An attempt at a Preliminary Examination shall be deemed to be an
attempt at the
ii) If a candidate actually appears in anyone paper in the Preliminary
Examination he/she
shall be deemed to have made an attempt at the Examination.
iii) Notwithstanding the disqualification/cancellation of candidature the
fact of appearance of
the candidate at the examination will count as an attempt.
4. Age Criteria
a) A candidate must be have attained the age of 21 years and must
not have
attained the age of 30 years on the Ist of August, 2005, (This is for
2005 exam)
i.e., he must have been born not earlier than 2 August, 1975 and not
later than 1"
August, 1984:
b) The upper age-limit prescribed above will be relaxable:
i. Upto a maximum of five years if a candidate belongs to a Scheduled
Caste or a Scheduled Tribes:
ii. Upto a maximum of three years in the case of candidates belonging
Other Backward Classes who are eligible to avail of reservation
to such candidates;
iii. Upto a maximum of five years if a candidate had ordinarily been
in the State of Jammu and Kashmir during the period from the 1st


January, 1980 to the 31st day of December, 1989;

iv. upto a maximum of three years in the case of Defence Services
Personnel, disable in operations during hostilities with any foreign
or in a disturbed area and released as a consequence thereof;
v. upto a maximum of five years in the case of ex-servicemen including
Commissioned Officer and ECOs/SSCOs who have rendered at least five
years military Service as on the 1st August, 2005 and have been
a) on completion of assignment (including those whose assignment
is due to be completed within one year from 1st August, 2005)
otherwise than by way of dismissal or discharge on account of
misconduct or inefficient; or
b) on account of physical disability attributable to Military Service; or
c) on invalidment
vi. upto a maximum of five years in the case of ECOs SSCOs who have
completed an initial period of assignment of five years of Military
as on 1st August, 2004 and whose assignment had been extended
beyond five years and in whose case the Ministry of Defence Issues a
certificate that they can apply for civil employment and they will be
released on three receipt of offer of appointment.
5. Educational Qualification
A candidate must hold a degree of any of the Universities incorporate
by an Act of the Central or
State Legislature in India or other educational institutions established
by an Act of amendment or
declared to deemed as a University under Section 3 of the University
Grants Commission Act,


1956 or possess an equivalent qualification.

Note: I: Candidates who have appeared at an examination the passing
of which would render
them educationally qualified for the Commission's examination but
have not been
informed of the result as also the candidates who intend to appear at
such a qualifying
examination will also be eligible for admission to the Preliminary
All candidates who are declared qualified by the Commission for taking
the Civil Services
(Main) Examination will be required to produce proof of passing the
requisite examination along
with their application for the Main Examination failing which such
candidates will not be admitted to
the Main Examination.
6. Scheme and subjects for the Preliminary and Main
A. Preliminary Examination
The examination will consist of two papers.

Paper I : General Studies 150 marks
Paper II : One subject to be selected from the list of
optional subjects set out in Para 2 below 300 marks
Total : 450 marks
2. List of optional subjects for Preliminary Examination.
Agriculture Law
Animal Husbandry & Veterinary Science Mathematics
Botany Mechanical Engineering
Chemistry Medical Science


Civil Engineering Philosophy

Commerce Physics
Economics political Science
Electrical Engineering Psychology
Geography Public Administration
Geology Sociology
Indian History Statistics
i) Both the question papers will be of the objective type (multiple
choice questions).
ii) The question papers will be set both in Hindi and English.
iii) The course content of the syllabi for the optional subjects will be of
the degree level.
Details of the syllabi are indicated in Part A of Section III.
iv) Each paper will be of two hours duration. Blind candidates will,
however, be allowed an
extra time of twenty minutes at each paper.
B. Main Examination
The written examination will consist of the following papers:
Paper I One of the Indian Languages to be selected by the candidate
from the languages
included in the
Eighth Schedule to the Constitution 300 marks
Paper II English 300 marks
Paper II Essay 200 marks

Papers IV & V General Studies 300 marks for each paper
Papers VI, VII, VIII and IX Any two subjects to be selected from the
list of the optional subjects set out in


para 2 below. Each subject will have two

Interview Test will carry 300 marks
i) The papers on Indian Languages and English will be of Matriculation
or equivalent
standard and will be of qualifying nature the marks obtained in these
papers will not be
counted for ranking.
ii) The papers on Essay, General Studies and Optional Subjects of only
such candidates will
be evaluated as attain such minimum standard as may be fixed by the
Commission in their
discretion for the qualifying papers on Indian Language and English.
iii) The paper-Ion Indian Languages will not, however, be compulsory
for candidates hailing
from the North-Eastern States of Arunachanl Pradesh, Manipur,
Meghalaya, Mizoram and
Nagaland and also for candidates hailing from the State of Sikkim.
iv) For the Language papers, the script to be used by the candidates
will be as under :-
Language Script
Assamese Assamese
Bengali Bengali
Gujarati Gujarati
Hindi Devanagari
Kannada Kannada
Kashmiri Persian
Konkani Devanagari
Malayalam Malayalam
Manipuri Bengali


Marathi Devanagari
Nepali Devanagari
Oriya Oriya
Punjabi Gurmukhi
Sanskrit Devanagari

Sindhi Devanagari or Arabic
Tamil Tamil
Telugu Telugu
Urdu Persian
Bodo Devanagari
Dogri Devanagri
Maithili Devanagri
Santhali Devanagri
2. List of optional subjects for Main Examination
Agriculture Mathematics
Animal Husbandry & Veterinary Science Mechanical Engineering
Anthropology Medical Science
Botany Philosophy
Chemistry Physics
Civil Engineering Political Science and International
Commerce and Accountancy Relations
Economics Psychology
Electrical Engineering Public Administration
Geography Sociology
Geology Statistics
History Zoology
Literature of one of the following languages


Arabic, Assamese, Bengali, Chinese, English, French, German, Gujarati,

Hindi, Kannada,
Kashmiri, Konkani, Malayalam, Manipuri, Marathi, Nepali, Oriya, Pali,
Persian, Punjabi, Russian,
Sanskrit, Sindhi, Tamil, Telugu, Urdu.
i) Candidates will not be allowed to offer the following combinations of
a) Political Science & International Relations and Public Administration;
b) Commerce & Accountancy and Management;
c) Anthropology and Sociology;
d) Mathematics and Statistics;
e) Agriculture and Animal Husbandry & Veterinary Science;
f) Management and Public Administration;

g) Of the Engineering subjects, viz., Civil Engineering, Electrical
Engineering and
Mechanical Engineering-not more than one subject;
h) Animal Husbandry & Veterinary Science and Medical Science.
ii) The question papers for the examination will be of conventional
(essay) type.
iii) Each pap er will be of three hours duration. Blind candidates will,
however be allowed an
extra time of thirty minutes at each paper.
iv) Candidates will have the option to answer all the question papers,
except the language
papers viz. Papers I and II above in anyone of the languages included
in the Eighth
Schedule to the Constitution or in English.


v) Candidates exercising the option to answer papers III to IX in anyone

of the languages
included in the Eighth Schedule to the Constitution may, if they so
desire, give English
version within brackets of only the description of the technical terms, if
any, in addition to
the version in the language opted by them.
Candidates should, however. note that if they misuse the above rule, a
deduction will be
made on this account from the total marks otherwise accruing to them
and in extreme
cases, their script(s) will not be valued for being in an unauthorised
vi) The question papers other than language papers will be set both in
Hindi and English.
vii) The details of the syllabi are set out in Part B of Section III.
c. Interview test
1. The candidate will be interviewed by a Board who will have before
them a record of his
career. He will be asked questions on matters of general interest. The
object of the
interview is to assess the personal suitability of the candidate for a
career in public service
by a Board of competent and unbiased observers. The test is intended
to judge the mental
calibre of a candidate. In broad terms this is really an assessment of
not only his
intellectual qualities but also social traits and his interest in current
affairs. Some of the


qualities to be judged are mental alertness critical powers of

assimilation, clear and logical
exposition, balance of judgement variety and depth of interest, ability
for social cohesion
and leadership, intellectual and moral integrity.
2. The technique of the interview is not that of a strict cross-
examination but of a natural,
though directed and purposive conversation which is intended to
reveal the mental
qualities of the candidate.
3. The interview test is- not intended to be a test either of the
specialised or general
knowledge of the candidates which has been already tested through
their written papers.

Candidates are expected to have taken an intelligent interest not only
in their special
subjects of academic study but also in the events which are happening
around them both
within and outside their own state- or country as well as in modern
currents of thought and
in new discoveries which should rouse the curiosity of well educated


Part-A— Preliminary Examination
Compulsory Subject
General Studies
• General Science.


• Current events of national and international importance

• History of India and Indian National Movement
• Indian and World Geography
• Indian Polity and Economy
• General Mental Ability
Questions on General Science will cover General appreciation and
understanding of science
including matters of everyday observation and experience, as may be
expected of a well educated
person who has not made a special study of any particular scientific
discipline. In current events,
knowledge of significant national and international events will be
tested. In History of India,
emphasis will be on broad general understanding .of the subject in its
social, economic and political
aspects. Questions on the Indian National Movement will relate to the
nature and character of the
nineteenth century resurgence, growth of nationalism and attainment
of Independence. In
Geography, emphasis will be on Geography of India. Questions on the
Geography of India will
relate to physical, social and economic Geography of the country,
including the main features of
Indian agricultural and natural resources. Questions on Indian Polity
and Economy will test
knowledge of the country's political system and Constitution of India,
Panchayati Raj, Social
Systems and economic developments in India. On general mental
ability, the candidates will be
tested on reasoning and analytical abilities.



Agriculture its importance in national economy. Factors determining
agroecological zones and
geographic distribution of crop plants.
Importance of crop plants, cultural practices for cereal, pulses, oilseed,
fibre, sugar, tuber
and fodder crops and scientific basis for these crop rotations, multiple
and relay cropping,
intercropping and mixed cropping.
Soil as medium of plant growth and its composition, mineral and
organic constituents of
the soil and their role in crop production; chemical, physical and
microbiological properties of soils.
Essential plant nutrients (macro and micro)–their functions, occurrence,
cycling in soils Principles
of soil fertility and its evaluation for judicious fertilizer use. Organic
manures and bio-fertilizers,
inorganic fertilizers, integrated nutrient management.
Principles of plant physiology with reference to plant nutrition,
absorption, transactions,
and metabolism of nutrients.
Diagnosis of nutrient deficiencies and their amelioration
photosynthesis and respiration,
growth and development, auxins and hormones in plant growth.
Cell and cell organelles. Cell division. Reproductive cycle, Principles of
genetics, geneinteraction,
sex determination, linkage and recombination, mutation, extra


inheritance, polyploidy. Origin and domestication of crop plants.

Genetic resources-conservation
and utilization. Floral biology in relation to selfing and crossing.
Genetic basis of plant breeding pureline selection, mass selection,
male sterility and
incompatibility and their use in plant breeding. Pedigree selection,
back-cross method of selection.
Heterosis and its exploitation. Development of hybrids, composites and
synthetic, Important
varieties, hybrids, composites and synthetic of major crops. Seeds and
Important fruit and vegetable crops of India, method of propagation–
Sexual and asexual.
Package and practices and their scientific basis. Crop rotation,
intercropping, companion crops,
role of fruits and vegetables in human nutrition, post-harvest handling
and processing of fruits and
vegetables. Landscaping and ornamental horticulture, commercial
floriculture. Medicinal and
aromatic plants. Serious pests and diseases affecting major crops.
Principles of control of crop
pests and diseases, integrated management. Proper use and
maintenance of plant protection
Principles of economics as applied to agriculture. Farm planning and
optimum resource–
use efficiency and maximising income and employment. Farm systems
and their spatial
distribution, their significant roles in regional economic development.


Animal Husbandry
1. General: Role of Livestock in Indian Economy and human health.
Mixed farming.
Agroclimatic zones and livestock distribution. Socioeconomic aspects
of livestock
enterprise with special reference to women.
2. Genetics and Breeding: Principle of genetics, chemical nature of
DNA and RNA and their
models and functions. Recombinant DNA technology, transgenic
animals, multiple
ovulation and embryo-transfer. Cytogenetics, immunogenetics and
polymorphic and their application in animal improvement. Gene
actions. Systems and
strategies for improvement of livestock for milk, meat, wool production
and drought and
poultry for eggs and meat. Breeding of animals for disease resistance.
Breeds of livestock,
poultry and rabbits.
3. Nutrition: Role of nutrition in animal health and production.
Classification of feeds,
Proximate composition of feeds, feeding standards, computation of
rations. Ruminant
nutrition. Concepts of total digestible nutrients and starch equivalent
systems. Significance
of energy determinations. Conservation of feeds and fodder and
utilization of agro byproducts.
Feed supplements and additives. Nutrition deficiencies and their


4. Management: Systems of housing and management of livestock,

poultry and rabbits.
Farm record. Economics of livestock, poultry and rabbit farming. Clean
milk production.
Veterinary hygiene with reference to water, air and habitation. Sources
of water and
standards of potable water. Purification of water. Air changes and
thermal comfort.
Drainage systems and effluent disposal. Biogas.
5. Animal Production:
a) Artificial insemination, fertility and sterility. Reproductive physiology,
characteristics and preservation. Sterility its causes and remedies.
b) Meat eggs and wool production. Methods of slaughter of meat
animals, meat
inspection, judgement, carcass characteristics, adulteration and its
processing and preservation; Meat products, quality control and
nutritive value,
By-products. Physiology of egg production, nutritive value, grading of
preservation and marketing.
Types of wool, grading and marketing.
6. Veterinary Science:
i) Major contagious diseases affecting cattle, buffaloes, horses, sheep
and goats,
pigs, poultry, rabbits and pet animals-Etiology, symptoms,
diagnosis, treatment and control of major bacterial, viral, rickettsial
and parasitic


ii) Description, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment of the following:—
a) Production diseases of milch animals, pig and poultry.
(b) Deficiency diseases of domestic livestock and birds.
c) Poisonings due to infected/contaminated foods and feeds, chemicals
7. Principles of immunization and vaccination: Different types of
immunity, antigens and
antibodies. Methods of immunization. Breakdown of immunity,
Vaccines and their use in
Zoonoses, Foodborne infections and intoxications, occupation hazards
8. a) Poisons used for killing animals euthanesia.
b) Drugs used for increasing production/performance efficiency, and
their adverse
c) Drugs used to tranquilize wild animals as well as animals in captivity.
d) Quarantine measures in India and abroad. Act, Rules and
9. Dairy Science: Physicochemical and nutritional properties of milk.
Quality assessment of milk and milk products, Common tests and legal
Cleaning and sanitation of dairy equipment. Milk collections, chilling,
processing, packaging, storage and distribution. Manufacture of market
milk, cream butter,
cheese, ice-cream, condensed and dried milk, by products and Indian
Milk products.
Unit operations in dairy plant.


Role of micro organisam in quality of milk and products

Physiology of milk secretion.

1. Cell Biology: Structure and function of cell wall (extracellular matrix
or ECM), cell
membrane and cell organelles. Nucleus, nucleolus, nuclear pore
complex (NPC),
chromosome and nucleosome. Mitosis, meiosis, molecular control
involving checkpoints in
cell division cycle. Differentiation, cellular senescence.
2. Genetics, Molecular Biology and Biotechnology: Laws of
inheritance. Concept of gene
and allelomorph. Linkage, crossing over and gene mapping. Structural
and numerical
changes in chromosomes and gene mutations. Sex determination and
Structure and synthesis of nucleic acids and proteins. Genetic code.
Regulation of gene

expression. Genetic engineering and crop improvement. Protoplast,
cell, tissue and organ
cultures. Somatic hybridization. Biofertilizers and biopesticides.
Biotechnology in agrihorticulture,
medicine and industry.
3. Tissue Systems: Origin, development, structure and function of
primary and secondary
4. Plant Diversity and Systematics: Structure and function of plant
forms from evolutionary


aspects (viruses to Angiosperms including fossils). Principles of

classification and identification of plants. Modern approaches in plant
taxonomy. Recent
classification of living organism into three groups (bacteria, archaea
and eukarya).
5. Plant Physiology: Water relations. Mineral nutrition.
Photosynthesis. Respiration.
Nitrogen metabolism. Enzymes and coenzymes. Dynamics of growth,
growth movements,
growth substances, photomorphogenesis. Secondary metabolites.
Isotopes in biological
studies. Physiology of flowering.
6. Methods of Reproduction and Seed Biology: Vegetative,
asexual and sexual methods
of reproduction. Pollination and fertilization. Sexual incompatibility.
Development, structure,
dormancy and germination of seed.
7. Plant Pathology: Diseases of rice, wheat, sugarcane, potato,
mustard, groundnut and
cotton crops. Factors affecting infection (host factors, pathogen factors,
biotic factors like
rhizosphere and phyllosphere organisms). Chemical, biological and
genetic methods of
disease control (including transgenic plants).
8. Plant and Environment: Biotic and abiotic components. Ecological
adaptation. Types of
vegetational zones and forests of India. Deforestation, afforestation,
social forestry and
plant introduction. Soil erosion, wasteland, reclamation. Environmental
pollution and its


control (including phytoremediation). Bioindicators. Global warming.

9. Biodiversity, Plant Genetic Resources: Methods of conservation
of plant genetic
resources and its importance. Convention of Biological Diversity (CBD).
threatened and endemic taxa. Role of cell/tissue culture in propagation
and enrichment of
genetic diversity. Plants as sources of food, fodder, forage, fibres, oils,
drugs, wood and
timber, paper, rubber, beverages, spices, essential oils and resins,
gums, dyes,
insecticides, pesticides and ornamentation. Biomass as a source of
10. Origin of Life and Evolution: Basic concepts of origin of earth
and origin of life. Theories
of organic evolution, molecular basis of evolution.


Section-A (Inorganic Chemistry)
1.1 Atomic structure: Schrodinger wave equation, significance of ?
2?and ?quantum numbers
and their significance, radial and angular probability, shapes of
orbitals, relative energies of
atomic orbitals as a function of atomic number. Electronic
configurations of elements;
Aufbau principle, Hund's multiplicity rule, Pauli exclusion principle.
1.2 Chemical periodicity: Periodic classification of elements, salient
characteristics of s,p,d
and f block elements. Periodic trends of atomic radii, ionic radii,
ionisation potential,


electron affinity and electronegativity in the periodic table.

1.3 Chemical bonding: Types of bonding, overlap of atomic orbitals,
sigma and pi bonds,
hydrogen and metallic bonds. Shapes of molecules, bond order, bond
length, V.S.E.P.R.
theory and bond angles. The concept of hybridization and shapes of
molecules and ions.
1.4 Oxidation states and oxidation number: Oxidation and
reduction, oxidation numbers,
common redox reactions, ionic equations. Balancing of equations for
oxidation and
reduction reactions.
1.5 Acids and bases: Bronsted and Lewis theories of acids and bases.
Hard and soft acids
and bases. HSAB principle, relative strengths of acids and bases and
the effect of
substituents and solvents on their strength.
1.6 Chemistry of elements:
i) Hydrogen: Its unique position in the periodic table, isotopes, ortho
and para
hydrogen, industrial production, heavy water.
ii) Chemistry of s and p block elements: electronic configuration,
characteristics properties, inert pair effect, allotropy and catenation.
emphasis on solutions of alkali and alkaline earth metals in liquid
Preparation, properties and structures of boric acid, borates, boron
borohydride (diborane), carboranes, oxides and oxyacids of nitrogen,


phosphorous, sulphur and chlorine; interhalogen compounds,

polyhalide ions,
pseudohalogens, fluorocarbons and basic properties of halogens.
reactivity of noble gases, preparation, structure and bonding of noble
iii) Chemistry of d block elements: Transition metals including
lanthanides, general
characteristic properties, oxidation states, magnetic behaviour, colour.
First row
transition metals and general properties of their compounds (oxides,
halides and
sulphides); lanthanide contraction.

1.7 Extraction of metals: Principles of extraction of metals as
illustrated by sodium,
magnesium, aluminium, iron, nickel, copper, silver and gold.
1.8 Nuclear Chemistry: Nuclear reactions; mass defect and binding
energy, nuclear fission
and fusion. Nuclear reactors; radioisotopes and their applications.
1.9 Coordination compounds: Nomenclature, isomerism and
theories of coordination
compounds and their role in nature and medicine.
1.10 Pollution and its control: Air pollution, types of air pollutants;
control of air and water
pollution; radioactive pollution.
Section-B (Organic Chemistry)
2.1 Bonding and shapes of organic molecules: Electronegativity,
electron displacementsinductive,


mesomeric and hyperconjugative effects; bond polarity and bond

dipole moments of organic molecules; hydrogen bond; effects of
solvent and structure on
dissociation constants of acids and bases; bond formation, fission of
covalent bonds :
homolysis and heterolysis; reaction intermediates-carbocations,
carbanions, free radicals
and carbenes; generation, geometry and stability; nucleophiles and
2.2 Chemistry of aliphatic compounds: Nomenclature; alkenes-
synthesis, reactions (free
radical halogenation) -- reactivity and selectivity, sulphonation-
detergents; cycloalkanes-
Baeyer's strain theory; alkenes and alkynes-synthesis, electrohilic
addition reactions,
Markownikov's rule, peroxide effects, 1- 3-dipolar addtion; nucleophilic
addition to electrondeficient
alkenes; polymerisation; relative acidity; synthesis and reactions of
alkyl halides,
alkanols, alkanals, alkanones, alkanoic acids, esters, amides, nitriles,
amines, acid
anhydrides, α, ß-unsaturated ketones, ethers and nitro compounds.
2.3 Stereochemistry of carbon compounds: Elements of
symmetry, chiral and achiral
compounds. Fischer projection formulae; optical isomerism of lactic
and tartaric acids,
enantiomerism and diastereoisomerism; configuration (relative and
conformations of alkanes upto four carbons, cyclohexane and


potential energy. D, L-and R, S-notations of compounds containing

chiral centres;
projection formulae-Fischer, Newman and sawhorse-of compounds
containing two
adjacent chiral centres; meso and dl-isomers, erythro and threo
isomers; racemization and
resolution; examples of homotopic, enantiotopic and diasteretopic
atoms and groups in
organic compounds, geometrical isomers; E and Z notations.
Stereochemistry of SN1,
SN2, E1 and E2 reactions.
2.4 Organometallic compounds: Preparation and synthetic uses of
Grignard reagents, alkyl
lithium compounds.
2.5 Active methylene compounds: Diethyl malonate, ethyl
acetoacetate, ethyl cyanoacetateapplications
in organic synthesis; tautomerism (keto-enol).

2.6 Chemistry of aromatic compounds: Aromaticity; Huckel's rule;
electrophilic aromatic
substitution-nitration, sulphonation, halogenation (nuclear and side
chain), Friedel-Crafts
alkylation and acylation, substituents effect; chemistry and reactivity
of aromatic halides,
phenols, nitro-, diazo, diazonium and sulphonic acid derivatives,
benzyne reactions.
2.7 Chemistry of biomolecules :
i) Carobhydrates : Classification, reactions, structure of glucose, D, L-


osazone formation; fructose and sucrose; step-up step-down of aldoses

ketoses, and ther interconversions,
ii) Amino acdis : Essential amino acids; zwitterions, isoelectric point,
proteins; methods of synthesis of -amino acids.
iii) Elementary idea of oils, fats, soaps and detergents.?
2.8 Basic principles and applications of UV, visible, IR and NMR
spectroscopy of simp le
organic molecules.
Section-C (Physical Chemistry)
3.1 Gaseous state: Deviation of real gases from the equation of state
for an ideal gas, van der
Waals and Virial equation of state, critical phenomena, principle of
corresponding states,
equation for reduced state. Liquification of gases, distribution of
molecular speed,
collisions between molecules in a gas; mean free path, speicific heat of
3.2 Thermodynamics:
i) First law and its applications: Thermodynamic systems, states
and processes,
work, heat and internal energy, zeroth law of thermodynamics, various
types of
work done on a system in reversible and irreversible processes.
Calorimetry and
thermochemistry, enthalpy and enthalpy changes in various physical
and chemical
processes, Joule-Thomson effect, inversion temperautre. Heat
capacities and
temperature dependence of enthalpy and energy changes.


ii) Second law and its applications: Spontaneity of a process,

entropy and entropy
changes in various processes, free energy functions, criteria for
relation between equilibrium constant and thermodynamic quantities.
3.3 Phase rule and its applications : Equilibrium between liquid, solid
and vapours of a pure
substance, Clausius-Clapeyron equation and its applications. Number
of components,
phases and degrees of freedom; phase rule and its applications; simple
systems with one
(water and sulphur) and two components (lead-silver, salt hydrates).
Distribution law, its
modifications, limitations and applications.

3.4 Solutions: Solubility and its temperature dependence, partially
miscible liquids, upper and
lower critical solution temperatres, vapour pressures of liquids over
their mixtures, Raoult's
and Henry's laws, fractional and steam distillations.
3.5 Colligative Properties: Dilute solutions and colligative properties,
determination of
molecular weights using colligative properties.
3.6 Electrochemistry: Ions in solutions, ionic equilibria, dissociation
constants of acids and
bases, hydrolysis, pH and buffers, theory of indicators and acid-base
Conductivity of ionic solutions, its variation with concentration,
Ostwald's dilution law,


Kohlrausch law and its application. Transport number and its

determination. Faraday's
laws of electrolysis, galvanic cells and measurements of their e.m.f.,
cell reactions,
standard cell, standard reduction potential, Nernst equation, relation
thermodynamic quantities and cell e.m.f., fuel cells, potentiometric
3.7 Chemical kinetics: Rate of chemical reaction and its dependence
on concentrations of
the reactants, rate constant and order of reaction and their
experimental determination;
differential and integral rate equations for first and second order
reaction, half-life periods;
temperature dependence of rate constant and Arrhenius parameters;
elementary ideas
regarding collision and transition state theory.
3.8 Photochemistry: Absorption of light, laws of photochemistry,
quantum yield, the excited
state and its decay by radiative, nonradiative and chemical pathways;
photochemical reactions.
3.9 Catalysis: Homogeneous and heterogeneous catalysis and their
mechanism of heterogeneous catalysis; enzyme catalysed reactions
3.10 Colloids: The colloidal state, preparation and purification of
colloids and their
characteristics properties; lyophilic and lyophobic colloids and
coagulation; protection of


colloids; gels, emulsions, surfactants and micelles.

Civil Engineering
1. Engineering Mechanics: Units and Dimensions, SI Units, Vectors,
Concept of Force,
Concept of particle and rigid body. Concurrent, nonconcurrent and
parallel forces in a
plane, moment of force and Varignon's theorem, free body diagram,
conditions of
equilibrium, Principle of virtual work, equivalent force system.

First and Second Moments of area, Mass moment of Inertia.
Static Friction Inclined plane and bearings.
Kinematics and Kinetics: Kinematics in cartesian and polar co-
ordinates, motion under
uniform and nonuniform acceleration, motion under gravity. Kinetics of
particle :
Momentum and Energy principles, D `Alembert's Principle, Collision of
elastic bodies,
rotation of rigid bodies, simple harmonic motion.
2. Strength of Materials: Simple Stress and Strain, Elastic constants,
axially loaded
compression members, Shear force and bending moment, theory of
simple bending, Shear
Stress distribution across cross sections, Beams of uniform strength,
Leaf spring, Strain
Energy in direct stress, bending and shear.
Deflection of beams: Macaulay's method, Mohr's moment area
method, Conjugate beam


method, unit load method. Torsion of Shafts, Transmission of power,

closecoiled helical
springs, Elastic stability of columns : Euler's, Rankine's and Secant
formulae. Principal
Stresses and Strains in two dimensions, Mohr's Circle. Theories of
Elastic Failure, Thin
and Thick cylinders : Stresses due to internal and external pressures-
Lame's equation.
3. Structural Analysis: Analysis of pin jointed plane trusses,
deflection in trusses. Three
hinged and two hinged arches, rib shortening, temperature effects,
influence lines in
arches. Analysis of propped cantilevers, fixed beams, continuous
beams and rigid frames.
Slope deflection, moment distribution, Kani's method and Matrix
method: Force and
Displacement methods. Rolling loads and influece lines for determinate
beams and pin
jointed trusses.
Geotechnical Engineering: Types of soil, field identification and
classification, phase
relationships, consistency limits, particle size distribution, classification
of soil, structure
and clay mineralogy.
Capillary water and structural water, effective stress and pore water
pressure, Darcy's
Law, factors affecting permeability, determination of permeability,
permeability of stratified
soil deposits.


Seepage pressure, quick sand condition, compressibility and

consolidation, Terzaghi's
theory of one dimensional consolidation, consolidation test.
Compaction of soil, optimum
moisture content, Proctor Density.
Subsurface exploration, methods of boring, sampling, types of sampler,
field tests.
Shear strength of soils, Mohr-Coulomb failure theory, shear tests Earth
pressure at rest,
active and passive pressures, Rankine's theory, Coulomb's wedge
theory, earth pressure
on retaining wall.

Bearing capacity, Terzaghi and other important theories, net and gross
bearing pressure,
Immediate and consolidation settlement.
Load carrying capacity of pile groups.
Stability of slope-Conventional method of slices, stability numbers.
Transporation Engineering: Highway alignment, choice of layout
and capacity of
highways, location survey, geometric design of highways-various
elements, curves, grade
separation and segregation of traffic, intersection design, highway
materials and testing
subgrade and pavement components, types of pavements, road
drainage, elements of
airport engineering.
Railway engineering-elements of permanent track-rails, sleepers,
ballast and rail


fastenings, tractive resistance, elements of geometric design-gradients

and grade
compensation on curves, cant transition curves and vertical curves,
stresses in railway
tracks, points and crossings, signalling and interlocking, maintenance
of railway track.
Culverts and small bridges.
Fluid Mechanics: fluid properties, fluid statics, forces on plane and
curved surfaces,
stability of floating and submerged bodies.
Kinematics: Velocity, streamlines, continuity equation, accelerations
irrotational and
rotational flow, velocity potential and stream functions, flownet,
Dynamics: Euler's equation along streamline, control volume
equation, continuity,
momentum, energy and moment of momentum equation from control
volume equation,
applications to pipe flow, moving vanes, moment of momentum,
Dimensional analysis.
Boundary layer on a flat plate, drag and lift on bodies. Laminar and
Turbulent Flows.
Laminar and turbulent flow through pipes, friction factor variation, pipe
networks, water
hammer, and surge tanks.
Open Channel Flow: Energy and momentum correction factors,
uniform and non-uniform
flows, specific energy and specific force, critical depth, Friction factors
and roughness


coefficients, flow in transitions, free overfall, weirs, hydraulic jump,

surges, gradually varied
flow equations, surface profiles, moving hydraulic jump.
Environmental Engineering
Water Supply: Estimation of surface and subsurface water resources,
predicting demand
for water, impurities of water and their significance, physical, chemical
and bacteriological
analysis, water borne diseases, standards for potable water.

Intake of water: pumping and gravity schemes, water treatment:
principles of coagulation,
flocculation and sedimentation; slow-, rapid-, pressure-, filters;
chlorination, softening,
removal of taste, odour and salinity.
Water storage and distribution: storage and balancing reservoir types,
location and
capacity. Distribution systems: layout, hydraulics of pipe lines, pipe
fittings, valves
including check and pressure reducing valves, meters, analysis of
distribution systems,
leak detection, maintenance of distribution systems, pumping stations
and their operations.
Sewerage systems: Domestic and industrial wastes, storm sewage-
separate and
combined systems, flow through sewers, design of sewers, sewer
manholes, inlets, juctions, siphon. Plumbing in Public buildings.


Sewage characterisation: BOD, COD, solids, dissloved oxygen,

nitrogen and TOC.
Standards of disposal in normal water course and on land.
Sewage treatment: Working principles, units, chambers, sedimentation
tank, trickling
filters, oxidation ponds, activated sludge process, septic tank, disposal
of sludge, recycling
of waste water.
Construction Management: Elements and principles of Activity on
Arrow (AOA) and
Activity on Node (AON) networks and work breakdown structure.
Interfaces. Ladder
networks. Activity time. Time computations and floats. ATC and PTC
trade-off. Work study
and sampling. Scheduling principles-material schedules. ABC and EOQ
analysis of
inventory. Budgeting with barcharts. Working capital. PERT, probability
of completion.
Elements of Engineering Economics, methods of appraisal, present
worth, annual cost,
benefit-cost, incremental analysis. Economy of scale and size.
Choosing between
alternatives including levels of investments. Project profitability.

Part-I Accounting and Auditing ;
Nature, Scope and Objectives of Accounting-Accounting as an
Information System-Users
of Accounting Information.
Generally Accepted Principles of Accounting-The Accounting Equation-
Accrual Concept-


Other concepts and conventions, Distinction between capital and

revenue expenditure. Accounting
Standards and their application-Accounting standards relating to fixed
assets, depreciation,
inventory, recognition of revenue.
Final Accounts of Sole Proprietors, Partnership Firms and Limited
Provisions -Reserves, Provisions and Funds.

Final Accounts of non profit organisation.
Accounting problems related to admission and retirement of a partner
and dissolution of a
Accounting for Shares and Debentures- Accounting Treatment of
Convertible Debentures.
Analysis and Interpretation of Financial Statements Ratio analysis and
Ratios relation to short term liquidity, long term solvency and
profitability-Importance of the rate of
return on investment (ROI) in evaluating the overall performance of a
business entity-Cash-flow
Statement and Statement of Source and Application of Funds-Societal
obligations of Accounting.
• Nature, objectives and basic principles of auditing.
• Techniques of Auditing-physical verification, examination of
documents and vouching, direct
confirmation, analytical review.
• Planning an audit, audit programmes, working papers, audit process.


• Evaluation of internal controls.

• Test checking and sampling.
• Broad outlines of company audit.
• Audit of non-corporate enterprises.
• Internal and management audit.
Part-II Business Organisation
• Distinctive features of different forms of business organisation.
• Sole Proprietor
• Partnerships-characteristics, Registration, Partnership deed, Rights
and duties, Retirement,
• Joint Stock Company-Concept, characteristics, types.
• Cooperative and State ownership forms of organizations.
• Types of securities and methods of their issue.
• Economic functions of the capital market, stock exchanges, Mutual
Funds. Control and
regulation of capital market.
• Business combinations; control of Monopolies. Problems of
modernisation of industrial
enterprises. Social Responsibility of business.
• Foreign Trade-Procedure and financing of import and export trade.
Incentives for export
promotion. Financing of foreign trade.


• Insurance-Principles and practice of Life, Fire, Marine and General



• Management functions-Planning-strategies, Organising-levels of

authority Staffing, Line
function and staff function, Leadership, Communication, Motivation,
• Coordination-Concept, types, methods.
• Control-principles, performance standards, corrective action. Salary
and wage administration-
Job evaluation.
• Organisation Structure-Centralization and decentralization-Delegation
of authority-span of
control-Management by Objectives and Management by Exception.
• Management of change; Crisis Management.
• Office Management-scope and principles; systems and routines;
handling of records- modern
aids to Office management; office equipment and machines;
Automation and Personal
• Impact of Organisation and Methods (O & M)
Company Law
• Joint stock companies-incorporation; documents and formalities-
Doctrine of indoor
management and constructive notice.
• Duties and powers of the board of directors of a company.
• Accounts and Audit of Companies.
• Company Secretary-role and functions-qualifications for appointment.

Part-I General Economics
1) Micro-economics:


a) Production : Agents of Production; Costs and Supply; Isoquants

b) Consumption and Demand; Elasticity concept
c) Market Structure and concepts of equilibrium;
d) Determination of prices;
e) Components and Theories of Distribution
f) Elementary concepts of Welfare economics: Pareto-optimality-Private
and social
products-consumers surplus.

2) Macro-economics:
a) National Income concepts;
b) Determinants of National Income Employment
c) Determinants of consumption, savings and Investment
d) Rate of Interest and its determination
e) Interest and profit.
3) Money, Banking and Public Finance:
a) Concepts of Money and measures of money supply; velocity of
b) Banks and credit creation; Banks and portfolio management.
c) Central Bank and control over money supply
d) Determination of the price level.
e) Inflation, its causes and remedies.
f) Public, Finance-Budgets-Taxes and non-tax revenues-Types of Budget
4) International Economics:
a) Theories of International Trade-comparative costs-Heckscher-Ohlin-
Gains from
Trade-Terms of Trade.
b) Free Trade and Protection.
c) Balance of Payments accounts and Adjustment.


d) Exchange rate under free exchange markets.

e) Evolution of the International Monetary System and World Trading
Standard-the Brettonwoods system.
IMF and the World Bank and their associates.
Floating rates-GATT and WTO
(5) Growth and Development:
a) Meaning and measurement of growth; Growth, distribution and
b) Characteristics of underdevelopment;
c) Stages of Development;
d) Sources of growth-capital, Human capital, population, productivity,
Trade and aid,
non-economic factors; growth Strategies,
e) Planning in a mixed economy-Indicative planning-Planning and

(6) Economic Statistics: Types of averages-measures of dispersion-
numbers; types, uses and limitations.
Part-II Indian Economics
1. Main features; Geographic size-Endowment of natural resources,
Population; size,
composition quality and growth trend-Occupational distribution-Effects
of British Rule with
reference to Drain theory and Laissez Faire policy.
2. Major problems, their dimensions, nature and broad causes; Mass
and its types-Economics effects of population pressure-Inequality and
types thereof-Low


productivity and low per capita income, Rural-urban disparities-Foreign

Trade and
payments imbalances. Balance of Payments and External Debt-
Inflation, and parallel
economy and its effects-Fiscal deficit.
3. Growth in income and employment since Independence-Rate,
Pattern, Sectoral trends-
Distributional Changes-Regional disparities.
4. Economic Planning in India: Major controversies on planning in
strategies-goals and achievements, shortfalls of different plans-
planning and the Market.
5. Broad Fiscal, monetary, industrial trade and agricultural policies-
objectives, rationale,
constraints and effects.

Electrical Engineering
Electrical Circuits-Theory and Applications
Circuit components, network graphs, KCL, KVL; circuit analysis methods
: nodal analysis, mesh
analysis; basic network theorems and applications; transient analysis :
RL, RC and RLC circuits;
sinusoidal steady state analysis; resonant circuits and applications;
coupled circuits and
applications; balanced 3-phase circuits. Two port networks, driving
point and transfer functions;
poles and zeros of network functions.
Signals & Systems
Representation of continuous-time and discrete-time signals &
system's ; LTI systems; convolution;


impulse response; time-domain analysis of LTI systems based on

convolution and
differential/difference equations. Fourier transform, Laplace transform,
Z-transform, Transfer
function. Sampling and recovery of signals.
Control Systems
Elements of control systems; block-diagram representations; open-loop
& closed-loop systems;
principles and applications of feed-back. LTI systems : time domain and
transform domain

analysis. Stability : Routh Hurwitz criterion, root-loci, Nyquist's
criterion. Bode-plots, Design of leadlag
compensators; Proportional, PI, PID controllers.
E.M. Theory
Electro-static and magneto-static fields; Maxwell's equations; e.m.
waves and wave equations;
wave propagation and antennas; transmission lines; micro-wave
resonators, cavities and wave
Electrical Engineering Materials
Electrical/electronic behaviour of materials : conductivity; free-
electrons and band-theory; intrinsic
and extrinsic semi-conductor, p-n junction; solar cells, super-
conductivity. Dielectric behaviour of
materials : polarization phenomena; piezo-electric phenomena.
Magnetic materials: behaviour and
Analog Electronics


Diode circuits: rectifiers filters, clipping and clamping, zener diode and
voltage regulation. Bipolar
and field effect transistors (BJT, JFET and MOSFET) : Characteristics,
biasing and small signal
equivalent circuits. Basic amplifier circuits; differential amplifier
circuits. Amplifiers : analysis,
frequency response. Principles of feedback; OPAMP circuits; filters;
Digital Electronics
Boolean algebra; minimisation of Boolean function; logic gates, digital
IC families (DTL, TTL, ECL,
MOS, CMOS). Combinational circuits : arithmetic circuits, code
converters, multiplexers and
decoder's. Sequential circuits : latches and flip-flops, counters and
shift-registers. Comparators,
timers, multivibrators. Sample and hold circuits; ADCs and DACs.
Semiconductor memories.
Communication Systems
Fourier analysis of signals : amplitude, phase and power spectrum,
auto-correlation and crosscorrelation
and their Fourier transforms. Analog modulation systems : amplitude
and angle
modulation and demodulation systems, spectral analysis;
superheterodyne receivers. Pulse code
modulation (PCM), differential PCM, delta modulation. Digital
modulation schemes : amplitude,
phase and frequency shift keying schemes (ASK, PSK, FSK).
Multiplexing : time-division,
frequency-division. Additive Gaussian noise : characterization using
correlation, probability density


function, power spectral density, Signal-to-noise ratio calculations for

AM and FM. Elements of
digital communication systems : source coding, channel coding; digital
modulation & demodulation.
Elements of Information theory, channel capacity. Elements of satellite
and mobile communication;
principles of television engineering; radar engineering and radio aids to
Computers and Microprocessors
Computer organization: number representation and arithmetic,
functional organization, machine
instructions, addressing modes, ALU, hardwired and microprogrammed
control, memory

organization. Elements of microprocessors : 8-bit microprocessors
-architecture, instruction set,
assembly level programming, memory, I/O interfacing, microcontrollers
and applications.
Measurement and Instrumentation
Error analysis; measurement of current voltage, power, energy, power-
factor, resistance,
inductance, capacitance and frequency; bridge measurements.
Electronic measuring instruments:
multimeter, CRO, digital voltmeter, frequency counter, Q-meter,
spectrum-analyser, distortionmeter.
Transducers: thermocouple, thermistor, LVDT, strain-guages, piezo-
electric crystal. Use of
transducers in measurement of non-electrical quantities. Data-
acquisition systems.
Energy Conversion


Single-phase transformer : equivalent circuit, phasor-diagram, tests,

regulation and efficiency;
three-phase transformer; auto transformer. Principles of energy
conversion-d.c. generators and
motors: Performers characteristics, starting and speed control
armature reaction and commutation;
three-phase induction motor; performance characteristics, starting and
speed control. Single-phase
induction motor. Synchronous generators: performance characteristics,
regulation, parallel
operation. Synchronous motors: starting characteristics, applications;
synchronous condensor.
FHP motors, permanent magnet and stepper motors, brushless d.c.
motors, single-phase motors.
Power Systems
Electric power generation: thermal, hydro, nuclear. Transmission
line parameters: steady-state
performance of overhead transmission lines and cables. Distribution
systems : insulators, bundle
conductors, corona and radio interference effects; per-unit quantities;
bus admittance and
impedance matrices; load flow; voltage control and power factor
correction. Economic operation.
Principles of over current, differential and distance protection; solid
state relays, circuit breakers,
concept of system stability. HVDC transmission.
Power Electronics and Electric Drives
Semiconductor power devices: diode, transistor, thyristor, triac,
GTO and MOSFET, static
characteristics, principles of operation; triggering circuits; phase
controlled rectifiers; bridge


converters-fully controlled and half controlled; principles of thyristor

chopper and inverter. Basic
concept of speed control of DC and AC motor drives.
Elements of IC Fabrication Technology
Overview of IC Technology. Unit steps used in IC fabrication : wafer
cleaning, photo-lithography,
wet and dry etching, oxidation, diffusion, ion-implantation, CVD and
LPCVD techniques for
deposition of poly-silicon, silicon, silicon-pnitride and silicon dioxide;
metallisation and passivation.


Physical Georgraphy
i) Geomorphology: Origin of the earth; Geological Time Scale; Interior
of the earth; Types
and characteristics of rocks; Folding and Faulting; Volcanoes;
Earthquakes; Weathering;
Landforms caused by fluvial, aeolian and glacial actions.
ii) Climatology: Structure and composition of atmosphere;
Temperature; Pressure belts and
Wind systems; Clouds and rainfall types; Cyclones and anti-cyclones;
Major climatic types.
iii) Oceanography: Ocean relief; Temperature; Salinity; Ocean
deposits; Ocean currents, El
Nino and La Nino; Waves and tides.
iv) Biogeography: Origin and types of soils; Major biomes of the
world; Ecosystem and food
chain; Environmental degradation and conservation.
Section-B Human Geography


i) Man and Environment Relationship: Growth and development of

Human Geography;
Concepts of Determinism and Possibilism.
ii) Population: Races of mankind and tribes; growth and distribution of
world population;
migration; population problems of developed and developing countries.
iii) Economic Activities: Food gathering and hunting; pastoral
herding; fishing and forestry;
Types of agriculture-shifting, subsistence, commercial and plantation;
Mining, Power;
Manufacturing -locational factors of textile, iron and steel, sugar and
fertilizer industries;
Tertiary activities-trade, transport, communication and services.
iv) Settlements: Origin, types and patterns of rural settlements;
Processes of urbanisation;
morphology and functional classification of towns; million-cities and
Section-C Geography of the World
i) Major Natural Regions: Characteristics, economic base and human
ii) Regional Geography of Developed Countries: Canada, U.S.A.,
Western Europe,
Russia, Japan, Australia and New Zealand.
iii) Regional Geography of Developing Countries: S.E. Asia, S.W.
Asia, China, Southern
Africa and Brazil.
iv) Regional Geography of South Asia.
Section-D Geography of India
i) Physical Setting: Landforms, drainage, climate, soils and natural

ii) Economic Base: Minerals & energy resources, aquatic resources,
forest resources;
irrigation, agriculture and industries; trade and commerce.
iii) Population: Growth, distribution and density; demographic
iv) Environmental problems, developmental issues and regional
Section-E Geographical Thought
i) Ancient Period: Contributions of Indians, Greeks, Romans and
ii) Pre-Modern Period: Contribution of Verenius, Kant, Humboldt and
iii) Modern Period: Dichotomy of determinism and possibilism;
contributions of Ratzel,
Semple, Huntington and La Blache.
iv) Recent Period: Quantitive Revolution; Radicalism, Behaviouralism
and Humanism.
Section-F Techniques of Geographical Analysis
i) Maps: Scale and types, uses.
ii) Diagrams: Types and uses
iii) Projections: Types, characteristics and uses.
iv) Remote sensing and geographical information system (GIS) : Aerial
photographs and
imagery, GIS

(a) General Geology: Solar System. The Earth : its origin, age and
internal constitution.
Volcanoes-types, distribution geological effects and products.


magnitude, distribution, causes and effects. Elementary ideas about

geosynclines, mountain building, continental drift, sea floor spreading
and plate tectonics.
(b) Geomorphology: Basic concepts. External and internal processes.
Rock weathering.
Cycle of erosion. Fluvial landforms and drainage patterns. Landforms of
aeolian, marine,
glacial and 'Karst' landscapes. Elements of Remote Sensing.
(c) Structural and field Geology: Primary and secondary structures.
Dip and strike of beds.
Unconformities. Study of folds, joints, faults, foliation and lineations.
Overthrusts and
nappe structures. Stages of rock deformation. Construction of block
Stereographic and equal-area nets. Solutions of simple problems by
stereographic net.
Topographic maps and their interpretation. Use of clinometer compass
in the field
Measurements of bed, foliation, folds joints, faults and lineations in the
field. Principles of
geological mapping. Effects of topography on outcrops. Drawing of

(a) Crystallography: Elements of crystal structure. Laws of
crystallography, Symmetry
elements of normal classes of seven crystal systems.
Properties and interaction of light and crystalline matter. Petrological
microscope and


accessories. Construction and use of Nicole prism. Pleochroism, double

extinction angle, birefringence and twinning in crystals, Isotropic,
uniaxial and biaxial
(b) Mineralogy: Physical, chemical and optical properties of the
following common rock
forming minerals: quartz, feldspar, mica, pyroxene, amphibole, olivine,
garnet, chlorite,
carbonates, aluminosilicates. Structure of silicates and crystal
chemistry of minerals.
(c) Economic Geology: Ore, ore mineral and gangue. Classification of
ore deposits.
Important processes of their formation. Occurrence, origin and
distribution in India of the
ores of aluminium, chromium, copper, gold, lead, zinc, iron,
manganese and radioactive
elements. Deposits of minerals use as abrasives, refractories and in
ceramics, deposits of
coal and petroleum. Elements of prospecting for mineral deposits.
Part -III
(a) Igneous Petrology: Origin of magma and formation of igneous
rocks. Bowen's reaction
principle. Crystallisation of binary systems. Classification of igneous
rocks. Textures and
structures of igneous rocks. Composition, origin and mode of
occurrence of granite,
syenite, diorite, mafic and ultramafic groups, anorthosites and alkaline


(b) Sedimentary Petrology: Sedimentary process and products.

Classification of sedimentary
rocks. Sedimentary structures. Residual deposits - their mode of
formation, chacteristics
and types, Clastic deposits- their classification, mineral composition
and texture.
Elementary ideas about the origin and characteristics of quartz
arenites, arkoses and
graywackes. Siliceous and calcareous deposits of chemical and organic
(c) Metamorphic Petrology: Types and factors of metamorphism.
Zones, grades and facies
of metamorphism. Regional and contact metamorphism. Textures and
structures of
metamorphic rocks. Metamorphism of argillaceous, arenaceous,
calcareous and basic
rocks. Metasomatism.
(a) Paleontology: Habits and habitats of animals. Fossils and
fossilization. Modes of
preservation. Application of fossils, Study of morphology and geological
history of
Foraminiferida, Brachipoda, Bivalvia, Gastropoda, Cephalopoda,
Trilobita, Echinoidea and

Mammals of Siwalik Group. A brief study of Gondwana flora.
(b) Stratigraphy and Geology of India: Fundamental laws of
stratigraphy. Stratigraphic


classification lithostratigraphic, biostratigraphic and

chronostratigraphic. Geological time
Physiographic divisions and outline of stratigraphy of India. Brief study
of Dharwar,
Vindhyan and Gondwana Supergroups and Siwalik Group with
reference to their major
subdivisions, lithology, fossils, areal distribution and economic

Indian History
1. Prehistoric cultures in India
2. Indus Civilization. Origins. The Mature Phase: extent, society,
economy and culture.
Contacts with other cultures.Problems of decline.
3. Geographical distribution and characteristics of pastoral and farming
communities outside
the Indus region, from the neolithic to early iron phases.
4. Vedic society. The Vedic texts; changefrom Rigvedic to later Vedic
phases. Religion;
Upanishadic thought. Political and social organisation; evolutuion of
monarchy and varna
5. State formation and urbanization, from the mahajanapadas to the
Nandas. Jainism and
Buddhism. Factors for the spread of Buddhism.
6. The Mauryan Empire. Chandragupta; Megasthenes. Asoka and his
inscriptions; his
dhamma, administration, culture and art. The Arthasastra.


7. Post-Mauryan India, BC 200- AD 300. Society: Evolution of jatis. The

Satavahanas and
state formation in Peninsula. Sangam texts and society. Indo-Greeks,
Sakas, Parthians,
Kushanas; Kanishka. Contacts with the outside world. Religion :
Saivism, Bhagavatism,
Hinayana and Mahayana Buddhism; Jainism; Culture and art.
8. The Guptas and their successors (to c. 750 AD). Changes in political
organisation of
empire. Economy and society. Literature and science. Arts.
9. Early Medieval India. Major dynasties; the Chola Empire. Agrarian
and political structures.
The Rajaputras. Extent of social mobility. Postition of women. The Arabs
in Sind and the

10. Cultural trends, 750-1200, Religious conditions : importance of
temples and monastic
institutions; Sankaracharya; Islam; Sufism. Literature and Science.
Alberuni’s "India". Art
and architecture.
11-12. Thirteenth and fourteenth Centuries: Ghorian invasions causes
and consequences. Delhi
Sultanate under the "Slave" Rulers. Alauddin Khalji : Conquests;
administrative, agrarian
and economic measures. Muhammad Tughlug's innovations. Firuz
Tughluq and the
decline of the Delhi Sultanate. Growth of commerce and urbanization.
Mystic movements


in Hinduism and Islam. Literature. Architecture, Technological changes.

13. The fifteenth and early 16th Century : major Provinicial dynasties;
Vijaya-nagara Empire.
The Lodis, First phase of the Mughal Empire: Babur, Humayun. The Sur
empire and
administration. The Portuguese.
Montheistic movements: Kabir; Guru Nanak and Sikhism; Bhakti.
Growth of regional
literatures. Art and Culture.
14-15. The Mughal Empire, 1556-1707. Akbar: conquests,
administrative measures, jagir and
mansab systems; policy of sulh-i-kul. Jahangir, Shahjahan and
Aurangzeb : expansion in
the Deccan; religious policies. Shivaji.
Culture: Persian and regional literatures. Religious thought: Abul Fazl;
dharma. Painting. Architecture.
Economy: conditions of peasants and artisans, growth in trade;
commerce with Europe.
Social stratification and status of women.
16. Decline of Mughal Empire, 1707-61. Causes behind decline.
Maratha power under the
Peshwas. Regional states. The Afghans. Major elements of composite
culture. Sawai Jai
Singh, astronomer. Rise of Urdu language.
17. British expansion: The Carnatic Wars, Conquest of Bengal.
Mysore and its resitance to
British expansion: The three Anglo-Maratha Wars. Early structure of
British raj: Regulating
and Pitt's India Acts.


18. Economic Impact of the British Raj: Drain of Wealth (Tribute);

land revenue settlements
(zamindari, ryotwari, mahalwari); Deindustrialisation; Railways and
commercialisation of
agriculture; Growth of landless labour.
19. Cultural encounter and social changes: Introduction of western
education and modern
ideas. Indian Renaissance, social and religious reform movements;
growth of Indian
middle class; The press and its impact: rise of modern literature in
Indian languages.
Social reforms measures before 1857.

20. Resistance to British rule: Early uprisings; The 1857 Revolt-
causes, nature, course and
21. Indian Freedom struggle-the first phase: Growth of national
consciousness; Formation
of Associations; Establishment of the Indian National Congress and its
Moderate phase;-
Economic Nationalism; Swadeshi Movement; The growth of
"Extremism" and the 1907
split in Congress; The Act of 1909 - the policy of Divide and Rule;
Congress-League Pact
of 1916.
22. Gandhi and his thought; Gandhian techniques of mass mobilisation-
Khilafat and Non
Cooperation Movement, Civil Disobedience and Quit India Movement;
Other strands in the


National Movement-Revolutionaries, the Left, Subhas Chandra Bose

and the Indian
National Army.
23. Separatist Trends in Indian nationalist politics- the Muslim League
and the Hindu
Mahasabha; The post -1945 developments; Partition and
24. India independent to 1964. A parliamentary, secular, democratic
(republic the 1950
Constitution). Jawaharlal Nehru's vision of a developed, socialist
society. Planning and
state-controlled industrialization. Agrarian reforms. Foreign policy of
Border conflict with China and Chinese aggression.

I. Jurisprudence
1. Nature and concept of law.
2. Schools of Jurisprudence : Analytical, Historical, Philosophical,
Sociological &
3. Administration of Justice : Theories of punishment.
4. Sources of Law : Custom, Precedent and Legislation.
5. A few basic Legal concepts:
i) Rights and Duties.
ii) Legal Personality.
iii) wnership and Possession.
II. Constitutional Law of India
1. Salient features of the Indian Constitution.
2. Preamble.
3. Fundamental Rights, Directive Principles and Fundamental Duties.


4. Constitutional position and powers of President and Governors.
5. Supreme Court and High Courts: Jurisdiction, powers, appointment
and transfer of
6. Union Public Service Commission and State Public Service
Commissions: Powers
and functions.
7. Distribution of Legislative and Administrative Powers between the
Union and the
8. Emergency Provisions.
9. Amendment of the Consstitution.
III. International Law:
1. Nature and definition of International Law.
2. Sources: Treaty, Custom, General Principles of Law recognised by
nations and subsidiary means of determination of law.
3. State Recognition and State Succession.
4. The United Nations, its objective, purpose and principal organs;
Constitution, role
and jurisdiction of International Court of Justice.
5. Protection of Human Rights:
i) Provisions in the UN Charter. .
ii) Universal Declaration of Human Rights, 1948.
iii) International Convenant of Civil and Political Rights, 1966.
iv) International Convenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights,
IV Torts
1. Nature and Defination of Tort.


2. Liability based on fault and strict liability.

3. Vicarious Liability including State Liability.
4. Joint Tort feasors.
5. Negligence.
6. Defamation.
7. Conspiracy
8. Nuisance.
9. False imprisonment.

10. Malicious Prosecution.
V. Criminal Law
1. General Principles of criminal liability: Mens rea and actus reus.
2. Preparation and criminal attempts
3. General Exceptions.
4. Joint and constructive liability.
5. Abetment
6. Criminal Conspiracy.
7. Sedition.
8. Murder and culpable homicide.
9. Theft, extortion, robbery and dacoity.
10. Misappropriation and Criminal Breach of Trust.
VI. Law of Contract
1. Definition of contract.
2. Basic elements of contract: Offer, acceptance, consideration,
contracutal capacity.
3. Factors vitiating consent.
4. Void, Voidable, illegal and unenforceable agreements.
5. Wagering agreements.
6. Contingent contracts.
7. Performance of contracts.


8. Dissolution of contractual obligations: frustration contracts.

9. Quasi-contracts.
10. Remedies for breach of contract.

1. Algebra: Elements of Set Theory; Algebra of Real and Complex
numbers including
Demovire's theorem; Polynomials and Polynomial equations, relation
between Coefficients
and Roots, symmetric functions of roots; Elements of Group Theory;
Sub-Group, Cyclic
groups, Permutation, Groups and their elementary properties.

Rings, Integral Domains and Fields and their elementary properties.
2. Vector Spaces and Matrices: Vector Space, Linear Dependence
and Independence.
Sub-spaces. Basis and Dimensions, Finite Dimensional Vector Spaces.
Transformation of a Finite Dimensional Vector Space, Matrix
Representation. Singular and
Nonsingular Transformations. Rank and Nullity.
Matrices: Addition, Multiplication, Determinants of a Matrix, Properties
of Determinants of
order, Inverse of a Matrix, Cramer's rule.
3. Geometry and Vectors: Analytic Geometry of straight lines and
conics in Cartesian and
Polar coordinates; Three Dimensional geometry for planes, straight
lines, sphere, cone
and cylinder. Addition, Subtraction and Products of Vectors and Simple
applications to


4. Calculus: Functions, Sequences, Series, Limits, Continuity,

Application of Derivatives: Rates of change, Tangents, Normals,
Maxima, Minima,
Rolle's Theorem, Mean Value Theorems of Lagrange and Cauchy,
Asymptotes, Curvature.
Methods of finding indefinite integrals, Definite Integrals, Fundamental
Theorem of
integrals Calculus. Application of definite integrals to area, Length of a
plane curve,
Volume and Surfaces of revolution.
5. Ordinary Differential Equations: Order and Degree of a
Differential Equation, First order
differential Equations, Singular solution, Geometrical interpretation,
Second order
equations with constant coefficients.
6. Mechanics: Concepts of particles-Lamina; Rigid Body;
Displacements; force; Mass;
weight; Motion; Velocity; Speed; Acceleration; Parallelogram of forces;
Parallelogram of
velocity, acceleration; resultant; equilibrium of coplanar forces;
Moments; Couples;
Friction; Centre of mass, Gravity; Laws of motion; Motion of a particle
in a straight line;
simple Harmonic Motion; Motion under conservative forces; Motion
under gravity;
Projectile; Escape velocity; Motion of artificial satellites.
7. Elements of Computer Programming: Binary system, Octal and
Hexadecimal systems.
Conversion to and from Decimal systems. Codes, Bits, Bytes and
Words. Memory of a


computer, Arithmetic and Logical operations on numbers. Precisions.

NOT and Shit/Rotate operators, Algorithms and Flow Charts.

Mechanical Engineering
• Statics: Simple applications of equilibrium equations.
• Dynamics: Simple applications of equations of motion, work, energy
and power.


• Theory of Machines: Simple examples of kinematic chains and their

Different types of gears, bearings, governors, flywheels and their
Static and dynamic balancing of rigid rotors.
Simple vibration analysis of bars and shafts.
Linear automatic control systems.
• Mechanics of Solids: Stress, strain and Hookes Law. Shear and
bending moments in beams.
Simple bending and torsion of beams, springs and thin walled
cylinders. Elementary concepts
of elastic stability, mechanical properties and material testing.
• Manufacturing Science: Mechanics of metal cutting, tool life,
economics of machining, cutting
tool materials. Basic types of machine tool and their processes.
Automatic machine tools,
transfer lines. Metal forming processes and machines-shearing,
drawing, spinning, rolling,
forging, extrusion. Types of casting and welding methods. Powder
metallurgy and processing
of plastics.


• Manufacturing Management: Methods and time study, motion

economy and work space
design, operation and flow process charts. Cost estimation, break-even
analysis. Location and
layout of plants, material handling. Capital budgeting, job shop and
mass production,
scheduling, dispatching, Routing, Inventory.
• Thermodynamics: Basic concepts, definitions and laws, heat, work
and temperature, Zeroth
law, temperature scales, behaviour of pure substances, equations of
state, first law and its
corollaries, second law and its corollaries. Analysis of air standard
power cycles, Carnot, Otto,
diesel, Brayton cycles. Vapour power cycles, Rankine reheat and
regenerative cycles,
Refrigeration cycles-Bell Coleman, Vapour absorption and Vapour
compression cycle analysis,
open and closed cycle gas turbine with intercooling, reheating.
• Energy Conversion: Flow of steam through nozzles, critical pressure
ratio, shock formation
and its effect. Steam Generators, mountings and accessories. Impulse
and reaction turbines,
elements and layout of thermal power plants.
Hydraulic turbines and pumps, specific speed, layout of hydraulic
power plants.
Introduction to nuclear reactors and power plants, handling of nuclear
• Refrigeration and Air Conditioning: Refrigeration equipment and
operation and


maintenance, refrigerants, principles of air conditioning, psychrometric

chart, comfort zones,
humidification and dehumidification.
• Fluid Mechanics: Hydrostatics, continuity equation, Bernoulli's
theorem, flow through pipes,
discharge measurement, laminar and turbulent flow, boundary layer


Medical Science
• Human Anatomy: General principles and basic structural concept of
gross anatomy of
hipjoint, heart, stomach, lungs, spleen, kidneys, uterus , ovary and
adrenal glands.
Histological features of parotid gland, bronchi, testis, skin, bone and
thyroid gland.
Gross anatomy of thalamus, internal capsule, cerebrum, including their
blood supply; functional
localisation in cerebral cortex, cerebellum, spinal cord, eye, ear, throat,
cranial nerves.
Embryology of vertebral column, respiratory system and their
congenital anomalies.
• Human physiology and biochemistry: Neurophysiology: Sensory
receptors, reticular
formation, cerebellum and basal ganglia.
• Reproduction: Regulation of functions of male and female gonads.
• Cardiovascular system: Mechanical and electrical properties of
heart including ECG :
regulation of cardio-vascular functions.
• GI System: bilirubin metabolism, liver function tests,


• Haematology: haemogolobin synthesis, abnormal hemoglobins.

• Respiration: regulation of respiration, digestion and absorption of
fats, metabolism of
• Renal Physiology: tubular function, regulation of pH.
• Nucleic acids: RNA, DNA, genetic code and protein synthesis.
• Pathology and Microbiology: Principles of inflammation, principles
of carcinogenesis and
tumour spread, coronary heart disease, infective diseases of liver and
gall bladder,
pathogenesis of tuberculosis.
Immune system, immunological and serological tests for collagen
vascular disease.
Histological diagnosis by fluroscent microscopy.
Etiology and laboratory diagnosis of diseases caused by Salmonella.
Vibrio. Meningococcus
and hepatitis virus.
Life cycle and laboratory diagnosis of Entamoeba histolytica, malarial
parasite, ascaros/
• Medicine: Protein energy malnutrition.
• Medical management of: Coma, cerebro-vascular accidents, status
asthamaticus, cardio
pulmonary arrest, status epilepticus, acute renal failure.
• Clinical features, etiology and treatment of: Coronary heart
disease, rheumatic heart
disease, pneumonia, cirrhosis of liver, amoebic liver absess, peptic
ulcer, pycolone-phiritis,
leprosy, rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes mellitus, poliomyelitis,
meningitis, schizophrenia.


• Surgery: Principles of surgical management of severely injured and

process of fracture
healing. Malignant tumours of stomach and their surgical
management. Signs, symptoms,
investigation and management of fractures of femur, principles of pre-
operative and postoperative
• Clinical manifestations, investigations and management of:
Hydrocephalus, Buerger's
disease, appendicitis, benign prostatic hypertrophy, spinabifida,
brochogenic carcinoma,
carcinoma breast, carcinoma colon.
• Clinical manifestations, investigations and surgical
management of: Intestinal obstruction,
acute urinary retention, spinal injury, haemorrhagic shock,
pneumothorax, pericardial
tamponade, haemetemesis.
Preventive and Social Medicine
Principles of epidemiology, health care delivery.
Concept and general principles of prevention of disease and promotion
of health. National
health programmes, effects of environmental pollution on health,
concept of balanced diet,
family planning methods.

Section-'A' Problems of Philosophy
1. Substance and Attributes: Aristole, Descartes, Locke, Berkeley's
criticism, Nyaya-
Viasesika, Buddhist criticism of Pudgala.


2. God, Soul and the World: Thomas Acquinas, St. Augustine,

Spinoza, Descartes, Nyaya-
Vaisesika, Sankara, Ramanuja.
3. Universals: Realism and Nominalism (Plato, Aristotle, Berkeley's
criticism of abstract
ideas, Nyay-Vaisesika, Buddhism).
4. Bases of Knowledge: Pramanavada in Carvaka, Nyaya-Vaisesika,
Buddhism, Advaita
5. Truth and Error: Correspondence Theory, Coherence theory,
Pragmatic Theory;
Khyativada (Anyathakhyati, Akhyati, Anivacaniyakhyati).
6. Matter and Mind: Descartes, Spinoza, Leibnitz, Berkerley.
Section-B Logic
1. Truth and Validity
2. Classification of sentences: Traditional and Modern.

3. Syllogism: Figures and Moods; Rules of Syllogism (General and
special) validation by
Venn Diagrames; Formal Fallacies.
4. Sentential Calculus : Symbolisation; Truth-Functions and their
interdefinability; Truth
Tables; Formal Proof.
Section-'C' Ethics
1. Statement of fact and statement of value.
2. Right and Good; Teleology and Deontology.
3. Psychological Hedonism.
4. Utilitarianism (Bentham; J.S. Mill).
5. Kantian Ethics.
6. Problem of the freedom of will.


7. Moral Judgements : Descriptivism, Prescriptivism, Emotivism.

8. Niskamakarma : Sthitaprajna.
9. Jaina Ethics
10. Four Noble Truths and Eight fold path in Buddhism.
11. Gandhian Ethics : Satya, Ahimsa, Ends and Means.

1. Mechanics and Waves
Dimensional analysis. Newton's laws of motion and applications,
variable mass systems,
projectiles. Rotational dynamics-kinetic energy, angular momentum,
theorems of moment
of intertia and calculations in simple cases. Conservative forces,
frictional forces.
Gravitaional potential and intensity due to spherical objects. Central
forces, Kepler's
problem, escape velocity and artificial satellites (including GPS).
Streamline motion,
viscosity, Poiseuille's equation. Applications of Bernoulli's equation and
Stokes' law.
Special relativity and Lorentz transformation-length contraction, time
dilation, mass-energy
Simple harmonic motion, Lissajous figures. Damped oscillation, forced
oscillation and
resonance. Beats, Phase and group velocities. Stationary waves,
vibration of strings and
air columns, longitudinal waves in solids. Doppler effect. Ultrasonics
and applications.

2. Geometrical and Physical Optics


Laws of reflection and refraction from Fermat's principle. Matrix

method in paraxial opticsthin
lens formula, nodal planes, system of two thin lenses. Chromatic and
aberrations. Simple optical instruments-magnifier, eyepieces,
telescopes and microscopes.
Huygens' principle-reflection and refraction of waves. Interference of
experiment, Newton's rings, interference by thin films, Michelson
Fraunhofer diffraction-single slit, double slit, diffraction grating,
resolving power. Fresnel
diffraction-half-period zones and zone plate. Production and detection
of linearly, circularly
and elliptically polarised light. Double refraction, quarter-waves plates
and half-wave
plates. Polarizing sheets. Optical activity and applications. Rayleigh
scattering and
Elements of fibre optics-attenuation; pulse dispersion in step index and
parabolic index
fibres; material dispersion. Lasers, characteristics of laser light-spatial
and temporal
coherence. Focussing of laser beams and applciations.
3. Heat and Thermodynamics
Thermal equilibrium and temperature. The zeroth law of
thermodynamics. Heat and the
first law of thermodynamics. Efficiency of Carnot engines. Entropy and
the second law of
thermodynamics. Kinetic theory and the equation of state of an ideal
gas. Mean free path,


distribution of molecular speeds and energies. Trasport phenomena.

experiements-van der Waals equation and applications. Joule-Kelvin
effect and
applications. Brownian motion. Thermodynamic potentials-Maxwell
relations. Phase
transitions. Kirchhoff's laws. Black-body radiation-Stefan-Boltzmann
law, spectral radiancy,
Wien displacement law, application to the cosmic microwave
background radiation, Planck
radiation law.
4. Electricity and Magnetism
Electric charge, Coulomb's law, electric field, Gauss' law. Electric
potential, van de Graff
accelerator. Capacitors, dielectrics and polarization. Ohm's law,
Kirchhoff's first and
second rules, resistors in series and parallel, applications to two-loop
circuits. Magnietic
field-Gauss'law for magnetism, atomic and nuclear magnetism,
magnetic susceptibility,
classification of magnetic materials. Cirulating charges, cyclotron,
synchrotron. Hall effect.
Biot-Savart law, Ampere's law, Faraday's law of induction., Lenz's law.
Alternating current circuits-RC, LR, single-loop LRC circuits, impedance,
resonance, power
in AC circuits. Displacement current, Maxwell's equations (MKS units),
waves, energy transport and Poynting vector.
5. Atomic and Nuclear Physics

Photoelectric effect, Einstein's photon theory. Bohr's theory of
hydrogen atom. Stern-
Gerlach experiment, quantisation of angular momentum, electron spin.
Pauli exclusion
principle and applications. Zeeman effect. X-ray spectrum, Bragg's law,
Bohr's theory of
the Mosley plot. Compton effect, Compton wavelength. Wave nature of
matter, de Broglie
wavelength, wave-particle duality. Heisenberg's uncertainty
relationships. Schroedinger's
equation-eigenvalues and eigenfunctions of (i) particle in a box, (ii)
simple harmonic
oscillator and (iii) hydrogen atom. Potential step and barrier
penetration. Natural and
artificial radioactivity. Binding energy of nuclei, nuclear fission and
fusion. Classification of
elementary particles and their interactions.
6. Electronics
Diodes in half-waves and full-wave rectification, qualitative ideas of
semiconductors, p type
and n type semiconductors, junction diode, Zener diode, transistors,
binary numbers, Logic
gates and truth tables, Elements of microprocessors and computers.

Political Science
1. Political Science: Nature & scope of the discipline, relationship
with allied disciplines like
History, Economics, Philosophy, Sociology, Psychology.
2. Meaning of Politics: Approaches to the study of Politics.


3. Key Concepts: State, Soceity, Sovereignty, Power, Citizenship,

Nation, Global order and
4. Political Ideas: Rights, Liberty, Equality, Justice, Rule of Law. Civil
Soceity Swaraj,
Revolution, Democratic Participation.
5. Democracy: Meaning and Theories of Democracy, Electoral system,
Forms of
Representation & Participation, Political accountability.
6. Political Ideologies: Liberalism, Neoliberalism, Marxism, Socialism,
Fascism, Gandhism.
7. Party System and Political Process: Therories of Party System,
National and regional
parties, Political Parties in the Third World. Patterns of coalition politics,
interest and
pressure groups.
8. Forms of Government: Parliamentary and Presidential. Federal &
unitary Modes of
9. Bureaucracy Concept: Theories, Weber and critiques of
10. Theories of Development: Meaning and various approaches.
Concept and Theories of
underdevelopment Debates in the Third World.

11. Social Movements: Meaning, Theories & Forms, Role of
Environmental Feminist Peasant
& workers movements, Role of Non Government organisation.
12. Nationalism and Internationalism


13. Major theories of International relations: Realist Marxist,

Systems & Decision making &
Game theory.
14. State & the Global order: Neo-Liberalism, globalisation,
structural adjustment, regional
economic integration, Nature and Impact of globalisation.
Section-B Indian Government and politics
1. Approaches to the study of Governments: Comparative
historical, legal institutional,
political economy and political sociology, approaches.
2. Classification of Political systems: Democratic and Authoritarian,
characteristics of
Political systems in the third world.
3. Typologies of constitutions; Basic features of these constitutions &
governments : including
U.K., USA. France, Germany, China, and South Africa.
4. Constitutional development : in India during British Rule-A
historical perspective.
5. Constituent Assembly: philosophical and socio-economic
dimensions. Salient features of
the Indian Constitution.
6. Nature of Indian federalism: Centre-state relations, legislative,
administrative, financial
and political; politics of regional move and National Integration.
7. Fundamental Rights: Constitutional provisions and political
dynamics. Judicial
Interpretations and socio political realities; Fundamental Duties.
8. The Union Executive: President, Prime Minister and the Council of
Constitutional provisions & framework and political trends.


9. Parliament: Powers and functions of the Lok Sabha & Rajya Sabha;
Committees; Functioning of the Parliamentary system in India.
10. The Judiciary: The Supreme Court , Judicial Review Judicial
Activism, Public Intrest
Litigation; Judicial Reforms.
11. The State Executive: Governor, Chief Minister and the Council of
Ministers; Constitutional
Provisions and Political trends.
12. Indian Party System: Evolution and Contemporay trends;
coalition government at the
Centre and States, pressure groups in Indian politics.

13. The interaction of Government & Scientific & Technology
business: Previous and
now their inter relationship and changing roles in Society, Elites, Role
of Pressure groups
class and voluntary associations in society.
14. Local Government & Politics: Panchayti Raj and Municipal
Government, structure power
& functions. Political realities, significance of 73rd and 74th
Amendements, role of women
in Panchayats.
15. Bureaucracy and Development: Post-colonial India; its changing
role in the context of
liberatis after, bureauratic Accountability.
16. Challenges to Indian Democracy:
a) Communalism Regionalism violence, criminalisation and corruption.
b) Regional disparities, environmental degradation, illiteracy, Mass


Population, growth, caste oppressions and socio economic inequalities

backward classes.

1. Introduction to psychology: Concept and definition of psychology.
Nature and Scope.
Branches of psychology. Application of psychology to soceity and social
2. Methods in Psychology: Characteristics of psychological studies,
Observation. Survey
method, Clinical and case study method. Experimental method.
Application of the method.
3. Quantitative Analysis: Measures of central tendency and
dispersion. Correlation. Levels
of measurement. Reliability and validity. Application in test
4. Physiological Psychology: Structure of neuron, nerve impulses,
synapse and
neurotransmitters. Central and peripheral nervous system-structure
and neural control of
behaviour. Hemispheric specialisation. Endocrine system and hormonal
control of
behaviour. Application of hemispheric knowledge to diagnostic
5. Development of human behaviour: Individual Differences :
Heredity and environment.
Life span development. Role of early experience and mastering of
developmental tasks.
Sensitive or critical periods of development in human life cycle and its


6. Perception: Preceptual processes. Perceputal organsiation.

Perception of form, colour,
depth and time. Perceptual readiness and constancy. Role of
motivation, social and
cultural factors in perception. Application of knowledge of perception to
skill development
(e.g. for certain jobs like that of driving, airline pilots etc.)

7. Learning: Classical conditioning and operant conditioning. Modeling
and observational
learning. Transfer of training. Learing and motivation. Application of the
above to the
improvement of academic performance in education.
8. Memory: Physiological basis of memory. Memory and forgetting.
Measurement of memory
(Recall, Recognition, Relearning). Short term and long term memory.
Theories of forgetting
(Decay and Interference theories and Repressive forgetting).
Application of Mnemonic
devices etc, to improving memory.
9. Cognition and Language: Concept of formation. Nature and
development of thinking.
Language and thought and acquisition of language. Problem solving.
Creative thinking and
its applications.
10. Intelligence and Aptitude: Definition and concept. Theories and
models of Intelligence.
Measurement of intelligence and aptitude. Exceptional intelligence.
Mental retardation.


Concepts of multiple, emotional and artificial intelligence and their

11. Motivation and Emotion: Definition and concept of instinct,
needs, drives and motives.
Theories of motivation and their application (drive reduction theory,
Maslow's motivational
hierarchy). Social motivation: Achievement, power, affiliation motives
and influence of early
experiences. Physiological basis of emotion. Theories of emotion
(James-Lange and
Cannon-Brad theories, cognitive physiological theory).
12. Personality: Concepts and Definition of personality. Sutdy of
personality (Trait, type and
eclectic approaches) Development of personality (Freud, Erikson,
Biological and sociocultural
determinants). Measurement of Personality (Projective tests, pencil-
paper tests).
Application of personality profiles in fitting a person to a job.
13. Adjustment and Stress: Concept and definition. Factors affecting
adjustment (frustration
and conflict). Sources of stress and reactions to stress. Coping with
stress. Application of
stress management techniques.
14. Social Behaviour: Socio-cultural factors and behaviour.
Development of attitudes,
stereotypes and prejudice, Measurement of Attidutes (Thurstone, Likert
attitude scale and
Bogardus Social Distance scale). Strategies for reducing prejudice and
changing atitude.
Person perception, implicit personality theory and integrating
impressions. Application of


person perception to impression management.

15. Application of Psychology: Health and mental health (yoga,
meditation and relaxation
therapies). Education (Programmed learning,. self instructional learning
and learning
styles). Community (self help through group cohesiveness and
leadership). Industry
(Assessment centre approach in selection, recruitment and training).
Environment (mannature
interaction, personal space concept, pollution reduction) Information
(Application to commercial, educational and health areas).


Public Administration
1. Introduction: Meaning, scope and significance. Evolution and
status of the discipline.
Comparative Public Administration and Development Administration.
Public and Private
Administration: State versus market debate. New Pubic Administration.
New Public
Management perspective.
2. Basic concepts and principles: Organisation, hierarchy, Unity of
command, Span of
control, Authority and Responsibility, Co-ordination, Centralization and
Delegation, Supervision, Line and Staff.
3. Theories of Administration: Scientific Management (Taylor and
the Scientific Managment
Movement), Classical Theory (Fayol, Urwick, Gulick and others)
Bureaucratic Theory


(Weber and his critics). Ideas of Mary Parker Follett and C.I. Barnard;
Human Relations
School (Elton Mayo and others). Behavioral Approach, Systems
4. Administrative Behaviour: Decision making with special reference
to H. Simon,
communication and control, leadership theories. Theories of motivation
(Maslow and
5. Accountability and Control : The concepts of Accountability and
control : Legislative,
executive and judicial control. Citizen and Administration: Role of civil
society, people's
participation and Right to Information.
6. Administrative Systems: Comparative administrative features of
USA, Great Britain,
France and Japan.
7. Personnel Administration: Role of Civil Service in developing
societies; position
classification, Recuritment, Training, Promotion, Pay and Service
conditions. Relations
with the Political Executive; Administrative Ethics.
8. Financial Administration: Budget: Concepts and forms.
Formulation and execution of
budget, deficit financing and public debt, Accounts and Audit.
9. Union Government and Administration in India. British
legacy: Constitutional context
of Indian Administration; The President, Prime Minister and the Council
of Ministers;
Central Secretariat; Cabinet Secretariat, Prime Minister's Office,
Planning Commission;


Finance Commission; Election Commission; Comptroller and Auditor-

General of India.
Public enterprises: Patterns, role performance and impact of
10. Civil Services in India: Recruitment to All India and Central
Services. Union Public
Service Commission; Training of Civil Servants. Generalists and
Specialists. Minister-Civil
Servant relationship.
11. State and District Administration: Governor, Chief Minister,
Secretariat, Chief Secretary,
Directorates, District Collector: changing role.

12. Local Government: Panchayati Raj and Urban local Government:
Main features,
structures, finances and problem areas. 73rd and 74th Constitutional

Unit I : Basic Concepts
• Society, community, association, institution. Culture-culture change,
diffusion, Cultural-tag,
Cultural relativism, ethnocentrism, acculturation.
• Social Groups-primary, secondary and reference groups.
• Social structure, social system, social action.
• Status and role, role conflict, role set.
• Norms and values-conformity and deviance.
• Law and customs.
• Socio-cultural processes :


• socialisation, assimilation, integration, cooperation, competition,

conflict, accommodation,
Social distance, relative deprivation.
Unit II : Marriage, Family and Kinship :
• Marriage : types and norms, marriage as contract, and as a
• Family : types, functions and changes.
• Kinships : terms and usages, rules of residence, descent, inheritance.
Unit III : Social Stratification
• Forms and functions; Caste and Class. Jajmani system, purity and
pollution, dominant caste,
Unit IV : Types of Society
• Tribal, agrarian, industrial and post-industrial.
Unit V : Economy and Society
• Man, nature and social production, economic systems of simple and
complex societies, noneconomic
determinants of economic behaviour, market (free) economy and
(planned) economy.

Unit VI : Industrial and Urban Society
• Rural-Urban Continuum, urban growth and urbanisation-town, city
and metropolis; basic
features of industrial society; impact of automation on society;
industrialisation and
Unit VII : Social Demography


• Population size, growth, composition, and distribution in India;

components of population
growth-births, deaths and migration; causes and consequences of
population growth;
population and social development; population policy.
Unit VIII : Political Processes
• Power, authority and legitimacy; political socialisation; political
modernisation, pressure groups;
caste and politics.
Unit IX : Weaker Sections-and Minorities
• Social justice-equal opportunity and special opportunity; protective
constitutional safeguards.
Unit X : Social Change
• Theories of change; factors of change; science, technology and
change. Social movements-
Peasant Movement, Women's Movement, Backward Caste Movement,
Dalit Movement.

• Probability: Random experiment, sample space, event, algebra of
events, probability on a
discrete sample space, basic theorems of probability and simple
examples based there on,
conditional probability of an event, independent events, Bayes'
theorem and its application,
discrete and continuous random variables and their distributions,
expectation, moments,
moment generating function, joint distribution of two or more random
variables, marginal and


conditional distributions, independence of random variables,

covariance, correlation,
coefficient, distribution of function of random variables. Bernoulli,
binomial, geometric, negative
binomial, hypergeometric, Poisson, multinomial, uniform, beta,
exponential, gamma, Cauchy,
normal, longnormal and bivariate normal distributions, real-life
situations where these
distributions provide appropriate models, Chebyshev's inequality, weak
law of large numbers
and central limit theorem for independent and identically distributed
random variables with
finite variance and their simple applications.
• Statistical Methods: Concept of a statistical population and a
sample, types of data,
presentation and summarization of data, measures of central
tendency, dispersion, skewness
and kurtosis, measures of association and contingency, correlation,
rank correlation, intraclass

correlation, correlation ratio, simple and multiple linear regression,
multiple and partial
correlations (involving three variables only), curve-fitting and principle
of least squares,
concepts of random sample, parameter and statistic, Z, X2, t and F
statistics and their
properties and applications, distributions of sample range and median
(for continuous
distributions only), censored sampling (concept and illustrations).


• Statistical Inference: Unbiasedness, consistency, efficiency,

sufficiency, Completeness,
minimum variance unbiased estimation, Rao-Blackwell theorem,
Lehmann-Scheffe theorem,
Cramer-Rao inequality and minimum variance bound estimator,
moments, maximum
likelihood, least squares and minimum chisquare methods of
estimation, properties of
maximum likelihood and other estimators, idea of a random interval,
confidence intervals for
the paramters of standard distributions, shortest confidence intervals,
large-sample confidence
Simple and composite hypotheses, two kinds of errors, level of
significance, size and
power of a test, desirable properties of a good test, most powerful test,
lemma and its use in simple example, uniformly most powerful test,
likelihood ratio test and
its properties and applications.
Chi-square test, sign test, Wald-Wolfowitz runs test, run test for
randomness, median test,
Wilcoxon test and Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney test.
Wal's sequential probability ratio test, OC and ASN functions,
application to binomial and
normal distributions.
Loss function, risk function, minimax and Bayes rules.
• Sampling Theory and Design of Experiments: Complete
enumeration vs. sampling, need for
sampling, basic concepts in sampling, designing large-scale sample
surveys, sampling and


non-sampling errors, simple random sampling, properties of a good

estimator, estimation of
sample size, stratified random sampling, systematic sampling, cluster
sampling, ratio and
regression methods of estimaton under simple and stratified random
sampling, double
sampling for ratio and regression methods of estimation, two-stage
sampling with equal-size
first-stage units.
Analysis of variance with equal number of observations per cell in one,
two and three-way
classifications, analysis of covariance in one and two-way
classifications, basic priniciples of
experimental designs, completely randomized design, randomized
block design, latin square
design, missing plot technique, 2n factorial design, total and partial
confounding, 32 factorial
experiments, split-plot design and balanced incomplete block design.


I. Cell structure and function
a) Prokaryote and eukaryote.
b) Structure of animal cell, structure and functions of cell organelles.
c) Cell cycle-mitosis, meiosis.
d) Structure and contents of nucleus including nuclear membrane,
structure of
chromsome and gene, chemistry of genetic components.
e) Mendel's laws of inheritance, linkage and genetic recombination;


f) Function of gene: replication, transcription and translation; mutations

(spontaneous and artificial); Recombinant DNA: principle and
g) sex determination in Drosophila and man; sex linkage in man.
II. Systematics
a) Classification of non-chordates (up to sub-classes) and chordates (up
to orders)
giving general features and evolutionary relationship of the following
Protozoa, Porifera, Coelenterata, Platyhelminthes, Nematheliminthes,
Arthropoda, Mollusca, Echinodermata, Minor Phyla (Bryozoa, Phoronida
Chaetognatha) and Hemichordata.
b) Structure reprodcution and life history of the following types:
Amoeba, Monocystis, Plasmodium, Paramaecium, Sycon, Hydra,
Fasciola, Taenia, Ascaris, Neanthes, Pheretima, Hirudinia, Palaemon,
Periplaneta, Lamellidens, Pila, Asterias and Balanoglossus.
c) Classification of chordates (up to orders), giving general features
and evolutionary
relationship of the following:
Protochordata; Agnatha; Gnathostomata-Pisces, Amphibia, Reptilia,
Aves and
d) Comparative functional anatomy of the following based on type
(Scoliodon, Rana, Calotes, Columba and Oryctolagus): integrument and


derivatives, endoskeleton, digestive system, respiratory system,

circulatory system
including heart and aortic arches, urinogenital system; brain and sense
(eye and ear); endocrine glands and other hormone producing
(Pituitary, thyroid, parathyroid, adrenal, pancreas, gonads) their

III. Vertebrate Physiology and Biochemistry
a) Chemical composition of protoplasm; nature and function of
enzymes; vitamins,
their sources and role; colloids and hydrogen ion concentration;
oxidation, electron trasport and role of ATP, enegetics, glycolysis, citric
acid cycle;
vertebrate hormones: their type, sources and fucntions; pheromones
and their
b) Neuron and nerve impulse-conduction and transmission across
neurotrasmitters and their role, including acetyl cholinesterase activity.
c) Homeostasis; osmoregulation; active transport and ion pump.
d) Composition of carbohydrates, fats, lipids and proteins; steroids.
IV. Embryology
a) Gametogenesis, fertilization, cleavage; gastrulation in frog and chick
b) Metamorphosis in frog and retrogressive metamorphosis in ascidian;
membranes in chick and mammal; placentation in mamals; Biogenetic


V. Evolution
a) Origin of life; principles, theories and evidences of evolution; species
b) Zoogeographical realms, insular fauna; geological eras.
c) Evolution of man; evolutionary status of man.
VI. Ecology, Wildlife and Ethology
a) Abiotic and biotic factors; concept of ecosystem, food chain and
energy flow;
adaptation of aquatic, terrestrial and aerial fauna; intra-and inter-
specific animal
relationships; environmental pollution: Types, sources, causes, control
b) Wildlife of India; endangered species of India; sanctuaries and
national parks of
c) Biological rhythms.
VII. Economic Zoology
a) Beneficial and harmful insects including insect vectors of human
b) Industrial fish, prawn and molluscs of India.
c) Non-poisonous and poisonous snakes of India.
d) Venomous animals-centipede, wasp, honey bee.
e) Diseases caused by aberrant chromosomes/genes in man; genetic
DNA as a tool for forensic investigation.

The main Examination is intended to assess the overall intellectual
traits and depth of


understanding of candidates rather than merely the range of their

information and memory.
The scope of the syllabus for the optional subject papers for the
examination is broadly of the
honours degree level i.e. a level higher than the bachelors degree and
lower than the masters
degree. In the case of Engineering and law, the level corresponds to
the bachelor's degree.
English and Indian Languages
The aim of the paper is to test the candidate's ability to read and
understand serious discursive
prose, and to express his ideas clearly and correctly in English/ Indian
language concerned.
The pattern of questions would be broadly as follows :
(i) Comprehension of given passages.
(ii) Precis Writing
(iii) Usage and Vocabulary
(iv) Short Essay
Indian Languages
(i) Comprehension of given passages.
(ii) Precis Writing
(iii) Usage and Vocabulary.
(iv) Short Essay
(v) Translation from English to the Indian language and vice-versa.
Note 1 : The Papers on Indian languages and English will be of
Matriculation or equivalent
standard and will be of qualifying nature only. The marks obtained in
these papers will not be
counted for ranking.


Note 2 : The candidates will have to answer the English and Indian
Languages papers in English
and the respective Indian language (except where translation is
Candidates will be required to write an essay on a specific topic. The
choice of subjects will be
given. They will be expected to keep closely to the subject of the essay
to arrange their ideas in
orderly fashion, and to write concisely. Credit will be given for effective
and exact expression.

General Studies
The nature and standard of questions in these papers will be such that
a well educated person will
be able to answer them without any specialized study. The questions
will be such as to test a
candidate's general awareness of a variety of subjects, which will have
relevance for a career in
Civil Services.
(a) History of Modern India and Indian Culture
The History of Modern India will cover history of the country from about
the middle of
nineteenth century and would also include questions on important
personalities who shaped the
Freedom Movement and Social Reforms. The part relating to Indian
Culture will cover all aspects
of Indian Culture from the ancient to modern times.
(b) Geography of India


In this part, questions will be on the physical, economic and s

geography of India.
(c) Indian Polity
This part will include questions on the Constitution of India, Political
system and related
(d) Current National issues and topics of social relevance
This parts intended to test the candidate's awareness of current
national issues and topics
of social relevance in the present-day India, such the following.
Demography & Human Resource & related issues. Behavioural & issues
& Social Welfare
problems, such as child labour, gender equality, adult literacy,
rehabilitation of the handicapped
and other deprived segments of the society, drug abuse, public health
Law en enforcement issues, human rights, corruption in public
communal harmony etc.
Internal Security and related issues.
Environmental issues, ecological preservation, conservation of natural
resources and
national heritage.
The role of national institutions, their relevance and need for cha
India and the World
This part is intended to test candidate's awareness of India's relation
with the world in various
spheres, such as the following: Foreign Affairs
External Security and related matters
• Nuclear Policy
• Indians abroad


• Indian Economy
In this part, questions will be on the planning and economic
development in India,
economic & trade issues, Foreign Trade, the role and functions of I.M.F.,
World Bank W.T.O. etc.
International Affairs & Institutions
This part will include questions on important events in world a and on

Developments in the field of science & technology, communications
and space
In this part, questions. will test the candidate's awareness of the
developments in the field of
science & technology, communications and space and also basic ideas
of computers.
Statistical analysis, graphs and diagrams
This part will include exercises to test the candidate's ability to draw
common sense conclusions
from information presented in statistical, graphical or diagrammatical
form and to point out
deficiencies, limitations or inconsistencies therein.
Note: Total number of questions in the question papers of optional
subjects will be eight. All
questions will carry equal marks. Each paper will be divided into two
parts, viz. Part A and Part B,
each part containing four questions. Out of eight questions, five
questions are to be attempted.


One question in each part will be compulsory. Candidates will be

required to answer three more
questions out of the remaining six questions, taking at least one
question from each part. In this
way, at least two questions will be attempted from each part i.e. one
compulsory question plus one

Ecology and its relevance to man, natural resources, their sustainable
management and
conservation. Physical and social environment as factors of crop
distribution and production.
Climatic elements as factors of crop growth, impact of changing
environment on cropping pattern
as indicators of environments. Environmental pollution and associated
hazards to crops, animals,
and humans.
Cropping pattern in different agro-climatic zones of the country. Impact
of high-yielding and
short-duration varieties on shifts in cropping pattern. Concepts of
multiple cropping, multistorey,
relay and inter-cropping, and their importance in relation to food
production. Package of practices
for production of important cereals, pulses, oil seeds, fibres, sugar,
commercial and fodder crops
grown during Kharif and Rabi seasons in different regions of the
Important features, scope and propagation of various types of forestry
plantations such as


extension, social forestry, agro-forestry, and natural forests.

Weeds, their characteristics, dissemination and association with
various crops; their multiplication;
cultural, biological and chemical control of weeds.
Soil-physical, chemical and biological properties. Processes and factors
of soil formation.
Modern classification of Indian soils, Mineral and organic constituents
of soils and their role in

maintaining soil productivity. Essential plant nutrients and other
beneficial elements in soils and
plants. Principles of soil fertility and its evaluation for judicious fertiliser
use, integrated nutrient
management. Losses of nitrogen in soil, nitrogen-use efficiency in
submerged rice soils, nitrogen
fixation in soils. Fixation of phosphorus and potassium in soils and the
scope for their efficient use.
Problem soils and their reclamation methods.
Soil conservation planning on watershed basis. Erosion and run-off
management in hilly,
foot hills, and valley lands; processes and factors affecting them.
Dryland agriculture and its
problems. Technology of stabilising agriculture production in rainfed
agriculture area.
Water-use efficiency in relation to crop production, criteria for
scheduling irrigations, ways
and means of reducing run-off losses of irrigation water. Drip and
sprinkler irrigation. Drainage of
water-logged soils, quality of irrigation water, effect of industrial
effluents on soil and water


Farm management, scope, important and characteristics, farm
planning. Optimum
resources use and budgeting. Economics of different types of farming
Marketing and pricing of agricultural inputs and outputs, price
fluctuations and their cost;
role of co-operatives in agricultural economy; types and systems of
farming and factors affecting
Agricultural extension, its importance and role, methods of evaluation
of extension
programmes, socio-economic survey and status of big, small, and
marginal farmers and landless
agricultural labourers; farm mechanization and its role in agricultural
production and rural
employment. Training programmes for extension workers; lab-to-land
Cell Theory, cell structure, cell organelles and their function, cell
division, nucleic acids-structure
and function, gene structure and function. Laws of heredity, their
significance in plant breeding.
Chromosome structure, chromosomal aberrations, linkage and cross-
over, and their significance in
recombination breeding. Polyploidy, euploid and an euploids. Mutation-
micro and macro-and their
role in crop improvement. Variation, components of variation.
Heritability, sterility and
incompatibility, classification and their application in crop
improvement. Cytoplasmic inheritance,


sex-linked, sex-influenced and sex-limited characters.

History of plant breeding. Modes of reproduction, selfing and crossing
techniques. Origin
and evolution of crop plants, centre of origin, law of homologous series,
crop genetic resourcesconservation
and utilization. Application of principles of plant breeding to the
improvement of major
field crops. Pure-line selection, pedigree, mass and recurrent
selections, combining ability, its
significance in plant breeding. Hybrid vigour and its exploitation,
backcross method of breeding,

breeding for disease and pest resistance, role of interspecific and
intergeneric hybridization. Role
of biotechnology in plant breeding. Improved varieties, hybrids,
composites of various crop plants.
Seed technology, its importance. Different kinds of seeds and their
seed production and
processing techniques. Role of public and private sectors in seed
production, processing and
marketing in India.
Physiology and its significance in agriculture. Imbibition, surface
tension, diffusion and osmosis.
Absorption and translocation of water, transpiration and water
Enzymes and plant pigments; photosynthesis-modern concepts and
factors affecting the
process, aerobic and nonaerobic respiration; C, C and CAM
mechanisms. Carbohydrate, protein
and fat metabolism.


Growth and development; photoperiodism and vernalization. Auxins,

hormones, and other plant
regulators and their mechanism of action and importance in
agriculture. Physiology of seed
development and germination; dormancy.
Climatic requirements and cultivation of major fruits, plants, vegetable
crops and flower
plants; the package of practices and their scientific basis. Handling and
marketing problems of fruit
and vegetables. Principal methods of preservation of important fruits
and vegetable products,
processing techniques and equipment. Role of fruits and vegetables in
human nutriton. Raising of
ornamental plants, and design and layout of lawns and gardens.
Diseases and pests of field vegetables, orchard and plantation crops of
India. Causes and
classification of plant pests and diseases. Principles of control of plant
pests and diseases
Biological control of pests and diseases. Integrated pest and disease
management. Epidemiology
and forecasting.
Pesticides, their formulations and modes of action. Compatibility with
rhizobial inoculants. Microbial
Storage pests and diseases of cereals and pulses, and their control.
Food production and consumption trends in India. National and
international food policies.
Production, procurement, distribution and processing constraints.
Relation of food production to
national dietary pattern, major deficiencies of calorie and protein.


Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Science

1. Animal Nutrition-Energy sources, energy, metabolism and
requirements for maintenance
and production of milk, meat, eggs and wool. Evaluation of feeds as
sources of energy.

1.1. Trends in protein nutrition: sources of protein metabolism and
synthesis, protein
quantity and quality in relation to requirements. Energy protein ratios
in ration.
1.2. Minerals in animal diet: Sources, functions, requirements and
their relationship of
the basic minerals nutrients including trace elements.
1.3. Vitamins, Hormones and Growth Stimulating, substances:
Sources, functions,
requirements and inter-relationship with minerals.
1.4. Advances in Ruminant Nutrition-Dairy Cattle: Nutrients and
their metabolism
with reference to milk production and its composition. Nutrient
requirements for
calves, heifers, dry and milking cows and buffaloes. Limitations of
various feeding
1.5. Advances in Non-Rumiant Nutrition-Poultry-Nutrients and
their metabolism
with reference to poultry, meat and egg production, Nutrients
requirements and
feed formulation and broilers at different ages.


1.6. Advances in Non-Ruminant Nutrition-Swine-Nutrients and

their metabolism
with special reference to growth and quality of meat production,
requirement and feed formulation for baby-growing and finishing pigs.
1.7. Advances in Applied Animal Nutrition-A critical review and
evaluation of
feeding experiments, digestibility and balance studies. Feeding
standards and
measures of food energy. Nutrition requirements for growth,
maintenance and
production. Balanced rations.
2. Animal Physiology
2.1 Growth and Animal Production: Prenatal and postnatal growth,
growth curves, measures of growth, factors affecting growth,
conformation, body
composition, meat quality.
2.2 Milk Production and Reproduction and Digestion: Current
status of hormonal
control of mammary development, milk secretion and milk ejection.
Male and
Female reproduction organ, their components and function. Digestive
organs and
their functions.
2.3 Environmental Physiology: Physiological relations and their
mechanisms of adaption, environmental factors and regulatory
involved in animal behaviour, methods of controlling climatic stress.


2.4 Semen quality: Preservation and Artificial Insemination-

Components of semen,
composition of spermatozoe, chemical and physical properties of
semen, factors affecting semen in vivo and in vitro. Factors affecting
production and quality preservation, composition of diluents, sperm

transport of diluted semen. Deep Freezing techniques in cows, sheep
and goats,
swine and poultry.
Detection of oestrus and time of insemination for better conception.
3. Livestock Production and Management
3.1 Commercial Dairy Farming-Comparison of dairy farming in India
with advanced
countries. Dairying under fixed farming and as a specialised farming,
dairy farming, Starting of a dairy farm. Capital and land requirement,
of the dairy farm.
Procurement of goods; opportunities in dairy farming, factors
determining the
efficiency of dairy animal, Herd recording, budgeting, cost of milk
pricing policy; Personnel Management. Developing Practical and
Economic ration
for dairy cattle; supply of greens throughout the year, field and fodder
requirements of Dairy Farm, Feeding regimes for day and young stock
and bulls,


heifers and breeding animals, new trends in feeding young and adult
Feeding records.
3.2. Commercial meat, egg and wool production: Development of
practical and
economic rations for sheep, goats, pigs, rabbits and poultry. Supply of
fodder, feeding regimens for young and mature stock. New trends in
production and management. Capital and land requirements and socio-
3.3. Feeding and management of animals under drought, flood and
other natural
4. Genetics and Animal Breeding: Mitosis and Meiosis; Mendelian
inheritance; deviations
to Mendelian genetics; Expression of genes; Linkage and crossing over;
determination, sex influenced and sex limited characters; Blood groups
and polymorphism;
Chromosome abberations; Gene and its structure; DNA as a genetic
material; Genetic
code and protein synthesis; Recombinant DNA technology, Mutations,
types of mutations,
methods for detecting mutations and mutation rate.
4.1 Population Genetics Applied to Animal Breeding: Quantitative
Vs. qualitative
traits; Hardy Weinberg Law; Population Vs. individual; Gene and


frequency; Forces changing gene frequency; Random drift and small

Theory of path coefficient; Inbreeding, methods of estimating
coefficient, systems of inbreeding; Effective population size; Breeding
estimation of breeding value, dominance and epistatic deviation;
partitioning of
variation; Genotype X environment correlation and genotype X
interaction; Role of multiple measurements; Resemblance between

4.2 Breeding Systems: Heritability, repeatability and genetic and
correlations, their methods of estimation and precision of estimates;
Aids to
selection and their relative merits; Individual, pedigree, family and
within family
selection; Progeny testing; Methods of selection; Construction of
selection indices
and their uses; Comparative evaluation of genetic gains through
various selection
methods; Indirect selection and Correlated response; Inbreeding,
cross-breeding and synthesis of breeds; Crossing of inbred lines for
production; Selection for general and specificcombining ability;
Breeding for
threshold character.


1. Health and Hygiene
1.1. Histology and Histological Techniques: Stains-Chemical
classification of stains
used in biological work-principles of staining tissues-mordants-
progressive &
regressive stains-differential staining of cytoplasmic and connective
elements-Methods of preparation and processing of tissues-celloidin
Freezing microtomy-Microscopy-Bright field microscope and electron
Cytology-structure of cell, organells & inclusions; cell divison-cell types-
and their classification-embryonic and adult tissues-Comparative
histology of
organs:- vascular, Nervous, digestive, respiratory, musculo-skeletal and
systems-Endocrine glands-Integuments-sense organs.
1.2. Embryology: Embryology of vertebrates with special reference to
aves and
domestic mammals-gametogenesis-fertilization-germ layers-foetal
membranes &
placentation-types of placenta in domestic mammals-Teratology-twin &
germ layer derivatives-endodermal, mesodermal and ectodermal
1.3. Bovine Anatomy-Regional Anatomy: Paranasal sinuses of OX-
surface anatomy
of salivary glands. Regional anatomy of infraorbital, maxillary,


mental & coronal nerve block-Regional anatomy of paravertebral

nerves, pudental
nerve, median, ulnar & radial nerves-tibial, fibular and digital nerves-
nerves-structures involved in epidural anaesthesia-superficial lymph
anatomy of visceral organs of thoracic, abdominal and pelvic
features of locomotor apparatus & their application in the
biomechanics of mammalian body.
1.4. Anatomy of Fowls: Musculo-skeletal system-functional anatomy
in relation to
respiration and flying, digestion and egg production.

1.5. Physiology of blood and its circulation, respiration; excretion,
Endocrine glands in
health and disease.
1.5.1 Blood constituents: Properties and functions-blood cell
Haemoglobin synthesis and chemistry-plasma proteins production,
classification and properties; coagulation of blood; Haemorrhagic
disorders-anticoagulants-blood groups-Blood volume-Plasma
Buffer systems in blood. Biochemical tests and their significance in
disease diagnosis.
1.5.2 Circulation: Physiology of heart, cardiac cycle-heart sounds,
heart beat,
electrocardiograms, Work and efficiency of heart-effect of ions on heart
function-metabolism of cardiac muscle, nervous and chemical


of heart, effect of temperature and stress on heart, blood pressure and

hypertension, Osmotic regulation, arterial pulse, vasomotor regulation
circulation, shock. Coronary & pulmonary circulation, Blood-Brain
Cerebrospinal fluid-circulation in birds.
1.5.3 Respiration: Mechanism of respiration, Transport and exchange
gases-neural control of respiration-chemoreceptors-hypoxia-respiration
1.5.4 Excretion: Structure and function of kidney-formation of
urinemethods of
studying renal function-renal regulation of acid-base balance;
physiological constituents of urine-renal failure-passive venous
congestion-Urinary recreation in chicken-Sweat glands and their
Biochemical tests for urinary dysfunction.
1.5.5 Endocrine glands: Functional disorders, their symptoms and
Synthesis of hormones, mechanism and control of secretion-hormonal
receptors-classification and function.
1.6. General knowledge of pharmacology and therapeutics of
drugs: Celluar level
of pharmacodynamics and pharmaco-kinetics-Drugs acting on fluids
electrolyte balance-drugs acting on Autonomic nervous system-Modern
of anaesthesia and dissociative anaesthetics-Autocoids-Antimicrobials
principles of chemotherapy in microbial injections-use of hormones in


therapeutics-chemotherapy of parasitic infections-Drug and economic

persons in
the Edible tissues of animals-chemotherapy of Neoplastic diseases.
1.7. Veterinary Hygiene with reference to water, air and
habitation: Assessment of
pollution of water, air and soil-Importance of climate in animal health-
effect of
environment on animal function and performance-relationship between
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alisation and animal agriculture-animal housing requirements for
categories of domestic animals viz. pregnant cows & sows, milking
cows, broiler
birds-stress, strain & productivity in relation to animal habitation.
2. Animal Diseases
2.1 Pathogenesis, symptoms, postmortum lesions, diagnosis, and
control of infection
diseases of cattle, pigs and poultry, horses, sheep and goats.
2.2 Etiology, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment of production diseases of
cattle, pig and
2.3 Deficiency diseases of domestic animals and birds.
2.4 Diagnosis and treatment of nonspecific condition like impaction,
Bloat, Diarrhoea,
Indigestion, dehydration, stroke, poisioning.
2.5 Diagnosis and treatment of neurological disorders.
2.6 Principles and methods of immunisation of animals against specific
immunity-disease free zones-'zero' disease concept-chemoprophylaxis.


2.7 Anaesthesia-local, regional and general-preanaesthetic medication,

and surgical interference in fractures and dislocation, Hernia, choking,
displacement-Caesarian operations, Rumenotomy-Castrations.
2.8 Disease investigation techniques-Materials for laboratory
Establishment Animal Health Centres-Disease free zone.
3. Veterinary Public Health
3.1 Zoonoses: Classification, definition; role of animals and birds in
prevalence and
transmission of zoonotic diseases-occupational zoonotic diseases.
3.2 Epidemiology: Principles, definition of epidemiological terms,
application of
epidemiological measures in the study of diseases and disease control,
Epidemiological features of air, water and food borne infections.
3.3 Veterinary Jurisprudence: Rules and Regulations for
improvement of animal
quality and prevention of animal diseases-state and control Rules for
prevention of
animal and animal product borne diseases-S.P. C.A.-veterolegal
Materials and Methods of collection of samples for veterolegal
4. Milk and Milk Products Technology
4.1 Milk Technology: Organization of rural milk procurement,
collection and transport
of raw milk.



• Quality, testing and grading raw milk, Quality storage grades of whole
Skimmed milk and cream.
• Processing, packaging, storing, distributing, marketing defects and
control and nutritive properties of the following milks : Pasteurized,
standardized, toned, double toned, sterilized, homogenized,
recombined and flavoured milks. Preparation of cultured milks, cultures
their management, youghurt, Dahi, Lassi and Srikhand. Preparation of
flavoured and sterlized milks. Legal standards, Sanitation requirement
clean and safe milk and for the milk plant equipment.
4.2 Milk Products Technology: Selection of raw materials,
assembling, production,
processing, storing, distributing and marketing milk products such as
Butter, Ghee,
Khoa, Channa, Cheese; Condensed, evaporated, dried milk and baby
food; Ice
cream and Kulfi; by products; whey products, butter milk, lactose and
Testing Grading, judging milk products-BIS and Agmark specifications,
standards, quality control nutritive properties. Packaging, processing
operational control Costs.
5. Meat Hygiene and Technology
5.1 Meat Hygiene
5.1.1 Ante mortem care and management of food animals, stunning,


and dressing operations; abattoir requirements and designs; Meat

inspection procedures and judgement of carcass meat cuts-drading of
carcass meat cuts-duties and functions of Veterinarians in Wholesome
meat production.
5.1.2 Hygienic methods of handling production of meat-spoilage of
meat and
control measures-Post slaughter physicochemical changes in meat and
factors that influence them-quality improvement methods-Adulteration
meat and defection-Regulatory provisions in Meat trade and Industry.
5.2. Meat Technology
5.2.1 Physical and chemical characteristics of meat-meat emulsions-
methods of
preservation of meat-curing, canning, irradiation, packaging of meat
meat products; meat products and formulations.
5.3. Byproducts: Slaughter house by products and their utilisation-
Edible and inedible
byproducts-social and economic implications of proper utilisation of
house byproducts-Organ products for food and pharmaceuticals.

5.4. Poultry Products Technology: Chemical composition and
nutritive value of
poultry meat, pre slaughter care and management. Slaughtering
inspection, preservation of poultry meat, and products. Legal and BIS
Structure, composition and nutritive value of eggs. Microbial spoilage.


Preservation and maintenance. Marketing of poultry meat, eggs and

5.5. Rabbit/Fur Animal farming: Care and management of rabbit
meat production.
Disposal and utilization of fur and wool and recycling of waste
byproducts. Grading
of wool.
6. Extension: Basic philosophy, objectives, concept and principles of
extension. Different
Methods adopted to educate farmers under rural conditions.
Generation of technology, its
transfer and feedback. Problems of constraints in transfer of
technology. Animal husbandry
programmes for rural development.

Paper I
1.1 Meaning and scope Anthropology
1.2 Relationship with other disciplines: History, Economics, Sociology,
Psychology, Political
Science, Life Science, Medical Science.
1.3 Main branches of Anthropology, their scope and relevance
a) Social-cultural Anthropology
b) Physical and biological Anthropology
c) Archaeological Anthropology.
1.4 Human Evolution and emergence of Man
Organic Evolution-Theories of evolution in historical perspective, pre-
Darwinian, Darwinian
and Post-Darwinian period. Modern synthetic theory of evolution; brief
outline of terms and


concepts of evolutionary biology (Doll's rule, Cope's rule, Gause's rule,

convergence, adaptive radiation, mosaic evolution); Principles of
systematics and
taxonomy, major primate taxa, tertiary and quaternary fossil primates,
Systematics of
Hominoidea and Hominidae, Origin and evolution of man-'Homo
erectus and Homo
1.5 Phylogenetic status, characteristics and distribution of the
a) Prepleistocence fossil primates-Oreopithecus.

b) South and East African hominids-Plesianthropus/Australopithecus
Paranthropus, Australopithecus.
c) Paranthropus-Homo erectus-Homo erectus javanicus, Homo erectus
d) Homo Heidelbergensis.
e) Neanderthal man-La-chapelle-aus-saints (Classical type), Mt.
Carmelites types
(Progressive type).
f) Rhodesian man
g) Homo sapiens-Cromognon, Grimaldi, Chancelede.
Recent advances in understanding the evolution, distribution and
approach to understand a fossil type in relation to others.
1.6 Evolutionary trend and classification of the order Primates,
Relationship with other


mammals, molecular evolution of Primates, Comparative anatomy of

man and apes,
primate locomotion;-terrestrial and arboreal adaptation, skeletal
changes due to erect
posture and its implications.
1.7 Cultural Evolution-broad outlines of pre-historic cultures:
a) Paleolithic
b) Mesolithic
c) Neolithic
d) Chalcolithic
e) Copper-Bronze age
f) Iron age
2.1 Family-Definition and typology of family, household and domestic
groups. Basic structure
and functions; stability and changes in family. Typological and
processual approaches to
the study of family. Impact of urbanization, industrialization, education
and feminist
movements. Universality of family-a critique.
2.2 Concept of kinship : Definition of kin, incest prohibition exogamy
and endogamy. Principles
of descent-types and functions. Political and jural aspects of kinship.
Unilineal, bilateral
and double descent. Descent, filiation and complementary filiation.
Kinship terminology,
typology and approaches to the study of terminology Alliance and
2.3 Marriage -Definition, types and variation of marriage systems.
Debates on the universal
definition of marriage. Regulation of marriage-preferential, prescriptive,
proscriptive and


open systems. Types and form of marriage Dowry, bride-price,

pestation and marriage

3.1 Study of culture, patterns and processes. Concept of culture,
patterns of culture,
relationships between culture and civilization and society.
3.2 Concept of Social Change and Cultural Change:
3.3 Social structure and social organization, Role-analysis and social
network. Institutions,
groups community. Social stratification: principles and form, status,
class and power,
gender. Nature and types of mobility.
3.4 Concept of Society.
3.5 Approaches to the study of culture and society-classical
evolutionism, neo-evolutionism,
culture ecology, historical particularism and diffusionism, structural-
functionalism, culture
and personality, transaction-alism, symbolism, congnitive approach
and new ethnography,
post structuralism and post-modernism.
4.1 Definitions and functions of religion. Anthropological approaches to
the study of religionevolutionary,
psychological and functional. Magic, witchcraft and sorcery; definitions
functions and functionaries: priest, saman, medicine man and
sorcerers. Symbolism in
religion and rituals. Ethnomedicine. Myths and rituals: definitions and
approaches to their


study-structural, functional and processual Relation with economic and

political structures.
5.1 Meaning, scope and relevance, principles governing production,
distribution and
consumption in communities subsisting on hunting-gathering, fishing,
horticulture and other economic pursuits. Fomalist and substantivist
debate-Dalton, Karlpolyanny
and Marx approach and New Economic Anthropology. Exchange: gifts,
trade, ceremonial exchange and market economy.
5.2 Theoretical foundations. Types of political organisations-band, tribe,
chiefdom, state,
concept of power, authority and legitimacy. Social control, law and
justice in tribal and
peasant societies.
6.1 Concepts of developmental Anthropological perspective. Models of
development. Critiques
of classical developmental theories. Concepts of planning and planned
Concept of participatory development. Culture ecology and sustainable
Displacement and rehabilitation.
7.1 Concept of research in anthroplogy, subjectivity and reflexivity in
terms of gender class,
ideology and ethics. Distinction between methodology, methods and
techniques. Nature
and explanation in anthropological research. Positivistics and non-
positivistic approaches.
Comparative methods; nature, purpose and methods of comparison in
social and cultural


anthroplogy. Basic techniques of data collection. Interview, participant

and other forms of
observation, schedules, questionnaire, case-study methods, extended
casestudy methods,
life histories and seconday sources, oral history, genealogical method,

learning and assessment (PLA). Participatory rapid assessment (PRA).
interpretation and presentation of data.
8.1 Concept, scope and major branches of human genetics. Its
relationship with other
branches of science and medicine.
8.2 Method for study of genetic principles in man-family study
(pedegree analysis, twin study,
foster child, co-twin method, cytogenetic method, chromosomal and
karyotype analysis),
biochemical methods, immunological methods, D.N.A. technology and
8.3 Twin study method-zygosity, heritability estimates, present status
of the twin study method
and its applications.
8.4 Mendelian genetics in man-family study, single factor, multifactor,
lethal, sub-lethal, and
polygenic inheritance in man.
8.5 Concept of genetic polymorphism and selection, Mendelian
population, Hardy-Weinberg
law; causes and changes which bring down frequency-mutation,
isolation, migration,


selection, inbreeding and genetic drift. Consanguineous and non-

consanguineous mating,
genetic load, genetic effect of consanguineous and cousin marriages
(statistical and
probability methods for study of human genetics).
8.6 Chromosomes and chromosomal aberrations in man, methodology.
a) Numerical and structural aberrations (disorders)
b) Sex chromosomal aberrations-Klinefelter (XXY), Turner (XO), Super
(XXX), intersex, and other syndromic disorders.
c) Autosomal aberrations-Down syndrome, Patau, Edward and Cri-du-
d) Genetic imprints in human disease, genetic screening, genetic
counselling, human
DNA profiling, gene mapping and genome study.
8.7 Concept of race in histrogical and biological perspective. Race and
racism, biological basis
of morphological variation of non-metric and metric characters. Racial
criteria, racial traits
in relation to heredity and environment; biological basis of racial
classification, racial
differentiation and race-crossing in man.
8.8 Ethnic groups of mankind-characteristics and distribution in world,
racial classification of
human groups. Principal living peoples of world. Their distribution and
8.9 Age, sex and population variation in gentic marker-ABO, Rh blood
groups, HLA, Hp,
transferrin, Gm, blood enzymes. Physiological characteristics-Hb level,
body fat, pulse


rate, respiratory functions and sensory perceptions in different cultural

and socio-economic

groups. Impact of smoking air pollutions, alcoholism, drugs and
occupational hazards on
9.1 Concepts and Methods of Ecological Anthropology. Adaptation-
social and cultural
Deterministic theories-a critique. Resources-biological, non-biological
and sustainable
development. Biological adaptation-climatic, environmental, nutritional
and genetic.
10.1 Relevance in understanding of contemporary society. Dynamics of
ethnicity at rural, tribal,
urban and international levels. Ethric conflicts and political
developments. Concept of
ethnic boundaries. Ethnicity and concept of nation state.
11.1 Concept of human growth and development-stages of growth-
prenatal, natal, infant,
childhood, adolescence, maturity, senescence.
Factors affecting growth and development genetic, environmental,
biochemical, nutritional,
cultural and socio-economic.
- Ageing and senescence. Theories and observations-biological and
longevity. Human physique and somatotypes. Methodologies for
growth studies.
12.1 Reproductive biology, demography and population study.
Reproductive physiology of male


and female. Biological aspects of human fertility. Relevance of

menarche, menopause and
other bioevents to fertility. Fertily patterns and differentials.
12.2 Demographic theories-biological, social and cultural.
12.3 Demographic methods-census, registration system, sample
methods, duel reporting
12.4 Population structures and population dynamics.
12.5 Demographic rates and ratios, life table-structure and utility.
12.6 Biological and socio-ecological factors influencing fecundity,
fertility natality and mortality.
12.7 Methods of studying population growth.
12.8 Biological consequences of population control and family welfare.
13.1 Anthropology of sports
13.2 Nutritional Anthropology.
13.3 Anthropology in designing of defence and other equipments.
13.4 Forensic Anthropology.
13.5 Methods and principles of personal identification and
13.6 Applied human genetics-Paternity diagnosis genetic counselling
and eugenics.
13.7 DNA technology-prevention and cure of diseases.

13.8 Anthropo-gentics in medicine
13.9 Serogenetics and cytogenetics in reproductive biology.
13.10 Application of statistical principles in human genetics and
Physical Anthropology.
Paper II
1. Evolution of the Indian Culture and Civilization-Pre historic
(Paleolithic, Mesolithic and


Neolithic), Protohistoric (Indus Civilization). Vedic and post-Vedic

Contributions of the tribal cultures.
2. Demographic profile of India-Ethinic and linguistic elements in the
Indian population and
their distribution. Indian population, factors influencing its structure
and growth.
3. The basic structure and nature of traditional Indian social system-a
critique. Varnasharam,
Purushartha, Karma,
Rina and Rebirth. Theories on the origin of caste system, Jajmani
system. Structural basis
of inequality in traditional Indian society. Impact of Buddhism, Jainism,
Islam and
Christianity on Indian society.
4. Emergence, growth and development of anthropology in India-
contributions of the 19th
Century and early 20th Century scholar-administrators. Contributions
of Indian
anthropologists to tribal and caste studies. Contemporary nature of
anthropological studies
in India.
5. Approaches to the study of Indian society and culture-traditional and
5.1 Aspects of Indian village-Social organisations of agriculture, impact
of market
economy on Indian villages.
5.2 Linguistic and religious minorities-social, political and economic
6. Tribal situation in India-biogenetic variability, linguistic and socio-
economic characteristics


of the tribal populations and their distribution. Problems of the tribal

alienation, poverty indebtedness, low literacy, poor educational
facilities, unemployment,
underemployment, health and nutrition. Developmental projects-tribal
displacement and
problems of rehabilitation:
Development of forest policy and tribals, Impact of urbanisation and
industrialization on
tribal and rural populations.
7. Problems of exploitation and deprivation of Scheduled
Castes/Scheduled Tribes and Other
Backward Classes. Constitutional safeguards for Scheduled Tribes and
Scheduled Castes.
Social change and contemporary tribal societies: Impact of modern
democratic institutions,

development programmes and welfare measures on tribals and weaker
Emergence of ethnicity, tribal movements and quest for identity.
8. Social change among the tribes during colonial and post-
Independent India.
8.1 Impact of Hinduism, Christianity, Islam and other religious on tribal
8.2 Tribe and nation state-a comparative study of tribal communities in
India and other
9. History of administration of tribal areas, tribal policies, plans,
programmes of tribal


development and their implementation. Role of N.G.Os.

9.1 Role of anthropology in tribal and rural development.
9.2 Contributions of anthropology to the understanding of regionalism,
and ethnic and political movements

Paper I
1. Microbiology and Plant Pathology: Viruses, bacteria, and
plasmids-structure and
reproduction. General account of infection, Phytoimmunology.
Applications of microbiology
in agriculture, industry, medicine and pollution control in air, soil and
Important plant diseases caused by viruses, bacteria, mycoplasma,
fungi and nematodes.
Mode of infection and dissemination. Molecular basis of infection and
resistance/defence. Physiology of parasitism and control measures.
Fungal toxins.
2. Cryptogams: Algae, Fungi, Bryophytes, Pteridophytes-structure and
reproduction from
evolutionary viewpoint. Distribution of Cryptogams in India and their
economic potential.
3. Phanerogams: Gymnosperms: Concept of Progymonosperms.
Classification and
distribution of Gymnosperms. Salient features of Cycadales, Conferrals
and Gnetales, their
structures and reproduction. General account of Cycadofilicales,
Bennettitales and


Angiosperms: Systematics, anatomy, embryology, palynology and

Comparative account of various systems of Angiosperm Classiification.
Study of
angiospermic families–Magnoliaceae, Ranunculaceae, Brassicaceae
Rosaceae, Leguminosae, Euphorbiaceae, Malvaceae, Dipterocar-
paceae, Apiaceae
(Umbelliferae), Asclepiadaceae, Verbenaceae, Solana-ceae, Rubiaceae,
Asteraceae (Composite), Poaceae (Gramineae), Arecaceae (Palmae),
Musaceae, Orchidaceae.

Stomata and their types. Anomalous secondary growth, Anatomy of C
3 and C 4 plants.
Development of male and female gametophytes, pollination,
fertilization. Endosperm–its
development and function. Patterns of embryo development.
Polymbryony, apoxmix,
Applications of palynology.
4. Plant Utility and Exploitation: Origin of cultivated plants,
Vavilov's centres of origin.
Plants as sources for food, fodder, fibres, spices, beverages, drugs,
narcotics, insecticides,
timber, gums, resins and dyes.
Latex, cellulose Starch and their products. Perfumery. Importance of
Ethnobotany in Indian
context. Energy plantation. Botanical Gardens and Herbaria.


5. Morphogenesis: Totipotency, polarity, symmetry and

differentiation. Cell, tissue, organ
and protoplast culture. Somatic hybrids and Cybrids.
Paper II
1. Cell Biology: Techniques of Cell Biology. Prokaryotic and eukaryotic
cells -structural and
ultrastructural details. Structure and function of extracellular matrix or
ECM (cell wall) and
membranes-cell adhesion, membrane transport and vesicular
transport. Structure and
function of cell organelles (chloroplasts, mitochondria, ER, ribosomes,
lysosomes, peroxisomes, hydrogenosome). Nucleus, nucleolus, nuclear
pore complex.
Chromatin and nucleosome. Cell signalling and cell receptors. Signal
transduction (G-1
proteins, etc.). Mitosis and meisdosis; molecular basis of cell cycle.
Numerical and
structural variations in chromosomes and their significance. Study of
polytene, lampbrush
and B-chromosomes–structure, behaviour and significance.
2. Genetics, Molecular Biology and Evolution: Development of
genetics, and gene versus
allele concepts (Pseudoalleles). Quantitative genetics and multiple
factors. Linkage and
crossing over–methods of gene mapping including molecular maps
(idea of mapping
function). Sex chromosomes and sexlinked inheritance, sex
determination and molecular
basis of sex differentiation. Mutation (biochemical and molecular
basis). Cytoplasmic


inheritance and cytoplasmic genes (including genetics of male

sterility). Prions and prion
Structure and synthesis of nucleic acids and protines. Genetic code and
regulation of gene
expression. Multigene families.
Organic evolution-evidences, mechanism and theories. Role of RNA in
origin and
3. Plant Breeding, Biotechnology and Biostatistics: Methods of
plant breeding --
introduction, selection and hybridization (pedigree, backcross, mass
selection, bulk

method). Male sterility and heterosis breeding. Use of apomixis in plant
Micropropagation and genetic engineering–methods of transfer of
genes and transgenic
crops; development and use of molecular markers in plant breeding.
Standard deviation and coefficient of variation (CV). Tests of
significance (Z-test, t-test and
chi-square tests). Probability and distributions (normal, binomial and
Poisson distributions).
Correlation and regression.
4. Physiology and Biochemistry: Water relations, Mineral nutrition
and ion transport,
mineral deficiencies. Photosynthesis–photochemical reactions,
photophosphorylation and
carbon pathways including C pathway (photorespiration), C, C and CAM


Respiraion (anaerobic and aerobic, including fermentation–electron

transport chain and
oxidative phosphorylation. Chemiosmotic theory and ATP synthesis.
Nitrogen fixation and
nitrogen metabolism. Enzymes, coenzymes, energy transfer and
energy conservation.
Importance of secondary metabolites. Pigments as photoreceptors
(plastidial pigments and
phytochrome). Photoperiodism and flowering, vernalization,
senescence. Growth
substances-their chemical nature, role and applications in agri-
horticulture, growth indices,
growth movements. Stress physiology (heat, water, salinity, metal).
Fruit and seed
physiology. Dormancy, storage and germination of seed. Fruit ripening
-- its molecular
basis and manipulation.
5. Ecology and Plant Geography: Ecological factors. Concepts and
dynamics of
community. Plant succession. Concepts of biosphere. Ecosystems and
their conservation.
Pollution and its control (including phytoremediaion).
Forest types of India -- afforestation, deforestation and social forestry.
Endangered plants,
endemism and Red Data Books. Biodiversity. Convention of Biological
Sovereign Rights and Intellectual Property Rights. Biogeochemical
cells. Global warming.

Paper I


1. Atomic structure: Quantum theory, Heisenberg's uncertainity

principle, Schrodinger wave
equation (time independent). Interpretation of wave function, particle
in one-dimensional
box, quantum numbers, hydrogen atom wave functions. Shapes of s, p
and d orbitals.
2. Chemical bonding: Ionic bond, characteristics of ionic compounds,
factors affecting
stability of ionic compounds, lattice energy, Born-Haber cycle; covalent
bond and its
general characteristics, polarities of bonds in molecules and their
dipole moments. Valence
bond theory, concept of resonance and resonance energy. Molecular
orbital theory (LCAO

method); bonding in homonuclear molecules: H2+, H2 to Ne2, NO, CO,
HF, CN, CN–, BeH2
and CO2. Comparison of valence bond and molecular oribtal theories,
bond order, bond
strength and bond length.
3. Solid State: Forms of solids, law of constancy of interfacial angles,
crystal systems and
crystal classes (crystallographic groups). Designation of crystal faces,
lattice structures
and unit cell. Laws of rational indices. Bragg's law. X-ray diffraction by
crystals. Close
packing, radious ratio rules, calculation of some limiting radius ratio
values. Structures of
NaCl, ZnS, CsCl, CaF2, CdI2 and rutile. Imperfections in crystals,
stoichiometric and


nonstoichiometric defects, impurity defects, semi-conductors.

Elementary study of liquid
4. The gaseous state: Equation of state for real gases, intermolecular
liquefictaion of gases and critical phenomena, Maxwell's distribution of
intermolecular collisions, collisions on the wall and effusion.
5. Thermodynamics and statistical thermodynamics:
Thermodynamic systems, states
and processes, work, heat and internal energy; first law of
thermodynamics, work done on
the systems and heat absorbed in different types of processes;
calorimetry, energy and
enthalpy changes in various processes and their temperature
Second law of thermodynamics; entropy as a state function, entropy
changes in various
process, entropy–reversibility and irreversibility, Free energy functions;
criteria for
equilibrium, relation between equilibrium constant and thermodynamic
quantities; Nernst
heat theorem and third law of thermodynamics.
Micro and macro states; canonical ensemble and canonical partition
function; electronic,
rotational and vibrational partition functions and thermodynamic
quantities; chemical
equilibrium in ideal gas reactions.
6. Phase equilibria and solutions: Phase equilibria in pure
substances; Clausius-Clapeyron


equation; phase diagram for a pure substance; phase equilibria in

binary systems, partially
miscible liquids–upper and lower critical solution temperatures; partial
molar quantities,
their significance and determination; excess thermodynamic functions
and their
7. Electrochemistry: Debye-Huckel theory of strong electrolytes and
Debye-Huckel limiting
Law for various equilibrium and transport properties.
Galvanic cells, concentration cells; electrochemical series,
measurement of e.m.f. of cells
and its applications fuel cells and batteries.
Processes at electrodes; double layer at the interface; rate of charge
transfer, current
density; overpotential; electroanalytical techniques–voltameter,
polarography, amperometry,
cyclic-voltametry, ion selective electrodes and their use.

8. Chemical kinetics: Concentration dependence of rate of reaction;
defferential and integral
rate equations for zeroth, first, second and fractional order reactions.
Rate equations
involving reverse, parallel, consecutive and chain reactions; effect of
temperature and
pressure on rate constant. Study of fast reactions by stop-flow and
relaxation methods.
Collisions and transition state theories.
9. Photochemistry: Absorption of light; decay of excited state by
different routes;


photochemical reactions between hydrogn and halogens and their

quantum yields.
10. Surface phenomena and catalysis: Absorption from gases and
solutions on solid
adsorbents, adsorption isotherms,–Langmuir and B.E.T. isotherms;
determination of
surface area, characteristics and mechanism of reaction on
heterogeneous catalysts.
11. Bio-inorganic chemistry: Metal ions in biological systems and
their role in ion-transport
across the membranes (molecular mechanism), ionophores,
photosynthesis–PSI, PSII;
nitrogen fixation, oxygen-uptake proteins, cytochromes and
12. Coordination chemistry
a) Electronic configurations; introduction to theories of bonding in
transition metal
complexes. Valence bond theory, crystal field theory and its
applications of theories in the explanation of magnetism and electronic
spactra of
metal complexes.
b) Isomerism in coordination compounds. IUPAC nomenclature of
compounds; stereochemistry of complexes with 4 and 6 coordination
chelate effect and polynuclear complexes; trans effect and its theories;
kinetics of
substitution reactions in square-planer complexes; thermodynamic and
stability of complexes.


c) Synthesis and structures of metal carbonyls; carboxylate anions,

hydrides and metal nitrosyl compounds.
d) Complexes with aromatic systems, synthesis, structure and bonding
in metal olefin
complexes, alkyne complexes and cyclopentadienyl complexes;
unsaturation, oxidative addition reactions, insertion reactions, fluxional
and their characterization. Compounds with metal-metal bonds and
metal atom
13. General chemistry of ‘f’ block elements: Lanthanides and
actinides; separation,
oxidation states, magnetic and spectral properties; lanthanide
14. Non-Aqueous Solvents: Reactions in liquid NH3, HF, SO2 and H2
SO4. Failure of solvent
system concept, coordination model of non-aqueous solvents. Some
highly acidic media,
fluorosulphuric acid and super acids.

1. Delocalised covalent bonding: Aromaticity, anti-aromaticity;
annulenes, azulenes,
tropolones, kekulene, fulvenes, sydnones.
a) Reaction mechanisms: General methods (both kinetic and non-
kinetic) of study
of mechanism or organic reactions illustrated by examples–use of
isotopes, crossover


experiment, intermediate trapping, stereochemistry; energy diagrams

simple organic reactions–transition states and intermediates; energy of
thermodynamic control and kinetic control of reactions.
b) Reactive intermediates: Generation, geometry, stability and
reactions of
carbonium and carbonium ions, carbanions, free radicals, carbenes,
benzynes and
c) Substitution reactions: SN1, SN2, SNi, SN1|, SN2|, Sni| and SRN1
neighbouring group participation; electrophilic and nucleophilic
reactions of
aromatic compound including simple heterocyclic compounds–pyrrole,
thiophene, indole.
d) Elimination reactions: E1, E2 and E1cb mechanism; orientation in
E2 reactions–
Saytzeff and Hoffmann; pyrolytic syn elimination–acetate pyrolysis,
Chugaev and
Cope eliminations.
e) Addition reactions: C and C=C; nucleophilic?Electrophilic addition
to C N,
conjugated olefins and carbonyls.?addition to C=O, C
f) Rearrangements: Pinacol-pinacolune, Hoffmann, Beckmann,
Favorskii, Fries, Claisen, Cope, Stevens and Wagner-Meerwein
3. Pericyclic reactions: Classification and examples; Woodward-
Hoffmann rules—


clectrocyclic reactions, cycloaddition reactions [2+2 and 4+2] and

sigmatropic shifts [1, 3;
3, 3 and 1, 5] FMO approach.
4. Chemistry and mechanism of reactions: Aldol condensation
(including directed aldol
condensation), Claisen condensation, Dieckmann, Perkin, Knoevenagel,
Clemmensen, Wolff-Kishner, Cannizzaro and von Richter reactions;
Stobbe, benzoin and
acyloin condensations; Fischer indole synthesis, Skraup synthesis,
Sandmeyer, Reimer-Tiemann and Reformatsky reactions.
5. Polymeric Systems
a) Physical chemistry of polymers: Polymer solutions and their
properties; number and weight average molecular weights of
Determination of molecular weights by sedimentation, light scattering,
pressure, viscosity, end group analysis methods.

b) Preparation and properties of polymers : Organic polymers–
polystyrene, polyvinyl chloride, Teflon, nylon, terylene, synthetic and
rubber. Inorganic polymers–phosphonitrilic halides, borazines, silicones
c) Biopolymers : Basic bonding in proteins, DNA and RNA.


6. Synthetic uses of reagents: OsO4, HIO4, CrO3, Pb(OAc)4, SeO2,

NBS, B2H6, Na-Liquid
NH3, LiA1H4 NaBH4 n-BuLi, MCPBA.
7. Photochemist: Photochemical reactions of simple organic
compounds, excited and
ground states, singlet and triplet states, Norrish-Type I and Type II
8. Principles of spectroscopy and applications in structure elucidation
(a) Rotational spectra–diatomic molecules; isotopic substitution
and rotational
(b) Vibrational spectra–diatomic molecules, linear triatomic molecules,
frequencies of functional groups in polyatomic molecules.
(c) Electronic spectra: Singlet and triplet states. N–>–π* and π>π*
application to? conjugated double bonds and conjugated carbonyls–
Fieser rules.
(d) Nuclear magnetic resonance: Isochronous and anisochronous
protons; chemical
shift and coupling constants; Application of H1 NMR to simple organic
(e) Mass spectra: Parent peak, base peak, daugther peak, metastable
fragmentation of simple organic α cleavage, McLafferty rearrangement
(f) Electron spin resonance: Inorganic complexes and free radicals.

Civil Engineering


Part-A: Engineering Mechanics, Strength of Materials and

Structural Analysis.
• Engineering Mechanics: Units and Dimensions, SI Units, Vectors,
Concept of Force, Concept
of particle and rigid body. Concurrent, Non Concurrent and parallel
forces in a plane, moment
of force and Varignon’s theorem, free body diagram, conditions of
equilibrium, Principle of
virtual work, equivalent force system.
First and Second Moment of area, Mass moment of Inertia.
Static Friction, Inclined Plane and bearings.
Kinematics and Kinetics :

Kinematics in Cartesian and Polar Co-ordinates, motion under uniform
and nonuniform
acceleration, motion under gravity. Kinetics of particle : Momentum
and Energy principles, D’
Alembert’s Principle, Collision of elastic bodies, rotation of rigid bodies,
simple harmonic
motion, Flywheel.
• Strength of Materials: Simple Stress and Strain, Elastic constants,
axially loaded
compression members, Shear force and bending moment, theory of
simple bending, Shear
Stress distribution across cross sections, Beams of uniform strength,
Leaf spring. Strain
Energy in direct stress, bending & shear.
• Deflection of beams: Mecaulay’s method, Mohr’s Moment area
method, Conjugate beam


method, unit load method. Torsion of Shafts, Transmission of power,

close coiled helical
springs, Elastic stability of columns, Euler’s Rankine’s and Secant
formulae. Principal
Stresses and Strains in two dimensions, Mohr’s Circle, Theories of
Elastic Failure, Thin
and Thick cylinder : Stresses due to internal and external pressure–
Lame’s equations.
• Structural Analysis: Castiglianio’s theorems I and II, unit load
method of consistent
deformation applied to beams and pin jointed trusses. Slope-deflection,
moment distribution,
Kani’s method of analysis and column Analogy method applied to
indeterminate beams and
rigid frames.
• Rolling loads and Influences lines: Influences lines for Shear
Force and Bending
moment at a section of beam. Criteria for maximum shear force and
bending Moment in
beams traversed by a system of moving loads. Influences lines for
simply supported plane
pin jointed trusses.
• Arches: Three hinged, two hinged and fixed arches, rib shortening
and temperature
effects, influence lines in arches.
• Matrix methods of analysis: Force method and displacement
method of analysis of
indeterminate beams and rigid frames.
• Plastic Analysis of beams and frames: Theory of plastic bending,
plastic analysis,


statical method, Mechanism method.

• Unsymmetrical bending: Moment of inertia, product of inertia,
position of Neutral Axis
and Principle axes, calculation of bending stresses.
Part–B Design of Structures : Steel, Concrete and Masonry
• Structural Steel Design
• Structural Steel: Factors of safety and load factors. Rivetted, bolted
and welded joints and
connections. Design of tension and compression member, beams of
built up section,
rivetted and welded plate girders, gantry girders, stancheons with
battens and lacings, slab
and gussetted column bases.


• Design of highway and railway bridges: Through and deck type

plate girder, Warren
girder, Pratt truss.
• Design of Concrete and Masonry Structures
• Concept of mix design. Reinforced Concrete: Working Stress and
Limit State method of
design–Recommendations of I.S. codes Design of one way and two way
slabs, stair-case
slabs, simple and continuous beams of rectangular, T and L sections.
members under direct load with or without eccentricity, Isolated and
combined footings.
• Cantilever and Counterfort type retaining walls.


• Water tanks: Design requirements for Rectangular and circular

tanks resting on ground.
• Prestressed concrete : Methods and systems of prestressing,
anchorages, Analysis and
design of sections for flexure based on working stress, loss of
• Design of brick masonry as per I.S. Codes
• Design of masonry retaining walls.
Part-C Fluid Mechanics, Open Channel Flow and Hydraulic
• Fluid Mechanics: Fluid properties and their role in fluid motion, fluid
statics including forces
acting on plane and curve surfaces.
• Kinematics and Dynamics of Fluid flow: Velocity and
accelerations, stream lines,
equation of continuity, irrotational and rotational flow, velocity
potential and stream
functions, flownet, methods of drawing flownet, sources and sinks, flow
separation, free
and forced vortices.
• Control volume equation, continuity, momentum, energy and moment
of momentum
equations from control volume equation, Navier-Stokes equation,
Euler’s equation of
motion, application to fluid flow problems, pipe flow, plane, curved,
stationary and moving
vanes, sluice gates, weirs, orifice meters and Venturi meters.
• Dimensional Analysis and Similitude: Buckingham’s Pi-theorem,
dimensionless parameters,
similitude theory, model laws, undistorted and distorted models.


• Laminar Flow: Laminar flow between parallel, stationary and moving

plates, flow through
• Boundary layer: Laminar and turbulent boundary layer on a flat
plate, laminar sublayer,
smooth and rough boundaries, drag and lift.
• Turbulent flow through pipes: Characteristics of turbulent flow,
velocity distribution and
variation of pipe friction factor, hydraulic grade line and total energy
line, siphons,
expansion and contractions in pipes, pipe networks, water hammer in
pipes and surge


• Open channel flow: Uniform and non-uniform flows, momentum and

energy correction
factors, specific energy and specific force, critical depth, resistance
equations and variation
of roughness coefficient, rapidly varied flow, flow in contractions, flow
at sudden drop,
hydraulic jump and its applications surges and waves, gradually varied
flow, classification
of surface profiles, control section, step method of integration of varied
flow equation,
moving surges and hydraulic bore.
• Hydraulic Machines and Hydropower: Centrifugal pumps–Types,
characteristics, Net
Positive Suction Height (NPSH), specific speed. Pumps in parallel.


• Reciprocating pumps, Airvessels, Hydraulic ram, efficiency

parameters, Rotary and
positive displacement pumps, diaphragm and jet pumps.
• Hydraulic turbines, types classification, Choice of turbines,
performance parameters,
controls, characteristics, specific speed.
• Principles of hydropower development. Type, layouts and Component
works. Surge tanks,
types and choice. Flow duration curves and dependable flow. Storage
an pondage.
Pumped storage plants. Special features of mini, micro-hydel plants.
Part-D Geo Technical Engineering
• Types of soil, phase relationships, consistency limits particles size
distribution, classifications
of soil, structure and clay mineralogy.
• Capillary water and structural water, effectives trees and pore water
pressure, Darcy’s Law,
factors affecting permeability, determination of permeability,
permeability of stratified soil
• Seepage pressure, quick sand condition, compressibility and
consolidation, Terzaghi’s theory
of one dimensional consolidation, consolidation test.
• Compaction of soil, field control of compaction. Total stress and
effective stress parameters,
pore pressure coefficients.
• Shear strength of soils, Mohr Coulomb failure theory, Shear tests.
• Earth pressure at rest, active and passive pressures, Rankine’s
theory, Coulomb’s wedge


theory, earth pressure on retaining wall, sheetpile walls, Braced

• Bearing capacity, Terzaghi and other important theories, net and
gross bearing pressure.
• Immediate and consolidation settlement.
• Stability of slope, Total Stress and Effective Stress methods,
Conventional methods of slices,
stability number.
• Subsurface exploration, methods of boring, sampling, penetration
tests, pressure meter tests.


• Essential features of foundation, types of foundation, design criteria,

choice of type of
foundation, stress distribution in soils, Boussinessq’s theory,
Newmarks’s chart, pressure bulb,
contact pressure, applicability of different bearing capacity theories,
evaluation of bearing
capacity from field tests, allowable bearing capacity, Settlement
analysis, allowable settlement.
• Proportioning of footing, isolated and combined footings, rafts,
buoyancy rafts, Pile foundation,
types of piles, pile capacity, static and dynamic analysis, design of pile
groups, pile load test,
settlement of piles, lateral capacity. Foundation for Bridges. Ground
improvement techniques–
preloading, sand drains, stone column, grouting, soil stabilisation.
Part-A : Construction Technology, Equipment, Planning and


1. Construction Technology
Engineering Materiels: Physical properties of construction materials
: Stones, Bricks and
Tiles; Lime, Cement and Surkhi Mortars; Lime Concrete and Cement
Concrete, Properties
of freshly mixed and hardened concrete, Flooring Tiles, use of ferro-
cement, fibrereinforced
and polymer concrete, high strength concrete and light weight
concrete. Timber
: Properties and uses; defects in timber; seasoning and preservation of
timber. Plastics,
rubber and damp-proofing materials, termite proofing, Materials, for
Low cost housing.
Construction: Building components and their functions; Brick
masonry : Bonds, jointing.
Stone masonry. Design of Brick masonry walls as per I.S. codes, factors
of safety,
serviceability and strength requirements; plastering, pointing. Types of
Floors & Roofs.
Ventilators, Repairs in buildings.
Functional planning of building: Building orientation, circulation,
grouping of areas,
privacy concept and design of energy efficient building; provisions of
National Building
Building estimates and specifications; Cost of works; valuation.
2. Construction Equipment: Standard and special types of
equipment, Preventive
maintenance and repair, factors affecting the selection of equipment,
economical life, time
and motion study, capital and maintenance cost.


Concreting equipments : Weigh batcher, mixer, vibration, batching

plant, Concrete pump.
Earth-work equipment: Power shovel hoe, bulldozer, dumper,
trailors, and tractors,
rollers, sheep foot roller.
3. Construction Planning and Management: Construction activity,
schedules, job layout,
bar charts, organization of contracting firms, project control and
supervision. Cost
reduction measures.

Newwork analysis: CPM and PERT analysis, Float Times, cashing of
contraction of network for cost optimization, up dating, Cost analysis
and resource
Elements of Engineering Economics, methods of appraisal, present
worth, annual cost,
benefit-cost, incremental analysis. Economy of scale and size.
Choosing between
alternatives including levels of investments. Project profitability.
Part-B Survey and Transportation Engineering
• Survey: Common methods of distance and angle measurements,
plane table survey, levelling
traverse survey, triangulation survey, corrections, and adjustments,
contouring, topographical
map. Surveying instruments for above purposes. Techeometry. Circular
and transition curves.
Principles of photogrammetry.


• Railways: Permanent way, sleepers, rail fastenings, ballast, points

and crossings, design of
turn outs, stations and yards, turntables, signals, and interlocking,
level-crossing. Construction
and maintenance of permanent ways: Superelevlation, creep of rail,
ruling gradient, track
resistance, tractive effort, relaying of track.
• Highway Engineering: Principles of highway planning, Highway
alignments. Geometrical
design : Cross section, camber, superelevation, horizontal and vertical
curves. Classification of
roads : low cost roads, flexible pavements, rigid pavements. Design of
pavements and their
construction, evaluation of pavement failure and strengthening.
• Drainage of roads: Surface and sub-surface drainage.
• Traffic Engineering: Forecasting techniques, origin and destination
survey, highway capacity.
Channelised and unchannelised intersections, rotary design elements,
markings, sign, signals,
street lighting; Traffic surveys. Principle of highway financing.
Part-C Hydrology, Water Resources and Engineering
• Hydrology: Hydrological cycle, precipitation, evaporation,
transpiration, depression storage,
infiltration, overland flow, hydrograph, flood frequency analysis, flood
estimation, flood routing
through a reservoir, channel flow routing-Muskingam method.
• Ground water flow: Specific yield, storage coefficient, coefficient of
permeability, confined and
unconfined equifers, aquifers, aquitards, radial flow into a well under
confined and unconfined


conditions, tube wells, pumping and recuperation tests, ground water

• Water Resources Engineering: Ground and surface water
resource, single and multipurpose
projects, storage capacity of reservoirs, reservoir losses, reservoir
sedimentation, economics
of water resources projects.
• Irrigation Engineering: Water requirements of crops : consumptive
use, quality of water for
irrigation, duty and delta, irrigation methods and their efficiencies.


• Canals: Distribution systems for canal irrigation, canal capacity,

canal losses, alignment of
main and distributory canals, most efficient section, lined canals, their
design, regime theory,
critical shear stress, bed load, local and suspended load transport, cost
analysis of lined and
unlied canals, drainage behind lining.
• Water logging: causes and control, drainage system design, salinity.
• Canal structures: Design of cross regulators, head regulators, canal
falls, aqueducts,
metering flumes and canal outlets.
• Diversion head work: Principles and design of weirs of permeable
and impermeable
foundation, Khosla’s theory, energy dissipation, stilling basin, sediment
• Storage works: Types of dams, design, principles of rigid gravity and
earth dams, stability
analysis, foundation treatment, joints and galleries, control of seepage.


• Spillways: Spillway types, crest gates, energy dissipation.

• River training: Objectives of river training, methods of river training.
Part-D: Environmental Engineering
• Water Supply : Estimation of surface and subsurface water
resources, predicting demand for
water, impurities, of water and their significance, physical, chemical
and bacteriological
analysis, waterborne diseases, standards for potable water.
• Intake of water: pumping and gravity schemes. Water treatment :
principles of coagulation,
flocculation and sedimentation; slow-; rapid-, pressure-, filters;
chlorination, softening, removal
of taste, odour and salinity.
• Water storage and distribution: storage and balancing reservoirs :
types, location and
capacity. Distribution system : layout, hydraulics of pipe lines, pipe
fittings, valves including
check and pressure reducing valves, meters, analysis of distribution
systems, leak detection,
maintenance of distribution systems, pumping stations and their
• Sewerage systems: Domestic and industrial wastes, storm sewage–
separate and combined
systems, flow through sewers, design of sewers, sewer appurtenances,
manholes, inlets,
junctions, siphon. Plumbing in public buildings.
• Sewage characterisation: BOD, COD, solids, dissolved oxygen,
nitrogen and TOC.
Standards of disposal in normal water course and on land.


• Sewage treatment : Working principles, units, chambers,

sedimentation tanks, trickling filters,
oxidation ponds, activated sludge process, septic tank, disposal of
sludge, recycling of waste
• Solid waste: collection and disposal in rural and urban contexts,
management of long-term illeffects.


• Environmental pollution: Sustainable development. Radioactive

wastes and disposal.
Environmental impact assessment for thermal power plants, mines,
river valley projects. Air
pollution. Pollution control acts.

Commerce & Accountancy

Accounting & Finance
Accounting, Taxation & Auditing
• Financial Accounting
• Accounting as a financial information system; Impact of behavioural
• Accounting Standards e.g., accounting for depreciation, inventories,
gratuity, research and
development costs, long term construction contracts, revenue
recognition, fixed assets,
contingencies, foreign exchange transactions, investments and
government grants.
• Advanced problems of company accounts.
• Amalgamation absorption and reconstruction of companies.


• Valuation of shares and goodwill.

• Cost Accounting
• Nature and functions of cost accounting.
• Job Costing
• Process Costing
• Marginal Cositng; Techniques of segregating semi-variable costs into
fixed and variable
• Cost-volume-profit relationship; aid to decision making including
pricing decisions,
shutdown etc.
• Techniques of cost control and cost reduction.
• Budgetary control, flexible budgets.
• Standard costing and variance analysis.
• Responsibility accounting, investment, profit and Cost centres.
• Taxation
• Definitions


• Basis of charge.
• Incomes which do not form part of total income.
• Simple problems of computation of income under various heads, i.e.,
salaries, income from
house property, profits and gains from business or profession, capital
gains, income of
other persons included in assessee's total income.
• Aggregation of income and set off/carry forward of loss.
• Deductions to be made in computing total income.
• Auditing


• Audit of cash transactions, expenses, incomes, purchases, sales.

• Valuation and verification of assets with special reference to fixed
assets, stocks and
• Verification of liabilities.
• Audit of limited companies; appointment, removal, powers, duties
and liabilities of
company auditor, significance of 'true and fare', MAOCARO report.
• Auditor's report and qualifications therein.
• Special points in the audit of different organisations like clubs,
hospitals, colleges,
charitable societies.
• Business Finance and Financial Institutions.
• Finance Function-Nature, Scope and Objectives of Financial
Management-Risk and
Return relationship.
• Financial Analysis as a Diagnostic Tool.
• Management of Working Capital and its Components-Forecasting
working capital needs,
inventory, debtors, cash and credit management.
• Investment Decisions-Nature and Scope of Capital Budgeting-Various
types of decisions
including Make or Buy and Lease or Buy-Techniques of Appraisal and
their application.
• Consideration of Risk and Uncertainty-Analysis of Non-financial
• Rate of Return on Investments-Required Rate of Return-its
measurement-Cost of Capital-


Weighted Average Cost-Different Weights.

• Concepts of Valuation-Valuation of firm's Fixed Income Securities and
Common Stocks.
• Dividend and Retention Policy-Residual Theory or Dividend Policy-
Other Models-Actual


• Capital Structure-Leverages-Significance or Leverages-Theories of

Capital Structure with
special reference to Modigliani and Miller approach. Planning the
Capital Structure of a
Company; EBIT-EPS Analysis, Cash-flow ability to service debt, Capital
Structure Ratios,
other methods.
• Raising finance-short term and long term. Bank finance-norms and
• Financial Distress-Approaching BIFR under Sick Industrial
Undertakings Act : Concept of
Sickness, Potential Sickness, Cash Loss, Erosion of Networth.
• Money Markets-the purpose of Money Markets, Money Market in India-
Organization and
working of Capital markets in India-Organization, Structure and Role of
Institutions in India. Banks and Investing Institutions-National and
International Financial
Institutions-their norms and types of financial assistance provided-
inter-bank lending-its
regulation, supervision and control. System of Consortium-Supervision
and regulation of


• Monetary and Credit policy of Reserve Bank of India.
Organisation Theory and Industrial Relations
• Organisation Theory
• Nature and concept of Organisation-Organisation goals; Primary and
secondary goals,
Single and multiple goals, ends means chain-Displacement,
succession, expansion and
multiplication of goals-Formal organisation; Type, Structure-Line and
Staff, functional
matrix, and project-Informal organisation-functions and limitations.
• Evolution of organisation theory: Classical, Neo-classical and system
Bureaucracy; Nature and basis of power, sources of power, power
structure and politics-
Organisational behaviour as a dynamic system: technical, social and
power systemsinterrelations
and interactions-Perception-Status system. Theoretical and empirical
foundation of theories and Models of motivation. Morale and
productivity-Leadership :
Theories and styles-Management of conflicts in organisation-
Transactional Analysis-
Significance of culture to organisations. Limits of rationality-
Organisational change,

adaptation, growth and development, Professional management Vs.
family management,


Organisational control and effectiveness.

• Industrial Relations
• Nature and scope of industrial relations, the socio-economic set-up,
need for positive
• Industrial labour in India and its commitment-stages of commitments.
Migratory naturemerits
and shortcomings.
• Theories of Unionism.
• Trade Union movement in India-origin, growth and structure; Attitude
and approach of
management of India-recognition. Problems before Indian Trade Union
• Industrial disputes-sources; strikes and lockouts.
• Compulsory adjudication and collective bargaining-approaches.
• Worker's participation in management-philosophy, rationale; present
day state of affairs
and future prospects.
• Prevention and settlement of industrial disputes in India.
• Industrial relations in Public Enterprises.
• Absenteeism and labour turnover in Indian Industries-causes
• Relative wages and wage differentials; wage policy.
• Wage policy in India; the Bonus issue.
• I.L.O. and India;
• Role of Personnel Department in the Organisation.




1. Ricardian, Marshallian and Walrasain approaches to price
determination. Types of Markets
and price determination. Criteria or Welfare improvement. Alternate
theories of distribution.
2. Functions of money-Measurement of price level changes-Money and
real balances-
Monetary standards-High-powered money and the Quantity theory of
money, its variants
and critiques thereof-Demand for and supply of money-The money
multiplier. Theories of
determination of interest rate-Interest and prices-Theories of inflation
and control of
3. Full employment and Says' Law-underemployment equilibrium-
Keynes' Theory of
employment (and income) determination-Critiques of Keynesian
4. The modern monetary system-Banks, non-bank financial
intermediaries, Discount House,
and Central Bank. Structure of Money and financial markets and
control. Money market
instruments, bills and bonds. Real and nominal interest rates. Goals
and instruments of
monetary management in closed and open economies. Relation
between the Central Bank
and the Treasury. Proposal for ceiling on growth rate of money.
5. Public finance and its role in market economy in stabilisation, supply
stability, allocative
efficiency, distribution and development. Sources of revenue-Forms of
Taxes and


subsidies, their incidence and effects; Limits to taxation, loans,

crowding-out effects, and
limits to borrowing. Types of budget deficits-Public expenditure and its
6. International Economics
i) Old and New theories of International Trade.
a) Comparative advantage, Terms of trade and offer curve.
b) Product cycle and Strategic trade theories.
c) Trade as an engine of growth" and theories of underdevelopment in
open economy.
ii) Forms of protection.
iii) Balance of Payments Adjustments Alternative Approaches.
a) Price versus income, income adjustments under fixed exchange
b) Theories of policy mix.
c) Exchange rate adjustments under capital mobility.
d) Floating Rates and their implications for developing countries;

(iv) a) IMF and the World Bank.
b) W.T.O.
(c) Trade Blocks and monetary unions.
7. Growth and development.
i) Theories of growth: Classical and neo-classical theories; The
Harrod model;
economic development under surplus Labour; wage-goods as a
constraint on


growth; relative importance of physical and human capitals in growth;

and development; Productivity, its growth and source of changes
thereof. Factors
determining savings to income ratio and the capital-out put ratio.
ii) Main features of growth : Changes in Sectoral compositions of
income; Changes
in occupational distribution; changes in income distribution; changes in
consumption levels and patterns; changes in savings and investment
and in
pattern of investment. Case for and against industralization.
Significance of
agriculture in developing countries.
iii) Relation between state, planning and growth, Changing roles of
market and plans
in growth economic policy and growth.
iv) Role of foreign capital and technology in growth. The significance of
v) Welfare indicators and measures of growth-Human development
basic needs approach.
vi) Concept of sustainable development; convergence of levels of living
of developed
and developing countries; meaning of self-reliance in growth and
I. Evolution of the Indian Economy till independence. The
Colonial Heritage : Land
System & Agriculture, Taxes, Money and credit, Trade, Exchange Rate,
the "Drain of


Wealth controversy" of late 19th Century. Randade's critique of Laissez-

Faire; Swadeshi
movement; Gandhi and Hind Swaraj.
II. Indian Economics in Post-Independent Era-Contributions of
Vakil, Gadgil and Rao.
National and percapita Income; Patterns, Trends, Aggregate and
sectoral-composition and
changes therein. Broad factors determining National Income and its
distribution; Measures
of poverty. Trends in below poverty-line proportion.
III. Employment : Factors determining employment in short and long
periods. Role of capital,
wage-goods, wage-rate and technology. Measures of unemployment.
Relation between
income, poverty and employment, and issues of distribution and social

Agriculture-Institutional set-up of land system size of agricultre
holdings and efficiency-
Green Revolution and technological changes-Agricultural prices and
terms of trade-Role of
public distribution and farm-subsidies on agricultural prices and
production. Employment
and poverty in agriculture-Rural wages-employment schemes-growth
reforms. Regional disparities in agricultural growth. Role of Agriculture
in export.
IV. Industry: Industrial system of India : Trends in Composition and
growth. Role of public and


private sectors, Role of small and cottage industries. Indian industrial

versus consumer goods, wage-goods versus luxuries, capital-intensive
versus labourintensive
techniques, import-substituting versus export promotion. Sickness and
Industrial policies and their effects. Recent moves for liberalisation and
their effects on
Indian industry.
V. Money and banking: The monetary institutions of India: Factors
determining demand for
and supply of money. Sources of Reserve money-money multiplier-
Techniques of money
supply regulation under open economy. Functioning of money market
in India. Budget
deficit and money supply. Issues in Reform of Monetary and Banking
VI. Index numbers of price levels-Course of Price level in post-
Independence periodsources
and causes of inflation-role of monetary and supply factors in price
determination-policies towards control of inflation. Effects of inflation
under open economy.
VII. Trade, balance of payments and exchange: Foreign trade of
India; composition and
direction shifts in trade policy from import substituion to export
promotion. Impact of
liberalisation on pattern of trade. India's external Borrowings-the Debt
problem. Exchange
rate of the rupee; Devaluations, depreciations and their effects on
balance of payments-


Gold imports and Gold policy-convertibility on current and capital

accounts-rupee in an
open economy. Integration of Indian economy with world economy-
India and the WTO.
VIII. Public Finance and Fiscal Policy: Characteristics of and trends
in India's Public Finance-
Role of Taxes, (direct and indirect) and subsidies-Fiscal and monetary
expenditures and their significance-Public Finance and Inflation-
Limiting Government's
debt-Recent fiscal policies and their effects.
IX. Economic Planning in India-Trends in Savings and investment-
Trends in Savings to
Income and capital-output ratios-Productivity, its sources, growth and
trends-growth versus
distribution-Transition from Central Planning to indicative planning-
relation between Market
and Plan-strategies for Growth, social justice and Plans. Planning and
increasing the
growth rate.


Electrical Engineering
• Electrical Circuits–Theory and Applications
• Circuit components; network graphs; KCL, KVL; circuit analysis
methods : nodal analysis,
mesh analysis; basic network theorems and applications; transient
analysis : RL, RC and


RLC circuits; sinusoidal steady state analysis; resonant circuits and

applications; coupled
circuits and applications; balanced 3-phase circuits. Two-port networks,
driving point and
transfer functions; poles and zeros of network functions. Elements of
networks synthesis.
Filter-theory : design and applications. Active filters. Circuit simulation :
Input formats;
methods of education formulation; solution of equations; output
formats; SPICE.
• Signals & Systems
• Representation of continuous–time and discrete-time signals &
systems; LTI systems;
convolution; impulse response; time-domain analysis of LTI systems
based on convolution
and differential/difference equations. Fourier transform, Laplace
transform, Z-transform,
Transfer function. Sampling and recovery of signals DFT, FFT
Processing of analog
signals through discrete-time systems.
• E.M. Theory
• Maxwell’s equations, wave propagation in bounded media. Boundary
conditions, reflaction
and refraction of plane waves. Transmission line : Distributed
parameter circuits, travelling
and standing waves, impedance matching, Smith chart. Waveguides :
parallel plane guide,
TE, TM and TEM waves, rectangular and cylindrical wave guides,
resonators. Planar
transmission lines; stripline, microstripline.


• Analog Electronics
• Characteristics and equivalent circuits (large and small-signal) of
Diode, BJT, JFET and
MOSFET. Diode circuits : clipping, clamping, rectifier. Biasing and bias
stability. FET
amplifiers. Current mirror; Amplifiers : single and multi-stage,
differential, operational,
feedback and power. Analysis of amplifiers; frequency-response of
amplifiers. OPAMP
circuits. Filters; sinusoidal oscillators : criterion for oscillation; single-
transistor and OPAMP
configurations. Function generators and wave-shaping circuits. Power
• Digital Electronics
• Boolean algebra; minimisation of Boolean functions; logic gates;
digital IC families (DTL,
TTL, ECL, MOS, CMOS). Combinational circuits : arithmetic circuits,
code converters,
multiplexers and decoders. Sequential circuits : latches and flip-flops,
counters and shiftregisters.
Comparators, timers, multivibrators. Sample and hold circuits, ADCs
and DACs.

Semiconductor memories. Logic implementation using programmable
devices (ROM, PLA,
• Energy Conversion
• Principles of electromechanical energy conversion : Torque and emf in
rotating machines.


DC machines : charateristics and performance analysis; starting and

speed control of
• Transformers: principles of operation and analysis; regulation,
efficiency; 3-phase
transformers. 3-phase induction machines and synchronous machines :
and preformance analysis; speed control. Special machines : Stepper
motors, brushless
dc motors, permanent magnet motors single-phase motors; FHP.
• Power Electronics and Electric Drives
• Semiconductor power devices : diode, transistor, thyristor, triac, GTO
and MOSFET–static
characteristics and principles of operation; triggering circuits; phase
control rectifiers;
bridge converters : fully-controlled and half-controlled; principles of
thyristor choppers and
inverters; basic concepts of speed control of dc and ac motor drives
applications of
variable-speed drives.
• Analog Communication
• Random variables: continuous, discrete; probability, probability
functions. Statististical
averages; probability models; Random signals and noise: white noise,
noise equivalent
bandwidth; signal transmission with noise; signal to noise ratio. Linear
CW modulation :
Amplitude modulation : DSB, DSB-SC and SSB. Modulators and
Demodulators; Phase


and Frequency modulation : PM & FM signals; narrowband FM;

generation & detection of
FM and PM, Deemphasis, Preemphasis. CW modulation system:
receivers, AM receivers, communication receivers, FM receivers, phase
locked loop, SSB
receiver Signal to noise ratio calculation for AM and FM receivers.
• Microwaves and Antenna
• Electromagnetic radiation, Propagation of waves : ground waves, sky
wave, space wave,
tropospheric scatter propagation. Extraterrestrial communications.
Antenna : Various
types, gain, resistance, band-width, beamwidth and polarization, effect
of ground. Antenna
coupling; high frequency antennas; microwave antennas; special
purpose antennas.
Microwave Services : Klystron, magnetron, TWT, gun diodes, Impatt,
Bipolar and FETs,
Microwave integrated circuits. Microwave measurements.
• Control Systems


• Elements of control systems; block-diagram representation; open-

loop & closed-loop
systems; principles and applications of feed-back. LTI systems : time-
domain and
transform-domain analysis. Stability : Routh Hurwitz criterion, root-loci,
Nyquist’s criterion,


Bode-plots, Design of lead-lad compensators. Proportional, PI, PID

controllers. Statevariable
representation and analysis of control systems. Principles of discrete-
• Electrical Engineering Materials
• Electrical/electronic behaviour of materials : conductivity; free-
electrons and band-theory;
intrinsic and extrinsic semiconductor, p-n junction; solar cells, super-
conductivity. Dielectric
behaviour of materials; polarization phenomena; piezo-electric
phenomena. Magnetic
materials : behaviour and application. Photonic materials : refractive
index, absorption and
emission of light, optical fibres, lasers and opto-electronic materials.
• Microprocessors and microcomputers
• 8-bit microprocessor: architecture, CPU, module design, memory
interfacing, I/O,
Peripheral controllers, Multiprocessing. IBM PC architecture : overview,
introduction to
DOS, Advanced microprocessors.
• Measurement and Instrumentation
• Error analysis; measurement of current voltage, power, energy,
power-factor, resistance,
inductance, capacitance and frequency; bridge measurement.
Electronic measuring
instruments : multimeter, CRO, digital voltmeter, frequency counter, Q-
meter, spectrumanalyser,
distortion-meter. Transducers : thermocouple, thermistor, LVDT, strain-


piezo-electric crystal. Use of transducers in measurements of non-

electrical quantities.
Data-acquisition systems.
• IC Technology
• Overview of IC Technology. Unit-steps used in IC fabrication : wafer
cleaning, photolithography,
wet and dry etching, oxidation, diffusion, ion-implantation, CVD and
techniques for deposition of poly-silicon, silicon, silicon-nitride and
silicon di-oxide;
metallisation and passivation.
• Power Systems : Analysis and Control
• Steady-state performance of overhead transmission lines and cables;
principles of active
and reactive power transfer and distribution; per-unit quantities; bus
admittance and
impedance materices; load flow; voltage control and power factor
correction; economic
operation; symmeterical components, analysis of symmetrical and
unsymmetrical faults.
Concept of system stability : swing curves and equal area criterion.
Static VAR system.
Basic concepts of HVDC transmission; FACTS. Computer control and
Automation :

Introduction to energy control centres; various states of a power
system; SCADA systems
and RTUs. Active power control : Speed control of generators, tie-line
control, frequency


control. Economic dispatch.

• Power system protection
• Principles of overcurrent, differential and distance protection. Concept
of solid state relays.
Circuit brakers. Computer aided protection : Introduction; line bus,
generator, transformer
protection; numeric relays and application of DSP to protection.
• Non-conventional Energy Sources and Energy Management
• Introduction to the energy problem; difficulties with conventional
energy sources. Wind-
Energy : Basics of Wind turbine aerodynamics; wind-energy conversion
systems and their
integration into electrical grid. Solar-Energy : Thermal conversion :
conversion. Wave-energy. Importance of Energy Management : Energy
audit; energy
economics : discount rate, payback period, internal rate of return, life
cycle costing.
• Digital Communication
• Pulse code modulation (PCM), diferential pulse code modulation
(DPCM), delta
modulation (DM), Digital modulation and demodulation schemes :
amplitude, phase and
frequency keying schemes (ASK, PSK, FSK). Error control coding : error
detection and
correction, linear block codes, convolution codes. Information measure
and source coding.
Data networks, 7-layer architecture.
• Satellite Communication, Radar and TV


• Satellite Communication: General overview and technical

characteristics, earth station
equipment, satellite link design, CNR of Satellite system. Radar : Basic
principles, Pulsed
systems : CW Doppler radar, FMCW radar, Phase array radars.
Television Systems :
Television systems and standards, Black-and White-and Colour-TV
transmission and
receiver systems.
• Fibre Optic System
• Multiplexing: Time division multiplexing, Frequency Division
multiplexing. Optical
properties of materials : Refractive index absorption and emission of
light, optical fibres,
lasers and optoelectronic materials Fibre optic links.

• The syllabus consists of two papers, designed to test a first-hand and
critical reading of texts
prescribed from the following periods in English Leterature : Paper I :
1600-1900 and Paper II :


• There will be two compulsory questions in each paper : a) A short-

notes question related to the
topics for general study, and b) A critical analysis of UNSEEN passages
both in prose and
Answers must be written in English.


Texts for detailed study are listed below. Candidates will also be
required to show
adequate knowledge of the following topics and movements :
The Renaissance: Elizabethan and Jacobean Drama; Metaphysical
Poetry; The Epic and
the Mock-epic; Neo-classicism; Satire; The Romantic Movement; The
Rise of the Novel; The
Victorian Age.
1. William Shakespeare: King Lear and The Tempest.
2. John Donne. The following poems :
- Canonization;
- Death be not proud;
- The Good Morrow;
- On his Mistress going to bed;
- The Relic;
3. John Milton: Paradise Lost, I, II, IV, IX
4. Alexander Pope. The Rape of the Lock.
5. William Wordsworth. The following poems:
- Ode on Intimations of Immortality.
- Tintern Abbey.
- Three years she grew.
- She dwelt among untrodden ways.
- Michael.
- Resolution and Independence.
- The World is too much with us.
- Milton, thou shouldst be living at this hour.
- Upon Westminster Bridge.
6. Alfred Tennyson: In Memoriam.



7. Henrik Ibsen: A Doll’s House.

1. Jonathan Swift. Gulliver’s Travels.
2. Jane Austen. Pride and Prejudice.
3. Henry Fielding. Tom Jones.
4. Charles Dickens. Hard Times.
5. George Eliot. The Mill on the Floss.
6. Thomas Hardy. Tess of the d’Urbervilles.
7. Mark Twain. The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn.
Answers must be written in English.
Texts for detailed study are listed below. Candidates will also be
required to show
adequate knowledge of the following topics and movements :
Modernism; Poets of the Thirties; The stream-of-consciousness Novel;
Absurd Drama;
Colonialism and Post-Colonialism; Indian Writing in English; Marxist,
Psychoanalytical and
Feminist approaches to literature; Post-Modernism.
1. William Butler Yeats. The following poems:
- Easter 1916
- The Second Coming
- A Prayer for my daughter.
- Sailing to Byzantium.
- The Tower.
- Among School Children.
- Leda and the Swan.
- Meru
- Lapis Lazuli
- The Second Coming


- Byzantium.
2. T.S. Eliot. The following poems :
- The Love Song of J.Alfred Prufrock

- Journey of the Magi.
- Burnt Norton.
3. W.H. Auden. The following poems :
- Partition
- Musee des Beaux Arts
- in Memory of W.B. Yeats
- Lay your sleeping head, my love
- The Unknown Citizen
- Consider
- Mundus Et Infans
- The Shield of Achilles
- September 1, 1939
- Petition.
4. John Osborne : Look Back in Anger.
5. Samuel Beckett. Waiting for Godot.
6. Philip Larkin. The following poems :
- Next
- Please
- Deceptions
- Afternoons
- Days
- Mr. Bleaney
7. A.K. Ramanujan. The following poems :
- Looking for a Causim on a Swing
- A River
- Of Mothers, among other Things


- Love Poem for a Wife 1

- Small-Scale Reflections on a Great House
- Obituary

(All these poems are available in the anthology Ten Twentieth Century
Indian Poets,
edited by R. Parthasarthy, published by Oxford University Press, New
1. Joseph Conrad. Lord Jim
2. James Joyce. Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man.
3. D.H. Lawrence. Sons and Lovers.
4. E.M. Forster. A Passage to India.
5. Virginia Woolf. Mrs Dalloway.
6. Raja Rao. Kanthapura.
7. V.S. Naipal. A House for Mr. Biswas.

Principles of Geography
Section-A Physical Geography
i) Geomorphology: Factors controlling landform development;
endogenetic and exogenetic
forces; origin and evolution of the earth’s crust; physical conditions of
the earth’s interior;
geosynclines; continental drift; isostasy; sea-floor spreading; plate
tectonics; mountain
building; volcanicity; earthquakes; concepts of geomorphic cycles;
landforms associated
with fluvial, arid, glacial, coastal and karst cycle; groundwater; Applied


ii) Climatology: Temperature and pressure belts of the world; heat

budget of the earth;
atmospheric circulation; planetary and local winds; monsoons and jet
streams; air masses
and fronts; temperate and tropical cyclones; types and distribution of
Koppen’s and Thornthwaite’s classification of world climate;
hydrological cycle; climatic
iii) Oceanography: Bottom topography of the Atlantic, Indian and
Pacific Oceans;
temperature and salinity of the oceans; ocean deposits; ocean currents
and tides; marine
resources–biotic, mineral and energy resources; coral reefs; sea-level
iv) Biogeography: Genesis of soils; classification and distribution of
soils; soil profile; soil
erosion and conservation; factors influencing world distribution of
plants and animals;
problems of deforestation and conservation measures; social forestry,
v) Environmental Geography: Human ecological adaptations;
transformation of nature by
man; environmental degradation and conservawtin; ecosystems and
their management;

global ecological imbalances–problems of pollution, global warming,
reduction in biodiversity
and depletion of forests.
Section-B Human Geography


i) Perspectives in Human Geography: A real differentiation;

regional synthesis; dichotomy
and dualism; environmentalism; quantitative revolution and locational
analysis; radical,
behavioural, human and welfare approaches; cultural regions of the
world human and
welfare approaches; cultural regions of the world; human development
ii) Economic Geography: World economic develpment–measurement
and problems; world
resources and their distribution; energy crisis; the limits to growth;
world agriculture–
typology of agricultural regions; agricultural inputs and productivity;
food and nutrition
problems; famine–causes, effects and remedies; world industries–
location patterns and
problems; patterns of world trade.
iii) Population and Settlement Geography: Growth and distribution
of world population;
demographic atrributes; causes and consequencies of migration;
concepts of over–,
under– and optimum population; world population problems.
Types and patterns of rural settlements; hierarchy of urban
settlements; concept of primate
city and rank-size rule; functional classificatipn of towns; sphere of
urban influence; ruralurban
fringe; satellite town; problems of urbanisation.
iv) Regional Planning: Concept of a region; types of regions and
methods of regionalisation;
growth centres and growth poles; regional imbalances; environmental
issues in regional


planning; planning for sustainable development.

v) Models, Theories and Laws in Human Geography: System
analysis in Human
Geography; Malthusian, Marxian and Demographic Transition models;
Central Place
theories of Christaller and Losch; Von Thunen’s model of agricultural
location; Weber’s
model of industrial location; Rostov’s model of stages of growth. Heart-
land and Rimland
theories; laws of international boundaries and frontiers.
Note: Candidates will be required to answer one compulsory
map question
pertinent to subjects covered by this paper.
Geography of India
i) Physical Setting: Space relationship of India with neighbouring
countries; structure and
relief; drainage system and watersheds; physiographic regions;
mechanism of Indian
monsoons; tropical cyclones and western distrubances; floods and
droughts; climatic
regions; natural vegetation, soil types and their distributions.

ii) Resources: Land, surface and groundwater, energy, minerals, and
biotic resources, their
distribution, utilisation and conservation; energy crisis.
iii) Agriculture: Infrastructure–irrigation, seeds, fertilizers, power;
institutional factors–land


holdings, land tenure and land reforms; agricultural productivity,

agricultural intensity, crop
combination, land capability; agro and social forestry; green revolution
and its socioeconomic
and ecological implications; significance of dry farming; livestock
resources and
white revolution; blue revolution; agricultural regionalisation; agro-
climatic zones.
iv) Industry: Evolution of industries; locational factors of cotton, jute,
iron and steel, fertiliser,
paper, drugs and pharmaceutical, automobile and cottage industries;
industrial complexes
and industrial regionalisaiton; new industrial policy; multinationals and
v) Transport, Communication and Trade: Road, railway, waterway,
airway and pipeline
networks and their complementary roles in regional development;
growing importance of
ports on national and foreign trade, trade balance; free trade and
export promotion zones;
developments in communication technology and its impact on
economy and society.
i) Cultural Setting: Racial and ethnic diversities; major tribes, tribal
areas and their
problems; role of language, religion and tradition in the formation of
cultural regions;
growth, distribution and density of population; demographic attributes–
sex-ratio, age
structure, literacy rate, work-force, dependency ratio and longevity;
migration (interregional,


intra-regional and international) and associated problems, population

and policies.
ii) Settlements: Types, patterns and morphology of rural settlements;
urban development;
census definition of urban areas; morphology of Indian cities;
functional classification of
Indian cities; conurbations and metropolitan regions; urban sprawl;
slums and associated
problems; town planning; problems of urbanisaiton.
iii) Regional Development and Planning: Experience of regional
planning in India; Five Year
Plans; integrated rural development programmes; panchayati raj and
planning; command area development; watershed management;
planning for backward
area, desert drought-prone, hill and tribal area development; multi-
level planning;
geography and regional planning.
iv) Political Aspects: Geographical basis of Indian federalism; state
reorganisation; regional
consciousness and national integration; international boundary of India
and related issues;
disputes on sharing of water resources; India and geopolitics of the
Indian Ocean.
v) Contemporary Issues: Environmental hazards–landslides,
earthquakes, floods and
droughts, epidemics; issues related to environmental pollution;
changes in patterns of land
use; principles of environmental impact assessment and environmental


population explosion and food security; environmental degradation;
problems of agrarian
and industrial unrest; regional disparities in economic development;
concept of sustainable
growth and development.
Note: Candidates will be required to answer one compulsory
map question
pertinent to subjects covered by this paper.

i) General Geology:
The Solar System, meteorities, origin and interior of the earth.
Radioactivity and age of
earth; Volcanoes- causes and products, volcanic belts. Earthquakes-
causes, effects,
earthquake belts, seismicity of India, intensity and magnitude,
seismongraphs. Island arcs,
deep sea trenches and mid-ocean ridges. Continental drift-evidences
and mechanics;
seafloor spreading, plate tectonics. Isostasy, orogeny and epeirogeny.
Continents and
ii) Geomorphology and Remote Sensing
Basic concepts of geomorphology. Weathering and mass wasting.
Landforms, slopes and
drainage. Geomorphic cycles and their interpretation. Morphology and
its relation to


structures and lithology. Applications of geomorphology in mineral

prospecting, civil
engineering,. hydrology and environmental studies. Geomorphology of
Aerial photographs and their interpretation-mertis and limitations. The
Spectrum. Orbiting satellites and sensor systems. Indian Remote
Sensing Sataellites.
Satellites data products. Applications of remote sensing in geology. The
Information System and its applications. Global Positioning System.
iii) Structural geology
Priniples of geologic mapping and map reading, projection diagrams,
stress and strain
ellipsoid and stress-strain relationships of elastic, plastic and viscous
materials. Strain
markers in deformed rocks. Behaviour of minerals and rocks under
deformation conditions.
Folds and faults classification and mechanics. Structural analysis of
folds, foliations,
lineations, joints and faults, unconformities. Superposed deformation.
between crystallization and deformation. Introduction to petrofabrics.

iv) Paleontology
Species- definition and nomenclature. Megafossils and Microfossils.
Modes of preservation


of fossils. Different kinds of microfossils. Application of microfossils in

petroleum exploration, paleoclimatic and paleoceanographic studies.
geological history and evolutionary trend in Cephalopoda, Trilobita,
Echinoidea and Anthozoa. Stratigraphic utility of Ammonoidea, Trilobita
and Graptoloidea.
Evolutionary trend in Hominidae, Equidae and Proboscidae. Siwalik
fauna. Gondwana
flora and its importance.
v) Stratigraphy and Geology of India
Classification of stratigraphic sequences: lithostratigraphic,
biostratigraphic, chronostratigraphic
and magnetostratigraphic and their interrelationships. Distribution and
classification of Precambrian rocks of India. Study of stratigraphic
distribution and lithology
of Phanerozoic rocks of India with reference to fauna, flora and
economic importance.
Major boundary problems- Cambrian/Precambrian, Permian/Triassic,
and Pliocene/Pleistocene. Study of climatic conditions, paleogeography
and igneous
activity in the Indian subcontinent in the geological past. Tectonic
framework of India.
Evolution of the Himalayas.
(vi) Hydrogeology and Engineering Geology: Hydrologic cycle and
genetic classification of
water. Movement of subsruface water. Springs. Porosity, permeability,


conductivity, transmissivity and storage coefficient, classification of

aquifers. Water-bearing
characteristics of rocks. Groundwater chemistry. Salt water intrusion.
Types of wells.
Drainage basin morphometry. Exploration for groundwater.
Groundwater recharge.
Problems and management of groundwater. Rainwater harvesting.
Engineering properties
of rocks. Geological investigations for dams, tunnels and bridges. Rock
as construction
material. Alkali-aggregate reaction. Landslides-causes, prevention and
Earthquake-resistant structures.
i) Mineralogy
Classification of crystals into systems and classes of symmetry.
International system of
crystallographic notation. Use of projection diagrams to represent
crystal symmetry.
Crystal defects. Elements of X-ray crystallography.

Petrological microscope and accessories. Optical properties of common
rock forming
minerals. Pleochroism, extinction angle, double refraction,
birefringence, twinning and
dispersion in minerals.
Physical and chemical characters of rock forming slilicate mineral
groups. Structural


classification of silicates. Common minerals of igneous and

metamorphic rocks. Minerals
of the carbonate, phosphate, sulphide and halide groups.
ii) Igneous ad Metamorphic Petrology
Generation and crystallisation of magma. Crystallisation of albite-
anorthite, diopsideanorthite
and diopside-wollastonite-silica systems. Reaction principle., Magmatic
differentation and assimilation. Petrogenetic significance of the
textures and structrues of
igneous rocks. Petrography and petrogenesis of granite, syenite,
diorite, basic and
ultrabasic groups, charnockite, anorthosite and alkaline rocks.
Carbonatites. Deccan
volcanic province.
Types and agents of metamporphism. Metamporphic grdes and zones.
Phase rule. Facies
of regional and contact metamorphism. ACF and AKF diagrams.
Textures and structures
of metamporphic rocks. Metamorphism of arenaceous, argillaceous and
basic rocks.
Minerals assemblages Retrograde metamorphism. Metasomatism and
migmatites, Granulite terrains of India.
iii) Sedimentology
Sedimentary rocks: Processes of formation. diagenesis and lithification.
Properties of
sediments. Clastic and non-clastic rocks-their classification,
petrography and depositional
environment. Sedimentary facies and provenance. Sedimentary
structures and their


significance. Heavy minerals and their significance. Sedminetary

basins of India.
iv) Economic Geology
Ore, ore minerals and gangue, tenor of ore, classification of ore
deposits. Process of
formation of minerals deposits. Controls of ore localisation. Ore
textures and structures.
Metallogenic epochs and provinces. Geology of the important Indian
deposits of
aluminium, chromium, copper, gold, iron, lead zinc, manganese,
titanium, uranium and
thorium and industrial minerals. Deposits of coal and petroleum in
India. National Mineral
Policy. Conservation and utilization of mineral resources. Marine
mineral resources and
Law of Sea.
v) Mining Geology
Methods of prospecting-geological, geophysical, geochemical and
Techniques of sampling. Estimation of reserves or ore. Mehtods of
exploration and mining

metallic ores, industrial minerals and marine mineral resources.
Mineral beneficiation and
ore dressing.
vi) Geochemistry and Environmental Geology
Cosmic abundance of elements. Composition of the planets and
meteorites. Structure and


composition of earth and distribution of elements. Trace elements.

Elements of crystal
chemistry-types of chemical bonds, coordination number. Isolmorphism
polymorphism. Elementary thermodynamics.
Natural hazards-floods, landslides, coastal erosion, earthquakes and
volcanic activity and
mitigation. Environmental impact of urbanization, open cast mining,
industrial and
radioactive waste disposal, use of fertilizers, dumping of mine waste
and fly-ash. Pollution
of ground and surface water, marine pollution Environment protection-
legislative measures
in India.

Answers must be written in Gujarati
Gujarati Language : Form and history
1. History of Gujarati Language with special reference to New Indo-
Aryan i.e. last one
thousand years.
2. Significant features of the Gujarati language: Phonology,
morphology and syntax.
3. Major dialects: Surti, Pattani, charotari and Saurashtri.
History of Gujarati Literature
4. Jaina tradition
5. Bhakti tradition: Sagun and Nirgun (Jnanmargi)
6. Non-sectarian tradition (Laukik parampara)


7. Sudharak yug
8. Pandit yug
9. Gandhi yug
10. Anu-Gandhi yug

11. Adhunik yug
Literary Forms: (Salient features, history and development of the
following literary forms):
a) Medieval
1. Narratives: Rasa, Akhyan and Padyavarta
2. Lyrical: Pada
b) Folk
3. Bhavai
c) Modern
4. Fiction: Novel and short story
5. Drama
6. Literary Essay
7. Lyrical Poetry
d) Criticism
8. History of theoretical Gujarati criticism
9. Recent research in folk tradition
Answers must be written in Gujarati
The paper will require first hand reading of the texts prescribed and will
be designed to test the
critical ability of the candidate.
1. Medieval


i) Vasantvilas phagu-Ajnatkrut
ii) Kadambari-Bhalan
iii) Sudamacharitra-Premanand
iv) Chandrachandravatini varta-Shamal
v) Akhegeeta-Akho
2. Sudharakyug & Pandityug
vi) Mari Hakikat-Narmadashankar Dave
vii) Farbasveerah- Dalpatram

viii) Saraswatichandra-Part-I Govar-dhanram Tripathi
ix) Purvalap- 'Kant' (Manishankar Ratnaji Bhatt)
x) Raino Parvat-Ramanbhai Neel-kanth
1. Gandhiyug & Anu Gandhiyug
i) Hind Swaraj-Mohandas Kar-machand Gandhi
ii) Patanni Prabhuta- Kanhaiyalal Munshi
iii) Kavyani Shakti- Ramnarayan Vish-wanath Pathak
iv) Saurashtrani Rasdhar Part 1- Zaver-chand Meghani
v) Manvini Bhavai-Pannalal Patel
vi) Dhvani-Rajendra Shah
2. Adhunik yug
vii) Saptapadi-Umashankar Joshi
viii) Janantike- Suresh Joshi
ix) Ashwatthama- Sitanshu Yash-aschandra

Answers must be written in Hindi.
1. History of Hindi Language and Nagari Lipi.


I. Grammatical and applied forms of Apbhransh, Awahatta & Arambhik

II. Development of Braj and Awadhi as literary language during
medieval period.
III. Early form of Khari-boli in Siddha-Nath Sahitya, Khusero, Sant
Sahitaya, Rahim
etc. and Dakhni Hindi.
IV. Development of Khari-boli and Nagari Lipi during 19th Century.
V. Standardisation of Hindi Bhasha & Nagari Lipi.
VI. Development of Hindi as national Language during freedom
VII. The development of Hindi as a National Language of Union of India.
VIII. Scientific & Technical development of Hindi Language.

IX. Prominent dialects of Hindi and their inter relationship.
X. Salient features of Nagari Lipi and the efforts for its reform &
Standard form of
XI. Grammatical structure of Standard Hindi.
2. History of Hindi Literature.
I. The relevance and importance of Hindi literature and tradition of
writing History of
Hindi Literature.
II. Literary trends of the following four periods of history of Hindi
A : Adikal-Sidh, Nath and Raso Sahitya.
Prominent poets-Chandvardai, Khusaro, Hemchandra, Vidyapati.
B : Bhaktikal-Sant Kavyadhara, Sufi Kavyadhara, Krishna Bhaktidhara


Ram Bhaktidhara.
Prominent Poets-Kabir, Jayasi, Sur & Tulsi.
C : Ritikal-Ritikavya, Ritibaddhakavya & Riti Mukta Kavya.
Prominent Poets-Keshav, Bihari, Padmakar and Ghananand.
D : Adhunik Kal
a. Renaissance, the development of Prose, Bharatendu Mandal.
b. Prominent Writers : Bharatendu, Bal Krishna Bhatt & Pratap Narain
c. Prominent trends of modern Hindi Poetry : Chhayavad, Pragativad,
Nai Kavita, Navgeet and Contemporary poetry and Janvadi Kavita.
Prominent Poets : Maithili Sharan Gupta, Prasad, Nirala, Mahadevi,
Agyeya, Muktibodh, Nagarjun.
III. Katha Sahitya
A. Upanyas & Realism
B. The origin and development of Hindi Novels.
C. Prominent Novelists : Premchand, Jainendra, Yashpal, Renu and
D. The origin and development of Hindi short story.
E. Prominent short Story Writers : Premchand, Prasad, Agyeya, Mohan
Rakesh & Krishna Shobti.
IV. Drama & Theatre

A. The origin & Development of Hindi Drama.
B. Prominent Dramatists : Bharatendu, Prasad, Jagdish Chandra
Ram Kumar Verma, Mohan Rakesh.
C. The development of Hindi Theature.


V. Criticism
A : The origin and development of Hindi criticism : Saiddhantik,
Pragativadi, Manovishleshanvadi & Nai Alochana.
B : Prominent critics : Ramchandra Shukla, Hajari Prasad Dwivedi,
Ram Vilas
Sharma & Nagendra.
VI. The other forms of Hindi prose-Lalit Nibandh, Rekhachitra,
Sansmaran, Yatravrittant.
Answers must be written in Hindi.
This paper will require first hand reading of prescribed texts and will
test the critical ability of the
1. Kabir : Kabir Granthawali, Ed, Shyam Sundar Das (First hundred
2. Surdas : Bhramar Gitsar, Ed. Ramchandra Shukla (First hundred
3. Tulsidas : Ramchrit Manas (Sundar Kand) Kavitawali (Uttar Kand).
4. Jayasi : Padmawat Ed. Shyam Sundar Das (Sinhal Dwip Khand &
Nagmativiyog Khand)
5. Bihari : Bihari Ratnakar Ed. Jagnnath Prasad Ratnakar (First 100
6. Maithili Sharan Gupta : Bharat Bharati
7. Prasad : Kamayani (Chinta and Sharddha Sarg)
8. Nirala : Rag-Virag, Ed. Ram Vilas Sharma (Ram Ki Shakti Puja &
9. Dinkar : Kurushetra
10. Agyeya : Angan Ke Par Dwar (Asadhya Vina)
11. Muktiboth : Brahma Rakshas


12. Nagarjun : Badal Ko Ghirte Dekha Hai, Akal Ke Bad, Harijan Gatha.

1. Bharatendu : Bharat Durdasha
2. Mohan Rakesh : Ashad Ka Ek Din
3. Ramchandra Shukla : Chintamani (Part I)
(Kavita Kya Hai] Shraddha Aur Bhakti)
4. Dr. Satyendra : Nibandh Nilaya-Bal Krishna Bhatt, Premchand, Gulab
Rai, Hajari Prasad
Dwivedi, Ram Vilas Sharma, Agyeya, Kuber Nath Rai.
5. Premchand : Godan, Premchand ki Sarvashreshtha Kahaniyan, Ed.
Amrit Rai, Manjusha -
Premchand ki Sarvashreshtha Kahaniyan, Ed. Amrit Rai
6. Prasad : Skandgupta
7. Yashpal : Divya
8. Phaniswar Nath Renu : Maila Anchal
9. Mannu Bhandari : Mahabhoj
10. Rajendra Yadav : Ek Dunia Samanantar (All Stories)

1. Sources and approaches to study of early Indian history.
2. Early pastoral and agricultural communities. The archaeological
3. The Indus Civilization: its origins, nature and decline.
4. Patterns of settlement, economy, social organization and religion in
India (c. 2000 to 500
B.C.) : archaeological perspectives.
5. Evolution of north Indian society and culture: evidence of Vedic texts
(Samhitas to Sutras).


6. Teachings of Mahavira and Buddha. Contemporary society. Early

phase of state formation
and urbanization.
7. Rise of Magadha; the Mauryan empire. Ashoka's inscriptions; his
dhamma. Nature of the
Mauryan state.
8-9 Post-Mauryan period in northern and peninsular India: Political and
administrative history,.
Society, economy, culture and religion. Tamilaham and its society: the
Sangam texts.

10-11 India in the Gupta and post-Gupta period (to c. 750) : Political
histroy of northern and
peninsular India; Samanta system and changes in political structure;
economy; social
structure; culture; religion.
12. Themes in early Indian cultural history: languages and texts; major
stages in the evolution
of art and architecture; major philosphical thinkers and schools; ideas
in science and
13. India, 750-1200: Polity, society and economy. Major dynasties
and political structurs in
North India. Agrarian structures. " Indian feudalism". Rise of Rajputs.
The Imperial Cholas
and their contemporaries in Peninsular India. Villagle communities in
the South. Conditions
fof women. Commerce mercantile groups and guilds; towns. Problem of
coinage. Arab


conquest of Sind; the Ghaznavide empire.

14. India, 750-1200: Culture, Literature, Kalhana, historian. Styles of
temple architecture;
sculpture. Religious thought and institutions: Sankaracharya's vedanta.
Ramanuja. Growth
of Bhakti, Islam and its arrival in India. Sufism. Indian science. Alberuni
and his study of
Indian science and civilization.
15. The 13th Century. The Ghorian invasions. Factors behind Ghorian
success. Economic,
social and cultural consequences. Foundation of Delhi Sultanate. The
"slave" Dynasty.
IItutmish; Balban. "The Khalji Revolution". Early Sultanate architecture.
16. The 14th Century. Alauddin Khalji's conquests, agrarian and
economic measures.
Muhammad Tughluq's major "projects". Firuz Tughluq's concessions and
public works.
Decline of the Sultante. Foreing contacts: Ibn Battuta.
17. Economy societyand culture in the 13th and 14th centureis. Caste
and slavery under
sultanate. Tehnological changes. Sultanate architecture. [persian
literature: Amir Khusrau,
Historiography; Ziya Barani. Evolution of a composite culture. Sufism in
North India.
Lingayats. Bhakti schools in the south.
18. The 15th and early16th Century (Political History). Rise of Provincial
Dynasties: Bengal,
Kashmir (Zainul Abedin), Gujarat, Malwa, Bahmanids. The Vijayanagra
Empire. Lodis.
Mughal Empire, First phase : Babur, Humayun. The Sur Empire : Sher


administration. The Portuguese colonial enterprise.

19. The 15th and early 16th Century (society, economy and culture).
Regional cultures and
literatures. provincial architectural styles. Society, culture, literature
and the arts in
Vijayanagara Empire.
Monotheistic movements: Kabir and Guru Nank. Bhakti Movements:
Chaitanya. Sufism in
its pantheistic phase.

20. Akbar: His conquests and consolidation of empire. Establishment
of jagir and mansab
systems. His Rajput policy. Evolution of religious and social outlook.
Theory of Sulh-i-kul
and religious policy. Abul Fazl, thinker and historian. Court patronage of
art and
21. Mughal empire in the 17th Century. Major policies (administrative
and religious) of
Jahangir, Shahjahan and Aurangzeb. The Empire and the Zamindars.
Nature of the
Mughal state. Late 17th Century crisis: Revolts. The Ahom kingdom,
Shivaji and the early
maratha kingdom.
22. Economy and society, 16th and 17th Centuries. Population.
Agricultural and craft
production. Towns, commerce with Europe through Dutch, English and
French companiesa
"trade revolution". Indian mercantile classes. Banking, insurance and
credit systems.


Conditions of peasants, famines. Condition of Women.

23. Culture during Mughal Empire. Persian literature (including
historical works). Hindi and
relgious literatures. Mughal architecture. Mughal painting. Provincial
schools of
architecture and painting. Classical music. Science and technology.
Sawai Jai Singh,
astronomer. Mystic eclecticism : Dara Shukoh. Vaishnav Bhakti.
Mahrasthra Dharma.
Evolution of the Sikh community (Khalsa).
24. First half of 18th Century: Factors behind decline of the Mughal
Empire. The regional
principalities (Nizam's Deccan, Bengal, Awadh). Rise of Maratha
ascendancy under the
Peshwas. The Maratha fiscal and financial system. Emergency of
Afghan Power. Panipat,
1761. Internal weakness, political cultural and economic, on eve of the
British conquest.
1. Establishment of British rule in India: Factors behind British
success against Indian
powers-Mysore, Maratha Con federacy and the Punjab as major powers
in resistance;
Policy of subsidiary Alliance and Doctrine of Lapse.
2. Colonial Economy: Tribute system. Drain of wealth and
"deindustrialisation", Fiscal
pressures and revenue settlements (Zamindari, Ryotwari and
Mahalwari settlements);
Structure of the British raj up to 1857 (including the Acts of 1773 and
1784 and


administrative organisation).
3. Resistance to colonia rule: Early uprisings; Causes, nature and
impact of the Revolt of
1857; Reorganisation of the Raj, 1858 and after.
4. Socio-cultural impact of colonial rule: Official social reform
measures (1828-57);
Orientalist-Anglicist controversy; coming of English education and the
press; Christian

missionary activities; Bengal Renaissance; Social and religious reform
movements in
Bengal and other areas; Women as focus of social reform.
5. Economy 1858-1914: Railways; Commercialisation of Indian
agriculture; Growth of
landless labourers and rural indebtedness; Famines; India as market for
British industry;
Customs removal, exchange and countervailing excise; Limited growth
of modern industry.
6. Early Indian Nationalism: Social background; Formation of
national associations;
Peasant and tribal uprising during the early nationalist era; Foundation
of the Indian
National Congress; The Moderate phase of the Congress; Growth of
Extremism; The
Indian Council Act of 1909; Home Rule Movement; The Government of
India Act of 1919.
7. Inter-War economy of India: Industries and problem of Protection;
Agricultural distress;
the Great Depression; Ottawa agreements and Discriminatory
Protection; the growth of


trade unions; The Kisan Movement; The economic programme of the

Congress' Karachi
resolution, 1931.
8. Nationalism under Gandhi's leadership: Gandhi's career,
thought and methods of mass
mobilisation; Rowlatt Satyagraha, Khilafat- Non Cooperation
Movement, Civil
Disobedience Movement, 1940 Satyagraha and Quit India Movement;
State People's
9. Other strands of the National Movement
a) Revolutionary movements since 1905;
b) Constitutional politics; Swarajists, Liberals, Responsive Cooperation;
c) Ideas of Jawharlal Nehru,
d) The Left (Socialists and Communists);
e) Subhas Chandra Bose and the Indian National Army;
f) Communal strands: Muslim League and Hindu Mahasabha;
g) Women in the National Movement.
10. Literary and cultural lmovements: Tagore, Premchand,
Subramanyam Bharati, Iqbal as
examples only; New trends in art; Film industry; Writers' Organisations
and Theatre
11. Towards Freedom: The Act of 1935; Congress Ministries, 1937-
1939; The Pakistan
Movement; Post-1945 upsurge (RIN Mutiny, Telangana uprising etc.,);
negotiations and the Transfer of Power, 15 August 1947.
12. First phase of Independence (1947-64): Facing the
consequences of Partition; Gandhiji's


murder; economic dislocation; Integration of States; The democratic

constitution, 1950;

Agrarian reforms; Building an industrial welfare state; Planning and
Foreign policy of Non-alignment; Relations with neighbours.
13. Enlightenment and Modern ideas
1. Renaissance Background
2. Major Ideas of Enlightenment: Kant, Rousseau
3. Spread of Enlightenment outside Europe
4. Rise of socialist ideas (to Marx)
14. Origins of Modern Politics
1. European States System
2. American Revolution and the Constitution.
3. French revolution and after math, 1789-1815.
4. British Democratic Politics, 1815-1850; Parliamentary Reformers,
Free Traders,
15. Industriatization
1. English Industrial Revolution: Causes and Impact on Society
2. Industrialization in other countries: USA, Germany, Russia, Japan
3. Socialist Industrialization: Soviet and Chinese.
16. Nation-State System
1. Rise of Nationalism in 19th century
2. Nationalism : state-building in Germany and Italy
3. Disintegration of Empires through the emergence of nationalities.
17. Imperialism and Colonialism
1. Colonial System (Exploitation of New World, Trans-Atlantic Slave
Trade, Tribute


from Asian Conquests)

2. Types of Empire: of settlement and non-settlement: Latin America,
South Africa,
Indonesia, Australia.
3. Imperialism and Free Trade: The New Imperialism
18. Revolution and Counter-Revolution
1. 19th Century European revolutions
2. The Russian Revolution of 1917-1921

3. Fascist Counter-Revolution, Italy and Germany.
4. The Chinese Revolution of 1949
19. World Wars
1. 1st and 2nd World Wars as Total Wars: Societal Implications
2. World War I : Causes and Consequences
3. World War II : Political Consequence
20. Cold War
1. Emergence of Two Blocs
2. Integration of West Europe and US Strategy; Communist East Europe
3. Emergence of Third World and Non-Alignment
4. UN and Dispute Resolution
21. Colonial Liberation
1. Latin America-Bolivar
2. Arab World-Egypt
3. Africa-Apartheid to Democracy
4. South-East Asia-Vietnam
22. Decolonization and Underdevelopment
1. Decolonization: Break up of colonial Empires: British, French, Duth
2. Factors constraining Development : Latin America, Africa
23. Unification of Europe
1. Post War Foundations : NATO and European Community


2. Consolidation and Expansion of European Community/European

24. Soviety Disintegration and the Unipolar World
1. Factors in the collapse of Soviet communism and the Soviet Union,
2. Political Changes in East Europe 1989-1992
3. End of the Cold War and US Ascendancy in the World
4. Globalization


Answers must be written in Kannada.
A. History of Kannada Language
• What is Language? General characteristics of Language. Dravidian
Family of
Languages and its specific features, Antiquity of Kannada Language
Different Phases
of its Development.
• Dialects of Kannada Language : Regional and Social Various aspects
of development
of Kannada Language : phonological and Semantic changes. Language
B. History of Kannada Literature
• Ancient Kannada literature : Influence and Trends. Poets for study :
Specified poets
from Pampa to Ratnakara Varni are to be studied in the light of
contents, form and
expression : Pampa, Janna, Nagachandra.


• Medieval Kannada literature : Influence and Trends.

• Vachana literature : Basavanna, Akka Mahadevi.
• Medieval Poets : Harihara, Ragha-vanka, Kumar-Vyasa.
• Dasa literature : Purandra and Kanaka.
• Sangataya : Ratnakaravarni
C. Modern Kannada literature
• Influence, trends and idealogies, Navodaya, Pragatishila, Navya,
Dalita and Bandaya.
A. Poetics and literary criticism
• Definition and concepts of poetry : Word, Meaning, Alankara, Reeti,
Rasa, Dhwani,
• Interpretations of Rasa Sutra.
• Modern Trends of literary criticism : Formalist, Historical, Marxist,
Feminist, Postcolonial
B. Cultlural History of Karnataka
• Contribution of Dynasties to the culture of Karnataka : Chalukyas of
Badami and
Kalyani, Rashtrakutas, Hoysalas, Vijayanagara rulers, in literary
• Major religions of Karnataka and their cultural contributions.


• Arts of Karnataka : Sculpture, Architecture, Painting, Music, Dance-in

the literary
• Unification of Karnataka and its impact on Kannada literature.


Answers must be written in Kannada.

The paper will require first-hand reading of the Texts prescribed and
will be designed to test the
critical ability of the candidates.
A. Old Kannada Literature
1. Vikramaarjuna Vijaya of Pampa (cantos 12 & 13), (Mysore University
2. Vaddaraadhane (Sukumaraswamyia Kathe, Vidyutchorana Kathe)
B. Medieval Kannada Literature
1. Vachana Kammata, Ed: K. Marulasiddappa K.R. Nagaraj (Bangalore
2. Janapriya Kanakasamputa, Ed. D. Javare Gowda (Kannada and
Directorate, Bangalore)
3. Nambiyannana Ragale, Ed., T.N. Sreekantaiah (Ta.Vem. Smaraka
Grantha Male,
4. Kumaravyasa Bharata : Karna Parva (Mysore University)
5. Bharatesha Vaibhava Sangraha Ed. Ta. Su. Shama Rao (Mysore
A. Modern Kannada Literature
1. Poetry : Hosagannada Kavite, Ed : G.H. Nayak (Kannada Saahitya
2. Novel : Bettada Jeeva-Shivarama Karanta Madhavi-Arupama
Niranjana Odalaala-
Devanuru Mahadeva


3. Short Story : Kannada Sanna Kathegalu, Ed. G.H. Nayak (Sahitya

Academy, New
4. Drama : Shudra Tapaswi-Kuvempu. Tughalak-Girish Karnad.
5. Vichara Saahitya : Devaru-A.N. Moorty Rao (Pub : D.V.K. Moorty,
B. Folk Literature
1. Janapada Swaroopa-Dr. H.M. Nayak. (Ta. Vem. Smaraka Grantha
Male, Mysore.)

2. Janapada Geetaanjali-Ed.D. Javare Gowda. (Pub : Sahitya Academy,
New Delhi.)
3. Kannada Janapada Kathegalu-Ed. J.S. Paramashivaiah, (Mysore
4. Beedi Makkalu Beledo. Ed. Kalegowda Nagavara (Pub : Bangalore
5. Savirada Ogatugalu-Ed : S.G. Imrapura.

• Consitutitional Law of India
1. Nature of the Indian Constitution : the distinctive features of its
federal character.
2. Fundamental Rights.
3. Relationship between Fundamental Rights, Directive Principles and
Fundamental Duties.
4. Constitutional Position of the President and relation with the Council
of Ministers.
5. Governor and his Powers.


6. Appointment and Transfer of Judges of the Supreme Court and the

High Courts.
7. Supreme Court and High Courts: Powers and Jurisdiction.
8. Union Public Service Commission and State Public Service
Commissions: Powers and
9. Distribution of Legislative Powers between the Union and the States.
10. Administrative Relationship between Union and the States.
11. Emergency Provisions
12. Civil Servants: Constitutional safeguards.
13. Parliamentary Privileges
14. Amendment of the Constitution.
15. Princople of Natural Justice
16. Delegated Legislation: Its constitutionality and judicial and
legislative controls.
17. Judicial Review of Administrative Action.
• International Law
1. Nature and Definition of International Law.

2. Relationship between International Law and Municipal Law
3. State Recognition and State Succession.
4. Sea: Inland Waters, Territorial Sea, Contiguous Zone, Continental
Shelf, Exclusive
Economic Zone and High Seas.
5. Individuals, nationality, statelessness; Human Rights and procedures
available for their
6. Territorial jurisdiction of States, Extradition and Asylum.
7. Treaties: Formation application, termination and reservation.


8. United Nations: Its principal organs, powers, and functions.

9. Settlement of Distputes.
10. Lawful recourse to force: aggressions, self-defence, intervention.
11. Legality of the use of nuclear weapons; ban on testing of nucle ar
weapons; Nuclear non
proliferation treaty, CTBT.
12. International Terriorism State sponsored terrorism, Hijacking,
International Criminal Court.
13. New International Economic order and Monetary law: WTO, TRIPS,
GATT, IMF, World
14. Protection and Improvement of the Human Environment:
International Efforts.
• Law of Crimes
1. General Principles of Criminal Liability: mens rea and actus reus,
Mens rea in statutory
2. Application of the Indian Penal Code.
3. Kinds of Punishment.
4. Preparations and criminal attempts
5. General exceptions.
6. Joint and constructive liability.
7. Abetment.
8. Criminal conspiracy.
9. Offences against the State.
10. Offences against public tranqulity.

11. Offences against human body.


12. Offences against property

13. Offences Relating to Marriage.
14. Defamation
15. Protection of Civil Rights Act, 1955
16. Dowry Prohibition Act, 1961
17. Prevention of Corruption Act, 1988.
• Law of Torts
1. Nature and definition.
2. Liability based upon fault and strict liability
3. Vicarious liability including State Liability.
4. General defences.
5. Joint tortfeasors.
6. Remedies.
7. Negligence
8. Defamation.
9. Nuisance.
10. Conspiracy
11. False imprisonment.
12. Malicious Prosecution.
13. Consumer Protection Act, 1986.
• Law of Contracts and Mercantile Law
1. Formation of Contract
2. Factors vitiating consent
3. Void voidable, illegal and unenforceable agreements.
4. Performance and discharge of contracts.
5. Quasi-contracts.
6. Consequences of breach of contract
7. Contract of Agency.



8. Sale of goods and hire purchase.

9. Formation and dissolution of partnership
10. Negotiable Instruments Act, 1881.
11. Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996.

The candidate should make a study of the concept and development of
management as science
and art drawing upon the contributions of leading thinkers of
management and apply the concepts
to the real life of government and business decision making keeping in
view the changes in the
strategic and operative environment.
I. Managerial Function: Concept and foundations of Management,
Managerial role and
functions. Analysis of Environmental opportunities and threats,
Formulation of
Organisational Vision, Mission and Objectives. Decision Making.
II. Organisational Behaviour and Design: Classical and Neoclassical
Systems, Delegation
of Authority, Design of Strategic Business Units. Theories of motivation
and their
relevance. Communication. Leadership. Understanding group
behaviour and dynamics.
Conflict Management. Managing Change. Innovation in Organizational
Design such as
Networks, Knowledge Based Enterprises-Systems and Processes.
III. Quantitative Techniques in Decision Making: Classification of
data, Averages,


Dispersion and Skewness. Correlation and Regression. Time- Series

Analysis &
Forecasting Techniques. Elementary concepts of Binomial, Poisson and
Distributions. Tests of Significance 't', 'F' and Chisquare. Linerar
formulation-Simplex method and Graphical solution. PERT and CPM.
Decision making
under uncertainity.
IV. Management Control System: Basic concepts, Understanding
strategic behaviour.
Responsibility Centres, Strategic Planning, Preparation of budgets, Zero
Based Budget,
Analysis and Evaluation of Performance, Control System in Service
Organization. Modern
Control Methods, Controlling Global Enterprises: Transfer Pricing and
Management of

V. Strategic Cost Management: Value Chain : Conceptual issues and
Applications. Cost
analysis-Activity based costing, Cost Drivers and their measurement.
Target Costing. Profit
Variance Analysis.
VI. Business Environment: Concept and Analysis of Macro-business
environment: Indian
and global. Analysis of structural dimensions of Indian Economy.
Directions of change and


impact on business decision. Regulatory and promotional Policies.

Globalisation and Corporatisation Problems and Prospects.
I. Financial Management : Goal of Finance Function. Analysis of
Financial Postion: Ratio
and Funds Flow Analysis. Concepts of value and return. Valuation of
Bonds and Shares.
Risk and Return: Portfolio Theory, CAPM and APM. Option Pricing.
Financial and
Operating leaverage. Design of Capital Structure; Theories and
Practices. Management of
Working Capital: Estimation and Financing. Management of Cash,
Receivables and
Inventory and Current Liabilities. Capital and Money Markets:
Institutions and Instruments.
Leasing, Hirepurchase and veartur capital mergers and acquistions.
Shareholder Value
Creation: Dividend Policy, Corporate financial policy and strategy.,
Management of
corporate distress and restructuring strategy. Regulation of capital
II. Marketing Management: Concept and strategy. Analysis of
marketing environment and
planning process. Understanding and selecting target markets:
Marketing Research,
Consumer Behaviour. Segmentation, Targeting and Postitioning.,
Product management.
Distribution channels and logistics. Public Distribution System.
Marketing Communciation,


Brand Management. personal selling and management of salesforce.

Pricing decisions.
Understanding competitive strategy. Design, implementation and
control. Services and
non-profit marketing. Social Marketing. Creating global competitive
Advantage: Analysis,
formulation, implementation and control. Evaluation of marketing
function. Ethics in
marketing: Consumer protection. E-Business.
III. International Business: International Business Environment:
Changing composition of
trade in goods and services. Emerging areas of trade. Evaluation of
International Trade
Policies-instruments of trade policy, institutions of international
business GATT//WTO,
Trims and Trips-Labour conditions and environmental issues. trade in
services and agri
products. role of IMF, World Bank, UNCTAD. Regional Economic
Cooperation. Export
Marketing Management-Overseas market research, Export pricing and
Management of risk. Export-import procedures. Tole of intermediaries
and documentation.

IV. Operation and Materials Management: Fundamentals of
Operations Management.
Organising for Production. Aggregate Production Planning, Capacity
Planning, Plan


Design: Process planning plant size and scale of operations.

Management of facilities.
Equipment replacement and maintenance. Production cotnrol. Supply
Chain Management-
Vendor Evaluation and Audit. Quality Management.
Role and importance of Materials Management , Material Handling,
Value Analysis, Quality
control, Make or Buy Decision. Codification, Standardisation of spare
parts inventory.
Inventory Control. Two Bin System. Waste Management, Purchasing
process and
procedure. International Buying.
V. Management Information System: Conceptual foundations of
Information System.
Information Resource Management. System Development-Overview of
Systems and
Design. System Development Management life-cycle, Designing on-line
and Distributed
environments. Implementation and Control of Project. Trends in
Information Technology.
Managing Data Resources-Organising Data. DSS and RDBMS.
VI. Human Resource Development: Concept and Policies. Man-
power planning; recruitment,
Selection, trainging, development, promotion and transfer.
Performance Management-job
evaluation, job enrichment. Compensation Management. Employee
Morale and
Productivity. Management of Organisational Climate and Industrial
Relations. Humans
Resource Accouting and Audit.


• Linear Algebra
• Vector, space, linear dependance and independance, subspaces,
bases, dimensions.
Finite dimensional vector spaces.
• Matrices, Cayley-Hamiliton theorem, eigenvalues and eigenvectors,
matrix of linear
transformation, row and column reduction, Echelon form, eqivalence,
congruences and
similarity, reduction to cannonical form, rank, orthogonal, symmetrical,
skew symmetrical,
unitary, hermitian, skew-hermitian forms–their eigenvalues. Orthogonal
and unitary
reduction of quadratic and hermitian forms, positive definite quardratic


• Calculus
• Real numbers, limits, continuity, differerentiability, mean-value
theorems, Taylor's theorem
with remainders, indeterminate forms, maximas and minima,
asymptotes. Functions of
several variables: continuity, differentiability, partial derivatives,
maxima and minima,
Lagrange's method of multipliers, Jacobian. Riemann's definition of
definite integrals,
indefinite integrals, infinite and improper intergrals, beta and gamma
functions. Double and


triple integrals (evaluation techniques only). Areas, surface and

volumes, centre of gravity.
• Analytic Geometry
• Cartesian and polar coordinates in two and three dimesnions, second
degree equations in
two and three dimensions, reduction to cannonical forms, straight
lines, shortest distance
between two skew lines, plane, sphere, cone, cylinder., paraboloid,
ellipsoid, hyperboloid
of one and two sheets and their properties.
• Ordinary Differential Equations
• Formulation of differential equations, order and degree, equations of
first order and first
degree, integrating factor, equations of first order but not of first
degree, Clariaut's
equation, singular solution.
• Higher order linear equations, with constant coefficients,
complementary function and
particular integral, general solution, Euler-Cauchy equation.
• Second order linear equations with variable coefficients,
determination of complete
solution when one solution is known, method of variation of
• Dynamics, Statics and Hydrostatics
• Degree of freedom and constraints, rectilinerar motion, simple
harmonic motion, motion in
a plane, projectiles, constrained motion, work and energy,
conservation of energy, motion


under impulsive forces, Kepler's laws, orbits under central forces,

motion of varying mass,
motion under resistance.
• Equilibrium of a system of particles, work and potential energy,
friction, common catenary,
principle of virtual work, stability of equilibrium, equilibrium of forces in
three dimensions.
• Pressure of heavy fluids, equilibrium of fluids under given system of
forces Bernoulli's
equation, centre of pressure, thrust on curved surfaces, equilibrium of
floating bodies,
stability of equilibrium, metacentre, pressure of gases.
• Vector Analysis


• Scalar and vector fields, triple, products, differentiation of vector

function of a scalar
variable, Gradient, divergence and curl in cartesian, cylindrical and
spherical coordinates
and their physical interpretations. Higher order derivatives, vector
identities and vector
• Application to Geometry: Curves in space, curvature and torision.
Serret-Frenet's formulae,
Gauss and Stokes' theorems, Green's identities.
• Algebra
• Groups, subgroups, normal subgroups, homomorphism of groups
quotient groups basic


isomorophism theorems, Sylow's group, permutation groups, Cayley

theorem. Rings and
ideals, principal ideal domains, unique factorization domains and
Euclidean domains. Field
extensions, finite fields.
• Real Analysis
• Real number system, ordered sets, bounds, ordered field, real number
system as an
ordered field with least upper bound property, cauchy sequence,
completeness, Continuity
and uniform continuity of functions, properties of continuous functions
on compact sets.
Riemann integral, improper integrals, absolute and conditional
convergence of series of
real and complex terms, rearrangement of series. Uniform
convergence, continuity,
differentiability and integrability for sequences and series of functions.
Differentiation of
fuctions of several variables, change in the order of partial derivatives,
implict function
theorem, maxima and minima. Multiple integrals.
• Complex Analysis : Analytic function, Cauchy-Riemann equations,
Cauchy's theorem,
Cauchy's integral formula, power series, Taylor's series, Laurent's
Series, Singularities,
Cauchy's residue theorem, contour integration. Conformal mapping,
• Linear Programming


• Linear programming problems, basic solution, basic feasible solution

and optimal solution,
graphical method and Simplex method of solutions. Duality.
• Transportation and assignment problems. Travelling salesman
• Partial differential equations
• Curves and surfaces in three dimesnions, formulation of partial
differential equations,
solutions of equations of type dx/p=dy/q=dz/r; orthogonal trajectories,
pfaffian differential

equations; partial differential equations of the first order, solution by
Cauchy's method of
characteristics; Charpit's method of solutions, linear partial differential
equations of the
second order with constant coefficients, equations of vibrating string,
heat equation,
laplace equation.
• Numerical Analysis and Computer programming
• Numerical methods: Solution of algebraic and transcendental
equations of one variable by
bisection, Regula-Falsi and Newton-Raphson methods, solution of
system of linear
equations by Gaussian elimination and Gauss-Jordan (direct) methods,
Seidel(iterative) method. Newton's (Forward and backward) and
Lagrange's method of


• Numerical integration: Simpson's one-third rule, tranpezodial rule,

Gaussian quardrature
• Numerical solution of ordinary differential equations: Euler and Runge
• Computer Programming: Storage of numbers in Computers, bits,
bytes and words,
binary system. arithmetic and logical operations on numbers. Bitwise
operations. AND, OR
, XOR, NOT, and shift/rotate operators. Octal and Hexadecimal
Systems. Conversion to
and form decimal Systems.
• Representation of unsigned integers, signed integers and reals,
double precision reals and
long integrers.
• Algorithms and flow charts for solving numerical analysis problems.
• Developing simple programs in Basic for problems involving
techniques covered in the
numerical analysis.
• Mechanics and Fluid Dynamics
• Generalised coordinates, constraints, holonomic and non-holonomic ,
systems. D'
Alembert's principle and Lagrange' equations, Hamilton equations,
moment of intertia,
motion of rigid bodies in two dimensions.
• Equation of continuity, Euler's equation of motion for inviscid flow,
stream-lines, path of a
particle, potential flow, two-dimensional and axisymetric motion,
sources and sinks, vortex


motion, flow past a cylinder and a sphere, method of images. Navier-

Stokes equation for a
viscous fluid.


Mechanical Engineering
1. Theory of Machines
Kinematic and dynamic analysis of planar mechanisms. Cams, Gears
and gear trains,
Flywheels, Governors, Balancing of rigid rotors, Balancing of single and
engines, Linear vibration analysis of mechanical systems (single
degree and two degrees
of freedom), Critical speeds and whirling of shafts, Automatic Controls,
Belts and chain
drives. Hydrodynamic bearings.
2. Mechanics of Solids
Stress and strain in two dimensions. Principal stresses and strains,
Mohr’s construction,
linear elastic materials, isotropy and an isotropy, Stress-strain
relations, unilaxial loading,
thermal stresses. Beams : Banding moment and shear force diagrams,
bending stresses
and deflection of beams, Shear stress distribution. Torsion of shafts,
helical springs.
Combined stresses, Thick and thin walled pressure vessels. Struls and
columns, Strain
energy concepts and theories of failure. Rotating discs. Shrink fits.
3. Engineering Materials


Basic concepts on structure of solids, Crystalline materials, Defects in

crystalline materials,
Alloys and binary phase diagrams, structure and properties of common
materials. Heat treatment of steels. Plastics, Ceramics and composite
Materials, common
applications of various materials.
4. Manufacturing Science
Marchant’s force analysis, Taylor’s tool life equation, machinability and
economics, Rigid, small and flexible automation, NC, CNC. Recent
machining methods-
EDM, ECM and ultrasonics. Application of lasers and plasmas, analysis
of forming
processes. High energy rate forming. Jigs, fixtures, tools and gauges,
Inspection of length,
position, profile and surface finish.
5. Manufacturing management
Production Planning and Control, Forecasting-Moving average,
exponential smoothing,
Operations sheduling; assembly line balancing. Product development.
Breakeven analysis,
Capacity planning. PERT and CPM.
Control Operations: Inventory control-ABC analysis. EOQ model.
Materials requirement
planning. Job design, Job standards, work measurement, Quality
control. Operations Research : Linear programming-Graphical and
Simplex methods.
Transportation and assignment models. Single server queuing model.

Value Engineering: Value analysis, for cost/value. Total quality
management and
forecasting techniques. Project management.
6. Elements of Computation
Computer Organisation, Flow charting. Features of Common Computer
FORTRAN d Base III, Lotus 1-2-3 C and elementary programming.
1. Thermodynamics
Basic concept. Open and closed systems, Applications of
Thermodynamic Laws, Gas
equations, Clapeyron equation, Availability, Irreversibility and Tds
2. I.C. Engines, Fuels and Combustion
Spark ignition and compression ignition engines, Four stroke engine
and Two stroke
engines, mechanical, thermal and volumetric efficiency, Heat balance.
Combustion process in S.I. and C.I. engines, preignition detonation in
S.I. engine Diesel
knock in C.I. engine. Choice of engine fuels, Octance and Cetane
retings. Alternate fuels
Carburration and Fuel injection, Engine emissions and control. Solid,
liquid and gaseous
fuels, stoichometric air requirements and excess air factor, fuel gas
analysis, higher and
lower calorific values and their measurements.
3. Heat Transfer, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning
One and two dimensional heat conduction. Heat transfer from
extended surfaces, heat


transfer by forced and free convection. Heat exchangers.

Fundamentals for diffusive and
connective mass transfer, Radiation laws, heat exchange between
black and non black
surfaces, Network Analysis. Heat pump refrigeration cycles and
systems, Condensers,
evaporators and expansion devices and controls. Properties and choice
of refrigerant,
Refrigeration Systems and components, psychometrics, comfort
indices, cooling loading
calculations, solar refrigeration.
4. Turbo Machines and Power Plants
Continuity, momentum and Energy Equations. Adiabatic and Isentropic
flow, fanno lines,
Raylegh lines. Theory and design of axial flow turbines and
compressors, Flow through
turbo-machine balde, cascades, centrifugal compressor. Dimensional
analysis and
modelling. Selection of site for steam, hydro, nuclear and stand-by
power plants, Selection
base and peak load power plants, Modern High pressure, High duty
boilers, Draft and dust

removal equipment, Fuel and cooling water systems, heat balance,
station and plant heat
rates, operation and maintenance of various power plants, preventive
economics of power generation.

Medical Science


I. Human Anatomy: Gross and microscopic anatomy and movements
of shoulder, hip and
knee joints; Blood supply, nerve innervation of hand, Lymphatic
system; Karyotyping,
medical genetics; Electron microscopic structure of glomerulous and
muscle; Gross and
microscopic anatomy and blood supply of lungs, heart, kidneys, liver,
testis and uterus;
Gross anatomy of pelvis, perineum and inguinal region. Cross-sectional
anatomy of the
body and mid-thoracic, upper abdominal, mid-abdominal and pelvic
Embryology : Major steps in the development of lung, heart, kidney,
urinary bladder,
uterus, ovary, testis and their common congenital abnoirmalities;
Placenta and placental
Anatomy of central and peripheral autonomic nervous system :
Neural pathways for cutaneous sensations and vision; Cranial nerves,
distribution and
clinical significance; Anatomy of autonomic control of gastronintestinal,
respiratory and
reproductive systems.
II. Human Physiology: Central, peripheral and autonomic nervous.
system; Nerve and
muscle excitation, conduction and transmission of impulse, mechanism
of contraction,
neurovascular transmission, EMG; Synaptic transmission, reflexes,
control of equilibrium,


posture and muscle tone descendig pathways, functions of creebellum,

basal ganglia,
reticular formation, hypothalamus limbic system and cerebral cortex;
Physiology of sleep
and consciousness, EEG.; Higher functions of the brain; Vision and
Endocrine system: Mechanism of action of hormones, formation,
secretion, transport,
metabolism, functions and regulations of secretion of pancreas and
pituitary glands.
• Physiology of reproductive system : menstrual cycle, lactation,
• Blood : Development, regulations and fate of blood cells.
• Cardio-vascular, respiratory gastro-intestinal and renal physiology :
Cardiac excitation,
spread of cardiac impulse, ECG., cardiac output, blood pressure,
regulation of
cardiovascular functions; Mechanics of respiration and regulation of
respiration; Digestion

and absorption of food, regulation of secretion and motility of
gastrointesinal tract;
Glomerular and tubular fucntions of kidney.
III. Biochemistry: pH and pK Hendrson-Hassebalch Equation;
Properties and regulation of
enzyme activity, role of high energy phosphates in bioenergetics;
Sources, daily requirements,
action and toxicity of vitamins; Metabolism of lipids, carbohydrates,
proteins, disorders of their


metaboilism; Chemical nature, structure, synthesis and fucntions of

nucleic acids and proteins;
Distribution and regulation of body water and minerals including trace
elements; Blood Gas
Analysis, GTT, Immuno electrophorises, molecular structure of muscle
contractile protein,
oestrogen receptors.
I. Pathology: Rection of cell and tissue of injury, inflammation and
repair , disturbances of
growth and cancer. genetic diseases; Pathogenesis and histopathology
of Rheumatic and
ischaemic heart disease; Bronchogenic carcinoma, carcinoma breast,
oral cancer, cancer
colon. Lymphoma, leukaemia, liver cancer, meningioma and
meningitis; Etiology,
pathognesis and histopathology of - Peptic ulcer, cirrhosis liver
glomerulonephritis, lobar
pneumonia, acute osteomyelitis, hepatitis, acute pancreatitis.
II. Microbiology: Growrth of micro-organisms, sterilization and
disinfection, bacterial
genetics, virus-cell interactions; Immunological principles, acquired
immunity, immunity in
infections cause by viruses; Diseases caused by and laboratory
diagnosis of
Staphylococcus, enterococcus, salmonella, shigella, secheichiza,
pseudomonos, vibrio,
adenoviruses, herpes viruses (including rubella_, fungi, protozoa,
helminths, leptospiral


III. Pharmacology: Drug receptor instruction, mechanism of drug

action; Mechanism of
action, dosage, metabolism and side effects of - Pilocarpine,
terbutaline, metoprolol
diazepam, acetylsalicylic acid, ibuprofen, furosemide, metronidazole.
Mechanism of action, dosage and toxicity of- Ampicillin,
Cephalosporins, 1,2,3,4,th
generations, Aminoglycoside, Doxycycline, chloramphenicol, rifampin,
Calcium channel
blocker, beta blocker, ace inhibitors, immunosuppressive therapy.
Indications, dosage,
side-effects and contraindictions of- Methortrexate, vincristin,
tamoxifen. Classification,
route of administration, mechanism of action and side effects of -
General anaesthetics,
hypnotics, analgesics, Anti-viral, anti-fungal drugs.
IV. Forensic Medicine and Toxicology: Forensic examination of
injuris and wounds;
Physical and chemical examination of blood and seminal stains;
Organo phosphorous
poisoning, sedative overdose, hanging, drowning, burns, snake

1. General Medicine
• Etiology, clinical features, diagnosis and principles of management
prevention) of:-


• Malaria, Typhoid, Cholera, Tetanus, Rabies, Exanthematous Fevers,

• Etiology, clinical features, diagnosis and principles of management of:
• Rheumatic, ischaemic and congenital heart disease, hypertension.
pulmonary embolism.
• Acute and chronic respiratory infections, bronchial asthma.
• Occupational lung disease, pleural effusion, disseminated
tuberculosis Malabsorption
syndromes, acid peptic diseases, haemetemesis. Viral hepatitis,
cirrhosis of liver,
alcoholic liver disease.
• Actue glomerulonerphritis, chronic pyelonephritis, renal failure,
nephrotic syndrome,
renovascular hypertension, diabeties mellitus, anaemias, coagulation
leukaemia, polycythemia and hyperviscosity syndrome, meningitis
carebrovascular diseases.
• Role of Immageology in the work-up of medical problems, ultrasound,
cardiogram, CT scan MRI.
• Psychiatry: Common psychiatric disorders, schizophrenia. ECT,
II. Paediatrics: Common paediatric problems, congenertal cyanotic
heart disease,
respiratory distress syndrome, broncho pneumonias, kernicterus. Aids-
prevention of
vertical transmission.


III. Dermatology: Common skin diseases, psoariasis, Hansen's

disease, fungal dermatitis,
scabies, eczema, vitiligo, Stevan Johnsons's syndrome.
I. General Surgery:
• Clinical features, causes diagnosis and principles of management of:
• Cervical lymph node enlargement, parotid tumour, oral cancer, cleft
palate, hare lip.
• Laryngeal tumour, esophageal tumours.
• Peripheral arterial diseases, varicose veins, coarctation of arota
• Dysfunctions of thyroid parathyroids and adrenals.
• Tumours of Thyroid, Parathyroid, Adrenal, Pituitary Glands.
• Abscess of breast, cancer breast, fibroadenoma and adenosis


• Acute and chronic appendicitis, bleeding peptic ulcer, tuberculosis of

bowel, intestinal
obstruction, ulcerative colitis.
• Renal mass, acute retention of urine, benign prostatic hypertrophy.
• Haemonthorax, constrictive pericarditis
• Splenomegaly, chronic cholexystitis, portal hypertension, liver
abscess, peritonitis,
carcinoma head of pancreas.
• Direct and indirect inguinal hernias and their compliations.
• Freactures of femur and spine, Colles' fracture and bone tumours.
• Organis transplantation, kidney, liver, heart, bone-marrow.
• Laprascopic Surgery.
II. Obstetrics and gynaecology including Family Planning


• Diagnosis of pregnancy, screening of high risk pregnancy,

• Labour management, complications of 3rd stage, postpartum
resuscitation of the newborn.
• Diagnosis and management of anaemia and pregnancy induced
• Principles of the following contraceptive methods.
• Intra-uterine devices, pills, tubectomy and vasectomy. Medical
termination of
pregnancy including legal aspects.
• Etiology, clinical features, diagnosis and principles of management of:
Cancer cervic.
• Leucorrhoea, pelvic pain, infertility, abnormal uterine bleeding,
III. Preventive and Social medicine
• Concept of causation and control of disease in the community,
principles and methods
of epidemiology.
• Health hazards due to environmental pollution and industrialisation.
• Normal nutrition and nutritional deficiency diseases in India.
• Population trends (World and India),
• Growth of population and its effect on health and development.
• Objectives, components and critical analysis of each of the following
programmes for the control/eradication of:
• Malaria, filaria, kala-azar, leprosy, tuberculosis, cancer, blindness,
iodine deficiency


disease, AIDS & std and guinea worm.


• Objectives, components critical analysis of each of the following

national Health and
Family Welfare Programmes:
• Maternal and child health
• Family welfare
• Nutrition
• Immunization.

Paper-I History and Problems of Philosophy
1. Plato: Theory of Ideas.
2. Aristotle: Form, Matter and causation.
3. Descartes: Cartesian Method and certain knowledge, God, Mind-
Body Dualism.
4. Spinoza: Substance, Attributes and Modes, Pantheism; Bondage
and Freedom.
5. Leibnitz: Monads; Theory of Perception God.
6. Locke: Theory of Knowledge, Rejection of Innate Ideas; substance
and qualities.
7. Berkeley: Immaterialism, God, Criticism of representative Theory of
8. Hume: Theory of knowledge, Scepticism Self, Causality.
9. Kant: Distinctions between synthetic and analytic judgements and
between aprion and
aposteriori judgements, Space, Time Categories, Possibility of
Synthetic Apriori


Judgements, Ideas of Reason and Antinomics; Criticism of the Proofs for

the Existence of
10. Hegel: Dialectical Method, Absolute Idealism.
11. Precursors of Linguistic Analysis: Moore (Defence of common
sense, Reputaion of
idealism), Russell (Theory of Descriptions).
12. Logical Atomism: Atomic Facts, Atomic sentences, Logical
Constructions and Incomplete
Symbols (Rusell), Distinction of saying and showing (Wittgenstein)
13. Logical Positivism: Verification theory and rejection of
Metaphysics, Linguistic Theory of
Necessary Propositions.
14. Phenomenology: Husserl.
15. Existentiaslism: Kierkegaard, Sartre.

16. Quine: Radical empiricism.
17. Strawson: theory of person.
1. Carvaka: Theory of Knowledge, Materialism.
2. Jainism: Theory of Reality, Saptabhangi Naya, Bondage and
3. Buddhism: Pratityasamutpada, Ksanikavýds, Ñairãtmyavãda,
Schools of Buddhism,
Sautrantika Theory of Pramana, Ideal of Bodhisattva.
4. Samkhya: Prakriti, Purusa, Theory of Causation, Liberation.
5. Naya-Vãisesika : Theory of Pramãna, Self, Liberation, God and Proofs
of God’s Existence,
Categories, Theory of Causation, Atomistic theory of Creation.
6. Mimãnsã: Theory of Knowledge.


7. Vedãnta: Schools of Vedãntã Sankara, Rãmãnuja, Madhva

(Brahman, Isvara, Ãtman,
Jiva, Jagat, Mãyã, Avidyã Adhyãsã, Moksã).
• Socio-Political Philosophy
1. Political Ideals : Equality, Justice, Liberty.
2. Sovereignty (Austin, Boidin, Laski, Kautilya).
3. Individual and State.
4. Democracy; Concept and forms.
5. Socialism and Marxism.
6. Humanism.
7. Secularism.
8. Theories of punishment.
9. Co-existence and violence; Sarvoday.
10. Gender-Equality.
11. Scientific Temper and Progress.
12. Philosophy of Ecology.
• Philosophy of Religion

1. Notions of God: Personalistic, Imparsonalistic, Naturalistic.
2. Prooofs of the Existence of God and their criticisms.
3. Immortality of Soul.
4. Liberation.
5. Problem of Evil.
6. Religious Knowledge : Reason, Revelation and Mysticism.
7. Religion without God.
8. Religion and Morality.


1. Classical Mechanics
a) Particle dynamics
Centre of mass and laboratory coordinates, conservation of linear and
momentum. The rocket equation. Rutherford scattering, Galilean
intertial and non-inertial frames, rotating frames, centrifugal and
Coriolis forces,
Foucault pendulum.
b) System of particles
Constraints, degrees of freedom, generalised coordinates and
Lagrange's equation and applications to linear harmonic oscillator,
pendulum and central force problems. Cyclic coordinates, Hamilitonian
equation from Hamilton's principle.
c) Rigid body dynamics
Eulerian angles, inertia tensor, principal moments of inertia. Euler's
equation of
motion of a rigid body, force-free motion of a rigid body. Gyroscope.
2. Special Relativity, Waves & Geometrical Optics
a) Special Relativity
Michelson-Morley experiment and its implications. Lorentz
contraction, time dilation, addition of velocities, aberration and Doppler


mass-energy relation, simple applications to a decay process.
Minkowski diagram,
four dimensional momentum vector. Covariance of equations of
b) Waves
Simple harmonic motion, damped oscillation, forced oscillation and
Beats. Stationary waves in a string. Pulses and wave packets. Phase
and group
velocities. Reflection and Refraction from Huygens' principle.
c) Geometrical Optics
Laws of relfection and refraction from Fermat's principle. Matrix
method in paraxial
optic-thin lens formula, nodal planes, system of two thin lenses,
chromatic and
spherical aberrations.
3. Physical Optics
a) Interference
Interference of light-Young's experiment, Newton's rings, interference
by thin films,
Michelson interferometer. Multiple beam interference and Fabry-Perot
interferometer. Holography and simple applications.
b) Diffraction
Fraunhofer diffraction-single slit, double slit, diffraction grating,
resolving power.
Fresnel diffraction: - half-period zones and zones plates. Fresnel
Application of Cornu's spiral to the analysis of diffraction at a straight
edge and by


a long narrow slit. Diffraction by a circular aperture and the Airy

c) Polarisation and Modern Optics
Production and detection of linearly and circularly polarised light.
refraction, quarter wave plate. Optical activity. Principles of fibre optics
pulse dispersion in step index and parabolic index fibres; material
single mode fibres. Lasers-Einstein A and B coefficients. Ruby and He-
Ne lasers.
Characteristics of laser light-spatial and temporal coherence. Focussing
of laser
beams. Three-level scheme for laser operation.
4. Electricity and Magnetism
a) Electrostatics and Magnetostatics
Laplace ad Poisson equations in electrostatics and their applications.
Energy of a
system of charges, multipole expansion of scalar potential. Method of
images and
its applications. Potential and field due to a dipole, force and torque on
a dipole in
an external field. Dielectrics, polarisation. Solutions to bounary-value
Rau’s IAS Study Circle, New Delhi, www.rauias.com ||
conducting and dielectric spheres in a uniform electric field. Magentic
uniformly magnetised sphere. Ferromagnetic materials, hysteresis,
energy loss.


b) Current Electricity
Kirchhoff's laws and their applications. Biot-Savart law, Ampere's law,
law, Lenz' law. Self-and mutual-inductances. Mean and rms values in
AC circuits.
LR CR and LCR circuits- series and parallel resonance. Quality factor.
Principal of
5. Electromagnetic Theory & Black Body Radiation
a) Electromagnetic Theory
Displacement current and Maxwell's equatons. Wave equations in
Poynting theorem. Vector and scalar potentials. Gauge invariance,
Lorentz and
Coulomb gauges. Electromagnetic field tensor, covariance of Maxwell's
Wave equations in isotropic dielectrics, reflection and refraction at the
boundary of
two dielectrics. Fresnel's relations. Normal and anomalous dispersion.
b) Blackbody radiation
Balckbody radiation and Planck radiation law- Stefan-Boltzmann law,
displacement law and Rayleigh-Jeans law. Planck mass, Planck length,
time,. Planck temperature and Planck energy.
6. Thermal and Statistical Physics
a) Thremodynamics
Laws of thermodynamics, reversible and irreversible processes,


Isothermal, adiabatic, isobaric, isochoric processes and entropy

change. Otto and
Diesel engines, Gibbs' phase rule and chemical potential. van der
Waals equation
of state of a real gas, critical constants. Maxwell-Boltzman distribution
of molecular
velocities, transport phenomena, equipartition and virial theorems.
Einstein, and Debye's theories of specific heat of solids. Maxwell
relations and
applications. Clausius- Clapeyron equation. Adiabatic demagnetisation,
Kelvin effect and liquefaction of gases.
b) Statistical Physics
Saha ionization formula. Bose-Einstein condenssation. Thermodynamic
of an ideal Fermi gas, Chandrasekhar limit, elementary ideas about
neutron stars
and pulsars. Brownian motion as a random walk, diffusion process.
Concept of
negative temperatures.

1. Quantum Mechanics I
Wave-particle dualitiy. Schroedinger equation and expectation values.
principle. Solutions of the one-dimensional Schroedinger equation free
particle (Gaussian


wave-packet), particle in a box, particle in a finite well, linear harmonic

oscillator. Reflection
and transmission by a potential step and by a rectangular barrier. Use
of WKB formula for
the life-time calcuation in the alpha-decay problem.
2. Quantum Mechanics II & Atomic Physics
a) Quantum Mechanics II
Particle in a three dimensional box, density of states, free electron
theory of
metals. The angular meomentum problem. The hydrogen atom. The
spin half
problem and properties of Pauli spin matrices.
b) Atomic Physics
Stern-Gerlack experiment, electron spin, fine structure of hydrogen
atom. L-S
coupling, J-J coupling. Spectroscopic notation of atomic states. Zeeman
Frank-Condon principle and applications.
3. Molecular Physics
Elementary theory of rotational, vibratonal and electronic spectra of
diatomic molecules.
Raman effect and molecular structure. Laser Raman spectroscopy
Importance of neutral
hydrogen atom, molecular hydrogen and molecular hydrogen ion in
Fluorescence and Phosphorescence. Elementary theory and
applications of NMR.
Elementary ideas about Lamb shift and its significance.
4. Nuclear Physics


Basic nuclear properties-size, binding energy, angular momentum,

parity, magnetic
moment. Semi-empirical mass formula and applications. Mass
parabolas. Ground state of
a deuteron magnetic moment and non-central forces. Meson theory of
nuclear forces.
Salient features of nuclear forces. Shell model of the nucleus-success
and limitations.
Violation of parity in beta decay. Gamma decay and internal
conversion. Elementary ideas
about Mossbauer spectroscopy. Q-value of nuclear reactions. Nuclear
fission and fusion,
energy production in stars. Nuclear reactors.
5. Particle Physics & Solid State Physics
a) Particle Physics

Classification of elementary particles and their interactions.
Conservation laws.
Quark structure of hadrons. Field quanta of electroweak and strong
Elementary ideas about Unification of Forces. Physics of neutrinos.
b) Solid State Physics
Cubic crystal structure. Band theory of solids- conductors, insulators
semiconductors. Elements of superconductivity, Meissner effect,
junctions and applications. Elementary ideas about high temperature
6. Electronics


Intrinsic and extrinsic semiconductors-p-n-p and n-p-n

transistors.Amplifiers and
oscillators. Op-amps. FET, JFET and MOSFET. Digital electronics-Boolean
identities, De
Morgan's laws, Logic gates and truth tables., Simple logic circuits.
Thermistors, solar cells.
Fundamentals of microprocessors and digital computers.

Political Science and International Relations

Paper-I Political Theory and Indian Politics
1. Approaches to the study of political theory: historical,
normative and empirical.
2. Theories of state: Social contract, Liberal, Neo-liberal, Marxist,
communitarian, postcolonial.
3. State Sovereignty: Marxist and pluralistic theories; globalisation
and the State.
4. Democracy and Human Rights: Democratic theory-classical and
contemporary. Theories
of Human Rights; Theories of Justice, Equality and Revolution,
political obligation; New
Social Movements.
5. Theories of Political Culture; Culture and politics in Third World
6. Theories of Political Economy: Classical and contemporary.
7. Political Ideologies: Nature of Ideology; Liberalism, Socialism,
Marxism, Fascism,
Gandhism and Anarchism.
8. Theories of Power and Hegemony: Pareto, Mosca, Mitchels, C.
Wright Mills, Weber,
Gramsci, Hannah Arendt.


9. Indian Political Thought: Manu, Kautilya M.N. Roy Gandhi

Ambedkar and E V
Ramswami Naicker.

10. Political Thought: Plato, Aristotle, Machiavelli, Hobbes, J S Mill,
Hegel and Marx, Lenin,
Rosa Luxemberg and Mao Zedong.
Section-B Indian Government and Politics
1. Indian Nationalism: Dadabhai Naoroji, Tilak, Savarkar, Gandhi,
Jayaprakash Narain,
Nehru, Subhas Bose, Ambedkar, Ram Manohar Lohia.
2. Nature and struggle of Indian freedom struggle: From
constitutionalism to Mass
Satyagraha, Revolutionary movements Non Co-operation, Civil
disobedience and Quit
India, Indian Naval uprising, Indian National Army; role of women in
freedom struggle.
3. Socio- economic dimensions of the nationalist movement:
The communal question
and the demand for partition; backward caste movements, Trade union
and Peasant
movements, Civil rights movement.
4. Landmarks in Constitutional Development during British
Rule: Morley-Minto Reforms;
Montagu-Chelmsford Reforms; Simon Commission; Government of
India Act, 1935; Cripps
Mission: Indian Independence Act, 1947.
5. Salient Features of the Indian Constitution: The Preamble,
Fundamental Rights and


Duties, Directive Principles; federalism, parliamentary system;

amending procedures;
judicial review.
6. The Executive System in theory and practice: President, Prime
Minister and the Council
of Ministers; Governor, Chief Minister and the State Council of
Ministers. The Bureaucracy.
7. Role and function of the Parliament and Parlimentary
Committee: Lok Sabha and
Rajya Sabha; changing socio economic profile.
8. The Supreme Court and the High Courts; Judicial Activism; PIL.
9. Statutory institutions/commis sions-UPSC, Election Commission,
Comptroller and
Auditor General, Backward Classes Commission, National Commission
for women;
National Human Rights Commission; Minorities Commission.
10. Party system: ideology and social base of parties; fragmentation
and regionalisation.
Pressure groups; patterns of coalition politics; trends in electoral
11. Class, caste, ethnicity and gender in Indian politics; politics of
regionalism, communalism,
backward class and Dalit movements, Tribal people movements,
struggle for gender
12. Planning and Economic Development : Role of the Planning
Commission; Planning in the
era of liberalisation; political dimensions of economic reforms.
13. Grassroots democracy: Panchayati Raj and municipal
government; significance of 73rd


and 74th Amendements. Grass root movement and women's


Paper – II Comparative Politics and International Relations
Comparative Analysis and International Politics
1. Approaches to the study of comparative politics: traditional
approaches; political
economy, political sociology or political system approaches; Nature of
political process in
the Third World.
2. The Modern State: Evolution, the contemporary trends in the
advanced industrial
countries and the third world.
3. Development: Strategies and contemporary discourse.
4. Concepts of International politics: Power, national interest,
balance of power, national
security, collective security and peace.
5. Theories of International politics Marxist, Realist, Systems, Decision-
making and Game
6. Determinants of foreign policy: Domestic compulsions,
geopolitics, geoeconomics and
global order.
7. Origin and contemporary relevance of the Cold War, nature of the
post-cold war global
8. Major issues of world politics : Cuban Missile Crisis; Vietnam War, Oil
Crisis, Afghan Civil
War, Gulf War, Collapse of the Soviet Union, Yugoslav Crisis.


9. Non-alignment : Concept and movement; Third World Movements

for global justice, Nonalignment
in the post cold war era.
10. The evolution of the international economic system-from Bretton
woods to WTO, the
North-South dimension.
11. International organisations UN and its specialized agencies:
International Court of
12. Regional, organizations such as the ASEAN, APEC, EU, SAARC,
13. Contemporary Global Concerns: Democracy, Human Rights,
Ecology, Gender Justice,
Global commons, Communication.
India and the World

1. Indian Foreign Policy: Historical origins, determinants; the
institutions of policy-making;
continuity and change.
2. India and the Non-Alignment Movement: Evolution and
contemporary relevance. Sociopolitical
basis of non-alignment-domestic and global.
3. Major issues in Indian foreign policy : Sino-Indian Border War (1962);
Indo-Pakistan War
(1971) and the liberation of Bangladesh; IPKF in Sri Lanka; India as
military nuclear power
4. Conflict and co-operation in South Asia: India's relations with
Pakistan, Sri Lanka,


Bangladesh, Nepal. Regional co-operation and SAARC. Kashmir

question in India's
foreign policy.
5. India's relation with Africa and Latin America.
6. India and South East Asia; ASEAN.
7. India and the major powers : USA, EU, China, Japan and Russia.
8. India and the UN System: India's role in UN Peace Keeping and
global disarmament.
9. India and the emerging international economic order; multilateral
agencies-WTO, IMF,
10. India and the question of nuclear weapons: NPT and CTBT.


Paper-I Foundations of Psychology
1. Introduction: Psychology as a Science : Definitions and
perspective. Psychology in
relation to other social and natural sciences. Use of interdiciplinary
2. Methods of Psychology: Characteristics and components of
methods in psychology
(induction, deduction and introspection). Observation, Survey,
Laboratory and field
experiments. Clinical and Case study. Experimental and quasi
experimental methods.
3. Research methods and quantitative analysis : Major steps in
psychological research
(problem statement, hypothesis formulation, research design,
sampling, tools of data


collection, analysis and interpretation and report writing). Fundamental

versus applied
research. Methods of data collection (interview, observation,
questionnaire and case
study). Research Designs (Ex-post facto and experimental). Application
of statistical
techniques (t-test, one-way ANOVA correlation and regression and chi-
square tests).
4. Development of Human Behaviour: The nature, origin and
development. Role of genetic
and environmental factors in determining human behaviour. Influence
of cultural factors
and socialisation. Life span development-the critical periods and their
handling, Mastery of
the developmental tasks. Influence of child rearing practices and its
impact on the growth
and development of the individual, concept of national character.
5. Attention and perception: Attention - factors, influencing
attention including set and
characteristics of stimulus. Sensation-concepts of threshold, absolute
and difference
thresholds, signal detection and vigilance. Definition and concept of
perception, biological
factors in perception. Perceptual organisation-influence of past
experiences, Perceptual
defence-factors influencing. Space and depth perception, size
estimation and perceptual
6. Learning: Concepts and theories of learning (Pavlov, Skimer and
Piaget). The processes


of extinction, discrimination and generalisation. Programmed learning,

probability learning,
self instructional learning, concepts, types and the schedules of
reinforcement. Modelling
and social learning.
7. Memory: Concepts and definition of memory and forgetting, 7+/-2
concept and clumking
Encoding, storage and retrieval. Factors influencing retention and
foregetting. Theories of
forgetting (Repression, Decay and Interference theories). The concept
of reminiscence.

8. Thinking and Problem Solving: Concept formation processes.
Reasoning and problem
solving. Creative thinking and fostering creativity. Information
processing. Decision making
and judgment.
9. Intelligence and Aptitude : Concept and definition of Intelligence
and aptitude, Nature
and theories of intelligence. Measurement of Intelligence and aptitude
Concepts and
measurement of emotional and multiple intelligence.
10. Motivation and Emotion: Definition and concepts. Theories and
physiological basis of
motivation and emotion. Measurement of motivation and emotion
Motivation and emotiontheir
effects on behaviour.
11. Personality: Concept and definition of personality. Theories of


(psychoanalytical, socio-cultural, interpersonal and developmental,

behaviouristic, trait and type approaches). Measurement of personality
(projective tests,
pencil-paper test). The Indian approach to Personality. Training for
12. Language and Communication: Human language-properties,
structure and linguistic
hierarchy, Language acquisition-predisposition, critical period
hypothesis. Theories of
language development (Skinner, Chomsky), Process and types of
Effective communication and training.
13. Attitudes, Values and Interests: Definitions, concepts of
attitudes, values and interests.
Components ofattitudes, values and interests. Formation and
maintenance of attitudes.
Measurement of attitudes, values and interests. Theories of attitudes,
and attitudes
changes, strategies for fostering values.
14. Recent Trends: Computer application in the Psychological
laboratory and psychological
testing. Artificial Intelligence. Psychocybernetics. Study of
schedules; dreams, stimulus deprivation, meditation, hypnotic/drug
induced states.
Extrasensory perception. Intersensory perception Simulation studies.
Psychology : Issues and Applications


1. Psychological Measurement of Individual Diference: The

nature of individual
differences. Characteristics and construction of standardized
psychological tests. Types of
psychological tests. Use, misuse and limitation of psychological tests.
Ethical issues in the
use of psychological tests.

2. Well being and Mental Disorders: Concept of health, positive
health, well being and ill
health. Mental disorders (Anxiety disorders, mood disorders,
schizophernia and delusional
disorders; personality disorders, substance abuse disorders). Causal
factors in mental
disorders. Factors influencing positive health, well being, life style and
quality of life.
3. Therapeutic Approaches: Psychody-namic therapies. Behaviour
therapies. Client
centered therapy. Cognitive therapies. Indigenous therapies (Yoga,
Reiki, Meditation)
Biofeedback therapy. Prevention and rehabilitation of the mentally ill.
4. Work Psychology and Organisational Behaviour: Personnel
selection and training. Use
of Psychological tests in the industry. Training and human resource
development. Theories
of work motivation. Leadership and participatory management.
Advertising and marketing.
5. Application of Psychology to Educational Field: Psychological
principles underlying


effective teaching-learning process.Learning styles Gifted, retarded,

learning disabled and
their training. Training for improving memory and better academic
Personality development and value education, Educational, vocational
guidance and
Career counselling. Use of Psychological tests in educational
6. Communty Psychology: Definition and concept of Community
Psychology. Role of
community psychologists in social change. Use of small groups in
social action. Arousing
community consciousness and action for handling social problems.
Group decision making
and leadership for social change.
7. Rehabilitation Psychology: Primary, secondary and tertiary
prevention programmes-role
of psychologists. Organising of services for rehabilitation of physically,
mentally and
socially challenged persons including old persons. Rehabilitation of
persons suffering from
substance abuse, juvenile delinquency, criminal behaviours.
Rehabilitation of victims of
violence. Rehabiliation of HIV/.AIDS victims.
8. Application of Psychology to disadvantaged groups: The
concepts of disadvantaged,
deprivation and socially deprived. Social, physical, cultural and
economic consequences of
disadvantaged and deprived groups. Educating and motivating the
disadvantaged towards


9. Psychological and the problem of social integration: The
concept of social integration.
The problem of caste, class, religion and language conflicts and
prejudice. Nature and
manifestation of prejudice between the ingroup and outgroup. Casual
factors of such
conflicts and prejudices. Psychological strategies for handling the
conflicts and prejudices.
Measures to achieve social integration.
10. Application of psychology in Information Technology and
Mass media: The present
scenario of information technology and the mass media boom and the
role of

psychologists. Selection and training of psychology professionals to
work in the field of IT
and mass media. Distance learning through IT and mass media.
Entrepre neurship
through e-commerce. Multilevel marketing. Impact of TV and fostering
value through IT
and mass media. Psychological consequences of recent developments
in Information
11. Application of Psychology in the field of Defence: The
concept of Military psychology,
Aviation psychology and Psychological warfare Role of Military
psychologists in the
defence. Selection, recruitment and training of personnel. Facilitating
the process of


adjustment of personnel to military life-Role of Counselling. Devising

Psychological tests
for defence personnel. Psychological disorders due to war. Human
engineering in
12. Psychology and Economic development: Achievement
motivation and economic
development. Characteristics of entrepreneurial behavior. Motivating
and Training people
for entrepreneurship and economic development. Women
Entrepreneurs. Consumer rights
and consumer courts.
13. Application of psychology to environment and related
fields: Environmental
psychology-effects of noise, pollution and crowding. Population
consequences of population explosion and high population density.
Motivating for small
family norms. Impact of rapid scientific and technological growth on
degradation of
14. Other applications of psychology: Sports psychology-improving
performance of sports,
personnel, psychology and understanding of political behaviour. Voting
Psychology of corruption and strategies to deal with Psychology of

Public Administration
Paper-I Administrative theory


I Introduction: Meaning, scope and significance of Public

Administration, Public and
Private Administration, Wilson's vision of Public Administration,
Evolution of the discipline
and its present status. New Public Administration. Public choice
approach and New Public
Management perspective. Features of Entrepreneurial Government,
Good Governance :
concept and application.
II Theories of Administration: Nature and typologies; Scientific
Management (Taylor and
the Scientific Management Movement), Classical Theory (Fayol, Urwick,
Gulick and
others), Bureaucratic Theory. (Marxist view, Weber's model and its
critique, post-Weberian

developments.) Ideas of Mary Parker Follett and (C.I. Barnard) Human
Relations School
(Elton Mayo and and others). Behavioral Approach to Organizational
Participative Management; (McGregor, Likert and others). The Systems
Approach; Open
and closed systems.
III Structure of public organisations: Typologies of Political
Executive and their functions.
Forms of public organizations : Ministries and Departments :
Corporations; Companies,
Boards and Commissions; Ad hoc and Advisory bodies. Headquarters
and field


IV Administrative Behaviour: Decision making with special reference

to Herbert Simon,
Theories of Leadership, Communication, Morale, Motivation (Maslow
and Herzberg.)
V Accountability and Control: Concepts of Accountability and
Control; Legislative
Executive and Judicial Control over Administration. Citizen and
Administration, Role of civil
society, people's participation, Right to information. Administrative
corruption, machinery
for redressal of citizens' grievances. Citizens Charter.
VI Administrative Law: Meaning and significance. Delegated
Legislation : Types,
Advantages, Limitations, Safeguards, Administrative Tribunals :
limitations and methods of
ensuring effectiveness.
VII Administrative Reforms: Meaning, process and obstacles.
Techniques of administrative
improvement : O and M; Work Study and Work Management,
Information Technology.
VIII Comparative Public Administration: Meaning, nature and
scope. Models of Comparative
Public Administration : Bureaucratic and ecological.
IX Development Administration: Origin and purpose, Rigg's
Prismatic-Sala Model;
Bureaucracy and Development; Changing profile of Development
Administration; new
directions in people's self development and empowerment.
X Public Policy: Relevance of Policy making in Public Administration.
Model of Policymaking


Sectoral policies (e.g. Energy, Industries Education and Transport

Process of Policy formulation, problems of implementation, feed-back
and evaluation.
XI Personnel Administration: Objectives of Personnel
Administration. Importance of human
resource development. Recruitment, training, career development,
position classification,
discipline, Performance Appraisal, Promotion, Pay and Service
Conditions; employeremployee
relations, grievance redressal mechanism integrity and code of
XII Financial administration: Monetary and fiscal policies. Resource
mobilisation : tax and
non-tax sources. Public borrowings and public debt. Concepts and
types of budget.

Preparation and execution of the budget. Deficit financing Performance
Legislative control, Accounts and Audit.
Paper-II Indian Administration
1. Evolution of Indian Administration Kautilya, Mughal period, British
2. Constitutional framework value premises of the Constitution,
Parliamentary democracy,
federalism, Planning. Human Rights : National Human Rights
3. Union Government and Administration President Prime Minister,
Council of Ministers,


Cabinet committees, Cabinet Secretariat, Prime Minister's Office,

Central Secretariat,
Ministries and Departments, Advisory Bodies, Boards and
Commissions, Field
4. State Government and Administration–Governor, Chief Minsiter,
Council of Ministers,
Chief Secretary, State Secretariat Directorates.
5. District Administration Changing role of the District Collector : Law
and Order and
Development Management. Relationship with functional departments.
administration and the Panchayati Raj institutions. Role and functions
of the Sub-Divisional
6. Local Government : Panchayati Raj and Urban Local Government.
Structures, Functions,
finances. Main features of 73rd and 74th Constitutional Amendements :
Problems of
implementation. Major rural and urban development programmes and
their management.
7. Public Sector : Forms of public undertakings. Their contribution to
the economy; problems
of autonomy and accountability. Changing role of the Public Sector in
the context of
8 Public Services : All India Services Constitutional position , role and
functions. Central
Services : nature and functions. Union Public Service Commission.
State Services and the


State Public Service Commissions. Training in the changing context of

9. Control of Public Expenditure. Parliamentary control Estimates
Committee, Public
Accounts Committee, Committee on Public Undertakings, Office of the
Comptroller and
Auditor General of India, Role of the Finance Ministry in monetary and
fiscal policy area,
co-ordination and economy in expenditure.
10. Administrative Reforms : Reforms since independence. Reports of
the Administrative
Reforms Commission, Problems of implementation.

11. Machinery for Planning : Role, composition and review of functions
of the Planning
Commission; Role of the National Development Council. Process of Plan
formulation at
Union and State levels. Decentralized planning.
12. Administration of Law and Order : Role of Central and State
Agencies in maintenance of
law and order. Criminalisation of politics and administration.
13. Welfare Administration : Machinery for welfare administration at
the national and state
levels. Central Social Welfare Board and the State, Social Welfare
Boards. Special
organizations for the welfare of the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled
Tribes. Welfare
Programmes for women and children. Problems of child labour. Role of
civil society.


14. Major issues in Indian Administration : problems of Centre-State

Relations; Relationship
between political and permanent Executives. Values in Public Service
and Administrative
Culture. Lok Pal and Lok Ayuktas. Development and environmental
issues. Impact of
information Technology on Public Administration. Indian Administration
and Globalisation.

Paper-I General Sociology/Foundations of
Sociology/Fundamentals of Sociology
1. Sociology-The Discipline
Sociology as a science and as an interpretative discipline; impact of
industrial and French
Revolution on the emergence of sociology; sociology and its
relationship with history,
economics, political science, psychology and anthropology.
2. Scientific Study of Social Phenomena: Problem of objectivity
and value neutrality; issue
of measurement in social science; elements of scientific method-
concepts, theory and fact,
hypothesis; research designs-descriptive, exploratory and experimental
3. Techniques of data collection and analysis: Participant and
observation; interview, questionnaire and schedule case study,
sampling-size, reliability
and validity, scaling techniques-social distance and Likert scale.
4. Pioneering contributions to Sociology
a) Karl Marx: Historical materialism, mode of production, alienation
and class


b) Emile Durkheim: Division of labour, social fact, religion and society.
c) Max Weber: Social action, ideal types, authority, bureaucracy,
protestant ethic
and the spirit of capitalism.
d) Talcott Parsons: Social system, pattern variables.

e) Robert K. Merton : Latent and manifest functions, anomie,
conformity and
deviance, reference groups.
5. Marriage and Family
Types and forms of marriage; family-structure and function; personality
and socialization;
Social control; family, lineage, descent and property; changing
structure of family marriage
and sex roles in modern society; divorce and its implications; gender
issues; role conflicts.
6. Social Stratification
Concepts-hierarchy, inequality and stratification; theories of
stratification-Marx, Davis and
Moore and Melvin Tumin’s critique; forms and functions; class-different
conceptions of
class; class-in-itself and class-for-itself; caste and class; caste as a
7. Social Mobility
Types of mobility-open and closed models; intra-and inter-generational
mobility; vertical
and horizontal mobility; social mobility and social change.
8. Economic System


Sociological dimensions of economic life; the impact of economic

processes on the larger
society; social aspects of division of labour and types of exchange;
features of preindustrial
and industrial economic system; industrialisation and social change;
determinants of economic development.
9. Political System
The nature of power-personal power, community power, power of the
elite, class power,
organisational power, power of the un-organised masses; authority and
pressure groups and political parties; voting behaviour; modes of
political participationdemocratic
and authoritarian forms.
10. Educational System
Education and Culture; equality of educational opportunity; social
aspects of mass
education; problems of universalisation of primary education; role of
community and state
intervention in education; education as an instrument of social control
and social change;
education and modernisation.
11. Religion
Origins of religious beliefs in pre-modern socieites; the sacred and the
profane; social
functions and dysfunctions of religion; monistic and pluralistic religion;
organised and
unorganised religions; semitism and antisemitism; religion, sect and
cults; magic, religion
and science.


12. Science & Technology

Ethos of science; social responsibility of science; social control of
science; social
consequences of science and technology; technology and social
13. Social Movements
Concepts of social movements; genesis of social movements; ideology
and social
movement; social movement and social change; types of social
14. Social change and Development
Continuity and change as fact and as value; theories of social change-
Marx, Parsons and
Sorokin; direted social change; social policy and social development.
Study of Indian Society
1. Historical Moorings of the Indian Society
Traditional Hindu social organisation; socio-cultural dynymics through
the ages; impact of
Buddhism, Islam, and the West, factors in continuity and change.
2. Caste System
Origin of the caste system; cultural and structural views about caste;
mobility in caste;
caste among Muslims and Christians; change and persistence of caste
in modern India;
issues of equality and social justice; views of Gandhi and Ambedkar on
caste; caste on
and Indian polity; Backward Classes Movement; Mandal Commission
Report and issues of


social backwardness and social justice; emergence of Dalit

3. Class Structure
Class structure in India, agrarian and industrial class structure;
emergence ofmiddle class;
emergence of classes among tribes; elite formation in India.
4. Marriage, Family and Kinship
Marriage among different ethnic groups, its changing trends and its
future; family-its
structural and functional aspects-its changing forms; regional
variations in kinship systems
and its socio-cultural correlates; impact of legislation and socio-
economic change on
marriage and family; generation gap.
5. Agrarian Social Structure
Peasant society and agrarian systems; land tenure systems-historical
perspectives, social
consequences of land reforms and green revolution; feudalism-semi-
feudalism debates;
emerging agrarian class structure; agrarian unrest.
6. Industry and Society

Path of industrialisation, occupational diversification, trade unions and
human relations;
market economy and its social consequences; economic reforms
privatisation and globalisation.
7. Political Processes
Working of the democratic political system in a traditional society;
political parties and their


social base; social structural origins of political elites and their

orientations; regionalism,
pluralism and national unity; decentralisation of power; panchayati raj
and nagarpalikas
and 73rd and 74th constitutional amendments.
8. Education
Directive Principles of State Policy and primary education; education;
inequality and change; education and social mobility; the role of
community and state
intervention in education; universalisation of primary education; Total
Literacy Campaigns;
educational problems of disadvantages groups.
9. Religion and Society
Size, growth and regional distribution of different religious groups;
educational levels of
different groups; problems of religious minorities; communal tensions;
conversions; religious fundamentalism.
10. Tribal Societies
Distinctive features of tribal communities and their geographical
spread; problems of tribal
communities-land alienation, poverty, indebetedness, health and
nutrition, education; tribal
development efforts after independence; tribal policy-isolation,
assimilation and integration;
issues of tribal identity.
11. Population Dynamics
Population size, growth, composition and distribution; components of
population growth;


birth rate, death rate and migration; determinants and consequences

of population growth;
issues of age at marriage, sex ratio, infant mortality rate; population
policy and family
welfare programmes.
12. Dimensions of Development
Strategy and ideology of planning; poverty, indebtedness and bonded
labour; strategies of
rural development-poverty alleviation programmes; environment,
housing, slums, and
unemployment; programmes for urban development.
13. Social Change

Endogenous and exogenous sources of change and resistance toc
hange; processes of
change-sanskritisation and modernisation; agents of change-mass
media, education and
communication; problems of change and modernisation; structural
contradictions and
14. Social Movements
Reform Movements : Arya Samaj, Satya Sadhak Samaj, Sri
Narayanguru Dharma
Paripalana Sabha, and Ram Krishna Mission.
Peasant movements-Kisan Sabha, Telengana, Naxalbari.
Backward Castes Movement : Self-respect Movement, backward castes
mobilisation in
North India.
15. Women and society


Demographic profile of women; special problems-dowry, atrocities,

discrimination; existing
programmes for women and their impact. Situational analysis of
children; child welfare
16. Social Problems
Prostitution, AIDS, alcoholism, drug addiction, corruption.

• Probability
• Sample space and events, probability measure and probability space,
random variable as
a measurable function, distribution function of a random variable,
discrete and continuoustype
random variable probability mass function, probability density function,
random variable, marginal and conditional distributions, stochastic
independence of events
and of random variables, expectation and moments of a random
variable, conditional
expectation, convergence of a sequence of random variable in
distribution, in probability, in
p-th mean and almost everywhere, their criteria and inter-relations,
Borel-Cantelli lemma,
Chebyshev’s and Khinchine‘s weak laws of large numbers, strong law
of large numbers
and kolmogorov’s theorems, Glivenko-Cantelli theorem, probability
generating function,
characteristic function, inversion theorem, Laplace transform, related
uniqueness and


continuity theorems, determination of distribution by its moments.

Linderberg and Levy
forms of central limit theorem, standard discrete and continuous
probability distributions,
their inter-relations and limiting cases, simple properties of finite
Markov chains.


• Statistical Inference
• Consistency, unbiasedness, efficiency, sufficiency, minimal
sufficiency, completeness,
ancillary statistic, factorization theorem, exponential family of
distribution and its properties,
uniformly minimum variance unbiased (UMVU) estimation, Rao-
Blackwell and Lehmann-
Scheffe theorems, Cramer-Rao inequality for single and several-
parameter family of
distributions, minimum variance bound estimator and its properties,
modifications and
extensions of Cramer-Rao inequality, Chapman-Robbins inequality,
bounds, estimation by methods of moments, maximum likelihood, least
squares, minimum
chi-square and modified minimum chi-square, properties of maximum
likelihood and other
estimators, idea of asymptotic efficiency, idea of prior and posterior
distributions, Bayes
• Non-randomised and randomised tests, critical function, MP tests,


lemma, UMP tests, monotone likelihood ratio, generalised Neyman-

Pearson lemma,
similar and unbiased tests, UMPU tests for single and several-
parameter families of
distributions, likelihood rotates and its large sample properties, chi-
square goodness of fit
test and its asymptotic distribution.
• Confidence bounds and its relation with tests, uniformly most
accurate (UMA) and UMA
unbiased confidence bounds.
• Kolmogorov’s test for goodness of fit and its consistency, sign test
and its optimality.
wilcoxon signed-ranks test and its consistency, Kolmogorov-Smirnov
two-sample test, run
test, Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney test and median test, their consistency
and asymptotic
• Wald’s SPRT and its properties, OC and ASN functions, Wald’s
fundamental identity,
sequential estimation.
• Linear Inference and Multivariate Analysis
• Linear statistical models’, theory of least squares and analysis of
variance, Gauss-Markoff
theory, normal equations, least squares estimates and their precision,
test of signficance
and interval estimates based on least squares theory in one-way, two-
way and three-way
classified data, regression analysis, linear regression, curvilinear
regression and


orthogonal polynomials, multiple regression, multiple and partial

correlations, regression
diagnostics and sensitivity analysis, calibration problems, estimation of
variance and
covariance components, MINQUE theory, multivariate normal
distribution, Mahalanobis;’
D2 and Hotelling’s T2 statistics and their applications and properties,
discrimi nant
analysis, canonical correlatons, one-way MANOVA, principal component
elements of factor analysis.
• Sampling Theory and Design of Experiments


• An outline of fixed-population and super-population approaches,

distinctive features of
finite population sampling, probability sampling designs, simple
random sampling with and
without replacement, stratified random sampling, systematic sampling
and its efficacy for
structural populations, cluster sampling, two-stage and multi-stage
sampling, ratio and
regression, methods of estimation involving one or more auxiliary
variables, two-phase
sampling, probability proportional to size sampling with and without
replacement, the
Hansen-Hurwitz and the Horvitz-Thompson estimators, non-negative
variance estimation
with reference to the Horvitz-Thompson estimator, non-sampling
errors, Warner’s
randomised response technique for sensitive characteristics.


• Fixed effects model (two-way classification) random and mixed

effects models (two-way
classification per cell), CRD, RBD, LSD and their analyses, incomplete
block designs,
concepts of orthogonality and balance, BIBD, missing plot technique,
factorial designs : 2n,
32 and 33, confounding in factorial experiments, split-plot and simple
lattice designs.
I. Industrial Statistics
Process and product control, general theory of control charts, different
types of control
charts for variables and attributes, X, R, s, p, np and c charts,
cumulative sum chart, Vmask,
single, double, multiple and sequential sampling plans for attributes,
and ATI curves, concepts of producer’s and consumer’s risks, AQL,
sampling plans for variables, use of Dodge-Romig and Military
Standard tables.
Concepts of reliability, maintainability and availability, reliability of
series and parallel
systems and other simple configurations, renewal density and renewal
function, survival
models (exponential), Weibull, lognormal, Rayleigh, and bath-tub),
different types of
redundancy and use of redundancy in reliability improvement,
problems in life-testing,
censored and truncated experiments for exponential models.
II. Optimization Techniques


Different, types of models in Operational Research, their construction

and general
methods of solution, simulation and Monte-Carlo methods, the
structure and formulation of
linear programming (LP) problem, simple LP model and its graphical
solution, the simplex
procedure, the two-phase method and the M-technique with artificial
variables, the duality
theory of LP and its economic interpretation, sensitivity analysis,
transportation and
assignment problems, rectangular games, two-person zero-sum
games, methods of
solution (graphical and algerbraic).
Replacement of failing or deteriorating items, group and individual
replacement policies,
concept of scientific inventory management and analytical structure of
inventory problems,

simple models with deterministic and stochastic demand with and
without lead time,
storage models with particular reference to dam type.
Homogeneous discrete-time Markov chains, transition probability
matrix, classification of
states and ergodic theorems, homogeneous continous-time Markov
chains, Poisson
process, elements of queueing theory, M/M/1, M/M/K, G/M/1 and M/G/1
Solution of statistical problems on computers using well known
statistical software
packages like SPSS.


III. Quantitative Economics and Official Statistics

Determination of trend, seasonal and cyclical components, Box-Jenkins
method, tests for
stationery of series, ARIMA models and determination of orders of
autoregressive and
moving average components, forecasting.
Commonly used index numbers-Laspeyre's, Paashe's and Fisher's ideal
index numbers,
chain-base index number uses and limitations of index numbers, index
number of
wholesale prices, consumer price index number, index numbers of
agricultural and
industrial production, test for index numbers like proportionality test,
time-reversal test,
factor-reversal test, circular test and dimensional invariance test.
General linear model, ordinary least squares and generalised least
squires methods of
estimation, problem of multicollinearlity, consequences and solutions
of multicollinearity,
autocorrelation and its consequeces, heteroscedasticity of
disturbances and its testing,
test for independe of disturbances, Zellner's seemingly unrelated
regression equation
model and its estimation, concept of structure and model for
simulaneous equations,
problem of identification-rank and order conditions of identifiability,
two-stage least squares
method of estimation.
Present official statistical system in India relating to population,
agriculture, industrial


production, trade and prices, methods of collection of official statistics,

their reliability and
limitation and the principal publications containing such statistics,
various official agencies
responsible for data collection and their main functions.
IV. Demography and Psychometry
Demographic data from census, registration, NSS and other surveys,
and their limitation
and uses, definition, construction and uses of vital rates and ratios,
measures of fertility,
reproduction rates, morbidity rate, standardized death rate, complete
and abridged life
tables, construction of life tables from vital statistics and census
returns, uses of life tables,
logistic and other population growth curves, fifting a logistic curve,
population projection,
stable population quasi-stable population techniques in estimation of
parameters, morbidity and its measurement, standard classification by
cause of death,
health surveys and use of hospital statistics.

Methods of standardisation of scales and tests, Z-scores, standard
scores, T-scores,
percentile scores, intelligence quotient and its measurement and uses,
validity of test
scores and its determination, use of factor analysis and path analysis in

Paper-I Answers must be written in Tamil.


Section: A
Part: 1 History of Tamil Language
• Major Indian Language Families-The place of Tamil among Indian
languages in general
and Dravidian in particular-Enumeration and Distributionof Dravidian
• The language of Sangam literature-The language of medieval Tamil:
Pallava period only-
Historical study of Nouns, Verbs, adjectives, adverbs Tense markers
and case markers in
• Borrowing of words from other languages into Tamil-Regional and
social dialectsdifference
between literary and spoken Tamil.
• Part: 2 History of Tamil Literature
• Tolkappiyam-Sangam Literatue-The division of Akam and puram-The
characteristics of Sangam Literature-The development of Ethical
and Manimekalai.
• Part: 3 Devotional literature (Alwars and Nayanmars) The bridal
mysticism in Alwar hymns-
Minor literary forms (Tutu, Ula, Parani, Kuravanji)
• Social factors for the development of Modern Tamil literature: Novel,
Short story and New
Poetry-The impact of various political ideologies on modern writings.
• Part:1 Recent trends in Tamil Studies
• Approaches to criticism: Social , psychologiocal, hostorical and
moralistic-the use of


criticism-the various techniques in literature: Ullurai, Iraicchi,

Thonmam (Myth)
Otturuvagam (allegory), Angadam (Satire), Meyppadu,
Padimam(image), Kuriyeedu
(Symbol), Irunmai (ambiguity)-The concep[t of comparative literature-
the principle of
comparative literature.
• Part: 2 Folk literature in Tamil:Ballads, Songs, proverbs and riddles-
Sociological study of
Tamil folklore. Uses of translation-Translation of Tamil works into other
Development of journalism in Tamil.


• Part: 3 Cultural Heritage of the Tamils

• Concept of Love and War-Concept of Aram-the ethical codes adopted
by the ancient
Tamils in their warfare-customs, beliefs, rituals, modes of worship in
the five Thinais. The
cultural changes as revealed in post sangam literature-cultural fusion
in the medieval
period (Jainism & Buddhism). The development of arts and architecture
through the ages
(Pallavas, later cholas, and Nayaks). The impact of various political,
social, religious and
cultural movements on Tamil Society. The role of mass media in the
cultural change of
contemporary Tamill society.
Answers must be written in Tamil.


The paper will require first hand reading of the Text prescribed and will
be designed to test the
critical ability of the candidate.
Section-: A Part: 1 Ancient Literature
(1) Kuruntokai (1-25 poems)
(2) Purananurui (182-200 poems)
(3) Tirukkural Porutpal : Arasiyalum Amaichiyalum (from Iraimatchi to
Part : 2 Epic Literature
(1) Silappadikaram: Madhurai Kandam only.
(2) Kambaramayanam: Kumbakarunan Vadhai Padalam
Part 3: Devotional Literature
(1) Tiruvasagam: Neetthal Vinnappam
(2) Tiruppavai: (Full Text)
Section-: B Modern Literature
Part:1 Poetry
(1) Bharathiar: Kannan Pattu
(2) Bharathidasan: Kudumba Vilakku
(3) Naa. Kamarasan: Karuppu Malarkal
(1) Mu. Varadharajanar. Aramum Arasiyalum
(2) C N Annadurai: Ye! Thazhntha Tamilagame.
Part : 2 Novel, Short story and Drama
(1) Akilon: Chittirappavai

(2) Jayakanthan: Gurupeedam
(3) Cho: Yarukkum Vetkamillai
Part: 3 Folk Literature
(1) Muthuppattan Kathai Edited by Na. Vanamamalai, (Publication:
Madurai Kamaraj


(2) Malaiyaruvi, Edited by Ki. Va Jagannathan (Publication: Saraswathi,
Mahal, Thanjavur)

Answers must be written in Telugu.
1. Place of Telugu among Dravidian languages and its antiquity-
Etymological history of
Telugu, Tenugu and Andhra.
2. Major linguistic changes in phonological, morphological,
grammatical and syntactical
levels, from Proto-Dravidian to old Telugu and from old Telugu to
Modern Telugu.
3. Evolution of spoken Telugu when compared to classical Telugu-
Formal and functional view
of Telugu language.
4. Influence of other languages and its impact on Telugu.
5. Modernization of Telugu language.
a) Linguistic and literary movements and their role in modernization of
b) Role of media in modernization of Telugu (Newspapers, Radio, TV
c) Problems of terminology and mechanisms in coining new terms in
Telugu in
various discourses including scientific and technical.
6. Dialects of Telugu-Regional and social variations and problems of


7. Syntax-Major divisions of Telugu sentences-simple, complex and

compound sentences-
Noun and verb predications-Processes of nominlization and
relativization-Direct and
indirect reporting-conversion processes.
8. Translation-Problems of translation, cultural, social and idiomatic-
Methods of translation-
Approaches to translation-Literary and other kinds of translation-
various uses of

1. Literature in Pre-Nannaya Period-Marga and Desi poetry.
2. Nannaya Period-Historical and literary background of Andhra
3. Saiva poets and their contribution-Dwipada, Sataka, Ragada,
4. Tikkana and his place in Telugu literature.
5. Errana and his literary works-Nachana Somana and his new
approach to poetry.
6. Srinatha and Potana-Their woks and contribution.
7. Bhakti poets in Telugu literature-Tallapaka Annamayya, Ramadasu,
8. Evolution of prabandhas-Kavya and prabandha.
9. Southern school of Telugu literature-Raghunatha Nayaka, Chemakura
Vankatakavi and
women poets-Literary forms like yakshagana, prose and padakavita.
10. Modern Telugu Literature and literary forms-Novel, Short Story,
Drama, Playlet and poetic


11. Literary Movements : Reformation, Nationalism, Neo-classicism,
Romanticism and
Progressive, Revolutionary movements.
12. Digambarakavulu, Feminist and Dalit Literature.
13. Main divisions of folk literature-Performing folk arts.
Answers must be written in Telugu.
This paper will require first hand reading of the prescribed texts and
will be designed to test the
candidate's critical ability, which will be in relation to the following
i) Aesthetic approach-Rasa, Dhwani, Vakroti and Auchitya-Formal and
and Symbolism.
ii) Sociological, Historical, Ideological, Psychological approaches.
1. Nannaya-Dushyanta Charitra (Adiparva 4th Canto verses 5-109)
2. Tikkana-Sri Krishna Rayabaramu (Udyoga parva -3rd Canto verses 1-
3. Srinatha-Guna Nidhi Katha (Kasi-khandam, 4th Canto, verses 76-
4. Pingali Surana-Sugatri Salinulakatha (Kalapurnodayamu 4 Canto
verses, 60-142)
5. Molla-Ramayanamu (Balakanda including avatarika)
6. Kasula Purushothama Kavi-Andhra Nayaka Satakamu

7. Gurajada Appa Rao-Animutyalu (Short stories)
8. Viswanatha Satyanarayana-Andhra prasasti


9. Devulapalli Krishna Sastry-Krishnapaksham (excluding Urvasi and

10. Sri Sri-Maha prastanam.
11. Jashuva-Gabbilam (Part I)
12. C. Narayana Reddy-Karpuravasanta rayalu.
13. Kanuparti Varalakshmamma-Sarada lekhalu (Part I)
14. Atreya-N.G.O.
15. Racha konda Visswanatha Sastry-Alpajaeevi.

Answers must be written in Urdu.
• Development of Urdu Language
a) Development of Indo-Aryan (i) Old Indo-Aryan (ii) Middle Indo Aryan
(iii) New Indo Aryan
b) Western Hindi and its dialects Brij Bhasha Khadi Boli, Haryanavi
Kannauji, Bundeli-
Theories about the origin of Urdu Language
c) Dakhani Urdu-Origin and development, its significant linguistic
d) Social and Cultural roots of Urdu language-and its distinctive
Script, Phonology, Morphology, Vocabulary.
a) Genres and their development : (i) Poetry : Ghazal, Masnavi, Qasida,
Marsia, Rubai, Jadid
(ii) Prose : Novel, Short Story, Dastan, Drama, Inshaiya, Khutoot,


b) Significant features of : (i) Deccani, Delhi and Lucknow schools (ii)

Sir Syed movement,
Romantic movement, Progressive movement, Modernism.
c) Literary Criticism and its development with reference to Hali, Shibli,
Kaleemuddin Ahmad,
Ehtisham Hussain, Ale-Ahmad Suroor.
d) Essay writing (covering literary and imaginative topics)

Answers must be written in Urdu.
This paper will require first hand reading of the texts prescribed and
will be designed to test the
candidate's critical ability.
1. Mir Amman Bagho-Babar
2. Ghalib Intikhab-e-Khutoot-e Ghalib
3. Mohd. Husain Nairang-e-Khayal
4. Prem Chand Godan
5. Rajendra Singh Apne Dukh Mujhe
Bedi Dedo
6. Abul Kalam Azad Ghubar-e-Khatir
1. Mir Intikhab-e-Kalam-e-Mir
(Ed. Abdul Haq.)
2. Mir Hasan Sahrul Bayan
3. Ghalib Diwan-e-Ghalib
4. Iqbal Bal-e-Jibrail
5. Firaq Gul-e-Naghma
6. Faiz Dast-e-Saba


7. Akhtruliman Bint-e-Lamhat

1. Non-chordata and chordata
a) Classfication and relationship of varous phyla upto sub-classes;
Acoelomata and
Coelomata; Protostomes and Deuterostomes, Bilateralia and Radiata;
Status of
Protista, Parazoa, Onychophora and Hemichordata; Symmetry.

b) Protozoa: Locomotion, nutrition, reproduction; evolution of sex;
General features
and life history of Paramaecium, Monocystis, Plasmodium, and
c) Porifera: Skeleton, canal system and reproduction.
d) Coelenterata: Polymorphism, defensive structures and their
mechanism; coral
reefs and their formation; metagenesis; general features and life
history of Obelia
and Aurelia.
e) Platyhelminthes: Parasitic adaptation; general features and life
history of Fasciola
and Taenia and their relation to man.
f) Nemathelminthes: General features, life history and parasitic
adaptation of
Ascaris; nemathelminths in relation to man.
g) Annelida: Coelom and metamerism; modes of life in polychaetes;
general features
and life history of nereis (Neanthes), earthworm (Pheretima) and leach


h) Arthropoda: Larval forms and parasitism in Crustacea; vision and
respiration in
arthropods (prawn, cockroach and scorpion); modification of mouth
parts in insects
(cockroach, mosquito, housefly, honey bee and butterfly);
metamorphosis in
insects and its hormonal regulation; social organization in insects
(termites and
honey bees).
i) Mollusca: Feeding, respiration, locomotion, shell diversiy; general
features and life
history of Lamellidens, Pila and Sepia, torsion and detorsion in
j) Echinodermata: Feeding, respiration, locomotion larval forms;
general features
and life history of Asterias.
k) Protochordata: Origin of chordates; general features and life history
Branchiostoma and Herdamania.
l) Pisces: Scales, respiration, locomotion, migration.
m) Amphibia: Origin of tetrapods; parental care, paedomorphosis.
n) Reptilia: Origin of reptiles; skull types; status of Sphenodon and
o) Aves: Origin of birds; flight adaptation, migration.
p) Mammalia: Origin of mammals; denitition; general features of egg-
mammals, pouched-mammals, aquatic mammals and primates;
endocrine glands
and other hormone producing structures (pituitary, thyroid,
parathyroid, adrenal,


pancreas, gonads) and their interrelationships.

q) Comparative functional anatomy of various systems of vertebrates
and its derivatives, endoskeleton, locomotory organs, digestive
system, respiratory

system, circulatory system including heart and aortic arches; urino-
genital system,
brain and sense organs (eye and ear).
Section- B
I. Ecology
a) Biosphere:Biogeochemical cycles, green-houses effect, ozone layer
and its
impact; ecological succession, biomes and ecotones.
b) Population, characteristics, population dynamics, population
c) Conservation of natural resources- mineral mining, fisheries,
aquaculture; forestry;
grassland; wildlife (Project Tiger); susainable production in agriculture-
pest management.
d) Environmental biodegradation; pollution and its impact on biosphere
and its
II. Ethology
a) Behaviour: Sensory filtering, responsiveness, sign stimuli, learning,
habituation, conditioning, imprinting.
b) Role of hormones in drive; role of pheromones in alarm spreading;


predator detection, predator tactics, social behaviour in insects and

courtship (Drosophila, 3-spine stickleback and birds).
c) Orientation, navigation, homing; biological rhythms; biological clock,
seasonal and circadian rhythms.
d) Methods of studying animal behaviour.
III. Economic Zoology
a) Apiculture, sericulture, lac culture, carp culture, pearl culture, prawn
b) Major infectious and communicable diseases (small pox, plague,
tuberculosis, cholera and AIDS) their vectors, pathogens and
c) Cattle and livestock diseases, their pathogens (helminths) and
vectors (ticks,
mites,Tabanus, Stomoxys)
d) Pests of sugar cane (Pyrilla perpusiella), oil seed (Achaea janata)
and rice
(Sitophilus oryzae).
IV. Biostatistics
Designing of experiments; null hypothesis; correlation, regression,
distribution and
measure of central tendency, chi square, student t-test, F-test (one-
way & two-way F-test).
V. Instrumental methods

a) Spectrophotometry, flame photometry, Geiger-Muller counter,


b) Electron microscopy (TEM, SEM).

I. Cell Biology
a) Structure and function of cell andits organelles(nucleus, plasma
mitochondria, Golgi bodies, endoplasmic reticulum, ribosomes and
cell division (mitosis and meiosis), mitotic spindle and mitotic
chromosome movement.
b) Watson-Crick model of DNA, replication of DNA, protein synthesis,
and transcription factors.
II. Genetics
a) Gene structure and functions; genetic code.
b) Sex chromosomes and sex determination in Drosophilla, nematodes
and man.
c) Mendel's laws of inheritance, recombination, linkage, linkage-maps,
alleles, cistron concept; genetics of blood groups.
d) Mutations and mutagenesis : radiation and chemical.
e) Cloning technology, plasmids and cosmids as vectors, transgenics,
DNA sequence cloning and whole animal cloning (Principles and
f) Regulation and gene expression in pro-and eu-karyotes.
g) Signal transduction; pedigree-analysis; congenital diseases in man.
h) Human genome mapping; DNA finger-printing.
III. Evolution
a) Origin of life


b) Natural selection, role of mutation in evolution, mimicry, variation,

c) Fossils and fossilization; evolution of horse, elephant and man.
d) Hardy-Weinberg Law, causes of change in gene frequency.
e) Continental drift and distribution of animals.
IV. Systematics
a) Zoological nomenclature; international code; cladistics.

I. Biochemistry
a) Structure and role of carbohydrates, fats, lipids, proteins,
aminoacids, nucleic
acids; saturated and unsaturated fattyacids, cholesterol.
b) Glycolysis and Krebs cycle, oxidation and reduction, oxidative
energy conservation and release, ATP, cyclic AMP-its structure and role.
c) Hormone classification (steroid and peptide hormones), biosynthesis
and function.
d) Enzymes : types and mechanisms of action; immunoglobulin and
vitamins and co-enzymes.
e) Bioenergetics.
II Physiology (with special refernece ot mammals)
a) Composition and constitutents of blood; blood groups and Rh factor
in man;
coagulation, factors and mechanism of coagulation; acid-base balance,


b) Oxygen and carbon dioxide transport; haemoglobin : constitutents

and role in
c) Nutritive requirements; role of salivary glands, liver, pancreas and
intestinal glands
in digestion and absorption.
d) Excretory products; nephron and regulation of urine formation;
e) Types of muscles, mechanism of contraction of skeletal muscles.
f) Neuron, nerve impulse-its conduction and synaptic transmission;
g) Vision, hearing and olfaction in man.
h) Mechanism of hormone action.
i) Physiology of reproduction, role of hormones and phermones.
III. Developmental Biology
a) Differentiation from gamete to neurula stage; dedifferentiation;
induction, morphogenesis and morphogen; fate maps of gastrulae in
frog and
chick; organogenesis of eye and heart, placenation in mammals.
b) Role of cytoplasm in and genetic control of development; cell
lineage; causation of
metamorphosis in frog and insects; paedogenesia and neoteny;
growth, degrowth
and cell death; ageing; blastogenesis; regeneration; teratogenesis;
c) Invasiveness of placenta; in vitro fertilization; embryo transfer,
d) Baer's law; evo-devo concept.


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