There are several forms of Lord Bhairav and each of the ten Mahavidyas has a specific form associated as the gatekeeper. Therefore, Bhairav Sadhana is vital for success in Mahavidya Sadhana. Lord Bhairav protects, removes all obstacles, cleans the soul with his sheer intensity and makes things favourable for a sadhak. He is one of the most feared deities, but actually, he is one of the most rewarding. There are many Bhairav Sadhanas for every aspect of life, including but not limited to; health, wealth, success, monetary gains, eliminations of enemies, removal of abstacles, success in every sadhana etc. Each sadhana has it's own ritual, which MUST BE FOLLOWED STRICTLY, and requires specific yantras, rosaries etc. WHICH A SADHAK MUST HAVE. I am including mantras from many such sadhanas gathered from various sources for your reading pleasure. I would like to point out that some of those sadhanas are VERY INTENSE and MEANT ONLY FOR SEASONED SADHAKS. NONE OF THE SADHANAS ARE MEANT FOR NEWBIES. Bhairav Mantras from 'Bhairav Sadhana' by Dr. Narayan Dutt Shrimali #################### 1. Batuk Bhairav Mantra Om Hreem Aapaduddharanaay Kuru Kuru Swaha 2. Swarnakarshan Bhairav Mantra Om Shreem Hreem Kleem Om Namo Bhagavate Swarnaakarshan Bhairavaay Hiranyam Daapay Daapay Shreem Hreem Kleem Swaha 3. Mahabhairav Mantra Om Bram Bhairavaay Namah 4. Pratyaksh Siddhi Batuk Bhairav Mantra Om Hreem Batukaay Aapaduddharanaay Kuru Kuru Batukaay Hreem 5. Bhairav Mantra for Protection Om Hreem Bhairav Bhayankar Har Maam Raksh Raksh Hum Phat Swaha 6. Bhairav Mantra for Vashikaran Om Namo Batuk Bhairavaay Kaamdevaay Yasya Yasya Drushyo Bhavaami Yashcha Yashcha Mam Sukham Tam Tam
Mohayatu Swaha 7. Bhairav Mantra for Happy Life Om Hraum Hreem Hroom Hleem Hum Om 8. Bhairav Mantra for removal of all problems Om Kleem Veem Room Dhrum Ghneem Hreem Batuk Bhairavaay Namah Swaha #################### Bhairav Mantras from Mantra Tantra Yantra Vigyan magazine #################### 1. Dakshinonmukhi Bhairav Mantra (MTYV Oct '95): Om Bhram Bhram Bhram Bhairavaay Namah: 2. Bhairav Mantra used by Karna (MTYV Nov '95): Om Bhram Bhram Bhram Kreem Bhram Bhram Bhram Phat 3. Krodh Bhairav Mantra (MTYV Dec '96): Om Hum Hraum Ram Jwaal Karaalyei Krodhashcha Kaal Bhairavaay Namah 4. Kankaal Bhairav Mantra (MTYV Sep '97): Om Ayeim Klaam Kleem Kloom Hraam Hreem Hroom Sah Vam Om 5. Kaal Bhairav Mantra (MTYV Oct '97): Om Kreem Kreem Kaal Bhairavaay Phat 6. Kaal Bhairav Mantra (MTYV Sep '98): Om Hreem Kaal Bhairavaay Hreem Namah 7. Batuk Bhairav Mantra (MTYV May '99): Om Hreem Aapad Uddharanaay Siddhaye Mahabalaay Bhairavaay Om Namah 8. Unmatta Bhairav Mantra (MTYV Apr '2000): Om Oom Unmattaay Bhram Bhram Bhairavaay Namah 9. Kaal Bhairav Mantra (MTYV Apr '2000): Om Bhairavaay Vam Vam Vam Hraam Kshrom Namah 10. Bhairav Pratyaksheekaran Mantra (MTYV Apr '2000): Om Hram Hreem Hroom Hrah Kshaam Ksheem Kshoom Kshah Khraam Khreem Khroom Khrah Ghraam Ghreem Ghroom Ghrah Bhraam Bhreem Bhroom Bhrah Bhrom Bhrom Bhrom Bhrom
Klom Klom Klom Klom Shrom Shrom Shrom Shrom Jrom Jrom Jrom Jrom Hum Hum Hum Hum Hum Hum Hum Hum Phat Sarvam To Raksh Raksh Raksh Raksh Bhairav Naath Naath Hum Phat 11. Vikaraal Bhairav Mantra (MTYV Apr '2000): Om Bhram Bhram Hum Hum Vikaraal Bhairavaay Bhram Bhram Hum Hum Phat 12. Swarnakarshan Bhairav Mantra (MTYV Apr '2000): Om Ayeim Kleem Kleem Kloom Hraam Hreem Hrah Sah Vam Aapad Uddhaaranaay Ajaamal Baddhaay Lokeshwaraay Swarnaakarshan Bhairavaay Mam Daaridray Vidveshanaay Om Hreem Mahabhairavaay Namah #################### Sadhana means regulating the body and synchronising it with the soul. There are many ways of performing Sadhana and Tantra is the best of them all, yeilding quickest results. It is proven many times that even a rookie can attain completeness through Tantra in the very first attempt provided all the rules are strictly followed. But, unfortunately, our most powerful spiritual weapon is a victim of the worst kind of misconception and myths. The fear about Bhairav Sadhana can explain it like nothing else. Only talking about it is enough to give someone a spine chilling sensation; let alone the idea of actually performing it. In reality, Bhairav Sadhana is pleasant, harmless and very effective. It is as easy and rewarding as Guru Sadhana. My Gurudev, Dr. Narayan Dutt Shrimali, has written an excellent book, named Bhairav Sadhana, to teach us this sadhana. This book is divided into eleven chapters, each of which takes us one step closer to success. The first two chapters introduce us to Bhairav, perhaps the most feared Indian Deity. The first one tells us that we can not enjoy pleasure until we have experienced pain. Problems and difficulties are integral parts of our life. Since we can not avoid them, we must face them and defeat them with bravery. Bhairav is one of those few deities who are effective even in this era and Bhairav Sadhana is our instrument to defeat all odds and reach our goal no matter how difficult it is. The second chapter tells us the story of Bhairav's incarnation. The third chapter is on Bhairav Poojan, a short and easy method for worshiping Lord Bhairav which can be performed daily. I recommend including this poojan in your daily schedule. You would feel the difference on the very first day. This poojan may also be performed while performing Bhairav Anushthan for protection and sure success. The fourth chapter is on Yantra Poojan. This detailed method is usually used while placing the Bhairav Yantra in your worship place for the first time. If you are planning to perform Bhairav Anushthan, performing this poojan on the first day will ensure success and provide protection during the Anushthan. You may also perform this poojan daily. The fifth chapter is about Batuk Bhairav Sadhana. Perhaps, the most
popular Bhairav Sadhana. In kid form, Bhairav is known as Batuk Bhairav. This sadhana is popular because it is easy and once performed completely, provides life long protection from all painful situations and fulfills all wishes of a sadhak. The sixth chapter is on Swarnakarshan Bhairav Prayog. Swarnakarshan means attracting gold and as the name suggests, this method is about gaining wealth and prosperity. It is a bit tough; but, if performed with patience, shows instant results. It is said that this method can even turn beggers into millionaires. The seventh chapter is on Mahabhairav Sadhana. This method is very intense and fierce. It is very effective against powerful enemies and mental, physical, social, financial, legal and spiritual problems. It protects and prevents untimely death, accidents etc. The eighth chapter is on another Bhairav Sadhana. This method is also very easy. It is said that Karna (that of Mahabharat) had also performed this sadhana and gained unlimited strength, wealth and bravery. The ninth chapter is on Pratyaksh Bhairav Siddhi. Now, this is something serious because it is the method of Bhairav Anushthan. This method is tough and not for everyone. Only those who have taken Guru Diksha should perform it. This method is very effective for realisation of Lord Bhairav himself which results in completeness and all round success. The tenth chapter contains eleven small, but very effective Bhairav Prayogs. If you are in a serious problem and need quicker resolutions, these can be your way out. These are Manokamana Purti Prayog, Raksha Prapti Prayog, Vasheekaran Prayog, Shatrunaash Prayog, Daridrataa Nashak Prayog, Shatrubadha Nivaaran Prayog, Rog Nashak Prayog, Prayog for finding lost child, Prayog for Happy Life, Samasta Vipatti Nivaaran Prayog and Sarva Manokamana Purti Bhairav Saaber Prayog. The eleventh chapter contains Shree Bhairav Bramha Kavachraj and Taantrokta Bhairav Kavacham. Recite these two daily at least once to aquire a spiritual shield. This book is really a treasure of spiritual knowledge and everyone must have it. If you are interested in reading this book and wish to buy it, here's the information you would need: Manas Chetana Kendra, Dr. Shrimali Road, High Court Colony, Jodhpur (342001) Rajasthan INDIA Wishing you success... Ashish... Kshethra Pala Bhairava [Guard of Earth Bhairava] Raktha jwalaa Jada dharam, sasi dharan, Rakthanga thejo mayam, Dakka Shoola kapala pasa gadha dharam Bhairavam,
Nirvanam Gathavahanam Trinayanamcha Ananda kolahalam, Vande bhootha pisacha natha vadukam Kshethrasya palam Shubham. 1 I salute the leader of ghosts and Ghouls, Lord Bhairava, Who wears the red flame as his matted hair, Who wears the moon, who shines in red colour, Who holds a drum, spear, skull, rope and mace in his hands, Who is nude, who rides on a dog, who has three eyes, Who is always happy and exuberant and is the guard of the temple Asithanga Bhairava [Dark Bodied Bhairava] Trinethram, varadam shantham, munda mala bhooshitham, Swetha varnam, krupa murthim, Bhairavam Kundalojjwalam, Gada kapala samyuktham, kumarsya digambaram, Banam pathrancha sankham cha Aksha maalaam kundalam, Naga Yagnopaveetham cha dharinam suvibhooshitham, Brahmani shakthi sahitham, hamsaroodam suroopinam, SArvabheeshta dharam nithyam asithangam Bhajamyaham. 2 I pray the dark Bhairava who fulfills all desires, Who is forever, who has three eyes, who blesses and is peaceful, Who wears a skull garland, who is white, who is the Lord of mercy, Who shines in his ear globes, who holds mace and the skull, Who is young and nude, who holds arrow, vessel, conch, bead chain and ear globes , Who wears snake as sacred thread, who is well ornamented, Who is with Goddess Brahmani, rides on a swan and is good to look at. Krodha Bhairava [Angry Bhairava] Trinethram, varadam, santham, kumarancha digambaram, Gadam shankam cha Chakrancha pada pathrancha dharinam, Lakshmyacha sahitham vame garudasana susthitham, Neela varnam maha devam Vande Sri Kroda Bhairavam. 3 I salute the angry Bhairava, who is blue and a great God, Who has three eyes, blesses, peaceful, young and nude, Who is armed with mace, conch, wheel, rope and a vessel, Who is near Goddess Lakshmi riding on Garuda the eagle. Unmatha Bhairava [Frantic Bhairava] Trinethram, varadam, santham, kumarancha digambaram, Hema Varnam, maha devam, hastha vahana susthitham, Gadgam, kapalam, musalam, dathantham, kedagam thadha, Varahi shakthi sahitham Vande Unmatha Bhairavam. 4 I salute that Frantic Bhairava who is power called Varahi, Who has three eyes, blesses, peaceful, young and nude, Who is of golden colour, great God and rides on a swan, And who holds sword, skull, Pestle and also the shield Ruru Bhairava [Teacher Bhairava] Trinethram, varadam, santham, kumarancha digambaram, Dangam krisna mrugam pathram bibranam chakru panakam, Maheswaryayudham devam vrusharoodam smitha vahanam, Shudha sphatikam sankaram, namami Ruru Bhairavam. 5 I salute the Bhairava with the deer, who is like pure crystal and a destroyer, Who has three eyes, blesses, peaceful, young and nude,
Who holds a hatchet, deer, drinking goblet and a sword in his hands, Who has the armed Maheswari by his side and who is smiling and rides on a bull. Kapala Bhairava [Skull Bhairava] Trinethram, varadam, santham, kumarancha digambaram, Pasam, Vajram, thadha Gadgam pana pathranch dharinam, Indrani shakthi sahitham Gaja vahana susthitham, Kapala Bhairavam Vande padma ragha prabham Shubham. 6 I salute the Bhairava of the skull, who has a shining body, Who has three eyes, blesses, peaceful, young and nude, Who holds rope, Vajrayudha, Sword and Drinking Goblet, Who has with him Indrani Shakthi, is being well praised and rides on an elephant . Chanda Bhairava [Fierce Bhairava] Trinethram, varadam, santham, kumarancha digambaram, Dhanur banancha bhibranam, Gadgam Pathram Thadaiva cha, Koumari shakthi sahitham, Shikihi vahana sthitham, Gowri varnayudham Devam Vande Sri Chanda Bhairavam. 7 I salute the Chanda Bhairava who is pure white in colour, Who has three eyes, blesses, peaceful, young and nude, Who holds rope, Vajrayudha, Sword and Drinking Goblet, Who has with him Kaumari Shakthi and rides on a peacock. Bheeshana Bhairava [Terriffic Bhairava] Trinethram, varadam, santham, kumarancha digambaram, Gadgam soolam Kapalancha darinam musalam thadha, Chamunda shakthi sahitham pretha vahana susthitham, Raktha varnam maha devam Vabde Bheeshana Bhairavam. 8 I salute the Terriffic Bhairava who is a great God of blood red colour, Who has three eyes, blesses, peaceful, young and nude, Who holds sword, trident, skull and pestle in his hand, Who has with him Chamunda Shakthi and rides on a corpse. Samhara Bhairavam [Annihilator Bhairava] Dasa bhahum trinethram cha sarpa yagnopaveethinm, Damishtra karala vadanam ashtaiswarya pradhayakam, Digambaram kumarancha simha vahana samsthitham, Soolam damarugam shankam, gadam chakrancha darinam, Gadgam pathram cha Gadwangam pasa mangusa meva cha, Ugra roopam madonmathamam bada vaalai, Chandika shakthi sahitham dyayeth samhara Bhairavam. 9 I meditate on Bhairava the destroyer, who is with Chandika Shakthi, Who has ten hands, three eyes and snake as sacred thread, Who has protruding teeth, fearful look and grants eight type of wealth, Who is nude, a youth and rides on a lion, Who holds trident, drum, conch, mace and wheel in his hands, Who holds sword, vessel, Gadwangam, rope and goad. And who has fearful looks, wears skull garland and greatly exuberant