Newsletter 23
Newsletter 23
Newsletter 23
No. 23
Lord, in the morning I start each day, By taking a moment to bow and pray. I start with thanks, and then give praise For all your kind and loving ways.
Steven Y6; Sasha Y5; Leah Y4; Brandon Y3; Ella Y2; Anya & Emily Y1; Darren YR. Well done everyone!
School dinners: Monday: Sausages; Tuesday: Roast Pork; Wednesday: Chicken Cooking
Our next lunches will be Year 3 on Monday 9th July and Year 1 on 16th
Curry; Thursday: Roast Beef; Friday: Fish. July. Year 2 and Mrs Brown will be walking to the Society for the Blind on Thursday 12 July in the afternoon. Thank
you for signing the local walks form to enable this to happen. Do please check your childs hair this weekend. Many thanks for your support with this.
Hair There has been an outbreak of head lice in the school. Site Manager
We welcomed Mr Jeremy Fry to school this week. He will officially start as Site Manager in August. Mr Attrill had a lovely assembly to thank him for all the work he has done for the school and was presented with cards made by each class as well as a gift. Please can you complete the slip and return it to the school to confirm that you have received the report. Thank you for your help with this.
Reports We look forward to sharing with you the childrens reports next week.
Playground behaviour As we approach the end of term we are aware that many of our
children are getting tired. This is sometimes reflected in poor choices at playtimes. Games that start out as fun are sometimes ending with a child feeling sad or sore. To make clear with the children the expectations we have and I know that parents share, we will be using the following steps to support the children making the right choices.
Playground Rules We are gentle with our actions, words and thoughts. Keep your hands and feet to yourself 1. If there is poor behaviour then child will stand with Teacher/MSA for 5 mins timeout. 2. If the behaviour continues then child will be sent to Mrs. Sanderson or Mrs. Anderson for timeout in their office and their name will be put in the playground book. 3. Names that are written in playground book twice will have a phone call/letter sent home about the continued poor behaviour. Great Playground behaviour will be rewarded with a playground certificate.
FOSTA NEWS: Saturday 14th July School Fayre 12-2pm. Do come and join us for a wonderful afternoon and be in place to see the torch go past the school on its way around the island. Any green fingered gardeners that have spare plants are encouraged to bring them to school on the morning of 13th July. Raffle tickets We are very keen to make a push with our raffle tickets. This is a real opportunity to win some lovely prizes and raise great funds for the school. Thank you so much to those parents who have already returned their tickets sold. The raffle is also a great way to involve people who cannot join us on the day. Please return your sold tickets to the office. Also a reminder of the Barn Dance on 20th July 6-9pm. Adults 2 and Children 1. BBQ and refreshments available. The Caulkheads will be playing and this looks to be a really lovely way to end the year together. Do come and join in the fun! MUFTIS for donations 13 July Books, Toys or Bric-a-brac