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St. Mark'S Keystone For May Is "Let'S Talk!"

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Volume 15, 23rd May 2013 Dear Families Tomorrow is Walk to School Day and a map was sent home yesterday indicating the meeting points. We encourage parents, particularly of those of younger students, to join in the walk as it is an opportunity to discuss road safety, safe walking routes and get to know the neighbourhood. Hopefully, families will choose to walk when it is convenient rather than driving to and from school all the time. PREP 2014 New families to St Marks can collect enrolment forms from the school office. New family Applications close 31st May 2013. If you are a current family and have not put in a Prep Enrolment form yet please do so now. Letters of offer for all enrolments will be sent out before 28th June 2013. Please note that for current parents only this letter, while needing to be returned, is only a formality as siblings are given first priority to places. SCHOOL OFFICE There will be limited services in the school office next Thursday 30th May due to Vicki and Judy at Admin Officer Professional Development Day. SCHOOL CLOSURE DAY FRIDAY 26TH JULY Julia Atkin has just confirmed our second PD day. The staff will be focusing on Learning to Think, Learning to Learn and how this relates to the General Capabilities which are part of the new Australian Curriculum. This topic is a

continuation from the previous curriculum day. ROAD SAFETY A reminder to parents to discuss road safety with their children especially those that ride bikes, scooters etc. We have had a number of reports recently of children nearly being hit by cars because the children are not taking notice of other road users. WOOLWORTHS EARN & LEARN Please remember to collect your stickers from Woolworths and remind relatives and friends that they can contribute as well. APPLICATONS TO GOVERNMENT SECONDARY SCHOOLS FOR 2014 Applications for Year 6 students who wish to attend a Government Secondary School in 2014 are now available from the school office. These applications must be completed and returned to St Marks for processing. Please ensure your Year 6 child has a school booked for Year 7 in 2014. NEWS FROM THE REC Sacrament of Eucharist Online Mass booking sheets were sent home last week. This form is also available on the St Marks website and from tiq biz. Bookings will be open from Monday, 20th May and will close Friday 9th August. TUCKSHOP Next Tuesdays special is a ham & cheese toasted sandwich Dr Smoothie, $4-00. Thanks, Carm. HERB SALE The Environment Group are selling fresh herbs for $1 a bunch. We have rosemary, thyme, oregano, parsley,

common mint and Vietnamese mint. If you cant come, send a $1 to school with your child. Thank you for your support. CHILDRENS LITURGY NEWS Every Sunday at 9:30am mass children from Prep to Year 6 are invited to join in Childrens Liturgy at St Marks Church. At the liturgy children come to hear the word of God and participate in a variety of activities that make them reflect on the gospel story. This is a wonderful opportunity for the children to come together and share their prayers and feelings about Jesus. A special invitation is extended to the Year 5/6 children who may like to be assistant leaders. They have the opportunity to work with the younger members of our church community. Each session begins at the start of mass in the hall and lasts for around 25-30 minutes. If any Year 5/6 children are interested in being leaders could they please see Mr Davies, Deputy Principal. We look forward to seeing new children at Childrens liturgy during the year. SACRED HEART LITURGY There will be a whole school liturgy on Friday 7th June at 11.40a.m. and all families are welcome. We will also be collecting good quality used household items (not food) for donation to the local St Vincents de Paul who will then distribute them to the needy. The collection will be from Tuesday 4th June to Friday 7th June and goods are to be placed in the parent room. Suggestions for donations are attached to the newsletter. SPORTS NEWS - Mr Snell has available 2013 Toyota AFL tickets Collingwood v Adelaide Crows 12th July 7.50pm. Please email Mr Snell on vsnell@smdingley.catholic.edu.au if you would like tickets. CANCER COUNCIL BIGGEST MORNING TEA Thank you to all those that took time to share a cup of tea to raise money for Cancer, $214-00 was raised, THANK YOU. PARENT ASSOCIATION NEWS All Entertainment books should be returned by now unless you are purchasing one. If you have a copy at home which you are

not purchasing please return it by next Tuesday 28th May. SCHOLASTIC BOOK CLUB: Issue 4 has been sent home this week. Money we earn through orders helps to top up book titles in our library. Orders need to be handed into the office. Closing dates for each issue will be advertised in the newsletter. NO LATE ORDERS WILL BE ACCEPTED. PLEASE CHECK THAT YOU ARE SENDING CORRECT MONEY, ORDERS WITH INCORRECT PAYMENT WILL ALSO BE RETURNED. There are different booklets for different age groups, Prep: Wombat, 1/2: Lucky, 3/4: Arrow, 5/6: Star. Closing date for this issue is : Monday 3rd June SCHOOL FEES School Fee Statements were sent home at the beginning of this term. School fee accounts can be paid by cash, cheque or internet banking into the school bank account (BSB 083 347, A/c 46545 3309 please remember to include your name and account number). UNIFORM SHOP. The uniform shop is open Wednesday morning 9am 9.30 am. Order forms are available from the school office and website. They can be left at the office to be completed on Wednesdays after 9.30 am. The old style sports tops in sizes 6, 12, 14 and 16 have been reduced to $15. OSHC NEWS Hi All, with winter approaching its important to remind your children that a lot of the afterschool care program will be spent indoors now. We will be doing a lot of winter theme activities and decorating the room. Any ideas you may have would be greatly appreciated. Also a reminder with holidays around the corner its time to start thinking about holiday program locations can be found at www.campaustralia.com.au., or phone 0423 793 677. Program Times BSC: 7 9 am, ASC 3.25 - 6pm. City of Kingston Vacation Care Program Dates: Monday 1 July Fri 12 July 2013 We are excited to bring to you the Brochure and Enrolment form for the July 2013 Vacation Care program. This program has been developed through consultation with children, families and educators during the April

vacation care program. It is a fun filled program giving children opportunities to follow their interests, have new experiences, make new friends, explore, learn, discover and experience success through play. Enrolments Start: Monday 3rd June. Close: Friday 21 June, 2013. It is requested children who require support for inclusion in a program, submit enrolment and payment forms as early as possible to allow time to apply for funding. Dont miss out on your childrens spot at one of our fantastic programs to find out more visits Kingstons website www.kingston.vic.gov.au. For enquiries please call the Vacation Care Team on (03) 9581 4846 or (03) 9581 4875. Thought for the Week: Have a heart that never tires and a touch that never hurts. Charles Dickens Regards

Debbie Darvell TERM 2 24 May District Cross Country Walk to school day 31st May PA Student Disco 7th June Whole School Liturgy 10th June Queens Birthday holiday 28th June Term 2 ends 2.30pm 15th July Term 3 commences 8.55a.m 26th July SCHOOL CLOSURE DAY 12th & 13th November School Concert May Keystone Lets talk Prep D Daniel Semmens for adding thoughtful and valuable ideas to whole class and small group discussions. Your ideas are always helpful Daniel! Prep E Olivia Aplidjotis for being a great listener and always trying her best in class discussions. Prep T Massimo Raso for following instructions and presenting his project to the class. Massimo was able to share his thoughts and ideas and explain the process he used.

1/2C Justin Samachetty for always listening carefully when others are speaking. Well done Justin!!! 1/2D Julia Hong for making eye contact when speaking to others and using a clear voice when contributing to classroom discussions. Well done Julia! 1/2F Julian Sesa for giving helpful feedback to his reading partner at Read to Someone time. Well done! 1/2P Jasmine Gillam for always listening to instructions and following directions. Great effort Jasmine! 1/2R Xavier Mauerhofer for always listening and contributing during our classroom discussions. Well done! 1/2SC Isobel Lawson for her eagerness to share her thoughts and ideas with the rest of the class. 3/4A Tiana Wanigasekera for always participating in class discussions and sharing her creative ideas. Well done Tiana! 3/4KR Sarah Bose for always be willing to share her skills and knowledge. 3/4M Two awards next week. 3/4AM Ebony McCarthy for always sharing her thoughtful insights with the class as well as listening respectfully to the thoughts of others. 3/4PM Grace Van Tilburg for always having a go at sharing her ideas in class discussions. Well done Grace! 5/6C Alexandra Lefebure for being a great listener in all class and group discussions and for developing the confidence to share her ideas we well. 5/6N Olivia Dempsey for wonderful answers during class discussions and being a good listener who followed all instructions to complete her Laptop Learners Licence! Congratulations Olivia 5/6P Phoebe Tann for listening attentively when others are speaking and

responding in a well thought out manner.

5/6R Tyler Alexander for displaying selfrespect and self-control in all his learning and in his interactions with his peers. Well done Tyler! 5/6S Delaine Pelpola for her willingness to share her ideas during class discussions. Well done Delaine!

ST JAMES COLLEGE IS YOUR SON IN GRADE 5? NOW TAKING ENROLMENTS FOR YEAR 7 2015 COLLEGE TOURS FRIDAY 24TH MAY FRIDAY 21ST JUNE 9.00AM - 10.30AM BOOKINGS ESSENTIAL: Witness the College at Work For further information contact the St James College office on 9575 8100 or email stjames@sjcbe.catholic.edu.au

St. Vincent de Paul Society Charity donation suggestions All donations need to be in good condition and respectful to those receiving the goods. Suggested Donations.

Week Ending 24th May 2013


CHOCOLATE CHIP BISCUITS Ingredients: 125g butter, softened cup brown sugar cup caster sugar 1 egg 1 teaspoon vanilla 1 cups self raising flour 1 cup milk chocolate chips Method: 1. CREAM together butter and sugars until light and fluffy. Whisk in egg and vanilla. 2. Stir in flour then fold through Chocolate Chips. 3. PLACE teaspoonfusl on greased baking trays. 4. Bake in a moderately slow oven 160C for 10-15 minutes or until cooked. 5. Cool on a wire rack.

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