North Elmsley Public School: Principal's Message
North Elmsley Public School: Principal's Message
North Elmsley Public School: Principal's Message
Principal: Mr. Paul Hannah / Office Administrator: Mrs. Jayanna Wood Phone: (613) 267-1371 Fax: 1-855-408-0860 209 Port Elmsley Rd. Perth, ON K7H 3C7 North Elmsley School Blog: Like us on facebook:
Principals Message
Greetings everyone! Next week, report cards for all students from kindergarten through grade 8 will be sent home. It is important to note that the primary purpose of assessment and evaluation is to improve student learning, and that we recognize the significant role parents or guardians play in supporting student achievement. We also recognize that parents require the necessary information to interpret their childs report card and work with teachers to facilitate improved learning. For student success, the development of learning skills and work habits is fundamental; however, the evaluation of learning skills and work habits, with a few exceptions, is not considered in the determination of a students grades. That is why learning skills and student grades are placed in two different sections of the report and determined using different grading structures. Student grades are based on four levels of achievement. Level 1 (D or 52-58) represents achievement that falls much below the provincial standard for the grade and can be described as limited. Level 2 (C or 62-68) represents achievement that approaches the provincial standard and can be described as demonstrating some effectiveness. Level 3 (B or 72-78) represents achievement at the provincial standard and can be described as demonstrating considerable effectiveness. Level 4 (A or 82-95) represents achievement that surpasses the provincial standard and can be described as demonstrating a high degree of effectiveness. Achievement at level 4, though, does not mean that the student has achieved expectations beyond those specified for the grade/course.
Our goal is to support all of our students with reporting procedures that are timely, fair, transparent, equitable and ongoing. As always, please feel free to contact us with any questions or thoughts about your childs progress at school.
Upcoming Events
Every Friday is Team Colour Day Hot Dog Days - $1 each, every Monday Pizza Days every Wednesday (pre-ordered) Mini-Subs Friday 1st & 15th (pre-ordered) Munch N Lunch Friday Feb. 8th & 22nd (pre-ordered) Saturday February 2 Wednesday February 6 Tuesday February 12 - Ground Hog Day - Brown & Pink Day - Baked Goods Sale 50 each - Gr. 8s - PDCI Open House 6:30 pm - Gr. 8s - SFDCI Open House 6:00 pm Thursday February 14 Sunday February 17 Competition Monday February 18 Tuesday February 19 Friday February 22 - FAMILY DAY No School - Parent Council Meeting, 5:30 pm - Winter Carnival Day Wednesday February 13 - Report Cards go home
Kindergarten Registration
Full-Day (every day) Kindergarten will start at North Elmsley September 2013. Launch your Childs Success!! Register between January 28 and February 8 for kindergarten. Junior kindergarten students must be 4 years of age by December 31, 2013. Senior kindergarten students must be 5 years of age by December 31,
- NEPS Public Speaking Competition, 9 am 2013. Registration is accepted year round but you are encouraged to register between January 28 February 8 by calling the school; - Gr. 4-8 Valentine Day Dance, 1:15 pm - Perth Legion Public Speaking or by registering on-line at,
6:00 7:30 pm
Basket #2 - Crafts - Teresa Robertson Basket #3 - Chocolate - Lois LeBlanc Basket #4 - Dog - Austin Jones, grade 6 Basket #5 - Cat - Brody Ellis, grade 2 Basket #6 - Chocolate - Rylan Duncan, grade 3 Basket #7 - Movie night - Jonathon Miller, Kindergarten Basket #8 - Gift Wrap Kierstin Johnson, grade 6 Basket #9 Crafts - Carson Ruttan, grade 4 Basket #10 - Jersey Joes Brittany Couch, grade 8 Basket #11 - Gift Wrap - Tressa Oliver Basket #12 - Cookies - The Sinfields Basket #13 - Cookies - Tressa Oliver Basket #14 - Chocolate - Michelle Leblanc Basket #15 Shrek Caleb Cooney, grade 5 Basket #16 Crafts Paul Comeau, grade 3 Melanie McBride won the Ipad mini. Congratulations!
February, 2013
The STOP Study: Parents who want to be smoke free in 2013. This treatment study uses nicotine replacement therapy patches to help them quit smoking. Treatment study sessions will be held Monday nights Jan 28-March 31 2013. Enrolment is limited. Confidentiality is assured and medication is free of charge. To learn more, or to see if you qualify, contact the Health Unit at 1-800-660-5853 (from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm) and refer to the STOP Study You can also go to:
The Canadian Active After School Partnership wants to better understand how children between 5 and 17 years of age spend their time after school in the 3:00 pm to 6:00 pm time period. This 10 minute survey explores how children spend their time after school; what parents think about after school programs that their children are now in; and what children who are not in after school programming do during this time period. To thank you for taking part, The Canadian Active After School Partnership will give you the option to enter your email address into a draw for one of three $150 gift certificates for Sport Chek!