Bulletin 11 2 11
Bulletin 11 2 11
Bulletin 11 2 11
Seahawk Scoop
Second Senior T-shirt orders are due TODAY, Nov. 2. Turn in to Mrs. Wheeler.
**SENIOR PORTRAITS: Seniors, sign up with Mrs. Creamer in the library for portraits which will be taken Nov. 8.
**K-5 Grade: Choice of One- Beefy Mac, Fiesta Chicken Salad, Cheese Lite Meal, or PBJ Sandwich Choice of Two- Fresh Orange, Fruit Cup, Sweet Garden Peas; May Select- Cherries
**6th-12th Grade: Choice of above or Chicken Sandwich, Homemade Pizza, or Lite Alternative
-NO SCHOOL -Fundraiser: 4th Grade will have a Low Country Boil @ Seafood Festival 11/4-11/5/11 -Fundraiser: Softball & Baseball Teams will have drinks & shirts @ Seafood Festival 11/4-11/5/11 **Mon, Nov 7: **Mon, 7: Gown/ Invitations 4:30pm 5:00pm -Field Trip: M/S ARP & Photo classes to St. Vincent Island, 8:00am-1:30pm -Senior Class meeting with Herff Jones Rep. in cafeteria @ breakfast - RE: Cap/ -Elem & M/S Odyssey of the Mind to meet in Ms. Countrymans room, 1018, 2:30-PAEC STEM Grant Student/ Parent meeting in library, 3:30-5:30pm -Away M/S Girls & Boys Basketball games vs Hosford- Girls @ 4:00pm Boys @
-GED Testing in the library @ 6:00pm **Tue, Nov 8: **Tue, 8: appointment -Senior Portraits by appointment see Mrs. Patty Creamer beforehand to set up -Field Trip: H/S Chemistry classes to Apalach Estuary, 8:00am-1:30pm -FCA meetings in the gym during M/S & H/S lunches -Home M/S Girls & Boys Basketball games vs Tolar- Girls @ 4:00pm -GED Testing in the library @ 6:00pm
Boys @
Nov. 10 @ 4:00pm
Nov. 14 @ 6:00pm Nov. 15 @ 6:00pm Nov. 18, 7:30-8:30am Nov. 15 Nov. 21-25
**OPEN ENROLLMENT: Nov. 1 Dec. 31, full time employees may enroll in Vision Care CompBenefits. Contact Diane Dodd at the school board office or email herddodd@franklin.k12.fl.us
**K-5 Teacher Data Workshop (Mandatory): **Coaches & Teachers Book Study- Part 3: 7:15am, @ 2:20pm
Wed, Nov. 2, in the library, 2:15-3:15pm Wed, Nov. 2 Coaches in wrestling room @
**School Leadership Book Study- Part 4: Thurs, Nov. 3, in room 117 @ 2:30pm **Culinary Class Cafe: Thurs, Nov. 3 - 10:45am - 1:30pm DONATION: $8.00 MENU: Chicken Alfredo, Lasagna, Broccoli n Cheese, Salad, Garlic Bread DESSERTS: Banana Pudding, Strawberry Cheesecake **K-5 Teachers- Professional Ethics Workshop/Training (Mandatory): Mon, Nov. 7, in the library, 2:15-3:45pm **School Leadership Meeting: Tues, Nov. 8, in room 117 @ 9:00am. RE: Event Planning
Faculty Meetings: 1st & 3rd Wednesday of each month @ 2:30pm School Leadership Meetings: 2nd & 4th Wednesday of each month @ 2:30pm. RTI Meetings: Mon, Tues, & Thurs (weekly)
**Take Stock In Children & Renovatio Youth Leadership Program is serving a Thanksgiving Meal
for the less fortunate on Monday, Nov.21st from 3-6 p.m. @ St. Patricks Church Community Room on 6th Street and Avenue C in Apalachicola. They will cook in the morning and serve meals from 3-6pm. To make it a success, they need your help. Food Donations (and cooks) would be most welcome. The menu will include Turkey, Ham, Mac-n-Cheese, Candied Yams, Veggies, Dinner Rolls, Sweet Tea, and of course desserts. Ms. Lyndsey Mahaffee, Ms. Tiffani Schmidt, Ms. Cheyenne Martin, & Ms. Yvonne Mitchell are the organizers. Please e-mail FranklinTSIC@hotmail.com with your donations and or questions. Thank you!
GED Classes are now available through the TIGERS program at the Carrabelle & Apalachicola libraries. The next GED Test will be given Nov. 7 & 8 at the Franklin County School library at 6:00pm. To register for the test contact Maxine Creamer @ 670-4481. The Franklin County Adult Education Courses do not discriminate based on race, color, religion, sex, National origin, age, handicap, or marital status.
**The Federal McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act states that children & youth who lack a
fixed, regular, & adequate nighttime residence are considered homeless. If, due to a loss of housing, a child must live in a shelter, motel, vehicle, campground, on the street, in abandoned buildings, or doubled-up with relatives or friends, then he/she is eligible to receive services provided under the McKinney-Vento Act. For additional information contact Sandi Hengle, Homeless Liaison, at the Franklin County School District Office in Eastpoint, 670-2810 or cell number 323-0982.
**PARENTS: The Franklin County School 2011-12 Code of Conduct, Student Progression Plan, & the Local
Education Agency Letter to the Parents can all be viewed and/or printed from the school district website: www.franklincountyschools.org/schoolcodeofconduct.htm
**PARENTS register to receive automated emergency calls from the Franklin County Sheriff Dept. You will be notified of any emergency situations in Franklin County (for example; emergency
school closings, road closings). Go to www.franklinsheriff.com , on the top right of home page- click on Franklin County Florida Emergency Notification System emblem & complete required information.