Bulletin 10 13 11
Bulletin 10 13 11
Bulletin 10 13 11
Seahawk Scoop
A Note to Parents . . .
We want our students to recognize that every minute of instructional time is valuable and that we don't have time to waste. When we interrupt instructional time for minor reasons, it sends the message to the students that all of these little interruptions are more important than the lesson at hand. We are asking parents to work with us in this matter. If you need to get an item to your child, i.e. a lunch box or homework, please bring it to the front desk and we will have it delivered to your child during a break or class change.
**Elementary Fall Festival: Fri, Oct. 14, 12:15-1:45pm by the 800 building. For $10 students get unlimited games
including the obstacle course & four food tickets. Or buy 25 tickets: games- 2 tickets obstacle course- 4 tickets food- 1 to 3 tickets. Proceeds go to the 2nd & 4th Grade Class Trips. e-mail (RYLP@msn.com) or by calling 850-697-3420, ask to be transferred to Dr. Lois Mendez Catlin, or by giving your name to Ms. Tiffani Schmidt, Ms. Lyndsey Mahafee, or Ms. Jessica Dempsey. The practice exam will run from 2- until approximately 6 pm.
**Practice ACT EXAM: Saturday, Oct. 15, 2:00pm in Apalachicola. PRE-SIGN UP (reservation) is required via
**SAC MEETING: Tues, Oct. 18, in the library @ 6:00pm **SENIORS: 1) Date change!!! The first down payment of $75 for the Senior Trip must be turned in to Mrs. Wheeler
by Oct. 28- she must turn in the money to the Travel Agency by Nov. 1. 2) Second Senior T-shirt orders are due by Nov. 2. Turn in to Mrs. Wheeler.
**K-5 Grade: Choice of One- Beef Nachos, Chicken Salad, Yogurt Lite Meal, or PBJ Sandwich Choice of Two- Fresh Plum, Fruit Cup, Side Salad; May Select- Whole Grain Roll
**6th-12th Grade: Choice of above or Oven Roasted Chicken, Bosco Sticks, or Lite Alternative
Grade Class) **Sat, Oct 15: **Sat, 15: & Cbelle IGAs
-Away Varsity Football game vs RF Munroe @ 7:30pm -Senior Class Fundraiser- Bagging for Bucks at the Apalach Piggly Wiggly, Apalach from 10:00am-2:00pm
**Mon, Oct 17: **Mon, 17: 4:30pm Willie Speed **Tue, Oct 18: **Tue, 18:
-BOOK FAIR WEEK in the library, 8:30am-2:00pm daily -FCAT Retakes- Reading (CBT) 11th grade see schedule from Mr. Robinson -Elem & M/S Odyssey of the Mind to meet in Ms. Countrymans room, 1018, 2:30-SPECIAL School Board meeting followed by a CLOSED Executive Session at the Board Room, Eastpoint, @ 6:00pm -FCAT Retakes- Reading (CBT) 11th grade see schedule from Mr. Robinson -FCA meetings in the gym during H/S & M/S lunch -Book Fair Family Night in the library from 4:00-6:00pm -Away Varsity Volleyball game vs Wewa @ 6:00pm -M/S-JH Football Conference Bowl- Time/Location TBA -SAC meeting in the library @ 6:00pm -SGA meeting in the gym wrestling room during lunch -FCAT Retakes- Math (CBT) 11th grade see schedule from Mr. Robinson -FCS Band to attend the US Marine Band Performance @ Ruby Diamond Theater, Depart @ 4:00pm Return @ approx. 11:30pm
**Teachers- Mandatory Book Study: TODAY, Oct. 13, during common planning period **Culinary Class Cafe: Fri, Oct.14 - 10:45am - 1:30pm DONATION: $8.00 MENU: Chicken Tetrazzini, Stuffed Marsala, Salad Bar, Bread Sticks DESSERTS: Pumpkin Cheesecake & Italian Cream Cake **K-12 Faculty Meetings w/ Deans: Wed, Oct. 19, @ 2:30pm (check w/ Deans for locations)
Faculty Meetings: 1st & 3rd Wednesday of each month @ 2:30pm School Leadership Meetings: 2nd & 4th Wednesday of each month @ 2:30pm. RTI Meetings: Mon, Tues, & Thurs (weekly)
FCS STAFF BIRTHDAYS THIS WEEK Cheryl Creek (10/8), Beth Roop (10/13) & Debbie Braswell (10/15) Happy Birthday!
Please let me know if your birthday doesnt get listed. One error has already been found. It is important that we have the correct date! - Ms. Browning
**Forgotten Coast Black Bear Festival: Saturday, Oct. 15, 10:00am to 4:00pm at Sands Park in Carrabelle.
For more information go to the Upcoming Events link at www.saltyflorida.com
GED Classes are now available through the TIGERS program at the Carrabelle & Apalachicola libraries. The next GED Test will be given Nov. 7 & 8 at the Franklin County School library at 6:00pm. To register for the test contact Maxine Creamer @ 670-4481. The Franklin County Adult Education Courses do not discriminate based on race, color, religion, sex, National origin, age, handicap, or marital status.
**The Federal McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act states that children & youth who lack a
fixed, regular, & adequate nighttime residence are considered homeless. If, due to a loss of housing, a child must live in a shelter, motel, vehicle, campground, on the street, in abandoned buildings, or doubled-up with relatives or friends, then he/she is eligible to receive services provided under the McKinney-Vento Act. For additional information contact Sandi Hengle, Homeless Liaison, at the Franklin County School District Office in Eastpoint, 670-2810 or cell number 323-0982.
**PARENTS: The Franklin County School 2011-12 Code of Conduct, Student Progression Plan, & the Local
Education Agency Letter to the Parents can all be viewed and/or printed from the school district website: www.franklincountyschools.org/schoolcodeofconduct.htm
**PARENTS register to receive automated emergency calls from the Franklin County Sheriff Dept. You will be notified of any emergency situations in Franklin County (for example; emergency
school closings, road closings). Go to www.franklinsheriff.com , on the top right of home page- click on Franklin County Florida Emergency Notification System emblem & complete required information.