Newsletter WK 6
Newsletter WK 6
Newsletter WK 6
Curriculum News
We have a group of teachers who will be attending a series of in-service days in the first half of the year looking at how data gathering can improve the planning for Teaching and Learning here at St Augustines. This project is called Visible Learning and follows the work of Professor John Hattie. The first of these days is March 11. Another group of teachers will be attending a series of in-service days looking at gaining deeper knowledge and understanding on Autism. This project is called Positive Partnerships and will also be conducted in the first half of the year. We have some Year 7 students who will be attending a Writers Day of Excellence this Tuesday. We hope that they enjoy this great opportunity.
Shrove Tuesday
Pancake Tuesday again!! Pancakes are being sold at the tuckshop for breakfast, with all proceeds starting our Project Compassion total for 2014. They were available from 8am.
Pancake Tuesday Brekkie Toppings include, plain butter; butter and jam; and the traditional lemon and sugar! All money goes to Project Compassion. The final total will be printed next week - at this stage we collected over $200. Thanks to all those who participated. NB: Hot Dogs next week (see below)!
Ash Wednesday
Join us for the ceremony which begins our Lenten season at 11:30am in the Mary MacKillop Centre. Lent is a season for self reflection. Our focus is How we can be better people, how can we be more like Jesus? We commenced our school year with the story Have You Filled a Bucket Today? by Carol McCloud. This story speaks about how important it is to do good things for others and this will fill your own bucket as well as filling the receivers bucket. This theme is continuing through the Ash Wednesday ce remony with practical ideas of how we can be more Christian. MINI HOT DOGS will also be sold at the tuckshop on Mondays and Tuesdays in Lent. As well as involving our Mini Vinnies in action it may also help you out for lunch or morning tea for the weeks before Easter. The cost is again 50c per mini hot dog (a cheerio in a slice of bread with sauce). Please support this service. All funds raised go towards the Project Compassion total for the school.
Last week was the Annual General Meeting of the S. Augustines P&F. Congratulations to the Executive Committee who were elected on the night:
Thank you to all who nominated for positions and to those parents who attended the meeting. We look forward to working closely with the Executive again this year. They are currently working on a Calendar of Events and Wish List for fundraising efforts.
Staff News
Stephen Montgomery and Lynne Rohanna will be attending an In-service at Springwood on Wednesday. Stephen will also be attending a series of meetings in Brisbane on Friday morning. Susan Murray will be away on leave for Term 2 and 3 this year. We will be interviewing for her replacement next week. Lonnie Rutland will be attending a Teacher Librarian Meeting on Monday next week. Stephen Montgomery, Jane Marrison, Lynne Rohanna, Melissa Sewell and Laurie Hallinan will be attending Visible Learning on 11 March. Good luck to all of our swimmers in the carnival on Friday this week. Stephen Montgomery, Lynne Rohanna and Jane Marrison (Leadership Team)
Library News
This is our first and only bookclub for this term and catalogues have been sent to your child's classroom. It's easy to place an order just follow the instructions on the back of the order form. Cash, Cheque (payable to Scholastic) or Credit Card (receipt number required) are all acceptable. Please make sure all orders are placed in something sealed, include child's name, class and payment and return to the red bucket located in the Library. All orders must be returned by Thursday 6 March. Every order earns free resources for our school. Late orders will not be accepted. Thank you. Mrs Chris Beitey (Library Aide)
Ribit Awards
Congratulations to the following RIBIT prize winners: Erin W, Kella M, Molly R, Matt O'G, Ruby H, Harry P, Peter N, Dylan McE, Ania A, Koa W, Noah D, Tiahna M, Noah L, Zac McC, Scott S, Talysa J, Cooper L, Charlie W, Nathaniel F, Danika B, Angus S. Super Ribit: Hudson Y 300. Keep up the wonderful effort everyone and here's to a great year of reading! Mrs Lonnie Rutland (Librarian)
General News
School Photo Day - next Monday ... 10 March
Dont seal envelopes inside each other. You can pay for all children in one envelope however, each
child needs to have their own envelope on photo day. Pleas e indicate on the chids envelope that contains all sibling payments, the names of the children you are paying for. Family envelopes are available at the school office upon request. Please enclose correct money as no change is given. Cash, cheques, money orders or credit cards are accepted. For any enquiries, please feel free to contact us. e: p 07 5520 2999 f 07 5520 2900
1 x white Equip sunglasses in flowery case. Please collect from the office.
Regional Swimming Carnival
Good luck to Ellena P, Damien S and Noah C, who have progressed through to the Regional Carnival this Monday 3 and Wednesday 5 March, at Pizzey Park Pool, Miami. St As wishes you all the very best!
Winter Sport
Over the next few weeks students in grades 5-7 will be trialing in either Rugby League, Soccer or Netball. This process will be fun, yet difficult, as some students are so keen to make a particular sport. Unfortunately numbers are both limited for some sports yet required for other sports. The selection process will be conducted fairly by all teachers, however, there will be disappointment for some. Our first round does not take place until Friday 21 March, week 8 of term 1. We look forward to lots of fun and hopefully dry weather for this great competition.
"Today Tim from the Suns team came and he taught us how to hand ball and how to kick a football." (Courtney 4M)
"I thought Tim was really nice. I learnt to grab an AFL ball properly. Tim was the best teacher." (Matt 4H)
P & F News
St A's Running / Walking Group
Meeting at Dune Caf (Palm Beach Parkland, Pirate Park) Every Wednesday 5:00pm (Runners 5km; Walkers 3km or 5km) All Parents/ Guardians welcome (Adults only at this time). Get fit or stay fit! or 0402 819738). We would like parent helpers for the lunch (especially from the Irish community of St A's). If any parents can loan the P&F St Patrick's Day memorabilia for the lunch, please contact me.
Tuckshop Roster
TUCKSHOP COOKING/HOME BAKING: Thank you for sending in ONLY cakes/biscuits etc. made from safe or nut free products to sell at our tuckshop. NO almond meal please.
Please click on the link for the 2013 Tuckshop Price List.
Tuckshop Helpers:
Monday 3 March
Tuckshop Closed
Tuesday 4 March
Tuckshop Closed
Wednesday 5 March
Thursday 6 March
J Fields, T Danielsen
M Saunders
K Dick
S Morley
Coming Events
Monday 3 March Wednesday 5 March Wednesday 5 March Thursday 6 March Thursday 6 March Friday 7 March Monday 10 March Monday 17 March Tuesday 18 March Friday 21 March Thursday 27 March Monday 31 March - Thursday 3 April Friday 4 April Monday 21 April Tuesday 22 April Wednesday 23 April Wednesday 7 May Tuesday 13 May Wednesday 14 May Thursday 15 May Thursday 29 May Thursday 29 May 31 May/1 June 8/9 June Monday 9 June Tuesday 10 June Thursday 24 July Friday 25 July Tuesday 29 July
Regional Swimming Cross Country training commences Ash Wednesday, 11:30am Mary MacKillop Centre Bookclub orders due. Parent Meeting for Confirmation/First Communion - 7pm, St Monica's Tugun. Catholic Swimming Carnival, Pizzey Park School Photos
St Patrick's Day Students Lunch
P & F meeting Winter Sport commences Whole School Mass Year 6 Surfing End of Term 1 Holiday Term 2 commences St A's Cross Country District Cross Country NAPLAN Testing NAPLAN Testing NAPLAN Testing Confirmation Catholic Cross Country First Communion First Communion Queen's Birthday holiday Regional Cross Country St A's Field Events St A's Track Events Track and Field "C Schools"
Monday 4 August Thursday 14 August Friday 15 August 18 August - 22 August Tuesday 26 August Friday 29 August Friday 29 August Thursday 4 September Friday 12 September Monday 6 October Wednesday 8 October Monday 20 October 27 October - 31 October Tuesday 11 November Wednesday 12 November 17 November - 27 November Tuesday 25 November Thursday 27 November Friday 5 December
Track and Field Championship Day Catholic Schools Music Festival Catholic Schools Music Festival Bookweek Regional Schools Track and Field Events Gold Coast Show Holiday St Augustine's Feast Day Catholic Athletics/Ballgames St A's Beachathon Labour Day holiday Extra Curricular Photos, plus Year 6 and 7 Group photos Pupil Free Day Book Fair Catholic Readers Cup Catholic Aquathon Swimming Lessons (prep - Year 5) Prep - Year 2 Christmas Concert Year 3 - 6 Christmas Concert Last day of term 4
Kiara J Cooper B
Marlie C
Mitchell H / Taya S
Anjea R/Fenner L
Amia J
Jessica C
Laila B
Caden S/SonnyW
Bella P
Matt B
Courtney W
Hayden T
Liam W
Josh W
Claire P
Josh B
Henry D
Term Dates
Term 1 Term 2 Term 3 Term 4 Professional Development and Planning Days Wednesday 29 January - Friday 4 April Tuesday 22 April - Friday 27 June Monday 14 July - Friday 19 September Tuesday 7 October - Friday 5 December
To be advised
Community News
Seeking Witnesses to two car incidents at St A's Incident No. 1:
A parking incident occurred in the top car park of the school last Friday 28 February, between 2.20-2.30pm. If you know the owner of a Silver Rav 4 Registration 000 JC (Tropical number plate) could you please phone Kaine on 0455 660 066/0424 623 144.
Incident No. 2
A driving incident occurred Monday morning side swiping a White Toyota Camry in the top carpark. If you know any of these details or witnessed it, please contact Margaret on 0437 737733.
Peace for Rhys - Eczema Free "Monster Garage Sale" Sunday 23 March, 2014 at 6am Cnr Fielding Street & Duringan Street, Currumbin (Opposite Gecko Hall, Throwers Bridge) We need your help!
Here's your chance to have a clean up around the home.. We will take off your hands any bric a brac, unwanted items, such as toys, furniture, clothing (NB: must be saleable items ie. clean and in good condition), tools etc that you might have laying around the house... We will have 3 drop off locations: * St Augustine's Primary School, Galleon Way, Currumbin Waters * 13 Taperell Drive, Tugun, Contact Lisa on 0405598361
* 2 Eucalypt Street, Palm Beach. Contact Michelle on 0400 793637 If you have any large items, please contact us and we can arrange to collect closer to the date. Come along for a fun day, you can pick up a bargain. There will be a sausage sizzle, great coffee, raffles and much more.. Come along and show your support for our local boy. If you would like to donate straight into the Trust fund, details are as follows: Account Name: Peace for Rhys Trust Account BSB: 484-799 Account No: 605883369 Go to for a receipt. Donations over $2 are tax deductibe.
Please join the Rhys fundraiser page on Facebook: Peace For Rhys - Eczema Free Contact Lisa Perkins on 0405 598 361 if you are able to help.
Lovely St A's family looking for a rental property in local area. 3-4 bedroom, with yard for a small pet. Reliable and good references. Phone Lea 0407 151 363.
Bleach Festival
Bleach Festival are delighted to present 2 fantastic events as part of our Bleach Jnr program. Stradbroke Dreamtime,from the storybook by Oodgeroo, combines dance, song, poetry and dreamtime stories into the one marvellous cultural and engaging theatrical experience. Performed at Currumbin Beach: Friday 14 Sunday 16 March. A rollicking, riotous, fun-fuelled adventure on the high seas The Treasure of Captain Curlylocks is a magical and memorable childrens story recommended for children aged 3 -8 years. A worldpremiere play by acclaimed childrens writer and performer Nadia Sunde. Tugun Progress Hall: Friday 21 Sunday 23 March. Tickets: $10/$15. More info: or phone 5534 3500