I C A N: Lincoln Trail Elementary
I C A N: Lincoln Trail Elementary
I C A N: Lincoln Trail Elementary
School Happenings
Thank you for your support of the Coke Fundraiser! Sales were up some from last year, and profits are around $6,750! I hope you will see and hear some of the great things the PTO will be doing with money as they continue to find ways to support our staff and students, and improve our school! Congratulations to 5th grader Jacob Chesnut for being the top seller and winning a large Coca-Cola polar bear! You can find a picture of Jacob and his prize on our website or by following us on twitter @Lincoln_Trail! Harmony - On the students Harmony portal there is now an area for the parents to make online credit card payments to the students lunch accounts. When you log onto harmony, on the left bar it says online payments, you will then type in the information and send. There is a .50 cent charge per transaction. If you need your username and password, please contact the school office. September Box Tops Update The numbers are in for the month of September! The breakdown is listed below. Congrats to Mrs. Vaals 4th grade class for winning this month. We appreciate all of you who take the time to cut and send these in. Your efforts have earned the PTO $449 for the month of September alone! Keep up the great work! The class that brings in the most box tops will earn a free bowling trip and pizza party! Cumulative Totals 1st Place Mrs. Haas (1,372) 2nd Place Mrs. Ballard (1,317) 3rd Place Mrs. Vaal (1,295)
Sept. Totals 1st Place 4th Grade Mrs. Vaal (653) 2nd Place Preschool Mrs. Guthrie (491) 3rd Place 6th Grade Mrs. Rickelman (489)
Coming Soon
Friday, October 4th = PTO Popcorn sales Monday, October 7th = Dental Clinic @ USI, National Wear Blue Day Wednesday, October 9th = KDG Field Trip, Girl Scouts Meet, Wear Orange Day Saturday, October 12th = PTO Chili Supper 4-7:00 p.m. Wednesday, October 16th = 2nd Grade Field Trip Thursday, October 17th = Fall Pictures
Thursday, October 24th is Parent-Teacher conference day in all North Spencer schools. Friday, October 25th is our scheduled Fall Break. As a service to our families on these days, preschool and daycare will be open from 6-6 if needed. K-6 students may attend for the daily rate of $20 per day. Lunch and breakfast will be offered
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must notify the school office by Friday, October 18th. We must have enough time to schedule staff members to work and order food supplies. No one will be permitted to sign up after the 18th. Thanks for your understanding and cooperation.
The PTO is in need of someone with a truck and a trailer who can drive to Newburgh on the morning of the Chili Supper (Saturday, October 12th) to pick up inflatables and bring them to school. If you can help us out, please contact Jen Mayhall at jmayhall@psci.net or by phone at (812) 544-3174. Thanks!
Holiday Assistance
The North Spencer Community Action Center in Dale is now taking applications for Holiday Assistance. This includes the Angel Tree, Toys for Tots and a Christmas Food Basket. If your family is in need of any of these programs, you will need to go to the Center and fill out an application. They are open Monday-Friday 8:00 A.M.-4:30 P.M. and on Saturday 8:30 A.M.-12:00 Noon. The last day to complete an application will be October 23rd.