Board of Trustees Notice: Principal Appointment Process
Board of Trustees Notice: Principal Appointment Process
Board of Trustees Notice: Principal Appointment Process
The Morrinsville Intermediate Board of Trustees is about to begin the process of appointing a School Principal to lead our school for 2014 and beyond. To help us through the process we have engaged an education consultant to guide us, Mr Trevor Kilpin. Mr Kilpin is an experienced and respected consultant and former Intermediate Principal himself. We are keen to hear your views with regard to what skills and attributes you feel are important for our future Principal to possess. On Monday 19th August at 7.00pm we will hold a community consultation meeting in the School Hall. We would like to encourage parents and guardians to come along. We will discuss the appointment process with you and then break up into small groups lead by board members to discuss and gather your ideas. This invitation is extended to families of the Intermediate and also to families from the network of contributing primary schools who will be our future Intermediate families. A cuppa and biscuits will be provided. Morrinsville Intermediate Board of Trustees Ng mihi nui ki a koutou - Greetings to you all, It has been a busy week with parent interviews this week; it is fabulous to see parents coming to talk with their childs tea cher about their learning. If for some reason you missed the interviews, do not think you have missed out; ring the office or contact the teacher to meet at an alternative time. We are currently reviewing our programme of transitioning the Year 6 students to intermediate next year. In the past we have provided the following: Meet with the Year 6 students in their school to talk about Intermediate and take some current students to share their experiences Parent Information Evening. Open Days for Parents to attend to see the school and ask questions in a small group setting. 1-1 meetings and tours as requested. Year 6 students orientation that includes a personalised tour, show case some of the opportunities we have at intermediate and a chance to ask questions. Country Schools Day where students meet students from other schools, have an orientation of the school and attend the Cultural Concert. Meet with each school and appropriate teachers to discuss each child, including attending any necessary meetings to gather information to meet the specific needs of students. We would like to know from our current parents the following things: What worked well with the transition from Year 6 to Intermediate? What did they want to know or find out about Intermediate as part of the information given throughout this process? What other things we could include or do as part of this process? If you have any thoughts or ideas could you please take 5 minutes to send me an email at We really would appreciate this. I am also going to be talking with groups of students to hear what they think. Principals Chat Come along for a chat and cuppa to find out what is happening at Morrinsville Intermediate School on Friday 16th August at 11.00 am. Nku noa, Vicky Marshall (Acting Principal)
From 26th to 30th August our school will take part in the annual Coast to Coast Sports Camp held at Totara Springs. Forty one Year 8 students have been selected, based on their ability to demonstrate all-round sporting skills as well as be coachable, have good sportsmanship, commitment, reliability and a school wide positive attitude. This is a fantastic opportunity for students to compete in a huge range of team, and individual, sporting codes. The Year 8 students selected are looking forward to an actionpacked week away with various sporting events being held daily from after breakfast until approximately 9.30pm. This is always a week of very tough competition against schools from around the top half of the North Island and we always compete very well as a school.
Congratulations to the following Year 8 Students who have been selected to represent our school: Tayzha Herewini, Max Rappe, Vincent Green, Daniel McQuoid, Ruby Cordes, Hendrika Whiu, Cade Hauraki, Katrina Cordes, Emele Ezekiela, Kyle Barker, Logan Pike, Charlotte Farnum, Che Walker, Sara Keightley, Jayden Tretheway, Kate Hutchings, Stacey Clarke, Daumavia Herewini, Kaleb Cleary, Shantanu Rawal, Jack Devane, Jasmine Armstrong, Ryan Arnold, Rubie Osborne, Kylah Wilson, Mackenzie Higham, Max Wilson, Rhys Balme, Tyla Koppens, Connar Brunton, Laura Burne, Olivia Parnell, Hannah Greenville, Quinn Hart, Kieran Price, Mukhriz Ahmad, Emma Alsemgeest, Laura Gilchrist, Jessica Greenfield, Reece Paterson and Hannah Nicholson.
School Camps are always expensive and each year the Team comes together and organises some fundraising activities which will include cake stalls and possibly a sausage sizzle. Milos are also being sold each day from the canteen (donations of milo, sugar or marshmallows would be appreciatedthanks). We would appreciate any offers of sponsorship to help reduce the costs for families, major sponsors will have their logos printed on the Team T-shirts. Please phone the office on 889 6629 for more information.
Firewood for Sale - Manuka & Tea Tree Phone Tony Alsemgeest 027 294 6213 Three Lambs Wanted
If anyone has lambs born between now and 1st September that they want to get rid of please phone Stacey at school or on 027 589 1107.
The annual MIS Budding Musicians Concert is coming up on Thursday 15th August at 7pm in our school hall. Students who learn an instrument through school tuition have the opportunity to perform and share their progress. Family and friends are invited to come along. Our two school rock bands are competing at Pulse Battle of the Bands in Hamilton on Friday night and we wish them all the best! This is always a great evening of entertainment and an opportunity for our students to perform in front of a large audience with professional sound and lighting with schools from around the Waikato.
Excellence Awards
Hannah Nicholson Mackenzie Higham Mackenzie Higham Mark Haddock Mark Haddock Jessica Greenfield Jed Thomson Kate Hutchings Danielle Ball Cultural Sports Cultural Cultural Civics Sports Academic Sports Cultural