CLE Synthesis 1
CLE Synthesis 1
CLE Synthesis 1
areas of the Physical Sciences, Human/Social Sciences, Art, Morality, and Religion? That is, how do they use and/or rely on the different bases for justifying or evaluating claims in the different disciplines? Now that you have reflected on all this matter and have grown hopefully wiser, how would you use authority, opinion, and evidence/argument in the different areas?
DATA: Most Important Physical Science Human Science Art Morality Religion Least Important Physical Science Human Sciences Art Morality Religion Authority 22.64 24.07 25.93 33.96 60.81 Authority 15.38 34.62 46.81 28.30 8 Opinion 0 14.81 61.11 30.19 28.57 Opinion 59.62 51.92 12.77 43.40 32 Evidence 77.36 61.11 12.96 35.85 10.71 Evidence 25 13.46 40.43 28.30 60
There are many ways to prove that one thing is real, but there will always be the more correct way and the less correct way. These ways of proving can be trimmed to three, which are authority, opinion and evidence. In the five areas there are different ways of justifying claims. For example in the Natural Sciences, the most important is evidence while the least would be opinion. However, by looking at the first table at the top, the level of trust on authority is increasing. This is probably because in the sciences, authority may play a role, but their evidence would be much more important. However in art and morality, people would believe that they also have an opinion on the right thing. In religion on the other hand would be heavily reliant on authority, as it is founded on a person, which is Jesus. This then has shown how to prove a claim per each area. Also, it shows that there are more effective ways in proving a claim per area. From this data, I would use more of evidence in the sciences to make a conclusion. In Art however, my opinion would be valuable, but I think there is still a hint of authority as they would be the ones whose opinions will be listened to. In morality, however, requires the use of evidence, which is the law, authority, which is the judge or an elder, and opinion, which is the common people. Finally in religion, authority is important, so when Ill try do defend my point especially in class, Id have to quote the authority to be able to give a strong proof. Therefore, from this experience, Ive learn when to use each of the three to make people believe.