"Emotional Branding": in Partial Fulfillment For The Degree of
"Emotional Branding": in Partial Fulfillment For The Degree of
"Emotional Branding": in Partial Fulfillment For The Degree of
2010 2012
To whom so ever it may concern that this is to certify that project entitled
Supervised by:Ms. Khusboo Sharma (Faculty of Human Resourse) C.I.I.T.M. - JAIPUR Date:-
Forwarded to :Proff. K.C. Gupta Sir H.O.D. of M.B.A. Department C.I.I.T.M. -Jaipur Date:-
It gives me immense pleasure in acknowledging the valuable assistance and co-operation. I received from the people around me for the successful completion of my project report. I earnestly express my gratitude to our able and competent faculty guide Ms. Khusboo Sharma Faculty, CIITM, Jaipur. Her support and fullfledged guidance, encouragement and valuable suggestion were
instrumental in making this report. Completing this project report would not have been possible without active assistance of my honorable faculties with whom I was working despite their busy schedule. All of them were quite generous to devote time and energy in answering my queries, solving my problems and passing me valuable amount of Knowledge towards my study of EMOTIONAL BRANDING " Thanks are also to my family, friends, and colleagues who were with me through all times and egged me on towards accomplishing this project object
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Introduction Emerging Economic Scene Future Landscape Of Indian Banking Change In the Structure Of Banks Product Innovation & Process Re-Engineering Technology In Banking Risk Management Regulatory & Legal Environment Rural & Social banking Issue Human Resource Management Future Of Indian Banking System Innovation In Banking Summary, Conclusion & Recommendation Bibliography
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