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Magic Diamond jumping for joy


Lars Andersson, Hans Gthe, Magic forum 1995-99

MAGIC + V2.4 Strategy 2

Weak opening Systems and MAGIC DIAMOND


Since the days of Culbertson most bidding theory has been based on the assumption that you need about 12 hcp to open
the bidding. Pass is used to describe weak hands ranging from 0 to about 11 hcp. Normal hands are opened at the one
level and strong at the two level. There are variations with special 'pre-empts' like weak two and 'not so strong' ACOL-two-

About 45% of all hands are in the range of 8-12 hcp. Compare this to most standard systems where one level openings
happen at about 30% of all hands. It could be an advantage to open the bidding on 8-12 hands and let opponents bid in
defence. By that we leave the opponents less room to describe their hands and will get ahead describing our own.

So that's the reason for 'pass-systems', let the primary openings be on 8-12 hands! IF you can handle it - a very big if. To
give maximum space in developing stronger hands, these systems start with a pass. Then, weak 0-7 hands have to be
somewhere, and they usually reserve a one level bid, called the fertiliser, to show them. Some systems use the fertiliser as
a more destructive bid; i. e. one heart, one spade or even two clubs, but this strategy also jeopardises ones own bidding!

If you dont disturb a 'strong pass'-system, they also have an advantage with the pass-openings. Of course good bridge
players should realise that they must be aggressive against a pass opening showing any 13+ hand! So the pass opening is
often a weak spot of pass-systems.

The optimum way to reach a reasonable game is to use as few bids as possible - fast arrival - as has been proved by both
theory and practical play. And the more you know about an opening hand, the quicker you can bid to a reasonable spot! So
with a narrow gap of strength in your openings, the more you can use auctions like 1NT - 3NT or 1 -
ranges of opening strength with rather even frequency might help in as many fast arrivals as possible - see matrix below.

MAGIC + V2.4 Strategy 3

Table to compare frequencies in hcp for openings in bidding-systems

The figures are shown for first hand openings only. The odds change a little after pass to show weakness. Pre-empts are
not taken into account - they are more or less the same for all.

1st range Hcp
2'nd range Hcp
3'rd range Hcp
4'th range Hcp
SA, Culb. 0-11 67 12-21 32 22+ 0.4 ---
Acol-style 0-10 58 11-20 39 (15)18-21 0.5 22 + 0.8
Precision 0-10 58 11-15 35 16 + 6 ---
Polish strong pass 0-7 28 8-12 45 13 + 27 ---
Carrotti 0-6(7) 7-8NT 32 8-11 unb 9-14NT 40 12-16 15-17NT 25 17+ 18+NT 4
Magic + 0-6(7) all 7-11NT 44 8-11 unb 12-14NT 27 12-16 unb 15-17NT 25 17+ 18+NT 4

Magic Diamond

MAGIC + is a derive of CARROTTI, a medium-pass system developed and used for many years by Swedish international
players in EBL and WBF championships. Pass systems are considered highly unusual methods (HUM) and are banned in
many competitions. In early 1995 Lars Anderson found the magic solution how to keep the essentials of CARROTTI intact
yet following the current rules of WBF/EBL/SBF defining a non-HUM system. That was MAGIC! Since then we have tried
to polish this new diamond to its current brilliance.

Magic Diamond Goals

1. Natural approach to bidding. By natural we mean mutual exchange of information rather than relay-style. Use of
stand in-bids, i.e. transfer-type of bids, are very common.

2. Narrow gaps on a majority of the opening-bids, thus making fast arrival bids possible. We have four intervals of hcp-
strength, starting with 7 good hcp on unbalanced hands. This is especially important at game level. We think its better
to bid games anonymously and fast rather than to bid/avoid the theoretically correct game using extra rounds of

3. An accurate slam bidding - specifically small slams, rather than grand slams.

4. Module approach. The same bidding-structures are used over and over after different preludes. Modules often have
parameter input such as hcp-range and adjustments because of pre-knowledge of partners possible strength and
hand type.

MAGIC + V2.4 References 4

5. As it happens, the weakest hand is very often allowed to speak first. Remember not to dominate the bidding, if possible,
and let partner tell his story. This goal has been built into the system by waiting-bids after transfer and generally
positive bids rather than natural space-consuming bids (i.e. 1+ - 1+ and low transfer 1+ - 1NT/2+).
MAGIC + V2.4 References 5

References and requirements

1. CARROTTI by Flodqvist, Gthe, Andersson. 1982, 1994.

2. Carrot/OCarrot by Flodqvist, Morath, Gthe. 1974, 1994.

3. A suitable defensive system following the Primary MAGIC + goals above is an essential part of the methods after
1+/1+-interference depend on harmony with the defensive methods.
The MAGIC team is now using:
Magic Defensive, 1998 by Flodqvist, Morath, Andersson

Document Conventions

Following symbols are used:

A K Q J T H Obvious, H = A, K, Q, J
31(45) Distribution: 3+, 1v and 45 or 54 in minors, etc.
( ) OPPs bids or optional strength
[bid] Optional bid
; Start next bidding round
M, Ms Major suit(s) or same major
m, ms Minor suit(s) or same minor
OM/om Other major/ Other minor
ART Artificial bid
BAL Balanced hand
INV(+/-) Invitational (Strong/Weak)
F1 Forcing (one round).
F2NT Forcing to level 2NT, etc
FG(+) Forcing to game (possible slamtry)
FG++ Forcing to game and slamtry
RHO/LHO Right/Left-hand OPP.
NAT Natural.
NT No-trump
OPP/OPPs Opponent(s)
O/S Opponents suit
PRE Pre-emptive
Qbid Cuebid
R Relay bid = next available bid.
SPL Splinter
UnBAL Unbalanced hands.
T/o Takeout
MAGIC + V2.4 Contents 6

OPENINGS ........................................................................................... 11
General rules ........................................................................................ 12
General modules ................................................................................... 14
Forcing pass in competition ................................................................ 14
Lissabon ............................................................................................. 14
Rosenkranz (modified) ....................................................................... 14
Major raise 2NT "Stenberg" ............................................................ 14
[]1 2NT ............................................................................... 14
......................................................................... 14
................................................................................. 15
.................................................................................. 15
............................................................................ 15
Interference after ...1M - 2NT ........................................................ 15
1NT-module .......................................................................................... 16
Responses ......................................................................................... 16
Continued bidding ............................................................................... 17
1NT ......................................................................................... 17
1NT 3m ........................................................................ 17
1NT 2+ v .................................................................................... 17
1NT v ............................................................................... 18
1NT + ............................................................................... 18
1NT ......................................................................................... 18
1NT 2NT ....................................................................................... 19
1NT ......................................................................................... 19
interference ........................................................................................ 19
Second hand interferes .................................................................... 19
1NT (2X) Nat ............................................................................... 19
1NT (2X) Artificial, one suit known. ............................................. 19
1NT (2X=one suit unknown) ....................................................... 19
1NT (Higher NAT bids): .............................................................. 19
Fourth hand interferes ...................................................................... 19
After 1NT - 2 ............................................................................... 19
................................................................................. 19
After 1NT- -(D); pass .................................................................. 20
Interference after 1NT - ........................................................ 20
Double of 1NT .................................................................. 20
Overcall after 1NT ................................................................. 20
MAGIC + V2.4 Contents 7

Fourth hand bids after 1NT pass ................................................ 20
Second hand doubles for penalty ..................................................... 20
Responders RD ............................................................................ 20
RHO bids after RD ...................................................................... 20
(1M) pass 1NT; Tra-to-2M 2M; 2/3NT ..................................... 20
Natural 2NT module .............................................................................. 21
Responses ......................................................................................... 21
Continued bidding ............................................................................... 21
2NT 3 ................................................................................... 21
2NT ......................................................................................... 21
2NT ................................................................................... 21
3NT module .......................................................................................... 21
Responses ......................................................................................... 21
Continued bidding ............................................................................... 22
3NT ......................................................................................... 22
Slam bidding ........................................................................................ 23
Cuebids .............................................................................................. 23
If opponent double a Qbid ................................................................ 23
Roman KeyCard Blackwood RKCB .................................................... 23
Responses ....................................................................................... 23
After the RKCB- ................................................. 23
4 Ace Blackwood ........................................................................... 23
After RKCB-responses .................................................................. 23
5NT ............................................................................................... 23
RKCB "Pre-empt" RKCBP ................................................................ 23
5 over trump, trump inquiry............................................................... 23
Responses ....................................................................................... 24
Jump to 5-in- ............................................................. 24
8-11 openings ....................................................................................... 25
How to handle weak hands .............................................................. 25
Doubles ............................................................................................ 25
Vs OPPs T/O-D ................................................................................ 25
High level. ........................................................................................ 25
same bidding sequence in different positions. ..................................... 26
Opening 1 Major................................................................................... 27
Responses ......................................................................................... 27
Subsequent bidding ............................................................................ 27
MAGIC + V2.4 Contents 8

After 1 ................................................................................... 27
After direct Transfer-responses ........................................................ 28
After transfer to 2M .......................................................................... 29
After 1v1+; 1NT transfer. .............................................................. 29
After jumpshift - strong. .................................................................. 29
Interference over 1M ........................................................................ 29
Continue after 1M(D)RD ............................................................ 29
1M (Overcalls through 3+) ......................................................... 29
1v1+(2m); D ............................................................................. 29
1M (2M=OM+m) ......................................................................... 29
1M (2NT=ms) ............................................................................. 30
1M (Overcall above 3+) .............................................................. 30
OPPs overcall after transfer response or raise ................................. 30
Interference after 1M2NT ............................................................... 30
2 +/+ OPENINGS ................................................................................. 31
Responses ......................................................................................... 31
Interference over 2minor ..................................................................... 31
After OPPs D of 2m .......................................................................... 31
After D/overcall of 2+/+ relay. .......................................................... 31
After 2m-relay;relay(=ms)-(D/2+) ..................................................... 31
2 ......................................................... 32
Responses and continuation............................................................... 32
Interference ........................................................................................ 32
After OPPs T/o D ............................................................................. 32
RD ................................................................................................. 32
2MMultibid(D); RD ........................................................................ 32
2NT Opening. ....................................................................................... 33
Responses and continuation............................................................... 33
Interference ........................................................................................ 33
2NT(D) ........................................................................................... 33
2NT3+(D) .................................................................................... 33
1+ opening ........................................................................................... 34
responses ........................................................................................... 34
1+ 1 ........................................................................................... 34
After 1+1+; 1M............................................................................ 35
After 1+1+; 1NT .......................................................................... 35
After 1+1+; 2M/NT ...................................................................... 35
1+1+; 3X ..................................................................................... 35
MAGIC + V2.4 Contents 9

Interference ........................................................................................ 36
Direct overcalls ................................................................................ 36
Opponents bid 1 or 2 in a suit ........................................................ 36
1+(1/2x) D responses ............................................................. 36
1+ overcalls, Other ........................................................................ 36
1+ (1NT) .................................................................................... 36
1+ (1/2X = suit or next two suits, PRE) ........................................ 36
1+opening ............................................................................................ 38
General rules ...................................................................................... 38
Responses ......................................................................................... 38
After 1+ 1v .................................................................................. 39
After 1+ 1v; 1+ ......................................................................... 39
After 1+ 1v; 2+. ......................................................................... 40
FG, UnBAL with M(s) or 24+BAL. ................................................ 40
After 1+ 1v ...................................................................... 40
After 1+ 1v ; 2NT. ....................................................................... 40
"NAT" with a 6+m. ......................................................................... 40
After 1+ 1+ .................................................................................. 42
After 1+ 1+; 1NT 2+ ............................................................. 42
After 1+ 1+; 1NT 2+ ............................................................ 42
After 1+1+; 1NT2M/3m ......................................................... 42
After 1+ Xfer by 1NT ... 2v .......................................................... 42
After 1+ 1NT/2+ ......................................................................... 42
After 1+ 2+/v ..................................................................... 6+minor 43
Interference over 1+ ........................................................................... 44
After overcalls/preempts .................................................................. 44
1+ (bid) 6+bid (bid); ............................................................... 45
Continued bidding, responder denied strength ............................ 45
Continued bidding after responder shown 6+ .............................. 45
After conventional overcalls. .......................................................... 46
(1/2X) suit or next two suits, PRE ........................................... 46
1+ 1v; 2m (D) ............................................................................ 46
3rd/ 4th hand Openings ....................................................................... 47
Pass - 1+ ........................................................................................... 47
Responses ....................................................................................... 47
Pass 1M/1NT/2m/2NT with ms. ....................................................... 47
After 1M ......................................................................................... 47
After 1NT ....................................................................................... 47
After 2m ......................................................................................... 47
MAGIC + V2.4 Contents 10

After 2NT ....................................................................................... 47
Pass 2M or 2NT with Ms .................................................................. 47
Pass 1+ ........................................................................................... 47
Interference after 3/4th openings ................................................... 47
High Level openings .............................................................................. 49
Three-openings .................................................................................. 49
Responses ....................................................................................... 49
3 NT Opening .................................................................................... 49
Responses ....................................................................................... 49
Interference ...................................................................................... 49
4 ................................................................................... 50
4NT Opening ..................................................................................... 50

MAGIC + V2.4 Openings 11


Opening 1
hand 3
Pass 0-11 BAL or 0-7 unBAL
1+ 12-16 unBAL including 5332 with a major or 15-17NT 12-15 BAL. Special responses.
1+ 17+ (18+ if BAL) (17)18+ unBAL or 19+ BAL Same responses as 1st/2nd position, but a little
weaker with unbalanced hands as most of those have been opened.
1v/+ 8-11 NAT, longer minor possible. Not 4432/4333 As 1st/2nd openings, but 11-16(17). New responses due to responders close
range and shape.
1N 12-14 16-18
2+/+ 8-11, 5+suit, unBAL, no major. 22(54) if concentrated values in the minors only. As 1
position but 11-16(17). It can contain a 4card major with minimum and a
bad major (<Kxxx). The idea is to find the best partial, lead or a save.
2v/+ 6-11, 55+ in the major and + or other major and +. Concentrated values in the
suits if min
As 1
position but somewhat stronger, (8)9-12.
2N 6-11, 55+ in majors or minors. Concentrated values in the suits if min. (8)9-12 with 55+ in majors or 11-17 with 55+ in minors
3X Pre-empts - normal in minors, but possibly very weak in majors or nonVul Vs Vul
3N Substitutes natural 4+/+ 4th hand: Undefined gamble.
4+/+ Strong 4v/+, solid suit or outside A if A or K missing.
4v/+ Natural pre-empts/gambling
4N Asking for specific aces

MAGIC + V2.4 General Rules 12

General rules

These rules always apply unless specifically stated elsewhere:

1. Undefined bids should be treated as natural as possible. Artificial bids and
special treatments are automatically dropped after opponents interference
unless specifically stated.

2. Genuine support in a major is shown at the first opportunity, in a minor as soon
as possible (common sense). xxx- support to a 1+-openers major may be shown
by NAT 2NT, and then late support or new suit at four level over openers 3NT.

3. Jump to game in a suit is a slam warning when FG is established or the suit may
be established at a lower level (fast arrival).
t imply slam interest as these bids may keep alternative contracts
Note: Jump to 3NT is very often an artificial bid.
This principle is extended: Fast arrival to agreed level is weaker than delayed.

4. Fourth suit is artificial force, FG on three level.
At 4level it's a Qbid/forcing bid agreeing logically one of partners bid suits.

Special rules may apply after 1+ or 1

5. Semi solid suit is solid but for the A or K.

showing a stopper with two unbid suits left and asking for stopper with only one
suit remaining. If OPPs have mentioned a suit you ask for stopper in that suit.
If OPPs have shown two suits again you show stopper.

7. Quantitative 4NT is a raise of natural NT-bids, and as a jump to 4NT from three in
fourth suit, or from three in a new suit that suit could be established as trumps
below game. Assume 4NT-bidder to know of about 30 hcp.

8. Quantitative 5NT is a strong slam-invitation asking for prime slam values rather
than more points. If 4NT is natural, then so is 5NT assuming about 32 hcp

9. "Responsive doubles". A double in all positions when opponents support each
other is for takeout. On four level+ a D implies transparent values rather than
distribution, but is not replacing a natural bid.

NOTE: If partner has shown 55+ in specific non-supported suits, then D is PEN.

10. Four of a minor is forcing unless:

a. Stated elsewhere.

b. As a direct bid after an inquiry for stopper with negative response, but not
1+1+ + FG-response
1+ with positive response.
1+1v; 2+
1M jump shift.

c. In competitive bidding when reasonable alternatives exist.


11. FOSS - FOurth Suit Slows down principle.

When both hands are in principle unlimited in strength (e g not clarified 12-16
hand is unlimited ...) and tempo is FG+ then:

a. Fourth suit + support has lower tempo than a forcing direct raise. Normally
this applies to minors only.
b. A fourth suit/enemy-suit inquiry about NT-stopper will make partners
direct bid in four of our minor non-forcing. Same as Rule 10.b

12. Splinter bids

Could be a move towards game or a slam instrument.

a. A jump in new suit when a forcing raise is available.

b. Responders first bid. Double jump after a "suit opening" - direct or delayed or

c. Jump in a new suit when a lower bid in the suit would have been NAT strong
is SPL.

MAGIC + V2.4 General Rules 13

d. From three in an agreed major, suit-bids are splinters, while 3NT is forcing
without short suit.

If we have FG+ tempo these splinters are mandatory in new suits, while if in
partners suit it suggests extra values.

e. Note also some rules in 1+, 1NT, Rosenkranz and Stenberg modules.

13. Interference on step-responses.
If opponents interfere with a step response, and step-responses still apply, use
D/RD = 1step, pass = 2step etc
14. Repeated T/O doubles.
Third consecutive T/O double from one or both players denies in principle 5+ suit
and is possible to leave in.

15. If a natural 2NT or 3NT overcall is doubled, then RD by both players is SOS
with two or three 4+ suits.
MAGIC + V2.4 General Modules 14

General modules
Forcing pass in competition

Is used when our side has forced to game or after accepting a game try. The
invitational hand cannot make a forcing pass.

2NT as trump support is considered FG if game have been bid. T/o is considered
INV, but if doubler shows strength by bidding again and game has been reached

Substitution with clubs for hearts and diamonds for spades or hearts for clubs and
spades for diamonds. Lissabon is used in certain sequences as documented in text.
Rosenkranz (modified)
Used after single raise to 2 ing sequences:
o 1M [D] transfer-to-2M
o 1M 2M (then re-raise not INV)
o 1+ 1M; 2M
o 1+ 1M; transfer-to-2M
o 1+
o 1+ -to-2M
o 1+ (D) RD; 1M 2M

Relay(2M+1) starts to show short suit. The 2M-hand bids next available bid to find

Other: INV or better, NAT. 2NT over 2v show something in +. NF and canap if 8
card not is established in M.
1+; 1M transfer-2M; 3m is FG of

Major raise 2NT "Stenberg"
Used after following sequences, also after interference:
o (1/2X)]
o 1+ (1/2x)]
o 1+ 1+ (1/2x)]

Forcing with 4+ support. After 1M2NT strong INV, but unlimited. All other positions
it is FG.

ART showing a minimum hand. All other bids are FG. As it is possible to
raise to game later, this bid denies reasonable slam-values.
3+* Relay, see below
3M To play if 2NT INV+, else undefined
3OM/4m Shortness to find superfit.

"Balanced" or 4441. Balanced hands might include dull 6322 and 5422.

5+M and unbalanced.

5+minor (spades for clubs, NT for diamonds).

the majors.

Relay and then:
"BAL" (= no SPL or 5+m) or 4441.
ASK short suit
3NT No shortness
4X SPL, 4v=OM.
5+m. Continue as after 1M

4X + opening suit.

MAGIC + V2.4 General Modules 15

BAL or 4441

New suit
3NT BAL, slam-try.

UnBAL, 5+M

3+ Relay for short suit 3NT de ".
New suit SPL
3NT BAL, slam-try.

4(5)M, 5+ +/+

Relay is neutral, asking for Qbid in the minor, while bid in that suit shows semi-
support with an honour (probably Q/K). Higher Qbid implies shortness in the minor.

Interference after ...1M - 2NT
"Openers" pass implies MIN with 2+ cards in OPPs suit.
Rebid of our suit at 3-level shows shortness in OPPs suit and MIN.
New suit is a "NAT" trial bid and Q is splinter with extras.
3NT is Q-bid in OPPS suit A or K.
hand with two losers in OPPs suit and extra values.

NOTE! In this context: OPPS suit is last bidden if more than one.
MAGIC +V2.4 1/2/3NT Modules 16

1NT-module is used in many places with certain deviations: If 1NT-range > 3 or
when we have proved to have less than 30 hcp.

* Continue as separate paragraph
** <30hcp variant.
*** Four-point-range+.
**** Responder has shown <8

1NT 12-14
Pass 1NT ** 16-18
Overcall **,*** 15-18
(1X) pass 1NT **,*** 12-16
1+ 1NT ** 9-11(12)
1 15-17
(1X)pass(pass); 1NT 16-17
1+ (1X) D; 1NT 15-17
1+ [(overcall)]1NT **,*** 8-11
1v 1X]; 1NT ** 18-20
1+ (1M) pass [(1+)]; 1NT 18-20

ASK majors (and strength***) up the line or else to bid 2+

o INV with 4card major(s)
o INV with (54) in majors
o Strong INV with 5(+)suit +
o 4card major & 5+ minor, INV**
o 4/5card major(s), to play 4M or else 3NT.
o 4M & 5m+ FG+, but not (41)(53) (if just FG) or 5440.
o Slam-try with balanced hand.

2 5+ hearts

o to play 2v/2NT/3v/3NT/4v.
o Slam-try with 5+v.

5+ spades

o INV with 5+ and (4)5minor.
o INV with 55+ in majors.
o to play 2+/3NT/3+**/4+.
o FG+ with 5++ r suit.
o Slam-try with 5++.

MAGIC +V2.4 1/2/3NT Modules 17

6+ clubs or (54)+ ms

o any strength if +.
o FG(+) with at least (54) in minors.

2NT* FG+ with 4441/5440(not 5M)
or FG with (41)(53).

6+ diamonds

o to sign off
o FG+

6+suit, INV to 3NT

, INV to 4M

Transfer to v/+ - opener may bid relay to show a super max!

4NT NAT slam-try

Continued bidding

ASK Ms (and strength***)

No major.
INV with 45 in majors
2+ INV with 5(+)suit.
FG+ NAT, BAL or two-suited 5+minor and 4major *
NAT FG, no slam interests.

4 or 5 cards
raise NF
NAT 4-5suit, F, INV+.
2NT MIN, not 4+
3NT MAX, in principle 3433.
Raise INV
Jump Qbid with 4+.
FG+ NAT, BAL or 2-suited 5+minor and v(over 2+) *
3OM NAT FG, no slam interest.

2NT*** Upper 1/3 of 4hcp+ range.
Continue with 2NT-module.

3+/+ 35/53 in majors, FG.
4m NAT 5suit.

3v/+ 25/52 in majors, FG.
OM Support in 5suit, slam-try.
4m NAT 5suit

1NT 3m
Three in a minor is NAT FG+ with BAL or 5+suit and 4card major.
Note: Responder did not responded 2NT, so 4441/5440 is not possible and 6+ one-
suited minor is shown by 2+/3+.

Three card support and MAX.

support diamonds! 3+ now by responder show 5+.
Four card support and a bad hand.
3NT Sign off.
4X Four card support and MAX, double cuebid if not a raise.

Responders -

1NT**2+; 2X3m 5+suit and INV - implies 4card major

1NT 2+ v
Transfer with 5+suit

The 1NT-hand is supposed to accept the transfer, but with a good hand and 4+-
support he + if
possible or bids a splinter or forcing 3NT without short suit.

2v/+* Normal response.

MAGIC +V2.4 1/2/3NT Modules 18

2NT*** 3card support - high range.
3+ Repeated transfer.
Natural slam-tries or splinter if above trump. 3NT is F.
3M/other 4+ support and super-MAX

1NT v
2+ FG+ with 5+vdenying 5++ or 5++. NAT bidding follows. 1NT-hand bids a
4+ possible suit with at least Hxxx or rests in 2NT with bad suits and no v-
3 NAT INV, normally a 5suit.
3v 55+ majors, FG+.
3+ +support.
4m Qbid with vsupport
3v**** INV 6+v
3+ 5+v and 5++, FG+.
3NT Natural with five card v, 1NT-bidder decides where to play.
4newSuit Void with long v.
4v Void in +. ASK MAX fit.

1NT 2+
2NT FG+ with 5++ denying 5++ or 5+v. NAT bidding follows. 1NT-hand bids a
4+ possible suit with at least Hxxx or signs off in 3NT with a bad hand and
no +-support.
NAT INV, normally a 5suit.
3v 55+ majors, INV.
3+ 5++ and 5++, FG+.
3+**** INV 6++
3NT Natural with five card +, 1NT-bidder decides where to play.
4newSuit Void with long +.


2NT/3+ Accepts/Rejects INV with 6++.
Sign off.
3NT(after 2NT) 6+ +.
3NT(after 3+) 6++ and short +.
Both minors, at least (54). Opener bids 3NT as sign off, best M asking for
-oriented. After
off in NT or cuebid 4M with 55+.
3M SPL, FG with 6++
4+ 6332 or 7222 with 6++, request Qbids.
4+ SPL with 6++.

MAGIC +V2.4 1/2/3NT Modules 19

Three suited, FG+.

(4441) or (5440) with 5card minor. Without slam interest it could be (41)(53).

3+ Relay. Responder bids suit above shortness, 3NT with short + limited,
4v to force with 1444 or 4m to force with 04(45).
After signoff with 3NT:
4NT/short suit Slam-try with 4441
4m Slam-try with 5440
3NT Weak hand with very strong 4++ .

1NT 3
transfer to + with 6+suit

3+ Mandatory
3NT NF, SPL in +
4+ FG+, SPL in +
4+ 6322/7222 ask Qbids.


Second hand interferes

1NT (2X) Nat
D Takeout. Bid a suit at 2- v - all with
MAX in principle.
Nat F1 with 4(+) suit.
2NT-3+ Asks for suits and No-stopper up the line.
2NT-3new Strong INV with 5suit.
2NT-3X +-suit, ask stopper in X. 4+ NF

2new NF, you may raise with MAX.

2NT/3+/3+Transfer to lowest unbid suit. Weak INV or FG unless stopper is missing.
Responders next bid below game is NAT or asks for stopper.
+ is NF, as direct 3X is FG.
If OPPs continue with raises, then responders D is T/o and other should be
considered as NAT forcing.

3X(=M) FG+ with 55 or 64 in minors.

3newM INV , 6+suit.

TRA to 4v/+ - also if OPPS suit.

1NT (2X) Artificial, one suit known.
Cuebid in a shown suit is three suited takeout INV. Jump cuebid to three level
shows 5+major. Other bids as if they overcalled in the known suit.

But if (2m)=majors. 2M takeout of OM and 3M is 55+ FG with minors, also
fragment. Only 2NT and 3+ is transfer now.

1NT (2X=one suit unknown)
As after normal overcall with transfers, but later 3X by D-er is NAT INV and new suit
shows X + new suit - F1.
Example: 1NT (2+)D; pass-(2v)2+ is +++

1NT (Higher NAT bids):
(3X) D PEN
4-level 3NT-module

(4+X) D PEN
NT 2-suiter
Qbid 3-suiter

Fourth hand interferes

After 1NT - 2
not mandatory.

+ is NAT INV,
2NT natural, new suit on three level or cuebid is FG unless 3minor and variation **

MAGIC +V2.4 1/2/3NT Modules 20

RD shows strong clubs.

Pass denies stopper. With stopper same responses as without D.

After 1NT- -(D); pass
RD is a repeated inquiry for majors. On RD:
no major
2M 4+suit in OM
44 in majors!

2+ is a weak repeated inquiry for majors NF i.e. pass if no major.

Interference after 1NT -
Double is T/o. Responders bid in 3M is to play. New lower suit is NAT INV.

Double of 1NT
Pass Not 3+support
RD 3+sup, responder to declare.
2M 3+support.

Responders next bid is as without interference, but Q-bid is just forcing.

Overcall after 1NT
Responders D is optional with at least INV. Major-bid is SPL with clubs. 3NT "to
play" with weakness/SPL in opponents suit.

Fourth hand bids after 1NT pass
Both hands may D for takeout.

Second hand doubles for penalty

Jumps are pre-empt and 2NT shows a two suiter, at least INV.

Responders RD
Invite penalties.
If "doubler" quits then responders D is penalty, but new suit NF, while 2NT is FG
asking for suits and non-stopper up the line. Cuebid (with three suiter) and jump is

1NT-hand can D for PEN, bid 2NT, four card M or five card minor.

RHO bids after RD
Opener can D for PEN or force with a pass - thus suit-bids show five cards.
Responder may D with only three trump or bid according to the same principles as
after doubler's takeout.

(1M) pass 1NT; Tra-to-2M 2M; 2/3NT
Ask stopper!
MAGIC +V2.4 1/2/3NT Modules 21

Natural 2NT module
Used after:
o 1+ 1v 2x; 2NT
o 2NT-overcalls ( adjusted if < 21hcp)
o Also ... 1NT 2+; 2NT
o Nat 2NT

Asking for majors.

NAT, 5+ FG.

-bid shows a three suited hand - short in the

4NT Slam-try.
Continued bidding

Slam-try with both minors (rarely 4-4).
2NT- to
give responder chance to bid 5+m or Qbid 4M with 55+.

- -try.
Normal preference or 3NT otherwise. If responder re
NAT slam-try.

3NT Slam-try, F. Bid 4+ suits up the line. This sequence promise 4432 with major
+ minor or 4441.
Support is shown by RKCB-responses - RKCBS for responder to a 21+ 2NT.
out aces.

4X Slam-

Note. After 2NT as "overcall" of 2M:

3OM 5+suit, INV
Both minors.

3v 4-5v, could have 4+
3+ 4suit, not 4v
3NT Slam-try with 4+v.
4m 5suit (possibly a bad 6suit), no 4suit +
3+ 4-5+, not 4v
4m 5suit
4v Slam-try with 4++

3+ NAT, also with v support if Max.

3NT Denies support and 4++.
4m NAT
5M shows suppressed support.
4M constructive without a real fit. Responders 4NT is NAT.
4NT Sign off.
4v After 3+ 3NT: Signoff.
4+ After 3v 3NT: 55, NF slam-try.

3NT module
Used after
o - (3X) - 4level+
o 1+ (3X) pass; 3NT

Asks for suits up the line

NAT, slam-try, 5+.
4NT No fit, prefer NT.
NAT slam-try

MAGIC +V2.4 1/2/3NT Modules 22

Continued bidding


To play
4NT Both minors
MAGIC + V2.4 Slam Bidding 23

Slam bidding
Active Cuebids are bids that invite, accept, settle trump suit or bypass trump at
lowest game level.

Passive Cuebids is a part of a cuebid sequence without bypassing trump suit. They
are in principle mandatory unless you know a control is missing. Bypassing a suit
normally denies control in that suit.

Controls are bid up the line independent of type (single, void, K, A), but normally not
single/void in partners suit on first opportunity.

Active cuebid should not be bid without ace(s). Passive cubbies must be bid unless
you "know" we have no slam. Control in your own suit could be bypassed when it is
obvious that another cuebid is more important or that it is "obvious" that you have a
cuebid in it

If opponent double a Qbid

Pass Like a passive Qbid with something, but not first round control in the suit
RD Shows first round control.

Roman KeyCard Blackwood RKCB
RKCB with latest bid suit as trump or temporary trump if none has been agreed. If
two trump suits are possible it is the highest one - typically after a 2-suited bid.


-Q or 2 extra trump.

With 1/3 aces and a void - bid 5NT on a suitable hand. With 2 aces and a void you
may bid the void on six level or six in the trump suit.

If interfered with, we use DEPO (Double Even, Pass Odd) after 5 above our suit
else DOPI (Double 0/3, Pass 1/4) etc. - see rule 13.

Directly after a strong jumpshift responders 4NT is RKCB with jumpshift suit as

After the RKCB-
next bid bypassing trump-suit is an inquiry for trump-Q. She is denied with trump suit
else bid a King or 5NT. Bidding trump at 5-level require responder to continue
bidding with 3 or 4 aces else pass, but trump-Q inquiry does not exists then.

4 Ace Blackwood
is used directly after an opening bid or after a positive response over 1+. Also after
1+ 1+; bid if no trump has been agreed.
Responses as above, but 5

After RKCB-responses
A non-relay bid asks for Qbid in that suit. With a ruffing control bid a suit below trump
if not available or two extra trumps, then bid seven also with ruffing control.

is a general invite to seven, whereupon responder Qbid keycards (normally a K!) or
bid trumps at preferred level.

RKCB "Pre-empt" RKCBP
+/v/+ or
4+ after 3+ or
+ 1v by strong hand

are "RKCB" with special responses:

1 step: 0 ace
2 step: 1 ace without trumpQ
3 step: 1 ace with trumpQ
4 step: 2 aces without trumpQ
5 step: 2 aces with trumpQ.
5 over trump, trump inquiry
Jump to 5 level just above trump suit asks trump quality. If there is any doubt of the
meaning of this bid - use 5NT and respond with as many steps as there is room for

MAGIC + V2.4 Slam Bidding 24

1 step: A or K - then relay ask for extra length.
2 step: AQ or KQ - relay ask for AQ and extra length.
3 step: Q or 2 extra cards.
4 step: nothing extra in trumps.

Bid seven with AK.

Jump to 5-in-
Ask for trumps quality, but after Q-bids and when obvious, it is generally inviting -
maybe with strength in trumps!

MAGIC + V2.4 8-11 openings, General 25

8-11 openings


These, together with general rules, are the cornerstones of magic diamond. They
are used many times with different ranges and with small variations in continuations
due to partners current known limitations:

Position Range Range partner
1/2nd hand 8-11hcp 0+
After 1+ 8-11hcp 12-16(17NT)
After 1+-1+ 12-16hcp 0-8 or 12+
3/4th hand 11-16(17) 0-11NT or 0-7

How to handle weak hands
Opening on garbage can hurt. We dont tell you to be a coward, but if you decide to
pass first in hand with Qx - xxxx - Ax - Qxxxx Vul Vs nonVul its a lesser risk than to
open 1v.
But, dont make it a habit to pass on 9 or 10, because they look lousy. We have to
pay now and then, but not as often as people think.

It has proved, that a bold transfer to a bad suit works out fine and OPPs have
problems finding a penalty D and even their own best contract, so dont be too shy.

As you will soon learn, some hands dont fit the methods: i.e. 1444 and about 9-13,
where partner opens 1+, or (13)(54) with bad suit - partner opens your short major.
Maybe we have a better contract? From experience it has paid just to pass and
leave it to OPPs. If they re-open, use the hammer - partner should be aware that
your silence + D means these type of hands.


OPPs bid under our level of negative D:
D + newsuit F
Newsuit NF

OPPs bid over our level of negative D:
D Optional
Newsuit F


RD 12+, F(openingsuit next level)
Newsuit NAT NF, normally constructive but maybe escape from O/S
or transfer in certain positions.
Jumps Preempt
Raise 2NT F1, single raise wide range.
Transfers As without interference after 1M.

High level.

D Penalty-oriented, but opener will pull with (6)7+ canap-suit or maybe also
7+ opening-suit and the right offensive hand.


5OPPs suit Support.

MAGIC + V2.4 8-11 openings, General 26

same bidding sequence in different positions.

Preceded by
1+ 1+1+
1M2m; 2m2M 11-13, 5m & 2M. Searching right partscore 1213, 5m & 2M.
: Same
FG+, 5m & 2M. Ask for extra length, 5+ om, 6+M, good hcp-strength.

1M2m; 2m2NT Invite to 3NT, 4+m : Ditto FG++, 4+m. Look for new suits, 4+support or maybe a high NT contract.

1M2m; 2m3M FG+, choose between 4M and 5m, else 3NT.

: Ditto FG. Choose between 4M/3NT/5m.
1M{2M-1} ; 2M2NT Invite to 3NT with 3card M. : Ditto FG+, maybe 4333 ask for 4+m.

1M{2M-1}; 2M3NT Choose between 3NT and 4M : Ditto : Ditto

1M{2M-1}; 2M3m Invite with 3M and 51/2m : Ditto FG+ 3M + 5+m

1M{2M-1); 2M3M Weak invite with 4+M Invite with 4+M Not defined (12 hcp?)
1M2NT Sup INV++ Sup, FG+ Sup, FG+
1M3M Preempt Min, good trumps Pre-empt
1MTra; Rraise INV, 6+suit : Ditto 6+suit FG, if slamtry then not solid or semisolid suit.
1M3lower FG++, 6+ 1suit FG+ Solid suit FG+ Solid/semisolid suit
2m3new INV, good (6)7suit : Ditto FG+, solid/semisolid suit.
2mR;R3m/om INV : Ditto FG, choice of games.
MAGIC + V2.4 1 Major 27

Opening 1 Major
(7)8-11 hcp with at least four cards and an unbalanced hand or 5332. Note that
with 55+ in M+m and at most 6.5 losers, we open 2v/+. Similar hands with 55+ in
majors we open with 2NT. With 44 in majors we open 1v. Canap with longer
minor is possible.
NAT, F1. Opener assumes 10hcp+, but could be less in an effort to find a
better spot than 1v or to make it difficult for OPPs.

1NT, 2/1 Transfer to the next suit with either a long suit and an unlimited weak
hand or at least constructive values. Then the suit could be four cards (even
3 with 3433 after 1+). If the transfer is for M, it should be treated as a
balanced hand with 3-4support and 12-14 hcp, but can be more - for rebid of
2/3NT or unbalanced - for rebid in new suit NF.

2M Wide range raise, often 3cards, denying values for a transfer, 3M or 2NT.
Although this raise could be very weak, opener will carry on with a long
trump and good shape. Rosenkranz module is used then, but re-raise is pre-

2NT At least INV with 4+support.
Majors support module.

3lower NAT FG++, 6+ strong suit, denies Hxx in M.

3M Pre-empt.

3NT To play, undefined.

3+/4+/+Void, slam-try.

4M/OM To play, undefined strength.

Subsequent bidding

+ is INV

1NT NAT, but includes 2533, 25(42), 15(43), 1444 or even 14(53) with weak minor,
but rarely 35(32).
2+ 4++, to play + or INV+
2+ 3v, INV+
2v 6++, INV+, shows a weak suit if continued.
2+ 4++, to play + or FG.
3m 4++5+m, INV
3v FG, no slam interests.
3+ FG, strong suit

2+ 3supp or 4card and a bad hand.
3m NAT, F - assume 4+. Opener
sign off in 3v/3+(maybe 3)
3v FG with 43 or 53 in Ms.
3+ 3415
3NT 3451
4m SPL with 5v or in one case maybe 4+:
1+-1+; 1v-1+;2+
4+ 4supp - thus weak
3+ INV with 5++
4any SPL with 5++

3+ NAT denying MAX, could be MIN with solid values.
3NT ASK short suit.

2NT MAX, two-way. Very good hand with +-support or good 7+v-suit and +-
3+ FG, ASK clarification. Opener bids NAT 3v or 3+ or SPL with super
values for slam + +support.
3v/+R Ask shortness.
3+/4+ NAT with at least 55, F1.
3v To play, weak.
3+ A very long suit, INV.
MAGIC + V2.4 1 Major 28

4v To play 4v or 4+

2m 5+suit

3m Good 6+suit, MAX. All bids by responder are now F, using general NAT princi-
3v MAX, 7+ suit 2-3+.
After direct Transfer-responses
In principle no strength is required for transfer to new suit. The motive could be to
make life harder for OPP, to indicate a lead, to find a sacrifice or best partial or to
start a constructive bidding of our own.

Any new bid by responder, but "rebid" of his suit or pass, suggest at least a modest
ambition towards game. Continued bidding after accepted transfer is NAT but with
some special sequences as follows.

Opener accepts the transfer on normal hands. Rebid of M or 2/3om is to suggest a
better trump suit. On the simple rebid in 3om, suggesting a good 6+suit, any bid is F.

Raise shows normally 4+support. With MAX and 3card support you may bid
v would in this case be 4card
support or 3card with a short suit in a minor. Continuation after this ART raise is NAT
with 2NT as F1.

1M2m; jumpshift by opener is SPL with MAX and good support - often 5+cards,
4m is then NF.

1M 2m; 3M shows MAX and 73 or 64 in M + m. Responder must pass with bad
hand - new suit would be forcing agreeing M and 4m is slam-try in m.

1 v); 4m shows a void, while 3NT is very good hand and a singleton:
4+ asks which one - bid 4+ with +-SPL and 4v with +-SPL.

2m; 2v is NAT with 54/64 and denies a bad hand. Now responders 3v/+ is F
- a slam-try.

Rebid in 2M by responder after accepted transfer shows 5+ in transfer suit and
exactly 2 cards in M. Continuation by logic to find a playable spot assuming we have
a partial. Opener must bid on if only 4cards in M, e g following sequence:

responder knows opener must have 4(5)+.

Responders rebid in 3M is F - opener bids 3N with four cards, if that is possible to

Note: Fourth suit forcing is not used often in these sequences. After accepted
tinuation with 2OM, openers 3om will be NAT
with 5-6 cards suit

MAGIC + V2.4 1 Major 29

After transfer to 2M

2M 4card suit or 5 with MIN
2M+1 Rosenkranz.
2NT Over 1v 2+: 5+v, MAX and asking for +-fit.
3m MAX with 5-6 cards. NF.
3M MAX with 5+M, no wish to show shape.
4m Natural F with 4-7 or 4-8

After 1v1+; 1NT transfer.
Opener accept transfer suit normally, or raise with a supper fit (if INV possible..).
Note that transfer to 2+ is INV+.
Responders next bid is NAT.
New suit F1 2level, else FG
suitbids F

After jumpshift - strong.
1+ 3v Strong 6+suit, F(4v)++
3+ Good suit, 5+
3NT=forward with v
4m = Qbid with +fit
3NT v-raise with some support and a slam-friendly hand
4m Strong (5)6+ suit
4v Weak, maybe short in v
Jumps Splinter

1M3m Strong suit 6+, FG++
new suit Values or maybe a good 5+om-suit
3M Good suit 5+
3NT Weak, no support, scattered values
Jumpshift SPL

Interference over 1M
1M (D)
SysOn, e.g. transfers etc, but jumpshifts are PRE.
RD about 13 hcp+ and a suggestion
to find penalties, F(2M).

Continue after 1M(D)RD
(pass)-pass Extra values. Pen D's.
(pass)-1NT Min with 5332, 5431 or 4441
(pass)-2m Min, 5+
(pass)-2M/v Min, Nat
(pass)-jump Max, distributional 5+m
(nonjump)-D PEN
(nonjump)-other In principle as if pass.
(jump)-D T/O

1M (Overcalls through 3+)

D T/o. Opener is supposed to show his longest suit and OM. Rebid in NT might
be some unbiddable hands with 4441 or 5332 and very bad M, but it denies
5+m and 4cards in OM. D's new suit is now NAT, F.
2+ after 1v (2m) D; doesn't promise 5v.
Jumps Nat (5)6+ and MAX

2NT Support FG, SysOn

New suit NF. To find a sacrifice or start a constructive bidding. NAT continuation
openers bid in minor is of course canap.
Qbid below 3M 4+support, INV.

Qbid higher level Support, FG+

Jump in OPPs suit or 4m
SPL with a void.

1v1+(2m); D
3support with something more, either Max values or short OPPs suit. The simple
raise doesnt promise 4cards.

1M (2M=OM+m)
MAGIC + V2.4 1 Major 30

2NT FG+ with Sup, sys-on
OM INV with support.
3om NF
D Strength, penaltyoriented

1M (2NT=ms)
3+ FG with 5+OM
3+ INV+ with support
D Penalty oriented,13+, NF.

1M (Overcall above 3+)

D Penalty oriented, opener pulls with extreme canap or 7+suit.

Suit NAT F if below game.

Qbid Trump-support, establishing a forcing situation on continued intervention

OPPs overcall after transfer response or raise
RD shows 3Sup and MAX.

Openers D shows a good hand with no clear alternative.

Cuebid(also over a NAT D of TRA-suit) to threelevel is SPL with 3SUP and (5)6+
good openingsuit MAX values.

After 1M 2M, the double is the strong way to bid 3M. But note: After 1v2v(2+),
then D might be a three suited hand with 4v.

Interference after 1M2NT
See Major support module.
MAGIC + V2.4 2 Minor 31

NAT with 8-11 hcp and no major, either 6+ suit or both minors. 22(45) is normally
treated as BAL - start with pass/1NT/1+ - 2m only with all strength in ms.

With 55+ in ms and at most 6 1/2 losers, open 2NT.

R Relay, asks type. INV+ with minor suit interest or FG+ with om or 3NT-trial.
1 step Both minors.
2+ Lissabon, F3++
3M Lissabon, FG
3m/om INV.
2 steps Min, 6m, bad suit
3om Ask major-stoppers
3M Values with om, FG.
3 steps 6+m, Max, but see 3X
3m F1 ask stoppers up the line
3M Values with 5+om, FG+.
4 steps Min, like m better than NT
3+/3M As after 3step.
3(+)/v/+ SPL with max and 7+suit

2 +) NAT (2NT=v), F1.
OM Hxx after 2+2v or 2+2+ (then Max-hand).
Note: Bid 2v after 2+ with 55Ms and INV
3m No fit
3+ F, stopper or suit
3M F.
3OM NAT or ask stopper
3M/OM as after 3m
Jump new SPL Max.
4m (32)(62) Max, good suit.
2NT(over2+) NAT, NF new suit is SPL accepting.

3m NAT INV with Weakness in at least one major. Opener with 6+m. may
proceed to show stoppers.

3om NAT INV to 3NT.
3M Stopper

3M INV with (6)7+suit.
Interference over 2minor
D is for T/o F(3m). Then: 2NT= 5431 with short OM, otherwise bid 3card OM.

2NT NAT or FG with support.
3m Weak
Newsuit SPL

Qbid is primarily asking for stopper and secondarily INV to 5

2M/3+(after 2+) is just INV, then D + suit is F. Forced higher suit-bids is F.

After OPPs D of 2m
RD 12+, normally rather balanced, but unbalanced possible - later new suit is F,
maybe to increase tempo.
New suit NF, constructive or maybe runaway from 2m.
2NT At least invite with support.
New suit SPL

After D/overcall of 2+/+ relay.
General rule 13 applies up to (2+), but dont bid NT without stopper. After higher
overcall all NAT with both hands limitations in shape and strength.

After 2m-relay;relay(=ms)-(D/2+)
Lissabon is still used.
MAGIC + V2.4 2 Major 32

(6)8-11hcp with 55+ in the suit + + or OM + +, max 6 1/2 losers. With bad suits and

Non-brown sticker version
Same strength etc, but showing the bid suit + an unknown 5+ minor. (*-responses

Responses and continuation
2NT F relay, assumed to be INV+:
NAT min. New suit is NAT F, but 4om is slam-try with support in
M. Raise to 4m is F. 3M NF, opener may raise.

NAT, MAX, 55 or (65) with normal suits. 4m is F and 4om is slam-
try with the M.

*3v/+ Lissabon with max.

3NT MAX, 66 or 76, responder is assumed to guess right. Qbid on A.

4X MAX, 65 with all strength in good suits.


3NT F - to play or make a slam-try in any suit.

1 ace +, max values to a one suiter.
4+ R ask for more, then place contract.
4v nothing to show
4+ a K in short suit
4NT 2 aces.
4M/5m To play.

4+ No aces but good values for a 1suiter.

Bad hand. pass or correct to 4+ or 5m.

All suit-bids( *minor suit bids) are "multicolor"-responses to play, to be corrected to
one of openers suits or raised with extreme hands - opener might gamble on OPPs

D is PEN, maybe gambling your suits. RD = 12+ - pass only if you have the suit bid.

Bid in OPPs assumed other suit is F - opener bids NT or OPPs suit if wrong
guess, else any other NAT bid.

Multi-responses in our pair of assumed suits (*minor-suits) - correct if wrong guess!
i.e: 2+ (3+) 3v is F but 4+ is NF if opener has +++(bid 4+ otherwise). Opener
may raise.

After OPPs T/o D
2NT is still F, same responses as without interference.

Pass is neutral, assuming opener to pass with M++ and pull naturally with the other

is penalty hungry, but opener must pull with the other combination.

2MMultibid(D); RD
RD Max with good suit. (Normally only after jump to fourlevel)
MAGIC + V2.4 2 NT 33

2NT Opening.
(6)8-11 with 55+ in majors or minors, max 6 losers. With not enough playing
strength, open 1+ or 2+.

Responses and continuation
are similar to those after 2v/+
Relay, strength assumed.
MIN with majors
4m Lissabon, slam-try.
MIN with minors, 4m is F
3+ F with support, bid 3NT with 55, else bid longest m.
MAX with minors. 4m is F
3NT MAX with majors
4m is Lissabon.

3NT F - to play 4-own-major/5-own-minor or make a slam-try in own suit.

1 ace +, max values to a one suiter.
4+ R ask for more, then place contract.
4v nothing to show
4+ a K in short suit
4NT 2 aces.
4M/5m To play.

4+ Min, but probably good values for a one suiter.

Bad hand. pass or correct to 4+ or 5m.

All other suit-bids are "multi"-bids - to play in one of openers suits - use same
principles as after 2v/2+ openings.

2NT3M; 3NT shows Max with ms.

Exactly the same principles as after2v/+

Pass Neutral, opener bids longest suit or RD with equal length
RD Tries for penalty. Opener might pull with a weak 65.
Other As without the D.

RD ms, good +
Pass ms, minimum
Other As without D, but 3v not defined.
MAGIC + V2.4 1 + interference 34

1+ opening
12-16 unbalanced including 5332 with a major or 15-17 NT. In 3'rd and 4'th
position, when responder is limited, 1+ is 12-15 NT with responses different from
1st/2nd position.
INV hands are shown with same bids and requirements as 1/2nd positions openings
1M, 1NT(=9-11), 2m, 2M, 2NT and 3+ bids. 1M, 2M and 2NT is F1 as the playing
strength could be high.

<<<Partscore or FG-hands respond 1+!>>>

Note: 1+1+ may be passed with 1444 and 12-13!

1+ 0-7(8NT), with no wish to pass 1+ or (12)13+ FG, any hand. If 0-4, then
be prepared for next round of bidding - pass mostly.

1M As direct opening 1M, but F1. Same continuations, but with following
treatments because "responder" is known as 12+:

a. Single raise is 12-13 with no game-prospects - just to keep open. Thus
transfer to 2M is 12+ with prospects ...

b. transfer 2M+1 is NAT, not 3-support.

c. Jump to 3M after a transfer does not guarantee support.

d. 3M INV, strong support trumpitis.

e. 2NT FG.

f. 1+1M; Jumpshift to 3 is 14-16 with a solid suit.

1NT 9-11(12)NT, 1NT system with "<30 hcp" and 4+range-treatment.
FG-sequences with minor(s) might end in 4m.

2Level As 1st/2nd openings. 2m might be passed, but normally not 2M/NT

3X "PRE", sound - like 2'nd hand not vulnerable.

3NT 16-17, 4333 in principle. 3NT module is on.

4X As direct sound 4X

Openers rebids are equivalent to direct openings, but 12-16 and then:
1. Responder with 0-4:
After 1M: Pass
After 1NT: Pass or transfer
After 2m: Pass
After 2M/NT: Low preference.
After 3X: Pass (suit-game?!)

2. Responder with 5-8:
After 1M:
o Raise or 1+.
o Transfer, then pass (except to give preference to 2+ over ...1+
1NT/2+; 2v) or
o Accept INV with direct game bids.
After 1NT:
o 2+, and then raise M or 2M/NT
o Transfer and INV with 3 lower.
o 2+ ( then pass 3+ or 3NT on accept)/3+, 3M
After 2m: Raise
After 2M/NT: Multi-responses
After 3X: Game or pass.

3. After low level FG: NAT jumps stress suit-quality. Fast arrival is responders
primary instrument to cool opener down. "INV" bids are forcing and with higher
tempo than game-bids, SPL-jumps are still showing strong hands - rule 3.

4. 1+1+2M (=FG) raised to 3M denies a bad hand. Continuation:
Relay Asks shortness
4M No shortness
3NT/4new SPL, 3NT for + over 3v3+
Jumps Very good hand without shortness.
3NT/4new suit SPL, 3NT for +-SPL over 3v.

5. Responders jumpshifts show semi-solid or solid suit, as weaker suits could be
bid and rebid as F.

6. FOSS-principle applies.
MAGIC + V2.4 1 + interference 35

After 1+1+; 1M
Responses equivalent to as after 1M-opening, but with following adjustments and

a. Openers agree of a transfer suit: Lowest level: Weak 1+ must pass.
Jump raise: INV vs weak 1+
Splinter: Void, FG vs weak 1+

b. 1+1+; 1M1NT; 2+3+
OR 1+1+;1+2m;2v3v
Shows 5-8, as openers jump to 3+/v is SPL with +Sup, so 2+/v could be
rather strong.

c. 1+ is weak or strong. Weak must pass next bid if not INV.

d. After 1+ 1+; 1v 1+; 1NT.
All TRA-bid on 2-level except to 2+ may be weak. TRA to 2v should be
treated as 5-8 INV. Weak 1+-bidder must pass an accepted TRA.
Jumps in new suit is limited FG.

e. transfer accept of transfer + 2M is strong with Hx support and a fairly
balanced hand with other prospects than NT - assume 5cards in transfer suit.

After 1+1+; 1NT
15-17 NT, 1NT system, but:
INV sequences with distribution is 5-7hcp:
...2+/v relay; 3lower or
...2+ 2NT;3NT(maybe) or

After 1+1+; 2M/NT
Weak hand must try to give a multi preference, even with 0-4. 12+ hand bids
2NT/3+ or 3NT. Responses on 2NT/3+ is normal, but jump to 4m shows a one-loser
suit and 3M is hcp-oriented - no hurry.

1+1+;2NT3NT;4+ shows 2 aces
;4+ shows 1 ace

1+1+; 3X
NAT INV opposite the Weak hand with a strong suit, if minor almost solid! Weak
hand passes or bids gam
MAGIC + V2.4 1 + interference 36


1+ (D)

pass Probably weak. Maybe 5-8 unBAL
RD 12+ FG, any distribution.
NAT continuation, but jump 2NT trumpsupport module.

1+ 5-8, looking for partscore. NAT continuation.

1v up Sys-on

Direct overcalls
-empts, with
a point count transfer of about 5 hcp. Following change applies:

1+ (3M) 4m is T/o but FG.
1+ (2X=ART) 4m is (5)6NAT + 5M as normal, but FG!

Opponents bid 1 or 2 in a suit
D is a T/o with:
a) Balanced INV. At least 3cards in unbid major if not enough strength to
rebid in NT.
b) Classic T/o 6hcp+
c) Constructive/strong hand
unfit for overcall, jump or Qbid.

1+(1/2x) D responses
A simple suit call shows a normal hand, normally longest suit, but could prefer a
4card major on 1/2 level before a 5card minor.

Opener bids about the same as after a normal T/o, but jumps promise both extra
strength and a good suit as responder doesn't promise support in unbid suits even
with a modest hand:
Jump 2lev: 5+suit, 13-14hcp
Jump 3lev: F, 6+suit if double jump
Jump 4lev: Gambling if 3-level jump is available.

1NT is 15-17 with stopper where the 1NT module is on. Without stopper and 15-17
NT, Qbid or just bid a suit with MIN. 5332 not suited for a penalty-pass is a problem
bid a 3suit.

Qbid is F and promises another bid.

1+(1/2x) D; simple suit-bid
New suit is F - almost FG.
Jump in new suit or Q-bid is FG.

1+ overcalls, Other

NT NAT, about 8-11 hcp for 1NT and 10-11 for 2NT without jump.
1 or 2NT modules are on.

2NT with jump shows two lowest unbid suits with strength for 3level - at least.

Simple suit-call NAT, NF, < 12hcp. Transfer responses by opener starting from
opponents suit, with same principles as our normal defensive methods.

Jump FG with long suit. 6+suit

Double- Classic pre-empt.

Q-bid 55+, 8+ with specific suits as in Magic defensive: Ms over 1+, +++ over 1v,
v++ over 1+. Continued bidding is the same.

Jump Q 55+, 10+ with +++ over 1+, +++over 1v, v++ over 1+. Not mandatory
good suits.

Jump 4m NAT 6+, FG.

1+ (1NT)
We use our 1NT-defence with suitable point-count adjustments.

1+ (1/2X = suit or next two suits, PRE)
Bid as their suit is X.
MAGIC + V2.4 1 + interference 37

D is fairly balanced 8-11 (not fit to bid NT) or FG any. Could be FG with X.
Lebensohl by opener.
Suit Nat, 8-11.
Cue FG, threesuited with short X.

Interference after 1+ 1+

(D) Pass 15-16NT
RD 5++4+. Responders 2+ over (pass) is Q-bid FG and 3m is INV 5-8
Other As no D, but 2+=6+ with sys-on
1NT 16-17NT

(bid) Defensive module, but jumps are INV to weak 1+.
D Classic T/o - over 3M maybe a super 16-17NT. Lebensohl.

1NT Weak
Jump NT FG
Jump suit Nat, weak 1+
Qbid FG+
(bid)simple suit Weak 1+
Jump Nat,weak 1+
(bid)Qbid/NT/D FG


New suit < 2NT is weak 1+ if nonjump,
D T/o. Below 2NT Maybe weak 1+
Opener is limited in playing-strength unless he has a penalty-D, so respond
with a simple natural bid or pass for penalty. A Weak doubler must now
pass. Any further bid is FG with 12+

new suit>2NT NAT 5+, FG.

Jump 3 Slam-try, strong suit

Quebid 2-suited, strong enough to dislike a penalty-pass

2NT NAT FG. Nat continuation.
MAGIC + V2.4 1 +, General 38

17+ unBAL or 18+NT. A good BAL 17 with 5suit or 44 majors is 18...

In 3'rd and 4'th hand a few 17-hands might be opened with a natural 1/2-level bid to
slow down the tempo, judge by rebids possible. Also 1NT is then 16-18, so BAL
hands = 19+.

General rules
a. All responses without interference except 1v are FG.

b Responders jump to 3NT after an 8+ response and a natural suit-bid shows
support and about 11-13 hcp with no short suit. But after interference and 6+
responses 3NT is NAT.
I e: 1+ 1+ ; 2v 3NT is SUP, but 1+ (1+) 2+; 2v 3NT is not, as
2NT would be NF.

c. After an 8+ hcp response and openers suit-bid
A jump in a new suit by both players is splinter - if possible.

d. When responder or opener is unlimited
, as often is the case in 1+-sequences, splinter bids are mandatory below
forced level.

e. Relay bids

o If opener breaks a relay sequence, then it's NAT with - in principle a
minimum hand and a good fit - support or bad fit - then bid NT.
o If OPPS interfere with non-jump bids or D, then rule 13 applies

f. 1+ 1+-up-to-2v Jump to 3X.

Is a solid/semisolid suit if 2X is also NAT.
All responses except 1v is FG, but opener might pass below game after 3'rd/4'th
hand and unBAL positive responses, that may be 1-2 hcp weaker.

1v 0-7, not a King + an ace.

1+ 8+, denying 6+m or 5+M, but 5332 with a major is included.

1NT 8+, 5+v, not 5332.

2+ 8+, 5++, not 5332.

2+ 8+, 6+ headed by at least a Q or 7++.

2v 8+, 6+ headed by at least a Q or 7++

2+ 8+, 55+ ms.
2NT Relay
3m Extra length
3M Short suit 11+
3NT Min

2NT 11-12, 4441/5440 without 5M.
3+ Relay, responder bids the suit above the shortness - 3NT with +.

3X transfer to solid 6+suits.
Major over minor is NAT maybe to stop in 4M, but is Qbid after OM.
m Qbid
The suit R, Ask number of cards by step, 1st=6 etc.

4m KQJxxxx in Ms Lissabon

4M 3-6, 8card-suit.
MAGIC + V2.4 1+ 1v 39

After 1+ 1v
The rebid 1+ is rarely a 3suit and is semi-forcing with 1NT as a negative answer.
Note that responders preference to 2+ always shows 3support.

1+ 17-21, 3++ (3 only if 31(45) or 3316-type and a hand not suited for
2NT/3m) unBAL.

1NT 18-20 NT, 1NT-system. Maybe offshape if 1-2+.

2+ FG with BAL or unBAL with one/both majors.

2+ 21-23NT or
10 cards in minors 17+ or
(54) ms without major, 21+.

2v 5+v not 4+, 17-21, unBAL. New suits F1 after response.

2+ 5-7, not 5+ or biddable minor.
2NT 4-7, 5++

2+ 17-21, 4v & 5+m or 13(54) or 13(63)-type unfit for 3m.

2NT 5-7 without 4+v
3m NF
3+ Ask +-stopper
maybe 1444 20-21
3+ Weak, to play the minor.
3+ 5-7, 4v
3v NF, perhaps only 3v
3+ ASK +-stopper, maybe 1444 and 20-21
3v NF, (4)5SUP
3NT/4m SPL with 5+v.
3NT for +-SPL.

2NT F1: "NAT" with 6+ minor, (19)20+ hcp, not Hxx in a major if 19(20). Not
enough to bid 3NT, because shortness in a suit or not enough for 3NT.

3m NF: NAT one-suited, 17-
as 5+suit or stopper and jump in a new suit as SPL.

3M/4m FG, sets trump and ask Qbids of A or K up the line.

3NT Gambling - long suit?

Gambling, responder will pass.

After 1+ 1v; 1+
Pass 0-2, 3++

1NT 0-5, if low range less than 3+.
2+ 5++, F1. Bid 2+ with 3sup (then 3-5), 2v with 5+ else 2+ or 3m with long
2+ 4++NF, 3-4+
2v 5+v. Exactly 4+. NF.
2+ 5++ maybe 3+only.
2NT 20+, 4(441)
3+ 3-5, ART, new suits F.
other 3+suit, 0-3, signoff.
3new INV, 5+suit, 3-4+.

2+ 6-7 BAL or 5-7 with 1444 / 5++
2+ F, 4+suit, but lengths in +/+ not clear: 35, 36, 44,54,55,64+ possible.
2v F, 4+suit, 4++
2+ F1, 5+suit, not 4v
2NT NF, 5+
3X FG with 5+suits
3+ FG, 6++

2+/v 5+suit, 5-7.
2v F, 4+suit, 4++.
2+ F1, 5+suit
2NT NF, (3)4+. 4441/5431-hands.
Raise NF
3New 5+suit, FG
3+ FG, 6++.

2+ 0-5, 4+Sup
2NT 31(45) and some extras.
3m 6suit, 3+only, INV.
3v Strong with 4++. Responder may bid a SPL or 3NT as forwardgoing
without SPL or sign off in 3/4+
MAGIC + V2.4 1+ 1v 40

2NT 6-7, 4support
3m NAT, F perhaps only 3+.

3new 3-7, 5+support, SPL, then 3+ NF

3+ 5-7, 5+support, no shortness

After 1+ 1v; 2+.
FG, UnBAL with M(s) or 24+BAL.

2 4+v, may have 4++.
Relay without 4v (thus 4+) to learn more about responders hand - pri-
marily lengths in majors: 2+ promises 4+Sup, 3m is 5+, 3v 6+, 3+
4+Sup 5-7, jumps SPL with 4-7 - else 2NT.
5+suit, normally not 5+m - except 65.
2NT NAT, modified 2NT-module
- continue
as 2NT-module: 2NT-3M;3x- +/+ Lissabon-style (4-7
with 5 only).

NAT slam-try.
To play
Jumpshift Splinter

4++ denies 4+v.

2 v), responder bids naturally in the
same style as after 2+-2v.
2NT NAT, modified 2NT-module

Slam try.
To play
Jumpshift Splinter

Denies Majors
2NT "NAT", 2NT-module 55 Ms possible, thus responder must check for five
mandatory as 3NT would be a slam- -support!
+/+ Lissabon-style.
3m May be only 4card. Responder shows 3card M.
3M 6+ (3+ might be 55 Ms)
4lower Q-bid.

2NT 55+ in majors and 4-7hcp.

3X HQxxx, Hxxxxx, 7+suit and no other 4card major.

After 1+ 1v
21-23 BAL or both minors F.

Minor suit preference Lissabon-style (2
2NT 21-23 NAT, 2NT-module.
NF. 64 if om.
M At least INV short suit. Responder declines by next level m (NOTE:
and other is FG. Bid in OM is NAT, "raise" of M shows an Ace-value
4m FG. Tries for an ace or high m-honor (=4NT) or Quebid with support.

4+"support" and good for minors, no major. Natural continuation if opener
bids 3NT to show 21-23NT.

After 1+ 1v ; 2NT.
"NAT" with a 6+m.

If 19-20 normally no 3card major.
Note: As opener did not bid a direct 3NT assume there is a weakness in one suit
or lack of points.


to play m - now 4+ is NF.
3NT Short "other m!
INV - if you want to force, bid direct 4m over 1+1v.

General force
MAGIC + V2.4 1+ 1v 41

Stopper, responder raises with 5+support. Responder may rebid 4+ to
play 4m with no stopper in OM or "m".
3NT Short in "other" m
or not enough to bid a direct 3NT over 1v.
MAGIC + V2.4 1+ - positive responses 42

After 1+ 1+
BAL or 3suited

1NT Relay asking for responders hand. Normally fairly BAL or 3suit.

2+ (5422) or (5431), but not 5M.
Not 22(54) and 11+.
2+ BAL including 5332 or 22(54) and 11+
2M Short suit with 4441 or 5440 with 5m. Not 11-12 (2NT on 1+)
2NT 11+NT, no major
3m Short suit with 4441 or 5440 with 5m, not 11-12

2X NAT 5+, but normally 6+ if a minor. 2+ may be 55 in minors.
NAT continuation, responder may bid 4card M before 5card m and tries not
to strangle openers possibilities to describe his hand.

2NT 17-18, 4441. Other 4441's are included in 1NT-rebid. Responder relays
with 3+: Opener shows short suit by naming the suit above - 3NT with
short +.

3NT To play, few aces - assume (4333) unless vs passed hand response.

After 1+ 1+; 1NT 2+
2+ Relay with BAL/4441.

2M 4suit
R 1step 5(6)+
R 1step short +
2step short OM
3step (42)25, 8-10
2step 5(6)+ short +
3step 5(6)+ short OM
4step (24)52, 8-10

2NT 45(6) minors
R 1step Short v
2step Short +
3step 2245, 8-10
3+ 5++4+short v
3+ 5++4+short +
3v 2254, 8-10

2M 4-5suit NAT follows. Implies either 5332 with strong suit or (54)-type of
hand unfit for NT.

After 1+ 1+; 1NT 2+

2M 4-5suit. NAT follows. Bypassing 2NT by both players implies 5suit with some
extra strength or (54).
I e ...2v3m is 5(6)suit and ...2v2+; 3m shows 9cards in v+m.

2NT No major, assume slam values if minimum-hand.

3m NAT, 5 suit, 17-18(19) assumed.
Bid 2m over 1+ if 20+ 5332.

3NT 18-19, (4333) or (32)44 with typical KQJ-values.

After 1+1+; 1NT2M/3m
3suited, natural bidding follows.

2M 8-10 or 13+ with 1444/04(45)
(with 11-12, respond 2NT on 1+)
2NT3m 5suit
3M 13+

3m 8-10 or 13+, 4441/44(50)

After 1+ Xfer by 1NT ... 2v
NAT bidding follows using general rules, but with some special conventions with
support, BAL or 3suited hands.

After 1+ 1NT/2+
5+major, not 5332

2M 3+support, not 17-18 balanced.
Reversed Rosenkranz module used, but with following treatments due to
known position:
- Showing SPL dont promise extra.
MAGIC + V2.4 1+ - positive responses 43

- New suit shows extra and at least an honor in the suit. 3M then ask
- 3M (8-10 good/14+) or 3NT (11-13) shows typically 6322 type or
5422 with bad suit.

2NT 18+BAL without support or 19+ 4441.

3M 3-4support BAL, 17-18.
- new suit SPL.

3NT 17-18 and 4441 .

4new Void with support. Responder Qbids with 8+ hcp remaining.

After 1+ 2+/v 6+minor

R Ask for NAT continuation. Normal bid with 2344/1444

2NT Bad m without other suit
3M 5-suit or adv.Q.
3m good or 7+suit.
3M 5-suit or adv Q.
Note: 1+2v; 2+2NT/3+; 3v shows 5v.

2NT 5+ relay-suit

3m Support, asks responder to bid shortness - +-shortness only with 10+.
4m=11+, no shortness

3m+4m RKCB if available ,else 4NT.

3v(over 2v)/Om Assume 6+suit

3NT 1444, 17-18

4new Void with support. Responder Qbids with 8+ hcp remaining.
MAGIC + V2.4 1+ Interference 44

Interference over 1+

1+ (D) If no other agreement, then:

Pass 0-5


Suit-bids As after overcalls

1NT 5-7 NAT. Then 2x=F1


Independent of explaination:
Pass No suitible bid maybe a weak 5-suit or 4441 not fit for T/O. Responder
pass, beid NAT or T/O.
RD T/O primarily of v but could be any strong hand. Later v-bid is strong NAT
or general forcing.
Simple bid -even 2v - is NAT.
After 1NT/2NT/3NT sys-on applies.
Jump suit INV - also if v.
2NT 55+ ms.
After overcalls/preempts
in principle regardless of level.

Pass 0-5 (without a good long suit if low level, see "Jump to 3level")
or 6-12 with 5+ in overcall suit (1/2-level)
If 4th hand bids and responder reopens by bidding LHOs suit, then it shows
6+hcp with 5+suit.

D 'BAL' hand, 6+ with quality or classic T/o 6-7.

On 3+ level opener normally will pass with 18-20NT.

Openers rebids:
If 4'th hands bids, D is PEN, while pass is F.
i.e. 1+(1v)D(2+); D - Penalty
Simple suit-bid is F1 - then new suits establish F.

Responders rebids:
Responders second round Qbid in OPP suit show in principle 6-7 without
convenient rebid.

NT NAT FG. Openers direct bid in opps suit is NAT. Low m-bid 4+.

New suit F1, 5+suit, 6+. Forcing as long as opener or responder bids new suits.
Responders Qbid in the next round means in principle a minimum hand with
no bid available.
Raise below game: FG for major, F1 for minor.

Jump to 3level Good 6+suit - also overcalled suit - with 3-5 hcp in the suit and
nothing on the side.

Q-bid(2/3 level) 4441-type, FG+. With 8-10 minors may be (53).

Q-bid(4+level) 3suited, too strong to like pass on a D.

(4x) - 4NT 55+

MAGIC + V2.4 1+ Interference 45

1+ (bid) 6+bid (bid);
Pass Neutral F, if 4+ level, T/o if level < 4 (=3+!).
D Nothing further to tell normally 2+ in OPPs suit. If now opener pulls with
responders suit its NF below game, but FG+ else.
D PEN below 3+, BAL, bad (including PEN) if > 3+.
2M=overcalled by LHO is NAT 5+
Raise F if below game.
Cuebid 3suited after T/O, trump support on high level (=Raise is game)

Continued bidding, responder denied strength
- 1+ (bid) pass (pass/bid)
- 1+ 1v (bid)

2LHO suit NAT 5+, F1.
Responder raise with 4+, bid NAT with 5-7 or bid relay with 0-4

2+ after 1+1v(1+) is according to defensive methods, i.e. 2suiter.

Jump3OPPsuit 55+, defensive methods.

Pass Min hand with bad distribution, normally 5(4)+ in OPPs suit(s)and no wish to
bid NT or 2X.

1NT 18-20, 1NT-module


Non-jump 2NT 19-21 about

Jump 2NT 55+ in non-enemy-suits, promise another bid.
3new Preference, then opener Qbid if no hit, else bid other suit.

Simple suit NF

Jump new suit INV

Continued bidding after responder shown 6+
After responders NAT bid: Openers direct nonjump bid in LHO's suit is NAT.

MAGIC + V2.4 1+ Interference 46

After conventional overcalls.
(1/2X) with one or two known suits:

If 4+-suit, then bid in the suit is NAT, if 5+suit it's 3suit-type and promises 4 in unbid

(1/2X) with no suit known:

NT 5-7 BAL
D 8+ BAL or (4441)
Quebid NAT F.

(1/2X) suit or next two suits, PRE
D BAL FG, switch to PEN-D. Later bid in X by both is NAT 5+-suit (even 4-suit if
not direct).

Suit Nat 5+suit, 6+.
Cuebid Three-suited FG.

1+ 1v; 2m (D)
RD To play
Pass Neutral. No M over 2+, = ms over 2+
Other As without the D. 2+=3+ over 2+(D)
MAGIC + V2.4 3
, 4
hand openings 47

3rd/ 4th hand Openings
Pass - 1+
12 - 15 NT

1+ 0-8(9), none of the hands below. Opener goes on to find a fit or pass with
1M 0-7, 5+suit
1NT 9+-11 NT. NAT bidding follows. Openers 2M shows 4cards, INV
2m Nat 5suit, 9-11 with 5332 or 22(54). Concentrated values.
2M 6+suit INV, 6-7.
Pass 1M/1NT/2m/2NT with ms.
Are same type as 1/2nd openings, but 11-16(17) and with changed responses.

After 1M
1NT 6-9, not 3sup

1+ 1NT Wide range
2+/+/v/+ Transfer
1X2m Nat, normally 5+ - 5M possible, so give preference with 3card M.
1Xjumpshift 5+ suit but 5M possible. Prefer 3 or 4M with 65.

2+ 9+-11 NT, not SUP
2+ 9-11 NT, 3-4SUP.
2OM Fair (5)6+ suit
2M 4-8, 3-4sup
2NT 10-11, (4432), 3 topcards.
3M 3-7, 5Sup
Jump new/Qbid Splinter INV

Continue after pass1M; 2+/+:

2+/M Nat, NF
2OM FG with any hand that want more info. NAT continue, but responders
normally bid cheapest bid.
2NT INV, 5332, (5422), some (4441) or (5431)
3m INV, 5+suit.
3v After 1+-opening: INV 54+

After 1NT
16-18, 1NT system <29

After 2m
R As 1

2M 4-7, (5)6 suit.
2NT 9-11NT, good stopper i Ms
3m 6-8, assume 4cards
3+ over 2+ 3325 strong suit 9-11
Jumps SPL

After 2NT
Could be rather strong if minors (12-16), and passee must bid. All responses are of
multi-type except 3+.
Pass 2M or 2NT with Ms
8-12 and of course not mandatory. Impossible responses are not defined, else as in
Pass 1+
Balanced hands are still 8+, but unbalanced can by definition not be more than 7hcp
or degraded 8. Thus TRA to a major should be treated as an invitation, and openers
direct 2M is NF - any other bid is FG. If responder continue with a new suit over 2M
its 55.

TRA to a minor should for the time being be FG, but 4m is not forcing after inquiry
for stopper.

Interference after 3/4th openings

General: D is for t/o and NT is NAT. Opener assumes (8)9-11 NT with responder.

pass - 1v - (2m); 2NT 4Sup 10-11
3m 6-9, 4+support

pass - 1v - (2+); 2NT SUP 10-11

( 3m SPL) ???HG?

MAGIC + V2.4 3
, 4
hand openings 48

pass - 1+ - (2X); 2NT Sup 10-11
3X 7-9, 4+support

pass 1+ (2X) As after 1NT(2X+)

MAGIC + V2.4 High Level Openings 49

High Level openings
3m is in principle normal pre-empt with fair suit - unless nonVul vs Vul, while 3M is
more destructive - not a call for sacrifice.


3+ NAT, F. Ask for M-feature.

3M NAT, F. Treatment as a 6+suit
4new Qbid

4+/om RKCBS, see RKCB.

4M/OM Qbid over 3m, NAT over 3M.

Raise Action

3 NT Opening
Equivalent with a natural pre-empt of 4+ or 4+, but NAT in pass out seat. The suit
must contain at least the K or A if vulnerable.

4m To play or correct to suit.

4M NAT to play.

4NT ASK openers suit

5+ General slam-try in openers suit.

5+ Pass or correct to 6+

(D) - RD SOS, bid your suit.
- Pass To play
- 4m To play if the suit else 5om.
MAGIC + V2.4 High Level Openings 50

Strong pre-empts in a major with a solid or semi-solid suit. If semi-solid it must
have an ace in an other suit. Somewhat zone-dependent it should be 7.5 - 9 playing-
tricks, but always 2-3 aces of 5.

4M To play

R Slam-try with 1+ ace
4M No extra
R Ask secondary K
4NT Solid suit + an ace.
New Void and 8+ playing tricks
5M 8.5+ tricks, no extra ace or void.

4M+1 Two aces. Opener Qbids

4M+2 Three aces, opener Qbids side strength if any, and responder may
Qbid K

(D) -pass Don't bid higher than 4M
-RD INV > 4M or D.
-4M May bid higher than 4M.


In 1'st, 2'nd position not a solid suit. May be irregular shapes like 65. About 2 tricks
better potential than 3M!

4NT-response is RKCBS, raise general slam-try with bad support and new suit

4NT Opening
Specific ace inquiry.

5+ No ace
5+/v/+ Ace in the suit
5NT + Ace
6x Lowest of two aces

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