Chapt 11
Chapt 11
Chapt 11
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5. Therefore, leaders in this chapter mean those who are able to influence others--and who possess managerial authority. Teaching Notes _______________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ II. TRAIT THEORIES OF LEADERSHIP A. Introduction 1. The average persons definition of leadership. a) Qualities such as intelligence, charisma, decisiveness, enthusiasm, strength, bravery, integrity, and self-confidence. b) These responses represent, in essence, trait theories of leadership. 2. If the concept of traits were to prove valid, all leaders would have to possess specific characteristics. 3. Research efforts at isolating these traits resulted in a number of dead ends. 4. Attempts failed to identify a set of traits that would always differentiate leaders. 5. However, attempts to identify traits consistently associated with leadership have been more successful. a) Six traits on which leaders are seen to differ from non-leaders include drive, the desire to lead, honesty and integrity, self-confidence, intelligence, and job-relevant knowledge. b) These traits are briefly described in Exhibit 11-1. 6. Explanations based solely on traits ignore situational factors. a) Possessing the appropriate traits only makes it more likely that an individual will be an effective leader. b) He/she still has to take the right actions. 7. A major movement away from trait theories began as early as the 1940s.
III. BEHAVIORAL THEORIES OF LEADERSHIP A. Introduction It was hoped that the behavioral theories would provide more definitive answers. a) If behavioral studies were correct, we could train people to be leaders. 2. We shall briefly review three of the most popular studies: a) Kurt Lewin's studies at the University of Iowa. b) the Ohio State group. c) the University of Michigan studies. B. Are There Identifiable Leadership Behaviors? 1. One of the first studies; Kurt Lewin and his associates at the University of Iowa. a) Three leadership behaviors, or styles: autocratic, democratic, and laissez-faire. 2. An autocratic style tends to centralize authority, dictate work methods, etc. 3. The democratic style tends to involve employees in decision making, delegates authority, encourages participation, and uses feedback to coach employees. a) Further classified: consultative and participative. b) A democratic-consultative leader seeks input but makes the final decision. c) A democratic-participative leader often allows employees to have a "say." Teaching Notes _______________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________
_____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ 4. The laissez-faire leader generally gives employees complete freedom. 5. Which one of the three leadership styles was most effective? a) The laissez-faire style was ineffective on every performance criterion. b) Democratic leadership style could contribute to both quantity and high quality of work. c) Later studies of autocratic and democratic styles of leadership showed mixed results. d) Group members' satisfaction levels were generally higher under a democratic leader. 6. Tannenbaum and Schmidt developed a continuum of leader behaviors a) See Exhibit 11-2. 7. Tannenbaum and Schmidt proposed that managers look at forces within themselves, forces within the employees, and forces within the situation, when choosing their style. 8. Managers should move toward more employee-centered styles in the long run. C. What Was the Importance of the Ohio State Studies? The most comprehensive and replicated of the behavioral theories. These studies sought to identify independent dimensions of leader behavior. 3. Beginning with over 1,000 dimensions, they eventually narrowed the list down to two categories: initiating structure and consideration. b) Initiating structure refers to the extent to which a leader is likely to define and structure his/her role and those of employees in the search for goal attainment. c) Consideration is defined as the extent to which a leader has job relationships characterized by mutual trust and respect for employees' ideas and feelings. 4. Research found that a leader high in initiating structure and consideration achieved high employee performance and satisfaction more frequently than one who rated low. 5. However, leader behavior characterized as high on initiating structure led to greater rates of grievances, absenteeism, and turnover etc., for workers performing routine tasks. 6. Other studies found that high consideration was negatively related to performance ratings of the leader by his/her manager.
Part IV Leading
2. 3. 4. 5.
b) Essentially represent the Ohio State dimensions of consideration and initiating structure and the Michigan dimensions of employee orientation and production orientation. The grid depicted in Exhibit 11-3 has nine possible positions along each axis, creating eightyone different positions into which a leader's style may fall. The grid shows the dominating factors in a leader's thinking in regard to getting results. a) The five key positions are focused on the four comers of the grid and a middle-ground. b) See Exhibit 11-3. Blake and Mouton concluded that managers perform best using a 9,9 style. The grid offers only a framework for conceptualizing leadership style.
A. Introduction
1. Predicting leadership success involved something more complex than isolating a few traits or preferable behaviors. 2. It was one thing to say that leadership effectiveness depended on the situation and another to be able to isolate situational conditions.
6. Fiedler argued that leadership style is innate to a person--you can't change your style. 7. It is necessary to match the leader with the situation based on three criteria. a) Leader-member relations--The degree of confidence, trust, and respect subordinates have in their leader. b) Task structure--The degree to which the job assignments of subordinates are structured or unstructured. c) Position power--The degree of influence a leader has over power variables such as hiring, firing, discipline, promotions, and salary increases. 8. The next step is to evaluate the situation in terms of these three contingency variables. a) The better the leader-member relations, the more highly structured the job, and the stronger the position power, the more control or influence the leader has. b) Fiedler concluded that task oriented leaders perform best in situations that are very favorable or very unfavorable to them. c) A moderately favorable situation, however, is best handled through relationship-oriented leadership. Teaching Notes _______________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ A Management Classic Fred Fiedler and the Fiedler Contingency Model of Leadership The Fiedler contingency model of leadership proposes matching an individual's LPC score and an assessment of the three contingency variables to achieve maximum leadership effectiveness. See Exhibit 11-4 for Fiedlers conclusions. According to Fiedler, an individual's leadership style is fixed. Therefore, there are only two ways to improve leader effectiveness: change the leader to fit the situation or change the situation to fit the leader. As a whole, reviews of the major studies undertaken to test the overall validity of the Fiedler model show there is considerable evidence to support it. Teaching notes 1. Ask students to read ahead regarding Blanchard and Herseys Situational Leadership. 2. Lead a discussion comparing the two contingency approaches. 3. Now discuss the fundamental distinction, the ability or inability to change ones style. What are the underlying assumptions of Fiedler and Blanchard and Hersey in this regard? Do they agree or disagree that one can adapt ones style? Why?
Part IV Leading
5. A leader's behavior is motivational to the degree that it: a) makes employee need-satisfaction contingent on effective performance. b) provides the coaching, guidance, rewards, etc., necessary for effective performance. 6. House identified four leadership behaviors: a) The directive leader tells employees what is expected of them, schedules work, and gives specific guidance as to how to accomplish tasks. It parallels initiating structure. b) The supportive leader is friendly and shows concern for the needs of employees. It is essentially synonymous with the dimension of consideration. c) The participative leader consults with employees and uses their suggestions before making a decision. d) The achievement-oriented leader sets challenging goals and expects employees to perform at their highest level. 7. In contrast to Fiedler, House assumes that leaders are flexible. a) Path-goal theory implies that the same leader can display any or all leadership styles. 8. Exhibit 11-5, path-goal theory proposes two classes of contingency variables: a) Those in the environment that are outside the control of the employee. (1) Environmental factors determine leader behavior required as a complement . b) Those that are part of the personal characteristics of the employee. (1) Personal characteristics determine how the environment and leader behavior are interpreted. 9. Research to validate path-goal predictions is encouraging, although not all is found positive. a) The majority of the evidence supports the logic underlying the theory. Teaching Notes _______________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________
Part IV Leading
3. There is an increasing body of research that shows impressive correlations between charismatic leadership and high performance and satisfaction among followers. a) Charismatic leadership may be most appropriate when the follower's task has an ideological component. b) Second, charismatic leaders may be ideal for pulling an organization through a crisis but become a liability to an organization once the crisis and the need for dramatic change subside.
Part IV Leading
Questions 1. So what do you think? Is there a difference between the sexes in terms of leadership styles? 2. Do men or women make better leaders? Would you prefer to work for a man or a woman? Explain. Teaching notes 1. Taking note of the authors opening statements, monitor the discussion for the level of feelings generated. This discussion could easily become heated. 2. Consider using one or more team exercises in class to create a basis for the discussion. 3. Placing the students in teams, choosing women as leaders for some teams and men as leaders for other teams. 4. After the exercise, process their experience as teams and see what differences, if any that they experienced. 5. Ultimately be sure to discuss, what the point is. Does gender matter, if so why? 3. Many leaders are not equipped to handle the change to teams. 4. One prominent consultant estimates: 15 percent of managers are natural team leaders; another 15 percent could never lead a team because it runs counter to their personality. 5. The challenge for most managers is to learn how to become an effective team leader. a) Effective leaders have mastered the difficult balancing act of knowing when to leave their teams alone and when to intercede. b) New team leaders may try to retain too much control or they may abandon their teams. 6. A study of 20 organizations that had reorganized themselves around teams found certain common responsibilities that all leaders had to assume. a) These included coaching, facilitating, handling disciplinary problems, reviewing team/individual performance, training, and communication. 7. A more meaningful way to describe the team leader's job is to focus on two priorities: managing the team's external boundary and facilitating the team process. a) See Exhibit 11-9. 8. First, team leaders are liaisons with external constituencies. a) The leader represents the team to other constituencies, secures needed resources, clarifies others' expectations of the team, gathers information from the outside, and shares this information with team members. 9. Second, team leaders are troubleshooters. a) When the team has problems and asks for assistance, team leaders sit in on meetings and help try to resolve the problems. b) This rarely relates to technical or operation issues. 10. Third, team leaders are conflict managers. a) When disagreements surface, they help process the conflict. What's the source of the conflict? Who is involved? What are the issues? What resolution options are available? What are the advantages and disadvantages of each? 11. Finally, team leaders are coaches. a) They clarify expectations and roles, teach, offer support, cheerlead, etc. Teaching Notes _______________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________
Part IV Leading
a) By its very nature, trust provides the opportunity for disappointment. b) But trust is not taking risk per se; rather it is a willingness to take risk. 4. What are the key dimensions that underlie the concept of trust? 5. Recent evidence has identified five: integrity, competence, consistency, loyalty, and openness. a) See Exhibit 11-10. b) Integrity refers to honesty, conscientiousness, and truthfulness. (1) This one seems to be most critical when someone assesses another's trustworthiness. c) Competence encompasses an individual's technical and interpersonal knowledge and skills. d) Consistency relates to an individual's reliability, predictability, and good judgment in handling situations. e) Loyalty is the willingness to protect and save face for another person. f) The final dimension of trust is openness.
c) Knowledge of the other party and predictability of his or her behavior replaces the contracts, penalties, and legal arrangements more typical of deterrence-based trust. d) This knowledge develops over time, largely as a function of experience. e) The more communication and regular interaction you have with someone else, the more this form of trust can be developed and depended upon. f) Interestingly, at the knowledge-based level, trust is not necessarily broken by inconsistent behavior. (1) If you can adequately explain or understand another's apparent violation, you can accept it, forgive the person, and move on in the relationship. g) Most manager-employee relationships are knowledge-based. 3. Identification-based Trust a) The highest level of trust is achieved when there is an emotional connection between the parties. b) It allows one party to act as an agent for the other and substitute for that person. c) This mutual understanding is developed to the point that each can effectively act for the other. d) Controls are minimal at this level. e) The best example of identification-based trust is a long-term, happily married couple. f) You see identification-based trust occasionally in organizations among people who have worked together for long periods of time and have a depth of experience that allows them to know each other inside and out. g) This is also the type of trust that managers ideally seek in teams. Teaching Notes _______________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________
1. A leader is an individual who is able to influence others to perform beyond the actions dictated by formal authority. Managers have legitimate power that allows them to reward and punish and their ability to influence is founded upon formal authority. 2. Trait theories of leadership suggest six traits separate leaders from non-leaders. Yet possession of these traits is no guarantee of leadership because they ignore situational factors. 3. Fiedler's contingency model of leadership focuses on the belief that an individual's basic leadership style is a key factor in leadership success and the model identifies three situational variables: leadermember relations, task structure, and position power. 4. The path-goal model, on the other hand, proposes two classes of contingency variables--those in the environment and those that are part of the personal characteristics of the subordinate. 5. Situational leadership theory, developed by Hersey and Blanchard, proposes that there are four leadership styles--telling, selling, participating, and delegating. The best style depends on the followers' readiness--their willingness and ability to do the job. 6. Charismatic leaders are characterized by seven elements that are a combination of skills, traits, and abilities. 7. Visionary leaders are identifiable from the skills they possess; having the ability to explain the vision to others, having the ability to express the vision through one's behavior, and being able to extend the vision to different leadership contexts, gaining commitment and understanding. 8. To be effective in their jobs, team leaders need to be involved in four specific roles.
Part IV Leading
9. There are five dimensions of trust important to leadership: integrity, competence, consistency, loyalty, and openness.
See Exhibit 11-5, path-goal theory proposes two classes of contingency variables: 1) Those in the environment that are outside the control of the employee--environmental factors determine leader behavior required as a complement. And, those that are part of the personal characteristics of the employee--personal characteristics determine how the environment and leader behavior are interpreted. 5. What similarities, if any, can you find among Fiedler's model, path-goal theory, and Hershey and Blanchard's situational leadership? Answer The Fiedler Model was the first comprehensive contingency model for leadership. Effective group performance depends on the proper match between the leader's style of interaction and the degree to which the situation gives control and influence to the leader. He isolated three situational criteria--leader-member relations, task structure, and position power--that can be manipulated to create the proper match with the behavioral orientation of the leader. This contingency leadership model is an outgrowth of trait theory. Fiedler believed that an individual's basic leadership style is a key factor. Fiedler argued that leadership style is innate to a person--you can't change your style. It is necessary to match the leader with the situation based on three criteria. Leader-member relations--The degree of confidence, trust, and respect subordinates have in their leader. Task structure--The degree to which the job assignments of subordinates are structured or unstructured. Position power--The degree of influence a leader has over power variables such as hiring, firing, discipline, promotions, and salary increases. Path-goal theory is one of the most respected approaches to leadership. Developed by Robert House, a contingency model of leadership that extracts key elements from the Ohio State leadership research and the expectancy theory of motivation. The essence of the theory; the leader's job to assist followers in attaining their goals and to ensure that their goals are compatible with the overall objectives of the group or organization. A leader's behavior is acceptable to employees to the degree that they view it as an immediate source of satisfaction or as a means of future satisfaction. House identified four leadership behaviors. The directive leader tells employees what is expected of them, schedules work, and gives specific guidance as to how to accomplish tasks. It parallels initiating structure. The supportive leader is friendly and shows concern for the needs of employees. It is is essentially synonymous with the dimension of consideration. The participative leader consults with employees and uses their suggestions before making a decision. The achievement-oriented leader sets challenging goals and expects employees to perform at their highest level. In contrast to Fiedler, House assumes that leaders are flexible. Path-goal theory implies that the same leader can display any or all leadership styles. Research to validate path-goal predictions is encouraging, although not all is found positive. The majority of the evidence supports the logic underlying the theory. Situational Leadership was developed by Paul Hersey and Kenneth Blanchard, it shows how a leader should adjust leadership style to reflect what followers want. A contingency theory that focuses on the followers. Successful leadership is contingent on the follower's level of readiness. This emphasis reflects the reality that it is the followers who accept or reject the leader. The most effective behavior depends on a follower's ability and motivations. If a follower is unable and unwilling, the leader needs to display high task orientation. At the other end of the readiness spectrum, if followers are able
Part IV Leading
and willing, the leader doesn't need to do much. SLT has an intuitive appeal. Research efforts to test and support the theory have generally been disappointing. 6. How might leadership in Japan contrast with leadership in the U.S. or Canada? Answer National culture is an important situational factor determining which leadership style will be most effective. National culture affects leadership style by way of the follower. Leaders choice of styles is constrained by the cultural conditions that their followers have come to expect. Japanese leaders are expected to be humble and speak infrequently. They would offer group rewards, not offer individual recognition, and use a more participative style. American and Canadian leaders would give more direction, recognize individual achievement, and lay more responsibility on the individual worker.
5. When might leaders be irrelevant? Answer Data from numerous studies demonstrate that, in many situations, any behaviors a leader exhibits are irrelevant. Certain individual, job, and organizational variables can act as "substitutes for leadership," negating the influence of the leader. Characteristics of employees such as experience, training, "professional" orientation, or need for independence can neutralize the effect of leadership. Jobs that are inherently unambiguous and routine or that are intrinsically satisfying may place fewer demands on the leadership variable. Organizational characteristics as explicit formalized goals, rigid rules and procedures, or cohesive work groups can act in the place of formal leadership.
Part IV Leading
A CASE APPLICATION: Developing Your Diagnostic and Analytical Skills Hiroski-Okuda at Toyota
Hiroski Okuda is a leader who isn't afraid to speak his mind or impose radical change in an organization., He is the Chairman of the Board at Toyota. Okuda served at Toyota's president-the first-non-family member in over 30 years to head the company. Okuda justifies his outspoken and aggressive style as necessary to change the company that he believes has become lethargic and overly bureaucratic. Okuda moved ahead at Toyota by taking jobs that other employees didn't want. On one project Okuda noted, "Everyone wanted to give up. But I restarted the project and led it to success." It was his drive and ability to overcome obstacles that were central to his rise in the company's hierarchy. When Okuda ascended to the presidency of Toyota in early 1995, the company was losing market share. Okuda attributed this problem top several factors. Toyota had been losing touch with customers in Japan. Competitors had also done a much better job at identifying the boom in recreational vehicles-especially the sports utility market. Toyota's burdensome bureaucracy also bothered Okuda. In his first 18 months on the job, Okuda implemented some drastic changes. He replaced nearly one-third of Toyota's highest ranking executives. He revamped Toyota's long-standing promotion system adding performance as a factor. Some outstanding performers were also moved up several levels in management at one timesomething unheard of in the past in the company. Okuda also worked with vehicle designers to increase the speed at which they get a vehicle from concept to market. Finally, he is using the visibility of his job to address a larger societal issue facing all Japanese businesses. Unfortunately, some of Okuda's actions may have backfired. Speculation that he "overstepped" his boundary at times lead to his removal as President in June 1999. However, his strategic leadership, and the good he's done for the company didn't go unnoticed-it help him ascend to the Chairman's job. Questions: 1. How would you describe Hiroski Okuda's leadership style? Cite specifics where appropriate. Answer Transformational. Note his career path, taking jobs no one else wanted, getting people to believe, initiating massive changescutting the bureaucracy, promoting high performers, etc. 2. When a company is in a crisis, do you believe that a radical change in leadership is required to turn the company around? Support your position. Answer Students may argue either side. Central is the circumstances for the crisis. If externally caused, existing management may be able to address it. If long term in nature, based on internal problems, then a radical change will be necessary. 3. Would you describe Okuda's leadership style to be a) charismatic, b) visionary, and c) culturally consistent with the practices in Japan? Explain. Answer There is insufficient information to answer a). Students will have to speculate. He was clearly visionary in that he had a clear vision, articulated, and implemented it. Students might argue this isnt true because he didnt get everyone to sign on i.e. the Toyota family. His behavior is obviously contradictory to Japanese expectations.