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Physical Examination Guide

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The document provides a guideline for conducting a thorough physical examination, outlining the different body systems and areas that should be examined and the observations that should be recorded.

The document outlines the structure and components of a physical examination, including gathering patient information, measuring vital signs and anthropometrics, and examining different body systems and areas from head to toe.

Vital signs that are measured include temperature, blood pressure, pulse rate and rhythm, respiratory rate, and weight, height, BMI, mid-upper arm circumference, waist and hip circumference, and waist-hip ratio.


General Information Name of Client: __________________________________________________________ Age: ________ Sex: ________ Unit/Ward: ______________ Bed No.: _________ Examiner: _______________________________________________ Home Addres: ____________________________________________________________________________________ II. Vital Signs and Anthropometric Measurements T: ___________________ oral axillary rectal tympanic BP: __________________ sitting lying standing PR: _______________/min RHYTHM: regular irregular VOLUME: absent thready/weak bounding normal HR: _______________/min regular irregular RR: _______________/min DEPTH: normal deep shallow RHYTHM: regular irregular QUALITY: effortless labored use of acce.muscles WEIGHT: __________kg HEIGHT: __________cm BMI: ______________kg/m2 MUAC: ___________ cm WAIST CIRC: _______cm HIP CIRC: _________cm WAIST-HIP RATIO: _____________ IV. Integument General Color: normal pallor cyanosis jaundice erythema vitiligo Texture: smooth rough others: _____________________ Temperature: warm cool others: ___________________ Turgor: good fair poor Moisture: normal dry wet/clammy oily Lesions: PRIMARY: ecchymosis macule patch papule plaque nodule tumor vesicle bulla pustule cyst wheal SECONDARY: atrophy erosion lichenification scales crust ulcer fissure scar keloid excoriation Edema: pitting non-pitting (GRADING: ____________) VI. Head Configuration: normocephalic smooth contour others: ______________________________________ nodules masses depressions Fontanelles: closed open sunken bulging Facial Features: symmetric slightly symmetric asymmetric exophthalmos moon-faced myxedema Facial movements: symmetric asymmetric involuntary facial movements III. General Survey Build: endomorph mesomorph ectomorph Posture and Gait: relaxed/erect coordinated uncoordinated staggering shuffling stumbling unable to walk alone walks with assistive devices Hygiene: clean/neat unkempt halitosis ( ammoniaodor acetone-odor foul-odor) bromhidrosis Nutrition: well-nourished obese cachexic General Appearance: relaxed signs of distress ( pain, cardio-respiratory anxiety) Emotional State: calm worried restless tense others: ______________________________ Development: well fairly poorly looks accdg to age Looks younger older Level of Consciousness: conscious lethargic obtunded stuporous comatose Coherence: coherent incoherent Orientation: oriented to disoriented to ( time person place) V. Nails Color: pink pallor cyanosis Nail Plate: convex spoon-shaped/koilonychia clubbing Capillary Refill: ______ seconds normal delayed Texture: smooth thick thin beaus lines Inflammation: negative positive (characteristics:____________________________________) Hygiene: clean dirty VII. Neck Trachea: midline deviated to ( right left) Lymph Nodes: nonpalpable palpable enlarged tender Thyroid: nonpalpable enlarged Range of Motion: normal rigid Carotid Pulse: ____________/min symmetric asymmetric RHYTHM: regular irregular VOLUME: absent thready/weak bounding normal NVE: ____________ Masses: present absent Tonic Neck Reflex: present absent

USE TO LOCATE PAIN (red), LESIONS (blue), EDEMA (green)


<17 17 18.5 18.5 24.9 25 29.9 >30

BMI Interpretation extremely underweight underweight normal overweight obese (>40 extremely obese)

EDEMA GRADING 1+ = 2mm deep 2+ = 4mm deep 3+ = 6mm deep 4+ = 8mm deep

onchitioss VIII. Eyes Lids: symmetrical asymmetrical edema/swelling (R L) ptosis (R L) Periorbital Region: edema sunken discoloration Eyelashes: equally distributed curled outward turned inward Eyebrows: evenly distributed loss of hair symmetrical asymmetrical skin intact scaling flaking equal movement unequal movement Conjunctiva: pinkish pale red extremely pale extremely red lesion discharge Sclera: anicteric subicteric icteric hemorrhages Lacrimal sac and NL duct: non-tender tender Cornea: transparent shiny smooth arcus senilis (+) sensitivity (-) sensitivity Iris: transparent dicoloration opacity cloudiness Pupils: R:_____mm L:_____mm equal unequal Reaction to Light: R brisk sluggish fixed L brisk sluggish fixed Reaction to Accomodation: equal unequal Peripheral Vision: intact smaller than normal half-vision Extraocular Muscle Test: intact non-intact nystagmus Visual Acuity: grossly normal R:____/____ L:____/____ wears eyeglasses/contact lenses (grade: R:___ L:___) XI. Mouth Lips: pinkish pallor cyanosis dry/crack lesions Mucosa: pinkish pallor cyanosis moist dry lesions Tongue: midline deviated to (R L) atrophy fasciculation lesions Teeth: complete incomplete braces retainers Caries (red), Missing (green), Dentures (blue) Gums: pinkish pale bleeding tender nontender Speech: intact slurred aphasic others: _____________ Gag Reflex: present absent Rooting Reflex: present absent Sucking Reflex: present absent Extrusion Reflex: present absent XII. Chest and Lungs Inspiration:Expiration ratio: ____ : ____ Shape: APL ratio: ____ : ____ barrel funnel pigeon Chest Expansion: symmetrical decreased/lag (R L) Tactile Fremitus: symmetrical decreased or increased @ (R L) lung field Percussion: resonant dull tympanitic hyrresonant Breath Sounds: vesicular over ____________

IX. Ears Auricles: symmetrical asymmetrical aligned with outer canthus of the eye low-set ears Color: same as facial skin pallor cyanosis Texture/Elasticity/Tenderness: mobile firm non-tender tender pinna recoils after folded Gross Abnormalities: _________________________________ External Canal/Middle Ear: impacted cerumen discharge ( foul smelling serous purulent mucoid) Gross Hearing: symmetrical deafness (R L) with hearing devices: ___________________________ Rinnes Test: R ______ L ______ Webers Test: lateralization (R L) Startle reflex: present absent X. Nose Nasolabial Fold: symmetrical shallow (R L) Septum: midline deviated (R L) perforated Mucosa: pinkish pallor cyanosis redness discharge ( bloody serous purulent mucoid) Patency: both patent obtructed (R L) Masses/Lesions Sinuses: tender non-tender Gross Smelling: symmetrical olfactory deficiency (R L) bronchovesicular over ____________ bronchial over _____________ Adventitious Breath Sound: absent fine crackles coarse crackles wheezes rhonchi stridor friction rub Sound Vesicular Bronchovesicular Bronchial Fine Crackles* Character Insp. > Exp. Insp. = Exp. Exp. > Insp. Soft, highpitched (510msec) Coarse Crackles* Louder, lower in pitch (2030msec) Wheezes High-pitched; have hissing or shrill quality Rhonchi Low-pitched; have a snoring quality * crackles is sometimes called rales Indication Normal Normal Normal Pneumonia, fibrosis, early CHF, bronchitis, bronchiectasis Narrowed airways as in asthma, COPD, bronchitis Secretions in large airways

Primary Skin Lesions: Macule: flat, 1mm to 1cm Patch: flat, >1 cm Papule: circumscribed, elevated, <1cm Plaque: elevated, >1cm Nodule: elevated, deeper than papule, 0.5 2cm Tumor: elevated, deeper, may be irregular in shape, >2cm Vesicle: circumscribed, with serous fluid, <0.5cm Bulla: circumscribed, with serous fluid, >0.5cm Pustule: vesicle o bulla filled with pus Cyst: >1cm, fluid-filled, deeper than vesicle and bulla Wheal: reddened, irregular in shape Secondary Skin Lesions: Atrophy: dry, paperlike, wrinkled skin surface Erosion: moist, shallow depression, epidermis only Lichenification: rough, thickened, hardened area Scales: shedding flakes of greasy, keratinized tissue Crust: dry blood, serum, or pus left on the surface Ulcer: deep, irregularly-shaped, extending to dermis or subQ Fissure: linear crack with sharp edges Scar: flat, irregular area of connective tissue after wound healing Keloid: elevated, irregular, darkened area of excess scar tissue Excoriation: linear erosion


onchitioss XIII. Heart Precordial Area: flat bulging normodynamic hyperdynamic tenderness PMI at ____________________________________ pulsation displaced ( laterally lower) heave thrill Aortic area at _______________________________________ pulsation heave thrill Pulmonic area at _____________________________________ pulsation heave thrill Tricuspid area at _____________________________________ pulsation heave thrill Apical area at _______________________________________ pulsation heave thrill Heart Sounds: distinct faint S1 _____ S2 at base S1 _____ S2 at apex Extra heart sounds: S3 S4 Murmurs: absent present (GRADE: _________) Best heard at ____________________________________ Jugular Vein: not visible distended Jugular Venous Pressure*: ____cm elevated not elevated XV. Abdomen Appearance: uniform color striae lesions purple striae tense, glistening skin (for ascites) dilated veins Configuration/Contour: flat globular protuberant scaphoid symmetrical asymmetrical Abdominal Movement: symmetrical asymmetrical peristalsis aortic pulsations Umbilicus: sunken bulging hernia Bowel Sounds: ________/min normoactive hyperactive hypoactive absent Arterial Bruit: absent present ( aortic iliac renal artery) Friction Rub: absent present Percussion: Tympanitic at _____________________________ Dull at ___________________________________ Fluid Wave: absent present Shifting Dullness: absent present Liver: non-palpable enlarged smooth border nodular hard tender non-tender Spleen: non-palpable enlarged tender non-tender Bladder: non-palpable distended Others: muscle guarding direct tenderness rebound tenderness masses: _____________________________ CVA: tender non-tender

XIV. Breast and Axillae Size: symmetrical asymmetrical Appearance: same as color of abdomen or back discoloration striae dimpling/retraction hypervascularization swelling edema Areola: round oval symmetrical asymmetrical Nipples: round everted inverted symmetrical size asymmetreical size discharge: ___________________ Lymph Nodes: palpable non-palpable Breast tissue: non-tender tender masses nodules discharge: ____________________________________ XVI. Ano-Genital FEMALE: Pubic Hair: kinky inverse triangle scant extended to abdomen parasites lesions Labia: symmetrical asymmetrical pinkish discoloration Orifice: same color as surrounding tissue discoloration inflammation swelling discharge lesions Clitoris: _______cm MALE: Pubic Hair: triangular distribution extending to abdomen scant absent others: ________________________ Penis: intact skin slightly wrinkled wrinkled smegma swelling inflammation nodules lesions tenderness immobility smooth/semifirm Meatus: pinkish discoloration discharge:______________ Scrotum: symmetrical asymmetrical marked asymmetry discoloration tightening of skin darker in color enlarged nodules lesions non-tender tender BOTH: Lymph Nodes: non-palpable swelling non-tender tender Femoral Hernia: absent present Inguinal Hernia: absent present Anus: intact skin lesions tender non-tender RectalWall: smooth non-tender tender nodular lesions XVII. Back and Extremities Spine: straight curved kyphosis scoliosis lordosis Joints: non-tender tender redness warm swelling crepitation nodules ROM: move smoothly full decresed at _______________ Muscles: equal in size unequal in size atrophy contractures tremors firm/tonic atonic foot drop Movement: smooth coordinated flaccid spastic Stength: equal unequal (GRADE: __________________)

Grading Muscle Strength: 0 0% of normal strength; complete paralysis 1 10% of normal strength; no movement, contraction of muscle is palpable and visible 2 25% of normal strength; full muscle movement against gravity, with support 3 50% of normal strength; normal movement against gravity 4 75% of normal strength; normal full movement against gravity and against minimal resistance 5 100% of normal strength; normal full movement against gravity and against full resistance

Grading Murmur: 1 Very faint; heard during valsalva maneuver 2 Quiet 3 Moderately loud 4 Loud with palpable thrill 5 Very loud with thrill; with stethoscope 6 Very loud with thrill; without stethoscope USE TO LOCATE ABDOMINAL LESIONS (scars, rashes, etc.)

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