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Study Guide

Commercial Refrigeration and HVAC/R Maintenance

Contents Contents


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This study guide concludes your course in HVAC/R technology. It first focuses on refrigeration systems, both commercial and domestic. It then provides a more general guide to the types of installation, maintenance, and troubleshooting work carried out by HVAC/R technicians every day. This part of your program is based on the textbook, Fundamentals of HVAC/R. Its divided into nine assignments; each assignment covers a specific area of the HVAC/R trade. The study material for your program consists of 1. Your textbook, Fundamentals of HVAC/R. It contains the assigned readings and review exercises at the end of each unit. These are assigned as self-check exercises. 2. This study guide, including an introduction to your program and a summary of the material youll cover in each lesson. This guide also contains the following features: An assignments page that lists all of the reading assignments for your textbook Introductions to your lessons Listings of the self-check tests you should complete as part of each assignment Answers to the self-check exercises The examinations for each lesson As you now know, your textbook is covered by the reading assignments in this guide. Your textbook, Fundamentals of HVAC/R, is the heart of this program. Its very important that you read the material in the text and study it until youre completely familiar with it. This is the material on which your examinations will be based. Each chapter begins with a list of learning objectives. Read through the learning objectives so that youll know what to expect when you read through the unit. After you complete each unit, you can use the list of learning objectives to review the important points of the unit.

Instructions Instructions

Weve divided the contents of your textbook, Fundamentals of HVAC/R, into three lessons for you to study. For each lesson, youll read part of the textbook. Then, youll complete an examination on the material you read for the lesson. This study guide contains a list of your lesson assignments, as well as the lesson examinations. Be sure to read all the material in both the textbook and this study guide before you attempt to complete your examinations. To get the most benefit out of each of your lessons, we suggest that you follow these steps: Step 1: In this study guide, read the introduction to Assignment 1. This is the first reading assignment of Lesson 1. Pay attention to the new ideas and concepts that are introduced, and carefully note the pages in your textbook where the reading assignment begins and ends. Skim the assigned pages in your textbook to get a general idea of their contents. Now, read the assigned pages in the textbook. Try to see the big picture of the material during this first reading. Next, go back and study the assigned pages in your textbook carefully. Pay careful attention to all details, including the illustrations, charts, and diagrams included in the textbook. Take notes on the important points and terms in a notebook, if you wish. At the end of the reading assignment, review what youve learned by completing the Review Questions in the textbook. Write out the answers on a separate piece of paper, if you wish. Try to answer the questions on your own without looking them up in the textbook. Dont worry about making a mistake. The purpose of answering these questions is to review the material and to help you recognize the areas that you may need to study

Step 2:

Step 3:

Step 4:

Step 5:

Instructions to Students

again. After youve answered the Review Questions, look up the answers in the textbook to confirm that you answered the questions correctly. If you answered any questions incorrectly, review the material for that topic until youre sure that you understand it. Note that the Review Questions are provided only for you to review your learning. You wont be graded on the Review Questions in any way. Do not send your Review Questions answers to the school. Step 6: Repeat Steps 1 through 5 for each of the remaining reading assignments in the lesson. When youve finished reading all the assigned textbook pages for the lesson and youre sure that youre comfortable with the material, complete the examination for that lesson. Remember that the lesson examinations are contained in this study guide. Each examination contains a number of multiple-choice questions. Take your time as you complete the examinationtheres no time limit. You may go back to your textbook to review material at any time when youre working on the examination. When youre finished with each examination, submit your answers to the school for grading. Repeat these steps until all three lessons have been completed.

Step 7:

Step 8:

Remember, you may ask your instructor for help whenever you need it. Your instructor can answer your questions, provide additional information, and provide further explanation of your study materials. E-mail your questions to your instructor, and he or she will see to it that you receive the needed information. Your instructors guidance and suggestions will be very helpful as you progress through your program. Now, look over the lesson assignments and then begin Lesson 1. Good luck with your program!

Instructions to Students


Instructions to Students

Lesson 1: Commercial Refrigeration Systems, Part 1

Assignments Assignments

For: Assignment 1 Assignment 2 Assignment 3

Read in the study guide: Pages 811 Pages 1214 Pages 1417

Read in the textbook: Pages 12831314 Pages 13151331 Pages 13321345 Material in Lesson 1

Examination 01488700

Lesson 2: Commercial Refrigeration Systems, Part 2

For: Assignment 4 Assignment 5 Assignment 6 Read in the study guide: Pages 2427 Pages 2730 Pages 3033 Read in the textbook: Pages 13461372 Pages 13731387 Pages 13881402 Material in Lesson 2

Examination 01488800

Lesson 3: Installing and Maintaining HVAC/R Systems

For: Assignment 7 Assignment 8 Assignment 9 Read in the study guide: Pages 4042 Pages 4345 Pages 4547 Read in the textbook: Pages 14031419 Pages 14201447 Pages 14481467

Examination 01488900 Material in Lesson 3


Lesson Assignments

Commercial Refrigeration Systems, Part 1

In this lesson, youll continue learning about the functions and operating methods of refrigeration system components, with a particular focus on those components used in commercial refrigeration systems. Your textbook introduces several special-application machines used for flash freezing, dispensing dairy products, displaying refrigerated products, and making ice. This lesson also describes how various types of controls, including mechanical, temperature, pressure, and electrical, enhance the operation of commercial refrigeration systems. Youll learn about the function of devices such as receivers, filter driers, and other special components used in commercial refrigeration systems. Throughout these assignments youll consider the decision process that goes into selecting refrigeration equipment and how individual components are used to fill the needs of specific applications. When you complete this lesson, youll be able to Describe the various types of commercial refrigeration systems and the differences between high-, medium-, and low-temperature systems Explain how a multiple compressor system operates Describe how an evaporative cooling system works Explain how a refrigerators defrost cycle operates Size a walk-in cooler or freezer List the various types of transport refrigeration systems Identify the useful features and limitations of the various refrigeration systems found in restaurants and supermarkets

Lesson 1 Lesson 1

Read this introduction to Assignment 1. Then, study Unit 76, Commercial Refrigeration Systems on pages 12831301 and Unit 77, Commercial Refrigeration Equipment on pages 13031314, in the textbook, Fundamentals of HVAC/R.

In this assignment, well begin with a review of the refrigeration process and the industry standards for the four temperature ranges related to commercial refrigeration. The information you learn from this assignment will allow you to better understand how practical refrigeration systems operate and, therefore, better diagnose system problems.

Commercial Refrigeration
As youll recall, refrigeration is the transfer of heat from one space to another. Whether its a residential (domestic) refrigeration unit or a large commercial application, the process is the same. Stated simply, the refrigeration process involves liquid refrigerant absorbing heat in one area; as the refrigerant absorbs heat, it boils and changes to a refrigerant vapor. The refrigerant vapor is pumped to another area where the absorbed heat transfers out of the refrigerant vapor. With the absorbed heat rejected, the refrigerant vapor condenses back into a liquid. The process repeats until the temperature of the refrigerated space reaches the desired level. The major difference between residential and commercial refrigeration is that the refrigeration equipment is located at a commercial business, not at a residence. Commercial refrigeration systems can be found in many configurations that vary from single stand-alone units to complex applications requiring multiple refrigeration systems. Youll find that commercial systems are installed and maintained by a select group of refrigeration technicians dedicated to these types of systems.

Commercial Refrigeration and HVAC/R Maintenance

Reach-in Refrigeration Merchandising

Reach-in refrigeration units add convenience and enhance sales for merchandise on display. These types of refrigeration systems can have an open or closed display case, and are available in high-, medium-, and low-temperature ranges. The closed case has a slight advantage in efficiency, while the open case offers the consumer unrestricted access. The configurations that the display takes are almost limitless. They can be vertical or chest type, with an assortment of shelving options. The units can be placed together or they can be used as stand-alone displays. The self-contained reach-in fixtures have several characteristics that need to be considered before theyre selected. First, the compressor and condenser are contained within that one piece of equipment. This allows the unit to be placed or moved wherever its needed. The only requirement is that an adequate electrical supply needs to be provided. With a stand-alone unit, heat rejected by the condenser goes back into the building. The added heat might be an advantage in the winter (reducing heating costs), but adds to the air-conditioning load of the building during summer.

Walk-in Refrigeration
Walk-in refrigeration is available in various sizes and configurations. It can be installed as a prefabricated knockdown type, which can be disassembled and relocated, or as a permanent installation. Construction methods and materials used for either type depends on the temperature inside the refrigerated area and the estimated life of the system. Evaporators and fans are carefully placed to minimize cooling loss when any door is opened. Additional fan and liquid line controls may be required to improve efficiency and protect the compressor from slugging. Walk-in coolers must have condensate drains that lead out of the cooled space. Proper slope of drain lines with attached traps are required to ensure proper condensate removal. If the refrigerated space is below freezing, the drains and traps inside the refrigerated space will require heat, which is usually

Lesson 1

supplied by heat tapes. Prepackaged wall or ceiling refrigeration units for walk-in coolers are available. Their installation is similar to that of a home window air conditioner.

The Defrost Cycle

This assignment also introduces the different defrost methods and equipment needed for low- and medium-temperature refrigeration systems. First, consider the different types of defrosting cycles. A medium-temperature refrigeration system maintains a conditioned space at 34F45F, which translates to an evaporator coil thats 10F15F cooler than the space it occupies. This means that during the cooling cycle, the coil is below freezing, whereas during a portion of the off cycle, the coil is above freezing. Since the space and the coil are above freezing at least part of the time, defrosting of the evaporator coils occurs naturally. This is called off-cycle defrosting and can occur on a random or planned schedule. A random defrost cycle can be taken advantage of only if the refrigeration system has reserve capacity to cool more than its anticipated load; the evaporator fan continues to run during the defrost cycle to accelerate defrosting. A planned defrost cycle must be used for systems that dont have reserve capacity. For planned defrosting, the compressor is turned off for a brief time to allow defrosting to occur. Usually, a planned defrost cycle is scheduled when the least cooling load is expected. Now, lets look at different methods used to defrost low-temperature systems. Low-temperature designs exist in refrigeration systems that never get above freezing. In this case, some form of heat is added to defrost the evaporator coils. The supplied heat comes from either internal or external sources. Internal-heat defrost (also referred to as hot-gas defrost), injects hot gas from the compressors discharge line into the evaporator coil, causing the evaporator coil to defrost. While a single evaporator system requires a simple T connection at the expansion valve to allow hot-gas defrosting, multiple evaporator systems require that the hot gas be injected between the expansion valve and the refrigerant distributor to ensure equal distribution of the hot gas. On systems that use forced


Commercial Refrigeration and HVAC/R Maintenance

air to cool the space, the defrost cycle is usually initiated by a timer and stopped either by a timer or when a predetermined temperature is reached. A successful hot-gas defrost requires that specific actions occur in the proper sequence. These actions are as follows: 1. The hot-gas solenoid opens. 2. The evaporator fans turn off. 3. The compressor must continue to run. 4. The hot-gas defrost cycle continues for a predetermined time. 5. Drain pan heaters are energized as required. External-heat defrost requires heat generated by another source to defrost the evaporator coils. The heat usually comes from electric heating coils placed near or imbedded in the evaporator coils. Since this method uses additional energy, a timer usually controls the defrost cycle. The sequence for external heat defrost is as follows: 1. The evaporator fan stops. 2. The compressor shuts down. 3. The electric heaters are energized. 4. Drain pan heaters are energized as required. To end the external heat defrost cycle as soon as practical, a temperature sensor, used in conjunction with the timer, stops the defrost process as soon as a predetermined temperature is reached. The timer is set to end the defrost cycle in the event that the temperature sensor fails. After youve read pages 12831314 in the textbook Fundamentals of HVAC/R carefully and completed the Review Questions on pages 13011302 and 1314, check your answers against those provided in the back of this study guide. When youre sure you completely understand the material from Assignment 1, move on to Assignment 2.

Lesson 1


Read this introduction to Assignment 2. Then read Unit 78, Special Refrigeration Components on pages 13151331 in the textbook, Fundamentals of HVAC/R.

This assignment explains the purpose of many components found throughout complex systems of all types, including commercial refrigeration systems. The following introduces a few of these components while your textbook covers these and several more in detail.

Solenoid Valves
One of the most popular devices used to control fluid or vapor flow is the solenoid valve. The solenoid valve consists of an electromagnetic coil and a movable plunger that moves in response to the coil being energized and de-energized. Solenoid valves can be configured normally open (allows flow when the coil is de-energized), or normally closed (doesnt allow flow when the coil is de-energized). Solenoid valves are considered snap-acting devices since they open or close rapidly when the coil changes state. When installing a solenoid valve, a technician should consider two things. 1. The solenoid valve must be installed so that the flow through it goes in the proper direction. A solenoid valve that has the flow going in the wrong direction can allow flow to leak by the valve. Usually, the correct flow direction is indicated on the valve body. 2. The angular position of the solenoid valve must be considered. If the solenoid is positioned so that the plunger allows gravity to affect it, the valve might not close after the coil de-energizes. Usually, solenoid valves are installed with the coil positioned on top. A pilot-operated solenoid valve uses the pressure from a smaller line (controlled by the solenoid valve) to control a larger valve, which in turn controls liquid or vapor flow through larger pipes.


Commercial Refrigeration and HVAC/R Maintenance

Pressure Switches
A typical refrigeration system has low-pressure switches, high-pressure switches, low ambient control switches, and an oil safety switch. Lets look at how each type of pressure switch is used to control electrical current to a refrigeration device. A low-pressure switch closes (conducts) when the pressure rises above a predetermined level. Typical uses for this type of switch are to detect a low refrigerant charge or a low temperature. Normally, low-pressure switches reset once the low-pressure or low-temperature condition is corrected. If a low refrigerant charge is detected, the pressure switch disables the compressor control to prevent the system from going into a vacuum until the system is recharged to its proper level. To use a low-pressure switch as a low-temperature sensing device, a correlation between system pressure and the desired temperature must be calculated. As the temperature drops, so does the system pressure. When the temperature (in a cooler for example), lowers to the desired level, the low-pressure switch opens; the system stops and the temperature (and pressure) begin to rise. Once the pressure reaches a predetermined level, the switch closes, starting the system to once again cool the space. A high-pressure switch opens (stops conducting) when the pressure rises above a predetermined level. Resetting a highpressure switch can be done manually or automatically, with manual reset offering the greatest protection for equipment. Typically, a high-pressure switch prevents a compressor from operating with excessive head pressures. The last pressure switch well discuss is the oil pressure safety control. This device is used on larger compressors to ensure that adequate oil pressure is present when the compressor is running. The pressure switch operates on a principle of net oil pressure, which is the compressors outlet pressure minus its suction pressure.

Lesson 1


Relief Valves
Relief valves protect a refrigerant system from an uncontrolled rupture by releasing refrigerant at a predetermined maximum pressure. Relief valves are available as either spring-loaded or one-time valves. The spring-loaded relief valve will open to relieve excessive pressure, then automatically close. The onetime relief valve (also called fusible plugs) opens in response to excessive temperature and is unable to close after relieving pressure. Due to environmental concerns related to releasing refrigerants into the atmosphere, the spring-loaded relief valve is used most often. A relief valve is always placed in a vapor line (not a liquid line). Fusible plugs are usually located in the suction line near the compressor to prevent the compressor shell from rupturing during a fire. After youve read pages 13151331 in the textbook Fundamentals of HVAC/R carefully and completed the Review Questions on pages 13301331, check your answers against those provided in the back of this study guide. When youre sure you completely understand the material from Assignment 2, move on to Assignment 3.

Read this introduction to Assignment 3. Then, study Unit 79, Restaurant and Supermarket Equipment, on pages 13321345, in the textbook, Fundamentals of HVAC/R.

This assignment introduces refrigeration equipment thats unique to the restaurant and supermarket industries. Our introduction focuses on just one type of specialized equipment, which makes ice, while your textbook covers several other types of specialized equipment in more detail.

Ice-Making Equipment, Packaged Type

First, lets begin by making a distinction between ice-making (package ice) and ice-holding machines. Well discuss small commercial ice-making machines that operate between 10F and 32F, produce their own ice, and have an insulated but non-refrigerated storage section below the refrigeration unit.


Commercial Refrigeration and HVAC/R Maintenance

These units are self-contained and require only an electrical supply, a water supply, and a drain for melted ice and condensate. Ice-holding machines, on the other hand, simply store ice thats made at another location. Ice-holding machines typically maintain the storage temperature well below freezing.

Making Flake and Cube Ice

Package ice machines make either flake ice or some form of solid ice. Flake ice is formed by flowing water in a vertical refrigerated cylinder. The water is chilled, then frozen by the refrigerated cylinder. An auger, turned constantly by a gear motor and drive unit, shaves the ice off the inside surface of the cylinder. The ice is forced upward towards a discharge chute where it falls into a storage bin. Ice is made and harvested on a continuous basis as long as power is connected to the machine. The correct water level inside the refrigerated cylinder is maintained by a float system. Cube ice can be made in several ways using different processes. Flat ice is formed to a specified thickness. The evaporator is then defrosted enough for the ice sheet to release. The sheet of ice is placed on resistive heating cutting wires, which cut the ice into a predetermined shape. Another method of making cube ice requires water to flow into preformed cups where its frozen, defrosted slightly to release, and then moved to storage. The water can be sprayed from below into the preformed cups. Ice can also be made in a cylindrical form. This is accomplished by using a tube within a refrigerated tube. Water is pumped into the inner tube. When the water pressure reaches a predetermined level, the refrigeration system is turned off, the evaporator is defrosted slightly, and the water pressure pushes the ice cylinder out. With all of these cube icemaking systems, the ice is released using defrost, which is generally accomplished by using hot refrigerant gas thats diverted to the low-pressure areas of the evaporator.

Lesson 1


Water and Ice Quality

The water quality, the water flow rate, and the water level are critical to the proper operation of the unit and should match the manufacturers instructions. To eliminate problems of mineral buildup and defrosting problems within ice-packaging machines, manufacturers dictate water filtration requirements for their machines. The type and level of filtration required depends on the quality of the water supply.

Package Ice Machine Location

To ensure that the ice-packaging machine can perform its function properly, several factors must be considered. First, the temperature of the incoming water must be checked, as well as the ambient air temperature. Most ice-packaging machines are designed to operate between 40F and 115F. As the temperature of both the water and ambient air goes up, the capacity of the ice-packaging machine goes down. Units located outside when temperatures are below 40F should be shut off and the water drained to prevent permanent damage. Units installed indoors in confined areas may need an air-circulating fan over the condensing coils.

Troubleshooting Ice Makers

Troubleshooting an ice-packaging machine is divided into three categories: the water circuit, the refrigeration circuit, and the electrical circuit. Refrigeration circuit troubleshooting is divided into high-pressure side and low-pressure side. High-pressure problems involve checking the operation of the condenser and verifying that the correct refrigerant charge exists. Low-pressure problems involve checking the water delivery system, refrigerant delivery system, and compressor. Electrical problems may cause defrost irregularities and hot high-voltage conductors. Electrical problems may also cause low-voltage devices to malfunction.


Commercial Refrigeration and HVAC/R Maintenance

After youve read pages 13321345 in the textbook Fundamentals of HVAC/R carefully and completed the Review Questions on page 13441345, check your answers against those provided in the back of this study guide. When youre sure you completely understand the material from this lesson, complete the Lesson 1 Examination.

Lesson 1




Commercial Refrigeration and HVAC/R Maintenance

Lesson 1 Commercial Refrigeration Systems, Part 1


Examination Examination

Whichever method you use in submitting your exam answers to the school, you must use the number above. For the quickest test results, go to http://www.takeexamsonline.com

When you feel confident that you have mastered the material in Lesson 1, go to http://www.takeexamsonline.com and submit your answers online. If you dont have access to the Internet, you can phone in or mail in your exam. Submit your answers for this examination as soon as you complete it. Do not wait until another examination is ready. Questions 120: Select the one best answer to each question.

1. What advantage do glass door frozen-food cases have over open display frozen-food cases? A. B. C. D. They can be used in heating mode to maintain hot food. Customers find them more convenient. Theyre easier to stock with products. Theyre more reliable.

2. Evaporative cooling is commonly used for commercial refrigeration applications located in A. retail stores. B. schools. C. hospitals. D. greenhouses.

3. What refrigeration component makes it possible to use a single compressor to maintain multiple cases at different temperatures? A. B. C. D. Suction line accumulator Crankcase pressure regulator Liquid solenoid valve Evaporator pressure regulator


4. What is the approximate ventilation requirement for low temperature, air-cooled condensing units? A. 400 CFM per 1000 Btu B. 265 CFM per 1000 Btu C. 200 CFM per 1000 Btu D. 165 CFM per 1000 Btu

5. The first step in selecting commercial refrigeration equipment for a new installation is to A. compile a list of component prices to determine how large a system the customer can afford. B. perform a heat load calculation to determine the required BTU capacity of the system. C. compile a list of components already in inventory so you can see what youll have to choose from. D. select the compressor because all other components will be sized to match it. 6. Why is it necessary to have controls for maintaining a minimum high-side pressure on outdoor air-cooled condensers? A. The refrigerant wont condense if its excessively cooled. B. The chemical components in the refrigerant will separate if the pressure is allowed to drop below the normal minimum operating pressure. C. Refrigeration metering devices require a minimum pressure drop to operate. D. Compressors wont operate correctly if the compression ratio is too low. 7. What must be considered when performing a heat load calculation for a walk-in cooler or freezer? A. Heat transmission, air infiltration, product, and supplemental loads B. The volume of the case, the temperature to be maintained, and the air changes per hour C. Heat gain through the walls, floor, and ceiling D. The style of the evaporator, the box temperature, and the type of refrigerant 8. What type of compressors do protocol refrigeration systems use? A. Scroll B. Rotary C. Hermetic reciprocating D. Semi-hermetic reciprocating

9. A trailer-mounted refrigeration systems compressor is often powered by A. B. C. D. a separate diesel engine. solar panels mounted to the top of the trailer. a generator operated from the wheels of the trailer. a large bank of batteries.


Examination, Lesson 1

10. What is the normal storage temperature for food items like milk, cheese, fresh fruits, and vegetables? A. 1F to 32F B. 25F to 35F C. 32F to 40F D. 40F to 50F

11. If a reach-in freezers evaporator is coated with a large quantity of ice, A. it operates more efficiently because the ice provides free cooling. B. the operation of the system isnt affected because the coil is still below freezing. C. the systems refrigerant level should be checked because the evaporator shouldnt freeze up. D. it operates less efficiently because the ice acts as insulation. 12. The defrost cycle of a low-temperature refrigerated case is often accomplished A. B. C. D. by shutting off the compressor and bypassing hot gas to the evaporator. by shutting off the compressor and energizing electric defrost heaters. through normal use from customers opening and closing the doors. by leaving the case fans operating and shutting off the compressor.

13. Where is the refrigerant piping run from a rack system to the individual refrigerated cases? A. B. C. D. On top of the floor under a protective metal cover In trenches under the floor Through an exterior wall Refrigerant piping isnt necessary because rack systems are self contained

14. A water-cooled condensers high-side pressure can be maintained by a A. water regulator valve. B. fan speed control. C. fan-cycling pressure switch. D. crankcase pressure regulator.

15. A flow control device stops or allows the flow of refrigerant based on an electric signal. This device is probably a(n) A. evaporator pressure regulator. B. automatic expansion valve. C. crankcase pressure regulator. D. solenoid valve.

16. What function is performed by an evaporators pressure regulator? A. It wont allow the pressure in the evaporator to drop below its setpoint, even if the suction pressure is lower. B. Its used in place of a more traditional refrigerant expansion device. C. Evaporator pressure regulator is simply another name for thermostatic expansion valve. D. It wont allow the pressure in the evaporator to rise above its setpoint, even if the suction pressure is higher.

Examination, Lesson 1


17. How do open display cases maintain the temperature within the case without any doors? A. A curtain of cold air separates the product from the warmer store air. B. The cold air tends to stay in the display case due to the engineered air baffles that prevent cold air from leaving the case. C. A strong, magnetic field across the opening prevents the cold air from escaping. D. Clear plastic sheets hang down in front of the product, sealing in the refrigerated air. 18. A refrigeration compressors net oil pressure is found by A. B. C. D. subtracting the crankcase pressure from the oil pump discharge pressure. measuring the pressure leaving the oil pump. subtracting atmospheric pressure from the oil pump discharge pressure. adding the crankcase pressure and the oil pump discharge pressure.

19. Moisture indicators are normally part of a A. filter-drier. B. suction accumulator. C. sight glass. D. liquid receiver.

20. Multiple parallel compressors make it possible to use multiple refrigerants in a A. B. C. D. compound multistage compressor system. cascade system. two-stage cooling system. parallel multi-compressor system.


Examination, Lesson 1

Commercial Refrigeration Systems, Part 2

In this lesson, youll learn about special applications for commercial refrigeration, including transport, trucking, marine, and air cargo. Youll then study domestic refrigerators and freezers. Youll learn about the construction of a refrigerator and how the temperatures of the freezer and fresh-food portions of the refrigerator are maintained. The lesson finishes with an in-depth discussion of refrigeration system troubleshooting. When you complete this lesson, youll be able to Discuss how ice is formed on an ice rink List a variety of applications for cryogenic refrigeration Provide examples of applications where cascade-type refrigeration systems are used Explain how a drinking-water cooler operates Explain the purpose and methods of quick freezing and refreezing Discuss the operations that take place in food processing plants, including those that make ice cream Illustrate the features inherent in refrigerator and freezer cabinet design Maintain refrigerators and freezers Explain troubleshooting techniques for defective compressors, relays, capacitors, and condensers Understand how to search for leaks in a refrigeration system

Lesson 2 Lesson 2

Read this introduction to Assignment 4. Then, study Unit 80, Refrigeration Applications, on pages 13461361 and Unit 81, Food Preservation, on pages 13621372 in the textbook, Fundamentals of HVAC/R.

In this assignment, youll learn about special applications of commercial refrigeration systems. Each has its own operational challenge that it must overcome.

Extra-Low-Temperature, Cascade, and Quick Freeze Refrigeration

Extra-low-temperature refrigeration is a process that maintains a product below 0F. While colder refrigeration temperatures exist in this range, theyre used mainly to fast-freeze products. The purpose of our discussion is to learn how these lower temperatures are achieved, since using a standard single-stage compressor would result in excessively high and damaging compression ratios. To achieve these lower temperatures, multiple stages of compression are used, with the first stage partially compressing the refrigerant and the second stage compressing the refrigerant to its final pressure. Using multiple stages of compression reduces the compression ratio, thereby increasing the efficiency of the compressor. To achieve even lower temperatures, refrigeration systems are connected in series, with the condenser of one system transferring heat to the evaporator of the next system. Cascading systems use a different refrigerant in each stage of refrigeration to achieve very cold temperatures. The faster a food is frozen, the higher the quality the food will be. To preserve foods at the highest quality requires very low temperatures and a process called quick freezing. When foods are frozen slowly, ice crystals form then rupture, spoiling the original quality of the product. Different foods and packaging requirements require different fast-freeze rates, temperatures, and processes. The blast freeze method uses very low-temperature air delivered at a high velocity to quick-freeze the product. Either conveyor systems or tunnels can be used to quick-freeze a product individually or in quantity.


Commercial Refrigeration and HVAC/R Maintenance

Transport Refrigeration
Transport refrigeration refers to various ways products that require a conditioned environment can be moved from one location to another. Trucks, trains, ships, or aircraft can be involved in moving these products. Since goods must be transported through all types of climates, refrigeration systems must be able to adapt to maintain the quality of the product. Truck refrigeration systems can range from packing a product in ice to microprocessor-controlled stand-alone refrigeration systems. Ice is the simplest way to maintain a cool temperature in an insulated space for a short period. This method can maintain temperatures just above freezing only, and the product must be protected from water damage as the ice melts. Dry ice, made from solidified and compressed carbon dioxide, is an effective way to refrigerate an insulated space to very cold temperatures. While dry ice is very effective, controlling the temperature of the refrigerated space isnt easy, and the product must be protected from dehydration. Dry ice is also difficult and somewhat hazardous to handle. Liquid nitrogen and liquid carbon dioxide can produce very cold temperatures without the problems associated with regular ice or dry ice. An insulated tank located under the truck stores the liquefied gas. A thermostat in the cargo area controls the flow of the liquid to a distribution manifold located at the top of the cargo area. The control allows both liquid nitrogen and liquid carbon dioxide to provide stable, controlled, and reliable temperatures in both the low and medium refrigeration ranges. These systems have proven to be an acceptable alternative to mechanical refrigeration systems. Trucks may also use self-contained, thermostatically controlled, mechanical refrigeration systems to maintain a low or medium temperature in a cargo space. Smaller mechanical refrigeration systems can be used in conjunction with cold plates. Self-contained systems have the advantage of not needing a remote refrigeration system or power source. Larger trucks use stand-alone nose-mount or underbelly refrigeration systems.

Lesson 2


A compressor can be driven by the trucks engine or a separate gasoline or diesel engine with an electric clutch to engage or disengage the compressor, or a separate gas or diesel engine can be used to drive a generator that produces electricity to power a compressor motor. The compressor capacity can be controlled by changing the speed of the compressor or by loading or unloading its individual cylinders. Mechanical refrigeration systems will use some type of fan to circulate the conditioned air inside the refrigerated space. One major concern of transport refrigeration systems is refrigeration component weight. Most modern refrigeration systems take advantage of lightweight materials to provide reliable, efficient service with the least weight impact. Since truck refrigeration systems dont have excess cooling capacity, the product should be at the correct refrigerated temperature before being placed in the cargo area. To minimize heat infiltration, the entire cargo space must be properly insulated and mechanically maintained (seals intact, and no holes allowing outside air to infiltrate the cargo space). Refrigeration is possible in rail cars using two methods. The most common ways are to use a diesel-driven motor generator to drive the compressor or use the older axle-driven compressor unit. The axle-driven unit isnt used much anymore, since active refrigeration is available only when the car is moving and it requires an external power source when the car is parked. The diesel-powered units operate, in most respects, exactly as the larger truck refrigeration systems that we already discussed. The refrigeration system on a ship must be able to adapt to various product-cooling requirements, with the method used to power the compressor dependent on the capacity and load on the system. Small-capacity systems might drive the compressors using electrical motors powered from the ships electrical system; large-capacity systems might drive the compressors using steam turbines powered by steam from the ships boilers. Evaporators can be forced draft, plate type, or bare tube. All of these systems must have some means to defrost the evaporators. For large refrigeration systems, hot gas may be used to defrost if the evaporators are close enough to the compressor; if not, filtered seawater can be sprayed on


Commercial Refrigeration and HVAC/R Maintenance

the evaporators to remove the ice. Seawater may also be used to cool the condensers, but since seawater is corrosive, special materials must be used and periodic cleaning is required. Secondary refrigeration systems are sometimes used to reduce oil return problems associated with long, high-side piping runs. Smaller individual topside containers can have stand-alone refrigeration systems that connect to the ships electrical system for power. After youve carefully read pages 13461372 in the textbook, Fundamentals of HVAC/R, complete the Review Questions on pages 13611361 and 1372. Check your answers with those provided at the back of this study guide. When youre sure that you understand the material from Assignment 4, go on to Assignment 5.

Read this introduction to Assignment 5. Then study Unit 82, Domestic Refrigerators and Freezers, on pages 13731387 in the textbook, Fundamentals of HVAC/R.

In this assignment, youll learn about domestic refrigerators. As youll remember from your previous lessons, refrigeration is removing unwanted heat from one area and moving it to another area where the heat isnt a problem. Basically, the refrigerator is an electrical appliance designed to preserve foods through cooling or freezing. The refrigerator consists of an insulated box that uses the same principles and components for cooling as you learned about in your previous studies.

Refrigerator Design and Construction

Modern refrigerators are available in a variety of designs, layouts, and colors. The common refrigerator normally has two doors, one for the freezer and one for the fresh-food area. Refrigerators known as over-and-under units have the freezer located either above or below the fresh food area. Other refrigerators, called side-by-side refrigerators, have the fresh-food area and freezer alongside each other.

Lesson 2


Refrigerator doors are usually made with hinges that can be easily changed so that the door can swing open in the opposite direction. This feature allows the refrigerator to be quickly altered to fit into a specific room layout. Compression type seals and magnetic-strip gaskets around the doors prevent air leakage. Heaters around the doors can be used to keep the doors external surface above the dew point and reduce sweating around the door. When installing a refrigerator, the levelers are usually adjusted so that the refrigerator tilts slightly to the back. This is done to cause the door to automatically swing shut if accidentally left open. On some models, ice and water dispensers may be mounted in the door for convenience. These models reduce the number of times that the door is opened (which allows unwanted roomtemperature air to enter and increases operating time). The interior surfaces of a modern refrigerator are normally plastic, making them easy to clean. Various compartments in the refrigerator may be designed to keep certain types of foods slightly warmer or colder than the main food area.

Servicing Refrigerators
Its important that you have the proper tools available before taking any refrigerator repair call. The first step when going on a repair call is to try to determine whether the problem is mechanical or electrical. Mechanical problems such as cabinet problems are sometimes very easy to fix. Many problems, such as overflow of the icemaker, failure of condensate to completely drain during defrost, and problems with doors can be attributed to improper leveling of the box. Older units may require replacement of door gaskets, which have become unserviceable due to age and use. When troubleshooting refrigerant lines and components, youll find that domestic refrigerators dont have ports to attach gages. The domestic refrigerator system is sealed during manufacture, and the use of gages shouldnt normally be required. In cases where the use of gages is necessary, care must be taken to use them properly as described in your textbook.


Commercial Refrigeration and HVAC/R Maintenance

Domestic Freezers
Domestic freezers are very similar to refrigerators in general purpose and design. Both the refrigerator and freezer are stand-alone food storage appliances that can be moved between locations and operate from standard residential power. The major differences are that the freezer is a singletemperature device thats usually located in an area other than the kitchen, and isnt opened nearly as often as the refrigerator. The freezer is designed for longer-term food storage, requiring that the food be properly wrapped to prevent freezer burn. Freezer burn occurs when moisture is able to escape as vapor from the food into the air inside the freezer. The vapor then condenses on the evaporator and is removed from the freezer during the defrost cycle. Freezer burn doesnt destroy food, but the dehydration changes the appearance and can alter the flavor. The domestic freezer can present a problem when initially freezing food, due to its relatively low capacity. Food should be frozen as quickly as possible, as occurs in a flash freezer found in commercial food processing plants. Some freezers have a quick-freeze rack or compartment where food can be initially placed in the freezer. If food is frozen too slowly, such as by putting a side of beef in a domestic freezer, ice crystals will form in the product cells, damaging the cells and altering the food taste and quality. If a lot of food is to be frozen, its best to chill it first before placing it in the freezer. The freezer cabinet is constructed similarly to the refrigerator. The outside of the box is normally made of sheet metal. The inside is often made of plastic but may also contain metal thats painted or porcelain-coated. Two types of domestic freezers are available, the upright and chest. The upright type of freezer is similar in appearance to a refrigerator, with a door that swings open and may be hinged on either side. The upright freezer takes up less floor space than a chest freezer, making it good for residences where space is limited. Another asset of the upright freezer is that sometimes food can be found and accessed with less trouble than in a chest freezer.

Lesson 2


The chest type of freezer is usually considered more efficient than the upright freezer because the cold air stays in the freezer when its opened. The chest freezer has a lid thats raised from the front and hinged in the back. Gaskets are used around the lid. Removable baskets store food in the upper half of the freezer. The baskets can be removed to allow access to foods stored in the bottom of the freezer. On one end of the interior of the chest freezer is the area containing the compressor. A forced-air fan coil may also be located at this end for fast freezing. After youve read pages 13731387 in the textbook Fundamentals of HVAC/R carefully and completed the Review Questions on page 1387, check your answers against those provided in the back of this study guide. When youre sure you completely understand the material from Assignment 5, move on to Assignment 6.

Read this introduction to Assignment 6. Then, study Unit 83, Troubleshooting Refrigeration Systems on pages 13881402 in the textbook, Fundamentals of HVAC/R.

In this assignment, youll learn about typical operating conditions and proper troubleshooting techniques related to refrigeration systems. Well start by looking at how to get organized to logically resolve a problem. Well finish this assignment by reviewing several common refrigeration system problems and the correct approach a technician should follow to solve them.

Structured Troubleshooting
Before you begin adjusting, servicing, or repairing a refrigeration system, you must have both a thorough understanding of how each component of the system should normally operate and a complete understanding of how the total system should work. You should also perform a complete inspection of the system to help properly diagnose the problem. Your inspection should include sampling system temperatures, pressures,


Commercial Refrigeration and HVAC/R Maintenance

ambient air temperature, current draws, voltages, and checking all air-moving devices. While you inspect each component, you should look for obvious problems first. Since its uncommon for two or more refrigeration components to fail at the same time, you must consider what other problem might have caused the failure. Newly developed refrigerants will cause problems for inexperienced refrigeration technicians who cant correlate the refrigerant temperatures and pressures to the specific application.

Typical Refrigeration System Problems

The following problems are common to all refrigeration systems: Low refrigerant charge Excess refrigerant charge Ineffective evaporator Inefficient condenser Restriction in the refrigerant circuit Inefficient compressor Lets take a brief look at each of these problems and how they affect the system. A low refrigerant charge reduces the systems capacity by limiting the evaporators ability to absorb heat. With the exception of systems that use automatic expansion valves, a low refrigerant charge causes both the suction and discharge pressure gauges to indicate low pressure. On systems with sight glasses, particles resembling air bubbles will be visible. If only vapor remains in the system, a light film of oil may cloud the sight glass. If a thermostatic expansion valve is present, a low refrigerant charge causes it to hiss when refrigerant is flowing through it. An experienced technician can determine if a low refrigerant charge exists by feeling temperature variations throughout the system. Finally, a low refrigerant charge will cause the compressor to run hotter than normal.

Lesson 2


An excess refrigerant charge causes high discharge pressure and, with the exception of systems that use automatic expansion valves, can cause high suction pressure. Suction pressure at the thermostatic expansion valve may also be excessive. Capillary tubes will flow excessive amounts of refrigerant as a result of the high suction pressure. The overcharge condition can be bad enough to allow liquid refrigerant to reach the compressor (slugging). A malfunctioning evaporator may also cause liquid refrigerant to get back to the compressor. An ineffective evaporator has low suction pressure and cant absorb heat properly. An indication of an ineffective evaporator is sweating or frosting of the suction line at the compressor. System symptoms can be caused by an accumulation of dirt on the coil, an ineffective cooling fan, blocked or incorrect airflow, icing, or a defective expansion valve. The technician should carefully check the relationship between the boiling temperature of the refrigerant and the temperature of the ambient air entering the coil. Finally, a superheat check of the evaporator should be completed to ensure that adequate refrigerant is reaching it. An inefficient condenser (whether air- or water-cooled) doesnt properly transfer heat out of the system; as a result, the head pressure increases. A technician should look for improper, blocked, or a negatively influenced airflow. For instance, a new structure or building addition might change the prevailing wind and airflow pattern through the condenser. A restriction in the refrigerant circuit may occur in the liquid or vapor line and result in a partial or complete blockage of refrigerant flow. Note: To prevent permanent damage to refrigeration components, never knowingly allow a system with a restriction to operate for an extended time. A restriction causes a pressure drop and a temperature change across the restriction. Different adverse symptoms will occur depending on the location of the restriction. While gauges will indicate that a restriction exists, they cant pinpoint where the restriction is located. A visual inspection may not allow you to locate a physically damaged line if its hidden from view. A restriction in a liquid line may cause it to act like an expansion device. Some liquid line restrictions will require you to use a thermometer to determine the location. A plugged filter or line


Commercial Refrigeration and HVAC/R Maintenance

drier may cause a restriction that occurs quickly after startup. Control valves that dont open or close completely or are improperly positioned may cause restrictions in the system. Moisture or other contamination can cause control valves to malfunction. Inspection of all strainers or filter screens is a must. An inefficient compressor may be difficult to diagnose. Obviously, if the compressor doesnt run at all, its easy to determine the problem. But if the compressor does run, determining its pumping effectiveness may prove more difficult. When troubleshooting a running compressor, remember that its a vapor pump that draws refrigerant vapor in from the suction (low) side, then forces it out pressurized on the high side of the system. Lets finish this assignment by reviewing some sound fundamental business practices that you should follow to improve your relationship with customers. The way you present yourself and act when working on a job contributes to the overall satisfaction of the customer. Always interact with and inform the customer about what youre doing, the cost, and how long the job will take. You should always be considerate, courteous, and orderly. Educate customers on preventive-maintenance tasks and routine inspections that they can do to prevent unnecessary breakdowns and to help control expenses. If you do these things, the customer will consider you a true professional and will call you when the need arises. After youve read pages 13881402 in the textbook Fundamentals of HVAC/R carefully and completed the Review Questions on page 1402, check your answers against those provided in the back of this study guide. When youre sure you completely understand the material from this lesson, complete the Lesson 2 Examination.

Lesson 2




Commercial Refrigeration and HVAC/R Maintenance

Lesson 2 Commercial Refrigeration Systems, Part 2


Examination Examination

Whichever method you use in submitting your exam answers to the school, you must use the number above. For the quickest test results, go to http://www.takeexamsonline.com

When you feel confident that you have mastered the material in Lesson 2, go to http://www.takeexamsonline.com and submit your answers online. If you dont have access to the Internet, you can phone in or mail in your exam. Submit your answers for this examination as soon as you complete it. Do not wait until another examination is ready. Questions 120: Select the one best answer to each question.

1. The coil of a potential relay used with a small singlephase compressor found in a refrigerator should have a resistance of A. 10,000 ohms. B. 250 ohms. C. 50 ohms. D. 1 ohm.

2. A blast freezer freezes products as they pass through using A. a fine mist spray of liquid nitrogen. B. a high-current-draw thermoelectric cooling plate. C. a tank flooded with liquid nitrogen that the product is dipped in. D. high-velocity low-temperature air thats blown across the product.


3. What is the most common method for keeping liquefied natural gas (LNG) liquefied at temperatures of 260F during transport? A. B. C. D. The LNG is packed in dry ice. A small amount of liquid is allowed to boil off to keep the remaining liquid cold. The LNG is cooled with large centrifugal chillers. LNG is naturally cold and doesnt require any refrigeration.

4. The thermal banks in smaller trucks used for local deliveries are recharged by a(n) A. B. C. D. electric compressor that operates while the truck is parked overnight. compressor thats turned by a belt on the truck engine. small diesel engine that runs an open compressor. DC-powered electric compressor that operates off the truck battery.

5. The three major electrical defects in compressor motors that can be identified using an ohmmeter are A. B. C. D. phased, unbalanced, or blown. single phasing, dual phasing, and three phasing. open, shorted, or grounded. lock, under capacity, and unbalanced.

6. When troubleshooting single-phase compressor motors, its important that the technician A. B. C. D. measure the phase displacement between the two power legs. check the frequency of the power source. check the start relay, start capacitor, and run capacitor. check for phase reversal between L1 and L2.

7. Freezers that freeze the product by dipping the food directly in the refrigerant are called A. immersion freezers. B. cryogenic freezers. 8. Why are vegetables blanched before theyre frozen? A. B. C. D. To To To To produce a bright green color and a pleasing appearance soft-freeze them prior to hard freezing them extend their freshness by killing bacteria and halting enzyme action reduce the amount of energy required to freeze them C. blast freezers. D. conduction freezers.

9. The refrigeration system freezes the ice for rinks by using A. a large thermoelectric grid beneath the surface of the ice. B. coils of piping below the surface containing a brine thats cooled with a chiller. C. coils of piping below the surface containing a saturated mixture of liquid and vapor refrigerant being circulated by a centrifugal chiller. D. coils of piping below the surface containing liquid nitrogen thats released to the air after evaporating.
36 Examination, Lesson 2

10. What is the purpose of refrigerating fruits and vegetables? A. B. C. D. Slow down the ripening process Kill microorganisms Hasten the ripening process Prevent excessive drying of the food

11. To preserve its quality during long-term storage, butter should be A. B. C. D. kept in hydrated containers at a temperature of 50F. stored at room temperature to preserve its texture and spread ability. stored in bulk at temperatures below 20F. stored at temperatures just above freezing because its quality is ruined when frozen.

12. At what temperature would you expect an ice cream hardening room to be maintained? A. 0 to 10F B. 0 to 10F C. 20F to 30F D. 10 to 20F

13. The temperature inside a refrigeration systems compressor should be kept under 300F because the A. B. C. D. metal components inside the compressor will start to melt. compressor oil starts to break down above 300F. refrigerant starts to boil inside the compressor above 300F. refrigerant starts to fractionate above 300F.

14. Freezers that place products between horizontal or vertical refrigerated plates are known as A. cryogenic freezers. B. blast freezers. C. immersion freezers. D. conduction freezers.

15. What is the panel called between a domestic refrigerator/freezers freezer and cooler compartments? A. The header B. The jamb C. The mullion D. The center post

16. When checking the resistance of the compressor start winding, the technicians multimeter shows 31 ohms. This indicates that the winding most likely A. is open. B. has continuity and is good. C. is grounded. D. is shorted.

Examination, Lesson 2


17. Which freezer arrangement is the most efficient? A. B. C. D. Chest-type freezer Upright freezer The freezer section of a side-by-side refrigerator Under-counter front-door freezer

18. The doors on a new refrigerator will close by themselves when let go if the A. B. C. D. refrigerator is properly leveled when its installed. automatic motorized door operator isnt functioning correctly. refrigerator isnt properly leveled when its installed. automatic motorized door operator is functioning correctly.

19. A hole in the outer shell of a refrigerator or freezer can be a problem because A. B. C. D. the magnetic field that produces the cooling effect can be reduced. moisture can enter, soak the insulation, and reduce its insulating ability. the refrigerant trapped between the inner and outer wall can escape. cold air can leak out, reducing the operating efficiency.

20. Why is the capillary tube soldered to the outside of the suction line on many domestic refrigerators? A. To provide a more leakproof seal than with mechanical connection B. For heat exchange between the cool suction line and the warmer capillary tube C. So the refrigerant can travel out of the cap tube, through the suction line, and into the evaporator D. For heat exchange between the warm suction line and the cooler cap tube


Examination, Lesson 2

Installing and Maintaining HVAC/R Systems

At this point in your studies, youve learned a great deal about all of the components found in HVAC/R systems and how they operate. This last lesson, which covers the last section of your textbook, concentrates on the three categories of everyday tasks youll encounter while working in the field. Theyre installation, maintenance, and troubleshooting. When you complete this lesson, youll be able to Discuss the factors affecting equipment placement Demonstrate how to select and size the power wiring, disconnect, and overcurrent protection Determine the correct charge for a new air-conditioning installation List system operational safety concerns that should be addressed on planned service calls Explain how to address common questions asked by customers Outline a general approach to troubleshooting Identify common refrigeration system performance indicators Explain how to use manufacturer provided troubleshooting aids

Lesson 3 Lesson 3

Read this introduction to Assignment 7. Then, study Unit 84, Installation Techniques, on pages 14031419 in the textbook, Fundamentals of HVAC/R.

Preparing for Installation

A successful installation depends on more that simply opening the shipping crate and assembling the unit. Preparation is essential, beginning with reading the manufacturers installation instructions. The instructions contain specifications for electrical power requirements as well as information regarding placement and start-up procedures. Before beginning the actual installation, local and national codes should be researched along with standards of professional organizations. Structural installation principles have been developed by the IRC (International Residential Code). The NFPA (National Fire Protection Association) publishes the NEC (National Electrical Code), which is the nationally accepted standard for electrical installation practices. The Underwriters Laboratory (UL) tests and reviews electrical components, and a UL approval may be required for some HVAC/R products according to local building codes. Airconditioning and refrigeration standards have been put forth by several organizations including the AHRI (Air-Conditioning Heating and Refrigeration Institute) and ASHRE (American Society of Heating, Refrigeration, and Air-Conditioning Engineers). Pressure vessels such as boilers, receivers, and coolers are the concern of the ASME (American Society of Mechanical Engineers). Most importantly, before installation the technician needs to verify that the system is correctly sized and efficiently meets the customers needs. Once all the necessary preparatory steps have been taken, youll most likely follow these installation practices in this order: equipment placement, ductwork installation, piping installation, electrical connections, evacuation and charging, and starting and checking.


Commercial Refrigeration and HVAC/R Maintenance

Equipment Placement
When deciding where to place equipment, first make sure that theres sufficient structural strength to support the units weight. Care must also be taken to ensure theres sufficient space for air movement, especially around condensers and fans or blowers. Sound and vibration issues must be addressed as well, with the use of isolators, isolation pads, and springs where necessary. One very important issue thats often overlooked is to make certain youve allowed ample space for service access. Even if your job description only requires you to install and not to service systems, its unprofessional and unfair to take a let the next guy worry about it attitude when considering unit access.

Ductwork and Piping Installation

Sizing and installing ductwork and piping has been discussed thoroughly in earlier lessons, and you can review those units if necessary. The importance of planning ahead for the location and orientation of these systems as well as securing them properly cant be over emphasized. Also the technician must always use correct soldering techniques for joining piping, which includes choosing the correct torch and gas for the type of tubing being joined. An essential part of piping and ductwork installation includes checking the system for leaks.

Electrical Connections
The installation technician is often responsible for the electrical wiring that connects to the unit. The three important elements of this process are sizing the wire, sizing the overcurrent protection, and choosing the type of disconnect. Wire sizes are determined by consulting the NEC. The units data plate provides overcurrent protection information. As a rule of thumb, the disconnect rating is 115% of the circuits minimum ampacity. All of these elements are important to protect the equipment as well as the safety of the occupants and installation technician. Its never safe to assume that a circuit-disconnect device is functioning as intended. Always use

Lesson 3


a meter to test for power before working on electrical components. Also make sure that all electrical connections are secure and correctly sized connectors are installed.

Evacuation and Charging

As you already know, its essential to check a system for leaks before starting it. Cooling systems are therefore evacuated and normally tested using nitrogen gas, which can be safely released into the atmosphere. Before charging, check the data plate to confirm the type and amount of refrigerant required. When charging split systems, adjust the volume to compensate for the refrigerant-line length.

Starting and Checking

When starting and checking a unit, its very important to follow a set routine so that all pre-start inspection requirements are completed in the correct order. Most manufacturers include their recommendations for startup in the units shipping container. Typically, these recommendations include checking clearances, mechanical components, and electrical connections. A systems ability to operate efficiently and according to design specifications depends on a correct installation process. One missed step or incorrectly sized component could result in not only inefficient operation, but in some cases catastrophic failure, damage to the unit, or danger to the occupants. After youve read pages 14031419 in the textbook Fundamentals of HVAC/R carefully and completed the Review Questions on page 14181419, check your answers against those provided in the back of this study guide. When youre sure you completely understand the material from Assignment 7, move on to Assignment 8.


Commercial Refrigeration and HVAC/R Maintenance

Read this introduction to Assignment 8. Then study Unit 85, Planned Maintenance on pages 14201447 in the textbook, Fundamentals of HVAC/R.

After installing the unit, an HVAC/R technician must also maintain it. Planning a maintenance schedule at the time the unit is installed helps ensure that it continues to function efficiently and reach its maximum lifespan. In addition, planned maintenance helps to keep small problems from becoming large issues, saving your customers money and preventing callbacks.

What Is Planned Maintenance?

Simply stated, planned maintenance is performing regularly schedule maintenance at pre-planned intervals to keep a unit functioning efficiently within its design specifications. There are four main components of a scheduled maintenance service call: routine maintenance, pre-start inspection, operation check, and troubleshooting and correction. Routine maintenance consists of checking and replacing parts such as filters or fluids on a regular basis. Typically, cooling system maintenance is scheduled in the spring and heating system maintenance in the fall to prepare for the operating seasons. Once routine maintenance is completed, the next step is the pre-start inspection. This begins by looking at the units data plate and noting operational specifications such as its voltage rating, amperage draw of motors, and combustion standards if applicable. After completing the pre-start inspection, the technician operates the unit. During the operation check, items such as the operating voltage and current as well as temperatures and pressures are compared to system specifications. The technician will also listen for any sounds from motors or fans, which might indicate a mechanical problem. Troubleshooting and correction of any problems is the final stage of a scheduled maintenance call.

Lesson 3


Cooling-System Maintenance
Scheduled maintenance of air-conditioning and refrigeration units calls for some special attention. Check the condenser and evaporator, clean their coils and look for damage. Change filters when necessary, lubricate motors and fans, and tighten belts as needed. Once the unit is started, measure motor(s) amperage draw, low-side and high-side pressures, superheat and subcooling, and evaporator pressure drops. Compare your results to design specifications.

Heating-System Maintenance
Annual heating-system checks should include both prestart and operational tasks. During the pre-start inspection, inspect and change filters as necessary, lubricate motors, and tighten fan belts. For all combustion type furnaces, inspect the combustion chamber. During operation, observe the flames of gas burners for correct combustion. Youll typically employ a draft gauge to measure draft readings. The temperature rise will also be measured and checked against specifications. For oil-burning furnaces, replace the nozzle and clean the cad cell sensor. During operation, there are numerous measurements that should be taken, including the oil pump pressure, stack temperature, and carbon dioxide levels. Check and manually adjust the barometric damper. Regardless of fuel type, hydronic heating systems require some additional maintenance tasks. Temperature-pressure relief valve function should be checked yearly, and check water flow rate to evaluate water pump operation. Obviously, you should inspect all piping and tanks for water leaks.

Importance of Safety
When you began your studies, you learned how to keep yourself safe by using correct techniques when handling tools and equipment. During a routine maintenance call, youll often work in an unfamiliar environment. Its important to be aware of your surroundings and take note of possible danger areas, determining a path to safety before a problem occurs. Equally


Commercial Refrigeration and HVAC/R Maintenance

important, perform appropriate safety checks to protect the health and well-being of the customer. This may include items such as the correct wiring and grounding of equipment, proper support and structural integrity of components, and adequate ventilation and appropriate clearances from structures and storage materials. Safety should always be your first and foremost consideration. After youve read pages 14201447 in the textbook Fundamentals of HVAC/R carefully and completed the Review Questions on page 1447, check your answers against those provided in the back of this study guide. When youre sure you completely understand the material from Assignment 8, move on to Assignment 9.

Read this introduction to Assignment 9. Then study Unit 86, Troubleshooting on pages 14481467 in the textbook, Fundamentals of HVAC/R.

The new sophisticated technologies used in todays HVAC/R systems offer the advantages of increasing efficiency and reducing operating costs. However, they also can make troubleshooting these systems more difficult. A well-trained and competent HVAC/R technician uses problem-solving skills to correctly identify deficiencies, diagnose their causes, and perform corrective measures in a safe and efficient manner.

Communicating with Customers

By this time in your studies, youve spent countless hours learning about all types of components, the gas laws of physics, system designs, and operating principles. However, all of this knowledge has limited value if you cant communicate with your customers. Once youve diagnosed a problem and decided on the corrective measures necessary, the next

Lesson 3


step is explaining them to your customer and answering their questions. These questions generally fall into six different categories. These include: How is the equipment supposed to operate? Unless the client has a basic understanding of how the system is designed to function, your explanation of the problem or your proposed solution wont mean much. What is the equipment doing wrong? Once you explain the problem, the next question arises naturally. What is the cause of the problem? This may be the most difficult question to answer since you need to briefly explain the cause without being too lengthy, or using technical jargon with which the client is unfamiliar. What tests were performed to determine the cause of the problem? You might choose to give details about how certain measurements vary from normal operating conditions and briefly describe what tools were used. After the customer has a basic understanding of how the system works and what the problem is, their next question will most likely be, how can this be corrected? In some instances there may be several solutions to choose from, depending upon whether short term or long term issues need to be addressed. How much will this cost? Obviously, this is the most important question for most clients. Part of your answer, depending on your employers policy, might require that the customer sign a cost proposal with itemized pricing for both parts and labor. Good communication goes a long way to eliminating misunderstandings and avoiding conflicts.

Basic Troubleshooting
A good technician understands how an entire system operates, which includes understanding how all of the components are interrelated. This is why your early studies covered so many theories and fundamental principles, enabling you to analyze all of the possible problems and choose the most probable


Commercial Refrigeration and HVAC/R Maintenance

ones. This process is known as a systems approach to troubleshooting. There are several basic stages or phases of the troubleshooting process, which are Understanding system operation sequence Preliminary system inspection Collecting operational data Recognizing what is operating incorrectly Testing to isolate the cause Recommending corrective action

Troubleshooting Tools
Naturally, there are various testing instruments and traditional hand tools used by a technician during the troubleshooting process. However, there are also trouble-shooting charts, provided by equipment manufacturers, which are invaluable diagnostic tools. Some are simply lists of symptoms, while others utilize flow charts indicating how the technician can conduct tests to eliminate possible failure causes. Use of these charts requires a general knowledge of how the system is intended to operate. After youve read pages 14481467 in the textbook Fundamentals of HVAC/R carefully and completed the Review Questions on pages 14661467, check your answers against those provided in the back of this study guide. When youre sure you completely understand the material from this lesson, complete the Lesson 3 Examination.

Lesson 3




Commercial Refrigeration and HVAC/R Maintenance

Lesson 3 Installing and Maintaining HVAC/R Systems


Examination Examination

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When you feel confident that you have mastered the material in Lesson 3, go to http://www.takeexamsonline.com and submit your answers online. If you dont have access to the Internet, you can phone in or mail in your exam. Submit your answers for this examination as soon as you complete it. Do not wait until another examination is ready. Questions 120: Select the one best answer to each question.

1. To ensure that the refrigeration oil being added is clean and dry, A. the oil should always be purchased in large containers, stored, and used as needed. B. additives such as acid reducer and moisture inhibitors should be added to the oil before every use. C. the oil container should remain open for at least an hour prior to use to ensure that all volatile organic compounds have evaporated. D. the oil should only be purchased in containers that will be used up after opening.


2. The disconnect current for a piece of air-conditioning equipment should be equal to A. B. C. D. the sum of the compressor RLA and the FLA of all fan motors. 115% of the minimum circuit ampacity listed on the equipment data plate. the minimum circuit ampacity listed on the equipment data plate. 115% of the maximum overcurrent rating listed on the equipment data plate.

3. Before checking the switches in the circuit to a nonfunctioning load, the technician should first check A. B. C. D. the resistance of the nonfunctioning device. line voltage, control voltage, and voltage to the nonfunctional component. the resistance of all the devices in the same circuit with the nonfunctional device. the current draw of the nonfunctioning device.

4. Before starting a new air-conditioning unit, the technician should A. B. C. D. ohm out all electrical components. perform both a mechanical and electrical pre-check routine. check the unit amp draw. check the system superheat.

5. What type of fuses should be used for overcurrent protection of air-conditioning equipment circuits? A. B. C. D. Fast-blowing fuses for added safety One-time fuses Time-delay fuses Air-conditioning equipment doesnt require overcurrent protection because of its inherent thermal protectors.

6. The diagnostic board on a system is flashing three short flashes, pausing, then flashing two long flashes. This most likely is displaying A. the ICM is faulty. B. the date. C. fault code 32. D. the suction pressure32 psig.

7. The minimum clearance to allow from the service access panel of a piece of equipment is A. 1 foot. B. 2 feet. C. 3 feet D. 4 feet.

8. When installing a typical split system small commercial refrigeration system, the condensing unit normally contains A. enough refrigerant for both the condensing unit and the evaporator, but not the refrigerant lines. B. no refrigerant, just a nitrogen-holding charge. C. enough refrigerant for the entire system, including a set length of lines. D. enough refrigerant for just the condensing line alone.


Examination, Lesson 3

9. What side of an air-conditioning evaporator coil generally collects dirt? A. B. C. D. Both sides build up dirt equally. The side where air enters the coil Dirt wont build up on an air-conditioner evaporator coil. The side where air exits the coil

10. Before opening an oil fill crankcase plug on a semi-hermetic compressor, A. the crankcase should be pressurized to facilitate quick oil removal. B. the compressor should be started to make sure the oil is warm while its being drained. C. pressure should be removed from the compressor crankcase. D. an oil defector shield should be in place to handle the small amount of oil spray that will come out when the plug is removed. 11. A technician notes that an operating air-conditioning system has ice formed on the suction line at the condensing unit. The technician can reasonably assume that the A. refrigerant charge is low. B. condenser coil is frozen also. C. refrigerant charge is high. D. evaporator coil is also frozen.

12. What is the purpose of checking the supply voltage after starting the system? A. B. C. D. To To To To determine which power leg is positive and which is negative determine the voltage drop in the motor determine the refrigeration coefficient of performance verify that the supplied voltage is within the manufacturers specifications

13. A technician needs to check the heating operation of a heat pump that has no gauge access ports. The technician should start by A. checking the temperature rise across the indoor coil. B. installing bolt on piercing valves on both the high and the low side of the compressor. C. recovering the system refrigerant using piercing pliers and installing permanent braze on service valves. D. installing bolt on piercing valves on both the gas line and the liquid line. 14. How does performing planned maintenance save the customer money? A. B. C. D. The customer will receive money saving coupons to purchase new equipment. The customer can apply for the federal air-conditioning maintenance tax credit. Reduced operational cost and longer equipment life Most air-conditioning contractors perform seasonal maintenance at no or reduced cost as a public service.

Examination, Lesson 3


15. When installing a split system, what should be done prior to opening the installation valves? A. B. C. D. Add a small quantity of water to prevent the O-rings in the valves from drying out. Purge the lines and coil with nitrogen to ensure that theyre clean. Heat the valve body with a torch to loosen it so itll turn freely. Evacuate the lines and coil.

16. A problem that can look like refrigerant overcharge if a service technician ignores subcooling and superheat is A. B. C. D. low evaporator airflow. high evaporator airflow. low condenser airflow. an overfeeding expansion device.

17. Why should caution be exercised when replacing a low-efficiency air filter with a higher-efficiency air filter? A. Its possible for air thats too clean to increase the occupants sensitivity to allergens. B. Higher-efficiency filters have a higher pressure drop, which can cause poor airflow. C. Air-conditioning coils depend on a certain amount of small particulates to help moisture precipitate out of the air. D. The lower pressure drop across high-efficiency filters can cause the blower motor to draw high amps. 18. What is the purpose of checking the supply voltage before operating the system? A. B. C. D. To To To To verify that the supplied voltage is within the manufacturers specifications figure out where to connect the power wiring to the unit determine the voltage drop in the wire determine which power leg is positive and which is negative

19. An air-conditioning system thats undercharged will operate with a A. B. C. D. high subcooling and a low superheat. low subcooling and a low superheat. low subcooling and a high superheat. high subcooling and a high superheat.

20. Why should service technicians be familiar with company pricing policies? A. B. C. D. Cost is often the foremost question in the customers mind. The technician should always try to sell the service customer new equipment. Technicians should always try to use parts and refrigerant that are on sale first. Most customers arent concerned with the cost, leaving the technician entirely in charge of repair costs.


Examination, Lesson 3

Unit 76
1. The equipment design must ensure that the quality of the product being cooled remains satisfactory, a minimum amount of energy must be used to perform the operation, and the process must be operated to comply with the laws relating to protecting the environment. 2. High, medium, low, and cryogenic temperatures 3. Below 40F and above 32F 4. Frozen foods 5. Low temperature 6. Cryogenic methods 7. Compressor, condenser, metering device, and evaporator 8. High/low pressure control, condenser fan, receiver tank, suction to liquid line heat exchanger, filter drier, evaporator fan, thermostat, and suction line accumulator 9. Multiple evaporator systems 10. A check valve 11. Conventional thermostat, a suction pressure cut-out control, or an evaporator pressure regulator 12. Multiple compressor systems 13. The suction line from the evaporator feeds the first compressor. Then the discharge from the first compressor enters the suction of the second compressor. The discharge from the second compressor goes to the condenser. 14. Evaporative cooling systems 15. A secondary refrigerant is a fluid cooled by direct refrigeration and used to transfer cooling to a distant area where cooling is needed and long direct expansion lines arent practical or economical. 16. Brines 17. Calcium chloride, sodium chloride, ethylene and propylene glycols, methyl alcohol, and glycerin 18. N-type and P-type

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19. An expendable refrigerant is one that performs cooling by permitting the liquid refrigerant to boil at atmospheric pressures and is released to the atmosphere after the cooling operation is completed. 20. Absorption systems 21. This means it changes from a solid to a gas without a liquid phase.

Unit 77
1. Food service, printing industry, dry-cleaning processes, and pneumatic control systems 2. These systems can be classified as high-temperature, medium-temperature, or low temperature applications. High-temperature applications are systems designed to maintain case temperature of 47F to 60F. Mediumtemperature applications are systems designed to maintain case temperature of 28F to 40F. Low-temperature applications are systems designed to maintain case temperature of 0F to 20F. 3. A drain line from the evaporators drain is connected to a floor drain, or it may be fed into a heated pan. 4. To prevent some of this warm air from entering the case, some systems will have a door switch that will shut off the fans when the door is opened. 5. Since most refrigeration systems operate at evaporating temperatures below 32F, frost will accumulate on an evaporator surface. This frost must be removed on a regular basis; otherwise it will begin to insulate the surface of the evaporator and prohibit the transmission of heat from the product to the refrigerant within the evaporator. 6. Using the air within the case, resistive heaters, discharge vapor from the compressor 7. A defrost cycle can be terminated based on temperature, pressure, or time. 8. Average usage and heavy usage


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9. Heat transmission, air infiltration, product load, and supplemental loads 10. Before any of the system components can be selected, the required BTU capacity of the system must be determined by performing a heat load calculation. 11. Low-temperature condensing units will require approximately 200 CFM per 1000 BTU. Medium-temperature units will require approximately 165 CFM per 1000 BTU. 12. The condensing unit will also need some means of keeping the high-side pressure above a minimum value during low outdoor temperatures. 13. (1) The air pattern of the evaporator must envelop the entire room. (2) Never install an evaporator above a door. (3) Dont install an evaporator coil in an area where it will interfere with the coolers aisles or storage racks. (4) The evaporator should be installed in a location that will provide the shortest possible distance between it and the condensing unit. (5) The location of the condensate drains should provide for minimum pipe length. 14. Cooling a secondary refrigerant for a building air conditioning system; ice rinks 15. Liquid chillers are available with reciprocating, scroll, screw, or centrifugal compressors. 16. A health switch is a temperature switch that alerts a customer that the machine is operating above a safe operating range for a period of time. 17. Increases efficiency 18. Refrigerated air driers are designed to lower the temperature of the air below its dew point temperature so water will condense out of it. 19. These systems can either use a separate diesel or gas engine or the vehicles engine to operate the compressor, and an electric generator to operate any other system components, or the entire system can be powered from a land line when the truck isnt on the road.

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20. Some train refrigeration systems will use an absorption system or steam jet system to refrigerate their products.

Unit 78
1. An evaporator pressure regulator (EPR) is a refrigerant flow control device that prevents the refrigerant pressure in the evaporator from operating below a minimum value. 2. A crankcase pressure regulator (CPR) is a common accessory added to many low-temperature refrigeration applications such as walk-in and reach-in freezers. 3. Its a close-on-rise regulator. 4. A solenoid valve is a flow control device that stops or allows the flow of a refrigerant in a refrigeration system. 5. Normally there will be an arrow stamped on the body of the valve to indicate the direction of refrigerant flow. 6. Theyre normally used to either stop or start a motor during its normal cycle or on a fault condition. 7. A mechanical pressure control is basically an electrical switch controlled by a pressure bellows. As more or less pressure is applied to the diaphragm of its bellows, a mechanical linkage will cause the electrical switch to either open or close. 8. Theyre normally used as safety controls. 9. An oil pressure control shuts down a compressor if an insufficient amount of oil is being fed to the bearings within a compressor. 10. Its a close-on-rise pressure control. 11. Mechanical temperature controls will have a sensing element filled with some type of fluid. As the temperature of the sensing element changes, the pressure of the fluid in the sensing element will also change. The fluid pressure is then transmitted to a diaphragm, which through a mechanical linkage will open or close on a mechanical switch.


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12. Because theres a relationship between the coil temperature and temperature of the air entering the evaporator 13. One method of elevating the system discharge pressure is to control the operation of the condenser fan motors. Another method of maintaining a minimum condensing pressure is the use of a pressure regulator with a builtin bypass feature. 14. An automatic relief valve and a one-time relief valve 15. A suction line accumulator is a safety device that helps prevent liquid refrigerant from returning to the compressor. 16. An oil separator is used to separate and collect some of the oil in the discharge line as it leaves the compressor and return it to the compressors crankcase. 17. A receiver is a vessel that allows a system to store excess refrigerant that it doesnt currently need. 18. A suction-to-liquid line heat exchanger can be added to a system to improve its efficiency and help to prevent liquid from returning to the compressor. 19. It maintains a desired high-side pressure and also provide a means of completely stopping the flow of water during the off cycle. 20. A sight glass

Unit 79
1. The advantages of remotes systems are: they wont add additional heat to the kitchen; their condensers arent located in a greasy environment; when theyre serviced, technicians dont have to interfere with the kitchen operation. The disadvantages of remote systems are: theyre not easily relocated; their initial cost to install is more expensive; they use more refrigerant and refrigerant piping. 2. The ability to satisfactorily clean the equipment, provide adequate temperature control, and product pressure

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3. Beer barrels are delivered at a pressure of 12 to 15 psi. The pressure controls the speed of the draw at the faucet. Some carbon dioxide gas needs to be added to most direct draw systems to maintain a pressure between 14 and 16 psi. 4. These beer lines can be cooled by air or by a refrigerated coolant. 5. 18F to 22F 6. The basic system consists of a hopper, a mix-feed system, a beater, and a freezing cylinder. 7. An operator must not exceed the draw of the machine. If the designed draw rate is exceeded, the product will be too soft to stand up, and therefore unsatisfactory. Also, the operator must clean the machine on a regular basis. 8. Mix-feed systems automatically meter liquid mix into the freezing cylinder to replace that which has been drawn off. 9. Batch freezers are designed to produce large quantities of ice cream instead of a single serving like a soft-serve freezer. 10. The advantage to this design is that when a problem arises with the system, such as a refrigerant leak, only that system is affected. There are several disadvantages to this design: (1) many more compressors are needed, usually resulting in higher operating costs; (2) the initial cost to install may be higher since it requires more equipment; (3) its more difficult to reclaim some of the heat for use in the store, such as for space heating the store or for heating hot water. 11. Uneven 12. 25F with a satellite suction temperature of 33F 13. A disadvantage of parallel systems is that a single leak can shut down a sizable number of cases. When possible, a refrigerant monitor should be used to alert the owner or service company of the problem.


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14. Piping from a rack system to the individual cases is carried in trenches underneath the floor or overhead using hangers. 15. The advantages of a protocol system are: it reduces the total refrigerant charge for the store; it reduces the amount of refrigerant piping needed; it decreases or eliminates the need for EPR valves; it eliminates the need for a central area for refrigeration equipment; it lowers the initial installation costs; it provides load matching with multiplexed compressors. 16. They rely on an air curtain(s) to provide a barrier between the stores environment and the product. 17. In the discharge air stream of the case 18. Three 19. Open display cases at low temperatures are more sensitive to the stores environment. Their evaporator coils tend to freeze up more quickly, requiring longer and more frequent defrosting. Because of this, reach-in glass door freezers are more often chosen to display frozen food products since theyre more reliable and less troublesome at low temperatures. 20. The basic design of most cubed ice machines is to begin water into a trough and pump it over an evaporator. The evaporator will be shaped in a form to produce the shape and size of the ice cube to be produced. The machine will sense when the correct size ice cube is formed and then drop these ice cubes into a bin.

Unit 80
1. Pasteurizing, homogenizing, cooling and holding the mix, freezing, and then hardening 2. 20 to 30F 3. Air films, frost and ice, scale, noncondensable gases, abnormal temperature differentials, clogged sprays, slow liquid circulation, poor air circulation, and foreign particles

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4. Storage of ingredients, controlling the temperature of the dough during the mixing process, storing and freezing the products 5. Because these food products, like all natural food products, contain insect eggs that when not stored under refrigerated conditions will hatch and contaminate the product 6. The straight dough process and the sponge dough process 7. Bread is frozen at temperatures between 16 and 20F and stored at temperatures below 0F. 8. The ice on ice skating rinks is produced in layers. 9. The temperature of ice for ice hockey is 22F, for figure skating 26F, and for recreational skating 26 to 28F. 10. Process cooling 11. 238F 12. Dewar flasks 13. Stainless steel, aluminum alloys, and nickel steel 14. Methane, ethane, propane, pentane, and nitrogen 15. The product is placed on a conveyor belt that passes through a blast freezer. High-velocity low-temperature air is blown across the product so that its frozen as it leaves the tunnel. 16. The product is passed through a shallow liquid nitrogen bath or immersed in a low-temperature brine solution. 17. A detachable truck trailer that has a stand-alone refrigeration system 18. Truck bodies lined with eutectic plates 19. Nitrogen and carbon dioxide flushing systems 20. This is used on fishing vessels where seawater comes into direct contact with pipes containing refrigerant. The cold salt water is then pumped back into the fish holds. 21. 90F room temperature, 90F supply water temperature, and 50F drinking water temperature 22. Dry ice and gel packs


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Unit 81
1. Perishable foods can be classified into six groups: meats, poultry, seafood, fruits, vegetables, and dairy products. 2. Microbiological: These include bacteria, molds, and fungi enzymes. Theyre chemical in nature and dont deteriorate. Oxidation changes: These are caused by atmospheric oxygen coming in contact with the food, producing discoloration and rancidity. Surface dehydration: In freezing. this is called freezer burn. Wilting: This applies to vegetables that lose their crispness. Suffocation: Certain fresh vegetables must have air. When sealed in cellophane bags, the bags must have holes. 3. Sanitation is the most important factor in controlling bacteria. 4. Poultry spoils much faster. Poultry has a particularly high level of salmonella. 5. Seafood 6. The purpose of refrigeration is to slow down the ripening process so that these products can reach consumers before spoiling. 7. These are picked green and must be ripened for marketing. Banana rooms must be airtight. Refrigeration is provided by using a refrigerant other than ammonia. A design temperature difference of 15F and a refrigerant temperature of 40F are considered good practice. 8. Mechanical refrigeration begins to cool it even during milking, from 90 to 50F within the first hour, and from 50 to 40F within the next hour. As more milk is added, the blended liquid must not rise above 45F. Milk is stored in insulated or refrigerated silo type tanks that maintain a 40F temperature. After milk is pasteurized and homogenized, its again cooled in a heat exchanger (a plate or tubular unit) to 40F or lower, and packaged.

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9. If stored improperly, the quality of butter deteriorates from absorption of atmospheric odors, loss of weight through evaporation, surface oxidation, growth of microorganisms and resulting activity of enzymes, and low pH (high acid) of salted butter. 10. The ideal storage temperature range for various types of cheese is in the range of 3034F for natural cheeses and 4045F for processed cheeses. Maximum temperatures range from 4560F for the natural cheeses while the processed cheeses may be kept on open shelves at 75F. 11. The temperature would need to be 45F and the relative humidity 7580%. 12. Special handling requirements Capacity Freezing times Quality consideration Yield Appearance First cost Operating costs Automation Space availability Upstream/downstream processes 13. By packaging in airtight containers or by waxing or glazing the product, ice glazing is used to prevent surface drying of fish. Fruits are often glazed with a sugar syrup to prevent oxidation. 14. This consists of placing the product in boiling water or steam to kill bacteria and to stop enzyme action. 15. Cold air at high velocities is circulated over the product. The air removes heat from the product and releases it to an air refrigerant heat exchanger before being recirculated.


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16. Products are placed on or between horizontal or vertical refrigerated plates that provide efficient heat transfer and short freezing time. 17. Cryogenic freezers utilize both convection and/or conduction by exposing food to temperatures below 76F in the presence of liquid nitrogen or liquid carbon dioxide refrigerants. 18. Products are frozen by immersion in a boiling, highly purified refrigerant. The product is then removed and the freezing process completed in a mechanical freezer. 19. The product should be heated sufficiently to kill these destructive agents before refreezing. 20. Preparation, processing, and unit operations Assembly, filling, and packaging Cooling, freezing, and casing Finishing: storage and shipping 21. These records should show conditions for time of day, season, on/off shift production, evaporator temperature, and equipment type/function. 22. To avoid the hazard of a potential ammonia spill to workers in the plant, glycol chillers are used by some plants to circulate propylene glycol to evaporators located in the production areas. 23. Energy-saving measures include floating head pressure controls with oversized evaporative condensers coupled with two-speed fans, single-stage refrigeration for small areas and loads, variable speed pumps for glycol chiller systems, ice builders to compensate for peak loads, door infiltration protection devices, insulation, and computerized control systems. 24. Entering temperatures Duration of storage Required product temperature for maximum/minimum protection Uniformity of temperatures

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Air movement and ventilation Humidity Traffic in and out of storage space Sanitation Light 25. The Association of Food and Drug Officials (AFDO) Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA) U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)

Unit 82
1. By slowing down the reproduction of bacteria and enzyme actions 2. Convection currents where cool air is heavier and falls and warm air is lighter and rises 3. No 4. Boxes can be found that are cooling only, 35F to 40F temperature range, freezing only, 10F to 0F 5. The chest-type arrangement is more efficient. 6. The 2nd Law of Thermodynamics 7. In the last few passes of the condenser 8. Heat is absorbed by a refrigerant as it changes from a liquid to a gas. 9. If a hole should occur in the outer or inner shell, moisture would enter the space and soak into the insulation. 10. The mullion 11. The mullion heaters keep the surfaces of the mullion warm to prevent condensation or freezing of water on their surfaces. 12. Refrigerator/freezer thermostats react to changes in temperature.


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13. If the thermostat is kept too low, then freezing of the coil can occur. 14. The differential is 4F. 15. Frost forms on the freezer coil due to the coil temperature being below 32F. 16. The three main components are the defrost timer, defrost heater, and the defrost thermostat. 17. The defrost timer keeps track of the compressor run time. 18. Dehumidifying is one effect of refrigerating that harms lettuce. 19. The crispers purpose is to maintain an area of higher humidity around certain produce. 20. If the refrigerator/freezer isnt leveled properly the doors wont close or open properly, water could spill out of the ice-maker tray, and produce wont sit level on the shelves. 21. The built-in gasket will pull and hold the door closed. 22. The compressor, condenser fan, and the evaporator shut off during a call for defrost. 23. The head pressure will go up. 24. Temporary taps can be installed to access the system, then permanent taps can be installed after all the refrigerant has been recovered from the system.

Unit 83
1. (1) Electrically diagnosing controls (switches, relays, and contactors); and (2) electrically diagnosing loads (coils, fan motors, and compressors) 2. The voltmeter, the ammeter, and the ohmmeter 3. Voltmeter 4. Ammeter

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5. Mechanical and electrical. Mechanical defects are problems that affect the operation of the mechanical pump inside the compressor. Electrical defects are those problems that affect the electrical operation of the motor inside the compressor. 6. A technician must compare the compressors actual amperage draw to the amperage draw as stated by the manufacturer. 7. One possibility is the motor windings of the compressor are open, shorted, or grounded. Another possibility is the starting components (start relay and/or capacitors) of the compressor are defective. The third possibility is the incorrect voltage is applied to a compressor. 8. 2% 9. Rated-load amps 10. Cylinder temperatures exceeding 300F will begin the breakdown of the oil. 11. Discover why the original compressor failed. 12. To test a current relay using an ohmmeter: 1. Remove the relay from the circuit. 2. Set an ohmmeter to its lowest scale. Zero the ohmmeter (if using an analog). 3. Place the ohmmeter leads on the L and M terminals of the relay. 4. Hold relay in the upright position. 5. Read the ohmmeter. 6. If the ohmmeter reads approximately one ohm, the coil of the relay is electrically okay. 7. If the meter reads an infinite reading, the coil is open and the relay needs to be replaced. 8. Next, place the ohmmeter leads on the M and S terminals of the relay.


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9. If the ohmmeter reads an infinite resistance, the contacts are openas they should be. If the meter reads a resistance, the contacts are stuck closed. The relay will need to be replaced. 10. Try turning the relay upside down and shake. The contacts should be closed, showing a zero resistance on the ohmmeter. Sometimes this test will fail even on a good relay, but its worth trying. 13. 1. Remove the relay from the circuit. 2. Set an ohmmeter to high scale. Zero the ohmmeter (if using an analog). 3. Place the ohmmeter leads on the 2 and 5 terminals of the relay. 4. If the ohmmeter reads a high resistance (approximately 6,000 to 14,000 ohms), the coil of the relay is electrically okay. If the coil reads infinite, it is electrically open and the relay needs to be replaced. 5. Next, place the ohmmeter leads on the 1 and 2 terminals on the relay. 6. If the ohmmeter reads zero, the contacts are closed as they should be. If the ohmmeter reads a high resistance or an infinite resistance, the contacts are defective and the relay needs to be replaced. 14. To test a capacitor using an ohmmeter, 1. Remove the capacitor from the circuit. 2. Discharge capacitor with a bleed resistor or a volt meter. 3. Set an ohmmeter to its lowest scale. Zero the ohmmeter (if using an analog). 4. Place the ohmmeter leads on the capacitor terminals. 5. Watch for one of the following indications of the conditions of the capacitor: GoodNeedle will swing toward zero and then slowly return to infinity

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ShortedNeedle will swing toward zero and remain there OpenNeedle will stay at infinity 6. Make a second test by reversing the leads of the ohmmeter. 7. If the test shows an open or shorted capacitor, repeat the test on higher resistance scales to verify the capacitor is truly defective. Depending on the capacitance and the meter used, higher resistance scales may need to be used for an accurate test. 8. For run capacitors, place one of the ohmmeter leads on a terminal of the capacitor and one lead on the body. If the ohmmeter reads a resistance, the capacitor is grounded and needs to be replaced. Next, test the other lead of the capacitor. 15. Using water is the best method, but isnt always practical since the water will need to be drained away. If water cant be used easily, a heat gun usually works well. 16. The method used is as follows: Step 1Measure the dry-bulb temperature of the air entering the condenser. (Well refer to this as the EATEntering Air Temperature). Step 2Measure the systems operating suction pressure. Step 3Using a pressure/temperature (P/T) chart, convert the suction pressure to its equivalent saturation temperature. Step 4Determine the systems application: low temperature, medium temperature, or high temperature. A low-temperature system is one that operates at an evaporating temperature of 0F and below. A medium-temperature system is one that operates at an evaporating temperature of between 0F and 25F. A high-temperature system is one that operates at an evaporating temperature of between 25F and 45F.


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Step 5Using the chart below, determine the appropriate temperature rise (TR). The TR is the difference between the EAT and the condensing temperature of the refrigerant in the condenser. Step 6The Condensing Temperature (CT) can then be determined by adding the EAT and the TR. CT = EAT + TR. Step 7Once the condensing temperature is known, its equivalent saturation pressure can be determined using a P/T chart. This will be the correct operating discharge pressure of the system. 17. The method used is as follows: 1. Determine the type of refrigerant in the system. 2. Electrically disable the compressor and allow the condenser fan to operate. 3. Attach a temperature probe to both the discharge line and liquid line. 4. Place a third temperature probe to measure the temperature of the air entering the condenser. 5. Connect a pressure gauge on the system to measure the pressure of the refrigerant in the condenser. 6. When all three temperature probes (discharge line, liquid line, and air entering the condenser) read the same temperature, record the pressure of the refrigerant in the condenser. 7. Using a P/T chart, convert the measured pressure to its saturation temperature. 8. The converted temperature should be within a few degrees of the measured discharge, liquid, and air entering temperatures. 9. If the converted temperature is higher than the measured temperatures by more than a few degrees, there are non-condensables in the system that need to be removed.

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18. Some common causes of an evaporator with a low superheat and a high suction pressure are Oversized valve TXV seat is leaking Low superheat adjustment Sensing bulb making poor thermal contact Wrong thermostatic charge Incorrectly located external equalizer 19. A technician should use a short refrigeration gauge on systems containing a small amount of refrigerant. 20. Some of the various ways to search for a refrigerant leak are performing a visual inspection, using soap bubbles, using an electronic leak detector, and using refrigerant dyes.

Unit 84
1. ARIAir Conditioning and Refrigeration Institute ASHRAEAmerican Society of Heating Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Engineers ASMEAmerican Society of Mechanical Engineers ULUnderwriters Laboratories NFPA National Fire Protection Association 2. The institutes most important function is to establish product or application standards by which the members can design, rate, and apply to their hardware. 3. The Underwriters Laboratories (UL) is a testing and code agency that specializes in the safety aspects of electrical products. 4. Equipment placement Ductwork installation Piping installation (both refrigerant and water)


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Electrical connection Evacuation and charging Start and check 5. Ample space must be provided for air movement around air-cooled condensing equipment to and from the condenser. All major components must be installed so they may be serviced readily. When an assembly isnt easily accessible for service, the cost of service becomes excessive. Vibration isolation must always be considered, not only in regard to the equipment itself, but also in relation to the interconnecting piping and sheet metal ductwork. All manufacturers supply recommendations of the space required; these recommendations should be followed. 6. Copper pipe and fittings should be cleaned before assembly. Nitrogen should be trickled through the system before, during, and after brazing. Plastic and other parts that can be damaged by heat should be protected. The joint should be heated evenly using an oxyacetylene torch. A brazing rod should be applied to the joint away from the flame. 7. Minimum circuit ampacity 8. Maximum fuse size 9. The wire should be sized for the minimum circuit ampacity 31.5. 10. The disconnect should be sized at 115% of the minimum circuit ampacity 1.15 31.5 = 36.225. Since disconnect sizes jump from 30 amps to 60 amps, a 60 amp disconnect will be needed. 11. The circuit breaker should be no larger than the maximum size on the data plate 50 amps. 12. Dual element time-delay fuses or HVAC/R rated circuit breakers 13. UL 181 rated tape and or mastic

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Spring or rubber mounts for compressors and fans Vibration isolation pad Vibration eliminators in refrigerant lines Canvas flexible connectors on duct

15. 40 feet 25 feet = 15 feet additional line 16. 0.6 ounces (from Table 84.1) = 9 additional ounces required 12 lbs 8 ounces + 9 ounces = 12 pounds 17 ounces = 13 pounds 1 ounce 17. Oil may be poured in as shown on the left. Oil may be drawn in under the vacuum. Oil may be forced in using an oil pump. 18. Front seated, run all the way in clockwise 19. Evacuate the lines and coil.

Unit 85
1. Routine maintenance, pre-start inspection, operational checks, troubleshooting 2. The initial voltage check verifies that the supplied voltage is within the manufacturers specifications. The comparison of the voltage check after startup and the initial voltage check determines the voltage drop in the wire. 3. Combustion air, vent system integrity, CO levels in flue gas and around unit 4. Check for voltage drop in power wire, voltage drop across contactor contacts, amp draw, airflow, system pressures, superheat, subcooling, temp drop across evaporator coil. 5. Higher-efficiency filters have a higher pressure drop, which can cause poor airflow. 6. Reduced operational cost and longer equipment life 7. Prevent breakdowns by replacing worn parts and making needed adjustments on a regular schedule.


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8. Look on the unit data plate to find the nominal, minimum, and maximum unit voltage. 9. Checking the temperature rise across the indoor coil and comparing it to a manufacturers performance chart 10. Power wire is too small, or poor connections at either end of the power wire 11. Blue 12. Shaft alignment, pulley alignment, shaft bearings, belt condition, belt tension 13. Hard glazed sides, cracks, frays 14. Pull the lever and look for water at outlet of discharge pipe. 15. Monitoring the ultrasonic bearing sound can identify when bearings need lubricating and or replacing. 16. Planned maintenance is based on a schedule, while predictive maintenance is based on monitoring key performance indicators, like ultrasonic and thermal measurements. 17. The side where air enters, usually hidden in A coils 18. By paying attention to the directional arrow on the filter. The arrow points in the direction of airflow, which should be towards the unit. 19. Combustion air grills in the case of gas and oil appliances, mechanical components properly supported, ductwork insulated, suction line insulated, service clearance in front of the unit, drains running downhill 20. By measuring the water flow in the system, either using a flowmeter built into the system or by measuring the pressure drop across the water pump and comparing it to a pumping performance chart

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Unit 86
1. How is the equipment supposed to operate? What is the equipment doing wrong? What is the root cause of the problem? What specific tests or procedures determined this? How can this be corrected? How much will this cost? 2. Technicians are called to work on the entire system, not an isolated part of it. Service technicians must understand the inter-relationship between different system components and be aware of the effect one process has on the rest of the system. 3. Low evaporator airflow can cause low system pressures. 4. Understanding system operational sequence Preliminary system inspection Collecting operational data Recognizing whats operating incorrectly Testing to isolate the cause Recommending corrective action 5. 1. Check the thermostat setting. 2. Check the air filter clean. 3. Check for adequate airflow or water flow (depending on the type of unit). 4. Check the system operating voltage. 5. Check the system control voltage. 6. Check all major loads for shorts and grounds. After replacing the fuse, check the system amp draw and compare it to the data plate rating. Finally, check the amp draw of each major load individually.


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7. Check all low-voltage controls for shorts and grounds. After replacing the fuse, check the voltage output of the secondary side of the transformer. Then monitor that voltage while running the system through its different operating cycles. 8. 1. Check line voltage to the unit. 2. Check control voltage. 3. Check voltage to the nonfunctional component. 4. Check circuit to the nonfunctional component. 9. This technique works by starting at a point where theres correct voltage, and moving one lead from point to point in the circuit towards the nonfunctional load until the voltage is lost. 10. Loose or open leads in compressor circuit 11. Inadequate GPM (water flow) Water too hot 12. Improper main ground; Broken igniter; OR: Open igniter circuit; Line voltage below 75 volts. 13. R control power to thermostat Y compressor Evaporator float switch Liquid low-pressure switch High-pressure switch Anti-short cycle timer Compressor contactor Defrost control Run capacitor 14. Liquid restriction Underfeeding metering device Low capacity compressor

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Check to see if the vent has the correct draft. Check for obstructions in the vent. Check the draft pressure switch.

16. Sources of information on the system sequence of operation include the manufacturers installation and operation and manuals, unit wiring diagrams, unit charging charts, and general textbooks. 17. Sources for the current system operational data include the homeowner, general observation, diagnostic boards, and system performance tests. 18. 164201 psig 19. On-board diagnostics can only report issues that it has inputs for. 20. The cost is the foremost question in the customers mind and the service technician needs to be able to address the customers concerns.


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