Adl - Justice of Allah
Adl - Justice of Allah
Adl - Justice of Allah
Adl is the second root of the Shi'a faith. It is the belief that Allah is just, and will deal with all human being in a fair and just manner. Although there are many qualities of Allah, Adl alone has been chosen to be part of the roots of religions. The reasons for this selection were: a) Justice is a very important quality and all other qualities depend on it. It means that every thing is put in its place by Allah. So, for example, Allah is Rahim or Merciful, in a fair and proper manner. The Adl of Allah means that each quality is exercised in an appropriate way, not just at random. b) The judgement in the Hereafter is directly related to the justice of Allah. Because we believe that Allah will reward and punish fairly, there is an incentive to follow the laws of Allah. Without belief in Adl man would not know whether he would receive the treatment he deserves, and would thus lose the aim to follow religion. c) Muslims differ in regard to the belief in Adl. Some Muslims believe that it is not necessary for Allah to be just, and whatever He does would be considered good. To separate themselves from such a belief, the Shia's have included the belief in Adl as part of their fundamental beliefs. Meaning of Justice Justice means to give each what he deserves. It is important to note that justice is different from equality. Some people feel that if Allah were just he would deal with everyone equally, but that is a mistake. When everyone is dealt with equally, not taking into account the differences existing between them, it is unfair on everyone. If a mother treats all her children equally, despite the differences in age and gender between them, she is actually being unfair to them. They deserve to be treated according to whatever their age and gender demand. In the same way, Allah treats human beings according to its abilities and circumstances. Each person in this world is tested differently by Allah. He is then rewarded or punished according to his performance. Not everyone will receive the same rewards or the same punishments. This would be unjust. There will be levels of reward and punishment according to what people deserve. The justice of Allah will ensure that nothing is overlooked. As Allah says in the Qur'an when He talks about the Day of Judgement: So he who has done an atom's weight of good shall see it. And he who has done an atom's weight of evil shall see it. (99:7-8) Why Allah can never be unjust The Shi'as, who follow the teachings of the Ahlul Bayt (a), believe that Allah never acts unjustly nor does He ever oppress human beings. This is because He has none of the following factors which are the causes of injustice and oppression. Anyone who behaves unfairly does so because of one or more of the following reasons: a) Ignorance Sometimes a man is not aware of something, and he behaves unjustly as a result of that ignorance. How often we come across cases where people have been punished or imprisoned for crimes they have not committed. This happens because sometimes the judge or police are ignorant of the actual details of the case. Also in our daily life we witness that at times parents scold or punish the older of quarrelling children, although the fault may well lie with the younger.
Ignorance about the entire situation makes people act unjustly. Allah, however, is aware of all situations in their entirety. He also knows what is the hearts of people. In 29:10 the Qur'an states: What ! is not Allah the best knower of what in the breasts of mankind? b)Need A man is in desperate need of something. To obtain that he may have to trespass on the rights of others. A poor man needs to feed his hungry children. To be able to do that he may be driven to commit a crime and steal from someone else. He has oppressed another person due to the need of satisfying the hunger of his children. Another example is when an employee has to do those things which are forbidden, e.g. go and buy alcohol, for his boss. Often he does not like doing this but fears that if he disobeys the boss he would lose his job. c) Force A tyrant ruler often employs other people to oppress and torture the citizens of his country. These officials may not want to be unjust to others, but are forced to do so. One example that comes to mind is when Saddam Husayn of Iraq forced his army to attack Muslims of Iran and Kuwait. Sometimes people act unjustly due to force and the inability to do otherwise. They are powerless in the face of a stronger authority. d) Negative qualities such as selfishness, meanness etc. Sometimes people are mean and selfish, and enjoy seeing other people suffer. They will thus try to humiliate and oppress those under them. There is no reason for doing this except for the evil nature of such people. Many people in authority sometimes become guilty of such injustice, when they want to show the power they have by oppressing others. None of the above qualities exist in Allah. He is the knower of all things, is Needless and has power over all things. He is also of a kind and pure nature, far removed from any type of negative qualities. Thus Allah would not act unjustly with any of His creatures. The Holy Qur'an and Adl There are many verses of the Holy Qur'an which talk about the justice of Allah. It is very clear that this is an important issue, and Allah often reminds the human being that there is not the slightest injustice that will be done to Him. He says: Surely Allah will not deal unjustly with men at all, but it is men that are unjust to themselves. (10:44) Injustice and inequity come from people. Poverty exists because the rich do not wish to share their wealth. Ignorance persists with some because they are not given the chance to educate themselves. 2. Surely Allah does not do injustice (even) the weight of an atom. (4:40) God is so pure and free of all defects that He will not do wrong to anyone even the size of atom. 3. We shall set up a just balance on the Day of Judgement, so that no soul shall be dealt with unjustly in the least; and though there be the weight of a grain of mustard seed, We will bring it, and sufficient are We to take account. (21:47) God does not need any sort of equipment to render justice to His creatures. But for the satisfaction of humans He will set up mizan (balance) and show them that all their good and bad deeds are weighed with utmost justice.
Why evil and suffering exist in the world The most common argument against the justice of Allah is that there are a lot of tragedies and sufferings occurring in the world. If Allah was just, and good and kind, He would not let such things happen. Human beings would not be made to suffer natural disasters such as earthquakes and hurricanes, etc. Nor will men go through personal tragedies and difficulties such as death, sickness, misery etc. However there are many reasons behind the existence of suffering in this world. 1. Existence of a particular system . The universe runs on a particular system, and many things affect one another. It is a big world we live in, with all the natural laws which help it run smoothly. Because of these laws, certain results take place which cannot be changed. For example, the temperature and pressure inside the earth is necessary for the formation of certain materials such as oil, coal etc. This temperature however, sometimes results in an earthquake. Our limited knowledge makes us consider the destructive effect of the earthquake, without understanding that it is the natural result of certain necessary laws. Events in the world are linked together, and the consequences cannot be avoided. Death is necessary for human beings, yet it is a personal tragedy for family members. Many sufferings are judged relatively by people. 2. Sufferings caused by one's self Sometimes suffering is brought onto people by themselves. Knowingly, or sometimes unknowingly, they commit acts which later create problems for themselves. Allah has given them an Aql and knowledge. They have the ability to inform themselves, be aware of harmful acts and stay away from them. If they don't, it is their own doing which brings the suffering. Allah does not interfere to correct things as the human being has been given the freedom to live his life the way he chooses to. Sometimes a man does not dress warmly despite knowing the effects of the cold weather. Then he falls sick and goes through a difficult time. He himself is responsible for the difficulty, and cannot blame Allah for being unjust to him. 3. Suffering caused by other people Human beings are often responsible for the problems they bring upon others. There is a lot of unfairness in society, with the rich getting richer while the condition of the poor gets worse. There is misuse of power, and tyranny and oppression remains unchecked. This is because of the imbalance and wrong system in place in society. All this however, is the fault of human beings and is not because of the injustice of Allah. As explained earlier Allah has left the human free to choose his actions. Often the evil actions that he chooses brings sufferings on others in society. As Allah says in the Qur'an: Corruption has appeared in the land and the sea on account of what the hands of men have done. (30:41). Imam 'Ali says, "If a person starves it is due to the fact that his share has been taken by another." 4. Suffering nurtures the character Although nobody likes suffering, it often changes and improves the character of the sufferer. Will-power is improved, and new abilities appear. The character hardens, and a strong personality is formed. People who never go through any difficulty, and are always used to an easy and comfortable life, often become weak and shallow characters. A difficulty is a challenge which makes people struggle, and there are many positive results of that struggle. Allah says in the Holy Qur'an: Perhaps you dislike a thing, and Allah will bring through it a great deal of good. (4:19)
5. Suffering causes one to turn to God When a human being experiences a lot of ease and comfort, he goes into a state of sleep and forgetfulness. He forgets Allah and thinks he is independent and needless. Such a state sometimes brings pride and arrogance. A difficulty in life is like a major jolt which awakens man from his slumber, and turns him back to the right path. It reminds him of Allah,and how of how helpless and small he himself is. When a person goes through difficulties, he begins to pray more often, and more sincerely, and gets closer to Allah. This is a blessing for him as it improves his spiritual and religious life. Imam Husayn (a) said: If three things were not there human would not worship: (1) Helplessness (2) Sickness, and (3)Death. Pre-destination and free will Another question debated when considering the justice of Allah is whether the human being is free in his actions, or only follows the path destined for him. Some Muslims believe that man has no power or will of his own. Everything he does is according to the plan Allah has made for him, and he is therefore like a tool in the hands of Allah. Others say he is completely free to do what he wants. Allah created him and gave him the free will, and then left him alone to do as he wishes. Both of these views are not accepted by the Shi'a faith. We believe that there are some actions within the power and will of man, and there are other actions which are beyond him. For example, a sick person has the will and power to get treatment. But cure and recovery are beyond his power. If Allah has willed that he recovers, he will. He may be destined to die from that illness, or suffer it for long. So human beings have certain actions they are responsible for. They will be rewarded and punished for those actions only. Obedience and disobedience to Allah come under the group of actions for which man is responsible, and for which he will be judged. It is wrong to believe that everything is destined by Allah, and He plans whether a man will be obedient or disobedient. If this was the case then reward and punishment would have no meaning. Why reward or punish when it is Allah Himself who is responsible for the action? The Shi'as believe that Allah has foreknowledge of the actions of man, but in no way forces him to do them. He will be judged for those actions he committed with his own free will, and will not be judged for those which were destined for him. Exercises 1. Think of a part of the world which is going through great difficulties. Analyze the problems of the people there. What do you think are some of the reasons for the suffering there? 2. Most people experience very negative emotions when going through a difficulty. Write an account of a problem you have had (could be an imagined one), how you felt about, and how you would counsel yourself to bear it better.