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AES Algorithm

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Digital System Design AES Algorithm: A Quick Introduction

I am borrowing slides from those sources:
Lecture slides by Lawrie Brown for Cryptography and Network Security, 4/e, by William Stallings, Chapter Chapter 5 Advanced Encryption Standard. Earlier project reports

Encryption is transforming information (referred to as plaintext) using an algorithm (referred to as cipher) to make it unreadable to anyone except those possessing special key. The result of the process is encrypted information (referred to as ciphertext). The reverse process, i.e., to make the encrypted information readable again, referred to as decryption

Encryption Key
Symmetric-key Encryption: both the sender and receiver share the same key for encryption and decryption Asymmetric-key Encryption: two different keys are used: a public key and a private key
public key is used for encryption, and it is freely distributed private or secret key is used for decryption and must remain secret. .

Input Data: Block vs. Stream

A block cipher enciphers input in blocks of plaintext e.g. 4x4 bytes. Stream cipher process individual characters of the input data.

Advanced Encryption Standard (AES)

Block cipher 128-bit data Symmetric-key
data block of 4 columns of 4 bytes is state

128/192/256-bit keys key is expanded to array of words has 9/11/13 rounds in which state undergoes:
byte substitution (1 S-box used on every byte) shift rows (permute bytes between groups/columns) mix columns (subs using matrix multipy of groups) add round key (XOR state with key material) view as alternating XOR key & scramble data bytes

Rounds and Transformation

Algorithm consists of Number of Rounds. Each round consists of 4 transformations (steps). Key Number of Rounds Size AES-128 10 AES-192 AES-256 12 14

Each round consist of four transformation functions: SubBytes, ShiftRows, MixColumns, and AddRoundKey. There is initial transformation before first round it is AddRoundKey (called Round 0). The final round has only three transformations

Initial Input
The input of each round is 4*4 matrixes and the output is 4*4 matrixes In the Cipher, the array is called State ( S), which consists of 4 rows of bytes, each row has 4 bytes, and each byte consists of 8 bits, thus total bits of the S is 4x4x8bits = 128 bits. Each individual byte has two indices row number r with range and column number

State Array
Each individual byte has two indices row number r with range and column number

4 Transformation
Byte Substitution ( SubByte) Shift Rows Mix Columns Add Round Key

Byte Substitution
a simple substitution of each byte uses one table of 16x16 bytes containing a permutation of all 256 8-bit values each byte of state is replaced by byte indexed by row (left 4-bits) & column (right 4-bits)
eg. byte {95} is replaced by byte in row 9 column 5 which has value {2A}

S-box constructed using defined transformation of values in GF(28) designed to be resistant to all known attacks

Byte Substitution


Shift Rows
a circular byte shift in each each
1st row is unchanged 2nd row does 1 byte circular shift to left 3rd row does 2 byte circular shift to left 4th row does 3 byte circular shift to left

decrypt inverts using shifts to right since state is processed by columns, this step permutes bytes between the columns

Shift Rows

Mix Columns
each column is processed separately each byte is replaced by a value dependent on all 4 bytes in the column effectively a matrix multiplication in GF(28) using prime poly m(x) =x8+x4+x3+x+1

Mix Columns

Finite Field Multiplication

Where a can be 02 or 03

Then r is calculated as:

case ( {a[0], b[7]} ) 2'b11: r = (b<<1) ^ b^ 8'b0001_1011; 2'b10: r = (b<<1) ^ b ; 2'b01: r = (b<<1) ^ 8'b0001_1011; 2'b00: r = (b<<1) ; endcase

{02}.{87}: {a[0], b[7]} =01 r = (b<<1) ^ 8'b0001_1011 r = 0000_1110 ^ 0001_1011 = 0000_0101 = 15





Add Round Key

XOR state with 128-bits of the round key again processed by column (though effectively a series of byte operations) inverse for decryption identical
since XOR own inverse, with reversed keys

designed to be as simple as possible

a form of Vernam cipher on expanded key requires other stages for complexity / security

Add Round Key

AES Round

AES Key Expansion

takes 128-bit (16-byte) key and expands into array of 44/52/60 32-bit words start by copying key into first 4 words then loop creating words that depend on values in previous & 4 places back
in 3 of 4 cases just XOR these together 1st word in 4 has rotate + S-box + XOR round constant on previous, before XOR 4th back

AES Key Expansion

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