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Autism NOW Webinar July 24, 2012

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Presented By: Amy Goodman July 24th, 2012 @ 2pm

Amy Goodman,MA Co-Director AutismNow The Arc 1825 K St, NW Washington DC 20006 1-202-600-3489 Ex. 3734 E-mail: agoodman@autismnow.org Website: www.autismnow.org Twitter: @agoodman7

I. Bullying Definition II. Types of Bullying

III. Statistics about Bullying IV. Laws about Bullying V. Bullying and ASD References

School Cyber Sexting Workplace Manipulative, Conditional Friendship, Exploitative

Bullying is an aggressive behavior that is intentional and that involves an imbalance in power or strength. It is the most common form of violence and can take many forms. It can be verbal: involving threats or derogatory remarks; physical or behavioral: as when a bully hits, pushes, steals a victims lunch, or holds his nose every time the victim enters the room; relational: as when a child is deliberately excluded from social events, or vicious rumors about a child are intentionally spread. It can be conducted in traditional style, on the playground, in the classroom, in the cafeteria, via text-messaging, or even on Face Book (cyberbullying)

Bullying in Schools Bullying in the Workplace Cyber-Bullying Sexting Issues of Special Needs Kids

Bullying affects students sense of security, has long lasting harmful effects for both the bully and the victim, and is thought of as antisocial behavior confined only to the elementary school recess yards

Bullying occurs at all grade levels, more likely in middle school and high school, but can happen in the elementary school Bullying victims suffer psychological harm long after the bullying stops.

Bullying involves repeated physical, verbal, or psychological attacks or intimidation directed against a victim who cannot properly defend him-herself because of strength, the victim is outnumbered, or is less psychologically resilient Activities such as tripping, intimidation, rumor spreading, demands for money, destruction of property, theft of valued possessions, destruction of anothers work, and name calling constitute bullying

Other behaviors (some of which are illegal) that are recognized as bullying include: Sexual Harassment: exhibitionism, voyeurism, sexual propositioning, and sexual abuse involving unwanted physical contact or rape. Ostracism based on perceived sexual orientation and hazing

According to U.S. Department of Education 2011 Report

18 states have laws that allow victims to seek legal remedies for bullying, either from schools that dont act or from the bullies themselves 32 states require that schools have procedures for investigating bullying incidents 17 states require that school staff report bullying to a supervisor 9 states require administrators to report bullying to police 11 states require that schools allow anonymous reporting of bullying by students

Educate Individuals about your disability Advocate for yourself Start a school campaign to stop bullying use the slogan Be A Buddy, Not A Bully Talk about Bullying: What it is/What it is not Make others aware of the problem and advocate for your rights as an individual with a disability

Be supportive and listen to your child let them know it isnt their fault write down all incidents talk to the teacher and principal in private to see if problem can be resolved quickly, write a behavior plan to address the issue and convene an Individualized Education Program (IEP) meeting to address the issue of bullying

Make the principal and administrators aware of the bullying incident, send letters. Go the school board if the school isnt giving you any help Become a presence at the school, volunteer and help keep your child safe If none of the above work, try getting a lawyer involved, and sue the school for failure to provide a safe environment and failure to provide a free and appropriate public education (FAPE).

Cyber-bullying was first coined by Canadian educator and anti-bullying activist Bill Belsey. It is the willing and repeated harm inflicted through the use of computers, cell phones, and other electronic devices.

Cyber Bullying can also include threats, sexual remarks, hate speech, ganging up on victims by making them the subject of ridicule in forums and posting false statements as fact aimed at humiliation Disclosing personal data of another at websites, or forums, pose as the identity of a victim for the purpose of publishing material in their name that defames or ridicules them

Sending threatening and harassing e-mails and instant messages to the victims Posting rumors or gossip Instigate others to dislike and gang up on the victim Taking unflattering pictures of a person and spreading them through cell phones or the internet Sexting, or circulating sexually suggestive pictures or messages about another person

49 states have some form of state cyber-bullying laws. Cyber Bullying is a punishable act and can have extreme consequences As early as 2007, four states passed laws against digital harassment These states include New York, Missouri, Rhode Island, and Maryland To see what each state has to say about cyberbullying, go to www.cyberbullying.us and in the Google box type in State Cyber Bullying Laws, then choose a state

The sending or receiving of sexually explicit or sexually-suggestive images or video via a cell phone Incidents where an individual take nude photos of themselves and distribute those pictures to another using cell phones or social networking sites, e-mail, instant messaging programs, or video chat

Sexting is considered to be a felony and is punishable by law Some of the charges include; disorderly conduct, illegal use of a minor in nudityoriented material, and felony sexual abuse of children, criminal use of a communications facility, or open lewdness As of September 2010, twenty-one states have either introduced or enacted legislation to address the problem of sexting

Penalties for this crime can include such things as educational programming for first time offenders, to fines, felony charges or short-term incarceration To avoid legal liability in instances of sexting, it is recommended that school administrators only confiscate the devices and let law enforcement search its content and call logs

Cyber-Stalking is perpetrated by adults towards adults; similar to cyber-bullying but, the distinction is in the age group and mostly directed on the basis of sex Cyber stalkers use tactics to vandalize a search engine or encyclopedia, threaten a victims earnings, employment, reputation, or safety. It is illegal and the same laws as cyber bullying can be used as well.

ABC News reported (Sept,2006), about a survey of 1,500 students between grades 4-8 42% had been bullied on-line 35% had been threatened on-line 21% had received mean or threatening emails 58% had someone say mean or hurtful things to them on-line 58% never told their parents or another adult

Another survey in 2006 reported 43% of U.S. teens had experienced some form of cyberbullying Another survey done in Canada said: 23% of middle-schoolers had been bullied by e-mail 35% in chat rooms 41% by text messages on their cell phones 41% did not know the identity of the perpetrator

Never give out or share personal information (PIN), etc. Dont believe everything you read Use Netiquette Never send a message to others when you are angry Never open a message from someone you dont know.

If it doesnt look or feel right it probably isnt You dont have to be Always on, turn off, disconnect, or unplug Have a Internet Safety Plan, where you and your parents look at it together and decide what is or is not appropriate

Do not keep it to yourself. Tell an adult you know and trust Inform your Internet, Instant Messaging or mobile phone service provider Dont reply to messages from cyber-bullies Do not erase or delete messages from cyberbullies Report cyber-bullying, when you do, turn in all your messages with full headers displayed For more information on what to save and how to save it, see http://www.cyberbullying.org/pdf/cyberbullying_ information.pdf

Repeated, unreasonable actions of individuals (or a group) directed towards an employee (or a group of employees), which are intended to intimidate, degrade, humiliate, or undermine; or which create a risk to the health or safety of the employees. Workplace Bullying involves abuse of power or misuse of power. Bullying behavior creates feelings of defenselessness and injustice in the victim and undermines the individuals right to dignity at work.

Threat to professional status Threat to personal standing Isolation Overwork Destabilisation

Unwanted or invalid criticism Blame without factual justification Being treated differently than the rest of the employees Being sworn at Exclusion or social isolation Being shouted at or being humiliated Excessive monitoring or micro-managing Being given unrealistic deadlines

Belittling opinions Public professional humiliation Accusations regarding lack of effort Intimidating Use of competence or discipline procedures

Undermining personal integrity Destructive innuendo Sarcasm Making inappropriate jokes about the victim Persistent teasing, name calling, or insults Intiminidation

Preventing access to opportunities Physical or social isolation Withholding necessary information Keeping the target out of the loop Ignoring or excluding

Undue pressure Impossible deadlines Unnecessary disruptions

Failure to acknowledge good work Allocation of meaningless tasks Removal of responsibility Repeated reminders of blunders Setting target up to fail Shifting goal posts without telling the target

Falsely accusing someone of errors not actually made Staring, glaring, nonverbally intimidating , or showing hostility Discounting someone's ideas or thoughts in a meeting Using the silent treatment to ice out and separate from others Exhibiting uncontrollable mood swings when target is in their presence Making up new rules on the fly that he/she doesnt even use Discrediting an employees work, taking credit for another employees work as their own, or disregarding satisfactory or exemplary work Using a different standard for the target and harshly and constantly criticizing them Starting rumors or failed to stop rumors about the target Encouraging others to take part in the bullying behaviors

75% of employees have at one time or another been bullied, either as a target or a witness Woman appear to be at greater risk of becoming a bullying target Men are more likely to participate in aggressive bullying behavior When the bully is a woman her target is more likely to be another woman

Keep a diary detailing the nature of the bullying (e.g. dates, times, places, what was said and who was present) Obtain copies of harassing/bullying paper trails; hold onto copies of documents that contradict the bullys accusations against you (e.g. time sheets, audit reports, etc.) Expect the bully to deny and perhaps misconstrue your accusations; have a witness with you during any meetings with the bully; report the bully to the appropriate person

Manipulative: This form of bullying occurs when a child with special needs is actually being coerced and controlled by another student. Conditional Friendship: This form of bullying occurs when a child thinks that someone is being their friend, but the times of friendship are alternated with times of bullying.

Exploitative: This type of bullying occurs when the features of the childs condition are used to bully them either by other classmates or via technology and social media net works.

IDEA-Individuals with Disability Education Act

An individual is guaranteed a free and appropriate education and if bullying is taking place, the education is no longer appropriate if the student cannot learn Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 An individual should not be discriminated because of their disability Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act An individual should not be harassed based on their disability. Harassment- intimidation or abusive behavior toward an individual based on their disability that creates a hostile environment.

Title IX of the Civil Rights Act

No person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex or disability, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance The school is liable where it has been put on notice that an individual is being bullied and has failed to protect the individual from such harm

Individuals with an ASD are more likely to become a victim of bullying than their peers who dont have an ASD 94% of individuals with Aspergers Syndrome have been a victim of bullying and have been subjected to victimization on average at least 1-2 times per week Another survey of individuals with Aspergers Syndrome found that 75% of them had been hit or emotionally bullied by peers

Not recognizing when one is being bullied can make an individual with ASD a likely ongoing victim Individuals with ASD have an impaired Theory of Mind, that is difficulty determining the thoughts and intentions of others Individuals with ASD may also have trouble distinguishing bullying from teasing and may overreact to situations which is a reason the bully chooses them as a target in the first place

Parents and school staff need to be aware of the issues that affect the individuals with ASD who may be struggling to interpret the social world and make connections with other people. Another thing to remember is that individuals with disabilities should not be suspended, expelled, or have to change schools because of a manifestation of their disability, but it does happen

http://www.bullyingstatistics.org/content/cy ber-bullying-statistics.html http://www.cyberbullying.us http://www.bullyfreeworkplace.org/id29.html http://AbilityPath.org/areas-ofdevelopment/learning-schools/bullying/articles/walk-a-mile-intheir-shoes.pdf

http://www.cyberbullying.org/pdf/cyberbullyi ng_Information.pdf http://cyberbullying.us/blog/Sexting-abrief-guide-for-educators-and-parents.html Book: Perfect Targets Asperger Syndrome and Bullying by: Rebekah Heinrichs

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Website: www.autismnow.org Information & Referral Call Center: 1-855-828-8476 Next Webinar: Tuesday, July 31, 2012, 2:00-3:00 PM, EDT Weve Got the Power!

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